Paitg EtitgraA EIABBI,SBURG. PA TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST DO, 1864 NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, Abraham Lincoln, OF MLINOTEL FOB VIOE PRESIDENT. Andrew Johnson, union County Convention. The loyal citizens of Dauphin county are invited to meet in County Convention, for the purpose of nominating candidates for county officers, at the Court House in the city of Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the sixth, day of September, 1864, at 10/ o'clock, A. Meetings for the election of delegates will be held in the various townships of the coun ty, at the usual places of holding said eke tions, between the hours of five and seven r. at., and tho several wards and boroughs be tween the hours of seven and nine r. at., on Saturday, September 3d, 1864. H. THOMAS, Chairman Vnion County Committee. S. S. Cimo,. Secretary. The citizens of the Middle ward of the borough of Middletown will meet in the school-room in Union Hall, instead of the Connell room in sflid hall. the former place of meeting. H. THOMAS, Chairman. The Quota of Dauph n County on the Call for Half a Million Men. It is now asserted that nearly every ward and township in Dauphin county which. gave a majority for Union candi• dates at the Gubernatorial election, hay • filled their quotas on the draft. The Union men in these wards and townships went to work on the first call for troops, ear nestly anxious to fill• up their quotas, and they have succeeded. In the copperhead wards and townships, scarcely any troeps have been furnished, for the simple reason that the leading copperheads opposed and discounte nanced every efforts to fill up their quotas, nr,t ing as a reason to keep their followers back from volunteering, that the Government would not be able, would not dare to enforce the draft. Such is the copperhead system of embarrass ing the Government. Many a poor man, by the influence of the copperhead leaders, will thus be drafted, and go into the army with out the benefit of a bounty, when, had such as these been encouraged to volunteer, they would have received handsome bounties, amply sufficient, to support their families. —ln this connection we are also reminded that Dauphin county filled her full quota of thelondrpd days' men. Can any other county in thb State boast of like results ? Hopeful Sign. While some of the jobbing politicians who aro just now enjoying the ease and the emolu ments of sinecure places in the gift of the Government, are endeavoring to create the impression that the Union men of the coun try cannot unite on Abraham Lincoln as a candidate for re-election to the Presidency, it is cheering to observe the course and the at titude of the loyal press and people of Penn sylvania. We speak only for our own State, notwithstanding the same situation which ex ists politically in Pennsylvania, prevails among the people all over the free, and wher ever a loyal sentiment dare be expressed in the revolted States. In Pennsylvania there is not a single newspaper that professes to be attached to the Government, now opposing the re•eleetion of Abraham Lincoln. Every toyed press in the 7 1%intgnivedith, not only sin. rarefy and enthusiastic - illy advocates Dfr. Lin coln's re-election, but they were unanimous for his re-nomination. Every loyal county con vention, composed of delegates elected by the people since the re-nomination of Mr. Lincoln, and which have only recently assem bled for the nomination of local tickets, have passed unanimously the strongest resolutions endorsing the policy of the National Admin istration, and expressing also a stern deter mination to leave no effort untried to secure the triumphant success of the Union cause at the polls. These are facts which we com mend to those politicians who are now en gaged in endeavoring to create the impression that Mr. Lincoln is not popular with the peo ple.... Those who indulge such notions seek to give credence either to a cheat or a delu sion.• The people are in favor of the re-elec tion of Abraham Lincoln; and those who plot to conspire for his defeat are the enemies of the people. Rum GENERAL Harrows now commands an army corps of twenty divisions. A large por tion of his troops is composed of Pennsylva nians, and as Hancock is a native of this State, he takes great pride in commanding and leading into battle his fellow-citizens of the Keystone State. In this connection it may be well to state that it is paitb purpose of the War Department to give a ancock all the Pennsylvania troops that can be raised and immediately fitted for the field. Our brave young Pennsylvania hero is even now looking to 4tis native State for reinforcements. He wants every Pennsylvanian capable of bearing arms to come to the rescue ! "Dearociaer" says Peaoe can only be ob tained by an armistice. The South ray they will not accept an armistice except we concede the •right of secession. but. tie Democracy, xtev erthsless, insist on an 'armistice. What do they mean? A Coitviwrrori of the States is now the pan acea of the Democratic quacks. But will their Southern patient take it? Let them use their influence. to obtain ita consenb,•- first. We are ieady. " Boxioesma , " *l3 Aholition stands in the Way pf Union. Davis says itApee,riot ; they do not cars for slavery ; it is.independenee they want. Who's anthoribt, ifitthe beet? The Balletic of a Soldier vs. the Blath■ In Our morning edition we printed two tele graphic dispatches, the one immediately fol lowing the other, which present a striking co incidence in the statements made by each, respectively ; exhilAiting in the one the candor of the soldier and 'in the other the Cant of the demagogue. We allude to the dispatch of General Grant, giving the facts of the-re duction of Fort Morgan and the speedycapture of Mobile, one of the most brilliant victories in our naval history, and to a dispatch - from Chicago, stating that Bill Bigler . of this State had been selected to act as temporary Chair man of the Copperhead Convention, who on taking the chair, is reported to have " de nounced the Administration," and to have made the foul assertion that it was " incapable of making either peace or war." Mark the con trast in the twOliiptitehei. — A gallant soldier records a brilliant victory—sends thrilling through the hearts of the nation "tidings of great joy," at the success of our arms, while a scurvy politician, an accessory to trea son, a mere ranting demagogue who has eaten dirt all his lifetime at the feet of the slave power, asserts that the Government is ince ble of making peace or war! Oat upon this dastard and knave. Is this is a specimen of the manner in which the coming political campltigu is to be conducted? Is the army and the navy to be traduced as unfit to con duct a great war and incapable of achieving a glorious peace, with the evident object of degrading the free masses of the North in the eyes of the world ? Bigler knows full well that this is the peoples' war. The people of the loyal against the traitors of the rebelliou , States. And yet a . northern man who has been raised from obscurity by the favor of the northern people—a professed statesman who is indebted for his prominence almost to the charity of the people, has the audacity to tell the free white men of Pennsylvania that they arb incapable of carrying on sOrar with the trai tors of the South. • This is certainly the quintessence of dough-faceism, worthy of the weak-kneed Bill Bigler. —Bigler's outrageous slander of the Union armies is the key to the motives which in duced the Democratic leaders in this State to oppose the extension ofthe elective franchise to the soldiers. It is thus made apparent that the Democratic leaders not only consi der that all men who have (misted in the Union armies thereby forfeit their citizenship but having once sworn to sustain the Govern ment at the peril of his life, the Union soldier is to be accounted unfit either to make war or peace. The end to be reached by these slan ders is to impress the Southern cut-throats of their boasted superiority. Bigler himself has always belonged to a clique of the Demo cratic party ready at all times to concede the superiority of the South over the North. He showed this when he was in the U. S. Senate, I;y bending to the lash of the slave-driver. And now to revive dough-faceism in all its for mer full strength, he cries aloud to the traitors of the country and the people of the world, " come and put your foot upon our necks - come aqd plunge your daggers to our h. acts; we are cotoa , ds and cravens, unable to fight, and .fit only to be slaves." We want the gallant men of the North who are " making war" against treason to remember that the President of the Copperhead National Convention boldly de clared that they were unfit, thereby meaning too cowardly, to make war or achieve peace. A REQIIMIT Wilo/1 CANNOT BE COZOIXSD Wrrn.—The Erie Gasette says that a subscri ber requests it to print in whole or subitance the recent Manifesto of B. F. Wade and Henry Winter Davie. To this request- the Gazette replies by saying that it cannot comply, and then adds that if it should publish all that politicians say about and against the Presi dent it would fill its columns with a sort of stuff that would please nobody but those who desire the defeat of an Administration honest ly and earnestly seeking to crash the South ern rebellion. The Richmond papers and their echoes in the North must be looked into for all documents against the officers and repre sentatives of the Government and the loyal cause. The Gazette is an advocate of the cause of the Republic, and stands by and supports all who faithfully represent, labor for, or fight for that cause, leaving to unprincipled politi cians, false-hearted professors of patriotiem, copperheads and rebels, thEi wicked bnsinbss of trying to embarrass, weaken and break down the heads of our Government and our armies i this time of severe national trial. Zefegrapq. From Chicago. TEE COPPERHEAD NATIONAL CONTENTION. CEICA.GO, Aug. 30. The convention re-assembled at ten o'clock to-day. The chairman of the committee on perma nent organization reported that they had se lected Horatio Seymour as permanent Prost, dent of the convention.' - A list of Vice Presidents anti Secretaries (one from each State) were then appointed. [Here followed Seymour's address, which was not completed up to the time of putting our paper to press. Reporters and telegraph operators could certainly make better use of their time than to devote it to the transmis sion of treasonable speeches.—Enrroa.] FrOm Florida. Death of Gen. Woodbury, and the Officers of a Gunboat. -_,..... PHIWIELPIII Aug., . Advicas from Rey West to t h e , 30 Nth inst., state. hat Gen. Woodbury, commander of the forces, !here, died of yOloir fever,' and. was burieditth military and masonic honors on the 17th. ' • The gunboat J'ohn S. Chambers lost her captain, his clerk and 14 men by yellow fever; they were buried at Elea. • The flhambemldjubj.9lllL Thik for getiitappefiro at ast JEM-RTS FR9II Movements of the Tallahassee. Bosrort, Aug. 30.-- , Capt. Peel of the schoo ner Maria Davis, arrived here, reports as fol lows : Aug. 25th, lat. 34 12, long. 73 50, passed a prokeller with two masts and large smoke stalk painted lead color, with red bot tom, showing American colors, with thd main mast gone about twenty leet above the deck, and burning soft coal. She *Qs in light trim, and steering directly for the Maria L. Davis, when another steamer hove in sight and bore for the first steamer which was supposed to be the pirate Talla hassee. Capt. Peel crowded all sail and es caped. Washington. DECISIONS OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE DEPART E= WASHINGTON, Aug. •29 Under the act of Congress the previous ruling of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, under the former law, that the tax should be withheld from all payments to perlons em ployed by the day, when the, compensation exceeded $2 per day, is annulled, and here after no tax will be withheld from persons who are employed by the day; and paid by the day, no matter what may be the rate of com pensation; and no tax will be, withheld from persons employed by the day, and paid at the end of the month; Unless the amount earned during the month exceed the sum of $5O. When the amount earned du ring the month does not exceed $5O the lax of, five per cent, must be withheld from the amount in excess, and when a person is em ployed by the month, at a rate of compensa tion exceeding $5O, the tax must be withheld from the amount in excess of that rate, even though the payment is for such a fraction of a month that the amount due is less than $5O; thus, if a person whose salari is $lOO per month is employed but one quarter of a month the tax must be withheld upon the sum of $l2 50. All amounts received by any person in the service or employment of the United States, which are exempt from the salary tax under the above provision must be returned to the as sessor of the district inWhich such person re sides in the same manner as if it same from any other source. A special exception to the rule above established is made •in the 123 d section of the apt, which provides that the pay ment of prize money sh .11 be regarded as in come from salaries, and the duty thereon shall be assessed and collected in lihrmanner. The tax must, therefore, be witheld from all pay ments of prize money as heretofore, and, such vayments may be deducted froin the.inoome: as provided in section 117... THE - APPROACHING CRAIT There will be no postponement of the draft; though several days will elapse between the sth and the drawing, This wine understood' at a glance. The necessary papers will have to be forwarded here, setting forth the num ber of enlistments, substitutes, &c., and frian them the quota will be made. It is asserted that one-fourth of the number called for has been recruited. The Shenandoah Valley. A BATTLE PREDICTED. _ . Wasmoros, August 29. • Information received here from fislltown, as late as yesterday, states that the advance has been sounded, and another battle in the valley is.expected and predicted. SHERIDAN ON THE MARCH ITP THE VALLEY. Etturratoas, August 29.—The American has received the following special dispatch : HEADQVARTER9 MIDDLE MILITABi DIVISION, IN THE FIELD, August 29.—The long looked for and anxiously expected advance of our troops has at last commenced. Yesterday morning, at four o'clock, our cavalry started out, and commenced driving the enemy's rear guard. At five o'clock the infantry broke' camp, and at seven o'clock they had taken position in line of march, which was in three parallel columns. We had not proceeded far when we became satisfied that the main force of the enemy had retired from ohr immediate front, and had re treated to some position np the valley, either with a view of drawing Sheridan away from his strongly entrenched position near Hall town, which they well knew it would be mad ness in them to attempt to carry by a direct - assault, or they have retreated with the inten tion of reinforcing Lee at Richmond, as there can be no doubt that he (Lee) requires all the troops he can gather together at that point to resist Grant's farther advance. The reconnoissance which was made in front of General Crook's line on the left, of our position, last Strurday, developed the. fact that the main force of the enemy had left our immediate front, but in what direc tion they had moved we .reliable in= formation, and even up to the time of writing this dispatch the whereabouts of Early's main force is a mere matter of speculation. Movements, however, are at re esent on foot which will throw some light on this subject, and before many hours I will be able to re cord a further advance of otirlroops. Our cavalry had some 'lean akirmishiitg yesterday, in the vicinity of Charlestown, with a portion of the enemy's rearguard, in which two officers of the 12th Urtited States CavalrY were killed, one "of whom was Lieut. Barter& We captured some twenty prisoners, who state that the main force of the enemy moved off three days ago, and went in the direction of Martinsburg. The statements of these priso ners must be taken with a great deal of cau tion, for it frequently happens that they have their stories previously prepared for by their officers, and then allow themselves to be captured in order that they might mislead our generals. ' It would be giving information to the ene my, which they are verydesirens to have, -if I should at present state the precise localities of the different commands. Suffice it to aa,y, they are in thehestpossible positionsim . mt, ing either ortqlie offensive or defensive. Front Charleston. ATTEMPT TO LIBERATE BT , FtrT., °MCKIM ET TECE orgiczns or A TRANSPORT. FORTRESS MonsoE, Aug. 28. The steam transport Fulton, from Hilton Head, has arrived with advises to the 9th inst. Among her passengers are Captain John H. Moore, Chief Quartermaster of ,that post, and Lieut. Van. Winkle, of Gen. Hatch's Staff. They report that the steamer Crescent City, convoyed by the gunboat Admiral, with 600 rebel officers on board, to be placed " tv.der fire" at Charleston, had arrived there. ,The; Crescent City when off Cape Romain was run in ashore, and one of the rebel officers is re ported to have escaped. The captain and second mate of the Cres cent City are implicated in an attempt to lib erate these 600 rebel officers, and when the Fulton left Hilton Head they were being tried for their lives by a court-martial. Letter from Ex-Secretitry Chase. A. BLANDER P.EFtrr ED BOSTON, Aug: 29. Ex-Seoretary Chase, in a letter to tr gentle man In this city, says of the published iepOrt of his having invested hts private fluids m foreign securities, that the statement belongs to a•olass best des'otibed as •"lies absolute.' He has never invested.iii foreign funds, and says .no true American will do so,;wheitaal that Can be spared is reqUised for the attpPre*. sion of rebellion at,boigo. ElZAblattA3lll2ll Pam , lifsrame Irkanianuid,'"Kugnsl3o;4B64. GENERAL ORDERS/ • No. 1.. In cemfoiniity with the provisions of the acts of AstiernblY of the 22d and 25th of Magna, 1864, *nd'the act to which they are ilkipple menfe,- - • . • Rig •ortiee4 1. That the 'raising of the corps ;of:fifteen regimefits, to be called the. " reimeYlvania State Gnard,7 provided for in,liffid acts, be tortheith commenced. 2. as the - first portion of that corps, three regiments of infantry, two sqdialrops of 1 1 cavalry, '%and four batted s •of field artillery, - • shall be recruited without delay. `These regimehts, squadrons, 1 'andbatteries.. it is is intended...shall be composed of volunteers, to wit: Of veteran soldiers and of able-bodied: persons between the . ages of eighteen and. fifty,, gixiug, Ihe preference to - those who are not subjeof to draft under the laws of the United States. 3. The forces, thus to -be raised, will be commanded by company officErs eleetedby the iiian; and who have been in the service of the United States, and been honorably dis - - charged therefrom. The field and general officers will be ap pointed by the Govenen and mustered into the service of the State. The force will be used only foi•tbe defence of the State.- It will, while in service, be clothed, equipped, armed, subsisted, disciplined and , paid as provided for by law for simile• troops'in the service of the United States. 4. Persons, qualified by service for the po sition of company officers in this corps,Nvill, on application to the State In peotor Gmeral, at Harrisburg, receive authority to ricruit companies and squads, and, if afterwards elected as company officers, will be commis sioned accordingly. 5. The said corps shall be enlisted in the service of the State for three, years unless sooner discharged, and shall be liable to be called into the service of .the State at such times as the Governor may deem their ser vices necessary. 6. A camp of rendezvous will be established at Harrisburg, under the charge of competent military and medical officers, and transporta tion for troops thereto will be furnished to persqns recruiting companies, and squads of not les* than. eight men, on application to Col. M. S. Quay, Harrisburg, Chief of Transporta tion and Telegraph Department. 7. Should the regiments, squadrons and batteries, specially herein provided for, not be recruited within th rty days, the defimency • will be supplied by draft. 8. Brig. Gen. Lemuel Todd, State Inspec tor General, is charged with the execution of this order, and all thedetails under it. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A.' L. Russam, Adjutant General Pennsylvania. NEW AD V ERTISEM ENTS. WANTED, • A DINING-ROOM GIRL. Apply at the NATIONA.i. ROtTlt, auBo4lll Market Qt., between Third and Fourth ate. WANTED, • AGIRL who is a good cook. baker, washer and ironer. Enquire at THIS OFFICE . aug3o.2t Stoneware Potters Wanted •TURNER of small *aye, also a SETTER OF KILN and BURNER wanted, at the Harrisburg Stoneware Pottery, Enquire of austff:d. w) ; COWDEN & WILCOX. (Baltimore American copy forego week and send bill to the office, immediately, for coltection J The 8. A. Emma, : Air take pleasure to staling that :your "DIARRHEA MIXIURE" exceeds anything of the kind lh•tt I ever imagined. I was very much troubl.d with client's:ea, and could find nothing , to help me In the least, until I took 3.our MIXTURE. ' I give you this cant Scat°, hoping that, if you sea proper to ua , it, it may be the means of extending a knOwledge of the matchless value of your medicine. Very rasp. yours, H. 11. JEFFRIES Fallen Timber, ram!?9,a Co.. Aug. 2r, 1864 tu3o.dtf NEW AND CHOICE SHEET 44USIC F OR THE PIANO FORTE. Tao Sword that toy bravo boy wore. J. G. Clark. SO "They have sent me the sword that my brave boy wore 04 the field of his young renown." . I llve for those whe love me J. II Clark. 30 We shall be known above. Song and Cho. J. a Clerk. 30 "Under the iolthe waters run, Und,r the ice our spirits Ile, The genial glow of the summer, eon Will loosen their fetters by and by." Do they pray for me at home. Song and Cho. Fiske. 30 Tenting on the old Camp Ground. All sung with peat applause by the ''Mutchinson Family." 30 Tony Pastor's Med.ey. Adarted to the popular Melody. "The 'patine° by the Sea." 'BO Music Store Window. A Medley song and Cho. Frank Wilder. 30 Emancipation. Song and Chorus. Dedicated to all Lov. era of Freedom. ' ' 80 The above no a and popular sheet Music sent by post-pant nu receipt of pike. OLIVER, DITSON (.0 CO, Pub labors, Boston. For sale by J. IC: &AMR Philadelphia. aug3o ntc SIX or eight single persons can be accom modated with boarding at Mai. ELIZA SRANKTINIS, State street, betty. Front and Second, Harriabum au3l-dtt CITY BOUNTY LOAN. PROPOSALS will be received by the un &related, at the office of the City Treasurer, until o'clock, r. sr., 30th day of August, for the whole orany part of the loan of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars, as authorized. by (rdinance of the Common Council; providing for' thu..payment of bounties to volun teers. Bids will be recelvsti for sums of $lOO and up wards. W. 0. HICKOK, ' au29-2t Readopt Common Council Allentown. Pa., a FIFTY miles from Philadelphia—chartered by the State and offering superior advantages for a thorough ENGLISH, CLASSICAL and MILITARY Educa tion—opens its nest sauion.SEPTEMSER Sth. ,dam . For Camila 8, addrera • aug2s-011w] • hey . M S. HOFFORD, A. M., Prrnidentc A TEN -HORSE power stem engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and heitel complete; oseillatingengine and cylinder boiler, mantillas tared by Joel Weidman, patent improved4soillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal shops, root of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For terms, ao., enquire at Canal Melee, Market Oral,. near United States Hotel. . . HARRISRMG. July 1804 jy23 tf TN compliance with the charter of the city of Harrisburg,, rotten is hereby. given to the qualified raters of the Bath Ward in said city, that a Spec al Coe tion'aill be held at the MARKET HOUSE in Verbelte '-treat, in-said oity, -on WRONESDAY AUGUST 31, 1864, for one person FOR MEMBER OF COMMON COUNCIL to the nnen.Pired term of Br- William Y. Rgle, resigned. BERNARD CAMPRELI . • • Chief of-Peale, August 15, MM. OA-deist:* TTAMSI MAIM—A-fresh supply of Mich ij enera'a,pcoelidor RIMS and Dried Beef, at langs. noVCR k ORRPICR 11,10HEN/11413 excelsior Larne, of this sera 171. we's curing. Just received end' or elle by SHISLER & FRAZER.. AMIS. • tßoonomwm, to Wm. Dock. Ir.. & Co. BEIRA—Pine MeegSLad of the sea- ILL son, in bait barrels and kilts, Just received at MILER is FRAZER, • jal Buoassors to W. Doak . , Jr., & Ce TllST:reeeived, this morning, Miehener A 19 Co., I:n*1 &cooked Mum, Beef sad Teague!. az sage .. 4 _saiscatt & FRAZER. NfUM : t t rzucr ,Ma %I " " 4111418 / assifileiV 1 31'4: Moe a 1444 doseare, . REM .. ~.„ BOARDING College,_. Fan SALE, Special Election. XMON -- A PUBLIC SALE OF . UNCL AIMED GOODS, IN TES WASEICOUNN--- , ak of the • AWARD & ROPE. EXPRESS COMPANY• TwE. articles described in the following schedule, haring been consigned to the Howard & Hope Express Company, and. the consignees, a'ter due and legal votive, n 4 having ',taken them away, nor paht the CMS' and expenses of carriage, will be exposed to public sale or outcry at the Market House. on SaTtiRDAT, Sanf.ifeitElt 24 1884. Tne sale to commencoatB o'clock in the forenoon of said day : 1 box; Capt Jos Hutchinson . 1 bdle, no name 1 box, HMo clock , 1 pkge, John ShuPhouse 1 box, Peter Banshee. ,1.. - ox, Elizabeth Wielanlng 1 box, M Coughlin "1. box., ,Mr S R T Brady 1 c hag, Geo L !Crider I bottle, Chas Bucher 1 pkge, Cato M'Carty 1 hoz, Tnos .1 Tomer 1 ladle, cott, and boot art 1 box, Chas 11, bekeheiser no name Max, G W Mapco 1 lot pipe; A L Battles 1 pkge, M L McDonald 4 1 box; no name 1 pkge, Geo T Barkhert 1 box, H D Wolf 1 box, Cha= Taylor • 1 box, Capt : W Harland 1 trunk, J W 1 boxyGto B Daily I trunk, R C Bally • 1 pkg, R F Leisenriog , 1 box, SD Ma box, J P bier 1 box, Wm Drehel I box; L P Mins 1 box, Peter .1' Wartz -1 box, 1 4 M, Morton • 1 pkge, J Yogle . 1 c bag, W 11 H Poner /Pkge, J Yoming 1 bile, Henry Lander , 1 pkge, Mint W &Boyer I cast, It Pittock I twee, Wm Minis 1 page, Geo R Reno 1 pt , ge. W S King • I pkge, Geo Toga 1 pkge, George Betchde 1 box, B Roeencmntz 1 plc John A ilantrkih. 1 box, Capt L Sißummell /'or, Patrick Fttnigan 1 box, M A Stevenson , 1 bottle, Jane Schuler 1 pkge, Wm R Moser 1 pkge. no name 1 page, c d, F' Ebersole 1 whrel, Cam. Dodge -1 boa, A F Pennepacker 1 box, no name 1 box, Leah Lees 1 p box, Isamifferringer 3 boxes, G P Hnliwick, no name 1 box Copt J Heim 1 pkge, B Anthony 1 box, J. slab It Brown 1 pkge, J A Nixon 1 box., Rota F Crisman / box, Wm . LEa le - 1 box, Jos Barges 1 Moro, Jelin Newcome Ibl, J ESpaliting 1 box r o b, apt J JJolumen 1 box, Copt J I etwiler Ig. ge, David Pepper . 4 / box, A L Bryant • 1 do Wm Carlisle I box, John W Hopkins 1 do Elber Manner - 1 box, Mary Radabaugh Ido Mrs S C Jones 1 pkg • oil cloth. no name 1 do Louisa Beller • I pkge, W D Jack 1 de Aaron Schloss • , ki.ap and h att, M Keely Ido Jam a Freeborn • 1 pkge, Wm P Patterson 1 do Auam Wuldnor pk t e, Joaaa De Boor 1 do no name • • 1 e beg, no name 1 do Ca4l Mayer • 1 pLg , peat R B Bally Ido Theo Yonperherst I c hug, ltd D Conrad 1 do John H Berybill I c bag., rapt Willa . Ido Fleury &cid I coat, no lame 1 do John Diacasho 1 bdle, Geo Hight The above articles will be exposed to public sale, as aforeedd, according to the provbions of the 8 at section of the act pf.distembly of the Cbmmmonviratth of Penn eylvania, appr vtd he 28th day of Hatch, A. la MIS ; Withal ills nil 'momenta of which the Howard and Hope Expr ss Company have in all respects complied. The act of dezembly is aiLloliows "Commission merchants end factors, and all common tante s,.ar other pers. ma having a lien upon goods, wares and merchandise, for or on account of the costs and ex penes of Garda m or storage, or any o her charge arising irom the.transport itlon, keeping, or storage of such pro perty, in case too owners or coneigne s shall DM pay nr dis charge tee amount doe for such cost, expense, carriage, storage, or otter char. ce hereinbofore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinafter pro ided, proceed to sell toe same, so tnuch thereof as may be necessary to dischary ardlien, at pubue agouti.: Provided, That notice of sale eti 11 be give as lee pod or Aereirs Sales of personal properly, and that thirty dam' ashes of said lien b.. given to the ea neror coneig of the pr periy, if they cannot be so found ; that the same shall be advertised weekly in some new-paper oublshed in the pioper city or county to which the &ode. war a or mercbate iso have been cmetened, for fear common Live weeks before the , sale, titemseidue of money arising fr m such sale, after demucting• costs of transpo, taw; charges and Storage, Livertinine and sale, to be held sub ject to the erd,r fir the owner or owners of such property." GEO, HERON ER, Agent aug274ls] Howard and Hope Express Company. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! THE taidenigned have &nein. hada FAC. ''PRY at Harrieliarg, Pa., the purpose of maniac ing .11001) SKIRTS, all styles, sizes, shapes I qualities. We pay par tlar strenthm to the very eat, English Steel. We ilia large assortment con. idly on hand. Our Sales .ent at No. 24 Selman Sums; adjoining B. Lloyd's Chair and Furniture Rwime, where we will ash very low at Wholesale and Retail. Our Retail Depart ment is in charge of competent heal s. COHEN BROS. & CO., aultam* 10. 24 liecond street, Harrisburg. von SALE. WE the undersigned offer for sale, a lot with two houses erected thereoa, in the borough of Dauphin, on the ad of Mmte &bet at 3P. H. Terms to suit purehani B. Saler to take place at the house of C. Rhooes. A .1; R. GEIGER. augls-deod :13w* Hands. Wanton'. CARPENTERS, Cabinet Makers, Machin ista and Moulders warded, at the EAGLE WORKS. aag2u dluet] W . 0 HI, KOK. FOR. GALE OR RENT, Tag UNION ROTEL, on Ridge road, J. SULU; ward. For particulars Inquire au423-alurl • HENRY BO3TGEN. PIIBL.IC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1839, theatockholdera of the Franklin Beak of Washington, Penns., will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of tie char ter, with au increase of its capital from $166,000 to 1200,000. Q It. REED, President WAMITNITON, Pi. June 24, lent Je27 DESERTERS. $lO WILL be paid for information' of the whereabouts or any deserters from the U S. sertrlce. 'AV communications strictly confidential. Address Box 13, Hanlaburg, P. U. aug4-dif Honey. A SMALL but superior lot of HONEY, just received, at SUMER & FRAZER'S. • auglB FINE FAMILY FLOUR-- .SHISLEit, do FRAZER have mado arrangements with one of the beat mills; in the country to supply tcdtgruilles of Harris burg with choice EWER Every - barrel . warranted, and 'delivered to any part of the city free of charge. SHISLER & FttAZBR„ Dealers in Fine .Family Groceries, opposite the Court House. aul3 sn• DOZEN JAM ENGLISH PICKLES, Njf eomprialog Picalilly , Chow ChM Cauliflower Nixed fifties, Clerking, Wants and Chalons. For. grholernala and Wall by ' SRISLER & FRAZER, aunceasora to W. flock, Ir.. h EVXTRA WHEAT FLOUR.—Se .I(OO Wbite'Whoat Family Flour, just rcelva ALM for at BHISLER di FRAZER, iYB Summers to W. Dock, Jr., ar Cr, VERY FINE, TNDICEDI TO our fine and extensive stook of Photo graph Alb.uni and Photograph Card Pictures, we hays added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE tor the reception of card pictures. They oust be seen and will be admired air Photographers supplied at gte very lowest whole sale price r and their crtt printed upon thomfor $1 thousand, wholesale and retail, at may 24 SCBEFFERII BOOK STORA, 131 'AM, BEEF AND TONGUES—a fresh Lt. invoice at Null EMMA& &FRAZENI3. etHRESE--Choice ne® . crop Cheese, just received at RHISIAR & FRAZER, 'Bnarnannrs to W. leck Jr . . kOn SPICED OYSTERS.—Extra fine Baltimore OysteOysters, spiced, just received at rs, BOYER & KOERPF.A. A Lleitines sf hauling with wagons or inuta will be promptly dons by calling on • JACOBamain, iY2I corner or Second street and Meadow Lam • RIME LATlD.—fifty firkins fine kettle - rendered LARD, foreale by the Arkin or pound, iint eeetved at UM BOYER & HOERPER. INTATATIns, CREAM :NUTS* FILBE R TS. ;Fonds wholesale at Cn ASSORTED LII G :m RI c M g. • : - En Foe, coiscpirms.a, LVINDER N. OTT, lir Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County. c* J _ OHN FOX, of this city, offers himself a candidate for REGISTER. of Dauphin eounty, set. Joct to the decision of the Union County Cenvintion. Rev-tag had seventeen ye:tr's experience in the bus.ues; of the office, he pledges himself to give aatisfuei,, , r, it elected. auls-o,ticto GEORGE MAAR, of South Hanover town.. ship, Were himself as a candidate for the office of REGLSTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said °nice with fidelity. je29 ett wte OANDIDATE FOR ,00rtionEss. Harnnermo, Pe., June 9, 1864. TR!undersigned respectfully offers himself the Republicans of the 14th Cougreasi-nal Da. trict of •Pennsylvania, composed of tee countiew of bun_ phis, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several county Conventions or the raid District. (JOURe] .RISI Afl ESPY. RIIDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover township, offers himself as seal:id:date for the °Gk.) of moor, tf nominate 4 and eleaetr he p edge° hint self to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. 1e26-d2wswtc* RUDOLPH HILLER. WANTED, ABAR TENDER. Apply at, the European Hotel, It irkat street, Harrisburg, Fa. au2.9- 2%* WANTED, ABOY to attend the bar of the Banjo Sa him. Apply it the Saloon, corner of Second gad Emir 26 UM - Shoemaker Wanted: •. rIO work on a bench in a store where he will _be Pleasantly situated, end wage- , good. App yat 131. East Market street, Harrisburg, ra, aag2S-e2w* ANTED!—Three or fonr HOUSE CAR PEMBA. Apply to W. Et- SI BLZ, Angle-dd . 'Corner Sixth and Mann , siteets. GOVERNMXLVT - .SALES &C. CONDEMNED HORSES WAR D1 . 1...ARTN1N77 " CAVALRY 13.inotAtr. OFETCH Of CR/81 , QUARTRRIARTER, , WAsinotoros, D. C., August 3, 1864; liMbe sold at public auction, to tho est bidder, at the times and places namedhe low. via: Reading, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August 18, 1861„.= Altoona, Pennsylvania, T.huralay, Ai.gust 25, 1864. . Leb non Pennsylvania, Thursday, Sep tenser 1, 1464 Hamann, Pennsylvania, Thursday, Septembet 8, 1864. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry 'Horses at °am place, These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the Cavalry service of tho Army. For road and Dam purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. TEEM: CASH in United States Currency. JAMES A. EKIN. auel.dtati Lt. CoL and C. Q. 14( Cavalry Burma. Notice to Bridge Builders! riPHE undersigned, Commissioners of Dan- Than county, Pennsylvan a, will Moire Sealed fPro peseta up .tb September the 21st, (Wednesday.) et ima o'clock P. X., for building, so, enntendlne and furnishing all the matethds fur aAnew-ro fed Bridge enters Arm strong or- eft, in Jackson township, said county; eas: of Halifax at Um site referred to by Um late itepurtt of the I Grand nquest of the coon y, sonte..bere south, or nearly en, of Fisharaci In. Sad bridg • to be for, y feet Span, or the Ham Top Arch plan and to be as high as what the old bridge (now standing) is ; north side wing walls to be fourteen feet long, an t three of the south side ten feet long Pismo als to- In endorsed on rue a bcifleatlons which May be bad at the office of the•Connly Conie:3. Monett fiarrifourg, Oct up, lication by letter f ; other wise. Letting tO be on said day invi to the lowed re spousible bidder. BENSY HARTMAN, JAIMS J. lttiLLEl:4liN, RO3ERT W, SI CLUES. au294l&wid) Volunteer Notice ! Captains of Companies and Commanders of Squads : • THE undersigned are prepared to secure for all Volunteers The. aigh a t Local, Galls--and Govermittett--. - B unzies ! Committees can be supplied with credits for thiir lows ship or county quota-. EMISLITIBut papers promptly made out, and met atten ted to until mustered In, clothed and equipped, M Pennryteania Recruding Agency HEWES & C. Otttce Parke House, Harter, street, between Third and Foulth str et-, Harrisburg gra. Two of the firm hare cowl:et:odors to recrbit iu States in nhellion (aug23-dairtra Pal:wow ItAnsaaL's OFFICE, 14th Dormer, l'sssurixAsiA. HAHLUSECIIO, Aug 1, 1864. The Board of Enrollment OF this District is now engaged in revising and correcting the lists of persons enrolled as liable to do military duty. POllOll3 who may be improperly on the roll on account of ALINNAGff, NON- &es iDENCE. UNSUITABLENESS OF AGE, MANIFEST PERMANENT PHYSICAL DISASH ITT, or HAVING SERVED TWO YEARS IN THE' pRE SENT WAR, should promptly APPEAR BEEORE TEE BOARD, prom the same and have their Dana s strtken frolu the list .ktir citizen Who has a knowledge of any op .c having rs :ye d enrollment, and who is beide to milqary duty, or of any one - who has arriv dat the age of twenty years sine. the enrollment of 1803, or o: any who have decia.ed ihe r in• teatime to become MUD ns, are comes ly invited to Com the information to the Board of Enraeisat, that such persons may be placed on the lista. Jilt Is the hgerzal and duty of every surace.calzca to see Unit all who - have been impropMy °BITTED from the list should be addectithersto sa'lt is the imperative duty of ell citizens to see that persons diluted in any sub-district, and [along et report, are ARRESTED and brought before the board of Ec rollment. The Sub-district is charged with the duty ez furnishing Its full quota. .NO KAY CLEMENT, Capt., Pro. Mar. and 11E194. of Board. Oak , C. ReWN, Commiesiotter a the Board. T CHARLTON, au2-411m Surgeon of the Boars County, at: ----, at present a r-61(list of being duly sworn, do depose and sag that I was enrolled In 1863, in the ---- county of Pa , where I then resided, but that I moved from there in the month of -- into said -- drat above named. I am a man, and by occupation a ---, and hereby request that my enrollment may be changed to Suit my present tandems. hors.—The above Is adopted by the Board or Enroll ment of the 14M District of Penneylvani , as a suitable form of affidavit to be made on an application to change Me name on the enrollment lists from , one- .Thstrict to another. Jy29-lm BUTTER, BUTTER.—Fresh roll butter from 'brier county received every week. £lO ent at frny 4 ) ROVER k KoERPER. A NEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMOKED YLSJA Jut received this IttOraitig, at SHISLER X , FRAZER, Sarcasms to W. Dock, Jr , 4CO' I= TIIST RECEIVED-44 gallon& pure currant ey wine, from a Unmask* county fanner; the Roost made donwetto wine in this city. Price SS 00 per gallon IV tale at SHISLER & HUE :UA L Je 9 - gttteeeeeere t4t-Y4 71 )-- iikco• COIINTRY SOAP.—A small but superior lot of Bcoso.mado Scookst n.cemetrat DOZ o )=loodield 1111 CANDIDATIDS. • REGISTER. FOR REGISTER. FOR ItEGiSTER.. W A N TS. .TOEIN KOSEEL. AUCTION SALE or NOTICE. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, CHAS. C. RAWN. S. T. CHARLTON. Board of Enrollment 5=9El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers