LOCAL NEWS. IF: Dun Puma? Am: [lmus may be had a: iack'.B Book Store, corner of Third and Market CM Fume-r AND [lmam—The Dun PATRIOT Asn Umox can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the perioaieal store of J. SE Plum. .. .. ‘, b H Sunnis Darrin—Mr. William M- Wilson, sutler at the Cnrlisle barracks, died quite suddenly on Iridny night last. We understand the cause of his death was the rupture of a blood vessel. E 5-1:. Jacobi Millena respectable farmer of East Esnover township, Lebanon county, was found dad in his bad, on Tuesday morning last. He I 12! quite well when he retired on the prefioul evening. His ago was 63 years. - Sxaw.—-We had quite a snow storm on Tuesday, :23: the weather was too moderate for it to amount in anything like a snow for cutters and fast 11:35.. the foundgtien was lacking. 0101 501’: smiling face came forth and ippeared at the regular hom- yes tefliey morning, and as it was in a. warm, genial humor, the white mantle .left in a hurry, and we have new in its stead what an Irishman would call an illegent supply of pure, unadulterated mud- Tn MESSAGE.—‘Ve received the message at 5 o’clock on Tuesday evening. and 8 little after 11 om- fnst Hoe press was striking them of at a rate inn: would have thrown old Ben Franklin with his wooden press into a“conuiption fit.” By daylight we had our own edition of, and sundry thousands of extra copies ordered by our country contempo raries. Our own typwsticking force and the aux .liiaries called in are hard to beat, on what they 12' finically call a rush. ' THE CASE OF Porrnnnenéenw—ersterday the argument. for a new trial in the case of William Pofi‘enborger, convicted of manslaughter, was heard by the Court; and, although there was much in genuity displayed by the able counsel employed, the Court oval-ruler! the motion. Judge Pearson men sentenced I’ofi‘enberger to three years impri ecnment in the county jail. This may be'regarded as a mild sentence under {Le circumstance. Counterfeit $2O notes on the Farmers’ Bank of Reading are in circulation, altered from some other tank. In the centre of the counterfeit there is a. vignette of Washington, on the left the figure of a sailor leaning on a capstan, and on the right. a fe— male with ashes! of wheat in her hands. The words “State of Pennsylvania,” at the top, am! “Reading,” near the bottom, are hnngingly in « med. They may be readily detected with proper use. Look out for them. is me Locx-vp.——Thomas Simpson, Lewis Seters and Charles Weaver, all able-bodied, sober looking men, were turned out of the lock-up yes tetéay morning, where they had sought. temporary maker. Neither of them claimed a local halite:— iion—nll of them in search of work, and out. of money. Heaven only knows what suffering there will be among laborers out of employment before the winter is over, if we may be permitted to indge from the premonitory symptoms which are becoming daily more striking. Dmruemsnr-zn Visuons.——The meeting of the Electoral College,- in this city, yesterday, brought back a number of familiar faces, among whom we noticed Ex-Congressman Samuel Galvin, Ex-Gov armor Pollock, Fix-Senator Taggart, Senator Geo. E. Smith, Senator George V. Lawrence, J. J . Pat terson, J ndge John Penn Jones, J. W. Fuller, and a number of others who have axes to grind at Washington this winter, who probably came on l-é‘re to seek the intervention of the electors to aid them in making the landing; ‘ EouonY Anvnwnsx-zks.—Persons who expect to reap any pecuniary advantage from the snle of stticlea during the approtehing h'ollidays, should take time by the forulwk, and let the peoplq know. where they are, and what they have for sale. It is :00 late in the day to call the attention of peo— pie to the benefits resulting from advertising, IE all rational men are sen- ibly swan-e of the fact that those who advertise an those WllO ngll—hut it in not. out of place to gently hint that now is the fine to advertise, and the columns of the PATRIOT an U 510: the place. CURB FOR Burma—Dr. Franck fine, in the Gazetta Hedica Indiana, state: that tho application ofcherry inure} later to burn cures them with grout prompt— neae. Among other “vantages,“ poesenes that of suppressing the pain nfmost completely, of calm ing the agitation, the hem, etc. M. Trunchino mixes it in proportion of night parts to a. hundred, with a. solution of gum Hobie, and applies com yreeeea soaked in this mixture upon the burnt rur fue, after homing it previously cloned, and the phlyctena: pierced. In order to renew the dresging, the compresses must be softened before their re— moval by covering them with other compresses soaked in water: - Count PLAsrnß.——Everybody is familiu with this peculiar article, but few are aware of the man ner of its production. Black silk is strained and hushed over ten or twelve timesmith the following preparation : Dissolve half an ounce of balsam of benzoin in six ounces of rectified spirits of wine; and in a. separate vessel dissolve one ounce of isinglass in a very little water. Strain each solu tion, mix them, and when the clear liquid is told it. will form a jelly, which must be harmed before it. it applied. to the silk. When the silk coated with it is quite dry, it must be finished 01f with a coat of four ounces of China. turpentine in six _ounces of tincture of henzoin, to prevent its cracking. Kounr Puma—ln these Lincoln times when there is such a. wild hunt for bflice, it may be im portant for Democrats to know that. there are some crumbs yet left for them in the public crib. Gov. Packer, before he retires from office, has the ap pointment of a. Notary Public, perhaps a couple of them, for this place. The ofiice is worth some four or fire hundred dollars a year, and in these hard times may exceed that amount considerably. The Bank ofliceu wcuini, no doubt, desire some one appointed who would be entirely acceptable to them. If there is any aspiring Democrat who can secure the favor of the Banks, we would advise him to pitch in, as the Banks have the right to give the business ta which ever of the appointees it may “56 fit.- Tn BLUE BOOK—There is a great demand just now for the “5"“? ”Wk” among the politicians of the Republican stamp, am the phimmpma Led— gar. Its pages are diligently searched for the fat places, and there is not an ofiine of any account which has not already been appropriated by some modest veteran in the cause, Whu is either 011' to Springfiekl t'o 11y his claims before the President clam, or is busy procuring the necessary palm-g to back up his application. Lincoin behaves very fiisereetly, it is said, in this matter, Ind "in 'l9! commit. himself to anybody. Ono prominent raga; aidato who was early 0n the ground,'has comp :mck again with his pocket as fun of paperd 'u when if '0“- He says the pictures of Lincoln an!" I“: *Ppm ugly, but lid in reality is a treat 633‘- 381101' than he is represented. It i! £09911"! . 59' fez-rod ”In: due candidate’s expectationuren I'd-9‘, what dirappuintea, . Lxenr Pumsnnnnr or A BLACK ScouxnnnL.—En on: paper of yesterday, among' the prisoners sen tenced for the commission of crimes of various grades, will be found the name of George Kelley, who was sent. to jail two years for assault and hat tery, and assault and battery with intent to commit a rape. We do not. know whether this is the ex treme limit of the‘law under the nmended Penal Code, but we are told not, and if such is the (net, Judge Pearson has exhibited leniency where it was totally undeserved. Kelley is a negro of that type but one remove from the beast, both in intellect and his lusts. He “hurried to a white woman, or at least cohabits with one, Wh° is raising an orphan neice. For four years this inhuman man ster has been endeavoring to have sexual inter— course with this child, and only in!“ i" ““159’ quence of me barriers interposed by nature~ We contend that he was just as guilty as if he had fully accomplished what he only accomplished in part,-nml his sentence should have been not less than ten years- . A western or Southern Court would never have been caned upon to pass judgment on such a fiend 5 as it was, be came near being lynched by his neigh bors when the facts became known to them. The evidence, of course, is unfit for publication, but having given what it mainly disclosed, we nsk all friends of humanity whether such a: light pun ishment is half severe enough for such damning dark crime ? "I-r's Me.”-—The following excerpt from the local column of a New York paper has more true poetry in it than many a. piece of sounding rhyme of loftier pretensions and greater length : . “ IT’S Mn.”——Paseing a. neat little martin-box of a house, last evening, we happened to see a man waiting at the door for admittance. At the in stant, e‘grcen blind shove just opened a. little way, and by the gaslizht we caught a glimpse of a. pair of brilliant eyes, and e flutter of eomething white, and a bird-toned voice softly said, “Who’s there?” “It’s me ,” was the brief response. The eyes and the flutter disappeared from the window, like stars in a. cloud, and we almost fancied, as we passed on, we could hear the pattering of two little feet upon the stairs, winged with welcome: It was a. trifle ; it all happened in on instant, but it haunted us for an hour. “ It’s me !” Amid the jar of the great city, those words fell upon the quick ear aloft, and metn'gled response. “It’s me!” And who was “me?” The pride of a heart’s life, no doubt; the tree a vine was clinging to ; the “Defends: of the Faithful,” in the best sense in the word. ~ V “It’s me !” Many there are who would give half their hearts, and more than half the hope in them. for one such recognition in this "wide, wide mafia." 'On 'Chauge, in tho Direetory, a; the .Post C'fiica, he was known as A. B. 0., esq. ,- but on that; threshohi, and within those walls, “ it’s me,” and nothing more; and what. more is there one would love to be? Few of all the hearts that heat so wildly, warmly, sadly, slowly, can recognize a true soul amid the din and darkness ortho world, in that simple but eloquent “it’s me.” As if he had said, Now I am nothing to all the world, For I’m all the world to thee. IMPORTANT 'ro Tssxsus.——An important discov ery in regard to the practical uses of Petroleum or reel: oil, now found in quantities, has been made by Mr. John Lamb, 3. tanner of Allegheny town ship, Venango county, in this State. He says that during and since last August he has been using the oil of several wells in Vsnango county in his tan— nery, as a. substitute for fish oil, and with most as tanishing success. During last month he prepared one hundred sides of upper-leather and eight dozen of calf ikih,with this oil. They have been exhib ited to practical leather dealers from Pittsburg and from Boston, and n qnontity sent to the Eastern markets with entire satisfaction to dealers. It makes a'clenner and smoother finish than the fish oil, fills up instead of opening the pores of the leather, so as to make it almost water-proof, and gives it the finish of the finest calf skin. It is also a superior article for mixing blackening, having the quality of cutting the lamp-black. The smell does not remain after the dressing process is com pleted upon the leather. The oil is also used in the crude state, costing one-third the price of fish oil. A: thin oil is now used also‘by the painter: in their business instead of linseed oil, the demand is Xikely, in any event, to be ample. =ll=ll Our Harrisburg cotemporaries paraded lag week in their papers the name of a “Michael Mill , from Lebanon,” as having occupied quarters for 3 night in their lock-up. No such person hails from this ghee. We have got to such a note of goodness. ere that, instead of being able to furnieh loafers, vagabonds or criminals, for the jails of other places, we cannot secure any for our own—the jail of Lehman being entirely empty. The supply is run out. Considering the“ Miller” notice an in— sult, our police have orders to camh the first Har risburger they can lay hand; upon, and confine him in jail just. for the fun of the thing, and “to keep their hands inf—Advertiser. Don't new; That would be cruelly unkind, after our people let yeur WideiAwukea do pretty mush as they pleased when they were here. Be sides, we doubt if Miller was originally from Le banon. That may have been merely the last plane be was from; and it is also questioueble whether his name was Miller. ' Connie To ms Insuovnuwm—The Non-is City Rifles, Capt. R. E. Taylor, intend visiting Harris burg, to participate in the ineuguntion of Colonel Curtin, the Governor elect, which takes place on the third Tuesday of January next. The " Rifles” will turn out at least sixty men, and the Norrie— town Band, which has been engaged to accompany them, will increase the number to about eighty, The “Rifles” are composed of the right kind of material; and. we predict that not. a more gentle-. manly set of “good fellows,” or a. better disciplined military organization ,than the Norristown dele gntion, will visit the State Capital on that occasion. I=l EUTEANATOPSIS.— The late Dr. Theophilus Thompson, in the following beautiful language, concludes his clinical language on consumption : “Am I passing beyond becoming bounds in sug gesting the reflection that, whrle witnessing such transitions from languor and decay into undying life, we may ourselves realize the truth that death is not the end of existence ; that it is something grander than human skill defeated? that when art can do no more, and ‘friends weep at the vestibule as the spirit passes out of the door,’ we may Win glimpses of brighter scenes, where the cares and passions of this lower life shall cease to engross, and the germs of opening science shall expand into the fullness of infinite truth .9” === Mmmsa or my. ELECTORAL Comma E.-—The Electoral College of Pennsylvania met in the Senate Chamber at 12 ’o’clook yesterday, and organized by calling es—Gov. Polloes :0 the Chair, and,np' pointing W. W. Hay: and John Hall,'Secretarie3' All the electors were present, except Ulysses Mar cur of Bradford, who substitutedfl. Reed Lher. All the votes were then cast for Lincoln for Pre sident, and Hamlin for Vice President. David Taggart was appointed to carry the vote to Wash, ingtun, and Henry Brown to deliver it to the Judge of the District Court. in Philadelphia. AFTER A THEE—Chief Waterbury got a. dis patch yentnrday morning, from Baltimore, to arrest a. German gentlemln who mu on an excursion to the West for the benefit of‘hiu health, having in fimiratake carried off $l2O belonging to somebody 'Velae- He. was on the am which let‘s Baltimore at l? 9’clook on Tuesday evening, but the dispatch did “110‘ "“11 here until yelterday morning. It so "happened: “WWI", that the train, on its. way to jPittlburg, hm“ down. The Chief heard'of it, ’ielegmphed to “tom, and had the German gen tleman detnined. . v Inn mernn’s “Dxxtn."—Rev. J. C. Fletcher, in a._recent helm-e on Brazfl, said that the press was as free in Brazil as in New York ; and the law requires the printer to be pajd both for his paper and advertisements in advance. . I=El Imoxvuxmnr ARRANGEMENT.—One of the most. inconvenient arrangements about our city govern ment is the want of a private ofiice for the Mayor and Chief of Police. The otfice proper, as it is at present- constituted, is a sort of public place, where people go in‘and out ad libitum, and as it would not exactly be polite to order people out, private interviews with the Mnyor or Chief of Police must. be held in the street. People have business before the Mayor, which, as a general thing, it is 11.0.5 policy in let other persons hear, which they can not. avoid unless they leave. The whole arrange ment is awkward, and it is to be hoped that better provisions will be made in the new qulrters. CATEOLICS.- The New York Tablet furnishes the 1 following statistics of Catholicity: The Catholic world is divided into 1,001 bishoprics, or prelacies with episcopal jurisdictions under difi‘erent titles— apostolic vicar-ates, abital jurisdiction, or territo riesnullius dioceses. 0f the 1,007, 681 are in Eu— rope, 128 in Asia, 29 in Africa, 146 in America, and 23 in Oceanica. In Europe there are 2 patri archs, 116 arehbishops, 484 bishops, 45 ooncathe drnls, 15 abbotl or prim-s with quasi—episcopal ju— risdiction, 6 military chaplains, 18 vicar-s, delegates and apostolic prefocts. In Africa there are 10 bishops and 19 apostolic vioars and prefects. In America there are 22 archbishops, 115 bishops and 9 apostolic vicars. In Ooeanioa there are 2 arch bishops, 12_bishops, S apostolic vioars and l apos tolic prefect. As regards Europe, the following is the detail: In Italy, 1 patriarch, 47 arehbisbops, 215 bishops, 44 concathedrals, 11 abbatial territo ries, and 1 military chaplain. In Spain, 9 arch— bishops, 45 bishops, 1 concathsdrai, 4 military chaplains or prelates. Portugal, 1 patriarch, 2 archbishops, 14 bishops. France, 16 archbishops, 65 bishops, 1 military chaplain. Belgium and Holland, 3 archbishcps, 9 bishops, 1 apostolical vicar. Austrian Empire, 16 archbishops, 48 bish ops, 1 abbot, 1 military chaplain. Germanic Con federation, 6 archbishops, 18 bishops, 3 aposto lieill vicars or delegates. United Kingdom of Great Britian, 5 arohbishops, 33 bishops, 3 apostolicnl ricars. Malta, Greece and Turkey, 6 archbishops, l 4 bishops, 8 apostolic vicars or prolates undsr different names. Switzerland, 5 bishops, 1 abbot and 2 apostolic prefects; THE ladieenre again invited to examine a new 10: of bargains, which we just received, and among which will be found the following :-—Beantiful double-width cloth for cloaks, at. all prices 5 a few more of those double Broche. shawls, at $7, worth double the amount; Blanket shawls, Mourning shawls, Arab, Japanese and French cloaks, Clouds, Nenbias and hoods for ladies and children ; Brod ley’s bes't made hoop skirts, 20, 25 and 30 springs ; Cassimeres, ‘Caasinette, Muslins, Flinnels, Linen Handkerchiefs, fil- oents ; Chenille scarfs, 25 cents, and hundreds of other articles to be sold cheap, at BROWNOLD’B cheap corner. Market and Second, opposite Jones House. _ no2_2l‘ New Goons! NEW Goons l—Heving returned from New York,l have received new a large lot of goods, all of which I bought at auction. One hun (lrcd pieces of beautiful Set Flower De Laines, the best quality, which generally sells for 25 cents, at 20 cents; 50 pieces Unbleached Muslimthe best in town, at 10. cents; 150 pieces of Cassinette, Sati netts and Cassimeres, from 25 cents up to $1.25 a. yard; 25 pieces of White Flannel, cotton mixed, at 15 cents; 25 dozen of White Merino Stockings at 15 cents; 50 dozen of Gent’s Wool Socks,” cents a, pair; 10 dozen Gent's All-Linen Pocket Hand ketchiefs with Colored. Borders, very line, 31 cents; good Merino Underehirts and Drawers, at 65 and 75 cents a. piece. A lot of beautiful Traveling Baskets. Best. Calicoes, 10 cents, warranted fast colors. . Pleasge call at Lmvr'a, at the old stand of John Rhonda, Esq., deceased. tfifi SPEEE'EBEOES. {IT WARRANTED IN ALL CASESJ DR . HABV E Y ’ S CHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS For the prevention and Gare oral! those difficultien to which the female system is pe‘culiul liablo- arising from STOPPAGE OF NATURE OR DESTRUCTION. These Pall; ham swu- been known to fail when the direction: have been strictly followed, and they are yeifectly 34f: to take by the most'dalicau. 0 MARRIED LADIES they are particularly recom mended, as they prevent difficulties, and restore nature, no mater from what cause the obstruction may arise. A few days in most cases vlll produce the desired etc-ct; and although so powerful, yet no injury will ever resulfc from their use. But those who are pregnsnt should not use them. as they hnve an efl’ect century eo nature. Pamphlets detailing their virtues, with numerous oertiflottos from well known physicians and upothecsriee, can he had on applies- Lion to the agent, who will send the Pills, if desired, by mnil, poet-paid, to my midterm 7 on receipt of the mOney. Sold in boxes containing sixty pills, by all the principal dmgglstu and dealers, Ind I); DYOT'I‘ &. 00., wholesale agents, North Second street, hiladelphia. novz-ecddaswly _ A NEW REMEDY Superseding Guess, 00mm , Guam“, or any compound the! hasever-been before the people. It has been need by. ONE HUNDRED PHYSICIANS, In their private pnct'te, with entire aucc‘esu, in all cases BELL’S.SPEGI.FIC' PILLS, For diseases ore. private nature ; a rum 1’: frequently per formed in a wear, and entire confidence may be placed in them. This remedy is a newly discovered specific, more active and speedy in its elfects than Gubebs 'or Oepalba done. The pills are half the size of Capsules, and never nanseate the stomach, or impregnate the breath. Six dozen pills in a. hex—price one dollar, and will be sent by mail, pest-paid, by the agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT (l: 00., wholesale agents, North Second street, Philadelphia . nov2-eodddnwly _._—-._.»H— , HELMBOLD'S G ENUINE PREPARATION Cures GI".- , '9s,?slad'le‘E‘2PF2‘llgmcmns' __'__ HELMBOLD’B Genuine PrupurationTor Nervous nué Debilitawd Sufleroru,fim___ _ 7 ~ ~ . HBLEULD’S Genuine Preparation for Loss of Power, Loss of Memory. . , HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation t'or.Difiiculty of Breathing, GeneaWenknesa. . HEfiB—GLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Newer, Housi- of pggth, Trembling. H’l‘ifi'liaifi’s‘éenuinTPrepnz-atiofior Night SweatF, Cold Feet, Dimneu of Vision: r H '1: ’IILMBOLD’S Genuifipmpmxian for Lanuorffiflii vernal Lassitude of the Muscular Evstem. ‘ fifiifififin’fi Genuine Preparition for Pallid Couu'w mace and Eruption. . V HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Pama in Me Back. Headache, Sick Stomach. ‘ ‘ {l3‘ See advertisement henaed ' EELMBOLD‘B EXTRACT BUGHU ' r in another column. > 11014 d&l’j3lrf W E call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in nuothm‘ column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi cinea of the day. It is roon ron THB noon. already prepared for absorption; pleunnt to the taste and natu ml in action, and what one gains he retains. Let :11 “1°59: the“, who are sulfering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLooo Foon and be re stored to health. We notice that oundruggists have received 1! supply of this article, and also of the world ren‘m'ne'l Dr. Enos’s Isumxw Conmu, which 8‘19”? mother should have. It contains no paragoric or opiate of my kind whatever, and of course must be invgluable for all infantile complaints. It will may all PM”: and soften the gums in process of teething, and It the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and norsen, who have (endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. 113' See advertisement. nuli-d&n'3m ...7 -~ +~__ Mothers, read this. ' The following is an extract from a. letter Written by a pastor of the Baptist 'church to the Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and fipelkfl volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—MßS. Wlxsr Law’s eoornme Snuu FO3 Gmwmw Hume :, ' “ We see :11 advertisement in your 69111171113! of Mrs. Winslow?! Soothing Syrup. Now we an” ”91“ a word in fnvor of 111-tent medicine before in our Me! but we feel compelled to 59., *0 your readers, that thxs is no 'hlmbllz—w; am: uu‘zp rr, up new H To 32: ALL 1'? Guns: .It‘ is, prob-lily, one ofthe most successful medicines or the day, because it in one of the best”. And “‘0” or your readers who have“ bullies can’t. do better than to lay in a supply. se};29~d&wly 1:=11•21 FEVER. AND Amm, AND ALL FEVERS ire cured by perseverance with ’ . BRANDRETH’S PILLS, which takes all poisons, of whatever muure “19me be, from the circulation. Mr. John Y. Knight, supervis'or of New Castle, West cheater county, New York, says, November, 1858 : “,1 “'3B, two years ago, attacked with fever and ague, which, notwithstanding the best medical advice, con -11 we“ to sorely afflict me for six tediuus months; I be— came {Gllow M aafl‘ron. and reduced to skin and _bone. Medlcmq and physicians were abandoned in denpair. 4: an experiment, I concluded to try a. single dose of six of andreth’s Universal Vegetable Pills, on rm empty stomach, early in the morning. The first dose seemed to arouse all the latent energies of my exhumted frame. I fenred the worst—their purgative efi‘ect was different frqm anything I had ever used or heard of. At length the effect ceased. and I seemed lighter Imd breathed freer. That evening I was indeed sensibly better and slept soundly all night. The-next day I. followed the same course, and continued to take the pills in this way shout three we ks, when I found myself entirely cured. My health has ieen surprisingly good ever since.” Sold, price 25 cents, at N 0.29! canal street, New York, "I“ by m Dragging. Also, by GEO. It. BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all reSpecta‘l-le dealers in medicines. nos-dkwlm ___4._._. THE JAPANESE, ~ THE GREAT EASTERN, 11. R. H. trim PRINCE OF WALES, DE JOINVILLE, May come and go and be . F 0 B. G O ’l‘ T E N , But the lusnre. the ebuoy blackness, the rich browns, the natural appenmnce, the sensation of pride and pleasure, Pl'Od‘Wed by the application of that harmless preparation, CRISTADORO’S EXOELSIOR HAI R. DY E , Will unquestionably be gratefully REMBM B E R E D . By all who use it, inasmuch as “A THING OF BEA UTY .LOYFORE van.” FEIEJ Prepared No. 6 “so: House, hew York. Sold every where, had applied by all Huir Dressers. nofi-d&wlm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.—-Slr James Clarke’s Celebrated Female Pills, prepared from a prescrip‘ion of Sir J. Clarke: M. 1)., Physician Extraordi nary :to fine Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cute of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re move: all obstructions, and a. speedy care may be relied on. T 0 MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly snited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly perind with regularity. ' Each bottle, price One 0113:, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent connterfeita. Tans: PxLLs SHOULD nor an mum n FEMALES numxa nu: FIRST THREE MONTHS or Pnnaxmcv, AS In" An suns 'ro sumo ox stomnmn, nor a All! anus rm may nu; sun. . In all céses or Nervous and Spinal Afi'ecfionl, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palffiatiou of the Heart, Hyeterics and Whites, these Pills ’ iefiect a cure when all other means have failed and although a pow erful remedy, do not cantain iron, ca’iomei, antimony, or Inything hurtnt to the constitution. Full directions in. the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enciosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills= by return mail. For sale by C. A. BAKKYART,HIITIEIJIII‘E. jy'l»dawly IM==l IMPOR') ANT T 0 FEMALES - DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result ofa long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation= and certain in correcting all irregu larities, painful menstrumtion, removing all obstruc tions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache pain in the side, pelpitation of the heart, whites all net vous affections, hvsterics, fatigue, pain in the ‘back and limbs, (m., distufigd sleep, which arise from interrup tion of nature. ’ - i DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS 1 was the commencement of a. new en. in the treatment 9 of those irregularities and obstructions which have con | signed, 60 many thousands of the yoqu,tho beautiful, I ml the beloved to a. gunman: on“. No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever I an (ibsttuction takes place the general health begins to { (ice in) DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS are the most efl'ectual remedy ever known for 111 com plaints peculiar to_ Females. To all cllassel they strafin valuable, inducmg, will: certainty, periodical reg-manly. They are known {0 thousands, who have used them at diflerent periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of same: of the most eminent Physicians in America. _ Explicit d-irrcfirms, .mm'ng when, and when they simuld not be used, accompany each box—the Price 0M Dollar such box, containing-forty Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents . fills mm by mail, rrampfly, by enclosing price to the General Agent. Sold by druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent, 14 Broadway, New York. Sold in Harrisburg by 0. A. BANNVART. decl =69-dAzwly DIES. “’INSLOW, An experienced nurse Ind female physicinn, In! t Sooth ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums, mduaifi ll intimation—Vin allay all pain, Ind is sure to tag ate the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will give mat to yourselves, And relief and health to your infants. Per. ectly safe in all easel. See ndvertisement in another col umn. ‘ V nug19,1859-d&wly ' —~~——.~~ -__ bum the Indgpnurenr, New York, July 28, 1859. (hum-70m- advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of a new article known as “Spam ing’s Prepared Glue,” useful to housekeepers for mending furniture. It is prepared with chemica. e, by which it is kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We on assure our readers that this arti 019 has the excellent phrenological quality of “large adhesiveness." rm- “Roby-O. A. Bmsnn, No. 2 Jones’ Row 311741chan Dr. Bruuon’s Concentrated Remedies. No. 1. THE GREAT BEVIVER, speedily ersdieates all the evil elleets -ot' SELLABUSE on Less of Memory, Shortness of Breath. Giddiness, Pajpitation of the Heart, Dimness ol‘ Vision, or my constitutional defllgementl of the system, brought on bythe “unnamed indulgence of the passions. Acts alike can either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. TH! BALM will cure in from two to eight dell, Any case of GONOBBBGA, is without taste or smell, end requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. . , No. 3. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest possible time, any case of GLEEI‘, even after all other Remedies have tailed to produce the desired efl‘ect. No tests or smell. Price One Dollar. V ‘ ' fio. &. TEE BUNITEB la the only Remedy flu? 'i" really cure Stricturee of the Urethra. No {nutter of how long standing or neglected the case msy he. ‘ Price One Dal or. . No. 5. THE SOLUTOB will cure any case oi" GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove ell emotions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 6. FOR PARTICULARS BEE CIRCULAR. No. 7‘ THE AMARIN will ogre the. Whites radically, mid in a much shorter time than therein be removed by my other treatment. 1 In fact, i‘s‘the only remedy-that will reality correct this disorder. Pleasant to take .1 .-l’rice One Dal ar. - ‘. ‘ , ' No. 8. TIiIiflRIEN'I‘AL'PABTILS ere certain, gale and speedy in producing MENSTBUATION, or correehnfiznly Irregulerities of the monthly periods. _ Price Two Do 7 _ . No 9. FOR PARTICULARS an]: amount. , Either Remedy sent free by' mail on receipt of the price ”maxed. Eneloeepostage stamp and get a Oirwlllr. General Depot North—East corner of York Avenue and Callowhill Street. Private Ofllce 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa . For sale in Harrisburg only by 0. A. BANNVART. where circnisrs containing valuable informaten, with full de scriptions of each case, will be delivered gratis. on appli cation. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, myl—dly P. 0. Box 99. Philadelphia. Pa. MESSRS. G HICKERING 85 GO. HA VE AGAIN OBTAINED THE G 0 L D AT THE _ - MECHANICS” FAIR, BOSTON, NHL!) THE PRECEDISG WEEK, OVER SIXTY CUMPETITORS! Wareroom for the CHICKEEING PIANOE, M: Harris burg. at 92 Market street, .. 0623'“ W. KNOCHE’S MUSIC STORE. EXTRACT! EXTRACTSH WOODSWORTH & BUNNEL’S SUPERIOR FLAVQRING EXTRACTS 0F ' BITTER ALMOND, NEC'I‘AR] NE. - PINEAPPLE, STKAWBBBRY, ROSE, LEMON AND VANILLA, Just received and for sale by jeZ‘J WM. DOCK. JR... & CO ‘ CA1): 11:ng AT CHAIRS—The largest gm . vm-iety. fifty different styles and £ll from $6 to $lB aset 'Also TUCKER’S ‘ ’1“ 91:"! BOTTOM , the best in us’e—only SG—LutbPRIAG BED 29 <0 th JAMES R. BOYD & sox’s; ”16-41“! ~ n Second street, next to Ben’s Store. LYKEN S VALLEY . NUT COAL—— For Sale yr TWO nouns mm was. ‘ 117" All Uunl deli-bend by FA TENT WEIGH GAR Tb- JAMES M. WHEELER. 15-3039 delivered from both yards.__*_'._ng}7__ FINE CONDIMENTS I !-~E X TR A FRENCH MUSTARD, a. Choice variety of SAQAD OILS. SAUCES and KETOHUPS of every description. 111le WM. DOCK. .13.. It. CO- BURLINGTON HERIHNG L I 0.-26;u.s~tx ¥¢°¢iVFdr I?! L W‘VJLk‘mCK’ JR", &C 0 'Cammwmnms—ATEE Superior lot 2.: [omm WM. DOCK: 3%. & 00*8. MEDAL! inebicaL SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGURATDR, NEVER DEBILITATEE ' - m ounded entirely from Gums, Ind ha 13cm: anpostahlinhed fact, a Standam hiedimnofinovn ' shave used mum is new re 91 {_in .11 thediseaael forwhieb O 8 and approved by All that sorted to with confidence it in recommemlod. It has cured thousands who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose muthead-pted'l individual taking it, And, to Ictgently on thebowelsJ Let the dictates of your! use of the LIVER IN will cure Liver Com-q tacks,ll yup epliafl Sum m e r C o m-l ry,Dro ply, Sour‘ C a at i v enen Club; m Mon-bus. Cholera lance, Jaundicc,‘ es, and may be used unc ry Family Medi niunmzluc, (a. cwenty minutes, if spoonful: are ta ken tack. 1 H All wha use it are. in it: favor. I I: MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIG ORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. __uso... SANFO R D - S H > TAMMY GATHARTIB PILLS COMPOUND]!!! FROM _Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in 05a.” Cases, .41? fight, and wall Imp many climate. The Family Cathur-I ' gtic PILL is n gentle but active Osman-tic, whichl m [the proprietor humedin his practice mere than H twenty yearn. The constantly increasing demand from those who have long used the, A PILLS, and the satisfac— tion which all exprele in regard to their use, he: induced me in plane them H Iwi bin the reach of all The Profession wellinow xthat difl’erent Gathertieo net on difl‘erent portions; 9.. {ofthe bowels. The FAMILY CA-l iTflARTIG PILL ne., with due reference to this 0 pro“ eshbliahed fact, been compounded from a vanie- it: ol‘ the purest “firm“ Extracts, which act alike H I“ every puflof e ali mentmy canal, and are E" :good and safe in 11l cases where I. Onthartie in Ineeded, such as D e :anaeme n t n of the m ‘Stomach. sleepincn, Pain! in the Back land Loinn, Costive ness, Pain and Sore- 4 hues; over the whole body, from sudden cold, iwhieh frequently, if ne. Ilechdk end in a long [l'l igouty; 95 Penn-Long! Appetite, a Creeping over xhe. bodfi,‘ Resh‘ wnmm' m m In», all BASES, Worms in Chil—‘ tiam,agreat PURIFIER‘ diseases to which flesh in‘ mention in this lawman-ll Price Three Dimes. ngaive; Invigogator 3:3 FamilylCatharltic rims are rata’ ’ n: and so d who euaie by the mm: 'm :11 mfiwu. y’ , _ S. T. W SANFORD, M. 1)., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broadway, N. 3‘. jy7-dBcwly in: MRS; WINSLoW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, prefien’cs to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, . FOR. CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by Aattening the gums, reducing all inflammtionmwill allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is ‘ SURE TO REGULATE TEE BOWELS.‘ Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, ‘ and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, end. CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have. never been able to any of any other medi cine—NEVEß HAS IT FAILEDi IN A SINGLE IN STANCE, T 0 EFFECT A CUBE, when timely need. i ever did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who need it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and spank in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after ten years’ experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT 01‘ WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In‘almoet ever‘y instance where the infant. is “Searing from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found :1; figmen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis re . This valuable prepatntion is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAIL ING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS 01“ 0.13.138. ' _ It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rate: the ntomwh and bowels, corrects acidity, end gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will n 1 most instantly relieve GRIEING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND OOLIO, ~ and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEN TERY Ind DIARRHGIA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teethlng, or from my other cause. We would any to every mother who has a child enfl'ering from any of the foregoing complaints—Do NOT LET YOUR PRE— J UDIOES, NOR THE PBEJUDICIS 0F OTHERS, stand between you and your sufierinfichild, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUT LY SURE—tn follow the use of this medicine, il' timely used. Full directions for using will accomfplny each bottle. None genuine unless the facsimile o CURTIS 85 PERKINS, New York; is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Dmggietu throughout the world. - Pxxlomu. Drum-2, 13 Gun: S's-Imm, New YORK. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29-dhwly IT WILL PAY YOU READ TH IS . IT WILL PAY ,YOU OBSERVE WHAT I SAN! IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT V'l‘O HARRISBURG! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR vuncmsm FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AN D GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE,NO. I’. JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER- ALL goons AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER CHAS. S. SEG‘ELBAUM. P. S.-—I[AVIN G SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER 'AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT OR NO SALE. oct6-J KELLER’ S DRUG STORE, is the place to and tha belt dugrt‘ment lot Pom nannies. fl ‘ fibfimfifiéfifiéfib’m’ iii}; _ , to buy hunt Indie incl FOR. the genuine ENGLISH MUSTARD , gt to ' KELLBR’S DRUG STORE. within the lat two yam of relief, as tho numerous my possession show. tothe tampaument of the Law! in such gunman as judgment guide you in the VIGOEATOR, Ind it plain“, Billi In At ;Chronic Diarrhoea, ip la.int I, Dynamo lsumach, H hitnul lie, Choleru, Chole ilnt anhun, IT I an:- {Female W on In: on {cenfully as an omin..- cine. It will cure 810 I thousands can wait? ) In two or t Inca fan- It commencement of at living their testimony Sensation o I Co l a ”cannon, Humans, u! 'mnmmwnonr ms latex: or Adults, Rheuma -lof the BLOODand may their, too numerous to (want. Dose, Ito 3. TO T 0 $1165 of Grand. PENNSYLVANIA RAILRO AD WINTER TIME TABL gg“ FIVE TRAINS DAILY T 0 5.; FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER. Elana, 1863, The Pusenger Trainsof the Pennsylvaninflsiitoai Com pany will depart from and arrive at. Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follow: : EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS I[RAIN leaves liarzsburg 9.! 3.40:. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.50 3.3:: . 1" AS'l‘ LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.55 g m., and arrival at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hurishurg at 5.25 p. 111,. and ar— rives at West.Philadelphin it 10.20 p. m. Thane Trains nuke close «mention at Phiiadelphin with the New York Lines. ' Accommomnou mum, No.l.le"e~' Harrisburg at 7.30 a. m., runs via, Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia. at 12.30 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris— burg at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Philniflelphii M? 5-40 p. m. ' I ' ACCOMMODATION mum, N 0.2, Mm Harrisburg at 5.35 p. m., runs via. Mount Joy, connecting at Dillar ville with MAIL TRAIN East for 91111114911933 1, WESTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN lanvea Philneiphis 3: 10.50 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.19 a“ m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 11'. 8‘0) I. m .. and arrive! at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. ' LOCAL MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg 133: Pittaburg at 7.00 a. DI FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia ”12.00 man, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 4.15 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia ”2.00 p. m.: and arrives at Harrisburg at: 7.35 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia st 4.00 p. In, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers. lea-ving Philadelphia at 4 p, m. connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATIOS TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOCNG, ' no'l3—dtf Supt. Eflat. Div. Penn’a Railroad NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. “-..-_._ ’;-f;_ NOTI C E . CHANGE ’OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26m, 1860, the Passenger Train: of the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows : (1' (DING SO UTE. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at. .300 a. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at............7‘40&. In. MAIL TRAIN wi111eaveat.......... .. 1.00 p.m. G OING N 012 TH. MAIL TRAIN will leave at... .. ..«u . . . 1.40 p.lll. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave 84.. .. . .... . "8.15 p. m' The only Tl‘ain leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 3.00 s. m. For further information apply at the oflice, in Penn sylvania. Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, November '23, 1860..~nn‘24 NEW AIR IngE ROUTE NEW YORK. W ‘ rlifi» ; ‘ 5 _~_ - '-.. “Evy—— ==-;;; 42% ..-_;.7' . , :_ _._, ~fi:..,~. ... . _r—r 4a.»: Shortest in Distance and Quickest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND HARRIS BU KG, V VI A READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTONE MOKNING EXPRESS. West, leaves New York at 6 2.. m., arriving In Harrisburg at 12.-’l5 noon. onty 6.3 hours between the two cities. MAIL LIE}: leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and u] rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. m. __ MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at. 8.00 a. m., arriving at New York at 4.30 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Earrin burg at 1.15 p. 111.. arriving at New York at 9.00 p. m. Connections are made at Harrisburg M 1.00 p. m. with. the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad: All Trains connect at. Reading with Trains for Potte rille and Philadelphia: and at. Allentown for Munch Chunk, Balaton, Joe. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Hurisburg, by the 0.00 a. In. Lim- from New York or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and moon modntion, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, Fm nouns. For Tickets and other information apply to J. J . CLYDE, General Agent, jel _ _4- 7 ~ , ' Herrisburg. PHILADEIQE’HIA A; VREAEHNG RAILROAD, SUMMER ARRANG EMENT. ON AND AFTER MAY 28, 1960, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. m., ond 1.16 P. m., for Philadelphia, arrivingrthere It 1.25 P. 51., and 816 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE yaILADELPELA. :t 8.00 AM. Ind 3.30P.M., striving at aninbnrg n 12 1:5 ml ind 8.30 P. 31. ‘ mums :—-'l'o Philadelphia, No. 1 am, 33.25; No. a, (in same ruin) $2.70. IAREB:-—To Reading $1.60 and $1.30. M Reading,<connect wizh trains for Pottsvi'h, Minera ville, Tsmaqnt, Oanwissa, kc. _ noun mums LEAVE READING FOR Pinball]:- PHIA DAILY, at 6 A. M., 10.45 A. M., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING tt .0 . M., 1.00 P. m., 3.30 P. M., and 6.00 P. M. PARES:—-Reading to Philadelphia, 81.75 mi $1.45. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM 'HARBISBUBG 00R NEOTS AT READING- with up train for Wilkelban'o Pittston and Sex-3.11mi: . For through ticks“ and other information apply to J . J . CLYDE, General Agent; ' .dtf PHILADELPHIA ML?AILR'DAD. READING REDUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES, 0 ' ND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1860 1‘ A COBIMUTATIQN TICKETS. _ With 26 Coupons will be issued between any 110 an desired, good for tile holdeg‘ and any member of his family, in any Passenger tug-In, and It any time—st 25 per cent. below the regular lures, Yuma: having occasion to use the Bow, foequently on business or pleasure, will find the above arrangement convenient and economical; as 101:: Pasnenger trlinl run daily each way between Reading and Phil-dolphin, and Two Trains daily between Reading, Pottuville em! Harrisburg. On Sundays, only one morning train Down. and one afternoon train Up, runs between Pottaville and Philadelphia, and no Passenger train on the Lebnon Ynlley Branch Railroad. For the above Tivlwlg, or any quggnnuon “infill; thereto, apply to s. Bradford,an.,Tx-euurar,l’kiilde - phia, to the respective Ticket Agent. on the line, or to G. A. NICOLLS, Genenl Snp't. March 27, 1860.—max28-thf H 4“ T C ll' 8:, O 0 u , SHIP AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 13S WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS 1N FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AN!) CIGARS. nov6-d6m .__— L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL TUNER H, nus Rnpunnn OI PIANOS, MELODEONS. &c.. kc. Order: in future must be left at WM. KNOOHI’S “17310 STORE, 92 Muket street, or at BUEHLEB’S HOTEL. All order: left at the above-named places will meet with promxt “Nation. Fix-at cluu P 1 NOB for sale DRIEDIBEEF~An exthfiogor DRIED BEEF just received by ‘ “9 ,WII -.1199£._!w 00; STORAGE! STORAGE’I'z Storage received at warehouse of , mm JAMES M WHEELER, neplß—dl!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers