_ , ' • , , ....7,..i. , _. .....,., ._.,.:, . L ~.....,c..„)„ A i i#: . - -;;-:-!- ' - -..., •-•1; ~r., ,;...... i s f; p qA . 4 2.;-: .......„../......„-A.." !:• - i'i - , t i „.. N , ~,... ~.. ...407, . ~. Icli- V., -....- r : : -._ .i. ri.;:. r;rl 111 Z. ' 4 4 .4- ... ., ...Wig I ,t. .7* • 4 ' l, '..t , : . K . : . :. t--1-, . ,_,;,,.... ~,, ,,,.,....„0. ,----------- , : z47.!,.,,.. -tic ~,, -,_,..:4$ -- --37-y,- ~,.....,...., ..,, v, t it.'e''''^i ''l' 3 ''' • :.. . ...,- , 16 .'.. .1 . - 4‘? • II E I -..,.... -- .7 '1" ..' . .V 7 s - 4:, .-, I,j; l i . ' -..z,, •. V irg ..‘ , . N,C.: : .!... 4 I. 2 ....' ' ' ,l l : tg•X'ArT;io.s l .441 - s -.. ..., _ , . --C.''''' ' :l;;;'' : " ;: ` . ” 4. .....1.4......44..t4 • I, lor 911 P 4 147 ; 3 4 411,1107 e 3c21 0..3z c- ,1 21.6aA0"" 4 6V.42e2.) . clvot_Ll N. HO ‘'l'L ' F; %l•4l.2 l A k‘, . VOLUME X. ° r? " ' Yj j 'Cheap Boots & Shoes. _ 444444 tte -, ; , 2 4., No. 11 West Hamilton street, Allentown. rillili•undersigned herewith announces to the citi- A. • eons of Allentown and vicinity, that he still has Lie Music Store at the old stand above limited, and that ho has late ly made large additions to his hereto fore well selected stock of Musical lustruments.— Among his stock he ulways has PIANO FORTES ,from the best manufactories in New York; of powerful ;yet pleasant tone, and warrants them to give satisfac tion. Also imported Pianos, of the bast manufacture in Harmony. MMICACIGZIA c:ft , of thu best , li•inre in the United Statue, of dii foreut eizes and prices. VIOLINS of all putlities find prises, VIOLONCEL LOS, of c%vellent fLonlify, VIOLAS, or Comm- Buss, ACCORDEONS, of different sizes and prices, FLUTES ond FIFES, Violin Ftringx, best (in:Lilly. Bws. and in short ell trim pings belonging to the Violin. BRASS INSTRUMENTS trill be fornishol nt short notice mid LID the most rcasonahle ID whi c h fact lie particularly 1111111 the attenti o n of new Bands about forming, and thusd alrell4y Sheet and Books for beginners for all mmi cal imdrumuldF, 'dully: , an Intl. Ae tho under.si}:nwl makes this his sole business, he brill pay partiestlar awl prompt attention to it in all Sts Various branches. Ile is thnula•ul for past patron age. awl trustB that by keeping good articles at low riees, to isserit a continuance ot• 1.;to 501111% lie respectfully Coll 111111 eX Plain his instruments, particularly Isis pions':, awl give (hem a trial, to satisfy themselves it their sure rhos tucelianism. April Rh —titu 4Wieder & Bergere-= wiliii,Es.‘LE AND MANUFACTURERS AND DEALIMS IN HATA AND CAPS, No. 25 West Hamilton street, Allentown , WE invite the atleetion or our obi customers and friends, as well 110 the public in g eneral, to astir lar g e stock of spring anal summer style of lIATS AND CAPS, good tie the load, and cheaper than they can Int purchased at eily stare in town. This is 1111 actual tact, 1111,1 nut merely laic talk t o ",1,.., "'I" customers, anti lit+ ti Itillitf of what we say, we Litt ask you to give us a call I,a:ore perchasin g elsewhere.- •••••; Ain••n g our stock ire hen' •oleskin, Silk. Baver. Neutt•ia, Russia. _4 Al Cos:Macre, Soft and every other kind .-- er hate that can be thou g ht of, and will lie nide to suit the taste and inclination el' all who may foyer us with a call. ..., STRAW GOODS.-Of straw g ,oods we h ave a ver y Site tnel ehuiet• stock, not surpassed hy my in town. It consists of Alen's, Boys' and Youth.' Panama, Palm Leaf, Le g horn. l'anteht. Maricalibu, Michi g an, .te.- A fine stuck or 111 is,,* ll:wlters. ger ammrtmeitt or C.l 1'..: is one of the most exten :siva in the place. and are all•lin g to it :detest daily. Customers may rest assitred that they can be suited, its the stock has been selected from the largest as sortments in the cities. - As ell IIUTS pre marnitheretool under the inuthli. A te supot•vision of tit: rttitt, Lout being prth•ti.." l hal ters, they feel werrattied in soyin t that for .ler:thinly and finish they eatmot he surpassed by :my estahlish meld in town. ; 5 i:4.'1-Country Mereltatits it city 'trivia , . T April ii. • _ JUSEOEIVE A . 1 FARMERS [OH THIS VtlAy.: I r s,. e c l ir, S - , lt , " N . e - w li 1) a V a's , .fritut opposition say that inn ..nlliri 1 . 1111.. Its gi.1.111,11 n . NC . o: 3.5 Ettst Ihniilton Street, .1 will he rett•lt; to s••tv Om ~ Ret•let. o. Ilew ~, I ., ;; - ... . 1 II large:A 11,100'1111011 01 ryil'lng 111111 Sllllllller they know 11110 we me not al•lt, to -::. Lot this notch laid C _I„ tt•••••lsevet• seen in Allentown. We ptireltase•l ovo will 833.' that "Iwiii.v" it :''' .is Ei'il'i•v. yon Colt c Ysll wldelt enables it to sell lower than any better give us a. call Mr one ttr the 1.,1 tt,ett, thin,. - •... ~ ~. • . • • .... • • other Clothin g 1..,t: . 1 lishment in town. It e have se- Ca tasate l ea 5.20 " $lllll WIIITIIIIIOII 111 that. (tie lar g e talk 111 bat refundin g . 14•••1•‘•1 am Gemis with an eve to 1111r111•1111y no d Gamy. , Allentown 5,11 " filuney.) het tr the Hilt,* t, 11.1 11S repre.O.llllol, it 1.1111 ,‘ , ' , •' , , 11.1 intro 110110 0111 the lat est all'len. that el/11111 be' Bethlehem 0.00 •• be returned. and all matters satisfamorily arran g ed. 1,1. ,', , , ,". • . and Philadelphia Alarkets.-- Freemansherg, 11.10 •• Likewise, in due lift, the g rass will he in •:rder for ' '.enu "t the 'eye ;"" I n ' 11 e keep on hand at all times a lar g e assortment of A c; •;,. 4 .1,; ;; , A ,,,, 0.10 " hay making, tuna then w e are prepared to furnish you with Allen's Mower, it splendid machine fey cutting It BAD 1" ... 31 A 1) E CI.OTIIINC, /*l' TILIINS. grass of any kind. And in 1111.111 inn. when desired. :melt as Coats of every color and deseription ; Paula Leave Easton 7.011 A. M.. mill 1 1.10 I'. M . " We hrIXO lIISO the enllllliiicil AlowN• awl Reaper. of teens of all styles and prices, all kinds of V Frreematislattrg 7.28 I 2.oBests. e . 7 .., Mattny's Patent, which is itianufa•ditre•l upon a dif- Shirts and Undershirts. Collars, Cravats. SllSpentlers, • I thlehem .314 . ferent principle from those made heretofore, and war. 1 4- - e., all of which are sold at extraordiuttry Allentown 7.53 . " " 11.:; I i2.1:-; . : ranted to cut 'grass and g rain as fast as one team of Catasampta s,OO " •• 12. 15 horses amt draw it. And further, We 1111%13 the Pre- ' Law Frio es, 11,„.1„,i,d,i„,,,,a 5.12 " . " 12.511 ...." ;Ilium Corn Sheller of Lehi g h county, mot OH there' 1111.1 tvarrant theta to lie not only durable, but made 'Whitehall 5.20 12.57 " has been sold a very lar g e number hi a short lime' up with neatness and taste. I•attr.'s 5.27 "" 1.05 •• that have rendered universal satisfitt•lion, ive are eon-.' CUSTOMER WORK ltoek. :4 htle .37 . 1.15 " " •• tident in saying. that it has no superior her,, or elm,will he done up as usual, and for ear work we are will- Sladiti g ton 5.17 1.25 " . . where. We likewise hove a mill for chopping feed, ing to be held responsible. LeltMll 1 lap :I.:, I .4 I, 1.32 .. which has been tested thorou g hly in dillbrent seetions, We invite all pe o ple who desire immense bargains. Perryville o.os 7 ..1 i •• nnd till who have witftessed • its operations, testify to to g ive us a roll and thereby save front FIFTY to I"'hight'ul 0.1 I " 1.511 the good qualities of the mill, and revommend it to SEVENTY-VI VE per cent. in the purchase of their Arrive:4l'nel. ('hunk 11.2 1•• •• 2.1111 o farmers as an article to save time, 111111 likewise grain I Spring 111111 Summer outfit. The morning train op will runner( at Allentown In the amount'whielt is yently g iven to millers in the , 4 "i:1-Remember the spot--Ne. 15 East Hamilton I Lt' stage to I ielehurg) with the Dflul'lll. 111111 Sl.'ll"e -henna trains to Harrisbur g . .A1.51.1-w ith the Sum ttliape of •• toll." 11l :Mort we Marceline:4i any artich• sm i th, nearly opposite the German Reformed Chttrelt. Which farmers re q uire for agricultural purposes, such ' ..111:treh 211. mit !lilt (;nil Road tit Mauch Chunk , whiell will ena. -If Ide travelers to visit the celebrated Coal Mines in , pis' Ploughs of almost any pattern, Corn Cultivators, I Itevolving Ilay Italics, Hay Forks, Corn Ploughs, I . 4§Aill - L T_Z-"Mk Tetta-r-iiN-4,11:0,[13-13:1110 l'lllll.il pimp:9, Ste., .Pe., of that region. OCern Planters', Lime Spreaders. '!brushing Machines' The afternoon train up will connect ttt Allentown TDOUIt till()E3lAlEltS ere wanted immediatel 1”, and horse Powers of different kinds, and 'all warrant- • j 2 Willi stage; 35 miles to Rending. and at Mattel' Chunk the on ••i ned in the b olt of Catasalt :. with the Beaver Meadow Roil Road to IVeatherly oil to give satisfttetien. Repairin g don) in all the' Avit. ,„:,_.... titm e h i r ', l g h ,,,, t ,,, s';' , ..••.)" n 'e l '4 l s .- arse . sowed h'o l o i t'.•:. thence by sta g e, 11 miles to IVllite Haven. Also with different branches, on reasonalde terms maid shut : ~.,, : 50 ', , ~...„, I ' d ,,, $ 1 31 , 11 , e ,;•,.. moitro ,, st cents ~.' , , . .. , . house. I the Summit Hill Rail Road to :summit Hill thole,. hy notice. Any person residing at a distatiee, in want ' .of any of the above articles, can elltain them by tol. ' A I repl;)rS, 1.) .1 1 ° U;Ii L t:11. Boarding r if desn•abic in the .• sta g e, 5 miles to T 111101.1119 ill th an to lake the Day 111, to JOIIN A. 'WILSON. I . ... • .- ..xpit,s going ,louth or the Night Express g uiu g dressing the subscribers tit No, 00 IVest.lhoulltim at., I - i '; : • on tatasttut i nn. Aug. _ U . -111. North. Allentown. Pa. SIVEIT7,I3II. st:. SAEOER. 1 • _ ___ . _ GRAIN DRILL REFIiItENCES. I Passengers leaving New York or Philadelphia Ibr • any . ! mint on the Lehi g h ; Valley or Beaver Aleadutv Reuben llelfrich, North Whitehall; Charles Ilen- • Ite,tori.ker of 13 eetls. Rail Reads will take the :nettlin g train up. winger, do; David Beery. do; David Kuhns, Maeun- 1 By; George Beittel, Allentown. I To the Voters of Lettiolt County. ROBERT 11. S.IYRE, Sup't. and lin g 'r. r• July 1 7. -If CORN SIIELLER REFERENCES. I FELLOIY CITIZENS.-Encourageil by a large r David /torte.. We ; Johnescoesvill Bortz, Color number of my 1111,1116 1111.1 111.111111illIallivs. and in - (I • • Creek; Jacob \Veinier, Lower Mactin g y ;C. .t. W. 'I view of a sense of duty to am,r,,priatc the benefits Ile- ' - vaildidate foe Sherill. Edelman, Allentown ; Reuben Gael:cub:telt, North ! eruin g from the office for the use Mid helmet of the 'Whitehall. ' 4 lwidow and eltibhen of Charles Cross, deceased, hite To the Voters of Leili , ri CollElY. FEED MILL REFERENCE. I Itecordee of the County, I ant induced to on'er myself ri Charles Seagrenves,'Allctitawn. Ito Nanir consideration for the tat, of II ECORItEIi I'EI4LOW CITIZENS.-Al the re q ue s t of a large !mot he r or my friends, no:. various ports or the ,Allentown„ April 2. -ly 111 , DEI.:DS, (subject to the ilecidiin of the Deutocra- County. I II g ill II WIC:. 111 y S t•I r (,• 1111. j cet . i • • the • Joel, 101 l • ..., , ' lie County Convention,) at the ensuing Oeteher elee et' tie. Dentiterdtie t"eunty Cont.:Whim) as a Candi la m ariji l e i _, ) F i a n . , ti,„,. ~.,,..,,,,, Ihe stt fortunate as to receive 11 major. `.°4 • ity of your votes . I will endeavor to a ttend to t h e d e - .I d - s fur the 0111 4 a: ot PREMIUM INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID HAIR , ties of the °moo Willi faithfulness mill Mm ie tut lity. frig4.th; .0,-M_LlZgLtd.l , _.."a. 1§..1.,. ~TO -. ..11F4 - _ -.4 liF l eD __ DYE, jusCreceived and for sale, wholesale 11111' • tt E 1 fit" ET•( It °SS , ;01 the 1.11.-11111.• I)rlohcr 1110.001/ in:110111.1 Ihe r 0 thr r atoll, at Reimer's Shaving Saloon, No. 10 East Handl- I , (S1)11 Of the late ll6veasell Recorder.) ' . • woolens to revel% e 11 11111Ierliy 01' your ,iiiien g es, I shall ton Street. - I ctelea vor t o In•rfiinit the di t tit•s or the erase riiiiiirony. , . : "...4.3-11air colored at till times, and setis fi tetion I ' job 3F'rinting, , , , , d m." ,y .linl impart hilly. 111 the ellllFllthhll.l 1011 or those I warranted. 1 Allentown, Ittreli 5. • ly I Of all kiwis neatly executed at this Office. 1" he P laced their ceethl ' n ( e , e ll l :6 l l " L e j ii. ... B. HA ENEs... PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY _HAINES w DIEFENDERFER AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER ANNUM. 'Witty & Knauss, No. 21 East Hamilton street, Allentown. A L. null l•: having sold his interest in the estah. A lishment, the undersigned formed a co-partner ship, nod now invite the attention of the citizens-of the town and vicinity. as well as country merehautd, to their largoand superior stock of r.BOOTS END SHOES, at the above named old :Amid, one door east of the German Reformed Church, where they manufacture and sell i t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, all kinds bf line mind coarse gentlemen's Boots amid Shoos. Also, mill kinds of the latest eta les of Ladies' and Children's Shoes, comprising nil styles, optaliCes a taut prices. Ladies' Gaiters. with or without heels, made up of French, Dalian English mid American Lasting, of all .colors ond styles. Dress Shoes of Patent Lenther. Moroceo, Kid, French Morocco mid Seal. different colors, for Women, Alisses, Children fuel Infants. All we ask is all examination of our goods and priers before purehnsing elsewhere. MEASURE OR CUSTOMER WORK will eiweys be attended to with punctuality, hi the latest styles . , of good materials by superior workmen. • Country Merchants will lied that we are prepared to sell to them at the very lowest city Jobbing prices. Orders respectfully solicited. WITTY S; A pril 18. —lf YOUNG & LEH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES RATS, Caps, Lamps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet &c., \o. •1.1 East Hamilton street, Allentown. Pa., AH AIN take pleasure in calling-the attention of the eitizens 'or the town, awl the public generally, to the largest and freshest stock ol • the above nuts ever exhibited in thin ph,.•....,,,nint:itg,"fspring 2.1..1 :ttol SHOO S purchased liirect From the manuthetnrers in New England, at the low est CASH Pit 1 L'ES. which enables us to olTer rare in s toone customers, either wholesale hr areal cart:ha , been ohserved as to style. quality sires.—such 111 , are best suited for this sLetion ,nunt IT. In this partiettlar we are prepared to gi% c better satisfitetion to country merchants than they n ill reeeive in either Philadelphia or New York. In contwet ion with the shove we .lesire parlienlar ly 111 11111 latClltitill to goods or our 110'11 111111111ctiCtIll'e, R. O ruiialde for all classes, consisting of tani. den's. Boys', Youths' 111111 Children's ('oarse. Kip, Calf, 'Morocco, ',w ent Leather 111111 Ilitclii•Lin tziewed and Pegged Boots and Brogans. Con A rt,s and Button (taiters, Monter eys, Oxford 'ries. ite., \l'onien's, lisses' :old Child- Cult. Kill 1;t1 : 41,j, no d Jenny Lin. l'ltent Loather. lota L:ttiting ani.l Italian Cloth Caner:, or various lidve luirtlettlar attention to the .Aceti,),, oar Am . ?: ” i• c- 4 1.% MERL _L-lEl._ riliC` MIS for diving and :manner wear. We have a very hand some and ventricle as,ortment o f sat no s Ibr bent-. Boys and Youth,. One Silk or Moleskin llat, are not equalled by any esteldt t don o ot they are all nut ituthetured lu et • der by the n o .h. ionahle flatters in Philadelphia. Ci()oll7lni.—lii this line we me net stir paired by any eptallishinent out the large cities Oily steel: is ver,y large, eensisting .it* Met's, lb,y , and Panama, llaticni6u. Logliern Peddle Senneme. Palm Leaf, Cann,la, 'Michigan, ,t.e. Children's Paney lints :mil Le:;ll.orn ('ii e.:llirscc I . IIIIN, t Our in.,nrininiit nr I.nin i ,s, Trunk. :ma cni•put and eninpinic. I'. '. All the uhurtt mm ill Le furui:hed t. 74,•rninnits in nu, al the Very uity the Ling :ire n•cevevtil . % and ill roevive AT TEE STORE Or "" Alkintowß, Pa., September 3, 18411. Lur 1%3 R EASON I'OG ET?li ER. 1 1 ti l\P /M-IrN trl r cRi V? 1 1 4 . ,AP t . ) " - T r c7. ,) 'it ', , \ -\ 0 •TA , Y,i: 9 4- V, ,--,-, 4 ~- , _,),1.4:,‘.,[fit...,,,,,,,4k,(.;,, , _.‘,1%, ,%,-/., I s ~,. 7; ":,. ~:..,,,,.. .L.'' .I„,, , jv:,i'l,: et h ci g 7 :lfiro,c - ' , ., ) I tf E ,-y.prt, \ 1 1 , . 5 4. :,,,,,.,-. 1 , i 1 ~,,,„; % ... i 1 'Y';.;c: , 7:4,.. - , • .-- ' - t-if 7 IP,-,_ 4 , , . 1 ,. J•c_ ~ I ..! - ; • tjf it ' eg.:7 1 '',:k' .10.'itY /4 , ••'"'' 1 ''•• i '4l - 71„i•• - 1 ,k** 44Z.,,1 vc HOLLOWAY'S IP! U.S. why arc We Sick. IT IIAS BEEN the lot of the homrm race to he hytliptei,e and soli 'rice. ROL_ LOWAy% , , are specially adapted to the relief of the Ircak. the ,V 1 . 1,111 M, the /1 . '1131.1111c /0 or all cum 111141 conetitotion, Profe.- sor Holloway personally tatperintenas the ttiontifq.ettire of his medieine. fu the Coiled States, :Intl maces them to a free and elaiAlttem a people, a+ tie: t t ret ,,,ay the world over saw for the 1.01110%1d These Pills Purity the aloud. Theec fatuous l'ills are expre•sly conihilied to oper ate oil the stomach, the liver, the the lungs, the idtin. and the bowel, . eidlecting tiny derangement in their funetion,. ptiri:l‘ing the Mood, the very fottn tuin tire, :it'd thus in ill its nit.... I)yspcpsia and 2.iver Complaint=. Nearly half the inunan race hire taken these Pills. It has been proYed ill all part:: if the world., that noth ing has linen found 0 . 01111 0.1111,111 in cases of the liver, dyspepsia, aml stomach eomplaints generally. They give a healthy tone to these urtpnts , leiWeete mach deeilllged.lliel when till other 111e3111ShttVe General Debility. 11 Many of Ihe ntelele,pot tovernicnt, have opened their Ctodont the , intrmlitcl ion ~r th e , Pith, that they moc become the mmlicitte Lears.e.l College, admit that this inellivitto is the hest rvitte.ly ever Itti..trit purst.ll: 4,1' delicate lie:1111a, 1.1. ;t ic Isten impaired, as its itivigural ing I.l..vvrtica 0,11 leelliale Colt e. No Fentle. y..titig t.r uI I. should he wilbll this eelehrtleti metlivitte. 11 t.4.l.reets att.l re:otialtp4 monthly oeursoH nt all period=. nrtilir in vanity vas,. liken charm. It id 111. , ., the hest cud ,trest that van Is. given 10 Children uI ;ill age, , . and f,,i• any irilltotit it 119:it.irtv'ft e•,O ti“. ,:m••111 /•morn in 11, or,,elr/ Jlvn4m•li~~ , ~. .I;l.‘s t•I l'iimplttitll4, I ili g t,t kw, ( 1.. I 11insrli(ca, I.lror,y, 14 I.ilitc, 1-1....0i1,1:try 5 . % . rr0i.,111 , , Fever nud A;•tte. Vonvrevil l'entale t'araplaiat. AV . ornis of all Itin.k. :tOl.l at 111.• Mattal,et,rit.: , or l'rare,st r \Y. : , (1 Ataiden Lane. N.,w York. awl 211 Slnkii.l Ity all restwet.titir and !hullers of Mrklieilto throughout tile :ma the eh il i/eti a oda, in boxer, ttt 2.i0 cunt:, 621, tufa:, Ifllfl $1 e.-There eutsidet•nhle saving by taking the hir.rer N. li. Direllions rot. the gnid:un•c of initienle (0 core• iii , ol , ler are utlise.l Io each box Now York. Jen. IG. I sell. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD 111:NNINt; coolteothot Ivith the ('antral Rail •,r New Jer,oy to New York mot Ow Itel- Itoptill to1;1 , 1,11111in. Al., milli the reztver 101:1.1 lo \Ventliurly and • Rrav er t;tu 6.11111111 ii l / 4 0.1 to ;:l":11MEll A 11.1t.lNi;MI Cominno ing Monday, July i, 15J3. 4I ~.v T.:471,1.tpi ra.; M.tadt Citanis b 1!".V . 77:.11.1'S na.•l: 1.20 1.. " .1.1 I. " I.eltc;:lt ON, tu 1... du 1 tui Farm Lanth for Sale. .The Illinois Central liallroad Company IS X V PILEPAtiED sELI, VI El; FArvlicac LANDS, .40 1ce1.,. Mid un twig ell.ditti M./ lit tiger I,,ter,rt. _ _ T11.12 . .. , F. binds were grouted by tly.. Government, to idd in the eell , treellell or this Ittlilrmo!. , elude some or the richest nod :nest fertile Prnirics iu the State, inter,persed here ittol there with magnili cent gr,tee, et . tell: Wet ether Both. t, The hood es tends rrom :in Iho . . , :ortli-Kest, to Cairo tit the South, mid Bunt ILelleo to Ihalrun 1:111I ittittlejlll, eXtrolne Stole. and no all the laude lie within fifteen mil::: un eaelt side .r this nond, reads on r chip nettle tire ittlM:hol by it her trans- porting G.: mod:tel.+ or the lends to :my or thole points eml from thenee to Eastern mol 'zionthern mar!ccts. :11oreover, tim rtrid growth or flourishing. ! tune.* end the title. mid the great in crease to population by imuligrallon, etc.. tilbird it hilb,ttllttial greW;lls bourn-tletnetel tic Mrni pro duce. The -'oil is a dark, m•oll , t, from one to live feet in depth, ig gently roiling and litte'l grazing eat tie altd dieup, ur the cultivatiuli t•f hell, Imlian corn, et,. Economy in eullivating and great orodnetiveness pre the well known charaelcri:iies or ' lllinois lands.' Trees are not required to be eat down, stumps grub- bed, or some picked ell'. ;is is generally the ease in cultivating new land in the older States. The crop of Indian corn, planted on the newly broken sod, usually repays the cost or plowing :mil fencing. Wheat sown on the newly-turned sod is tql1 . 1: toi yield vary brryr pr , ;IN. A than Ohh a plow and two ! yoke or oxen will break owe and a hair to two per a:IV. CullIf:101S Ullll be 111.1.10 for breaking., ready ! for corn or wheat, al roan to 2.:11 p e r Here. Ity ! judicious nuonts!entent. the land army be 1114,V0t1 coil kneel the fir, I. :111 , 1 tools a he . jh 4.4 ft(r. tv . rtiltireliea the ,ecenel vvlr. Cern, grain. earth., ferv.ard.ni nt rea alialde rate, to 11 , .! E.l,tera market. and '. to Cair , Ihr the : 4 ,inillern. The lar:.er yield on the! chop land., Ad 1 over the high-prieed land , in the thedern :tail ktenvil In he mu. were than to ply the dinerene..l tran,por lat;,,n id the In-teril market. . , !ninon.: road ino t reVI. rat !Mint nlunc the ::tot i> a and it re.l nt ,es • c... 1 p.ant, niong the Itanni t to $ Lot' per tun: Wood et:it lie had at the atThe, per curd. thin!: or Fet:lim in Tow, :llhinesota ;:hoillti hoar ill mho' that Imola there or lilt value ffimig e Wail.r up“,,os nll,l fur 1111111 S 111;11 , ;1111111.1,' have bcoil 1.,t11,1 ill the d 11. 1 ..• 111,' ref tralt.i.oriing mityk,l It•iiirtellls not Irving tluue,l Ole •.• of tkv,e 1:111,11 , tulle or :Wo 111111.11'.1 1:111c, , Itt 11::41'ket. NVettl4l 111111•11 lucre 11111:1 tile v x "r rnl!ir:u in hem, it••le.... Cl'llllloo 11111 ti :, 11,11 S ,1111111,1, :.i•re. loot 41,4 the 11111•1 th . l7'r „ u,p.tuy nt the prieei' liNed. The 11”141 lamls NCora-1:11, toe :11.11”11 : 41. :I._•unt 1111015; lii lutarin. lii llmm:itinu I IV:11 . 11 cur COMl.halii, Of spirit-, iuuc :111,11.:111Vvi may he Mutat uc:ucr the entry miatm:. the distanee to market is far :_renter, and every itatolied miles the prieltive of thope lands nee rartHl either in or lillerruptedi Wal , r itivi . ..ll,eS the eNrulist, of tvatisportatiom la. borne Iry the settlets, in the reiluee.l je.ico and 1 , . that prvvi,ly are the ilivoilles from ; their farms, nail 0,1!i,e 0.1 their inrcc :Mei/ ES, :Unlit atny and every of to reduce.]. IMO The grvat nmr thi s mot ilieir oil r Ihn>rul • the Kesler:l:lel 31.1.110 ineeli more then hi par Ore iiiilerehee in the e-peeiiiliy id' the fit,•illiics furnirhrd by I;Ii- it eon_ neel4. the of vrhich nrr i i inierrepiiiii 13. the lii‘v ~r Or the of Aviiiihr. .li`s no price 1611 etl'. For 111:1.10 the Y.. 1. 1.111 . 01 , 1 , e IIIIIIIt•y pOlki ill lilt . :1111•11,1 The 111,1 L,. biro lllu 11110 111 4..d1- = trnet, mei 1:10 "diet, neiltudly the'. e. The 1 .,-t 1e1y1114.111 a ill Ili,ffiiW11110;It ILc C/14 oi . 1;:c :INAL 1 . 01111 Ole .I . :to of the ~,I,11:1(q. bilaitel will 1c clue MEI .11. 11 . 1 . 1 . 1111111 CC ,k 1 lite Mint. 1v... year,' inttirest Init,t it , trittieti. twit it Itittt Ito tittiltiti,tttittl that ut it , :t,t tot, Itittlit ut tbe !quell:l6.2d :ilea' yearly be b....et„;lit u n der TAventy " 1.06 44 I.IU " 1.35 .6 will Le rov, ii r 4 n. fe.lll;•et,r,o ol 1.1,1 I11174;0 . 14. Wiricll run up in 0 or. It f•lf II be bre/ ftl rm. , . • 'They 1611 be 12 ket I, t• .I;eided into cue and (ht., 1.1.11-reents, and gill 0,11(1 runydcl,, ,et nu en gr'enti.l rhu=eu anyvvhere el.tng the Ittettl. :: . :1511 it) exe:ll•lve of 11:111-1 , tty;;ttitte. Ltirgir 1,1111,011;1,111.1y he e.thlroote.l ror tt&,,,prttp.,rtienttle The C.:tip:my orl,ll l'orei:teil 1111 the hteteritils over their errangeleetit with tlyaleN ellll juntlo to supply those purchasing the l'empony'd hind,. with fencing, tniterinls, egritultural tech., :col tut cuttil (.1' um.), isienv in ally (u»lntity, at the burr,,t 1111,olumlic helieved 11111 the price, 1.41)4.0E1.1111, :1(1.1 love rate of intere,t, charged for ill enable It 111.111 001 111 11 lelV hundred 11.41111'1l in 1,1,11 11 1111 urdiulll . V 11 10 , 10', to 11111 lie 111111,141 . independent hefere 1,11 the purcl.e 1.1.111e1 bounced , due. In the moan titee, the rapid tettlement (,t• the country will prehally have their 01(1,11 fet cr live fold, 11'11(.1) requit ed, 1111 experienced perloll u ill no...equine npi.liennts, to give illre1 . 111:1i1 1 111 1111(1 11 . 1i1 in selecting lands. Circulars, containing numerous itistimeep. of MI, CeSSfUI running, signal by re , peetahlo and w e ll kn o wn flamers living in the neighborhood of the Railroad throughout the State—also the Land of reneing, price of cattle, expense of harvesting. ete, by con tract—or !my other intlirmation—will lie elteerlully given, on applies lion. either personally o• by latter, itt English, Preach, or German, addressed to. .1011 N AVILSON, 1.01111 C0111111;o0doller qi the 111intilt. Crotrtil Iloi/ B. 01 ()Mee up to the lit. or May-52 :11iehigan Avenue, Chiengo, utter that Into in the new Stone Depot, foot of South. Water Street. Ntecovaer of bce,as. To the Voters. of Lehigh Cuunty FELLOIV CITIZEN .-1. herelty offer myself la your von,illerntion na a I.:111,114111W for the Dine° t.l . RECORDER OE DEEDS, (Sllliect ILI OW di,e1,1..11 of 1110 Democratic. County t'..tivention.) at the Oct.)ller election. ;goad , ' 1 hut• 0 fortnnato at,t 1.1 re- tend to the duties of tit,: office with pnuetwility and .111.11iN .1. TIIIIMAS. 1.4 . IC N“. 5S Ett,t VI below Prelz. Guth at We Muericauk TIVO MILLION OF ACRES' OF sas : of a reform in the administration of the National govez 'lntent ; and of restoring it to its original character, are earnestly invited t unite their exertions to accomplish these no ble purposes. That the Union ticket nominated Marel last, shall receive our undivith 1 support, be cause it is composed or excellent men—tnet who in case of their election will ever gua( the interests of the tax•payer and of the State That we regard the License Law passed our opponents in the last legislature with ilk pleasure ; that it is highly unequal and Iminst that it invades the private rights and injure the private property of the citiz n : that it i adverse to the constitution :'and that we wil support no man fir the Legislature who is no in favor it s repeal. 'flint on Slut:. lay the Gilt day of at 10 o'clock. A. I\l.. another Union County Convention shall lie held at the public house .1 Jesse Miller. in tlitthsVille. Smith Whitehall, township. for the purpose or nominating a Uni• on ticket to Ir 2 supported at the.Oittober elee• thin IT fill the friends of freedom and opponents of slavery extension. 'float a tieket shall lie fortM - il in the manner : Candidates shill be proposed hy name in open Convention. Alter all the names have been propOsell. for any pat tieular office, the eitiz .ns present from each township and ward shall meet sett:irately and respective• • •ly decide 1i Vote fo,which candidate the chair- 0 at rtinnotusiai . titan of the township or ward delegation shall . bring the parties of the ...,311:4'1'illto an affective cast the vote of the stone: Each township and aggresidint upon ,lavery."— Setenrd. want shall 'he 11111 Iva to one vote, have itrent holies of the overthrow of the chairman of the delegation shall east as he has pion. -_The. been directed liv the delegation he represents. irh,N„,i, mast from the S mth and In case no candidate receives a maim ity of all organize Inc own institutions on a sure basis.— the votes on the first trial, the citizens of each win u o s dititriet shall again assemble, apart from the Rested, That the repeated aggressions of others, and decide whether their vote shall be the slave power upon freedom. and the recent again cast for the same p ers ,‘, l , o r far whom I mttragvA upon our brethern in Kansas, are only else it shall be cast. This shall L c repeated skirmishes berere the great battle threatened till one of the candidates tins a majority of all for the suhimot ion of the northern freeman to the districts. In this way the whole ticket do the behest of I'm southern task master. shall be nominated. 1:,%.40/r•',/, That the time has come when it be comes the north to stand a unit, and - to the question. PrfTmen or Slam.; ? return the em phatic answer of Pat riok. " G'Ve me lib• Your remarks in a recent paper. on the Reli ev.,r,ittycl;.r give toe death."—Rem;. fig (Mass.) Re gion of the Presidential Candid ilea:, were both • truthful and well said. Politics have IWCOMP " The 1:111M1 is not worth supporting in min a shabby business generally in America, and section with the Sotith."—Horoce Grreley. very little prospect or hope of improvement '• The times demand and we must have an so long as frequent elections are made the can- ANTI SLAV FM' CONSTIIITION, ANTI-SLAVEILY ses of constant agitation, and the sovereign peo .IND AN ANTI SLAVERY GOD."—Anson pie are marshalled out in Political array every ligrha , ram , :, member el L'ungress fiorn Massa few months. It is an old maxim that " too ciarsot.,. • many cooks spoil the limit," and under the " I ant willing, in a certaia state of circum present organization of American sovereignty,' stances, TO LET THE UNION SLIDE."—Nat R. anarchy is next to inevitable. DiSUlliOn, however, seems to be the idea with " . On the action of this convention the fate of many. and each party makes: the best story for the country, if the Renublieans fail at the bal its chic of the question• and charges disuoion t ot b ox , we will be fireed to drive back tho sentiments upon the other. huh,* it is re• s h i yeeerne.v with lire and liwuni."--Jarnes Witt. mailudde how blind to the truth partizans generally are. It is more than probable that "It is the dot , : of the North, in case they thousands of Denmerats in the vicinity of the fill in d ec ti tijs , a President and a Congress that circulation of the RegiQter" have no idea that will restore freedom to Kansas, to revolutionize any of their Party. are disunionists. add quite the gove - rninent. ,,_ ws,ilwion 0 . a n. , imbucan as likely that as many :Imi-democrats enter DV:,/1 , 1t," its W M iqeisii. min the same view of the opposite party. Th e "I pray daily that this tte,mrsed Union may Register .mar do some service, by ptiblishilet be dissolved, e ve nif hloo have to be SPilt." .- " .. - the following' list of disunion_advocatus of both „, L Z U g liumocmyric DiseN t osisvt. parties : S. , At a reeent Republican meeting in Au ` burn, Pred. Dintglas snit, 3111011,7, other things, Hamilton street, ti Itrw door , it Co's. Store. Meal times I . The Charleston Mercury, a prominent sup: that it , was the ~d uty of every slave to cut his porter of Buchanan, alluding to the Sumner af- I master b throat. =MEE ter eent..fr , mt the crolit Iviil Ln de ME DR. SC fair, and the writiirnity with which itdris been iimmier TIIS COMMITTEN. . applauded at. tile SUatli and condemned at the That the recent Southern elections plainly I N "r t h sa rl l : e.rejoice at any event whieh makes corn show that the whole S mth will cast her Efec• I total vole in the corning election for James mon cause•at ti n t Son and foreshadows her, Buchanan and the extension of slavery, inel destiny as a separate and independent people.' that it is therefore 'our indispensable duty at • Senator Yitice, Or - Florida, says: For my the North to east ours against him and there- I part. I am rea4Y to proceed to extreme mea by in favor of freedom. , sures. even to the dissolution of the Union ?" Senator Brown. of Mississippi. " rf tho That. we, who were heretofore the warm and zealous friends and supporters of Millard Fill more, have not lost our confidence in him no has it been in the slightest diminished, but w perctive that the only question involved it the present campaign is, whether freedom n slavery shall extended that we are wel satisfied that in the present condition of thing it is impossible to elect him at this time, he cause the .91111.11., which especially desired Ilia to be, and by whose strength he was noinina tell,. has deseffed , him. solely because the voter there know James Buchman to be the vet% man for the extension of si %very, and that it i therefore the duty of all good citizens of Ili North, without distinction of party, to yo: ft) Col. John C. Fremont, the great eXplorer. Nen( of his country. of humanty, awl of freedom. That all of us Who are here nssemblcd from all political parties, have at all time. regarded slavery as a stain upon these fix! United States, and since the question no%v i. whether slavery 8111111 be extended or not, w are' willing for the present to lay aside all other questions, and on tht fourth of November will fervent pleasure cast our votes for free speech free press, free territory, freedom, Ft enema and Dayton. • That in Col. J. C. 'Fremont we recognize a man of splendt:nt talents : and we are rally con vinced, that in case of his election. the govern ment will be restored to the K•publican prinei ples of Washington and Jed.rstin : that the civil war in Kansas will 5(1011 he allayed, and peace and quiet re-established throughout the country, and that. during his administration slavery win not be iutr.,doced into free terri tory. That all the slanderous charges made against Col. Fremont by the Buchanan party only evince us the more strongly that lie is a man of nblemished character, because the Lion. Hem. Clay was similarly slandered by the same party, but since his death they assort that no greater or purer man ever lived in the Union. That the course of the Hon. Samuel C. Brad slimy. member cong,s,; from this District, and especially his opposition to the spreading power of slavery, commands the fullest approv al of this assemblage. That all who are in favor of a rest tictirm of slavery ; of restoring freedom to bleeding UN:ON Cin'NTY 3ILL'ILTII7'4C:. =MI ( For tin! Lehigh Ite.4i.4ter.) P ~'~=~: 111 ~:~ MEE RUNS EE 49.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers