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A t 50 per annum, payable in advac '412 00 if not paid until the end of the yeti, paper discontinued, until all arrearagestrfj etcept at the option of the proprietor. ADVERTISEMtNTS, making not more h d three times for m square,-will_be lust arid for every subsequent inset lion tie Tents. Larger advertisements, chat .e lime proportion. Those not exceedin; ti _Vilt-be-charged-s,eventy-ftve - oents ,-, m malting six lines or less, three insertinfi cents. or A liberal deduction will be nui whi advertise by the year. •qr7ofilee in Hamilton 5'1., one 01 ifi.4 German Reformed Churl). Nipprile the. , Friedensbothe 00K IXER 'R SAL] ;tit and Store Sk mid at Private Sale,d blp and well known ~' ' Tavern and Stt j Stand, i , . - -4-2 , :...-- mituated in "Northan Lou town 'lll'4l.a:high county, near theai ~e Allen -I:!;:vrVlron..lVork..i., about 1 14 from this r .cfrii"gli. l%i JTV house is of 'Hick and in been built an ri , few years to u, I:, -lki ko...lront by :.It4 o.ei 'de( !). will laid out 1,1 '..Ailhlo room,. t l i lic :lul l• room is comity,. 1 old shoived .. ,z4i.ty 19r Lti...itic...sz4. ..l . i)s.ft. ' a oeveifil itiv,,,i V• ail a pump iii o '. f .1 , the door, miiiii!l‘ , !, ,, l ,, • ic...—h00:.:•, a %,.. i.,.•. , c.:stcril ,4 : 1 44. 1 .,..' -. '..' 1 .'` ,, 1. , i. n, h • , .. • :-,a li.t., 4. • !:_. !• . .::,..., ~: , ..% .14 ,. .• . • ~ MIME MEI W I L L' .:' lyi ft cr,sitil 1 I,C in;rt best lht coutoy. fias bore ba..5111 t . .lred anis .Itr. .143-ttAvailtagi. at a which pa•st.:3 a LA) ill front uf tho The prop..rty c:111 b.. tlitp.i I t lvroitagt•ovs by ;MO 1,:!1.4 Ow utnit .1. - A. 1,. iil - 111: . 'Tcovutillior i:),‘.1f.:23:.1.:.:1::: , •)_.:': . : - . - :, - i )r.., ...,...1. :3 .7 .).. 7 •-.. c .:.: c 4 1 •,„ ~ 1 : ..Li:cl.t . a. ~ , i l',l a - e-':,/ xu`qi) •.•.. Ny1i01, , ,; , ;,\ :.;1) - t - T;), Sluff - alid S,T; . 4 ) lielow tl►e C n Ili:conned Church, llan;iltun Street, 0 %V ta PA . ca • IDs Al.l, I','..IIiIMYTED .: .~~.{.~..E .t+.l is ~l , \L,/ taut the r,voidies of tlto Coal iiini.vseoi II if ii irder.• n o• It' ili.• l a yin, in sof and th- of it:.• is i rove,iit lilt LIII• ;lilt .. .MO:l l f the 1 i••;/ „f 111 11..11 1 , 1 1,0 h i ranch ~f re- Nardi -I,e. 00 , ao. to, he CI,- i.-11.`,1 it ' ,l. l l l f1 . 11.1;01 . 00•1:L,.. Its einiiidei Hai c , till ! woo - • i+•reased reveun • lo be :i siiuiilr act of jii..tiee ; t o a of the LK•te,ile. interested io its co o.droc.rin. I hr proi)rolfif eitlling, Upon the Nation ;al ,(I.)verinilentior a tioi lion or the public 'arias in aid of tie severals ereat linos of railway ceinarnientitm within our borders i; agnin 5ng4..5..,1 011.1 urgeil upon your consul-ration. :ro t he'i!-xisti!g and. comp! , tvel Internal or-I-I'oler to the their ad, l i o i s triiti;lll,•l iTivitti speci al !:•H!• Is. .it s t rnit rtytic.lll svt) b 1.•.'I'1":1:14()1L111!: 'on), 1 1 : if , Wtl 11:- I t i i ,, 41i , lit I Bail' uci:uov," ;) L. , , orr hid ) i t i, , tar tieaut 11,1 for her t , airy ti i 11:1-1 . , such ' •.• ikril‘' 11,0 Pt•• 0111,.• ‘ l,/ , ;(0,1 0 1' .1.,•t:11 1 1 1 I. : • • . L r it " . .1; ssilitsti• ' -nty,il • i)tuy ijr - the , .4 1 .I_` • •.• • „ • • • , • , - ev o trtit en; •-•.; ;!1 Whitt..l ;;; ' ,0* • • :lb' I ; 1 t • .t th 44 , 7' —• ••• •• - r _ t ii• - lin t) ,; ( 1 :w• titic tof stunt rin:gtl - It of :ithuh.qaut our tore n door nucl 11,1( ti to Mid do- S . eck IS dulaa...:cti Wa r .ef. 1.11.1'..jk11'- ‘v!,l . h in In. ..,11t1 at i t'e: hisured, popk , rs. sending forward our orders .Siork, of Foreign and /ware toa..ther, with 'l)n...shandy ordered, %y e: will 4.• time foron rearrly Spring tviif be siducted with very lowest prices, and tutu r irie'nds at a small advance. tor a 1) on %fat we ItAve Ittat a ttrratigpoteitt.,• , wi to flit :the tollo,ttribers ti II 1,4. lol'e MO' ix, VV,rs tsity.N'Nn, N 4. 3oyt 4 'FYI t 6u 12 1.. !N.; ; • .~~.~ cw 4 -ir 1 1.0 tiJk ' „ f in: 1.,' I f J _ ' ~. ,~+ +i. v'43,~i ty~`,y' i7v ~C ~~ ~=h: Yr ' ij-IC~ ,ii'f Y~~~ ' % , " ,,, kfto '?•( ‘ , lli'V‘F teraturc, Poctrii, ,scitacc, Illeclymics, 'Agriculture, tl)c Wiffitoton of ttoefut lif itlistellaneous Selections. To the Honorable the Senators and Mem bers of the House of Representative of the General, -assembly : FELLOW CITIZENS.. ---In the abundance of our harvests, the universal health of our people and the maintenance of peace, and indi.v_idual_and_so_cial_p_rosp_erity_, aro to be found new motives of gratitude to the Father of Mercies, who holds our destinies in his hands. That grateful homage, the aclinow l-ledgement—of—our depen - dence on his AI , mighty Will, it becomes us most cheerfully to render. one ollar yfive n the lines those for 50 Never in the history of the Common wealth, has there been a period of more prosperous tranquility. The citizens of the State, aside (rota other sources of content ment, have at last realized that a cause of dip.quiet, which has for the last twenty.five years oppressed them, is about to moved.— A beginning has been made in the practi cal liquidation of the ptiblic debt. On the Ist of_Dec7r.,_lB,4B, MEE r Ease nearly the mount of the public &In was - • - - $40,842,379 31 On the Ist of Dec'r., 1851, thi amount of the p ublic dtra Was /0,1 1 4,236 39 t valua- us within the last three years, there has La en cif, cted a reduction of upwards of seven hundred thousand dollars of indebted ness,,,ivithout impairing the.efficiency of the pull iC works or retarding any plans of prac tical lit lict•nce, such as the is'ato re, ac cordi to a policy of %vise co:no:1y, have . ;hough proper in au. 3 ftOW , till OtIC of VOllit . flt II yard, ns, I ( a 'mu MIME =EU 1 1.1 .!,. I'. i•ttynle;,l e! . .i;e.; ti, bt aa pil 1 .., 1 . 1 ed piiiicy of the Slide whicii no le tv: li, wirioi l ; LI I II i• 'vow or disturb; ey iii', r'.ere with 1M extension of public ipi ive /with or expenditures for bimificent ir i ...i.s. 'Ulm first ;triplication of surplus —:ei tie is to pat. u portion of the Suite debt 'NE it) 1.741C1id and Inaitonin such objects of MM.., improvement as wiil when ccmple- A I , mie ,i e aottal reemine and clause the re ., l :ist viiii I. To maintain that system of 11:11-:ial polic3, whinn I,n.ti but its object tile rTii:ll atel ctrtain extimolishitiont of the 1,1).1,!,1c1 ,, , as w, it ill , duty' as it will lie ~o!) les tie cztritest di sire of the General PE =EI - =id - s ' 1 ; Le, 4;1:114.\ Macil.4e3i GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. ut he , iltit.' to !Oil !itorlanl !lie St.leee,,lo! ol• 1:1.!!.11 . .! • a iii ! n 01 iii.! •!tor,l!- !.. 01 the 10111 iIInII,A. 1 t. oldie c0:11100,1•:00- , 1 in their it Dort to ME =EN oding a!ttrot, 11,11 , (I ill the• t nr- 11.! e.xt.iuguirh n ‘vuth.f.(l prvcipi ..l a.... tuonclaly til. r.• I. ;:,•(-tp.:1.1;•1 =EI 1,i1;.•r i. 1 ,•!. iz. t;t t.t.: t 1,,•• rtiro!..7, t• ;1. •!. • j cri.:.lloli Mil ($1 lIIC Z . V.ant 1: ,; ():1lii t't;n•lr I I . CatIV v.v..•rci , ,,c(l a moral inti•lemo , c • , to puttyctivo sytom to rtationnt It I I ,, utlk, ,, , .;!t. or ix oHt 1.1,•111'Fil: 11,1 V (I. ; , • .: v-•,; r,~+T i pkr.~yTy .ta "t~ -errrh fY* ~ ~ s ;t ji F;~' v L ~ c }~'f~„~~i;~f~ s7lt ate+},°j~~~'l 4 1-__G-I- lU______-- ---4- ._ Works. That a. commissioner or agent for payments shall be selected,by the Internal Improverneut Commissioner:it, to be charged with the disbursment of the public funds an nually appropriated to these purposes.— Officers thus selected, owing their appoint ment to different powers in the Government would from that fact and the nature of their duties, act as checks upon each other, bring responsibility directly to, each department. the system, and _secure a more active and energetic discharge ofluty. It cannot be doubted that the revenues de ' rived from the public works ought to be - very-greatly — inered - SFdt --- These — s - ree improve mews should now bring a Clear revenue to the Treasury. In other States, canals and railways have rarely failed to become sour ces of such revenue within twenty years from the period of their construction, while with us, from causes heretofore sutzgested (or leoiclative action, and still within leg g islati ve control, the result has been widely d ifle re nt. Our system of public education is far from that perfection Which is desirable.— The defect appears to arise from insuffi ciency of funds, and the want of proper teachers. It is manifest that competent per sons, in sutlioient numbers td supply the de mand for their services, cannot be had un less some practicable plan is adopted as part of the Common School system, to create professional teachers. l'he ability to im part linowledge to others, particularly t o young wind., 13 to be obtained only after long and patient study, tt:istt. d by all the facilities which science and lent-nifty.: can a fEed. The future greatness •, rid happi ness ef the country depend the etilitthici.i.ient of the the stateiii, patript his uit , t dents. to a wore worthy iiiijects that it , icii.chnient. ri ceni exhibition wds so 1111'.1. ~ •iy cruel, . ,f) creditable to air •; • •, in tlic n;nl . • ;ii;ilr,.!ri• la! ; •.; nient, urd ,•;.' • • believed to b. . L:rk, able action at. vou lions should be rep .1 !ti ilia Stag•. and chcri;',l flithl•ltilf 1..•; , c1;:.:11 . oliyricolturo. 1-n1 of ;1 '• tor li hi I lit , • 1!1. !,( .1( t Hve•b•n mnd,• I,)r OM= ,traj.A (.1:1 , 1' :I lilt` tjh.Q..(:ll d ith 111%_••lilt..ll. I'l . llll. VIV:111k1 11.!C t.. to It a!i.! 11) cr.: your favor:. ‘;.:. Tli-• uperv:sida of the pu! , t-cati..; t: these vailers shwa bo cut' u•iyil to 11,e. v.t•utleman who has urrangetl . them. "I"ee lobar performed has greedy excveded amount contemplated by the Lvuisiatu and hence demands additional com pensat out. 'Pte Insane Asykin, as mull as the (alt er charitably institution.; in tvlitell th<• *tate is directly interest( (I, aro. in a Condition. The 1;tit(1:y iteL t .tr(is 1,1 A : sombly are solicited Inn LIU . It a pleasant n•fl. clioa cuw, ;1, 1 , ;•c a r'reattui reniiui.,7ollt. 111,1011s:Itlii Of Ili; li• hiLt 1,1.• 01.1.111..V1C I;t.thi..!;!%. ;„ t: !..,t liiit I Its Cit.. it ns , '..N•citui:t; I ; s.t. • I,J MEM MEEINIEJ edriwtaly desire. I have, on Gorier ,ions, most fully c”;ireFseil my views tat 1111.1 111:On !kw L.'2- islature. the f:ropriely id such action te.: would' influence favorably the National Ctm grt ss. 'l'he great rintnin - acturing. nod agricultural interests of Pena:Alva:int require and demand a change of the pre:- mit system of *milli The Al stn:coss atieutlitig lortn,r u.Corts. f iriii..hos no e rese Cur nu ointt,loti again to.c.lll;tutlei:,ii I d the Ijt CI. lu t me canfetit racy of Ea i o.e: w e bosA tin i.npartant postooo. 1:'0 nine troth ti.e-imaibt-rs - m - in:rln•titatttifit rcncl 1 , ‘..1.1;s of . . ;rico:111- i nits MEM HEM =IN rn : ; . ~. ! = lESEBI 111 At Cl. 1 ,*. • MMeS r 7' ' orninent such Modifications of its laws, as would protect Arricrican labor egai;!st the ruinous competition it meets in ourlparlrets from-the labors-of foreign countriest It is most sincerely to be hoped, Out the present Assembly. Will determine, iri its ac tion on this subject to be faithful to Pitats.,•l • - vania. A communication from the Inspe •.)r of the Western Penitentiary has been l• be fore nie. Its statement show that thtib.arn- nor o tuts loc co Comdation of the convicts isinnent hv se pored toanother tier of cells a I rc,Lly commenced. \V hile concurring 11111 y if!.lle recommendations of the worthy lospeOt rs 1 desire to call your early attention to Lie tier hereto annexed. My attention has been directed, by tie occurrence of few ful accidents in the of our Commun..% ealth, to the meys precautionary legislation on the sul. , j , •et 0 the construction of private and public bulld ings in crowed communities. I rasp; cif:il ly ask your consideration of this matter. It is idle to say that a sense of individual self interest is a sufficient protection on this sub ject. All experience show it is not so; and that in localities where ground is very valuable, space restricted, and competition for position active, everything is lust sic lit of but temporary advantage. The public is not roused to the sense of impendin; ger until some frightful casualty, involving the loss of innocent human life, startltss it from false security. Legislation in preven tion of the recurrence of these casualties is roestly-recommencled: 1 m• laws in relation to small notes issued of other Sits have failed to real ins results intended by ti! Legi,lature. In many counties they are entirely disre garded. In a former message, reference was made to the evil consequences likely result to the morals of a comintinity front open disidwilience to law. It is char that the presi ( nt.litw is not, and r; iil not be cxectited. The ciruillitting me dium it p:HIOSCS to Ft 1.••:i1 , 11/:.1 11./1. i l ol'oliLo t 1 to 1 . X . 11-1. 111110111 Z 111 its presont coo tic.tott. Authority to tio•Paitits ul llte Cola \vculth to i.,,tte this ticitottiiir.t.iod of t\-ottitt eurrvitcy, 1/; 11 0 S11:,- ,1,..0,10 Slssllolllrr 1.1,11101i0116 • e e•41,1.11111'1. IA ['Ha 111 1!1)s •.";., 11S W• It a- t,I a sy,to.n ;o 111 omit, r . tr. to you.; OEM MIMI MEE thr: ,t-ts , r ;'11.•- vc ;01;1 ~„,, Itr i ht. 11 1...1:1(1..,4. nllll. 1,111 1:', :;•V(• a! Ills .1 %Vi,l 4r, ,r's it I:" S lOC 111 V CUilvtiL ,i~~,u,u..~ T131,1.1'1;0 tn.:GE:PT 1 7 r.qn Auction Commissions, Auction Duties, Tax on Pank Dividt , nts, 4 , Curi,orat;nn St.clts, Pt.o2, anti Personal 'Tavern, BEE 1'o.:1;) 1 ) ,•• 41 '~.1. ♦ ... ME =lll I •.),• lf,hcii.iti,oo. • C;111.1; 1.00 , I:_;iiulitilit cf Laws, Cll:irt,lA, Ititert tto I,..:ins, t:4;;; .. Public prsp,rty, Tax qt) Totdam., I ) ;row Rridgt: Acci tic() 11.tcrt iil - "—i ;~ch~~:rt; " I KlVltiti li'llli:thelt Illy 111.111 I dr; w i,.ii:i toy - _. ti::1;:t 17..51;0 ! }tilts,!--titigttt,,er Ittikv• 11 , 11 , i , —witl lilt ito+ [rc;•INIATI:it Lxvr.Norri•lt:. 4 .l . I Citi s ofiAly,.nintl . colitnineß:iv 1i:i,•11 it, scnted r u i,, i , ; \vorics--tipervi,lol imd ' I .1.11 ‘ .. L ,7 1 1 111 Cit;M.' iii.kir.ii.y to 1.111. r.l'fi•,ll;.oll.l'd .. . . ~ r1)11.11', _ - '''-- : •. • i.. 1 .)1 1 ,000 ' 1 0 . *'lli‘trtelf:ltEr , 4 trod vo:ltiltt I watcht d tilt. t F.:tttot•fltztt3 of , (.4ot.4 , rotttoitt, ' . ...:10,i)011, curklik sk"'i _itiki; tirtlt;" l,o . IL' littill -.2. i 11e... iti!- I .mii,ai,, i L t o: . 1 .., --,.;4*,1.) ; -01 ly " Irotti... tt, -lell owl a lull of .. , -. ... . t. i Pott 4 iotitt,.ittit.t.U.clitoitio., ~ - . 'l, - -,,0.00 I lttnitt., - - - t , ...• . , . , , • i C.:l,•trttql.lit.:4list;ititiotot, . .. . ..f . 1100,()00 t*: - Litn9' o 3 . :(7liittt illt(),1107:i1114t1, - .411!1with it a [(,.',Akii,ti0t,C;;c,ii;,;,1,i,,...-.'-;,•,:Aid,0110..j-itbst of lii,i.,litl4..ik.c...)llt:olitoft . ....0 : rt.tlatiotts .CLirti . tutig. Jtirsis of Sinititig . . Futid r i%'::::,vl - ;di:PO'' awl. •li lents, i% 110, --1.100g11,10st , .:,1. lit .In Mil .• . , • ; NS u. fl ,! i'.':.7 , •:z.: -,:,•%1,:.1f.f,':, F/Offi bEM Ocncnil 3nictligence, 'Ant9ement, &ti 'rk MI equate to t lr ac- , woo) , .. t iea ,orvey, To secure Colowal Ilt•cortls, arate confinement, it i A 11l GI tax, 11E11E3 ME OEM it) 1.(10t) 2„ Ititl,o,k) I ,:150.i):), I' r.. All..l.!'l!`cl It r'V• ME ,41.11 ~h Ill~Iill•• •... MEE I= ME! • ill,. ‘.Ol-;0•0;,,1 oh, , ()( it VI . .k2o,l);it) 11. iii, 113 . I ' It).01/i) 01 'girl. ut lily ~!• t);.:ol mot ntiit 1.1.' , 11 , 11v11 ‘Fill; o (!rio_rilt ' t oo l ) E • 1112.10 C..,% . 0rc,1 v‘ - hi•Lvy ! Star: ow r, ,n,vo t o , v,•1•107o,1 in I. .5 0 0 1.,•1100 . ; .:11 1'(•11' ; o v o!1 limo tool p ,;, . . . . . 'i r ,‘:;,":a - .11'. , ,‘ , ;;P:Ti1:,t1 . 2.3 ,- kr 4 ,40:‘1,1`• 51 • „; 41` . t 4 7? , • ,gi,,t.:4,„*,1. ,, v . !, • , A A,L=4 ,4 . • e. 4 • • • . •• • I`, EMI Interest on Public Debt, Guarantied Interest, I)omestic Creditors, Damage on Public Works, Special Commissions, State Library, Public Grounds and Buildings, Penitentiaries, [louse of ltduwe, Nicholson Lauds, 1::•In't Notes, Fec:4, :‘,Tr.,rLh Branch Canal, Mi:;cellancous, An art, entidt l `.An Act to p.ioduate hintls on which inanoy is duo and unpaiA io the Commonwealth of l'etntsylrmtia." p;::<..(1 the 11th day of ApeP, .1. I). ity net II 1111111alitl , , Oil the 19:11 (I,IV of December .last. Its re- it;c'oit.lit would secure to many the ncleantages of i!s provisions, who, front pecuniary inability. o• other CillIS:03, have been unable to avail VI'S of pFOVI6IOII3. l It Win 1it...v . 011;e 111)011 thr rrcsont assembly It. :wilco an appointment of the State. for the ; el.ction of use nibers of the .r-souse of !love ; tho Unitt .1 s. I t l con -1.1.1. tile atvttl: care N lii ht. ot,scrvoti, lU 10 cv:•ry iht,ition of Cit.. (...! , .tihnotitti , 'Llitil lits ,;11st chonv, and to Make the arranott- I ((Lela of the Congressional Districts strictly -comfortable-to those considerations of popu lation and locality winch should apply to than. And now, gentlemen of the General As. as this is the last OCCaslJtt upon tt inch I shall formally, by message, address you, 1 beg to resent to you, at parting., as surances of my esteem and regard. W:a. F. JonssToN. I,..:•rou!ive Chamber, Ilariismirg, January 5, V-452. 5 La 11,11 . entare:n i:al:.arnia. la the :51.1.i.., L ; of ring 1.10 :•;ev..0.111; tti, .0 of regioos of pr,l.,iratimi., to d, 1 arcivcd iu 'Sacra- 1) . ,* 1111rraliMi ESE E. =MIRE TM =MIL =ME 1 1:~~~" 1.: L.•I. I*f.i l.• ..♦ t -.1 1 . ..; , [j .1 Ctl:tl, : tl IL:• r lIIEI 4,111 hi ;.I •I 11:1,1 pr,(oritql tin! un ;• ;di -vv , Aci . .. I !.- boo; ua ii iucliuiri iu From L 11:1d 11 . arill . 11 ill the City, L. W:1.3 IL) LIKIL Li14 . 1%! . %V.1S inure ut the tletti.tattd and tee e ,t,.t.te); (_;,,;); than tm itgo) , ,y, alt.] :e• I t:to,t. ) v;L:•re. tr,r•id:oloo i.t =I =a It ~i ~i * * :1* WM lEl=l at b (loaf :11. ;it'd liiii cz.arVdu a_iF;ltll._ V 4,11 111'1•1 2112 2,020,000 :30,000 . 5,000 20,000 500 • 500 10,600 40,000 6,000 2,000 1,000 )) 2.l3.ti:JJ )•;,) I 4)) I:y1 ME 1K:I MIZE. Mill , BEE HIE , I ;I 'L 1 1 .• cite X\ ICI i ~~1 =llB !:. 1. r •:,, ts:v ii, I lU It{ 1 ii.ll.l)l.Wil,l;.ii.:l_l 111 • 44 ‘ I`..`k - MBERR-15- memory dear," and I drew from my rep , 4). t i-% itory, the letters I:had seceived.,bylttit,ni!i.r*,o The fast I opened was from JnYi, tnetlfdirr , :l and ns I pet Used the percepts written' dotn: and the wise council therein set forth. *A wondered in my mind if I should permitted to journey seven thousand 'rnilesi back ti . o see her. The next and last massive 'was from a lethale corresponded with me, this letter was not quite so_:_melancliol _as tic• first, nod as I_ road it by the flickering'. - firo, my finicy reverted to the • Linany IniurzLl had passed in of Bit.i herly Love, visions of cottillions has, thentrcs nod fried oysters, danced o'er Inv mind, and I thought to myself what El: ' 10;)1 I nun to be spending the best days of my life in a savage wilderness ; here, there, an& evervWliete, like the dove in the ark, par- .1,;,1 .-findieg no resting place • for tlie sot of my fey t," mentally rescilir...- • iotr ••I would go bad; to that happy coon=- - llt* us soon'as—circumstances world ,per= • wit. . 13y the time I got through all , these' rep flections - mr tiro waned ; 1 stretched My - Solt:7 und,r my blanket, and w;th no living.thing near me, suyo the boars and "cosiotes," rath er que,lionable companions. resigned my self to the arms of the drowsy - g,ol, More phens. . av•aire ;dam! dawn shivering with the(' col I, but comitkrably refreshed, and save a' .• Fight stiilttess in tity limbs, the acct of the previous dad's journey, felt tolerably well; - I !tastily prepared my morning meal, and • : having disposed of it, started to hunt my mule; who had strayed from my camp dur-` int: the night, a peculiarity common to these . animals, who are always off, when most wanted, I come to this conclusion as the re... sult of painful experience, hunting them Lip at last I found him, brought him back, and having taken up my bed, walker'. ' Traveliing, in the morning at sunrise, is rattler plimsant som.ttimes; but when that planet rises in the I leaVens, and pouis d'own his burning rays on your devoted head r. inot-t frequently does in: when yo:i are. choked by dust and sand, and voltr lips parched and burning with thiret.• I;eowing, as you most probably do, that yoti must pel chanco travel ten or twenty mites; hvit'att you can obtain a drop of the • crystal, tlement to cool your fevered .thirst—then eave it to any card id and reasonable mind' answer, wh,lhor there are not many :. _. 7 reorible and . congenial, than' ula , • -.1 1:..; . 111I2r , 111,1*. i i•i• , I•ty I in after having ac , .; - i:_ht wiles, this brought ; i••/1," tiirni it in Span- ' .1; ,r I. find no , : , 1 dirty and unx,t 1. I T ,.‘ ' , lli, Own , were dwellers in v. , •.- i tt.W,u; SO -11 e consolation le,: ai r ; , d an elderly feniale... ll ll••:::.i . • : 1 , .1 in prop:lring ••,,:: ti con . ; bread. She ..• I \...:11 tit cti-ioniary "butittos " u. :,I:xicati. My ititoWleilge Vt . l'l„Tlii,a was rather limited, but ily bad, during my sojourn in' •.1 utc tc, learn the Costil.' ' variety of ot her, 'O-, -0 I iiiimediately, put my r, r I ti...ition, by inquiring whettt-' .r she loud anvilliiig firma to eat 3 She awe ,i.veriir; in the it,linnativ - e, nod is nn` althoi,t :die; el time, made me a„;.. li, with some milk I,a!thing,. ilia, made a suppdi fit - :: i f • at any rate, it was good ettougit, EMI =I „ , ME BEM •, , it,r. 7 , I`^ ' 11 . % Mg procured ahnuit' . `;', 1 ; , dll ;.;full; , . The next ';" 1 ~ ~, 1,. , ,I :, repetition , of her kind !! - ';'\ ~ ,' , , ~,, 01 a most'excellent break'," ''' ~ I -I\ :di; 11: my thanks for ray— , f0r , 4, 4 ,',1 1 ,.. e,(,,11,1 ace. i t of nothing else--resumed'i ' ,4 il - Journey. - '4 , 1 II• ,11110 iatiglle exerted as on did preq.4l:4 .. , .:,i> d ~,, hr aig tit out to a defirable'camPi,t y r':l i..- ~ r mud about sunstd. I had tmoooE ,:,, , ~,„ ,„,:,,„, .„,vimi tired,jtjtd-14::t : q , 1 ~ 1,, 11 , v ,iititry lite, muttebituir)g., i ; I , I. I pi,. I. , a pilot bread, in .the wof,cdt.,,. , ~• 1,,00r,,, I Cillellhlt.Cd thlictitrii7OVl 11,1, if v 11, irLV li.roe hundred mileptie,Cie#ritif i ,\ ~.,1 1, . neariho place' I wiritiedizt(rife.ll4 4 ii , .i di ; I ti .. , i,dit 11 , W lIIIICII be (1:44 1, :pr 47,Z, wort he if I had a companion ; how mureti.r. ,;§ If) lid ch'il'arli the tittle. Wlitilli pats 110 , 1 , - - ',Y . ' mily ...pawl) , I t : to tall; to. DideontedrOf: ~ with my., Ii ini.! iii' ;be world, I was ib o uv, 4 ! tow, .: ~,, h (...1 , + ;,I,,tifid flip, prepetaforirT,:: „, , , I , „ 2 ~,, 1 1 t. , 11 n•-t, exeittlininit.Wilb:' — , .., 1:1(' roPI, •Ni:, 1.).' , ' iin2 i 8 On the cold glifound i f, ' . -4 : du ,i , d by it sharp cracklirig of -',, t0....1 liii,:wtlititely i t il t .r A rtviLildtpir,...., .. t ; -r; 1 1 ~. ,n: firm the Slivile of a clump of ' `.t: ;Ai i..., ab.rat :t hundredit tads dimunt., rhopk-;.. ,',.° ~,,,on wa, to t! is, time obscured by chalrls o , 41 and I had jam light etimigli to seelnal, i.W, ,1 / 4 44 IVaIS I,111111•Ibiliff email , ;,*'mill:llls 1111 P; *ittliak *,,, .out lit ii able . l*itine eittarly 4thittl.,tidik so.nething vine y-be, 4. }te•orAitltil :' pi4t'• ...tipper !and if so, IYIJIII. 00150)filti ii : 1 k tilt , hog, tittillstueisithlo, , ,,,:#l , 64lly, I,' i '” ~ - ..n t -IV NIL emit he - cortr(npo ~ I. „;, . : n doted," I. „„."40k-.excl,itilned:,iii. V,11 , 6.11 11 ,i, 1` to viy , ii llt t'in'ttiiile Jut. IViti • -94 Q, .' ..1 4 "..,'',, liali,t, I thi , ,,,, , ht hurt it'9,ll for, '"i • MEll F -"`"1- - gt .' •, j. it , ME r t , - 1111 !irk tr. • `,. ; f .. X 4. .;
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