Etttorao HARRISBURG, PA. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3, 1864. TOWN AND'COUTVTRY. Market Days at the New Market Honer Tuesday morning, from 5 to 10. Friday morning, from 5 to 10. Saturday afternoon and evening, from 3 to 8 novl6-dlm CHRISTMAS comes on Sunday, this year, and is only three weeks off. =I WE learn that a movement is on foot to bold a sanitary fair in this city, at an early (lay. AN interesting exhibition was given at Mrs. Dixon's Seminary, last evening, by tha pils or the institution. 1:=3=111 TFIERE was no apparent change in the pri ces of marketing this niorning. One thing is certain—the figures were high enough in every instance. THE alarm of fire, last evening, was caused by the burning of a small building in Tan ner's Alley. The flames were extinguished before the engines arrived. THE Commissioners of Northumberland county have decided to erect a new court house. The borough of Sunbury is to pay 55,000 towards defraying the expenses. THE Good Will Rose Company of Carlisle intends holding a holiday fair, commencing on the 24th inst., and continuing until the 2d of January—for the purpose of raising means to liquidate the debt of the company. THERE was not a pleasant countenance to be seen at market, this morning. How could there be, when the mud was ankle deep, over-running shoe-tops, &to. ? The Square does not present an inviting appearance just now. ECLIPSES.—Next year there will be four eclipses—two of the sun and two of the moon. The eclipses of the sun occur on the 25th of April and the 15th. of October; those of the moon on the Ilth of April and the 3d of Oc tober. A MEAN COUNTEBYEIT.-A rascally counter feit has just made its appearance. It is a gen uine one dollar note on the Farmers' Bank of Lancaster altered to a ten, through the medi um of paste and scissors. Somebody will be cheated by them. =I BAP= Critraoa.—There will be service in the Baptist Church, corner of Second and Pine streets, to-morrow morning at 104' o'clock and at 7in the evening. The pulpit will be filled by Rev. Mr. Curtis, of Lewisburg, Pa. The public are invited to attend. THE person who took, in mistake, an um brella labelled on tag inside with name of owner, " Mrs. Kerr's," from Mrs. Dixon's school exhibition, last evening, will please re turn the same accordingly. An umbrella with owner's name inside, awaits call at same place. FIRE at Mmmrrows.—,i frame house be longing to Messrs. McCrary, of Middletown, and occupied by two families, named Copeland and Medler, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday afternoon. The occupants lost all there furni ture, and are left in destitute circumstances. tEE I ROBBERS!-To-night Schiller's great ro mantic 'tragedy called Tan ROBBERS, or The Parricide's Doom, will be performed at Rouse's Theatre. This thrilling play will attract a large audience. Mr. J. B. Roberts, the trage dian, will appear. This is the last night of the present engagement of Mr. Roberts. The entire Star Combination company will appear in this piece. TEE Gun AND 800.--The Sunbury papers state that Adjutant Clapp, late of the Provost Marshal's office in this city, was out on a sporting excursion, and gives the following as the result: Two days' shooting--fifty-eight partridges bagged; one day's fishing—eleven pike or pickerel captured, one of which mea sured 224 inches in length. I=l A fIatEL9BVEG SOLD= SEMI' wma.s. ARREST- Stio DESEBTERS.—Just before going to press ,ve learn that James Irvin, of Co. E, 201st P E E. Vole., was mortally wounded, while at tempting to arrest deserters, at or near Scran ton. His body will be sent home, to this city, where• his family resides, We have been una ble to obtain any further particulars of the sad affair, in time for to-day's paper. ' • AN can 'MANCE has been passed in Philadel phia, prohibiting the merchants from placing goods of coy description, or boxes of the pavements, or extending signs across the same. The pavements are not to be occupied in any manner, by anything belonging to a place of buismess. The merchants grumble, but the people generally are rejoicing. The ordinance went into effect several days ago. Such an ordinance is needed in Harrisburg. MERIT RzooomzEn.--Last week Sergeant Jacob Cart received from the Secretary of War a beautiful testimonial of the gallantry displayed by him in the capture of a rebel flag at the first Fredericksburg battle. The medal is made of bronze, nearly the shape of a star, and is suspended from an eagle's mouth. On the reverse side is an inscription giving the date of the exploit with the state ment of its recognition by Oongress.—Carlisle Herald A LAUDABLE UNDERTAKING. —We are pleased to find that a project is on foot to purchase and forward to each company of the 201st Regiment a barrel of saner kraut. The money is to be raised by subscription and placed in the hands of Mr. Anthony King for disburse ment All persons wishing to donate money or cabbage, can do so by leaving it at Mr. King's hardware store, corner Third and Market streets, or present it to the subscrip tion agents, who will call upon them. Mr. King will give any further information that may be desired. SHOOTING AFFBAT AT UNIONTOWN, PA.- 7 -A Bebe/ Knocked Doton by a Sheriff—The. Officer Shot by the Minion of Jeff. Davis. —On Friday of last week a man named Dr. Sheppard, hail ing from Fairmount, Virginia, who has been stopping in Uniontown for a short time, went into McClelland's grocery store, where Sheriff Eli Cope and a number of other gentlemen were conversing, and being a blatant seces sionist, began to give vent to his treasonable sentiments, at the same time shouting for Jeff. Davis. Sheriff Cope, who is Assistant Provost Marshal, endeavored to quiet Shep pard, chiding him at the same time for his re bellious expressions, whereupon he became more boisterous than ever. Mr. Cope finding it impossible to calm the rebel, struck him a blow, felling him to the floor. Sheppard drew a revolver and fired twice, the first ball strik ing Mr. Cope in the right breast, inflicting a slight flesh wound, and the second entering the thigh, prodgcjag ass ugly wound. g - Poitinuos IN itfla titlii.'=Ortr sportsmen, the crack shots of the city, are haling a good time among the birds. The feathery . tribes are pursued with as much ardor as are the re bels, and bag after bag of the choicest game are daily brought into the city. • A few days since a party of four left the city, for a few hours' shooting. His honor, Maydr Rouinfort, was one of the party, and from what we heard of the result of the hunt, the Mayor beat the entire crowd handsomely, shooting more birds than any two of his companions. We have' always understood that the Mayor was a good shot, but in these days of "sharp shooters," we imagined that men of his age were a little short in their sight. It seems, however,:that the old hunters are as good, if not better than men less in years and better in sight. I=l HORSE Tatar SHOT.—The following, from the Chambersbnrg Repository, gives an ac count of the manner in which rebel thieves are to be treated in Franklin county. The time is past for permitting rebels to run at large and plunder loyal people. Let Union bullets teach those thieves a wholesome lesson, and put an end to their plundering operations. The Repository says: On Friday week a horse belonging to Mr. Martin Heintzelman was stolen from the hitching-post at Wingert's store in Fayette ville. Suspicion attached to John Myers, who was in town that evening, and the sus picions were confirmed when Myers and his brother William--both residing in the South Mountain—were in Hagerstown the next morning, and the stolen horse was sold by William. On Friday last the two brothers re turned to Fayetteville, both riding and armed, and when confronted by Mr. Heintzelman they asked two days to prove their innocence, and propoied to leave their horses there until they did so; but soon after they were seen trying to get out their horses to getaway, and when the citizens showed a determination to arrest them, they ran across the fields towards Mr. John Crawford's. Captain Funk got four armed men and pursued them. He soon 'over took them nearly a mile from town, and caught William ; but John refused to stop when called upon to do so, and he was shot, the ball. entering his back under the left shoulder and passing through the lungs and out at the•right breast. He was carried back to Fayetteville, where he now lies in a very criti cal condition, and his brother William is in prison awaiting his trial. The people of the county are about prepared to save our courts the trouble of disposing of horse-thieves. They are either rebels or in collusion with rebels, and their villainous work will be arrested only when they learn that they must face bullets. A CARD. OFFICE SUBSISTENCE DEPABTAIENT, t Camp Curtin, Dec. 3, 1864. Editor Telegraph :—My attention has been called to an article in your last issue, entitled "The Reception of Returning Volunteers." Your informant is in error when he states that "The Commissary at that camp is prepared to issue rations in kind, but the soldier, having no facilities to cook them, must eat them raw, or content himself on an empty stomach." This Department is prepared to cook rations, and has been accustomed to issue cooked rations to all soldiers desiring them. On the arrival in camp of the 76th regiment, P. V., preparations were imme diately made to cook rations for them, but be fore they could be cooked, I was informed the soldiers had left the camp for the city. That they were not fed here is not the fault of this Department. Please make this correction.— Yours, &c., J. A. KNOWLES, Commissary of Subsistence. A Card. PAY OFFICE, Hamassuao, Dec, 2, 1864. lisaossa:—ln the TZLEGBAPIL of this evening, in an article headed "The reception of returning volunteers," your "local" makes the assertion that regiments are frequently mustered out days before they are paid off, implying that the delay is in the Pay Depart ment. Such is not the case. Since I have been in charge of this office, now nearly ten months, no regiment has been delayed as much as a day in payment. As regards the 76th—the case in point— although the regiment arrived heron Friday. the 25th, the rolls did not reach this of ee until 3P.x. on the 30th. Before , 3 P. M. On Dec. 1, every man belonging to it had been paid. Will you please make the correction. Fiat justitia. Yours, truly, W. M. WILEY, Paymaster. BUSINESS ITEMS. THE HARMONIC SOCIETY has resumed active operations for the season. At the large and pleasant meeting last Monday evening it was fully organized. D. A. Kepner, Esq., was elected President, vice F. A. Awl, (absent,) and Prof. Page was elected I3onductor. The next meeting will be held 2uesday evening, Dec. 6th, in the usual place. t AT THE JONES HOUSE FORA FEW DAYS ONLY. —Prof. Sibbet, of the city of New, York, would inform the citizens of Harrisburg, that he has opened reception rooms at the Jones House for a few days, where he can be con sulted for - all disases of the scalp and hair, and all other diseased conditions of the body which either directly or indirectly affect the growth of the hair. Many persons, when their hair becomes thin and diseased, and prema turely gray, resort to that compound known as lac sulphur and sugar of lead, to restore its color and promote its health. Others again resort to alcohol and castor oil as a tonic for the hair. Tne result is, that in the end, the hair is not only not improved, but often abso lutely injured by such treatment. The only sure method of restoring the hair is to give back to the glands of the scalp that vigor which is always absent when the hair rap idly falls off and becomes thin and diseased. Examinations free. The most reliable references given. I can be consulted from 9 to 12, and from 2 to 9 P. M. We would add to the above that our ex changes fully endorse the Professor's method of restoring the hair • Da. M'Brunz's King of Pain' should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Bide, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Ifsart: Bole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL do BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg: AU orders from a distance promptly attended to. s ept2o-tf -.- Fzvan AND AGUE can be cured. Do not think because you lave tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, bat it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. ootl7-tf Fos SALE—A valuable Building Lot, 21 feet front, running back 131 feet to a 20 feet \ wide alley, adjoining the property of C. H. Isieb true, corner of Third and Boas street. For pa3lrtieulap '3 3 enquire at THIS OFFICE. 410 t . Mmarnsay-Goons.- 0, but the weather is getting cold, I can scarcely draw my breath; If I don't get furs with my silver and gold, I will surely be frozen to death. I must buy some nubias and hoods, As thick as a feather bed; Some plain and embroidered woollen goods To cover my shoulders and head. • Good gloves for the hands, and veils for my face, And the best bonnet trimmings about; So I'll go to Mayer's—yes, that's the place, For they say he is bound to sell out. He has ladies' cloaks and bonnets and hats, And breakfasting capes and veils, And knit woollen hoods, as thick as door mats, And then he makes very cheap sales. If you want perfumery, rich and rare, Or handkerchiefs, tidy and neat, Or under garments of linen to wear, Go to Mayer's on Market street. Between River alley and Front, The sign hangs over the door; Go to Mayer's, because, if you don't, You'll rue it a thousand times o'er. n029-5t SYI.ICIAL 'NOTICES. SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF ! I Oar whole stock of Dry Geoids, intending to engage 14 business In the city. I will commence on Monday ,next to sell out my whole stock of Dry Goods. My stock is very large and I name in part, 1,000 yards fast colored calicos at 25 cents a yard. • 4,000 yards of bleaahed,yard wide mettles at 45 and 50 cents, worth 70 cents. Of black silks we have a large assortment, and of the best make. Black bombazinee of the finest quality; black alpacas, black Canton cloth, black French merinos and a great many other black goods for mourning. Per sons in want of such goods would do well to call. Furs and cloaks we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Irish Linen of the best make, linen towling, linen table cloth, Marseilles quilts nod blankets, • We base some firm rate quality or gentlemen's furnish ing goods, such as undershirts, drawers! socks and white shirts. 500 dozen of ladies' wool and cotton stockings. • Cassimeres, casslnetts and black cloth. We have a large assortment of line French eambrics, Faasook mnslins, undressed cambrice, Minuets and fine white linen diaper. • . A large assortment of plain and figured dress goods. It is impossible to name all the goods on hand m a well assorted ary good store. All I wish to say is to persons in want of dry goods, call and see, and as I am determined to close my whole stock oat, 1 am willing to sell at re duced prices. [no26] S. LEWY Mir A PKTIOOLOG/OAL View OP Momutionl—Containitig nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anodizing of toe Raman Organs in a state of health and diocese, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational ami successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condi tion. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 23 cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, Nu. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, M. - rz The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. oclidatara w Banuva,rt's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by O. A. Bannvart & Go., Harrisburg, Pa., to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggists everywhere. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Haasisi3vito, Feb. Bth, 1864. C.A. BailiffAur-Dear. Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges, and other preparations for hoarseness .and throat troubles, and, in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. 11 ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. 0 1 '7 I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannrart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. HARRISBURG, Jan., 1864. To C. A. Birmtvear—Deurr, Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal-organs are very much taxed,, I have found the need of some gentle expo' torant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of ' the voice- arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public addres ses. Yours, he., IRO. WALKER JACKSON, Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BenrivAwr—Dear Sir : Having used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried, and take great pleasure in recommending them to alll persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness 'of voice; arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, Ac., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Dangler Arrommies OFFICE, TiAnmestmo, Feb, 29, 1864. I , 'To C A. BANNYART—Dear &r: I have found :your Troches to be invaluable in relieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the vciice, and are certainly of great benefit to all public speakers. • A.J; "HERR. ..tadt" • ilk/rATILIMONLLTA-- e.. 4 a entlemen, if you wish to marry; address tlitiMMtiirsigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This information will coat you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly conlideatial. The desired information sent by roam mail, and no questions asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT, octBdaiw2in Greenpoint, King's county,..N. Y. .To Consumptives. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable preecrlp• lion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections, (free of charm) by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON; LWllliamsburg, Rings county, New York. (sepl9-datwiim PURE VEGETABLE, TONIC. 91BE most healthy persong feel more or less weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Tonic—one that will strengthen the nervous system and 'Abroad). This they can got at 50 cents.per bottle, at Mrs. L Ball's, No. 27, South Pine street, • Elarrisberg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. angl OOLOATIA'S HONEY SOAP. This aeletrated Toilet Soap, In Buck universal de mand, le made from the choicest materials, is =lad and exaollientinfia nature, fragrantly acentad, and extremely beneficial In In anion upon the akla For ale by all Dntgglota and Taney Goan Dialers joialkiewly Military Business attended To, &may, Pension, Back Pay, Subandenee and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sona residing at a distance can lave their business trans acted by mail, by addressing • . • EITGEWESNYDEER, Attorney-nt-Law, el 7 dly Third street, Nuristan% Po sa- Pirrutrrzo Are cut! 22 CORMS l—Dr. Lockrow' having become eminently successful in curing this ter nble malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or send for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of from one to twenty•four years' standing. He devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Oer ebroSpinal Axis, or Nervous System, and Babette an in vestigation of his claim to public contldence. He may be consulted at Ids private residence, No. 141 West 42d street, daily, from 10 A. X. until 4 P. a, except Saturday and Sunday. Addressall letters to DR V. B. LOOKBOW, Nevi York:. Caro of P. CI, Bwti3lo. ' ' ocaldirfflho' ADVVIOISEMENTS. PATRONIZE ROAR INDUSTRY ! 91HE undersigned have established a FAG: T. I IIY at Harrisburg, Pa., for the purpose of MANUFACTURING • ROOPSICIRTe,: — .sib", 1 , of all styles, sizes, shapes and qual ties. We pay par '`z,ular attention to the very ,test English Steel. We eep a large assortment con tently i on hand. Our sales iom s at No. 24, Second treet,adjoining J. B. Boyd's hair and Furniture Rooms, there we will sell very low, t wholesale and retail. Also—Nicest kind of ln ian Hoops The largest as irtment of Ladies' Cossets, instantly on hand. the charge of Competent COHEN BROS. & C0.,- No. 24 Second street, Harrisburg. N-if: This is the only Hoop-skirt Manufactory at Liar risbu g- The public is cautioned not to believe the stories of dealers who buy their Hoop-skirts front this firm, and afterwards pass them off as their own manufacture. n025-11a* THE MOST POPULAR PIANO SONGS 'TWAS EYENING AT THE WINDOW, Hoffman. 30 "'Tens evening, at the window Were we, my Love and L Do TEST PRAY FOR ME AT HOME, Fiske. 30 "0 oft in foreign lands As I see tho beaded knee, Comes the thought, at twilight hour, , Do they ever pray for tar." ParLcermy 610THDR limo, Thompson. 80 "I'm lonely since my mother died, Tho' friends and kindred gather near." I Li YE FOR THOU wuo Love as, Clark. 30 "For the wrong that needs resistance, For the cause that leaks assistance, For the dawning in the distance, And the good that I can do." TRNTINO ON THE OLD CAMP GROUND, ." • Kittredge. 30 One of the very best soldier's songs publtithed. I'D' CHOOSIt TO PE' A BABY. The bat Comic Song-of the &MOIL - • Capes sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price -- OLIVER DITCON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washington street, :Boston. no*uo N EW Fruit and Confectionery Store. SAMUEL WISE do BRO. C ORNER of Second . and Pine streets, re spectfully.inform the public that they have opened their Fruit and Confectionery Store, and will have con stantly on hand a large assortment of Fruits. Confections. ries, &c. The public are invited td give no a call. ' no2s4.ltilljan6s* SAM'L WISE & BRO. NOTICE HARRISBURG HARE, Nov. 14, 1884. • Notice is hereby given agreeably to Section 2 of the Act of the Assembly of the Commoaweakh of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An -Act enabling the Banks of the Commonwealth. to become Associations for the pur pose of Banking tifider.the law °U the , United otates," approved tho .22nd day of Augtist„. A.. D., 1861, that the Stockholders of the Harrisburg Bank have this day voted to become such en associattorf„ and that its Dl rooters have procured the a•tthertty of the owners of more than two-thirds of the Capita& Stock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the -United States. tr. W. WEIR. nol6-1m Cashier. • LUST, IN THE CABS, on.. the Reading ,:liailroad, between Lebanon and Palmyra, a Pocket Book /Con taining one hundred dollars; and small change, also, a promimry note from Mr. Foreman for $37, and a. bill of sale. The gapera are of no Value except to the owner. A. liberal reward will be paid for the return of the pocket book and its contents, by leaving It at this Office. no2l • Wif. FRANTZ. WAR NING TO THE PUBLIC.---To pre vent any mistakes occurring hereafter, in tegard to o'ur place of business by our-numerous fr ends and bus iness men, we hereby notify the same that we still are at our old stand, lob ttark - et street, and have no connection with any other party or estaollshment la the city. At the same time we draw thei attentioa of the public in general to our newly received- large and splendid as sortment of clothing and gents' furnishing goods, which we sell cheaper than can be bought at any other place in the city. L. IEtERNILARD,, no2l-1m P: BERN/MAD. AN ELEGANT HACK TS OFFERED FOR SALE. Call at ' Rich _L. and Hogan's Hotel, corner of Paxton and Front streets. . . The city license is paid on the aborrebncli. nol9-tf Information Free; TO NEBVOUS SUFFERER'S A GENTLEMAN, cured or Nervous De la.. tinny, Incompetency, Premature Decay, and Youth qui Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, ,will be happy to ['mush to all who need it, (free of charge,) the receipe and directions for making the simple remedy used MIMI case. Suffererwarishingtoprofit by the advertiser's bad experience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, cap . -do-so by addressing him at once-at his place of ,busi• ness. The Recipe and full information—at' vital. impor tance--will le cheerfully sent by return mail. Address . JOHN B. OGDEN, No. GO Nassau street, New York. P. B.—Nervous sufferers 'of - bath sexes will find this information invaluable. n 029 dawara, GOLD, PENS. likith EST:AND • CHEAPEST assort 1. meat of gold pens constantly on hand. Evcry, pen sold la warranted six months. Call at n 023 ' BERONF.RIS CHEAP BOOKSTORE.' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A Fula , 0601IVIVUENI' of • Albub2s tale .cm. diked piices e de" B'Eignei's Cheap Bookstore. n 023 ORANBERRIES.--Aikew lot just received at WM. M. Ott.AY & CO., (Houser and Lochtnan's old stand, Market square.) ne3o-it' DRIED. FRUITS. —A fine lot just received at WM: X. GRAY & CO., (Houser and Lochnian's•old stand, Market square.) no3o-tt • MMINCE MEAT I MINCE MEAT -New home made Mince Meat for side by • WM. M. GHAT & CO., (Router and Lachman's old stand, Market square.) na3o-tf • SWEET CIDER! SWEET CIDER ! —Pure sweet cider just received this morning at WM. M. GRAY & 00., (Houser and Lod:La:m[os old stand, Market square.) n030.4f Neutral Sulphite of Lime,• FOR PRESERVING CIDER. WE ARE selling the , very best article of the kind, prepared acco'rding to directions of A. it. Rorsibrd, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable mid free from impurities. Directions accompany each package. HELLER'S Drug and iney Goo as Store, No. 91 Mar ket street, Harriseurg. cc 26 THE OPERA. OF FAUST BY Charles Gonnod:• •Adapted to English and Italian words, and revised from the Full Score, with indications of. the Instrumentation. This new and popular Opera forms the '2oth volume of ..`Ditson & Co's ignition of Standard Operas. " It is prefaced with a Sketch of the compose; and of the plot and incidents of the work, printed from large type and neatly e ttound. Prce Oliver Ditsen & Co., Publishers, 277 Washington street, hoeton. n0v144 SOFAS, Arm and Parlor • Ohaira, Marble 100 Tables, Lounges and COTTAGE CHAMBER SETTS, In great variety at JeldXS R. BOYD & SON, 904d4w1 New Ware-rooms, 29 Beath Second st. H. C. ORTH 5 Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. N 0.15, Twan imam, snow 11.1aursr. sopB4l6m * REDUCTION IN PRICES. SHISLER 8 FRAZSR, Have made another reduction in Prices on the leaditr articles of groceries. °ctn. HAVANA ORANGES.—Fine Havana Or- Angell jut received at SEMLER & FRAZER'S, nolS suoceesore to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co. MIER OASES S;IOED OYSTERS, j ust ..I. o29 cotved at 4 ' SEMLER FR I7 "I. Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & uo ALL kites of hattling with Wagons or carts will be promptly done by calling on JACOB BitENNER, 19_21 corner of Seoond street end Meadow Lope. EPP= SAUCE, a new 'invoice, just re rr at, SIEMER dr FRAZER'S'. JRIME . LARD,--Fifty firkins fine kettle • rendered lA,IID, tarsals bYY,, theAtin Or po_ und Ant 0001 red tint KOrMili; . 1 1 NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COMPANY, PRESIDENT, Vertango County, Pentea. Organized ender the LAWS of Penile*. OFFICERS : President—AMOßY EDWARDS, Esq., New York. Treasurer—L. IL SIMPSON, ESQ., New York. Secretary—J. EDWIN CONANT. , New York. Counsel—Nessus PLATT, GERARD .As BUCKLEY, New York, DIRECIORS: AMORY EDWARDS, Esq„ New York. EBEN B. CROCKER, Eaq„ of Crocker A: Warren, New York. FLETCHER WESTRAY, Esq., of Weatray, Gibbs & Hard castle, New York. J. M. CLAPP, Esq., President, Venango county, Penn. L H. SIMPSON, Esq., of L. H. 6impson & Co., New York. • JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Suporinten dent. ITS LANDS FORM ITS Capital Stock, . . 55,000,000 In Shares of sis Each, par vitae—Sub seription Price, Si per Share. Being in full payment for a $26 share. No further call or assessment to be made. 20,000 Shares, or $lOO,OOO Reserved for Working Capital. PARTIES SUBSCRIBING IN THIS COMPANY WILL RECEIVE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF STOCK IN TWO OTHER COMPANIES ADJOINING, WITH. FURTHER CHARGE. THE LANDS OF THESE COMPANIES are located on the Alleghenny River, and on Hemlock, Porcupine and McCrea Creeks, and contains 8,400 acres, MAKING AN OIL BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND • A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on the adjoining property, known as the "Celebrated Ileldricks" wells, and "Pithole Creek" wells, are famous far their iremense supply of oIL The wt lig en•this property are being sunk with great Vigor, and prondse large supplies of oiL To the capitalists and to parties of limited means un surpaised inducements are offered. Persons investing in thistiomPuly get $5 stock and the above rt ONUS for each $1 invested, • ithout further call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and all othbr information can be obtained at the office of J. W. SIMONTON, Attorney-at-Law. SCER3OII.IPTION Aware AT lIARRIAINIRG, PA.. No EnlbSalipLioll taken for leas than ONa HUNDRED DOL. LARS. Luluhies by m!til promptly antwered. nol7-dtf TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, TOR THE HOLIDAYS. A large and fine assortment, consisting of China tea sets, &a, Wooden tea sets, China baskets, Crying dolls, Vases, Boxes of game, Tin trumpets, Paint boxes, Horns, Tool chests, Moving boys, Dressed dolls, Wooly sheep, Doll heads' Watches, Guns and swords, Stables, Furniture, Menageries, Animals on wheels, Grace hoops, Kitchen utensils, Wind-mills, Infantry, • Drummers, Cavalry, Harlequins, Railway, Magic lanterns, Poultry yards, Sheep folds, Ten-pins, Box toys Noah ark, &a., ilic ~ &c., &c, Also, a large and line assortment of sugar toys, French and common candies. - - Also, always on band- ditch as foreign and domestic fruit in season, all kinds of Mitts, dried. fruits, cakes and crack ers, teas, spices-and coffee, jellies and canned fruits, rais er, currants, citrons, prunes, Am, wholesale and retail at the store of i ' JOHN WISE,. - tioloThird and Walnut ' , O,TEAId WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touch legKJ at QUEENSTOWN, (Comr.Assort.) The well known steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Phila delphia Steamship Company, (Inman•Line), carrying the U. S. Mails, are intended to sail as follows : . • ETNA. Saturday, December A EDINBURG 44 ' 10. GLASGOW 4‘ " 17. and every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from Pier 44, North haver. • . RAMS OF PASSAGE: Payable in Gelder its Jlquivaient in Currency. - FIRST CABIN,— • $BO 00.1 rtTEIDRAGH, $BO 00 do to Loudon, 86 001 do to London, 34 00 do to Paris, 95 001 do to Paris, 40 00 do to Hambury, 90 00 1 do to Hamburg, 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Br men, Hotter dam, Antwerp, dm, at equally low rates. . Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at.. the Company's Offices. JOHN G..HALE, Agent, 0014 • 15, Broadway, N. Y. GAMES! GAMES! GAMES! Pictorial Game of Obstructers Pet of the,tiradle. . New Game of Quitatiens. • Fireside Spoiling. Game. Japan Puzzles. Mrs. Jollyboy's rde. Ola Maid and Old litactmlor. Par'or Amusements. NeW Game of Matrimony. New Game of Korteit. New Game of Spirit Rapper. - Nuts to Buck or 54 Puzzles. Arithmetical Caine. Game of Nip, tiledge, Tack and Frizzle. Sparkles of Wit from the Brain. Pan of Momus. , Quartette Game of English Poets. Sultan Vizier or Scherzerade. Quartette Game of American Poets. Dejected Picture Pnzzles. Conversation Cards. Fortune Telling Cards. Fox and Geese, For sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South 2nd street, Harrisburg, Pa: . no2l READ THE NEWS ! READ THE NEWS ! WTTSJAM M. GRAY, LATE Clerk in the. employ of Shinier & Frazer, has opened a new Grocery Store under the name of Wm M. Gray & Co., No. 15, Market square, (lately occupied by Gus Lechman,) opposite the Barris burg bank. . We are now ready to supply the citizens of Harrisburg with anew stock•of. fresh groceries, consisting of pickles, plain and mixed, preserves, Jellies, canned fruits, dried fruits, hominy, shaker corn, beans, rice, and a complete assortment or queensware, elms, cedar and willow ware. We invite the public to call and examine our stock, and extend to us a share of their patronage. All orders promptly attended to. noledtt GOOD NEWS. WALNUT STREET IN A GREAT BLAZE. LTAKE this method of informing my numerous friends and the' public in general, I have opened,my new Clothing Store, corner of Walnut ad Sixth streets, where I am willing to Bell fifty percent, cheaper than any other store in the city. Coats worth $3O, for $2O. Pants worth $9, for $6, and vests worth $O, for $3, and everything in proportion. All goods leaving my eatabliabsuent I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. Don't fall to come and convince yourself of the truth. nolo-Im* IL BERM /LID. TOY BOOKS! TOY BOOKS! Oi the iaelestpubircations, for sale at Eelieabes Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa uovis COHEESE.—Prim New York Cheese, Pine Apple, English Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese, „hot re• calved this morning at MUSLIM & FRAZER'S. nol RUMMERS' BASKETS.—ShieIer oat zer, enoccsiorato W. Dock, Jr,. al ha " 86 dace hickory bulimia. Price $5 60 per ducal. Yaet oinEsZ. O ---Oboioe new croph ease ittat „ IfloStiptst arm vorIS AMUSEMENTS: BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST NIGHT OF THE PRESENT SEASON. Reuse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Route's Star Combination Company, • Last night of the present engage,wesat of the American Tragedian- JAS. B. ROBERTS 17113 SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ; 186 Will be performed Schiller's thrilling romantic Tragedy in five acts, called • THE ROBBERS! OR THE PARRICIDE'S DOOM I NOTIM —On and after this evening, the curtain will at halfpast 7 o'clock. terForthrther particulars see programme. auge-dtf CANTERBURY HALL, WALNUT ST., BETWEEN 2d and 3d Sts Proprietors Business and Stage Manager. ttf First night of the Newfah/11WU 311 T First appeFAW. .ar t , MISS MARY "s-nWrox, The beautiful and accomplished Voca lic Success crowns the efforts of the GREAT STAR COMPANY Miss MALINDA KEENE, • Madm'ile VIOLA HOWAID, Miss KATE DARLEIG SAM WELSER, JIM. FLAKE, Jr. KEENE, JOE MILLER, Prof. STEPHANY, JIM. SMITH, ED HAVEN, &c., &c., &c. Admission 25 mats. Boicsents 50 cents. Doors open at Lti; commence at 8 o'clock. n 4.28 SANFoRD'S HALL AND THEATRE OPEN every night yrith nfirk class -:oem posy of male and feititle'arpite. The pedikinahce consists NEGRO MINSTRELSY, • SONGS AND DANCES, FARCES, • GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, ACROBATIC FEATS, AND PANTOMIMES. This is the only legitimate Concert Hall now open inthe city. Performance every Saturday Afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock HARRY WELLS Sc CO., Proprietor. BILLY FORTIER, Cl:minas Agent NKR WRIT. Stage id -onager. breat Attraction! NO. 13 AHEADIt MRS. M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, Has Art opened her new FALL STOCII. of BONNETS, LADIES' AND KISSES' HATS, FRATHER,Y 41 4 17, FLOWERS. Also, TEE LATEST STYLES CLOAKS AND And a tine assortment of WOOLEN HOODS, NUBL4B, cfe. TRIMMINGS Constantly on hand, besides everything usually found in the largest furnishing establishments in the country. sep2o • J. R. BOYD. P. E.. BOYD. CABINET FURNITURE. HATING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS. We offer to the public the largest and BEST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE To be found outside of Philadelphia, at VERY MODE RATE PRIDES. JAMES E. 'BOYD & SON. no4dBcal New liraro-rooms, 29 South Second et. CALIFORNIA BRANDY AND W INES FOR MEDICAL usp. WE DESIRE to call especial attention to the PORT WINE: as being superior to any of the kind in market for invalids. KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, Na 91 Market street. oct29 Valuable Property at Private Sale. THE Valuable Property, corner of Front and Walnut streets, late the estate of Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private, sale. For, further par ticulars inquire of WilliamJ. Stees, on the premises. JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Executors. no3dt TO THE LADIES YOUR attention is called to the splendid assortment of Extra Note Paper, Envelopes, and tine Stationery at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, eept26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penn. HAVE YOU HEARD TIRE NEWS:- AIIGUSTIIS LOOHMAN has removed his Dry Goode store to No. 12 Market Square, neat door to Henry Felix's, Harrisburg, Pa. noldlm mwo.SI3AN OF GENTLE MULES ; well broken and in good order, suitable for driving or hauling, will be offered for their good keeping. For fur ther information iaquire at the Keystone farm. orls J. NMI. FINE GROCERIES of a ll kinds, at reduced prices, at . MUSLIM & FRAZER'S FAMILY GROCERY opposite the Court Rowe. BII3LES, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, of all denominations, in different styles and at different prices, at BCHEFFEWS Bookstore, sept. 28 21 Bonin Second stroset,MuTaturg, Penns DISSECTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, • • for sale at Boaeffeee Bookstore; 2t South Seemd street, Harrisburg, Pa ECONOMY MESS BRAD.--We received a fresh let this morning, et eei'ls terPYRI? & IRIIPERII JOBt received, a very line lot of Cranberr at . seta =Luu & F. ie ßA s, zEtt i nßosn BLACK ELLS ENGLISH PIMLES, a MO article for table use, Net , received and for sale by 8 4 1 3 1231 PRAViIa, febl feeneeesore to Wm ToelCin:A Co. MIXT.tiA WaLTE lected White Wheat %Hy norm just receive etud [or sale at PILER Si MOM, Successors to W. Dock, Jr., ta.Co B' 'KENS, BASKETS, in great variety , SHISLER rtr. F let? • Succewinnt W Pock. DRIED FRUIT of all kinds at 11n94) ROV k KORRPleic MALAGA. GRAPES, just received at .1.71 SILLSLICIt 3r. FRAZER'S.. RAU BMX ADM TONGI7ES---14 fresh vox st aillfoll3l3. , • eROSS WAY Jot lE. novlitf CIROULiRS MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers