MISUELLANY. ‘l'emmmc Dave-r10}: or A Bmunnzn “foams 'm A GIFTED Autumn—M. dc Chateaubriand was, in ISiT, incapnhie of even rising from his sent; his memory so much gene that he had been he-u‘d to ask. for :1, friend dent] twenty years before, and his. niim‘ faculties much ink paired. Maliame'liecamicr had endmvol'ck!‘ ‘0 conceai it. from 31!, evm from Iwr::cif. She could not. hear in L 9“. \herdearcsn friends that the intellectshe had so emirch adzuireii was gang, and she :Ittribuxed ixcr own dept‘essxou to his caring for nothing, not. even for her. .He had so completely lost an Power of .attentxou, that he could not read, but. he still_ had it :‘ie' gree of plain sense. Hr: snid‘nothmg foolish; he knew his faculties were 50mg, and had the feeling of a poor proud man who hides his pow any. It. was even more painful than childish ncss; yet. at times :7. gleam of his former self would flash uy and surprise one. One day, a lady caiied at. (he. Abbaye, made a spe‘ecii in faver of Robespierre’s virtues. Mnic Chateau briand, all at once aroused from his silence, broke out into a description of die deeds of ”1899 men, deeds he witnessed. Never in his best. days had he expressed more eloquent in~ dignation. All Were silk-Qt with awe. They felt. as if a. prophet raised from the dead hadspakon- Thus the flame flickered and sank down. In this state he wan Curried daily to the Abbaye; he seemed oniy In live during the three hours he spem with her, and one day, to Madame Reca mier‘s astonishment, he enu-eated her to marry him. She was decided in her refusal. She said : _ “Why marry at, your age? If you do not. like to live alone. I am ready to come and live with you. If I were younger, I shauld not hesitate; I would joyfufly accept the right, to devote myself entirely to you, but I have this right: age and blindness give it. to me; who could object. to it? Let. as change nothing.” M. de Chagteaubriand was not. satisfied. but, she did not, tell him her real reason, which was most. touching. But to a. friend she said, with perfect simplicity: “If I had thought he would be happier, I would not. have refused; but. the only good moments he has in the day, are when he comes to the Abbaye. lam convinced that. if I lived with him, that slight. excitement. whieh givesa little variety to his existence, would he lost.” In this decision. she thought only of him. Bmxtmcss mm human—A highly interest ing paper was read at the lost sitting of the Academy of Medicine of Paris. by Dr Bouis— son, on acurious case of blindnch and innacy in the same individual, in which the cure of the former infirmity had brought on the cure of the latter. About. a. year ago a man of shout 50 was brought. to the hospital. His eyes Were found to be both affected with cats met, and his incoherent. answers to the ques— tions addressed to him sufficiently revealed his state of mind. An operation being resolved upon, Dr. Bouissmi ordered. the patient to be chloroformed; but, although he was thus ef fectually sent to sleep, the danger of his awa iting during the operation, and frustrating the hopes of the surgeon bv some act of insubordi nation, induced Dr. llouisson to have him se emed with a straight. waistcoat—a precaution which was cautioned even after the operation had been successfully performed, an attendant being specially entrusted with the care of the lunatic, with orders to apply oompreSSes steeped in cold water on his eyes from time to time. On the tenth day the patient, who until then, Ila-d not. the ‘east- idea of What. had been done, was allowed to see the light. A etupid smile gleamed on his face for an instant, and he excl:ziulrstl--“ I can see!" He was daily subjected to those trials which were re quisite to ascertain the complete success of the eyeration. With his recognition of the objects 2‘ ouud him, his mental faculties seemed also to revive. First. he named the things he wanted, aud stretched out. his hands for them; then he began to appreciate distances and di mensions correctly ; his memory returned next. with considerable rapidity; and, in the course of a few days, intellectual spoutencousnesshc— gen to manifest itself. He asked for more food, wanted to get, up from his bed, and de sired to be allowed to go home, which boon, however, was refused. His ideas soon be eame clearer. his speech more intelligible, and his recollections of the time when he could see, before he was attacked with cataract, become brighter. Vain endeavors, nevertheless were made to- ascertain the period when he lost his reason; till he could state was that. he had :been blind three years. After a stay of six weeks at the hospital. he returned home. en~ _ioying both his eyesight and intellectual facul -5165. Insrtxcr 0r Animus—ln reterring to what is called mind or instinct of dogs and other animals, fulljustiee, we think, has never been rendered to the Simia, or monkey tribe. Their tricks and dexterity have been amusing; but weir extraordinary talent, sngncity, and intui tiveperception have been, ina measure, slighted by naturalists generally. A monkey or half baboon, belonging to one of our national ves sels, was a. remarkable instance of this kind of ‘ quickness of perception. Being a favorite, a number was assigned to him to take his grog with the seamen ; thus when the hands were called to receive their liquor they came up by number; the monkey had number four, but in following in Indian file, the sailors frequently shoved him out of the ranks, and the suttler would. call number three and then number five. After all hsul drunk their liquor, and some four or five hundred had deported, he would sing out. the missing number four, when down came the monkey from the rigging, the moment. his number was called, to get his share of the grog, which he would drink out. of a. teacup, take a piece of tobacco from any one otfering, put it in his mouth, and ascend the shrouds. A singular circular-Lance occurred, which ~strongly marked all the characteristics of hu man sagacity and passion. The boys, as it was the custom. were “ piped to mischief,” for play and'skylarkiug, and while amusing them selves, some twenty in a. ring. the monkey sprang from the rattling in the midst of them. He passed round the ring, looking intently in the face of every boy; at length he stopped - 39‘9“ one, and, springing at him, hit him se— verely, in each cheek, his tine teeth passing through the flesh, bringing with it a. stream of : blood, Mkl then run up the shrouds. The Doctor “733 Immemfitely sent for, and after _arplylps proper remedies to the wounds, the E.Gaptenn asked the boy what he had done to the .tmonkey. After some hesitation he admitted , that, a few weeks before, while Ewabbing the decks, he had thrown n pail of water over the . monkey, who, it. seems, postponed his revenge l-until, he could recognize the boy distinctly among all his messmates. This clearly is mind —-oall it sagaoity. or what you please. To 33 CONTESTED.—Hon. H. C. Longnecker, late candidate for Congress in this district. has notified Hon. Thomas B. Cooper of his intent to contest his seat in the next Congress. The grounds for such a. proceeding are an alleged illegali'y of the North Whitehall election, in this county, the contestant setting forth that the polls had been kept open after the time prescribed by law.——Alleniown (Pm) Democrat. ' VERMNT Liquon LAW.—A bill has been in— troduaed into the Vermont Legislature provi ding that. all packages éo‘ntaimng intoxicating liquor, brought. or found within the State, not. fiistinctly marked with the name of "Ihe sender. and the kind and quality of the liquor, should by reason of that fact be contraband, and lie.- ble to be spill .d Without further ceremony. PAYING flue mum—A noted Republican. who has recently been defeated as a candidate for l'i--eluolion to Congress, has drawn on We Sex-glam. at Arms for a goodly portion of the pay and unleuge_to which he will he enlitled win-n um ~es~iun commences. Io aid M... in paying elgctiuu cxpenses.—Uor. I’ln'l. lngm‘rer. fliimilmtmufi. 'rm; Ammnunos or LANGUAGES.—Th:re is a. growing tendency in this age'to appropriate the most expressive words uf omer linguagen, and after a while to in‘orporate than into our own; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek 7 signifyzng “(‘0: the heu‘n,” is now becom' ing popularized an c'nnectinu with Mr. Spalding’s great Headache remedy, but it wili soon be used in a more gen eral way, and the word Ceplmii; will uec ) - u: as common as Electmtype and many othe 5 whose distinction as for eign wows has been worn a‘wnj by common usage until they not-m “native a to the manor born.” ’ardly Realized. Hi 'ad ’ll ’crrible’eaduchethishnfmmoou, band I stepped into the hapothecarien hand says hi to flu: mu, “Can you heaae me of 2n ’eadwhe '5” "Does it hache ’ard,” says ’6. “Hexcmdingly,” says. hi, luml upon that ’9 gave me a Cephnhc Pill, hand ’pon me ’onu- it cured me he quSck that I 7::rdly xaulizedl ’ad ’ad an ‘eadwhe. DHEADAOHE is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the bxaiu , and viewed in this light it may he looked on as a saieguard intended 20 give notice of disease which might I therwise escape attention, till too late to be reme died; and itsindicatious should ueverhe neglect d. Heal eu'ucs' may be clazsiiied under two names, viz : Symptoms.- tie and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is ex seedingly common and s the precursor o: a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Bout, Hhrumaiism and all febrile distance. In It»: nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting sidc headache. or he patic disease constituting biliou-s headache, of worms: constipation an] other disorders of he lmwele, as well 88 renal and uterine ifiee‘nions. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with llc washes; A .aemia and plat ore are also efl‘cctions which frequently Occilsi‘ n headac ne.—7 Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name oi ncwnus headache, sometimes can ing an suddenly in a btatf‘ of apprautly round health anrl pros rating at once the mental and physical energies, E anal in at}: 1r insinmes it comes on slowly, heralded by de ‘ pr: ssion of spirits or seerbity of temper. In most ins‘mu ‘ (:93 the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both 1 eyes, and sometimes prom king vomiting; under this class ‘ m 3' also be named N-uml'gm. ’ For the treatment of eitm-r clsss ol‘ Hoailnche the Ce pimh'c Pills have been found s:sler and safe remedy, relie ving the mostacute pains in a. few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the diseases of which Headache: is the unerring index. ' : Emma? —-31issus wants you to send her a. box of Cop halx’c mun, no, a battle of Prepared Pulls-«bu: I’m thins:- ing that’s not just in wither; but perhaps y ’ll bi: anther kmwing what it is. Ye see 5113': nigh dead and guns with vhe Sic: ll—eaduehe, and wants stun: mom of that same as rumived her before. , Druggtst —Vou mufl; menu Spalding’s Cephalic Pilln. Brittert —och ' sure how and you’ve sad it, here’s the qugrther and giv ms the Bills and dont be all day about it Hit 8:. Constipation or Costiveuess. No one of the “manv ills flesh is lxvirto” is so pmvsleut, so little. understood, and so much nuglected as 00 fivesess often Oliginfiting in carelesrness or sedentary haliits; it is regarded as a. slight dimmer or t ‘0 little can» quonue to excite anxiety, while in realiuy it vs tue precursor and companion of many 0' the must. fatal and dangerous (I s easez, and unless early eradicated it wil- bring Ihe :nfl'erer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costivemss is t' e usual attend/n1: are Headache, Polic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Files and «there. of 1 Ice nature. whila a lung mun of fr ghlle dismms such as Malignant Fevers, Ab-eesses, Drsentery, Diarrhea, llyspapsm, Apo ple :y, Epilepsy, Paralysis, flvsteru i, Hyp-mhondrinsis, Me'ancholy and lnsmity, first. indicate th -ir presence in the system by this Max-min; svmptom Not un requeutly the diseases named or'giuate in nonstipnion, but take on an independent exismnee unless the v-ause i~ eradicated in an esrly stage. From all the“ cnnmdeufions it follows that thedisnrder should receiva immediam an tention when» ever it occurs, and no person should nnglsut to get a box of Cephalic Pills on th first sppem‘anca of the cr-mnlaint, as their timely use will expel the insidmns approaches of disease aux destroy this dangerous foe to human life. A Real Blessing. Physician~Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache '.' I!er Janis—Gone ! Doctor. all gone! ma pill you sent cured mm in just twenty minutes. and I wish yo a would send more so that I can have thefii handy. Physician .——&'ou can get them at any Draggiats. Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I recommend them in all cases of Headache 7.l.rsJ'rms‘—-Isbal senlfara box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a. real blessing. Twas?! Muzuoxs or DOLLARS Susn.—-Mr. Spalding has sold two milliom of bottles if his celebrated Prepared Glue anti i: is estimated that each bottle saves at la: at ten dollars worth of broken furniture, thus maknng an aggre gate of twenty millions or' dollars reclaimed from to a! 10!! by this valuable invention [living mule his film a household word, he now proposes to do the world still greater BBX‘VICIS by curing all the aching hea a with his Cephalic Pills. and if they are as good as his Glue, Bead aclles will soon vanish away like snow in July. 31? Gvnu momma)”. am the mental care and anxiety incident to the close attention to business or study, are among the numerou! causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mini and body incident. to this dirk-ess— ing cwmplaint is a. Hill! blow to all energy and amb tinn au’erers by tais drsnrder can always Oblaiu speedy relief from these distressing attacks by usingone ol' the Cephalic Pills wuenever the symptoms appear It quiet: the over tasked btain, anal soothe! the strained and j wring; nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach whieh always ac companies and a; swat-:8 the disordered condition of the brain. Inm- Wmmt 530 me —Spa.lding’s Cephalic Pills are a certain cure lot flick Headache, Bilious Headache, Nervous Headache, Costiveness and Ge zeral Debility. GMAT DlscomM.—-—l-uong the most important of all the great m-dlg ml (is :wan‘os ofthi< age may be combined the ssh 1m 01' vaccimtiml rot nrotection tron: Small Pox, the C-sphuic Plll for relief of Head who, and the use of Quinlne for the preventaon of Favera. either of which is a sure specific, whoss benefits will be experienced by sur fering humanity long :lter cuair discoverers are forgotten. 1171):» you ever have the Sick Headache? Do you remember the thmbbing temples, th» fem-ed brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food? Haw .lotally until: you. were hr pleasure, conversation or atudy One of the Cephahc Pills wonll h we relieved you from all tbs suffering which you then experienca'l For thia and other purposes you should always have a box ofthem on hand to use as occasion requires. gflglb, - ea «2 m-~ Dé‘fim ($9 V Nervousl-leadachef cum: . dilkinds 0“; fleaflameg By the use of these Pills the periodic 11min of NM eous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken 2t the commencement of an attack immodme relief from pain and sickness win he obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nawaa and Head. ache to which femlea are no subject. ‘ They act gently upon the bowels,— removing costing nus. For Linn”, Men, Students, Delicate Females, And a“ Person» of sedentary habits, they are valuable u a 14mm": improving the uppnilz, giving tune and vigor to the digestive organ, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole ”item- The CEPHALIO PILLS are the result or long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in uee many years, during which time :hey hnve prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and enfl'ering from 335630119, “he”! 91‘ (”Winning in the sinuous system or [mm a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely Vtgelable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with page“ sd'ety without mg. king any change of diet, and the mum of any dua greeable taste renders it easy go admmiaur them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERwEIrB , The genuine we live lfgnatm-an of Hem- I 0‘ ' each nox. 3 Spnldmg on Sold by Drugghts and all other dualers in M . . . . ed A Box vull be sent by maul Dmpaid on Weeipt‘ffnt; PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, All orders should he amoral-std to nanny C. SPAIJDING, 45 mm .5 "Rant. NEW YORK non-aux £lsll9“st auras. DENTI S T R Y _ THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRAD Y HOUSE. sep2s—dhwtf __ B’w- DB. 0. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND 00VLIST RESIDENCE mum) NEAR NORTH STREET.’ He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A LONG AND VERY SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL EXPERIENCE justifies'him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. DIS-dkwly ‘N W. ’ HAY s , A'i‘TOR’NEY-AET-LAw.‘ 0 FF I OE, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND a; ramp, 5135] , Einmsgngfifa. _._—[9lL THEO. F. SGHEB‘FER, BOOK, CARD AND J OB PRINTER, jabs Ne. 18 Mark-'9} Strerflfliffl;m WM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, (Wyoth’s,) second floor front. 11:? Entrance 99‘ lad-333333113; ___ n2l-Iyd&w S P. AUUHMUTX, L c ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILLERSBURG, Dmrnm Coax-n, PA. Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumberlmd and Perry County Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims Allkinds of conveyancing executed with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. dec‘l—dly “fisi.rAnKt-11LL, vv ssoonssop. me n'. a. mu, mama.Aggytm§§m£9yNDEßa 108 MARKET B'l2, HARRISBURG. BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, made to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all sizes Hydrant; of every description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Bathe, Water Closets, Cistern Pumps, Lead Collins and head work of every description done at the shoriest notice, on the most reasonable terms botany and Engine work in general. All orders thank~ fully receired and punctually attended to. Tim highest price in cash given for old Copper. Brass, Load and Spelter. myls-dtr‘ J c. MOL T z, 0 ENGINEER, MAORINIST AND STEAM FITTER, Na. 8, Nag-2h $452211 31;, bat-ween Waimzt amt Mark“, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every d- Beription made and repairod. Brass (Books of all aizes, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings mnemntly on hand. All work done in this eltabiishmant will be under his own agxgxerviaion, and warranted to give satiflfaction. o‘7 {ELIGIOUS BOOK STORE fHACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY E. S. GERMAN 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE OfiESNUT, HARRISBURG, PA Depot for the sale of Steeosco'pesfiterooscopic Views, Music and Musical Instrumentl. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publicatipns. noSO-dy FRANKLIN HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and re-fnruished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guests. G. LEISENHIN G, Proprietor, jelz-tf (Late of Selina Grove, Pa.) 33mm flppiimfimw. B A N K NOT I G E.——Notlce is hereby given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso ciation, and prepared and executed a. Certificate, for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provisions of the not entitled “An act to establish 9. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks,” approved the 3let day of March, A. D. 1860, me Bank to be called THE DOWNINQTuWN BANK, to be located in Downingtown. to consist of a, Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares ofEifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increasing the some to my smonnt not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou and Dollars Chm-Iva Downing, John Webster, William Edge, Richard D. Wells, J. P. Bangh, September 3, 1860.—891117 BA N K N OTI 0 h.—Notlce 15 hereby given that ‘an Association has been formed and a. certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of Issue, Discount and Depusite under the pmvi aions of the act entitled “An act to ostubltsh a. system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pub lic against loss from Insolvent Bunks,"nppm‘ved theßlst any of March. 1860. The said flank to bummed “ The Bethlehem Bank," and to be 100-ted in the borough of Bethlehem, in the county of Northampton, with a. Cupi tnl Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the said Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. 8.11%46m BA NK N 0 TI 0 19.—Notice is hereby . given, that an association has been formed and a certificate prepared, for the purpose 'of establishing x. Bank of issue, discount and deposit, under the movisions of the act, entitled “An Act to estsbhsh a. nystem of free banking in Pennsylvania,,lnd to secure the public against loss by insolvent banks,” approved the thirty-first deyol March, 1860._ The said Bank to be called the “ FREE BANK,” and to be located in the city of Philadelphia, and to consist of a capital stock of 0N E HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amoum not exceeding in all one million of dollars. ij-dGm EXPENSE )N OF BANK CH ARTEB, Notice is hereby given that “' The Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank of .Easton,” 3 Bank of Discount and Deposits, located in the borough of Easton, N orthump ton county. Pennsylvania, having a. capital of Four Hun dred Thousand Dollars, will apply to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania fora. renewal or its charter for fifteen years, from the expiration of its present charter, with its present capital stock, powers and privileges, end without any alteration in or increase of the same. P . S. MIGHLEB, President. M’E. FORMAN, Cashier. je3o-d6m BA N K NU T 1 C E.—Notlce ls hereby , given that an Association has been formed and a Certificate prepared for the urpose of establishing n Bmk of Issue, Discount and Seposita, under the provi sions of the not entitled “ An act to establish a 8354:3111 of free benkingin Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from insolvenv, banks,” approved the 3151; day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the “ State Bank," and to be located in the city of Philadel phia, and to consist of a Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi lege of increasing the snme to any amqunt not exceeding in all One Million of Dollars. ' jeQfi-dfinfi‘ UPHOLSTERING. C . F . VOLL M E R In propnred to do all kinds of work in the . UPHOI.STERING B USINESS- Pays particular attention to MAKING AND PUTTING DOWN CARPETS. MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TRASSES. REPAIRING FURNITURE. km. he. He can be found at ull times at his residence. in the renr of flu! Willi un Tell House. corner of Raspberry and Black berry Mhyn lep29-dly memzws mu 1: sTORE issue plao to buy Domuuuo Medicinal. r iHE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YE ARS, AND GROWS MORE ANgAgT/lORE POPULAR EVERY 1 And testimonials, new, and almost without number. might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none could resxst _ that Prof. Wood’s Hnir Restorative will restore the bald “mi gray, and Preserve the hair of the youth to old age: in all its yOuthful beauty. Burns CREEK, Mich, Dec. 21,1.853- pmp.Woon: Thee wilt please accept at line to inform thee that the hair on my head full ofl‘ over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the head, A continual course of sufl‘ering through life having reduced me to A State Of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for “P“: neither have I been able to do them up, m consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs Br. Hodges almost the lust cent I but! on earth for a. two dollar bottle oi thy Hmr Restorative about the first of August last. I have faith ‘ mny followed the directions, and the bald spot is non covered with hair thick and block, though short; it 18 also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and be— ing destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declsrotion—“ the reward is to those who are kind to the widow and fatherless.” . Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Lioonum, Noble Co , Indians, Feb. 5, 18.59. P3Ol. 0. J. qun: Dear Sir :—ln the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and National . Law School of the State of New .ank, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling 011' very rapidly, so that-in the short space of six months. the whole up per part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering. and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly nl’ter became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause oi‘ the change in my appearance. as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful physi ciansin the country. but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortuustely, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me by u druggist. as being the most ro liuble llair Restorative in use I tried one bottle, and found to my grout. satisfaction that it was producing the desired elTect. Since that time, I have used seven dol lars’ worth of your Restorative, and as s result, have a rich cool. of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like efi'ect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, .' Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through ‘ out the world. 0. J . WOOD d: 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 11-1 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. aulT—d&w3m David She'lmire,' William Rogers, 1. K. Bshelman, Samuel Ringwult, Stephen Blatchford -d6m {fine indict. HANDSOME \VOMEN TO THE LADIES HUNT’S “BLOOM OF R SES,” 8. rich and delicate color for the checks and lips, W ILL NOT WASH 0R RUB OFF, and when once applied runmins durable for years. mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUNT’S “COURT TOILET P(HVDER,” imparts 9. dazzling whitenpss to the complexion, and is unlike any thing else used for this purpose, mailed free for 50 cent-s. HUNT’S “ BRITISH BALM,” removes tan, fxecklus, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed free for 50 cents. . HUNT’S “IMPERIAL POMADE,” for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth. keeps it from (all ing of. and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT’S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teath, Iranians the gums, purifies the breath effectually, P R}! S I'} RV ES 'I‘IIE TEETH AN D PREVENTS TOOTflvACHE, mailed free for 1.00. HUN T‘s “BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME.” udoublo gxtract of orange blossoms and cologne, mailed free for 1.00. T hi a exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL, OF ENGLAND. on her marriage. MESSRS. HURT £1 00, presented the PRINCESS with an elegant ease of Perfumery, (in whieh all of the above articles were included.) in handsome cutgluss with gold stoppers, valued at smm particulars of which appeared in tho public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press for $5.00. 03311 can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. . HUNT a; 00., Pezfxmzers to the Queen, Ryan-r STREET, Loxnox, mm 707 Sussex Srnesr, The Trade supplied. PKILADELPHIA. ' sep4-dly Qbu fifillfithfifipfitfi. /:§ Pligpah / $5,, x? im\ a o 4) / S ea» 0’ '9 c v x '5: .igavsconomm C 39. 6; £5 Diapaflmfln? 2&5 k 3"? Save the Pieces! 9°. As accidents will happen wen in well-regulavtedfami— lies, it is very desirable to lune some cheap and conve nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, kc. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afiord to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a. necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls: and broken cradles It is just the article for cone, shell, and other 01-13231? me work, so popular with ladies of refinement an as e. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chomi‘ sally held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best cabinet-makers: Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucuago, being vastly more adhesive. - “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE ” N. B.—A Brush accompanies ma bootle. Priceflb cents. WHOLESALE mayor, No. 48 CEDAR sunny, Nsw Yon: HENRY G. SPALDING & 00., Box No. 8,600. New York Address Put up for Dealers 1n Gases containing Four, Eight and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Show—Cara accompanying each package. 113' A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten time: its cost annually to every household 7?} Sold by a. prominent stafioneramruggiata, Hardware end Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy States. Country merchants should make a. note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climnte. febl4—d&wly lusnmute. DEHRAWE MU TUAL SAFETY IN - SURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, S. E. 00R. L‘IIRD AND WALNUTSTS PEILA DELPHIA. Incorporated 1836. Marina Insurance on vessels, cargo wd freight, to all part! of tfie world. Inland [figurancg on 50051! by rivers, mall, Lakes and lsnd earriage to .11 parts of the Union. Fire Insurance on merchandise garnet-Ally, and on Ital-ea, dwelling hou'aes, he. dAllilets of the Oompmy, November 1; 1858, 3698,80420-100 D 31’!- November 10 1358. The Board of Directors have this deydeelered e bividend of Six Per Cent in Cash, on the Original Capital Stock, end Six Per Dent. on the Scrip of the Company, payable on end otter let proxime The) heveeleo declared 3 Strip Dividend ofTwenty-l‘ive for Cont. on the Original Stochend on the Earned Pre miums for the yen- ending October 312 1858, Certificate: for which will he issued in the parties entitled to the name, on me sfier the first ot-Dmemher next. Preamble mm, Resolutiun. adopted by flu Board. Whereas, The increased means of the Company arising from Profits, and which will be derived from the Increased Capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of In. corporation, render the further continuance of the Gnu-en tee Capital unnecessary; therefore be it— 1. Resolved, Thet the Guarantee Capital be discontinued, end the Notes repreneuting the name be delivered up to the maker: thereef. as 300':- as the Risks taken duringthe period embneed ineeid Notes shall have determined. DI REG'I:O_RS:_ William Martin, Edmund A. Bender, Theo. Pauldlng, Jon B. Penn-one, John 0 Davis, James Trnqnair, Willi-m Eyre, Jr. Janene. Hind, Wm. c. Ludwig, Joseph H. Bell, Dr. B. M. Huston, Geofl. helper. Eu 11 Craig Charles Kelly, Bnm’l. E. Stoke. .1. g. Peaiston Henry Sloan, Ed. Dnrlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvaine, Thematic. Hand. Robert Burton, Jacob? . Jones, Jae. B M ’Fu-m ; Jonhu I’. Byte, Jno. B. Sample, 1). 'l‘. Morgan, 1 . 1' Logan. . WILLIAM MARTIN, Presfdzm. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vin Pnsidmt. HENRY LYLBURN. Sacremvy. , The undersigned, :5 Agent for the above Company, i. pmpmd to make Insurances on all description! of proper. ty, on the most liberal terms. oetl -] vdh' \I 0 T I C E .—-The undemgned havmg 1 opened an English and Classical School for Boys in the Lecture Room of what wns formerly mulled the “United Brethren Church,” on Front, between Walnut and Locust streets. is prepared to receive pupils and instruct them in the branches usually taught: in schools of that character. The number of pupil. is limited to twenty—five. . Fur information with regard to terms, &c.. apply to Rev. Mr. Bunmsnw and Rev. Mr.OAflELI., or personally to '[ocZé-dtf] JAMES B. KING. AN aperient and Siemachic preparation of IRON puri- Hell of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, hath in Europe and the United Smiles, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and other Wise sickly complexion, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. - Inuoxious in all milndies in which it has been tried, it has proved ansolutely curative in each of the fallowrng complaints, viz: In Dsumrr, Rem-ous Arrrcnoss, Em‘cu‘rxon, Dra rnrsu, Coxsrmnlon, Dunnuuu, Drsus’rzkr. Ixclrmsr Coxsumrlox. Soncrchons TUBERCULOSIS. SALT Rnnml, lllleususmcuiox,erss,CnLouosxs. vauuCourum-rs, Cnuosm ll nsnscnrs, Runmnsu, Ixrnkmrrueruvuu, Plums ofv rm; Fnce, 8:0. In cases of GENERAL Duexm-rr, whether the result of acute disc-nae, or of the confirmed diminution of nervous and muscular our rgy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no descrip ion or written attestation would reudcrcrerll’ble. Invalide so long bed- ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenlyre-appeared in the busy world as in just returned from pwtrzu'lcd travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested or female. Sufi‘ercns, emaciated victims of 'vpparenl: mamsmus, sanguiueons exlcmslion, critical changes, and that com lic mint: or nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nh‘nvons AFFEG'I‘IONS of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this [ii-reparation 01 iron must necessarily be salutary, for. unlilm the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheat-11g; and gently, régularly uperh-nt, evm in the most obrtinuto easel! of cosxiveneml without ever hcing a. gastric purgative, or inflicting udisagreeahlc ~ensation. It is this latter property. among others, which makes it so remarknbiy ell‘ectual and pcrmuneuta remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert. a tiiatinct and specific action. by disporsing the local tendency which forms them. . In DYSPEPSM, innumembieunare itscannes, a single box of these Chalyheatc I'ills hos ol'leu sufficed for the most habitu-l casee, including the attendant I‘nxticmess 1n unchuckcd Dummm, even when advanced to Dram TERY. confirmed, cmauiating, and apparently malignant the effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and rcmitten! hectic, which generally indicate. IN own-11W Cosstmm‘mx, this remedy has ullcyed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instances. In FcBOFULOUS Trzzncumsxs, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balancyd preparaiions of iodine. without any of their WOll known liabilities Ti .c attention of Females cannot be 100 confldentlyinviled to this remcdy and ruslomt‘ive, in the cases peculiarly of fasting them. In RHEUMATISM. both chronic and inflammatory—in the labor, l'mwever, m 0 rc decided ly—il has been invariably well reported, bnlh as alleviating pain and reducing the swel— lsngs and atlfi'ncss of the joints uud muscles. In INTERMITTRNT Ferrous it uzcat necessarily to a great remedy and cut-rgofic restorative, and its progrm in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remeuyhas everbeen discovered in the whole history of medicine,whirh exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative clfccls. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposrtiou for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal bexescontamiug Earpills, price 60 centH per box; for sale by drugginlo and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, elc., nhould be addressed to R. B. LOCKE k 00., General Agents. my23-d&wly 20 Cedar Street, New York. \_ fifi) W“ \ i ' fiwgmilwmgggg§ " \\ ®I” .' fig®3®®£§ JONIC,DEUR ET’Né: A? 1\ camwo INNSAQRATINN CflBDIAI. TO ‘THE CITIZENS OF NEW JERSEY AND nomncmm. nnuemszrs, GBOCERS AND PR IVAT ‘MILIES. WOLFE’S PURE COGNAC BRANDY. WY’NOEIFE’S PURE MADEIRA, SHERRY AND PORT WOFE’S PURE JAMAICA AND ST. CBOIX RUM W'OLFE’S PURE SCOTCH AND IRISH ‘WIIISKY. ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the Umted States to the above ‘VINBS and quuons, im ported by Unou’no WOLFE, of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated Seaman! Scunps. Mr. WOLFE, in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his WINES and LIQUORs, says: “I will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a. merchant of thirty years’ resi dence in the City of New York, that all the 1311.;an and WINES which I bottle are pure as imported, and or the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser. 7’ Every bottle has the proprietor’s name on the wax, and a. me simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale at RETAIL by all Apothecuries and Grocers in Philadelphia GEORGE H. ASHTON, No. 832 Market streeg Philadelphia, Sale Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Courier.- Enouuous Ensures eon mu: New You; BIBROHAX'L— We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecm-y, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant’s extensive business, although it will well re. pay any stranger or citizen to visit UDOLPHO WOLFE’S extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver street and Nos 17, 19 and 21, Marketfield street His stock 01' Schnapps on hand rend y for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases of Madeiral Sherry and Port Wines, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any inthis country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, &c., in casks, under Custom—House key, ready for bottling. Mr. WOLFE’S sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hop!I in less than two years he may be equally auccessf With his Brandies and Wines: _ . His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr Wanna, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stutf from their shelves, and replace it. with Wong’s pure Wine and LIQuoRs. We understand Mr. WOLFE, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a. man, and such a. merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but imi tations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For sale by 0. K. KELLER, Druggiat, sole agent. for Harrisburg. nepfi-ddkw‘fim M ANHO OD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORE D. Just Published, in 4 Salad Envelope A LECTURE ON THE NATURE. TBEATMEflT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHDEA, or Manual Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousnesa and Involuntary Emission, producing Impoteney , Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. BY ROB. J. C ULVERWELL. M. D . The important fact that the awful consequences of self shnse may be efi‘ecmnlly removed without internnlrned icines or the dangerous applications of caustics, instruments, medicated bangles, and other empirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly anew ssful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated uulhor, fully explnined, by menus of which every one is enshled‘to cure himself perfectly, and at the leust poseiule cost, there by avoiding all the advertisrd nostrums of the day The Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two nosing.» stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS, J . 0. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. aplQ-d&wly H AVANA ORANGES ! I! A prime lot just received by 0030. WM.DOCK, .13., 8:. Co I)RI‘ED PARED PEACH F. S, Dried , UNPARED PEACHES, Dried APPLES, Dried BLACK BERRIES, just received by oct'z. WM. DOCK, 13., 8!. CO, ,V . V I‘UY-BUUKS of an endleuu variety, for the uluaemem and instm t‘ - SGHEN‘ER’S Bookstore. cm of 0‘" mm mm" ' UMPHREY’S 7 H SPECIFIC 7 HOME GPA Tlll 0 REMEDIES, for sale a“ ' ‘ KELLEB’S Drug Store, “02" WW” ,"7 fl 9] Marita! Street. WM. BUEHLER SMOKE! SMOKE ! 1 SM' ‘KE 1 ' I—ls not objectionable when from a. GIG-AR puffihued at KELLER’S DRUG STORE, 91 Market stump; 56pm P. .w ()(LIHMEN'I‘S 21E ‘x T R A FRENCH MUSTARD, n ehuicu variety of SALAD OILS. SAUCES 3nd KETCHUPQ of «vary «inscription mylo- WM. DOCK. Jan. do 00. filetxical. A SUPERLATIVE PENNS “Imam llitbical. LOEFFLE w M. , PBACTIOAL PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEM“ 00R. 4m AND MARKET 32's. Having purchued the Drug Store of Messrs. ROWAN ‘5. 00., I beg have uan we attention of the public to m, well stocked Drug Store. My goods will always be fun-i to be genuine, reliable, and of the firm quality. My experzence in the Drug businesa, acquired principafly by tm'v'aling through the human Continent, will nut {a to give satismtion :0 every one MY STOCK CONSISTS 0F muggy, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soups, 8691!, Tobacco, Burning Fluid Alcohol and Campbene, Frcah Ground Spices, Corks, among”, Brushea, Pomnd an, Toilet [Bantu Gamma: For: Nomies and Pin-m 5, Home and Clttle Powdem, EATER? MEDICIIIEE Why'd: will be sold but no: remmmmzded 3.1 [mm guarantee a cute in 2115 case a‘ h . 'v» - u ‘ Beanies tug. .zwu: nut-9d 1131331111, 1 have a. very lung» .n nofiment of other miscellzuectw articles, which the [1:21 I invited X 0 come and examine Th ....1 .... ..Jn. scientific men, and the public, generally, in respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical preparation; oou~ taiuing IRON, SULPHUR, AND PHOcPHOROU , and which is identical in its composition with the Hamlin: Globula, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied With DEBIL l T Y , . pals countenance and nervous derangement, analyses 9' the blood allow a deficiency of the red globular Illld'ljr complexion and a rosy tint of the skin, is always indica tive of health; while a pale, wax-like skin and counte nance,—-which evinces n. deficiency of the red globules,— accompanicsadiseascdorganium. PreparationsoflßON have been given for the purpose of supplying the red gla hulcs, but we contend that IRON alone, 80 LPHUB sloufl, or PHOSI’HOBOUS alone, will not meet the deficiency, in every case, but that a judicious combination of 4'll these'clements is necessary to restore the blood to W normal standard. This point, never before attained, ‘1“ been reached in the BLOOD F 001), and its dincovel’ll ranks as one of the most scientific and importsnt of the ago. Its eliects in 'CONBUM 1‘ T I 0 N ‘ are to soften the cough, brace the nerves,strengthen L‘zs syutem, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by restorins the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in oil CHRONIC - DISEASES of the THROAT or LUNGS, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, kc. Public speakers and singers will find it of great utility in clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Liver (Emphénts, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Scrofula. GmoeASI. Vs lus’ Dance, Fever and Ague, &c., its efiiciency ls markefl . and instantaneous. In no class of diseases, however, or. the beneficial streets of this remedy so conspicuous asia those harrassing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend t)- wards Consumption, such as suppressed or dillicult Marv Mutation. Green Sickness, Whites, Jno., especially when hesc. complaints are accompanied with palenessaa dingy hue or puller of the skin, depression of spirits, ebility. palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous prostration We have the utmost confidence in recommending thw BLOOD FOOD to all who may be conscious of n loss of vitality or energy; and to those whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated throufli over-use, either of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to say that in 83 cases of Weakness and Emacr‘atzon, and in all disema of the Kidneys or Bladder this preparation has nclairu upon the attention of suiierers which cannot be owe: estimated. A faithful trial will be found the most cou vincing proof in regard to its efiicney that could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have in its favor, we ofl‘er the "BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of the inflicted, knowing that it will he acknowledged as pro-eminent over all other preparations, patent or oflicinal, in point of usefulnesi Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy ii founded, also certificates of remarkable cures will to sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOb FOOD to any part of the United States or Csnodss upon receipt of price—sl per bottli' $5 for six bottles. Be careful in all cases to take none hut that having our fac—dmile sig nature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by L'BURL’II & DUPONT, No. 419 B-oadwayLNew york. And sold by them, and by all respectable Dmgfi’m. For sale by O. A, BANNVABT, C. K. KELLE and D W. GROSS & 00., Harriehurg. t‘ub6-eowdl'l? PURIFY THE BLOOD! ‘ momT’S > VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS A N D PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pro—emf nent Medicines have acquired for their invelusble edi cncy in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, hm render-rd the usual practice of pulling not only nnnecee sexy, but unworthy of them . IN ALL OASEB _ 0f Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rhemustiem, An‘ectiom of the Bladder and Kidneys. . BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. ‘ In the South and West, where these diseases pret'ldl. they will be found invaluable. Planters. funnels all others, who once use these Medicines, will never at“:- wnrds be without them. BILIOUS GHOLIG. SEROUS LOOSEN 358,211.33, COS TIVENEES, COLDS AND COLGBS, OHOLIO, CORRUPT RUMORS. DROPBIEB. Drsrsrsu.—No person with this distressing dined"- should delay using these Medicines immediate y. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Fletulency. Elven AND Adam—For this scourge of the Westem country these Medicines will be found I. safe,epeedyw4 certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system Mr jcct to a return of the disease; I core by these med" cines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied, and be cured. Focuses or COMPLEXIOR— GENERAL DEBILITY, GOVT, GIDDINEBS, GRAVEL, " Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflnnuneto?! Rheumatism, Impure Blood Jenndice, Loss of Appetiw Mescunut menses—Never fails to eradicate efl‘ tirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner the‘l the most powerful preparation of Setup-Jilin. 1 NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERTON COMPLAIN TS OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. . Puts—The original proprietor of these Hedlm" wits cured of Piles, of thirty-five yesnz’ standing, ‘3! ‘3‘ the use of these Life Medicines alone. 0 muss in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints mi 3' DS lstanzunnisu._mhose ne‘ectsd with this terrible dii ease, will he sure of relief by the Lite Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Bait Rheum Swellings. sonosuts, or KING’S EVIL, in its worst tonne. Ulcer of every description. Worms of all kinds are ofl'eetnally expelled by them Medicines. Parents will do well to administer the! whegiever their existence is suspected. Mof will ‘79 car in. THE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTEBI‘ PURIFY TE]! BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. Pannier.» nu) SOLD at DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT. 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York nj’l'or sele by all Draggists. jyl'l-ddwli . I] \“E \- / ' I ‘B6 ”5 c 3" " ' by)“ I . mummy, 1852- ' CHARTERED ma. . L O 0' A TE D 03533 0F BALTIMORE AND CHARLES SW": 1' BALTIMORE, MD. 11° Ilsa-gent, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular Jommercml College in the United States. Design“l ’lprfisfily for Young Men desiring to obtain & Tnowufil {RAM-mu Busnmss Enuaumx in theahorteetpossibl' tune and at the least expense. ' g , _A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Ghoul“, col? tuning upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with first!!!“ OF Pimuusmr, and a. Large Engraving it“ nnanof fih‘ kind ever made in this country) represen ing the Inter!“ View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms Mm will be sent to Every Young Man on spplionfionfi‘l” Mr CHARGE. wme immediately and you will receive the pew E 7 return mail. Address, jwflé-dly] E. 5- 1.051133. BAUHIIOII, Dior BITUMINOUS BRUADTUP GOAL for Blacksmiths’ use. A superior article for “l" at $3 00 per km or 12}; cents perbmlzal. All Coal delivered by Patent Weigh Outs. _w JW t\ mum's DRUG Sluts)» m me We to im unythim w n way at Prflumfl’y ELJ‘EH’S pm", s’] ( ”HQ 1. £llopr 1X to buy Balm ol Thumnu Flwan. Chamois and Sheep Skins. ar46?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers