I Non t .-" osonv i _ .an suite ! ttr- Vivetf . frOVstehingtobs ,- Cityar(the 30t h:of DeCerifbar... • KosiigTu at; the' depot bytheSenate:e4tritittee s of invitation hy. the . Maraind.of the:sDisiriCt;:ili behalf of theExecutiVe,grivernment end ; by the Arty-• or grid-several, Members of the .Common Cum:A:lll'ler his •airitialTat,..Broivi - ep Ho- Orthe . corporations , - There tons n 6 parade, no canneriade; no precession no.deentation of the streeti - iid houses in Turkish arid Ilungorin flogs (with the ex ception of Browit's I foiel,) no overwhelming rnaltitude crazy . with excitement cheering - . tht great Hungarian to the echo; no groups of enthusiastic ladies, filling the windows , . with beautiful, tied waving white handker chiefs by thousands in token of their appro val of the - new•doctrine of non-intervention —nothing-of all this. • On the other hand, the illustrioue'exile was taken from the de pot to his hotel as unceremoniously as any .other lion, arid though there was a crowd of several hundred persons collected in front --- of , st 3 roivit l s - itswati-Inore-froin-corieSity-toss ee i the disiingeished, • stranger, than from any . stronger sentiment. ' • 7 Being called for by Ihe "sovereign pee -1)41,7 M. Kossurit appeared on the balcony and:in response to their cheers he crossed I his hands gracefully over his breast, and bowed several times to the congregation, but Without essaying n word towards a speech, he bowed and retired.• • On Wednesday the 31st of December,' Ksts'srith . was presented to the PRESIDENT. Hewes escorted by Messrs. SHIELDS and --- Ststvwitn;r:rt4s - Ssulitis - commitee, antrinffiT - ). duced to the l'ttssiDtesr by Mr. IN r uessmt. He then addressed Mr. Ems:noon in the following-terms :- - "Enlightened by the spirit of your coca try's institutions, when we succeeded to con solidate our natural and historical State'sl right of self-government, by placing it upon the broad foundation *of democratic liberty "Inspired by your history when we had to fight for independence againstannihilation by centralized absolutism "Consoled by your regale's sympathy when a victim of Russian interference with the laws of nature and of, nature's God : ',Protected in exile by the government of the United States, supporting the Sultan of ' Turkey in his noble resolution to undergo, thee very danger ore war t rather than leave unprotected the rightS of humanity egainsti Russo-A ustriand espotism "Restored by the United Slates to life, be cause restored to freedoin, and by freedom to activity in behalf-of those duties which. by my nations's unanimo is-confidence and sovereign will, devolved` upon me "Raised in the eyes of many oppressed nations to the standing of a harbinger of, hope, because the star-spangled' banner was seen casting protection around me, anoun che to the world that there is a nations, a like powerful as free, ready to protect the laws of nations, even in distant parts of the , earth and in the person of a poor exile : "Cheered by your people's sympathy, so as freemen cheer—not a roan whatever, bu t : u principle "I now -how before you, sir, in the proud position of your great nation's guest, gener ously welComed by a resolution of the Con gress of he United States, with equal gener osity upproved .and executed by your Ex cellency. "1 beg leave to express my fervent thanks ice my name, end in the name of my associ ates, who, after having shared my misfor tunes, have now tlie reward to share the honorand the ben, fit which the great repub lic of the United States e as pleased to bestow upon Hungary, by. beslowing, it upon its free ly-chosen chief when he became a persecu- 1 ted victim 'of despoticviolence. beg leave to express my fervent thanks, in my country's name also, which, amidist the sorrows - of its desolation, feels cheered by your country's generosity, and ifm oks tvith resolution to the impending future, because it is confident that the time draws near when the eternal code of the law of nations will become a reality. "President ! I stand before your Excel lency, a living protestation against the vio lence of foreign interferenee.oppressing the sovereign right of notions to regulate their own domestic concerns. "I stand before your Excellency a living protestation against centralization oppressing the State right of self-government. "May I be allowed to take it for an augu ry of better nines that in landing, on the happy shores of this glorious Republic, I landed in a free and powerful country, whose honored Chief Magistrate proclaims to tile world that this country cannot remain indifferent when the strong arm of a foreign power is invoked to stifle public sentiment and repress the spirit of freedom in, any country. "I thank God that he deemed me not un- Worthy to act and suffer for any fatherland. "I thank God that the •late of my coun try became so intimately connected .with the fate of liberty. and, indepeudence of na tions in Europe, ae formerly s it was intim ately connected with the security of Chris tendom. "I thank God that mpcountry'satsmeri led woe, and my 'Termini !sufferings, be eamcsan opportunity to seek a manifestation of the spirit,and,Principles of your Republic. "May God the Almighty lOss. you .with. ...a long life; that you may long enjoy the hap piness to see your cetintrygreat, glorious and. free,the corner -stone h( internationaljustiCe; and the colunrin of freedom on the 'as it fs already an asyltim to time opprestied. The. Passim:NT replied briefily s to M. - add.ress, in substericesas follows : am happy, Gov. Kossuth, to weicorne s • you to this lund of - freedom ; and it gives antspleasiire to this land of freedoin s and it sgives.tne pleasure to Icong rat u te yea Upon -IW:etre/ease :from 'a confinement -in Tuticey, -arrid 'yOtir Safs.'arrisestsbear. As ; ttp,indjvit;af, I- sympathized deeply- with .you ,in your !brave istritogre for the We. ,pendente r and Xreedonwif your native hind: .The Ausericrtepeopte can never be itAiffer 7 ,ent to ,such a s eeptess,' but our aa ~.. ti.t.49..; : lirt:Jltieil e at eip i hitii „been : - .upiferm t r o tri'the' - citirinieficernat i cileuegoiernirnent. and.mY - cayrh:lliews,op; the Chief EitoutiVe , Magistrate,cilihi4 nation , are liply'anil free .ly e.tpresia ini nifyiecent rnei.sage_'td•Con gressi. to Which'You-kaVe • bepir pleased . to allude:: --They are the same, whether speak ing .to Congress here, or to the nations of Europe. . ' -' ' .- • “Should yourcountry be resiored_win -dependence and freedom, I should then . wish ' you—ns the grentest blessings you could enjoy—a restoration to your native land ; but, should that never happen, I can • only repent my welcome to you and your com panions here, and .pray that God's blessing may rest upon you. wherever your lot may be cast." - FOREEtia ?MIMS By the.Arriral of the Cambria. The cambria's datos aro to the I - 7th of Dccetnber. Two groat events' bad transpired in the course or the few days preceding the depar iL e.rio ly influencing the character of all conimer cial operations:—First, the resignation of the Secretary for Foreign . A (fairs, in'Eng land ; and, second, the election of Louis Na poleon. as President of France for ten years by a very large Majority. The Express states that the Austrian Am bassador at thu Court of St. James, and now at Brussels, has received orders to proceed immediately to his post. IME England. The resignation of Lord Pt ratolltcaus, ed a temporary disarrangement of the vari ous markets, and a decline of prices in many articles occured..—but when it became known w to s tkat Lord - Granville as ucceed Lord Palmerston, confidence became in some mea sure restored. The sudden retirement of Lord Palmers ton from the office of Foreign Secretary, caused the greatest amazement and most profound regret of the whole nation. Ilis successor, it is'otlicially announced, is Lord .. Granville. D . lED The withdrawal of Lord Palmerston from Oa Friday last, on the Lehigh mountain, the government is Moput e d to th e dissen- in Salisbury. Mr. Henry D. fray, aged sions which have been known to exist in o b ow 50 ream , I the Cabinet for several Months past, and was On the. 14th of Dec. in Allentown, Charles I probably, precipitated by the signilicient I rillianz, infant son of John and Carolinel reception and emphatic avowal of opinion to ‘‘,. omen, aged I year, 8 months and 7 days. the Kossuth deputation, to whom his Lord• On the 10th Of December in South White- i ship used language by no means compli , hell, Theodore 1 ra;,klin on of E hrahn incinary to the absolutists of Europe. Fri . uffili . n and Eve Salient! ' Butz, aged P 5 fearless position assumed by his Lordship proved distasteful to the majority-of the min_ years, (*months and 20 days. istry,•and hence the result. This has been / On the 10th of Dec. in Allentown, Ala- I .ria .411endcr, aged 72. years 2 months Rini the all-pervading topic of conversation at this festive season, and has created a Inii. 1 25 days. vernal sensation. On the 224, of Dec. in Washington, Sic- The under:secretary, Lord Stanley, had I rah Louisa, infant daughter of Ely and' also tendered his resignation. Lydia Meyer, aged 8 months and 22 days. The French Republic. On the 27th, of Dec. in Allentown, Har- I The all - engrossing Harvey, infant son of Charles L. and topic of the Presiden 7. 1/ - i tial election was occupyingth e French i l AltrY Newhard, aged 4 years, S months mind, to the exclusion of all Other. matters. I a nd 26 da y s ' Louis Napoli•on has been elected to the I On the Ist inst., in Allentown, Harvey ( Presidency for ten years, by an overwhelm- Pcijanthz and Eliza Ann Stetler, aged 2 ino majority of votes. The poll of sixty- I years. I months and 20 days. eight departments, though incomplete, gave i On the Stir of January, in Lnwer Macon- "yes," 5,400,000; "no." only 00,000. ley township, of Palsy, John Desch, aged A telegraphic dispatch )roar Paris, De. ; 51 years. cembar 20th, gives the votes cif SI depart- On the 3 let of December, in Millerstown, metes, of which 23 were complete, "yes," Susannah ICaiser, aged tli I reart. (3, 011,000 ; -Ito," 700,000. 1111113 , (it the &pull( s had been set nt lib -..--- erty, and much speculation was indulged in as to the new press law, to be shortly pro mulgatetl. The best informed.person s think that each journal will have to deposit a cer tain sum with the government as security for good behaviour. The offices of the press were to be, Ist. Attack upon the Pres ident ; 24. Inciting hatred • among citizens ; 3d. Attack upon rchgioo, family, or prop. erty. Each offence was to be punished by fine and imprisonment. • Epain. The 'young Quern of Spain, if., is the mother of a livinm child, a Princes. hevincr beet+ !won on the '..!.0111 oil )ocemli, r. apparent to the throne as NV(' !I I: H prent, are de3crilked as doing ivel!. There were great rejoicings at the auspicious event. The illormous of Utah. The Official Report of the United States Judges in the Territory of Utah ; as made to the President has been published. It is a document of three column,rimed by Chief Justice liraudelwrg, Judge BroclMs, arid Secretary Horde! The i kestile and sedi. Mitts sentiments manifested by Governor 13righani Young, are assigned as reasons for the withdrawal of the Judicial officers of the Territory. The Report explains at great length -the religious oronization and powers of the Mormons; and enters into a detail of sundry malpractices .of Governor Young and his followers. The Govern, 1 meat of. the United. : States is, according to 1 the Report, shathefully spoken of and ill treated ;. the offleers, sent out for the goVern nient dam Territory Were refused a hear ing; rind Our. Young, indulged in sundry maledictions, upon the memory of• General, Taylor. These stater - hems have already. been published, unofficially. It is :not deemed' necessary to repeat theM. The 'Report proceeds to comment upon the pre, valence of polygamy in the Territory.— Plurality of wives is .openly avowed and 1 rracticed„ under the sanction and. in .obe- ! dia nce to the direct command of the Church. Sr *universal is this proeficed dint very f e w ; it - any leading men in the community can-.be finind who have not moro titan one wife each.*: The evil: can never. he ;inade a si:inuary offense by ..a Moramo Legislature and if a Criti‘e at common law, the Court , Would be powerlesS, with Mormon juries. The Greot,Sa.k.Lake. City r .i.s . ,an jaitpor, _tam point in 'the Overland - route; to the Pa eific, but the emigrant avoids it: NoTann con open his •Inpoth, in oppositipn .to .the loveless exintions of the populece, with. sale ty to his, liberty, bosiiiess.er.-/ife„ -In: view of these itcupostencesthv jnstim .1?:y *hem' the 'preSent dOeitritent isf . tadtted., tlee red it' .froper • • . • . • . linifortabtlerom the-National Capitals - . ' • :-. .. - .wimiliprthi e JO. 7, .184 - Deaptqches'imve k. - en received froiq-our Minister'ultendon covering his correspon dence, With tord , Ptiliners ion"upon the sub- . ' ject of the outrage upon the Americarrsteam 7 er Piomethousi'by being fired into •by the British' brig-of-war Express. Lord Pal merston disavows the conduct of the captain 1 Of the Eicpre - ss, and gives such assurance' of the feeling of his government as to ap parently preclude the possihility of any mis understanding arising between the two countrie:Q. It is also understood that Lord Painters will at once give practical eflect to the Clay ton and Bulwar treaty by withdrawing from the Mosquito protectorate. Information has also been received, which gives msnrance that Mr: Thrasher wily be speedily 'iberatcd. • ! - Air. flivcs, our Minister to France, has beck inHructed to recognise the authority of 'Louis Napol-cm. CI•11 won sense on the I part of Air. nivers,_w_ould_lmmerendered-it unnecessary to have thus - specially instruc ted him. Ile should have known that this government will make no issue as to who is Entitled to govern France but will he ready to recognise any one who for the titne being, may hold the reins On Sunday last by the Rev. Mr. Dobbs, Mr. Trillium .//. Nelson, to Miss Sarah Elizabrik Deshler; both of Allentown. Oil dm -25th, December in 1651,1 v the - 1 1 . - t ; ir7lllr..VValW , F, Mr. Jam liamogc, Jr., 1 of Rending, to Miss Eninza C'. Rader, of Allentown. tIIITIPr On the 27th or November last, by the Rev. J. 11. A. Bomborger, Mr. John .4. liftchtnan, to NI Nabina .1. Shniider, ail of this p:ace. On Alnnday, evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Walker. Capt. Wearies Dauber!, to Miss , Varab Jacoby, 'both of this place. Gra:o ircmccct aio lierrniann'Erass Band, fir EASTON, Respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown end vicinity; that they propose giving a GRAND CONCERT and BALL, o n Frid a y evening, January IGth, 11..352, it the Odd Fellows' Hall, which the public a; e rezpvctflz;ly invited to attend. The pro etainizie selected for the occasion will be composed of the most fashionable and select pii C'S fill at t h e cm)c;th , ion of the Concert, the the dances to be arrae,red to suite the company. No pains will be spared to render the .I:llt!tertainm ent pleasant and agreeable one, and Police' Officers will be in 'attendance to preserve perfect order. 'Pickets admitting, a Gentleman and Iwo Ladies, $l. The doors will be open at half past 7 o'clock—Concert to commence about . o'clock, Allentown Jan. 15. • oN Atty action. The Subscribers to Sartain's Magazine/ will toceive, with the February Number, n ,and .benntitul representa dun 7if The New Capita Lat , - 3Yaghington, engraved on steel in the line manner; and by special permission, direct froth the, au thentic government plans. This: surperb building, when completed :comfurniably with, the adopted designs, as w shon'in the engravings, will he One of the most magnificent structures in the world and altogether wortby,of a ,great and powerful nation. It *rivals in, grandee r and vastness the famous edifices. of the Russian t autocrat at Si. Peterslnirg, While it eurpasses them in elegencd of design and purity of taste. Besides the large engraving on steel, the accompanying descriptive article will be suitably illustrated . by other engraved views 'of this noble pile of architectuml beauty. The same number will - contain -also tho pram tsed engraving, On' steel of Blanchard's great picture representing: COLUMBUS AND HIS COMPANIONS AT7'ENDIN(.4 THE FIRST CHRIS TIAN RELICIOUSCEREM9NIES 1 4 ).1 -rum NEW W9RLES. These two plates are of -themselves.wOrili a year's subscription toqbe'' Magazine, and these wishing to 'secure 'them sltpuld.Send their subscription and addressWithiiut d'eltty. MI Postmaster are agents. ceived at this office. • .TTnusry ARH]j. Whereas Josrph ~ ,Clmcmaker and- Em• ma, •111 e, wife; under voluntary assignment dated January u, 183', 2 „ assigned and trans ferrtid'all their estate, real-personal and mix ed, to thesubseriber for the benefit orcredi-, tors. l'herefere .all persona..indebti)d to the said-Joseph Nunemaker, ,are.- required to make payMent, and thoie haviriglegal . claims against the said Assignor; are, reques...• ted to present tlittm well authenticated, with in Kix. ureek. I' • . • _WILLI"ASI.II.. EILUMKft, Saaiknee: Allpntown, January, ice.. 11.4-4bv - ~"' n rtV =II zi4O*,,EMOll 00-41..:Ej Otte* OA . ROSS' ti 4 2711 - ' -. Not Coming to. - Miehtown 1 ° Biit:•:S. 1 1.111.SON, AVAGNER & Go . nre now` selling_ off their splendid stock of Goods At First Cost. Now is the time to make good bargains and save money—at the beg,ininng of the New, Year. Irr It is also ,a very suitable Huse for thoso who may have old accounts to . settle. Pont forg,ct the place, one (100! east or . Hvgenbn - ch's Hotel. . SAMSON, WAGIIER (V 1 Allentown, January 15. JrUR:r I e . irtbritary Twat, I SeIV. GRAND JURORS. Daniel App, South Whitehall, Jonas 13a"r, Low bill, Solom 011 Biery. Honore', Jacob Dobbs, jr., Upper Milford, Owen Faust, Upper Macnn,gy, William - GriesmerSouth — lVlritchall Joint P. Halbach. Northampton, Gideon Ibach, Allentown, Levi Kistler, Lynn, Edward Kern, North Whitehall, James Lackey, Hanov,-r, Jacob Landis, Upper Snueon, Jacob Marks, Lower Macungie, Daniel Mohr, jr., Upper Alillord, Augustus L. Buhr. Allentown, Reuben Reiss, Allentown, Charles Ritter, Hanover, Jesse Remmel, Northampton, I lerman Rupp, Upper Nlacungy, Jonathan Schinvolc, John Sherer, South Whitehall, Andrew Shelton. South Whitehall, Aaron Troxell, Allentown, Charles Weaver. Salisbury pEnT JURORB. FIRST went;.—FEBRUARY 2. D.odel Beisel, South Wit itehall, John Q. Cole, Allentown, George Dickson, Hanover, Fleury Diefr n Upper Milford Michael D. Eberhard, Allentown, Reuben Etn , !email, Allentown, Joseph Eberhard. North Whitehall Henry Good, Lower Nlacangy, Charles Linde, South Whitehall, Hem y Janet, Lower Macungy, John Icerchner, Lower Alacungy, James Kleckner, /Northampton, Jesse !muss, IL/1101'er, George Keiper, Allentown, Solomon Lucas, Allentown, Boni/min S, Levan, WashinQton, donzalian Marks, South Whitehall, John Moyer, Hatiover, Abraham S. lover, Upper Milford, Joseph Miller, Upper Macungy, David Moritz. Sale...bury, .Nat Fan Peter, North Whitehall, John Rinker, Washington, Peter lthoads, Jr.. South Wh;tehall, Henry Romig, Upper, Saucom Fred, rick Se2toutid, Upper Milford, ;ideon Sechler, Lynn, Heojmnin Setumel, North Whitehall, Stephen Schlosser, Washington, .L'3, , t! Liebe rrot h, Sufi: hu ry. Wulbeit, South Whitehall, Joseph lVetherhold, Lowhill, Reuben IVt nave , South Whitehall, Nathan Weiler, North Whitehall, William R. Yeager, Ilonover. sccosn wcmi.—rnartrAltV JO. I lenry hurle r. U mer Milford, _ Javal, 11itter, Salisbury, Daniel lltejer, Upper Milford, Daniel Brobst, Lynn, David Danner, Lower Mac ungy, John Wenner, South Whitehall, Jesse Bitting, Upper Milford, Michael IL Albright, Upper Nliifurd Charles Glick, South Whitehitil, Leonard Nagle, Niathampton, Daniel A. Lehr, Allentown, Florentine 11whle. Hanover. Glinrirs 13. Shriner, Upper Nil:ford, Win. IL 'rownsend, Salisbury, Solomon Bieber, Salisbury, Abel Johnson, Upper Milford, Joshua Soiberling, Weiseriblirg, David Rudy,Washinomm Pat I, , Brown,.North Whitehall, 1114'4 Jordan, Upper Milford, Joseph Wittman, Saucom Joreiniah Kern, Shush Whitylinil, Isaac Breinig, Upper . Alacungy, Isaac Met lose, . Peter ‘Viekert, Lower Macuagy, Thomas Grim, Weisenburg, Samuel Snyder, Lynn, James SeiliM ling, Lynu , . , Peter Moyi.4, Lynn, IsSac Stahr, Joints Moyet, Weisetiburg, John J.:Thoinas, Allentown, JaineS Weiler, Lower Macungy, Aaron Bast, Hanover, Jonas Kern, Washington. John Hausman, :Washington. moo ITO Lt (Wag. PROCLAAIATION. W}ltitt4S4 . th ; Olkon. Washinqtan Cai'the'y eresklert_of the several Courts of eommon - Pletts Of the:Third judicial District, composedofthecounties allortha. Northampton nod Leh State of l nrnsvlvariu,. and Justice of the seveml.Courts ofpyer and Terminer and gimeral:Jail,.deJi very, and• Peter Hans, and - jacoh - Pillfiritcf, - Esqrs.;Jud gt of roe- Courts of byer:and_l'ertniner" and general Jail deliierv . , for. the, trial of all capital of fenders in ace said - cau ray , , of Lehigh. By their precepts,to me directed; have ordered the .court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene ml Jail Delivery . , to .holden at Allentown county of ',vide, on dm - First Sunday in February. 1552, which As . the . 24 day of said month, and willcontinue two.weelcs: I~uTt et.: s -therefore hereby given to the Justices oldie Pence and Constables of the county of Lehigh, that they are Ly the said precepts con unandedlelealtert.Lat_Lace:atedt-t 11/ the fure»con, of said day, with their rolls.' recortts, inquisitions, .examinations, other remenderances, to du these winch to their ofliees appertain to be done. land all those who are hound by recogni . ;:an- SOS to prosecute outlast the priscallrs that I are or then shall be in the-,jail of said coon ty of Lehigh, are to be then and there to prtisccute them as shall be just. niven under my hand in Allentown, ate nth clay of January, in the year of our I .ord one thousand eight hundred ;Ind- fifty two. God save-tire-Com MonweaUlt. El , 1 p Ir 7) 'III . Al . il ) A a ,3 ~1 ..li ...., .1, I ..i.!: a j..:. ~....' ' a The subsc riber would respectfully inform . A - he - toddle-in-general, that by has jus.t open l ed 1,,s f Public i--4 4 ale mr-MG:IT DIC'I'E;IiZE.IIII MONS, OF i expressly ronstroe.ed for the purl r'se of ; taliit:g s. yet lat. D;ott , •rreotypes, in Herod- Winable Real r ' 'd ° ^. i , ;-... -. 'T rm .r , t t, a l'll' d•:.1 , ; b•.!ow the gonnan will be sold at Pu b lic Sale, en s„i„,d,„.! Retooled (.!I.tirch. fl,ird story el the newly the 17th days olJanuary next, at the Public. I r''' o € - I'' ,l butHino ; c... , 1 oh d 1.,. Mr. J. 11. House of Edward Slider. in Allentow n , th e ; Bush as a 5'..w... at;.l Tinware 0, .pot. following valuable Real Estate : As it k n well established fact, that Da ! j - -T. - , - . - !`, No 1.--1 beautiful Los, got•rn , tm Lik,•,,, , ,... in trot. p. rsoective caw Igmit.l.. - .••;;;. , ...A a-a b a sabsta mlial two Sto re S t"' 'of his room s for Idendit.o. beauty of Jig and shade, enables him to give A.O most. "'..a,„tte - `" I lotke there on, kinune on dm ot.itl site of Union street, in the Llorongh of Al! ~i d e ndid and do , roost lift , !d i e oxi 4 e - sio ne.. lentmvn, adjoining lot of Widow Sellers, and and as . he has. determined not to pass of f I another lot of the deceased on themast side. any picture unless perfect in sleety respect The house is 21 feet it; limit and ls r em , • , . „ : all , who' , ; et. wou.il respectfully solicit mos.. ;toecp, and the lot is 40,1 teL front by 70 feet i wish to have a correct likeness of pith fin deep. ish, to favor him with a call. .. ', Thereon are ano Mher of fruit trees, a l so' a cist•o.n. and other owlmil lins. Likenesses taken of all sizos, with or with-' t I: I nut colors. siogle or in groups, in a style Pio. 2. Two Lois of Gromtd, not surTass•.d in - this place or. the largest adjoinin g the above lot, containing each 33 ; Ciiies, on elon.ly its will as clear days, on• feet in front, acid 6S feet in depth.. i the very lust of !dim.... in cases, lockets, ico. 3. A piece of Areadowland t• • , r I, tied-I-pins. liner-rungs, &c. Such are the 1 adeanni g a s 0 1 Sky-Li ght, that he. is enabled siniatvd in Salisburg township, Lehigh 'to product. pmf,•,t. lil,enes,s of children in. I county, adjoining the Little Lehigh on the 1 ► I .f the s h ort titre ; I only 2 seconds. , ; ~..; ;. no race on tat. , onto, i north 'tk . lem 'rs .ll I ` 4 l• and ! n• - • We recomm!nd ladies to dress in land of Charles G. Von Tagen on the next .' ii . „, re or d ark d r ,, 5 ,,,, containin g one :ter... I Prices of of Pictures according to size aril 1 No. -1. 7'lle widiridel hay part rf a fin i,h.—..1 1: picti, warranted durable. BR ICE .1:11; b. 1 Cir'Entrance to the above Rooms at the i wi.h Hilo, situated in Northampto n town-' first Alley lad .iy J. 1.1. linsh's ,ware-room. ship, Leim„..-h county, comainiog to the whole 1.. N. B. 1 eaructimi given in the art, and rip. 1 4 acre. and 31; plc:hes. • • parmus tut I atoeit furnished at rity uric, s. ; I S. W. BURCAW. ! N ay.. .:' Lot or," Ground, . i si! , mte in the Barough of Allentow n , con . I • tam , i 1 . ,1 front taming [ on the west Boron rii line, ;'230 feet, tit) feet in front on Andrew street tiii . j , •inittg lot of Wiiliam Wiintm. 1 hi- whole of the aiewe property is very valuable, and i..., worthy the attelom o of c ip italtsis• .TOSEPH P. NEWLIAIZI), SL rill's Oflice Allentown, January 8, 1352. .) ft hvine this real estate of 7ff liyy Troy. /nun, ticcvased late of the 13orutofh of All ia- EMT `VI .1.1 . \]7 WORN NATHAN .11 rrzul: le, F.ecctriori JOIIN I VOIOIAN. 1 11 , .ntown..lan. 8, v - T- 4 • • 12% 401, ~•;) Fe hi'l I:0 ry T - C g 1 &don. v.s. Henry Guth and 2 An I ut IriOt., vs. A. I'. 'Mcßildt; •and : njamin Chin), V. F tj.th Iltrvns. 4 :itophen litllict CIL, vs. Jeremiah 5 Jonathan 13. Knauss, vs. Gideon [Jul lenhach. (I,.Tohn Puss. vs. Jacob F. Ileiler. 7 (.;,.erg.' 1111.101ph, vs. John Rudolph. t•!i l'eter 1 - 1011:nim's •use, Et,),,eirwit SerotH emninmcin7, Feb. 16. 11,, 5 , vs. Solomon Iles. 2 I)!.ni, 113utz. vs. David vs. IVilliain Fronts. 1 !Ilithlon Luther, vs. flenry 11e1rrich. 5 Henry Newhard and wife, vs. ma il . barn Yllund and Terre TiSontnts, 6 Jesse fireihig, vs. Nathan Whitely. 7 William Sterner's use, vs. IJenry Ho. mitt% S David Erny and wife, vs. Samuel 9 Henry Ortt; vs. Jacob Deiss. 10 Jacob S4eger. vs. Thu 12urgess and town Council of,Allenimvii. FRANCIS E. SAMUELS, ProWy. Tanuary-S: 11:-4w D' tii II Of • 1• al . bill SI11). The partnership Jterthofore existing, be tween Good 4. •Ychrair, ie the Shoinittkitig business has been dissolved by mutual chti sc.nt.' All persoas . indebied to the said firth, will please cull and settle their accounts within is weeks from the date hereof. 'These who having any Claims against the said fihn, will pleattie_pr . esent their ac counts.for settlement to ' • • .171 LG .14 .Fl GOOD, - CtiARI_,ES .SCL - 111.AIR. Allentown, Dec. 11, )851. NUI.I . BII . AND • 4011 - PRINTING '• 'Neatly execute& ay. the “Register" Office. - C .- -tt Ifo!tr.tbl:. Property. AT Li' I Tll3 SaLE. Thetiult ox.r., at private snle' tho prperly Silllittr , at tho smith earl. corner 11.:.ni;1011 ana Allrir,aret Strout;', in the Poroo,elt of A &atoll n. The i;tiprovement s consist of a large and' -4 C~lll'l'nlPill "" •• ETrzel: 17 . 1112ftion Hauge, ;,!..c.;:ainiilt in the most substantial and. fin thud ninnner, and surrounded by beautiful .slut le 7'1.0.8. It occupies with the 'ground attached, one entire t..piare. 240 feet front and -1.0• feet deep. A brick stable, Ice house, and other out buildings are upon the !zrouo,l3 convenient to the house. 'l'll' house will he sold if desirable with part of the ;,.round. The title is unques-' tionable, and pavnicnts will he Inride easy. LII .!:itrger, nent for 'r. DALE. 11--6tv. ;v Allentown, Jan. 5.1531 47, 31 11) E S liT SG 412' I' 17:11177 RAT .d.ND Cali' Maaaraetory in Allentwo. .I_,'. GPI. It'ictler, Respectfully announces to the citizens of . Allentown and its vicinity, .that he has late!. •., e‘' - .!•:i4ed himself in the above business, , 111 the Store room formerly occupied by Alt.3s:rs. Mertz and Landis, in west limit- • ton Street, in the Borough of .Allentown,' where ho has pt.t received an extensive' new Stock of superfine . Iti'_•*-....„, 111, - -thk Caps ) Boas, Mal% &1.. all of which he will be able to' dispose off on the most reasonable terms. • , ~..... His stock of Gentleman's hats, is compos: ed of the beautiful and costly to the most or:: -•-.., dinarY article. In other words from a Pill d• ~:-: dollar to a5O cent hat. And such that wilif:-:: h:tome the old ns well as . tho young. ."I. i hiq- - 7. seine may be snicl of his — •• e Vjfee STOCIC. OF - caps ; which consists of superfine and etilinary. .. / To the 'Ladies; Ile has a word to strY, he - invites their par- ion lar attention to his . stock of Furs, his- ' assortment of - .Boath 3 / I .II"Ai;CIEW4, - Six. •,. :1 cannot be. beat in Allentown, and he is fire;.•:-. -- .l'. ,I . ..,...4, . pared to Oil them with but a very small ad..' '2-' ,. =:,;',,, ~. , • 4.- , .flats will be. manufactured to order upp4. ~ ' '.:. t :tdit the shortest notice, and upon the least res.: :';A,,, stumble terms. Mr; Wieder, trusts that- by .. .;; , ::::tm ~. keeping a good assortment to select from ' : '''fA,.. - , hod reasonable prices he will be al2le to sew '..ii, 'Cure a share of puhlie pattenrige. I 1 • NoveMber '13.; . IT-4nv.. .....;:k4t. .. _ EMU rices 4Curratt. A !CNC 1 Per Allent.Eastori Flour .. . !Barrel 4 '251 , 4.00 4. 2f. Wheat . . . ;Bush./ 801 Rye ..... ; . Go' ..00 Corn ; po . Oats • :38 1 - 19 Buckwheat . --- 471 501 _ ; 65 Flaxseed .. . —. 150; 1 50. 150 Chverseed . . ; 14 50 5 50! 6 . 20 imothyeed . 1 2 50. 275 2 75' Potatoes .. . ' 50 50; 75 Salt 40 451 :30 Butter .. . . Pound' 10, ;Id Lard j- 8, 81 Tallow ...• • I 8 9 1 13(4.8vvrix .. . 22' 2 5', 2I [-Tam ; 10 10, .;;-] Flitch .. . . Tow -yarn. . . h I. 7 .ErjN , Doz, IS \N hi I`sl., .:I;ey 22 — 10r, Lios.eed . I licliory Wood Cord 4 4 rio'..6 . . f; :t 50 i 6 . . . . Ton ; 3 50 . 4 00' 4 Not ,2 50 :3 00 3 I, , )wp Cca I . ; :3 fill Plaster . . . . ; 4 5 .1 50 2 sortaurFavre. r , z'amr t nireaw's SE v-lii(Plit El ai 50 0') 00 '4 1 . , ; 11 ,••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers