RATES OF ADVERTISING. Eon: lines or less constitute hall a squats. T 2: line. I's more than four, oomtitute a square. Balkanoneday- ”$0.25 One 811., onodayv—w—So-fl ' ‘ one week. .... 1.00, “ one week...“ 1.20 ’ ‘ one month” . 2.00 ~ ” one month. .. 8.00 ” three months. 3.00 g “ three mullahs. 6.00 "‘ sixmonths” . 4.00 * H six months. .. 8.0" " one yeah... . 5.00: “ one yen...v 10.00 113‘ Business netices inserted in the LOCAL comma: or Mfore nudges and deaths, EIVE CENTS Pia Lmz for and; insertion. I'o merehantaand other: advertisingby may»; fibers] to. II will be ofi'ared. 15' The numberofinsertions mus: be designstedon um avermmsqt. a Death u 11 5’ Wises an nri be inserted lam. mm as regular advertisements. 31: fl“ 309%, maximum, 86:, SCHOOL BOOKS—School Directors, Temherl, Parana, _ Scholars, and others, in wmtof school look! 3mm Summary, Bcm, will and a. eon hf. “garment .% s. myomoox a son's 3001! M 333, 3am: Square, Hamburg, comprising in pm :15. (0110'. :1: ~— humpncensaw, Parker’l, Cobb’s, Angellm SPE-LING BOOKS.——MoGu.lfey’l, Oobb’i, Webster’s, Tommnyorly’l. Gombry’a. IEGIIIBII GBAMMARS.——Bnlliomp Smith’s, Wood humane“; a, Tlthill’u, Imm, ’weun m3~—éfimhaw’l,nuunport’n, Frost’s, Wil lon’a, Willud’s, Goodrieh’u, Pinnock’a, Goldamith’a and Clark’l. AHMTlO’B.—Gmnleat’l, Smddn’ml’u Emerson-’5, Pike’s Jim's, Oolhnm’n, Smith and Duke’s, ham. 3 'flénm-—Gmenlu§’g, nuie's, Dara, 331’s. .5. D OI'IONABYS.—WaIker7I School, cobb’u, Walker, Wormhr’a Comprehensive, Wei-center’s Primary Web nAtlr’l Primary , Webster’s High School, WBWI’I dump, manic. NATURAL PEIWBOPEXIS.—Oomtoek’I Parker's swims. The above with a great nriety of cation can u; say time be found 9t my store. Also, 1 complete unort mm of School Stationary, embracing in the win lo a com pm. outfit for school FEW. Any book not in the atom. procured it one day! notice. 1]? country Manhunt: supplied lit wholes-la rates. WAOB.-John Bar at! Bon’l Alumna [or ale Ii Ii kl. POLLOOK b SON’B BOOK BTO3], Hurinburg. ia- Wholeule m Retail. myl JUST RECE;VED_ AT ‘ SSIIHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE} .4 DAMANTINE SLfl TES on VARIOUS suns Am) rmgns. Web, fox beauty m: use, cannot be excelled. ‘ 31:113an mm: rmgcs, ‘SGHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, so. 18 MARKET smnm. mm BOOK AUCTION. BEN F. FRENCH Will supply his old friend: owl, customers win: the following Book- at Auction price: : 22mm MII-nod, 10 vols, complete, I illustration 5 . Japan Expedition, 3 vols., complete, illustrated and illuminated, 812. Emety’l Expedition, 2 vols., complete, illustrated illuminated, $lO. Congressional Globe, 31 50 per volume. storly Novels, complete, 12 vols, cloth, 810. as“ “ u 27 vols.,holfcolf,B34; m., at}, c. All of the above Buoksl will deliver in Harri-burg mo of charge. BEN F. IBENOH, 278 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. 0. fem-at! N E W B O O K S l , I U B 'l' It E G E I V E D "an. AND BAY,” by the author 02 u Wide, Wide Wol'ld," “ Do‘lm am! Cents," &.e‘ “ HISTORY 01‘ METEODISM,” byA.Stevena. LLD. For sale st SOHEFFERS’ BOOKSTORE, 8])? NO. 18 Links st. 308 T RECEIVED, Q . A use: AND SPLENDID ASSORTMEN 1' OF - RIGHLY GILT AND OBNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, 0f “lions Designs and Colors, {0:8 cents, > TISSUE PAPER AND OUT FLY PAPER, At [mm] SGEEI'EEB’S BOOKSTORE. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER 1! Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, PIKE SCREENS, &c., 6w. Itie thelergeet and bent eelected monument in the city, rengiugin price fxem six (6} cent: :11: to one dollar and squatter ($1.25.) A: we purchuo vel? low for cash, we are prepared to man It .3 low um, i not lower, than can ye had one. whm. 1E purchasers will call and exumne, we feel confident that we on please them in respect to price mi quality. 1!. M POLLOOK a: SON, 5123 Below Jonen’ House. Market Square. LE TTE R, GAP, NOTE PAPERS, ' Pena, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of an best qunlity, at low prices, direct from the manu mmflu, it “30 somrrxnm CHEAP BOOKSTORE LAW BOOKS ! LAW BOOKS ! !—A gallon! assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State import: Ind stand-fl Momentary Works, with may of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with a lugs Increment of second-hm: Law Books, at very low prim, a: 2M one price Buckner: of ‘ : E. M. POLLOOK 8c SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. ay3 mistellamnns. AN ARABIVAL OF NEW Goons _é3?PROPRIATE‘ I‘o THE SEASON! aux LINEN PAPER tans: Lures! FANS!!! new All) SPIN“) L 0! or SPLIC’ED FISHING B ODS! Trout Flies Gut and Hui:- Snoods, Grass Linea, Silk and Hair Phil“ Lines, and a general assortment of fISHING TACKLE! A can! nnmrr or WALKING CAKES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest: Silver Head Loaded Sword Hickory huey Ounce! canes! Canes! Canes! Omen! KELLEB’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, so. 91 luau! sun-r, South side, one door east ofPourth street 599 3. J. HARRIS; WORKER IN '«EIN, SHEET DION, AND . METALLIC ROOFING, ‘~ Seccmi Street, below Chestnut, _ HARRISBURG, PA. 1.5; pupil“ to fill orders for any article in his branch 0! minus; Indif not on hand, ho will make to order on W notice. A METALLIC ROOFING, of Tin or Galvanized Iron, rimtntly on ma. Also, Tin 3nd Sheet-Iron Ware, Spouting, to. He hopes, by strict uttention to the wants of his custo mers, to merit ad receive a generous share of public put -33" Every promise strictly fulfilled. . B. J. BARBIE, Sewnd Street, below Chestnut. 7 'aiy] F isIII! HACKER“, (Nos. 1, 2 “21312) w 3 . vex su erior. man,(masmhery £llBo3.an ’c p’ ) e . con man. > M .( lralarge ; 8310 _ score: mam“? “BRING. (extra. Disby.) snmms m monovus. or the above we haveplackerel in whole, half, quarter an eighth bbla‘ Remus in whole and half bbls. the entire lot new—manor non n: nsnamns, and will .911 than; at the lowest market rates. . 331314 WM. DOCK, 13., J: 00. FAMEY BIBEEE, from 13 to $lO, , strong ml unmm ’ .2111 Rama on gm ”p?" mt): clef“! 619" #‘g‘éfifiynma Ohm Booklhre. {‘RANBERRIES! ! !:-A. Smunm ‘igans-receima by FOR a. superior m cheap TABLE- 01. “Mm 011. go to ;“ mum's 93119810315; THE Fruit Growera’ Handbook—by mgsfimxa"h°‘w’m§3ufi;nlamm- 313 mm. CANDLESa-I-A large apply "1:11;- neened by WH- BOOK: 1n... B'. 00V ‘ IF you are in waixt of' amnfifiibé gm maggm n.‘ FISH!!! WM. DOCK. 111., a: co r. -59 -;¥ = .- 1%) 4 .ghg ' "‘ 3) *3 :1; I I ' ' » 4W’i‘fi‘; ~ figs?- ;,§ar , ‘ a}: L¥ M; gin-,1": .‘-'-".“"'w.- V ”f; *1 _ ”3' I > "m HIMEH :ij "it P 7???" sa: g": ' ® ” -'"-'*'-“9i?i’Fli'Ez-‘vfigm' v;..-; ‘ ' .i l .1' - E’ VOL. 3. flinch; Etables. UITflfi’ERY STABLE 8, fl BLACKBERRY A]. LEY, fl 11v THE REAR 0F HERE’S HOTEL. The undersigned has re—commenrod the L I VE R Y BUSINESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located a: above, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGE»? AND OMNIBUSES, Which lie will hire at moderate rates. - oclla-dly F. K. SWARTZ. FRANK A. MU EBAY Successor :0 Wm. Payhliill, “VERY a EXCHANGE STABLE ‘ THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. n“ . a: J " ‘ cryr;“§;€n. ' ' - ' " WAS-EN HAWKS mural-led the interest of J. mm: In the oetnbliglment, and male Inge addition! to the stock, the unrefined is prepared to moomnode‘te the public with SUP]: 03 1103833 for Saddle or 0 ' pupal“, end with evaryvvuioty of VEHICLES of mt end molt tpgroved styles on Humble terms. “nun bums win he mmmodeted with On film-eel at. short notice. , ' . (unified udOmnibuuee, for funeral omloll, will be ‘lh , “computed luau-eh! And ““6218 drivers. He invite: m inspection of his flock, est ed that it 1! fully oqnsl to flat of my other elt-bliehment of the kind in town. [RANK A. MURRAY ' BRANOH’ STABLE The undenignedhee opened I hand: of his “Liver: and Exchange Stable” in the buildinge unifieoccupled by A. W. Bm, in fourth 111-ed, oppoaih the the! when he in pruned to mourned.“ the public with fictio- Ind Vemelu, st all flmee, on nunneblo “m._ Hie max in Inge and varied, end will recommend mall. ‘ 31116-th FRANK A. MURRAY. filiatellamous. TAAKE ‘NOTICE! That we have recently adcied to our already full stock 0 F SEGA B. 8 LA NORMATIS, ' KARI KARI, " . EL MONO, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERI For: nu: Hasnnxcmnr: ; TURKISH ESSENCE, . ODOR 0F MUSK, LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. Fox um Hun : ' EA‘U LUSTRALE. . CRYSTALIZRD POMATUM, 31anle AND VIOLET POMATUM. Eon 1m: Coxruxwx : TALG OF VENICE. ' BOSE LEAF POWDER, , NEWMOWH BAY POWDER, BLAND DE PERLE’S. 0 F SOA P S Bum-’5 FINEST MOSS ROSE, ' BENZOIN. UPPER TEN, VIOLET. NEW MOWN HAY, J OOKEY CLUB. ‘ Having the largest stock and beat assortment of Toilet Articles. we fancy that we are better able than our com patitors to get up a comylete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call and see. Always on hand, a FRESH Stock of DR UGS, MEDI CINES, CHEMICALS, kc , consequent of our re— ceiving almost daily additions thereto. KBLLEE’S DRUG AND FANOY STORE, 91 market street, two doom Ens) of Fourth Street, sepfi Smith aide. 7 . » . PHOENIX FOUNDRY.. J. .r. osmn. . w. l'. osmn. JOHN J. O-SLER &. BROTHER, (SUCCESSORS 10 JAMES H. In.) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Comer fennsylram'a Railroad and State Street, HARRISBURG, PA. MILL GEARING, IRON FENCES. RAILROAD AND CANAL WORK, , AND ALL nzscnxnmns or IRON CASTINGS OE HAND OR MADE I‘o ORDER. MACHINE WORK AND REPAIRING PBOMPTLY . ATTENDED To. ‘ PATTERNS MADE T 0 ORDER. We have A large and complete assortment of Patterns to select from. 151122 JUST RECEIVED! ' . A FULL ASSORTI‘IIENT 0F HUMPHREV’S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS! to wmcn m: 12mm um ATTENTION .OF THE AFFLIOTED! For am: It _ ' SCHEFFERIS BOOKSTORE, 7.97 , , No. 18 Max-kn“. ‘N 7 E 0 F F E R T O C II S T 0 M E' R S -‘ A New Lot of LADIES' PUB'SEB, Of Beautiful Styles, substantially made . - A Splendid Assortment of ; GENTLEMEN'S WALLETS. A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS’ BOQUET,‘ Put up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of . - HANDKEROKIEF PERFUMES, 0f the best Manufacture. A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES. . KELLEB’S DRUG STORE, jy3l m , 91 Market street ESTABLISHED IN 1810. FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. J 5: W. JONES, No. 432 N. Front Street, above 031-. lowlfill, Philadelphia, dye SILKS, WOO-LEN AND FANCY GOODS of every description. - Their superior style of Dyeing Ladies’ snd.Gentlemen’s Garments is widely known. Grape and Merino Shawls dyed the _most brilliant or plain colors. Grape and Merino shawls cleaned to look like new—else, Gentleman’s apparel. Curtains, &c., cleaned or redyed. 1? Call and look at our work before going else where. sepllod3m CHO‘IC'E SAUCE-S! woxczsmnsnmn. LUCKNOW GHUTNY, - CONTINENTAL, soun’s SULTANA, . ATHENEUM, LONDON CLUB; ~ 513 nonnnm mm, INDIA 80]! - nmmfle SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For 5:39 by WMgDOOK, 13., 8:. 60. my DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURE GARBOYS, DEMIJOKNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PIOKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES on than! magnum. . H. B. an}. W. BENNEBS, ocl9-dly 27 South Front stout, Philadelphia. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. 1' . W . WEBER nephew and taught by the well I'o. numbered 1m 1' .W. Weber, of Hum-bu , “€l‘opfirod .to give lessons in main upon the PIAIEO, lOLIN. 0311110, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lessons at 'us'reaidence, corner or Locust attest Ind Blur may or at the home. of pupils. ' - lufli—ddm' SCEtEIITER'S Bookstore is the place to buy Gold Pans—magated HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY, D‘Ré‘fi'fifiizfij’ 13330. gloat. To THE PUBLI( JOHN TILL'S C o A L Y A R I), sown! sncoma STREET, BELOW PRATT'S ROLLING MILL, HARRISBURG, PA., Where he has conutnntly on Mall LYKENS VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, STOVE AND NUT GOAL ALSO, WILKESBAB‘RE STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, STOVE AND NUT COAL, ' ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. It will be delivered to consumers clean, and full weight warranted. . m- oonsunmz‘s GIVE ME A CALL FOR mun wrung SUPPLY. . ‘ ID’ Orders left at my house, ip Walnut street, near Fifth; or at Brubakey’n, North street; I . L. Spears, Market Square; Wm. Boatick’n, corner of Seéond and South streets, and Job}: Lingle’s, Second and Mulberry strata, will reéeive prompt attention. 5.7134161» JOHN TIL-L. C 0 A L! C O A L!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERS] COAL BY THE P A TENT WEIGH CARTS! VNOW IS THE TILIE For every funny to get in their supply of Coal for the winter—weighed at their door by the Patent Weigh Carts. The accuracy qf these Carts no one disputes, and they never get out of order, as is frequently the case of the Platform Scales; besides, the consumer has the latisfnction of proving the weight. of his Goal .1 his own house. . I have a large lupply of Coal on hand, ca~z;;:f=ng of s. n. cons uxnns VALLEY con. m 5529!. WILKESBABBE do. ‘- - ff . ‘ BITUMINOUS mom for da. -, ’ ' ' All 0031 of the best quality mined, and delivered free from all impurities, at the lowest rates, by the boat or car load, singXe, mm or third of tons, find by the bushel. ' JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, September 24. 1880.—sep25 COAL! GOALI! GOAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN GOAL! FULL WEIGHT AND NOTHING SHORT 0F 11'! Thankful to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, I would inform them and the public genial-ally, that I am fully prepared, on short notice, to supply than: with all kinds of . - BU PEBIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SOREENED, n- as new A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFEDRD! Although my Goal is not. weighed in SnLr-Wnlamxe OARTS, nu! rs wmormb ox Scans Aocrmunr ‘l‘lSlEb ll‘ um Sen—En or Wmcms nu: Minoan-s, and con sumer-n may rest assured that they will be fairly and honestly dealt with. I sell nothing but the very best article, and no mixing. . Also. HIGKOBY.:OAR.nnd BIKE W 08!) always on land. 66134418111 GEO. P. WIESTLING. I I P T 0 W N ! PATENT WEIGH-CARTS. For the convenience of my numerous up town custom em, I have established, in mnneution mth my old yard, a. Branch Coal Yard opposite. North street, in a. line with the Pennsylvania anal, hevingthe ofllce'iormerly occu pied by Mr. R. Harris, where consumers of Coal in’thnt vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their 0031 by the PATENT WEIGH OARTS, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HA ULING, And in any quantity they may desire. as low as can be purchased anywherz. FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON HAND, 01' LYKENS VALLEY deILKESBAREE, all sizes. {l3’ Willing to maintain fair- pn'css, but unwilling to ba undersold by any partu‘s. , 113511! Goal forked up and delivered elem and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Orders received at either Yard will be promptly filled, m 1 all Coal delivered by the Patent )Veigh Carts. ' Goal gold by Boat, Oar load, ainglb, half or thizd 0f tons, end by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, October 13, 1860.—0ct15, filthital, HELMBOLD’S- , HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S - HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S KELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S - HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLDPS HELMBOLD’S .HELMBOLD’S HELMHOLD’S HELMBOLD’S Extract Bucks, Extrset Bnohu, Exuaatxnnchu, Extnct Buohu, Extract Buchu, Extract Burbs, Extraot Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extrsct Bucks, - ' Extraot Bueim. Exirsot stohu, FUR SECRET AK!) DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. EON SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. EUR SECRET AND DELIGATE DISORDERS. I'DR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE' DISORDERS. FDR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. ~ . A Positive and Specific Ramsay. , A Positive and Emilio Remedy. A Positive snrl Spams: Remedy A A Positive and Specific Remedy. ’ A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Posi'ive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. FOB DISEASES OF THE V BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADD ER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, zmorsv, BLADDER, 612.4 VEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAJ’EL, KIDNEYS,‘ DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESB, ’ ORGANIC WEAKNESB, ORGANIC WEAKNESB, ORGANIC WEAKNEEB, , ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESB, Amt all Diseases of 52:2qu organs, And all Disnaus of Sexual .nrgaru, Am! all Diseases nf Sexual Organs, And all. Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Suzual Organs, . ARISING FROM Excuses, Exposures, and Impmqeneies in Life. Enema, Exposures, andrlmpmdeneies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Impmdenoies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excuses, Exposures, and Impruueneies in Life. From whatever cuuse originatilégfind whether existing in MALE on F MALE. . Females, tske no more Pills! They are of no avail for Complaints incident to the sex. Use EXTRACT BUCEU. ‘ _ Helmhold’a Extract Buchu is 5. Medicine which 1! PE!- fectly pleasant in m ' , TASTE AND ODOR. . 1m immediate in its action. giving Health and mm to the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restonng the pntient to o. perfect state of HEALTH AND PURITY. _ < Helmhold’s Extract Buohn is prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemiatry, and is prfiscribed and used by THE MOST EIIIINENT PHYSICIANS. Delay no longer. Ptocnre the remedy at once. . Price $1 per bottle, or six for 85. , 11th 104 South Tenth street, Philldelphll- BEWARE OF UNPRINOIPLED DEALERS ‘l“th to pghfi 01f flick- on: or other nth?!“ 0‘ BUCH'O' on etc I: a. on at. uined pHELMBOLD’B EXITBAC‘! BUGHU, The Original and only Genuine. , We desire to run on thn MERIT 01" EUR ARTICLE! Thnlr’a is Worthless .4: mldmt 1511:1113: it?! ad com mission: com nontl psyi n m I'o . ’ :qu DEEY OggflrlfflflON : Astra! ' ' EELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUGH'U. ‘ ‘ ifi‘uficfi‘é‘fi'finm, nuggm, aim: of Magma; mg ‘ . . bu .. “1%“ Iftnpnvsgfsrs EVER mums, no“ dkwam. firming maximum. THE GROVER 8; BAKER NOISELESS 1 l! AMILY SEWING MACHINE is rapidly Superseding all others {or family use. The Downs LOCK-STITCH formed by this Machine is found *0 I‘9 ”*5 Ml 3! One which survives the wash~tuh on bias 89m: “Id. therefore, the only one permanently, valu able for Family Sewing. 111-9 U.) ."I'BE FOLLOWIN a “murderer: “Mrs. J nrrnasox DAVIS, presents her compliments to Grover & Baker, and takes pleasure in saying that she has ‘5”? one of their Machines for two years, and finds it 51111 In €101! order, makes a. beautiful stitch, anddoes easily yer of any hotly—Washington, D. G. “_l is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody into an exclielnent of good humor. Were 15. Catholic, I would insie “1’?“ Saints Grover 8: Baker having an .oternal hon. y m commemoration of their good dueds for hu mun I.”;—~Ccssius M. Clay. “Edy mic has had one of Grover at. Baker’s Family Semng Machines for some time, and I am satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving machines that has been in-‘ vented.“ I take much pleasure in recommending it to thegublic.”—l. G. Harris, Governor cf Tennessee. “ n the recommendation ofn friend, I procured, some months since. one of your Familysewinglmchines. My family has been most successful in its use, from the start. without any trouble or difliculty whatever in its management. My wife says it is a. ‘family blessing'nnd could not be induced to‘dispeuse with its use—in all of Which I most heartily concur."—-Jame,s_ Pollock, Ez- Gnvemar quanns-yl-vama. a ‘2 . “The undersigned, Cmmmm of variegafienomina trons, having purchased and used in our" $11195 GRO TER a: BAKER’S CELEBRATED FAMII‘: *.BEWING MACHINE, take pleasure in recommending it an on in— strument fully combining the essentials of a good mn chine. Its beautiful simplicity, ease of management, and the atrongth and elasticity of its stitch, unite to render it a. machine unsurpassed by any in the. market, uni one which we feel confident will give satisfaction to all who may purchase and use it.” Rev. W P. ETVRIOKLAND, New York. - Benn P. RODGERS, D. 1)., Albany, N. Y. 301'. w. s. SPRAGUE, n. 1)., Albany, N. 3'. Rev. JOHN GROSS. Baltimore, Md. Rev. JOHN M’GRON, D. 1)., Baltimore, Md. '- nev. w, A. cnocxnn, Norfolk, Va. REV. JOHN PARIS, Norfolk, Va Reno. HANKEL, B. D., Charleston 3 S. C. . Rev. 0. A. noun, Charleston, 3. 0. Rev. B. B. ROSS, Mobile, Ala. ‘ EOY. A. A. FORTE]: Selma, Ala. ’ ‘ 'Prof. V- D. WILSOJ. , D. D., Geneva, N. Y. ‘Bav. W. H. CURRY, A. M,, Geneva, N. Y. . Rev. IfiTgfiNBULL BAOK'US, D. D., Schenecwdy, Rev. B. W.OHIDLAW, A. 51., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. W. PERKINS, Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. I. I. McELHENNY, D. D., Gnmbier Ohio. Rev. ENSTEIN. MORBOUGII, Cambridge éity, Ind. RevJOBEPH ELDRIDGE, Norfolk, Conn. . Rev. OSMOND c. mums, Bishop 01‘ 3:. a. Church, Concord, N. H. OFFICES 495 Broadway New York; 18 Summer Street, Boston; 730 Chestnut: étreet, Philadelphia ; 181 Baltimore Street, Baltimore ; 249 Kingstrcet, Charleston ; 11 Camp Street New Orleans; 124 North Fourth Street, St. Louis; 55 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati; 171 Eugenio: Street, Cleveland; and all the principal cities an towns in the United States. . 33’ SEND FOR A CIRCULAR £1 sepZS-rlchrly 1501215. UNITED STATES HIOTEL, some use comm: or 11m AND MARKET STREETS. ADJOINING THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL‘ . ROAD DEPOT, ' PHIL ADELPHIA. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Public that he has taken the above Hotel, formerly known as ‘5 THE MANSION HOUSE," which he has refined and new]! furnished tlk-ouglxoug. _ . _\ ' .3 ~. , The Rooms are spacious end commodious, and furnished rich every convenience to be found in the best Hotels in e city. The “UNITED STATES” is ndmirabiyloceted for the convenience of travelers, being under the same roof with the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and thus saving both hack hire and porterage of baggage. No pains will be spared to render the “ UNITED STATES” a pleasant and agreeable residence to all who may favor it with their patronage. Charges moderate. 0c22-d3mwly K. W. KANAGA,PropI-ietor. B U E H L E R; H’o U 3E" MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. I. BOLTON, Pnomxnmn. CARD. The above well known majong estabfished Hotel is now undergoing a thorough renovation, pad being in a great degree newly firiibhéd, wider the proprietorship of Mr. 930301: J. Bomox, who’his been an inmate or the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. V -' Thankful for the Vliberal patronnge which it has en joyed, I Icheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public favor. je'l-ddcwy WILLIAM BFEHLEB. ST. NICHOLAS-HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK When completed, six years ago, tho St Nicholas was universally pronounced”the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly oxganized establishment of the kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains today—without a rival in. size, in sumptuoumess, and in the general elemflmts of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE HUNDRED COMPLETE SUITES OF AP A R TMEN TS for Inmilios. ' ' SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three public dining rooms, and nothing that modern ert‘lms devised for the convenience and so einl gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected in its practical details. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from it: magnitude, its superb appointments, end its home-like comforts and luazlm'es, has been env banned every year by the unweeried exertions of the Propietors. ' au24-d3m VTREADWELL, wnr’rconm & co. EXTRAGTS! EXTRAGTSII woopswonmn a; BUNNEL’S sUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRAUTS or BITTER ALMOND, NEOTARINE, PINE APPLE, , A STRAWBERRY, . ROSE, LEMON AND VANILLA, ‘Just received and for sale by - je29 WM. DOCK. m., k 00 Eyeing. ALL WO RK PROMI SEDI'" o N R wE E K; DOES DYE-HOUSE .i I 104, " PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DIEING ESTABLISHMEIV T, 1 104 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN FOURI'H AND FIFTH, ‘ HARRISBURG, PA., fl ”_5 Wine ' f i’udGen em' efirmk;tflfv;gogeam°&nez $1359.33! Oleansed, .nnd finished in the but mumm- Ind at tie shorten]: nonce. noG-Idkwly DODGE a; 00., Proprmtors. EXTRA SUGAR GURED RAMS—- ”I?” received by W. DOCK, 111., & 00. inebiraL SANFORD'S “V EEEVELNA’B!§££N°R~ I! is compounded entirely from Gums, ind ha ' become an established fact, . standard Medmna,knnwn Ind approved by I“ that; ‘ gh-vo naedit,mdis nowre [Oftgd to with confidencex A: iinnuthodileasesforwhieh It 13 recommended. ' o It bu cured thousands{ who hp; given up an hopes} t" mohmtod cerfificaten in; fi The dose must be adspted 'I individual man; it, and] m to mtgentlyon the bowels. Let the dictum of you 0 use of the LIVER IN. G will cure Liver Com. H Inc-Ind) ylpepsi 11,1 Summer I: 0 up; b :1, Drnp Iy,Soul-. C 0 Ni V cues: Club, z rn Mot-bus, Cholera lance, Janndicc,‘ es, and may be used we: r y, F and l y Medi l! E A D A c l! E, (in twang; minutes, I up" all aro taken tack. ‘, H All who use it ateg. inits favor. ( :4 MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIG ORAI‘OR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER Price One Dollar per Bottle. ———u.so_.__ SAN'FORD‘S lAHILY GATHARTH} PILLS COMPOUNDBD FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Gases, Air Tight, and will keg; many climate. The Family Cathar- ‘ [tic PILL in a gentle but native Oathmic, which m the preprietorhueueadi: his pnctice more than A twentyyeua. The conetanfly increu- in; demand from those who have long used the I: PILLS, endthe “tier-ne tion which 1.11 expressin reign-d to their use, has ieeduc me t_o place them H wi in the reach of all ‘l‘ho meeasion wellnow ,that timer-ant Cnthsrtia not on difl’erent portion: "I of the bomb. Tho FAMILY (Mr THAR'I‘IC PILL inn, with due reference to this 0 well established fact, been compounded from I varie‘ ty of tho purest Vfiehble Extracts, which net_alike| H on V ‘ \of o ali- ~__.;..,wun... ..-. M... F! on every 3112;}. in all mommy ““16 “at": E. Egzgeanluch in De me.Wh::l:natfl:¥f‘gfia m Stomaéh, Sleepinien, rang d Lotus, Cost ve- Pains in the Back an the who]. 3‘3" Eli'fiiifz’éfi‘; ‘1 Kim‘e‘r’é’imnyt if no; ay, '' ‘ ' {lever on. 1011 conneo , ’ elected, and u! a. ' 5| m Sensation of bold Appetite“; Lreepm. 1 en Human, or the body Relt- eun , I £315: “L?“ 3:241:49!!! E'l ,{NFLAMA‘TOIQ' D B- BASES, Worms in Children or Adam, Rheuma tism, :great PURIFIEB fl 30f the BLOOD and many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this ndvertise-l o tment. Dose, Ito 3. Price Three Dimes. The Liver Invigorator and Family cathartic Pius are retailer! by Drngfim generally, and Hold whaleiaie by the Twin in all the rge towns. S. 'l‘. “T SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broadway: N. I'. iy7-‘d&wly _cmLREN RIBS. IVINSLorVIE, An experienced Nursa and Female Physician, presents tothe attention of mothers, her SOOHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which. greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softenmgh the gums, reducing 1.11 inflammation—will allay AL PAIN and spasmodic action. and is SURE TO REGULATE Tl? BOWELS. Defend upon it mothers, it will give st to yourselves, n . . RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to any of any other medi cine.NEVEß. HAS ['l' FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANCE T 0 EFFECT A CUBE, when timely used. Never dié we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all He delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical efi'ecta and medical virtues. We speak in this matter “ WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after ten years’ experience, AND PLEDGE OUR BEPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is inflating from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in figeen or twenty minutes after the. syrup is adminis tere . This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED sud SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAIL ING SUCCESS in _ THOUSANDS OF CASES It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and given tone and energy to the whole system. It will v.l most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND GOLIO, end overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily rome dled, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SURES'I‘ REMIDY IN THE WORLD, in «11 cases of DYSEN TE!!! and DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any other eeu‘se. We would any to every mother who has a child sufl’ering from any of the foraging complaints—Do NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDICES, ‘OR THE PREJUDIOES 0F OTHERS,stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the an or this medicine, if timely used. Full direegions for ‘using will accompany each bottle. Nona genuine unless the foc—simile o CUBEIS a: PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Dmggists throughout the world. anoinn Onion, 13 Ozmn STREET, wa Yoax. PRICE ONLI 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29—dkwly 3115 mm“. INSURANCE AGENCY.- THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. - INC ORPO RATED 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS” ... . .. . . . . . . .$.904,907.51. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPO RATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS. .... .. . . .$1.2i9,475.19. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by are, either perpetually 01' annually, on rmperty in either townlor country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to ' WILLIAM BUEHLER, decl-ddcwly Harrisburg, Pa. MEssnéf CHICKERING & 00. H A V 1; AG’AIN OBTAINED THE MEDAL! GOLD ATTEE MECJIANICS’ FAIR, BOSTON; HELD TEE P 53053150 WEEK, 0 V3l: SIXTY COMPETI T 0125! Wareroom for the CHICKERING PIANOS, at Hams. burg. at 92 Market street, 0023—“ ¥ W. KNOGHE’S MUSIC STORE. LYKENS VALLEY NUT COAL- For Sale AT TWO DOLLARS Pm: my. 11? All Coal delivered by PA TENT WEIGH CARTS. JAMES M. WHEELER. arrow delivered from both yards. n 01? CANE SEAT CHAIRS.—The largest and best variety, fifty difi'erent style: and pattern, from $6 150818 not. Also, TUCKER’S SPRING BED BOTTOM, the best in nae—only 36—» ' JAMES R. BOYD k SON’S, . 29 South Second street, next to Bell’s Store. nole-dlm NO 81 ‘ within the last two gram of reiief, u: the numerous my poamuion sham to the temperament of the used in such quantifies us jnd ant guide you in the ViginilßATOß, and it .plaints, Billi II A:- ‘Chunic Diarrhoea, p In]. nu, Drsente lsumnch, fl biiual .ic, Cholera, Chole- Intanmm, F l stu- Female W enknes mentally an an Ordina icine. It Willem-o SICK lthousanda can unity.) in itwo or three 'l‘ea. mt commennamant of at rs: :> giving their hsfimuhy PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTflII, BY 0. BARRETT 8c 00,. cm= in: DnL! PAIR-101 AND Baum: will be serve-. 1 to In}! scribors residing in the Burmagh tor sxx curs m: wan: parable to the Carrier Mai) snbscribora, you: not. uns PER Axum. 'l'xx Winn: trill be pnbfishad an heremfora, lam!- umekly during the session of the {legisiatureflndonce a week the remainder of the flange; fwa dollar: in ad, mace, or the: dollar: at the expxrnuon of the year. Connected with this establishment is an external” JOB OFFICE containing a variety of plain and finer type, nuequalied by any establishment In the i'ntcario: of the State, for which the patronage of the public is a»:- icited. filifittllmtwufi. IT W “BL-"”U' TO READ THIS» [T “FILL PAY YOU OBSERVE WHAT I SAY” I T WIL L I’ A 1" FOR A VISIT T 0 HARRISBURG! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, YES'I‘IN GS AND GENTS’ FURNISIIING G ODDS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE, NO. 3 JONES ROW“ AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER. CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY 01mm HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.——IIAVING SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER. AND TAILOR I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE I WARRANT A FIT OR NO SALE. oct6-d4in 300 DOLLARS REWARD— - ST 0 L E N by means of an order, brought by a colored man, a. CHESTNUT SORREL MARE and TOP WAGON, on Tueadly evening, at 5 o’clock. The More has a. white spot on her toil at the root; some white in her faca; white hind leg; a mark on both books from firing tor curb; a. mark from. an injury on her right thigh, behind; long tail; I: good sized Buggy Mare—she wore a breast collar. A rowan? of $5O will be given for the Mare and Wagon, and $250 for the thief. The man is about. five feet ten in height—a. very lightmulatto, woolly head and good tenth; had on when left, a. brown or b 1 cck cloth coat, dark puma :nd felt hat. Apply to J OHN THORNE, No. 144 Front street. or B. H. PENNINGTON, 21 South gtreet, Balti more, Md. _ ' (led-dint: GUN AND BLASTING POWDER. JAMES M. WHEELER, HARRISBURG, PA.. .4 GENT FOR ALL POWDER AND FUSE Hausa-"man u I. E. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & 00., WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. {EPA urge supplyalwnys on hand For sale at manuA factual-’5 prices. Magazine two miles below town. {frat-den: received at Warehouse. 3017 COTTAGE FURN ['l URE, 1:: Chamber Suits, containing DRESSING BUREA U, BED STEAD, WASH—STAND, TABLE, FOUR CHAIRS, and a. ROCKING CHAIR, from $23 to ‘4O 1 unit. BUREAUS AND BEDBTEADS from B'4 5!) to $10.50, and other articles at equally low figures, at the Wire Rooms of JAMES R. BOYD do SON. . 11016-111111 29 South Second street. C ABINET WAREHOUSE. JAMES R. BOYD 5.7 SON, 29 SOUTH SECOND STREET, CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS. A largq variety of TETE—A-TETE SOFAS ABM AND 12431.01: mum 5, pm RBLE TOP 124131.25, B UREA Us, BEDSTEADS, WASH—STANDS, HAT RACKS, to. Call and examine our stock and prices, as we 0:: Selll as low as can be bought in the State. no - m BOOTS AND SHOES JACKSON & CO. Have opened a. Boat and 51100 State at No. 90}; HAIL KET STREET, corner of Fourth, where they keep Mm stuntly on hand a full and varied assortment of the BEST CITY MADE SHOES Having been engaged in the SHOE UPPER BUSI NESS in this city for more than a. year, they are 31-9.. pared to make ALL KINDS OF FANCY SHOES to order, ft short. notice. of the best mnterials, and who ranted to give satisfaction every way . _ WPlense call and examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ‘ l ' fikemember the place—9ox Market street, sign o the - [HON-dam] GOLDEN BOWL CRANBERBIES—A very Superior lot _' at . [oc’LZGJW WM.DOOK,J3.,J.GOS. FINE CONDIMENTS ! !——-E X T R A FRENCH MUSTARD. a choice variety of SALAD OILS SAUGES and KETGHUPS of every duo-ription. myio WM. wax. .u:« a; co. REIIO V A L . JOHN W. GLOVEB, MERCHANT TAILOR; Hus removed to ’ 60 MARKET STREET, - Where he will be pleased to are all his friend . octS—dtf ' BURLINGTON HERPING! ’ 0“2631131: received by WM. DOCK, 13., 5: GO. FOR the genuine ENGLISH MUSTARD Ev to KELLEB’S DRUG STORE. ELLEB.’ S DRUG STORE is the place _K.__f:’3s‘_.‘£‘f FEES??? 05??? Mom-- I; ELLER’ S DRUG STOR‘ ¥ , 3" b“! annt Medic ine- THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDT.—-Sll' Junes Clarke’s Celebrated Female Pills, prepared from a Preacn‘plion of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physichukfiaorfl nary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the on“ of m those painful and dangerous diseases to which the femsla constitution is sutlgjcct. {it modegatea all excess mo! na moves all obstruc lons an a spee cute m T 0 alumna _LiDms Ibo relied on. ais peculiarly suited: It mu m a short time bring on the monthly period With reghrity.~ Each bottle, priqe _One 1131-, bears the Government stamp of Grant Bntmn. to prevent eoflztarfeiea. Tun PILLS SHOULD NOT BE wax u mums nun!" um FIRST THREE MONTHS o! Pnnuswar, as mum sun Tn 31mm on stoumuen, an n- As! mun run In! A“ sum ' In all cases of Nervous and s Sun! Aflectiond, Pail ill the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alfght exertion. 23‘?“ °E the Heart, Hysteria: and Whites, these Pills lofibct a cure when all other meme have failed, and although npow‘ erful remedy, do not contain iron, colonel, mfimon! 1' 0‘ anything humnl to the comfitution. - -- V ‘- Full directions in the pamphlet mum! eeeh m, which should be tastefully premfld- ’ ' " N. 13.—31,00 and 6 postage Ramps “ahead to fly up thorlud Agent, will insure a bottle, conkinlngover 50 pills, by return mil. . l'o: use by c. A. Bmmmu', Han-labors. m-dmy T 0 1" 0 U is the place
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers