.rwanttmrtfillrinikAre ning Men will h, Satoh atoll at a:Straw. '. 1 ! utas s ntvudeceived in ,;•,,[ !Okaid to the, intruder, w l contintfed to ad ~...! ! !:,Y.l4l,:.•7: v ance towards me r and the moon emerging t'.t! ;;•! : - .litom a cloud, I discovered that it was not a ~ . .1 -! ! „ ,- ,,, _!-::Iiiiar,. but a human being I "Who goes 1 , .'",,. 4.! ) ; .t here 1" 1 shouted loudly, determined in my ~,. .nii-mitid to-put the question, in English and -4. ,kSpanish, and then if I received no answer ;Mg4 4 '.' 'to Open! to his softer .-Eonsibiiities, nod try i, I. *;, ( t n half-ounce nthe ball, would , ~--. ! what • effe ct have on his system. ' I teas sadly out of - practice, but fondly imagined I could hit him somewhere. My TKISOUS fur coining ! , to such concltsions were thus..: Iwac in the ..,- country ,of the Feather River Indians, and it was more than profitable, that the stranger was one of these =inch , characters, who would only wait a favorable opportunity to , :it;',...tV:' plant an arrow in the most vulnerable tart 0-2 , ,..0f my body, nod then steal my cfThct3, which 1 , 17 ! .. . Wet:ianocent amusement they were . foud of in- ; W.„lttl , -Atilging in. I was agreeably surprised, i f . ..C ., •! ! !!!; / ftNhatvetter, to hear no answer to tny very.. 1 4: 7 ',5 , ,4itdtt clear voice answered hack "rttni:to," 1; ' . . 1 : !„ ..' 4,7 ... : ' ., ..: !v it1ieta.11. - 7Somewlifit. -- relieved - rq, . in.. , wdnwn •, i lc i ni the pnbli t i przi. , :p•—but.m. it k Under re , ,I:ititt ri re, and !advanced to meet me-visitor. ; , tr , : ,,, i, m ay inudly he tehed ou—there would ! !!Y•1 551-, "I ant trave!ing alone to Gold Lal,e," ! ,o, in 1;1 La nothing at prof cm in the way of ~4 ,;•:::2-- s aid he. "that is, if I can find it, Linui: Nvoletin's lull sneee , is. But the exeit ',:•':" • • I tell him Iliad come to a similar dater. ! I log eveigs with which he is identified, aid the ruination. and in a short conver,ation car- i•iioni:•gly ineonnations interests by which lie tied on in English, for he t•in,iiie that I in- . t ,, 1,1,0r:,,0, mic t 0 which i he owes Ilk iiuccessi, tiuoy.e tolerably well, he told to- t !!•,i 1,,, wI, ! • ' t ri ,„ Peru, I h m Li,,,,, ~,, , ', ~ „., ~ ~, I:it bids the i;10.1 that t!!e cod i•.: theft hind retteite.‘d.yo.—. and 1t hind bet!". li :tl , • .., ,• -. . W.l•it i !‘`.:q.:!l:, ti,;lv ho at 0 ink to tzie lit r• r....i.i.iiiy to hi. , n• ut i ia hi •. rr what event , may .;'id I ii. ii ••nr lii to ...into - them, iii a frobleto the fa- .. ZE "1; r , re gdog woy, 4 .vve .F.,urovy 1 L',l. I ',.! pr0110:-16")11, V. Minnli litibm , . tiptat it, tint! thus coat tnync.,; •i ; ,, , , ;et ei i tenco 01 the fiek:eness not to t , . , . -----...-- a friendship cum.-m.1,2d by hardsbip a .ti -tti''.. . i ~ . It:fling, and only bro';en by dentb ! _ I A Ceiltient. . s er ,,,,i d ays 0 ,, p ,.. ii, to m . ,:„, i 0t .,.- ''''''tdd f'; bid' ;' ll i''''•"." , ' , - . ' "too tln'ir lix o 'inrs' i '''‘'e km-it that tat Sunday hod, Mr. feitidh seemed almost ituf:-.itiz, hat i•e-; a 1,1-;e1 at1:1 •' 1 a "Y l '" I'''. Ile vasis no t -on-at bled " x f er, ,„; s out h wi i i ic h ii ii l o whi .i,i o , t oe ; with companion, n shercr to my taiik - a 'el thought,, : 0 ';'" !"" l' ,1 "'llll , n 0 l'Y' '-'• hiell 1 : 'oh' l'hil;Pre ; a ove re accident, nigh I-tom:nee it; the lass Of Miguel iyat3 indeed an exe.dient lell' , x, " a ' d ' .° "‘"' el ' IL. I" I "" l' ai , t . i '' I:—wa. " , It- lii Ile. ;vas (hiving aloog iho Lehluli on good hutnored, gene t -a t: F. : ah li o s t 1 0 a f,,,;',1, :, , t ; , :es.- :II when ii "'O , avvmdimt-ht , i—iherc' 1 ~, n ici ti vt . i . F. 1, 1 0, with a 110tse and Fki:'ll, 111 , and possessed withal of a fond of entertain- %v..- ;1:. 'H .-: i'l bi.ll b. ler"11111101 , 1 him 11.- ihn . ~,i iiiiaiii e , i by two l a d ie s, a nd kis; as they or.. ing remarks and anecdotesw : i ; ; sery, d otoo ;o eat' ) get the 55 tok of thn revo i til i m ,_ 1 ive.l on the batik at Schwartz's Dam, Om horse to relieve the metmtony of our nightlyi I ad( pothol e is wit a is toil June, to commend lion , ~. n t refrwit r • and completely paralyzed solitary resting places. As we ail sauced l 1,, t he tavor of the vo t er„. A';l,l vet the vole: -., ;,: . .,, ' !;1,, r ,,... 1 1 , 0 . 1 ' 2.1 1e r : immediately jumped otil, 1 the aspect of the country seemed mote roe. f t.'n•Zt• it: :4.(.r tle-it-medin g , or 1101 . 'anprovin. , .bo a ' • 1 • I ged, the dwarf oaks gave place to 010 1:1 - 1, '. . . . • t . . . d the hot:ls harks: over the hank into tile , , ~,...,,,,,,, , 11. , ;-:-. 1, d-ilie peisoattl Fit ks, pine or nia,gestic red wood, which shot their ; w inch. dam, together with ..;\ Ir. Miller. lie, however,_l tall tons far Mtn. the clear blue qttrios-p here he 1n. , ,i male an I et.couldered who dil II” , %vo:ked him , elf nut of the water upon the ice ; ' of the mountains. Each day we were ex- ''''''''( "I ft-7 '''''':- . H" -'' " -- ""l c'llmall" .;;;":' ; and with the as-istance.uf some t 1 the neigh pecting to fall in tvidl :ono • ti::11 , 2 . :2 .:it1 L; p m .- l'.'"e: ! c'-'."'.= o r lll" . " . i . '"lt'''lit"l "!'ll'i!'' , -- -- tmrs, also succeeded in getting out the borse— ty of advcinuicrs, ancl oldain enure 1 0 I. P.;:•••=d 1 1 . lb m , c.i, it!•' , weld 'l I " 1; , "" '6V"' ( 1110 Of the the lathes was severely inj;tred by ElOll, for our ttock was het 1111 , i 11111 alarm-' "'" 3 el.a ':er In li i : eve:'''' " li;":' '-:'"' I; ''''' ! jampilig out of the sleigh. tngly low, or we; I in. ! .:;.,t pa:, it'll' einto: t o the ptiv.'er of e:ttemei, tunic:Wing I: , it to c ,, l ,te some i n di an v ili ag ,,,„„ ~,„ I,„ ( 1 ~,r.,1 1,05(III ~.!.ti .a.:.1! the [W.II id the gav,crninerd, a., .1 to believe from iillionicr;Lii rec'it'ed in were lha only man trio could lid tit,d pia. I•;acramento, being, as we t..uppo,.; d, in the ' That ii v. tot his naa,c which did ail this fur iti, locality orl'rinity river. (.1 r.,•lter y hich charmed the asap/.1 and mat Pour days more pa-sod an, nod still ‘,...• , • i• I' I • ' doubled , • ' , 1 `NI it I 1.11, 11.1 - With I+ 10 i.eL' , l ' t,r_l 511tV_nostglis of_lluanin beini-fs.- !lju-saltAvy - , : • 0.,,1 the:, tioutu , el , e;oe•untnend !dm lathe caps of the Sierra Nevada glndened ill the morning .sun, the air Yeas cob] es the 6.ci- 1 "'"' inns which pervades our hearts : we had ; Ii l ' I 'll' . ::'.' :0 :' ''''' "' lll l. '" lrl ' l '' l '"' a ' : passed the last habitation of ‘viiite men i• - 'ea'll'•• "i")" I, "}' 1 : 1 l"'t " 13 ' 1 ) a l'"I'!e lyl' some six days ago; knowitnr what \vat. be- .1. , ' limt. ct mtei.cd by notnes,, may do. 1. i hind, hoping what 'night be to fete, we :till et', ~ - -;b:e l'i -ay •.v i:.O CieT will not tin. 11l pressed on, lost in the snow nionnialits, and ,l, , ;i'..l ei 1,,,ai... :.1, , , , 1e01i wts le..;arded I• . almost di-silted,. o f sustenance ! The loom- ' ~., ' , . •,•,;;;toied oeo c te. few-0.-e.! ...out. and ti e ing before, we had iiilied our mule to :-..d.1.,- bt.ltt. the exeitente ' 1 1 '' l ' decors; With.. i canto, fy the cravings of litingcr, bill wearied as 1.i... e ,•,:: ..,, a. ;: lint s:cp tt.wattl tlte throne c wo felt, were UP.104 ,• 1 , 1 it , ',lll: 1.0, .` :111.‘:1 .1 it t. , portion with us. 11;w • tt „. 11, ~ ,I. ..: . 1 , .. 1.•!,, , ,F. r. .1 I 1,10 , .. 11 , !I dal) ht, I, Waa f. inori•t•l. i.ti Our nav now lay cvcr Forw, and the HIE cu.'d us i. n , l , lar,ient (•xj.i was iL(;:t• rim r , ••• •• the h,ltor, th.tt he knew in twelve montli's le Ana is the man to scarcely endure it. V% ith it w5.-i —and nil "do it." His mule, the _rent Ni. worse, slowly he drar..!•.•ri his lin (Thee that "we rei.lii ieuii on bay along, the power of volition seemed alitay , t „„t,,,, Ltt t er t on l , l or ,been on them."— denied Hat ; I Lid him hope, who hope tiny ,v aroed the lessen „„,- darkened within me ; he smiled gleemi:y. . and shook his head, as though he expected •• • • „.„, • • h,. „„t „1„,,) it. •• nu relief. Two days more were added to the teem- Our E*ports. bee we had liassed in that sine; e ie annex a table compiled from the Report rness, .„ , we had not tasted food fur • ; :".. - n•reeiry Ttett , ttry, of the exports of • Miguel's eyes beamed with a strange :l•Yeio ""ding J""" -3 ‘lifli his voice too was changed., n burnini - ! . fever , seemed coursing through his veins, end as 1 1 •••,, 11.0 s ,, tamoinit looked on him, I felt - a (Loma c ,, utiction in Cf%l. ; that make up this amount my heart thi , t . he west \\ • 11 - it sed be done. Alas 1 . nothing. We react: i Fieest ieetiitets .aineont to ''. - "7.1317,02:2. clear spot front whence the ser,w had drift , d. • Th ii , hulk of its are hot!' tint . he threw himself (Hi the damp ground and ,hitt , de‘; and itt...tt , ",318.6'1. wan• said oherrnatio , " (brother I can e 0 no fir _ , ".teterez, or weed. 2.076 395. Skin.; and Fur, ther. I run exhausted ; me die here ; ' • ante yourself my friend ; if you rem Pr 752. too will perish. remain you • • • . prott , un•s amount to ,•:',;115. ' could not leave him ; with the al.! of thy,')°:',77St OI am"nni theexvtrl, ex P ri ' ate of blanket, I succeeded in partially screening :Collon• 112 ; 316 . 317 ; Eton r, 10,521 ; 331; To. him front the sharp peltit, el the hail. whieli It tt'vo, 9 : 219 : 251 Port 11.‘cott and Lard, .1., now began to fall Intit, s,eining lu pietee lit y atts'n 1.1; Eiee, 2,170.237; Indian Corn, 1,702 ; - very Lines, and seating - n esett • by hi, , side, le Intoned Lamle, 1,059.955; Wheat, only cave up toa crewel of inehinehely .026,732; ratter w.tl 152.1 ; 652. my friend dy tog from fatigue mid starvation, Of mandaeinr , dexpoit, , , white cotton goods, my own fate seemed pictured before . t. , 5 '571•375 ; printed and eohired. 1.006,502; Tho sun set behind a her,vy cloud, mid toy ' 1 211 894 d ; tOIU and to wen, heart almost (lied within me. pr • ' 1 1.13 553 gold and silver cunt, 16 ; 000,000. but not soundly, his brain wandered, and ' • ' thoughts were on that home lie might nev. ; er see more ; it was horrible, but there was no alternative ; sick:llOce in mind and body I threw myself by his side and slept frem exhaustution. .When I awoke the fever had left him, and seeing me rise, Ito said, You have been sleeping brother, and I would not wa ken you, for you want rest ; 1 Teel I run dy ing ; I can hardly breathe. Should you es- Apo my fate, and ever visitLiina, seek out my father, tell him where and how I per ished. Uod bless you my friend." 1 promised I would do as he wished, a smile lit up his pale features, a shudder ran through his body, and I was alone with the deed. At daylight I buried him in the snow, and placing a rude cross, formed with two bran ches, at his head, left the spot fursver.. At sundown, wort - mini exhausted, I came to-an jndian encampment. Two week's food nral vest sufficed to restore. 4 one sty wasted payers, and I left my hospitable friends at the expiration of that time with a guide. • •dbThreelnoralis after, had — ful fi lled my fn'etursidying injunction in Limn.—Suit ..ft:',9!,abse... • fox preachea, beware of your- CirCulation imear . 65fb0. I)c.f,:cl)l9,l).llcgicater. THURSDAY, JANUARY, 15, 152. ‘v e to•day, on our lif,sl page, the last annual message of Gov. Johnston. Ile has repeated the principal recommendations of his fowler messages, and rulers them to tile r.,fitislature. lie especially alludes to the Free banking , Law. The News from Europe The avenents Irmo France., brought by the ~teattler Caudiria, which we lwblih in w.olli er coltoon : Fhow that Loni:; Napoieon has tii• ontplit'd, and hi revidotioo : or rather tisoilia. vi ;di the pcm c file goveinioeht, have ht:oa Fauctioned ly a Lirc..lc rovjority of the vo.c , ; and he ro ,:;, , cte.llhe:•idont for ten years. S.) tar r.s Ihc, F , talc may b, top! al N':.,il;)!Pail, %%Its in Mil r [, r!i, S,t :.: i•o ! cx; uo! iIL( n!a MEI I: ers.nt to hit e Drawing Room Companion 'fbe second volume of iov.iluable sheet earoineneed with tife Now Year. and it is dot up in a style, well wor•by of its proprietor, Mr. Gleason. It I , nroae.ses any pictorial we have ever FOOD. The paper . on which it is printed is of the liae,t quality—satin surface. price is only •:-:3 per annum. F. Gleason, pub. Usher, Boston. '• Democratic Union. paia.r, one of the best upon our ex change list, is published twice a week during the session of the LegisLture, and will contain full repotts 01 its proceedings. Terms, for the session ; let the whole year,'S3. The 'Union' is no able Democratic journal, amlits Legjsht , live reports are'the fullest and most accurate of toy printed. Knitting Machine.—There , is a Unitting chine in operation ,in Philadelphia which knits three hundred and eighty stitches at each turn of a small crank, which crank may be easily,turn: ed by hand from one hundred and fifty) retroluo ti,itis per minute, melting from fifty to sistjr:thou, sand stitches per minute, or at the rate of three, million per hottr." Ilea a town', EiDa. '2‘ft i.r s_. . ighth ofiAiiiiiO4:- -- , . • )9 years ago; ;0071'1)ititsd'ay i fihi3 iCtick madelOsOkimunidal was tattle Whick nbminomern r . tes - the . e viiy Of "New Orlea;et; from'. Abe t ad of the Foreigri • Invatfer. It to all Americans—a day Corn: rnemoratificl an event that can never. , t)e for gotten .by ii', who respect valor, and rej oice in th e itin tr igh, 01 the liuny of Freedeim: And nil % when se many years have pa4sed by, since foe glorious victory of the Bth of Jan nary, Igo with all its glotions association:s was n oijoitl—the unparalleled victory the i li d oni iiih:i bravery of our fathers, the daunt.. l e „, s colim e at.d intb.iling genius of the great Hero, wh , led out troupe—the total and disar trims ( wort Of the proud invaders who threat.. coe d tif e city, then in her infancy, with de sunetitit.—all the:•e recollections rise unbidden torit.tr, BM Thirty-se great battle fought; the re:qata of t ileneoratia . • a day (1.1; nd yet, we are pah,4 say, that 'no% ithstanding all this, in AiKtown, the day was permitted to pass j hoot the least public denfonstration of any Iti d. This indeed should nut be the ease. It is v that ought to celebrated whh Repab lie:ur'•oderation and propriety. Why then, pert& so important, so illustrious an event in the b -hay of our beloved country, to pass a ith out sine fitting demonstration? In year:, each ,:neceeding 4arittry was edle , ated by a mililary display, tiring of can• MEI non tze h.tB fled from our town •0. : 1 R•die: has beet' appointed No•t.r; ry Public he the County cf Lehigh, by Goy. tt'lltinto Johnston, for the teirn of three Odd l'ollow's lEleegion. Tl.e followino is it li 4 of the OilieerA of the •eve;al of the Independent ('der of I,t in our Borough, that were recently '3" t:nity trigintent ; No. 12.—C. P., Charles 11. 11,11.11 z ; 11. I'., l'etor G tot 1; S. 11'., Thorns. , d ‘Vt.:./..1; J. W., Suimtion I.l;atik &raw, E 11. Tipa-nret, Nathan Landenechlauer. No. 71 —N. , John (Lapin: V. 1; , Chatles B. 11.1in , z; Secretary', Jcs,o 111. f.irr;'l'r.•aAaron Twx ell. ! I..th:gh .1..).1g.e. No. E3 —N. C:, Tilghman ; . G., I. ; tif...retary, A. G. (;.1 , „ • 1 . 1.1.i•i1n , r, PC:e'r GOod. llosann in Hamils Clog Mug! • ••• hr:uuilul our :ast , , residing, in Monition stiect, tool( it two her head that she would don the habiliments of the lords of creation, and have a li , tle truhe. She procured a full suit of clothes, aid with a shining little beaver hat, stuck tinnily on one side fr.d . her 'wad, ringlets as black as the raven's wing. cheeks the color of melted ruhieq, and eyes that Iht-hed like diamonds, she ploecfett ed to a Condi:fit party at one of our llfftels, and soon took a conspicuous position in the Room Some of the females stfid, "Oh ! What a sweet young man and desired very earnestly to he acquainted with bin]. But Ia! he wouldn't introdnrcd to any one, and strutted ;awe!, with cane in tail and sear 'nee& like a egt: tar ritutdway d.otdy. Alter 4elling !tied ill the party, ho, nr 1 . :11 her she, went up lawn, and toepping in at one of our Oyster Houses, called fora plate nf 'raw,' arid a mug of Road-, ing Ale, after which she took a seat at the stove. Presently three or lour gentlemen step ped in, one of whom immediately recognized her, and after calling her up to drink, he made it known among the cotepany. At first she stoutly denied it, but soon she "owned the corn." The lady in breeches then begged the gentlemen for Mercy's sake not to make her name known, which they pain - deed, and she returned home, Grand Ball. By reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen that "flermann's German Brass Band," of Easton—the same that visited our borough and displayed some of their eloquent music among us last Friday, intend giving a Grand Concert and 8a11,.0n Friday (to•morrow) evening, January 16:h. From what we learn, no pains will be spared to render the; affair pleasing to all. Sleighing. For some lime past, we have had a specimen of regular life in Greenland. The sleighing is really excellent, not having had any better for a nunaber of years, and our citizens are really enjnying'themselves. The merry clinging of the bells is hoard day and -nigh!: Largo par. ties are going - out - dailyi.and - Onr town presents and uncommon lively and animated appear ance. liossulicHats. notice:that these hats,. with the nppre priate feather, have during the past week been introduced in our borough. They have a very :light and neat 'appearance, and 'no. doubt will becomo'vety- Popular: among 4tur citizens: at mice palliolits spirit Interest certificates Infest on out:Omni- C d eel tilioate., , , when Intided, 7.732 01 Durnet,tic creditors • 82 ; 1132 74 Total public debt 410,114,236 39 Cly the 55:11 sention of the act of 15:h April, Mil, the State Treasurer was authorize:l to hnrrotv, on temporary loan, .598,000,10 be ap• plied to improving the curves on the Colurn., bia Railroad. This was clone. But as the amount is re,imbur•able ont of the proceeds of the sale to the Reading Railroad Company, of the Lzelinylkill viaduct and the railroad leatlim , therefrom in the city of Philadelphia, and is a mere antieiitation of Foine of the instalments from that company, it is not embraced iu the above, Hatemcnt, mw in the table of loans. The New loll: express thu's speculates:— The monetary concerns .of the country were never in a attire promising condition than at pre• Srnt. The amounts ••f 'ha pr inotule. is spite of the ship_ which are the natural overflow of a superabundant quantity, they accumulate at all the principal commercial points. It is (ter_ Is that the ae,gregme receipts at the mint ex, coed•t the shipments, although the remitted amounts were greater this month, as far as it has gone, than now other of the prrceeding months of the year. If there is an excess der p•isited in dust beyond the coin shipped, we need have tin apprehension of a scarcity arising from the lamer consideration. It' is believed that the amount of gold required next week for shipment abroad will be considerably less than in the first w.telt in December, and there is every probabil• it•• the reg,kipts from California next week will la wily as large, if not larger than were then re. ...rived. Wall street is crowded with money, and it is absolutely without demand. The set:ling day of banks passed, this week, without any re_ m irk. Paper is scarce, and as speculation in stocks has in some measure paused, capitalists find it difficult to use their surplus capital. If this inactivity prevails for any length of time, it mustinevitably produce a ;rent plethora of capital, and the price of money will descend to as low a rate as we have witnessed at any time in the past three years. We have not yet felt the influence of the "rush of British capital" which the London Times predicts will come to the United States, Pennsylvania Nlunt Crnp.—The wheat crop of Pennsylvania, (or the year 1851), it appears, wro: the greatest in the Union. The returns arc as follows: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, New York, Michigan, Maryland, New Ciunterfeils.— Thompson's New York Bank Note Reporter, gives the following-list of new Counterfeits: on the Mechanics' Bank at Newark,. N. J. —Altered from genuine ones—in the centre vig. nette there is only one human figure—the genu ine twos have three figures. 2s, on the Harrisburg Hank, Pa.—Relief note of the new rilate—the engraving on the left mar- gin is said to be imp . erfectly and coarsely-uxecu• ted, but the note is well calculated to deceive.; T/,c Natiosial Convention.--The Demociatio National Coiiiientlon to nominate a oandidate for President' and• Via President is to meet al Baltimore, on Tuesday, June 1, 1852. 1.7 - rho cost of the standing army gr Euroie im'Stigo,ooo,lHlo, • - • Voilimaninfoicti/ra . .-- Canal Vortinitissiiirer. I4t4t:,Enyron4—;, ,!otagfrved. the following flat terinii 'police Of our itivrneman-Maj:w William Fiij, in the "Eferrlsburg KeyblOtte,'' of - the 6.1 i ihmant: r- • ' . _ . "AlajorWillinm i ohigh county, is suggested son candidate to the `next dernoerst- le dimventioniforganal commissioner. Should . ,, the Major receive the riothinatiori we-have no t. doubt o .LehighWouid io 'halter"' for the party than ever, .aliitough her course has been on:. ward. The is a democrat of - the right stripe, sell-inuo'e., active, intelligent : and cuter prkiio2:—igsi the man wN w ant .;:, ' have obsekved in u number of Denioorrnie paprri, of differ ' s, t Wtrginlim of the Slate, simi lar 111110103 to the nce above. Should the Maj receive the norninatia.e, he would receive the unanimous support of 11;.° own party, and also a large portion of the votes of the w big party ; kuovvii-tohe-a-pruotie,,-.1-bosiness-rnan,- self•mude, hottest, persevering', ear earl and discreet in the management of all 11:° hl!dhles" !natters, le fact tie is the very mart CV the Po sition; besides he is an unflinching' Dentr.Trel.; bat xvitllitil not of that muscriptive or aerirk.'o - charnmer, whivn too often is seen in pub lie mon. Lehigh courtly now has an opporto- nity of being heard iu the 4th of f%larvli eon cention, and I hope the ttylegates from East. trio l'erimllvaitia will I In, their duty, as 1 um sa.isfied that lie convention Call not Drake a -better-select tort. TRIA'II. I ac-ho i The State Debt. The following statement sbotrinr , the indebt- of the Cum Moil wealth of Pennsylvania on the Ist day nf December, 1851, iR from the antinal report of the Auditor General. • Funded debt, viz: 6 per cent. loans $2,314,023 51 5 do. do. 36,704,484 03 4 , 6 dn. do. 198,200 00 To'l funded debt -- Utiforitied debt : Relief notes iu cis culation 5650,10 00- Otit anding 150.231 82 lug and uneliiiin To'l unrded dcbt The Monetary World 15,482,491 bushels 14,957,056 do. 14,510,900 do. 13,073,000 do. 4,918,000 do. 4,489,680 do. 64ifitiitilie 10rd:rig-bit*: . • rtAnnisivO, J anuary•6,-/ • The litose,bf rierreieniativis wss:callecito order at . 1t and the-roll . biting e.itliid;:o4, mem hers answered tertheir 'noMes. • The-certificatei at - the members eler.tedzsepre:, presentedandi'endotatlL. t : • Elouse ! thin prneeided to the electiop . ofit Spealter, Which' resulted•as follower John a Riley, Dennoern4, John Acker. Nhig i . Pr'derick 114te1,Native, Scattering,, Mr. Rhey was thereupon declared duly elected Speaker of the Muse, and was conducted to the chair by Messrt., Acker and Reel. The oath of office Was adtninioreted to the: Speaker by Mr. Acker. • The Speaker then, on thing the chair, made a neat and appropriate address. The members of the Hnuse were then si orn . in, and slier pas.sing_thr-isual_preliMinary . -res olutions, adjou - rne,4.l, . . The Senate convened at 3 o'clock,' and was called to order by• Mr. Speaker Matthias. • The roll was then called, and every Senator .aided On motion of Mr. Crabh, the Senate proceeded 16 the olertion of a Speaker, when three unsuc. c i . ss .itil ha (Jettngs were had; the result, several. ly, bet..ng as rcdlows : Ist bal. 2:1. Watk , r, Whig , 11 15 15 114 -- . - Mitlitirnb - erg:Dati. 15 15 15 Wm. F. Packer, Dem. I - Thomas Carson, Whig, 1 _On_the-second-and-third-IvallotingA-nr,Datnil ton, Native, from l'hiludelpi'lia county, did n o t vote, and there were two votes scattering—those cast by Messrs. Walker and Muhlenberg. There being no choice, the Senate, on motion of Mr. Frailcy, adjourned until 11 o'clock to. morrow. rirßitAng water is unwholesome-.-so is * standing As, • - - Ilar - On•faember of the cele - b7 — arid ullostna Tea Party'.t;David Kennisun, aged-115 years mill survi.:l; rirThellaiston Argus publishes a list of ova tiny Demo:vie papers in thiS State that advn (late the ntninalinn of llon..James Buchanan -it for the PrejAncy. -. i The (4t Circulation of die t New York, The Senate met at . 11 o'clock, and immediate- I Times is IDI. This is doing well fur a tie ly proceeded to a fourth ballot for Speaker; the I paper. q - result was as follows: 1 [: - e-All il.• merican 'prisoners taken in John A. Walker, • / 6 Cuba expedi , have been - pardoned by I ' I Henry A. Muhleuberg, ' l 5-, i Queen of Sp, r 4 '‘ Scattering., 2 1 £ 'Eggs aelselling in Philadelphia at 37 There being no election, a fifth an d s i xi b i o i- , cents per doz . lotings were had, both resulting the samel .. s the: 1 I.V - Shad kr made their appedralace in Ni fourth. , Yotk. . . . It was !hen moved to adjourn, but the iii o lloll I / MrThis is p. year—the year in which th was lust, willlollt a division. I ladies do all di' oui•ting. A delightful lime fur I The seventh ballot was then had withoti: vary.i b as hf u l 6 ,„ { k,„4 ! . . tt , f , - --..--,--------- ing the result. Mr. Sanderson, then moved an adjournment. I . f ize ' ri g h t . _. . I I Another roigilto encounter tool, place yes Lost—yeas 16, nays 17. lerday, says the eiv . York Sun of the 7th, at,• The eighth ballot was then ordered,iand re i the villas of P.lleson, Putnam county, New' stilted as follows: I 39,216,707 54 897,528 85 Walker, Mulilenherg, Scaitering, Messrs. Packer and (Am rnsey declined voting. Mr. Walker, thetefore, having a majority. o: all the votes cast, was declared dol) , electr,i, Speaker of the Senate, and conducted to 10 chair by Messrs. Mithlenberg and Carson, al the oath of office was adininistered !,iim by till latter. The Speaker, on taking the chair, delivereda4 appropriate speech. The members nett ly elected %vete then swot Mr, Kunkel read, in his place,..l joint resol , - tion,entiiled a "resolution of invitation to I, s Kossuth, Governor of Httogatf,",thdont nt .o - n, it was Immediately tahen up, and passed 1.. a unanimous vote. • The following is the resolution : 1 ItesolvEd, &c.. That a cordial Melia:to is by extended to Louis Kossuth, Govet:. , of v.ary, to visit the Capital of this 81,1P.Iind the Governor is hereby requested h. :ins. mit a copy of this resolution to Louis K .•••Oh. tSeveral local country bills, of no geforolimt portanoe, were read in place, and passt•d. here! Hun , that t The following bill was road in plarte: By Mr. ]Vernon, a bill incorporating the f t delphia and Easton Railroad compa n y. Go the 8111. Ilie Seereiary of the wealth was introthiced,,and prese.,:ed loisage from the Governor, veioittg the bill of II; last session repealing the law prohib i ting the ire of the jails of this Commonwealth tw ihedt4tion of fugitive slaves. The Message was read, and The bill rring again before the Senate, on itsl:tal Passag , was lost—yeas 19, nays 14—a two.thittl yule bein g necessary to its passage. The following is the vote uprn the question: Yeas—Messrs. Daily, Duckalew, Crab Dar. roigton, Fer . non, Forsyth,Frailly, Fulton, nem. sey, Hemilton, Hamlin , Hoge, Jones, MetFaslin, Matthias, Muldenberg, Packer, Sanderson and Shinier—l 9. Nays Messrs. Bams, Cpothers, Carson' Evans, flaslett, Kinser, Kunk , McFarland, Mc. Murtrie, Malone, Meyer.s, R inson, Slifer, and Walker, Speaker-14. 111111 1 Improvement in Dug,tserrentming:--Thr Ad v ec hoer, at Galena, Illinois, states that a Mr. Hester has finished a picture for a 'ntlernan in that city, in which the metallic ippearanre of the plate is wholly destroyed, an , its place supplied by a ; background as agreea to the eye as pure India paper. At first glan s, the picture looks like a fine line engraving, b the second shows you that there is, if not a ,•:ce, a delicacy. of touch and penciling heyond le reach of art.— This picture, unlike any oth daguerreolypelly editor of that paper has 'ex , fined, can be seen, like a painting or a drowing rem any angle, the• metallic lintS being, as has • en said before, de. stroysd. - • - _ errosotc.—Personsdann. they use this dangerous lig port (Maryland) Sentinel count of a receut ease is t man purchasecfcreosote ci and after applying a pcir rnbbed.a Small qyantity o .of onesidh-of his fain.- the face-on that side corn r, refuse to cloie. More the the diifigitratioa mill cow is not -to nee creosote:". . . . 94 SENATE York, betwer:nA 4i Gardner and Dublin Tricks. The parties stated frdm New York city abotit 'a 0 o'clock in the rr+ning, a heavy storm prevail. ing at the time, th iigh it seemed to have but lit. Ile effect to damroithe spirits of the men. After a long ritl the' pat lies arrived on the ground, distant atilt seventy miles from the '' city. The storm sit continuing, the parties agreed to have the h tle in a barn, as the snow • would have materia . interfered with the men r ias well as the specia rs, and of course the sport would not he so inn esting. About. 2 o'clock '. m the men prepared for aide, and everything be. ing in readiness, the I , ht comenced... Front the commen ment the odds appeatedl to he in favor of Ganger, er, and many bets were made as to the result.' Up to the 15th round, Gardner had the advantage of Tricks, tvho, hew. ever, stood his ground !tvell, and endured severe thumping. At the 15th round, 'Pricks, by some quick movement, sent in a blow thar di'slecated the shoulder of Gardner, who, hhwever, fought another round with one hand, at the end of which the dicithlfd arm wits-again ,placed in its pt , per rii,thitn, and time being called, Gardner went up to the scratch'. Tricks - knowing the withlit.es., itfft , rthier's arm, made nnother blow at it, withth hal the effect-to knock i-t oat if pia,. azain, hat Gardtter being spooky, fought writ hi: uninjitred arm, the 'otherotie hanging n-y-less by his side. After some sharp shooting 'between the men; it became apparent to the friends of Gardner,that it was useless as well as cruel, to let him longer romain in the ring, and after deliberation, it was agreed to withdraw him, and the victory was accorded to William Hastings, alias Dahlia Tricks. The money won 'by Tricks will probably ( amount to $5OOO. I Great excitement prevailed last evening in the city, on the result 01: the tight being randeknown, and many an encounter took place between the friends of the parties, in consequence: :: 2 A Sea Foundling.—The following touchine in. cident is related in a private leiter Worn Yar' mouth, dated the 7th ult., written by a 14dy, and giving an account ofTthe disastrous results sidle late shipwrecks upon the'East coast: Last Friday, a dcai littleshabe, supposed to be about 4 months ohl, was picked up FIT yar, mouth. Its long clothes prevented ti from sink. trig.; it was fast •asleep, and alycost benumbed with cold. There was net trace 'of- any ship ia•' sight, or of ,any boat for miles round, and it I' stipposed That the vessel frorn•which it had bees' thrown had sunk, and that all hands• • periehed; It was picked up by. tke captain tif a vuiisel, lives at Yarnioutb; and intends. to rear it bi own." Vane of' Shirea fn 'Vt) . einia.—A few days IP twenty.one-slaveS belongjag to the estate of Wm.: Pendleton, consisting - of old' tuid youhg men, W 0 men and children, and"not re g arded as:abovsor.' dinary, were sold at Lynclibuyg: VEG. - at,lhe avo' age• pricepf $558 00. 'One negro man; wittist a trade, sold for $1028110 . ; trwoman with a child ! ten monthci4d,sold 0111950 00 . ; . and a girl agrd, eleven years,.fOr $OOO. ..On the imbliC roads of sialfg.useu. are . hying-11. V frOnysl2o In'— $100: „ per. year.. be luoroulioushnrti Ti :e yea the r•llowing - Oc. it town gentle. ne or it druggiats, on to 'he tomb; he the gems and cheek ortly the museleron . need toeontract, and , a week elapsed' ieti ned. The safestrab , . 4 Year'e Emnfigrisliinl.*lYArknt t •Yeii just"eleked; nuailPer. er . ernigi:nti!hverrive i , r i) I ; WhjoFu,nuhiber 148 ;2" were : Err* Ge ttlap a, , ; 7 7,1502 • SP elft6t ,olelyan Tren.ch, ' • • - - '• , .i,-c.f7,:...:,... , : , :,... , 4 .. :0 club • - caw . lettale.o. illen , tae t ope, t akes s care of him. .okencfltl.l *:-. ' + ,Frenchftaity.sishing I to speak' ~f ti 11 t theltfEnilisii,pneta, forgot the weril,ani Autterfilf z postii.f',:, nr-Natkiing- Debt Wits in ' Decembe 62.,669,395:,*1:j Or this, $5,850,838 4 1 een path , ,since .. • 'he preseio length of the railways of :dowries would encircle the globe. polite young : lady recently asserted t fer, , ? ; .l she 1; ~.lived near:a harn.yard, and that it wall int initle for her to sleep in the morning on acr.. 4 contcp Atte outcry made by A gentleman hen ! r?'ve me freedo m in everything; said a. rt ,, .'• a few days since. I have been a of the church fur forty years, and up-10' ii has not cost me a cent.. . chibald Dixon *as elected United §tates. )11 Tuesday last, iti place of Henry Citiy, lEM thim EMI GOA . I 1-1 7 1'.:` your word' he stir:re - illy kept, even in: ( the soil . . st particulars.' • ru • - tri hear people talk behind one's' back," : , tid pickpocket said when ilte.cknistabit . cried ":• thief."- KM - extern editor declares that if he-had' nil the t s and shoes with .which a certain ed , • itnr hadln kicked, he would set up an exiene sive shrittore. L -7-I. 4 . ,pnlattn dwarfs, a bringer andsister,. measu I:07 and 33 inches high, from Central ,inertea, have been brought to New Yak.. a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers