Great Attractions ! ' - Al ".111E . 1)VI Goals Stove lia Catersatsque Recollect—"A Penny Mate is a May Matt' Getz 84 Gilbert, Adopt this teethed to inform their friends and the public in general, that they have lately opened a New Store, next door "Lauhach's Hotel" in the Village of Cat :Vitiiiauqua, Hanover township, Lehigh county, cr:.,irfiere they are now prepared to exhibit nod :';•,l l o;i6Pittiso to their customers an entire new , -, :z . ;101,* - ell selected stock of Goods, Croceries,& - c . - .:u6':p , lower than ever before of by =' _'any 'Ordablislitnent in this place. Fa/ and Tlith'er stock has been T;i3O C. is .ed with the utmost care and consists of •' ' — ClOllll s,, tialsategs, Flannels, Gloves and Host irv. besides I }c hili-les, Alapaecas, Lusters, Clinghrons, 'lain and Figured Poplins, Aliislins, and Print-:, Boots, Shres, Hats, Caps, Uneensware, Hardware, Looking (lasses, Stationary. Books, ktl.te., To whieinhey their friends and the public generally, con fident that_th.e price and qualily, will be vivt'tn to all c,1,0 may facer them with a c,•!I. The rt rie,s a iil bo paid is ex ' change It.: Putney pr,dtice. As youlio- iovit•• and salon. tick r. • , theit ,d t cur ,. ; J , ow n , •:- yes ir V..intor seA, by to. t'.. : to ;IA: Nov. 1:1, roctliEQ - 3 ,L;alt. I.lle inetlyr,itzln ., l ltavo just rec. itaal an entire tit•w Str.l; of 4 4 ,4 4:4 rt , ts, L'i,ll Salt. which tiny itoontlctl to st II at tiny I tw• test itrieos 414 their it, high county. GETZ& till,i;J:j; Nov. 1:3. Coal ! t'oIII! The lindurzi.2llo(l !rive tipi•tit-(1 a eon; Yard in and will constato:y keep on hand all kinds 01 which ili-y will sell at greatly 1., quell! pricvs. (.;11.111.11.'1'. Nov. 12. _Ready-made, Clothing. The undersigned hoop all of leettily mode nothing- on hand. and will rintlie to order, at the lewust po:. , silde pi ces. (nr,micr. Novenilwr 1.1 ~~ `°S E~~MY i 1 ~yj f~~E.FJi .4k:weir\ 1 ,1 ,Ai1il11:Rl11;;:'it.t I ( '110;4, ot I ( too i Vt . 1 t• 7 .- ,ctr,....‘ 4 J.,\ .•1,,'„ :;il‘ i'-'.•.; 4-.:.rN. , k L ond • , • • . • • . 1 1 „ Gold 1,evOl• 11 . , 1;.t.1i -, 1 ,,.. 1,•,k !!—I, l, MEI Silver IYo. Silver u.., ti.n CM • ' Silver (1.111lit•r Gold l'eno;:-. Flue (I , lid Otiwr Cunt 11.!t' Is 11;11;:). H.ll t (•; fine ,(;01,1) ‘V/11ZE. 0, all & & 1;1 . ‘011 er5.., S. & .lalin I ;. 4, 7 lilott,ltiy, awl ,ithcii Lever 3/ oi tt u iciit.i, %vit.! tic cat., tl in 'Hoc!. Arrarvrettleut, b• the above yr I..brat, , ,i the be.t e,:::; afacturers . , notice ant' required '‘`;:ech, which ortlers 1.11. et: 11,:• and c:1 for p. 1. 0 1 ; put ol i if rerpe,. , .,•1.. D. N. u:; • I,liptirtyr Noe. • t• NORTI1.011'1•()N (:()1 NTy, 7'he MEM Ifirer, , lll II• • I I') tier t•lr. , t(T) . I‘ , I !NMI'S if ( Urpci• (.;::t : S,J , V ;,1 fl;;ll;un •pbet; (Itilyl,‘l'llrdi'd 0 V Li', eclt: rt:tl i•: two , ' I. • 4 Co; f, • I. 100 . 11!. - 1 . :d . d ll,' .1. or • ()lie s • Ili -;‘ , l.::i AY heiJ, zu..l toe county a • oforo!.; il, col I:.'rit!.ty the :Z•hi ttext.•at it) o'clock in the It.)re vo.o.l Coon In ziee , -dt vr rerus(t to ae,tept.of the !tti:‘l rea I.cniato, at dot traluiti ign tlwre of 'tank. Anil show cause why:. the •& . 2;pltl . bY sultl. th.ll9norable .1. 1rin.(.1e.1a77r3, onrsnicl Court nt Enstop; the owlet dity of .N,r , i , inticr in tberyoor 'of our One ti n utu , nlia eight kuuderZund . tut - Wm: 'Ali;tifliAN.;sv, • I, .1:431:' • '4 1 717 8 ,1 0 CS 1 d I "11 nfri cAel the rout L egtger A NEW ASSOKTIIIM OF '--Hca-R-Dir/RE - The undersigned' announce tO the public, that %hey have just returnedirow Philadel phia and New York, with -a very large lot l d ware, consisting of l'arnishing I. l . ;;LiSjaVCailery,. roach Trimmings, y, , l.llrry and Shoc-limling4, all of- which at t•xtremelv low pricos. a.. 1; tin: paNic to give LIARDWARE ST01:1:, vign of the eff.r a-raft-irronttrr urconvince menisci 'es of the fact, that a 'pooh), .avt.(l is a penny made.' O. & J SAEGER. 'II4..\ — VEIU - nd Waiters, from corn -1:1w, t n ue . in sots and dozens. Also, goth :c I , ,rni, in t. , .tF,und in variety of patterns. 1111'ET,S and 'I'ONGS, Iron rind Info , sionl fire sots and standards, coal lin 1 , , smoothing, irons &c.. and for by 0 & J SAEGER. i i , 11. Si =I 1 I • tI . i MEM . I ''l ~.,,~~ 'on 1 ,, tit , Lt „:,•il it; (~tirt '1).10 =1 New 'Go.ods !.-Now - Good ! Bui7 dl:ers foo4 Ai i ‘ c 4 W.To ttt n ,, tlitint lit ef furnWiing El .) and tinnod inside, cooking pans, preserve ;Ind ham kettles, frying puns, grid iii)llS, NI V I.IS :ind 14)11KS—in sets nnd doz- • knive..s only ; carvers, steels, cool; 1,"o;11: r I;nivcs, with a variety of other I , :Taii.l PEN KNIVES-1417 ors. Fron th' best makers; out', tan, throe, and 4 Wad. , knives. !(.I\' ELS, spark's, Imps, chains, rakes, lot of lianktnored and Iloilo,' 'on, Sheet Iron, Anwrican and Ett ,, lkli and Iton, I loop •Iron, Ca=t and ;410 tvul, srinare, flat. tied tound, Anvili , and Vices, and for s•ti , at do: ,toro of & J ",\I;ly H. I Lila,t3,'; by 10, 10 by 12, l') i') by 15, I'2 by 10, and v.ti ic,us "01. r for sale by & J SAEGErt. /1 . , \ EUS.—Just rect.ivvd n T. rocco and Wei, !on I', ME ; ) ,0.111v;jr , 101 :!•,••:: 1) MEM =II ME =NM !, =I IMMI 'jot' ,I,U RE.--500 Iron Pots and ICettlt.t., jo-t voc-ivt•tl and for ..ale at vt•ry 11•1:tctA I ,l.k:us :ti tiro store of U & J SA E(4EII. t_ 11 - 1\ NA 11,S.—:',1)() 1.110 Prad: FCC( it; rcr :;i;( ( ) )';..11-1( 1 1 1 .I:.‘ I V . ; it I, ;PI 1 . • I Vett. :1111.1 for ~CO' :o: Et ir.M. • I y ',To A ut L nurt;:nrl I. 41.- ‘vi:ll nrin rtl ‘v-, 0 , 4 am t ;1 rr:•r b - () f S.\ r. 4 Z. . 6, A. . YID AXI AT;!2 " .118 r. meihoo tp inform his ; o,; IL:. public in _general., A :4.1 - afilVll, his lu.rinacciit 11111EI • ' 1 lo ( - Toned an office at his. -Ainericla I hoi• I, s 1 , ',1',1•••1*.t. V.. 11 1: 60, r s-r‘ Lii•toilec et I I Its \VIII •Cidi at pri‘ Lite it n • • • . - f 7:." 1i is tt.r:as'ar,t t...p., , r4111J,;(. and 1)3 viru.i. lia , l amen experivilre in Ow prni,..z-iont., lo•!s 5 4 !.iLtivc1 that he can, givc - giiienil mktis factiml. . . . .;\ town, tl, 1. • 5-Iy. traiiiirttl) and i./. rigitt.s jills. (::otintry mercheitts.an4 'other?, nye. here by `notified;.o n o. Pills I)tictors AL '..V:rrigbt r eod lerljne.titt I.lrtuldretll, are constt..l - ktly kept for sale at the erne() of flegietTe' . by the Wies, at wholegnie prices. July 5.. • 11--Om -OF- New, Fashionible 6 an Well Selected saDmooe, AT THU - ' NEW YORN, STORE As every-body seems to be engaged this fall in blowing his own trumpet, to what he or they can do in the Dry Goods find Grocery Line, we have had half a mind to try our hands at the business ourselves, but feeling a timidity about it, we will only say, that we havejust-received.several Boat Loads, iomprising the latest-styles of rich and costly g oods, at which we have all hands engaged in unpacking, Our customers generally, and particularly our Lady cus tomers, we now remind that such an assort ment of has never been brought to this or nny oth er country town, embracing every doscrip -tion-and style o 1 all that—is i\Yew, Neat and Fashionable, at prices ranging from a few cents to dol has per yard, therefore high and low, rich and poor, are sure to make selections. The following comprises part of their stock 1000 ps. Muslin from '2 to 12 cents a yard . 1000 ps. Prints from 2 to 12 cents a yard,. 300 ps. Mons de Limes front 12.1 to 25 cts. 100 ps.Cashiners, from 20 to 75 cts. 50 ps. Scotch Plaids from 25 to 50 cts. 100 ps. Morino.? from 20 to 100 cts. 100 ps. Alpaccas, _from 121 to 75. cts.- 500 Assorted Fancy Long and Bay State SIM IPIL.S. In all other kinds of goods, we can show in quality and price, whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be found eLiewhere,*.specially in Cloths, CaSSIMCOS and Sattinct(s, and we will venture to add fall and %leint , •! goods generally. la ps. of Cloths from 59 cts. to 5 dollars '290 ps. of Cassimer, f t om 50 to 2,50 do 50) ps. of Satinet 75,Ioperyd. 2(H/ ps. of Flaw. so d o per 50 ps. of Carputstrorn to (00 do per Since we opened our establishment here, we have folly demoustrated, that as a gen . t.ll thing, we sell as low as the lowest, if L. , a 1...///c lower. %Volt° not proft . SS to sell two or three s at a very low I•nt a pr,f. v, s. II everything, in • i)ry Cowls or ,„ cheap, that %ye art our friends \void.' .. the 'gainers by giving us u call atiLl making their purchases. It.ireitnber the Rainy voyak: ST g.) KERN & KLINE. Nov. ti. ri31:31 tI3XL1I:11 NT-con:v:2:v & cou ELI, on AT 141%. 111 w , .: - - 0 0 , rr, front room of i•oli.ow . l olm 1).1...1v/MI, formerly Elton o•-1 of she Coortlion‘q, ..t ;: Th‘ (7i:.0:.1 Lilt• fn.-unmet , ‘ll); , pii:,- wuct C , ,ntiou... to t0u',..0, on Liter n. FR 111 I hio,t inviaabh The rupil:d being paid up and int es;ed. lee - other acculnulu!edpremiu lilfurul a6rds a peiyiTt sertery to the insured. The prelnium limy he paid in yearly, half arty, or quarter'y payments. The coin pally add a BONUS at slated pe riods to the insuran - ce for life. The lint bonus was appropriated in December, 1!•.; Pl, per ci nt. on the Flint ill r pelitiies, ' rent, on oilier:: in prover- 0 & J SAEGER NM ti...)1 of on I ki an :iITT SI9t. of 1,,, , r0 por ci In on tho u ptid. incronFiov, tloAtordial i.aymoot to the cum,:any. • 11 , tout,. Int . mitt of p,,:iev and N.t. of Atl t• Itttittlsilayttit:tt to the Atitlitton. tvirty!:, ilet•t•tt:te. Paroplilt.ts containing tables of rate's, and ex pia oiitions of the. subject ; forms of appli cation ; aral further iliforrrintion can 1 )0 had at the °dice in Philadelphia, or on applica. tion to A; L. Bunn. Agent in Allentown. B. W, fitt':umivs, President . F. i.xmas..lcimery Ileceinber 13. mAL , F I' t., l'or the incerpoi:ltim. of a 11.1:4, tliA..utiti.t ilia privileges,. to li.' Jocatell liprouffii• of A Ilyntown, I..chiglicoptitt..:to liu ettfltd•the ~ .Partricre and .11t.quenics' Bank,'': witii a evpitol of Duellettdretl Dolfrtr§, with the prii•ilece of iecreni , :ing'llie .111110 to Two Ll I'll otki'oictl' rs.'•. • .I:firStei , o4, • -1 Tiloviias B. ilitzon, :4 7 0: , fittallansr, Crarg:, F. Kline, U. Nehuritnicin; Thopum B.lllidnef,!Chgrles S. .11.1ossey. lime 20 Grand 'Exhibition OF KERN & • KLINE! Admittance Free! - - Ladies' 'Press Goods • !> ii.•;1•1,1 . r,lllo*,il;2' !'ll - .2(t• t:;k0 40( 21 ' .(;t) :1161 5900 1:r( rOj Coahmaking Establishment '- alllentown. 91 ES, 11111, Respectfully announces to his friends and the public in general, that . he continues on an extensive scale; the Coachmakiug Business, in all its various branches, at the old stand in West Hamilton Street, directly' opposite Hagenbuchis Hotel, where he is always prepared tom anufacture to - order at the shortest notice and also keep on hand, q.„ Barouches, Omnibusses, Rock -6:13" — aways, Carryalls, York Wag ons, Pugzes, Sulkeys, 4-c., 4-c. Which, for-beauty and durability cannot he surpassed by any Coachmaker in the State or elsewhere, while his terms are as reasonable as those of any other establish meet. He uses none but 'firstrate materi als, and employs none but the best of work tnen—consequently, he intends that the ve hicles manufactured at his establishment "shall_taleethe ahine_or.of all others man ufactured in this part of the country. He ptelvsses to understand his busineSs by ex perience,-and therefore assures the public that he is enabled to render satisfaction to 71iiTe - ti4 Galltonce - rs and j rlTre.-foryo trrse I ves-r- Fe' Wooden or iron axletrees made to or der and Ri:pairian• of all kinds done at the shortest notice and ° on the most reasonable terms. Old vehicles taken in exchange for new ones at a good barinin. ROBERT KRAMER. July 10. I-lat & Cali Alanutacto-ry. WOULD respectfully invite the atten tion of his old Customers, the public in general; and the COUNTRY NIER- Cf:! ANTS in particular, to the large asso a nima and superior style and quality , of FIATS and CAPS, suitable for the SPDING AND SUMMED TRADE, which he. has just received and is suiting at reduce d He has al-o on hand a laroo assortment of Bearer. Rzoi.:,r, row. nr,,i 1. 1.. .1-)ananm. .0;1;1.1a Straw. and evert' : kind id Hats. :itid will he able to >Mt il., fast.. inelit;:ill,Pfl 1.4 ail who tent !; I :! eviih • ,:11! has been ; hr oreatest care, an d ha \ _;roatur part of his 111, in th , m. 0.; ~I.tni.• of lons, he knows he ran cheap, and as neat and yy.,•11- :0, I an article as any other estabtablishinent ither in Easton or the Cities. flis Stand is on the north side of North ampton street, one door above Rader's Store, a nd n e arly opposite the Elston Bank. .V TI?]" .111,1t011.'1.VTS will do w(•il to ,;,:mnine his stocl:, wz he k prepared to accoumm,latt: them mg the lov vet ti. 1.115. I:a t n. 11,i V ?4 tZooil i:ors: . .s r.Ld E 4. f.. - Vtliki!.s: I c.v.A • Ti HI 1,11“ c this ni(11:(,(1 to in. rorm 110 1 .10,!0- 11:0 they lmt.t. 1 1 , t 1y p0t,. 1 .- - , ,1 join l'.titth i ilt in the larl , ht" 0%%1 1 ..,1 I.v (...;0,1r , t , 'Flicy I:;ive coiorletely rt.i)lcnished l'cr: timir lar4 l e storl; nt I:NES, , • i heir l lots es are sal , ' and all toad travellers ; their vehicles: mostly ticw and of the latest style, and such as liaNe keen used are repaired and repainted in the b."st manner. They rontlime the business at the old stand in \‘'illiam street, in the Bo rough of Allentown. I'lley will always he prepared to furnish their cu3tonit rs at the shortest posilde no tice k‘ ith sore mint .gertle horst en rucul driver: if C;111 he stilted mall times w:th ye iiicles to ;heir partictilar"tames. Their chart es are reasemildo, and io nr comiotie the c"erlit it Int , her-- toforo , 2aMed of "hest livrry lishincm in A Ilyntown," they. x‘i:l lr ace molone l,ovp on 'lt mcl the lest and ^.fret ;101 , cf , . ffisitlE st and carriacs . ,..,y,cl and .careful Thoir chargt . ::: n vt ry hr } ' by strict nutl..ilior) to Lusintoe t,, fy all tilosp wl.o nirty lityor them With custom. $ 11110 L'ls(l 4.1('0 2115 11()FiFIAIN - & CON' P,‘ NY. StTiember It.-451. • IT G. SICKEL, BELAS - S 171tOESIT.Elt, and dila • tie old &mud • a ;^ - 1‘ I h.: inat.mlitaiirtiltl.c,l Gas ri.V ,; Pal'nl 1 7 /tali Lamo,Chmtddiers, 0h aitrluirs, . - Ifytrfel frolder,q, iriailufacturvm Elul , ' and Lin jii, = ir. nin•lerette,' and 'his nrd••rs wid b, iii 9 d with - die* : e rr nh^t di~lxt ch. The re 1,:)..'e• ri ilremhrr - thy , Non h' cdpil St let:l.-Phi lucid in.. • Witto: •••••?7, =I -10.13:•::talltT:IING; ' . _ Nently executed at the.i.Riziker" Officer. _Fashioatable In Easton. LUCAS HAINES, 124.7 Cll- rr,rt,' C fl:Fir,2egvEe•il rhiladelphia. ENrii.ufAt...ttvzsi',C3nns.4.4*- PEPSIN ! .8117'IFICLIIL DIGESTIVE Fluid ofG astric- Silice A GREAT DISPEPSIA CURER ! Prep*red fromßennet,or.the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron,Lie big, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. ll„ No. 11, ,North Eighth. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is .4 truly wonderful remedy -for In digestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, and Debility curing, after. Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the• Gastric Juice. 1--rrilalf a teaspoonful of-this - Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five ••Pounds of Roast-Beef-in about two hours, out of the stomach. Digestion. Digestion is chiefly per formed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid which.freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state of health, called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is the Great Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, PreserV- . ing and Stimulating Agent of the stomach and intestines. Without it there will be no digestion—no conversion of food into blood, and no 'nutrition of the body ; but rather a fOuLtorpid,painfuLandidestructiv_e_condi , tion of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produ ces no good Gastric Juice, and hence tne disease, distress and debility which ensue.' Apsi and Rennel.—Pepsin is the chief element, or great digesting principle of the Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance in the solid parts of the human sto mach after death, and sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself, or eat itself up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by • farmers in making cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which.has long been the spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of milk isA he first process of djgestion. Ren net possesses astonishing power. The sto mach of a calf`Will curdle nearly one thou sand times its own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states that, "One part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts of water, Will digest meat and other rood." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, 12ennet or Pepin. shoW that this want may he perfectly sup .lied. we quote the following I.ii•big, it: his celebrated weith eti Animal (;;,t-weary, says: "An Arnie., i Digestive riuid may he readily tprepart i from the ilitlColls mem brane of the :•itant..-1101 the Call, in which variens articles of float and pptgs, will be , oftelied, diaested,jtist in the sante. Inotmer as would he in the human t•temarli." 1 1 r. I': rrii,i, iii h on :01,1 I ; .1,, `,1'...•m & Vi.rk, pa g e •i 7, •air the same grc,t fact, and describes the method of pre aration. There are few higher authori ties than Dr. Pereira 'Dr. John \V. Draper, Professor of Che mistry it) the Medical Colle , e of the trill -I,yr.„..ity o f N ew York, in his "Text 130ok of Chemistry," ra re :3tifi. says, "it has been a question tyllother artificial digestion could he perfornicil—but it is now univer s ally atl mittod that it mr.y by." i'rtifo. , ..or llnr li illi of 12h:!adelpion, ii rr..tit 01: I'llysioiot , v, de more then PFID'S c" inn (loH sithj , - or. 1 Sig i•xpt , hooors 1)r. aumont, cal tl, Ousli:c Juice, ob. taiiird from the human r.lid 1 - 1 . 6 0) are c. li known. ail ea ses, “ile says" —,lft-irtion otetirrod as Iscr icctly in the nrC:ii,:i;ll as in the natural di .1N n Dipprio,l‘, Curre.—Dr. Tin ut , ; t ou ':: rroiliii(ticn ul• P(•,: produced thy• uln,t maryell, - ,ns rlli cis, curin!..r casos of De bility, Emaciation, Nervous Hetline, and iyspoptic Consumption, supposed to be on the v ry verge of the grave. It is impossi- LI. to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been given of more than 230 Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases. and the cures le,t only rapid and wilndel fill, but per -11111nr!it. It is a Nervrim A ritilote. nrifi from tt:t. tvtotti,liin2iy small gli:thtity it,cot , sary to i.; bulk. vcti tu tivrai • 1;1 et ro - -.llrt ei re Ito form of ()id Sioipac!i (20:n1d:dots which it doos not socti: to reach and remove at mire. NO inittor how had they may ho, it giv.'s iin-tant rc lief! single riosr reinovos ail tlo. nnl•Ic8 rind it only moils fur tl ricdt.tirite, to iniike these •,..•cf-cts perionni•nt;,purity of bl oo d nil d vigor_of body, f , ..ti , Av at once. ',IA parficu. lady oxeidlotit in case:: Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stoirwelt," distress after eating., low, cold, 91a te of the Blood', Ilea vitre!is, Lowness of Spirit's, Des• "pendency, Elllllfiition,Wealinesa, tender= Cv _to Insanfty, Price 'one 'dollar .per bottle. One bottle will (IFNI) effect a,lar,tinl,• cure._ P PPS 7 P orp . nE by Free of Posltigo.. • • For con r,•tticut•Oof seittlittg tnall parts oft Io; rottit. I I't^, 1,10 . f. 1 - .)iqe6tivo titittter:Of the.-popsin,iF pot Op hi - Coo fOritt Of loNirtlers - : — will; di 1., • Lions to lie tlis.torreel iii ditutechtfoohol, ty:t r tore hy the pqt Foot. rli iii cptitnitt joi••••4- the ~ ; tint, matter ris the ; htittrogi ivjee t he • oi•iqot Tor th,. .111), hy•to,o i t..froo . or liw•t• (C •: , r' n'tv. (loft •ot (nr).•.; S. Pty ii lito i, 'No: I i Nort::-Eight Lihi;•itlolphta, - rac.lo,7r's Sva ();•!' - ^rk!. 111-orc.• • •,•7•141;11 ,- .-itioil hnitlr• F C, 4 111- S. IT .:nlll6/1,N1 , .rt.,.501et •(;' ; •• : ;mt-N. In. e' tr.„ v .t.d stvio'f.• amiAoctits_eller; ri`aj,t•ot.. . •Augnet S 411-1.% 2203 ' 11 - qt CI . •PRODUCE AND GENERAL , , Coninsis - sion Merchants, 'No. 67NoaTH - Wisieavcs, Mow'Vine Street, Philadelphia, Adopt this nrethdd to informtheir, friendd and country merchants general, - that they, have lately established the above business, in all its various branches, at No. 67 North, Wharves,'Where they will bd happy to at tend to te wants of their customers. Among the many articles constantly pt. on hand' of Dried and Pickled Pish, &c. &c.- will be found an assortment_of Mackerel, Salmon, Shad, Herring Blue'_ Fish,__Cod Fish,-Pork,-Lard,-Hain, Sides, Shoulders, Cheese, 4 , c. Ail of which will be sold at the most•reasonable:: prices. Recollect the place March 6 INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANtg COMPANY - of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 CIIENUT STREET . near Fifth street. Directors: . Chillies N. Bancker e Geo. W.,Richcar.w_: MordTD: Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown,. Jacob R. Stnith;. Morris Patierson., CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as loivas are consis• lan! with security. The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi• ums,safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured., The assets of the 'company, on January Ist, 1848, as published agreeably-to-an-Act-of As sembly, were as follows, viz Mortgages, "teal Estate; • Temporary Loans, Stocks, Cash, &c., Since theirincorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million rum hundred Mot:satin' dollarB,lMF;se's by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu rance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptess, all Ihbilities. " (.11IA RLES N. DANCE ER, Pre , i , !en I:IIARLES. G. BANCI(ER, Sec'y. The Subscribers are the appe;nted A-. iit• the above ment , oned Institutions and A:0 prepared to make in-Mra.necs on every &sr ri ! , Lion of provrte, al hi• rates. ; It. 121711 E, Allent,.;.; Bethlehem 194'' MEI rul ITTORNEY INIIHIrN3BbLOR :11' LAW Office a f cic ter i r tees( of the Celli!. :loose. Lei He can I), consulted both the G er • man and English laiignages Allentown, April .1 Donk Note tie.t. (Corrected iVerkly front tretenen,VanCourt • 7 Yoompon's Dace/cm.). (.f Pt.!: fr., I v . p ar 11k of N America par it a nl; of Commerce yano•nsing par Els of :+; crties ot Fenn Towns. par Viiruvrs par NI an ii & Meehan par 110, in 4:es pal (lilard par a pill f:a . I ark par Westtrn par nt , reir.lll:lik 01. Peote , vlv. par 111: of the U Btatel. CuesTnx 13 Slts. 1.11« if ChaMbersburg Bk of Gettysburg 1 Bk.of Pittsburg BI: of emsq. County 65 Ilk of Chester Co. par Ilk of Germantown par 13k of Danville par Bk of Delaware. Cu-par Bk of Middletown 1 Ills olNtontg. Co. par Ills of Ni,rilminber. mu' Columbia Bank (Sc. Bridge Comp. par Cal Bank Do . ylcm,:wll Bank par ;ti-:m Dank pa: xclinime Bank laic Bank 2 mrr, & Drovers , 111egliany county Bank ' bank Franklin Bank 1 • Hank of :America 6 5 Farincrs Basil: id do . of Commerce Docks County pal do of Brockport Bahl, of Lmli 2.5 Lutictister P") do • of Wean 35 Fa: T.1(.01 of . • do of 1 una4 anda 51) 1; end leg P"' rirl.yoits 2h• r"iPr s ' or.. di - y "Of Western :5(.11;1311(111(1(1. par New York 30$ 11arrisburg,Iliiiili I 113ing.hampuiii•bank 40, llonesdale Bank • I :Carial batule ss Lancaster .13:m1r ... 'pal ; c,,Nnr, r olgt is - Lanenstero;;B: llll, P r ."' battle l'ebanon'Dank Erie:.coutity bank. 51 3 L ehigh' C.o. Bank 5 ' Farmers & Provers . • ; • • r l'el;nig:hß:4%/ 'Flskrperr.l ;It Is o I Ff• Miners Bar Is. of'' 1 - '6ll.Sl* ." •, Pin - 71: 11 ,,itt o n sTan f• roitioy bank no?. Bank, at it , : 11""k.' . frni -ha hit 'Pa vh.rsvltiv 1 ! .. • 1: 1 1i/yo B t.CP ,ri l lig ; c 4l " llll 'n9';• 4 ,''New _ o4' Batik, l!ank. •'' . \T :" , :i•oe•ifskol. l l . - .1 T ' '. B.lik.ors' V il'ii n tf: ill ,a rß 14% S in i ' • 1 :• •m" • •. • •-• • a P 1 ,.: Itin %Mit • • •• Y • •I. "' 1• • rill.,1k1 W 111.17.. 7 .". • , 4:..,,Pf1i!'01.;}.V • :14 ' ( 1 . 0 711 in 1 1 • :11.1 , n s r ' 1" • - t;% , • X5 l ,t .•, .L;atk . .. • • :It n 1 • ' Orr' 1 -I(ilts • rot (71:01*Ii & • -,.•.a&fl)lCtl j, l Ih r • "Mt: .445 t, fr•on to 2 r••,• ek itnol di sae? , A • 61130111 gaidid MO ; 2 " . ' a by th iii-1y: MM $890,658.65 .728,368 90 205,459 00 15,563 15 46,58] 87 $1,220,097 67 OEM =I Mechanics bank of Newark k _ Mechanics hint( at Burlingl;ra par Mechanics & M an idaenirers bank par 'Newark banking& ins. Company New Hop! & ]),(4 re Br. Com p. failed Orange bank Peoples bank Plainfield bank • Priaceton batik par Salem !pinking Co. par State bank at Eliza bet lit.wn4Ne tea rk, Camden,N.Bruns 'trick, • • par Sussex hank Union bank Trenton bank. co. par Yardlexville bridge company 25 DELA WARE. The flanks of the state of Delaware are all at par. , NEW YORK. New York City tilts Chelsea bank 80' Clinton bank 50 Continercial tank 111 Nalayetie bank Washington bank ..70 COUNTILY MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers