13 El B RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union building, Harrisburg. Strict attentdon paid to all legal bulimia Military claims ocaloctod. rnylil-ilam•eod Thomas C. MacDowell, A.ttorney,-.'a-t-La. - Cfr. OFFICE IN THIRD ST.,.BELOW PINE. amidSlitriCs PA. ALL manner of Military Claims promptly aweee to, and china collected agalcat the General or State Govemmenti, either. in Congress, the Court of Clalms at Washington oily, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms ap29418m A. C.. ALTTOIRN EY . ...AA' HAS removed his Office from Third to Wel j-1 not slreet,_ neat to the Prison. All boldness In trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. ap4 NEW ORNERY. AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, W HO LESA LE AND RETAIL DEn irga3 G R o•:e'E ILES, Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL TNLJB OF 0 OUITTRY PRODU.DE_, HAVE just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, N 0.3 hiarketSquare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite tile attention of the public generally. nolo4ny • 13,A.1-ITEU.An•IILEI3I%, 91i4081580841 V) G. G 111.TPUEL & CO., RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS and Whideeale Dealers hi Imported and Domestic Li quors, -Harrisburg, Pa. jys-dlin L . -ONES HOUSE, Corner of Market street and Market Square, • .NAIEIEBURG PENNA. CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor.: noe•dtr KLA UAPITAL CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, IiI&FILRISBURG, PENN'A.. MEE uwdersigued having purchased this well sattWil IluilSe hee aularged and thereughly ream/dee It. The loiAzin have been re-pairitud and papered, and tb« entire estatishpaent elegantly re-Tarnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with every co. venience, it otters to the public all Um *mewls and luau ries of a first class hotel. Trusty and' obliging sorvante always in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors iteattached to the ostabliahm att. dt/16-/Ily W. G. THO a I 'SON. Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. D, 41. HUTCHISON, Proprietors T' well known Hotel is now in a eon& lion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest Mar permanent boarder. SIAM HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodations 'equal lb extant, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location Is the best La. the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and la close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city. it has now all the conveniences of A FEES? CLASS HOTEL, and the Propnetor is determined to spare neither ex• pease, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is reirpectrully soli elted, jell-dtr , _MUSICALM • NINO FORTES, IRELODEONS, - MET MUSIC, i'LI7TES,•GUITABS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMB, FIFES, 'and al/ kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE,I'IOTORE FRAMES, LOOKING ekILASSES, PHOTOSRAVICARDSacIAIMMIS. Abtußu- PS GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, tco. „ Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third the hugest Music Store this side of the great cities. .-dtt -- • MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER 'xi-xp44, aYD, TBB ONLK GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this oleo has been awarded to MASON & 'S INSTRUMENTS. 'Mad aseorkaent br chore nearnments always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Ageis, 93 Market street. Je42tawlyJ • A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF. M USIC: Oraiiis AT WARD'S-MUSIC STOBB, • . L 2 N Turd &ma. Residence: Third meet, above North, dls4f Pit,OCLAMAAION. ITIEEE citizens of the city of Itarrrieburg are hereby wattled that the ordinance, entitled "an or Alamos to prevent inieohmf from doge," passed February 6, teat, will ba strietly est:o , cod. Attention is espoeiany directed to actions 6th, 6th and fith, to wit: Sae. 4. That every dog going at (ergo within the limits of the said city, fro a the twentieth day of tlay until rue twentieth day of September, in eaott and every year, shall have mar* put on a good, strong, dubathatial and safe wire basket muzzle, incioaiag the whole mouth of Said dog, so as effectually to prevent him froth biting and 81111)Ding. Sao. 5. That any and every person owning a dog and permitting it to ran at large withier. complying with the fourth section of this ordinance, shall be limb's to a line of not low than one du la-, nor twire than two dollars, • with ousts, at the disoretion of the Mayor; and in the event or gibe said con table not being able to end the owner of tho.dog sr running at large, ho, or ooino parsed aMmyed him• shall take hp r kill sad bury said dog, for whleitsitrolee he or the persott ,performing the sm. vioe alt 'mealy° the sant 010/111 dollar, ; to pnia out of the.ohy trewury. duo. 6 reit even dor going at large within the Wu its oll.nsid city, shall have around itd neck, at all times, a ot*ar:Oif matal or a collar of loather With a metal - plate, on wildsh ea AO mill tr or plate shalt be iriyOrilkd the Rama of the owner of each dog, and any 'and eveiy : pettioo owls- skdog and permitting it run at large, without VOID- D i v i ng with the role siiiette of this a, mien, shall be liable sloe a t r„,„ oiled liar for every elleurte• and funnel., it is hereby : made Meiling of the Chief Poilce C iuetable ore itiritio employed by hi u, to Lade up ciiely deg do nth, atm at large in violation of this section, and unless the said fins Id pal tiy, the owner lh reef, tin deinaud, the said odder le hereby oath wiaed and required to kill the dog or eau* it/to be killer and hurled, for wh.oh serviced h e A la n b e a ll o wed oae ii k ttlar : out Of the city treasury. A. L. sausirogr /lam. PEIPIIER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, lakihrlen, lenity Shure, Williautapurt, llug ty, eniuntoWll, WuhtoilloWn Kiltoll, Lenikburg, Northumocriand, bitry, Trevertuo Georgetown, _ Lykenstowo, Banta', Dauphin, AND ILIARRIstiIJRG. - • • Th e philadelphia Depot being ocietratty located, Al4a &voilagill be at Abe ioweiu. rates Toe. Conductor in.* . through pith each train to attend to the dare deli ver y all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the di roue RR6RD, WARD & FREED, 811 Harker. street PbMedelphla, by 6 o'clock r. a., will be delivered An gar pisbarg the next morning, Freight Always' as Lo4y as by Any Other Liam JOEL moarLiasren' Y & co. p Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot. of Nark , * etreet,..flaiyieberg; ETTI sirw L./qualm sTolus. • • Ed:PORTANT TO LANDLORbS AND griugaw—lise _undersigned otters at ethederaia, /m i t, ~, et t eice-ya-of the beet llgunn ever brought Bffyinunrg, vtt7 /From* -fircreckes, Holland 0114, 80.otale frife bia ae m- ar ti e c enane i eaV Rye whi.pagne , .4 ; Ft.** leiarruuedZ hors wt, as enyfeenued. Laudlorki sodOisirs - rill and-11, I. their sdssatage to call and- op siuttieAltu. AaliVaaat at the Serer 9 0 South &caud ated, tiro doors bane Chaieticak . - ynyltrdepi : ..• - 41E0Hat wnrTERI3 • - Vnitratt GRACIRMIL —Boston Wine_. - Bi er _ .JV Gaga, *San Blaatutt l / 2 .-Wajitiakw elf Omar Crackers, Bostaa . 4plijorg 9r04411/411-Wv_iit at BM= goweti; 11:1=2 =SE MEDICAL. ELECTRICITY. DES. l i nrETH and CREAMER, Eclectic and ,Eleotropathie physicians, restioctiU y ...offer their ptClfeerltlLlCDOMlteltD all the various theft of the psi:Wadden,' fur 'the treatment of all Route uudobrosfin; forms of diming. • The .114134411 shlowl,thay.omploy tattle treatment of , disease IXloldit - Qt Magnetism; Galvanism, Hi e t*Hiftpat- Van; dui Swedish Method of " localized mos; nt suns, a few ilcietillei medicines when deemed t 16001181117, and In DM all the natural curative agents that may successfully be brought to bear upon the amain They do not wish to be understood n arr6gating to ' "themselves any superiority of prorsisional skill, but they believe the remedial they employ in the treatment of dia ease far superior to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they act ID perfect harmony With the laws governing and controlling the human • system To chin, and the fact that they wane themaelves to no par ticdai lathy or spans, they attribute their DODQI3BII controlling, disease. • The principal agent they employ lb the 'treatment of disease;namely, Electricity, Is an agent woudetlial In Its phenomena and puss/TU.lin its effeent har good or. W. It is an ever present, all-perarding principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gammas matter. We ice it in thellgticrling'a hash and hear the cuandesiauons of ita power. in the Mattering thunder. It is the cause.of.all flecomposition, 'recompo. • When and trandormantin. It excites all motion. It is the exciting _cause of life, growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, exeretion; digestion: It lays bold of the crude food in the Stun/anti, concert► it into a elate flu idity, transmutes it mw arterial .blood, and seeds tt on ite important cults of supply ttiB, nutriment according to the necessities of" the bully. It. is the (Lorre vital tiuid ; the groat agent through. whichthe mind acts upon the bodys •It is the caused all moires except the first great cause. the Infiniti Rind which created it and bronght.it into u e . These may appear like mete assertions,. but,they an facto admitting of strong and irresistible proof:' le it then, to be wriadered at that an agent so wunderral in its pho. nomena, so powerful in Its minufeitationa ands° intilliate• iy ainnectini with all the operatious of the human aye. ; Lem. should be inmost "absolute in its powei of controlling:. disease? Certainly not' It is a 'datuml Sequence follows as surely 10 day follows night. ••• • Among me das•eses which are round MOO readdyto itlectrieity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may no mentioned the following ; incipient COnenruption, • FnralYela HiPiliptin, Hysteric and' wool Couvulsious, Neuralgia, in its worst forma, Rhumumism, intlammainry me chronic; all die , neue or the-uervous system, . i.yspelr . ew sn . reu in a few treatuieum; all Oltieasee of the urinary did genital organs - Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles one eriAapaus Ain ; Azikaurums and all triedred all notions 01 the eye; Auretus, .mrictures, all skin aseinien, Mc. ~ parsons calling will Or Lind whether iney can be bone, dtted and nu case taken whore some relief cannot be at- Oenrultatimi free. Other, South Second Street, ue,ow . Cheoriut, Harrisburg, Often tiouris.frati 8 to 1.2 a. LOX, toband r.ra • • , ALEX. . , T WYETR, hi. aplS DR. J. IktiLUN KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. A PURE and powerful TONTO,. Corrective anA Altetative, stnadetrul effloany in diseases of thnSTOMACIA..IAYRIp. and BOWELS. .Oures. , :.., • . Liver Born taunt, - - - - • • DOB ity; Nervousuers, protium) of Spirits, Couattpatiori ••••••• • • Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn I haguat for Food, Fullness or Weight in 'the htemaoh, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult. Breathing,. Yellow- hese or the Skia and Eyes,. Fewer. and Dull prune in the Head, Pain In the Bide t Back, Chest and Limbs, will cure every ease.. of Chronic Nervous .. Deaillty, Diseases of the. Kidneys 'and " Diseases, artaiag from , a ditiordered Stomach, (Mod for Male or, Female, or Yung. The Most beneticiel medicine known; gives bettor igitis faction andeurba more diseaxes clan any other prepare. Uun ofibmd tgLk, PM*. Prepared solely by 8.,A, Kim KEL & BRO., 118 diartetstroet, Harrisburg, For see by Drugguds, mad Dealers everywhere, BEWLItE 01 Kr. Cotillterteits . As Kunkel's Bitter Wino of trolis the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia ate Debility, and mil there are a Demote of imitations Oared to the pbblic,. we' Would tiiiiition the ,omtuunity to purchase notio-but the genuine article. , nanufactured by B. Bap., and has their stamp on the top of the-Cork of every..bottle. The verb ram that others are attomuttag to . imitate ti* valuable nahledy, proves its worth Spoke volumos In thi NW' The Bitter: Wine of Areiti put,' tip in - cent end 'sl'oo bottles, end sold byol4, „rinper,tabli• druggists .throadriout the country. Be particular Unit tfveirY , tottle - bents- , tta. as simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wlne Includes the most agreeable, mid enicoto Salt of [roe we poems"; Citrate of Stagnate elide corn bleed, with the most oiergetio of vegetable tontes,"Yello% 'eruTiati bark The Mita in many cases of debility, lost of appetite, and general prolitintion, of an efficient Ault 01 iron, combined: with Nom Teat% Jo meet, happy. It, inionenna the appetite, raises the pulse,- take off masculor nit4tlni n % nisnovlo% thetpallor of debility. end gine a Mold vigor to the catintenina GENERAL DEPOT, Its mem= sitzET . For sate by : ell respectable dealers throughout the N E 141 -41„ E . 0 R S S h ss le r: & F-va zer (Successors to...Wta. Dock, Jr:, : PEALERB IN F INE .FMI/11,11 - 1...1 n opposite the Ostui House, !tar! iyt lupdttlltte +electioof - • ' ' - • • BRANDIES, f different vintages - F7NB AND COMMON WIZOID, Of „Every DescrifiNis WHISKYS. 1 L1) HOHRBON.- . • MONONGAHELA, -rtiv - s IRISH AND SCOTCH i t htsicys. The best ever'bronitete this market. OLD WHRA'4 I; • FAMILY NECTAR-, And the celebrated - lokiVrq. OfT GROVE WHISKY. CIIABIPA.GiVE.WMICS. ' JOHANIDCBDDRGI, MUM SCOTCH AND IRISH 4 TI NS, • LONDON Balm mttr„ WILD OEIRRY, - -. - • • • ' ' *WIGWAM- TO IC Withll,oomplele do* of !-'• *- ' ' EN 4 GLISIg A.NII A:MIBILIOLN I FICKLE9 liEfifing*ltitirpf. eVar7 . detoVlMikucer in the:pup:lm: ugrar.11.4.,,...i.. :::.:..z. : .-- , , • - • • ...... ~, rani iiiwzie ir:Arms• : : -: ilwr • i•••111,1111MIITIMF.Fln-CM .. • • -good. -- Letbiy — - rairisti.Limeimulkioile;voijoir ta . statteir7 thus gotraillLAP: wabbf r4birgti ; THIOUTORIL • wow IONS& ROMANO. , SHRIIII4.I • .1! waimrkted.terAlsit.•lterry l aritaii oouet : 1 MILER hM (w NM ty WI& Doi% h, , 0 ;s t2i• 0.1 ;.::.~ E;M3l= MEDICAL. EMI H El PIO .t • MI OW.- crim tal X = Po- lig DEL JOHN L. LYON'S FRENCII PORId , OICAI►I DROPS T,fla GIMT FMCIME REGUL4TOR, tre the only known reine d .' thatwill sueseinitino , ins restore and the avariably ft:11100Mb, remai ned! Irr egularitiee, an . prodiebor b- .M; vier end LYON PERIODICAL DROPS Are a field pitntion, the - Only .trub one of the hied ever hammed in country, and acts directly on the parts effected, whilskpille aid penrderstimg only mach them as tl work through empithy, but not at direct and positive , Are you suffering from a constant =Miley for the rem larreturn of mduro'i prescribed taws 4lve youraelf no unearinmo, for Lyoul Tariedited . Drupe; If taken a day or two before the expected period, will poet• tively and invariably rinialate ita coming, as sure as effect follows muse, as certain as daylight fallow* dattnem Are you alok, enfeebled by aYtaea, or amble to bear the Wm and danger of Moms f LYON'S MERIODIOAL DROPS Come to you us blesoloit, tor bmtprevotkiton bettor thin reiptlarlf takee 11,1 e a certain primewthe, and will saye you much peril:mid away bow at ehderieg, • Have you been afthoted - for =my rim witMoompLinte (BOUM, in 140 sex, that, have Mined, &M•akill „Opt dada, sad 06 hurrying you ou tomearly ewe? 4 In==ll i', ...; IiTONIVESERIODZIALDBOBI: . :: ~ . `.. Ire the most Teltabtemegatator • crer-kneara f aid ewe, hitf magic, all Won trregalarittes thek,have defied the doctor's Will you waste away with endorisg hors falscorrhuia erolapke, Oysidenorrnoit, and ti thousand other dillloal , toe. all summed up wider—the nano of suppressed am olistruotad Aaiun, arfasealullarstinont of one dollar la ' • .41: . : , . pinivitaiii siskipis 41 surely save you. . Do not use the Crepe _whoa forbiddes le the direetiout, or although a 'media. Cum and hatisiele at all other Itmcw; they are so powerful and their aikudated to adj col piers' the tunecone of the sexual 'ergasiate, that: ekes at improper. attses.they would produowreeutta eon: racy to nature, agattux whim:all, partlegarly Woo wilt scald reprodimi, shook- serechtil PENA " Lsowd.•PBSIODIOAL DROPS mfe . lennot harm %Ono* deli Mes oweatlintled se any time Au me piMrietois 't goal mania' iti 'toping that a thousand bottles will be used for a good pin ouee Where one la used for in illeglianisto one. LYON'S PERIODIOAL IMP& 'he never-onm Feinolelegalidny, is-fra oale ..by eve* !hug t's. in thit dtituoibaulky; and do not, It you valut vuui health and Otter,-bat for • reliable =ethane, buy au) Ither. Take no ethee,-bat, if the Diana to whom yoo .pply Ituta not goo it, make him sand anii,se‘A feelopi, qt.* OW* & COy ' Alia limos', Co:MN. br JOHNSTON; 65 14 1401 4T. 4 O OWDP4II Ninth aidl age* diadk . _ 1 0. • 't 4 lob - , r la-,1 Y.,.. , , ':..R 1,.-:=1. 1 ;ill ' o .•'• I ATI:1, :: =l=v! DIL - h.J - OHINSON,'.. I .7 ' BALTIMOnt LOCK HOSPITAL, HAB disco vered the moat certain, ill ebetual remedies M the world for DISFABES OF DEPRIIDENCTE. NO XILSCURTIOR NOXIOUS DRUM A Oars Warranted, or Bo adrgo, in from One . Weakness of theß AAfictions or the Kidneys and . Bladder,lnvoluntary D Impotency, fikmend De billty, Nervouriness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of _the Heart, Timidity Trembling; Dininess of Sigtit or Giddiness, Disease Or thu Bead; ThroatrNam Shin, sMactions of - LPrin" Lunga, &omach or Bowels—them terribie dlsorden arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth--tilose secret Mad solitary practices more fatal to their victims limn the song of Syrens to the , bhglathatt then most brilliant hopes or antiMpatenut, rendering marriage; YOUNG MEN • • ;specially, who have.become the victim* of Solitai3r Vies; that drew and destructitelabit which annually sweep to an untimely grave thousands of Young Hen of the most exalted talents and brilliant' intellect, who =gni Otherwise have entranced listening Same with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to mazy the hying lyre, may pall . full (madonna . , • • MARRIAGE. I 0 ."10 . galled Peres* or Young - eleacoatempla' tang nuirrisps, being aware of physical weakness organic debility, dolor &0., speedily Cured. • • Re who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re hgtousy confide in nib , honor i s ` a gentletnan t and' coed dearly rely Clam his skill es a Physic:las, ORL+ANIO .WRAIiNESer )mumdiately cared, and vigor sistored. This dist/suing atiesion—which resters life miler/able end marriage Impossible—is the penalty paid by the 711 time of improper indulgence. Young weans are tot) op to commit excesses from notheing,.eware of the dreadfn coliseums% that may ensue; Now, who that andel Stands the sullies:4SW pretend to dolly that the power o. Cessation is 101 l bower by Ware Wilug,into Improve , habita 'bait by the prudent.. Besides being dePlived thr plasma of :healthy' Offspring, the most anions and dr tea ssive symptoms to both „body and , mind Arise Tho heoenitel derengud, the physical and manta rice ens weakened, los of procreative power, nervota irritabiLity i dye, palpitation of the heart, Indite:Sloe benstitutional debility a wasting of the triune, cough. SW tumpuon, decay rad death. ENEEZEI Lets fiend sitte going fronniteltiroore street, doon from direorner. Wail notice observe raronand number.: Letters muerte paid and contain antemp. . The Dodger ;Dmlomen Yang in Ids office DR. JOHNSON. ;Member of the Royal College of Surgeons,• London, grad uate from one of the mode eminent colleges M the Unita., Ames, and' the greater part`of whose life his been open( in the bcdpitals of London, PariN Philadelphia and else where, has effected some o the Most astonishing curet Alit were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in tin `head skid ems when asleep . great nervousness, .beint 'alarmed as sadden sounds, bashflihreil, with frequen eluding, attended sometimes with derangement of mind :were cured immediately. . _ _ TAKE. PARTICULAR NOTICE. These itie - litiffte of Welker and ',iiielanctioly eVel;te pro ducat by eailY , habitual' yolith; viz Weakness of the back and'llmbe, •plits head; Me:tees of eight; loss o• muscular glower, palpitation of the bean, dyspepsia, new 'roue trN ty aymplome of oonsanrption, &c. libteratit.—The fearful itlYbobta:On the 'mind are mact. to be Oreedett—loas of, memory, oonfuloti of ideas, de Wagon of spirits, evil foreekslincii aversion. to soclet3 self distrust, love - or &a, are some o the dills produced, YOUNG - KEN Who have Wait themselves by a certain practice Is , dulced in when. alone, a habit .frequently learned evilop ,or at school, the effects of which Sr. 'acridly fell, even when:asleep, mil, cured rendem• marriage nom/ sible, and destroys bosh mth4, and body thisildt clircidiatelY , • • • I . 1 1 r. 01401 young niart,the hope of, hie canary the dieing of hie parents; should be snatched; from all •• iortik.l4,oar{joymiuM4o ilia centsequencei 111'; 11001444 g from ,She-path or nature and Indulging in a 'certain amain habit. Such persons ems, before amino batting =IMAGE, ileflect that a sound mind and bedy are the moat necessary requisites to prolpotecoaotablalhapptnees. Indeed, with these, the Journey through Us becomes a weary ; pi) WAso;',lthe.PrOipecklbutly through , to the %elk@ thii mind woomes atuulooled with 49pair and filled srlth melancholy renew& Anit..* .Happiness of another be. comes blighted, with oar 4519., . 1 DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the mitre. Mid , ll.lllprUdent. votary of . ploasnre Inds he has nib the seeds of this painful disease, too often happen!' that en illttmed eenee;cf shame or fh. tread ordiloovery deteraltrai ham apytn i g to'thase who front education' arid respantibillty, can' ohe lie falls into the hands of Ignorant and': going pretend ors, Who, incapable •of ptictniary enb 411000, keep him tildlitertiontli titter montli t or as long to the smallest fee oath° otitlikild, and in deepalr leave bin with snit ist health to sigh over hisgalling,dieeppointment by tne use of the deadly poison; *mealy, bastes th• uonstitutkundsympt.ti inifthiatenibletlitiblindhe Lion of, the •He4 , * - kroaklleek Skhi, eta, programa!, with: frightfal ••"it y 1111 larla a period to bb triadfal ImMetisaipritlyetaditig: hint to that undiffelveror Jaunts, from whence . no traveler retsina • ' • • MEI • , The tainitlimunisia cured at. this inausinaiiii, site• year, and " tho' numerous important inimical . - emeirattott uerformed by Dr. Johnson, witneasext by the repent* o , the ffint, (Ripper, and many other papers, notices of whici have appeared ailett andliffain before_ the, linsaiim usetandiespier Maffiiinerekif chareater iad stapiniiia- Ality, is a sedan guarantee to the afflicted. SKIN •DISRARIPS SPEEDILY OTARIIIX nme• Wo. 7 South Fredtrick,illtrest o .; • r 111624113 COMPOUND 'EXTRACT 'Ol CU BE BS AND COP A IBA. this preparaeue to 'particularly reocimuneural to 011. gg,RJRAL PROFESSION acathe rIIIILICAir MTN ad cure* ipire et DlSliagM or Tim BLADDER, 811 URUI*EY ORGANS,' . It may he Wiled or; Ahe mode for the me or them remeitlaa iuthe large CUM of dlutiiimicof Ames, to which, Um" are aiiplicable, It never interfere• al th the digestion, and by its cxemeatratios, the dpin N. B. - I Porobsorm are adviled to wet the TARRANDr VAIPtICIND ir.XTRAOT QF 011BEB8 Alp); - COP/JILL Ind take nothing else, ma eautatlona and wortadoe Mita at4op, Itrutitettailar - wititii;arir, in the mad*: Prio Oa Seat by. Ezpreea tin / receipt of 'Mien Minna, :wed only by TARRANT dr, CO., No. 978 Gireenvnci meek corner of Warren street, _New:York, comet.joi o g le rmuariris prang*. , •. . . oetWolle • FOT sale by FL A. ILTINRIA di - BRO.; and by Drigidat amorally. • , • Gray's Patent . Molded C oll.a,rs ... 1 • amply mac pewee of paper cut WAv km at a cellar, bat are ifol4cd and Ghat* to.gt the Weialr, harlot a parted cur,. free from arwfacer brick', which la ob-i taineil by our patented prices', which else moues another Ideashapepoirened by na other ceTkre,—vts apace.* tha Cravat In the. Turn-dose" Um mains or wawa a munionrasloons Lin PIM Mix P17011i114, this eons', for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled. : Tbsy are made In Turn-down Stpleln aims frorii 121 e 17, and :Garrotte from 10 to 17 Mabee, Ind pailkepli. seat Me bezes or 100 mob; maser rebA-the hmger aality mad navy- Officete. ' - - . , airrraßT °OWL!' is itlunrfed 41.6ries Patent Molded Cedar:" Sold by adi It:eftin Men'i nn Node Supp,Mtd b 9 ' -9 Milk . gilt:Witt% & CO., 621' Oambrur A.UaAel ' l l l Eit 6/0 -7 'MAD,. OYS,jrtA4 - , A. Geicolt --.. .' .. slum & P1an,;...... Pilb ."-- .- ' Tutraellsore to W. Dek ' elk-Vo , litraratC4lWB .lizaidadt,e .„ Ived.VeM tow. k Af tr i k ii 4, 4 0 , 1 WO • PRMII PUN - 'h i il-'1,% MEDICAL. tat4AWat2ir.sr..4,Thy - ,l:4iii;j:ol7A to TWO:. Days. Onma No. It SotrFx 71111111" Blau; INTMOMENT OF VIA PEES& 'THERE 18 NO 8110111 WORD -AB-FAI4 - ;ott D. W. GROSS &I,C4h, MI wnot*Farat AND-iurrmL BM= DRVOV.IS.TS..i NO. 19 MARKEMSTREET4 A art ir a 8;' PA MEM DRUGGIEITA, jsJ!,O7BI:CM.N4I, "TEETERS AND donums. We dally =to our assortineit Of goods at! aash * ides as are and *odd Nageastaktvolla your 0 *Mod to Os lamest and bout'slsoe4 stook la (LL ‘4,1 1 C •! DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, gag, VaudOM awl Mae', , Ilyolltallt, Oleo and Putty, _ . AMA% 0010n1 awl *els, Yates Tula Akolsol, . 44.dpenwind Pine One. . Bcltt./ea. T h ib l lad L e klbel k Omine Boer Spam mut Oofts, o, &o, ha, &c., AO C, ittuta a pinta EMI PEIWIDIERY AND TOILET ABTIOLVII, gefected from the bent thirope and thue country. ieing•TFY tali" deatas in ; Atlifrat warrs LIMP. • , LtairliD OiL; yrrfivir. GLASS, 4811,4r8 coLang, PAIN!' .11.117,4 •Wirit'BSBRTININ • . :f: • . - '• 1W ALL TH/211 nisnrems, • • ' sr .OP 4.&kairnis. ! We respectfully invite a eall, lkettsg%xiolkileat tlpiCore van supply the rola of all Yin terms to they satlefsa. Ikon. -rEET H• I TEETH 11 rf . .t: . • • romp ND wintrB PORCSaIIf TErth, NT) -.l Wr OMOZZalit 44W - • .•njnt Tr Of au Nadi olieect *Nei {hi Proptietore. IgAPCOUtiii IAND 16 /0 100 !de 4Senta - gbr 01:, which we : BO is kw It csa be parchased In the cities: THAYER'S augplcui. Ault) arraaars GOI dtril- CARBON Olti _ • 11, r r' • g• 41 4 1 2 pf.. 0145 MI 1 4 4teee 97fih, we pop. ?c??Wkiluti! is GINO PuTOTE .QPI I QLL Limp of ilts-1,0.44 oapectited dia4. - : All lladr of Law . *anted' to trviteold•Olt ' ' • ' r. • f.. fAlualls_944l U RA 7 / T VIIA s Mime oF yin Wile) hi:410,44ft ar sego Ai* ciAt . : iitopEßSi,.iiel kii)WAws 4veriti l iegiey iiitt *iv* Itozwiesiot awe bliato ld In* good ndiuoa Moirpladstattesilfy.to the peva Aber. him *And fronitiletionr °Attie Pordiro)7the / Latirdissil ty f II 4P , b° I 4 6 I II R: II .WITIAL the 1 01 4, 1 heidsh and igfpairfutee of *ob. - oath ' • ••5s • • • 0F510405 s lteideetu:glere rte the mini. lege 0f,.• thorough Woowiedge of the trade; sad air er• rnegouteutelkiht; aegiteenoh l thit we m , is . a very "4 01 %.# 01 ,gt ft!ftifili 1 04,14 . wirminig; to OW bnaIEPM• int the beetle table. - Thtt .. 1 110dbonit _ totroutoto -bottom* ea coo we hope liteuitottoution to builiaeis, a weft !•"!Ir-v•i 'D TraC • It OttcsalitWaind-the **re' to plaweAdh taamett.l. ixok ' , mummy( the t ito*ota..,, 4l spta-dly .f , r g ablfgy ' - MOTif " • 04 A9#10* POWDER, PERFUMING iINIIII,AND haki'lirffra MOrig . ITPOWDEIWa, compound 8f induable raks to? *e deottootkorat hasiiiiiAgotribitoi oluosPir_4 ll gadtworirusi o Radom Coßpotk.CMhillit, ta;VIAW trt An - mum* idt eibetwaiy' provost 11:3., a, .: At, Be Sdithwilao ilerglle tt win tai ' .4.jtata hissingimigiariii - ederi': I IprtSiPilr4Atilfusi 7 1r .• /tessollr4igltlikohristitanyNe. Id . f _drg i a , -2 / - hi ....,, tu i rsi at, . 4 _. . 4 ,, ,,ii.,:: ...... igrrac locintAr 11 , 11• J - . 0 3 1 7 5 l'lf Li 7: -- " Litli' U.-, VAII _ ~. :+,. tgamessimeto w. Ds* L lk is•CNII: :4 0 i ffet't Jr i MN smailiglaupgi MASTIC CEM_ENT sturrirrAmings, - PITTSBURG, Pa ., I.PREPARED to Punish and coat the erkrr of Buildings with the MASTIC CBMEI.IT, on g new system. Thu material is entirely digeratt from all other cement; used heretofore, and le the only tenable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro jor **Won of pure Linseed Oil it fortis a solid, dery hie sdbestemitee to Brick or Stone Walls, making a been. Will, fine miler proof surface and flab& equal to Brown Stone or say color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastie Ce reti3L tr i C the following gentlemen: J. resitiere, Pace Ira. pitt ig, bszt J D. J. M. Shoenbiner reehtinCe, Lawrenterille. A. Boeveler, bares " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, Third street,, Pittsburg James Wood, owner St. Chitties Hotel, I• WM= Vobel, Girard House; Barr & Moser, architects MINI& )342 = " John B. Cox, midden" Front street, erg, Pa , A. J. Jane, r, Please address WATSON, P. 0. Box 1,B06; Pitteburg, Pe., or, Penna. Beam, ilerretrubt, Ps. ~3%t ~ a_ Monenienta i timb4 Head Stones. -Mantles, And HMSO Work in Marble and Brown StoLe. Give ee s cell end we will guarentee eatisfaction. WEADI , 6I4 a CO. basuinond Itcoilinti or German. weavecaelsr • .. pars (Wad Bplees, and Naftalis's at YEW PIONEER BOY, and tick* ike became PraYdent, $1 26 EMM=I 1161846 m M 3 FA DDEAPS MARBLE YARD, OWNER OF WALNUT AND NINTH MEM Harrisburg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard to this city, beg leave to Inform their theca' and the public hi general, that they are prepared to itc. MARBLE WORK 'OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 817 CR Afi AN ASSORTMEtkiT OF OVER 100 STYLES POCKET BOOKS, PURSES POYETDIONNAIES FOB LADIES , AND GENTLEMEN, .. AT KELLEI{'S Drag atuff'snoy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The Wei Aloropeo , , 'TRAVELING GALLI! E L'E," And a general variety of FANCY GOOrSt - sattable for .Stakenta, now on haad at HELLAS'S DramStora, !oithrlo4l" Na 01 Mantel meet. .1 1 ,110`10(A HAFU. - ALB U.Ala. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT 01 Photograph albums. ROUND - in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, .1„, lilt and moimted with two heavy dam ' ALBUMS - WITH a Acores for . 8 80 40 - 60 • iv( a • . 400 prisio ler r wi th inlet; other styles g.hindln& eines and which will be sold cheap. Bei you cannot 'bap p prettier, more durable and agape" Allman anywhere- Od and see at BCHEPTER'S 800 irj %% taarl2-dtf lilayrtebut. . BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. '!BT PARKER BOY, and;Low ha beau= Coirunaod• et 41i-Ctriet, • uS6 . . TBZIABRY BOX, and the Fin/Ludes 12 26 ZEIC PRINTER BOY; or how Ilea. rFalek/ 141 11 $0 1 4,:i j 4, •bia mark, TBS. FARMER BOY, and - how he became 4teutert, 7 ant General. In preen. . Al TOW'S KLSTORY OF TRF , RERE 1 4,49tt0r. 4 ,,,, Fottiter to Roanoke; elegantly Clitoris 111 , 116 4i :1 • IR,ATORIC. INSURANCE COMPANY-OF NORTH AMERICA, Nii Walnut Stieet, Sonili Side; Ena'toi Third Street, Amoy= • • , IIIOOPRORATRO 17644 ! • • 000 • Transportation 1n .,,v Matinta • ARTRULI a. OOrfi, Preddert. CHARM PLATT, uy:• W 1144 LAX Etkill•Eß 5 Cantina Alitnt tor Pennsyl.varila. Office Walnut St s - ietif Skiaitt llarriginig Po • • • ust - •gtoElvEp`;' .- • , _:„211,1§ /1101iX12i0, A- raFoiet4f/VO4;E RION.ENSII & 00. 'll!CELlilltalED .SUGAR iBURED " - Jll3lF—Trl7', IT••• • • ... • • sEgsLOot , / 7401'8! ILL Al :kr) Caaa#o3l,l?UlitiliUkcE &Ai twe. effect 'the 'Veritiek . but t 'newer 4 4. , WV= ware. it duetuoL dlbeOluy e, with very little litbia. every hat.liesi aware, t:itteit wetal er wow*: All. willitifa...tialtlA; AAA dautill is HU Wins Aimed we a ter clectuing, turuttuett wet tee, bevy ediuti. .418. covered with oust. teeth Who ri.4 tienrarat there Witt wake K bright, tawKitibb. lour WO by w. A. K - 1.18.w.114, a taco., : ru44tf 118 Kirk 'IA duvet, henibburg. wilueruurs - rpm% INVALUABLE 13YRUP,-which . moldy vegnuktilr, 'ocAupoottauil. haw Lisoica.Aiii: ...11,01 etWatterila khr 11q11.14 "01.49:144 um it ter the Alit Y.66:lAtith atuu LUMP& Il Of way 40rat el am; ituierwo, aliaik, ems UUlitiii.; Um. kiLtAW' . lark/CULL bitisAlLVAllti j ritkeitlihNbab, Luta lA' VU11.43 mat kiAA:llt, i.AVENA As Ate MU tre Attauaea with me - reaultas. m oue Al this INAL mut &Am AVAltulteal 14, ifikititiin Wu& 414.11 A will WM:KAMA/h. , No tatigarApe e on; „tinware gum qf Usisant us an* Chops fithu airosp. • • - • 1111‘.*.. *LW() rzu . . goTTLE. IWa al *WO • but" obn c. • Cella /441/.l.o.katlairroak tki:rioutArk a em 4 0 1 9 Tiu WO& ( ku AN* w=ken rawaraur&k Cakarr!, lbalr . &ire rah , roat &c. Tkey "cuuuLui Oka suuk full fainorakkkaa akowsr,) Are 11). fl ueil .43- 46 euusihunau., du ukmueu wukliktuAndoiivaisu &NM Jny OM. kmuage IMO .plaetwaut 14.6111.11AULunsti rulnay tay KUNbJ3I.. .kku. mai Apotrunkk*, 114 , . ki.a.a.JOHIIIA .L 'WU YO YOUNG LADIES, Nu. 16au Arch weal. Bev. GRAftLard A. luau, D, D., N. CLANNNGN bJLLTM A. A, Mask Year. Veer dereirtakezds: Primary, .Azaderala, iradadertat. ,eritege.ceurac .la.• ithe i das 'amalg amate% lagttur AUgitatt awi Nrourut aCielms.;ol* Uw Erie granule. • Madera Language", itara4 - Paratteg Dal aleoattes Aup ben ataatera. Ad ; Gurausr ,,, aPPG dui leditate, or address .NON.' .11317. P. U., PhitaueOtia ": - atotio44o Ibilllrl4 l , W 444411 - V. ass ALT MME IDAYAW—Brii epecisu alkratigeuttet '*ita oactibhl=oeat ennivien3 AL, the outud9,,Aphrur aP zatl=-74„,x40, , , , ,:".1. , .. ti,f:„.lizzied. tvotre.vir,gz Q, • Wit = Bacomora,ko WI Deulcarvs rtmuunr. I— ;4k Sae 10t : 6.101-14 ED PEACUES and TOMAIThia .11.1044 AWNS 1 0 8 stua Amok num rgdf& Pa iceelVel r by 13714 • MK Waws, ad met, adaß Wilda 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers