TH. - TET.IEGRATte' ' lb Vi . MORNING AND E'VENING, SY, GEORGE fte•RONEk. max Mt, N&&k . W4JNUT TEUMS OF sussdairnollf stvGLE Dm-DAILY Tal , ;misu - 1d . o erved id:linbscrlbers iu the city at 12 cents per week., Yearly subscribers will be Charged $0 Coin advance, Those perseunwho neglect% pay In advance will becharged $T 00. WEEKLY, TELgentApn. Tas lkismurnisalitopubllshed weekly, and Is fllllllsned subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Three cophas to emit Net 001ce . I Ten conies 14 one petit woo NEW 'ADyERTISEMENTS CLOS'IN G . .OUT • • • SUMMER \. -STOCK AT AND EL )W COOST. • • 111R3,1111. MAIM. - NO.l MAIKET 'STREET, EING desirous of 'closing her Suatzuer, B IMoek or Millinery Weds, 'offers for sale at fitly : CO tuned antes, snel. ar &MR - AND STRAW BONNETS, • ' RATS AND FLATS, &O. Constantly p n , hand a splendid rilicatineut a . ! UV. 110, • - MalQl' %OPTS, ' • CORSETS, • MOSLEM' /1.4 N I ikERCHITkis, GLOVES, , • C(ii.l,4RS, • • 8F.:12§, NETS r • FANCY WIWI, Ice. Dealers will de Wed to Gall, as great borgokoLcsn be had at waolwata. " Jela ly CLOAKS, . C.IILCILWARS ..• AND . MANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MABKET STREET. AN4 Philadelphia Cloak otpre. nave uow a apleodid assordtheut of • SPRING St SUMM:EII. MANTELS, FiLEN CIA CLOTH OLLIGULAR% • NEW FEENCB. SACIiS, AND NEW FRENCH LOUSE &SKS. The awe beautiful stuouLes, In uvory COM' and bur.d acutely trimaxi, trove $7 60 to jib. 1000 SIMS. DIABITt.i. CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASJU, Handswipay and richly tricuoml, from $lO uirward. my 2 Millinery and Fancy Goodb. •. ilie. J. IiIB/16, ut No. d Barker Switre, Lieu dour tu If.lia!aUvirluvUutaic, , lira,paCultaitillr w ottutt two iittot eity Into UI IS .utst, auto, howls% Luweiii, hiboutio, sc., together with a 16/II 11460ft1/ICla UL Inltio tritnonug., Lulea, hiullrouieneo, Collard. Coils, .u.silt.riwitinis; itmasty, Owooe Bud Vitilwi4 ti;olitt U i se lalllll .1•4 dm latest Dabigas of Dra , e Paturros threat from the NSW Y.,61. uazvara. 1.11 , 144 au./ ti stai.k. WillilLti avaly tx.l4- 614Lehl. I:l4sualul Ivr Lau i•Laivaaig. vveivaa4 slaw. Le/ lipaullid„ alvs Lrs.a‘s, Vy a otrlct t41.14:11.4 IA GU thIcIlatIbli611(1 /UV traucavvra 14 tall ,visar.i/ - aLialacutay to OJailLilliS LO rramrtlea auaev. 0 Lilt 'lum; pukrti.J.Lge , . 1) l•ita.n C 1Z I]) CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, 7d a pleasant, healthy bever:cga. INkry arnvecilent apd raroatlng car tavawg Door ur groat Lturat. its vvrtaAlity fecurninetide it *o tracelem /kg voziviiitiii /MU ud, irlo4lllQm will sixeeiaterL Diu soap- rui.arvai i4A) sikatily dis.teival is R flu* ui twiU Whler eue.t tL i* dupe. KILLLLR'S lutUG AND FANCY GOOD SrOak; ; 17 Mr. 91 Market street. tr~:►V crao.A.n IN D. M. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, tterrisburg. 1,U001)111iT1 ENI: YLE;-; OY .6.91,2ra05A117.A; OLOARs _Nip UIbCtLAH:, • FINE SFRINOr SEAVIIT/S. Will opon on the isc ut April. imai2l-ttiy Steam Weekly to Liveivool. TqtIEENSTOWN, (Cork kfAr -1,. oor.) My Atoll Irituron Bloomero or the Llvorpoui, New York and PbOudelytun Stokambip Company, am t o_ tended to alol es r011owe: or Baluu ure, raturtisy, August 27 ; Etna, Satur day, aiept.tuyar S ; r_cilauuret, u. day, septet .-ber 10, sag every CIC4AVALLAS d4Lt.i144:14, LIULUrIcr 44, Monk /liver. RATES OF PASUGE, PaY.LECIA /14 1301./h, 'US IT* ativarataor: tii OULP.E.NOI. VILIST CABIN VW 00$3G 00 do to Loudon 85 00 1 do to London 34 00 do to Paco 85 00 do to Pero 40 Oti do to Hamburg.— 90 001 do to Bandourg.... 37 00 Paige Livia tiro Nrwardeti o Eihero, Braman, Bolder; data, datvierp, au., at acitially low rtes renitfroni leverlexe or 4ueeLlatOwll:l4 Cabin, $75, $ll5 $lO5. Swamp, $36. Thole rvizo wish to ;end for their Enough Lou ouy tionole hero at thew rote& For runner Information apply at the CoCapuiVra 01E0E11 . itinfe U. DALE, Adgaut, 16 aronoway, N. Y. or C. 0 2:1 REIMAN klarnakiure. - PIANOS. LUILIOHT, BERES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PLOW. SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCEES, IPS Steam street, Harrisburg. "MOE REASUN perieouy sdtisfaetory to .11.: ITSCLF t wive Woo ere agency of the above MOIR ISPEOBIII Puma& Thepubbe la invited to come and ex ammo tlet tiaemaelves. ei few Sc.iummieker & Co's name on hand yet will be dsul Una. mar.2s-1,1 PHOTOGRAPH ALB Photograph Albums. 'Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albillais FIE largest and utumpant 'twisty of Ykio - ALBUMS u. u. city ere wauluuty key kiwi%) HENtiNMs.'S taltLaY BOOIiSTURS. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY I AM happy to offer to the public a large apiendtd utortawnt of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, iimaymmisba by LEROY W. r..9113,13EC1LD, Thaw Pena ars weLl ficese.ed, eikutae, an 4 vat glre en ate PLEASE TRY TEM SOEIEFFER'S ROOK STORE,`- d etre* Gypoalle FreaustLuan maw; iituTisburg Pe aitll4"E ARKfirED l—A.Ane lot of CANNED PEACHES and 'MIA L 3. Also, SurEgirig E APPLES, FRESH PEAS Om., just rev2t y e.! by mei 1..3,r Trinv mriß. 241 . utrert. rer,. WIIITITA. AiAtrtiZziki supply of tiludittliteb Crlebrated 4.4 lahr Cured HMO* in Dried Deer, at' - ammasas, tuttrtatt * getittiPalt ....imo " S 6kil and 1:1.‘..i.E. Isai,lY 111 :M. ILI Just vived, at I) iti DOTER RI FORRPfilt. ' SLABION.—Mine salt Salmon, at 88I8LER k ruzza . , . . .. . ~ • -.., .4-10)110fr.144102,..' ~-,• '...T - - ,- '." - ‘,Li i ii,-,..' 7 - - „,.....,.,;_,....4±,-..,......*-1,4 5 ... .. ,' . „.„ , , c. . .„ . .• • . r' im I .tlg - .',.t. I , -1 4.1' a . , l_. • V .7 , 4 1 4 , - ' n.t: .71%,% , r 'T. . • - - - • • • . .. . . . _ 'lO •••4z, x,.. ;-, ' ' ' • . ... , . ':'., .:' •s . .-- -- ,;,. --: :: ,•' : - ' ' ".•,...'„,:; '. : '.. • .;:v. . .., , ~,-..: $' :.' 4 '..-',.:,...'... - - •,,,,, ~, V •11, / le/-,1 :r . „ -- ,. „..:;:: = . ... ..„„. . , • ... • • .„ - ,• ir . '' ,_ ''' l,- ... 1 ` , '' , y•„;-;(:,-...--!"7 - . : : : .-, . 1 ..: -',. _ .: '- - , • : .- -: .; 4 . . . 4 . ' ... CV ' -. 0. . : ir . .4' .... ...‘' ' St 1 • I . - 1. &•.'±4' . -7-- f - i" , --: " . .#1 .. 4 , 7 ' , . ,:_s__-7.• . • . '. ".'. ' ' . • 4 • ~. , , . k .. $ll '..... .....:.;.. '-:- •,-. --:. r 0 , :: 11. 4 7,:!,... ,, ,,, , •-•,•.• ,••• ~ ..,,- . : 4 • - • .. . , . • . • .... , ;,. , .,-.•„,-,_.....-v,..,-„,. . . ..... ~ . ...,. .... . . • . . • . - v.i", rid , - . --, .. ~,, . - - ' , 7. - , .. . . • - _ _ . - _ , - . • ~--, - . . P f. El BO 1.0 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Northern Central Railway. DIIBLIO NOTICE is hereby givelt that the PHEIGAT and BAGGAGE described in the follow. Jug list remains :unclaimed ln the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con • signee3 are hereby mottled to come forward, pay oharguis,• and take their property awag,,or the same *lll be imid according to law. J. WWI VARRr. Slipt. • Gmonisa borsecericsorses DMA • • • • AUGUST 16; 11101. - No 1, Williamsport and check 144, ate black trunk ' . No 2. Elmira and liarrlabarg.check 20 one , Los, Limit A Millar, liaaritbuig • No 3, Baltimore attd•Harrtaburg check 20; One box . No 4. no check, OLIO bo9.l..Barratt, Lock tort , Niagara Co L N Y N.O A, no cheek, one box;. twat 4 Scott, :Harrisburg No 8 rte check, One boroao marks No 7, noulmok,.oue box,. Jacob WoaVer, Pittsburg No 8, no chtrok, ,nete ba r geoben Farringer, wee-a No 0, no check, fair leather trtulk, do. • • Nu 10, no-cheek, one box,•Capt Finales, Harrisburg No.ll, no check, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph's 'made. my, I'hits 4 , 0.12, no obeck, fair ie , thor bunk, no marks NO Lk, no chrok, falr•Lemhsr. nook, Capt Lyman, Bar sishurg • No 14,'ne check, black lerebei trunk, no matte • No 16, no ,Ludt, hi k hat , el trunk no manta be 10,•tv cheat, Oa° JuO Kale°, H. , triets/rs '- No 17, no duce Untiborr„ -GOO L Stephens, thtnisbart No 18, no ouenit: one box,•Neirport staUun, P ri It No 19. no cheer, one bon, D,Mitti ROOIBOu, No YO, no ohoolS bleol. tarok, Jae Osmium, Lower towg, Yr • No 21, Danville and iltirrlsburg amok 612, fitir leather trunk, Wm 11 Berber, 'llllton Pa Nu a 2, ottuuk, block tratk, no marks Nu 26, no enact, Mar leauluer trunk, W 6 ikettißciela UV, _ • 24, no chock, Aar loastAr stetrikelhoe Itellentee • Oto v 4 ILO Cu Oa, thaek trunk, tank • • zo ue caeca, Una 'Wank, /ii An6lll, Slagtottaw• trara, le '2 /s7o 21, Willmmisiaort and Harrisburg Okuda 92, tar leather vatic, no matte No 28, &ailments/id LtardEbarg 011eok 1193, tAit Wither mi.*, up works • • - Nu 23, .tech, fair leather valise, .no niarkti No 60, no check, back Amok,. Jno itostroe,'Lancas• ter, a No 31., no abeak, one box, Miabaol Trump, Allentown No 3S, nu Lied; .Lie box, no marks No Bs, Soreutou and Her Muni °Wok 229, ens box • 34 no obs.k, ate box, Bra larter„ etuoisolti, Pe Nu ke uu ono cue box, hew iteinturs • Ss, no cormit, unetua, cerulean+ No $7, nu aaeo., or muldles, no marks No S 6, no cueolc, caddie, Ignatius Frowner, Nettle station No 39, no amok, black bag, no marks No 40, no oat ok, brook. b Mary rester, 218/11.0 1 / 1 02" No 41, no caeca, bleak bag, no marks ' No eik ao oneklt, ble Ix beg, marks • - 61,, es, tar auLliat, Oia‘OL bi.ire?,ou oaks No 44 , nu cckciti bt‘ok bag, J mLo, Jersey 'potore, PA Nu 46,. Wttrituurpott and liarrLArarg erica SO, Wok g, Lau marks • No 46, coo Auesk,lllook bag, no marks No 47, nu at ea butuira bras, ue marks Au ritl, no on• ck, torput beg, uo Warka Au 49, no übon.k., atoulu. no MAZIC.4 plc db, nu dunk, la.g, no Walk! t.O bl, /* Ow 06,, 9, box, no marks No 62 no uneok, olds b. 4, Le mormi No el, nu otn.tpa, Lat4ex, n marks Nu 64. nu tuaeca, fetr I.4ador trunk, no mark* • J Fauwaug , use b •no o Lulls d L DALua.pug, 1 61,0 Lops N Frazc.r, uluv.o barrels nuts LI libber, uis: Caiwuuuk.ens II üboors cue barrts ma.Laters Nouou El.r) by a Cu, tau boula WWI b quo box tutrowero li ttawkwa, one gleam bluck a B , ono box . end. tes J Ada re, ono barrel, two b ,ass Tuo 11/0.06, Out Dux litutwaro l•-cr ,onettreu, toe brisk, no ua ;Nu Cera.iguter, *.rail box, no ma. es /so cuneignee, 41 s.4eLa nen, no marks No 00,.fieguee, p-ckligO 111aig0 No COu.sidate, 000 tivX.MervuOUtllBo, David Inner, Bar. risba/S. angle 4W U LATION THE PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE.. rs.,ora k/AltalSaGrliG, Augusf. 10 ItlU4. J MITE.FOLLOWINLi- _KEW:FLAT/0 OF the Provoet llershal'a Can are publiphod for lila 111.• sl.lllCLaull and guidance of all pereone interested, in order that, in 'rturo, the puti.le ',eel not be In doubt as to Wbeu, endure 'and to wttoto W app y for Luk , rtivitiuzi.OA matters connected with tang department. lot 'I he Buind of Enrollment coaveoes each day (Sun. day: eauvitai) io the prover rue at 10 o'clooa A. X. If business requires it, toe morning ettaeion will anum° Ldn 12x, 0 0 Wit P. B.; the afternoon stashed, commence at 2.,tg o'clock ano continue till a ca'clOOP. P. at. In no Caw will examinadous for dieabillty be made after day. light. ' 2ud J. J. Wltzel, principal olerk to Ward of Enroll. meat, will a, all woe. lemon information proper to be furai:he Irma the racunle, of the Board. arct et. F. Clapp, adjutant and speulul deputy, will be foamd a. taa MMs room of mo Provost. Itmaaa . Ha hoe a gam raj aUa, gam, a..a tatu Oe apiMed to in a 1 cams. UM u.1..e11t Depurunabt. ra itt mine of D. S. Duna. Mix A. E. Eyster superintends the mustering 1111 d extuting department, and has charge or the reoe. de and ro is connected. therewith• ulsv, with eidistinente Into the -Vcierial It wire Vorpto , . oth B. k. Canto hut charge of the clothing depart. !Lent. 7th For hilbrmation with reform*e to hones and prupat) seised as the property of UN Geverlia linty ap. p 4 to Jatud if Haller, In the idusterhug azul Itearultwg De. p,runent. Bth For informatlon with reference to Deserters end per,ons arrested, apply to ualne deputmeat eta Juba. t. buts/ a tin charge uf acouun reoords, 10th For lutoruhaluu upon any suboot out above epe cincally deslipa4 u , apply to me hovo r t maraba4 or to Arijukunt A r'. auk. all alzilts e.ct employees are retpalrPd to be at their peat. 10, duty at 8 o'docu s 3 The office will be LU tie publ.c at 0 o'c ucr. P. U. 12th leeks tutu employ vos are r , ;pared and directed to the 'Rothe, courutoss ..totattehtive cash personae/tug ous tar Bat the rruvoof. ht tretted s tette. IS is a aoty and plea ury .6 I.durzo ens derro algid requiriug uffialga"" ur serv.W, uau U fdlY giciik or , roapayt4l , a.utlripompt attention or pr , ../t....r suursesy, ohl sconce ,i fw /41.3 delete arid schp.l yeetarvilulpiirrolitio 1,./30 ITO fete or, reward tor services rendered. If they au so, hie pettedly %U 1 hs imituvO sty OIEGLIAryO. Tu otter atm fog and to rellUiV4 a ers tqusLy , Lu4h zuel,lenteatto, 3 JNO. ISAY ULe.iiirgt CapiaLla 410 Provost Marshal 14th Asides Perot. The members of the Board of haw. Haunt sue Jolla Ray Moussiat, plows" Dlaracial, now% Vcrua ralssiuusr, el. T. Ch.:sten, StDipsozi eitbair -of whom may be *talked at all t.acke - 3, owl% Illaatela how; u le..them %Amway(' with the Duman et the want The !lovas& itanctutl'sialwe is in Searit =eery op. poem! the Gleveromem-eseaery. eajlauim THIS WAY FOB 'BARGAINS!! HOSIERY, GLOM, HOOP MEM, LADLIPV HAM NETS.. and MEAD-DBMS, PF2411112.111 1 , • TOILET AMICLES. TECENCRE LAM and TISSUE TELLS, ETC., 4T. AITONIMILNGLEIOW 11110EIL 6ierybodywol94.3 <1" sad leo/WA Ilt k pm*, at, . Mrs. MA 11, nitellarlsettstr.el. Q PIC - • Eine 111111303C01L Q C P S atwr 4 04 1 0. 3 1. 11 0 !t i r bt rate PIRO; plies, or*, gummy, awl .= .b.zr 1.," Iva plad•heiinr td`W 114elt: • XTEW IndH. —New Na /, and 2 Mackerel at ta barrein. halt barrels and :ea aby ita4mak " HZtf NLO G : W N D FOREYER."--WeoMn ITARAISBURG, TUESDAY EVENING,,_ AUOUST 30 1364 KAlLituA_us 1864. , 41 ., 1864 Philadelphia and _Erie Rail- - • Road.. - . . 'pins great line traveztes the Northern and , Northwest .enonties of POIRWIVIIIIIIII to' the atty . of Erie, on.Laine Erie. . '!t has bowl leased by the PINigniVANIA BAJLEGAD CON -I.era-, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened thrdughout Its entire length • it is now in use for Passenger and Freight blotto, froze Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 miles) on the Eastern Otrlsion, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the 'Western Dlvitsion: TIME CiP PASSENGER TRAINS . AT EIARRISBURG. „, Leave Eastward. Ran Traa LRO s. Y. Express T:tatu 2.50 A. x. Leave Northvrard. Mail Train... LW) r. . . Express Train alb Cara run anon, wrrnorrr °HANGS both ma on these trainti beninea hiladelphia and Look Hann; and be. Irene Bainmore and Lock Haven. . . . . Elegant Sleeping ears on Express trains both Ways be• twain Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner 111 h and Market streeta Awl for Freight baldness of the Compiutyl AMU: a B. Mu/pa; Jr. p ainter 18th sad Market .tree, Philadelphia. - J. Nr._Rernoldß, Erie J. N. DrU4 Ace* N. Q R. B, Baltimore. R. ROQSTON, Nowa! /WON Apo% LEWIS L aevPr, QtriereJ Ticket Agent PM's. AK D. POl7B, - my2o-dlyj Ognend Manager, Ifflamsport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FRANKL 31 RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.--On and attar Mon . daily, as follows, (Sundays exprillBo4, cep Y ep Pane:l I Wales will run uidl FOB CHAACBSAWRITRQ. AND Fri RP r• 130729: .4.Y P. II Leave Hagerestown " Greencastle 7.37 3.341 Arrive at 8.17 4.20 Uhamberbarg, 1. —,--.. Leave at 8.30 tzar , Leave Bhlppasu a nsg 9.00 L 96 " lqewville ^ 9.83 9.00 ' / A. r. " Carlisle 464 10.10 142 " Meehasiesburs 01.26 1062 4.12 Antra at Elaniaourg.... ' 0.66 11.16 2.40 FOR CHANDERSBUNG 41W RAGKESTOWN: ..' . • ' • : ' A. at. '4. iii: ' c 111. Lave ateliers 0,04 1.80 4 ilt) " Mactudosbeig . . ' ItAL _ILLS—. 404 " Carlisle 4 'ISM lINS - 5:29 . " Newvllle ca l rit 4hi tabur i"na g, burgkelArrtreveast its &so bass too MOO 4.30 1.1.10 4.40 Lesiva Greemstle .11.65 5.3 P Arrive at Hagerthown. t 12.36 6.10 ilFir Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, 'New' York and Pittsburg; and with rains for all pants West. Arena Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20 P. M. runt toady as far as Carlisle.o. N. LISLL, Sirpa. R. R. Moe, Cbambersbarg, April 4,1834 , 1 y ' ELIXIR. wßioirra• REJUVENATING' OA &MAWS OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts ; containing noth ing InJurleus to the most Delicate, oa-Tne Rejuvenating Elixir Is the result of modem discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, =irrespective of all the old and word-out swamies. SyJy - This medicine tuts been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age ,{g-One bottle will cure General 'Debility. WA few dose's cures Hysterics In females.' One bottle cares Palpitation of the Heart. hw-A few doses restores Mu organs of generation. gag-From one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of youth: garA few doses restores the appetite. • ArThree bottles cares the worst case of Impotency. . isor -A. few doses GUM tee low spirited. arr One bottle restore mental power. ,g -A few dope, bring the rose to the cheek. agefins medicine restores to manly vigor and rebus health the poor, debilitated, worndown and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. Agy-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tuked man business, the victim of a nervous depression, the In diVidual serilbring from general debility, or from weakness of a single own, will all dna immediate and permanent relief by the use of this El/sir or Esselte, of Life. ;Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by =prase, on receipt of meney, to any ad dress. —Sold by all draggistsevery - where. Da. W. E. IifERWIN k CO., Sole Proprietors, mutts-eodly No.. SO Liberty street, New York. CIEEROHLE PILLS. SUGALZMATBD FEMALE REGULATOR, HEALTH ntssEann. • CERTAIN AND SAFI, ,For the NAnnoval of P4trinnions and Use harms of Reilagfriti in Ulf ll!curtrlce of aid Monthly Arias, air'lloy care or obviate than ammo/ &mat that eprbag from irregularity, by remoras the Magolarity /They cure Suppressed, Excessive sad Painful Yon• strustloa. ,They cure Green Sickness (Cidorosis.) ,`They core Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, EiNninesii, Fatigue on Slight exertion, Palpitation of we Heart, L0W112138 of ....vnita, Hysteria, Sick Headache,. Giddiness, &c., &c. In a word, by removing the irritgulasity, they COMM the cause, and with it nu the etheta that spring from it Conapored of simple vegetable filUliCK they con tain noshing deleterious to any constitutiau, lloWrirer delicate, their funiAhn being to subetitute ittniagth for sesames; which, when properly used, they gem gall so money now be safely used 14 sixty age, and at asi price, mum DITAI26O-Tan-FOISP TSB= Marm, during - Flack the intailemnateri of their action wonid rump' PreratemcY. airdll Attars seciaing information . or advice promptly, freely and enriTrrett ' diriatiom accompamr omen Ws. mrPries, $1 per box, or Ms boxes for .$& airiest by mil, free Q:11011411*, on roadie of price. rfielektoraltmspootebbrarsieloia - . W. V...61.311W1N-411'00.0301e Proprietors. marllecodly. No:L69 Liberry meet. Niw York. • For Ws in ainlOug ity 46. KTINI44, 11.11 llartnerarrear.- 14 nuts 8" 00 IL 131--• THE B.I4OIADATI aso faiXtrail at [dim Noramstriamar tt1.1 1 :111CA L. NE IT' ADVERTISEMENTS. SLANDYS PATEAT, ZANESVILLE, OHM übindys. Steam Engine Works, 131andys' Newark Machine Worksr NEWARK, 0011) 131andys' PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS • 134"249151 Patent Portable Steam Engines. 16,000 FEET 91? LUAII3ER, PER DAY ! C • 011.PELLED to decline, loarty - onieri for will and likeriues. the past year. from utter irat bilitY to au tom we resdved to Income our swam; large fachtti a for their Mmu acture. Veryaromqy we emelt ed ;Igo oaks property of the Newark littchthi. Werke, at Newark, Ohto, and at this mooch-tat leutheetatt• LiAmeute Ave to roll oporaued. , We whi try la tae tutu. to 1a 1 onhus pro pity , The tanner train never at pr wpireas and money magiog as at prkont, anti will no uctitut ,420.1iutia to he m for a ..ettetatou to come. Enetge to operaaved with ally thing her guol lugs, ore otaL abt ,OOtP fou per Math, with thanaya zits. t.ur xis are pWI ar. Th. y are Sta dye'. Art, p itctly,a lapped for'wort. AELAIII prime. tuairttations with gagravo_ ertmad. Nor ior the r man• agien , tit, go with each, anti every Ml:at m made to pu ihexp..riettoed opoators on a p.o with [twee who have oper.ted haw . . 'Circulate wi h deactipt illgatrltticeo, mall ra Perla of lieratore forwent 4 to spy AMP= - H V. BLANDT. at Zia Ole of ye are, Ohio. .air Orley . Valli wad Corcospondsamfiollaited. Lonsvoao, train County, Pad Jun. 3to, 14. j • • *- LI she last dims mquthe, (working live dap, a week) we hare out 525,00) feet et' whits telt on ow BUNDY MILL. In June, 190,e00 fe.t. Tice .umber pronounced by the twiny:Lure instructor. to be the to et dc IlVerol in tact city title suinto.r 111.; Mandy Killup oat done wsil, rad L tan uuw 1Y II is n perfect BUCCe , . Yte• usiuki, the Val Of 611311011, we 411t./O,UOO et of oak. J.A.SLI.S. 0 MoULURE. STSIONOSTORW, Indlannefounty. • Juno 27U, 1801 J * * * I arm cut 18,40 feet Wen .umLer on ow BLANDY MILL In ten hours. J. T. WoullittN. W/lALORE, Cumbria Couuty, Pa, Nay 12, ISo4 f * * * I have sawed on nay BUNDY MILL 1,250,- 000 feet of lumber in the List 861Vgati months, mach In cluded ais whiter Months, elt,u worShig obly asset, hours a day. a d wbu,iy rant% out a part ut the time. Puts Is more lumber Um. any o[4 a mill has cut in tb., same tiano within la/nu:Una Wilco of LW! pau:a. _ RZGDO; Grotty County, 1ad.,1 Tube 27, 1864. * • * I have rm BUNDY \TILL four yews, and sold. cat for ma, a than it cost mu when no • . Ae we had a ve• tried how much we coal cup. ou at to a day, wecoucludett wq w..utd do at. too last t.ay w run It, pur to deliver) LO'lltW 0w... r.. I meaued 1: as tr gum to rah St t tux. farad it wea 12,104 fOet, mostly out flum Loge 8 to .1% fat Kt& T ram aa vane Mud. -Thu /11;AALIY 11114 to the Nil for toe, and evikr, Lady ese that k.nowe any hiug altaut thpip, in opinion . ALTILT., AugUbdeod:2w:Stills# LOW PRICED song and :Music Books. GOLDEN WREATH. Nearly 200 popular Soap with Instruction:. 60 cts Tun blghtuagalo. A new nook for sthools. CO eta liptne Redoubt. Collection of nearly ILS avonte sores: 31 cu. Cons Soul A collection of rational, Pah - lotto. end tocild Sone for the vaunts* s 1.6 cut. , War Scamp Ad Freocom 26 , .qta Soap for the People, With tumorous enemings. 81.00. 100 hub Bon.a BO VIA. E 001.411 cons. 60 cu. comic Soule $3O Amateur Sony Bcok. A collection of old &writes. 50 Gems of Sang. 60 cm. The Message S'ird• 60 nte Old Fo Concert Tunes •40 cts. 8031.00 Temperance Glee Boos. 60 cts New fdeasenuace Melodist,. 46 cts Gad n Tenapersuace *lug Book. ets. Covert St Ledge's 14unpertume Sono. 15 as. convention enures/se ak. 60 cis. The above contain tocKii words 04 music. The shilling ding Book. Containiag the Wet cahoot the day, t large uumber f whiutt era ticu to be (Quad luny ether solleetion nunto-p‘ te. , 'pia 17 eta Mg Wok stet by Dunk, poet pond, on ree.Agt bf the peon oirrEa inrsolt & 09., Pnbhebere, Wig= . Al Cavalry Horses Wanted. ABszsearr QuaRTIMILUITSIthI Ossoes, S. 4,1 Haasnovae, Puna., July %kb, 1904. ) TTNIII further orders, one hundred and ‘,/ sliny4lve (NG) dolbus per head will be paid for all Cavalry i-lorses, &Mired at the Ciovernment stables at Harrisburg, Pa, 8414 horns IQ bast:nip:l in all panto:dam ceet less Man (fs) Eve roe more than (9) nine year* old; f ore 14;1; to 16 bands high, lull , &sued, compactly built, bridle wise and of nine .rinloloot for cavalry PufigkßA nenspenikattens will be strictly adhered to and rigidly etiO r gmd in every pantomime. Payment Made en chdivary of (7) seven horses or over Bourn of inspecuon firm 8 a. m. to 0 r. Bt. The de naiad is urgent and an Inuansbats respsusa is soh:sisal. It. C. ItEIGeI&N.Ba , LI. jy26 dtf , Capt, and anew. Qr. Ur. BARGAINS BARGAINS I I IN BOOTS AND ISHOICS. BELLING OFF! TNTENDING to close in a very short time, wai aell all in v...30444140•1-aloak at 80019, ShueE sad dialtaill, at, pram far below tioaaprejcat ya!aa. My bunk waa main for rttail:of the Dest 'rnmarial sad warkuwaiaip. ••• To Moo woo apply early I will aellgreat Gargal w. L H ESS, • rick if Norsottlow^ out io,Felaz's CoMeouvwerl• 5044.10 Va : - teASSEz " BIACIEWELLIS ENGLISH ILI PICKLES, a rare article for gable dirk just received and for sao by saisugg & •FRAZES • .fehl . , r inucr,evrioni , -tri lyre. Dock. A ufk.l TV TONGtIEBkw-Finci large beef tongues; by .ovagc h oix * s Qo ; and tbr ado by ipip.1.1144 RAE.- 4/ flo b gnapesioie VI- V:: k,..W.;" Ar rIBEESE.—ChoIoe new crop Cheese, just ‘,Jleticiti at um BOTAS & ILOWEIt. Zaztesvilla, For Rats. flee, Bunches, Ants, Bed Bugs, leas, Bathe In Furs, Woolens, Insects on Plants, Bowls, *alms's, etc. No. 44 NORTH SEOONTI STREET, NEAR WALNUT, • HARRISBURG, PA. Particular attention Is caned. to the celebrated coneys. peeves Crystal Fpectachle, which are warranted io .trengthen sad preserve the eyes of the wearer, and to as from 10 to 12 years without change. List or prices sent free to any direction. Concave and convex lenses, set In steel frames, VI. Concave and convex crystal lenses, sat In best steel frame s, Concave and convex crystal lenses% set In sliver frames, $6. concave and convex crystal lenses, set in gold Games $l5 to s2i lu ordering spectacles state hole long (three; are used. Any pair of Owns purchased,.eithor here or scut to or der, can be exchangod if not sidled to the eye. Always en band a huge - ingorunent or aerennatio Mi aoroop a, Telescopes, Opera and richt Glasses, Ttrermom- Aera, Barometers, Ceropasses, Drawing Instruments, and Stern oscopes, with the latest 'clown , ler Send stamp for a otralogne containing prices, ito., as —a a, WM. n. DiUGHES SELLING OUT •ILOW OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! WTEintend to diicontinne the sale of Li- I quors mitt offer our stock at a very small ~d vanci cram cost price. We have perdia.,ed . all our liquo,e" be (ore the last, rise and have a large stock on band for three 3r four years, which are guarante , d cannot be our:hued now at any price hem the importers. Our stook consists of • of all grades garWe have parts of three barrels pure RYg, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2y years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported, BRANDIES. We have part of ,tfi• cask Rf1i1 , 47.6.9EY /*ANDY, to which we Invite the particular attention of families for' medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought today, from importers, sus than $l5 per piton. We will sell it for $l2 par gal OIL SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARETS, &C. We invite the Inspection of Hotel Keepers and Liquor Kershaw& generally, as we intend to sell, without re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opporta• city for bargains. e2O SHISLER dc FRAZER. A F ZIMMERMAN' Practical Mi'lltolr. - Maker, No. 2 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. IN , • Ga FLIT WA SETS OF JEWELRY • F/NE SILVER W PLATED 1 1 1 13 TEA SEhYICES, AND ALL ROWS OF JEWELRY. lies 00-astaatl9 on -hand • wen satiated And elegiuttly monad stock or P WANG/Ba um RINGS, AND SETS.. FINE SILVER WARES 4.+VERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS. WATCH AB Roth nx Sold end Wirer Owe Alm), a fine isaohment of LAILDIIMS° WATCHES Ooneteunly on WWI and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing.ef Cute Watchers such as Chronometers, Duplex and other oelebraw Watches, and ' all - lands or-Jewelry wady !vaned gone but the , most onspeteni .workmen employed, and the whole Matter under my Own perianal supervelion. ZIMMERBIA.N, mem No. 62 Market street adjolniog Brant's - _ • Draft! D.aftlf • A ' NS and persons - under or over the re • quaed sge, who have lowkit astraliwil th (bith.) D ie triss,or sity. other Distriot Stale, can have their exemption 'papers made out at rates flied by law. Now ts tbsi time lovas , in a itibetitatis and mil the Payne who ere nottiable W draft, and who wiskto enter rheumy as substitalea t eap obutintie hijltMt Pt!! 411, Bedews tzkiwitaied by mail ila•gla Of Ja.._ ay _at legal rater, travel/61min , faro**. , • , 4?allat ono?, oral sby - *ink - • A rGENE .ennyrß , , & tun ny at LBW- 44. WOOL 0 9 34 0 4213/911.; • r - aar Mitt66l 4 olM—'ll, - 6 artacleof XINVI Bee .oar &EU= I 4 (engoonsors to WaaDook, Jr., at Co.) PRICE 'TWO' CENTS. NEW :A °VERTU:WAS ENTS. ' ,2 VERMIN EXTERIVIINATORS. "COSTAR'S 4, EXTERMTEATORS EIMIRII MAWR& 'COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR. EXT INATORS. “COSTAR'S" EXTE MINATORa "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTER ,lINATORS. - COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS.. EXTbRMINATOM. - COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR:. • EXTERIPONATORS. -COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. -COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS.' EXTERMINATORS. 'COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" ETCERMINA/011.1 EXTERMINATOR. "CCSUIVS ,, EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" ErrEßmucannw. EXTERMINATORS. "coSTAR , E 7 r MEM INATORA =TERRIS ATOIB. "COSTAR'S' EXTERMINATORS. FITSRMINAToRS. "COSTAR'S" EISE,hMINATOBB. mektuissmaa , vosTaivan• Barr rimurAToßS. EXTERIUDIATORS. "15 years established in N.. Y. City," "Only infallible. remedies 'known." "Free troni Poisons." Not, dangeroua co the Human Fanally." "Rata come out of their hohm to die." ' srSold by ail DrugAlate everywhere . Atari Smuts of ail we:lnitial imitations atir"Costar.s Depot, Nia 452 Broadway, N. Y. old by _ D. W.. GSM tt, C 0.,. Wboleaidit and rittailagenti And by ail Druggt.sts to Harrisburg, Pe JULIUS DALEI, Practical and Scientific Goncava and coarea crystal leases,set in platiaa frames • UPON TIMM OP ELEGANT cz.ocKsi, Of all Ooacriptious; all of wluoa will be Bold as. the LO WEST CASE PEKES. CZ? • • 11. • 1101 F It .jSDVERITSINIOLATZIS—DeILY TailkiltaFa2 The follOwtniLerejb o_ratee ek reribina tbe 'saw ILWAL Those beirintaikießiffigioomMikarl vent= tfor reference.. - 'Otrlblu'lktes orlon icinaelbite abet& sqbaro. Fiaha libes crinore than four constitute ampere!. POR 1/13.1 KILOS Ono day $ 80.1 Two days 60 nue° days. ...... 7b One Week / 25 One Month 3 00 Two months 4 50 Throe months 6 60 months - 00 One ye a r... 16'00 4dininteuntion Notices.... !turnip Notices • Auditor's Notices funeral Noticxusschtsaurti • ihrßusdness notice" before tegbrtioa. bf arriktee eech EVENINfi EDITION. Official War Bulletin -42-- • Confirantion of the Capture of Fort Morgan. DISPATCH FROM GEN. GRANT LATER PROM SHERIDAN. THE REBELS MOVING TOWARDS RICHMOND SHERMAN'S MOVEMENTS SUCCESSFUL. 1 4 4.0aanorNormi, Aug. 20-1 To Major General Dg: The capture of Fort Morgan is fully con firmed by dispatches from Gens. Grant and Sherman, who derive their information from Richmond papers and Mobile papers. It appears from General Grant's dispatch to the President, just received, that Ent Mor gan was surrendered Orr! Portn . , Attg• 29, To A. LaNcox,x, Preeident of the United Stet*: Since my dispatch of this morning, I have received the Richmond Sent nel of the 27th. It contains the following dispatch from Mobile : " The report of the surrender of Fort Mor gan was most tuaexpeoted, and we await .an eiplanation of solanfortunate an occurrence.' The cress of Mobile is hopeful and confi dent of their ability to hold the city. (4itimed) U. S. GRANT, . Lieutenant General, C. .5", The latest froth the Shenandoah Vallq resents that a large part of the rebel tone there has been withdrawn towards Richmond,. The latest reports from Gen. Sherman rep resent that thus far his recent movements to occupy the rebel lines of supply have be e n sucoessicil. E. M. STANTON, • From Chicago: 20 THE COPPERHEADS IN COUNCIL C-tos.oo, itignst 29. The Convention WAS called to order by Mr. Belmont, who named Mr. Bigler as temporary chairman. The latter made a speech denouno. jug the administration as incepa bin of either making war or peace. .At the conclusion of the address, Rev. Dr. Clarkson was introduced and offered tie a prayer. Later from Europe. TILE BELFAST 13.X0T.W. NEW You., Aug. 29.—The steamer Edin burg arrived to-night. Her news is one day later, but is unimportant. LxvEamon, Aug. 18.—The Belfast riots continued fiercely yesterday, with much in jury to private property, but to-day they have apparently subeided, the rioters being over awed by a strong military force. Reconnoissance up Mobile Bay. The United States transport New:Orleans, arrived from that port to-night, with advises of the 21st inst., and 134 sick and wounded soldiers. She brings the following news from Mobile Bay: Several gunboats went up the river as far as Dog river bar, and the Metheomet uLd Selina made a three - adieu of Mobile, and loud the rebel steamer Nash ville sunk across the channel. The Morgan wee lying at the wharf at Mobile, and they opened tire on her, when she steamed out and returned the fire, aiming principally at the Selma, her late consort. The batteries around Dog river bar are not manned. Admiral Farragut is busily engaged in putting things in order. The _Hartford is being repaired, and the Admiral lies suc ceeded in obtaining the services of the man who set the torpedoes for the rebels, and he is now engaged in taking them up. The 7-30 Loan. WASLIINGTON, .1.1.4. 29 The subscriptions to the Seven-Thirty loan to date, amount to $25,870,500. The sub scriptions to the Ten-Forty loan to-day were 14/8, 860. Fire at Toronto. Tozono, Ang. 29 The Grand Trunk elevator and wharf was burnt yesterday with its contents. The loss amounted to sibo,ooo, one-half of which was insured. Great Fail in Gold. NEw York, August 29. The gold market closed this atteraoon at 242. Appointment of . Sub-Treasurer. NEw You& Aug. 29. Mr. John AlStuart has been appointed Bub- Treasurer at Newnork. Markets by Telegraph. Pialuipzuma, August 20. There is a firm feeling iu flour, and farther sales of 1,000 bbls. extra family at $l2Ol 12 50. Receipts and stocks light. In i3e flour and aura meal nothing doing. There is a Arm demand for wheat, and 10,000 bushels sold at $2 65 for old red, and $2 62a2 - 71 for white. Small sales of rye at el boa.]: 87. Corn is in limited request; sales of 3,000 bus yellow at $1 73. Oats are dull and , lower sales of 2,000 bus. new Delaware at 88c 50. In provisions the only change is tu !anti which has advanced to 289. WirOlgiudAs steady at 60e for crude, 84(y„ 86 ior refined-in bond. and 86(gi92 for free, 'Naval stores and oil no change. Whisky is dull at $l.BO. New York *tack illurkets. _ . .. . nr.W TOBIS, An. 29. : .:-. 1 New Yor k stocks are batter ;,c *ago and Bock Island 1104i*Ctii3bOrkina coil CH ; Lilt- . . dole Central 1281 1 ;111iuois bonda.l34; Itliobl gen Southern — Mr lieW - Ttirk; Central 124; heading 133:; `Hudson river'eg6Z . ;Canton -Co. 30 ; krrie:4o94 ; -TrptiiiusivEC 7 8-1014 lit t.:- . One year certltlas> P .d % -7 , 9'40:4 1 ../ (1 3 1. Eixik':., twenty ,coupons /44 i upon v. 3.4 4 ,, p z; tegiater e il 1f0: IP. bid' isrquoteirto- dity at, 2434; and since the stock board, it has de clined to 24?. = NM 922 Wars. Ona day . 4 CO Two day 5.::..:.... . 1 00 Three days . 26 Ow week. .. - 226 One month - 6 a! Tan months V vv Three month& U CO Ste One year • IV • $2 22 . . 16 I. 20 ta the Local etatotps,Or mar 9E2ITS ria Len tar Seoratary of War. 1=2:01 NEW, Aug. 28. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers