T HE TELEa Is PUBLISHED' .:11URNING AND AVENING, t:EO fGE BIlEfNElfi, OFFICE THIEL , S i r. , NBAR, WALNUT, TERMS OE SUBSCRIPTION., FiNGLE SIaShChIPTION. Tilt PAIL'S TELE(IRAPTI is served tJ subscribers in tlie city at 1.% !.., ,cata p-r wce t. subselii*re a i,l be barged $6 2 00 io aovanee. Tho-o persons wits neglect to pay in a d,ante whl be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TEIAGRAPH. TES TELEOSAPE( is a!so published weekly,and is furnished : -,,lv.criber.'s at the following cash rates: • &ogle copies, weekly ..$2 00 Three copies to one Post Office 500 Ten copies. to one Nst. Office 15 00 N ti:W ADVERTISEMENTS. soi;iiiAl: IN ABUNDANCE AT 3E, IA - Id F. IEI, ' S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORE, No. 91 MARKRT STARRY. NATE are happy in presenting to our pa trons again this season, an entire new stock of Riney Goods for the holidays. fresh from the hands of importers, and at prices astonishingly low for the times. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A HUSBAND WE lIAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR . A • 4141 WIFE., WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A . BROTHER... WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR_ A SISTER IiASE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A FRIEND GIFTS ACCEPTABLE AND Appropriate to All. Ia adddion to our Epecial IItANCY GOO. S, we have the usual large wort: of ToiLEiTARTIOLitS and PIitRFUSIE KY, chicn remains unrivaled in this city. Our French confections are unsurpassed and will give entire satisfoctLon, Oun't fail to go to Roller's. Sou will there find the most bnainiful display of fine gcods, and the greatest variety yet off,red in this city. It would be vain to atte , iipt. tu number or ,deknthorn; ibe they must be teen. Cali. It is our business to show go.odt; yours to buy, if you see proper. . Competition is the Ofe of trade, and we enter the arena stab pietsure, det,rmmed to act our part well. , Please not cc, that we are ollering some goods cheaper, inreality. than farmer gold prices, aid if you want bargain; go at once, to KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS dec22 STORE'. A Fine Assortment of Jewelry EXPRESSLY FOR : • Holiday Presents GEO. W. lIVCALLA, NO. 38 BIARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, Has now the finest, best selectel and most:desirable selec- XlCin or Jewelry ever brought fib Harrisburg, which he wil sed at prices to suit the times. Toe stock embraces, in pa t, the ful owing articles : told sad si.ver watches. Fine cot al, tcyaz,amethyst,.peari, onyx and gold setts of jewelry. Fine diamond, carbuncle and seal rings. Gutta-percha pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Gold and sitvrr chains. d sad silver thimbles I,eckets and sleeve buttons. ring and ear-rings of all descriptions. itlilver and plated ware. Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry dishes, butter knives sod fruit knives: • Breakfast and dinner castors. syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands. 0 Ildren's cups, goblets and call bells. Fancy bronzed Mantle ornaments Patted spoons and torts And au ostensive assortment of floe clacks. .DF - Ladies sad r euilemen in search of pre ants for the holidays, will co well to examine this stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. .10" All geocs warranted as represented when sold. declA. H6LIDA Y GIFT S AT Knoche's Music .Store, 93 Market Street. puNos, Cabinet Organs and Melodeons, Piano stools and Covers. Guitars, Flut s, Violins, etc. Musical Works of all descriptions. Portfolios for Sheet Music. Sheet Music, the latest and most popular publications!, Engravings, Paintings, Plmtographs. Oval and square gist Walnut and Rosewood Frames. Albums the largest and best astiortment in the city. Call and examine toe stock of the largest Ditt.Tic • Store this aide of the great cities. W. &NOCHE, - iccla-tjanl 93 Market street. No P,! NO IS COMPLETE WATTIOVT Copies 01 *! : lie Following Elegant Workst "THE HOME CRt. A collection of Marches, &dowse Quadrilles., Oen- Waltzes, Parkas, Schottht. 4 . leB i d Plano Gems. .2 VOll3. era Dances, Four Hand riticel ° "TUE SR •WhR a colltctioh of choice Duets, viii th Piano AccompanimOta .THE E'LVER CliuktD,' a collection of Songs, BallaciA', te Quarts, Duets, , with Piano accompaniments. i` OPESATIC PEART.s, , a col cotton of Gems from the Heat Operas, ith Piano Accompaniments. i rice of eiSch, s2'6o; C.oth, $.3 00; Fe I gilt, sd'oo. Mailed OA d pai on receipt of price. OLIVIE DIMON & CO., Publizhersi 277 Washington street , Boston. dec2o-ue ' SHAFFEIt & iißoTfivia, PAPER HAN GUS, AND DEALERS IN WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, & Harker Square, Harrisburg, Pa. decsl.-ly Information Nl"ee TO NERVOUS NUFFERERS A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous bility, Incompetency, Premature Deray, and Youth tui Error, actuated ty a desire to benefit others, will be happy to famish to all who need it, (free of tharge,) the reeeipe and directions for mating the simple - remedy . uhed in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the, advertiser's bad experience, and posse-a a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at Once at his pla6e of busi ness. The Recipe and fall information—of vital Impor tance—will t e cheer! ully sent by return maiL Address JOHN B. CGDEN, No. 60 Nassau street, Now York. P. S.— Nervous sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. no29.daunm Diaries ! Diaries ! FOR 186~i. G assortment of Diaries and Daily 11 the year 1665, for sale at Scheer s J L o ' l;Dalrfor Bookstore, tn. South Second street, Harrlaking, Pa nos QAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut -10 meg told New York State Mow, just received at SHIS4SR I FRAM, successors to W Dock, inyb MINCRD MEAT received fresh eve., the celebrated manufacturer, Atmore week fr,."43 DOYER KERPER'S. rtaladelphla, at deal? H AERth :TNG NATIONAL am or, December 10, 1864. MBE annual election fo: thirteen directors lonal of this bank will beheld, as reciu!"d„PY 'he nat currency act, on Tuesday, the 10th day Annex)" next, at the banking house, between the boars of OA. AL an d s•.• M. J. W. Itikl declo-te Casti:;4r. ' NATIONAL HOUSE RESTAURANT. HAVE es-fitted and opened the above I named restaurant. where all the delicacies of the am= will be served up. such as Oysters, Game, Terra pin, &e. - .Vise public are most reapectfriny invited to call. Families )supplied with oysters. A. J WAREIELD. N. 1f.14.1 en lunch given every day from 10y. to 11% deolOdilm* BRANDY PEACHES, Spiced and Pickled Oysters, jest received at WU' M. GRAY & (Rouser and LoClimacOs old avid, Market sqeare • der-21 . . . '''. " .".."''''...::" ; ::2' 41 " V "!...."^"''.9 ,, "7- , r , ...7.6C0rr....2«:.-' , " , ... ~..z , 1 ., ~..4...t.. ~........;:,..7:,: T... ?...',,,...: • .:".. 774,4:4,'N''''=.; ^-,.: _ A ;14 . i.h.-:Y.i. "'".....'.:_1-f.. - f:';': -- ' . 4. —_ _ _ -- -- - . . - -..,--- 0 1 1ifil/44,/ .. ' - ' - .' - - . : •,.^ t " . -,- : "- " - . 4 '...."1'i .','.....-- :_i .".4 : . I .' ',.. ,I , i. :..o. I (it 1. 1 5 ! .. ~. 1 ~ ..:_' -.' 1 ~..i ..; .i:= % A DiE44": :- • . . . . N . `t.'. . s, ._.,..,. . : :....,. %-ri.,,,.. - • _ • ••••.-, 4 p t i1, , ,,,,,-. •• , •:- . . . 1 ' \ .. • , ...-1.:...:,:: 11 . 7 . ...?-:.::' , \ al ) 1" bl . ... „ . • A . * .: . - . Goo - n - 1 CRE. 'lt 0 ItE E •P ILL S. FEMALE REt ULA,TOzIt Elf. AiL Et. E AT 0 SUGAR-COATED. I-lettlth. Preserver gft. 27. A N, .A N ,D, d. FA. :Wriror 'the litemotxtl of Chaim -dim/ reind !ht IruedranCe of Reputority-in,the.ReQurrenee of the 'Hotifhly" Periods: • - far They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring-from irregularity, by removing the irregularity itself. - • • ,g-Thep cure Supprerae'd, Excessive and Painful'Mei =nation. ,They cure preen Sickness (Ghlorosie.), fge-They cure Reivous and 'Spina Affection's; -pains in the back and lower parte of the body, Heaviness,,Fatigue, on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, LOW11(188.. of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddlhess, lte.-,.&c. a *DM; by removing - .the Arre,gularity; - they remove .the cause, 'and with it sm. the effects tbsit spring .from It . /la-Composed of siniple vegetabieextraets, they -con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution,; however delicate, their function being to substitute Strength far weakness, *lnch,, when properly:use:4 they never fail to MESH TILTS HAVE NEVER RIMY KNOWN': TO FAIL warm.: THE DISCBCTIONS'AILE' WELL OBSERVED_ : • tir.6ll letters seeking Information or advice' salt be promptly, freely and disereetly:anewared.: Fell directions accompanying eachrbok. sigt- Price $1 per box, or six boxera , for SST Ayr seilt by mail; free of postage, on receipt of price. igt,Panifiblets sent 'too of postage, by - Et' NERWIN & CO;` Proprietors, 16:41R-4(0-46?, NO. 63 Liberty street, new York. R. NV RIGH T:' S REJUVENATING RLIX•IR! On, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared, frrim Pure.. Vegetable Extracts containing riot" thing injurious to the most delicate. "As the Phenix rises from the ashes of its fire, ani mates with new life",se dees this Elixir rejuvenate: the. system and overcame disease..• ear The Rejuvenating - . Alixir. "is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom, being un entirely new and abstraet method of cure, irrespective , of. all . the old and worn-out systems. far This medicine:has been tested by the - most emir , nerd medical men of the day,. and by them pronounced , to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. oar One botilon'idnute General Debility. Aar A few dosexctire Hysterics in females. /a- One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. ow-From one to three bottles restore the manliness and full vigor of youth, gab- A few doses feaotz4l/43 appetite. sir Three nOLUOS curethe worst case of Impotency. • gar A tew doses cure the low spirited. .- Aar One bottle restores mental power. SIT A few d see restore the organs of generation. ,fie A few doseabrileg the-rose to the cheek. Aar 'nig medicine restores to manly . vigor and intend health the poor, debilitatednern.aown and despairing. —The listless enervlited - youth, the over-tasked . man or business, the victim of nervous depression, the Jodi vidual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this •Filixir or Essence of Life. jor ?rice $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by txpiess, on receipt of money, to any address BY GEORGE BERGNEIi MEDICAL. agi- THE CHEROKEE PILLS and REJUVENATING ELIXIR are sold by all euterprising druggists in, the civil ized world. Some unprincipled dealers, hoWever, try. to sell worthless compounds.in place of these those Which they can purchase tan clieap price, and make more mo ney by selling than they can on these medicines. As you value your health—.ay, the 'lcahn of your future off sprisg—do not be deceived by such unprincipled -drug gist..., ask for these medicines and take no ether: If thee druggist will not buylhem for you, inclose the money in a lett,r, and we will send' them to you by Express, se curely settled and packed, free from observation. Ladies or gentlemen can address •us .in perfect confi dence, stating and plainly their diseases and symp tom; as we treat all diseases of a chronic nature in male or female. Patients need not hesitate becauto of ,their inability to visit us, as we have treated patients anaemia. fully in all portions of the civilized globe, by correspond ence. Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and write post office, county, State, and name of writer, plain, and Inclose postage stamp for reply. We send our 32-page Pamphlet free to any address.— Address all letters to the Proprietors DR. W. It. MkRIVIN & CO., nols-deod-4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York. THE LONG LOOKED FOR HAS cogE! HEALTH AND HAPPEN - ELS TO THE HONS, AND. DAUGHTERS Or AFFLICTION - • DID. CO_LL•LNS' SYRUP OF - ROOTS BARKS AND HERBS, FOR the cure of Coughs, Colds,Sorelliroat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and - all similar corn piaints. The object of this Medicine Is to soothe and ease the cough; to dissOlve the congeitled phlegm- that adheres and sticks to the throat, which excites haclOng, hawking, and coughing, to relieve the irritation in the throat, which is produced by catching cold .pn the slightest ex poiure. It, expectorates the-diseased matter that has ac cumulated in the Lanka which retards and: oppresses the respiratory or breathing orginS, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tithes . • This modicivagives tone to the ston*ch, it - Purifies and circulates the blood,: Which causes oppression of the chest and diffigulty in breathing. Good No,toit for dfotheri and Children. .. Here is the sufferer's balm keep it in your Mmily, sickness comes as thief in the night, and youtchild Is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup; or •sinallar. complaints. Hera is a preyeulative--it-isnature's friend..- These Medic:angrier.) prepared and sold by , ' • • SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the writer of Third street and Strawberry alley. - AlsO, for sale at the Drug Store of • J. M. BOMGARDNEtc,' Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. All orders should be. addredsed to ,Dll. S. pOILLpig, Harrisburg... • These Medicates are purely Vegetable. m4l? A FEW MORE COPIES of the RULES FOR REGULATING THE PRACTIG T E IN THE SUPREME COURT AND ' COURTS OF THE • TWELFTH JUDJOIAL DISTRICT OF • PENNSYLYANIA, Composed of Dauphin and Lebanon counties. Price $3 50. For sale at Schaffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. nob TELLIES, ft, currants, Blackberry,. Pine Apple' Cl:tarry, JOHN WISE'S. [tlcl2-dtl] Far salo at PHEESE—Choiee- new crop Cheese, ju vt„) rooolved .1311:1SLER &FRAZIER, .1011 Stumembro to W. Oda; Jr.. k 00 VALENTL4 RAISINS, a new invoibe, at nol FIBISIER & manna ATIITS. —Almonds, Cream Nuts; Chestnuts, Eugliitt Wanes, Filbpitts:and :Walnuts, at decl2-dtf JOHN WISE'S. NEW . GAItIE FOR: .CHILLEEN• /MAME OF SOLITAIRE, togithei with an I.A assortment of other Games, at Scheffer's Bookstor a e, 21 South Second street. Harrisburg . Pa. oc • VITRA FAMILY FLOUR and COB 12/ MEAL stasis OP bead, of the best quality at • IS , ~:soriay&: soriay& -K94nie. _ . TmAtii KETSUP, by the gallon, quart 01 pint, just received at Wit M GRAY Tower tuldLOChmal.'S old stood, ladllOotoqua r ) deD EGasl2.D,Ait,gend let o f Apples and .; flee o, - _ _ JOHN '1240- A. Third and:W.444," . - . _ . T" . LAAGFAT and beatrielOation of Geo ceries is ate city, to be had at 0028 "AAziR3O- . - 4 CIAXM FillArt4—Petteteo, DigeklaiVel ILA Tomatoes rat OW'S:dal JOHN WWI% IrS . lON IiA.RRISIjURG, PA.. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER' 31, 1864 MEDIC A DYSI/EPSIA Cttre Wari-runt64l. — Dyspepsia has the following Sympionts: /at: A constant pain or, uneasiness : , at the pit of the Stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidfty. 3d. CestiVenesaandMoss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom:and DipiessiOn of Spirits. 6th. Diarrhima, with.latiping,„ , 6th. Pain in all parts of - the'System. 7th. ConeuriiPtive Symptoms. and 'Pal pita thin of the Heart. - Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. I 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep et night. , oth. toss ot Appetite•and .Vomiting.. 11th. DIZZM(3O6; Din:limps of 'Vision, and Moss of sight. 12th. , Headache and Staggering in walking, iritlf great weakness. Out of the thousands of- oases of 'Dyspepsia that' have'used Dr, Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has' failed of a perfect cure. We gaffer - it lenre in every 'case, no matter iof twitityyears' standing. ;Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's. office, No. 10 N. Second street, iPhiladelPhia, Pa. All examinations and con saltiftiond free of charge. Send for a circu lar.' Price $1 per box. Sent, by mail, free ;of , , charge, en receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPRPSIA,t ,DYspr,psiA, BitAirsos, of - Brandywine, Del., 'formerly of Old,Chester, Del:; do certify that, for one year and Shalt I suffered every- Ithing but death from that-awful diSease ' called Dyspepsia. whole System was prostrated 1 1 .with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if ate even a cracker or the araidlest amountlof',..foodi it would 'return' !just as I swallowed it; .I became so costive in [my bowels that I would - not passage-inhale? less than from four and often eight days'; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way.. I,hada.dreadfal horror and evil forebodings.:,. thought everybody hated me, and I hated eVerybOdY; I could not bear my husband nor myown children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do.anything; , I lost all my love of family artdditerie;. I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I .felt :that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no.. heaven for me, and: was often tempted- to commit .suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de= stroyed, and also.my mind from that awful oomplaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr Kirkbride's hospital, West' Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, brit in a few dayanny dreadful born-! plaint was ra,ging as badlas ever. +Hearing of the wonderful. Cures perfornied• by Dr: Wis.f , hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his , treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr._,Wiiihart and elated my case to him. He said he had r no,doubt lie could cure me. So in three days after I called and place& myself under the Dootor's treatment, and in two weeks I, began to digest my food,and felt' that my disease was fast siving., continued to recover fornbent three months,' and at the present time I enjoyperfect•health of body and mind,-andl , most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful . God and. •Dr. Wis.' hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine 'Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Afiylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with ,Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on use or write, as I am willing to do -all the- good—l•ean...for -suffering -hu manity. FALIZARE t TIiI BRANSON, Brandywine, Det", formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. Wisiunr's Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. , DYSPEPSIA!DYSPEPSIA —— Da:WISHAST—I , have • been a .. .constant , ' snifferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen: years, during. which time. I oannot.say•JAver enjoyed &perfectly mell.slay... .There wore times when the symptoms were more aggravated than*, otheri,bind then it ISOieed it would he'g great re lief to die. I had at all times an unplemant.feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings go much increased that I became almoit unfit for business•of any: kind in mind: was continually filled with gloomy thongifte• and , foie- bedtime, and if I attempted ter change Ahem current by reading, St once 'sbetistion Of icy coldness in connection with a ; dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain ,• awe, feeling Of sickness would °emir at. the stomach," and greet pain to my eyes, accompanied with which wee the continual fear of losing my reason.. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and:nersonenees, which made it difficult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became, averse to • society and disposed only seclusionimtd hairingiried . the skill of a number of eminent physicians of darioni3 School's; finally &the tO theetinclasion:that,.for this dileaSOat my present age (45 years) thdrd was no dare In existence. But, through the interference 'of Divine Providence, to whom I devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a sovereign remedy in, your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar cordial, which seem to have, effectually removed al most thilest trace of my long list Of .ailments and bad feelings, and la their place health, pleasure and content meat are my everyday companions. . JAHES It sArivssits, _ Ne. 461 North 310=d - street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr. Wisbait's Office No. 30 North Secend street, Phila delphia.. POSITIVE CURE FOR ..DttiFEFRA: iri..mauer 40.11 r .mutOOOmBAYS., N5:1.'1028 , 01.1 , 1E ISTMIST, Philadelphia, January 22d, 1803> Da. 'Otsatarr—Sim—lt is with much pleasure that I am now able to inform you that, by, the use of your great American Dyspepsia. Pills, I. - haveheen entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia; bad been grieviously afflicted - for the Jest twenty-eight years, and for ten yearaef ttiat time nave not' been free from! its path one week at a time. I have had9t inita worst farm and have dragged on a mostmMeiable existence—in pain, day and night. Every kind of food that I ate filled me with wind and pain, it mattered' not how light, or how small the quantity . A continued belching was mire to follow I had nisappotitn ter ank , kiedi meats what, ever and my distrors was so great several Months be fore I hoard of your PillC, that IcTrequently Wished for death. I had taken everything that I' had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; -but on your Pills being recommended to me by one who hid been cured by them, I concluded to give themlit trial, although I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken one-fourth of a box, and after taking half a box, lam a well man, and can eat anything I wish, and 'enjoy a hearty meal three times a day without Inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. le you think proper, - you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me:. 14111 cheerfully give all de. 'treble inforination to any one Who May call on me Yowl; reePectfhllY, JOHN IL BABOOCH. For tale at Dr. Wisiaarles Medical Depot, No: 10 Death Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per box. Sent by maul free of charge, on receipt of price. • . DYS-PEPSIA I DYSPEPSIA! s a meem , Haven i have been a great -su ff erer with Ohmic Dyspepsia and Inflitaimatien - of Die 'Kidney's for three years employed three otrour of 'the most, emi nentphysielanspf Philadelph* also of Darlington county . N. y. `'They' did all for sae they could, but all to no pur pose. -I was constantly tilled with awfhi pale and dis tress,und with condign belching of wind and sour acid. to was .eotreredwith ,s ‘13,1* eeilrpper: pelvis untirit cranked la lajgo'l furrowa, "end wend leattully morel ' Ohl I °Mites wish - ltd. - foe deithlo tfaUfaivmsaj my gaming; for I had lust all hope of everflivniu again'... :tannic its Subject of prayer to God that he would - - direct Whin: some amanita.. or m anotow, would mire me. I - was told - to - read - an - advertisement - of Dr. Wlswir l s in the t heedelphie zeleo:aff Wrest cure ' ninule xigna4lr. 4ohnladvor,44, of 102 S Olive Watt,' Phi 401ittilit;Srial4WICan psis t 14) 0,0A00 1 4 a Qin* Igia.t*eli 4011144,11de* -NOW A4O 1) EV ER ." Meat, and told if he failed to mire m . e, it would bethe (aSt'ellbrt I Would Make. It has been ink weekisitice I eotomenced the useof his medicins, and I inn now a well inse,,fr . go [min all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with: comfort, and feel perfectly well. brr WlSliart, I Want you to publish 'my cage, as I Want. every pook.dyspontlesuffering as I vies, Mean on me and I 411klellitherni of the,:graat. cure r.bave received from your Invaluable medic,in,e; , . SAMUEL D. HAVEN.' Corner Venango, and Lambert streets near Richmond Street, formerly- front Wrightstown, Burlington county, The above are a few among the thattsands which this treat regnedy has saved from alt,tmthitcly grave. We havehhetimadh orlettersMilll PAYgicianEllx l 4 drug istg,whoo have; presMiliediand: split Cie Tar Cordial , saying' that thephitth never died or sold a medical which gave Stich univertad aatistactiMi. Prepared only by the proprietor, L. Q. C. WISHART, NO: 10 North Second 'street, Philadelphia, Pa Sold by DruggislS,everysFbere , BmtylB.eocl-d&w W AI) V ERT.ISEMEN TS. TEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touch lag at lIREENSTOWN (4.:Ordr.-draaßort.) The wel - flownn steamers of the Liverpool, New York ant Phila lphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), cam. ing the 11. S. Mails, are intended to sail as follows : ..... : . December 17. . . - January .24.- IA 14. (k_ral every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from Pier 94, North Miser.. • - . . ... . . . 1 Payable in Gold or its EqUiealent in Currency. FIRST CABIN, $BO 00 sTEEKAGE, $BO 00 . do - to London, .: 86 00 ,:o to Londoi, 34 00 do- to Patti, — -•%95 (0 do' lo Paris; 40 00 !do to HamburN 90 00 do to Hamburg, 87 00 • passengers also forwarded ip Havre, Br men, Ratter amt Antwerp, &CI, tit, etiiiiallydow rates. • • Fares from Liverpool or :Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, 85, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Those who wish to send for heir friends gin Miyitteketo here at these rates. . - - ! For further information apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, oel4. ! .. _ - 15. Broadway, N. Y. . INV - HEILZA.S t the Honorable JOIIEN J. Pnan- I . sox President of tue Court of Common Pleas in thelwelfth Judicial District, consisting of the counties of 1 Ihibanon and Dauphin, and ',the :Honorable SAMUEL ',ANNIE and Honorable Mosin Yeouria; Associate - Judges in Dan= `Min county, having issued their precept, bearing date the Bth day of- December 1864'thimedirected, for holding a :ionr tof Qyer and-Terminer and General Jail Delivery and . Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg, for the county lir Dauphin, and to commence on IDE MONDAY OF JANO itRY mar, beink the 16th' day of January , 1865, end to continue . twoyreeks. 'MAWS is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Teace,'Aidermen and Constables of the said county if Dauphin, that they be then and &hero in their proper persons, , at 101 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, eicaminations, and their own irenionihrfincen, to dO those Ihingi which to their cane 111 1 Pertairi 8. to be' done; and those who are bound in recog nizances to prosecute against the prisones that are- or hall bG Vie Jail of Dauphin bOafiliti be then and there o prosecute- against them as shall bo just & t 'Given under toy hand, at:Harrisburg, the 10th day of DOcotaber, in the year of our lord, 1864, and in the eighty ninth:Year of the indepondenors of the United States. W. W. JENNINGS, Sheriff. MEXRIFF'd OFFICE, Harrisburg, Dre 19, 1864. L TOYS; TOYS; TOYS, - F E. 5.331 0 L A Y A large and One assortment, consisting of Chink ten sets, &c., Wooden tea nets, - flidna baskets, Crying dolls. Vases, , Boxes of game, trumpets, - Paint boxes ' Morns, Tool chints, lloving.boys, ' Dressed dolls, • iiTtioly abeep," Doll beads- Fetches, ' . Guns and swords, ptables, ' Furniture, 01es.agerits; . 'Animals on wheels prace hoops, Kitchen joensils, 'Wind-mills, Infantry, rtsmmen, - -Cavalry, . - Rees/pins, Railway, - !Maglc lanterns, Poultry yards, theep folds, Ten-pins, ;Box Noah "ark, i • &c., &c., • &c.; &c . Also, a large and fine asoortment of sugar toys, land rents common candies. - • Also, always on hand such as foreign and domestic fruit in season, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits. wiles and crack ;ere, teas, spices and coffeejelliesnrid canned fruits, rais aria, entrants, citrons, prunes, - &c., wholesale and retail at the etore of JOHN WISE, nolo . ' Third and Walnut. B I[EHL_E_R - • NOUS E, 11A11,113.SBURG PA. The undersigned, having lately purchased the BUEHLER HOUSE ;property, has already commenced such alter atiOns and improvements:as will render this ;OLD AND POPULAR HOUSE equal, if not, supeOor, .to any Hotel in the 'city of Harrisburg. GEO. J. BOLTON. deo7,ly* HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • • GEO. W."MicCALLA - n No. 38 Market Street, Opposite the Jones Souse, AAS just received a large assortment of Jewelry, &c., suitable for Holiday Presents, and invites the public to give him a calL Select your present while the assortment iefulL decs-dim H. C. ORTH, Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. No. lfi, Tin STIOICT, BELOW biLltSitr. seps46m* G M BALLS. Bat Balls, • Parlor Balls, Musical Baits, • Alphabet Fancy Ribbed Ball A fall assortment at BERGNER'S Bciokstore. . . 19/UOKIVICEAT FLOUR.—A fresh supply I, of Towauda, Buckwheat, fresh ground Coru Meal, extra family Flour, hy, the bbl. or bag, every package warranted and delivered to all parts of the city freo of cbargo, at - BOYBR & IIBBPER 2 S. deal CATAWBA GRAPES .—A new lot of fine Catawba Gropes, by the box or pound, just received at ...WM. M. GBAY CO., (Houser and Loehman's old stand, Market square. FOE SALE, IDUIt VALIJABLE HOUSES, located in F different parts of the city. •Forparticulars enquire at the Cheap Grocery Store, corner of Third and Chestnut. no3Odtf FLOUR. LOUR. 5 TONS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, of a sups rier quality, just received from the Wyoming Valley andlor ado in any quantity at ' nol4 ' SHISLER &FRAZER'S. 50 t ß i BLS. es, bo of s. p p f p l . :te , Apples, good zarie deo; iiovaa ,kKEeRPER,S. QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a well af . faded eseortment,"just; received, of the latest etyl49 .- ~ -ROYER & KOERPIUt AEDICAL. 124TES ONCPASSAGE. PROCLAMATION - B •. - . IDt inETS I.BASKETS !--A veiy lane and vejl selected stock of all kinds of-Willow and Cedar gate; market," traveling and clothes Baskets, at "'deelf • • : BOYER dcELERPER,s. J•UST RECEIVED,; & fi ne lot of Pickles and ,or Att jmnitio,at. :[dealt-A617 JOHN *MLA . : Webster PRICE THREE -,ENTS EVENING EDITIVI, From the 201st Regiment. 01.31 P SLOUGI4 - ALP4iND.III.A.; Va., Dec. 28, 1884. I EDITOR TELEGRAPH—De2i*A97:77—The weather has been extremely mild since .ChristniaS eve,t but there is every indication of a storm at this writing, which' change would be gladly hailed by everybody around here, in anticipa tion of the drying up of the everlasting mud which has reigned, interrupted, for the past five days. Mud is king iu this section of Dixie, as we of the 201akeil know, from sad experience. • . paid a second visit to the hospitable resi dence of Mr. Lewis, the Superintendent of the Water-works, and spent an hour or two pleasantly, and with profit, in company with his intelligent and delightful family. The guard stationed at the reservoir and around kr. LeVis' piemises, is in charge of Corporal E. J. Mills;: and privates Lorenzo D. _Rainier, Samuel Shreadly, John :Roberts and George Shultze. These men are greatly at tached to Mr. Lewis' fartiily, and receive many favors at their hands. ' ' Among the many articles of int9rest in Mr. Lewis' cabinet of curiosity, we were shown a Stall mallet, beautilully ornamented with, silver—engraved on one end were the words: 'Presented to Andrew Jackson Lodge, No. 120, Alexandria, Va.!' On the reverse end the wordi: "Cedar cut on Mount Lebanon, Septembe,'2oth, 1859, by Brother George W. Kitabb, U. S.. Navy." The 'handle is also tastily ornamented with silver, and on the end has the following inscription: 'Handle cut at Mount Vernon, 1 a." It is also of red cedar, and was cut by Mr. Knabb, a gentleman well known to the Masonic. Order, and native of pennsylvania. • Washington's poker was next shown us, and its antique appearance satisfied us at once that it was one or. the identiCal implements Of the great man who was kvont to handle at Mt. Vernon. The poker in question, and the old pair of bellows were purchased by a Mr. A.shiord, a personal friend of Mr. L's, at the sale of Washington's effects, at Mt. Vernon, atter his death. The bellows Mr. Ashford presented to the Patent Office, Washington, and the poker to his old iriend Lewis.' - A pair of canes were next ehown us—one of thew a very heavy affair, wrought out of a piece of live oak from one of the timbers of the old frigate Ironsides and highly valued by Mr. L., presented to Lim by a Mr. Steven son, of Richmond, Virginia. The other cane is of black ebony, ornamented with an inge niously designed head of ivory, representig a hand with the head of a serpent in its grasp —its folds twined around the wrist, while the head of solid silver protrudes from between the thumb and,finger of the right hand. The serpent is perfectly harmless, Mr. L. says, it being a silver-head species—not a venomous copperhead! The head of the walking-stick is alone worth $4O. This superb cane was presented to our friend by Dr. Hodges, of Itichmond—he having brought the material from California. de'9 damtd We were next . shown au Old file of a tri weekly paper, published in Alexandria, 1795, and in its columns may be , found advertise ments dated and dictated by General Wash ington. It is styled "Ihe Columbian Mirror. and Alguandria Gale*, published tri-weekly by Ellis• Price, at the east end of the Market House." The first number in the file is dated "Thursday, March 12, 1795." Mr. Lewis is a genuine specimenof the Vir ginia well-bred gentlennm. His home has all the comforts and conveniences of life around it. A. door from the reception room was thrown open, exhibiting a neat green -house, containing many rare and beautiful plants—many in full bloom—together with several. cages of lively canaries suspended from the roof, and -a cage containing a bevy of plump quail, placed con venient to the door. We could sit for hours and listen to the ex haustless fund of information which this ex- traordinafy man posseses. Before bidding "good-day to'the family, we were treated with specimens of choice music, (from a piano of splendid manufacture by some Baltimore manufacturer,) at the hands of 'Master Francis Lewis, a young gentle man posselsing musical abilities of no mean order. The vocal accompaniments of the "Linkum Gunboats" and "Charming Sallie" wire excellent—and a-piece entitled "Milwau kee Light Guard Quickstep" was superbly ex ecuted. The Lewis family are greatly esteem ed by the soldiers visiting there, for their 'proverbial kindness and good treatment to ward them. Another detail from the regiment for the purpose of chaperoning a batch of non combat anis—deserters, jumpers, &c., to City Point. The guard is in .command of Lieutenant Carson, of company B, and consists of the following men: Gminpany A—Private George Foreman. Company B—Lieut. Carson, Private • David Foltz. Company C —Albert J. Hawley. Company D—Michael Mark,SaralHickum, William Mater. Company H--Corporal Garverich, Privates Couples and Hawke. Company I—Privates G. W. Crist, Jackson Humes and Thonias J. Richards. Company K—Privates John Twitt, John 'Waltz and Thos. Woodall. The mon started from the Government wharf, yesterday afternoon, and are to deliver the men in charge at the Jerusalem Plank Road, City Point; from thence they will be sent front. The boys that were on a former expedition, a week ago, were pleased with the trip, and expressed themselves delighted. They saw many sunken rebel steamers, several rams, and other craft of the • rebel navy, and mould plainly see Howlett's (rebel) battery shelling the workmen engagett,at . the Dutch Gap canal. - In a former letter I erroneously named one of the drummer corps Entiok. It should read Embich, of Middletown, and in my last letter the name of Levi Garverich appeared for Elects Garverich, Esq.,a well known citizen of Sus quehanna townsip. Among the arrivals direct from Elarrisburg , to-day, are Mrs. Matthias Hutanan Mrs . , Thomas J. Richards and Mrs. Sergeant , D C. Martin. Theriver is still closed. All well at pre. sent. Yours, truly, _ • A. H. B. Arrival of the Remains of Min ister Dayton.. NEW Yorac, Dec. 30. The steamer Lafayette., from Havre on the 14th, has arrived. She brings home the re mains of Mr. Dayton, late Minister at Paris. Mffirl'lMG ADVERTEGING RATER—GALLY TELEGRAPH Tie•fhlkiiaing are the rata for advertising in the Tins ,Thosr having advertising to do will Gnd it con k, enient tot reference: far Four lines or Une-hati square. Eighttines, or more tiu:o four, i;ousrittite a square. FOR A ZILLF SORADR - i ,rtpt ONE AQUA Hal, One day.....'. .. ..$. 30 1 tme 4loq ... ....$ 60 Two days..... . .... 60 I Two daps... .. .... 100 Three days 75 • Throe days 1 26 One week . . ..._ . 125 One' week ........... 226 Doe month . 300 -One month - 600 . Two iiiwiths. - -- - 4 50 I Two months 9 CO Three months - 560 I Three. e months .1.1 00 Six Months .. 8 00 I Six months - 15 00 One year • 15 00 One year 25 00 - A.drnMistration Notices 2 75 lfarrbige Notiegs. .o.uditor's Notices etal Notices, each insertion ' 50 Arit,_-Bustness notices inserted in the !L ocal -Colman, or before bf.ernager, and Deaths, Mawr Czyra LiN - r. for each tfon. TeregrapQ. FROM NEW OR LE "'W . EXPEDITION-RETURN OF GENFII T DAVI- 'IN-REBEL PROPERTY DESTROYED CAIRO, Dec. 28. , The steaver Carter, from New Orleans on the 21st iissqnt, has arrived here. Cotton was -ery dull at New Orleans, move ments being ch.cked by the increasing di - M.- 0111 y of procurizq exchange. Sugar, bolas. 4es and flower were lower, the market being overstocked with this° articles. Business was reviving at Morganzia, under Ole judicious management of General Cll - I An expedition left Morganzia to co-operate in movements on the Atchafalaya river, but owing to bad weather and high water, not Much was effected. - . Another expedition under Colonel Spiely went to Ricoine. Acting Master Thatcher destroyed much tropeity and captured a large number of hor ses and cattle. Our forces sustained no loss, except the eapture of Lieutenant Whitney. General Davison's expedition had returned, After successfully accomplishing their object. They traveled through one hundred miles in tifteen days, burnt fifteen bridges and a num ber of miles of railroad, and destroyed enor mous quantities of property. The raid was " one of the most brilliant of the war, and resulted in drawing some of Wheeler's forces from Tennessee, Taylor's forces from Meriden, and Beanregard to Mer- Men. Theigursuit of Hood. NASTINILLV., DEc. 29 The statement that Hood had crossed the liver is. doubtless untrue. The very latest news from the front is that yesterday while Thomas was pressing Hood on the river bank, lie Was trying to lay his pontoons, but could not make any'progress, as our gun-boats were Shelling his working parties. Steadman reached and with a large force on the 24th, and is also threatening Hood. . • There is a rumor this morning that Thomas has attacked, rowed and captured most of Hood's fragmentary army, but it needs confir mation. From Cairo and Memphis. CA4Io, Dec. 29. The steamer Marble City brings Memphis advices of last evening. General Dana has issued an order regu lating and restricting transiketions in cotton within his department. All parties procuring or purchasing permits from the purchasing agent of the Treasury Department, are re quired to give satisfactory evidence of their loyalty, and all circumstances connected with the raising, removal, transfer, etc., of the pro duct. The order reflects on the great latitude heretofore extendee to persons in procuring applications. General J. W. Haines, of this city, has ac- Cepted the appointment of Adjutant General of Illinois. Gen. Illeade's Sword. FIIIIADELPILIA, Deo. 30 The sword prepared under an ordinance of the City Council, for presentation to Majgy General George (5-. Meade, for his. gallant de fence of Pennsylvanis soil, was delivered at the house of the General yesterday, by Mayor Henry. General Meade being in front of Pe tersburg. the Mayor addressed to him an ap propriate letter, informing him that the sword had been left at his house. From California. SAN. FRANCLSCO, Dec. 29 Sixty thousand dollars in silver bars have been received from Idaho. This is the first shipment from the new silver mines in South western Idaho, which promise to rival those of Nevada. Sherman's success excites profound satis faction. The rainy season continues. TIME ASE IIF THE NERVOUS, SEMIN AL, URINARY AND SEXIJAI, SY TENS—new And d.vhable tre..tment—in Repotta of the HOWARD ASSOCI ATIOv—sent by wail hi sealed letter envelopes, flee or• charge. Address, Dr. J. SR LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard .Association, No. 2 South Ninth sheet. Phila delphia, Pa. den27-d3Ol 910ILLAIG CATSUP—By the gallon, quart and pint, ja.t received at WM. Si GRAY & Co., (Ho nor & Lockman's old stand, Market Square.) CM ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK. HOUSE for sale. POSSeSSiOII given on the Ist ApriL— Apply to JOHN L. LINGLE, dec27 lm* Corner of 2d and Mulberry streets. BUTTER AND EGGS always onGRAY hand Co., at M. & W (Uouser & Lachman's old stand, Market Spare.) de,l9 etOOOANIITS! COCOA TITS! ! just re ceived at WSJ M. GRAY & (Houser Ss Lochman's old stand, Market square.) decl3 A NEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMORE.I. RAMS, just received this morning, at SHISLER & FRAZER Succosteors to W. Doak. Jr., k Co ViES 308BD:ilia ol e sea l:VA.. Seri, in half barrels and k l ilts, just receivetd h st SIEEISLEIt in FRAZER, Successors to W. Dock, Jr.. & Co VRESH OYSTEBS In can, just received all for sale by SRLSLER & FRAZER, (successor to W. Dock & Coa sopL•26 SHARER CORN, NEW HOMINY, Beans, Dried Peacbeaand Apples and Blackberries, Currants and Raisins, Sa, ace, just received at decl.7 BOYER & IERPER'S FRESII. ORAOKERI3.—Boston Wine Bie- Gaits, Boston Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis cuits, Boston oyster Crackers, Boston Pie-tdc Crackers, Trenton Butler Crekers, just received at ivi a ROVER k trnERPMR CHEAP LOTS FOR SALE.—Six lots front ing on Second stre, t, and extending back to Penn street 140 feet, for sale Lt SSSO earn. dec26-dlw DA.v ID MUMMA. AFRESH. LOT OF LEMONS just re cared at. WIC M. GRAY .& CO, (liousor &I.ochmozeo old stand, Market squaref cm YANKEE JUMPERS, WHEELBAEROWs and ohl'dren's Wagons, bought expressly 10 meet the present demands, at EO - nR & ICOERYER'S. deelT ATEW CURRENCY .HOLDER at 4,1 nog! smarms Book Store. IEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers