laitp Ettegrao HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 30 1861. TOWN AND COUNTRY ATTE:Y:ION, VerIRTH WARD!—AII citizens of the Fourth ward who are enrolled as liable to draft, are requested to meet in the Hope En gine House, to morrow evening, (Saturday.) l it 7 o'clock, for the purpose of correcting the enrollment lists. This will be the only meet ing that will be held, so every person interest ed should be present. =:=2 ATITSTION, FIFTH Wimp !—The citizens of of the Fifth Ward are requested to meet at the office of Alderman Bowers, Third street, above North, this (Friday) evening at i o'- clock, to take action in relation to filling the quota of the Ward under the late call of the President. 2t WANTED. —Two boys to carry daily papers Apply at this office. N. T.—Some of our country editors who know, say that N. T. stands for "No Turkey." SALES of condemned horses, to take place at Giesboro', D. C., are advertised in to•day's paper. I=l THE QUOTA. —The qtnita of this Congres sional district, under the late call for volun teers, is 4,214. 1=321 ImPor,.rAtar. changes have been made in the time of the arrival and departure of trains on the principal railroads. Sava - DAL of the trains were detained yester day. The mail train from Philadelphia, on the Reading road, did not arrive here until three o'clock. The train from Elmira was also several hours behind time. GAY AND Harpr.--The Friendship Fire Company's Ball will take place on Monday evening next. We are assured by those hav ing the management in hand that nothing will be left undone to make this a most plea sant affair. IMPORTANT TO EVERY ONE.—The citizens of Dauphin county ought now, if they never were bstore, to be wide awake to the necessity of correcting the enrollment lists in the various districts. Much can be done by individual effort that does not come within the duties of the Government officers. Let every man give, notice of persons he knows to have left his ward, borough or township, and of those who have recently removed therein. M. U. LEE, 69 Market street, advertises, to-day, a large assortment of Gold and Silver headed canes, in addition to a variety of fine jewelry, watches and clocks, all of which he is prepared to dispose of on very reasonable terms. l3y his fairness and liberality, Lee has made a splendid business in his line in this city, and by the same qualities we know he will continue to deserve the support of the public. Tsai Dm-mt.—We were slightly in error yes terday, in alluding to Capt. Cook's company being furnished with a dinner, at the Sick Soldiers' Rest. We should have said Lieut. Cook. We learn that Captains Reichenbach and Granger, Rev. Dr. Hay, and others were present. Speeches were made, and a good time was had by the - whole party. Want of space prevents us from giving an extended account of the pleasant affair. ilownteN, at the corner of Front and Mar ket streets, proposes closing up the dry goods business for the year 1864, by giving great bargains in the following goods; Furs, shawls, blankets, ladies' cloth circulars, coats, and Chesterfield's balmoral and hoop skirts, ladies' dress goods; cloths, cassimeres and vestings for men and boys. This is a good chance to obtain goods less than the regular market price. Allen's 200 yard spool cotton at 64 .cents a spool; J. & P. Coats' spool cotton at 124 cents a spool; black and colored skirt braid at 124 cents a piece. RECORD You DEEDS. —The attention of parties holding unrecorded Deeds is directed to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, which requires that— " All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in the County where the lands lie, within six months after the ex.cution of such deeds and conveyance; and every such deed and conveyance not recorded as aforesaid, shall be adjudged FRAUDU LENT AND VOID against any subsequent purchaser for a valuable consideration, unless Finch deeds be recorded before the recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgage shall claim." This is a very important notice, and those holding unrecorded deeds will see the import ance of having them recorded without further delay. Orr, CITY must be a gay place to live in.— The Meadville Journal says: _ ANOTHZE murder was committed at Oil City last Tuesday night. A. M. lit'Fate, of New Castle, while passing along , the streets, was assaulted, shot through the head, and had his throat cut. Robbery was the object of the deed, as he was known to have a considerable sum of money about him, and had been show ing it quite freely during the afternoon.— Next morning a vigilance committee was or ganized and two or three suspicious charac ters have been arrested. It is high time that something was done to clear the oil country of these cut throats, as this is the fourth mur der committed in that vicinity within the last ' month. There is evidently an organized band of ruffians along the creek, and a man's life is worth only a charge of powder and a bullet. A reward of $10,090 is offered for the de tection of the murderer of BlTate. THE PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY is one of the most substantially organized Oil corporations now in the market. It has energetic, competent and reliable business men managing it, and it is their purpose to prosecute the development of the vast wealth of the Company's land promptly and thor oughly. It is organized on a certain basis to pay dividends from the start. Its revenues from the Oil alone are more than twelve per cent. per annum on the entire capital; and new wells are about to be sunk on lease, without cost to the Company, and one-half the proceeds will belong to time company. In addition to the valuable Real Estate owned by the Company immediately opposite Oil City, will be put in market at once, re serving the Oil right, and a revenue of $lOO,OOO will be derived from that source the first year— ten per cent. on the entire capital stock. The Company has 60,000 shares of its own ,cappital in reserve belonging to the stock holders, and taking it altogether its resources for certain dividends are not approached by any other (A 2 stock now in the market at even double the original cost.—Ohamberiburg Repository. Oisrniis.—Mr. C. Evy has just received a very large supply of fresh Oysters, which 'he is prepared to furnish by the quart or larger quantities to suit purchasers. These oysters are the best of the season, and can be had at his stand, Second street near Mulberry, at the rate of 60 cents per quart. Tnn NVE.E.u. or Pna - zza.—The first week of January, commonly known as the "week of prayer," will be observed by some of our churches, in accordance with the recommend ation of the Evangelical Alliance. The clergymen of some of the churches in Philadelphia, have adopted the following as the programme by which to observe the dif ferent days of the week of prayer: On Sunday next sermons will be preached on the Agency of the Holy Spirit in the pre sent dispensation. Monday—Prayer for individuals, nations and churches. Tuesday—Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists and Idisionaries. Wednesday—For children . of Christian pa rents, congregations and schools. Thursday—For Sunday schools, and all ac tively engaged in Christian work. Friday—For the abolition of slavery and cessation of the war. Saturday—For the Christian Church, for in creased holiness, activity and harmony among her members. Sunday, January B—Sermons on the Visible Unity of the Church. BUSINESS ITEMS Military Business ATTENDED TO CALL ON, OB ADMEN BY MAIL, EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, • dec2Bly 'Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. SIIBSTITUTB .PAP.E.II9 promptlyanade out by Sullivan S. Child, claim agent, Walnut street, 3d door below Third. dB-dlm I=l POSITIVELY SELLING OUT! The undersigned being desirous of closing out his stock on account of taking an inven tory, will sell the following articles until Jan uary Ist, 1865, at lower than Philadelphia and New York wholesale prices: . Ladies' bonnets and hats. Misses hats. Hair nets. Head-dresses. Ladies' cloaks and circulars. Fur capes and muffs. Ladies'and Misses'woolen hoods and nubias. Sontags and riding hoods. CORSET'S, plain, embroidered and hem stitched handkerchiefs. Embroidered and morning collars. Ladies' scarfs. Ribbons, bonnet silks, velvets, flowers, rushes, laces, bonnet ornaments, feathers, &c. Dealers would do well to call and examine my stock, as they can buy their goods lower than city wholesale prices. Call one and all and judge for yourselves.. M. MAIER'S Bonnet and cloak store, 13 Market street, between River alley and Front street. decls-tt Scl/ing off our Whole Stock of Dry Goods Among the goods we are selling off, we have 25 dozen of hemstitched ladies' pocket handkerchiefs. 30 dozen of gentlemen's linen pocket hand kerchiefs. 25 dozen of small woolen stockings, at 15 cents per pais. 200 yards of remnants of paramattas, at half price. 50 black cloth cloaks and circulars, at 8, 10 and 12 dollars. Furs ! furs! at very low prices, to close out. 200 gentlemen's neck ties at 25, 35 and 45 cents. Brodie shawls, in double and single. 200 pieces of calicos and mnslins. 50 pieces of black alpaccas, bombazines and merinos. 500 dozen of woolen and cotton stockings. 45 dozen of gentlemen's woolen and cotton socks. I would call particular attention to some bleached muslin we hare at 35 cents per yard. 50 pieces of red, white and yellow wool flannel, all to be sold cheap, in order to close out our stock. • Persons in want of dry goods, would do well to call before purchasing. N. 8.-15 pieces of black silks . at great bar gains. S. LEVY. FEVER AND AGUE can be cured. Do . not think because you have tried everything you could read or heat of, that you carmot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, bat it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be bad only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. I. Ball. octl7-tf SPECIAL. NOTICES. Kromer's (UPham's) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. WARBANTEID to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Du Caturos of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and he material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KROMER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Drimkenness Cured. The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane'e antidote for strong drink is a- certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be eepainistered without the knowledge of the pitient Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Canada& Price $1 per bex, or packages of six boles for $5. 31410. J. EROBLER, Wholesale Agent, 409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. liandls Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermatorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power Am This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. BAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The SPECIESIO of Dr. Band is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. J.NO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 408 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. InerHUF T HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE • OF AN INVALID Published for the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay of Manhood, &u, (applying at the s que time Tirs Mrssts or BELE-CUM By ono who ha: cured himself after undergoing comiderablequackecy, Cy en closing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may he had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq . Brooklyn, Kings county, N. Y dec9,dkvan .410 - Ems/Frio Firs CAR as CURED! I—Dr. Lookrew having become eminently successful in curing this ter elide malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or tend for circulars of references and testimonials of numeroca cases mired of from one to twenty-four years' standing. tie devotes his attention especially to diseases of the CM ehro-Spinal Asia. or Nervous System, and solicits an in vestigation of his claim to public confidence. He may be consulted at his private residence, Nu. 141 West 42d street, daily, from 10 •. m until 4 r. at,, except Saturday and Sunday. Address alllettersto DR. V B. LOCKP.OW, New York. Caro of I'. O. Box 5118. ocklArwslo Jar A PnYeicoLocumu. VIEW or MARRIAGE I —Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a slate of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condi tion. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROLIC, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N, Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail, and medicines sant to any part of the world. 0c.2114.9m w COLGATE'S EONEY SOAP This cob:listed Toilet Soap, in such universal de mend, is made from the choicest materials, Is mild and emollient in Its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial In Its action upon the skin. 'or sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers peels-dawly PUB E VEGETABLE. TONIC. most healthy persons fed more or leas weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Duie—one that will strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they eau get at 50 cents per bottle, at Mrs. L. Ball's, No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders- from a distance promptly attended to. assel HUBBEL'S Golden Bitters. A PURELY VEGETABLE lONIC 115MOORATOTG AS STALONITHIMING Fortifies the system against the evil effects of unwole some water. Will cure dyspefela. Will cure weakness. Will cure general debility. Will cure heartburn_ Will cure headache. Will cure liver complaint. Will excite and create a healthy appetite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and moderately Increase the temperature of the body and the force of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroborant of the system, containing no poisonous drugs, and Is The BEST TUNIC BITTERS In the WORLD. A fair trial Is earnestly solicited. • _ GEO. C. BUSHEL & CO., PROPRIETORS, HUDSON, N. Y. Central Dep3t American Exprem Building, 55 HUDSON ST., NEW YORK. Or For sale by Druggists, Grocers, 1:c. D. W. GROSS & CO., Harrisburg, Wholesale Agent, and for sale by J. M. LUTZ, C. K. KELLER, GEO. WINTERS and S. A. KUNKEL octl4-dkw AA S. WANTRD, A WHITE GIRL, who Imaerstands cook A tog. Apply at WAGNER'S HOTEL, dee29.dat Corner of Fecoud and Chestnut streets. WANTED, AWHITE GIRL, to do general housework. Apply at the National House, Market street, .no a Fourth. dec29-3t* WAN TED TIIO RENT—A house containing six rooms, jk. located anywhere between North and. Chestnut Sts. Yent paid inadvanee. Address Box 41, P. 0. Possession wanted on the first of April, 1865. dol9-tf WAN TED. —A good two-horse team Wagon. Enquire at TR OFF/CE.. decl6-dtf s''lo A MONTH I want Agents every where, it $7O a month, expenses paid, to eel Fifteen Articles, the beet setting ever offered. Full par Oculars free. Address, . OTIS T. GABBY nol6-daw3m Biddeford, Maine. WANTED. -$125 A MONTIII - everywhere, to introduce the now Sham d: Clark .Sixteen Dollar Family Sewing Machine, the only low price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Rowe, Singer & Co„ and Batchelder. Salary and expenses, or largo commissions allowed AU other Ma chines now sold for lesS than forty dollars each are in fringements, and the seller arid user liable. Illustrated circulars sent free. Addresn, SlaW & CLARK, cola d&w.3m Biddeford, Maine. GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS Worth having, at WARD'S . MUSIC STORE, No. 12 NOB - TH I r litßD STREET.' Steinway's suberb Pianos, Sehomaker's splendid Pianos. Grovesteen's cheap Pianos. Prince's (new) automatic Organs, the greatest. triumph of the age. Melodeons, Violins, Gui`ars, Flutes, &c. Drums and Fifes. Sheet and Book Music. Pictures—Oval and square Wainat, Oak, Rosewood and Gilt Frames. Albums—A very large and line stock. at lower prices than elsewhere. Call and see the really largest, Music Stcre within 100 miles of Harrisburg deol7-tilljanl PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—The Proprietors of the New York Museum of Anatomy have determined, regardle;s of expense, to issue free, (fur the benefit of suffering humanity, and suppression of quackery) four of their most interesting and instructive lectures on Marriage and its disqualifications, nervous and physical debility, premature decline of manhood. Indiges tion, weakness or depression, impotency, loss of energy and manly power; the groat social evil; and those mala dies Which result from youthful follies, excesses of ma turity, or ignorance Of Physiology and laws of Nature. I hese invaluable lectures have been the means of en lightening and saving thousands and will be forwarded free, on receipt of four stamps, by addressing SECRETARY, New York Museum of Anatomy and Medicine, 618 Broad. way, Now York. decl9-dly SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, Mgr DrmioN, WAssDioTox, CITY, Deeember 27, 113E4. Will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, at Giesboro, D. C., on FRIDAY, December ED, 106 . 4, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFIY CAVALRY HORSES. Un FRIDAY, January 6„ 1865, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CAVALRY HORSES. These horses have been condemned as unfit for the cav alry service of the army. For road and farming purposes many good bargains may bo bad. Horses sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. Terms cash, in United States currency. JAMES A. MIN, colonel in charge First Division, Q. IL G. O. dec29-tjans TNGOT, Copper and Brass, Tin, Babbit 1 Metal, lead, Spotter, Crucibles, Foundry Facings, Belting, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Stocks and Die; &c , am. For sale by A. PIJAVEB & EON South and Penn, Philadelphia. Cash paid for Scrap Iron and all kinds of metals. dcc23-1m TO HORSE SHOERS.—A. superior article of No. ft, 9, and 10 Horse Shoe Nails, in ai pound boxes. Also, (slightly damaged by water) Horse Shoe Rasps, and best quality English horse shoe iron. For sale low, by A. PIINVES & SON, - dee23-Im. South and Penn, Philadelphia. ROUSES FOR SALE. THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, SITU. An on Foster street, above North. Esquire of JACOB WALTERS, Corner of Third anli North streets. so2fidtf TINT received, this morning, Miohener & Co., Fresh Smoked Hama, Beef and Tongue, at RRISLER & FRAZER. . _ QwEFT CIDER.—A few, bbls. of an, excel lent quality of pure sweet cider, Just received at decl7 BOYER & KEEPER'S. PEPPER SAUCE, a new invoice, just re ceivod at Nan SHISLER & FRAZER'S. PTEW MAGICEILEHL, - NBILING AND SAL LI MOW It few.) HOUR i WARM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Fifteen Days 1. I WILL REDUCE lii rar DRY GOODS, Twenty-Five per Cent., I HAVE ON HAND A LARGE ASSORT MENT GE Oar of Second and Ma7ket, opposite the Jones House New York and Philadelphia Petroleum Company. ORGANIZED 'RIDER THE LAWS OF NEW YORK. FRANCIS A. PALlisit, President Broadway Bank, New York. NATHAN RANDALL, Ex:President United States Tel e graph Company, New York. • ALBERT H 14/coral% or Albert H Nicolay & Co, Brokers and Anctioneels, 52 William St, Now York. EDGENE J Jaessos, of Polhamias & Jackson, Bankers and Brokers. 43 Exchange Place, New York. EDMUND C STEDMAN, Secretary New York Petroleum Stock Board and Broker. 30 Broad St, New York. - ANDREW MEIIAFFET, Philadelphia. RA:VOIR 4 GOODWIN. Philadelphia. ROBERT CLARKSON. Of t IRTKI•01 lc Co, Bankers, 121 South . ' hird street, Philadelphia. JAMES JR, CLARK g, nil City. Philadelphia. President—ALßEßT H NiCOLAY, New York. Vice President—AND - am AtEHAFFET, Philadelphia. Treasurer— A V STOUT, President Shoe and Leather Bank, New York. Secretary—Enattran C STEDEAN. Cauqsel—William H Anthon, New York; Adam C El lis, New York. Bankers—Shoe and Leather Bank, New York; Clark son & Co, Philadelphia. No. 52 William street, New York; No. 121 F.outh Third street, Philadelphia. Capital Stock, 300 ) 000 Shares ) At the Nominal Par or $5 each—Subscription Price, $2 per Share. The New York and Philadelphia Petroleum C ompany has been organized with the greatest care, by experienced capitalists of the two cities, whose names are united in its own. It will Lc managed exclusively for the interests of it stockholders,. -Wo pains have been spared to place it ou a genuine and substantial footing. Most valuable and extensive tracts of Oil and Coal land have been secured in fee, and the lease hold producing interests in the heart of tile Venango County (Fa) Oil }legion. Attention is invited to the fol lowing schedule of the company's property, including fee simple territory, leaseholds, producing wells, and wells in the various stages of completion: No I—Thirty acres of bottom land, in fee, 021 the Alle gheny river, having a water-frontage of nearly one mile New ten-horse power engine and fixtures. Two wells sunk to the depth of 300 feet, and already filled with oil. Room for forty moi e wells. No 2—Three hundred and twenty acres of rich Oil Land in fee, lying nearly opposite the above, having a mile of water-frontage on Prather and Bennet Runs. Well supplied with timber. No 3-4 Me-sixteenth lease interest on the. famous SILAS WARD, Nu. 12 North Third Street Previous to taking inventory on January Ist CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c., &C., &C. SOL. BROWNOLD I OFFICES OF THE COMPANY STOCK SUBJECT TO NO BUTCHER ASSESSMENT. 1,000 Shires, or $lOO,OOO Reserved for Work log Capital, "Widow M'Clintock ?arm ' " Oil Creek. One well down and testing; another just ready to tube; a third just started. Two first-class engines. Tubing tools, fixtures, teams, wagons, &c,, No .4—tame interest in lease on the well•known "Ham ilton,lit'Clintock Farm," Oil Creek. One well now being tested; already yielding twelve barrels daily, and rapidly increasing. Others going down. two new engines, with fiXtfith.,s complete. No s—One-twelfth of two leases on the Clapp Farm, near the Great Williams and Stanton 1 0-barrel wells. On this property is "Sherman Well, No. 2," now down five hundred feet. Engine, &c., &c Rooms for more wells. No 6.—One-sixteenth of the fee in firty-seven acres of coal land, adjoining the Cranberry Coal Company's beds. This property is of the'utmost value to our operations, supplying us with coal at all seasons, and when the works of other companies are forced, to be idle for want of fueL From these estates, the trustees arc assured of their ability to declare large and regular monthly dividends, at an early day, and of the speedy appreciation of the shame o a market value far above he sm.scription price. The investigating committee, sent from New Yo •k and Philadelphia, whose favorable report is printed with the prospectus, speak in unlimited terms of the Company's property and prospects. Books for original subscription will be opened on Wed nesday, December TO, at the offices of the Company, and at the New York, Philadelphia and Boston banking houses named below. Proapectus, maps and detailed information at eitner Subscription Office The public are assured, that, whether for investment or speculation, no better security than these shares can be obtained SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS. F A Palmer, at Broadway Bank, 237 Broadway, New York. Polhamius & Jackson, 43 Exchange Place, New York. Albert H Nicolay & CO , 52 William street New York. Clarkson & Co., 12L South Third street, Philadelphia. J G Martin, Banker and Broker, Boston Steuart & Co., Bankers, Washington, I) C. S. D. INGRA.M, 15 Maiket St., Subscription Agent at Ilarrithurg dean w3t-deodcf THE LOCHIEL. (FORMERLY HERR'S HOTEL,) CORNER OF MARKET AND THIRD STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. THIS well known and long established ho lel, after having bean thoroughly overhauled and re-furnished with ENTIRELY NEW FURNITURE, Is now open for the reception and a7commodation of the public. All the modern improvements hate been introduced in the extensive alterations and additions made to this pro perty, so that the proprietors of the LOCHIEL can justly claim rank for their establishment among the first class Hotels of the country. lON. Careful and courteous servants have been em ployed for every department; a well se'ected stock of wines and liquors has been vaulted, and the proprietors beg to assure the public that, with their own experience and knowledge of the business, they feel confident of giving full satis IL faction to all their guests. LIAM W. REED & CO., Proprietors. CHARLES H. II AzIN. WILLI.AX W. REED. State Capital Reseaurant, Corner of Third and Walnut Streets, HARRISBURG. OYSTERS of the best quality served in any and every style. HEALS served up at all hours. Choice Liquors, Ale arid Cigars, always on hand at the bar, (061,9412 w) S, L ewrz, Proprietor, NEW ADVF,RTISEMENTS. PENNSYLVANIA IMPLRIAL 011 COMPANY• Office 139 South Fifth St,, Phila. Capital = 32,000,000 200,000 Shares at $lO 00 Each. Subscript OIR Price S 5 per sltarepar full for paid' stock. • Reserved Capital PRESIDENT-MEX. B. MC:LURE. DIRECTORS. John M. Pomeroy, RllEllO. l 4'. Davie, Peter B. Small, J. C. Bomberger. 'eey.—T)S. M. SELLERS. Treas. —ELM A. W. DAVIS. A. K. McClure, Thomas A. Scott D. K. Jackman, MEETS Company has three different tracts A. of land now producing Oil, and ample revel:mos to guarantee regular dividends. The three tracts with wells on them are capable of ex tensive development, and the Company have five engines and all the fixtures reedy to prosecute the work It has 120 acres in fee on Allegheny river, immediately opposite Oil city, with 110 rods river front, and 75 rods front on Ley 's Run. This land is now worth $lOO,- 000 exclusive of the oil tight. It has 100 acres in fee in the Cherry Run d'strict, im mediately adjoining Cherry Run Petroleum Company, and leases are about to be executed with two strong par ti - a to sink wells on lease on this tract the Company to receive half of the oil. It bag two tract. , of land on Oil creek, each producing over ten barrels per day, and one trace on the Allegheny producinglen barrels of heavy Oil, Wraith - $2l per barrel All of these tracts will be promptly develOped, and they are well tested al lands. It is organized on a certain basis to pay dividends from the start. Its revenues from the Oil alone are more than twelve per cent. per annum on the capital; and new wells are about to be sunk on lease, without cost to the company, and one-half the proceeds will belong to the company. The company has $250,000'0f its own capital in reserve belonging to the stockholders, and taking it altogether its resources for certain dividends are not approached by any other Oil stock now in thg market et even double the dec2B-2w orig:n al cost. The officers of this company mean to presecute the de velopment of these lands most energetically, and they have entire confidence that they will yield very large dividends on the capital stock. Subscriptions will be received at this office by dec26-tf C / ZORGN BERGNER. Ito ! for Christmas At No. 109 Market' Street, HARRISBURG, TS the place to buy Presents for the Holt days. Call and examine oar stock of FANCY BASKETS, WILLOW and REED ROCKING CHAIRS for Children, TOY ROCKERS and ARM CHAIRS, WILLOW HIGH CHAIR S, NURSERY CHAIRS, CAMP CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, FEATHER PILLOWS and BOL ST ERS, BLANKET COVERLIDS, COM FORTS, COUNTERPANES, PAT ENT SPRING BEDS, IRON BEDSTEADS, .c. J. 'l'. BA.HDTfTZ. .31ctrIcet street, near Fifth, Harrisburg. deaf) rEw WM. BRADY, No. 64 Market St., Harrisburg, TEAS just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and is prepared to ofnr to the citi zens of Harrisburg and vicinity the choicest and most carefully se:ected STOCK OF GOODS Iu his line cver offered in this city, consisting in part the following articles: Fine Gold Hunting-cased ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND SWIM IVATCHE' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Flue Solid Silver and Plated Ware, SUITAELE FOE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SUCH AS Tea Setts, Castors, Berry Dishes, Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, Ice Pitchers, Fine Table, Tea, Fish, Butter & Fruit Knives Eoup Ladles, Napkin Rings, Card-receivers, Call Bells, FINE JEWELRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS White acd Black Onyx, Coral, Amethyst, Carbuncle, Buoy and Pearl Botta, Initial Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Necklaces for ladies and children, Gold and Silver Thimble., Gold Guard, Chat°lain, Vest, and Fob Chains, - Lockets, Charms, Tooth Picks. - Dawson, Warren and Bydd's and John Poleyis celebra- Vid Gold liens, in gold, sliver end gutta percha holders Seth Thomas' ueelebrated Calender Regulators," asd an endless variety of every thing in his line. We reverse the old maxim, and invite ladies and gen tlemen to call at other places first, then give us a call and see the diffdrence in stock and prices. We defy compe tition. W. BRADY, decls 02 Market street NINTH ANNUAL BALL OF THE Friendship Fire Company, TO BE GIVEN AT BRANT'S CITY HALL, (Theatre room) ON MONDAY BYRNING, JANUARY td, 186 TICKETS .$2 00. de22 T be bad of any member of the Company. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Pr4V special list of 5 per cent. tax on in comes for the year 1863, is now in my hands for col lecaon, and is hereby demanded for Dauphin county at my office in Harrislintie To all those who neglect to pay after ten days, a spacial demand will be issued, for which the law provides a -fee of 20 cents, and four cents per mile and 10 per cente'pen ally, after that, to be collected by distraint checks, pays ble in government fonds, or the note by mail atyour or by the hands of friends will be receicei No foss will be cha!ged for notices issued before the lira inst. A. K. FAEINESTOO B , dec2o Collector 14th District Patina. 1221151 FOR SALE, SEVERAL HUNDRED improved farms in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and several large tracts of unimproved land in Illinois, lowa and Wis consin Catalogues with full descriptions and prices of each, will be sent by mail, free of charge, upon applica tion. SAMUEL A. SARGENT. N. W corner 6th and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, O. deol4-d3w* - - $250,000. Nut-picks, &c., &c., &c, 81JCH AS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Christmas Presents C. A. BOAS'. NO. 7 MARKET SQUARE. Ap. BOAS respectfully calls the attention t . c1 , 12011S Ind straners to his largo and well se Lag SriDOCIS. fID - Es Fine Gold American and Swiss Watches, Ladies' Chadlain and Gentlemen's Vest Chains, Small Swiss Watches for Boys, Fiuo sets of Jewelry, such as Coral, white and black Onyx, Pearl. Amethyst and Gold sets, Gulls Percha Chains, Pen holders, Pencil', Gold Lo:kets, t+leere Buttons, Vingaißliw, Tooth-picks and Studs. FINE SILVER. 'WARE. cc Cream sets, Vyster, gravy and Cream Ladles," Teaspoons, plain and twisted handles, Cake Lifters, Bossy Feeopa, Preserve Fpoous, in pair or single, Indict oral :Alt-sellers, Butter 'knives Plain and Fancy Hal-spoons, r rult- Etnivez PLATED WARE Tea cora, Round and Oval Waiters, Break - est and Mar Castors, Cake and Fruit aasketF, sugar Bowls, Magic nutter Dehes, Pickle stands, Ice Pitchers, Tea KaiVe3, Nat Crackers,. and Pia's, Tea, Table and Dessert Spoons, Dinner Forts, Children's sets, ExLives, Forks and Spoons del9-2w Wm. M. Gray & Co. DON'T fail to stop and examine our new stock of fine familTgroceries just received for the CHRISTMAS - HOLIDAYS, Consisting of the following articles: Fresh canned peaches, Blac'be:ries, Smawberries, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beane, Also, new layer and bunch raisins, in whole boxes, %, and %, Currants, Citron, Seedless raisins, Figs in large and small boxes, Figs paste in cakes or boxes, Fine catawba gapes, Resorted jetties, consisting of Currants, Blackberries, Raspberries, Lemon, Pineapple, Peacb, Apple, , Orange, Pear and Quince jelly New mine% meat always on hand, and new sweet cider; also, a new stock of queensware, eft China cups, and par lor ornaments, China toy tea setts for children, and veil -Ipw ware, , ust received at WM. M. GRAY & (Houser & Loahman's o'd stand, Market Square.) decl9 , SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES DURING THE HOLIDA.YS, TO REDUCE. STOCK, At No. 52 Market Street 9111 E subscriber returns his sincere thanks 1 to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage during the past four years, and begs leave to inform them that he tins a very elegant assorted stock of fine Watches. Chains, Rings, P. 13; Sleeve 13,3- tons, Scarf Pins. Charms, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Thimbles„ Silver Spoons, Butte: Knives, Salt, Sugar Cream and Preserve Sp:mus; Silver-Plated Cups, Goblets, Cake Baskets, Berry 'Dishes, Syrup Pitchers, Breakfast Tea, an•i Dinner Castors, S.c., which will make very ele gant and durable Christmas Pres , lllS. Calf and examine for yourselves. Make selections while the assortmeat is full. No pains spared to shove goods. Ail the above sold at very small wont deol3-tf A. P. ZIMMERMAN. GOOD N S WALNUT SIREET IN A GREAT BLAZE, ITAKE this mahod of informing my nu- Merouss friends and the public in general, that I have opened my new Clothing Store, corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, where I am willing to sell fifty per cent cheaper than any other store in the city. Coals worth $3O, for $2O. Pants worth $9, for $6, and vests worth $5, for $3, and everything in proportion. All goods leaving my establishment I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. Don't fail to come and convince yourself of the truth. decl2-1 m* B. BERNHARD. - - - NEW PRODUCE & FEED STORE. MAMMONU. HAS OPENED St PRODUCE & FEED STORE No. 18 MARKET STREET, Opposite Gross & Co's Drag Store, HARRISBURG, 'Where he wilt keep always on hand Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Flour, Corn Meat Buckwheat Meal, Oats, Corn, Ray, and alt kinds or Produce, which he will sell at prices lower than they may be bought at market • dec22•lm RANK A. MIIBRAv, Agent. HORSES! HORSES! HORSES! QUARTERMASTER GBITIMAL'S Crams, t FIRST DTVIEME, WASHINGTON., Dec. 1, 1864. I HORSES, suitable for Cavalry and Artillery smeice, will be put chased at Olesboro Depot, in open market, till DECEMBER. 31, 1864. Horses willbe delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore, A. Q. H., am! be se.iwted to the usual Government itt- SpEOLiOII before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Homes, $175 each • Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO eaCa. Payment will be made for six !)era! MOT A. S. JAMES EKIN. Colonel in Charge First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. dec3 tdecal BANE. NOTICE WHEREAS, the Auditor General, as re quired by the 11th section of the act, entitled "• n act enab iu the banks of tins Commonwealth to be come associations tor the purpose of bent ing under the laws of the TJaited states,". passed on the 222 day of Au gust A D. 1864, has ce tilled to me Vrat the • SAMOS- IiIIRG B has iurnished sat stactory evidence t" him that all the requirements of said act have been complied with by the said bank, and that it has become an associa tion for the purpose of banking under the laws of the tinned States: r do, therefore, cause this notice thereof to be publ:shed in accoi dance with the provisions of •lae said 11th section of the said act, and do declare that the cha•ter of said bank by the terms of said act, is deemed and taken to be surrendered, subject to the provisions of the first sec tion of said act. A. G. CU A I DI, Governor of Pennsylvania. rXECCTITE CILEMBER, IIAIIIIIIIBITRO, December 20, 1864_ • JACOB F. HAEHNLEN 9 S STEAM CRACKER AND BISCUIT BAKERY CORNER OF CHERRY AN DRIVEALLEYS, dea-dSca HARRBURG. UNITED STATES Seven -Thirty Treasury Notes/ Of the 'various denomination; For Bale at the HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK. dec,24.11 J. W. WEIR, Cashier. SHISLER & FRAZER HAVE, and are receiving goods In their usual line, for Christmas, for families, consisting of rusE SPICE, ltalitlNS, in ensiled pa-kages, Figs ssei Primes, Apples, C.der, Wine, Brandy, hum, kc. Prepared Mince Meat, put up by tbemostcelebrated manufacturer, Mr. Atmore Fine new crop New Orleans Itiolastes an I Sorghum Syrup, a domestic which is considered a fine a,- tide for baking purposes.decl.4 PURE SWEET CEDER. received to-day S OUR & ICKSPERici do2o 1 m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers