E --iitv6Mffsg ATTORNET.I4T-LA.W.PaArfuj and:Union building, Harriaburg. Strict attentidti - paid to all legal business. Military claims collected. mylo-clem-eod Thomas C. ilittenowell, .4i.ttorneyettLaw. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG, PA. ALL manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and elaime collected against the General or State Governments, either In Congress, the Court of Claims at Waahfington city, or at Harrisburg, without UR ; • delay and on moderate terms. ap29.413m A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY - •• LAW, , lOWA femovea hie Oilice from Thud t 9 I..X:fi4t street, next:to-As Prison, All business in. SIMMS lb him will receive prompt Mid-metal attention. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION. STORE. -BOYER. SiYOERPER, VV H O L.E SA•LE AND.RETAIL DEALERS IA • ROCE .lESe ' Queens and Glass Ware ) • AND ALL HINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCT, ' AVE just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, No.B Market Square, risburg, Po., to which they invite the,4ttention of the public generally. noleAlly JONES HOUSE, Comer of Market street and Market Square, HARRINiftrA'G PENNA, , CHAS. H. MANN, Propiletor. STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, cI:HINER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, IiARRISBURG, riIIEIE 'undersigned having purchased this well A, known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered l i altd, , the entire estallshment elegantly re-furnished. Romig+ plek santly, and eligibly located, and pro3rided with every con • venlence, it offers to the public all the comforts ; snd lean. ries of a first class hoteL Trusty and obliging aervarits always In attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached to the establishment. de2e.dly W. G. THOWPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, umtlassu pi,q, PA, D, HUTCHISON, Proprietor. known mHIB w Hotel• ls in toa ell ccoodate the' travettg ar public a , affording the most ample cenveniencea alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. ' , , THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely rent, led throughout, and now has accommodations equal In extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its locattonla the bent in the Stale Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and to close proximity to all the public ofilaes and business Ict• cantles of the city. It has now all the conveniences or A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex pecte, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guest& The patronage of the traveling public litreepectfully loll eltBd.ll-dtf MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUM, ITIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, rHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AM SRO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. • • Remember the place, SILAS WARD, ' No. 12 Third treat, the lamest Miele Store this aide of the great cities, jan2B-dtf MELODEONS AND CABINET OB,GAI,S. 'MINTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, VW TIM ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & lI.AMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A fall assortment of these instruments always on Wind W.ANOCHE'S, Sole Agent, je4-2tawlyl 93 Market street. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Orricol •: WARD'S RUBIO STORE, 12 N Third hirbvet. Rasidesee: Third street, above Eforttr. " • A1154.1r PEIPHER's - -DAIL LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Leek HaVert, Jersey Shore, Williamsport; Man. cy, Uniontown, Watsontown,ltom Lewisbttrg, Norlltamberlanil, Sun. bury, Treverton; Georgetown, • Lykenstown, - Millersburg Halifax, Dauf)hin, , AND lIARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will he at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery or , all goods Intrusted to the line. Goads delivered at the do wn •of WILLIAM E. MURK, 912 Market Streit, Philadelphia, bye o'clock P. IL, will be delivered in Mar eMbergthe next awning. /freight Always as Low as by Any Otbsr JOS. MONTGOMERY Jo CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oct2l-tr root of Market street, Harrisburg, NEW 1.14U0R STORE. VI:PORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHEMS.—The undersigned offers at wholesale; to the trade, a choice lot of the ben liquors ever brought to Ilnitch Brandin, Rolland Gins, Scotch, Irish, Bewbow, Wawa nird Old Rye Whisky; /Perk in and Dinasstie Winat, 1$ Rah as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, 4c. All liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords Rod othors will and it to their advantage to call and ex. amine the assortment at the store,. on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut: royal-dem . GEORGE WINTERS PHOTOGRAPHS. ALARGE assortment 'of Photographs of Generals and fancy pictures for sale CHEAP, at $1 per dose; at. SCHEFFEWS BOOK STORE, Harrisburg, Pa ' OWLET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES P PORTEMONNA:II3, and a general variety of LEA. 'twirl GOODS, )uat received at , BERGNER S BOOS MR.& ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA.—Just calved, a fine chest of English Breakfast Tea, at • SHISLER St FRAZER'S (Rance sons to Wm. Tmck. Jr.) "URA. & PERLNE'S WORCESTER SAUCES * ja the most popular aad the purest over offered to the MIMIC, just received and for sale by • SIIISLER & FRAZER, febl (Successors to Wm. Donk, Jr. fa ON - CUT FLY PAPER. A NICE assortment of Cut Paper for cell- Sighleolnas glaia t reture frames and gas pipes, BOOK b'TuRE„ Harrisbuzg, ' at my2O 10RUIT TARS, of the latest Patent (Gill ": That Patent,) Just received and for sale low at 1918 BUYER & 11.0ERPER. SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nit. meg and New York State Cheese, just received at SRLSLER 41 FRAZER, • vim:visors to W' Dock, Jr:, & my 6 DICKLES i PICKLES! !—By the Barrel, Batfilarrel, Jar or , Nam, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, (Summon to Wm. Dock, Jr., k Co.' ike2o FRESH CRACKERS.--Boston Wine Bis ju o a k Boston Milk .Biseuits, Boston Butter Bis cuits, Ruston Oystor Crackers, Boston Plo-nio crackers, Trenton Butter Coulters, Just received at j7l/1 . novsiu k WINFIRPER. 1)000LBS. CODFISH, of the cele brated St. George . ?read, just ermine. Ma forego by BEISLEit & - feel fauceasaere WM: Doc At cal liobilers t P04141194t : A LARGE assortment at 4511. BEINIWAISfir, wall Bald* wmAistiaanit bw , DDRS.WYETH suid CREAMER, Ecledbie and Electropathic physicionut, respectfully offer Weir profeasiftel services in all the various' branches of doomed easton, for the treatment of all acute oriitntirenic The yamedial mane they employ In the treatment of: disease consist or listponim, Galvanism, Electniategnet, iitn, the Swedish method of Loplized movement cure, .a few Eclectic medicines when deemed nem* ary, and In fact all the natural curative agents that may stemenfilly be brosghtto beer upon the disease. -They do not wish to be' luiderstood Mt iiirogatlng to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in thottreatment of dia. Om far supsalor to those generally employed byphysimam troll Abe act, that they act in perfect barniony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the tact that they confine themselves to no par ocular. mai =; wh ir esstem, they attribute their enema 1 co • The prhicipal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, Is an agent wonderful in its phenomena and powerful in he Mims tbr good or ill. It • is err ever prevent, all-perviding prkmiplei governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the inviaible particles of gasseous matter. We nee It In the lightning's Rash and hear the manifestations of its *Mr in the muttering thunder. It is theante of all deaonipositloh, - recoMpo. @llion and transformation. It exaltal all mclipti, . 1 It no the exciting cause of life, growth , daisy : _and death.' It causes secretion, emretiota, digestidn; It litywhilit Of the crude food in the stomach, converts It•inte 'A:Meteor "11M' idity,Aransmuten it into arterial.lood, sad eende'it on do important office of 'supplying nutriment accordhig, the necessities of the body, It is the nerve vital Mid, the Irma agent through which the mind acts upon the body. It is the cannot •all causes except the first greet cause. the Inlinite Mind which created it and broughtlit 11M1Vect These may • appear like mere aswrtkrns. ; but they. an. Mita Admining of strong and Irresistible Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful in its the- Romans,' ni powerful In its manifestations arulso Intimate ly connected with all the operations of the' human sp. tem, should be almost absolute in its operations ; of controlnil dhoeise f • Certainly not. ' It - le a 'natruni air sequence . follows as surely as day follows night,. Among the diseases which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may be mentioned tbetollowing ; Incipient Consumptio n, Paralysis, ' Elpiliptib,Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia; in its world terms, Ithuematism, inflammatory and chronic; al.dienwes of the nervous system ; RyoMep sia cured in &Lbw trealments;• all diseases of the urinary and genital torganaj Inmate Diseases, Asthma, Piled and reolepsue Ana; Amaniosis and all kindred allectionS of the eye; Auretun Strictures, all skin diseases, kc. • Perilous calling will be told whether they can be 'Mee. Stied and no case taken Where some relief cannot be af forded. Comuttutton free, Mos, South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg; Pa, • Office hours from 8 to IS A. 134' to @ and 7to r.x. . • ALEX. H. WYET c h&g : DR. J. MILTON apl3 KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON APURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective and - Alterative, of wondecful efficacy initteeasda of the STOMACH, LITER and BOWELS: - Cores' • • • DYTIPaPeIx, 1, Live: Complaints Headache, General • Gelidity, Nerrommiss, De pression of Spirits, Constipation intermittent Geyer Acidity , of the Slommk. liansea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, F Magmas or Weight in the &omen); , • Sinking or Fluttering lke Pit of the Stoma ch, Swimming of the Head, Difficult . - BreethinC , nese of WO . Skin and. Epee, Fever and Dull painant the Head,fete . .in ' the Side, Back, Chest and Mahe, will cure every case of Chronic or 'Nervous Debtfirjr of the Kidnayliriiiir "Aiwa! 'lrian's from' • disordervi Sigma* Good for Male or Female Old dr The most beneficial triedicinitticiwi; girea better RAh . faction and cures more diseases than any other prepara tion °tiered to the Public, Prepared solely by aA. xux &EL b 3110, 118 Karketstreet, Rairiabarg. • For site by Druggists and Dole. everywhere. BEWARE 01 1 _ 10W- Counterteits de Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in.the known world for . the permanent cure of Dyqxprus aud , Debility, and as there are a ninriber of Imitations offeredto the public, we would caution the community to purchase noae but the _genuine _article, manufactured by & A. Enaltxt & Dia, and has their stamp orrthe' top of the ea& of every bottle. The fiery het that others ass sttionyling to imitate . this valuable remedy, prover lie worth ant apeakavolumatin its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up In 76 cent and $1 00 bottle; and eole,byaill .reapecaablethuggleta throughout the country. Vular that every belga bes rs the AM& se of-the p Merl signature. This Wino i Wailes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we reams; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with , the moil ortergetioof vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bodr4 • The effect is many eases of debility, ism of appetite, ,sortiellerel Prestration, of in eilloient:Brlt of Iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonlivis 'nest happy, It augmenta the appetite, rallies Om per, takes off musoalor flab d biness, removes the , polio/ of debility, and eve. &flori vigor to the countensism,„ _ For ode by all respectable dealers throughout the N 41 , 4t.tr-0 04. Shistslt oshedeshori tow= pock, In , & co.) DP ALVFLS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE selecti on of RUB opposite the Court Houst have on hands ilne c • • BRANDIES, of different vintages.. • ' ' 1710 Air). .COMM O N vrutm,sr, Of Every Dmiiption. • WHISKYS. • tizb4mmwolr, • . • MOKONGAIDIZA 171V6 }HISS 41VD.Norca !flaky& The test 4 . 3 . v..7 . brosickt t0 ... 141 . 0 !lark.* 1:1" WHEAT. • • • I AR, ___6TESTWITT GROVE WHISKY. ckI.II4IIPAGNE :WINES. SWABS, JOHANNIS33I7IO3 ' ' • ' • • • - CLARE'. 800-TCH AND IRI S H IE ALIF4' 1,0 , 1 !moli mic*.tagfr WILD i mitteTazON, • ,• • • ••• WIGWiII TONIC MITIREV *kV WM a complete of , '" ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLEN And Condlinenta of eveif deecriptlon now In the marl ec,. end at 910°gbh good Lette r SovelOrd t - Zan issing t a k thi otationerrUne, yoa„will do wol RAI - • • • - - :.• F WOICAMIllialgitRY, .11::_ilift ' Warrantut then** ft ni . dln we "Tiak7lllll . : -I " rw . -Nis , A l cfremetr l o l Thilkt 11l ) . r ly. .., - .. . . 'VT 4 .."......1...., • - ! - EMI ELECTRICITY. i7O - 04 0 • • GENERAL DEPOT, 118 WARM STRBICT gauxima, TRZ LOWEST RITZ& !ff223 ._. ~ a MI my t= B. JOHN L. LYON'S PUNCH plAlODpitl i DROPS TIE GREAT FFINIA UR REGULATOR, Are the only known remedy • that win . sueeeilitany and unferiahly restoreand revisal thefemalevoten, renrov fag all irregularities, and producing haft, vigor Nd stcwiq► . . LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Ares Auld preparation, the only , true one of the kind ever discovered in this country, endlicte directly on the phrts affected, whilst pills and.potrderircen cmly reach them as they through sympathy, but not at ail direct and . • Are you suffering from a constant ainifeo , Lfer the rigs Ist tettrn of natureis.prescribed laws f • ••• - • Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical GrOm If taken a day or two brobm thictrustobsti period, will Poll tively, and invariably regulate its comb& AB Imre aa elect fellowtetrause„ aa eassfeislkytight follows adonis Are you Mak, Wielded by dlasete, OE =ebb to bear tiro hbor and big* of MANN ' • LYON'S, PRRIODIOAL DROPS . lame to yes as Weida& for land provaatioabetter than Mire! " . If regularly taken, it le a emortain preventive, and will rave you mach peril and any home of "Waft Have you been afflicted for many pan with complaints hatldeM to theses, that have balled the skill of phyd ohm& and are *wring Fog on to an early grave LION'S FWODIOAL DROPS . . . . ... • Are tbalread reWle rOaillad9rerecknown, aad cure, like =a,ill thooatmoptliiMea &towhees dediod4he doetor'e _Ann WeetatiM , with Irausorrhota, Proiapinni,pyanienorrhcoa, and a thonaand other &nod otr=anned Apt Nader slit nano of suppressed and =taro, whisitottlareatntontar one dollar BM LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS' will slimly save you. Do not use thlittrope when forbidden In the directions, for althotgli a positive cure, and harmless at all other hem, they en ae Putt* and finely itilerdsled.to adjust and govern the finollons of the sexual erganlon, that, if taken aUmproper tinier, they would produce results eon vividWary to nature, against which all, part part kalarly those IMO reprodaes, should GROW LYON'S - pPauttlioAli DROPS , akanot warm dm th e most I:destitution at any time; yet the pesprieedes Mislt.: to laird: wind Its misuse, hoping that a Msle will bellied for sioodpur. P9 l lO Whdre..Ma is mid ea.llll.lthasie on.. .LYONTI PERIODICAL DROP'S, the nf 3 Teraiiing Female ilegubsto r, la for gale by every' Drizginon the M a anit conntryend ito net, you value you? - for' • • Wilke* :I* any °thin: ' Take no other, Wl' the Druggist, to whom you apply hes not,* it, make:him•mend and Obit for yox & c 0.3 4 . .i et ti rja e:. 71 " .9."1 _ icemyr" HOLLOWAY midi skid, (aphis,. Pe _ L ~,;Si'... . . . . ..• ' ...;; • .."4 1 • • Di • . . k . , . • • to • • - AP-1i .12 t. aCr * • ' „:31 _ :11L ;: ' MZ= ME 0211 BALTIMORE . - LOCK HOSPITAL; H .,,s and discovered e lt ju n t r e st or e l e d r i tii?, ETeed EMI A Glue_ Warranted, or 2slo Cho. rga r in from Ori to Two. pays. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder,lnvoluntary Dischargm Impotency, Gene De, bility, , Nervoneness, -Dyspepaia, Languor, I..our'Eintrita, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Eleart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Threat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bow —those terrible disorders misting thin the Solitary. Habltsof Touth—thcse secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Glymes, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, ato., iMpossible. • YOUNG MEN ' Especially,'whci have become the victims of . Solitary Vice, that dreartfurand destructive habit which annually sweeps .to an untimel,y,D'ave thotunmds of- Young Men of the most exalted taTents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise hive entranced listening Senates 'with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectesy the Heine lyre, may call with flail confidence. : MARRIAGE. IE Nettled persons, or Young Men contemplating marriaga, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defer , mines, &c., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of. Dr. J nay re ligiotudy confide in his honor is a gentleman, and wall , dently rely upon hisakill as a Physician. ''ORGANIC) WEAKNESS name.diately cared, and fail vigor restored. • • Tin distresiiing affection—which renders life miserable and'untirlage isible—is the Penalty paid by the vic- Mai dfiinpropar indulgence. Youngpersons are too apt td commit excesses from net being aware of the dreadfel consequences that may ensue. Now; who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is last sooner by these falling into improper habits than by the prudent. tondos being deprived the 'pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and del structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative - power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, onstitntional debility, a waiting of the rramareough, ea* boa, boa, decay hi* deo*. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few, &ion Item the comer. Fail not to obeerve name and mambos. Letters mast belisid and contain a stamp. The Dootar's Diplomas hang at his office, DR. JOHNSON, - /fetishes' of the Royal College of. Surgeons, London,_grad nate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and, the greater part of whose life has been spent In the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where,.has effected some of the most astonishing cures that - were ever known-; many troubled with ringing in the head and, ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfidness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro. duced by early habits of youth, via : weakness of the back and limbs, palm in the head, dimness of sight, 1068 of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nor. vein irritabilitysymptoms of consumption, ha YEISTALLY. —The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss • ofememory confusion of ideas,. de. premien of spirits, evil forebodhnaversion to society, self distrust., love of . Um! solitude, ty, are some of the evils pttaloced... • ' - . YOUNG MEN Who have -trained themeives by a tiertalti-pntctice•ba• dnlgdd in when aline, a habit frequently l&rned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of 'which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cared renders marriage mposaible and denims both mind and body,- shoulda Ndyi efinediately. White It c v t hat a youngtnan, the hope of his ootintry, the darling of his permits, should be snatched from all prospects and enloyntents of life, by the consequence of deviating from •the path of nature and indulging in-s : certain Sedret habit.' - Such persons nor, before content. lasting Reflect thailisOund znind and body are the moetnecesaacy reqofill les to 'Promote cannubial happiness. Indeed, with out these, the Journeyrough life becomes a weary ,pU anima() • the prospect hourly darkens to the sive ; thf mind bakoheasbadowed with'despair and tilled With the melikholy reflection that the happiness of another :be , cornea blighted with our Own. DISEASE OF TNITYRUDENOE. - When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has.imbibed the aeeds of this painitil dime*, too ofreii happens that an Mimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriend him He falls into the hands of ignotant and designing pretend ere, who, Incapable .Of curing, filch his pecuniary sub stance, keep him trilling month after month, or as Meg ite the smallest fee can be obtained, and In despair leave hint. with mined health to sigh over hiegalling disappointment. or, by tne use of this deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptom sof this terrible diseaaeomeh 'inflect Mona of the Head' hroat, Nose, Skin, eta, progresam r with 'frightful rapidity till death pate a Period to hiF dreadful sufferings by sending him to that undiscovard minty, from whence no traveler returns. INDORSEMENT OP THE PRESS. The many thousands eared at this herniation year Idler year, and the numerous important surgical operations pesformed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Own, Oktper, and many other papers, notices of which have a n, again and again before the public, besides hie standing as a gentleman of character and reeponsi.. tenth is a sufficient guarantee to the Winded. " , THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIE4 " TMI;ILM'S • CPNEPOIT ND EXTRAOT OF CUMEBST. AINTII'COPAIBA This preparation hi particularly recommended, to Abe. lEEpIOAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the proinpt and certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER,, RID. EICYR; URINARY °wears, Ent It may be relied on es the best modeler the administral Eon of thew reinenies in the law dsixt of dinette of both sexes, to which litey we applicable. It payer interferon with the digestible, and by Re concentration, the dose le much reduced. • 11.--Purchaaera are advised to ask for TARRANT'S OOIEPOIT4TI ATZFRACT OF. CUBICIWAND COPAIII.A s and take nothing else, as Imitations and worthless prcpa rations, under Similar names, are in the market. Price' $1.00: Sent by express* on receipt of price. - Kenitra& wed only , by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwich_ street, corner of Warren street, New York, mi d ; for sate &wide generally. oct2t-cuy For sale by S. A. BUNT LE # BRO., and Drapsiste generally. Gray's Patent Molded Collars Are not simply fiat pieces of paper cat In the term of a coati; but are Molded and aliapecttofit f‘s r ure/J, hiving a perfect curve free from angles or breaks, which is tained by onr patented prOcess,' which also secures anOtfM, advantage posseseed by no other : Space fordo' Cravat in the Turndown style, *unto' OF wince is" PZEIZEGITLT MX:ft AID MU l iio*-1470101318, making this oollar, for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled. They me made in Turn-down style in sizes A•oni.l4 10 - 17,. , aid'in 'Garrotte from 13 to 17 Inches, mid pasted in neat' hi* .boies of 100 each; also, in ertialtir oiler of 10 isch—thni latter a very handy package for . ' t elora, anriyand navy officers . • - . sir EVERY COLLAR Is stamped ; ' ' ''', r , ' 64 Gray's Patent Molded, Collar." 1 Sold by all retail dealers in Ken's Furnishing Goeli: . . .. The trade supplied by '' VAN DEUSEN, BOEMINR; jiLeod6in . . 3 l. 627' -OHEETNVY St.iPh6adelphit.- T • * • 11P102,1: $, .last kl. ENOCAUS NHSPPi .-.7,..edire11, ; SHISI4.It J a . ..... a,-.,. . 4:BnoceasoesieWzDock; Ifilbt.:. irthitgil-"liiidieneitllidiCi.: , :jut °an d.moved and for Ede Itt.C'. ~..,, elan:pt-.,..i EEC .11401111 N 00 W. alkiitiit" t; ,-... .... `lid DR.. JOHNSON, DISI. .14121 OF IMPRUDENCE. •RELLEF IN SIX TO TWELVE HOUR NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DXUOS Ornoz No. 7, EIotrrgFILILDIMC Sraxtr, SEAN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. °Nice No. 7 South Frederick Street. sp2B-dly , MEE D. W. - (MOSS & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARL ET El4BlllB.Btladi DRUGGISTS, PHYSIVIAMS, STORE- JtEXPEA 41'D We ate dailyadding to outassortinsta of rods all snob articles as desirshis and would resoectrully call you attention to tII =burst 'ithitheat sideetadr stock to this sty, or DRUGS; CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, 011; Varnishes awl Glues, Forcing Pi add Alcohol, Leo* Sperm end Nee Oils, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the bust uumuhoturen and Perfumers of Swope and tbtl Cannily. Being very large 4aalerala PLANTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OM, TARNISHILY, 411.143, 4 9 BRUNIE. - 11 Y ILL mins vairigrizA We reelientfally invite feeling confident that we aah 5419 the ening! of all on Wan to their aatletae• TEETH ! TEETH ! ! lONEB' AND 'WHIMS PORCELAIN TEETE, Of in kinds, direct froth the Proprietor@ NAPONDINIt AND OCiNCICNTRATED LYE, Winlegato Agent' 'for Saponifier, Which We sell no law ma It can be purehtuted .tu. the Mien rliaysaw MEDICAL FLUID Ezrzuers. (*AL ow dARBox OIL ► Being large purchasers In these Oils , we can offer In .dnieliten&e ieskeie buyeie. l onal Oil Lampe of the mart !reproved' patterns, very cheap. Ail Muds of Lamps (awaited I! burn Coal Oil. IARMENE4 AND GR*7. , . . Thole otiow who Om hot shrew our HOME AND ;az • TiZ POWDICIN Chid knew sot their superleall7, widths adganl L aaotheir ere In ' heet.iwg 4orrit and Cnitia .Ikimday . . awd tare good eonelltiort Thoisaado canloottry . to' the profit they hays &mired • . •. Mort the use of our clattleTowdere t by the Jodrell's - dillies- 1 1:M4 will4ioeminri bisika -I,l"xmlig un Pas& 4piam;K, of their *itUe. tSoiliiiipeeetiirs air the atria tarp of itahotonahAnowledge of the trade, ead our ar iipkinentkin the eitioa s nro ancit , that WI an, in II rin7 thrnish anything anyieataining to oar linninant, • • -- . litht Thankful far Aber Ilbeial "yaCronage bestowed on our boom, it* hope by WWI attentkm to boldness, a caresttl aeloCtlon of _ PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the &yam to please 01 ta) merit a cos, tinaaaci aftlie tavor'etWillaarizabiatilliPain4 aplll4llrJuf,,, ' ' • - POWDER, „ . PER/WM/2th Lli . W pugs_timapoa like d r e 0 0— m louw A artcl r f w rp hrdei cn n f uf a a o uab te le d among or dusted over Funr;fWooleasuk Asti packed atVaY. ..agninerl 6W111117 moth. Being itlao adelightful, tumumtgit4mnfupse if. -Idll 10- pregnate clofh7ng ire 'With iiiiitintandpleassit odor. The finest fabric cannot be Injured ey Mg ANL • - Prepared and &old at : laeraENLlll *atilt *lb* - : riuipistamtwo :OIL& —4O boxiie ... tit) e j_.• . othi, igog-,pcsi importation* fbrmals;witekrab 4a. -1 ;e1 111 ; P4' . ,:e - ~. 2 3 W I - 0 ,306,r1M_,r50 --- -----• e 1 'MD 8EF X .. .74,4 0 h10r 40 t 60 . 1 - *WM. ~ . , .. • 4 ' I ..kied ,_ ._ ~ d it '' ,-- _ thiakcjii UMUQWIIIO MONA t • NO. 19 • Dye-lltulh, Glime nut Puny, Artist's Colors mut Tools, Piro amid Bois* Bogies, Vida and Lamp Globes, • CMOs Coop, Sponges and Corks, ica, km. &a, ha, he WM a' general variety or IrDIDOW SLAM, Amor a COLOR", PAINT AND aILOJEN 411 TD. liltoNigl OP ALL KINDS. parzxr NEDICINIM AND /wit assrosanvia lIIES MISCELLANEOUS. AIWA DDEWS BIA.RBLE CORNER Of WALNUT AND NTITRITBISTI, Harrisburg. Pa. TIE undersigned having op,net: m a r b l e Yard hi Chia city, beg kave to haiorm %betr friends and the public in seam; that they .r Pied to nu, nish MARBLE WORK OF M EVERY _DESCRIPTION SU Monnment Tomb., Head Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and &own sto at , Cite no a ea swim: will inmates sothewtrow. WFADDEN d co, X.R—LoWoliwg away Dons la Soilioll or Gorman woriloAllr • AN ANBOIITMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES or POCKET BOOKS, PURSES I OAND0 AND .11,TNIONNA.IEs FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAVELING GAVLE ELS, And a general variety of TANGY GOODS, suitable r.r Presents, now on hand at SELLER'S Drag Store, starlo-tt Na 91 Gann street PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph Albums. BOIIND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasp& ALBUMS WITH 30 Picture' tor . 1.2 tio 40 It ~ . • 350 irgi 44 II 4 CO together with mious other styles of binding, aloes tad prioeswhich will be Bold cheap. Soldier ,1 you cannel nay I prettier, more durable 111111 cherper kbuza anywhere. Cal land see at SCHEFFEWS Boolostme. werl2-du Harrisburg, Pa BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. TES FARMER BOY, and how he became Command os-WOLK $1 24 ?HZ PIONUR BOY, and how he became President, SI 26 THE TERRY BOY, and the Financier. THE PUNTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made Lis mark, $1 1$ TES ilium BOY, and how he became Ltenten ant General. In press. A youvra HISTORY OP THE REBELLION', from Pori Sumter to Roanoke- elegantly llliztrated. $1 At BEliGeliVe BOOR STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No WS Walnut Street, South Side, East et . Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSKTS INOuPRORATED 1794, P 7711 CHARTER PERPETUAL Marine, Fire and Inland Trallliportation In ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Presides' MMUS PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEH.LER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut Bt., Rear Second, Harrisburg, Pa Nolan e j UHT RECEIVED, THIS MORNING, A FlMild 1/0101CF. OF M/CHXNER & CO.'S CELESIIIALT&D SUGAR 'CURED 11.A11126 AND ISMIEF, SIELSLEIt do FRAZEIIII. myBl - THE iN.EW BOOKS. QTIIMBLING BLOCKS,. by Gail Ham llton. Price 516 HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp $2 00 DANKNESS AND DAYLIb3II; by Mn.s Maus& $1 60 IV. RARBARAM HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards • Ele THE SMALL HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, by Trollop*. $1 25. SEVEN STORIES, by lk Marvel, author of "Reveres of a Baehelor. ,, $1 II - . Mid. VII 8 PS JOURNAL orthe Discovery or the sources ci the Nile. $$ It .... - THE WOMAN IN BLAUK, by author of "Man In Gray." El 50 NOTESOF HOSPITAL LIFE, X Nov. l Bl to Aug, , 63, $1 00 STORIES OF THE BMA, for boys; from, cooper' writings. $1 Xl. STORIES OF THE WOOL, for boys; from (ktoPer's WI sloo XE. Ail new books received is soon as published at BXREINXIVeI BOWISTORX, blitarket street. . IPIFALLED 0/IAFALER FURNITURE LLBEI. does not alba the vanish, but restores the as lustre. It does not ilistxdor. It will testae, with very little labor, every dandled surface, tither metal or wood . All manufacturers and dealers in Dunham should ale it for cleaning fusnitute that Ina been nand covered with dust. A touch and nth here and there make it bright and fresh, For sae by ti A. KUNKEL & 11103.„ 1u441f US Market street, Hanlehurg. lIPCLINTOCII PECTORAL 11113 1 .. triI3INVALUABLE SYRUP, ia en ely vegetable m IM compteinoh. has Wien em pored with wonderful saccum for many yeam in theme of dilemma for the AIR PASitaGilt and LUNGS. For say form of the disease, such as COUGH, TICELING of the TRBOAT,SPIITING OF RIAOD,DIFFRAJLT BR/AMMO, HOARSE: NE:Se, LObli OF VORA and tuivric FEVI: 3s, era use will be attended with the happiest results. It is Our of the best and safest medicines for all terms of BRoN. CEUTIS and CONSUMPTION. ho laudanum or prvare iisw qf Opium in ins, skin iottkis syrup: PRIOR. 61.00 PER BOTTLE. For sale at BaIIGNEWS Cheap Book Store. ('L UM PM:WU/WS are useful to soothe a ‘A Cough, allay Tickh*to the Threat, to ream .liustoeseel Guam; Sore Throat, &e. They contain Congo% arehowt, Limmecuttw Bow tee eke ti, (the mods rehatde e: t, the cadet er, live datiatteenti,.le wended ertta.ofila Arabic aid-Segar, that eaoli.loseolte conlarea a mild and very Saimaa. doer. Keilefootiroalooleir A: ituNK.F.. 1180., eie27 ApoStoillit Merkel. soreek, Ifiniebezt PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI- L TUTS ros YOUNG LAMS, /130 Arch sweet. Rev . mamas A. tilM/Tfi t D. maw cx MUTE% A. N., Principals. , • ..... Ninth Year. Three depute:main Primary, Academic, and ColleiGlGA Fuf college amuse is ClialliCH, jesghe• Maths, higher Zap& utd Nunn" Science for those who graduate. Itodenaanguaipl. meg a , painting and Kkiention by the beet reastets. of Menai" apply el the WOW% PR 1.04111,41071. 2611'P. 0., fkiladelpS_Os 0 0 0411 a. . • v - 11:11TING. WEDD.DI(I,- . . INVITATION awn AT ROWS CARtai—Bp a spec* syningement with anent the ban gagmen in the &malt auto of an; daseription will he waited in the high= style of oeafennabiewith the hewn "fashion, and rippled Nowt% as lower p than gun abused by the Amon en is KeW Volt o[7PlalLddnhie For samples and Pt 7 ce 9 atil' A NEW invoice of Mamma's celebrated ilotaajust rocolvocl thi=at • & letAt•M INIOCONOII to W. - Dita l Jr., a NI. rEzi 133 .. $1,558,668 66 $600,0410 ULTIMO&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers