then I shall take you home with me: By the way, where is the fellow? Bring him hither.” “I await your commands,” said Mr. Smith. with a. demure smile. The sherifi' stood thunder-struck, then burst into a hearty laugh. - “You don't mean to say that 1 have got out of a comfortable bed and come all this distance ‘l-o convict the son of an old friend whom l have known from his cradle ? That’s rich! I wonder what the Governor would say, to hear that his son is an escaped convict? Ha! ha! ha! What. mad prank have you been playing, John? When you left 115 a few months ago, I thought you were going immediately to open on ofice in the city.” During that, speech. the accusers looked at each other in dismaygand at the conclusion, one after another crept away in dire confusion. A chaise was seen dashing furiously down the hill. 'lt contained the old and young sguire. The family were left alone, With the excep flan of the high sheriff. The good farmer looked triumphant and ex cited, as he brought down his heavy fist upon the table, exolaiming: “I told them so, the rascals 1" The sherifi‘ shook the honest farmer’s hands heartily. ‘ “By the way, you young scopegrace, you haven't explained. What have you been about, to raise such a commotion ? The talented John Smith Coleridge, only son of his Excellency, the Governor of this Commonwealth, shouldn’t be committing mad exploits.” “Only doing, sir, what Jacob did for Rachel «serving for my bride,” returned the young man, leading forward the now happy and smiling Caroline. --'Whew ! Well, really, John, you might have improved your time worse. I approve of a. young man’s losing his heart, provided he will lose it to one who will take good care of it.— "I his young lady will take faithful core, or else i am no judge of countenances,” looking keenly into the modest, ingenuous face of Caroline.— “You have my best wishes, John, and this young lady, also, for your future wedded happiness.” Andthese wishes have been more successfully realized than many have been, uttered under similar circumstances. @133 sslll:th a? fiß’nimt. _-_...»Wm THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 6, 1860 D; BARRETT acknonus c. MADDOWELL. Pub lishers and Proprietors. Communications win not he published in the Pu'mo‘r all! 1331021 unless accompanied with the name of the “that. s. M. PETTENGILL k CO., , Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York, and 2!: State street, Boston, are-the Agents for the rumor um Uncut, and the most influential and largest circu- Bning newspapers in .the United States and Canada: . ‘Ehey are authorized to contract for us at curtains: mm FOR SALE. A secondmaud Anus Puss, platen 39 X by 26 inch en, .1: good order; can be worked either by hand or “cum 3 enter. Terms moderate Inquire at this oflce. TO THE FRIENDS OF THE PATRIOT AND UNION. We mum attention of out yearly club subscribers to the fact that their subscriptions will expire during Decem— for and January ensuingv We should like very much if onr campaign and yearly subscribers would renew their zubleriptions and use their influence to extend the dr- caution of the WEEKLY ano-x- AND Bytes. The terms at which we ofl'er it to clubs are as low 15 any paper containing the same amount of reading matter yahlishefl in the Union In view of the existing state of afi'airs, there will be an excitin'g time at Washington, and it is not unlikely that we shall have s lively time at the State Capital.— A: the former we shall have a. reliable corresyondent, and at the Inter competent reporter: to give the Legis- lzfive new: and all other occurrences worthy of note.— We ahalhlao give our u§ual compendium of foreign Ind domestic news, and spare no pains to make thePumor 11w 8510:: one of the best (as it is» the cheapest) family journals in the State Hoping that. our friends will nuke some exertions ta extend the circuhtion of the paper, either by clubs or otherwise, we call attention to the TERMS DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION single copy for one year, in Advance.-. . ........ . .54 00 Single copy during the session of the Legislature” 1 00 WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION, Published every 17mrsday Single my) one year, in advance................ $2 00 Ten copiestoone addre55........................10 00 Subscriptions may comlhence at any time. Pay al ways in advance. Any person sending us a club of fifty Inbscribera to the Weekly will be entitled to a. copy for his services. The price in so low that we cannot otter greater inducements than this. Additions why he made at any time to a. club of subqribers by remitting $1 for each additional name. It is not. necessary to send us the names of those constituting a club, as we cannot undertake to address each paper to club subscribers separately. Specimen copies of the Weekly will be sent 1.0 all who desire it. 0. BARRETT B'. 00.,Harrisburg, Pa The President’s Mange. At. no previous period of our national history has the message of the President of the United ‘ States been looked for with more solicitude than was the last annual message of Mr. Bu chanan; for it was felt that uyon his recom— mendation might depend the future of the country, and that the issues of peace or civil war were, to a great extent, in his hands. The whole tenor of the message is calculated to soothe the asperities now threatening to dis rupt the Union. If any man 'in the country has the right to speak with authority to the South it is James BUCHANAN, as President of the United States and head of the Democratic party; for in his official capacity he has ever been faithful to all his constitutional obligations, and as a. party leader has endeavored to bring about those just concessions which, had they been granted, would have saved the country from the perils that now environ it. His posi tion as an officer and a man demand that his counsels should fall with great weight upon the people of the Southern States, now contempla ting revolution as the last remedy against real or fancied oppression. The President traces our present (iifl'icttlties to their true source when 'he attributes them to the persistent agitation of years against the system of negro slavery as it exists in the Southern States, and to the alarming sense of insecurity growing out of that agitation. lie fore the Republican party existed there wasa band of organized agitators in the Northern States devoted to running away negroes and inciting servile insurrections at the South_ and the evilhas been growing and extending, until it culminated in the formation of a sec tional Northern party. thoroughly imbued and entirely controlled by hostility to the institu tions of the Southern States. It is true that the platforms nationals of _the Republican party profess loyalty to the spirit of the Con— i stiiuzion, and disclaim any intention of inter- 3 faring with the domestic institutions of the 3 Southern States. But professions weigh no- ; thing when contrasted with facts. While 0. 2 party exists with theparamoum idea ofhospiut’y i to 31’1""! 7 it necessarily encourages every form ‘ Of that hostility : and must be held responsible Y for every degree of its manifestation. Since the organization of the Republican party the ( Abolitionisgs have ceased to exist in this lati- ' tude as a seperate party, because they merged I t‘hemselres'in the Republicans, deeming that the best means of promoting their ultimate ob jects. Every form and degree of Abolitionism has flourished and developed under the foster ing care of this Republican party, which, when confronted with the fruits of its own teaching, meekly points to its platform, and says, “we “mean no harm to the Southern States.”-—— Taming from fair words to foul deeds, the Southern people find that the consequences of Republicanism are—the encouragement of Aho litionism, which does not hesitate to avow hoSv tility to slavery wherever it exists; the enact ment of unconstitutional laws by Republican Legislatures to nullify the fugitive slave law; the circulation of incendiary publications throughout the South, calculated, if not. de signed, to encourage se’rvile insarrections, and endanger the lives of the Southern people; the promotion of John Brown raids, and the subjec tion of the Southern States and people to a. position of inferiority. These are unmistaka bly indicated as the consequences of the ex istence of the Republican party, which, how ever moderate its professions, cannot escape direct responsibility for what it promotes or encourages, and is naturally judged by the , Southern people from its fruits, and not from j its platforms. The fact is apparent that while ‘ these things continue the Union cannot endure. It has sustained the pressure for many years; but. we have at. last reached a point when the bond of union must be broken, unless the pres sure upon it is immediaiely abated—and the first step to be taken in lightening the cargo which threatens to sink the ship, is to throw overboard the personal liberty acts that. now I disgrace the statute booksot‘ so many Northern Statescontrolled by the Republican party. 4 The President shows conclusively that seces sion is not a remedy conferred upon any State by the Constitution against the encroachments ot' the General Government, but that it would he a revolutionary step, onlyr justifiable “as the “ last desperate remedy of a despairing people, “ after every other constitutional means of “ conciliation has been exhausted. ’ Notwithstanding that the message takes grounds against the constitutional right of any State to secede from the Union, the position is maintained that the Constitution has delegated to Congress no power to coerce-a State into submission; and this doctrine is fortified with powerful arguments. We do not see how they can be controverted. The proceedings of the Convention that framed the Constitutionflthe very highest authority—show that “Mr. Ed “ mund Randolph’s plan, which was the ground “ work of the Constitution, contained a clause “to authorize the coercion of any delinquent “ State. But this clause was struck out at the “ suggestion of Madison, who showed that a ‘* State could be coerced only by military force; “ that the use of military force against a State “ as such would be in the nature of a declara “ tion of war; and that a state of war might be “ regarded as operating the abrogation or dis~ “solution of all pie-existing ties between the “belligerent parties, and it would he of itself “the dissolution of the Union.” Thus it ap pears that the idea of coercing disobedient States was proposed in the Constitutional Con vention and rejected. ,1, >_ -But the President advances one step further in the argument. Suppose a State can be cc erced, how are we to govern it afterwards? Shall we invite the people to elect Senators and Representatives after they are subdued and conquered? or shall we hold them as subjects, and not as equals? How can we subdue the unconquerable will? and how can we practically annul the maxim that all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the gov erned? Such a process would undermine the foundations of the government and destroy the principles upon which it is reared more cer tainly than to admit the want of coercive power in the general goverment. ‘ The President concludes that portion of the message relating to our domestic troubles by suggesting that they may be settled by amend in; the Constitution, in the way provided .by that insfi-ument, so as to secure to the South the rights for which she contends. . It would be well for the country, in this the hour of her peril, when embittered sectional feeling has brought us to the very xergc‘of dis solution, and possibly of civil war, if both sec tions would profit by =lhe patriotic advice of the Pre'sident of the United States, and agree to perpetuate this Union by mutual forbearance and concession. Let the South pause before striking the last fatal blew at the Union, and await the time when a returning sense of jus tice shall induce the North to concede all her just demands, and make her continuance in the Union more desirable than a separate Govern ment. Let the North cease its unmanly ag gressions—repeal its unconstitutional statutes —stop its reckless agitation against an institu tion for 'which it is not responsible and over which it has no control—overthrow any man or party that seeks to perpetuate strife;and the Union may yet be preserved, and even made stronger and more enduring by reason 01’ the shock it has endured. But without this spirit of concession and mutual forbearance, there is nothing to hope for in the immediate future but contention and disunion. Vlm‘uxu GUN FACTORY.—The Staunion Vin dicator learns that Messrs. J. M. M’Cue, J. D [mbodem M. G. Harman and others have pur chased the large freight depot of the Virginia Central Railroad, at that place, for the price of $3.500 with the view of establishing a manu— fac§°r3f of- the newly invented repeating gun, yhmh is now attracting so much attention, and IS the mvenfion of Lorenzo Sibertr, of Augusta county. ‘ Four burglars entered the house of MP- Stricker, near Philadelphia, on Monday morn i3B7 and While iwo of them kept guard over Mr. S. and his wife. an aged couple, um other two gathered everything valuable together and made 03' with it. Their partners then tore up the sheets and other bed clothes and tied the old people‘to the bedstead and also left. ' It is stated that 28 clerks in the land office at Washington, were. discharged on. the 30th "1!. V G 0 1731257)}! EN 1' FIA’ANGES. --—————.-v~———~.._ REPORT 0!“ THE SECRETARY Of THE TREASURY. ,_-.,.._.A___ The report of Hon. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Trsasm'y, to the lower House ofCongress, is a concise but. very interesting document—— the straightened condition of the finances of' the government, which have béen adversely affected by the unexpected political troubles of the country, giving it especial importancejust HOW. TILE LAST FISCAL YEAR The report shows that. the aggregate means for the support of the government during the fiscal year ending Julie 30, 1800, amounted to $81,091,309.43, inclusive of ~3. balance of $4 339,275.54 which remained over in the treasury from the previous year. The expenditure during the fiscal year end ing Juno 30, 1860, was $77,452,102.72, (inclu— sive of $17,613,628 of public debt, redeemad,) which, deducted from the aggregate receipts as above of $81,091,309.43, left a balance in the treasury on the Isl July last of $3,629,206.71. Of the receipts during the last year $19,395,- 200‘were from treasury notes under the act of Dec. 23, 1857, and $1,380,000 from loan, per act June 14,1858, and from other sources'as follows: Customs, $53,187,511.87; public lands, $1,778,553.71, and miscellaneous, $1,010,764.- 31‘ - - PRESENT FISCAL YEAR. The receipts of the past quarter of the fiscal year 1801, from July 1 to Sept. 30, 1860, have amounted to $16,719,790.04, (there 18 an in crease of $172,160.60 from customs, as com— pared with same quarter last year,) which, with the balance of $3,629,206.71 in the treasury on ]etJuly,lB6o, makes”... .. . . ..... . .$E0,348,096.75 The estimated receipts during the three remaining quarters of the current fiscal year, 186], are— Frnm customs. .. . . . . . .. . . . $40,000,00000 From public lands. .. . . ... .. . 2,250,000.00 From miscellaneoul sources. 750,000.00 From loan, authorized June - 22d,1860.. .... .. ..." ... .. 21,000,000.00 #_ 54,000,00000 Making the total of nscertuined and examine, ted means for the service of the current fiscalyearlSGl.........-.. . $4,348,996.75 The expediture of the first quarter of the v current fiscal year—that ending Septem ber 30th,1660—we5.................... 16,543,472.59 The estimated expenditure from appropri ations heretofore made 13 y .lew, during the three remaining quarters of the current “fiscal year, 1861, according to the report of the register, i 5........ . .. . 46,935,232 58 The loan of J one 2%, 1860, the amount of which is stated among the means of the fiscal year. 1861, is expressly required to . be applied to the redemption of treasury notes—the amount of those notes and interest Ihercon. deducting $375,400 re deemed during the first quarter. . . . . . . . . 20,624,60000 Making the aggregate expenditure, ascer tained and estimated. for the current fi5ca1gcnr1861..........,................5903,103.17 calgcnr1861..........,................$903,103.17 Whit: amount“. deducted from the total of ‘ ascertained and estimated menus for the nervice of the current fiscal year 186], as before sedtat, leaves a. balance in the treasury on July 1, 1861, being the com meneement of the fiscal year 1862, of.. .. . 245,891.58 The foregoing statement assumes that the whole sum embraced in the estimated expen diture for the remaining lhreequurters of the current fiscal year will be actually called for within the year. The amount stated, $46,935,- 232.58, does not include the entire balance of the appropriation heretofore made by law, but such sums as the respective departments have indicated may probably be required. But in ’ptactice for many years past the sums drawn from the treasury during any year have been much less than the amounts estimated 'as re quired within. such year, according to the char» acter of the appropriations and the exigencies of the public service. It may he, therefore, fairly anticipated that. should the operations of the government proceed in their ordinary course, that. at least four millions .of dollars more may be deducted from the estimated ex— penditure of the current fiscal year, increasing the balance in the treasury on July 1, 1861, to that extent. lsrmnns run The “so”. run Fnou JULY 1, 1861, T 0 JUNE 30, 1862. Estimated receipts from customs..»m ... . .$60,000,000.00 Estimated receipts from public lands" .. . 3,000,000.00 Estimated receipts from miscellaneous 50urce5................................ 1:250,000..00 Estimated balance in the treasury July 1, 1861................................... 245,891.85 Aggregate estimated menus for the fiscal year 1862............... . . .... .364,495,891.58 Estimated expenditure from permnnent appropristions...“ ......... .. . . . . ... . . $9,626,386.20 Eltimmted expenditure from bulnnce of former aspropriations not before re ‘quired.....- .....-.--..-........ . ...... 12,198,11162 Estimates now submitted by the Execu tive departments for appropriations by 0011311555.. .. ....... .. . .... . ... 46,539,227.20 Aggregate animated expenditure for the _ fiscel year 1862... . . .......... ..... . ($8,363,726.11 Showing a. deficit of eatimeted means for the service of the final! year ending J um 30, 1862, of. .. . ...“... . . ..... .. . .... .. 3,867,88463 The suggestions above mode, as to not. draw ing from the treasury during the year. the whole amount. of the appropriations authorized by law, will apply to the estimates, so that, in stead of the above deficiency of $3,867,834,53, there will probably remain in the treasury on the let July, 1862,’ a balance of about $8,000,- 000. The correctness of this estimate of expendi~ ture for the present and next fiscal years may be illustrated in another and simplier.form.— The entire expenditure of the government for the_fiscal year ending June 10, 1860, exclusive of the redemption of treasury notes, ivhich are otherwise provided for, and the interest on the public debt, was $59,848,474.72, and in that sum was included $4,446,009.26, to riteet a de fioieney in the Postflice Department, produced by the failure of the postoflice appropriation bill at the second session of the thirty-fifth Congress—thereby causing this amount to be paid and charged in the expenditure of the fis cal year ending J was 30. 1860, though in point of foot the service was rendered and the lin bility i'ncurred’in the preceding year. It should be borne-in mind that the sum of $59,848,474.- 72.. included not only payments growing out of such’appropriations as had been estimated for by the department, but all other sums up propriated by Congress. There is no reason why the expenditure for the present or next fiscal year should exceed that of the last year. Allowing, however, a. margin for an increase, it may be safely stated that the expenses for the two years will not exceed $60,000,000 each—making the amount to be provided for $120,000,000. The estimated means of the treasury for the same period are, for the present fiscal year, $63,348,990.75, and for the year ending June 30, 1862, $64,250,000, which would leave an excess of estimated means over estimated expenditure of $7,598,996.75. The estimates of receipts into the treasury have been made withoutreference to the finan‘ cial and commercial panic, which has assumed so threatening an aspect within the last few days, and of which 1 shall speak more fully hereafter. The country was never in a, more prosperous condition. Uur planters and farm ers have been hlest, as a; general rule, with abundant crops, and were realizing remunem tive prices for all kinds of products. The ex ports of the last fiscal year had reached the enormous sum of $400,122,295, and the imports for the same period were $362,163,941,yi51d. ing a revenue from customs of $3,187,511.37. The exports of domestic produce for the present fiscal year, as far as they have been received, indicate an increase fully equal, it'not greater, than that. of preceding years, thus authorizing the estimate of increased revenue from that source. Apart, therefore, from the threatened embarrassments in the trade and business of the country, these estimato=, both of expendi‘ ture and receipts, would be submitted to Con gress with great confidence that they would not vary very far from the actual results. It is impossible to anticipate the effects Which this threatened revulsion will produce upon the business of the country. The absence of 311 the ordinary classes for. such a state of things leaves no date upon which to niake calculations —all the elements of prosperity are in exist ence—abundant crops with _remunerntive Pri— C’.‘S, Inf-T193 seeking 99-” mveetmenta, and, indeed, everything to indicate: more than the usual increase in trade and business. The causes which have' so suddenly arrested this tide of prosperity must be looked for outside of the financial and commercial operations of the country; they are of a political character, and therefore so dependant for their ultimate effect u pon future developments that it is impossible. at present, to say what will be the extent of their influence. If, as some suppose, they are merely temporary, and will soon pass away, then there will be no necessity for any action of Congress, except to provide for the embar rassments already existing in consequence of them. If, on the other hand, the effect should prove more permanent, the, fact will be made manifest during the present session of Congress, and in time for such action as will provide the necessary means to carry on the operations of the government and preserve the public credit. Already has the treasury been seriously af fected by these causes. The receipts from customs for the last. few days have greatly fal len ofi‘, and the limited amount received is com posed each day of an increased proportion of treasury notes not yet due. The indications are that such will, at least for the present, con tinue to be the case; not only so, but in conse quence of the failure of bidders for the lots loan to comply with the terms of their bids, a portion of ,the ordinary revenues has been withdrawn from the ordinary sources of ex penditure to meet the payment of treasury notes past due, and the interest thereon. This condition of things demands the immediate attention of Congress, and its early action will be required to enable the department to carry on the operations of the government, and at the same time preserve unimpaired the public credit. ' The permanent public debt on June 30, 1860, was $5,079,203.08, and the outstanding trea sury notes at that date amounted to $151.d90,500. By the act of June 22, 1860, provrsionwas made for the redemption of treasury _note: and payment of the interest thereon. This not pro vided for the issuing of stock for an amount not exceeding $21,000,000, at a rate of interest “not exceeding 6 per centum per annum, and to be reimbursed within a period not beyond twenty years and not less than ten years.” It was the policy of the department to negotiate this loan for such amounts and at such times as would place the money in the treasury to meet these treasury notes as they should fall due. To have negotiated the whole amount thereof, or any portion in advance of the notes falling due, would have subjected the govern ment to the unnecessary payment of interest during the time the money would have re mained in the vaults of the treasury uncalled for. There was no power in the department to call in the treasury notes until they become due. Besides, the withdrawal of such an amount of specie from the public would have been attendedwith the most injurious effects upon the financial operations of the country. For these reasons, no negotiations of any por tion of the loan was attempted until the Bth day of September, 1860, when proposals were invited for ten millions of the loan, which was " ample to meet all the treasury notes that would" fall due before January 1, 1861. The rate of interest was fixed at five per centum per an num, under the conviction that the loan could be readily negotiated at that rate, for at that time ’the five per cent. stock of the United States was selling in the market at a premium of three per cent. The result realized the just expectation, and the whole amount ofiered was taken either at par or a small premium. _ Be fore, however, the time had arrived for pay- I ment on the part of the bidders, the financial { crisis, to which I have already referred, came. Some of the bidders promptly complied with their proposals, and others were willing to do so, if required by the department, though it would be at a considerable sacrifice. Under these circumstances an additional term of thirty days was given to all bidders who would deposite one-half of the amount of their bids within the time originally prescribed. Most of ‘ the bidders availed themselves of this exten sion, and made their deposites accordingly on or before the 22d November, 1860. A portion, however, failed to do so, and to them the addi ditional thirty days has been offered, on con dition that they would increase their forfeit deposit of one per cent. to five per cent. ' To this proposition no response has as yetbeen reached. The amount of the loan awarded to this lastclass of bidders is $1,099,000. ’ The question presents itself, what action shall be taken in reference to the. stock which may be time forfeited? Therh is‘no poorer in the department, as the law now stands, to meet the case. It is recommended that Congress should immediately authorize the department to dispose of this stock upon the best possible terms, holding the defaulting biddersrésponsi ble for the difierenoe between their bids and the amount for which the stock can now be ne~ gotiated. The necessities of the Treasury de mand prompt action on thisaubject. Not only are the treasury notes'past due‘rapidly coming in for redemption,. but, as already stated. those not due’nre being paid in for customsgtherjeby. withdrawing from the regular operations, of the government its principal source of revenue. > To meet the remaining outstandingtreaaury notes and interest thereon there is yet to be no gotiated eleven millions of the stock autho rized by the act of June 22, 1860. The state ment just made of the difficulties attending the payment forthe stock already sold. in connec tion with the fact that capitalists, in the pre sent condition of the country, seem unwilling to invest in United States stock at par, renders it almost certain that this remaining eleven millions cannot now be negotiated upon terms acceptable to the government. The condition of the Treasury is such that no serious delay can be indulged.- I recommend, therefore, a repeal of so much of the act of June 22, 1860, as authorizes the issuing of this additional eleven millions of stock, and that authority be given for the issuing of treasury notes to the some amount, to be negotiated at such rates as will command the confidence of the country,— To create that, confidence, I recommend that the public lands be unconditionally pledged i for the ultimate redemption of all the treasury notes which it ma become nece'ssh‘ry'to issue. 1 1 make this recohimendation of substituting treasury notes for stock the more readily from the conviction that there should always exist in the department power vto issue treasury notes for a limited amount, under the direction of the! President, to meet unforeseen contingen cies. It is a power which can never be abused, as the amount realized from such source can only be used to meet lawful demands upon the | Treasury. No Secretary of the Treasury or 5 President would ever exercise it, except com- 5 polled: to do so by the exigencies of the public - sex-viola. 0n the other hand, it would enable the government to meet without embarrass- 1 ment ‘lthose sudden revolutions to which the 5 country is always liable, and which cannot ; alu'ayi be anticipated. I hive already stated that provision should he ms‘do at once to relieve the treasury from its prefient embarrassments, produced by the causes eferred to. To do this, Congress should authoifze the issuing of an additional amount of in sury notes, not less than ten millions of dollars, With these means the department will be enabled to'meet all lawful demands upon it for the‘present. > The extent of the financial crisis through which the country is now pass ing cannot now be determined, and until it is better known, no policy can be recommended of a. permanent character. No change in the revenue laws can be made in time to meet. these difficulties; and if it could, the same causes would produce the some re sults under any laws that might be passed. If 00110088, however, should determine upon such a_policy—either with a. View to meet existing difficulties or for the purpose of providing for the Paywent of any portion of the public debt ——l can only refer them, for the views of the fieliartment, to my former reports on that sub.-; Jec. ’ ‘. . The above is sit that salutes parliéulfll'ly to the fiWWW- The Secretary again urges the attention of Congress to the importance of the bill for the consolidation of the revenue laws; the improvement of the marine service, snb- Stituting steam for sailing vessels, and increa sing the pay in that department ; the progress of public buildings and want of marine hospitals ; and refers also to reports on the analysis .of iron ores, and on J. T. Barcloy’s discovery for preventing the abrasion and counterfeiting of United States coin. The fatt that, in accord ance with en not of Congress, commissioners were sent to the International Statistical Con gress in London last. July, is also referred to, with the further fact that the Hon. A. B. Long street, of Soilth Carolina, withdrew therefrom on the first day of the session, on account of the presence of anegro as a member of the body. ' The report at the judge on the subject is submitted, and Secretary Cobb adds: “It is only necessary to say that the with drawal of Judge Longstreet from the congress, and his refusal to return to its deliberations, received the entire tpproval; of his govern ment.” A story istold of a. Polish lady in Paris who possesses the convenient mesmerio power of controlling not only the movements of her own clock, but those of the watches of her visitors. If the visitor is disagreeable, she mesmerises the clock, by an effort of will, to go ahead to a late hour, and when the visitor insists that the clock is too fast, and appeals to his watch, he finds that his repeater, too, has been mesme rised to the same time as that of the clock. 0n the other hand, if visitors please, clocks and watches unite in holding book for early hours. What a convenient gift, if it belonged to all ladies, and to others, of all sexes, who would be rid of disagreeable visitors, or vice versa! LATEST, BY TELEGRAPH XXXVI“! UIINfiRESS-SECBND SESSION. =I \VASRINGTON, Dec. 5. SENATB.—The gession was opened with prayer. _ Mr. Pugh, of Ohio, appeared in his seat- Mr. Hale, N. 3., moved that a number of the volumes of the Pacific Railroad reports be published for the use of the Senate. Mr. POWell, Ky., moved the reference of so much of the President’s message as relates to the present political affairs of the country, to a special committee. - 7. ' Mr. Green, (M 0.,) introduced a. resolution that the Committee cn the Judiciary be in structed to inquire into the propriety of provi ding bylaw for establishing an armed police force along the border States, both slave and free, for the purpose of maintaining general peace between the States, and preventing the invasion of States by the citizens of another; and also for the efficient execution of the Fu gitive Slave Law. Mr. Cameron, Pm, moved that the subject he made the order of the day for next Monday. Mr. Latham, Col, presented the credentials of Edward D. Baker, Senator elect from Ore gon. ' Mr. Hale, N. H., moved to reconsider the vote by which 10,000 copies of the President’s Message were ordered to be printed. He said that if he understood the message clearly, it first took the ground that South Carolina has just Tight to secede, and secondly declared that she has no myht to secede. He thought the President should have pointed out to Co gress some rule for guidance. He has failed 5 look the thing in the face. We must look to the ballot—box, .or a war, for the termination of these difiiicnlties. South Carolina asks no counsel. She considers dis union a settled question, and is arming her self. The voice of the majority, as announced at the ballot-box, will not be submitted to by her. She considers that the northern States are the aggressors. The gentlemen on the other side listen to the voice of passion rather than to their own convictions. We are trying an experiment. iOui- republic has‘not yet outlived the soldiers who fought its battles and won its victories. We have obtained what we have by great efi‘ort. We are approaching the culmi nating point, and the civil war of England was insignificant to‘ what our conflict may be if we cannot settle things peaceably. We must look danger straight in the't'ace. - Hovsné—Mr. Sherman, (Pa.,) from the Com mittee on Ways and Means, reported a. bill making appropriations for the payment of in valid and other pensions, and a bill for the support of the West Point Academy. Referred to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. V The House, by a vote of ‘6O against 125, refused to lay on the table Mr. Grow’s'- (Pa.)‘ motion to reconsider the .vote by which the Homestead bill was last session referred to the Committee of the Whole on the State of ”the Union.‘ The House then re-considered the vote» and the bill is thus brought up for action. ‘ Mr. Grow did not desire to discuss this mea sure, the principle involved having been fami liar to the country for thepast ten years.— This bill, however, avoids the prominent ob jection made in President Buchanan’s veto message. ‘ It does not purpose 'to donate the lands, but requires the payment'ol’ $2 for 160 acres. He might, if necessary, quote Gen. Jackson against. Mr. Buchanan, to show that the former was of the opinion that the public lands should not he the source of federal reve— nue. He moved the previous question, under the operation of which the bill passed—eyeas 132, nays 78. _ . Mr. Colfax, (Ind.,) moved that _the post route 'bill, returned from the Senate at the former session with amendments, he referred to the Post Office Committee. He remarked that there had been no such bill passed for the last three years, and he was desirous to have action as soon as possible. Mr. Smith, (Va.,) objected, saying that the Government was financially embarrassed. ML. Colfax. That is true, but we draw our pay. He had performed his duty as to this matter, and laid, in conclusion, that there were several reforms proposed in the bill, and the Postmaster General was anxious to know the disposition of congress as to the contracts with railroad companies. , y The objections to taking up 'and referring the bill were persisted in. On‘ motion of Mr. Sherman, Ohio, the House went into committee of the whole on the state of the Union, (Mr. Washburn of Illinois in the Chair,) and took up the Military Academy bill. ___4» “H Union Convention. NEW YORK, Dec. 5. A State Uonmntion'of the Union men, led olf by Commodore Stockton, Com. C. Alexan~ der, ex—Goveroror Price, Col. Peter J. Clark, Senator Thompson and a. large number of lead ing men, has been called to assemble in this city on the 11th of December, to cancel-t 7 such measures as may be deemed advisable under the present crisis uf the Republic. Prize Fight. PORTLAND, Me. Dec. :3 A prize fight. came ofl' yesterday at North Berwiek, in this State, for $l,OOO, between Wm. O’Neul, of Worcestor, and Michael Fritz, of Providence. Sixty-three rounds were fought, occupying four hours and a half. Fritz was the victor. Both parties are now to the ring. _ __..._,+____._ Olfiplal Vote of Missouri. The, following is the official vote of Missouri: Douglas 68.801; Bellr 68,372; Breckinridge 31,317; Lincolfl'l7,o2B. a; -_-‘ ~ ;.l ——-—--o——-~< v j .= , New‘Yorl; Electoral Collgg’g,‘ .7 , _ Marimba. 5. :TheiEloctorul College of thov'sfitélafiféh this morning and cast 35 votes'for Lincoln Ind-5 Hfllpfill. - M PTY BOTTLES 1 z :_o£ an ”.217; and descriptions, for sale low by . decG WM. DOCK, JR” k (10. HICKORY WOOD! !——A SUPERIOR LOT just received, and for sale in quantities to nug‘ Pur— ghasere, by JAMES M. WHEELER. Also, OAK AND PINE constantly on bani It \Jhe lowest prices. dom, Loans and Di5c0uma..................576r’5,32;‘; 03 Stock of the Commonwealth......... 50.5105 00 Specm' 7196‘.) 30 United States Lo'm 19.-31)!) I].) Due by other Banks.... $90,392 74 Notes ofotherßanks... 44,983 00 Sr. Lotus, Dec. '5 New ’Ahncrtificmmtg STATEMENT ’ 013 nm I—IAZRRISBETRG BANK. . ‘ DECEMBER 4, 850. A Rsets Stocks (at. present marketmlue) Bonds 6‘ .5 5. H Real Esme Linbiliti'cs .- Circu1aii0n............ Dep05it5............... Due to other Banks $761.97!) :32 The above statement is correct, to ice best. of my knowledge and belief. J. W. WEIR, (Zn-35w. Sworn and subscribed before me, dec6—d2t DAVID HARRIS. J. I". AMERICAN STOCK J OURh AL.— Tnn 17mm) Vounu commences January Est, 1861. Devoted especially to matters relating to domestic animals. The largest, and cheapest, paper of the kind in the world, Published Monthly, at No. 25 Park Row, New York. Price $l.OO per year in advance. Specimen copies gratis. D. G. LINSLEY, Editor and Prcprieior. OTIS F. R. WAITE, Associate Editor. Papers giving the above advertisement three insertion-, and sending a marked copy to G. A. HATCH, ansg."l VIN, will receive a copy of the piper one year free. dens-am; A. G. HATCH, General Agent. MPORTANT T 0 STOCK GROWERS. Tm: THIRD VOLUME 0}“ THE AM'L'R l 0.4 N S TO 0K .70 ULKWZ-i 1., Commences January 15¢, 1961. It is devoted exclusively relating to the care and management of our domestic animnla and is by far the largest Che-pest and most widely circulated pa— per of the kinci in the world. No stock grower can “-'- FORD to be githout it. ‘ fifiixteeh large octsvo pages, Handsomely Ilhxstm— ted. Published Monthly, at 25 Park Row, New York, at $l.OO per year in advance. Specimen copies g-az-is. 451112 D. O. LINSLEY, Editor and Proprietor. OTIS F. R. WAITE, Associate Editor. Newspapers giving the above advertisement two iu~ sertions, and sending a. marked copy to A. G. HATCH, WINDSOR, Vt, will receive a copy of the paper one year free. [decfi-th] A. G. HATCH, Genera: Agent. 300 DOLLARS REWARD.— Q S T 0 LE N by means of an order, ‘ brought by a colored man, a CHESTNUT SORREL MARE and TOP WAGON, on Tuesday evening, at 5 o’clock. The Mere has a. white spot on her tail at the root; some white in her face; white hind leg; 3. mark on both hooks fromfiring for curb; a. mark {mm an injury on her right thxgh, behind ; long tan: a. good, sized Buggy Mare—she wore a. breast collar. A reward. of $5O will be given for the Mare and Wagon. and $250 for the thief. The man is about five feet ten in height—awry light. mulatto, woolly head and good teeth; had on when left, a. brown or black cloth coat, dark pants and felt hat. Apply t 9 JOHN TBORNE. No. 14-1 Frouf. street, or B. H. PENMNGTON, 21 South street, Bam more, Md. den-(1312* GUN AND BLASTIN G POWDER. J A BEE-SM. WHEB LE 11.! HARRISBURG, PA. ,‘ AGENT FOR ALL ’ , POWDER. AND ELSE n.mul=.mwunsn Br I. E. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & 00., WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. ifi‘A large supply always on hand. For sale- at mam]. facturer’s prices. Magazine two miles below town. ' ifi‘ Orders received at Warehouse. 1101'] COTTAGE FURNITURE, m Chamber Suits, containing DRESSING BUREAU. BED STEAD, WASH-STAND, TABLE, F 0 UR CHAIRS, and n ROCKING CHAIR, from $23 to 840 8 unit. BUREAUS AND BEDSTEADS from $4.50 to $10330, at! other articles at equally low figurenbat the Ware Rooms of ' JAMES R. BOY fir SON, 11016-4111: 29 South Second street. CAL BIN E T W ARE'HOUSE. ’ JAMES R. BOYD &‘ SON, ' 29 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ' CABINET MAKERS AN'D UNDERTAKERS. A Inge variety of TETE—A-TEIE SOFAS ARM AND PARLOR CHAIRS. MARBL TOP TAfi'LES, BUREA US, BEDSTEADS' WASII-STANDS, HAT RACKS, kc. Call sud examine our stock and prices,as we cg: 311 as low as can be bought in the Stste. no _- m 800-TS AND SHOES. J A cKs o N as co . Haws opened a. Boot and Shoe Store at No. 90;; MAR— KET STREET, corner of Fourth, where they keep con stantly on hum] a. mm and varied usortment of the BEST CITY MADE SHOES. Having been engaged in the SHOE UPPER BUSI NESS in this city for morn than a. _yenr, they m'pte pued to makh ALL KINDS OF'FANGY SHOES to order, at. short notice, of the best materials, and war— ranted to give satisfaction every way. flj’Pleue call and cxumine my sssortment before purchasing elsewhere. flTßemember the place—9o}; Market street, sign 0 the [llOll-113111] ' A GOLDEN noon Aottls. 'l J NITED STATES HIOTEL, soul-x EAST comm-:1: on 11-rn Arm runner s-rnse'rs. ADJ OINING THE PENNSYLVANIA RAID ROAD DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Public that he has taken the above Hotel, formerly known as 5; THE lIANSION HOUSE,” which he has refitted and. newlx furnished throughout. . The Rooms ere spacious and commodioue, and furnished with etvery convenience to be found in the best Hotels in the ci y. The “UNITED STATES” is admirably located for the convenience of travelers, being under the same roof with the Pennsylvania. Railroad Depot, and thus saving both hack hire and portemge of baggage. No pains will be spared to render the “ UNITED STATES” n. pleasant and agreeable residence to all who may favor it with their patronage. Charges moderate. 0c22-d3mwly H. W. KANAG-A. Proprietor. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. J. BOLTQN, Pxormmon. CARD. The above well known and long established Hotel in now undergoing a. thorough renovation, and being in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGE J. BOLTON, who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. Thenkful for the liberal patronage which it has én joyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public favor je'i-dkyy WILLIAM IB‘E EHLER.‘ liwuramt.’ INSURANCE AGENCY‘ THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELI}HIA. INCORPORATED 1835. mm“. AND ASSETI..... .........s9o4.aar.m. ‘ - ' THE JNSURANCE COMPANY-OF NORTH AMERICA, ' A' . 0F PHILADELPKLL ’ INCORPORATED 1794-, CAPITAL AND Assm's...m .......$1.21U,4a5.19. The Imam-signed, an Agent for the above well known CotUpmieg, will make lEnßul-lance against loll! or daimgge by-fiu’veit'hef perpetually or annually, on property in l'either tanpr country - ~ _ . Maine ”1d Inland Transportation Risks also taken. . v APP‘Y personally 0' ”5'19“" *O. . V .; ‘ ' _ ~. . . ‘WILLIAM BUIKLEB,' gecl-dlzwly Harrisburg, Pa. 29.2 w) on 5.000 on 143390 ()0 ,«39 ”31:3. $529,405 w 190.578 72 51.99.; Sn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers