1; GOAL NEWS. THE DAILY PATRIOT AND Uxmx may be had at iack’a Bonk Sicre,rorncr of Third and Market. streets. Puma-r AN“ Emma—The DAN-Y I’Mmo-r AND times can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, a! the pox-indium store of J. S. FRAxsr. . 4. u- I‘m Union Prayer Meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church, on Market Square, this after noun, M 4 o'ciock, nu usua‘. fl- , _._ Goon WILL BALL—ThO hall of the Goo-1 Will Fire Company, it will he remembered, takes plane ta-momm evening. Those who intend participa— fiag should secure a ticket at once. Fousn.—The clothes stolen from a wash tub in {‘3o yard of Wm. Duncan last week, were found an Saturday, on the premises of a Mr. Miller, on the Cumberland side of the river. As WE Punnwmv.——Tbe counsel for Pufi‘vnber gcr, convicted of manslaughter, have made .e. mo tion for a new trial. Tuesday of next wet-k has been fixed upon to argue tho mot-ion. =I Sure Dunn. Bum—A regular stated meet.— ing will be held this (Tuesday) evening, at the usual! hour. A full attendance is requested. Bu fine“ of importance. ‘3. §£ARRBTB Freak. Manna}: Tm“. Ix LANCASTER-—Evan Ken drick was tried in Lancaster last weok fqr killing John Adam Bees, and convicted of murder in the second degree. He W 35 sentenced to 11 years an“! 5 months imprisonment in the penitentiary. I=l 3x minor—Young Am aim has fuzznd a new and tassonnblu scarce uf enjoyment. The ponds are light, and the ice is smooth as glass. Ha! ha! galorious! Bnfls are Enid up, “chancy-elis‘rare at. a diaaounl, and stills are converted into kindling wood. Oh! for a pair of “dumps" or "high dutchaa,” and “I wonid I were a boy again .” I=l PATENT I'o A llAnmsnnßGnß.—There was a patent issued from the Patent Oflice, last week, to Dr. J. W. Mofli t, of this city, for an improvement in artificial teeth. A bad time fer such a patent. If the panic continues, we shall have nelhing to 011:, and consequently no use fur teeth, natural or utifieia}. Barnum—ln our paper of Monday, in speak ing of the conviction of Pofi‘anberger, we were in error in speaking of the punishment for manslaugh ter. It appears than is no minimum punishment S‘ur the crime, and the maximum is afiae of one thousand dollars, imprisonment for twelve years, and security for future good behavior thereafter. “ Lisnnnxnnu.”—The second social soirea of rho season will be given by the “ Liederkrantz” at their room, in Frisch’s new building, on Thursday evening next. Every preparation will be made to mic the present festival as entertaining as those heretofore given by the Association. Tickets 50 cents; to be had of any. of the ofiicers. Gala Tanovnn.—-Carl Selma, one of the dis tinguished gentlemen who aided in bringing on the present deplorable state of affairs, passed through this city yesterday, on his way to Wash ington. It is net known whether he went on to hurry up those homes for the homeless, or whether Innis after his back pay and pension money. I Tan Connxzxuns.—-The highly successful quar take of Vocalists, who for the last ten years, have been giving aoncetts throughout the country under the aims of the Continentals, will give one of their entertainments at Brnnt’a Hall, on Saturday eve ning next. It is three years since these popular warmers-visited this city, and as they were highly successful then, there is a. strong probability that they will be mast liberally patronized again. Bsronn 1m; Harem—Henry Croft, fram Car liale, Hichaal Miller, from Lebanon, James Grana ghar and Jacob Boyer, from Carlisle, William Murphy, from Reading, and Ann McDonnell from every pluee butthis, in search of her husband, occupied the cells of the Lock—up on Saturday night, and were all discharged by the Mayor on Sunday morning, except Croft, who was diaablad, and in consequence sent to the Alms house. Thu; CANAL.—-The ice king has laid his hand slightly upon the “raging canawl," and cause quonfly placed an embargo upon the craft which all upon the bosom of its plaoid waters. In short, it is our private opinion publicly expressed, that. the ice is getting a. little too thick for smooth, plain tailing, and able to resist mule power as well u the captain’s socket-pole, even after he has doubled the horn. Last evening, hcwever, it had moderated considerably, and it is barely possible that In still may have some eight or ten days of navigable weather. ansrernn Bonnowmts.—one of our carriers informs us that a number of his subscribers com filein of the annoyance occasioned them by newe peper borrowers. One tell: him that his neighbor doee not all: for it any more, but, being an early bird, he eeonroe it every morning the moment the oerrier drops it, and then frequently does not re turn it until noon !'Thie is decidedly cool. A gen tlemnn who keeps a small granary, informs us that one longer after another drop: into his establish ment in the morning, and his paper passes from hand to hand until it is sometimes after 9 o’clock before he can get a look at it. Newspaper bor row-ere era a. pest. No one can muster courage to ofiend them by n refusal, and yet it is clearly the duty of every “meter to do so. The Punter Ann Ulla! in read in Harrisburg every day by not let! than five thousand people who are not suhecribers. They nbeelntely read it at other people’s expense, when the price of a single copy is only one cent! It the borrovier knew the maledietione showered upon him, behind his book, by the unfortunate lender, he would probably quit. and invest six nente n week for 3 paper of his own. Gomuu Leanna—The last few evenings have he: very much against the peaceabla enjoyment at an corner loungor,and if this weather non finuufifis occupation, as we“ as that of tho com mittee Bupenntending the building 'of the new 00"" Ronni: dqna gone for the season. On Sunday "thing Jack’s corner and Leamy's corner were fluke]! damned, fer the first time since last winter. If the cold weather had the 26th of driving them to ch“"511. then it is not without its ISO!- Not long since we luck 3 young friend of ours to us]: (or corner lounging. ‘1 Well,” ”if! be, “when will I go? lam too young to go 1n the company of girls. I cannot stay in the house and read all the iime, and cer. tainly you would not mun me to hang about, the bar-rooms. I 'like company sometimes. and can find it nowhere as well as in the streets.” There is some truth in this, but we cannot admit, an premises as tenable . If corner lounging con titted of that alone, we might overlook it, but the company which congregates there is not desirable —-it is of a character which corrupts good morals, $0 any the least of it. We ought to have an apprentices library and literary associations. as one means of keeping boys ol' the street. But then there is a reasonable doubt whether those who take the street corner from choice would have a. taste for anything like n library of lectures, we are sorry to any. Commass AND 11's Pnncunsons.-—A corrospond- l ent writing from Washington indulges in the fol- l lowing “hit” at the local manifestationn of the I opening of Congress. He says that among the 5 first indications is a swarm of beings more strange l than agreeable, to be seen lounging about the 110- 5 tels; tln-ir long beards and long knives seeming ' to signify that they had come to lay in their win- l tcr‘s supply of bear meat or other game: “‘1 “mt l they had mistaken the capital of the nation for 3 ‘ benr’s den or a moose yard- Th“? a” ”flame l beauties, and like Pharaoh, “”0“" 19‘ you go M I lung (:3 your money lusts. Those 5"" “5° ““80”" whose haunts are adjacent to the National Hotel, l and whose claws Immune. so terribly the backs of‘ the sheep velm enter thzir dens. l Close in the rear of these follow in quick sum» 1 cession 2 L.xnnered'army of charitable ducks, who l think i: nn‘. good fun: man to be alone, unless he I is very short. of cnah. They are the Mrs.Poliplmrs, l and have a: great affinity for their brethren, the l Pharaoh. Next in order cumea that self sacrificing Corps of “ prospectors,” Knights of the Lobby, who with long papurs looking out from short coat-tails, are meditating a. descent on Uncle Sam’s com crib. The: are the sappers and mincfi, in whom he— longs the duty of seeking out (he most accessible avenues to the Treasury. They are remarkable for their hankering after the flesh-pots. These constitute the noticable forerunners of the session. As might be expected, this influx of dashing humanity, all of whom are earnest and active operators in their respective vocations, creates a. stir and flutter among the denizens of the metro polis; puts in motion the machinery of business; eeuses_monoy to gallop from pocket to pocket ; on liven the streets and hotels, thus making the faces of the people to shine like butter. The change is magical, and is visible in all things animate and inanimate. It is the transformation of a desert; into :; garden—oft}. buzz-Ird into'a penoock . Sluggmrds now come forth with faces washed and hair combed. They do this once a gear. Boardinghouse: now swell out with emotion; restaurants overflow with liquid sweetncsn 5 hack mon crack the whip as sportsmen crack the pistol, while’millinera flutter like partridges on adrum ming log. Venerable splnters, by frequent applian tions, convert cheeks of corduroy into slabs of ale baster; while manoznvering mothers, having hur ried their precious idols through the chrysolia state at 11119511001! intoth full blown butterfly con— dition of ladyhood, rejoice to see them presentable. Even the brute creation seem to partake of the general joy, and, duly appreciating the happy epoch, try to be as agreeable as possible. The very oysters burst, not with indignation, but. out. of sheer politeness; and bid you welcome to the half shell. Geese squawk no more, but render a, diapason of ravishing harmonies ; chickens ignore the vulgar cackle, and with threats long drawn, pour out their gizzard in mellifiuous song ; dogs laugh, but: don’t bin-k; pigs neither squeal nor snore, hat with toils twieted like a bed-cord,and ears erect as a Wide Awake's, snufl‘ from practiced snout: and condiments of the season ; cats no longer creep for prey in dens and collars, but. mount in happy pairs to the house-top, enlivcning the scene with the rare symphonies of a Dutch concert ;and little niggern, with rows of polished ivory gleaming through red and parted lips, play the banjo with one foot and dance J übo with the other . “'lN'l'Eß AMONG we Poem—To those who have abundant means a real wintry morning early in the season is a rather agreeable sensation. The thermometer below the freezing point is short: of all its terrors when the house is eloso and warm: when the cellar is well-stored with fuel, and when the bright anthracite casts its comfortable, ruddy glow around well—furnished apartmsnts. Sound and stout boots, warm clothing, and a body forti fied with good food, enable their possessor! to boldly face the nipping air ; and out-door exercise is even more agreeable and invigorating than in more genial weather. To the children on early snow storm is a capital joke. They scream with delight as they watch the descending flake: through the window panes, and the boys indulge gleeful antioipationa of romping sled-rides and uproorious snow-hallings. But winter comes in ditferent guise to the very poor. The nipping air is not kept away by the insufficient clothing. The hearth without fire af fords no comfort, and glittering crystals of snow have no charms for bare-footed children who are sent abroad to rake out oinders from the ash heap- In a great city there are thousands of persohs who through misfortune, bed management or improvi dcnce, are without any resources whatever, and when winter comes they must too often depend upon the soup—house for food, and upon charity, or the cinder heaps on the commons for the means to pre serve themselves from freezing. There are nume rous eocieties that have been formed with the be nevolent object of helping those who are unable to help thomlelves. The season has now come when the drain upon those charities is heavy, and those who have abundant means should devote a portion of them towards the relief of their less fortunate follow-creatures. MC= YALE AGRICULTURAL Lemmas—Tho public will he gratified to learn that the novel experiment of the Yale Agricultural Lectures of last winter was so successful as to induce its repetition this winter on n more complete scale. The course will commence February 5, and continue through the month. These lectures, which are of great value to the whole country, and worthy the attention of every cultivator, are given under the auspices of the Yale Scientific School, or Scientific Depart ment of Yale College, as a euppiement to its new ly-instituted course of practical collegiate educa tion, and for the benefit of the public at large. A new and important feature of this course will be its complete illustration by specimens, drawings, models and animals. Life-sized paintings of groups from oelebrntcd herds will be included in these illustrations. The lectures on training and breaking horses are to be accompanied by practi cnl_illustrations. The lecturers of last year will take part in the course, and other eminent names with a variety of new Subjects, will be added to the list. The expense: of the course are provided for in part by subscription. The lectures are under the direction of Prof. John A. Porter, who may be ad dressed, for further information, at. New Haven, (loam—American Agricullur-x'nt. .- Dzsrnn'rlox.—Three stout, able—bodied and ap— parently sober men, out of work and out of money, were in search of a “ home for the homeless” at a late hour on Saturday night, and sought. shelter from Dan Callender, keeper of the city hotel. Dan informed them that the feather beds and blankets were already taken up, whereupon they adjourned to the furnace. If the Republicans don’t hurry up those “homes for the homeless" and “ land for the landless,” we f enr the-re w‘ill be much suffering this winter. Things have a slight squinting that way. SPARSEL)‘ SETTLun.——Some of the counties of lowa, although extensively laid out, mult- he I! thinly settled as Forrest and Ggmeran counties in “lii Sillte- A St. Louis paper states that the en tire vota of eight counties in Iow: at the recent election was 203! Of thirty~six votes cast in three counties, Douglas had 18, Lincoln 17, and Bell 1. Inuuns éhould read Dr. Stewart’s advertise ment. lurnovuuasm IN PNEUMATIC RAILWAYS Arm Tuna—By Thomas Webster Rammell, of St. A]. bnn’s Pince, St. James,’London, patent dated 10:11 Fubruury,lB6o. This invention relates to the con veyance of passengers, gnods, parcels or letters, by means uf utmnsphexic agency through tubular ruil ways. The ruiis, gmuvcs, or mung conslituting [he way,nra contained in tunnels or tubes,und the traflie is carried within and through the tunnels or tubes. The carriages upon my in which the traffic is pl:w.ced,rest and move immediately “:10“: and are directed in their motion hy, these mils, gmuvi-s or trams. For Ilffipcnlflg and working the (,rnEf; of car riages, pneumatic pressure is applied over the whole trnmverso area of the carriage, by ratifying and expelling the air in front of the train. For this purpose, a pump, worked by steam power, is employed, and, by preference, one upon the prin ciplfl of the fan, in which the air is expelled 01' pumped out by the action of centrifugal force, but any other form of air—pumping be used. The patentce claims, “First—the general som hinations and arrangements above described with respect to pneumatic railways and pneumatic tubes respectively. Second—lL pneumatic rfiiiwny or tulle, in which the carriages are placed inside the tunnel or tube, but. an independent of the tun nel or tube, and are wholly supported, and in their motion are guided and directed,hy two or more rails, groows of trains, and in which the prion matic pressure is applied over the whole or trans verse area of the carriage. Thirdwthc contri vauco for filling up with soft material the space between the interior of the tunnel or tube and the outside of the carriage, as applied to pneumatic railways and tubes, as above described. Fourth— -1110 arrangement of a fan or cantrifugal air-pump, or a steam jet with valves and shafts or air [Hts sages, as applied to pneumatic railways and tubes. Fifth—the use of soverul smaller or branch air passages leading into the tube at difi'erent points, either with or without the self—acting valves, so as gradually to reduce the velocity of the carriage, as applied to pneumatic railways and tubes, as above described." Tnn News Ann run Waurnzrn—Thc weather has been remarkable. On Saturday morning the ponds and gutters were masked in ice, and the air was keen and biting. The markets were filled with blue-nosed liucksters and round—shouldered buyers, whose congealed breath suggested the idea of so many peripatetic teakettles in full boil. Drivers of omnibusus and butcher wagons, taken by surprise, looked crusty and out of sorts,and thought without doubt of the glorious Indian sum mer thud: only terminated a few hours previous. As the day‘grew older the cold increased. The wind came sharp from the open gates of tho northeast, and pinched one’e ears with all the gusto of a shrewish school ma’arn. It took all sorts of liber ties with the dust, whirling it into eddies, and blowing about the ladies’ drapery with unhlnshing freedom. Dealers in anthracite were never more exultant, while the proprietor of the flummix cough mixture immediately increased his working force by the addition of two more shovels and another boy. Al; two o’clock an engineer on the Pennsylvania Railroad informed us that the water from in the pumps of his engine, while ocular de monstration upon the panes of every window bore testimony to the increasing intensity of the frost. Sunday was a. model day. It was clear and cold, with a Sun that made things look as if fresh from the shop of agilder. It was just that. kind of weather in which exercise is beneficial, and of which two hours put as much back bone into you as a month spent by the sea side in summer. From the crowds in the streets the. churches must have been well filled,and the clergyman exultrmt in proportion. . STEAM Exams Coxnassnlts.—An invention which relates to the application of rotatory pumps of any convenient and elfective class for the pur pose of exhausting or withdrawing the air, water and vapor from steam engine condensers has been provisionally specified by Mr. John Laird, of Port Glasgow, Scotland. It is preferred to use for this purpose rotatory or centrifugal pumps, such as are known as Gwynne’s or Appold’s, but various forms or arrangements will answer the purpose, the pumps being driven by the engine itself, or by a. separate mover. In this system of working con densers the ordinary ainpump is entirely dispensed with, and an extremely steady exhaustive action is maintained in the condenser. In this way the ex— hausting apparatus may be situated at a distance from the engine, whilst the simplicity of the de tsils reduces the first cost, and less power is re quired for working it than is the case with ordi nary air-pumps. Sscnssmx BONNET.—Tbe Charleston Mercury gives the following description 31' a bonnet-worn by a South Carolina. lady: “ The bonnet is composed of white and black Georgia. cotton, covered with n no: work of black cotton, the streamers ornamented with Palmetto trees and Lone Stare, embroidered in gold thread, while the feathers are formed of white and black worsted.” What. would our Lincoln ladies think of a. dis tinotive bone: of Connecticut com-cobs, trimmed with pumpkin vines, and ornamented with wooden nutmaga? Or, how would it do for the admirer: of the African to have a. distinctive bonnet trimmed with black sheep’s wool, cat-fish and liver? LEGAL Jus'rmrcnxox.——An attorney, on being called to an account for having acted unprofes sionally in taking less than the usual fees from his client, pleaded that he had taken all the man had, He was, thereupon, honorably acquitted. I=l Tnuxscwmu Sum-ElL—Charles Davis, of the Exchange Restaurant, will give a. grand supper on Thanksgving night, at 10 o’clock. Tickets (my cents. fl Lunch all day. Tm: ladies are again invited to examine a new lot of bargains, whieh we just received, and among which will be found the following z—Beautiful double-width cloth for cloaks, of. all prices ; a few more of those double Brooho shawls, at $7, worth double the amount; Blanket shawls, Mourning shawls, Arab, Japanese and French cloaks, Clouds, Neubias and hoods forladies and children ; Brad ley’s best mode hoop skirts, 20, 25 and 30 springs; Cossimeres, Cdssinotts, Musline, Flounels, Linen Handkerchiefs, 6} cents ; Chenille scorfs, 25 cents, and hundreds of other articles to be sold cheap, at Bnowxow’s cheap corner. Market and Second; opposite Jones House. 110221“ NEW Goons! New Goons l—Having returned from New York, I have received now a large lot of 500‘“: all of which I bought at auction. One hun— dred pieces ofbeuutiful Set Flower De Lain“; the best quality, which generally sells for 25 cents, at 20 cents; 50 pieces Unbleached Muslin, the best in 10W“: at 10 cents,- 150 pieces of Caseinetts, Soti netts and Cassimeres, from 25 cents up to $1.25 a yard ; 25 pieces of White Flannel,cotton mixed, at 15 cents; 25 dozen of White Merino smelling: at 15 cents; 50 dozen of Gent’s Wool Socks, 20 cents a pair; 10 dozen Gent's All-Linen Pocket Hand kerchiefs with Colored Borders, very fine; 31 cents; good Merino Undershirts and Drawers, at 65 and 75 cents a piece. Alot of beautiful Traveling Baskets. Best Calicoes, 10 cents, warranted fast colors. Please call at Luwv’s, at the old eta-11d of John Rhonda, Esq., deceased. tf. SiEcIAL 'No'fiéiléi " d l ' Nathan-5, read this. The following is an extract from a letter written by n. pastor of the Baptist; Church to the Journal aiyl Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes In “"01: Of that world-rénownwl medicine—MßS. WXNS LQ‘I‘V'S 50!”me Sum? FOR CHILDREN TEETKISG : :‘We 5‘39 an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. .Wmsloww soothing Syrup‘ NM? we never said a "0111 m favor of a Patent medicine bvl'vre in our life, but we feel compelled to gav to your madam, thatlhis is no h“‘“b‘llg—Wfl HAW: minim 11', AND KNOW ['l‘ To an ALL 11‘ culng. It is, probably, one of the most successful medlcmes of the «lay, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can": do but“? than to lay in a. supply. sop29-d3cwly THE G REAT ENGLISH REMEDY.—-Sir Jar‘lea.cl'&l'ko7fl ugigbmted Female Pills, prepared from a. preucmp'mn of Si, J_ Glarko, M. 1),, Physician Extraordi nary y) ‘tlle QucL-n . Thlfi lpValuable medicine is unfailing in the clue of all “losepamfm and dangemus (lineal-en m which the fenmle tonstltulion is subject. It modefiatea all excess and re mDVL‘H all oberuclions, and a speed y cure may be relied on. _ -, T 0 MARRIED _LADIES it is paculinnv suited. It will in a. short time bring on the monthly fmrind with regularity. Each bottle. price One Dollar, hears the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeita. THESE PILLS smmnn sow 1m TAKEN 3v mums nuance 'nm FIRS'I‘ TUBE l“. MUNTHS or ancsucr, AS mar .uus sum: To mum on Mrscmnmuu, nu:- u my mum: mm rum am: SAFE. . In all crses of Nervous and Spinal Afluctionfi, Palin in the Buck and Limbs, a‘atiguo on slight exertiop, Pulpmmou of mo 139-11“, Hyaterica and Whites, these Pllls mllelmct a cure whs-n all other menm have failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not cnntain ton; calouu-l, antlmony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Eull directions in ‘tho pamphlet around each package, which should b 1: carefully preserged. ' N; B~—sl,oo and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any ml - Agent, will insure a. bottle, containing over 50 111113, by return mail. For male by 0. A. Human, Hal-"slung 131 [’o R‘} ANT T 0 FE MALES DR. CHEESEMAN’S PIE" L 5. The combination of ingredientu in these Pills are the renult of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their Operation, and certain in correcting all irregu— larities, painful menstrurution, tamoving all obstruc tions, Whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vnus afiections‘ hysterics, fatigue, pain in the buck and limbs, 3:12., disturbed sleep, which :rise from interrup tion of nature. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS was the commencement of a. new era. in the treatment ot‘ those irregularities and obstructions which have con signed so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the beloved to a. manual“; GRAVE. No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an (Eran-notion takes place the general health begins to don 'ne. ‘ DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are in valuable, inducing, with. certainty, pariad’itfll regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different perimis, throughout the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit Ali-rectum, stating when, and when they should not be used, accompany each box—the Price One Dollar each box, canta'iniugfany Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agenta. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by enclosing price to the General Agent. Sold by druggists generally. B. B. HUTOHINGS, General Agent, 14 Broadway, New York. Sold in Harrisburg by C. A. BANNVART. decl ’59-d&,wly I= MRS. \VINSLUW, An experienced nurse and female physician, has a Sooth ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly fiwilitate the proceaspf teething by softening the gums, reducing as inflamnetion—will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per octly safe in all ens”. See advertisement in another col umn , ”1519,1859- 68;wa -—-—--¢-———— from, the Independent, Now York, July 28, 1859. (Hum—Our advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of a new article known as “Spald ing’s Prepared Glue,” useful to housekeepers formending furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating u soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure om- reeders that this article has the excellent phrenolugicnl quality of “large adhesireness.” For sale by 0. A. BANSYART, No. 2 Jone-5’ Row au’l-dazwlm - Dr. Brunon’s Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT RHVIVER. speedily eradicate: all the evil efl’ects of SELEABUSE, as Loss of Memory, Shortness 9f Breath, Giddineaa, Palpitation of thn Heart, Dimnesa of Vision, or any constitutional demn ements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained imfulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either 30:. Price One Dollar. No». 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight. days, any case of GONORRHG‘. A, is without taste or smell, and requir-‘al v.O restriction of action or (lieu. For either sex. Price One Dollar. , N 0.3. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest possible time, any case of GLEET, even after all other Remedin have tailed to produce the desired en‘cot. Nu taste: or small Price One Dollar. No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really cure strictures of the Urefhm. No matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price One Dollar. No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 6 FOR PARTICULARS BEE CIRCULAR. No. 7 THE AMARIN will cure the Whites tunic-ally, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by my other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will maxlllly correct this‘diaonler. Pleasant to take. Price One Do ar. - No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certaiu,ufe and speedy in producing MENS'I‘RUATION, or correcting any Irregnlarities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No 9. FOR PARTICULABfi SEE GIBGULAB. Either Remedy sent free by mail» on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get 11 Circular. General Depot North—East corner of York _Avenue and Gallowhill Street. Private Oflice 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa ' For sale in Harrisburg only by G. A . BANNVART. where Circulars containing valuable informat'en, with full (13. scriptions of each (use, will be delivered gratis. on appli cation. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, “2:141: P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. THE JAPANESE, THE GREAT EASTERN. H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES DE JOINVILLE, . May come and go and be F O R G 0 ’l‘ T E N , But the lust-re. the ebony blackness, ‘the rich browns, the natural appearance. the sensation of pride and pleuure, produced by the application of that harmless prapnmtion, CRISTADORO’S EXCELSIOR HAIR DY E, Will unquestionably be gratefully REMEMBERED By all who use it, inasmuch as “A THING 0F BEAUTY IS A. JOY FOREVER.” Prepared No. 6 Astor House, New ion-k. Sold every— where, and applied by all Hair Dressers. nus-dacwlm for Eula 85 En 132111. PUB:LIC SALE» Will be solnl at )nblic out-cry, at the EUROPEAN HOTEL. in the cit§ of Harrisburg, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the sth day of December, at hull-put Six o’clock, the_ following described property, situate on the north me of Second street, between Locust and Pine streets, to wit: Two Two-Story BRICK DWEL LING HOUSES, with back buildings and. LOT 01? GROUND to each. The one Lot extends back one hun dred and fifty-seven feet six inches; the other one hnn cited and forty—seven feot six inches to a. ten feet wido alley. Smd property owned by Mrs. Black, and occupied by James R. Black and Mrs. Carbon-y, will be sold, the whole together, or separately. For further information inquu'e of the undersigned. Terms made known the evening of the sole 1109931“ _M §ERRYHILL 8: ECKELS, Attorneys. F 0 R S A L E—A Light Spring One- Ilorse WAG-ON. Apply atgPattm-snn’n Store. Broad urea-1.93:?“ Harrisburg. oc3l-dtf RARE CHANCE FOR INVESMEN T. r: ~_ r S AL E O F V ALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ILLRRISBURG. qégat well-known and vgluahle hotel property known 5,; c “‘SUSQUEII ANNA HOUSE,” now In the occupancy of Wm. Mocharman, situate on the east end of Market street, and immediately opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, will be ofiercd at PRIVATE SALE until the 4th of December next, and if no; sold before that time, will be put up at Public Auction on that day. .Thls 18 the most dasirnble property in the cityof Har rlsburg for hotel business. Its proximity to the Penn nylvanm Railroad Depot, and the depot of all the rail romls centremg at Harrisburg, makes it more convenient and acgesmble to the traveling public than my other Hotel 111 the city. ' Furfller Information in regard to this property and m! to the terms of sale, may be had by applying to ' “'M. 11. MILLER, Attorney-at-La', North corner Market Square, (Wyeth’a Building,) second story front. cum-«mm NOTICE TO SPECULATORS ! VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! A number 01' large size BUILDING LOTS. HUMMER 1:119 Round House and Work Shops of the Pennsylv‘m“ Railroad cowpauy, will he sold low and on WHOM-ble terms. Apply to un29-‘d6m JOHN w. HALL, BURLINGTON 11mm ING z ’ ”Just received by WM. DOCK, 12., kOO oc‘ SANFORD’S LI v NEVER DEBILITATES . i ly from Gums, and 113 standard M ediume, know"! have Emu! 'l9.:an h as)" I"? iin all ihedineumaiorwhieb ET is compounded unite become an established fact, a and apgmvpd by all that; ' } mrtm to with confidence! Fri 1 itia recommended. l o It has cured thousands! who had giwn up allhopen; E" unnnlicited certificates in? 4 The done must be adaptedi indivi-iual taking it, andi‘m to mtgenuyon theboweln.[ Let the dictates of youri O use of the LIVER IN- (5 will cure Liver Com-l I-I tacksJ) y (9 mini ml Summer 0o m— b Imbropsy, Sour! U o s t i v (mess, Chol-l 2 HI Morbus, Cholera! H lance, Janudi «20,! 9.5, and may be used new ry, Family Meai- m “E ADAOHE, (as! a twenty minutes, if! spoonfuls are taken: b tack. ! All who use it areé '1 [nits favor. I H MIX V'IA’l‘ER IN THE MOUTH WITH Tll E IE ‘Jlb' ORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH. TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per flame. ---—AL5O— SANFORD'S CATHARTIfl PILLS jy'Ldmrly Pit-re thetable Eximcts, and put up in Gil-2a.! 00593, Air Tight, and will/c3130 in any climvde. The Familyflatharfi ' pic PlLLisagcnfle 3er active Oathartie, which; m ,lhe prepriebr han use-ii? his practice more than; I" }twenty yams. The conetantiy increus‘i inE demand Tram thou. who have long used the‘ I; !P 1.1.5, and the satixfm. tion which ail express in: iregza‘d to their use, 1:3: induced me to place them: I-I within the reach of all The Profession wollknow; [that difl'erent Camarticn net on different portions “I ofthe bowels. The Fni‘llLY ISA-I 'QTHARTIU PILL 113.», with due reference tothin; o Ewell established fact, been compounded from a varie-i it! of the purest Vegetable Extracts, which act alike: H :on every part‘of the ali mentmy canal, and are; E 4 ggood and safe in all cases where a Cathartic is‘ gneeded, anch'an l) e : ang emen l s of the‘ m lSmqu-h. Sleepiness, Pains in the Back land Loinu, Unstive ness, Pam and Sare- 4 mess over the when body, from sudden cold, §which irequentiy, if m:- glected, end in a. 10:);‘ m Fours-e of Fever, Loss of Appetite, a Creeping“ Sensation o f l 3 old over the body, RestJ glessmcms, HEADACHE, u: wmannx ms Human! E-I 'INFLAMMATORY ms- BASES, Woman in Cbil-l firm: or Adults, Rheuma tism, agreat PURIFIEE? 4 :or me BLOOD and many diseases to which flesh isl lhuir, too numerous to mention inthia advertise-l U Imam. 13050,). ma. Price Three Dimes. The Liver Invigorator and Family Carnal-tic Pm» are retuiied by Druggists generally: and acid 17110125129 by the Tmfle in all the huge, towns. S. T. \V SANFORD, M. D‘, Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broad my, N. I‘. iJT-dtwly CHILDRN - iTfiEfExHJfNQ: MRS. wmsmw, An experienced Nurse and Femnle Physician, presents to the :ttention of mothers, he: SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums. reducing all inflammationw-will allay ALL PAIN and Rpasmodic actirin. am] is SURE TO REGULAT}: THE BOWELS. Defend upon 31: mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, an RELIEF AND HEALTH T 0 YOIJR INFANTS . We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say 01' any other medi cine-«NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANCE, TO EHECT A CUBE, when timexy used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical efi‘ects and medical virtuen. We speak in this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after ten yrm‘s’ experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPU’I‘ATION 1301?. THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE, In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion. relief will be found in filfltcen or twenty minutes after thv syrup in adminin ere . - This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLPUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER [MI 1..- ING SUCCESS 1n THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from min, but invigo— ratee the stomach and -howels, corrects acidity. and given tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most- iuetantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which. if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEN TERY 3nd DIABRHLEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would any to every mother who has a child Bufl'ering from any of the foregoing complaints—Do NOT LET YOUR PRE» J UDIOES, NOR, THE PBEJUDIGES 0F OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used, Full directions {or usingwill accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the uc—simfle of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggiats throughout the world. mecerL Onion, 13 CEDAR STXEET, New Yonx. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29-dkwly IT “TILL PAY YOU READ THIS. IT:WILL PAY YoU DESERVE WHAT I SAY ! ! IT WILL PAY YOU HARRISBURG! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMEBES, VESTINGS AND GENTS’ FURNISIIING GOODS KNOWN ARCADE, FO. 3 JONES ROW. AVA [LING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER CHAS. s SEGELBAUM. P. 3.41.4va SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. oct6-d4ui FOR the genuine ENG LISH MUSTARD U to KELLEB’S mum STORE. KELLERUG STORE is the place to find the bent assortment or Porta Monmio I. KELLER’S DRbrbORE is the place ‘0 buy Patent Medic inel fJlebical. Within the last two yam»; of refief, as the numerous my possession show. to the temwramentof the and in such quantities as judgment gnivlfl you in the VlGultATflß, and i: plaints, Billi us At- Chrouic Diarrhoea, p 1 all nu, Dyseuur- Sgpmach, [I bitunJ xic, {leolm-n, Choir ;[ n f nnmm, l?‘ 1 n In [Female W eukn en cessmlly an an ordina ciim. It will cure. SICK thaw-mulls can teatify.) in two or three Tea at communes-mm: of at giving their teatimrny I ANILY COMPOUNDED FROM DE EEI FOP. A VISIT TO NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL I WARRANT A FIT GENO SALE. l 'fllineg of Gravel. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER TIME TABLE fig FIVE TRAINS DAILY T 0 & FRflM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26711, 1850‘. Thu Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvnninnaihoad Com pany will depart from and arrive at. Harrisburg and l'himdclphia as {011M513 : EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leave! Hurrinhurg u: 2.40 a. m.,, am] arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m . FAST LINE loaves Harrisburg at 12.55 p. m., and “m“!!! at Went Philadelphia :1! 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at 5 251). m., and ar rives at West Philadelphia at 10.110 It In- These Trnim make close connection at Philadelphia \':‘lth the New Yurk Linus, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. I,leavea "Mliaburg at 7.30 n. m., runs via Mnuut Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia. at 12.230 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOEIMODATION leaves Harris burg M. 1.15 p. m., and urrivus M West Philadelphia at 6 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, N 0.2, leaves Harrisburg m 6.35 p. 111., runs via. Mount Joy, connecting at Dinet villewith MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia, WESTWABD THROUGH EXPRESS TB AIN leaves Philndz‘lpbia a: 10.50 p. m., and arrives at Harrinburg at 3.10 a. m, MAIL TRAIN leavefl Philadelphia. at 8.00 a. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leans Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.6-0 3. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadulphin atl2.oonoon, and M'- rives at Harrisburg at 4.15 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrive: at Harrisburg at 7.25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadeiphiu at 4.00 p. m., and arrive-a at Hurriabnrg at 9.45 p m. Attention is cmled to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadnlphiu M 4 p. m. connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIH,nuII arrive at Harrisburg at 9.4-5 1). m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Di 0. Penn’a Reiko-14' 13 0234 tf NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. EVE iii ...—~ ’ N O T I C E". C HANGE OF SCHEDULk. W INTER ARRANGEMENT: ON AND AFTER MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2893,1860, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows : G OING S 0 UTE. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave 3.2.31” 3. In. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at. .. . n ... - . .7. 40 I. m. MAIL TRAIN willleaveat.-..._... . -_ 1.00 p.m. GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leave at... .... . . .- .. . 1.14) p. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at. . . . . .. ... ..815 p. m. The only Train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday wlll be the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 3.00 a. m. For further information apply It the office, in Penn sylvania. Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrinburg. November 23, 1860.—null _ , ..- NEW AIR LINE ROUTE NE‘V YORK. " “ -... > ‘ _ ,_ .._-3‘"- ~_W..- ‘_ ~ _., :M. .A w --.. 42m .‘ ‘53-‘O3 a # .. . V. I - ' .... +3 .33.. ‘71”:5: (I‘6. «(‘35 - an. ”unifi Shortest in Distance and Quickest in Tim BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG, V I A READING, ALLENTDWN AND EASTDM NOANING EXPRESS, West. leaves New York at 6 a. m., arriving at Harriflburg at 12.45 noon, 082,7 6‘ hours betweL-n the two cities. MAIL LiSll leaves New York M. 12.00 noon, and at] rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. m. MORNING- MAIL LINE, Bast, leave! Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m , arriving at New York at 4.30 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harrin burg at 1.15 p. m., arriving at New York at 9.00 p. :11. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad: All Trains connect at Reading with Trains fonPotw ville sud Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Munch Chunk, Elston, am. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between Sew York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 a. In. Line frvm New York or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and accom modation, thin Route preaents :uperior inducemeuh! to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, Flu Donna . For Ticket; and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, Genrml Agent, jel Humbug. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD, S UMMBR ARRANG EME'NT.‘ ON AND AFTER MAY 28, 1860, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays anointed” at 3.00 A. m., and Lu P. _M., in: Philadelphia, arrivingthere “1.26 P. m., and 6.16 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA It 8.00 AM. ml 3.30 P. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 12 45 noon Ind 8.30 1?. M. [ARES :_—'l'o Philadelphia, No. 1 Gus, 83.5; No. 2, (in name train) $2.70. FARES :—To Beading $1.60 and $1.30. At Reading,;connect with trains for Pam, Miner!- ville, Tsmaqus, Catawim, &c. IOU]! TRAINS LEAVE READING FOB PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at 6 A. m., 10.45 A. m., 12.30 mound 3.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOB READING AI .0 . IL, 1.00 P. IL, 3.30 P. m., and 6.00 P. M. FARM :—-Reading to Philadelphia, $1.16 Ind ILLS. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON NECTS A’l‘ READING with up train for WW Pittaton Ind Scranton. 101' through tickets and other information apply to J. I. 01:11)], General Agent. ay24-dtf PHILADELPHIA A!» READING RAILROAD REDUCTION OF PASSENGEX PARIS, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1860 COMM UTA T 1 ON TICKETS, With 26 Con ne. will be iuued Moreen my point. desired, good {2: the holder and any member of hi femily, in any Passenger “almond at any time-at :6 per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occaeion to one the Road (”gently on business or pleasure, will find the above oncogene“ convenient and economical; as Font Pollen I train run daily each way between Reading and Phifidelplgz and Two Train: daily between Reading, Potuville Harrisburg. On Sundays, only one morningimln Down and one afternoon train Up,rnne between Pottevllle Ina Philadelphia and no Passenger train on the Lebanon Valley Branch Railroad. ' For the above Tickets, or any Information relating thereto, amply t 0 5. Bradford, Each Treumer Philadel phia, to the respective Ticket Agentl on main“), or to G. A. NICOLLB, Gen-n! Sup't. March 27 , 1860.—mu-28-dtf HATCH é‘; 00.: SHIP AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS' ' 138 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. , DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE. COTTON WINES AND LIQUOR'S, ’ TOBACCO AND CIQARS, novG-dfim L. G ODBOLD, PRACTICAL TUNER . AND REPAIRER 0! PIANOS, MELODEONS. 555,3 3w. Orders in future must be left at WM. KNGGHE, MUSIC BTORE, 92 Market straw, or In BUEHLERB HOTEL. All orders left at the above-named 91““ W 3“ meat with prompt nttention. First class F] ANOS for sale Dru hab'bEEF—An extra lot of DRIED BEEF junt received by z . 1 ‘ no9_ 7 WM. DOCK, .13.; & 00. STORAGE! STORAGE” Storage received at wnrehouse of , no]? ' JAMES M WHEELER. seplsfly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers