Cheap Boots & Shoes, . AT TI 11.1 STORE OF i IV it t y & IE. na,Ai s s, i No. 2I East Hamilton street, Allentown. A•L.itillE having roil his iiiterest in the estali- t • lisliment. the undersigned formed a co-partner- 4; ship, and 4104 invite tha attention of the citizens of the town 4:1141 I icluity. as well II) colliltry merchants,'. to their Im•geand sut,crior sfock of , . '. '-'''',..r,. Fii g oris•iii) shots Let , J ,, , , , d o o r alas:. • i 11No. I I Westl liintillain street, Alb2MOWn. at the above wimp:, at, s t ee d , one otior eas:. o f tap i Get-titan 11,....:::::nal C.tervh, where they intaufacture , T HE undersigned herewith announces to the e and sell at . -1... acne of Allentown and vicinity, that he still has 1 11/0 /4 ES. , I LE A.N.D RE'I'AIL, I file AillSie Store, at the old stand above named, and wunt i untun -, B u m s and ; that he has lately made large additions to his hereto ell itimis of five awl voare shoc, .. Al, ”. aud, of ow Lile ,„ Ay i u , „t; Ladies' fore well selected Stock of Musical lustruments.- Among 111.3 litcreC he always has n m Slices, an d Children':Slices,panprising all ttyles, qualities nod prices. Ladies' Gaiters, with or without heels. i from the best manufactories in New York, of powerful 'PIANO FORTES made e t , of French, Italian English and Amer i can t • Lasting. of all color:: and styles. Dress Shoes of : ' , yet pleapatit tone, and warrants them to give satisfac- Patent heather, Morocco, Kill, French 111 oroeco 1111t1 lieu. Al.lO imported Pianos, of the best manufacture Seal, ain't:rat color: - , for Women. "Alisses, Children 4 i n uurituni3 .. mid Infants. All we ask is an examination of our AM M r 3C.JI COI) MI C:OW M , goods awl prices before purelinsing elsewhere. I 1 of i the best manufacture 1.11 the United States, of dif- MEASURE OR GUSTO:IIER - TVORK will always be attended to with punctuality. in the ,e,ireottit,isNizi.'%'..'";'!.Prtue.',•. _ , 6 r all qualities 1111 d prices, ; VIO 140NCEL latest styles, ta gem" materials hy superior wed:intim ' LDS, of excellent quality, \ lOLAS, or Contra- Country Merchants Bass, ACCOItDEONS, of different sizes and prices, FLUTES mid FIFES', Violin will flint that, we are prepnred to sell to them at the i, ; • . , _ ..• ii ' It4tlincs best uidity. bows, and in short all twit -Ivery lowest city Jolildog pries. Orders respee,moy ; .., f . w-ITT y ,R, KNAt:SS, 4 mings lielonging to the Violin. solieite.'. - -i f, , BRASS INSTRUMENTS will lie furnished at short April 141. I notice and on the most reasonable terms, to which .._ _ ._ ALLENTOVIN ACADr-.MY. feet he particularly calls the attention or new Ilan& I about forming, and those already established. TU E F all ' fen " i'i' hit 1 "'"" i "" will e '"" meneu Sheet Music null Books for beginners for till musi on Monday the Ist of :4opteintier. , , cad instruments, ithilipt oil hand. During . the vacation extensive ni u klitions have een 1 As the undersigned makes this his sole business, lie 11144 ,1 0 to the Academy Ituildiegs. . I will pay particular and prompt 'Mention to it in ell Vie S.,114;;;I Itomii:4 in all .lepartments not Ypat,lus, , „, its various I.r:invites. Ito is thankful fmi or st patron coaveuielit : not attractive, eat Oa play-groutol is: nu- I :we and trusts that by keeping good articles at low led up will' , '''4 l,l ;i' , gYnthu , lie uPPorulit,- I ' , prices, to !nevi t a continuance of the some. Tile publical , a-11 ,1 , , , 1 lit the tit tila i• g ortions a. 1 , Ile respecifolly invites people to cull and ex emit] kind, judicioiss awl experienced teach.4rs, will be mime . his instruments, particularly his pianos, unit give to 0,,,11011 the iinl.' , "vet . "' llt "rote pot them a trial, to satisfy themselves of their superior 'I'I-A 1 Idyl,- ineeloinism. JOSEI'II WEISS. T. N. I: regory. A.\l., Ppitteipal. April lii. -Coin Mr. E. B. If irtshorn, .\ ssistant and Teacher of ftraw- Mg; mei Palming. • Mr. N . a.41.4i J. Hartshorn, Ass:staid, English and 4 ritliVieder & Berger cia,,,ko. • . (c--- , ..., w lII)LES.\ LE AND RETAIL ' Mrs. I. N. tiregory, ) 4 Mosie, Piano a n d litiitar. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS , IN MI:, Louise F. Cliipiono, ; • ' Miss 1 1..1. linrtshorn, Preeepiress. 0. A'.l' Aisits CAPS,' Mis,. S. It. Gibson. Primary Department. RATE si tA , "rurnos PER QUARTF.R. I • No. 25 \Vest Hamilton street, Allentown. l'ilinary Department 61 tie E invite the attention of our old customers and Common Eliglbli Itranultes , ;I 50-5 Ott w friends, as well as the public in general. to Higher with Latin or . . our large Arndt of spring and summer style of nATt , Creel:, • 5 .40-0 tin AND CAI'S, good as the best, and cheaper than they Higher .., " with French 750 t , no call he purchased id any store in town. This is an •Musio--114.110 . 2 m; actual fact, and not merely idle talk to "drum 1/a'' ti Idaj customers, atoll as a proof of what we say, wt] but ask 1 so you to give us a call heforu purchasing elsewhere.- :1 co 111 , Among...air . stock ~w e have il no 4 .Moleskin, Silk, Leaver, Netitria, ;Russia. --et einAniere,' sort. and every other kind 7 7 :4, - ;;;ii of nits that. call be thought of, -;; 1 ri N ' .3 0 4 . 0 U 1 It J.:4 9 end win be able to suit the taste and incliutitien of all who may favor us With - zap n-i - _,' , etai r- ..E1 l lIIELO.Ptie r- lir ' n call. STRAW hOODS.-Of straw goods we hove a very -FAS L.,,,,, ~I 11171 educe to No. In west, iiiimitten line and choice stock, nut surpassed by :my in 'idyll. 1 street. between Eighth and Ninth alts.. ulcer h. It censists of Men's, Boys and Youths' Panama, Palm Reber's Clothing Store, next door to George's Hotel.l Leaf, Leghorn, Canada, Alaritailbo, Michigan, Ste.- where lie eau lie found at all times by those who need A line stuck of Misses' ;Bloomers. his professional services. Artificial teeth 1110111.1ted Oa I Our assort ien . t of CAPS is olle Of the most exten g"hb silver 'I" Phltillo. In the highest Perreetimt of I sive in the place, and are adding to it almost daily. lid, and on the most ,olentilie Kluellile , . All °Peru - Customers may rest assured that they Call be suited, Oa t s ',clanging to Ole Dental pracssionsperforined in as the stock has been selected from the largest as the taunt ski i,14.:1 and satisfaelery xllll nor. sortmeets in the cities. S. W. SINE. As till HATS are inanufaeliired under the immetli- Allantown..lpril O. , -- I 3' ate supervision or the firm, both being practical hat ters, they fuel warranted in saying, that for durability itifimiis I.OOK Tills wAI. . „,,,,, c a ii ,,i, i t . , : ,,,,,,,,,.„ yD ,ciintlotibo:urptissud by anys supplied at t 6stablisli he t THE oppesition say that ill a short time the;ground city prices. -1 will 1.., reit ly to sow Oats, Barley. 41.4 , How April U. ---lf they 1011.1 iv this we are not able to say, 1.111 this notch ---- -: - --- ------- ----- we will say, that wilt:net - Pr it got:: reatly you had YOUNG & LEH, baler give a a pall for 4.18* I , r I n o.• 14e.t uv ula Drills, awl warranted ill that •4,•. '• .:!lout refunding WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN i i ,s.,n,y,) toil lb In ~. ~• •. . • H .,,.ente.t, it eat.' BOOTS , SHOES , HATS , L, , Ally arrangeo. Lil.owise, in dad l' t.l 1 ILC ; ,1,1 , - ',lli I.e in order for • 1 9 I "'Y " 1 " 1 ' i "' "" 11 ' 1 ' ".`.."- Pr`l''''' l t " furnish you Cans ' Lamps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c., will, .11101's 1,1 1,1,.r, a .pi. ,pli , l two line for tattling ~. .No. -15 East llamilton street, Allentown, Pal., gra: 4 irt .I: , y khel, Aal a aalition, when ileAreil, wo have :,:-•, th.: conailiP•l 'lotter and Reaper. or it (:, Al N take,pleasure in calling the attention of the Miomy's 1. 4 44;;;,t, which I. nimithiethrell 11111/11 a mil'- 11 citizens or the town; ona the i mbue generally. fcrent principle from Rol,: mud,: keret:tare, hail war- I a the largest and freshest stock of the above ranted to eut grass mid grain as fast as one teem of I goods ever exhiltile.l in this phiee t vonsisting of spring horses min draw it. And further, we have the Pre- ' and summer .111()OTS and silo ES piirehased direct whim Corn Sheller of Lehigh county, and IS there I from the numufacturers in New England, at the low has been sold a very large number ill It short time 4 est CASH PItIOES, which enables us to offer rare in itial have rendered universal satisfaction. we are eon- I ihicements to our customers, either wholesale or retail. trident in saying. that it lois no superior here or else- I Great care Into been observed ns to style. quality and where. We likewise have a mill for chopping feed, sizeF,-titteli sizes as are best suited for this section of which has been tested thoroughly in different sections, country. In this particular we are prepared to give 1 end all w better who hove witnessed its operations, testify to sal isfactien to country merchants thou they will the good qualities of the mill, and recommend it to receive in either l'hiladelphin. or New York. farmers as an article to save time. tail likewise grain In connection with the above we desire particular in the amount whielt is yearly given to millers in the I ly to call attention to weals of our own mionafacture, shape ..f "loll." In stoat we have almostany ortiele ;'. suitable for till classes, consisting of widely farmers reiiiilre f,r agvieultural totrpori , i, 011111: Men's, Boys', Youths' and Children's as Ploughs or iitin , ,t :m patt y e C rn, Corn ullivaters, i i • Coarse, Kip, Calf ,Morrie...),, Pat- Bevel\ ing Hoy Itak,4l, Ilny Forks, Corn Plough , . ent Leather unit Buckskin Sewed and Pegged Boots (.'pro Planter. , , Lime Spreaders. Threshil‘g Mttelii" , 4 and Brogans, Congress and Button halters, Monter :m.l Hors., Peivers of ditlerent kinds, nal all warrant- : e y, 0 ,,i4„,.,1 'lies, ,t,.. , w„,, inn . ; „ , mi,,,,n. tend child ed to Ole 4ml:faction. Repairing done in till the run's Call', Kip lag Morocco Lace• Boots, Buskin and different branelies, on reasonable terms and al short ; .I,.„ n y Limb., 111S11, Patent Leather, line Lasting and notice. .‘ity person residing at a 111,1111 lee, ill Wlllll 1 Italian Cliolll lialterS, of various colors. o r nay of th e ;1111,0' :allele", run obtain them by all- I We have paid particular attention to the selection dr,,siog 01,1 ~,,`,,c4'.er:., at No. Ka West Hamilton st., Ph of our slack of n. P W E Allentowa. S ITE It Z &SA Eh ER. ' eJ' AIL '3lir SRN 6. _ 111.111. - C. 11.1.1 N Ill: ILL REFERENCES. Reuben Nudist h. North \Vlach:ill: Chalks Hen- 4 for spring and summer wear. We have a very hand some and complete ussortment of Soft Hats for (lints, niliger, do; David !teary, do ; David Kuhns, Maieuti gy ; George 11114,A. Allenlolro. ' . 1 Boys and Youths. Our Gents' Silk or Moleskin Bats CORN SHELLER REFERENCES. ore not equal \ed by nny establishment in town, as Dania B,„. 1 4. Nv,,,,.,,,...., ill, .lid,,, 11 1/ ,l z; c,,,i nr they ere all 111 a tarot: area to order by the most fash- Creek; ,Jaeoli 'W e nner, Lower Macinigy ; C. 4.. W. ionlll.le Hatters in Philadelphia. Edelman. Allentown ; Beldam haeltenhaeli, North STItAW C001)S.-111 this lino Ivo ore not stir passed by :toy establishment out tit' the large cities. Whitehall. I Our sunk is very largo. consisting of Mots,. Boys, laml Youths' i.auttitutlaritatiliti. Leghorn fuddle, I Stanotle, rule Lent'. Camilla Miel44.ton, &c. 3:c.. - ! Children's Fancy Hats and Leghorn Clips, Misses' `itil, 44 1 r; \ 1 .4,....4,, yro. • - r ; ) 4 , r I .c 1 -ch I Flats, Ladies' Riding lints, ,te. J.V3 i.L.% LI AU. •::: , .k ~.4..,Y7 i.-.. 4. Our assortment of Lamps, Trunks and Carpet Bags plti:mium iss.r.\NT.\Nt:ot: L11)1.'11) 11.11111 is 11S metal. full and complete.. DV 11. jii,l veil Lot tool for sale, w ; hole;ale and P. S. All the alnico goods will be furnished to retail, iit Iteiniel's Sit:Ring Saloon, No. 11l East Retail- 1 Merchonts in the country ta the very lowest city Job ton Street. ; bine. prices. Orders are reespeetfuly solicited, and . :.;': 4;_r•llair cdore.l at nil laic., ling sa il,N e ti,,,, I Will reeeivo prompt attention. • warranted. - - - --- -- Allentown, Mart li 5. • 1 y NEW LI CH T,I, __.. • -•- -- QV IX IC Of I. !-Witli the Improved Patent lamp Jll S T It FCEI V E 1) A T i 1..) nil Improved Oil-a light equal to gas, costing l c_ e tv... ~ 1.. ..., 7. ,.. „, „ e, ..\\,. Ai ty , tx 1 , . i., hair a cen t pe r hour, not explosive, no disagrech 'n , , Itle tguell. Prtee al cents per gallon. 3 1 • 1 The Muni lamp gives a good light at a cost of one No. :35 I.:at:3t, Hamilton S„treet, : mill per hour, or &mut two and a half emits per week, rttllE large,t n.•: , ortieotil of Spring and Summer ,at four hours tech evening, lir $1.25 a year. ; I_ (limas tsar seen in Allentown. We purchased This is n light whieli exceeds ill lorilliancy any light I'oll t'ASII, It hied i enables IS td :AI loner that any • made by whale or lard oil, or burning fluid, and one taller Ciollllllg 1:::11 . :11.16iillielit ill lawn. We Love re- Wllll4l 1, 11.11 etioVlo calliphelle or 511 S. It is more 1 1 :1112 1 1 1111 r boosts Willi 1111 eye to durabil i ty iiiiil fancy, ile , lile thou either or Ille latler becinise while gas 111111 have none 101 l the hilest style a Ilan c.. 111.1 I.e tliekers this is steady, 111.1 while enteplieno may ex round in the N. 4 W Volk and Philadelphia 'Markets.-- plod.. this cannot. The light is soft 111111 therefore We keep en hand at all times a large assortment or not loitiirtit to the oval. It t , indeed the most agreea it I.; A 1) lc ... . 31 A 1) 1.1 c l, O'l. ii I IN (4 , i 1111' light ever used, nexT le that or the :on, „, c, , , ;‘ ,.., ~r , ery 1.,,1111. 111111 description; h in t, , 'the otter points unit reeommen.l the Sylvic Oil to hems or .11,11, ,, , awl prices, all kinds of N'ests. piddle favor, ore, Ist. The beautiful 'steady white ; Shirts and l' i m er d,4 4 .4, c u1i,,,,,, , c i .,,,. ; , siu . retti l ers 4 light that. it emits, being very properly called the 4. e., all of which are sold at extraordinary • ' ! Diamond, Light ; 2,1. Its cheapness, and 3d, The int ' possibility of its explosion. LOST Prices,. ; :f . .., 4 "Nt) one who ever uses this light would ex - end warrant them to I,e eel 01115' mumble, but made I change it for anynther. while its cheapness must soon up with neatness and taste. i cause It to stifiercede all others. - , CUS'r 0.51 Ell WORK ; Agents wanted for different sections of the county. will be done mi us 11011:11. and for our work we are will- The Oil and Lamps for sale by in;; to be held velem-H.le. . h. C. BAND, Telegraph eflitio, . We invite all (el who desire immense bargains, I. Sole agent for l'ennaylvania. if to give iisa call and thereby taVe from FIFTy t"; , Allentown, August.2o, 18511. SEVENTY-FIVE per cent. in the purchase of their' -----.- S,iring :mil Summer outfit. . ;4' C7-lteme sill ,e r ale spot-No. :',:i Eat Ilinuilton etr wt, learl.r 11111:1 ite the German lteformed Church. March 111. -If •• Mu-ie 111 1;1' pr.tclico P.; t... 1) .1 lig I I. Ia:FERENC] Clar Allentuwn, April 2. 3ob Printing, Of all kinds neatly executed at this Office. 0 .ti"A P iTI B tl Venitian T h. subscriber having purchased the entire establish -1 meet of Mr. Muir, is prepared to manufacture 81 1 kinds of 'Window Blinds, of the best quality, at prices as low as any its the eiiy—at 311 West Hamilton street. S. 11. PRICE. —ly Alloutowu, January 9 Lehigh County 111111 11A1.1111103111, 11" m Hammon drert, oppo.o. p at riot"Priotio u lice. SQ. IL PRICE Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and the iodine generally. that he always has on hand II first-rate assortment of 'CABINET WARE, of all descriptions, consisting of Bureaus. Side-boards. Pier, Centre. Card. Dining and Breakfast Tables. also What -Not and Sofa Tables, Parlor Clinics. Spring-sent Ittieking Chairs, Sofas. Piano-stools. Bed steads of et-ery deseription, together with n general assortment of KITCHEN FIRNITIRE. ill of which he will sell at prices which defy competition in either town or country. lie also manufactures to order every deseription of Vomit ore, and every arti cle sold by him is warranted to give entire satisfac tion. or no sale. So please give him a call and see Air yourselves, at We,.l Hamilton street, or Ili the sign of the Yellow Curtain. N. B.—A complete assortment of bunking Glasses. always .1u hand. and for sale cheap. Allentown, July 2, 1 tirdt. S. 11. PRICE. A NEW STORE wrrn A LARGE AND EyrinE STOCK OF Yr la TI (r 2) (1) Lr) At No. Ii West Hamilton st., corner of Eighth street, formerly occupied by Joseph Shipp. W i Tll SCHLAITH have just opened a new Store at the above named stand, opposite Hag onbiteh's Hotel, with on entire new stock of Hoods, selected with great earn in New York and Philadel phia. It can he relied upon that their stick is the most fashionable in town, as they have none that Ins been stored on shelves for a number of years. but all is direct froth the cities. The immense mock com prises every variety of Foreign and Domestic Dry• Goods, from the richest of Italian Silk to the cheapest of home manufacture. Therefore call and examine for yourself before purchasing elsewhere. as they challenge, any store to sell cheaper than they do.—All business done on the CASH SYSTEM, without regard to person. April 23 A MARVELLOUS REMERY! FOR A MARVELLOUS ACE: HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, The Grand External Remedy. By the aid of a microscope, we see millions of little • openings on the surface -of our bodies. Through these, this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin. is carried to any organ or inward part. Dismees-of the Kidneys. disorders of the Liver. affections of the Heart, influmation of the Lungs, Coughs and Colds, are by its means, effectually clued. Every hinti , ewife knows that salt passes freely through bone or meat of any thickness. This healing Ointment far more readily penetrates thro' any Mine or fleshy purl of the living body, coring the most dangerous inward complaints, that eiimmt lie reached by other means. Erysipelas, Salt-Rheum and Scorbutic gumers. No Remedy has ever done so touch fur rho cure of diseases of the Skin. whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. No ease of Rheum, Scurvy, Sore Reads, Scrofula, or Erysipelas, can long withstand it' influence. Tho inventor has travelled over tummy parts of the globe, visiting the principal hospitals. dis pensing this Ointment, giving advice as to its appli cation, anti has thus been the means er restoring count less numbers to health. Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Wounds and Ulcers. Some of the most scientilie surgeons miw rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment. when having to corm with the worst eases or sores. womobi, uleerse glandular swellings. and tumors. Professor Bello way has, by tionnuattil or the Allied thivernments, dis patched to the hospitals or the East, large shipments or this Ointment. to be used under the direction lir the Medical Stuff, in the worst casts of %%minds. It will cure any ulcer. glandular swelling. stiffnees or con traction of the joints, even lir 211 year; standing. riles and Fistulas. These and other similar distressing complaints eau be effectually cored if the Ointment be well rubbed in over the ports affocted, tool by otherwise following tho printed directions around cavil pot. Wilbor nt vurl PHA mboorld 7c 1111111 in the fol- Bunions Burns Rheumatism Sprains Chapped Hands Salt Rheum Sciilds Chilblains Skin I tiseascs Swelled Glands Fistulas Sore Legs siiirJuints (lout • Sore 'Breasts 17Ivers - Luntloago Sore Item's Venereal Sores Merettriel Eruptions Sore Throats Wounilsol'all kinds Sold at theManutitetories of Proresztor HOLLO WAY, Sit Time, New York, and 244 Strand, L o ndon, and by all respeetalde Druggiststuid Dealers of Medicine. , throughout the United States, and the civilized world, in l'uts, at 25 cents, ti cents and *1 each. :R;T•There is a considerable raving by taking the burger N. Ti. Directions for time guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Put New York, Jan. 16, 1856, Nem Clothing Stove. C. H. REBER, W No. ill. est 'Hamilton street, next door to ; li. ,t, J. lleorge's hotel, has just returned from Plikhadelphia .with a' large and elegant stock oh goods, such as, French, English and Ger man Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Vassinets, and Tweeds, which lie will be plcaseddo make up to oir.H. in the most approved style, whicl4 he is satisti.•'. 1,.. call do, from the fact that lie has employed that 1 1 ~. Mr cotter, Albert .1. Newhard, who is elm ays up %, : , i the times in fashions, and cuts and tits to snit tioi . tastes of patrons, after any fashion they may disuse READ YMADE CLOTHING Of readymado Clothing he has t complete assort ment, comprising all styles, qualities and prices, and in this department claims priwedence from the fact that the Clothing is all manufactured at home, of g ood mitieriale, and the superior style to which it is made, will always secure fur theta a ready and e`atisfavtory sale, FURNISHING GOODS, 4.c Embiaaing a largo assortment of Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Ties, black and fancy Silk Cravats. Hosiery, Suspenders, black anti Silk tiloi•es, black Kid Gloves, Gees whito and fancy Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and lots.of other articles too numerous to mention. Gentlemen furnishing their Cloth can have -their garments• made in good style and warranted to givp satisfaction. Cutting 4 9 ,110 at short notice. OIiORGE.II. REBER. --If Igarch 12 t. S 'J srA_YER'S _ 4oz Aet3mm PILLS. FAMILY PHYSIC. Timm has long existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has en be prepared t o meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues hiss conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pill, but not essay to make the best of all pills one which should have none of the oldections, but the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success we wonld respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and revulsion in the systein as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise froM a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise front their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the cons plaints which have been speedily . cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood; in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced sonic singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They vitrify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purg ative medicine reduces the strength, when taken o excess. The thousand cases in which Fiphysic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt whit remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they arc pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no term can arise front their use in any quantity. For minute directions ace wrapper on the Box. EN lowing cloßn l'iles Sores of all kinds FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $l. AYER' S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. Tuts remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of. its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of COLDS, COUGHS, ROAUSENESS, &C. ' • and for CHILDREN it is the pleasantest and safest medicine • that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been. and that the genuine article is sold by all the Druggists in Allentown, Lunt by Druggists won:tally throughout the Country Allentown, January 1 --- LochmaWs . Mt 1. c 'P AND DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY, No. tl West Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. B.LOCIIMAN respectfully informs the citizens 'of 1.1. Allentown anal vicinity, that he is now prepar ed to take Aillmurriel'ES in connection with Daguerreotypes. His Antbrotypes are far superior to those of any I.liter operator in town—however muck may be talked ofthe Patent" Ambrotype, to the con trary notwithstanding. The Ambrotype is a now and beautiful style of picture taken on glass, and unequal'. ed by any other style. They are without the glare of the Daguerreotype, and therefore can he seen in any I view. They eon be seen on either side of the plate, aro not reversed. and show everything in its true po sition.. Their cost is but at trille more than a daguer-' reutype. and they ate holestruelable to the action of the atmosphere. and cannot be injured by rubbing or washing. Matti Ambrotypes and Dagderreotypes taken in an unsurpassed style without regard to weather. By b u ng experience, arduous toil, a desire to please, and heavy incelntents of capital, he feels assured that any one who may favor him with a call will reeeive in return it perfect picture, not to , be excelled, in paint of artistic twenty. by any one in this section of country. Ile would oleo invite at tention to his new and splendid stock eases, which mime in price front 75 cents to 111 dollen , . Please bear . in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown, F _ Pub, —ly OE W" 30. -1 1;71i7" "JE I I 3EL AT I Geo. Lucas & Sons, • • tEs Musts.V VV less in nd It tda o i! n e lni Trunks. After earrying on a suc cessful Itintiness for twenty yenrs, the former proprie tor on the Ist tar January entered into co-partnership under the thin lie. LUCAS Ok SONS, end intend to exit y on the business on an increased settle. •They oat always keep on hand n very' large and .cheap ROOTS AND SUM:S.. II 4 th , ;e They are all perfeetly acquainted with the hu -4.1,,5. Aid employ none but the best workmen. which j enables them to warrant all work en represented.— They are confident that their steel: is not excelled by any other establishment in Allentown. They call particular ettrntion tat their stock of Leaks, Gentle • men's, :Misses and Children's Morocco, Calfskin, end j India 'Rubber Overshoes. 'rho senior partner is thankful for the patronage bestowed out him during the 20 .years Ito has lace in business, and hopes that by continued strict eltentiun to ettstometT, and selling at low prices, they; will receive a full sbare of w, vantage in future. ststs„ :7:i.1" Country Merchants will be supplied at short notice and tit the lowest City privet , . lag. LUCAS S SONS. Allentown, January 9. '• —tf DR. SCIIIILTZ, (IFFICE No. 58 East Hamilton street, a few doors ll below Pretz. Huth & Cu.. Store. • Meal limo s at the zlauericau Hotel. RESOLUTION Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Reno(red by the Seiu te and Hototeof Representatives of the Colon ttttt wealth of Pennayfrania in General As sembly met, That the following amendments are pro posed to the constitution of the commonwealth, In accordance with the provisions eh the tenth article thereof. FIRST AMtINDMENT. Thero shall be an additional articlo to said coati lotion to be desigutited as article ulayen, as follows: =INI OP PUBLIC DEBTS, Secriox 1. The state utay contract debts, to supply I casual deficits of failures iu revenues, or to meet ex penses nut otherwise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such 'debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the gener al assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never ext‘til seven hundred and - fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising front the creation of such debts. shall be applied to the purpose for Which it wag oli. Mined, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. titicriox 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, sup- press insurrection, defend the state in wor:or to re-' deem the present outstanding indebtedness of the state; but the money arising front the contrastin. , 'of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. SECTION 2. Except the debts above specified, is sections one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, tir on behalf of the state. SECTION .1. To provide for the payment of the pres ent debt, and any additional debt contracted as afore said, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, create a sinking fund. which shall lie sufficient to pay he accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal ' thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty Ithousand dollars; which sinking fund 8111111 consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time I to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale lof the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, to gether with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may he increased, front time to time, by assigning to it any port of the taxes, or other revenues of the state, not Irequired for the ordinary and current expenses of . government, and unless in ease of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt is re duced below the SUM of five millions of dollars. SECTION S. The credit of the commonwealth shall not in tiny manner, or event, lie pledged, or loaned to. any individual, company, corporation, or association: nor shall the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, association, or corporation. SEcrios 6. The commonwealth shall not assume' the debt, or any part thereof, of any bounty, city. bo rough, or township; or of any corporation, or associa tion ; unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to assist the state in the - discharge of ally portion of its present : indebtedness. SECTION 7. The legislature shall not authorize any county, city, borough, township, or incorporated - ins- Het, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association, or corporation; or to obtain money fur, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution, et 1 party SECON I) AM ENDM ENT. There shall be an additional article to said ennsti• tution, to be designated as article XII, as follows: =ME 3 OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a line cutting ofl over one-tenth of its population, (either to form at new county or otherwiso,) without the express assent of ouch county, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, containing less than four hundred square miles. . TIMM A)IF:NII3IENT From section two of the first article of the constitu Lion, strike out the words, of the site of Philadel thin, and of coat twenty respectirely ; ' from section tire, saute article, strike out the words, " ,f PhiLe dclphiaand of the several counties:" front section seven, same article, strike out the words, "neither the city of Philadelphia nor any," and insert in lien there'of the words, "and no;" and strike out section four, same article, and In lieu thereof insert the fol lowing: SECTION 4. In the year ono thousand eight hun dred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year there after, representatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportioned and distributed equally, through. out the state, by districts, in proportion to the num bar of taxable inhabitants in the several parts there of; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxablos, may be allowed a separate representation ; but no more then three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divi ded, in the formation of a district. Any city contain ing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it to ut least two representatives, shall have a separate repre sentation assigned it, and shall he divided into eon venient districts of contiguous territory, of equal tax able population as near as may he, ench of which dis tricts shall elect ono representative." At the end Of section seven, same article, insert these words. " city of Philadelphia shall he divi ded into sing l e .11:10thIritli districts, of contiguous ter'• ritory as nearly equal in taxa/de 11011111 , Iti011 as 1,104- ; but Ho tart shall he divided in the formation thereof" • The legislature, at its first session, after the adop tion of this amendment, shall divide the city of Phil• adelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the manner above provided; such districts to re. main unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. To be section xxvt, Article i. The legislature Ault have the power to alter, re voke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law. whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citizens dme c0n,....0th_,. in such manner, how eVer, that no injustice shall be done to the incorpo rators, Cil Is SENATE, April 21, IASO. itssoirsd„ That this resolution pass. On the first tunetultnent, yeas 24, nays 5. On the second amend. Mont, yeas 111, nays O. On the third amendment, yeaS 28, nays 1. On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. • Extract from the Journal. TIIOSIAS A. MAGUIRE, Clrrl.•. . IN House 01 , RHPRESENTATIVES, 1 April 21, 1656. ) Reonirrtl, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 72, nays 21. On the second amend ment. yeas 63, nays 25. On the third amendment, yeas 64, nays 25 ; mud on fourth amendment, yeas 69. nays 16.. . , . Extract from the Journal. . - WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. • SECRETARY'S OFFICE,A. G. CUItTIN, Filed April 24, 1856.1 Seey.githeComosionirealill Pommy/vanity, ex: . I do certify that the above and' foregoing is n true and correct copy of the original " Resolution rela tive to an amendment of the Constitution" as the same remains on file in this office. . ...-------, C "-- ----- "D In testimony whereof I bare SEAL set my band and caused to be atilx , i.i 1.• — 6 — ` seal of the Secretary's Office, the day oi. year above written IN SENATE, April 21, 1856. Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth, being under consideration. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first atuendinonl.? The yeas and nays iyere taken agreebly to the pro. vislgns of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz licxB-31essrs. Browne, Bacltalew, Creswell, Fer-' amen, Evans, Flenniken, Ilogo, Ingrain, Jamison, Knox, Limbach, Lewis ! 4l'Clintpelc, price; Sellers, Shuman, Soupier, Straub . , Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Platt, Speaker-24.' NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Jordan,Mellinger and Pratt-5. So the question was determined iu the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second atoeiniment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution and worn as follow, viz: YEAS—Masers. Browne, Backelaw, Evans, Heger Cresswell, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Laubncb, Lewis, ACClintock, Sellers,"Shuman, Souther, Straub, Wal ton, Welsh, Wherry and NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg) Pratt, Price and Piott, Speaker—G. So the question woe determined in the aflirntathe. Ott the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment! The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to Gip Constitution, and were us follow, viz: YEAS--Messrs. Browne, Buekalew, Cra'sb, Cross, well, Brans, - Ferguson, Flenniken. Hoge, Ingram, Jumbo:in, Jordan. Knox, Lanhaelt, Lewis, M'Clintuek, Mellinger. Pratt, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Taggart, Walton, Itel4b, Wherry, Wilkins 1111111QU, ,sjwaker-29. N.tva—Mr. Gregg-1. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment ? The yens nnd 'nays wore taken agreeably to dm Constitution, and were as follow, viz : l'wns—Messrs. Browne, Buckolow, Cresstroll,Flen• niken,Eratts, liege. Ingram, Jamison. Jordan, Rims, lmbed', Lewis • ArClinton Price. Sellers, Shuumni Souther. Straub , Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Platt, ..S'imoker..-•-•23. NAVS—itimsrs. Crahlo, Gregg, 3lelljuar aw l 'Pratt So the question• was determined in the offirmas lire. Journol of the House of Itepresezttntires, April 21. th'li. The yeas anti mays were taken tigreeably to the provision or the Cotintillitioll ant , !!ii llw liret prupus cd amendment. eerees hilluw, viz: . ti.ts—Nlessrs. uderatp. Boehm , . Boldwitt, 11all, Beek. (I.y - coming.) leek. (York.) Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer. Itrtiwit, Iltielmnitit, Campbell. Carty. Craig. Caldwell. Unlit bird, Jnordall, - Edinger, Fan sold. Foster, Getz. Ibtiucr. Iltunel. Harper. Ileitis, Bilotti:. Bill. II lligttc. nipple Ilolrowb, Hunsucker, litiltrie, litghnut. Irwitt..liilins..lohneoti. Import. Le bo, Lotigalter. Lovett. M'Calittunt. M . Cartlty NCritiett, Metigle, lototgotnery. Moorhead. Sunnemineher. t h e, Pearson, Phelps, Burrell. Ittinwey„ Reed, Reinhold. Riddle. Ilidiert. Shenk. Smith. (Al legheny.) (('ambria.) Stililil. (Wy ~,,, Mg.) :Arouse. Vail. Whallten. Wright. (Ban phin,) IVright, laiterite,) Zimmerman and IVright, Spoaker-72. NA vs -Ale,rs. Augustine. Barry. Closer. Coburn, Dock, Fry. Fulton. Gaylord, Iltinsekeepte. linnet:cr. Leihenritig. 31:igee, Manley. 'Alorris. IbiCerson. Smith, Welter, W intrude mid Yeant- So the question . was determined in the affirmative. Ott the g uustiuu. will the prose agree to t h e SVl . lllllllllllol.llllent ? The yens and nays were taken, and were ns SECIIET.IItY'S ()Fri( C. Ilarriebtiry,• Jim.: 27, 1856. A. 0. CURTIN. Sccretaiy of the Commonwealth follow. viz: Y e --MeSFTS. Anderson. Backus, Baldwin. Ball, Beck. (I.yeaaming,) Beek, (York,) Bernhard. Boyd, Brown, Brush, Hochman, Caldwell, Campbell. Carty, Craig, Finasolal, Foster, Oetz. Haynes, !Maas. Hill. Ilillegns•. Hemel, Harper, I leitw, Hippie. Holcomb, Ilimseeker, lmhtie. Ingham, Innis, Irwin. Johns, Johnson,Laporte, Lebo. Longaker. Lured. M 'raiment,. MT:witty. rl'aattila, Mangle. Jlenenr. Miller. Mont gomery, Moorhead, Nonnentacher, t)rr. Pearson, Pttr cell, Ition,ev, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle. Roberts. Shenk, S m ith, (Allegheny.) Stools°. Whallam. Wright, (Luzerne) Zimmerman awl Wright, Speaker—O. NAN'S Augustine. Barry, Clover. Ettinger, Fry* F u lton, tlaylorat, Oilaboney. Hamilton. cock, Ilamelter, Leisenring. Magee, Manley. Morris. Mumma. Patterson. Phelps. Salisbury, Smith. (('am bria.) Thompson, IValtut, Wright, (Dauphin.) and Yearsley-25. So the question was determined in the allirmativi, On the question. Will the Musa agree to the third amendment The yeas and nays were token, and wet e'as follow, vie: Yg.ts--31esFrs. Anderson. liaelkus, Baldwin. Ball, Beck. (1, coating.) Beck. (York.) Bernhard. Boyd, Boyer, Brown. Buchanan. Caldwell. Campbell, Carty, Craig, Crawford, Edinger, Mansold, Foster. Fry. ((ME, Haines. Hamel. Hurler. Ileitts,llibbs, hill, Hillegas, Hippie. Holemola, Housekeeper. Imbrie. Ingham, Innis. Irwin, .lohns. Johasson, Laporte, Lebo. bong aker. Lovett. M'Calmont. M'Conala, Mangle, 31enenr, Miller, .laantganatery, Nunnemacher. Orr, I'enreon, Phelps, Purcell, Itamisey, hued, Riddle Shenk, Smith. llegheny,) Smith, (Cambria, ) Smith. (Wyoming.) 'Thompson, Whallon, Wright (Dauphin,) Wright, (Luzerne,) and 1111 l armana---114. IgAvs—Messrs. Barry, Clover, Coburn, Pock, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, litatnillon. Haneoek. Huneker, Leieenring, Nl'Curthy. Magee, Nlanley, :Moorhead. :Morris, Patterson, Reinhold, Roberts, Salisbury, Walter, Wintraole, i'enraley, Ind Wright, Speaker-25. So the question was determined in thp affirtuntive. On the question, Will the 'liaise agree to the fourth tt dment? The yeas tool nays were taken, nod wore as follow, vie: YFIAS—NieSSrA. Anderson, Backus. Ball. Ileek.( by lll ing,) Beek, (York,) Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Brush, litualtanan, Caldwell, Craig. Camplaelli Carty. Crawford. Ihurdall, Edinger, Fansold, Fostel. t Fry, fete. llatner, Ilarper, Ileine, Ilibbn, 11111 llille. gas, Hippie. Iladeoutia, Housekeeper, Ilimstaker. brie, I . IrWin, Johnson, Laporte. Lebo. I 1111 l gn. ker, Lovett. M'Caltatont. M'Cartlay, Arnaud.. Mangle. Menear, Montguuu•ry. Moorhenal, Nutmenthela er, Orr, l'earsaata. Phelps, Purcell. Mainstay. llt•ed, Reinhold. Itiablle, Roberts, Shenk. Smith. (Camloria.l Smith. (WYMning.) Thompson, N'ail; IValter. Win)- ll'right. (Latzerne,) Yearsley, Zimmerman, 1111.1 Wright, ',' ) a•a/•rr--lit). NAYS--Messrs. Marry. Clover, Cohurn Fulton, (Mahoney. Ileitis. IlaiMaielc„ llmiokcr. Inglainah Lei: scoring. Magee, Manley, Patterson, Salisbu ry and Wintrw)p—l f. 1: , • ETA R Y . 14 Orrier. fboyid",,v../.. 27, IS:.1;• 414, certify ilea the mimeo mull feregollig le n tree moll veered gimpy 4,1' . the " Yee. , " and " Nuys" taken MI the lteseletiee prmelsieg iimembeents 144 . 1 bu Clllll Stitilti. l ll 11l the Cemmonweelth. es the Pena. mmenrs un thu :lemmas of the two !lenses of the General Assembly of this Centinenweelth fur the sessioit of I 14:411. . , --, Witilos toy haul and the seal of soh' SEAL ~fliee, this tivonly-eevonilt day of Jam:, SEAL " --- 6 - -.' ono thousand eight liniolred and firty , six. • A: O. cuirrlN.. SN•rebery of the l'olmotrelih. V 14, 1 N I)U E CR,YE It. T HE undersigned, u YOU Or thee well known am! powder Vendee Cryer. John Nwith. deceased, respectfully infants the !addle flint he has adopted the business. and otters his sere ices in thet esipacit3 l to all who may require them. Ile (outsiders himself Hide to render satishwtion. Hs hundreds or references, cap he given. Ile can be engaged to go any distatien that may to roinit•ed. Ills reSidenee is thin first olnoc above the Ilerman Reformed Chureb, directly oppo site Mesces Drug Store, in Ilamillen streetAlltu: 'town. S 311111: Aug.ll. • DR. J. P. BARNES, -G-4 . TW . FAC` AC MN rAr 1) . _ERFORIIIS all operations on 04 4 crl=f Teeth, both operative and =chant,:, far ,aperfOr to most of Dentists. Among tlip sow prepared to make whole upper sett 9.f h on U utta Pemba, for from 2.0 to 25 dollars. , no in want of Teeth should apply at his office); No. 414 Cost Hamilton street, up stairs, a few dinirli East of Crete, (luth ar. Co's. Store. April 30—ltd. 4. TREEMOINT SEMINARY, SIXTEEN miles north-west from Philadelphia, near NORRISTOWN, Pa., will ho open for yarn' NC* and nova above 14 years of ago, from October 1,1856, till Jttne 1, 1857. The sito is 4caitliful, the surround ing prospect exceedingly beapififol, the accommoda: tions sufficient fta 140 bwderit md 200 students, and the terms not exorbitant. '.rho range of studies is ex tensive, the teacher!' experienced and able, and every reasonable effort is Made to prom* the physical, in. tellectual and mom; welfare of tlie scholars. A circu lar will be sent to order, with particulars and referen ces if desired. SAMUEL A.9IQN. Principal. Norristown, Pa. 3ra August 20, ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers