BUSINESS CARDS. RALPH L. MACLAY, A'RNEY -AT-LAW.--Patriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict attention pal to all legal business. Military claims collected. mylo-46miaod A. C. SIVIIT'EL, A.TTOJELME:Te •- - ETAS removed his Office from Third to Wal xi_ nut statetorent to the Prison, All business in. trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JONES HOUSE, Corner of. Market street and Mirka, Squaw HARRIBBURG PENNA. €fills. R. MA_NPI, Proprietor. nob-dti STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF THIRD AND 'WALNUT STREETS, TIALRRISBURG., PENN'A. THE undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated I. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estalichment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with everyCOn 'mu:Once, Roars to the pu lic all the comforts and luxu ries of a first class hotel ty and obliging servants always in attene.anco. Aba well stocked with choice ligilb fs.attached to the establishment. .deifttUk ; W: EL THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITE):STATES HOTEL. o Ii[A,I . VVSBURG I PA. 11, H. HUTUFLISON, Proprietor. rums well known Hotel is now in a condi tlon to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hptel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location in the best in the State Oanital, being In easy access to all the railroad depots, and is close proximity to all the public offices and business lcr• cantles of the Ashy. It has. now all the Conveniences of A IFIRS2' CLASS LrOZEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither c 3• pease, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guesti. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully wh etted. JelLdtf • MUSICAL. ......... ~,,, -...-...."-,-..-...-,-----...-...--..--....--..-.....,,,....... .--- PIANO FORTES, IRELODEONk 'SUET MUSIC, TrioLuTs, FLUTES, GUITARS, BAFJOS, E h v STRING DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERC DISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, P TOGRAPII CARDS and ALBUMS, AMBRO TYPE-GMS, Et4GRAVINGK - PICTURES, &C., A.O) .'1 Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No.. P 2. . Third lreet, the largest Music Store this side of the great citica. jan2B-dtf , MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGAN& TWENTY-SIX FIEtST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TEM ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON 41 - HAMLIN'S INSTRAINEENTS. A Lull assortment of these instruments always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market street. JelAtawly] NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED ! AT BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store. Embracing every new, and improved civic of POCKET BOOKS, ILA.GIO CURRENCY HOLDERS,. °ALI' SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTNONNAIES, So stvricim to snit all circumstances. POCKET CUTLERY, Cementing of a fine ageortnient of Westimholni's Sepe Pocket K.lllOOB GOLD PENS, From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every Pen with a guarantee. PORT FOXIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, , PATETERLES, Together with every article usually found in a first Book and Stationery establishment, at myl23 BERGNER'S, 61 Market street DANI'EL A. MUENCH AGENT of the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daily Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,) is in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line betweeuPhila delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Loch Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williameport and Elmira Railroads. DANIEL A. IIUENCH, Agent. i Harrisburg, Penn'a.: Goods seat to the Warehouse of idessrs: Peacock, Zell & illuebmau, ..Noa.' 808 and 810 Market street, above Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. Br., will arrive at Barri , - burg. rejidy for delivery, neat morning. [ap.4o-rdmyt . PIANOS, • • :•• - ALBRECHT, RIEHES & SCHMIDT'S . EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. KNOCHE'S, 98 Market street; Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Fiance The public is invited to come and ex amine for themselves. A few Schomackor At Co's Pianos on hand yet , will be dsol low. mar26-tr PHOTOGRAPI-1 ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Album THE largest and cheapest variety of PHC TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are constantly ker at [ruirl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. F' FAMILY FLOUR.—SHISLER FRAZER have made arrangements with one of the best mills in the country to supply the families of Harris burg with choice FLOUR. Every barrel warranted; and delivered to any part of the city free of charge. SHLSLER & FRAZER, Dealers in Fine Family Groceries, opposite the CoMt Houma. aul3 PEIPHERIS .DAILY LINE BETWEEN PIIILADE.LP.MA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore,Williamsport, Man gy, Uniontown, Wasontown, . Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, • Lykenstown, blillersbnrg, • ;Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISB ETR G. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located,' the. drayage will be at the lowest rates. The, Conductor, ;goes through. with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot- WILLIAM' E. BURK ; 812• -Market street, Philadelphia, by o'clock P. w., will be delivered in Has Album the next morning. Prellight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOB MONTGOMERY& 00.; Philadelphia and Reading DeixiV_ Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. oatsl-t1 (`TANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESOR]:L 3 - WON. • $ k1:10/12 of all theattlebrat 43 dmainfacturers. DINES, • • OLIVE OILS, MUSTARDS, e every description:. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COFNEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades andprices, and the best selected steak outside All goods guano:deed as represented. ParMouhu• attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the Citylkse of charge. &EISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. • NEW LIQUOR STOKE. • TMPOBTANT TO I.I , 9IIDLORDS AND OTHERL,.Thisoirideralgned offers at. who/cuffs, to he trade, a choice lot el the best livers :ever brought to --Barriabargyvir:-Frenolt-Brondiny Holland 6insi-Scatc7t, knit,. Bourbon, Wheat and ;Old Riga sod Donmesirkt Wines, such as Obastpagne, Cia7d, Cataipba, Qtr All liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will Had it to their, advantage to call and T e4- mine the nittantntent , at 'the.'stere c All Smith letlentl• Weal, two dOortbelow Chasta in" WIATTEIN, aMt:]4BADS. rioYther'n Cei,Ataral Railway. .VONTER TIONIK; TABLIG. OPENING OF THE BRANCH TO ERIE. FOUR TRAINB DAILY • TO AND FROM BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY. Cormeetions made with trains on Pennsylvania littilroad t to and from Pittsburg and the West. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna,Pennsylvanitt and Erie, Elmira,. and all of Northern New' York. ON and artei MONDAY, Nw< 7th,! 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern. Central Railway ,will arrive at and depart from,liarrisburg and Baltimore as follows, via: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leavew Sunbury daily (except Sunday) .....10.40 a. N. leaves Harrisburg L3O r. arrives at Baltimore _DAS r. : x' EZPRERS TRAM leaves Suubuz ,. daily (except =EiMMEMI Monday) . 2.60 A. IL arrives at Maltimore daily ((except Monday) 7.00 a., it, HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION loiorea Haig burg ~„„,.. 7.45 SUNBURY AOCOMMODATION leaven ,Stua. bury , daily (esiipt'Sad- • PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Tao A. 1E Sunbury daily, (except Sundays) at ' 9.05 P. M WO T WARD. WAIL TRAll2,leaves Baltimore daily (except Saitday) . 9.20 leaves Harrisburg 1.45 P. X. " arrives,at Sunbury" • 4.20 r, 34. EXPRESS TRAIN leavos Baltimore daily-- 0.30 p. rf " arrives at Harrisburg 1.60 A. * leaves 'Harrisburg daily (ex- Dept Moriday) • 2.30 A. " arrives atStmbury 6.12 A. is. ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN Icaveaßaltimore daily (except Salirdays) ° .... 7.30 P. at. leaves -Harrisburg daily (except Bundaysrat 12.35 a. N. arrives at Sunbury at 3.25 a. nt HARRISBURG ACCOBIdODATION•Ieaves Bal. tXXOPe daily (uncuPt Sun day) 3.00 r. i. • arrivea it Harrisburg . L ....• —7.50 P. X. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION 'leaves llarrfs- • . burg daily (except Sunday) at 410 r..u. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all • initrmediate• point& Mail and Easiness 'rains run through to, Altaira. .. • ,c) lror further information apply at the Office in Pennffl vanta Railroad Depot. • • •J.N, • D u B ARES', • HarrisbarS, Oct. SO, 1884.-dif • .-Gen. Supt. , Lebanon Valley Branch OF PHILADELPHIA & READING R. R. Winter arrangement of PassSenger Trains from Harrisburg, NOI.EIiBER 7, 1864. TIMES DAILY TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. No 1 EXPRESS at 8: 00 AM, Art at N. York at 10: 00 Asl No 3 FAST, at 8:15 Am, 2:45 POI No 7 MAIL at 1:45 PM, " 9:20 P Tho above connect . closely with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburg and the West. Mt PHILADELPHIA AND FOTTSVILL& The 3.00 e ar Express connects at Reading with the Reading Accommodation Train, arriving at Philadelphia at 0:25 A at.. No's .3 and 7 connect at Reading for Potts ville, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, &c., arriving at the latter point at 1:20 and 7:05 r at, and at Pottsville at 12:35 noon and 7:45 r , 'WAY TRAMS FOR LOCAL TREF= Number 5 Mail at,7:25 A M, stopping at all points, and making same connections at Reading as number 3. r Number 9, Harrisburg Accommodation, at 4:40 P )1", stopping at all points, arriving at Reading at 7:10 p x. RBITIINLVG TRAINS LEAVE AS 'HOLLOWS New York—Number 2 EAST at 9:00 AA; number .4 EXPRESS at 7:00 P ffi, and number 0.111.41 L at 12:00 m. ! Philadelphia-8:00 ant and 3:30 P N. Potts 50 A X and 285 Reading--Number 4 EXPRESS 12:00 midnight; num ber 10 AMOMMODATION 1:25 A.m.; number 8 MAIL 10:45 A.M.; number 2 FAST 1:88 r nt; number 6 MAIL 6:05T x. Passengers for Lebanon Valley Railroad Way Stations willl - take trains number 5; 9„ 6, and 1.0,., as the other ,trains stop only at Lebanon and principal stations. Baggage checked through. For tickets or other in formation apply ; to. J. J. caog.,, . no 4 General Agent, Harrisburg. 1.864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. S Great Line traverses the Northern andll 11 Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Brie, on Lake Erie. IthaS been leased by the PaNs my ems Renatoso.nox- PANT, and is operated by them. • Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. . Leave Eastward Mail Train Elmira Express Train Wffiliiamsport Accommodation Leave Westward. Mall Train Elmira Express Train Williamsport Accommodation 1:45 in Passenger cars run through. on • Mail trains. without change both ways between' Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant sleeping cars on. Elmitstip nes trains both ways between Williumainet and Baltimore. For information respechng . passenger business apply at the corner 30th and Market streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner .Oih and Market streets Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent NCR R; Baltimore. H. A. HUSTON., ' General Freight Agent, rhilad'a. • a W. °WINNER, General Tidal Agent, Philaa'a, JOS. D. POTTS, 9c2Odly General Manager, Williamsport,: VUMBERLAND VALLEY FRANK,LIIN RAIL ROADS. 'GE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon 1C day, October 31, 1861, 'Passenger trains will run _ daily, AB follows, (Sundays excepted* 70/Z L'ILLAIREASBURG AND .11.442iL58U2G : • A. Y. I M. Lea7o./1,3gerea.t0n..4..,....-...-....... 7.00 745 " Greenceatle. - --.- . 7.37 3'.38 ' •• • . rrive at..... 4.-,...;.... ' 8.17 ', 4..20 fluumbereburg,- - - • • : / Ladve . at -'' ' ....;,... - 8.30 libb Letive Bt/Ippeneourg .. ' • '....:.......- 9,00 - 1.'28 " Newsille ........-....::.:.., ~.;...:.: " 9.82 200 " Carllsle Ifechanlosbarg --...;....:.7.00-10 42 3;16 Arrive at Harrlstrarg - ' --.....2.30 11.16. 3i45 POR CE4VRESSIM24 AND HthZaBTOWN P. Leave Harrisburg • 8.05 -L4O 15 Mechanic:obn* " ..; 337 ' 2 4° ' 4,5 ° ~C arlisle 0.27 2.58 5115 Nevivalo .......... 8.84 Shlppensburg • • '.10.33 4.(4 (Arrive at MOO' - Ctlambemb7s, Leave at. .... .. - CU 'Lowe Gr 3 ficl;a. l _°.. " • I.Lsfr 5.35 Arrive _ liagerst4wll 0;15 .' ARO mating close conneetionsat Muilsbarevllth , trains for Philadelphia, New Yoilr and Pittsburg and with trains for all points .Weat. 40 -- The 'Train leaving "notr*v37l; at 4.15, rare ,Only as far ie : N. LULL, 16144 V- R. Qtrict" - :ClituaierSbarg,"Cqt..lBl., 1884-Iy . , T....tinfOrAsie ett the t ,,Ce_Uter,lof 1141. .14Eroad streets, "ltr.raltlist ir/i f u."II.strADDOT WOW READING RAILROAD. WIN TER ARRANGEMENT, NOVEMBER 7th, 1864. BEAT TRUNK .I,lla 1730111 THE ILA NORTH and Northwest for Philadelnida New York, Reading, PeAsvillo, Lebanon, Allentown, Radon •SGO &U. I • I Trains leave HarTlahurg for Wow York, as 'follows : At 3.00 and 8,15 A. M. and 1.45 ar., arriving at New York lit 10.00 A.,x. and 2.45 and 10.00 F. H. The above connect with similar Trains on.the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and Sleeping . Cars accompany the thst two Trains without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, ifineriville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.15 a. at. and 145 F. at, stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains, stopping stall points, at 7.25 A. ar. and 4.40 P. M. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.60 noon ; and 7.00 r. at Philadelphia at 8.00 .t. at and 8.30 P. ra.; Pottsville at 8.50 d.'lll. and 2.35 P. N.; Tamaqua at .810 A. at. andy. 15 P. m., and Reading at 12.00 midnight, 7.35 and 10.45 a. m. 1.38 and 6.05 P, w. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves' Reading at 6.30 a. tr., returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 P. or. dolumbia . Railroad Trains leave Reading •at 6.40 and 11.00 A. r. Tor Ephrata, Litiz, Columbia, kc. On Sundays : Leave New York at 700 P. M., Philadel phia 315 r. m., Potts - Ville 7 30 a. at., Tamaqua 7 00 s. at., Harrisburg 810 .1, M., and Beading at 1200 midnight, for Harrisburg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School, and kaouraion tic'rets to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds allowed each passenger. ' . G. A. NRXOAS, Heading, Pa., November 3, 1861. no2l Pennsylvania •Rail Road ! FIVE' TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PIDLADEDELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. THE Pesseriger Trains of the ( Pennsylvania Railroad Company wil (10Poit‘ from Ifarrrisburg, and arrive at Philadelphia? and Pittsburg as fillotell: . „ EASTWARD ' • THROUGH EXPRESS,TRAIN. leaves ;Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. m., and arrivesat Wes& Philadelphia at 8.55 A. or. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily. (except Monday) at 8.00 A. r., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 r. x. Passengers take breakfast at Harrisburg. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg * daily (exceptSnadays) at 1.60 P. or., and arrivesat West Philadelphia at 6.35 P. PITTSBURG AND ERIK EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1L55 r. st., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 A. m. . „_ • , HA.RRISBURGI AOCOIMODATION THAW, ieives,Har rieburg daily (except Sundays).. ak.4.06 p. is., and arrives at West , Philadelphia at 9.30. r. it. ißii train c onnection from the West. mu:mule. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg daily (except Sundays) at. 7. A. or., and arrives at Lancaster at 9.15 4. SI, connecting (except on Mondayi3) with the Fast Line east. PITTSBURG AEU ERIE EXPRESS loaves Harrisburg. didly , (exceptEundays) at 12.85 A. at., 'Altoona .0 59 A.. take'breakfast,'Snd aerivext.Pitlsburg at. 12.40 r. X. BALTIMORE urßtzs TRAIN leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) at 2.25 A.m.; Altoona, 8.10 A. Di, .take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 y, N. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisbdig daily at 8.25 A. m., Altoona at 8.15 A. x., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. m PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 P. at; Altoona at. 9;10 P. at, take supper,. and arrives at Pittsburg st 2.00 a..x. MAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at - 1.40 P. M.; Altoona at 7.55 r. sr., take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 180 ,r. x. MOUNT JOY AtMEMIELODATION was Cleaves Lancaster at 1120 A. at, connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy at 11.51 A.:x , and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. TRE'Ik .EARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from t'ittsburgi . which arrives at Harrisburg at 6.30 P. stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over until 11.65 P. at. ' ' ' ' SAMUEL D..YOUSG, • Supt. Middle Diu. PLatea RAZ. Harrisburg, Oct. 2T, 1864.-titt When. will.. Wonders Cetisel THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! 111KTILL cure any ache or pain in fiord. , one to sixty minutes I It acts like magic upon the absorbent and.. glandular systems; reducing swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. It• is of *dill slue, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the. periphery„to the .centre .of the nervous organism, thence by relies action Its power is felt throughout, the entire system restoring the circa" lating fluids and checking ditrepae withinvincible strength. THE .ICING" OF "PAIN' IN INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the - thedihiite and you Will find instant relief.' It is an Internal- and external cure. 1_864: - ' , THE. KING_ VP .PAIN Cures almost instantaruptialy, Headache, Earache, New DeathesicSore Thiblit„ Golds,; Bilonchial Affections, Ast.hme Dyspesie 4 DiarrhompDysentery or Bloodyylnx, Liver Complaint., Kidneylniffsa:Dbiesses 'or the *adder and Genital Organs, Cramp, 'Cholic and all spas:Medic pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. IS proves itself the mister", as the testimony of demands prove its meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale'and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. The following letter.from.a, soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR. Mo- BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : • • Nzwvarar, OVERLAND Onset; Sept. 186 pi Messrs. S. A. Kunkel it Bro., druggists, Harrisbarg, Pa.: Gans :—I would inform youitutt I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please Mid five dollars more, for which send me live bottles addition al to-morrow . I leave for camp, to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in Company H, 202 d Regiment P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of, four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured 'me completely, and have made me feel liko a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of:my =trades of vsriorisdis' eases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the beat medicine the soldier can plovide for himself. • • :Yours respectfully, JOSE WHITE. zer All orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO. • 11:45 P'Br. 2:50 A Di 1:30 P X .....12:35 2:30 d.:751 The following certifitate is from a well-known citizen of Harrisburg :. Hisnisatrad, Aug. 80,1884. TO THE PIIBLIO gives me great - pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. MoBRIDE, which he calls the KING.OF PAULI!. !I was induced to use it as an extern al remedy fora bruise,"vihich it relieved 'immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced mo to useit internally for Diarrhoea, witltybieh I was afflicted in' a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to each an extent that niy. kidneys ' were seriously deranged The medicine has cured, me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, when I . reflect bow many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. Fur any' part, shall always keep a supply of it in my house,belie*lng as I do that it is a most invaluable family medicine. DANIEL 'R. WILIf The unexampled sale of this medicine proves it to. be the most wonderful discovery of the age In the , medical art. - The undersigned me the sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. 13 ; A. KUNKEL* BRO., Draggiats, sopls] - 1113 Mid•ket. street, Harrisburg. SOMETHING NEW MYER TRIN4WFATENT • AE6. '3L7C4-1 - 17C INKSTAND. For sale at3ohoffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, 7 gat A:11. 10.10 346 MR. S. A. Kamm.:— take pleasure in sifting that•your ".I)lglagri(EA ILIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that.' ever bmagined. I was'yery much troubled with diarrhoea, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until . I took ybiIr'"IsILXTIIRE." I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you see proper to use it, it be the means of extending a knowledge nt . thAmateldess value of . your medicine. • Very reePe.etful/Y geek JEFFRIIO . Thither; CraniuM . . , 4 , 1884 .--piu3o-clif . P.IIO,TOGRA PUS. A LARGE ' ge4sol:l2ent" of Thoti.Diritas of jp;l4_tatlifor per demi, et OMFASEII BOOS BTolag alp) Pienliburg, Iit t A,JULROA DS. WINTER. TIME TABLE. 01* MI MITIM .110ND4V, October 31, 1E164, WESTWARD. SPECIAL NOTICE IUSCELL-4kNEOUS. DR. McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN SOLDIERS READ! A HOW, ,OERTEEICATE inEDICAII,. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, H As ..d=rr d eatinT:o s w t ofig ai r ili speedy DMEASES OF DIFRIIDENOE. RELIEF IN SIX TO TriLINE HOURS. NO =WRY On NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Ours Warranted, or .No Charge, in from One to Roo Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency General De bility, Nervousness, 'Dyspepsia, ' Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of hkes,,Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Thinness of Sight or Giddlikas, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or' Skip, Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth-- , those secret and Botha* , practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrena to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. • , YOUNG KEN Especially,,who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that'readful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young lien of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced litterdng'Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or Waked to ectasy the living ire, may call with full confidence, • MARRIAGE. Married persona, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defer-, mines, &a, speedily cured. He who plaoes himself under the care of Dr. .1. may re ligionsly confide in tits honor .as a gentleman, and cond.' dently rely upon his skill as a Physician. . ORGANIC WEAKNESS . mmedlately cured, And full vigor restored. Thls distressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the via tims of finproPer indulgence. Young peisons aro too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful conatiineaces that may ensile. - Mow, who that undei stands the sehject will pretend to deny that the power- Of procreation is lost, sooner by those falling into improper habiti than bythe prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de stractive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous Irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, tough, con sumption, decay and deth. Orirom ATa 7,Wimrsr Plamatruct Srxtrz. Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few' doom from the corner. Fail not to observe name and munber. Letters most be paid end contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. JOHNSON, )(ember of the Royal College -of Surgeons, London; grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges In the 'United states, andthe greater part of whose life hew been spinal in th e hospitals o Lo ton , Paris , hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and ebaf where, has effected seine of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing In the head and oars when sleep _.great nervousness, being alarmed , at sudden sounds, bashfainegs, with frequent binfilditt'atteudgel %motif:o irati: daraugamierit at. mind were cured immediately. TARE PARTICULAR IOTICt. These are ithrof Of the sad and melancholy' cacti pm. &toed by early habits of youth, viz :.weakness of the lank and limbs, pains tee the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous Irritability, symptoms of consumption Sl ifiatratr.v.—The fearful effects on the Mind are much to be dreaded—foes of memory contortion of ideas, de pression of spirits, evil foroloodh i arersiou to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timin ty, & a, are some ot the evils produced. • YOUNG 1 1 17 N Who have injurad', . thernselves by a certain practice in. dulged in when sione;* habit frequently learned front evil companions, or at schoolitho 'effects of which are nightly felt, even when Weep, and if not cured sentient marriage Eraposisibld, and destroys both mind and body, shouldepOryi m =Mutely. ' • Whale icy t hat a young-man, the hopeof hie saantry, the darling of his parents; should be snatched -from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating froni the path of nature and ihdulging lts a certain secret habit. Saakpottons before 'content plating • MARRIAGE, Renee tthat a sound mlud and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. indeed, with outitietse;the journey through 111 W becomes a weary pil grinutgp; the prospect hetirly daikens to the view ; tho rain& becomes shadowed with despair and nl4ed with the tnelauoholy reflection that:the hsPl,tneas of another be. comes blightedwith our own. DISEASE OF DIPEUDENO.E. When theed, and imprudent votary of pleasure nude Vas imb%:0.... 'the seeds or this painful disease; too often happens that an Mimed sense of 'shame or tho dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education audrespectability, can alone befriend him. flo falls Wit the hands of ignorant Sod designing pretend ers, who, incapable et curing filch -hie:•torantiary nnh stones, keep him trifling month after month, or as longas the smallest:fee can ho obtained, and In despair leave him with nithed health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury; hasten the conetitutionalsynaptomsofthisterrible 41harttes,such as &free Lions of the aisad t ! bloat, Nose, Skin, eta, progressing with frightful rapidity till death pots ; a period to hie dreadful sufferings by sending him to that undiscovered country from whence notraveler returns. INDORSEMENT OF TUE PKINS. The many thowanda =eclat this institution year after year, and the numerous iniportant surgical operations performed by Dr. Almon, witnessed by the reporters of The ,ffurs, Miler, and many other papers, notices of which hail) appeared again aid again before, the .pubbo, Weida! his standing ea a . gentleman of, character and response is a sufficient guarantee to the " BMA FI9tABEB SFEEDITIY OUF.E.D. Ogiae „if', 7 *aunt lir e'eteriek Strout. ap243-41y,: Gray's Patent Molded Collars Waif not limplylat pieces! of paper cut in the form of a oolbw, but aro gotdixd dud Shaped tOjtt the Week, having a perfect curve fr'se from angka or breaks, which is ob tained by our patented prongs; which also secures another advantage pose wed by no ogier calgir,—vas : Space ftwthe Cravat in the Tun-down style, the mama or WHIM 1B mammy samara AND 751117505 PUOXIBB, making this collar,-tor ease,neatness, and durability, unequalled. They aro - rade in ..Turn-down steels sizes from 11 to IT, sad in Garrotte , - from 18 to 17 1120h011; 'and packed in neat Uwe bonne of 100 each; inarnaller'onos of 10 each—the latter a very handy package for , travelers, army and rimy officers. ' • Sr EVERY COLLAR is stamped Gray's Patent Molded Collar.. Sold" by all retail enders in Men's Punishing Goods. The trade supplied br VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMER, & CO tea-eodtim- 027 . CHESTNUT St , Philadelphia . . OM, LOW OUR STOCK. OP LIQUORS xXTE intend to discontinue the sale of LiL oilers and offer'our idea at a very small advanor front coat Price. We have purchased all oar r e ploont be rote the last:riae-ittid bilVe a„litrgestoek on handfor three or four years, wideh are guaranteed, cannot be Purchased now at any price from the fmportera Our atock,-.cellsista WIIISKIEtF t of all grades. .. . ,We have parts of titior barrels pure RYE, not colored, artdlo , degrees above proof, .2% years old. NINES of. all Grades, %nestle and Imported. • • 13 It A. N IL We have part of. cask HENNESSEY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of families for medicinal purposes. • , The lirandyeannot be bought to-day,- from importers, lees than SD per gallon. We will sell la for $l2 per gal SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, OHAMPAGNEIVINES * (MOOTS • Jr.° we Invite the.loopeottott of Hotel &eepers . mud Liquor ..wuvogita ao we Mend to sell, without , re imgogi our pore, end be, a good Appottu. Olt, Air bugaila MUNI 6 D. W. GROSS 1 GO. D. W. GROSS & CO., MTMTIMNnTnWMI DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, 8 AHRIEBURS, PI DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMER'S. We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all much articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and best selected stock in Ibis ray, "of DIIUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, Qpr Varniattee and Glitee, Dyetkuths, GIBER tad Putt 7, „no artlst's Colors and Tools, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Thad; liVerm and Pine Olin, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, 40., &0., &O. ho, With ;a general variety or PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, ■elected from the beat manufacturers and Perfumers of Xuropo and thus country. Being very large dealers in P,tlliTB, WATTS LEAD, 40310 D QM, FILI2I/4049, WINDOW GLASS', .41i2:11&2"8 Alinsrs itkowas Er ALL ,TREIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BBONEZB W. 3 respectfully invite a call, feeling oeattdeat that we alai' sanity the want/ of ail on tonne to their waterer TEETH! TEETH ! ! JONE' IND wairra PORCELAIN THErq, rAntivr MEDIO7IV3I2I, 4257) Or ell kinds, direct rrom the Proprietor' SAPONIFIER AND CONCENTRATSD Liry. WLcles~le Agents for Saponifier, which we sell ar tow ax it can be parchtned in the cities THAYER , B MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS. COAL 0111 CARBON OIL I Being large purchasers in these OM ~we can offer in duanelents to close toyer". Ocial 011 Lamps of the moat linpreved patterns, very chewrni All Mad" of Latrips obonzed to burn Wal Mt. rirlmv-rwrm - gml Those of .you who have not given our HORSE AND CAT TLS r.OWtlElit3 a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses end Cattle healthy tad iti• a good condition itionsarida atn testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Poellem, by the kidnaped goes- ty and quality of ndlir, besides hooraying the general health and sivearance or their earn& Oar long experienoti in the business gives us the &riven tago of s thorough knowledge of the trade, and our ,sr ringementa in thf . 3 93E1810 Ruch that we can, in a very. snort time ; turinaiiiinithing appertaining to ore business, on the boot of twrolt. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by.atriot attention to lnednesa, a carifful aeleethal of I" 17, R.ll .0 UGB at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a con. titanium, of the fayor of a Wearhalnatlngpablia. .ago 44 MOTH POWDER, NOB PERPUNING LINEN AIM PREVENTING ROTH TaPOWDER -- a compound of vainaNe oist for the doitruktion of illNOlLliaxibuted among oi, dusted over Fore, :Woolens, Carpets, 4 : 20,4 4 , 4$ Age., Papkefl away . for, mule; 'wW effectually pre** Being also a dellgbilbt :diffnsable perfume It' will •" 11/inat ' e l lgallin ge WWI a'lasthig andplessant odor. Ttukffuest fab o mumot be Mimed by Ns um. lreparelland sold at' ' •MWT.T MM'S - ap2a. Dwell and Fanny Goods Mont No. 91 Market street • • - VINE TABLE OILS.-40. boxes fine table olio of the best importations for sale, wholesale and retell ? by . • SXIBLERA rub • T , ienoeselers to W. Doak; Jr., -11 O Fn BAMlK.—Alittoloo lot of jilioho . Aar'. Med Beer, idt.reoeni34 RILMUIOR IMO AND LawnlA ounsug own , .•0•41 wings • suipm• MWADDEDPS MARBLE YARD CORNER 07 WALNUT AND Firm amErra Harrisbazg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard In thin city, beg leave to intern/ their fritaia and the public In general, that they are prepared to fur• MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Man AS Monuments, tombs, Head Stones, Mantles, And Howe Work in .Marble and Brown Stone Give Ina call andwe will guarantee sallatactton. MTADDMI & GU N. R —Lettering neatly none in Finglint or German nmr29-dly AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES 08 POCKET BOOKS, PURSES • AND PORT MON N AIT FOR LADTFR AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLER'S Drag and Faney Gonda Store, No. 91 Market Street The best Morocco TRAVELING SATCHEL And a general variety or FANCY GOODS, suitaiL Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, marlo-tf No. gl Market str:,r, PHOTOGRAPH AL ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Photograph A.l4utur 4 . BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panetlea, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 80 Pictures for • S's 40 o . 269 so 6. «u 9 together with vrrions other styles of binding, siren ari prices, which will be soldebeap. Soldier,e you cannot buy a prettier, more durable a^.3 cheaper album anywhere. Cal land me at SONEFFEB,'S Bookalore, marl2-dtt HarriEbnrg, Pure Ground Spices, THE FARMER Day, and bow he became Command er-in,Mier $1 PIONEER BOY, and how he becatoo tresldeut, $1 THE FERRY ROY, and she Financier, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Rea. Frankar =sue his mark, $1 on THE FIRMER BOY, end how he became Licraa. ant GoneraL In puns. A TOMB'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke ; • elegantly illustrated. St At BERGNER'S BOOR STORL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 5132 Walnut. Street, South Side, Naito! Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ABMS.. CAPITAL Ped 0.3 CISARTEN PERPETUAL. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation In COLORS, PAINT AND CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLE R , Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Offlee Walnut Si, near Second, Harrisburg, h myll-9m • OP ALL KINDS. JUST RECEIVED, 11ADI RIMITO.RATIVEB. S IRon.:/ TIU c LIG BLOOM by Gail Baru t: HAIINTSD HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp $2 Ov SEVEN STORPES, by ik Marvel, author or "Reveriti of a Bachelor." $1 EU SPRItE'S JOURNAL of *to Discovery of the soma of the Nile. $a THE WOMAN IN BLAIN{ by author of "Man In Gray." $1 60 STORIES OF THE SEA, for joys; from Cooper , E writings. $1 00 STORIES OP TRE WOOD,. for boys; from Coofer' ,, writings. 'UNRIVALLED CHAFA LER FUJIN Et URI POLISH does not affect the varnish, but rester:: the original lustre. It does not discolor. It will recto , ' with very little labor, every finished surface ; either wetxt or wood. All manufacturers and dealers in furnitur , should use it for cleaning fushiture that has been siaL l lng, covered with dust. A touch and rub here and there will make it bright and fresh. For sale by S. A. BUNKE!: BRO., jzi-dtf 118 Market tenet, Harrisbui3 LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the meet luscious of all deserts for the table-, the eat and most grateful diet for Invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constituuen: when coagulated with rennet it is always light and eay?:: digestion, and supports the system with the least pets , ',' excitement. When still greater nlittritive power isdegom cream and sugar may. he added,,Aleaspoonfal convert a quartet milk frith a "Man turd. Prepared and Eou wholesale, and retail by. 8. A. WUNKEL, e 8.5-11, ' •. . US Market street. NCIRTOLTS .PECTORAL gIVP. rpl3S • itIVALIJABLE SYRUP, which is en , tirely_sregetable in as composition, Mot been cc: played with wonderful success for many Years in theca:: of dineasei tcii the , AIR I'AzMAGES and LUNGS. For sty - form'of - the disease, such as COUGH, TICIOANG 01 lb, THROAT,SPHTLNG OF BIDOD,DIFFIOUL'r BBFATHIM ,, HOARWIESS, LObB OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVEIn , , ,, ' we will be attended with the happiest results. It is c, of the best and safest medicines for all forme of EROS MITTS and CONSUMPTION. be laseantan or priliGr' ties of flpfset us any shape in this serww. PAIGE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at REEMINER'S Cheap Book Store. (.113 . 1.PECTORALS are useful to soothe e NA. cough, , allay Tickling In the Throat, to rePob .Ithareah oink_ Catarrh, Sore Throat, got They - c0r.1.3:b Crb... nant,Horehotind, Ipecaettanha, Scnega and Sc la , Wm t. reliable expectorants known,) are the chief Etc Alva oonstitnenta, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sell, that each lozenge contains a milliard very Pleasant Manufactured solely - by S. A. It 17NIal & BRO., ian27 kribtboestrteß, 11S ligarket r sLreek HarriPhuri IPEMKG. WEDDING, INVITATION ern AT.HowS CARDS .—By a special arrangew.abi with 0nePf..440 beetrera _in the comity, =is 01 any demon troxecuAect in" the highest style set, aoufariaable with the' West feshicm, and auPP,e''' provaptl4:ert lawer prima than are triaged by.the ete tl°t " eas itiNew York or Philadolphia. or maples and wk.., * llO4 • : Brawl - Elm soda aorta'. _ • WOW of , lificthengifo., oekbxateLl rOcihr. l4 ,uthiggit ,. 41111 hieweefl Se IL Nigh , . DLISCE.LLAN.EOUS. BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. WOOPHORATICD 1794, nuance. ARTHUR G. COYFIN, Presidert THIS MORNING, A FRESH TN - VOICE UM* MIMESES & CO.'S CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED HAMS AND ESEVAL,', SHISLER FRAZER'S my3l THE NEW BOOKS. DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by Kra Rolmes. $ 1 oc BARBARA'S BISIbICY, a novel, by Ancona Edward: 60 cent? THE 441 EAT:r HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, byTrollope. $l. 25 IX. WRNS OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov. 1 61 to Aug. '63, la OC " XII. All new books received as soon as published at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, Al. Market Mee LIQUID RENNNT. $1.656,616
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers