DIE TELE:I-IRV:II IS PUBLISH/11D MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER pm - az THIRD ST., NZAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. Tes DAILY Ticisoiseara is served to subscribers in the city at 12% cents. per Week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $6 00 in advance. • Those persons who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAM Toe Tranotteruls also published weekly, and Is furnished eubeerlbers at the following cash rates Slagle chines, weekly... Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to ono Post (Mice MEDI( JA.L DYSPEPSIA. A Cure Warranted.. Dyspepsia has the foUotaing Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or ,uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhcea, with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth: Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American %Dyspepsia. Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. Er.rv.Aarrn BRANSON, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half I suffered every thing but death from that awful diseas6 called Dyspepsia. Sy whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowebsi that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffeiing, my mind seemed entirely to give way. T had a dieadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West - Philadelphia. ' I remained there nine weeks, and thoughtl was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com- plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease . was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present tune I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from =lnsane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. WISHART'S Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. DYSPEPSIA I DYSPEPSIA I Da. Wieser—l have been a Constant sufferer witt Dyspepsia forthe last eiohteen years, during which time I cannot, say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed It would be a great re lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased that I became almost unfit for business of any kind; my mind was continually Ailed with gloomy thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain; also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great, pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of a number of eminent physicians of various schools, finally came to the conclusion that, for this disease at any present age(4s years) there wen cure in existence. But, through the interference of Divine Providence, to whom I devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al most the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad [Mingo, and ia their place health, pleasure and content ment are my everyday companions. JAMES M. SAITNDERS, No: 453 North Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr. Wished's Office No. 10 North Second street, Piffle delphia. A 'POSITIVE CURE FOR BfYSPEPSIA. =Lit WHAT EL JOHN H. BASOOCHE SAM No. 1028 OLIVE STKIJET, . Philadelphia, January 22d, 1868. Da WISILLET—Sin—It is with much pleasure. that I am now able to inform you that, by the use of your great AmericanAllyspepsia Phis, I have been entirely cured of that mdst distressing complaint, Dyspepaia. I had been grieviously afflicted for the Jest twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free,from its path one *oak at a time. I have had it in its worst form and have dragged on a most miserable existence-in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ate filled me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or hoar small the quantity A continued belching was sure to follow I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my distrers was so great for several months be fore I beard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that Z had heard of for Dyspeppla r wlthout receiving any benefit;: but on your Pills being recommended to. me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith, in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken one-fourth of a box, and after taking . half a box, I am a mil man, and can eat anything I malt, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at tiberty to make thin public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de sirable information to any one who may call on me Yews, respectfully, JOHN . .IL BABCOCK. Poi sale at-Dr. Wisharts Medical PDpot,_No. 10 North 'Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per Sent by mall, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA.: I, Samuel A Konen, have been a great sufferer with Ohm& DYspepeia and Inflammation of the Kidneys for three yearn I employed three or four of the most emi sent physicians of Philadelphia, also of Burlington county K. J. They did all for me they could, but all to no pur pose I was constantly tined with awful pain and dis tress, and with constant belching of wind and sour acid. Yy tongue was covered with a white coating of mucus until it cracked in large furrows, and wee dreadfully morel Ohl I Oftlimes wlsbed,for death to relieve me of my atillerings, for I had last all hope of ever being well WM. I Made it a auttleot. Of 'prayer to God that -he woad direct rue to maMc physician or medicine the IMO KM as Iwe 1010 lo rind ut adeinummes (1 . " • ' •-• . - • ''' •, \'\ %`-• 0 11 / ' / 4").! t / k. . . Ek.„` - . , ..4,..,:` c•,. • g '• thr i l•-• •-•%•---..- ~,, • - : -4 14 %- 1 1040 • •• ; v. ••• , :.-c*,•'\) , ''''•kAttir, - • ~• -- •-•-•- z'.. , :, , , -,% .Pg /. 0 -4j, ----- 'L-- - • . ' , . • - .of ~ .' • . ~ t , -• ' , • . 41 0 _ - -- -;•;:• - ..-- - ---..-v , I. , . -. 4 , .--.... -- . -w- .-.,,,, 1 - -- i . / '.•:- ‘-'? \ s 4' '' ' ' .. , ' .. l . r, . '.' ' ' ' - 1.1,4,ti0vii,7 • •:: --- *=- ---- _ --- 1 . . • , ' ll ri , ',.-__ ~. ._ , 5..,'•. 1 , „. . , f -- ~ Ii 1 . -,1 • - ' ' ' --- --_---,:i .....; , ''':. ,.( ' - :•i 4k":4 ,,",.''..,... --1 :,:',...: .) :•-•' . ;:' . .- _.:•-• - . . i ' -•, , • 1 „ '. -,..• _l'' . 1 • -. . -., • . ~• .. - 4 ":-., - . "'-;....... -,-* - .'-.7,- -" . ~ -. --,•,,.--, •.,‘• --...- - ---.,,, 4 'Mss ',-.4;' .-t-'," - 4 , ,•.r $2 00 6 00 1.6 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. Dr. Wishar's in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor'e Mice, and placed myself under b treat-. ment, and told him if he failed toture me, It would both° kudreffort I wontd make. It has been six weeks shire I commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now a Well. man, free from all pain and distress, and can est three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you tp publb3h my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, Wean on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAVEN.. Corner Venting° and Lambert streets near Richmond Nstreet, formerly from Wrightitown, Burlington county, J. The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. IVe have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial-, saying that they have never used or sold a medical wtid,k gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the proprietor, HR. L. Q. C. WISHART, No. 10 North. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa: Sold by Druggists everywhere Bnklyl.B-end-detw I+IIIEW OPENING: FOR - - Fall and Winter Trade ! BALMORALS AND 80ARFS ! FURS! FURS! . ! The Largest and best selected stock in this city I New Cloak Stove, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. Sep24f SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY TAM happy to offer _to the publics a larg and splendid asaortnient.of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by • 'LEROY W. FAMoTrir These Pena are well finished, elastic, and will give et' tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. BOHEFFICRS BOOK STORE, Second street, oppoaite PreabyterLan Church ,. Harrisburg NEW PHILADELPHIA C_ll_,o AK. STOR IN D. W. lIROBW NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STY4I/4 or resraoture,r, CLOAKS AND QIROULARS, AND., FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist of April. . fraer2l.-41y Almanacs 1 Almanacs !, LS 4. E. English and German. Lancaster Almanacs, fos the year 1565. For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Schaffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 13 0 N L I " NEW EATING AND DEMING SALOON Manta street, between Third and Fourth. Wines, Beer and the beat quality of liquors constantly on hand, A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. (00/3416m) .T01:IX. DONNER. Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, MAKES pleasure to inform his ,friends and .1 Customers , and the public in general ? that he has opened a wholesale ana retail irasiety,..lVbewra and Jew elry Store, No .105 X Market street, above Eby it Kunkel's Building, Harrisburg, Pa, It would occupy a great amount of epitaph) enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purabader through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that I can sell goods equal to the jobbers in tile Eastern cities. sept243-dOm* TREES! TIMES!! TIMES!!! MEE UNDERSIGNED will comment% .1. glEultittg Shadeand. ornamental Treed, Olt :such Fruit Wes as are tit to plant in the. Fall. • J .. P, S.—Persona who were furnished with tram -.last Spring that were warranted to grow, can have the same replaced that missed. [oda] S. MISH. VERY FINE, INDEED!' rPO our fine and extensive Stook of Photo, 1. graph Albums and Pbotograph Ord Pictures, we 'have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE tor the reception of card pictures. They must be seen and wilibeiathnired *a-Photographers supplied at the very lowan' whole sale price, and their card printed upon themfor thousand, wholesale and retail, at may 24 SCHICETER'S BOOS. QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a well se lected assortment, just received, of the4test styles JYIB ' BOYER & KOERPER. AP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple,, Nut ij meg and New York State Cheese, just received at SEMLERa FRAZER, myB successors tolr Dook,Jr., & Co,. A NEW SUPPLY of FRESH :SHOREI ZA„ HAMS, Just received this morning, it HEISLER di FRAZER. • .14317 Summons to W. Dock, Jr., k CO NEW hIACUMBEHL, ERRING 'AND S Mw a rmyc norm k WC' icEPTOR FRENCH CHALK AND PENCILS, Suitable for Banks, Officea, &c., At Schefler's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 VNGLLSJI BR.RAR - RAft TEL — Just r 4 .1:1 Wired, a flue cheat of English Breakfast Tea, at , SRLLEXt FRAZER'S, (Saeciasera to Wn. Dock. Jr.) - ALPH.ABET `DLOCKS I AND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOB sale at SCHEFFER'S SOMME, octl 11. South Second Street, Harilaborg, Fa. OMER VINEGAB,.—Pure - Cider Vinegar %../ can be bought ny..pei barrel or mall qioant4y, Orl/1 ' BOYER & KOERPER. - PRESS OYSTEBS .-* In can, Just received and for sale by ' SHIS.LER & FRAZER, sePI 26 (onortoonor. to W. bock .&. Oo n DOZEN JABS ENGLISH , PIOKLO compAsing Pi filly, Chtiorlikiow, Cauliflower Mired Pickles, Gerkini, Walnuts'lsid , :OELlOlDl. For 'wile wholesale and refall - by mcF cocroweisis iiISI9VAVTIMV;; TrALENTIA RAISERS, a ,itew invoice ,E 4 v uo . s. 13EUSLER & FRAzEws. , •: . . . . . ot.the latest Patent (GM , X - . sn's Teak Meek) Just.recetrectand for ode lowlet%, JYIa BMX 1 KOSTRICIti "THE UNION-NO.W AND.POREVER." CLOAKS, Circulars, CLOAKS BROCHE AND MOURNING SHAWLS ! lIETI FIARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENINt t , DECEMBER 5, MEDICA L. CHEROKEE PILLS FEMALE REGULATOR FEMALE REGULATOR SUGAR-COATED. Health Preserver CERTAIN AND SAFI. *JrFor the Removal of Obstrudions - and the Insurance of Regtdarity in the Recurrence of the Monthly /brio& ,l-They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregalirity, by removing the irregularity itself. KaM;;;MiiMiMil . . ,They cure Omen Sickness (Chlorosis.) aljpThey cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion,. Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, °tidiness, &a, &a In it word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it Au.the effects that spring from it oar• Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they con tain "nothing de/0E4014. to. any constitution, bowever delicate, their function being to substitute strength for Weakness, which, when properly used, they never fall to do. THESE PILLS HAVE NEVER BEEN REOWI , I TO FAIL WHERE THE DIRECTIONS ARE. WELL OBSERVED. imp-All letters seeking information, or advice will be promptly;freelY and ind discrently ramitverfali. Nir Fall directions accompanying each box. ogi- Price $l.: per box, or. six boxes 'for $5. sir Sent by mail, free of postage,. on receipt of price. Painphleta sent by mail, free of postage, by Ds. W. R. KERWIN & CO., Proprietors, nol4!eod-im No. 63 Liberty street, New York. TVW. WRIGHT',S • 4-x _ - • - REJUVENATING ELIXIRS Oa, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing no thing injurious to the most delicate. "As the Phenix rises from the; ashes of its fire, ani mates with new life"--so 'does this Elixir rejuvenate the system,and overcome disease.. ,q- The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdont, being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. /Gr. This medicine has been tested by the most emi nent medical men of the day, and by thorn pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. reer- One bottle wilt cure General Debility. ear A few doses cure 'Hysterics in females. in- One bottle cures. Palpitation of the Heart. gel-From one te,three 'bottles restore tho manliness and full vigor of youth, .10A few doses restore theappetito. seep Three bottles cure the worst:case of Impotency. igeA few doses care the low spirited. sir One bottle restores mental power. • rear A few doses restore the organs of generation. sir A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. /FT This medicine restores to maely, vigor and robust health 'the poor, debilitated worn-down and despairing. u-The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked man elf bnainess, the victim of nervous depression, the indi vidual suffering fromgoneral debility, or from weakness of a single,orgen, will all : find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. nee Prioe $2 per bottle, three bottles for $5, and forwarded by Express, on 'receipt of money, to any address. , se THE CHEROKEE PILLS and REJUVENATING ELIXIR are sold by , all enterprising druggists In the civil ized world. Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to sell worthless compounds in place of these ; those which they can purchase at a cheap price; sad make more mo ney by selling than they canon these medicines. Asyou Value your health-'-'ay, the. health of your future off apring—do not be deceived;by such unprincipled drug. gists, ask for these medicines and tpke no other. If the druggist will not buy them for you, inclose the money in a letter, and we will send them to ;you by ll:press,. pa- Cutely- mated and packed, - nee from observation. ' Ladles or gentlemen can address us in perfect conil ilenee, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symp toms, as we treat all diseases of a chronic nature in male Or female. Patients need not hesitate because of their inability to visit its; as we have treated patients success fully in all portions el. the civilized globe, by corTespond- Patients addressing . = will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and write post office, bounty, State, ,and name. of writer, plain, and inclose postage atanip - for reply. We sendbiar 32-page Pamplalet.free to any address,— Address au letters to the n. Proprietore, , • . D. W. R. MERWINkCO., nol6-4eedjim No. 43 Liberty, street, New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Diaries ! Diaries FOR ison. . A LARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily .ok. Journals for the year 1865, for sale at Schell:Ws Booaatore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. nos NEW. BOOKS! NEW BOOBS!! IN SCHOOL AND OUT, or the' ,OordquestO 1 Richard Greet. • Tom Somers, or the Soldier Roy. Watch and' Wait, or the Young Fugitives roll:ling bow to Talk, Read -end-Speak, by Fowler & Faeich Aides , New Poem, by Tennyson. j • For sale at SCHEFFER , S IiegKSTORE, od ' . a, • ' Harrisburg, Pa. pATENT CLIPS! And Bill llolderr?!, For sale at Saheflbr'e Bookstore,: Harrisburg, Pa. se2F • RAGS ! RAGE!! ! RAGS! ! ! WPM cents per lb. cash.paid for good mixed jp2 Rags. ' BOHRHIPER'S Bookstore, sopt2B 21 South Second street. Harrisburg, Penns. Honey. AA SMAY:ri but superior lot of HONEY, just melved, ' SEMLER & IMAZER'S. WM IpitUTTEB, BUTTER.--Fieeh roll butter „LI, from Snyder county received every week. Also :.eggs " (torn BOYSR & KOERPF.R. Soldiers': .Portfollos. A LARGE assortment 'at"' 13, : - BERCHTER , S CHEAP BOOKSTORE; roarlA o , Wholleselqk or. retail at low prices. —Choice new crop Cheese just C a"SE receiml : BAWER, =Amin, ieta . goocessota to W. Dock, Jr., .4 Co - WISH! FISH! N05...1 AND 2 HACKER n. In all size packages, just received and for sale at " SHIBLEIedg FRAZERIS„ S SHAD.—Fine Mesa Shad of the sea /U[ eon, io tudf barrels and sifi t s a la ir I ne i zat Jel Sucoatiairs to W. Dock Jr. .lao OCKET EQOKS, Wallets and Purses for sale cheap:at SCREFFEWS Bookstoro DIOKLES I 'l l lO,RINcil I—By the Barrel, J A. , Halt Barrel, O cor• Dam n, at • ' • i $R' RLER a FRAZER'S, .n 1 ),2,0 ' IDooaesP2orp 1.. a Wm. Dock. Jr., & Co.) DBIED PEACHES, Apples, Blackberries, Currants, Cherries, ke., at - • • SEMLER k FRAZER'S, nol . necessors to W. Dock Jr., & Co, • 'V n ALT SALMON. O A new: _invoice of line salt 'salmon, must received and for sale by SHLSLya A FRAffat, sept 26 - -. (successor to W. Dock &Co.) t • VRESH tail amm - ply Of Miohenei's OelebratEd Sugar Ourect and ]bled Beef; at BOYER & 11.0ERPER. MOHENEirt3 exoebdor hams, of this sea aws anTift: Just reoeivott for , llllB by • "7 , SHIBLER & FRAZER, - r poroosooro to Wm. Dock ir.. At Ca FRESEI , LEMONS, just -received and for wpm SMEAR & TUZNR. 11110MATO r ` KETSUP,6I gailail, 'quart J. pin,t, FRAIEWS. EVEIING EDITION. From Washington. THE PHESIDENT 5 S MESSAGE. Part of Early's Forces Set to Richmond. Arrival of Prisoners. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. • Up to this evening probably not more than one-fifth of the members of Congress have arrived here. These include some from the most inland States. There is, however, no doubt that there will be a quorum present in both Houses on Monday, the larger number being on their way to Washington. The message of the President was fully con sidered in extra Cabinet council to-day. The usual caution is preserved to prevent a pre mature exposure of its contents. So far, only the reports of the Secretary of the navy and the Postmaster General have been printed. • From reports which have reached this city there seems to be no doubt that some of Early's forces have been sent to Richmond Within the past week, by way of Madison Court House. A gentleman who arrived from Annapolis last night, says , that 5000. exchanged prisoners have :already reached that plate from Ander sonville, and the pay masters are buslly set tling their arrangements. More arrivals are daily expected. Those who recently came up in the Consti tution and Comae, are comparatively in good health at present. Soldiers who have been severely maimed " have an advantage in re spect to pensions, ()ger sailors who similarly suffer, and therefore one of the measures of the approaching session of Congress will provide a remedy for this manifest injustice or oversight in legislation. The new arrangements perfecting the con nections and rendering the entire mail service North and West more certain than heretofore, and for, two trains a day between Washington and New York in ten.hours, will go into effect on thc; 19th inst. BATTLE IN FULTON COUNTY. Capt. Maloney's Company in the Fight. A Number of Conscripts Fire upon a Provost Marshal. A General Engagement of One Hour's Duration. ONE REBEL KILLED AND NO WOUNDED. NIOI.O399=ONAPIVE ITNIDN SIDE. IrCONNELLECEMBG, PA., Dec. 3 A fight occurred at Timber Ridge, near this place, Eesterday, between a portion of com pany F, 201st regiment of Pennsylvania Mounted infantry, and some delinquent con scripts of this county. It having been ascer tained that a number of them would be Son-, gregated at a shooting match, measures were taken to secure the party. The soldiers ad vanced to the spot, and, as Provost Marshal Houpt went forward to hold a parley, the conscripts cried out, "It is the Provost Mar shal," and immediately a number of shots were fired at him, none of which took effect. The soldiers then opened fire, and a gener al fight ensued, that lasted for about an hour. The deserters were finally driven over two hills, skirmishing being kept up the whole way. Owing to the fact that the fighting was carried on principally in tke woods, the casu alties were slight. The conscripts lost one man killed and two wounded. None of our men were injured. One of th'e wounded men fell into our hands. The remainder of the party, being familiar with the country, fled to the mountains. The forces were under the command of Captain Maloney, an efficient officer, and more affairs of this kind may be speedily looked for, as itis determined to bring these outlaws and incendiaries to justice. From Tennessee. A Brigade of Cavalry Surrounded by Rebels, Desperate Fighting. They Succeed in Cutting Through the, Rebel Lines and Join Thomas. A TRAIN OF CARS CAPTURED BY TILE REBELS. AFFAIRS AT NASHVILLE. Loursvil Dec. 3 The Journal publishes the following: ' A letter from Nashville states that on Wed nesday evening Capton's brigade of cavalry, consisting of the 84. th. Illinois, 7th Ohio, sth lowa and Bth Michigan cavalry regiments was surrounded by the rebels, and only escaped by the most desperate fighting. They cut their way through the rebel lines and joined General Thomas in the rear of Franklin. The number of men made prisoners and and the loss in killed and wounded was not light. The same evening a train of cars was cap tured by therebels at Brentwood, nine miles from Nashville, on the Tennessee and Ala bama railroad. All eitizenO of Nashville engaged in no os tensible busizess have been ordered to leave the city. Six hundrell and ninety-one rebel prisoners taken at the batlle of Franklin, arrived here last night fro Nashville and will be sent to Camp Dougl as soon as possible. The Late News from General Thomas. ' THE P•• ON OP GEN. THOMAS. WASHINGTON, Dee. 4. - The latest o • cial iiiformation from General Thomas's : is that he hos so concentra ted his forces the fOrtifi&ttions of Nashville as toO be pre • kik* titove +A M% Hood may venture t make. Webster PRICE THREE CENTS GOOD NEWS FROM SHERMAN Capture of Millen, Georgia. ADVANCE ON SAVANNAH. The Government has received information that General Sherman: .had captured Millen, on the Georgia Central Railroad, on the 29th ultimo. His army was concentrated and it is thought had moved to Savannah:before this. - This news has created an excellent feeling here to-day. Millen ',ls about. sixty miles southeast from Augusta:'- LATER FROM SHERMAN. He is Triumphantly fVlarching On the 26th his Army was Forty-fin Miles south of Augusta. ittichmond papers, of the 29th of Novem ber;,• (Tuesday last) ,have been received in this city. They contain a dispatch from Augusta, dated the 26th, annouicing that . on that day Sherman's army was forty-tlve miles south' of Augusta, Ga., "and so far has been baffled." The same papers repeat the rumor that Sherman was repulsed in attempting to cross the Oconee river. The Rebels claim that they still hold Macon. By Sherman's being "baffled," we suppose the Rebel papers mean that they have eluded him in battle and frustrated him in some way, because he appears to be going by Augusta. If any one will look at the map, he will perceive that if the rebel dispatch quoted above is true, that Sherman was, directly. south of Augusta on the 26th, he must have been at that time near Waynesboro, Georgia, in possession of the last line of railroad be tween Augusta and Savannah, and the cutting of that road destroys the last means of com munication between the two cities, except by way of the river, which will soon be , stopped. This kind of "baffling" Sherman can stand if the rebels can. • The "repulse" at the Oconee river could not have amounted to much, or we should have had it paraded in glowing colors ere this, and not announced as a mere "rumor." Besides, the rebels acknowledge that it did not impede his progress. That the rebels hold Macon there can be no doubt. We presume they did not expect that Sherman should stop his expedition and hold it.for them. After he got through with it there was nothing left worth holding. If Sherman was forty-five miles directly south of Augusta on the 26th ult., he was with in one hundred and thirty miles of Savannah. He has probably marched at least fifteen miles per day during the ArktlikhElAPPt-iWkii ::1 9 5 6 !r kmg him now seventy -live miles nearer, the the coast than , he was then, or only forty-five miles from Savannah, in a rich country, with no enemy before him or on his flanks that amounts to a flea bite ! This is progress in deed. LATEST FROM SHERMAN He is Reported Within 40 Miles of Savannah. Rebels Reported to Have Checked His. Progress, The steamer Baltic arrived at Annapolis to day, with 520 paroled prisoners, from Savan nah. The latest news from Sherman is con tained in the Savannah papers of the 30th. Of November. They state that he was only 40 miles from the city, but that hiS progress had been checked. SHERMAN! THE VERY LATEST Jubilant Times in Washington LATER NEWS FROM REBEL SOURCES THE FIGHT AT MACON, GA The .Herak/ has received a special dispatch from Washington, which says that Govern ment officials are unusually, jubilant over-the news from Sherman. The Government possesses means indepen dent of the Richmond papers and more re liable means of obtaining intelligence of Sher man's progress. It is cofidently believed that Sherman has not only baffled the rebel generals, but has so far advanced beyond se rious interruption as to leave no doubt of his triumph and success. Savannah and other Georgia papers of the 27th inst., and Richmond papers of Dec. Ist have been received, from which the following summary is digested : It appears that an at tack was made in East Macon on Sunday, Nov. 20th, the rebels losing a battery which .hey subsequently recovered with small loss on both sides. The attack was expected to be renewed on the 27th, but it was not, and the rebels came to the conclusion that the movement on Mon day was a feint. It was probably made by-s small force of Slocum's corps, as the Augusta Constitutionalist of the 24th ult. says: Slocum entire corps went down the west side of the Oconee previous to the night of the 22d, indicating an intention to pass by Augusta between that place and Macon, and make for the sea • between Savannah and Brrmswiek. Governor Brown was in Macon, where he had removed all the valuables from Millidg ville. Army of the Potomac. HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF. THE POTOMAC, }. December 3.-10 A. K. A grestedeal of artillery firing has prevgaled to-day in-the vicinity of the Jerusalem Road, but not with any result worth Mentioning. At • this hour an ' unusual ;stillness reigns along the entire line, the pickets :seeming to have' bosom *varied' of their continual firing at each other. Dec.WASHINGTON, 3, P. M. to the Coast. BALTIMORE, Dec. 4 .14.evir Yens., Dee. 3 STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, ADFERTISEN6I RATB2N—DACIA: TPAOlui.k. ~ The following are the retailer aiN*ertis fit tho•Titffp, 4 OVAIII. Those having advertising to do Will And it con venient for reference: Air Four lines or less Sonatituto one-half square. Eight lines, or more than four, constitute* square, eon A HALI? so:Lox. YOB ONE Kumla. One day $ 30 I One day $. 60 Two days- ' 50 Two daY. 15 .1! r,i . ; - I .i. :". Ipo Three days 75 . Three .14E— :.. 1 25 One week 1 25 One week .... ...... 225 One month 3 00 Ora month 6 00 Two months, 4 50 Two months 9 05 Three months 6 60 Three months . 11-.00 Six months 8 00 Six months 15 00 One year....... 15 00 One year... 25 08' Administration Notices 2 75 Marriage Notlemi A*diter's Notices ?nerai Notices, each insertion..: yar Business notices 'Weak& t he Local Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, InfoWesters PRY LIBB for each insertion. LATEST FROAI NASIAVILL Interesting. Particulars of the Iliac Victors, Promotion-, of General, Wood. Nesanum, Dec. 2 General Wood succeeded General Stanley in command of the 4th. gorps; Stanley being unable to take the field. Bib desperate 13ziofery at the Franklin fight mainly contributed'ito turn what threatened to be &disastrous re pulse into a glorious victory. Whena,part of his command had run away beforethe enemy, he rushed to the front, had ahors&Shot ttiider him, and was himself wounded. -` stilLied. on the charge, waving his hat, and eallins on his faltering troops, and repelled 'Sqven suc cessive charges. Colonel Opdyke, of the 125th Ohio Regi:- naent, commanding a brigade, specially dis tinguished himself in the engagement. Colonel Schofield, a brother of General Scho field, Chief of Artillery, distinguished himself by the admirable positions in which he placed the artillery, and the Manner in - which he fought them. - ' • The . great importance of the :victory: at Franklin cannot be over-estimated,. as_it checked Hood's onward course, and gave m Federals time to make preparatiiins to - meet him. Schofield and Stanley cOmmanded the corps in field, the former, by seniority of rank, assuming command of all the forces. From port:Royal. : Yowl - , pee. 3, By the arrival of the steamer ,Feltom ,we have intelligence from Port Royal to the 30th instant. The publication of newspapers at that place has been prohibited for the present, and all the citizens there have been,enwlled-for duty and the protection of the place. A movement of an un knownf chaOcter tas taken place, and all the 'regular' troops here had been ordered away.' - - Art expedition was to sail ,from Poxt. : Anyal on the day previous, but no ihtelligcnce could be obtained in regard to it. The United States Attoraey Geri eralship: -c Wasianzareir, trec..4 The report that the ilon. James Speed; of Kentucky, has been tendered the office, is to day confirmed by reliable authority, and it - is believed he will accept.the position: ' • Markets by Telegratth. PfatibllELPHlti Dee: There is very little movement in any'de partment of trade. •Cloverseed is wanted at $l4. Cotton dull at, $1 28®1 29. Petroleum comes forward very slowly, and is held - firmi. sales of crude at 46@470, refined in bonditt 8%741, and free at 85,990... • -The Flourziniii ,:ala-there Isinoxe totgielyhte.,real. ize; the only sale for export is 300- bbls extra family at 1(412 50. The receipts and stocks are very small. Rye flour is steady? at $9. Corn meal is scarce. The deniand for wheat has fallen off; only 6,000 bus red sold at:s2 60 2 65; white ranges from $2 70 to 2 90. Rye sells from $1 70 to 1 72. Corn 'dull at 'sl 88 for old yellow and $1 65®1 75 for new, ac cording to dryness. 5,500 lbs tallow.sold at 171®18. ' Little doing in groceries antpxo visions. Whisky dull; sales of Penn)) ittsl 92, and Ohio at $1 92®1 93. New York Stock Markets NEw YoEx, Dec.-29 Stocks are lower; Chicago and R. L :1031;1 Cumberland preferred 46; Illinois Central 146;, Michigan Southern 68i; New York Central 1191; Reading 1354; fludson. River 1161; ,Canton Company 28i; Erie 931 , 0ne Year . Certificates 97/; Ten Forties 981; Five Twen-, ty Coupons 1071; Registered 107; Coupon Sixes 114; Gold 229. Philadelphia Steck Dlarkee. Pumumr.anuA, Dee.. 4.. Stocks dull; Penn's,-s's 938;, Reading Railroad 671; Minis dans' 98; Pennsylvania Railroad 6Th. Gold 228. Exchange on New York par. . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALMANACS. BALRS English and German almanacs for sale by the gross, dozen or single at Bergaer , a,Gheap Bookstore. n 023 ROUSES FOR SALE. THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES; SITU ATE on Foster street, above North.. Enquire of JACOB WALTERS, Corner of Third arid North streets'. • EIEID TRANSPARENT SLATES! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRANSPA RENT SLATES, of all sizes and price-s; 'for 'Weld Scbedl er's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, farriattnrg, Penna. octl SATCHELS! SATCTIT.TIS ALARGE and splendid assortment . of Satchels, together With over 100 styles •of Pocket- Baoks, Wallets, &c., at all prices for sale at . Scheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. nos FOR. SALE CHEAP, WO small frame houses; ii:Cliagle street, T between Race and ater street. Inquire at William Garratt's store, Second and State. nov2l-d2w* FISH.—New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel .01 in barrels, halt bairels andkitti„ and by the mind, s at [angel Fri LER & VBESH CRACKERS.—Boston Wine Bis-' 1: suits, Boston 'Ka Biscuits, Boston Butter Bia; cults, Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston Pic-nio Crackers,; Trenton Butter Orekers, just received' at WlB BAYER do KOERPER. A FEW MORE COPIES of the RULES FOR REGULATING THE PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT AND COURTS OF THE- • •• . TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF . PENNSYLVANIA, Composed of Dauphin and. Lebanon 'counties: Pricy $3 50: For sale at &heifer's Bookswe r Hairliburt Pa. • nos Backgammon Thiar ds. ,„ A N assortment of backgammon boards`. it 11Bergner's Chogp Bookstore. • ' 1 SOMF,THENG New and aMllEitik . = f oalli'g' , ' dren--291e-Vyingßirds, at no2l ..z.CIIEFFEEVS BoolE"tore, lkarrjsie..org",,, PIOKLEgI j., By the barrel, ° half barieVjai or doz~gst~i '.1025) IBBYICBsit-tOXIM. 3rA do PXBINE'S WoitoksTEß BAUM* -,the meet popular andth.tkur9 l * 9v".14.1 1 4 0 public, jail received and for esi t bby -; • l fob/ •M=A OmooemontoW Do* Jr & ~:] 1 fieo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers