THE TELEGRAP II Id PUBLIdIiED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER, OFFICE THIRD r. NEAR TVA I.NET TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE EUBSCRIPTION , THE PAIL\ TELI.oItAPII is Served t ,- ) subsutibers in the city at cent,- p'•r wser.. Yearly subscribers is It be barged $6 00 is advance. ThoFe persons whe neglect to pay in advonee Will be charged $7 (*.- WEEKLY TELEGRAPiL THE TyLEUILAPII is aizo published weekly,and is furnished subscribe's at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Tame copies to one Post Mee Ten copies to one P,.st Office NEW A DVERTISRAIENTS. HOLIDAY GOODS ! IN tatiIINDA.NOE AT LL ER 'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORE, No. 91 MARKET STRUT. wE are happy in presenting to our pa trons again this season, an entire new stock of Fancy Goods for the holidays. - fresh from the hands of importers, and at prices astonishingly low for the times. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A HUSBAND. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A WIFE. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A BROTHER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A SISTER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A FRIEND. GIFTS ACCEPTABLE AND Appropriate to All. In addition to our special craNcY GOO _S, we have the usual large sleek of TOILET ARTICLITS and PERFUME RY, which remains unrivaled in this city. Our Preach confections are unsurpassed in quality, and wilt give entire satisfaction. Den't fait to go to Keller's. 'Sou will there find the most beautiful display of line goods, and the greatest variety yet offered in this city. It would be vain to attempt to number or describe them; they must be seen. Call. It is our business to show good.; yours to buy, if you sec proper, Competition is the ale of trade, and we enter the arena with pleasure, det rmined to act our part well. Please notes, that we are offering some goods cheaper, in reality, than former gold prices, and if you want bargains, go at once, to KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS dec22 STORE. A Fine Assortment of Jewelry EXPRESSLY PO Holiday Presents. GEO. W. IWCALLA, 0. 38 HAMLET STEHLE; HARRISBURG, Has now the finest, belitt selected and most desirable selec non of JeWelry ever brought to Harrisburg, which he wit sell at prices to suit the times. Toe stock embraces, in pa , t, the fulawing articles : Gold and sliver watchers. Fine coral, topaz, amethyst, pearl, onyx and gold setts of jewelry. Fine diamond, carbuncle and seal rings. Gutta-percha pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Geld and silver chains. God and silver thimbles Lockets and sleeve buttons. fins and ear-rings of atl descriptions. Silver and plated ware. Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry dishes, butter knives and fruit knives. Breakfast and dinner castors. Syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands. ~.clhildren's cups . goblets and call bells. j a 2cy bronzed mantle ornaments pm eL l spoons and forks, And as otensive assortment of fine clocks. - ,Kr'Ladies and K outlemen in search of presents for the holidays, will dp well to examine this stock, before pm , chatting elsewhere. Aar All go ons warranted as represented whensold. - decl.4 HOLIDAY GIFTS Knoche's Music Store, 93 Market btreet. P IANOS, Cabinet Organs and Melodeons Piano Ftools and Covera, Guitars, nut 8, Violins, etc. Zuslcal Works of all descriptions. Pectfultos f.r Sheet Music. Sheet Music, the latest and most popular publications 3 hograyloks, Paiotings, Photographs Ovai and wen gilt Walnut and Rosewood Frames. Albums GA log st and best ascortnomt-in the city. Call hod madam too stock of the /most Music Store this Bide, of the great cities. W. ZNOCIELE, dee 1. a-Ganl 93 Market street. NO PIANO IS COMPLETE WITHOUT Copits of the Following Elegant Works; “TREIifE C RCLE.” A collection of Marches, Veins, Polkas, Schottii-ches, Redowas Quadrilles, Oen tranees. Four Baud ritces and Piano Gems. 2 vois. ITa .WaR or PEA. LS," a coll.ction of choice -3 ±• •dr Piano Accompaniments. “THE S LVEB Duets, a aoltection of :kings, Ballads, Quartets, Biters, ClitißD,' a • uialtu accompaniments. <, oPErrATIC Sc , with •tiali of Gems from the Best Operas, PEARLS,' a col awl:gents, rice of each, plain, with Piano Accompi- •I gilt, $4 00. Mailed post paid $2 60; C oth, $3 00; Fu A OLToON ar CO., Publishers, cn receipt of price. OLIN l,- . 4ec2e•uc VII Washington street, Boston. SHAFFER & lilt THEE'' PAPER AAN GfR,S, AND DEALERS IN WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, 84, Market Square; liarrisburg, Pa. aecsl•ly. Information Vireo . 2'o NERVOUS tf UFFSBER AGENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous De bility, Incompetency, Miniature Decay, and .Youth tut Error, actuated y a desire te Windt others,. will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of charge,) the receive and directions for meting the simple remedy used in Ins case. Sufferers wishirig to profit by the advertiser's bad experience, and posse , a a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of busi ness. The Recipe and full infornamion--of vital impor Lance—will o cheeri ally sent by return mail. Address JOHN B. nGDEN, No. OD Nassau street, New York. P. S.—Nervous SUlrefere of both sexes will. fini this ihformation invaluable. n029-daw3m Diaries ! Diaries ! FOR 1805. A LARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily Jourvabs for the year 1865, for sale at Schefter's • qoikstoro, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. „0, Q , u ,...%ft.40, Eng li sh Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut. Nut New York M M ate ean j received at la meg SECESLia a ust FRAZER, auccoosoro W Dock, Co. mya v ramED :MAT received fresh every ceL:brated manufacturer, Atmore ita_ week from the BOYER & KEttPER'S. Philadelphia, at deal HAimiamm. 4 N.knotrAL BANK, } %KaWhet JO, 11364. THE annual election for thirteen directors of this bank will beheld, as Wired ny the national Currency ad, on Tuesday, the 'lab day of January next, at the banking house, between the houtO of OA. la. and 3P. M. J. W. WEIR, denlo-te Cashier. • NATIONAL HOUSE RESTAURANT. HAVE. re-fitted- and opened, the above J.. named restaurant. . where all the delicatiee of the .Weasen will be served up. each as Oysters; Game, Terra .VM, am. The public are meta respectfully invited to eall. Samlhes supplied with ',viers. A. . 1 WARHELI3. N. .11.—Fe. mach given every dip from 'log 101 l A.M. deato..dlme EI4ANDY PEACHES, Spiced and iPickled n - j --etetrs, ju received at Wit tlicnise: Lst octiman , s old stud, Maiket square. - deoffl • -•-•••••' •-•-, • '• • ‘->1•Z...i.47- , T lir, ',PS"•,.-a - 4* Yel, . - _ t A ..$2 00 .. 5 00 ..15 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER Big DIC AL. C"RO BEE PILLS. FEMALE REGULATOR FEMALE REGULATOR SUGAR-COATED. Health .Preservei- UERTAIN AND SAF.A. tterFer the Rouyn:al of Obstructions and the' Insurance of Resputarity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Periods. Si - They cure or obviate . those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing 'the irregularity. iiiip-They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men striation. in -They cure Green Sickness (Clilorosis.) ,t-They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, he.,,itc. In a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it era. the effects that spring ftom It nr Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used.; they never fail 'to do. THESE MLLE RATE NEVER REEK EIZOWN. TO FAIL WHERE THE DOMOTIONE ARE NELL OBSERVED. ,-All letters seeking Information of advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. 4a- Fell directions accompanying each box_ Arap- Price $1 per box,.or six boxes for $5: Jayi- Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. W Pamphlets sent by Da mail, R. tree of postage, by . IV. MERWIN At CO. , Proprietors, 11615-deed-tat No. 63 Liberty street, New York. DR. WRIGHT'S ItEITIVENATING ELIXIR! Os,- ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing no thing injurious to the most delicate. "As tne Phenix flees from the ashes of its fire, ani mates ' , kith new life"—so does this Elixir reluvenate the system and overcomodisease. Sir The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom, being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, hrespective of, all the old and worn-out systems. Cif . This medicine has been tested by the most etni neat medical men of the day and by thorn pronounced. to be one of the greatestmedical discoveries of the age. /Or One bottle will cure General Debility. A few doses cure Hysterics in females. • rag- One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. age-From one to three bottles restore the manliness and fall vigor of youth, Or A few doses restore the appetite. rat- Three bottles-cure-the worst case of Impotency. ge- A few doses cure the low spirited. • • One bottle .reetores mentai power. - A few d sea restore the emcee of generation. J ar A few doses bring the rose to 'the cheek. • gro-This medicine restores to manly vigor and rObust health the poor, debilitated worn-down and despairing. ,-The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the indi vidual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all fled immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essenci of Life. . sir Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by Express, on receipt or money, to any address Aar THE CIiEROKILE PILLS and ItkAIJVENATE, , IG ELIXIR are sold by all enterprising druggists in. the civil- Ized world. Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to sell worthless compounds in place of these ; those which they can purchase at a cheap price, and make more mo ney by selling than they canon these medicines. As you vette your health— ay, the health of.:YOUr future off aprieg—do not be deceived by such tuaprincipled, tirOg. gists, ask for these medicines and take no other. If the druggist will not buy.them for yon, inclose the money in a letter and we will send them to you by Balinese, no- Cutely 'sealed and packed, free from observation. : • Ladies or gentlemen can address ua. In perfect and dance, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symp toms, as we treat all diseases of a chronic nature in mate or female. Patients need not hesitate • because of their inability to visit us, as we have treated :patients success fully in all portions of the civilized globe, by correspond ence. Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and write post • office, county, State, and name of writer, plain, and inclose postage stamp for reply. • We send our 82page Pamphlet free, to any address.— Address all letters to the Proprietors., ' 'Da. W. R. MEIRWIN & CO.', nols-deed-itm No. , 63 Liberty street, New York. THE LONU HOOKED •FOH, . TTAS COME! '4IfALTH AND RAPT/NES TO TIP EONS: AND ourograati or arf.pronos DB. COLLINS' SYRUP OF ROOTS • BABK.S AND HF&B3 FOR the ewe of Coughs, CelaB,Sore Throat,. Croup, Bronchitis, *Mme, and all similar Com plaints The object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease the cough; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adtteres and sticks to the throat, Which exititeS hacking, hawking, and coughing ; to relieve the Irritation in the throat, which is produced by catching cold on the slightest- or, posers. It expectorates the diseased matter atm bath ac cumulated in the Lungs which retards and oppresseS the respiratory or breathing organs, beds and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. , ' This medicine gives tone to the etentaeb, it purities and circulates the blood, which satires oppression of. the chest and difficulty in breathing. • • (food News for Motheis and Cliatiren.—Here ie the apprises balm ;. keep it in your ideally, sickness cusses as miter in ilia night, and your child is suffocated by the awfuldisease, Cron!), or similar complaints. • Here is a preventative—it is pature's friend. • , Thew meakcingia *I4 prepared and sold by . . • - g.s.gtra.L coLI,INg, igiagchis ]felt, near the corner of Third street and gtraB7 ban Y a Wy• Also Mt ' sale aOw Drug More' of . J. X. DOIAGARDNER, Corner of Vt:nrikend Market streets, Harrisburg , All orders should .. addressed to •DB. CABINS, Harrisburg. • etable. These Medicines arupnrely V eg sol 7 A FEW MORE COPIES of th 6 RULES FOR REGULATING THE PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT AND COURTS OF THE. • TWELFTH JUDICIAL DIsTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Composed of Dauphin and. Lebanon counties. Price ;S•fifi. For Bale at Scheffer'a IlooltstotO, ,liturisburi, Pa. 'nos • TELLIES, currants, , t/ .. Blackberry, Pine Apple, Cherry, For sale at bleelldtrj JOHN WISE'S. CHEESE Choicenew crop Cheese, just, received at SICIBLICR & FRAZI&R, 411 Bnrattasors at , W. ratak. k' .o ITALENTIA RAISINS, a new invoice, at not SHISLER & FRAZER% NUTEL—Almonds, Cream Nut oheatnuta, English Walnuts, Filberts and Walnuts at deelZdtt nail WISE'S. NEW GAME FOB CHILDREN. GAME OF SOLITAIRE, together with an assortment , of other Games, at Seheifer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. UXTRik FAMILY FLOUR. and COI! Is 124 'MEAL always on band, of the beet quality,. t 18 BOYER & ICORRPER. T9MA.TO KETSTJP, by the gallon, quart or plot, :just received at WM: M GRAY & CO., . • (Houser and'a old stand , Market square.) decl3 REuEIVED, a good lot of Apples and Po tatles, at Taal W ,aec.l24tt Third and Walnut 'TIEDE 1 . 4/iRGEST end beet Selection of Gro .l. ones bathe city, to be had at 0048 Saig.rairi "Nr' FRUlTS.Feaohee,o l 4abgries , Tomatoes hooka., M Ideol24ll] JOHN WW/PH. THE N 0 N—N 0 W N . iv . 0 VE R ."—Webger lIA,RREBBIiRC4, PA.,, FRIDAY EVENINti, DECEMBER 30, 1864 IMI NititHCA L DYSPEPSIA. A Cure Warranted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. CostiTeness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Repression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhcea, , with griping. • 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough,- with Phlegm in the Throat 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at. night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. • Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache o and Staggezing in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of oases of Dyspepsia t4O:-.4ave used Dr. Wishart's Great American 'Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them hat failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure hi every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr: Wishart's office, No. ,10.. N.. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All.examinations and eon aultations free of charge. Send for a eireu- Jar.. Price sl_per box. Sent bymail, free of charge, on receipt 61 money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, Er.reAsurn. Muller:lx, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. - My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadfal horror and evil forebodinga. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had .no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that I- was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, thatmy friends thought best to have me, placed in Dr Eirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought .1 was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by. Dr. Wis hart's treat American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband balled on Dr. Wishart and stated my ()sae to .him. He said he haftiodoubthe could cure me. So ill three days after I called and placed niyielfairider the 'Doctor's trearanent, and in, two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and' I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, andlmost sincerely return my thanks to ,a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to' his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an limane Asylum and premature grave. All peracius suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty-to call on me or write, as lam willing to do all. the .good I -can , for suffering hu manity. . ELIZABETH BRANSON. Brandywine, Del., formerly off Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Wisruarr'aGflice, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSL4.I D. WWI:U*I4 have been a constant sufferer :with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot gay I ever enjoyed aerfectly well •day. There were tunes when the. syMP l terni *era more ,aggravated than at others, and then It seemed it woUld.he a great re lief to die, I all times an unpleasant feeling in, my head, but latterly my sufferings ao much increased that I became almost unfit for business of any kind; my mind was continually tilled with gloomy thoughts and tore. bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once , a sensation of icy coldness in connection with - a dead weight,. as. it: were, rested upon my brain ; also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great:pain to ray eyes, accompanied with which, was the continnal.fear of loaing my reason. I also experieaced greatlassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult - to day, or sleep at night . I beciame averse to society, and .disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill ot a number of eminent phyglel .n 8 :of various school; finally came to the conclusion that, for this disease at my present age (45 years) there was no cure in existence. But, through the, interference of Divine Providence, to whom I deriutly oiler my thanks, I at last :found a sovereign remedy in , your Dyspepsia Pills' and Tar Cordial, vthich seem to have efitictruilly removed at most the last Waco of my long list of ailments and bad -r e #4o . andAithelr place health , pleasure and content !tient are my everyday companion& - " J JAMS M. SAUNDERS, No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphia; • - • Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. .Dr Wienart's Office No. 10 North Second street, Phila delphia. A. POSITIVE OUSE IDE DYSPEPSIA. MOH WHAT a?, JOEN.H.,BABODOIC BATS. No. 1028 OLITII Smarr, ) Philadelphia, Jannary. 82d, DM& J Da. Wrsassr—Sir:—.ll.lB with much pleasure that I am now able to inform yea that, by the use of your great American, I have been entirely cured of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepaia. I had heen grievionsly afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free from its path one week at a time.; I have had it in its worst form 'and have dragged on a moat miserable existence—inpain day:and night. Every kind of feed that Tate tilled me with.ind and pain, it. mattered not how light, or how small the quantity . A continued belching was sure to follow I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my : distrers was so great for several Months be fore I heard of your .Pills, that .1 frequently wished for death. I had taken everythingthat I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended. to nre by whe bad been cured by them, 'concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith in them- TO M.V.Sstoidatuesut, I found myself getting hotter before I had taker' one-fourth of a box, and after taking half # bes,,l ma a well 211" an d can eat anything/ wish,. and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day without Inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are , at liberty to make this public and refer tome. I will cheerfully give all de sirable information to any one whet may call as me Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. BABCOCK. For sale at Dr. Wlshartfa Medical DepOt, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per box.. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. 'DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA I, Samuel D. Haven; here been a great sufferer with Chronic Dyspepsia am ! Inflammation of the Kidneys for -three years. I employed three or four of the moat end noel physicians of Philadelphia, also el Burlington county N. J. They did all for me they could, bat ail to no pur. pose. r was conatantly filled with awful .paiu and Ms. tress, and with constant belching of wind and sour acid. My tongue was covered with a white coating of mucus moil -It cracked in large furrows, and was dreadfully sore" Girl I ofttirom wished for death to relieve me of my sufferings, for .'I had lost all hope of ever being well again: I made it a subject of prayer to God that ho would direct 123 to mine shy -Was or medicine the , would cure me. I was told to read an advertisement of Dr, Wiener's in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made upon Mr. John Babock,:of 10201/iive street,; delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. If went to the Dodoes owe, and placed tarear under b treat- REDICAL. went, and told him If he failed to cure me, it would be the last effort I woutd make. It has been six weeks singe I commenced the-use of his medicine, and lam now a well Man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three meals a day with , and and feel perfectly welt Dr. Wiabart, I want you to publish my case, as I want every, poor dyspeptic sulibring as I was, to call on mei and I will tell them of the. great cure I have received from 'your invaluable medicine. ' SANTINI. D. HAVEN. Corner Venango 'and Lambert streets near Richmond atreet, formerly from_ Wrightatown, Burlington . county, N J.; The above are a few among the thouseiads which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying, that they have never .used or sold a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the prepkietor,• HR. L. Q. C. WLSHART, No. 10,North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Ilruggista everywhere SttijylB-eod-d&w EVENING EDITION. From the 201st Regiment. CAMP SLOUGH, WEST ALEXANDRIA, VA., December 26, 1864. ED/TOR TELEGRAPH—Dear Sin—Day-before- Christmas, Saturday, was an eventful one at the camp of the 201st. No less than three wagon loads of express boxes, containing "" from home," made their ap pearance, and were promptly claimed ,by the men. Many a "God.bless them" was heard in the expectant crowd around the Quarter master's department, as the men picked up their boxes and marched off to their quarters. Fun and frolic —good:, feeling and hilarity— amusement and enjoyment to the best of everybody's ability and inclination, prevailed to a late hour. One certain party I could mention, consisting of the funny Sergeant of Company "A," the gentlemanly ; Lieutenant commanding our post, three or four of his non-commissioned'ste; (A. H. B. among the number,) enjoyed themselves to some ivr pose. The Sergeant accomplished what Gen erals Grant, Sherman or Sheridan never ac complished—he captured a "catastrophe" on the wood-pile, in the rear of Capt. quarters, and, by a genius peculiar to our friend alone, (who has fine musical abilities,) he converted the animal's tail into the crank, or handle of a hand organ, and produced sounds, which, if not quite as soft and de lightful as those emanating from the strings of an nolian harp, were certainly of no com mon order, "turned" out of the tail of a half groyia, rat-destroying specimen of the felme race ! We broke several of our ribs, in try ing to prevent our going into fits or convul sions. Dan Itice's mules, Henry Cooke's per.: forming dogs and monkeys, or Sanford's star troupe, in one of their best "bills," could not , have raised a greaterfunre in the way of side splitting laughter and burst of applause, than our friend and fellow-sergeant of Co. "A" did - With his hying hand-organ. • The whole of Christmas eve, all day Sun 'day and yesterday, the holiday lestval was kept up. Feasting, visiting, resorting to places of amusement, was the mode of spend mg Christmas in the city. Fireworks, whisky and other ingredients and articles of patriqt ism were plenty in Alexandria, and The slave pen had a goodly proportion of unwilling visitors—among them women, lady-like and quite respectable in appearance—arrayed in tne height of fashion; but alas! how lost to shame, how fallen, how painfully averse to all that renders lite worth possessing—honor and virtue. At our own quarters we enjoyed a feast— studi a happy time as we will never forget. Our company, on invitation, consisted of Lt. and Adjutant G. W. Ressinger, Serg. Major Vanghan,, Lt, Alex. Stewart, (our worthy post commandant,) Sergeants Ditty, Musser, Wit mer and DPOormick, and privates Rrider, Musser, Myers and others—and, thank Hea ven, through the efforts of our better-half— our thoughtful vrow—the lady of b'ergeant Musser, - and the Christmas presents of our leer children, as well as the contlibutions of the lady of our friend Seim E.. Myers, com pany we were enabled to- spread a •festive board't that groaned, in reality, with the "fat of the land" of Old Pennsylvania. Bill of fare: Two turkeys, one pair of chickens, one can of saner kraut, pickles, horse-radish, peaches, apples, several varieties of nuts, pies, cakes, Am. Did not everybody and his friend have a surfeit of good things? And for this kind remembrance of our friends at home they request me to return our sincere thauks! The boats.plying between Washington and Alexandria, have suspended operations for a season, on. account of the ice, and the Reve nue cutter lying off her hoisted anchor, and moved in to.the wharf, to get out of harm's way. • Among the recent arrivals were Mrs. Cor poral D. Black, Mrs. John Odell, Mrs. Ritz, Mrs. Corporal Joseph Wells, Mrs. Sergeant Booth; Jehu De Haven and Harry- Ettla, Esqrs., of the 11. C. Railway; Levi Garverich, and John Hamilton, Esqrs., of our native city. Corporal De Haven and Sergeant A. H. B. have cause to remember Messrs. J. De Haven, Sen., and. Harry Ettla, Esqrs., the longest day they live, for their unexpected visit and gen erous treatment received at their hands, the other afternoon. They are gentlemen among a thousand, as every employee on: the North. ern Central Railway who has ever known them will testily. Long may they live to en joy life and its blessings—for they deservo the good will and respect of all men. Mrs. D. Waggonseller, Mrs. Booth and Messrs. De Haven, Ettla, Garverich and Hamilton returned to Pennsylvania, since our last let(er. Among a batch of rebels just brought doin 'froin Fairfax Station on Saturday,- were several old men, whose heads were almost "silvered o'er with age." Conscription, apparently, is almost "played out" in the rebel dominions, if this is the description of the material forced into their ranks. . Among the most industrious, obliging and gentlemanly officers connected with the Quar termaster's Department of the 201st regiment, are Cornelius Shriver, Esq., and Sergeant Groff, both gentlemen well known in-Harris burg—honest, competent and attentive to their duties. If there is any complaint made, or story circulated that either of these men do not perform their duties properly, it is a falsehood of the worst description. Every pound of subsistence that the U. S. Govern ment issues out and allows the men in service at this post, is given them to the very ounce, and if men are improvident or waaieful, or imprudent in the disposition of their rations, they must not "fall beck" on;the Commissary Department, or make wrong statements to their Mends at home or to "outsiders," or prefer 'charges which they oould never sub• PRICE THREE CENTS stantiate. The gentlemen in question are above reproach, and have more at stake (their reputations). than the men who ate so shame less and dishonorable as to accuse them of un fair dealings. The friends of Mr. Shriver and Mr. Groff will not for a moment heed such simple and groundless statements, for the' men in question are too well known, and the Munchausen who first invented the absurd report, would avoid the risk of losing his . reputation by speaking the truth in future. It was estimated that about 600 boxes had arrived here for the men of the 201st, for Christmas presents! Efuzza for good old Pennsylvania! More anon. A. IL B. 33t) TeregrapQ. BURBIUDGE'S GREAT RAID. THE OFFICIAL REPORT,. Large Captures of Prisoners, Cars, Cannon, Sze. The. Salt Works and Lead lines in Ruins, They Cannot be Repaired Dui., ing the War. WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. The following report of Gen. Burbridge's operations has beenxeceived: CATL - Exxsautto, Ky., Dec. 18.-1. have the honor to report that my mounted force, fotir thousand strong, in conjunction with General Gillem's brigade, the whole under command of Major Qr eneral Stoneman, marched from Bean's station on the 12th 'of December at daylight. They met Duke's brigade at Kingsport, where he was drawn hp to oppose the cros sing of the Holster river. I sent two regi ments to support Gillem, who flanked th'e enemy, routing him and killed, wounded and captured 100 men and a , wagon train, and pursed to Bristol. He attacked that place at 3 o'clock in the morning, capturing the town with two hun dred prisoners, two trains of cars, five en gines, and immense quantities of stores. I learned that Vaughan was at Zollicoffer, twelve miles below, and marched to attack him, but he slipped away in a dense fog, arid made for the' salt works. I discovered his flight in time to head him off at Abington, which place I captured on the night of Dec. 14th, taking one gun, a large amount of stores, and an engine with some rolling stock. Gen. Gillen continued the pursuit of Vaughan, coming up with him at Marion, driving him from a strong position and cap turing fifty prisoners. I sent Colonel Brown's brigade to the sup port of General Gillem, who again came upon the enemy at Mbunt Airy, and drove him m confusion, capturing some prisoners and seven pieces of cannon and 0, large wagon train. Col. Brown, with his brigade, later in the day, charged the rebel home guard Of Wythe ville, capturing 5 pieces of cannon and 8 cai sow. Major Harrison, of the 12th Ky., who had been detached by order of Gen. Stoneman, with 300 picked men and horses, struck, the Virginia Railroad on the 35th of Dec., near Glade's Spring, cutting it and capturing two trains of cars. He then got in Vaughan's front, and con tinued along the line of the road, destroying all the bridges and depots as. far as Wythe ville, a large amount of rolling stock and the great iron works near Marion. Colonel Brown destroyed the bridges for ten miles above Wytheville, when the expedi tion started on its return, the men and hories being entirely worn out. Near warren I clime upon Breckenridge, who was following Col. Brown, and an en gagement of 36 hours ensued, at the close, of which Breelinridge retreated towards Salt ville, .but Col. Brickley with a brigadge having got in his rear forced him in confusion •to wards North Carolina. Col. Buckley effectually destroyed the lead mines, near Wytheville, on the night of the afteisome resistance.. Our united forces captured and destroyed the salt works with 8 pieces of cannon. The expedition has been entirely successful, avd the damage will be more felt by the en emy than the loss of Richmond. The salt works and lead mines are in ruins and cannot be repaired during the war. My forces are mow at this place and safe. I will send you a detailed report by mail. (Signed) S. F. BUItBhIDGE, Brevet Major General. FROM WILMINGTON, N. C. Return of the Land Forces. ParrAnn,rtm., Dec. 29. Admiral Porter's report of the attack on the Forts below Wilmington has been received. After a furious attack by the fleet the troops were landed, bntfoidirig . that the forts were uninjured, they Were re-embarked and will re turn to Hampton Roads. What the fleet - will do is not stated. The Admiral is evidently disappointed that the troops did not attack the forts. The re port is very vOluminions. From Mexico. SAN FNANcasco, Dee. 28 Mexican advices received by the steamer Constitution, say that since the defeat of the French at Chilafa, on November 15th, they had arrived at Curnavaca, about 60 miles from the city of Mexico, in a completely de moralized condition. General Alvarez with the patriot army en entered Acapulco on the 14th of December. The States of Gnerriza and Oaxaco are now PPrfeetly free from the Imperitit forces. The ship Grace Darling sailed from this port to-day for New York. Pi/Rade/Nita Mac* PliVrket. PITIGAMEraPaL4 Dee. 29. Stocks inacti ve . Penn. s's 93; Reading R. R. -511; Penna. R. R. 64k; Exchange on New York par. 11111 - 1 1 MTING - MIMIff, ADVERTISING RAM-DAILY TELEGRAPH ISteloholaing seethe rates roe advertising in the Tem 418APII Those having advertising an do aril/ find R eon reoitn tor ieference: lino ; or 1,1, oon.4llttlte 01 /3(11111FP ifi,Co +ll3ll four, pi://stitute a Nialre i coa A - HALE' attilaita . POR ONX equalim. On, day . .. . .$ 30 One clay $ 00 Two days.... . 50 Tv. o days.... . 100 Ttirc e qays 75 i Mrse days 1 25 One week 1 25 One week. ..... .... 2 25 Ono month 3 00.{ Ono month 6 00 Two months 4 50 Two months - 9 09 Three months.— .... 6 60 Three m0nth5....... 11 00 Six months.. ...... .. 8 00 I Six months 15 00 One year....... ..... 16 00 One year t 25 00 Administration Notices . 2 75 Marriage Notices - , 75 Auditor's Notices Baum: Notices, each insertion - .- --ie .... 50 ..... - - Vg. Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriage% and Deaths, Ewan Cairri -rim the tbr etaeli insertion. " - . From Havana. NEW Yoax, Dec. 23. The steamer Moro Castle, from Havana, has arrived with dates to the 24th. A report has been received at Havana, via Porto Rico, that the San Domingo rebels had submitted to the Spanish Government. The steamer Acadia had arrived at Havana from Halifax, and was supposed to be intended for a blockade runner. Markets by Telegraph. PRIXADELPHIR, Dec. 29. Trade is excessively dull in all departments. Cotton nominal at $1 20. Cloverseed wanted at $l4 75. There is no movement of any ex tent in breadstuffs, and but little change to record in prices. The sales of flour are con fined to small lots for home consumption at $9 75®10 00 for superfine, $lO 50411 00 for extra, $ll 50@12 50 for extra family, and $l3 for fancy. No change in rye flour or corn meal. Wheat moves slowly at $2 60®2 65 for red and $2 80@2 95 for white. small sales of rye at $1 73. Corn dull; small sales old yellow at $1 88 and new at $1 65®1 68. Oats steady at 92c. Petroleum declined, and is nominal at 50c for crude, 70c for refined in bond and 88®90c for free. In groceries and provisions there is no change. 200 barrels whisky sold at $2 25 and small lots at $2 30. NEW Yoits, Dec. 29 Cotton quiet. Flour quiet, and 5e higher; sales 4,500 bbls State at $9 50@9 75, Ohio $9 90010.05, Southern $lO 55®12. Wheat quiet, and 10 higher. Corn dull. Pork heavy; new mess $4O 50. Lard heavy at 20®240. Whisky dull and nominal at $2 21@ i 2 23. New York Stock Markets. NEW Yoga, Dec. 29 Stocks are dull and lower; Chicago and Rock Island 105 i; Cumberland 461; Illi nois Central 126; Michigan Southern 74; New York Central 115; Reading 1141; Hudson River 1151; Canton Co. 36; Missouri 6s 644; Coupons 1881 1161; Erie 844; Michigan Cell tal 117; Five-twenties new issue 1074; Ten-fcr ties 1071; Treasury 7 3-10 s 1194; One yer cer tificates 964. NOT Losr.--Some of our friends who had a certain young man in their employ, a short time ago, by the name of Geo. W. Chritzman, his friends not seeing him at his former post, the question would arise of his whereaboots, they say don't know. We would relieve the minds of his enquiring friends, and also those who do'l't know, that the gentleman is en gaged in selling dry goods at A. F. Brandt's new, cheap store, southwest corner of Walnut and Second -street, Harrisburg, Pa.,where he may be found selling goods very ceap, for cash. dec3o 2t iV E Al) V ERTISEMENTh. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL; touch ing at QUEENSTOWN (t. oast HARBOR.) The wri!- known steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Phila delphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line). carer) Ing ,be IL S. Mails, are intended to sail as follows : KANOARrO Saturday, December 17. MANCHESTER • January 24. LO •DON " 14. and every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from .Pier 44, North Mlver. • RATES OF PASSAGE: Payable in Gold or its Equivalent in Currency. MST CABIN,. $BO 00 STEERAGE, $3O 00 do to London, 85 00 I eo to Londoo, 34 00 do to Paris, 95 (0I do ;o Paris, 40 00 do to Hambnri, 90 00 I do to Hamburg, 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Br men, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &0., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabini $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Those who wish to send for i heir frien•is can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices. SOHN G. DALE, Agent, ocl4 • 15, Broadway,..N. Y. HOLIDAY Pii.ESENI I S. GEO. W. AIcCALLA, J E W E L] No. 33 Market Street, Opposite the Jones House, HAS just received a large assortriaent of Jewelry, gtc,, mutable for Holiday Presents, and invaes the public to give him a call. Select year present white the assortment is fell. &co-dim BUEHLER HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned, having lately purchased the BUEHLER HOUSE property, has already commenced such alter ations and improvements as will render this OLD A.ND POPULAR ROUSE equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in the city of Harrisburg. GEO. J. BOLTON. decT•ly* H. C. ORTH, Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. N 0.15, TmBD STRIIIM BELOW itklutwr. sett-dem • GUM BALLS. Bat Balls. Parlor Balla, Rua'cal Balls Alphabet Balls, Fancy Ribbed Balls, A full assortment at BERGNER'S Bookstore. • BUCKWHEAT FLOIJR• . STONS BUCKWHEAT FLOUE, of a supe tier quality, jut received Item the Wyoming Fahey and for sale in any quantity at nol4' SHISLER & FRAZER'S. TIIST RECEIVED, a fine lot'of Pickles and tJ Cranberties. at [deel2-dtfl JOHN WISE'S. TOMATO CATStP—By the gallon, quart and pint, juA received at WAL M. GRAY.& (Homer & Loc.lantan , s old stand, Market Square.) CM ATANKEE JUMPERS, WHEELBARROWS 1 and children's Wagons, bought exproasly to meet the present demands, at BOYER & ROERPER'S. der.l7. BTTOKIVHFAT FLOIIII—A fresh supply of Towanda Buckwheat, fresh ground .Corn Meal, 'extra family Flour, by the bbl. or bag, everypeckage warranted and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge, at BOYBR ORPER'S. deaf • HESTNIITS.-200 bus. prime Chestnuts, ‘,..) for sale in any quantities, at DOTER.te ußuritimi No 8 Market' square. dec22 REDUCTION IN PRICES. - mum & FRAZEIt„ Have made another reduction in Prices on the leadin articles of groceries. QOI4E,THING New and amusing or eh IJ drett-T.he Plying Birds, at ton ...CHEWER'S Bonkston XTEW CIJBWINOY SOLDER at _ 'll.l non. SUEEMEWS, Book : Store. - El 150 HiLnipnig, E. L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers