giazlg Eititgraoij HARRISBURG, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGER 111-:411. tyr. TV ar, V 16 ItTIS klita-AD Atte er tiseme *lts, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, esc., to sedgy.: insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be acerun , parled With the VAS/LI! • AdTertlasensantalrederael in , tab regular alvening Edition are inserted he Ills Morn ing itdition without; extra. charge. AND COP'N'TiY. POWN For . Sale. A gentle gamily Horse, six years old. Ap• ply to - JOHN OENSLAGER. WANTED—Ia a store, a boy. between:l l s , lmnd 18 'gears of age. He twist be able to bring good recommendatittne, ,lione other need ap ply. For further particulars inquire at this office. tf LOST. —A deed for a lot bought at Treasur er's sale in 1862, was lost ecently some where in *arket street. It is of no ralne.ex slept to the owner, and the finder will'pleasti return it to this office. • . tf EC= A Pic-Z7lO will be held in Henry's Grove, in West Han Over township, about one-fourth of a mile from Mechanicsville, err Saturclaytiett, the 27th inst. A general invitation ea tended. • I=ll2 ACCIDENT.-A. Miss Jessup, of York; had 'one 'of her limbs broken, on Tuesday L:ren ing, while jumping from a carriage. RABE CHANCE FOB INVESTMENT. -GEO. AIIE-88 offers for sale his valuable property on Third street. See advertisement in another col . titan: =IDE HAND Cur Orr.—Adam Neff, a• yatuag employed by the railroad company, at York, had one of his bands cut off, by a circular saw, a few evenings ago. PRIMITUM FOR SPELLING}. —Mr. Woodruff, the Superintendent of public schools in 'Chester county, has providQd several copies Of Wor cester's large dictionary, to be awarded at the next Chester County institute, to the teaChets whe expel in orthography. " • • , E • • • NEwspAfzie Crtaxo2.--4ohn M'Curdy, Esq., " has retired from the-Hagerstown Herald and Torch,'haaing disposed of his interest in the establishment to his partner, Mr. Edward W. Curriden. The Herald is a sterling Union journal, and-has done much good in Marl , - land, INSP.ECTOBS Ariouvrzn.--Samuel ;Hay, of York borough, Samuel Gilbert an Robert B. Foster, of York county, and James 0. M. Butts, of Cumberland county, have 'Jess.. ap pointed inspectors for the 15th collection , dis trict, under the , new Internal BeventteXaW. I=lllll MILITARY RELIEF FuND.--The regular monthly payment to families of volunteers will 'be made 031 Friday affernoen: August 26th, between. thelouriioffour, and 84, at the Sheriff's Office in the Court House Parties interested will please be punctual iu attend ance. Gito. BERGNER, 0, Enw..tans, Sec'y. President. : Shims, this morning, was well suppligd with vegetables, fruits and Win prFrdueegen &ally. The tillers of the soil rarely neglect 4o'bring in their little "gardenituff," and' still more rarely forget to ask their city neighbors a neat'little consideration for the same. We notice the following articles with the price de. mendedthis morning : Tomatoes, $1 to $1 25 per bushel ; apples $1 25 to $2 ; corn 15 to 20 cents per dozen ; potatoes $2 per bushel ; fresh butter 45 to 00 cents per poundi . chick ens 75 cents to $1 per pair; eggs 2.5 puts, &c. . . SANFORD'S Ifam,,in its palmicst dayi, did not offer to the amusement loVing peOle More attractive reportorie than at present. - S. S. Sanford, the origimil, the inimitable, nightly gathers around:him ft constellation of stars, of which he is the centre, in !lade, as well as attraction. Notwithstanding th 4 gen erous rivalry existing at Other places of amuse ment, the Sanford Troupe will not be eclipsed. ' The immense crowd that filled the Hall last evening, fully testified by theiit 'ak.tiOns ikow , well they appreciated the effOrts. please them. We. have not the place to particularize, = a but we cannot refrain frbm mentioning '.the• per formances of Dial Wdlie. His Keystone jig was splendid. The performances of biamonki and Myers wero grand. Banfordiwas'at home, as he always is among minstrels, of wliva.hie is the chief in America. There is an iitikao tive bill offered for to-night. ENDOWMENT OF PENNSYLVANLS Coi,raox.— An earnest effort is about being inaugurated by some of the friends of Pennsylvania Col lege, (located at Gettysburg,) to secure the endowment of that - popular institution, order that its meauk.of doing good may be en r larged and the cause• of 'education enhikeed. In order to place the matter fully before •the friends of the college, in general, it hae'been determined to bold a:convention. in Horrid burg, on' Tuesday, the 18th ; : d next, to adapt such easurewas shall sileedilY secure the desired object.. Committen/ Ptv4: been apPointed in behalf 'of the trustees, ited of the Alumni Alssaiation of the College, to solicit the attendance and co-operation of ihoas who will be liliel,y to take an interest in the matter. Rev. Dr. Hay, of this city,' is chairman, of the first -named' corarnittee,'te who& persons who desire to attend the 'con vention shauld communicate the facil;:inktn tertainineit,will be secured for them, =- - Pennsylvania Colkirel§ a tim e i,,,4',4l;i t i n ; mitution, whose representatives fun scetered all overfliejand, andits endowment would be olikreakadvantege to the cause for-Lwhich it was founded. It is hoped. - that- there ivikt be general attendanek at the c:Otivention held here. =I ANOTREE AOCIDEINT ON THE N. C. R. R—A soldier belonging to one of the returning Ohio liken #l , v* , 4 1 144 jt bridgq neargum mit, on the Northern Central railroad, this morning, and fatally injured. He was on tpp of one of the cars, and as the train passpd through,the bfidge his itetni„ came in contact with the timbers. lie was brought to this city, and placed in the Sick Soldiers' Hear. No 'lopes are entertained of his recovery., 41_ Sorbanzli-Kritaiti,- 1 -Last night aiffidier'wris killed by a train of cars, in the vicinity of the Round House, on the Pennsylvania railroad. One of his feet!less severed from the ankle, and the other foot and leg were terribly crushed. His body was also considerably in jured.' We Ha* .been " - finable to learn the name of this unfortunate soldier. He has probably left a family, who may never learn the fate of the brave . man,,nnless there wqre papers in his possession by which he can be identified. =I THE Vanussm Gni...ans.—This fine company, named in honor of our much respected towns man,Wm. K.Terbeke, Esq., is now full to the Maitmum; and fror a personal view of the men we most say that seldom has finer mate rial been rparshaled. ,company than compose the Gnapis. captain Fenn has been very successful in hin , endeavors, and hay well lie ixcipla of: his . edtintanark. As a former employee of the TELEGRAPH office we congrit ulate him on his success, and predict that be will make an able and much esteemed officer. ha compaw is attached to the 201st P. V., Ole DauPliin"County Regiment,) commanded by Col. F. Asbury Awl. " , THE SKI( Sor.mzns' REST, •neir the Depot, has been re-opened, and has several °con pants ilrea:dy. This neat little Rest is hand soniely furnished. The floor is neatly car peted, and the beds are clean and comforta ble Nothing is wanted to render the Place attractive, and a fit .receptacle for: the brave soldiers who have been smitten by disease. Among the"decOrittidi& We "notice the stars and stripes, , ,the,deareld flag upon which our patriotic defenders love to gaze. The pa tients arentteridedby ladies—those minister : . ing angels—whose attentions are calculated to alleviate the sufferings of the sick. No doubt the Rest will be remembered by those breve men , long after they return to the field of strife. It is well enough to repeat here what we have already recorde.d in these columns, that onr good friend, Eby, Byers, Esq., over looks the sources necessary to the maintenance of the Rest with a vigl linen which constantly keeps them flowing in abtindance u • , ME Tau Eximris. —it MU understanding. —P several weeks past the different Provost 14r :hills have notified thou e Who claim to be ex emr4 from enrollment, to come forward and have their names strick en from the list before the draft ialreeplace. 1 pis notice has been very gewkallyiniatihderatdo d. In several instin ces-partiesi who have claimed exemption on the, ground of heart disease, Jo., have applied to be relieved and have been somewhat disep pointed when infor stied thai it would be time enough to present. themselves when drafted. The trutil ! 41 the Provost Marshals desire to relieve their lists of the names' of those who are, manifestly incapable of rendpi ing service. If a man with one leg or one arm, - Or' blind siffering from some apparent physical disability, presents himself before the Board hif, name would , be at once stricken off. If he is manifestly over or under the age prescribed b,3r the law, the same course will, be pursued. in this way it is hoped that when the drawirk g does take place, the exemptions off itecorEul of diSability will not prove so mu merons as in the 'former draft. "li'Lert.7 cricket, ever wicked, 'Art so little, black and tine." We have the extreme pleasure of announc ing Chat, owing td the most urgent request' of nut aerous families, the manager of the Thea tre kindly consented to give our citizens another opportunity of witnessing that most beautiful, yet thrilling and affecting play, en fatted E I ANCHON, THE CEICICET. It Will com pose the bill for this evening's entertainment. Miss Fanny B. Price will appear in her groat charac4r!of.Fsachmt. All who saw the piece performed on Friday and SaAnrday evenings, -Al 'bit * certain to titteiriel-r tight, and those ,who,ware not present shoal d go,. as we Gan assure them that it is the most interesting - drama ever played in our eit3r. With 'the fine cast found in the bill, 'and the appropriate costumes, etc., of the .comps ay, ianciion is rendered magnificent beyon d description. Mrs Nellie Sprague will appear as Old Fadet, the Witch of Cease, a part th at she sustains admirably. lifesarit. Meeker Ind Souse ap pear as the Twin Brothers, wk. ille Mr, Fisher dons the farnicif's costume a nd reprooTts. old Fattier Barbeaud. In, the pOUree of ,MO entertainment the Shadow Da ace, the BLIP pole Dance, the Festival . Song; and Chorus, and the Cricket's genuine pet the runaway— will be introduded. Go to Brant's HA' this evening and g e t double the worth ,of yoni money.- Don't'' "forget to take y Isdiee ; along. Secure your seats by pure/ arising tick-' ets at Bannvart's Drug Store duf ing the dap: ON:rwr Paocainkums.—Thelowing cases : . , have been tried since the close of 'our reppl, of yesterday ' ' , Gora6, , wealth vs, Daniel Potteiger; 487 sault miff "battery: "didict, _ • • Commonwealth.m. Mary ~ Itaigeir_laritaiiy. Guilty. Commonwealth Vs. 'S'egonicin Bowerman and Hergy_Hooyery mat! A and Anittery. '• Guilty. Commonwealth vs. , , curbs Manson, alias Strafford; larceny. builty. This, case was. optiainhed fyom Ageol:180. • • 4136mni°nwealt vs 'L. - 11.•Freese; keeping ba7r,al r batme Guitty. . * eonOtiOßW.iolth vs.Jas. Boyles; assault and battery. Or The Grar;iir ;11 it is found . true b,at in the foll Owing. wear' "• - - - Ange . Cidlarer , bigamy; Catharine Gaiter, bigamy Benj. Loi _ituiecker. assault and bat keeping adisorderlY house; -I , ”"s"soetgeu4'hee•:.,ping•a bawdy house ; John markatardt lakble y ; Michael Foley, assault and battery ; nose, _ larceny ; Jackson littutesi.siven; M and G eorge ,IdOcer. sault and ba zi ifamen Boyles, assardt'and 4 ° Wall, beeping a disorderly . __ TWilefe4M.o%; to Pbtet . . toilt oar, consp r iracy to n; mooaniel &By, assault and battery. HA 102811171301 , Firma s Stuntsur. --The open. , rag of the fall' ssssicitel. this excellent inati tnEion is announced in giir advertising eel urans. Persons having daughters to educate will find this Seminary one of the best in the country. Por further particulars, Beg adver tisement. ' d&rit-lt I=o=l . „ Fos Ssran---An elegant building lot, Situat ed on Third street above North, 21 feet front by 131 feet in depth, running.' to a2O feet wide alley. For particulars enquire at au9-dtf THIS OFFICE. Volunteers Wanted, For the "First City Zonaves." Term of ser vice one year. Thir highest cash bounty paid, in addition to $lOO government bounty. Call at company Headquarters—Eitchange Building (np - stairs,) Walnut street., Harris burg, Pa. JNO. B4BITZER, , Captain. Anll-dt£ • 200th Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers for One Year's service -is filling up,very fast. All officers recruiting, for this regiment will put the No. of the regiment (200th) on the enlisting papers and rolls. Col. Diven, late iaj. of the Penna. Reserves, will com mand and lead the regiment• to the field, and a more brave and competent. officer never en tered the service. All infortnation' concern ing the regiment can be obtained by calling on or addressing Z. Orem, Recruiting Officer, Regimental Headquarters, on Third• street, adjoining Herr's Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. aul7-tsepl Lochiel Greys One Years Service. A few more men wanted to fill up this or ganization. $5OO local bounty paid, $lOO Government, making $6OO bounty. Men will go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as mustered in. Rally men, and avoid tha.eatm- Mg draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be 7. tween Third and Fourth streets, Harrisburg; Pa. W.A.DEAN, 4 apt Lieats. Theodore G. Thomas; Itokruiting Officers. att9Ttf The Best Way to Avoid the Draft Enlist in the new infantry regiment, now forming for one year's service. $525 local bounty, $lOO Government bounty. Serve With your friends and neighbors in a company of your own choice. Recruits will immediately upon enlistment be mustered into the 'United States service, and receive subsistence and clothing. Recruiting office at the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa. . JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Captain, Late Lieut. Co. A, 127th Reg P. V. J. 'that's, Mustering Officer. SPECIAL NOTICES. Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Millie, and War Claims, genendlk, made out and collected. Per. tens residing at a distance can have their businceS trans acted by mail, by addressing BUGENBSWPDICR, Attorney-at-La_ ,w art.ely Mitt street. HarrisbarX 're COLGATE' - 8 iItiNEV - A3CIAP. This celebrated Toilet SOap,,in sung ativeitai[de. wand, is made from the choicest tioaterish, is Iliad sad emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented* and extremely beneficial in its action awn the akin For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers haw twirl) • - . I DO YOU WISH TO 'BE CURED! DR. BUORAN'S 'ENGLISH srockno PILLS mire, In less than 30 days, the weal 'cases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness. Insan ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affection; no matter from what cause pralneei Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, poet-paid. by mall, on receipt of as order. One Box will perfect the cure in most CUM. Addreae JA. YES a BUTLER,: . lyls-d&w3m General Agent an Broadway, N. Y.' Bannvart% Troches. For the owe of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, Asc., are. s specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons *hose vocation Galls them to speak in pnblio. illismiaotemd only by O. A. Bannvsrt = dc Co. ' Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addrdased. Sold by &twist every wheie. Bead the following testimonials from some of our entimmt clergymen: : 4 - amiantus% Feb. Bth; 1864 i, 0. A. Batorvearz—Dear Sir: have titled Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for "hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own 99 9 most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving: in time of need, most effectually. , Tours truly, T. 11. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian phttrehi, 'PI agree with,:ldr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0: OATULL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. Eurausstraa, lan., 1 64: To Q. A. Banwvanw—Derre Sir: In th 8 of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very muUh taxed, I have found the need of some gentle exPeeko rant, and that want.haa bean supplied in your excellent Trbches.. I consider them very . far imperior to y Lozenges Lozenges that I have ever used,,-in 're'MOing, speedily that hnskiness of the .1 - nice arising from its too frequent Ase, and , impairing th effectiveness of the deliverY of public! ac dresses.' Youre, dr.c., - WALKERZLOSSON. Pastor: of the LOOLISt fit. -Methodist Ohincin To C. A. Bs.mmunt---Dear Biri Having Pile( your Trochee, am free to say they' are the best I have ever tried and take grlstt e ta in recommending them to allpersdne afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of -mice arising from public- or or slash*. You, &o,s RAIRSTRLWI NatitOtf:" ill er Cll L ' a ia * X ea te t74 4 6 ••• - s j . "t? Afro WPMelisl o 10444:- BaL" lv . %Pia Yr i p m - ''' • : 114. ` re 741PAPg h in afrOgftrww . the tuniiblea of the thioat:May zmpaitifitithess to the voice, and are certainly of gTeat bens at Wall public speakers. ' A. J. PLETItt HAIR DYE! HAIR DTH.2 nateheler , s Celebraitid Hair Dye . IS THE. ROT IN TIER WORLD. The only Harmless, Aire and Reliable Dye Known.( This splendid Hair Dye Is perfect--changes Red, Oray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or without injuring the Flair or owning thq:Skin,.leav,ing the Hair soft mut beautiful ; impairs fresh vithlia tt fresuently restoring Its pristine color, and' rectifies the - ill effects of bad'Dyed The genuine is signed WILIAM& A. BATCH UDR. All others are mere- imitations, and should. be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &a Factory-81 Hat ' OTAY ST, N. Y. mAromos's loan =LIS 102 DINNING tHli Hilt • ja23lr SELLING of Summer Goods at low prices, each se Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, EWA Umbrella, Lace abawie, and Summer tttawiia - We nave Also on hawks very large assortment at idualhis, We* Gibg.• hams; Waking; Handkerchiefs, Black ilki, l'/ White Hambrick Undressed Fracas Cambria, White and Colow4lrlanuela; '4114 in fact aup t sortmeut - Wdry - Oida tioranrpasked bfany. ' To air of which we inZhbas who wish to purchase, wad promise to aoll:at I riaes than we Can MONO them for again. As all kinds of dry goods every dayi - now is the thilif a kabuy. LEW T. . Agents Wanted TIN EVERY COUNTY— to sell a new article that evorybody wants, Tbreehundred per cent. gUarars teed. No capitalnquiied. Addn ea aug23.d3t* J. 0 TILTON', Pittsburg, Pa. Shoemaker Wanted To work on a bench in a store where he will re p 1 asantly situated, and wages good. Aprry at lat East Market street, Harrisburg, l'a, ang23-42w* JOHN KOSER. AGOOD GIRL immdiately. Liberal wages. Family of two... Apply at J. B. EWING'S LAW OFFICE, Third street, 4th door a.y,ve Patriot & Union Mee. am32o-dtf WANTED!—Three or four HOUSE CAR PENTERS. Apply to W. H SIBLE, augl6•dtf ^ - Corm Sixth and Walnut streets. WANTED , ---At $154 per Month.--We want a reliable Canvasser in every county. We have agenls making $l5O por month which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Address - JONES BROS. ,1; CO., .428.1 m Baltimore, ltd.— GOVERNMENT SALES, isz,C; nIIARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF FIOE, Dmaiort, Wasantor - N, D. C., Augu.t IT, 1884 Wlll be sold attrOlie to the highest bidder at Glesboro, D. C., on FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1864, ONE HUNDRED TO ONE HUNDRED AND Flizr. CAVALRY HORSES. Them horses have boon condemned as unfit for cavalry service of the army. F r road and farming purposes miny good berg/LUIS may be had.. Horses sold singly. Terms cash, in United States currency. By order of the Quartermaster General. l ~., . _,, , fihillgi .A. EKlti, an 1944) Colonel In charge - Virg Melton WIC D. . U C AUCTION SALE t • „. O . N WE 1111 qt 11 iYit'SJE WAR DEPARTMENT, CAVALRY BUREAU Oppwz OP COMP QUARTE WARRINGTON, D. C., August 3, 1864. 'WILL be sold at public auction, to t.. 110 higheatbidder, at the times and places named. be. low. via: Readlng, Yernisylranla;Thilsdiyilrlip64lB, 186 Altoona, Pennsylvania, Thursday, Amrust. 25, 1864. Leb non Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 1, 1864. narrisburg, Pete.sylvaals, Thursday, September 8 1864. WWO HUNDRED- (9C11)) Cavalryy gorges at each place. These Horses have! teen condemned ,as unlit for .the Qkvalry seivice,..of the Army. - For road and farm purposes many good bargain, may be had. • Horses sold singly. TERMS: CASH in United States; Currency. • JAMES A. HUN. au6-dtsB Lt. Col. and 0. Q. K Cavalry Bum!. avozls-tf For Register. AT the solieiretion of numerous friends, mn HENRY faiiiDADAVGD,Lf.. of Ha-risbu, a catthi'dati . ior the r g above,Corner:, subject to M 4 ,docisien of, Abu Voion Convostion of Dau phin C° lll,l l. , • ••; 01 6 4 31* ' l, 2lolViconorsisom :OW , Dauphin County. augladin cc JOHN FOX, of this city, offers himself as a candidate for REGISTER of Dauphin county, sub jea to:the' deohtion ortheiXlfileni:County 'Convention. Having bad seventeen you's experience in the business of the office, he pledges himself to give. satisfaction If elected. aulf..d&wte CLEORGE-11E&B.S, of South Hanover town -3,..a in As t o ie ffers himself' as a candidate for the office of Rik; of Deephin'county r ''' If 'elected. Mr. mart itat,teild • Lt totaifortk • the, dinita-cd:'said Glace with • . - - • Jert.daw!a CANDIDATE FOR CORORRSIL" Kimura% ra., Jam 9, 1884. ryillE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Etepublicana of the 14th CongresaiPnal Dla trict of Pennsylvania, composed of toe counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder,; tot nomlnittlott by ike Wept; cou nty_ commotion' of the Mild District: WM. -• • " .rosiAh FSPY. RIIDOLPH MILLER, of East Han.ovek township, offers himself as a candidate for the office or *gluier: If nomiume4 , 'snd elected 'be . 1) edges him self to.futill , the hirthe tiffios With fidelity:: ie2s-d2wwwtc* RUDOLPH MILLER. • . • . • ' Pietictiaai Watch `lllairer, Ho. a Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN lITNE.WATORES, CSA . , • !NOS, SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE, PLATED WE,, TEA SERVICES,' • • • • • .• AND ALLEINDSDFIERWAY. Has etaudastly css fritiq , lirEt:l : oo4l4l. and eNisally -assorted stock ," • ' -• , • • SETS.. FINE SILVER WARM AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS IVATDROSS Bath ta W 4 sad Sayer (Ana Also; ibis sMortai&lot LADIES' WATCHES Mutual, on hand. A LAMB OP ELEGANT C.lLocs.s, Of all descriptions* ,tier whir+.*ll aemoieje. the 40 MAW CAW PRICE& '• tar Can and snausine Ouilbeds ; • Pa:wader attention pudd Witteiltk, such ma Chronometers, Dap's: sad other celebrate - 11r Watches, and all kind, of Jewelry neatly repaired. None bekthe moot complain t Fork:mos msployed, and the Whine matter and** inj own personal supervision. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, , marasi . No. 62 Market it - Ming Rrant's,Ma6L THE DAVI BOSHNELL MINING COMPANY 20,1zOsanatsuputaz, num ionz. • THE attention of the public is called to the lo*orttateraliffired thiit to oo tliallY for Profitable investment. The extenlantesgss4 its G 0 X. 4 1:1 Di IDT ES, • - coupled With it proems for working them, make it the mostdosirable pirtipettgtevet 'offered to the public. Detailed itapnaßticop m in word to its extpotae4 pros_ iabe aid le:lge'dtace, or the undersilad, Icent of the company who will resolve miliseripttons to stock; JOHN W. HALL, est., Oillee Third street, near Walnut, Harrisburg, augenlmawlin R SALE, - ATEN-HORErpower steam engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pampa and he var complete; oscillating:engine and cylinder boiler, realm se tureo by Joel Waldo*, patent Improved oscillatiug bn gine builder. May bppeon at Canal shops, foot of Wallet street, Harrisburg. For terms, oc. eniitireet Canal office, Market stritet, near United States Rotel. 1804 1Y23-4 QP/SJED utYltil:4o.—txtni tine Baltimore °Pm, spiced, lifin rived at, JP) ••• kannlE & KOERPER. ALL kinds of liatdip' . g with wagons or oarttC will be pruttqdle by caning os Jat,l)B lIRENNER, CSelOnd street and Meadow Lams 3y21 rerner PRMBlL—afty- LA firkins fine ketile rendered LAREllpfor Bale by the Arkin or pound, jhet solved is ElylStro BOYER & ICOERPERi 'MEW MAO: HA EBBING AND ell 1.1 YON at Dry4l HOUR k =urn = WXNTS. WANTED ! CANIJOIDATIES. REGISTER. FOR REGISTER. FOR REGISTER. :~_. =1 , qr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. TIMM Se.oretary of the Treasury . giro notice Li'"that subscriptions will he rec./Tea for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from baguet 15th, 18 . 64, With semi-annual Interest 'at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annuizi—ptincipal and Interest both to be paid in lawful money. = • These notes tyillbevehtititible - at the option of the holder at matirritY into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor mote than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. Th 4,7111 be issued in denominations of ;00, ti 00; $5OO. $l,OOO and $5,000, andall subscriptions rapist be for fifty dollars or some - 'Multiple of fifty • The notes will be thatu*ners tfree•of- transportation charges as . soort after the receipt of the original Certific:.tes of De posit as they can be prepared:- interest • As the notes draw from August 1.5, pligorelinaking deposits subsequent,443 'that de - f4 d irufstqdiernterest accrued from date of 1:if:4404a ?fdeposit. . - Parties depositing tuventy-five thousand dol lartrand upwards for these' notes at any one finis will be ' allowed coinn:iission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid tby the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a hill,for'. - tlis" . anto . tint, certifietl' to, by the officer with whoin the 'deposit ; was mide. No deductions for commissions6must be made from the deposits.- • Special is dvaiitagei of this Loan. 1T IS A NATIONAL, Bialaw4lljugc, offering a higher rate than any other, and bst security. any savings bank which page its 'depositors in U. S. Notes, cotisidets that it is paying in the. bestAiirculating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its assets are either ' in government securities Or in notes, r bondspayable in government his equally convenient as a temporary or permanent mve4tMent. '!he notes can al ways be sold for within,a - fraction of their face and accumulated. interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterals for dis , counts. Convertible into a 6 per Cent. WO Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for tkree years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent. premium, and pe fore the war the premium on six per cent. 11. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at tLe present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. its factuptioa from State or Municipal But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempts all bonds and 2', eatery notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. pot annum, according to the rate of taxation invarious parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements. to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the . faith xtr ability, of private partigs, or stock c'orikpaides, or sepatate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations, 01 the United titatiat. " most liberal the Governriaerit 'offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongeat appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism ot i the people SUBSCRIPT/OHS WILL HE RECEIVED by he Treasurer of the United - States, .at Washing ton. the, several Assistant, Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by all the Na tional bataLS waich are • depositaries of public -money, and all*Pactable banks and bankers thrimghout the notuitry,will giv4i further in formation , and afford every facility to sub scribers.' larp.9-dAw:2la SALES. OF ItEAL ESTATE,: Providence Farm U B .L. I C ,A L 4- • On Flitcreist 'Sept either '1864. TOrAvINCI detinuiieCto relinquish busi ne-s, the undersigned wi.l r for sale. on [the p ..ises, in Lower Allen township, Cumteiland couety, reneayreaqui, onihe,lidointiu 23,pd, onmil of ke chaniesfinig, and :even - miffs treat of flarrisbdtr; lowing valuable real estate : a RAGS 01 LAND, wall krie r wn as " P ovi lens P.m," containing RIM acres 'eve ortinich are well cov. red with thriving Muer, and ihe balance are- in a high State of cul tivation and un4er good fencing ; The improvements consist ureategsnew: - • • TWO-S LallYgg W. K . G, Wash House, Bank 13ant; isleraust House withal! neve sdy outbuinlingui:. Thdre . are also. two wel a of creverl failing wider, and two large cisterns near the building 4 with_a fine plug ~- 4.PP.C2 VIAND . PEACH 0.806 , RD • 41 du ilreMiE436 , ' b esidess a grearvatlety of smati Fruits, soon as Grapes, Plum* fears;therries, &c. • The In, provements on leis property are entirely new, ant of the mo.t approved style. The is.d - is of superior quality, and its proximity toe flourishing town render- it one of the most•oesinible home.' in Cumberland Vii ley; Yemenis &siring to•view this propertycprevions to the sale; wlkrease call on the subscriber; residing on the Afar tidal° commteee 411 O'clock m.„ when terms wilt be made Intown-by: • , ' IMEY ItUFF. aug23-dire4 • • • • , PUBLIC SALE. .011T.FRIDAT, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1864: iiitlbSorthers, agents for the heirs. of Frederick Wonderly, Sen., late of Mechanicsburg, Pa.,deinf, will Sell on the premises the following valurible real estate, viz: A tract of Limestone Land containing 87 acres and 68 peFelio; all clear, in a Wei state of cultivation and under good fencing located In Silver spring township; Cumner ia24 c0!4044,ga., 0f0.04414, West of. liechanicelnug near leaning from Mitt - plane to Carlisle. The Improve ments are a good 2WO-ST(44r SOUS:X, A 14,90 D. BANK BARS; wagon sklid;corn . allthei necessary outbuild ings.' Th4esle also two wells of , never-failing water on the farm, one of which is near die, door; an orchard of eholostrult, and limekiln on the . premises: The land has been all limed. The proximity_ of , Cm property to the enterprising town of Mechanicsburg, - always affording an exceilent market for the products of the farm, renders it 111,1tiy destrabln - - At toe same time and place, a tra• t of Mountain Land, situated in Silver epnug township, Cumberland county, containing 10 acres add 14 perches, easy or access.. Persons desiring to view the property.previous to the Bal.- , will please cut on George Wouderiy, residing on the farm, or W. 11. Wonderly, r sluing in Mechanicsburg. Side to commence al 2 fclock, ft At., when terms will be made known by GEORGE WoNDKALY, - - . W. U. WON DiJU.S. Agents p a r the heirs of J. F. Worbderly, decd StilMdtsepir 111111RUAITKIN PIAINSILVAAIII . HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT ktamisaurely August 11, 1064. W=STATE MEDICAL =BOARD of nov.L. vania will meet in 'PAtabltrg, on' MONDAY, the of August, 1161, and continue during the week, to examine candidates for the,post oflitglical Officers; in Penuitiliania RegipleaLfi t _ Physician's Of• refitteylvanla, in good health, furnishing satisfactory testimonials as to moral charitmer,:/e4 will be admitted to the extunifthialett -The room in which - the examination will be held *ill lie indicated in the Pittsburg twrimg.papers, on the day • of meeting. • " By order °tithe Governor; ' ' . • , JUlijfai A. PkiI.UPS, Saloon General aulti•dtd , ; . pennbytcania. Private -Stile. A_7_ . _4x,v4BLE,.. - =tacky Black Hawk 11011 . 11 QM* ree,64111. lie is five years of 1, qui!, q 1 : ltd or-ailitit ',erred 11 , gentle, one will nasiso,art :MAUS Duaiky_aorse, _For . panic—dare eaquire-of - • , orsol . ,Nmktijilowso, - • * *l :00. ii - ttVapt-,QU.IigAjcIPPPOW - . ~ W p Che f test ' yeatat & M 7 13a0301111111 ta W. Dock, Jr., ar, Taxation. AMU SEX_ENTS. BRANT'S HALL t- BRANT's RJLL NINTH IfIGHT Or Bouse'a %tar Combination Company, Rouse's Stsr Combinatton Company - , Rouses Star Combination Company, WEDNESDAY EVERl:46;‘,Ailev:24th .... ggir In compliance wilh numerous written requate.front - tawny of theprinctpat rand lea or HarrDaMirtre mainagensept itave concluded to give one More r presentation, and _ ...i ' , 1-.. Most APoiltivel) , the . Lait Night af . te r -..., . .. F.`anchon the Cric et f Inwhich MISS FANISY B. PRICE mill appear For further particulars see programme aug9-elf • SANFORD S HALL. THIRD MEEK OP THE CONTINENTAL. COMBINATION CDMPANY, ON MONDAY JULY 25, 1864. THIS company consists of the best star per formera, consisting of SINGERS, • • DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, • OYMNA.STS, &C. The manager tskr& Veasure In announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the City. HARRY WELLS & Proprietora. Ilg.tx Foams, Business Agent. Jy221.04 CANTE.IitEraTIVIC WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor .... Rumness Agent.... Stage Manager Leaderur Oreheater OPEN every night with a first-waits coin pally of male and female artiste& The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, each as SINGING, Nunez: PAMS. DANCING, COMIC OPERAS, PANTOMIMES, NEGRO CO.ll IOALITIE:, BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private boxes 50 cents. Doo a open at 7. To isommcnee at 8 o'clock. jy lkdLf MILITARY NOTLCE.S.: = THE BEST WAY AVOID THE DRAFT .1 ENLIST The New Infantry Regiment NOW FORMING FOR ONE YEAR'S SERVICE. PROMS4SO -TO - $5OO LOCAL BOVArr $lOO GOVERNMENT BOUNTY! sir-These are the highest bounties paid in this city SERVE with pour friends and. neighbors in a COMPaIIY of yogrown choice. Recruits wilfbutne diate y, up .11 enlistment, b+ must red taw the II & set , vice, and receive eubetstence and clothing.. . • Recruiting office at the Court, House, Harris. burg, Pa. • • JOHN T. ENSMINORR, Captal Late Lieut Co "A," 127th Begt, r V. WILLIAM J. ADAMS, Mustering Officer. HEADQUARTERS YOB. DRAFTED MEN, SUBSTITUTES, AND VO VON TEERA AT 115 South Seventh St.,Secondfloor , Room No. 10 w rrafted Men from the City or any bort of the State will be furnished with zubsthutes at short notice, and on liberal terms, W Hen Enlisting, either as Substitutes pr Volunteers, tti.Lreceiva the as geet noun lea, which- will• be pied to tit,m in cash as soon as muste,ed in ; , Agents will be Liberally paid at Otis Office.L - • - W. D.: HAVENS. attl34l . Philadeigna. DR AFT::: PRil.O. - DELPH/A. - :9,trARDS!! COL. 4. A. 'scams., $5OO BOUNTY! For one year's ser Fi e only. lien mutt rei immediately and paid ea- ti down $4OO. Come einglY, or i. l &Pm's. Any pe son brmgme 20 men wi.t be comminnoned a Second Lieutenant; 25 men a Finn Lieutemtnt;lU,nien Captain. - The above will be executed to Hie teller. Apply to Col A. A LECHLER, Heakuarlers, 611 Chestnut et, .plght . auglo Gaaar 9/800VIST Useful and Valuable • Discovery. Hll LTONIS INSOLUBLE CEMENT of iboin general . practical chilly than any invention now befotie the public. It hoe oeen thoroughly-tested during the hat two-yearn byy phietiml men, and propounowl by all tirfil •supgarolt A29 , r wdbeelveltepanitionn.knoWn. App tO noofollitL &MOS% Ineomus amine! ib r new -him end the reessit , iif , yeare of study; Its combination 11011 - - A new Ibis& /Scientific Priadigii, And under, no, circumstances or change 'of 'temperature, will it be mme creme or, Mrdi,uny ogensive sue& lin combination BOOT dIVD SINS Manufacturers ring Maetnues p will Ond it -the. bast arneleArnoijos as Cementing for the Channels, it)trorks without delay, is not Weal, fly any change of temperature. 800% gild Shoe Mlu ; •urauturevii. JEWELERS t Will find it sulficiently 'Oho/lire for heir use, as has been proved: . Jewelers. ais Especially adapted to Leath*: And we claim as ,au ,r , pw'al merit, tat it Woks 'Patchat to Boot, and ihoee eafficdently • strong Without families. Ll`Vl7/15 ; E it'ja a liquid. extant that is allure thing for !tann ing Tannin% • " QieelrY. toyd, Bone". rj And articles of spliffiLok i u ß -REAM 1 Hamon's InsoLuars. Gramm Is In • liquid form and ai easily op plied ag punt., 'Mason's lasormn* paste oin• linfflon'a INBOLUBLI CEMENT Adhowle efly minatancet. Si • •• • in Vain or Ifiauffas a flainelal from 2 ommeolio 10 ) Remember. BILTON BROS. 8i Pro rttra, Phia. LAI! & IL4BIIINIB. is Jewati infmtivg, - Mieshener I—et-reeeivek - thi %JP Cci., Fresh gaigßog TURK Reef' Rad Tctiggil,at saga ..4. . saisLER4/. -- IR. Wr Shislob auccessora to W. Dora, jr,. a Co., have on hand 85 GIAMOII hickory baskets. Price $5 50 per done. je9 ... J. IL DONNN. - JOE MILL ..ANDY BARRY MEATAYNN G. ILIDLNK /its the only
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers