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' k• - •-;,7'. - 7 - : -- • ...&...til 4 ..•:Cf ‘: ' - ;‘,..:ur e , v r -- - , .....,,_. _,1 ,:, 0 1 . . il.. 47-7.: , . - . . .., . . .. .. , . ___ ..... . . . . - • . x,•••larr—• 04 ; • ~. ; s .tv . • . : ,''. e' •- .. -- - '• - NEUTRAL IN POLITICS _______ _ ... • ..;,--•, , D: , ,.. , ,,,..., ttz6 , , ". ~..._,_,,,,,,, ...•,,...: ' ,7'W:".'.- - _ A FAMILY NEWSPAPER, _....._______ ______„.., ________ __ - - . . . MCDOteb tO NC titcrature, Voctrn, Zcitnce, 2griculturc, the flhffusion of Useful information, Gencral 3ntelligence, 'Amusement, VOLUME IV. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ls published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa.,every Thursday UY A.UGUSTU. 4 .4 L. RUIIE, At SI-50 per annum, payable in advance, and $2 00 if not patd until the end of the year. .No paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. AOYERTISEMRNTS, making not more than one square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent insertion t venty-five cents. Larger advertisements charged in the same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines, will be charged seventy-five cents, and those making six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents. E''A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. LVP Office in Hamilton St., one door East of the German Reformed -Church, nearly opposite the "Friedensbothe Office." Lehigh Timber Lands, Saw Mill, ficc. •IT PUBLIC 84. LE. WILL be exposed to• public sale, on the premises, at the house of Lewis Billings, on Fifth -Day the 17th of October, a valuable body of Timber Lands, with the improve ments, containing about 2838 acres, more or less, situated on Hickory Run, in Kidder township, Carbon County. The lands are on both sides of said creek ; the timber con sists of White and Yellow Pine, Sprtice, Hemlock, Oak, and Chestnut; the quantity of White Pine is large. of good quality, and easy of access-Hog reads being already made, extending into some of the groves, . The improvements are a Iv , new and substantial Saw 4% ;;;;; JJ Mill, now about being fin- 7 . • 1-2 '-` ,- -'-ished, and is expected to -.- be ready to run before the day of sale. The water-wheel is an overshot, 2S feet in dia meter; the gearing and fixtures including an edger are on the most approved plan, and the workmanship done in the best man ner, under the immediate direction of John Apple, who is-so favorably known as an experienced millwright. The foundations, both of the mill and dam, are upon a solid rock, and.the frame of the Mill stands upon a substantial stone will. It is located en and 'propelled by the waters of Hickory Run, on the slack water navigation of the Lehildi. live miles below White / laven, with suffi cient room to pile 500,000 feet of lumber at no time. From the mill to the wharf there • is a good wagon road, (with the exception a short distance not yet opened,) the whole distance being about two and three-fourths f miles, the ground descending most ling ttl eHWoauys n 'T here eart a h r e e three n a ll % i l l e e l l t - , so stable,&c.—Said improvements are located on the tri-weekly mail stage rood from Merwinesburg to White Haven, where the said road crosses Hickory Run, and about five miles from the latter place. On the premises, about three-fourths of s mile above said Saw Mill and. mprovements, .up Hickory Run, is a new and well finished Dwelling House, two anal a half stories high. Also, about three-fourths of a stone data remaining, a part of which gave way last fall, and with it carried away a new Saw Mill connected therewith. The dam can be repaired nt a small expense, and will afford an excellent site for either a steam or water power Mill. There are also other • eligible sites for building Mills on the pre mises. In the old Mill dam, and at and near the old Mill, there are about 4000 saw logs, which were stocked in the winter of 1848-9, and about 500 chopped and pealed, that re main in the woods. Also, a large quantity of wrought iron work and castings on the premises, and a part of the gearing and frame of the Mill that was carried away by the flood, which can be used again in re-build ing—all of which will be included in the sale of the property here advertised. Taking into view the location of the above property, the improvements, tho vast quan tity of valuable timber, the convenience of roads, wharf, &c., all in order for immediate operation without any outlay or expense* is believed that rarely, if ever such induce ments have been offered on the Lehigh to persons wishing to engage in the manufac uring of lumber or the investment of capi al in timber lands. Immediate rossession will be given on the payment of one-fourth of the purchase money, or satisfactorily securing it to be paid on the Ist day of April, A. D. 1851. by giving ap proved personal security. The remaining thiree-fourths to be secured on the premises by bond and mortgage, in three equal instal ments, payable on the first days of April, A. D. 1852, 1853 and 11454, respectively, ityith interest. For further infortnation, apply to /IL K. Taylor, Tay lorsvi lie, Bucks county ; D. B. Taylor, Coates street• wharf, Philadelphia ; or to D. H. Taylor, W hite Haven, who will accompany any person who wishes to view he property. MAHLON K. TAYLOR & CO. Scptonher., 26, MO. 'll4w. elch's National Circus ! RE-ORGANIZED. AND BEING A COMBINATION OF TWO COMPANIES, EQUESTRI AN AND DRAMATIC. This novel combination and Double Troupe will perform at .311entow», on. Wednesday the 10th day of October, for one day only—af ternoon and evening. Doors opening half each hour previous Admission 25 cis to each EntertainMent. In the equ e strian department one Of the leading; and from their novelty the most striking feature, are the wonderful exploit of the wild rider, Eaton Stone. This extra ordinary equestrian of whose skill and dar ing volumes have been written wherever he has performed, appears in two distinct acts of horsemanship in neither of which does he us:: saddle and bridle on his superb steeds, though they are both as wild and apparent ly untameable as when first lassoed by hiin on the Pampas of South America. Their leaps are truly terrific, and it is impossible to describe the sensation of the beholder as he watches the motions of horse and rider, which are in perfect union, and which con vey to the mind n strong picture of the Cen taurs of Heathen Mythology. Mast. T. Neville is another of the stars which form the brilliant Galaxy of Talent of which this great company is composed. [-le is everywhere admitted to be without a rival in his feats of equalation. Mr. Cad walder, the graceful and daring many horse rider, the established favorite of this .compa ny. -Mr. E. Derious with his highly edu cated and superb Lilliputian Shetland po nies. The great and widely renowned Acrobats, the Rivets family, whose pleasing and astonishing fonts have never equalled in America; the accomplished equestrian and chaiiipion vaulter, Mr. W. 0. Dale, Mr. Samuel Lee, whose herculean feats are the wonder and achniralion of till who witness them. The juvenile equestrian prodiges, Mastei 0. Derious and B. Williams, Two great clowns, John Gossen, and Dan Gard ner, whose unexCertionnble art & most ap proved good humor have placed them at the summit of the profession. Master of the Arena, Captain J. A. Decamp. The grand Heroic EqueStric Dramatic Spectacle. ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON, Or the seven Champions of Christendom, Got up with the most lavish expense . with new and gorgeous dresses, properties and appointments of every sort, as performed for hundreds of nights, at the National A in pitheatre, Philadelphia, will conclude each evening's entertainment. 1...V' The above company will exhibit at Kutztown, on the 17th of October. September, 29, NOW IS THE TIME! Good Store Staild -AT .1 1 171 PATE SALE. The undersigned offers to sell his valua ble Store Stand, at private sale. It is situ ated in the village of Butztown, Northamp ton county, on the public road, lending from Bethlehem to Easton. The spool B LILL DIMG 8 9 v * --..-are large and convenient, besides it is admitted to'be one of the most beautiful and best situations, in this section of coun-' try, for an enterprising business rrinn, and in point of convenience cannot be excelled. There are five acres of good land belonging thereto, upon which is an excellent never failing spring and a well. Possession can be given immediately if required, and the conditions can be made easy. A. S. DECH. L-r7The "Bucks County Intelligencer," will please insert the above-eight times. July IS. , ¶-4w kaIitaIULDERS, & Dried Beef.- ^. 7 The subscribers have just received, a. lot of good covered Hams, Shoulders and Dried Beef, which they will. sell at the lowest market prices. • PRETZ, 011TH, & Co. August 6. 111-2 in Two Estvaled. Sheep. Two strange Sheep, (wetlwrs) have been staying tor some time on the farm of the under - " signed, near Shelton's tavetn, in South Whitehall township, Lehigh coun ty. The owner is requested to call, prove property and by paying expenses, can take them away. HENRY SCANEIDER. September 10. JOB PIPIXTIMG, Neatly executed at the "Register" Office. ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., OCTOBER 3, 1850. Private Sale or Valuable Real Estate. The undersigned offers to sell at private sale, the following valuable real estate : That Noted Beautiful Farm, situate.in Lower Milford township, Bucks county, on the public road, leading from Bethlehem to Chariest°Wm, 10 miles distant from the former, and 5 miles from the lat ter, bounded by lands of Jacob Bach, Jacob Weiss, George Steinman, John Miller, Da vid Eberhard and others, containing 44 acres more or less, 4 acres thereof are of the best Meadow land, through which a never failing stream of water runs sufficiently strong, to drive any kind of machinery with ease, 6 acres are of the best woodland that can be found in the neighborhood. The im provoments thereon consist in a good 2 story ..;AQ Sterne Dwelling 110 USE with a one story Icitcheriattached, a large log barn, new wagon house and other neces sary outbuildings. Also two large it iA Apple Orchards, with the best fruit that could be Q - tained. 'l'he whole tract is enclosed with the beat kind of fences, and is in a high state of cultivation. A more convenient farm can not be found in the county. For furthei• particulars, inquire of either of the undersigned. September 5 BLACK BEAR HOTEL, William Pry, Successor to Houston i Sehroyer, NO. 241 a NORTH THIRD STREET, Between.Callowhill and Willow Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned respectfully informs his many friends and the public in general, that he hos lately rented the Tavern Stand, No. 1. North Third Street, between Cpl lowhill and Willow streets; well known in this section of the country, as the Black Bear Motel which establishment he has fitted Va; up in a superior style, and is now ready to accommodate all those who may favor him with their custom. The, building is large and commodious, and is ad mirably arranged to suit the convenience of all persons who may fa - vor him with a call for a long or short time. His yard is large, and his stabling com modious, and an attentive hostler will at all times be found in attendance. By punctual attendance to his customers, and a desire to render them comfortable. the proprietor expects a share of public patron age. WILLIAM FRY. May 2:3. 'Commissioner's Notice. uternian Young, In the Court dem i/3. mon Pleas of Le- Benneville Yoder, .$• highto. Feb: Perm Gideon Yoder. 1850, No. 304. And now September 5th,1850, .7.:"€ 11 ,4" . 1 114 . on motion of Mr. Wright, the A s„ t. court appoint E.. J. Moore, Corn .:,,.-i 9 .r,„4: missioner to distribute the monies *alt 1 . - ‘ made (as per return of Sheriff) in the above case out of the personal proper ty of the defendants above named to and among the creditors legally entitled thereto. From the Records, TESTE-NATHAN MILLER, Prolley. The Commissioner above named will meet for the purpose of his appointment, on Tues day the 15th day of October, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the law office of the un dersigned in the borough of Allentown, when and where all persons interested, will please attend, if they see proper. E. J: MOORE, Comiiiissioner, Sept. 19. ¶-4w • :assignee otne. Notice is hereby given, that William Pe ter, (farmer) and his wife Maria, of North Whitehall township, Lehigh county, have' on the 22nd. day o(Angust IEOO, made a Voluntary Assignment of all their property, real, personal and mixed, to the undersigned for the sole benefit of their creditors. Such, therefore who are in any Wise indebted to the said Assignor, are called upon to make settlement'within six Weeks from the date hereof. And those, who have legal claims against the smite, will present them well au thenticated to the undersigned within the above specified time. JONAS RINGER, .Bssignee. August 29. ¶-6w iIII) 1 0. -- AT#21 Public notice is hereby given, that the Co-partnership, heretofore existing in the Slate business, between Bleazar Coffin and Richard a Bye, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 21st day of August 1850. ELEAZAR COFFIN. RICHARD C. BYE. September 5. '-6w tr. ANDREW K. WITTMAN ELIZABETH Rucii. • ¶-•lw n1C)al11113 9 BAIL By virtue and in pursuance of an order out of the Orphans ourt of Lehigh co un ty, will be oft red at Public Sale, on Satur day the sth of October next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, an the premises, A Certain Plantation, or tract of land, with the appurtinances, sit uated, in Salisburg township, Lehigh coun ty, adjoining lands of John Yost, David Schitz, William Ecksperren - and others, containing 120 acres and 40 purches, x--7 The buildings thereon erected are 66 a good two story sees . 11 , I (i..._ 'Frame House, Stone Kitchen, a large Swiss Barn, 13Iack smith Shop, Wagon House, and other out / . 4 )) buildings. -N About 20 acres are good t. Woodland, the balance arable land, with a proportionate shar of Meadowland. Near the house is a neverfailing spring, and near the Barn, a neverfailing well. There is also an exel lent Apple orchard, and runny other fruit trees on tit° farm. This farm lays about one mile east of. Allentown, on the public road leading to Hellertown. The farm can 'be sold whole, or in pieces, as it may suit purchasers. It is the real estate of Nathan Shafer, deceased, late of Salisburg township. . _ The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by HENRY SCHAF ER, ' . Ilm'rs. DANIEL RI'1"1" , By order of the Court J. D. LAWALL, Clerk. • September 19, 111-4 w. Barber & Young's Ir7Pit a 1 Hardware More, IN ALLENTOWN. Take this method to inform the citizens of Allentown and the public in general, that they still continue the ar .14.. IRON AND HARDWARE 1.4""q Business, • in all its various branches, at their old stand in Hamilton street, 'above Market square, where they are always ready to sell to their customers and others at the lowest prices. They also give timely notice, that they will STOP THE CREDIT SYSTEM after the first of October next, and sell for Cysh only. They believe to be doing a par ticular favor to their customers, ns they will exact for cash but a very small profit, be loving it to be the interest of all. BARBER & YOUNG. September 12 FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEE ALES IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia. HAVE eceivedt by late arrivals from France, a large and very desirable as sortment of 'MEI. • , MILLINER GOODS, I. among which will be found • • all kinds of " Bonnet Velvets of all eolors in variety of prices. 'Bonnet Satins of all colors in variety of prices. Corded Velvets of all colors and prices. Figured, water'd and corded Bonnet Gcods. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large asssort ment. French. and •American Flowers. Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns, Buckrams, &c.. &c., together with a splendid assortment of Paiis Fancy Feathers. The above goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will be sold at the very lowest market prices. Sept. 19. • New Mackerel. FITHE UNDERSIGNED have just re-. ceived a large lot of No. 1,2, and 3, New Mackerel, in barrels, which they will sell wholesale and retail, at the very lowest prices. PRETZ, GUTEI, & Co. August 22. 11-2nt HENRY . EAURENCE, zDuarttellemCi Formerly of Philadelphia, now a resident of Allentown. Office at Steckel's _Eagle Hotel. Refers to the following gentlemen resi dents of Philadelphia and Allentown. Sam. Geo. Morton, M. D. E. Townsend, D. D. S: Henry S. Pattepson, ! . J.K. Townsend, Dentist John B. meetelten, IL. R. Kircher, Dentist. Charles H. Martin, " IT. P. Shantz, M. 1). Charles L. Martin,J. Romig, Jr, M. D. ITeeth3ir an roots extracted gratuitous• ly when removed for the insertion of artifi. cull teeth. May 9. t it Notice. The subscriber intends visiting the nu merous nurseries in the vicinity of New York about the 10th of October next, and will be happy to execute all orders entrust ed to his care in the way of : Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Ever greens, Flowering Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Creepers, Bulbous and Tuberous Rooted Flowers,Her baceous Plants, Esculent Roots,- Hedge Plants, Box Edging, 4 , c., t•c. All articles tvill be selected personally by him and brought on immediately. Orders should be sent in previous to the above mentioned date. H. W. CROSBY. [Orders addressed to 41. W. Crosby, Easton, Pa." will meet with prompt atten tion. Sept. 2Q. ¶-3w PUBLIC SUE. Will be sold at public sale, on Saturday the 12th day.of October next, at the residence of .9bruhanz 11. Shinier, in Beth lehem township, Northampton county, situ ated two miles below Freemansburg, on the Lehigh canal, the following personal prop erty, to wit : The Distillery belonging to Samuel B. Shimer, consisting of a boiler 25 feet long, an excellent engine with a crank of IS inch es, I pair of chopping stones, bolt, allevators, and all the machinery belonging to the dis tillery, being to numerous to mention. ALSO.--All the outside buildings belong ing thereto, consisting of a hog-pen 80 feet long, with . a very good shingle roof thereon, and the other buildings adjoining. N. D. -All to be removed from the prem ises. , . sale to commence at 10 o'clock in the fore noon. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale, and due attendance given by SAMUEL B. SHINIER. Sept. 19 C. 01. RUNK, ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa. Practices in Lehigh and adjoining coun ties. Lay be consulted in German. August 22. 111-1 y EDMUND J. MOAB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW °glee a few doors west of the Court House: EVI-le can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. Allentown, April 4. 11 4 0"aaliM ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office one door east of Nolbs Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh, county, Pa. Allentown, March 28. ¶—tf WILLIAM S. MARX, AVIonNEry J COUNSELLOR AT LAW. CA,.\ce in the western front room of the building of John D. Lawnll, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 9, 1850. Loolang Glasses. A splendid assortment: of Looking Glasses with Mahogony frames, for sale very cheap at the store of KERN & KLEIN. Sept 3 '*-4w 10t0. — e.UCOlitlick Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has disposed of his stock of inerchan dize, to his brother William Gross, in Cat asauqua, Hanover township, Lehigh coun ty. Those therefore, who are indebted to him, will see the necessity of .settling their accounts on or before the first day of Octo ber next. ThoSe also, who have claims against the undersigned, will present them for settlement at the above date. JOHN GROSS. September 6. ¶-4w; 11 • • COtton Yarn louse. MORRIS & EASTWOOD, No. 7,1 North Front Street, Philadelphia. Cotton and Linen Chain, Warps, Indi go Blue Twist, Coverlet Yarn, Tie Yarn, Lamp Wick, Cotton • I.Aps; &c. &c. &c. &c. • Orders prOmptly executed. April2s 11-41m-34 Brandreth and W rights Pills' ountry merchants and others, are hero. by notified, that the far famous. Pills o Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjaminf Brandreth, are 'constantly kept for sale at the office of the "Lehigh Register" by the 'dozen boxes, at wholesale prices. July 5. 11-6 m 1- 1 Y avalomatco 0,24.116 .Personeet Property. WILL be sold'ut Public Sale, on Thurs day the 10th day of October, at 12 o'clock at noon, at the house of Daniel Roth, de= ceased, in Enst Allentown, Lehigh coonty,. the following very valuable personal prop- erty, to Wit: . -- - ---,,._, Two cows, 1 heif- i,, : , .., er,- an excellent - ' •htit = - ,-' 4 '- - :-.-' - ----- -_ family horse, four,.A...'' !...-h.. hogs, one new rockaway, one new two horse wagon, 1 one horse wagon, harness;" saddle and bridle, 2 ploughs, harrow, cultivator, cutting-box, :vied-mill, one new sleigh, one wood-sled, hay-ladders, lock-chains, hay and other forks, wheel-barrow, grubbing-hoe, carpenter-tools, ground-chisel, grain -cradle, grass-scythe and a variety of other farming implements. .dLSO.—One clock, dehlz, bureau, tgbed''''`' '... tables, carpets c h h i a t c i chairs, n c ii - steads, beds pb a o t a id rd b g e u d n stc rn a e d a s t , and other tubs, barrels, &c. One share of the "Philadelphia & harm Telegraph Company," besides a vari ety of other articles to numerous to mention. The conditions will be made known and. due attendance given by CHAS. ECKERT, ddners. SAMUEL ROTEL 5 September 19, Lockman A* arother, MRNUF.ITURFIRS DE.ILERS. Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps. The nineteenth century being the age of Magnetic Telegraphs, Steamships, Locomo tives, &c., and in which all kinds of busi ness is done in the very quickest and most expert manner, it likewise becomes neces sary for the trading public, to take small profits and make quick sales, in order to keep up with the improvements of the times. Upon this principle we haire determined to act. We will sell our Goods at such prices as will astonish the buyer. The following are some of our prices, to wit:— ¶-lw Men's alf-skin Boots from $2,50 to $4,40 do course do 6' 1,50 to 3,0 d do kip do Gaiter Ladies' Gaitters do Slippers and Welts Buskins srl", They also keep for sa sorttnent of Air Moleskin, Silk and Slouch IN A T S. Cloth, glazed, fancy and military, Cer,*--2-= CAPS, Trunks, Umbrellas, Camphine, Lard and Fluid Lamps, Candelebras, &c., Spc. re - Recollect the place, one door west of 0. & J. Sager's Hardware Store, in the building formerly occupied by L. Smith's Apothecary store, in Hamilton street, Allen town. - May 23. —4 in b)I1 fI~~~MIL The Girard Life. Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, • CAPITAL 300,000. Continue to make Insurances on Lines on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid;jup and invested, together with the accumulated premium fund affords-a pmfectseeiiiity t ,i6 the insured. The premium ma ybe paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pa. nods to the insurance for life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to SI per cent, 7k per cent, &c., on others its propor tion to the time of standing making an addi tion of $lOO, $87,50, $75, &c., on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the premi ums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. Bonus Amount of policy awl No. of Sum or bonus payable at the Policy. lusured Addition. party's decease. • - No. 68 $lOOO $ 100 $ 1100 6. 88 8500 950 2750 205 4000 400 4400 6. 276 2000 124 2175 .6 393 5000 437 50 5437 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of appli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, Or, on applica• tion to A. L. Runs, Agent in Allentown. B. W. RICHARDIORfedfIpt. JNO. F. JAMES. &Mary. December 18. NUMBER 52. OF -IN do " 2,00 to 2,75 do " 1,25 to 3,00 1,00 to 1,87 31 to 1,25 Besides a very large and exten sive assortment of ready-made Boots & Shoes, cheap for cash. le, a splendid as-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers