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"I • L . ...., - i •- e - - .:l' :, li r 'i.-. , ?• - • , A 1:'-': J-' 1 • 4 ,7": 00. n'A.;4',4 ' 1.: -. .,i, , , i,,i • 'FF: 7 4EO p-j.-i-, . j: {v.- ' " i • ..0 1 : .I.c.vC-7.-. --- '' 4 •''' , ," • IV)r' -,, • 4. t ve,e = 2 , ...V --,-- - • • _-_-_. , ..,7,ii,,,._ 11t:F. , .. 41 A'-,,,..„ , --' , , , . / :'r, '..•' ~,..,;'S, .-- •—•!".....,,r ._2. • .:‘,-.- -.,-.._%_. •-• NEUTRAL IN P A' FAMILY NEWSPAPER. . ..__ ______. ...._______ _____._ ... , Mcrotcb to 'Nem, Literature, poctru, Eicictirc, Agriculture, the Eliffusion of Useful Jnfolmation, General 3ntelligence, 'Amusement, Altitude, Sir. VOLUME IV. TILE LEHIGH REGISTER, 4 , s peiblitiked in Me Borough of Allentown, Lehigh Courdy,l'a.,every Thursday 1W AiraUSITS — V. IMRE, At $l5O per ann.nm, payable in advance, and tit o'o if not paid until the end of the year. No fpaiper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid Vicepf at the option of the proprietor. AnvEntrrstorax.rs, making not more than one 'square, will be inserted three limes for one dollar and for every subsequent inset tion twenty-five cents. Larger advertisements charged in the same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines, Ivill-be-charged-seventy.five - centsi - and - those making six lines or less, three insertions for 60 cents. Ur A liberal deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. lar Office in Hamilton St., one door East o/ the German Reformed Cleurch, nearly opposite the "Frieden.sbothe OAT." BUILDERS ! LOOK HEIRIE!! A NEW LOT OF HARDWARE!!! The undersi , ned announce to the public, that they have just returned from Philadel phia and New York, with a very large lot of Hardware, consisting of • • _ House Furnishing Cutlery, Coach Trimmings, Saddlery and Shoe-findings, nil of which will be sold nt extremely low prices. Thee ask the public to give SAEGER'S HARDWARE STORE, sign of the 24. , • . VIL9 a c ni. 111 order to convince themselves Of the fact, that a 'penny saved is a penny made.' 0 & J SAEGER. To Home-Keepers. A great assortment of flouse furnishina articles, such as ENA 3,IELED and' inned inside, cook ink. vessels, sauce and stew pans, presefve ket tles, fish and horn kettles, frying pans, grid irons. waffle irons, &c. TEA 113 A VS and Wailers, from com mon to (too, iii sets and dozens. A Iso, goih ic form, in sets. and in variety of vatterto.. KNI \'ES and FORKS-1n sets nod doz ens ; also knives only ; carvers. steels, cool, and butcher knives, with a variety of other manufactures. POCKET and PEN KNIVES—Razors, scissors, shears. from the best makers; one, two, three. and 4 blade knives. SHOVELS, spades, hoes, chains, rakes, pick, axes, &c. SHOVELS and TONGS. Iron and brass polished steel fire sets and standards, c(,al hods, balms' irons snionthinff irons & c.. and for sale by • 0 & J SAEGER. 11.20 N.—A lot of Hammered and Ibilli d Iron, Sheet Iron, American and English Band Iron, Hoop Iron, Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat, and inund, just rect. t cc! with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the store of & J SAEGER, GLASS.-150 Boxes Gla,s,"4 by 10, 10 by 12, 10 by 14, 10 by 13, 12 by 1(1, and various other seizes, for sale by TO MECHANICS.—TooIs of every de scription, such as 'Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand, Panne', and Back Saws, Brace and Bitts. Auger Bats, Hatchets, &inures, &c., (or sale by C) & JSAEO,F.II. TO SHOEMAKERS. --Just received. a new assortment of Morocco and Binding Leather, Lasts, Shoe-thread, Wooden Pegs French Rubers, and numerous other artic.; les belonging to the shoemaking business NAILS.-300 Kegs of the best. Nods, Brads and Spikes, just received and for sale by • O_& .1 SAEGER. SCYTEIES—r2O doz. genuine Griffith's Chain Scythes, also a large assortment of genuine Steiermark Grass Scythes?. cheap ared for sale by 0 & J SAEGEI.I. OILS & VARNISEL—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish aid! kinds, Glue &c.,— will be sold cheap by O& J SAEGER. PLIANES.-A full aSsortment of Planes col John Bell's best make, also a large assort 4nent of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0 & J SAEGER. HOLLOW AllE.--50(1 Min Pots and nettles. just received and rot' .safe ut very reduced prices nt t h e store of _ _ :Apt?! is To .11ttilders. Asplenclitrassuriment of Front and Merlar LoclFs with mineral knobs, german Locks, Latches, Bolt's, Hinges, Screws, Paint Brush es, and a variety of other building Hurd ware just unpacking, - ancl for sale cheaper than ever by 0 J SAEGER. .Aprj) IH, • 11:--2ut The next regular session of the Academy conttnences-.onAluesday-Selic-31850. Punctual attendance from the commence ment to the close of each successive session will ensure to 'each pupil commendable ad vancement and satisfactory progress Five Instructors are permanently attach ed to the Institution, a sixth will be added,. and additional accommodations secured, should the number in attendance require it. • The whole plan of instruction, discipline ; and government, is based upon the excel lent system - pur&ued brmany of the widclV known and justly celebrated Academies of N. York and N. England. The Principal has had many and good opportunities of making himself acquainted: with their plan I of operations, and feels assured that similar plans will, in time, produce similar happy results. . Terms per Quarter of Eleven Weeks For boarding, washing and tuition In english and clasical studies. $35 00 No extra charges. For Tuition.—According to the studies pursued—from $4,00 to 6,50. New Schol ars under 10 years of age cannot be admitted unless they are able to read with fluency.— It is also desirable that all should be well g, - .9unded in the simple rules of Arithmetic before applying for admission. Full particulars can be learned upon ap plication to the undersigned. R. C. CHANDLER, A. M. Principal. August %v The subscribers have taken out letters of administration of the estate of Daniel Roth, deceased, late of the township of Northamp ton, Lehigh county : therefore all who are indebted to said estate, will please call and pay their accounts within three months, and all who have any just claims against said estate, %%ill please present them for settle ment. SAM (EL ROTH, C 1-1 A RLES ECKERT. August. I. Dissolution of Partnership; In couseyuen cc of the death of Dania Ruth, the Uo•partnership in the Milling bu siness, heretofore. existing under the firm of Pretz, Roth, 4- Co.,was this day dissolved. The business of said firm wilt be settled up by the surviving partners, and till persons indebted to the said firm, will please call and pay within thirty days, after which time the accounts will be placed in .the hands of a Justice of the l'eace for collection. SAMUEL ROTLI, CLIAULES ECKERT, .41miniNtrators of Daniel Roth, deed. PRE 12, GU & Co. August I. —liw 14. T. cachets IN anted. Notice is hereby given to the citizens of South Whitehall District, that the School Directors of said. District, will nrieet:at the house of Alexi% W. Loder, on Saturday the 21st day of September, ut 9 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of choosing 14 Teachers for the term of 4 months. The Trustees of each sub District are requested to bring their teacher for examination, on the above named day. No Teacher will be entitled to any of the public money, unless he be examined and receive his certificate from said board. Oti the some day, the Trea surer of Said District will be present to col- I.xt the School 'Fax, 0 & J SAEGER By order of the Board, M.Ex' a. W. LODER, Pit:Alen/. August, 15. ' ¶-4w O & J SAEGER • BLACK BEAR HOTEL. William Fry, • Successor to Ilousunz 4-Schroye*, NO. 211 a TIMID STREET, Between Callowhill and Willow Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned respectfully informs his rwmy friends and the public in general, that ho lm lately rented the Tavern Stand, No. 2411 North Third Street, between Cal lowhill and Willow streets, well known in this section of the 6:wary, as the Black .46cor Hotel which establishment he has fitted :M t .! up in It superior style, and is now " " ready to accommodate all those Who may favor him with their custom. The building is large and commodious, and is ad mirably arranged to suit the convenience of all persons who May favor him with a call for a long or short time. Ellis ssard . is Irate, ati'd his stabling corn.' modieus, and tin attentNe hostler will at all tittles he found in attendance. By punctual attendance to his customers, and a. desille to render them comfortable. the prepri'eter eipeth a share Mt patron- age. W I LLI A M , FRY. May tr. y O & SA EGFM. T-2in Allentown Academy. BOARDINCI SCHOLARS DAY SCHOLARS iIV ~YJ ~i 1 .'i V~"~ 0 ALLENTOWN, LEEIGH COUNTY, PA., SETTEMBER 19, 1850. Texas and Disunion ! Danger - A:he. Ten Thousand Cuitomers Wanted AT THE NEW YORK STORE IN ALLENTOWN. Just received from New YOrk and Phila delphia, a large and splendid assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which they oiler at the _very _lowest prices. Persons visiting town during Courtweek, -should-make it a point of business; - to - call - at the New York Store, and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere, as they feel confident that by doing so, they are able to clear their traveling expenses• They hold to the maxim of, making •quick sales with small profits.'' Their Ladies dress goods consist in Silks, Bombazines, Alpaccas, Morinoes, Mouslin de Lanes, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. of which they have an assortment that cannot be ex celled in Allentown. Superfine I3lue, Black, and fancy colored Cloths, Cassimeres and 'Satinets, "Westin 's, of every description laminable. August 22, GROCERIES. Just received a large and ,ocri o t fresh sup ly of Sugar', Coffee, (1111 Iwo Molasses, Rice, Tea, Spices, 2 jand all the other vV , rieties of Groceries for sale cheap by 'Fresh Olackrrel. Numbers one, two and three Mackerel, in whole, halves and quarter barrels, fresh and for sale KERN & KLINI:. Queenswgre. A lary and beautiful assortment, consist ing in full setts, of all prices, dishes, Glass ware, for sale cheap at the store of KERN & KLINE. Country Produce. All kinds of country produce will be re ceived in exchange for goods, for which the highest market price will be allowed at the York Store of KERN & August 29. *-4w MOICI VatlinD(l.ol UI .9ND C;ENER.I.I, S'T.WE OFFICE, EASTON, PA. PETER REIMS, Proprietor May 30. s—.3m .I,'N 0 V OUT VI CC a LEI It :14 C) Wil. 17 I Chestnut street, above Fifth, Philadelphia. Tim OLD sTAND) Occupied for more than a third of a Cen tury. by George Wittig, Esq. The undersigned would most respectfully announce to the public, that he is ..dgent for more than twenty of the most celebrated manufacturers of Boston, New York, Phil adelphia, and elsewhere ; and is constantly . receiving from them Z777.tfaT---; yi PIANOS of the richest and most varied styles, of su perior tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6, 6441, 6i, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equal to any manufactured either in this country or Europe: Just received, also, a further supply of Church and Parlor Organs. of very beautiful patterns and fine tone s. His Ware room is constantly. supplied with a choice selection of SERAPIIINES AND MELODEONS, front the oldest and most.extensive manufac tories in the United States; among which is a new style of REEDORG.HN; having Carhart's patent improvemats, with gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved, and highly ornamental. Timing and Repairing.—gig. Salvador La (.4razzsa, a cheungu►shed Piano Forte :Manufacturer and Organ 13Uilder, will at tend to all orders. OSCAR C. B. CARTER, 171 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. August 29. ¶-6m New Mackerel. THEUNDERSIGNED have just re ceiVed a large lot of No. 1,2, and 3, New Mackerel, in barrels, which they will sell wholesale and retail, at the very lowest prices. PRETZ, GUTLI, & Co. August 22. 11=2rn ENGLISIT AND GERNAN JOB PRINTING, Of every description neatly executed at.tlie "Register" office.' FELLOW CITIZENS Through the recommen dation of my large circle of friends I hereby offer myself to your consideration as a can didate for the Office of KERN and KLINE. ''-4 w SHERIFF, at the ensuing October election, subject to the decision of the Democratic county con vention. Should Ibe so-fortunate as to re deye a majority of your votes, I- will faith fully endeaver to discharge the duties ap pertaining to my office. NATHAN WEILER. August 8. KERN & KLINE 3111 0 11412'3 111M1.00 cfl To the Electors .thigh Coma y. FELLOW CITIZENS ! • By the solicitation of a large number of my friends and fellow citi zens, I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the Office of SHERIFF, at the next October election, subject to the Democratic county convention. Should ybu favor me with a majority of your votes, I promise to discharge the duties of said office with faithfulness and impartiality. August (Major Fry in the Field! 3221231/1 V 221311 To the Free and Independant Voters of Lehigh county. FELLOW CITIZENS Encouraged by a large !limber of my fellow citizens, I hereby offer myself as a candidate to your suffrages for The Office of Sheriff, of Lehigh county. Should I be so forthnate as to receive a majority of your votes I will endeavor to fulfill the duties of the office with fidelity and to the best of my abilities. WILLIAM FRY. August 1 11—te INDEMNITY. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE, No. 163} CHESNUT STREET nearrifth street. Directors: Charles N. Dandier, Geo. W. Richar, Thomas Hart, Mord. D. LeWl* Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Borte,.. Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, CONTINUE to make Insurance, permmtent and limited, on every description of propel", in own and country, at rates as low as are &oasis aft with security• The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi ums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on ianuary Ist, 1848, as published agreeably tp an Act of As sembly, were as follows, viz: • Mortgages, 1 , 890,558 65 Real Estate, 728,358 00 Temporary Loans, 205,459 00 Stoclrg, 13,503 15 Cash, &c., 40,581 87 Since their incorporation, a period ofeighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million Iwo hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insti ranee, ns well as the ability and disposition to rlieet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, Presiden CHARLES G. BANCKER, Sec'}'. The Subscribers are.jhe appointed' Agents of the above mentioned Inptitutton, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip ion of property, at the lowest rates. - AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, Allentown. C. F. ALECK, Bethlehem. AllentoxiM, June 18, 1848. . I—ly MORRIS & EASTWOOD, No. 71 North I}•ont Street, Philadelphia. Cotton and Linen Chain, Warps, Indi go Blue Twist, Coverlet Yarn, Tie Lainp Wick, CottotY • TAO, &C. &e. Orders promptly executed. A pril 25 • 4r -6m-8.1 Regular Volunteer Candidate For-Slreriff. To the Free and Independent Electors of Lehigh County. FELLOW CITIZENS ! I hereby offer myself to the free and independent citizens of Lehigh county as a Volunteer candidate for the • Oflice of Sheriff, at the ensuing election. I will be thankful to all, be they W higs or Democrats, for their support,-and-should-1 be so fortunate as to recieve a majority of your votes, I will en, deavor to discharge the duties of the office with satisfaction to the public. DANIEL J. RHOADS. —te August 29 allcriff's t nlilntc. To the Free and Independent Electors of Lehigh'Counly. josErn F. NEWHARD. COMPANY of Philadelphia. COtton Yarn Eloise. -13aiiitcr — Sz — pn - p - cr-Ljangct The subscriber adopts this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that he has lately removed into the house formerly occupied by Mr. Nathan Schafler, in Hamilton Street, Allentown. nearly op= posite the German Reformed Church, where he will always be found ready to attend to calls in the d &rent branches of his business, which are Hovihe and Sign Painting, Craning, Glazing, Paper-Hanging, 4.c. During his travels he has made himself master in the above branches, particularly, Paper-Hanging, the panel work of which is now all the fashion. He will warrant his work to be well executed, and his prices will at the same time be moderate. rk'lle constantly keeps on hand a large supply of Projecti n g Letters varying in size from 2 to 18 inches ; they are used for si,rns, and have become very fashionable of late. During the time he has located himself in Allentown, he has enjoyed a very liberal support, for which he returns his sincere thanks, and trusts that his work will further insure him a liberal share of public patron ego PETER U" VCR OFF, ATTORNEY AT LA W. Has removed his Law Office, from the corner opposite the Courthouse to the new ly erected brick building, one door east of Smith's Apothecary sfore, On the north side of Hamilton street, between Kolb's Hotel and the Courthouse. He can be consulted and give - advise in the English and German languages. Allentown, April 25. --8 m ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa. Practices in Lehigh and adjoining coun ties. IWl , lay be consulted in German. August 22. ¶-1y ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW °glee a few doors west of the Court House. CPT He can be consulted both in the Ger man and English languages. Allentown, April 4. . MO TOM alUtt, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Office one door east of Kolb, Hotel, Al lentown, Lehigh county, Pa. Allentown, March 2ttl. ¶—t I ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office in the western front room of the building of John D. Lawall, formerly Horn beck's, west of the Courthouse. Allentown April 4, 1650. HENRY LAURENGI4 1 .„ rr • D ara t eau trce Formerly of Philadelphia, now a sisii= resident of Allentown. Office al Steckel's Eagle Hotel. Refers to the following gentlearien resin dents of Philadelphia and Allentown. Sam. Geo. Morton, M. D.;E. Townsend, D. D. S. Henry Ptifteteon, J.K.' Townsend, Dentist. John B. MeClellen, L. It. 'tracker, lien,tist. Charles H. Martin, P. Shantz, M. 1). Charles h. Martin, J. Romig, Jr. M. 1). U"'Teeth and rents extracted gratuitous ly when removed for the insertion of artifi cial teeth. May 9.• 11-1 y • WINE & LIQUOR STORE, No. 323 MARKET STREET, Between Eighth and. Ninth Strs,North side, Philadelphia. • All kinds of Foreign Wines Lind Liquors Such as—. $1,220,097 67 Old Cognac Brenner:, Dark 'c'rir Amy and Pale, Holland.'Gin, Ja- Al f ill 01'.11111 mama Spiritsdrish and Scotch Malt Whiskey of the very ftnest quality. WINES,—Such as Madeira, Port, Sherry, Teneriffe, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret and Champagne, very. choice and old. . Also, Manufiletuier of Domestic Distilled Brandy and Gin. Pure Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Wild-Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordials, Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a large supply of fine Old Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors Will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern-keepers, will do well to give the un dersigned a call before purchasing elsewere, and ex,atpitte the Liquors, which he vouch tottii the closest scfatiny, recollect No. 323 itarket*lreet• f3FIOWX.. Philadelphia, Dec 6. • 't —ly SIDNEY W.. IItURCAW, S. W. BURCA W. 11—fiin March 28 C. M. RUNIC, EDMUND J. MOHR, WILLIAM S. MARX, ROGER BROWN'S OLITICS. Lochwan ILISIVULRCTUI?gS DE.aLE-RS' Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps. The nineteenth century being tip age'of Magnetic Telegraphs, StellinshiPs• LOOM> . tives, &c.. and in Which all kinds of b'tiSi; a e‘ Hess is done in the very . .quickest 'end lei3r:: 4 ,C . . expert manner, it likewise becomes - necci ,- .7; sary for the trading public, to take.sifillll-: profits and snake quick sales, in order: to keep up with the improvements ofthettrOS:f.: Upon this principle we have deletiiiihed.tb. : ',. act. We will sell our Goods at such prices,— as will astonish the buyer. • The following are some of• our prices-, t 0... Mcn's Calf-skin Boots. from $2,50 to $4,40 do course do .‘ 1,50 to 3,00 do kip do ", 2,00 to 2,75 do Gaiter Ladies' Gaitiers do Slippers and Welts Buskins 31 to 1,25 fiesides a Vary large and exten sive assortment of . 4111F6 Beady-made, Boots & Shoe's, cheap for cash. They also keep for sale, a splendid asp soriment of Moleskin, Silk aml,Slouch El A TS. 1.1 . Cloth, glazed, fancy and Military - C A IP S, Tr u n ks, Umbtellas; Crimphine, Lard and Fluid Lamps, Candelebraf?, &c., &C.; Recollect the place, one door iiresi . of O. & .1. Sager's Hardware Stntii; in the building formerly occupied by 1.. Smith's Apothecary store, in Hamilton'street o Allen 4 town. May 23. ¶-3m nafialteti The Girard Life Insurance Annuitk ittid Trust Company of Philadelphia, OtECe No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual; • CAPITAL 300,000: Continue to mtike Insuturutis bn Lives On the most favorable terins:• The capital being paid up and invested, together ivith the aceittnulated.premiu . miond affords a peffect security] to the inaured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUSItt stated pew riods to the insttrance fat, life. The first bonus vas appropriated in e6enttief; 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum in sured under the oldest policies, to 81 per chit, 71 per cent, &C., on othets ift propor tion to the time of standing making an addi-. lion of $100.567,50, $75, &c., oh every $lOOO originally insured, *Each is ail aver age of more than 50 per Cent on the prinni ums paid. and ivithout increasing the annual payment to the company: Sum r Bonus lusured' or ( r Loh. No. of Policy $ 10001 $ too -250- 4000 1 400 2000 I . 12,4 5000 i 407 50 No. 58 88 o 255 " 276 313 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of appli cation ; and fdithei infariqtkin can be had at the office in Philadelphiri, o'r on applica tion to A. L. RtiO,Agent iri Allentown. B. W: RictrAitin, President. • ; ,‘• 4 JNO. F. JASI cd: :dr:lt/pry. • December 13 TO Farmers and Men of Business. OILS; CANDTES & GUANO, THE SUBSCRIBER offers, at the low. est. rates, in any quantity to itiit purchaaem Genuine Peruvian Guano, and every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD AND T WPM ER'S OIL. ManufactiVtrers, Tanners, Farmers, Deal ers and Cotiiumers, are invited to call. GEO .W. RIDGWAY, No. 37 North Wharves, the first 10" OIL STOR.E.O below Race street, Philadelphia. August 22. 4ff-3m-2 Virashington Printing Press FOR SALE. A Superior iron printing press, Washing ton's patent, with a bed 22 by 34 inches, in first rate order, for sale at this 'office, on .nc• corn modating terms. Address A. L. Ruhe, Oast paid, July 26. NUMBER 50. -46rxalber do " 1,25 to 3,00 1,00 to 1,87 Amount of policy and bonus peyttble ai the VaTty'stlecease. 1100 27,50 , PlOO 217 d 5.337 ¶-1y :,,4 w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers