Ir7Spolslia.—Mr. King, who recently won . $lOOO in Saratoga, on a bet that he could kill 80 out of 100 pigeons " on the wing," is a par ty to another match . of $lOOO a side, the bet be ing that Mr. King cannot kill 85 birds, single shots, out of 100. John Stetson, Jr., is perform ing the feat - on Boston common, under a mam moth tent, of running or walking, as he may please, 60 miles per day, in twelve hours, for six successive days, on a wager of $5OO. A single dash of 500 yards for $lOOO, catch weight, came off over the Union course on Thursday, be tween Saldina and Little Sime, the Jersey jump er. The race was run in 26 seconds, and the judges decided that it was a dead heat. The stakes were then drawn. A second race for $lOOO a side was then made, and won by &Aldine, by about three lengths. It was run in 55►, seconds. (17'ItottAt. ExrENsEs.--Albert and Victoria raeive one million dollars annually. By strict economy they are able to support life on this small amount. It is proposed to settle $350,- 000 on the Princess Royal of England, as her annuity, after her marriage with the Prusian Pringe. • Having been trained to frugal habits. it is hoped that the young housekeepers will avoid all unnecessary expenses, and thus be enabled to make the two ends meet next year. QvicKssy TIME ox Mecum—The late race between Flora Temple and Tacony, on the Union courts,—mile heats, Flora in har ness, and Tacony under saddle--was won by Flora Temple, in dile heat, distancing Tacony_ Time, two minutes and twenty-four and a half /seconds ; -being the quickest time on record. •37-A—Mrs. Edna Dodge, wife of lion. James S. Dodge, of Chelsea, gave birth on the 25th ult., to three boys, whose aggregate weight was 22 pounds and nine ounces. Moth er and children are doing well. neglected often prove fetal, leads to consumption; anoint the parts three times a day with DA LLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR. If secretion from in the reetum then . insert the Pile • Syringe" tilled with Extractor, and gradually discharge it us o syringe is withdrawn. It never tails to emu en- . ales of any age or virulence. nor to give entire ease Instantly to ell, fretthently curing by one applieation. Piles are known by the heat, itching, and pain the anus. Bleeding piles are caused. sometimes. by the falling of the whole bowels, which then press the In testine! canal tight against the back bones cud keeps. the blood from returning up the vessels, similar to the blood being kept at the top of your linger when n string is tied tight round it: inch is tcrquent, and for scrofulous humors and ulcers to form therein ; then procure it perfect abdominal supporter, andlvear u compress to the rectum, mid continue to use the calve as nlmve. also rub it well over the loins and abdomen for some time, mot the mitersl laity, that support the b o wel s will be tsol rarled coin Made knoll* mud your lift, will he saved. properly L T _ plied, every owe will be cured. It never fails. W. Juix IC Esq., of.ColuwLua, Ohio. Secretary of the Ohio Insurance Company, who was taken to New York in extreme debility, with Piles, to lotvemn op eration perthimeil by the celebrated Dr. Melt, as the only chem.° to save his lilt'. accidentally heard of the PAIN EXTRACTOR, states, " For years, his dis ease dulled medical skill, and grew worse until life be came intolerable ; he W.lB speedily cured by 1/AL LEY'S PAIN ExTßAcron. NO PAIN EXTRACTOR IS aXSI•INE unless the box has upon it n Steel Nide/Ins:raved Label with the eig hiaturog of C. V. CLICKENEIt CO.,proprietors, and HENRY DALLEY, manufacturer. Price 25 cents per has. . . • orilers should be a d dressed to C. V. Clieken pr .1 Co., SI Rnrelny rtreet. New York. .0, FOR A LODI; E IN SOME VAST WILDER NESAL"—Such is undoubtedly the exclamation whic h thensawis 'Whet !Ire borne down. by the arduous duties "which must he perforinedeven ender the raysof n burn lug mid-summer run, are sure to make : but those duties Are performed frequently nt the serious risk of health if not life itself, utiles& t he proper precautions lire ta ken to prevent the elfeets so easily genernted by imprudent exposure. Carter's Spanish Mixture, the unrivalled Purifier of the Blood. possesses in a remar k:able degree the cooling and purifying influence over Jim system so necessary in such cases. Its singular power over the Blood, its gentle tunic action on the Liver, its strengthening. vivifying and invigorating qualities, its known tendency to prevent disease by 'expelling nil humors front the Blood, and ridding the system of poisonous infections. Les gained for it n pinee ;among. the highest discoveries of medim cloture. It is II positive antra. for Scrofula, Fever amyl. Ague, Liver Disense, the elkets of Mercury, and ill such li'en's', us thousands who hare used it have grateful enure to know. The trial of n bottle trill sat isfy any who may be unacquainted with its effeets. TITE TRIUMPH COMPLETE Another perfect tom, of Emir Ibtore'tt Eribptie Pilln.-I)I , IIANT9 NECK, PINIQIMAN'S Co., N. C.. Oct. Ist. 18.55.—Dr. Wu:pa—Dear Sir:—llav ing.been afflicted with falling tits for footle years post. I ileterwined to, give your l'ills a trial, (adver vert6ement of tchieh I now in soma of Om potters,) mid Poutimted to Ilse them for MOHO months, until I woo tv,tirely Pored. 1 bclieva them to he a that rate article; and AMA, I have used them. I have not had one attaelt, and am now in the enjoyment of good Itealth.• .1 me. very reveeteully. Yours, .te.. JONATHAN .T. 3.ICOISS I'. S. 'the Pills went rccomna•udud to Inc by M,. Nathan Newby, of this county'. 1.9 udih•enn you tent ibrm. Those Pills. besides curing Epilepsy, arc n specific Tor all 111011ilielltiOUS Of nervous disease. Price $: per box two boxes fur. $.l ;• twelve boxes for Persons enclosing a remittance will 1111/.0 the Villa aunt them through the mail, on its receipt. For sale by SKTII B.II.INeR, No. lON Baltimore, Md., to whom orders front all parts of the Union must be address ed. 11'ntsumts, linAnn AND McturAcutos.—Foreed to ! grow in F.ik weeks by 1)11. LA FONT'S CAPILAItY. VOAIPOUND. Warranted not to stain or injure the derice $1 per Package, or 3 for $2 80. Sent to any part of the country. by mail. on receipt of a remittance. Atldretot SWEETSEIt & CQ r 11o.i . .;39 Pest Office,Winona Md. MARRIED On the 7th of September, by the Rev. J. S. Dubs, Mr. DAVID DAUIDDIT, to lIERREINA KAUL, both of Allentowly. On the 7th of September, by the same, Mr. TILGHMAN KECK, to Miss SARAH BELL LNG, both of Allentown. On Ahe 7th of Sept.. by tire Rev. Mr. Vogel ,bach, Mr. JOHN YERKHIL, of Salisburg, to Misa MAniA ANN ZBISLOP, of Milford. On the 7th of Sept.. by the Rev. Mr. Brobst, 11 ,, jr. CHARLES KUHNS, to Miss C.ATUAIIINE PRANK, both of Upper Saucer'. On the Bth of Juno, by the Rev. A. J. G. Dubs, Mr. Gooscs REIIPERT, to Miss ANGELI NA 40E14 both of North Whitehall. On the '22d of •July, by _the same, Mr. En wAtts NEEELMIfIi to Miss ANNA KNEItlt, both of Allentown. On the 23rd ult., by the Rev. Mr. Peixoto, Mr. OLIVER WAMBOLD, of Rockhill township, Bucks Co., to Miss LAViNIA 'L . / MELEE, of Up. per Sas_con. Lehigh county. On the sth inst., by the Rev. 0. F. Welden, MR. AUGUSTINE WALK, of Hellertown, to Miss CAROLINE SCIIONNVELDTER, oPFTeeMallSbUrg• DIED On the 13th of Angtist,.in Allentown, EmzA arm. daughter of Reuben and Sarah Osman, aged 1 year. 4 months and 12 days. • On the sth of Sept., in Allentown. ANNA MARIA MATILDA. daughter of Peter and E. Kleckner, aged 11 months. On the 3d inst., in South Wirit,eltal i , TiLstr• MAN, son of Charles and Eliza Lichtenwalter, aged 9 months and 22 days. In the city of Philadelphia. on the 30th ult., after a long and painful illness, I%lns. wife of David M. Warner, formerly of Bethle hem, in the 28th year of her age. is 4r =lO 0-MokWillirwciliAlhaV:i4x-11 ALLENTOWN MARKET. (Corroded weekly by Pretz. truth A; Co.) Flour, 761 barrel, . $7 00j Ponames, Wheat,. . . . 1 30111nin, Corn, • fkl i 'SbleN Ryo .. . . . Onto, 35' Lard. 110 15 0011bufer. Salt, 55 E, 2 ,„ . (;) doz... • • PUBLIC SALE. WILL he sold at public pale, on the premise F.iu New 'rexatt, on Saturday tho I Ills of October next, at 1 (ieloek in the tcrternoon, the following, de scribed vainnble real • NO. I.—DIVELLING DOUSE AND TRACT of Land, situate in !mid New Texas, Lower Maenngy township. Lehigh comity. adjoin yffl ing the property of John IVannennwher and Ihe School House Lot. containing 61 rods. Thereon is erected a twmstory slime Dwel ling house, Blacksmith shop. (excellent eland for said business,) Stable and other outbuildings, with a large number of choice fruit trees. NO. 2.—A FRAME HOUSE AND LOT OF' (Iconnol, situate. in the moo ',love, with it front of 1,11 feet, and eontnining," in the entire 51 to i ttare reds, the whole under pow! fennel. NO. 3.—A CORNER LOT, IN Tiff: SAME place, containing lu front 41 feet, end in the entire:l9 equore rods. h u above property, as before stated, is all located in the thriving village of New Texas. and admir•ihly situated for the earrying on of any kind or hosinees. At the came tilllo will be xuld n heavy Wagon, nearly new. The above being the property of William Lobach. The conditions will be wade Isnown on the day of solo and due attendance given by WALTER P. llt IIER. A,signce. September 10 A Valuable Farm ror Sale! T HE LEDIGII COAL ND NAVIGATION -I- Company will offer at Politic Sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the 23d day of Sep tember, inst., at 10 o'clock in ihe forenoon of said day, a SUPERIOR FARM, containing about 88 ACRES OF EXCELLENT FARM LAND, in a high state of cultivation. situate in the bor ough of SOUTH EASTON. Northampton Coun ty, Pa., about. one mile front the Borough of Easton, and less than a quarter of a mile from the Lehigh Canal. The Farm is nearly square. The improve ments thereon consist of a DWELLINC-HOUISF., ■■! with KITCHEN ADJOINING, Large Jelft• . Barn, Wagon-house, iwo large Corn cribs, and other out-buildings, ell nearly new a Well of good water at the House, and two large Cisterns at the Barn. This Patin is be lieved to have the most ELIGIBLE SITUATIONS of any in the neighborhood, rts it adjoins the prosperous town of South Easton. A amid portion of the land could be sold in TOWN LOTS. There is also a prospect of IRON ORE ON THE FARM. Persons who may ho disposed to purchase this VALUABLE PROPERTY are invited to call and view it for themselves. Li - Any Nrther information will he giVen'by the subscriber, at their office. in South Easton. Terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale. They will be such as will be satisfactory to purchasers. WILLIAM ZANE, Agent. South Easton, Sept. 10, 1850. —2t NW - GC: 12:1- 1 1 se EVIERS of Administration having been U granted to the undersigned in the estate of 11).Axist. FINK, late of the township of Heidelberg. Lehigh county, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate, are make paymentovi th in six weeks of this date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them, duly authenticated for settlement, within the above mentioned time, to SAMUEL J. KISTLER, Administrator. Melberg, Sept. 10, 1850. —Gt 12 . 67 - SOD '7lllr lir cr._ _-_,- - IE- -- A: ID ETTERS of Administration having been " granted to the undersigned in the estate of Joxns•llrxstctcrtt, Ate of the township of Hei delberg, Lehigh county, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate. are requested to make payment within six weeks of this date : and all persons having claims will present them, duly authenticated for settlement within the above mentioned time, to GODERIED PETER, Administrator, Heidelberg, Sept. 10, 1856 ASSIGNEE NOTICE. WHEREAS. JOHN TRICICEILIM and his wife .111 any ANN, of the township of Washing ton, Lehigh county; on the sth day of Septem ber, 1856, made a voluntary assignment to the undersigned, of all their property, real and per sonal, for the benefit of their creditors, notice is hereby given to all such - indebted to the said John Treichler, to make payment within 6 weeks from date hereof, and all such who may have legal claims against said Treichler, are also requested to present them well authentica ted to EDWARD KOHLER, Assignee, Sept. 10 Ff/L 7 / 1 0.111:11, WW2'S& A1L.41 IQHOUSES and Lots, of every description, and a number of . 1.1 1 . , 7 4 ;01 , vacant ground lots, in all parts •=••• of the Borough of Allentown, are for kale. FOr further information inquire at the office of LA WALL & &PAH LER, Real Estate Agents, No. 59 East Hamilton Street. September 10. —3m ARTHUR'S PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEAL ING CANS AND JARS, for preserving Fresh Fruits, Tomatoes, &c., for sale at the Now York Store, No. 29 West Hamilton street, Allentown. itourr STUCKERT, Solo Agents. j,Ml'llrief directions with each Can. SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY VOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, Philadel phia.L' This institution will reopen for the reception of pupils, Sept. Ist. The course of instructions are thorough and practical.-- seven teachers and lecturers are employed. A few boarding pupils will be received into the family of the Principal. Circulars can bo had at the store of Messrs. Houpt & Stuckert, Al lentown. For further particulars address F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal, N. W. cor. 11th & Green Sts., Philadelphia. Aug.-27. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 10, 1856. Orphan's Court Sale. virtue and in pursuance of an order is- II sued out of the Orphan's Court of Lehigh county, there will be exposed to public sale on Thursday the second day of October next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the preniises, the following Real Estate, to wit : No. I.—All that certain messuage, Grist 111 ill •and lot of Ground, situate in the township of Upper Saucon, in the County of Lehigh, bound ed by lands of George Blank, John Newcommer and others, containing 17 acres and 20 perches of land, ptrict measure. The improvements • are a I", STONE GRIST MILL, • Stone Dwelling House, Swiss Barn, Waggon house, cider-press and other outboild ings. There is also and excellent apple orchard' on said premises, with a variety of other choice fruit trees &c. NO. 2.—A1l that BRICK DWELLING rztil HOUSE and lot of ground, situate. in said township of Upper Saucon and County of Le- high, homotled by lands of Solomon Greenawalt, Henry Mover, John Newcomtner, Geo. Blank, Abraham Geissinger and others, containing thirty-one acres and one perch of land, strict measure, with the appurtenances. NO. 3--All that certain lot or piece of WOODLAND, situate in the said town ...A.:ship of Upper Saucon, in the County of Lehigh, bounded by lands of Abraham Geist:mg er, Solomon Greenawalt and others. containing.: 4 acres and ten perches, strict measure, with the appurtenan ces. 11r-i NO. 4.—A1l that certain other lcit or 44 1 piece of WOODLAND, situate in Upper ~....:Saucon township, Lehigh county, bound ed by lands of Abraham Geissinger. Solomon Greenawalt and others, containing five acres and six perches of land, with the appurte nances. Being the Real Estate of Jacob Geissinger, deceased, late of the township of Upper Saucon, in the Comity aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by Moms Bunst, TuomAs Giussisaint. Adni l 'rs the Court :—J. W. MICKLEI , Clerk Sept. 10, 1856 Oil - Alan's Court Sale, BY virtue and In pursuance of an order is sued out of the Orphan's Court of the County of Lehigh, there will be exposed to I public sale, on Saturday the 11th day of Octo ber, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the pre mises, a certain LOT OF GROUND, with the appurtenances, situated in the Borough of Al , lentown, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, de scribed as follows, to wit : Beginnino. ' at the south-east corner of a thirty-three feet wide street and a twenty feet wide alley, thence along said Alley northwardly one hundred and eighty feet to another twenty feet wide Alley, thence along said Alley eastwardly forty-two feet to the Ground now or late of William Fry, thence along snit) Ground southwardly 168 feet by said 33 feet wide street, thence along said street eastwardly 42 feet to the place of begin ning, containing 7308 square feet, more or less. Being the Real Estate of . Jacob Althouse, deceased, late of the township of Upper Hano• ver. County of Montgomery, dec . d. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and doe attendance Riven by MICHAEL TRUMP. Administrator. By the Court :—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. Sept. 3. --Gt Valuable Borough, Property • AT PRIVATE SALE. A A V LUABLE two story brick dwelling house and lot, situate in South Eighth street, be tween Walnut and Union sts., is offered private sale. The house is 20 feet in front and 28 deep, papered throughout, and ad mirably arranged, with Wash House attached, and a separate side alley. The lot is well plant ed with choice Fruit Trees and grape vines, and the location is one of the most desirable in town. Fur further particulars inquire at this Office. Sept. 3. —3t $2O REWARD. lUN AWA Y from ...he subscriber, on Monday I. night last, BKNJAMIN WIEAND, a boy aged about 17 years, rather light built, about 5 ket 7 inches in height, and auburn hair. He took with him a black coat and quartier silver watch. Whoever will return said boy and the articles_ named, will receive a reward of $2O ; for either boy or articles alone $lO. The coat sleeves were lined with yellow. Any body that will harbor said boy will be punished accord to law. I also warn all persons not to give him anything on my account as I will not hold my self responsible, Sept. 3 AGRICULTURAL MEETING. A MEETING of the Executive Committee, and it also of the Committee of Arrangements for the next Fair, will be held on Saturday the 20th of September next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the House of J. Y. Bechtel, in Allentown. Punc tual attendance of all the members of both Committees is requested, as important business is to be transacted. • MED Sept. 3 The New York Store ADDRESS TO FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC. Our worthy patrons now attend, And call again upon your FRIENDS, And view their floods and prices o'er,— You know the place—the NEW YORK STORE. Ell We deal in lion& or every kind, To aatinly ouch varied mind, And clerks we 'have who are on hand, Tu veil our Goods at your command. Remember now, that what we say . Is not intended for boys'play, lint all the goods which we shall keep, We do intend to SELL THEM CHEAP. Our DRY GOODS Stock is now complete, With any store we can compete, Some Goods are common, others pure, Selected with the greatest care. • Hero ladies you can always find, Goods well adapted to your mind; In cheapest PRINTS you can be dressed, Or SILKS and.SATINS of the best, Here families can be supidied, PROVISIONS we for nil provide, And GROCERIES we have on hand, Of the best produced in any land. Our friends and patrons, one and all, Who wish for BARGAINS, Make Our whole stock is very nice, And sold at the lowest price. We've FANCY GOODS, a large supply, • For all those who wish to buy ,• And tunny goods of every kind, You at the NEW YORK STORE will and, Now we invite you ono and all, • At Houpt and Educkort's give a call, Number 20 West Hamilton Street, With every attention you will meet. CHARLES WIEAND 11. J. SCLIAN'PZ, President Orphan's C m ourt Sale. emneeetan BY virtue and in pursuance of nu order issued out . of the Orphan's Court of Lehigh county, there will ho exposed to sale, on Friday and Saturday the 111th and 20th days of September, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, ut This Lehigh Furnace, in t h e Township of Washington, in said County of Lehigh, all the Mllowing described Tracts of Land, being a part of the real estate of Stephen IMMO, tote of the Town ship of East NMI, Comity of Carbon, deceased, Iles ignitted iu the Inquisition upon said estate as purport No. I: NO. I.—Tract of Land situate in the Township of Washington, and County of Lehigh, bounded b the. hereinafter described Tract No 4, by land now or lute oof Christian Bless, by Tracts No. f,, 2 and 3, contain ing I I acres, strict measure, on which is erected the LEH Itt II FURNACE and appurtenances. • NO. 2.—Tract of Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No 6, by lands now or late of Michael Netf, by No 5, by lands now or I tie of Christian Illoss, and by No 1, containing I I acres and 144 perches, strict measure, on which is erected four LOU DWELLINO JIOt'SES. NO. 3.--Tract of Laud situate in said Township. bounded by Tracts Nos. 1 and 4, and by lands now or' late of Christian Moss. containing 2 acres ant .g 97 perches. I m which is erected a STONE DWELLI•NO and STORE L'SE. and other appurtenances. Ni). 4.—Tract of Land situate in said Township, bounded by land 01/11 , or Into of Christian Moss and by Tracts Nos.l and 3, containing I acre and 60 perch es, on which is is erected a WEItJII HOUSE appur tenant to the said Lehigh Furnace. NO. s.—Tract of Laud situate in said Township. bounded by Tract N 0.2 and by lands of Michael Nair I and Simon Snyder, containing ti acres aud twenty-one I perches. strict measure. NO. 6.—Tract of Land situate in said Township. bounded by Tracts Nos. 7, 10, 11, 2 and Laud by lands of Jonas Moss, Jacob Lauchnor, by lands now or late of blodfrey Peter, Daniel Ifatnsicker and llcorge Krauss, containing .52 acres and 6 perches, strict melt -10.11•0 NO. 7.—Tract of Land situate in said Township, bounded by Tracts Nos. It) and 0, by lands of George Krauss, John Eck. jr., and .Jonas Hess, containing 0 acres nod 12 perches, strict measure. NO. S.—Two Tracts of hand situate in said Town ship, one of them bounded by lands of Solomon limits, Tracts Nos. 12 and 11. and by hinds of Jonas liens, containing 10 acres and 102 perches, strict measure: tho other bounded by land of John Eck, Jonas Hess, Tracts Nos. 10 and 7, containing U acres and 10 per ches, the two tracts together containing 15 acres and 112 perches. NO. o.—Tract of land situate in the Township of Heidelberg, in said County, bounded by lands of Solo. limn Wolter, SoMinim Hess, Jonas Hess and John Eck, containing 10 acres and 41 . perehes, strict mea sure. • IBM NO. IO.—A certain Tract of Land situate in the Township of Wmitington, bounded by lands of Philip Hess, Team No. it, lands of John Moss and Tenet Nu.. 0, containing 21 acres and 116 perches, strict. mea sure. NO. 11.—A certain Tract of Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 0 and by land of t imuu Snyder, containing 1 acre and 2 perches. NO. 12.—A certain Tract of land situate in said Township of Washington ymuded by iandg or William Peter, Tracts Nos. •13 and 11, he lands of John Show,. bargee. Christian hawk and Henry Ohl, containing 24 acres and 110 perches, and allowance of six per cent. . • NO. 13.—A certain Tract of Land sitnate in the Township of Heidelberg, bounded by Tract No. I 1 Blue Mountain Land, No. 12, and by land of Walter ,S; Snyder, containing 50 acres and allowance. NO. 11.—A 'tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Heidelberg, bounded by lands of Jo col, It uusicker, 11:ue Mountain Land No, 13, lambs of Walter C Snyder and by No. 15, containing 75 acres and nllowanee. NO. 15.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Heidelberg, bounded by lands or Frank Walter, Jacob Rex. John Hunsicker mid No. 14, eon. tailing 35 ncres and 150 perches, strict measure. NO. 16.—.1 Tract of \VOIIII Land situate in Enid Township of Heidelberg. bounded by Tracts Nos. 17, 79 and 18, and by lands of George Hawk, containing 4 acres and one half. NO. 17.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Heidelberg. bounded by lands of llenry Frantz, by lands now or late of Daniel Kern. Tracts Nos. 10, 79 and 10. and by lands of George Hawk, containing 87 acres and 82 porches, and allowance. NO. ls.—:l Tract of Wool in said Township of Heidelberg, bounded by Tracts NI/H. 79 and 14, by Blue Mountain Land of John Ilunsicker. George Hawk nut No. 10, containing 21 acres and 56 perches. NO. 19.—Two Tracts of Wood Land, situate in said Township of Ileidelltorg, one of them bounded by Tract No. 20, lands of 'Millet. Levan and others, Noe. 37, 21 and 22, containing 33 acres and 145 perches and allowance: the other bounded by No. 18 or pur port No. 2 in said Inquisition, by Tract Nu. 17, lands of Halliet A: Levan, and by.. Tract No. 20, containing 54 acres and 94 perehei and allowance, the two tracts containing together 68 acres and 7'J perches and allownnee. NO. 20.—A Tract of Land situate in said Township of Heidelberg, bounded by Lands of Peter Alusselman, Tracts NO. 48, No. 18 of - purport No. 2, NO. 19 mid by lands of Daniel Kern, Widow Folk, John Krum. C. Smith and Shelhaumer, containing 175, acres 120 perches and allowance. NO: 21.—A Tract of Wood Land Allude in said Township of Heidelberg, bounded by Tract No. 22, lands of John Krum and by No. 19, containing 3S acres and 140 perches. strict measure. NO. 22.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Heidelberg., by Tracts No. 19, by land now or laic of Christian Smith, John K runt find Tract No. 21, containing 15 acres and 43 perches audalloW -1111CIN NO. 23.—A Tract of Wood Lnml situate in said Township of Heidelberg, bounded by Tracts Nos. 80, 20 and 19, and by lands of hiallict .1; Levan, con taining 11 acres and 39 perches. NO. 24.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in Buhl Township of Heidelberg, bounded by Tract No. 25, by lands of Peter Miller, lands now or late of George Fryman, and lands of Daniel Krauss, containing 10 acres and 50 perches and allowance. NO. 25.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of licidellmrg, bounded by NOS. 21 mid 22 of Purport No. 2, by No. 26, lands of Peter Miller. Nos. 24, 27, 28 and 29, containing 45 acres and one half and allowance. NO. 26.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Heidelberg, bounded by Tracts Nos. 21 and 80, by lands of Peter Miller and by No. 25, con taining 21 acres and 113 perches, strict measure. NO. 27.—A Tract of Wood Laud situate in said Township of Heidelberg. bounded by Tracts No. 25, by limits of Daniel Krauss, Nos. 28 and No. 25, con taining 16 acres and 50 perebes. NO. 28.—A Tract of Wood Land sithato in said Township of Heidelberg. bounded by Tracts NOS. 29, 25 and 27, by lands of Daniel Kistler and Widow Schneider, containing 9 acres and 73 perches, strict measure. NO. 29.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in the Township of Lynn, in said County of Lehigh, boun ded by Tract No. 2of purport No. 2. Tract No. 25, lands of Widow Snyder and Tracts Nos. 28, 30 and 31, containing 24 acres and 54 perches. NO. 30.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Lynn, bounded by lands of Widow Schneider, Daniel Kistler, Daniel ' Heintzelman and Tract No. 29, containing 15 acres and 129 perches, strict measure. NO. 3I.—A Tract of Wood Lnnd salmi° in said Township of Lynn, bounded by land of Alice Monne, by Tracts Nos. 22 and 29, by lands of Daniel Heintz eltuan and Tract No: 32, containing 25 acres And 23 perches and allowance. • NO. 32.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Lynn, hounded by lands late of Alice Drown, Tract No. 83, lands of L Bennekofc mud hinds of J. D. Kistler ' containing' 10 acres. NO. 33.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Lynn, bounded by lands Into of Jacob &dims. Alice Dronn, No. 32, lands of Israel Benno koff and Tract No. 36, containing 60 ucres and three quarters, strict measure. NO 34.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Lynn, bounded. by Tract No. 33, lands of Israel Bennekoir, Jobn Kistler, No. 35 and lands of late Jacob Schneider, containing 43 acres and 70 perches, strict measure. NO 35.-4 Tract of Wood Land situato in said Township of Lynn, bounded by lands of Oreenawalt, Jacob Kerschner, Marts and Tract, No. 3}, containing 22 acres and 8 percher, strict measure. , • ISM NO. 30.—A Tract of Wood Laud situate in said Township of Lynn, bounded by lands late of Jacob &awn, Tract No. 33, lands of Isaac Bennokoff, Phi lip Fensformacher, Jacob Kistler, dec'd., and Bulliet Ja Levan, containing 83i acres, strict measure. NO:37.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in the Township of Heidelberg, bounded by lands of Adam Dorman, Tract N 0.40, lands of John Fink and Tracts Nos. 89, 33 and 19, containing 22 acres and 04 perch est strict measure. NO. 38.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said ToWnship of Heidelberg, bounded by Tract No. 39. by lands of Abraham Rudy, ()corgi) Fryman and Tract No. 37, containing II acres and 19 perches. N0..39.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Heidelberg. bounded by land of Abra, ham Rudy. Henry Moyer. John Fink and Tract N.J. I 37, containing 2 acres, on which is erected a Lot; DWELLING HODS* Stable, and other appurte nances. NO. 40.—A Tract of 11' , .ind Lntul situate in void Township of Heidelberg,, bounded by lands late of Misetner, Tract No. 37 ' and lands Into of Rerig Neff. containing 15 acres find ILI perches. NO. 41.—A Tract of Land situate in the township of Washington, bounded by lands of John Tracts Nos. 10, 8, 12. 42 and others, endnining IS neves, more or less. NO. 42.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts No. 12, No. 41, lands of Aaron Bloss and Tract No. 43, containing 34 acres, strict measure, on which is erected an old LOG HOUSE. NO. 43.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands late of Frederick Miller, now or late of John Shoenhcrger, Aaron Bloss, Tracts Nos. 42 and 12 Blue Mountain Land, Nos. 70 and 40 and No. 44, contkining 220 acres and allow ance. N 0.4 4.—Tiro Tracts of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington. one of them bounded by Tract No. 43 Blue Mountain" Land and land of D. Handwerk, containing 33 acres and thirty-fire perches and allowance ; the other bounded by Tract No. 45. lands of D. Handwerk and Blue Mountain Land, contain ing 27i acres and allowance, said Two Tracts containing together 60 acres and 25 perches and allowance. NO. 45.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract N0..46. lands, of William Meyer, Tract No. 44 and Blue Mountain Land: containing 50 acres and 92 perches and allowance. NO. 40 —A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Blue Mountain Land Tracts Nos. 49 and 4g. by lands late of Jacob Snyder, Tract Nyt 47, lands of William Meyer and Traet N 0.45, con taining 32 acres and 104 perches. NO. 47.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said township of Washington, bounded by lands late of Jacob Snyder, C. Snyder, William Meyer and Tract No. 46, containing 9 acres and 07 perches. • NO. 48.—A Tralt of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded be Tracts Nos. 40 and 49. lands of C. Wert. J. Wert, Tract No. 51, lands now o• late of C 1111,4- tian Wert, and Tract No. 50, containing 43 'acres and 27 perches. NO. 49. A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of - Washington, bounded by Tract No. 48 Blue Mountain Land. Tract No. 52, and lands of Wert, containing 33 acres and 70 perches. NO. 50.—A Tract of 'Wood Land situate in said township of Washington. bounded by lands of C. Wert, If. Kunkle. Jacob Snyder and Tract No. 48, containing 50 acres, more o• less. NO. 51.—A Tract of Wood Land, situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of Conrad Wert, Martin Wert, D. Pauly, Tract No. 48 and others, containing 15 acres and 85 perches strict measure. NO. 52.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded In• Blue Mountain Land .Tracts Nos 53 and 51 lands of Henry llenritze and Tract No. 49, con• taining 011, acres. NO 53.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, hounded by Tracts No. 55. Blue Mountain Land Tracts Nus. 52,.54, 56 and 57, containing 50 acres and 40 perches. NO. 54.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington. bounded be lands of Henry Henritze, and Tracts Nos. 52. 53 and 56,.containing 77 acres and 65 perches. NO. 55.—A Tract of Woodland situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 58, Blue Mountain Land Tracts Nos. 53 and 57, containing 100 acres and 22 perch CS, strict measure. No. 56.—Two separate Tracts of Land situ• ate in said Township of Washingtim, one of them bounded by Tracts Nos. 53, 57 and 59, by lands of Benjamin Hartlure and Tract No. 54, containing 23 acres and 98 perches, strict measure : the other bounded by lands of Geo. Kern, Martin Wert, Benjamin Harthir, and late of Christopher Kern, containing 116 perch es, strict measure, the two tracts together con tabling 24 acres and 5•I perches. strict measure. NO. 57.—A Trfict of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by land late of William Kern. by Tracts Nos. 58, 55, 53. 56. 59 and 60, lands of Joseph Peter and JI)1111 Peter, containing 89 acres and 108 perches and allowance. NO. 58.—A Tract of Wood Land siluate in said Township at' Washington. bounded by- Tracts Nos. 55 and 57, lands of Thomas Kern, Tracts Nos. 62, 63, 64. 65, 66. 67, lands late of John Benninger, and Tracts Nos. 68 and G 9 and Blue Mountain Land, containing 106 acres, more or less. NO. 50.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township - of Washington, hounded by lands of George Kern, Simon brig. Tracts Nos. SG, 57 and 60, and by lands of John lireitz. containing 40 acres and 126 perches, strict measure, and one Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township, bounded by Tracts Nos. 46, 45, 47 and 50, containing 25 acres and 50 perches, strict measure. NO. 60.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of Joseph Peter, George Kern, Tracts Nos. 59 and 57, containing 60 acres. NO. 61.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington. bounded by lands of Thomas Kern, Jonas Kern and Tract No. 58, containing 15 acres and 61 perches, Strict measure NO. 62. A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of Nicholas Kern, Thomas- Kern and Tracts Nos. 58 and 63, containing 15 acres, strict measure NO. 63.—A Tract of Woad Land situate in said township of Washington. bounded by TractS Nos. 58 and 04, lands of Nicholas Kern - - and Tract No. 62, containing 12 acres and 40 perches. strict intrisure. NO. 64.--A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by. Tracts Nos: 58, 65 and 67, lands of Nicholas Kern and Tract No. 63, containing 12 acres and 40 perches. strict. measure. NO. 65.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 66, 67, 64 and 58, coutaining 11 acres and 140 perches. strict measure. NO. 66.—A Tract of Wood _Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 58, 67 and 65, containing 12 acres and 8 perches, strict measure. NO. 67.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 58, land of John 13enninger, Stephen Kern, Charles Kern, Tracts Nos. 65 and 66, containing twentpeight acres and 73 perches, strict measure. NO. 68.--A Tract of Wood Land, situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 69. 70, lands.of Ulrich Benninger and Tract No. 58, containing 17 acres and 15 perches. strict measure. NO. 69. —A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 58, 68 and 70, containing 120 acres. more or less. NO. 70.—:A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 69, 71 and 72, lands late of Ulrich Benninger and Tract No. 68, containing 18 acres and 29 perches, strict measure. NO. 71.--A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington. bounded by Tracts Nos. 69 and 75, lands now or late of William Kern, D. Snyder, Tracts Nos. 72 and 70, containing 29 acres and 3 perches and al lowance. NO. 72.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 71, lands of D. Snyder, lands now or late of John Benninger, Peter Laubach and Tract No. 70, containing 34 acres and 44 perches, strict measure. NO. 73.--A Tract of Wood Land Situate in sad Township of Washington. bounded by lands of John Peter. Samuel Rerig, Joseph Pe ter and Tract 57, containing 36 acres and 87 perches. NO. 74.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington. bounded by . lands of Jacob Snyder, Conrad Wert, Samuel Rene ly and Frank Walter; containing 25 acres and 50 pet ches. strict measure. NO. 75.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in the said Township of Wash ington and portly in said Township. of East Penn. Carbon county, called Oangwere's tract, hounded by lands late of Bernard Bauman, by the River Lehigh. lands late of William Kern, by Tracts Nos. 71, 69, 76, by lands late of A. Porter, containing 345 acres, strict measure. NO. 76.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land I situate partly said Township of Washing ton and partly in said Township of East Penn, (called (leo. Ashton's tract,) bounded by lands ' late of John Hay, late of A. Potter, Tracts No. 58 and Blue Mountain Land, containing 411 acres and 42 perches, and allowance. NO. 77.—.. A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in said Township of Washington and partly in said Township of East Penn, (called Morgans tract) bounded by Blue Moun tain Land, Tracts Nos. 78 and 11 of purport No. 2. and No. 14 of purport No. 2, containing 433 acres and one quarter. NO. 78.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in said township of Washington and partly to said Township of East Penn, (called Frie's Tract.) boon led by Tracts No.: 45 by No. 40 and No. 15 of purport No. 2 and No. 47. containing 417 acres and 40 perches. NO. 79.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in Lehigh county and partly in Carbon county, (called Robert Tea's Tradt,) hounded by Tract No. 43, by Mountain Land by Nos. 18, 10 and 17 of purport No. 2, con taining 439 acres and 31 perches. NO. 80.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate in Lehigh and Carbon counties, (called Mordecai Persel's tract.) hounded by Tracts No. 20 and 33, lands of BaHint & Levan, late of Conrad Krum, Peter Miller, Tract No. 26 and No. 21 of purport No. 2. bv Mountain Land and No. 18 of purport No. 2, containing 426 acres and 50 perches. NO. 81.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in said Township of Lynn and partly in the Township of West Penn in Schuylkill county, called Saeger's tract. bound ed by lands of Peter Snyder. David Pollweiler, John A. Reitz, John Ulrich. John Ulrich. dee'd; Henry Braucher. Jacob Koenig. David Price, Solomon Baer, Henry Long and others. Daniel* Follweiler and others. Michael Hartman ; late of S. Balliet, dec'd.,) No. 53 of Purport No 2. and by lands of Peter Snyder, containing 443 acres and 121 perches. Terms on the day at, the place of sale, and due attendance given by AARON & JOHN B t WET. A dmrs, By the Court—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk Aug. 27, GFNERM. NEWS OFFICE VU REIMER, No. 10 East Hamilton street,: I having purchased the right and good 1. will of A. Pint, late news dealer, is now pre pared to serve -any of the following named newspapers and periodicals at the earliest pos sible time after publication: He is the only news agent in town, and will make it a point of business to serve his patrons with punctual ity and dispatch. Subscribers will be received at the offide, and the publications delivered im mediately after the arrival of the cars : Public Ledger, Daily Pennsylvanian, Daily News, Philadelphia Daily Times. Philadelphia Daily DOnokrat.(Gertnan.) New York Tribune, New York Herald. New York Times, New York Ledger. Fhig of our Union, BaDon's Pictorial, Harper's Magazine, Waverly Magazine, Yankee l'rivateer. Frank Leslie, New York Staats Zei tong, (German,) and general agent for all Pa-. pers, Magazines, &c., throughout the United States. Allentown, Aug. 27. _ CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. THE GREAT PISHIFIEII OP THE DLOOD! TziE BEST ALTERATIVE KNOWN hi,t a Porfiete ihnlniry in it! An infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rhea: matistu, Obstinate Cutaneous - Eruptions, Pimples or Postules on the Fdee, Middies, Boils, Ague and Fever. Chronic Sore Eyes, 'Ringworm. orr, Tetter, • Scald bend, Enlargetnen t anal pain of the Bones and Joints, Salt Rheum, Stubborn Ulcers, • Syphilitic Disorders, and all diseases aris ing from nu injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of . the Blood. This great remedy, which has beconie FO rapidly and to justly celebrated for its extraordinary efficacy in relieving and curing many of the most obstinate anal terrible, forum Of disease with laid' nuinkind Is afflicted, is now offered to the public, with the confi dent assurance that no Mmitem.• niscovitor over note has been so eminently successful in curing SenormLA, nud , Al q , DISEASES of TEE BLOOD, as Car ter's Spanish Mixture, The proprietary are receiving by every mail most flattering and astonishing details of cures made in all parts• of the COO wry, and in most cases where the skill of the hat Physicians had been. tried in vain. • Its power over the IlLoon is truly remarkable, and all diseases arising from impurity of that great SCAT OP Lice, have been relieved and cured without a sin gle failure out of the thousands who have used it.— Carter's Spanish Mixture contains its Murcury, Arsenic, or any dangeroits drugs, but is compos ed of Roots and Herbs, combined . with other ingredi ents of known virtue, and may be given to the yonng est infant or most debilitated invalid, without the, least possible hesitation. • W.M. S. BEERS ,t CO., Proprietors, No. 304 Broadway, New York. l'A`,Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for Va. For side by .1. B. Moser, Allentown, S. Ran, Bethlehem, and druggists and merchant, generally New York, February 13, 1556, Job Printing, Of all kinds notjux.acuted.aitTiis ram CM on
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers