.ma r 1,11 • •••: • • .t: 2... •• it. : 7 7=1: 7 1 A ; • , 1 41 :. • V - • • 47• 7 111 i 1 11 " . , ) 121 , 4 r . „ 7 4 4 11 '.,,,,•P0t0 ifeze4,, A 4? . • _.,, • • • _ _ : . • A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Elcuotcb to Nays, fitcrattirc, poetn), Ocience, ,Mechanics, 'Agriculture, the )rliffusion of 'fistful Jitformation, 0115citerat IktintEicinent, Sz.c. VOLUME IV. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, h ptiblishedin the borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa.,every Thursday Bx AuGusTus L. RUNE, ot 50 'per annum, payable in advance, and $2 00 if not paid until the end of the year; No Paper digerintinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. AnvsnTrszsiewrg, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent inset lion twenty-five cents. Larger advertisements charged in the same proporticiri. Those not exceeding ten lines, Will be charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines or less, three insertions' for 50 cents. L"it liberal deduction will, be made to those Who advertise by the year. EV'Office in Hamilton St., one door East ol the German Reformed Church, nearly opposite the "Friedensbothe (Vice." BUILDERS I LOOK HERE!! _ A NEV LOT OF HARDWARE!!! A RE!!! The underskmed announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large ItSt of Hardware, consisting of , House Furnishing Sracics, s a , 3' 4 74 , i'CF (-allow, Coach Trimmings, Saddlery that .S'hoc;findings, all of Which will be sold at extremely low prices. Thee ask thti piiblic to git'e SArAtEirs HAanwAttE STririE, sign of the a c ul, m order to convince themselves of the fact, that a •penny saved is a penny made.' 0 & J SAEGER. To Mouse-Keepers. A gredt nstortmerit of Hodse 111rdishing afticles, such as ENAMELED and tinned inside, cooking vesStilt; ?lance and stew pans, preserve ket tles, fish rtrid ham kettles, frying puns, grid irons, Waffle irons, &c. TEA TR I.l'S and Waiters, from cont• mon to fine, in sets rind dotens. Also, goth ic forth, in sets, and in variety of patterns. KNIVES and FORKS—in sets and doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers. steels, cook and butcher knives, with a variety of other than 11 lam res. POCKET and PEN . aNIVES—Razors, etissors, shears, from the best makers ; one, two, three, and .rblude knives. SUIOVELS, sptidtis, Pdties, pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS, Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, coal hods, tailors' irons smoothing irons &c., and tir sale by 0 & J SAEGER. l[{ON.—A lot of Hatmnered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band [ron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear j Steel, square, flat, and round, dst received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of 0 & J SA EUER, GLASS.-150 Boxes Gla•s,S by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 15, 12 by 16, and various other seizes, for sale by 'l'o MECHANICS.--Tools of every de scription, such as Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Pannel, and Back Sa*s, Brace and Bius, Auger thus, Hatchets, Squr.res, &c., for sale by TO SHOENIAKERS.—Just received a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather,'Lasts, ShM!-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic les belonging to the shoemaking business NAILS,—:3OO Kegs of the best. Nails, l3rads and Spikes, just received and for sale Lp 0 & J SAEGER. SCYTEIES--21) doz. genuine Griffiith's Scythes, also a largo assortment of genuine Steiermark Giass Scythes, cheap told for .sale by 0 & J SAEUER' OILS & VAI6IISH.—OiIs °fall bolled.und raw, Turlu•utirie, Newark Par rish of all kinds, Glue &c.,--will be sold cheap by U S. J SAEGE[I. full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best ialie, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by . 0& J SAEGER. I - 101-ILO WA RE.--530.1r0n Puts and Kettles, jtist received and fur sale et very reduced prices at the. store of April IS To Builders. A splendid aisortment of Front and Parlor Locks with mineral knobs, ,gerinan Locks, Latches, Bolts, Illnges, Screws, Paint I3rush es, and a variety of 'other building Hard ware just unpacking, and. for sale cheaper han ever by U & J SAEGER. A nril IS y-, 11—!,:ut That Noted Beautiful Farm, situate in Lower Milford township, Bucks county, on the public road,, leading from Bethlehem to Charlestown, 10 miles distant from the former, and 5 *miles .from the ha -1 ter, bounded by lands of Jacob Bach, Jacob IVeiss, George Steinman, John Miller, Da vid Eberhard and others, containing 41 acres more or less, 4 acres thereof are of the best Meadow land, through which a never failing stream of water runs sufficiently strong, to drive any kind of machinery with ease, 6 acres are of the best woodland that can be found in the neighborhood. The im provements thereon consist in a good 2 story • t git. ~ Stone Dwelling !to # 0 US with with a one story kitchen attached, a large clog barn, new wagon house and other neces sary outbuildings. Also two large Apple Orchards, grafted' with the hest fruit that could be Ob tained. The whole tract is enclosed with the best kind of fences, and is in a high state of cultivation. A more convenient farm can not he found in the county. For further par : ticulars, inquire of either of the undersigned. BLACK BEAR ROTEL ;Piilians Fry, Successor to //oiount Schroyer, NO. 2111 NORTH 77111? D STILE 127, 13etwejn Callowhill and Willow Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned respectfully informs his many friends and the public in general, that he has lately rented the Tavern Stand, No. 241,1 North Third Street, between Cal lowhill and Willow streets, well linown in this section of the country, as the . flack ilea). Hotel which establishment he has fitted ivii in a superior style, and is now ready to accommodate all those Who may favor him with their custom. The building is large and commodious, and is ad !nimbly arranged to suit the Convenience of all persons who may favor him with a call for a long or short time. His yard is large, and his stabling com modious, and an attentive hostler will at all tittles be found in attendance. • punctual attendance to his customers, and a desire to render them comfortable. the proprietor expects a share of public patron age. WILLIAM Y. May 23. li y Waterman Young, In Lhe court of com vs. mon Pleas of Le acnneville high co. Peb.Term Gideon rodcr. 1850, No. 301. And now September sth, 1350, .;,.••%I;.' t •re on motion .of Mr. Wright., the „court appoint E. J. Moore. Com misaioner to distribute the monies • • t eMtr made (as per return of Sheriff) in the above case out of the personal propt;r ty of the defendants above named to and among the creditors legally entitled thereto. From the Records, TEStE—NATHAN MILLER, PrOthty. 0 & J SAEGER & J SAEGER The Commissioner above named Will meet for the purpose of his appointment, on Tues day the 15th day of October, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the law olfice of the un dersigned in the borough of Allentown, wIRM and where all persons interested. will please . attend, if they see proper. 0 & J SAEGE[ Sept. 19 Notice is hereby given, thatifilliain Pr ier, (farmer) and his wife Maria, of North 11'Litoh,iil,unvu hip, Lehigli-eounty4 have on the, ~lay of A tig - irst I‘j:so, made to Volu4littiry Assigninent of till'llleir prOperty, real, perJointl and mixed, to the undersigned for the sole benefit of their creditors'. Stich, therefore who are in any wise indebted to the said Assignor, are called upon to make settlement within six ‘t eidis from die date hereof. And those, who have legal claims against the same, will present them well au thenticated to the undersigned within the above Specifii.d time. JONAS RINGER, As'xignee. & J SAEGER . IU-2in IS=lO Public notice is hereby given, that the heretofore . .in the Slate business, between tdeazrt:offin and Rie4ard C. Bye, was dissolved by litmusl consent on the 2lst day of August 1850. Sere iiityr Private Sale or Valuable Real Estate, The undersigned offers to sell at private sale, the following valuable real estate : Asmww K. WITTMAN ELIZABETH RUCH. September 5 Commissioner's Notice. E. J. MOORE, C'tmunissioner, Assigme, Notice. co ia‘loaa ELEA ZAR COPFIN RICHARD C. BYE. ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., SEPTEMBER 26, 1850. Barber & Young's Iron Hardware Store, IN A LLENTO WN. Take this method •ttlo inform the citizens of Allentown and the public in general, that they still continue the 1 ..rz#4:: IRON AND f!ARDWARE 4' in all its various branches, at their old stand in Hamilton street, above Market square, where they are always ready to sell to. their customers and others at the lowest prices. They also give timely.notice, that they will STOP THE CREDIT SYSTEM after the first of October next; and sell for Cask only. They believe to be doing a par ticular favor to their customers, as they will exact for cash but a very small prqfil, be lieving it to be the interest of all. BARBER & YOUNG. September 12. ifj—:3ln FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOIN STONE & SONS, • IMPORTERS AND DEE ALES IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia. ItAVE received by late arrivals from Prance, a 1.1 . 1•,e,e and very desirable as sortment of } ,4 Al* t k? MILLINENY GOODS, /* among which will be found all kinds of Bonnet Vtilvets of all colors in variety of prices. Bonnet Satins of all colors in variety of prices. Corded Velvets of all colors and prices. Floured, water'd and corded Bonnet Goods. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large nsssort mont. II - , 1 tv French and American Flowers Laces, 13onnet. Tabs, Crowns, Buckrams, &c.. &c., together with a splend id assortment of Paris Fancy 1. - colliers. The above goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will be sold at the very lowest market prices. Sept. 40. ¶—•lw ; ?INN° 011 TE Tr 3Wr3CO 0 la 171 Chestnut street, above IVlh, Philadelphia. THE OLD !STAND, Occupied for wore than a third of a On . fury. by George Wang, Esq. ralhe undersigned would most respectfully ja • announce to the public, that he is Agent formore than twenty of the most celebrated manufacturers of Boston, New fork, Phil adelphia, and elsewhere ; and is constantly . m m teceivitny front them PIANOS of the richest and most varied styles, of su perior tone, and of the most superb finish, of li, ().1, 6.!, 61, and 7 Octaves, which are, ‘ warranted equal to any manufactured either' in this couhtry or Europe. Just received, also, a further supply of Church and Parlor Organs, of very beautiful pattern's and fine tones. Ills Witre room is constantly supplied with a choice selection of • SERAPHINES AND MELODEONS, , from the oldest and most extensive manufac tories in the United States; among which is a new style of . REED ORWIN, having Carhart's patent improvements, with gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved, and highly ornamental. Tuning and Repairing.—Sig. Salvador (rassa, a distinguished Piano Forte Mantifacturer and Organ Buil& r, will at tend to all orders. OSCAR C. B. CARTER, 171 Chestnt , street,Mhiludelphia. A ugust 29. , ¶—lim IVILLIAM S. MARX, ATTORNEY S. COUNSELLOR.•AT LAW 01fieu in the western front room of the building of John D. Lawall, formerly Elorn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 4, 1650, HENRY LAURENCE, -I.OI.4IAVILOWQ &&&&& re F dent ortnerly of scold,lphia, now a ei of Alltown. . , Office at Steckel's Eagle flotel. •Ilefers to the follOavin,g gerttlemen resi dents of Philadelphia and Allentown. • Slinh.Gco. Morton, M.D.,E. Townspil, D. D. S. Henry S. Patterson, ;LK. Towimend, Dentist. Jilhn 11. Ttlcelellen, ;L. R. Krecker, Dentist. Charles 11. Marlin, P. Skantz, M. 1). • Charles 1.. Martin, Hornig, Jr, M..D. '',l'cteth and roots extracted gratuitons , ly tithen removed for the insertion of arta= clot teeth, May 9, - ilf - I i w Regular Volunteer Candidate For Sheriff. To the Free and Independent Electors of Lehigh County. FELLONV CITIZENS ! I hereby offer myself to the free and independent citizens of Lehigh county as a Volunteer candidate for the Office of Sheriff, at the ensuing election. I will be thankful to all, be they 1V hi:, - Ts or Democrats, for their support, and should I be so fortunate as to recieve a majority of your votes, [ will en deavor to discharge the duties of the office with satisfaction to the public. DANIEL J. RELOADS. August 29. ¶—te &nut!) dlntlitkisioner. To the Free and Indeliendant Electors of Lehigh County. FELLOW CITIZENS ! Through the recommen dation of a large circle of friends, I hereby offer myself as a candidate for The Office of Commissioner, of Lehigh county. Should Ibe so fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes, 1 will endeavor to fulfill the duties of the office with fidelity and to the bek of my abilities. ADAM HICKER. 11—te September 12, C. M. RUNK ; ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa. Practices in Lehigh and adjoining coun ties. FP*May be consulted in German. August 22. If—ly EDMUND J. I.lolllt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office a feto doors west of the court Haase. tirlie can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. Allentown, April Lre(oaqaute,, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office one dour east of kollm Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh county, P. Ailentown, Alarch .ztauacou:. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has disposed of his stock of merchan dize, to his brother William Gross, in Cat asaurpia, Hanover township, Lehigh coun ty. Those therefore, who are indebted to him, will see the necessity of settling their accounts on or before the first day of Octo ber next. Those also, who have claims against the undersigned, will present them fur settlement at the above date. JOHN GROSS. Septcmber 5. I w THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No: 163 i CHESNUT .STREET near Fifth street, Chalks N. Bimcker, Geo. W. Ric - lairds. Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. BroWn, Jacob It. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every• description or property, in own and country, at rates as low as are consis att nith security• The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premf tints, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, 1818, as published agreeably to an Act of A:- scipltly, were as follows, eiz Mortgages, Real Estate, Temporary Loans,. Stocks, Cash, &c., Since theiyincorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid' upwards of one million Iwo hundred thousand dollars, losse'S by fire, there by alfordine, evidence of the . advantages insu ranee, ns well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CIIARLES N. BANCKER, Presider CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'y. Mai The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of ike above mentioned Institution, and are now i prepared to make insurances on, every descrip ion of property, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS 1.. RUFlE; l itientown• • C. P. BLECK; Bethlehem. ' Allentown, June 13, 1848: -1- 1 Y . . COMA Yarn. INtise. MORRIS & EAST WO , No. 71 North Front Street, Philadelphia. Cotton and Linen Chain,„Warps, go Blue Twist, Coverlet Yarn, Tie • Yard, Lamp ,Wick, Oduon Laps, &d. &c. &c. Orders promptly esecuted, Aril% 1,-43nt-34 ii -it MB INDEMNITY Directors $890,558 65 128,358 90 205,459 00 15,563 15 46,581 87 b 1,110,097 67 NEUTRAL IN POLITICS, chman & Brother, 16!✓INUF.RCTURERS 4 DEALERg -IN Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps. The nineteenth century being the age of Magnetic, Telegraphs, Steamships, Locomo tives, &c., and in which all kinds of busi ness is done in the very quickest and most expert manner, it likewise becomes neces sary for .the trading public, to take small profits and make quick sales, in order to keep up with the improvements of the times. Upon this principle we have determined to act. We will sell our Goods at such prices as will astonish the buyer. The following are some of our prices, td wit:— ) Men's 'alf-skin Boots from $2,50 to $l4O do c urso do " 1,50 to 8,00 cloJ — trip do " 2,00 to 2,75 do Gaiter Ladies' Gaitters I{ do Slippers and Welts do ~ Buskins 31 to 1,25 Besides a very lar g e and exten sive assorunent of .. ag r o W ready-made fft' Boots & shoes, V-41t, cheap for cash. 'l'lic•y also keep fir sale, a splendid as sortment or ~--- Moleskin, Silk and Slouch IzA* , -;..,-. ill A I' !!.ii• i .&,, . Cloth, glazed, fancy and military C Ai P S, Trunks, Umbrellas, Camphine, Lard and Fluid Lamps, Candelebras, &c., &c. EU - Recollect the place, one door west of 0. & J. Sager's Hardware Store, in the building formerly occupied by L. Smith's Apothecary store, in Hamilton street, Allen town. May 23. 11-3 m 1141 Minna The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Com pany of Philadelphia, Office No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, ( PITA!. 300,000. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. ' The capital being paid up and invested, together with the accu mu lated premium fund affords a perfect Becztrily to the insured. The premium may he paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe . riods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriatA in December, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 81 per ct.nt, 7 per cent, &c., on others in proper tion to the time of standing nothing an addi tion of $lOO, $57,50, $75, &c., on every , $lOOO originally insured, which is nn aver- age of more than 50 per &slit on the premi ums paid, and without indreasing - the annual payment to the company. No. or! Sum 'Cants trttanti of policy and Policy. Insured or bonus payable at the Addition,: party's decease. No. 54 . $ 1000 $ 100—' 88 3500 • 250 205 , 4000 400 276 2.100, 124 333 5000 437 50 Pamphlets containimy, tables of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms ofappli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. RUIIE, Agent in Allentown. B. W. RICHARDS, Pr6sident JNO. F. JAMES. eictuary. December 13 To Farmers and Men 'of BushieSs. OILS, CANDLES & GUANO. THE SUBSCRIBER oilers, at the low est rates, in any quantity to suit purchasers, Genuine - Peritylan Guano, and every variety of SPERM, WHILE, LARD AND • T . 7 .1* IE 1117 S .1" E. manufacturers, Tanners, Farmers, Deal ers and Consumers, are invited to call. GEO Ay. 121.13 G WAY ; No. 37 North Whurves,-the first. [FOIL STORE,6 • below Race street, Philadelphia. • August Wash 4tpii Printipg Pros FOIP S.IL F. A Superior iron printing press, Washing ton's patent, with a bed 22 by 34 inches, in first rate order, for sale at this office, on ac commodating terms.—Address A. L. Ruhe, post paid.. July 25,, NOW IS THE TIME ! Good Store Stand . . H PRI l'%l T SAL E.. The undersigned offers to sell his valuaz ble Store Stand, at private safe. It: io situ ated in the village of Butztown, ton county, on the public road, leading front Bethlehem to Easton. The • I ' 4 ' l 4'; II CIL DIMG un- large and convenient, besides if is admitted to be one of the most beautiful and best situations, in this section of coun try, for an enterprising business man, and in point of convenience cannot be excelled; There are five acres of good land belonging . thereto, upon which is an excellent neve r failing spring - and a well. l'u:ssessiou can be given immedimely,if rewired, and,the conditions can be dada easy. A. S. Dtet-I. 1,25 to :3,00 1,00 to 1,57 ,71? - 1'he "Bucks County Intelligencer," 'viii please insert the above eight dines - . July IS. Rail Road Convention. Make is hereby given, that a Rail Road Convention will be held on Wednesday the 2nd of October next,"- at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, iii the Courthouse in the Borough of Allentown, toadopt measures for the buff& ilia of tile contemplated Railroad from NOW YUrk to.the Schuylkill coal region. It be comes necessary' for the citizens of our sec tion of country ; to move in the matter, and kok to their interest. It is also recommended that the citizens of the counties of Schuylkill, Lehigh, Car 7 bon and Northampton, hold county meetings and send such number of Delegates to the proposed convention as they think proper. Many Iriends of the Project. August 29. °--Liw ROGER BROWN'S WINE & LIQUOR i C .Rty No. 323 MARKET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth Strs,North Philadelphia. All kinds of Foreign Wine., and Liquors such as— Old Cognac Brandies, Dark 4aj ; A t4: ss ll /! and . l'ale, .llellit . Ghn, Ja- Ai • 11 4. 1 2issr 111111Cfl Spirns,lnsh and Scotch '""' - ''.llalt IChiskey of the very == VIVINCS.—Such ns Madeira, Port, Sherry, Teneriffe, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Cltiret and Champagne, very choke and old. Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distilled Brandy and Gin. lure Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy,. Wild-Cherry Brandy, and Fine pordials, Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum,. &e.; &c., also a large supply of finer pia Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the re , rte lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern-keepers,milf do well to give the un derb igned a call beforepurchasing elsewere, and examine the Liquors, which he Vouch• es, will bear thu closest scrutiny, tecolleCt No. 323 MI rket Street Philadelphia, Dec New Mackerel. 5 1100 2750 4.100 2175 5137 arfILE UNDERSIGNED have just re , II! , ceived a large lot of No. I, 2., and 3, Nmv Nlncicerel, in barrels, whidh they 'ill sell wholesale and retail, at the very lowest prices. PRETZ, GUTH, & do. ii ,, Atwast 22. 4' ,':, -.'i.:' if— , - . 2rit :IifiIOULDE S l 4Dried Beer.— ""The subscribers have just received, a lot of good covered Hams, Shoulders and Dried Bud", which they will sell at the lowest market prices. 11-1 y August S ITA ( 0710 1 .1 MACKEREL; • SHAD, CODFISH, . . SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE, Sept. 12. IGooking Gleigtes. A splendid assortment of Looking Glasses with Mahogony frames, for sale very cheap at the store of -• • KERN & KLEIN. Sheep. ' T wostran eSheo i p '(wetlers ) :* „3 'have been_ staying for some 4 : t ime on the farm of the under signed, near Sheltoxes tavern, in South Whitehall township, Lehigh coun-. ty. The owner is requested to call, prove property and by paying expenses, can take them away. HE:9l , ,ir StuN*lllk3l.. September 70. 'lt.-4w k-~~~v .~-... NUMBER 51 -AT ROGER BROWN: • PRETZ, GUTH, & Co. Ogg) 2 Constantly on hand and for B.4LE by . J.PALmsn &Cu., Market Street • Whtirf, Philadelphia. tin--1-50
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers