THETELEGRATIT PUBLibBED MORNING- AND EVENING, BY GEORGE ItERGN E fe, OFFICE THIPD S"., NEAR WALNUT TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. Tas Party TYLKGRAPH is served b subscribers in the oily at 7.23 3 ; rents pRr wee'i. Yearly subscribers *la 'be barged $0 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to pay in advance will be charged. $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAM. TisLECIRAPU is also published weekly,and is filltildiled subscribers at the following cash rates: Slagle copies, weekly Terse copies to ono Post Office Ted copies to one Past Office . , NEW AD VERMEIII.E.NTa HOLIDAY GOODS ! EN eamNif.haroz AT HE LL s DRUG AND FANOY GOODS STORE, No. 91 MARKET BURET. • WE are happy in presenting to our pa- Woos again this season,. an entire new stook of Fancy Goods for the holidays, fresh from the hands of importers, and at prices astonishingly low for the times. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A _ _ _ EUSBAND WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOB A WIFE WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A BROTHER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A SISTER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A FRIEND GIFTS ACCEPTABLE AND Appropriate to All. In addition to our Fpeclal r A NCY GOO. S, we have the uanal large stork or TOILE,T ARTICILVS and PERMIE BY, which' remains unrivaled in thla city. Our French confections are unsurpasked in quality, and will give entire satisfaction. D.rn't fail to go to Seller's. lon will there fled the piost beautiful display of line goods, and the greatest variety 3et off-red in this city. It would be vain to atte npt to number or describe them; they must, be seen. Call. it is our business to show goods; yours' to buy, if you see proper. Competition Is the life of trade, and we enter the meia with pleasure, det Trained to act our part well. Please Notice, that we are offering come goods cheaper, in reality tbb :l4 former gold prices, and if you want bargains, go at once, t° KELLY R'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS dec22 STORE. A Fi ne Assortment of Jewelry Ex p l ossLy FOR Holiday preqents. GEO. W, M'CA. LLA, NO. 38 MMIII:ST STIOIET, HA:4113217EG, Has now the finest, best selected and most u:"Orabie seiec" lion of Jewelry ever brought to Harrisburg, which be wit sell at prices to suit the rimes. Toe stock e l ub r aces , in pa t, the ful owing articles : Gold and si.ver watches. Fine coral, topaz, amethyst, pearl, onyzand gold setts'Ot jewelry. Fine diamond, carbuncle and seal rings. Gutta-percha pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Geld and silver chains. God and silver thimbles lockets and sleeve buttons. • ?ins and ear-rings of all descriptions. Silver and plated ware. Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry dishes, butter knives stud frail knives. Breakfast and dinner cantors. Syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands. Mildrea's cups, goblets and call bolls. • Fancy bronzed mantle ornaments.' P,ated spoons and forks. And an extensive assortment of floe clocks. I* -- Ladies and geUtloll2olll to much of presents for the Intiiidays, wit cc welt to e %ammo tuts stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. • -Allgoocis warranted as represented when sold. decl4 HOLIDAY GIFTS Knoche's Music Store, 93 Market Street. PIANOS, Cabinet Ozipens and Me"'ado:ins. Plano Ftools and Covers. Guitars., lint Violins, etc. Musical Works of all descriptions. Portftillos f,r Sheet Music. Sheet Music, the latest and most popular publications] Engravings, Paintings, Photographs Oval and square gut Walnut and Rosewood Frames. Albums the !erg- st and best assortment in thei city. Call and examine the mock of the largest JO* Store this side of the great °hies. W. KNOCRE, decti-tjanl • 93 Market; street. NO PIANO IS COMPLETE WITHOUT Copies of the Following Elegant Works: "THE HOME C ROLE" A collection of iitarehes, Waltzes, Polkas, Schotthches, Redowas Quadrilles, tm Dances, Four Haud Pierce and Piano Gems. 2 Nola. i "THE sit , .wto. GP PEA- LS." a colhaion. of choice Duets, wth Piano Accompaniments. HE sli.yEßi lavitc, , a collection of Songs, Ballads, Qtatriets, Duets, with Piano Accompaniments. OPEKATke die " w,t a col action or Ge ma from the Best OPeras, PEARL. Accompaniments. t rice of each, plain, with Piam. ag 00; Fu I gilt, $4 00. Mailed post paid $2 50; C oth, ouvhs orTocei & co, Publishers, cn receipt or prim. -t soeton. dec2o-tic 277 Washington stmt. SHAFFER & BROTHER PAPER H.Ak;GEILS, AND MAIMS IN WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, ". Market Square, Ilairrisburg, etecsl-ly Information Free!' TO NERVOUS M U F FFIi.ZR AGENTLEMAN, cured of :Nervous De, biloy, Ineempotency, Premature Decay, ant Tenth tut Error, actuated i y a desire trx - benefit. others, will be happy to lurntat to att why need it. (free of charge,) the receive and directicas for niaatug the simple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to.protit by the advertiser's bad experience, and some a a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him .1 once at his plitce of, busi ness. The Recipe and fill informs ion—of vhal . tmpor Lance—will o dwell tuly sift by return mall, Address .. JOHN- B. eGBEN, No. eh? Nissan street, New, York, P. B.—Nervons sufferers of both sexes will find this inTormation invaluable. no29.daw3rn Diaries Diaries FOR.I tE3 O. . &LARGE assortmnt of. Diaries and Daily Journa4 for the year nub, for sale at Schaffer's tore, 91South Second atreet, Harrisburg, Pa. log s b. 'I" 54130, English Dairy, Pine APple, Nut. Vg ana u m }fork State Cheese, just received at . ,• Frrfli*R i FRAZER, momartora to W Dock, Jr., & Ca. ' rhvoiND hi)::,,, I s ' 'waived fresh eery • week Own the celebl" 4 " maltuf4oWrert Atmore algae, at - 'WYSS & i...Eitry,s , S. deoll . ... , • - , , . . . . . . . . Hatatninuaci N.orionanl.soll. December 10, -.. ,clots animal • elloOtion for thirteen Gi ft s. , -- •liil Tof this bank will beheld, u required by +he natio.. • " currency ant, on Tue aday, the 10th day of Janus-ir'neat, ' aa the banking house, between the howl of 1 U.S. Bt. ijoji 3p. ic. T. W. Watt, • . deolO•te • Dathier. - 1 "NATIONAL I-101JSE RESTAIMANT. T HAVE ra-tlikei and opened the .abeve Ilaateti restaurant .where all the delicacies lef the serum will be served up such as Oysters, Game, , Tens es, &o. The public are man ratpactialiy Invited to eau. Foaled auppdad with .system. A. J WAKE lELD. 13.— lunch given every day frost 10,ij te.wg . diamdbn* 15pitjaPY PSACHES, Spioed and Pibkled Oysters, Just reasivad at WK. M. GUM as VA; Mow ortilLoOhman , a old stand, Market steam beet tyldqd• T ia tit 's' t 40 ,U e fr.:. ..---- ---fie----- ---- ' a 4 --;:' -.1.'4. ( I : -------- ,A 7-7 . - =-- • toirdivib e k€,Nt ,l ..,..' ' • .., - -r -- iw•-• "" 0 .."` . , _ . $2 00 . 5 00 .15 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER LVIEIIICAL. CHEROKEE PILLS. -FEMALE REGULATOR FEMALE REG , FiLATOR - EII43fA'RIODAVED.' Health Preserver CERTAIN AND. SAFB. Fbr the Removal' of Obstruction's and the insurance of . Regidarity in the Recurrence of the , reiocis. IrarThey cure or'obviat e those ne meroue disease.e that spring from Irregularity, by removing the irregularity :46—They cure Suppressed, rareesstie and Painful Men —They cure Green Sicknewi (Ctilorrisis.)_ ' Sir They `OOlll Nervous and Spinal Affeetions, pains in the back lower .partirof thb body, Hairiness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits; Hysteria, Sick Headache, %Mines; &e ., dm. a word, by removing - the firegilarity, they remove the mite, and•with it am, the effects that spring from it /girComposed or, simple vegetably Mrtraers, they con tain nothing 'deleterious to any constitution, rmwever delicate, their ftinction being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. Tam rixas}*7.6 NIPS* arm xmovrs TO FAIL WHERE THE DialeTfuNEl AEA 'yrELL'OBSSICTED. laren letterafseearing.informatlon advicg will be premptly,freely, and discreetly. answered. , Fell.aloblions accompanying each box. Air Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. acip.Seht, by mati4 free of postage, on receipt of price. jar Pariapidets sent by mad, Imo ef . .. postage, by * Da. W. It. iii&KWIN & CO., Proprietors,' nol6-decd-4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York. D R WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIRI Oa, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing no thing Injurious to the most delicate. "As the Phenix rises from the ashes of Its fire, ani mates with new life"—so does this Elixir rejuvenate the system-and-overcome disease.. . • sfig- The Rejuvenming Elixir le the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom, being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systeins,. . : • rrir This medicine has been tested by the, most-,..enli nent medical men of the day and by them pronbuncell to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. ifir.One hotdewilt cure General Debility. air A few - doses CSre Hysteria' in females. _ One bottle cures. Palpitation of the Heart. 'Er Frbin'one to' three bottles restore the manliness and:full :Srlgor of youth; • • Sir A. few doses restore.the appetite. sir Three bottles cure the worst muloof Impotenck. Afewdoses cure the low spirited. mgr. One battle restores mental power. for A few d see restore the organs of; generation. Aar A few doses bring the rose to thechebk. sir This medicine restores to manly 'vigor and robust health the prior ; debilitated Warn-clown and despairing. —The listless ehervAed youtti,.the iiver-tSsked man of business,' the victim of nervous depression, 'the suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and perinanent relief 4w the use of this Elixir or Essencs of Life. • 'r . ,`sl/ $2 per bottle, or three bottles for sb, and forwarded 1:7 Press,. on receipt or money, to any addresil. TRE CREIWKEE PILLS and REJUVENATING ELLaIR are sold by all enterprising druggists in the civil ized world. Some unprincipled dealers, however, :; try to sell wordless compounds in • place these;; thilSo which they can purchase at a cheap price, and make more mo ney by selling than they _can on these medicines, As you value your health•L-'ay, she health' of your inters off spring—do not be deceived by such, unprincipled drug• its,. ask for these medicines and take no other: If .the 'druggist will not buy them for you, inclose the - money in a letter, and welsh! send them to you by Rapress, se curely sealed and packed, tree from. observation. Ladies or gentlemen can address us in perfect confi dence, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symp toms, as we treat all diseases of a Chronic 491gre . in mite or female. Patients need not hesitate because of tteeir inability to visit us, as we have treated patients success fully in ell portions of the civilized, globe, by correspond ence. Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and write post office, county, State, and name of writer, plain, and Inclose poluagestainp, for reply. We send our-32-page Pamphlet free to any address,— Address all letters to the Proprietors, • MEIIWIN'ir CO., nols-deort4in No. f 3 111)041y street, New York THE LONG LOOKED FOE HAS COKE! . . "HEALTH AND EULTIVOILS TO TER SONS AND D.IIOOIITERS OT Ainicrricei ' DB. COLLINS' SYRUP OF ROOTS, itisilC.B.lkl) . SEPais, . „ :FOlithe cure of Coughs, Colds,Sore Throat, .Cron'', Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar corn- plaints. - - The object or this Medicine is to soothe and ease the cough ; to dissolve the Congealed phlegm that adheres', and sticks to thoproat, which excites hacking; hawking, andcougliihgl_ to relieve tlie. irritation in the which is Moducedhy catching cold on the slightest' ex-: posule. It expectorates the diseased matter thathas ac cumulated in thelungs which retards,tpiff. oppresses,,the , : respirsdory or ht Salhing organs,. nourtshin; • the, Jungi s„d briiiictdat into* • t 't ThIS Meilioine gives tone to the'Strivittatit punites slid circulates the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing. Good News for Mothers and Ohddien.—liere is the sufferer's balm ; keep it in your Madly, sickness conies, as thief in the night, and your child is suffocated .by the: meet diseise, Croup, or sindlar com Plaints. Item As a preventative—it is nature's friend. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAUDI. COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the corner of Third street and' klgrawburn"4l ma i p ni i tors 4eo fp! " BOXGARDNY'at corn ' t 4l ogf ~.f Lo uirl .eit;;mu ld 'd i tarm settk et, 8 (0 P - ee l:I L% HifrllsPurg• S. cObLINS„ All orders s. "qui.**44Yd4ii." These qiirxlicines A FEW MORE COPLO of the • RULES FOR REGULATING THE PBAOTITHE THE SUPREME WORT AND COURTS(. 4 TWEIX-THODIOIAL DIgHICYdP IA PENNSYLVAN, - Composed of Dauphin: and 'Lebanon counties. Price $3 50, For sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, liarrisburd, Pa. nob prAstcs, Currants, Blaeltberry, • Pine Amite, Cherry, :Far aide a 4:: , ._ (decl2-dlfl . ..JOHN WISE'S. , . VVAESE--ClhOtOe new - Cd'Oli Cheese, just received at . SHlSlinat. kiFIVILZERL a '-';i '' 4 . .' ''' .. : -.' v# i! a1 • PT" ' l7r ' i r " a _.. VALENTLL RAISINS, a new invoice, at . apt - • .SaISLER 6i Fitif,ZER,S. XTUTS.—Ahnortds, Cream Nuts, Chestnuts, _LI English walnuts, russets map. walnuts, et de da_du• , . JOHN WISE'S. NEW GAME FOE CHILDREN. GAME OF SOUTADIE, together with an assortment et other Games,A Schaffer's Bookstore. 21 South Sahara street. AarrishaiM Pe. ocil Witt FLOUR sind ' 00b Is V YELL always on hand, of the best quality, at BOYER & SOERFEII„. KETSUP, by the gallon, .quart or OMN. • taeelved at II: M. GRAY t 30 . -, Platt in" old stand, Market square.) dectB vi lot l if Apples and J. "D 0 - REuairED, a gm. wia.4 .pq - 4 0 ; at . • Thirsll4okWathlut ?•ettr 2, •_. • • „ At Gro. riviE.I4ItGEBT and beet 1 eaten In the ally,- op)* bial at attEWS ocOir „ Wig.= 84.4 1 - rumor) FRUlTS.—Peaches, Bliekbeti. %,/ Musson *cote, at (04344 NM wikum T•Hr' V NION HARRISBURG, PA., THIJIISDIA EVENINt4., DECEMBER 29, 1864 ME DP !tt DVSPE PSIX A Cure Warranted. Dyspepsia has the folknoing Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss .of Appetite. :,.4th: Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea; 6th. Pais in all parts of the System. 7th: Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart: Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. • 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands.of cases of Dyspepsia that h'averuied Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of, a perfect cure. 'We warrant a ours in every case,'no -matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all-druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a °frau ler. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. Eravmawrn BBANSON, of Brandywine, Dd., formerly of. Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half I suffered every thing but death.from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my load; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallovied it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un derihis„ immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; Leonid not bear my husband nor myown children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; Iliad no anthition to, do anything; I lost all my love of fatuity and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; .1. 'felt• that I'-was doomed to hell, and that there-was no heaven for me, and was- often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de , strayed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr Kirkbride's hOspital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine Weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. • Hearing of the wonderful cures peiforraed by Dr. Wis hart'ntireat, Ainerican Dyspepsia' Pills and his -tiestraent for :Dyspepsia, my. husband tailed-en Dr. Wiebart and stated my case to him. Se: said he had ilia dinibthe-unzthßinie me. So in three 'days after I called and plaoed myself under the Doctor's treatinent and in two weeks I began to digest my fook and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I eontinued•to recover for alvut three Months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and Wind, and Imost =barely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that Saved me from an'lnsane Asylum and premature gray& PM persons- suffering- with Dyspepsia are at liberty to tell on me or write, as I am-Willing Ito do all ihe good I can, for 'suffering hu manity. ATAZAIIETE rolutrisoN; Brandywine, Doti forreerly of Old Chester, Delaware courity,:Pa. '1 Wniu.tirr's Office, No. 10 North Second street, - Philadelphia. • . DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA • Ds Wituilarl hive- been 'IP-constant . sutferer with Dyipeptia for the las t eighteen years, during which time I cannot Bay ler_er entered a_Perhotily wellday, There were Unica when the sympluno were more aggravated than at Others, and thsaltneented would he it greet re lief to ' Thad at all- thoestruvrininerieint feeling in my. head; but latterly_ my mutterings:so :much increased that tiotorite almost unfit for imam= of any hind my mind :was.i ontlaualy filled „tFitli gloomy thoughts . and fore bectiOgs, and if I 'atterapusdlo change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in Connection With a dead weigh!, as it were, rested upon'lily bruin; sloe, -a reeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, sod .great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the Continual "lbar of losing my'reason. I also experienced lassitude, debility-and nervonmoss, which made it dillicultte walk by dey.•or sleep at night. I became averse to Society, and .disioseuti. only to seclusion, and having tried the skill iit's number' of 'eminent' phytiaUtis of various schools, finally comb to the conclusion that; for this disease( at my present: age (46 years) there Weenie cure JetOVetellt??. • 'huts' -threuBh • the Mauference- af Divine yretrid.euee p .l.o whom . ' devoutly M`fervaY thatkay I at last. 'fondi'soveieign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills _and Tai Cordial; whichiseercu-sorhavis ethicintally removed at. lastAreoe,ef -my Joug,list of ailments and bad feelings, and la khalrioV*ol,ealth.„ AMMO and content. agent are ray everyday ccuripardona • : . • '4A10,13 M IikUNDERS, • • • . No..4sBltortir Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly, ot.Wooilbury, Dr. WitiDart's 0111, No. 10 North Second street, Phila. nol7 A POSITIVE CURE got, DYSPEPSIA. amen wain. yR Ramis: ItAii4:6oll. WEL N, t Inn fritvearanar, Philadelphia, January 22d, Min w i aiwer—gire-Llt is 'With much pleasure that I am now able toinform:you that, by the use of your great ]Americao Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that Most distressing cemptaint, Dyipersht. I had been grieviouely afflicted for the last twenty-eight years, and to: ten years of that time have not been free -from its path one.week at a time; I have:had it inits worst form and have dragged on a mostiniserable existerozi—in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ate filled me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how amail the quantity. A continued belching was sure to follow I had no appetite for any kinds, of rotate what. evairand my distrera was soiriat for several months a be fore 1 heard of ycitr , Pills, that I frequently wished for death. had taken .everytbinit that I had heard of for syspeiala, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being reeolnietteded to me by one .who had tp4mi ha dcure by them, I concluded*/ give thani a trial, although 1 d no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself gettiog better before I had taken one-fourth of a box, and after taking ; halt hoc, I act well WM, and cess - att anyOuro wit alit enjo y , bgarif meal three timee a day, U without convenience from anything I Oat or drink. , you , th ink proper, you are at liberty to make this public and refer to ma. I will cheerfully give all de sirable information to any one who amy Osll of me, Yours, reap/dro ll y, JOll/4 11. BABCOCK ,Por sale at Dr. Wishairt , s Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per box. Sent by mail,. free of charge, on reoeipt price. DYSPEPSIA I? DYSPEPSIA! , Samuel D. Halei3l2 have 'been a "great sufferer • I, ref with Chronic Dyspepsia mid Inflammation of the Kidneys for three years. I employed thfee or four of ttile most•erul n entphysfelaus of Vallee ifddlt, .alse Btifilnkton County N. 3. They did all for inti they could, but. all to , no pur. pose, I was constantly Idled . with iced pain and -dis tress, and with constant belching of Wind and sour aoid. Ny tongue was,covered•with' a white coating of mucus until.,it cracked in large TIMMS, and was , dreadfully sore! Ohl I ofttimes wished for death to relieve me of , my sufferings,. or I nal - tosiail - hcoe of "'ever being well "On . prow ItiVAad.dhat.he woad &met me to , someAysician or medicine tbs. Woad ore thld to read an advertisement of pr: Vitenar,isknAhitliiidehilate: Laser, or a Oat core node apoieltedtilin Babcock, of Qitv:e rattle" Thins. deals, by the goo Automat Dynevsie went to Wmp Doctor's ow** oil placed myietc undo Veal- -N o W A N 1.3 I , 0 R i 471 V E ." went, anti told him if he failed to cure me, it would lee the lasteffort I would make. 'lt has boon six weeks since commenced "the use of his medicine, and Lam now a well man, free from:all pain and dfatrcas, and can oat three hearty meals a day With 'comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic, suffering as I was, to call on me, and I wilttell them of the great curs I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond Street, formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, N J. . The above are irfew among the thousands which this greatremody has saved from an untimely grave. - We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug. gists who have presoritiod and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they hive never used Cr sold a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. • Propared only by the proprietor, HR. L Q. C. WiSHART, No. 10,North Second sreet, Philittlelphia,Pa. 'Sold" by Dniggikili everywhere ' Brnio.l3-0"4-d&sg NE W Al) V ERTISEME N TS. a. Grand Exhibition Christmas OITAKEL & BRO7S Eiritg n.ild Fancy THE following are "some of the articleiC to be obtained, appropriate to the season : ORNAMENTS.' Bohemian Glass Vases. Flower Stands. " T.ollet Bottles. 'Wm. h Stand s. Cigar S_tand.s. Match. Stands. Cigar Ash Stands -Reading and Rook - Stands FANCY GOODS. Fancy Fats. • Finci Riding Whips. Card ( - safe, pearl ,and Canes 'leather. . ' Cut Glass Colognes. Ivory Tablets. • • LEA.THER GOODS. Dressing Cases. Shalr . ng Cases. tidies' Companions. Ladies' Satchels. Cabs - Satchels. Portefolios. Cigar CoAea Portemonnaies. • TOILET ARTICLES Powder - Putt Boxes. Hand Mirrors. Toilet Waters Bra,.hes Powdera Sachets. Burnett's Toilet Pelts SOLDIERS' WARES. Writing Cases. Sewing Cases. . Cavalry Cases. ratios. Leather and Wicker Pocket Mirrors. Flasks. Money Belts Mather, Metal and Gum Cups.. • VARIETIES Wooden Puzzles. Fancy Boxes. Meerschaum Pipes. Work Boxes. Brier Pines. • Box of Cigars. Pocket Knioct. Loather aad Gum Balls Fine Razors. Fine Donainoes. Diaries for 1865. Thermometers. ,AlBO. a groat variety of Lava Ware, all of which can bo had at " KIINICAL gic 'SRO'S DRUG non, dec7tf No. 118 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. BUEHLER HOUSE, HARRISBURG., PA. The undersigned, having lately purchased the • " UEHLEE HOUSE proPerty, has already comnieneed such alter ations and improvements as will render this, OLD 41 POPULAR HOUSi equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in tyre city of Harrisburg. GEO. J. BOLTON.* T BEAST:TRY DEPARTMENT. OPINS OP CONPTHOLLER OP THE CI7IIIMOY, , • .„ WASIZLNGTON, Nov. 21, 1864 j • Whereas, by Satisfactory evident* presented to the undersigned, it has been Made appear that the HARRIsBURO NATIONAL BANE, in the City of Har risburg, in the County Dauphtn, and State or Penn= sylvama, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act' of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, central by a pledge of United States toads, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof ,V approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of Paid act required to be complied with be:ore conunoncing the business of bank ing under said act: - Norv,..zherefore, SAMUEL T. HOWARD, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the Ilarriiburg National Bank,in the City of Harrisburg, in the county of Dauphin, and State of I'eansylvarita; is author lard to commence the business of banking Wilder the act aforesaid. . In testimony whereof, witness ,my hand and aeal of °Mee this twehty4lratday of'Noveniber, i 864. - • . . • . } . .- , y .. . - 24.ttUEL, T. )IUWARD, {,............ SSAL. , Deput Coroptroder of-the Currency. ----• no2B • Dr: L€timpe' hierb Salve, lICFAS proved the most effective cure of RIIEUMAUP GOITT, has proyeA.tha best remedy Of Animating and Strengthening the lterVeS of Ladies af- ter Cimfinement, /las proved the Lest salve fur DRAWING BAD MATTER AND HEALING An infallible remedy against Cramp in the Stomach, Indigestion, Cholera,, Diarrhea , Giddiness,., : Vomiting, Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Epilepsy, Asthma, Piles, Cold Fever, &c., &D. . Pelee $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $5. D. FR. TAMlTs_Goalar, Kingdom Hanover, is the in ventor of the most wonderful cure ever known. Ho commenced his practice twenty years ago by only TOOOl4- 134 such patients an' had been considered Incurable by their physicianu After taking his medicines, and sub jetting themselves to his treatment, they regained thei former vigor and good health, and THOUSANDS OF LIVES HAVE BEEN SAVED BY HIS MEDICINE. • TIM Darns or Dr. Fr, Lampe soon becaloe the most re nowned of European doctors. Hundreds of thousands of sufferers have availed themselves -of his wonderful medicine and got relieved. Imported by Dr. WITS' CH & C0.;48a Broadway, N. Y. For sale in Harrisburg by D. W. GROSS & CO., T. M. BOMGABDNII,R, and LOTUS' WYSTIL (ooladoawlyi • • . FSugar Cured Hams and Dried Beef, inaC reaelved W)L M GRAY Si CO., - (Omar and Loohman's old stand, Market sqlnirej ASKETS, BASKETS, in great varioty SELMER A: FRAZER., 1027 Succesecte to W. Dock, Jr.. & _ . HAVANA. ORANGES.—Fine Havana. Or anges, by the dozen or single, just received at WM_ ht. GRAY & CO., (Houser and Looltraan's old stand, Market square. , deal -BAGS I RAGS 1 1 RAGS 111 F IVE - V cents per lb. cash paid for good mixed Flag SCREFFEB'S Bookstore, sept 26 21 South Second street. Harrisburg. Penna. • • orb} F. JOHNSON, • - ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ornoz No. 23, Boras Szcoato SnoRET. Legal bealma and Gammas promptly attended to. CaBSTNIN'S.-200 Chestritith, for sale &any giantlike, at • . _ BOYER & KEEPER'S &aka No. 8 Market square. 4IEDICA IL. Presents ! 'NO. 118 MAWMT STNNICT Vatch Cases. Ladles' Purses. Toilet Soaps. PomacLeg Combs. WOUNDS; Price $1 por bottle. Six bottles for $5. Dr Lampe's Universal Herb Elixir, —WebBte? PRICE THREE CENTS EVENING EDITIOR. From the 201st 11egiment. CAMP SLOUGH, WEST ALEXANDRIA, VA. Thursday Evening, Dec. 22, 1864. EDITOR TELEGRPH—Dear have been abroad to-day, and replenished my note-book to some purpose. I paid a visit to the "Mount Cameron Reservoir and Water Works," "and* the superintendence of Daniel V. Lewis, Esq., amintelligent, clever, gentlemanly and communicative citizen of Alexandria. The water-works in question are built precisely on the same principle as those at Harris burg, and are about the same capacity, and cost $1.00,0.00. - ,They were erected, Mr. Lewis informed me, in the year 1851, under the supervision (Sof Frederick Erdman, Esq., of Philadelphia, the same engineer that constructed the works at Harrisburg. It made me feel a trifle proud to learn of friend Lewis that Pennsylvania skill had left her mark here in old Virginia. The work is skillfully done, and the reservoir placed on a beautiful site, overlooking the city and Potomac river. A guard from the 201st, in charge of Corporal E. J. • Mills, and privates Lorenzo D. Ram be 4 Samuel tihreadley, John Roberts and Gebrge Shultze, is placed around the prem ises, watching day and • night; and our boys stationed there speak in tlyp high est terms - of Mr. Lewis and his family, for the many acts of kindness extended to them. I learned many interesting facts from triend Lewis, he being an old Virginian, and acquainted with many subjects of interact, pertaining to the history of Virginia, He re marked he did not claim to be au 'T. P. V.," but that the family is at least tto hundret years old —his ancestors were among the first settlers of the Old Dominion. Mr. L. erhzbi ted to me an ordinary iron poker, which he assured me was used by the great Washington himself, to stir up his fires at Mount Vernon! You may rest assured it is valued by this in teresting family, accordingly. 14. Lewis is a modest, unassuming gentleman, and a genu ine Unionist. his wife is a lady of refine= meat, well-bred and intelligent, (and, I beg her pardon)—handsome. She is proud of her sire, and informed me that 'her husband was a distant relative of George Washington, the father of his country. I contemplate visiting there in future, and have the promise of many interesting items from my tmuch esteemed friend Lewis. In the afternoon, in company with my friend Sergeant N—, of Company A, I paid a visit to ray typo friend S—y, at the Castle on St. Asaph street, where we spent an hour with interest. There are 148 prisoners in the jail—some for trifling offences, who will re ceive corresponding sentences;, and others answering to two or three aliases, who will stand a pretty good chance for three or four years confinement in Fort Delaware, if not a free passage to the Dry Tortugas for several years, for their misconduct toward the U. S. Government. , The treatment of prisoners at this institution is strict, yet humane and re spectful—plenty of substantial food - and good elothing , isfernished_the -enlyrits, by the Government. We stepped out to one of the wharves and beheld a small army of men unloading forage, (hay, oats, &c.,) in large quantities, from canal-boats, barges and transports. Close to the Government buildings we saw and in spected two fine steam fire engines, numbered "1" and "2," built by the , Aineskeag Manu facturing-Company, Massachusetts, fur the ex clusive use of the 'United States Government. They are of the largest class, elegantly fin ished and highly-ornamented --each steamer furnished with a tender-and sufficient quan tity ,of hose. These engines are ready, at all hours, for action, and can be got, under full headway in twenty minutes From the wharves we sauntered up to cor ner. of Washington and Omicron streets, where is situated "Ohrist'w Church," a 'quaint-took in,g,-old-fashioned Episcopalian house of wor ship—the same chureh,in which Washington last worshipped Li z life. The . exterior of the edifice "has an air 'of antiquity about it—old.fashioned shutters, painted green, on. both stories—an ordinal) , spire which • much resembles that of an old-fashioned village church, the brick walls overhung with bright, green ivy; and the yard, probably embracing, three acres, con tains a number of,trees of the aspen, 'ash, locust, Mulberry, sycamore . and red cedar species, With a small number of tomb-stones and - monuments interspersed through the grounds. The sexton, Mr. Win. M. Hunter, a typo, Who has also charge of the 11. S. M. IL it. Printing Office, intormed us that the edifice is just 100 years old to-day ! It was built in 1764, and finished on the 23d of De ceMber—the brick being brought from Eng land. Mr. Hunter unlocked the door and ad into the' church., It contains three rows of aisles, and on 'the left hand side, facing the pulpit, is a large double pew, the seats facing each other, and on the top of a panel at thwentrince is a neat silver plate with the words Washligton's Peto. It is num bered "60," and is not rented away ender any con;ideration, but is reserved for the especial accommodation of strangers. worshipping at this remarkable church. . It holds probably 8 or 10 persons, and the pew is occupied by many distinguished visitors on days of wor ship. I will not attempt to describe my feel ings, dear TELEGIMPH, as I reluctantly nestled myself in the soft crimson; cushions, and reflected on the fact that on this sacred-spot 9nce . sat the great'and God-like 'Washington! 0, sir, it made me feel unworthy of so great an honor. It almost seemed to me an act - of sacrilege! Lee and -family also.occupied Washington's pew regularly, while attending Chridt's Church, before the rebellion broke on Mr. Painter informed me that not long since an oldman visited the church—he was a very old than—his head whitened by the frosts of many winters—and as he sat in the memorable "Washington's pew, " for half an hour, his feelings so completely gained the mastery over him that he wept like a child, and the tears rolled down his.furrowed cheeks like drops of rain ! The pews and interior of the church were originally painted, white, or namented with gold. They. are made to rep resent a beautiful oak graining. -Alm pulpit is an ordinary one,,plain, neat F a unostenta tious! On the right hand side is a tablet, in pannel-form, containing the words of the XX. chapter of Exodis—the ten c omn2andments. On the left side of the pulpit several verges, found iri Psalins."--a part of the impressive service .9f the Ohlipah of „Fatgland—and the God-like admetiftiOn: Do unto others as you would wish , them to So, urito. you,!? A line ergaii occupies a small- galleg-Aur4. latge e4ough, to - r the meat one in Alexandria. *The good pea. 'BINT 4 - 1 1111111 e.9 l TEßTltigia tOeowliii are the rates for advei ptl thderhi the bad -4.1.P1i. Those having advertising to do will find it eon verileni. for referonee: far 'Rau lines Or Iv:n cortsutute nu -hall square Rig]," hues, ur more than four, constitute a square. EON ONE SQL'ARS One Jay ..... , Two days. 1 00 Throe Jaye......... 126 One week .......... 226 One month 6 00 Two months 9 00 Three months— ... . . /1 00 Six menthe 15 00 One year.— 25 00 FOR A RALF 3141.•AR.E . Oue day.....$ SU Two days_ . . . 60 Three days 76 ' One week. . ..... 1 25 One month 3 00 Two month& 4 50 Three months...—. 6 60 Six months .. 600 One year 15 00 Administration Notices anlage Notices. Auditor's Notices Funeral: Notices, each insertion 50 Slie- Business notices inserted in the Local Mullin, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CENTS MR Luis fOr each insertion. pie were arranging festoons made of ever greens, and busily at work decorating the in terior for holiday worship. We are under many obligations to Mr. Hun ter, who, by the way, is an Ohioian,' and was formerly attached to the ith Ohio Infantry— has seen active service in Southwestern Vir ginia, and in the Shmtandoah valley. We will gladly accept the invitation of our typo friend to attend divine worship on Christmas eve, the Lord willing. While on the subject of churches, I will state that there are houses of worship of all Christian denominations hare. The Methodist Episcopal Church 'North and the same church South, are directly op posite each other, on the same street, with this difference: The church North, is on the south side - of the street, and the church South on the north side! A high wind prevailed all day causing the slosh and mud, ankle deep in the streets, to "dry up" instanter. It is intensely cold, and the steamers and sailing craft in the Potomac are belabored with floating ice. The members of the band and drum corps are "fixing up" in fine style. They are to have caps ornamented with gold cord, and a cord or stripe of gold down the side of their pantaloons, and some becoming and tasteful trimming to their dress coats. Bully for the musical portion of the gay 201st ! There was .an unusual amount of express goods brought to camp to-day—Christmas presents for the boys—but nary drop of sauer kraut! The boys want to know if there is any likelihood of its having been confiscated at Washington! Please inform 'us, and oblige truly yours, A. IL B. Jit) EefeorapQ. Ftom Tennessee. The Advance of Our Forces. HOOD STILL RETK E NAmlmaar., Dec. 27 The advance of our army was, on Monday nigh, 21 miles south of Columbia, about half way between that place and the Tennessee river. The roads, on account of the heavy rains, were nearly impassable. Hood is: steadily retreating before our ad vancing troops. Prisoners who have, deserted are being brought in every day. 200 reached here yesterday. • _ . It is reported that Hood intends to reach the Tennessee River near the month of the Elk River. General Thomas having forced him considerably to the coast. The military authorities consider the situation as very en couraging. ' Railroad and telegraphic communication is open to Columbia, on the Tennessee and Ala bama rivers, and the road will now be in running order to Chattanooga. The river is at a stand, with 18 feet on the shoals. New York. NEW Yorac, Dec. 28. The Cuba for Liverpool took $534,000 in specie. _ _ The monthly sale of 25,000 tons of Scranton coal took place to-day.. The average prices about the same as last sale, but some varie ties were one or two shillings higher. Markets by Telegraph. NEw Yozz, Dec. 28 Cotton quiet at 115. Flour dull and nomin ally s@lo cents lower, sale 7,000 bbls. at $9 45®9 65 for State; $lO 85@$11 00 " for Ohio; and $lO 50®19 00 for Southern. Wheat dull.and nominally 1®,2 cents lower.:: Corn dull and heavy at $1 800$190. Beef quiet. Pork firm at $4O 50®.541. 75 for mess. Lard quiet, but unchanged. Whisky dull. Sellers ask $2 24®52 25, while holders offer $2 . 22. Gold opened at $1 19 and is now $llBl. New York Stools. Market NEW Yoßx, Doc. 28 Stocks dull but steady. Chicago and Rock Island 1051; Cumberland preferred 474; Mich igen Southern 71i; New York Central 114'i Pennsylvania Coal 95; Reading 114; Hudson. River 116 i; Virginia 6's 50; Erie RailYoad 861; Treasury 7 3-10, 1204; One Year Certifi cates 96 5-8, Coupons 1881, 116 5-8;. Five twenties, 1084; Ten-Forties, 101 5-8, Philadelphia. Stook Dlarkets. ParrADKcrim,- Dec. 28 Stocks dull; Pennsylvania Ws 93; Ileadir!g R. R., 574; Morris Canal 94i; Pennsylvania R. R., 644; Gold 217. Exchange on New York par. HOLIDAY GEO. W. IitcCALL.A., .11 - E W V. I, R, No. 38 Market Street, Opposite the Jones El - Ouse, AAS just received a large assortment of Jewelry, &c., suitable Tor Holiday rreketits, and tuvaes the politic to give him a cal Select your present whi:o the smut:iv-M. is full. deco-dlm H. C. OATH,.' Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. x 0.15; THIRD STRICT, MOW MARKET sepS-d6ta* - GUM BALLS. Bat Balls. • Parlor Balla, • ' Mosloal Bans, Alphabet Balls, - Faure gibbed Star, BERGSER'S Bookstore, A full assortment at •_-• BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. r_ToNs BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, of a awe tier quality, just received from the Wyoming Valley and for sale 111 any quantity 1101.4 RAM SR &FRAM'S. • TIIST RECEIVED, a fine lot of Pickles and el Cranberries. at [desl2-dtt] JOHN TOMATO CATSUP—By the ga ll on, quart and pint, ja.t received at " . • - WM. M fI•RAT &Co., (Ho set & Loclunan's old stand, MaticatAquaro.) decl9 YNKEE lIM.PERS, WILKRIMAILB,C) S sod"ohlalretes Wagons, bought exproolly to meet the tataant demands, at BOYER & E.O.fiRPER 7 S. tteolV. - 110PUMWECEAT Ftol;l4.—A fresh roan' or Towanda: Buckwheat, .freob ground Corn Yee, extra family Flour, by tb9 kb!. or bag, every package warisinled and delivered to all virtu of the city free of charge, at • BOYER & • q 1: dear !MEI 1 N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers