THE TELEGRAPH _ _EVAND T G, _'- GEORGE BERGNER. OEMS THIRD sr., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBS eiti.l,4`lON SDIGLE SUBSCRIPTION, Ti PATIN TIMIGRAPII is served .to ,subscribers in the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly inbscrlbers will be charged $6 00 in advance.- Thoae person:l who neglecttc pay in advance wilrbe charge 4 woo. M:UMY TUE MIXGRAPHIIS absopubliaMdwdelOy, and Is furnished subScrpier ff at the - fblTiNtng cash rates copick, Weekly_ Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies Post nee, N IV ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT ,; SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW COST. MRS. N. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, B EING desirous of closing her Summer Stock of Blillinery.Goods, offers for sale at greatly re laced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS, &C: Constantly on hand a splendid assortment of SILKS VELVETS, LACES, • RD TIES, 11.)0P SKIRTS, CORSETSROSIgItY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLO ES, COLLARS, COFF's, BELTS, NETS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do well to call, as great bargains can be. had at wholesale. ' jel4 '13% CLOAKS, • CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING & SIMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, - NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in .wery color and hand comely trimmed, from $7 50 to slb. • 1000 .S.ll‘. CIRCULARS, SACKS ANP BASR.I3, Handsumety and flatly trimmed, from $lO tip Ward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY% my2s Millinery and Fancy Goods. MliB. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market Square, next door to Confectionery, keepa constant& ly 41 hand the latest styles of B. , nnets, Bats,- Ruches, Flowers, nibboas, &c., together with a fine assortment Of Dress Trimmings, Laces, Embroldenes Collars Gat, liandkerchiets, Hosiery t Gloves and Variety Goods to wineral. 4.11 the latest Designs of Dress Patterns direct from the New Turk samara. Dress and Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for thu patronage bestowed since her claming, she trusts, by a strict atteuthm to business and her endeavors to give acueral ,atisfaction, to continue to receives snare oi the public patronage, bl-dato CJECICP4TAJLI . Z.JED CONCENTRATED. 'LEMONADE, I S' a 'pleasant, healthy beTerage Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its porta..ility recommendi3 it b travelers. • IM-convent. nce at pie-nic:t will be apromated. likisegar requited; one table-smandul simply dissolVed tea glass of cold water and it is mine. KILLLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jell No. 91, Market street.. NEW 1111LADELY111A. C lEJO4K IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, - Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES, OP tuiIIONABLE CLOAKS AND OIROULA.RS7 AND ••• . FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will opeifou the Ist of ApriL • [mar2l-dly Psoioer htitinflal.'B OFFICE, 14711 DlSTintrr; JELtenisennO, Pa., Juno 6, 1864. o DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed by A. • Lieut. CoL J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Marano. General, by his Ocular, Ntt fal, of June 4, 1864, to pub. bah "moat drafted mon are not allowed to enlist as vomit leers after being (tufted; and that the amnia for drafted Men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has or has not been paid to such men, upon enlistment." JNO. KAY,OLEttiCiiT I • Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th DIsl; 's. Jed-dtt . • - _ Steam Weekly to Liverpool. 7110 ACHING at QUEENSTOWN, (COrk Hat t nor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are In tended to sail as follows: Caty of Baltimore, t-aturday, August 27 ; Etna Satur day, tioptemeer 3 ; tdiuburgh,, Septe.bor 'lO, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, .North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, Illi'LLlll.ll Ea GOLD, on rrs souvremisnr IN croassirol. Orloff CABIN SBO 001 STE.E.HatIE • $3O 00 •so Landon 65 001 do to London 34 00 40 30 'Paris 06 00j de to; Pans' 10u 010 So Illumburg.....i:so 00 • itu , ...40. natannsg..... a 00 pasemagera also forivard to, Navre, Branum, Rutter. dam, Ln.twerp, Ito., at equally low rum - - Fares Crum 'Liverpool or Queenstown: 14 'Cabin, $76, $O6, $lO6. Steerage, $B6. Those wOo wish to send foi Sbetr friends can buy tickets here at these rates.- - Ifor further information apply artba Company's Moss JOAN 4 DALE, Agent ) 16 Droadway, N. Y. or 0 211INERMAN, Harrisburg. 1f23-dp PIAINUS. ALBRECHT, RIERES & SCHMIDT'S EXidErH' EIOR PIAN'OS, SOLE AGENCY AT W. .E.YOCIIES, 93 Slarket street, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly butisfactory to' _l2 MYSELF]. have whoa the agency of the above ram excellent Pianos. The public is invited to come and ex amine for tneunlelves. A few Sobvuoiolicer & Co's Plano* on bend yet will be dam low. „ enar_244l PHOTOGiIt APR ALBUMS Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. # Photograph Albums. PhOtOgraph Albums rrispe largest and cheapest variety of &HO IOGRAPS ALBUMS el the city ire constantly kep (*Min BERGNER% CHEAP BOOKs'TORE. SOLE—AGENCY FOR THIS 'CITY, to offer to the public a large atarapien arasaortment of SUPERIOR :GOLD PEI i s • ) maatificturad by • ! LEBOTW:. AgGflfLp. 'numb= are wail flziehad, elastic, and will • wive en tice altiliao4lol4 • - - • • . -: • scatExaSlOS %MOB STOltry labbistraet, opposite Preabytetian Cburqa, Jibrrisbirx Pa arm SALMON.—Fine salt Salmon, at nu` 13111,SLER ai FRAZER. , Ar, _ .. , • ~. . . . . .. :, ' ,-- '', '. •'' "+ i I ' • .- ' -.', -; I/I ii - '-‘, . ' • • . . . . _ ...- . .. . .4., ....„.........,...„ ~, .%iwi/ii!t_-=---f•i i - - • . . .... . .. . .. . _ ~.....:,_ .... z . . _ .. •: . -. ', - 7 ' ~ - -;• .-.• :-. . : ~. ~,,;.- 114 - ..:(7. `I ---- __-: .:. . . . 'co . 1 170 . . _ ~".• _ . It - i .11 7 71 - 11;7 - -7 - 4 - 4 e. ----;', -- ; ; 11 -: : - :-.: . --: .. ' . - .., 1::. . - -: , . ...- . - . -- ,,, - _ ---- I -- TAL ~--,-.41_ --, i., •. • ~; -- - . . ... . • , - - • ' . ..-• ' - - ~. , $1 60 4 00 10 00 Bg SEOROB IEIB NEW kDVERTISEMEATTS. Northern . Central- Railway. lIBLIC NOTICE Ili 'hereby given thatthe P FREIGrit aria BAGGAGE deiiribod in the follow mg list remains unclaimed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company at Harrisburg. Con signees are hereby notified to coins forward, pay charges, and take their property away, or the same will be sold according to law, J. N. DU BARRY, Gen'l Supt. GMEBAL SUPERINTSNDENT'S OITICZ, - AtFOOST 15, 1864. No 1, " Williamspbrt and Harrisburg check 443, ore blank trunk No 2, Elmira and Harrisburg chtok 20, one box, Lieut A-II i I ler, Harrisburg No 3, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 20, one box No 4, no check, one boa, J Barran, Lockport, Niagara Co, NY No 5, no check, one box, Lit ut A Scott, Harrisburg No 6. no check, one box, no marks No 7, no cheek, one box, Jacob - Weaver, Pittsburg • No 8, no check, ono box, rtouben Porringer, Balta.' wissa No 9, no check, fair leather trunk, do No 10, no check, one box, Capt Phillips, Harrisburg No 11, no check, black B trunk, SJ, St Joseph's acade my, Phila . ._, .1%0 12, no check, fair farther trunk, n mar ks ' • No 13, no check, fair feather trunk, Copt Lyman, Har risburg . . N 0 .14, no 'check, black leather trunk, no marks ,N 0.15, no (heck, bin k leafier trunk. no marks 4 . No 16, 1.0 check, ono box, Jno McGee, Harrisburg No 17, no check, one box, Coo L Stephens, Harriaburg No 18, no check, one box, Newport station, P K K No 19, no Check, ono box, RAWL Robison, PlulaJolphia ••No 2A, no check, black trunk, Jno Gemmel, Lewis town, Pa Kb 21, Danville and. Harrisburg check 512, fair leather': trunk, Wm B Barber, Milton, Pa . • -'• ' - Nu . ...2, no cheek, black trialk, no marks No 23, no cheek, lair leather trunk, W S Scott, Bunts lie, tihio • • • • Nu 24,- do check,' fair leather trunk; Rhos 'McDaniel No 25, no eti ck, back trunk, Sarah No 26 no check, black trunk, G S Axel, Bingbarop , ton, N Y . , No 2t, Willianispott, and Harrisburg 'check 92, fair lea her valise, nu marks No 28, Baittniore and Harrisburg check 687, fair leather valise, uo marks - - • ~. No 29, tl'o , heck, fair loather valise, no marks , i No 50, no check, black trunk, Jno E Mont oe, Lannon- • ter, Pa No 31, no check, one box, Michael Trains, Allentown No 32, nu meek, one box„ no marks No 33, Scranton sail isburg check 259, one box , Nu 34,. no check, one box, Mrs plank, Prosperity, PA No 35, no chei.k, one box, Henry Will, Beading ' No 86, no chock, one box, no marks - No 37, no amok, b..,g of saddles, no marks No 38, no _check, saddle, Ignatius Fictomew, Palings • . station ' Nu 39, no check, black bag, no marks No 40, no ch ck, buck bag, Mary Foster, Harrisburg ' No 41, no cueck, blues osg, no marks No 42, no cueck, bin k-bag i mo marks No 43, uo cur ck, bitok b eg no , maks , Nci4-4, no chick, Lifie k bag, J'Oh.dao, Jersey Shore, Pa No 45, Wililatuepor4N9id likeiobicrg cneek 36, black bag * ,lty 2no marks -, tii 1,1 - '[..'-i... - - '''-- No 46, no ch • • • -. . '• a No 47, uu cuc: r''• :i.'i• 's' No 48, no child •,... I. _, ii., ,' i',_,,'' Nu 49, 110 C, '4. ( * . T ., -7, ; No 50, no . ;*- •.. , e,!; 4 3k,..' **lT , ' 1, , •, . No 51, no „A,...,-1-4 ,, ,.. , ; - 7: ,• -, , No 52, 110 'r" , ' ,l `. . L.r ., N•• • `lrC:" "1 -: i NO 51, no :,.. ..n'm ~ - c .,.- " : . 1 ,' .. .; ::i1f.t. , .„ ..' ' No 54. no clii" .. .- 1. . )7 ,'. -... ' 'Arkeatt ke K J Flonung,Stie'hund._4ll#lll; _.'- ,•- , • A L Babcocir - 1b41110,' - ''.:. :,..-'' - ' , ..k* . ' .: , " ' N Frazer,: i liviekbeif Fr',l - -,,- , :: , ,,iw'',..- . I) Faller, told:lM . '""';',144 .. -,,:,...._,,-1FE.,.-.,,,,,1 H Gllberc,, , a i'' , la 1 ,1 :! 45 t.i . :41 - , ' Nelson Bryne lit , 7'i'.t ;"`.?"' S Barkder, one bokrluddt''- '. -- - - iw. - . - - ~- , , B Hawkins, one giatiii# 2. ' , -. --, i,."...!.. , ••=' , _l mola:mid ar. B, one box - -and-riest ,-,....:-' r J Alb rt., ono barrel, terb - b fres Thos Hicaok, one Dux hardware' b o consignee, 204 brick, no m rks ' Is o consignee small box, no mai ks bo consignee, 44 &meta iron, no marks No consignee, package indigo No.Conslgneo, one box merunandise, Davidailmen, Ear risbifig. '8416 Or OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL'B.OFFICE• " . .:PROVOSTIHARSELAL'S OFFICIR, 14th Thartcr, HARRISBURG, i'a., Au gust 15, 1304. THE FOLLOWING 114 0 ,ireLATIOS OF th. Provost Marshal's Office i re published for the In struction and guidance of all p‘prsons int%eated, in order tbat, in lutuie, the pubic ne eh 'not be in doubt auto when, where and to whow, w apmy for information on mutters connected with thi s department. Ist The Board of Enro'Ament, convenes each day (Sun days excepted) in the mcper room at 10 o'clock A. sr. If businet* requires it, tb a . morning session will contain* till 12h; o'n'ock K,; the afternoon melons commence at 2u, o'clock and tontine till 8 o'clock P. K. In no ruse will exiundir.tions for disability be made agar day light. 2nd J. J. Weitzel, principal clerk to Board of Enroll. maul, will at a'a timed furnish information propeeto be furuinhed fror.n the records of the Board. Brd. A. F. Clapp, adjutant and special deputy, will be found. iu Mike room of the Provost Marshm. lie has a genemle,harge, aud can be applied to in all cases. 4111 Tl•.e Euroilwent Department is in charge of D. 3. Stuns. • 6th A. R. Eyster superintends the mustering satire cruitilig department, and tins charge or the records and lode connected therewith; also, whit enlistments into the "Veteran It serve °ems." • - • 6th R. E. QOM has ,charge of the clothing depart- 7th For inforination with reference to hories and property seized as the property of the Government, ap•, ply to Jehn E Heller, in the Mustering and Recruiting LI,o! p.,rtment. Bth For information with reference to Deserters and persons arrested, apply to same department 9th John Charters has charge of accoun.s, records,-&c.. 10th For information upon any sub.ect not above ape cifically designs ed, apply to the Provost Marshal, or ta Adjutant A. F. Clapp. - . tith. All clerks and employees are required to be at their vista for duty at 8 o'clock A. K. The office will be! eloseu. to.tbe public at 6 we:ea.:F. M. lerke and employees Are required and. directed to be polite, courteous and attentive mall persohaticing buSflusa in the rruvost Mare ndla Olen.. It is a duty and tik arum to eform and serve anoseWeguiriog infaimattoa or service, and if- any cleik or. employee rails in promp t attention or proptr courtesy, ha will be sconce discharged. Clerks end. Inept yeos are not permitted w reo irs fee or reward for services. rendered. if they do so, tbe penally will be immediate discharge. To offer such fee feud to receive it are equally high Muatemeauor a .•, Jx4). y CLMILStIT, Captain and Provost Kandla' 14th District Penn. The ,rnembers of the Ifoird. of Enr.flinent are J.rtut Kay Coptent,Trovost Llitiirsttal, Charles C. Rawly Corn inis.9l.ohat;,,S. T. Charlton, tiurgeon ; either of whom way cousulted stall -tones, during Mennen; hour; in m.tters e.dmectedltrith the business of the board. The Provost office is in Fourth Amok' op posite the Government' !lately. auglera Ita -roB B A R - A I N S HOSIERY, , . GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, - LADIES' HAIR, NETS, and . HEAD DRESSES, PERFUMERY,.. - _ TOILETatIiTICLEs, ". 0111 - tNCH LACE, a ! TISSUE VEIL i t ETO., liiiiNteMtar LOW - PRICES.. Everybody should moll it.enee, and 151011 great loth gains, at z Yrs. MAYER ! mita Off . No. 13 Market forgot QPIDELLOySTEIIB.---Zitta rine Nifitikeine kJ •%taws spiatileandlar Ale by Itiorpfiti F ctir a tianil Pirk, SHLSLF.ft . ;. 414ebeeParq, to W. Dock,l77Ro. NEW FISH.—New No. 1 and 2 YLackerel at (+ in Maw* half barrels and kiti and k rby =do V/ REGULATIONS THIS WAY =11:iE=Ill Ml= ."'' '- ‘2 HE IT N - 1 - 0 . N—Wki . W : .A:3 D F 0 .R p v .y, f!,-_-.-7.= Webster.. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY 'EVENTING, AUGUST 25, 18b4 NEW AbWHERTISEMENTS. COSTAR'S” „EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S” EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. .• "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. COSTAR'S" ,EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "OOSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERI4INATORS. 'COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTMMINATORS. ."COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "'WSTAII'S" EXTERMINATORS , EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTRRAINATORS: EXTERMINATORS. • , "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR& EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINAToRS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . EXTKRMLNATORS. "IX/STARS" EXTERMINATORS. lITERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EX.TERMINA'fO RS. "COSTAR'S' EXTERMIAATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS: • • EITIMMINATOM. KOSTAR'S'" EX'fraMINATOR& EXTERMINATORS. . .. • • • • or RAU, A tice,'Ronehee, Ants; rind Bugs, guns, moths •In Furs, Woollens, Insects on Plant., Foy tvls„ Andbmole, ete. '' • . ‘4ls y e st& Wished in N. Y. City." "Only Iranll ado remedies known." 'Free from POiSIMB." "Not demon. lin CC thil Hama nimily." "Rate name o ut, of their holes to die." tar Sold by all Drugg ,tstaewerywhere ' /arm Bswaas lII.t al worthless iptitatlons. • Costar,s Depot, No.' 482 llDradisty, N. Y. *Sold by . D. W. - 0110813 & CO., Wielesaie and retail agents. And by all Druggist's lu tarrisburg, Pa Jeio•daw3m JtTLIUBI ki OW4ENDALE, . -4 29 9 _ _ Practical and Scieotilic O'PrrICIA.N • No. 29 NORTH SECOND STREW, NEAR WAI,,NUT, HARRISBURG, PA, • , , , ; Parlicular attention to caged to the 'celebrated CaliCave ,oolo43X Crystal Spectacles, which are warted to' 'strengthen anti preserve the eyes of the wearer, and to Jsa from 10 C., ASyear . e . without change. . .... . . . LleA of prices sent free to auy direction. Condive and coliVes.les, het in steel frames, $4. Goicaviaud convek crystal /0111 . 1111: net in heet steal frames, $3. . . Gmcave and convex crystal lenses, set In ailverframes. S 5. Concave and convex crystal lenSeS,Bet In platina frames, Concave and convex crystal lenses, Set in gold fraud*, la to $25. , In ordering spectaclesbow state long glasses are use& Any pair of glas-es purchased; either here or sent to or. der, can be exchanged if not suited to the eye, ' Always an hand a huge assortment of Aeromatic croscop.s, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glasses, Thermom eters; Barometers, CoMpasses, Drawing Instrunihnis, and Sten °scopes, with the latest- views. ordend stamp for.a.tantitegue containing prices, &a, ago. . 1$ 01:1i E li/tit TOTIEN, 011 the Bth inst.:, 'from thilivery IJ ataele of the sebscrioer, i 1 Hairlsbnrg , - a ROAN et a.Rig, 9 yens old 1544 haws higb,. small star oil face, black mane and tail; - whitetaark oJ right hind, pasture; shows the white of „tier eyes when working or moving her hetit•,_' always pabes whoa under the saddle. Also,. a BUGGY, Painted Mack, atripAd white, letter g, on both! side panels, leather .cushiou and cop. Also, a sal of klAglslgsg. $4O reward will bepaid for the return of the stare, Bogly and Harness, or for such Information as will lead to their recovery, and the arrest of the thief. • aug9 dtf ' F. K.:SWARTZ. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS BY TEE NORTH . ERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. la accordance with the pinfisions of the new Internal . Revenue law, it becotnee netmesary mat all receipts given by this company for merchandise received `for transporta-: tion,sheuld INTERNAL REVENUrs; UAW oil the value of two cents, the expenses of, the same to be borne by the party receiving each receipts. All remit) e taken by this company for merchandise delivered to cOn Agnew / will be stamped by said company.. . Cons gimes ; requiring a recemt irom,the company, for money paid for freight (when eackiding twe n ty dollais,Y men affix the'stiMp. "--; J. N. DU BARRY, • General enpermtendent. Once of .Gederie•Supqrinteitdent northern Central Railway w., 'take., Aug. 16, 1864 . - aul6-2w sErlNET . *ykaas' 'with .the L i trm most Minions of all dkserta for the table; the light, eat and most gratehd aft for invalide and 'children, Yillc centains every element of the bodily conslitutton,% when coagulated with rennekit is always light add easy oi digestion, and supports 1.40 system, with the 108}3% possible excitement. Whenstiirgreater nutritive power is desired, cream and, sugar may be added.. d. teaspoonful converts a quart at mink into a arm curd. Prepared and sold r Wholesale and retail by 8. A. KUNKIL, ,lel6-Sf . . ; . ..118 Market street. , PW3..fAC Nona lidiehy given; that int pursuance of the eta of Aaieribly of-Pennsylvania, passed the drataity on.hitie,lBosS, thestoulthoWnie pf the trrardaui Omit,. of Wastungtoh,renua4 will apply to the will 6010141 of the Legislature for .a renewal of its chit? ter, With au increase of as cepa/11 . 11ton $150,000 to $200,000. REED,Avesideut Wane's:woe, PA.,..lune 24,.1884..-..-je2T VIPLILY -FLOIJR.--BHISLER 4 j: F►taZER have made arrangements with one of the oust mills In the country to supply too Tamil es of Harris ourg with cuoice MOOR. Evety barrel warranted, and delivered to any part of the city free of charge. SiIISLED. 8 FuAZEt, Dealers In Fine Family Groceries, opposie °Sart Rouse. : *tag CHEESE.--Ohoice new crop Cheese, just received at - Dy/filts.. 80Y441t & Kt!Rana. COIIXTRY 60A.P.-LA but superior lot of Rome•rnade Soap just received at .1111 SHISLER ac FRAZER'S. EXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUII.-Se- Au locitd White Wheat !dirtily Flour, just received two for sale at . MULES st !WEB, JYB ' Successors to W: Dock, Jr.,, A . IGI A. XTR FAMILY FLOUR and - CORN 1:41 MEAL always on hand, of Lilo best qualltt'at_ Id BOYER ta EuEIIPER. . . • „ HAMS! HAMS fresk supply of Mich jl eners's Excelkor !lame and Dried Beef, - who TOR . k KORRPRA . . , it ArifJElEDlEß'fiszorlator lianas, of this sea iii. rows sump Ant 1000ived mut foreale ky • . - • EHLE44;ER ar.I'ItA.ZER; ' ridlirDli, ...'- 'll filmtpiArwounro to . Wm Dark. ir. . k rk• StiLD.--Fifie Mesa Shad of thotea. 000,nlailtbarfebt.444 kas re vfecatiNd Jel : /11 ' "StaassorMir iCrA . MitZtk2:4, nO YOU wish a good Gold Pan ? If so Al all at 1101111111111 limatars, , VERMIN LiqtrlD RENNET. RAILROADS. 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail- Road. • • T His great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. RUB been leased by the ParigIITINAMA Rarrfflaran CON- Pan; and under their envier:a is being rapidly opened throughout lie entire len, if iL l. sense It is now in use fof r and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Marrs ( 16 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the ,Western Division. . • • TINE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward. Mail Train Le4e: "144*allt. •120 r. It. E5O a. X. 135,.1. Express Train' 315 a. I. `fi Cars run through wrorour Ortarani both ways on these trains !between: Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping care on Erpreee trains both ways be tween Williamaport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and • Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at 'the S. E. Corner 11th end Market streets. And for Freight businesicif the Company's Agents: ,t B. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner 13th and Market streets, • Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie J. M. Dro4 Agent N. O. K It:, Baltimore. H. - H. HOUSTON, • General freight Agent, /Mira. LEWIS L. HOUPT, - Genteel Ticket Alpert Pax • JOS. POTTS, myffiNdly] D. farmed Metnager, lfralionsport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FRANK". I.N. RAIL RQADS. CHANGE OF HOTIRS.—On and altar day ~• April 4th, 1864, - Passenger trains will rim daily, u follows, (Sundays excepted:) CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG: . IL P. Leave BagereStown 1.00 2.46 “ Greencastle • • I.BT 8.1315 &die at • sly 4.20 Chamberiburg,• • _ Leave at.. 8.30 12.6 i Leese Shippenstourg Y.OO LS6 Newville O.SS 100 a. w. ". - Carlisle 6.65 10.1 Q 2.42 " Mechanicsburg ... 626 1.0 42' Arrive at Harrisburg . 166 1115 2.40 - . IPOR. CHAMBERSBURG 4:16) HA . GERSTOWN: a. at. r. M. 'P. ii. Leave Harrisburg 6.06 1.32 4 2t. " Meebantesburg 11.4 T 116 4.64 Carlisle 127 2.66 6.21 " . Newiille NM 3.20 - `i Shippezeiburg 10.33 4.00 chanibersbarg, I Arrive at MOO 4.30 Leave at 11.10 4.40 Leave Greecastie 1165 6.30 .I: Trive at gageratMa 12.36 110 131' Malang close connections at Harrisburg with trains o n - Pblbuteiptda, New York and Pittsburg ; and with r am' for all pohns West gsgetlii Tads leaving . Karrisburg at . LSO, P. iL, rune aa t a a g [a: as Carlisle: CO. N. LULL, Swpt. 7ff . ft. ori;oa- Chamberelnug, April 4,1664-1 y mommin wow. 1/IE.LPICA L. GLAD „NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUN ATE THE LONG-SotGHT-FOR 3MSCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, srm • owtolpEisnotiorit • . . COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND ,LEA.M. - c gAVIAI.r4BE EEX.3DY, gatPrat 1 0" . A tir6 " l4 ` c'vez all. di .f duo. rionarY sroma, such. as Imolai. View of tAe Ovine, indainnation of the Adder, bylaw • nation VIA. Kidneys, Stone in Un - -Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Glint, Gonnorhea, and is (specials raxmasended in those oases of inner .aibur (or Mita in faunas) where all the oldrususense nedienses haw final. Wlt is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the does only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. • - It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its original pnefty sad vigor; t h us removing from the system all pemiclo as caw whieb have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION Je intended as malty or assist ant to the I HIEROKKE REMEDY sad should be used in canfinction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Glen, Pular Affirm or Whites. Its- effects are healing, soothing and damn ?Mat t removing all scalding, heat, chordoe and pain, la stead of the burning and almcet un endurable pain that b, experienced with nearly all the cheap Vock Injections • WY* By the use of the CHEROKEE RESIEDY and CHEROKEE ENJECTIOV—the two medicines at the same rime—all improper thane nee are removed, and the weak mod organs are ripeoagy restored to full vigor and strength._ • /For full particulars, get our pamphlet iroM any drug store in Ehe country, or write .us, and we will mail free, to any address,- a Bill tanain , eat-Price, CHEWS= asso3DY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. " 112L.Prioo CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or thresibottles for $5. 113.8 eat by express' to any address on receipt of rettem • *S. Seidl, by druggists ever CO., DR. W. R. WIN .1t - Fosle reol.trietor t marl6-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. CECEEDEEE CUBE: THE GREAT • artniex MEDICINE. OOMPOUNDID PS= - EOM, EAMES AND LEAVES. kA etveaim mu for .9perneatorrlsed, Araminat Weak ener, Nocturnal illll4l‘olll, and all diseases caused by self- Peaelition; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude Pam' sit the Bach, .Dirmustr if Pinion, Premature Old dye Weak Nem*, Dijksolly of Itpail;' rrernblisg, Wakeltd ness, Eruptions on the rave, Pals Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and as axe Diesfeel eontpk.eints caused by de. Partingfrob thepdOie mare. mac eine is a idniide vegetableextract, and one n Stich 000 r, e. 7, *sit has been used in oar practice ter many year; anal with thousands treeded,lf boo not oiled in a single Inc anew Its curative powers have been aullicieut to pin 010, lOU over the me* stubborn case. 441 - TO thoee who I . AIM trilled with their constiunion, unto they trunk th em 'elves beyond the reach of method Id, we would say, Dpi weir not / the Cinema= Cam will moors 700 10 h ea lth an Tiger, and after all nook doe -tors have tatted I' arFor ran parnentan get a Circular front nay Drug Arlin the usantry or t o the Proprietor, who will mad free to any 01 4 Vs the mimeo' MU Melba in pmaphiet fonn. sad sir4vAgx*sh per b o dy" * three heath!. , for Eby :Ibilmatied_by,arpreana wit of the world. sir Sold by all " WTI dri l s WlN h CO., Nola Paormatrolti, mar/Oadly zia. WM 1) 46 7 MA New Tor& EVENIR EDITION. 1864 That cottage was a thatched one, the outside • old and mean; Yet everything • within that. cot was won drous neat and clean; The night was dark and stormy , ; the wind was howling *Ha ; A patient mother watched beside the death bed of her ehild, A little worn out creature, his once bright eyes grown dim. It was a collier's witiand child ; they called him "Little silnr ' .• • And Oh! to see the briny tears fast Miming dowp her cheek, u As she offered up% prayer in thought; she was afraid to speak,- -, Lest she might waken one she loved flir bet ter than her life, For she had all a mother's heart, lilid that poor collier's wife. With hands uplifted, see, she kneels beside 't the sufferer's bed, I . And prays to God, He will spare her boy and take herself ins ead. She gob! her answer from - the child; soft fall their words from-him; Mother! the angels do so smile and beckon Little dim. have no pain, dear mother now, but oh ! lam so - dry ; . - Just moisten• poor • Jim's lips again, and mother, don't_ ye or!: With gentle trembling haste she lipid the tea cop to his lips; - He smiled to thank her, as he took three little tiny sips. "Tell father when he comes from work. I said "go d night" to-him And mother, now I'll gcto sleep." Alas! poor little dim. .;- . - • The cot age door is openod, the collier's step is heard; The father and-the mother meet, but neithtir speak a word. He felt that all was over; he knew his child was dead. He took the candle in his hand . and walked• toward the bed; Hisqnivering lips give,tokin of the grief he'd lain conceal. . And see, his Wife has joined him! the stricken ; couple fined. With heads bowed doWn with sadness,: they humbly aek of ; Him In Heaven once more to meet again their own; poor 'little Dn." Pennsylvania Legislatiu•P. .~Yt :M q: t ~t : 4: r, M. t Senate met At 3 _ . On'motion of Mr. CLYMER; the Senate proceeded to the consideration of bill entitled An act to revive and continue in force the law graduating the purchase money for lands in which money is due the Commonwealth. Passed finally. Mr. FLEMING moved that thetHentete pro. ceed to the consideration of House bill No, 1516, an aetrelative to the payment. of boun ties in the city of Harrisburg. The Senate. by a vote of nineteen to twelve, refused to con sider the bill. which therefore falls. Mr. REILLY mole& to discharge the Fi.. nance Committee from the farther consider*. tion Of a joint resolution offered by him yes= terday proViding for the adjournment of the Legislature at .11 o'clock to-day. The ques tion, on motion of Mr. LOWRY,. was post.. poned for the present:, • Several local bounty-bills *era negatived, on account of their provisions conflicting with those of the general bounty bill. Mr. JOHNSON offered a resolution provid ing for the appointment of a committee to frame a new military : bill - during the vacation. Several amendments , were offered, which, with the original resolution, were voted down. A lengthy message , from the Governor, was read, returning, without his approval, an act egalizing the action of the board; of military claims, dtc. Th , question, "Shall the bill pass notwith standing the objections of the Governor ?" was decided in the negative. A am:dation was offered by Mr. LOWRY, and adopted, requesting tlie Governor to in sist upon the board of claims sitting regularly until the *hole of the claims were adjudi cated. lini'Senate adjourned until 8' o'clock. ROUSE OE REPOSENTATIVES. ArrERNQON SESSION. . , WEDNESDAY; August 24, 1864. Senate amendMents;to -the supplementary militia bill were coneiftredin. : • _ Mr. METERS offered a resoltition. request ing the President to refrain from enforcing, in Pennsylvania, the draft of the sth of Septem ber. Referred to committee on Federal Re lations. The report of the committee of conference on the general bounty- bill was adopted. On -motion of Mt.- -BROWN, Semite _joint resolution relative to the One Hundred.nd Eighty-seventh regiment, P. V.,Vas taken up and passed. - : Mr. WATSON presented a petition of col- ored citizens - of Pennsylvania, asking the right of suffrage. "Bead. - and laid on the ta ble. . , • tienste bill CO authorize the revision of the grade of a portion of Bridgewater street and Bridge street, in-the city of Philadelphia, was sed finally P as . Adjourned till EVENING SESSION'. The House met at 7 3 / 4 o'clock. • Mr. REX. offered a resolution that The Houses adjourn sine die to-morrow:at II s. at. On motion crfIifrAES2MSTED, the resolution was postponed for the.pretie - nt.. • Mr. SMITH (Chester) presented the report of the committee of conference on the reve nue bill, which was adopted. - A message was received from the`Governor stating his approval of certain Mr. SMITH (Chester) presented the report of the committee f# Conference oh the sol diers' voting bill, whieli was adopted. Mr. CUCMAN (Philadelpliits) -offered a resolution providing for the adjournment of *IWO HOWKS to=morrow morning at eleven O'cloCk, A. In - . : • --- - Adjourned till nine o'clock to-moriow . TRICE TWO -CENTS. Little Jim. SENATE. AFTERNOON SESSION. WiDNEBDAY, Aug. 24, 1864. 11=0=1 STIIIIPRINTING °f isle Amami*"Ailiz-gm, , =amt.. The feflowtig are we Ire In the .sap - -- , tam% These having advertising to do wrn find 't con sume tfor. refbrence. -. 4 f4r- Four lines orissirixtutitnter or.e.half Square. Nisiirf- - Uses ormore than four Qmstftute a square. FOE • HAI3 squanA FOB 021:1 swans T On wo dae day . $ 80 Two One day .. $ 1. ILO 60 ys . Is days Three days 76 Three days .. Iss One week 125 One weer— . 226 One month . ... ...... 800 One moistid... 0.1 t... 6 00. Two months 4 50 Two months g9U Three months 6 60 Three month& 1.1 00 Six months... a SOO Six months 15 0 One year 15 00 One year.... . ...:.:~ 25 0 Adminheasuon _BlBtlces - a ..."....04 ...- Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices 1 r Funeral Notices each Insertion Sr SWAM. laotloem before Marriages lad 331 3 leregrallici• The Cavalry Fight at Front Royal. • 13.•aeri3foris, Aug. 24. The following is the official dispatch re ceived by Gen. Torbert : HEADQUARTERS /ST CAVALRY DrrnimoN, Aug.. 15th, 1864..—General Torbert: There was but 1 ttle more fighting after my dispatch sent you at 7 P. M. The 2d brigade did superbly. It captured one hundred and forty horses. Twelie offi cers were also taken. The Ist brigade also did magnificently, capturing over fifty pris oners and repulsing a heavy force of infantry, !killing and wounding a large number. Two battle-flage were captured, and the old.„-glivf-_ sion gave the boys a- most magnificent dresr sili Tte Reserve brigade was not engaged. The prisoners represent Kershaw's division, o.f Longstreet's corps, and Somer's and Wick en's brigades of cavalry, both smal. brigades. The country was open and several elegant mounted charges were made. The enemy tried to turn our left by wading the river up to their waists, but they. found us laying for them and we corralled them,.shootr ing. them down until they cried for mercy. Over thirty of their dead, and a large number of their wounded lie in one spot. The enemy opened with splendid practice from two batteries. I rejoice to say our cas ualties are small for the amount of tighting done ; sixty will cover my enti a loss.' I never saw the command act better or do more execution. A rebel Colonel was killed and his body, is in our hands. Two field officers were cap tured. The prisoners report that , they camel liom Culpepper and have been marching hard. I sent the prisoners and our wounded to Winchester to-night. Please see to, arrange ments for the wounded. I start at daylight in the morning. - W. MERRITT, Brigadier GenaraL From the Shenandoah Valley. HAMPER'S FERRY, VA., Aug. 23, t - via Beurimuitz, Aug. 24„ The position - of our Army still remains un changed._ A strong line of entrenchments have been thrown up 'by our troops, and a heavy line of skirmishers have been thrown out in front. Desultory skirmish firing could be heard all day yesterday and a tlus morning. It broke oat with redonbled strength in front of the 19th Corps, holding the centre. - Nothing of any importance resulted froth it, however, and it has now almost entirely ceased. . Twelve o'clock.—No evidence the enemy being in our immediate front has been ob tained as yet, and it is believed that they will make an attempt to cross the river, although our latest news from Williamsport says that they had not yet crossed the Potomac. Onus could be heard yesterfley up' the river, snpposed to be Averill shelling the woods in the direction of Sharpsburg. . The army is lying quietly in their (v.- trenched camps, and the sutlers are arriving, which looks like a protracted sojourn. - There is very little news of interest from this section. - - - _ Gen. Max Weber has been relieved from the eommand of Harper's Ferry and ordered to report for duty in the DepartmAnt of the Sus quehanta.' • • - Gertral*itevenson now las command, of the post of HarpAr'e Ferry. •it, . , Beurixonz, August 24.—A resident of Win chester, Virginia, temporary sojourning here, informs me ,Mat he has private informa tion from there which leads him to believe that the rebels are preparing to lalll back from that point. Internal Revenue Decision. TREASURY REPAID MEET, OFFICE OF NATIONAL REVENUE, WASHINGTON, Aug: 'l3. Sia : In answer to your letter of the 10th inst., I have to state that telegraph, companies should make the retu n required , by section 107 of an act of June 30th, 1864, to the As sistant Assessor of the District in which their principal office is located. Very respectfully, - a JOS. J. LEWIS, Commissioner. To American Telegraph Company, No. 145 Eroadway, New York The Investment of Fort Motgiin NEW Otaxiss; Aug. 16. via Csuto, August, 23. The land forces under General Granger are within three hundred yards of 'Fort Morgan, and a general assault is expected in a few days. The fleet is hilly'prepared; including the ram Tennessee. Fort Morgan , is silent. There is now seven feet of. water at Mobile. The rebel report of an attack on and slarigtiter of our troops is untrue. Cotton is drill at present. • • From Washington... WASHINGTON, August 24. The following deaths are reported at the army hospitals : Samuel Pike, Company G, 71st Pa.; W. Stevens, Company F,6lst,Pa. ; Samuel E. Snyder, Company 14.Sth'Pa. ajor Wm. P. Biddle, 4th Pennsylvania cavalry, wounded, has reported here. From Altoona. ALTOONA, Aug. 24. Over two hundred men engaged on the works of the Pennsylvania railroad have en listed in the one year's service. Friim Baltimore.. BALM:IOkt, Atlg. 24. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad is now open as far as Harper's Ferry. • New York Sitock,Mai.lieth NEW Yowl, August 24. Stocks irregular; Chicago and Rook Wend, 1104; Cumberland pretesred, 55E , Central scrip, 129; Illinois Ceirtrir bOuds, 1361; Michigan Southern, 854; New -tiork Central, 129;"1"ennliylvatilirCord, 110; Read ing, 1324; Ettidscu River i .l29; Cfantoft Com pany, 34; Missouri sixes, 63e;. 1104; Cleveland, Colrunbus and , _, Cincinnati, 71; Cleveland and TittsbOrg, 1104; Terre Haute and Alton, - 68; Pittsburg and Fort 1111; Chicago and North Western,- 634ipauld, 2564; one year-Ottinoutes , :i s, Ten forties, 1031; Five-twenty coupons, /13i; Coupon sizes, 1094. In the Laail br Maki' them nu Lma tbr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers