THE TELEGRAPH in VITBLJISSED MORNING ANL EVENING, GEORGE BERGNER. OFF WL` THIRD BT., NEAR WALNUT. •i'ERMMS OF St7BSCRII"TION sL\ - GLE :S.UP.FAMIPTION 'Ate l 3 served Le subscribers in the (Ay at Itl cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $0 00 in advance. Those persons who negiectio pap la advance will be charged $7 OD. WEEKLY TELEGRAPIL Tat i sonirnisalsopublishedweekly,antiszorulshed enbrcriberc at the following cash ratcli , Single copies, weekly , „ , ~,, Three copies to one Post Office Ten to ono Post Oilier NEW ADV E HTISEM ENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND 13 16 L 0 %V (4 ,3. MRS, M. 1 1 AYER, NO. 13 111,1Ehll STREET, BElNGdesirous of closing her Summer Stock or Millinery Goods, otrer,. ror sale at grrAtly re /tined prices, eucli as SILK ANI) STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND ELATE, &C. Constantly on hard a 4)101241[d assottuieut of VELVETS, LACES, IWuHFS, ROOF SKIRTS, CORSETS, HoSIERY, HANDKERCHLEFS., GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS. BELTS. NETS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers cOll do well to call, as great harping can bo had at W 1101.611.10. jel4 1p CLOAKS, CIRCULARS AND MA.NTLICALAS I IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, 'FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, • • • NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. roe above beautiful samples, in avery color and band sonacly trimmed, item $7450 to $/b. 1000 SILK DIANTIN,L CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASK:;, Handsomely unit ticlay trimmed, from $lO upward. MANTELS IN LAI:CIL VARIETY. in 3026 igillinery and Fancy Goods. MRS. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market Square, next door to Fvl m's Confectionery, keeps eonetant ly .41 nand the latest styles or Bonnets, Bids, Ruches, Flow'ers, hibbons, &c., together with a line mgortment or Dram Trimmings, Lanus, Embroideries, Collars, cars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves and Variety Goods m genera/. AU the latest Designs of Press Patterns direct from the New Yurk Bazaars. Dress unit emak malting neatly eXe enletL Tien/kcal fur the patronage bestowed since her Opening, she trusts, by a strict attention to businera and her eivioavors to give geueral satisfaction, to coutinue to naneive e. snare ut the public patronage, CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, ra pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for itivaLfis having fever or great thirst. lta portaidlity recommends it re, travelers. conveni, nee at piduica will be &predated. Nu sugar requited; one table-spoonful simply dissolved In agate (g veld Water awl it IC tione. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, No. 91, Market street. NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK ri" 0 11 , IN D. W. GBoBB' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg; 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES 01 , Feet tior.fitillA OLOA2ib AND CIRO G L AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS, Will open on the Ist ut April, ininr.2l-ttly Steam Weekly to Liverpool. MOUCHING at QIIEF.NSTOWN, (Cork liar eor.) The well Ituown tiLluttneni of the Liverpool, Now York and Phuadelphie Steatnahip Company, are in. tended to tail as followa: caly of Baltimore, Isaturday, August 27 ; Etna, Satur day, tleptttnuer 3 ; Edinburg!), 'bst•uiday, September 10, and every succeeding Saturday, at Nova, rfons Pier 44, North River. RATES OF P...SSAGE, P.ATABLI hr OOLD, 011 /TS ZI,IU/VALS.NT IN CURRENCY. FIRST CABIN $BO to 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do Loudon...— I . 85 00 ' ito w Loudon...—. 3.1 00 do to Paris 96 00 du to Paris 40 00 I do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 37, 00, Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, &Mot , dam, Antwerp &a, at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or queenstown: Ist Cabin, $7O, $B5, $lO6. Steorage, $35. Those who wish to send for their [gouda can buy tickets here at these rates. For further taformauou apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DeLE , Agent, lb Broadway, N. Y., or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrnbura. [r23411y PIANOS. • iLBRECIIT, RIEKES & SCILITIBT'S EXCRT 4IOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W .ENOCHE,.I, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. VO/t 'REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF 1 have taken the areuoy of the above most excellent, Pianos. The public IS invited to COMO • and ex amine for uteri/selves A rew Schoouteker & Co's Pianos on hand yet will be daol low. ruar234l PHOTOGRAPH ALEU MS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albunt.. Photograph Albums. Photograph - . AO nlii. MEE largest anti cheapest variety Or• PflO. TOGRAtif ALBUMS ill tike city aro ctlti&aalitly at (made] BECRONER'S BOOKSTORE.- SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public a large and SING/111111 'Marta: Gout of 1!•!IMIlli=221 • LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. Thole Pens are well tlaialiecl, elastic, and will give en tire aitlaraetkia. _ PLEASE TRY THEM. SORE ICR'3 BOOK STORE, • Second street, eppoigte Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa, ap23 iNUST ARRIVED !—A line lot of CANNED PEACHES and TOMATOES. AVM), SUPERIOR E APPLES, FRI , SH PEAS, & a, Just reeeived by myl4.-Atr JC4t' wrcP, ad .trrum. naar Arninfit. Aklidalbtiltuppiy of Miohener's Ueitbmted auger Cured Hume and Dried Beef; at Heap tin7Rit KDFDIPPR. MEhS SHAD and .FINE NEW MACK .IYI4I BREL, Just received, at SALMON. --Vine salt Salmon, at INA SHISLER. FRAZER. $ 50 4 00 10 00 Northern Central Railway. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the FREIGHT and BAGGAGE de3cribvd in the follow ing list remains unclaimed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con *inners are hereby notified to come forward, pay charges, and lake their property away, or the same will be sold a c cording to law. .7. N. DU BARRY, Gen'l Supt. GENERAL nIPERMENDENT'S OFFIC3; Acucar 15, 1864. No 1. Williamsport and Harrisburg check 146, m.e black trunk No 2, tilmira and Harrisburg check 20, one. box, Llaut A Willer Harrisburg No 3, Baltimore an: Ilarrlthurg check 20, one box No a, lao Cheek, one box, J Balratt, Lockport, Niagara Co, N Y No 5, no check, one box, Limit A Scott, Harrisburg No 6. no check, one box, no marks N 0.7, no chcok, one box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsburg No Et, no check, one box, Neither' Farringer, Catta wissa No 9, no shock, fair leather trunk, do No 10, no check, on.. box, Capt Phillips, Harrisburg No 11, no clack, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph's aeade my, Phita No 12, no cheek, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, no check, fair !cattier trunk, Capt Lyman, Har risburg No 14, no check, blank Jeather trunk, no marks No 16, no check, blatk leatrer trunk. no marks No 16, no check, one hex, '.7no McGee, Harrisburg No 17, no sneak, one bor., Geo L Stephens, Harrisburg No 18, no cneck, one box, Newport station, P Ff. R No 19, no check, one box, Daniel Robison, Philadelphia No 20, no check, black. - trunk, Jno Gemmel, Lowis town, Pa No 21, Danville and Harrisburg check 512, fair leather trunk, Wm H Barber, Milton, Pa No 4, no check, blaclrtroak, no marks No 23, no check, Pin loather trunk, W S Scott, Hunts lle, Ohio No 24, no check, Mir leather trunk, Skos Nonacid No 25, no check, black trunk, Sarah No 26, no check, black trunk, G S Anglll, BinglisnaP ton, N No 21, Willlarn.port and Harrisburg cheek 92, fair leather valise, no marks No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check CST, fate leather valise, no marks No 29, no check, fair leather valise, no marks No 10, no check, black trunk, Jno S I loaroe, Lancas ter Fa 140 31, no check, one box, Mlabse/ Trutarp, Allentown No 32, no check, one box, no marks No 33, Scranton and Hare isburg check 259, one box No 34, no check, one box, Mrs clack,, Prosperity, Pa No 35, no check, one box, Henry Will, Reading No 36, no check, one box, no marks No 37, no check, bag of saddles, no marks No 38, no nueck, saddle, Ignattus Floomer, Portage station No 39, no check, black bag, no mat ka No 40, no ch• ck, black bag, Mary Foster, Harrisburg No 41, no cheek, black bag, no masks No 42, no check, black bag, no =irks No 43, no check, black bag, no marks No 44, no check, black bag, J Sh.adie, jersey Shore, Pa • No 45, Williamsport and Harrisburg chock 36, black g, no marks No 46, no check, black bag, no marks No 47, no ch,ck, black bag, no marks No 48, no check, carpet bag, no ro arks No 49, no check, saddle, nu marks No 60, no check, bag, no marks No 61, no check, one box, no narks No 62, no check, one box, no marks No 53, no check, hat-box, no maks No 54. no check, fair hattior trunk, no marks it .1 Fleming, one bunthe Chilli - A L Babcock, 1 brile rope N Frazer, eleven barrels nuts D Fisher, six corn-uuskers 11 Gilbert, one barrel Insulators Nelson Bryne & Cu two boxes bittern S Buckler, ono box hardware H Hawkins, one granite/amok Nicholas R B, one box aandrien J Albert, one barrel, two beats Thos Hickok, one bOx. bardware No consignee, 204 brick, no mAts. No consignee. small box, no 'marks No consignee, 41 sneete iron, no marks No Consignee, package indigo No consignee, one box mermsendise, David Tamer, Har risburg. augl6.4w PROWOar Mansami.'s Orman, 14th DIATILIOT,} HattrUBBIJILO, Pa n August 11, /864. THE FOLLti WINO IiEtiULATIONS OF the Provost Marshal's Office are published for the In- Eiruction and guidance of all pt , ,n3ona intere.ited. in order that, in tutu's, the public tited nut be in doubt to. Whet', wnere and to whom to apply for infortnation on matters connected with this department. let The Board of Enrollment convenes each day (Sun days excepted) in the proper room at 10 o'clock A. X. If business requires it, the Morning session will 0011tinUe till 12 o'c °et: e. at.l the afternoon sessions commence at 2),i o'clock ant =unite till 11 o'clock P. Y. In no caso will examinations tor disability be made after day. hid J. J. Weitzel, principal clerk to Board of Euroll tnent, will at all times furnish information proper to be furid,=heJ from the roeoraz of the Board. t'.rd n. F. Clapp, adjutant and speclal deputy, wlll be found le the ofticm room of the Provost Mitraltai. He has a general charge, and can be applied to In all eases. 441/ The latrodulent Department la iu charge of D. S. Burns. 6th A. E. Eyster euperhatends the masteries and re el luting department, and has charge of the records end rolls connected therewith; also, with enlistments into the "Veteran R serve Corpa." 601 R. E. Cable by charge or the clothing depart reiut 7th For Information with rafarence to horses and property seized as the property of the Goverurrent, ap- ply to John i Heller, tn the alusteriog and Iteoruitiag ae pArtutent. fith For information with refereanee to Deserters end poisons arrested, apply to same depai tment 9th John Charters hes charge of accounts, records, &a. 10th Pia. infatuation upon any eub.ect not above spe cifically deeignxect, apply to the Provost Marahe; or to Adjutant A. O. Clapp. 11th. All clerks and employees; are required to be at their post; lot duty et 8 .o'clock a. at. The Mace sill[ be oloseo to the publte o'ctorK . 12th t le.ks shat ecoplOy9eS are required and directed to be polite, cOurt•Cala and athennve to all personsdoing bundlers In the Yruregt Murana's MAIN. /t hi & duty and plerkure to ',fora andserVe taapse as requiring information or Service, and it any clerk or' employee tads in merupt attention or proper wartavy, ke win be atones dlitehurged• 13th Cherhs and empl-yeas are not permitted tu receive Pee or reward for services rendered. /X they do so, the penalty will be immediate discharge. To oiler shah fee and to receive it are ettpudig , high nrisdemainot s JNO. KAY MIA/ _ ..'Grain and Protract Marshal ' lgth Ditailet Yeah. The members 'uf tile IltisS4.of Env tlmdn6 are Taira Ray Ceinnent, ProVoiltl Marshal; Chalks C. Itaim, Corn- Missioner, h. T. Charlten, Barnum ; eater of whom way be consulted at all tunes, during bunnies hours, in in,,tters ourutected with the business of the /Kent. The Pr() VOA Marshal's Mike is in Fourth, wee; op posit& tLe Government Bakery. unglB•dim BARGAINS!! HOSIERY, GLOVES, • HOOP SHIRTS, • LADIES' HAM NETS, and HEAD AMASSES/ PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, - FRENCH LACE, and TISSUE VEILS, EEO., AT iSTONISRINGLT_ LOW PRICES. Everybody should cab at ranee, sad secure irreat boa gains, at lire. NAM'S, a. dtf • Na. 18 Market, QPICED agSt r FillA -Aiken Fine .liiklAinuire 13 Oyatera, spiced; and for Bale by the gallon, quart and Dint, or lam gelatin/. • 3/113 LICR °Sag % j 8 goohesenr. to W. Doak, Jr., k ROYER & KOERPER I\TEW FISH.—New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel .01 In barrels, half bunk and kitts, and by the pouhd, At NV') MEWS k FRSZER. ' \\%\ AI l irl ite l'' 1414'-/;:'-'-- 4 4, ..., -..,..- • t , - , - . 1111 J t a ,,,_r,...,_f-!-A---i,ti,_t,, .: 4.-.,.., 1, i 3 1 ) i . .- ...._ ..7 - - - - - -----"_____ _ - _!.. --,-.• _ -,V•7' ". BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RE,GULATIOZIIS OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE. THIS WAY FOB "THE UNION--NOW AND FOREVER."— TVebster HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 29, 1864 RAILROADS. 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. THIS great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Ene, on Lake Erie. It has been hissed by tne PeissiftvANlA. RAILROAD COM. PANT, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight businesE hum Harrisburg to ht. Mary's C 316 wiles; on the Eastern. Diitstou, and from Sheffield to Erie (75 miles) on the Western TIRE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward. Mail Express Train Leave Northward Mail Trainl 35 P. M. Express Train 3.15 A. U. Cara run through IrrrllOUT OMANGH both ways on LIMO trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be. tween Baltimore and Lock nava. . . Elegant Sleeping ears on Express trains both ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. K Corner Ilth and Market streets. And for Freight Mistime of the Company's Agents: B. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner 18th end Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie J. X Drllk Agent N. O. R. R., Baltimore. IL a HOUSTON, Genera /Wight Agent, PMl's. LEvn,s L. Rom, General Ticket Agent "Wet JOS. D. POTTS, m720-d/y1 General Manager, Willianuport. CU.AIBERLAND VALLEY FRANKL I N RAIL ROADS, CHANGE OF HOLIES.—On and after Mon day, April 4th, 1884, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted:) FOS CHAMBERSBURO AND HARBISURG: A. x. •P. le X.pave Hagoreetown 7.00 246 ' " Gra:entwine 7.37 3.35 / Arrive at 8.17 4.2 k Chamberaburg, - Leave at 8.30 1.2.55 Leave &appease:mg 9. 00 1.28 ... . " Newyllle - a.rr 0 ° Carlisle 5.66 10.10 2.42 Mechanicsburg —8.25 10 42 8.12 Arrive at Harrisburg 656 11.16 3.0 FOR CHABDIERSDURG AND HAGERSTOWN: A. N. P. M. P. M. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.82 420 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.16 4.54 " Carlisle 9.27 2.55 5.29 " Newville 10.22 8.29 " Shingensburg /0.83 400 'L 00 4.30 Chambersburg, Arrive at l {Leave at .ILIO 440 Leave Oreecastle .11.116 6.30 arrive at Hagerstown 12.36 0.10 gfar Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with rune for all points West sap-The Train leaving. Rarviaburs at 45ffi XI re" 0111 Y as far as Carlisle. a N. Ltru, Supt. R. R. Office, Chambersburg, April 4, 1864-ly iVIEI)ICAL. ELIXIR. DR. WRIGHT'S REATVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing moth lug Injurious to the moat Delicate. OrThe Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being en entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems lair This medicine has been tooted by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be ,ens of the greatest medical discoveries of the age 40 - One bottle will cure General Debility. ,g3-A few doses cures HySterice in femelen ga-One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. agir et. few doses restores the organs of generation. sirrrom one to three bottles restores the manllnese and full vigor of youth. isprA few doses restores the appetite. ,pp-Tluve bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. WA feav doses cures tee low spirited. ,pip-One bottle restore mental power. few doses bring the rose to the cheek, pa -This medicine restores to manly vigor and rebus health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. a-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man business, the victim of.a nervous depression, the in. dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Femme of Life. ,p-Prise, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express, on receipt of amity, to any ad dram JitirSold by all draggistseverywhere. DR. W. IL KERWIN Role Proprietors, mar/I-eodly No. 50 Liberty street, New York. CHEBAKEE PILLS. SUGUR.VOATED I'EMALE ItEGIYLuITOR, TTRATIM prirmsvgypa. CERTAINI-AND SAFA. /Wier the Emma qf-Otatructions and the inntranca of Regularity int/a &airman of the Monthly Periods, Arirthey oaro or obviate thou awsraroaa disuse that spring from irregalmity, ,by removing the Irregularity Aniirinur9 cure SivPninand, Ucenstre and Painful Men struation. mellow cure amen Sickness (Celorosls4 sir They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, geovitass, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lamas of Spirits, Hysteria, 81Cic ficadsche, isiddinacc, &c., &c. _ 411 a word, by remorliag_the irregularity, they remove the mum, and with it •*. the °Dots that spring from tt —Composed of ample vegetable extracts, they con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never all to WThey may be wifely used, at may age, and at any patine, slum 'IMMO MI MST TIME MIMS% during Which the unfailing nature of their action would infallibly essrsn preauturoy. WAU hates seeidag Information or advice MU be premytly, freely mid discreetly answered. ApirFall direction accompany esoh box. $1 per box, or els bores fbr • go-Seat by mad, flise of postage, oa reosipi Prim isa-Sold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. B. MERWIN k C 4, gob PropMetora marll.eodly • No. MI Liberty street, Now York. For sale in Harrisburg by 4. A. MONICEL ss »., 116 Market street VENN' 800/lA-THE 8.1101:11pER N STRAPS DAYS Or SHODDY Jest received it PAC =MIR'S BOONSIVRa NEW _ADVERTISEMENTS. 1864 1.20 P. M. 2.60 A. it BLANDPS PATEftT, ZANESVILLE, OHIO. 'l3landygo' Steam Engine Works, 131andyni Newark Machine Works: NEW:UM 01110,_ Eilaways' • PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS. 131andyss' Patent Portable Steam Engines. 16,000 FEET OF LUMBER PER DAY! • • O . OiWELLED to decline many orders for Mills and Engines the past year, front utter init. tinny to fill them we resolved to Moreno our already large facilities for their Manufacture. Very recently we purchased toe, entire property of the Newark Machine Works, at Newark, Ohio, and at this moment both estab lishments are in full operation. We win try in the future to fid a I orders pro Tptly. The lumber trade was never sri prosperous, and money making as at present, and will no doubt continue to be so for a generation to come. Energetic operatives with any thing like good logs, can cut 2att,tloo Peet per mouth, with Blaudys' Mille. Our Mills are peculiar.. They are. Blau dye'. Are p rfectly equipped for work. Ample printed instructions, with engraved ground plan tor tiler man segement, go with each, and every effort is Made to put inexperienced operators on a par with those who have operated them. 9.32 2.00 Circulars. with descript'ons and illtistrations, and re porta of operators forwarded to any address. address H. az F. BLANDY. at Zanesville or :le. ark, Ohio. fa- Orders Visits and Correspondenoe Solidte . d. • . Lawisscaci, Union County, Pa., ). June 30, 1864. • * * * In the last three mouths, (working Live days a week) we have cut 625,000 feet of white oak on our KANDY MILL. In June, 190,000 feet. The lumber is pronounced by the Bahia:tone Inspector to be the best de livered to that city this summer. The Shindy Engine has done well, and I can now say it is a perfect suonsaa. Yen. !entity, the 29th Of June, we cut 16,000 feet if oak. - JAMES. a McOLURE. Sersonosrown, Indiana County, pa., • June 27th, /Hi * * I caa cut 10,000 feet Inch Mater an our BL&NDY MILL, In ton hours. J. T. WINJDRUW. ~~~:~~;~ Atom; Cambria County Pa., r May 12, 1804. * I have sawed on my BLANDY MILL 1,2.50,- 000 feet of lumber in the last seven months, which in. eluded iho winter month% eftru working only seven hours a day, a d. wholly flose out a part of the time. This is more lumber than any singe mill has cut in the same time within a hundred miles of thin place. WM. H. HUGHES. Manes, Granty County, Ind., June 27, 1864. * * I have run my BIot.NDYMILL four years, and sold out for more than it cost me whenneg. As we had never tried how much.we could cut on it in a day, we concluded we would do NJ the last day wa run It, prior to delivery to new owner. I measured it as if going to sell it, and found it was 12,104 feet, mostly cut from logeo to 12 feet long, small and very hard. The BLANDY MILL is the Mid lbr me, and every nody *eat, that knows anything about thorn, in my (Minion. A. SHOWALTER. augl7•deod:2w•wla* ' LOW PRICED song and Music Books. GOLDEN WREATH. Nearly 200 popular Songs with Instructions. 50 cm Tue Nightingale. A new book for schooks. 50 cts. Home Melodist. Collection of nearly 100 favorite songs. .34 cis: . ' • Camp Songs. A collection of National, Patriotic and Social Songs for the volunteers. 10 cis. War Songs or Freemen. 25 cis. Soap for the People. With numerous engravings. $l.OO. 100 Irish Songs. 00 cts. Scotch Songs. 00 cts. Comic Songs. 00 ots. Amateur Song BoOk. A collection of old lltvorites. tiO cis. Gems of Song. 50 cts. The Message Bird. 50 etc Old Folks , Concert Tunes. 40 cts. Boston Temperance Glee Book. 50 ctS. i tt New Temperance &oast. 45 eta. Union Tempera. ng Book. 20.cts. Covert & Lodge' penance Songs. 16 cts.. ConvenUon Choi* °A. 60 as. ... . The above vontaln both words and music. ...-..- The Shilling Song Book. Containing the best songs of the day, s large number-of whit* are not to he found Many other aolleution. Three parts. Each 11 GM ' Prany book Mei by mall, post paid, en receipt of the im OLIVER DIMON di CO, Publishers, Boston. Cavalry Horses Wanted. Amairwer Qtrasegastairm's OIMOZ, Li L, Hasannurno, Plana., July 2,61/1, 1894. UNTIL further orders, on. hundred and aixtpflve (186) dollars per heed will be paid for oil Cavalry Horses, delivered at the Government stables at Harrisburg, Pa. Said horse' to be sound in all particulars, not less than (5) five nor more than (9) nine years old; from 14). to 18 bands blab, full Seabed, compaeGy built, bridle wise and of else .u.Elcieet for cavalry purposes. Mae oyesidicatimu will be &WI adhered to and riyidly weforeed wi every particular. Payment made on delivery of (7) seven horses or over. Hours of inspection from Ba. at. to 9P. it. The de mand is urgent and an immediate response is solicited. X O. RXICHENBALII. „iy2l)-dif Capt, and awn Qr. Sir. BARGAINS BARGAINS 1 1 IN BOOTS AND SI-IOE*. SELLING OFFI INTENDING to close in a very short time, will sell all my well aelocted Mock cr Boots; Shoes and Clatters, at prom far below their present value. My stook was made for retail, of the beat material and workmanship. To those who apply early I walesligniat bargains. L HUM No. 11 Market Square, next to Felix's Confeotionel7. sal2pdtaugal CiBOSRE & BLACKWELIIS ENGLISH tL 11 PICHT.SA a rare article for table use, pet received aid tbr sale by . SIMILER k FRAW24 4 : febl lanceessors to Wm. Dock. Jr.. & Co.) 111011EEP TONGUE/I-I-Fine large beano:wets, JUP cured by J.B Nichener & HISLER Co., no & F ttor vale by S j el Soooetwons to W. Dock, Mco, - - Cl2-81;-°h0:71c5; new s = neaast EVENING EDITION. Important Decision of. the Provost The Three Hundred Dollar Ex. w k anrunzon, August 27. Special Dispatch to the Telegraph.) • It is understood to-day that after mature reflection, Provost Marshal General Fry has concluded to reverse a former decision in re lation to the three hundred dollar commula tation paid by parties who were drafted du ring the last conscription. The decision shortly to be promulgated will exempt all those who paid the commutation of $3OO for three years. This is an important decision, alike just in its character, and influential in its tendency. Zanuscilte, Ohio. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. FROM MOBILE. FT. MORGAN IN OUR POSSESSION. Later from General Sheridan. The Rebels Retreating'. APURE OF ONE HUNDRED AND ONE REBELS ONE HUNDRED RILLE'D AND WOUNDED The Enemy Leaving the Valley. Wasnmorow, August 28. 10 Major General Dix, New York: A dispatch from Gen. Grant just received, states that the Richmond papers of yesterday 27th, announce that Fort Morgan is in oar possession, but it is not stated whether it was blown up or surrendered. Another dispatch gives the following ex tract from the Richmond Baaminer of yester day: "Fort Morgan is in the enetny'spossession, but whether blown up or mauled is not known. General Sheridan in a dispatch dated yes terday at half-past two o'clock P. at., reports the enemy left my front last night, falling back on Smithfield or Middleburg. We captured 101 prisoners yesterday, and inflicted a loss of 150 killed and wounded. There have been a few abate to cross the river by th mashy at Williamsport, but there was no streng shown. The indications to-day are that they will fall back out of the valley. Other reports state that the enemy is leaving the Shenan doah valley. . Nothing has been r eceived , from Gen. Sher man for two days. • • • . . EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. Later from New Orleans News from Charleston. HEAVY FIRING GOING ON. AFFAIRS AT MOBILE. Mortars Planted within 300 Yards' of Fort Alorgan. Nav YORE, Angus . t 28. The steamer Thomas Scott, from New Or leans, with dates to the 20th has arrived.. She reports when off Charleston, she heard heavy firing. The steamer Yazoo arrived at:New Orleans on the 19th. The steamer Fang Shop was to sail on the 21st, for New 'York. Amougthe passengers by the steamer . Thos. Scott, is Capt. Olias. BoUtley, late telegraph superintendent of the Department of the Gulf; Col. Chickering, of the forty-first gess., had been relieved of the provost marshalship of L0TL9i91214 and will return north soon to re gain his health. There is no army or navy new,s in the New Orleans papers. Captain 'Bulkley reports , that then the steamer Thos. Scott was pas Sing Mobile bay, our land forces had planted mortar's within 100 yards of Fort Morgan. - = ' • FROM. WASIIItGTON. THE ATTACK OF GEN, HANCOCK'S tORPS, Wasursom, 9 x, Aug. 27: It is stated unofficially that . ik the time of the recent attack on - Gen. .ffainKsili,„ he was engaged in extending the work of destruction on the Weldon railroad, and his men being scattered in detachments along a considera ble line, the enemy were able to do some dam age before our forces coUld be. consolidated. They made a capture of some guns it is said by the aid of their sharpshooters concealed in a cornfield who shotthe horses and men, and then made a ash tipOn the guns, drag ging them within their skirmish lines, but it is doubtful if: thy got any off the'field. These batteries, as reerganieed, consist of only fourguns to the battery, and camseeteint ly had they stioeeeded iu carrying off all four of these laatteries, they mos reported to have held at one time, it would have been but six teen gns. Barlo u w's division et the Second corps Said to have lost considerably in prisoners, at the time Hill made his first onset.. So terri ble ware the losses of the rebels that they Were obliged to retreat, leaving us again in poilession of the coveted Weldon railroad; Prom New York. THE IVITSILDEIt LL IN GOLD. Kaw TOM" Augast27. The case of Muller, the elleimd murderer, wue *tithed to-do tur the Cemmissioner de aiding to give the rieeramilf artileate to send the amused beck to England. Gold tumbled to 24 this afternoon, but rallied ton% PRICE TWp,..CENTS. Marshal General. emption Clause. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. I=l Snail ?Mini 0111 a. _ .1) . ShaTIIS—DAILY TICLICIRnm. Thisfellawing are the rates far advertising tis ttie haw aura. Those baying adyertistng to' do' ivllthntt 't eon. Yenien tfor reference. . • ' er Four lines or less constitute one-half eguarn r. l 4u lines ortnore than four constitute a mows. POE ♦ and IQOAU. One day $ 80 Two dap 50 Three . . 18 One week.. 1 25 One month 200 Two months 4 50 Three months 5 50 Six months 8 00 One year 15 00 Administration Nooses.... Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notices each I needle iirlinsineme notices before Marriages LA 1 aaeh insertion. Bounty Act. A. SUPPLEMENT to an act relating to the pay ment of bounties to volunteers, approved the twenty fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Warms, Doubts have arisen as to the au thority of tawnehip, borough and ward author ities, respectively, to make, or contract, loans, for payment of bountieri to volunteers, or to levy and collect taxes, for the payment of 1, anti made, for paying, bountiesto volunteers, under the provisions of the act to which this is a sup plement ; therefore, Storms 1 He it enacted by the Senate and louse of Representatives of the theiraosweo/th of Pennsyl vania in General Assembly ma t and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 'I hat in all cases, when by virtue of the provisions of said act, the want) , commissioners are authorised to contract loans, for paying bounties to volun teers' and to levy taxes for the re-payment of such loans but neglect, or refuse so to do, tire respective cities, townships, wards and bor oughs, of such county, by their authorities, or board of election officers, in said, act named, shall have fall-power to contract loans; to pay bounties to volunteers, and to TeVy texts for the re-paymeht of such loans, as fully, to all in tents and purposes, as the said county commie stoners might, or could, have done, under the provisions of said act; and proceedings taken, or had, by any township officers, or authorities, or board of election officers, as in said sot named, for-the purpose of contracting louse, and all loans contracted by them, to pay boun ties to volunteers, and all taxes levied by them to re-pay such loans, unde the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, are - hereby legalised and made valid, as fully, as if said act had clearly conferred authority upon said officers for that purpose ; and that In case com missioners of any county shall neglect, or re fuse, to raise the fell amount of bounty, au thorised by the sixth section of the act to which this is a supplement, then, and in that case, it shall and may be lawful for the authorities of any city, borough, township, and ward afore-men- Honed ; to borrow such sum, or sums, of money, and levy and assess taxes for the payment thereof, as will be sufficient, when added- to the amount raised by the said county commis stoners, to pay a bounty, not exceeding three hundred dollars, to each non-commissioned officer and private soldier, who may have vol unteered, or may hereafter volunteer and enter the service of the United States, for acid several sub-districts, and be credited to the respective quotas thereof, in pursuance of the existing, or any future requi,ition of the President of . the United States, now or any law of the United Staters hereafter to be made. Sao. 2. That whenever a majority of the citizens of any ward, borough, or township, have borrowed money, to procure volunteers, under the late requisition of the Preadena of the United States, with the undetetanding, or agreement, that it should be re-paid by taxer, the constituted authorities, or board cf election officers thereof, as the case may be, are hereby required to assess euch amount of taxes, under the provisions of the- act, to which this is a supplement, as will cover the same: Provided, That the sum paid, as bounty, to each volun teer, shal not exceed three hundred dollar*. Sac. 8. If any person liable to draft, in any ward, township, or district, shall furnish, and have mustered into the service of the United States, for the term of one year, or longer, a suitable substitute, credited to the ward, town ship, or district; and if said substitute bee re ceived the full consideration, agreed to be paid by the person, who made the contract with him, such person, so furnishing the substitute, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to receive the amount of bounty from the county, city, ward, township, or district, to which the substitute may be accredited: Provided, That if the amount offered by such ward, township, or dis trict, shall exceed the amount paid by the per son thus procuring the substitute, then, and in that case, the difference between the sum paid and the amount of bounty, shall be paid to said outatitute. Sac. 4. That the county commissioners, town council, school directors, surpervisort, or board of election officers, of any county; borough, ward, school district, or township, shall net be authorized to levy and collect, in any one year, a greater tax than two per cent., on the last adjusted valuation for state and county pur poses, in said counties respectively for the pay ment of bounties as aforesaid. Sm. fr. That it shall be lawful for the county commissioners, school directors, supervisors or road commissioners, city, borough or ward an-• thorities, or board of election officers, as the case may be, to levy and collect a per capita tax on all male taxable inhabitants in said county, city, borough, ward or district, respectively, not exceeding five dollars each in•any one year: Provided, That non-commissioned' officers and privates in the actual service in•the army and navy of the United States,•from this Common wealth, or who were permanently disabled in such service, and the property of wide** and minor children, and widowed moths* of lion-commiseloned officers or privates. who died_ in such service, shall be exempted from taxa tion, under the provisions of this sot : Prow . ded, That the counties of Westmoreland - and- Payette shall be excepted from the, operations: of this section : Provided feather, Thet thepro visions of this act shall not extend to the coun ties of Butler, Venango, Berko, Bricks, Ifile or 'Bogs. HENRY . C. JOHNtON, - Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY, • • .Speaker of the Senate. Ammar—The twenty-fifth day of August, Arms Domini ono thousand eight hunched and ittty-fout, L. G. :CURTIN. Prom the Army of the . Potomac. WAsumaxox, Atq. 28: A. letter - from - the Army of the Pablitito dated yesterday, s sys the portion of the Hie of the Weldon riailroad recapture& by the rebels in Thursday's engagement egtend from Ream's Station abon t three miles nor at N ie l 44. The roadbed howeve. r been priTioiplientiriply destroyed, and cannot be of inv. an qt; the enemy while we continue to hold the portion at the northward, bet . went ..that and Peters burg. The latter nt tettiely in Our posses sion. Xverything was quiet along the entire fr . out at the last AOCIOUIItS, wit h exceptiou of °dee sional picket Wing, both parties 'being en gaged in burying their :dead and unreing tor their wounded. ,* • - VITRA. Vair.r.B W..HEAT, nous,.;--* /eOW-11-12dt, Wheat }' uniy ibp.; lU3t eitd for silt at ' "WILMit UR & Pfalm4 _ , Jr; Succest-prii toll; .Poo,) inr-ar. EXTRA PAKELT : FLOUR and Cat )(SAL shwa on tumid, of the beet quality at li ISOYER &YO PER. TDB WIN 9011111. One day $ tt4 Two days .. 1 110 Three day! 12 Otte week 2 26 One mon th . • 9PO Two aths 9 , 9 0 Three moothz U 00 Sir. zombi D 16-p.O Ono yaw ' ~# 1 1; 5 ...$. 76 1 69 Si . e ill iar tile =gman Z
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers