THE TELEORATiI ruraaatv MORN-13 7 9 - 4ND .B...Viik-aray:7 BY GEORGE It R.IL NE R. orncla TRIBV - 82; BNAIir.WALN7TZ • 'TERMS OF SUBSGRITTION. SLNGI.E-StrßSCßlVirdg. i:Aur TILEGILAPIIL 48 oerved. to flutaarribers In the city at 12 (TWA. per Week. Yearly spheutbers will be charged 4G 00 in advance. Those person 2 who negleetto pay lu adrenee will be charged. $7 00. . , WEEKLY TKLEVRAI4I, ' • Ns reLTORAPII &LSO lipbllolo weekly, and is far his licd anlize.ribere at the following cash rates: Binglo copies, weekly.... ....... bO Three copies to one Post Oale.„ .. . .. 4 00 Ten exit i , ?1; to one Post Ofiloe . 10 OD MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA, DISENSF,6 RESTrIgLNG FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AN D DIGEWNVE OR GANS. ARE CIILED DY 11001rLAN1)'S GERM,“ BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, THESE Bitters have performed more mires; here mar du give better el:whir:um:en; have more tea. thuuny ; have mum rwpremble people to vouch for them Limb auy other article in the market. We defy auy one to contradict this assertion, and will pay $4OOO to any une that will produce a certificate pub. Weed by ua that to out tottukno. klifiland's German tern, will cum ovary saw u 1 UMW& or Nervous Debility, Name,* of the ,Kidneys, and MotatwaS arienig from a Ordered atoioact. Oloor . ve the. full aytuptoMs, et. d so Saluug trod, titeodiratwa the diguative organic Con- Ertmattoth itmaFtl Pi/ea, Follows of Blood coital() head; Acidity ot the Stomach s Nausea, &mother% Magnin for Food, teuitutay or *eastit tu the Stomach, Sour /iruetattoea, Blueing to nuttarlog ai the pit ul the atotWich, SolutuoUg 01 the Maul, flurried and dulicult breathing, FlettOttue, as the bean, ChuainAi ur salloutawa, 41-noontime when in a lying poster; Doipwas VI maw, Dot., of cube bolero the algid ) e'irvoi auu dull paw tu the Maul, puttelettuy, of pone ptrattett, Yonoealeea ol the ektu two oyez, Paw to ltip side, back, cheat, Melia, so. soda,* iluidiee of heat, ,Burning in the dealt, Constant Su., 01 evil, and grout_de• pressant of aptrtta. Remember Wet Wis Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no nun or whisky, .and can't make drunkards, but is the ben Toaio tu.the world. RXAD SAYS N.) ..,..., 'from thelei, :LAM G. Beek, Pastor of the :Baptist Church, Phruhatelf, tv.l:, formerly or the North •Baptist Church, Philadelphia, - OM I have known Hooßand's German Bitters favorably for a number el years. I have used them in my own rustily' and have been so pleased with tfleuellects that I was in duced to mixounitnal them to many others, and know that they have operated us a eltriknig* beneflcial manner. I take grim. 'immure mu thus publicly prechtimung this fact, and calling the tAtelitlUlt wl those afflicted with the diseases tur minds they are reyattlituellduit to 4//086 Bit, tern, Kliovalig lawn experience Mat my recinumeadazion will be euatzuneti I du altld more cheenully as Hoof. Isuad'a Bitten , as intended to henna the afflicted, and' Is "tot a rum drink." Yours. truly. LIWI a...DKR% From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D. Editor of the Diu cyclopedia of Bolhilous Knowledge and Christian Chroni cle, Plitialielphia. • Although out disposed to favor or recommend Patent Mehitaues iu general, through distrust of their ingredients and edema, I yet know of no sufficient reasons ,why a Man may nut testily to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he way thus coutttibute to the benefit of others. I do this the wore readllyln regard to Hoofland's Gar milli Raters, prepared by Dr. a Sl. Jackson, of this city_ boeuuse I was prejudiced against them for many years; tinder the Impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker,Eaq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tons, and for encouragement to try them when suffering Prom great and long-continued dobtlity. The use, of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief sod restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for am mouths before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of then,. . . J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. From Rec. 'Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. O. M. Jani:uon:—Dear Sir;:—Poreonal experience enabler me to esy that I regard tligr German Bitter., pre pared by yon, as a must excellent inedauene. lu eases of severe cold and general debility I nave been greatly bone- Sued by the toe of the /Idiom and doubt not, they mil produce eunilar elleote on others. Town truly WARREN RANDOLF'IOI, Gtriuscown, pa, .to From itev. J. S. Punter, ,1 - 1,01. of Heading SI, 2* Chureh, Philadelphia. Dr. C. H. Jacknou:—Dar Sir :—Having used your Ger man Bitter. in my Minh) frequently 1 stn tarupartaal to 84 Mat It sea been of wait tiervtota. I txdiuve that in mean Mind Of ifounrill dohluty of the system at as the safeet and meat valuable remedy of which 1 have any hum& audio. Yours, reapuotfully J. D. rutiNsit, No. 726 N. Nineteenth street. firms the Rev. J. M. Lyons, fornsorty Pastor Of - ,tha Cionunbus (N. J.) and IfilosLown (Ps..) lloptzst Churviien • NEW Ruenatma, N. Y. Dr. O. N. Jackson:-Dear Sir :—I feet it upleaeure time, of my owe accord, to.near testimony to the mtlioll.lllW of the Oilman Bittern Some used since being mitch- at toed with Dianepata, I used Own with very tootenotal results. I hate often recommended them to persona en. fecaled by thattormenting diseascotud have hoard Dem them the moat nattering teatimoniale tie to their great value. In mace of general &Wily, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot 39 surnmaied. J. M. LYONS' From the Rev paoMca Whitor, Pastor of Relborouila Raptua Omar:. ' ' • Dr. jaUkAni.--Bear felt it due to your excel, Lent prvpitrattub, Elooliaact - Pertmua Ulttore, todbiziony to the deeerved rePtIGULlub it Lag. ü bt 4 meit.'"f have for years, at Untie, been. troubled With great ttiAtnkTe ‘ t . in my head end uerVull2 elysiera....;l. was advi,vd' .a friend to try a bottle of your German Eliueru, ttal so, and Lave impede/wed great anti tlntibpocted relief . , my health' has been very cuatentilly beiiet tad. I coubtleutly recoin, mend the article where I 'uAgt with rases similar to my own, and have teen iskirell by many of their good ef fects. Res Peetfuliyimura, T. P.MTFSK, Roxboro4h, : 4 • From Rev. J. S. Rermea,' of - the German Refbrixred, Church, Kutztown, - Berke cotiny, Pa. • - Dr. C. it Jaciteont—feaficeted Sir:—l have been troubled With Dyspopsiti nearly twenty years, and 'hallo Dover used any medicine that did me as much ~ g ood Roolland's Bitten. lam very Oulu* improved In health arum having taken five bOttlefi; . Irmo with teapot, 3. a HERMAN PRIOES. L a t ge gl ee fieg i baig Toney double quantity,) $1 00. pet butthe--ha d0t...... ~45.00 &hail Ado-75 cents per bOttle—hair doz._ ..... .. 4 ioo • BEW ALF 9F CAJUNTERF FATS See that the signature of . 4 91, hi. JACKSON I" is -on. the WRAPPER of each _ Should your nearest Urugglst.`not: bare the article, do not tw• put op tty_any Lpal.W4i,tlYn Prt , • • mar henfferedirlta,• ace, nt sone to tis, .and we forwardoleaurety 'by express. Pruteipal Office and Manullictory, /LC -• • . JONES efritilt,, • ' tumemrs to v. m. Jalksoft'd PROPRESiVAJt Rot. pale by Druggists and Dealers LA livery town In the VOW ilidet eirlo4l/arly OE= IMMO --- . j i . . • - - , . . k. .., '.. __. . ....._. _ . -- rr: . , -- -- t - 4 4 ,,t ‘'": r i * :: „ 4 ..a ':',.,•-y-':.i • .. •. 4 . - r.." 7": i. , •:' • •: • 1 111 b - • • `'.. • • • • . . , • *,- .771, - 1.7 -1 70 - _ rte' - •' - ._•.::,.!.•'. .' • ".' . - . , . .. • . ' • ' ' . . . . ._ , • BY GEORGE BERGNER. Peansylvania Rail Itqad SPRING TIPLE TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PRELIDFDELPHLL THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as. follows: . THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 140 A . M. and arrives at *en Philadelphia at 0.65 a. it. FAST LENE leaves Barnebiirg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 a. it., and arrives at Weat Philadelphia at 10.10 a. K. Passengers take bre:Maki at Lancastee. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg -at 7.2.0 e. r., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster atom modation train, and' and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.28 e. r. _ CuLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg at 12 20 p. Columbia 1.55 P. at, and arrires at Lancaster 2.80 r. at. ; connecting with at. Mall east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.80 F.M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. B.; Lancaster at 2.47 r N. , and arrives at Weatrittladelphla at 5.30 e. at HARRISBURG ACAX)SIMODATION TRAIN, vla Celnin bta, leaves Harrisburg at 545 f, and arrives at West Phllactelplita at 10.50 e. si. • • •. BALTIMORE EMPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 s. Altoona, 7.35 A. is., take .broattlast, dud arrives at Pittsburg2.3o P. at .-::PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAM 1 loaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 Altoorta at 8.'20 a. at., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 r. at. BAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at .1,30 r. ad ; Altoona at 7.15 P. at., take,supper.. and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 1 30 A. se. FAST LINE leaviiiiirrisburg at 3.50 r. x. ; Altoona at 234 3.11., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at (00 A. IL MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster _at 0.80 a. &Alves at - giirriatirg at IL 10 a. it. . . HARRISBURG AtAXIMRGUATIUN TRAIN leaves West Pluladelphla at 2.46 it a. , aad arrival; at-Harrisburg at 8./0 P. 31:, MOAN' JOY ACCOIMODATION No. 2, leaves Lanais. ter at 6.26 connecting there with Gamsburg Accom modation Wm% leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. Y. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 v. ar. DA.7,MML D. YOUNG, Age Middle Dra , Pten'ii S AL Harrisbur • , May 18, 1884.-dt: Nort - hern Central. Railway siuninum TIDIES TABLE. ,I'LREE TRAINS TO AND MOM 1:=::1 BALTIMORE ra AND WASHINGTON CITY. ConnectiOns made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and-hem the North and West Stanch Suaqueliatma, Elmira, and , all of Northern New Yoqt, . I - I N and. dler • MONDAY;. MAY 16tb„ 1864, V the Pease_ pop ,TratneofAlte _N•citiii,!eak m ora aaaway .will arrive ‘ itt aim aspen irODil ALUM Baltimore as follow;, . BOUTS i.ABD. NAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury, daily (=rapt Sunda. •' _10.26 A. m. " • leaven Harrhibarg L2O P. " arrive; at .Baltimore...... 6.40 P. m EXPRESS TRAIN leavasSanbury daily (except 11.46 P. N. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.60 A. IL 6, arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) HARRISBURG A ItiTlONleaves Her. burg SUNBURY ' ACCOMHOD.MON. - lenves Sun bury 04 . (except Sun day)*st... N 103% `R -H IV A D MAIL MAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) • 9.20 A. it. " leaves, Harrisburg 1.36 P. arrives at Sunbury EXPRESS TRAlN•leaves Baltimore daily ". - 'arrives at Harrisburg.. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Honday) ..... , alb .4 arrives at Sunbury . • Itk • .. 3.53 a. x. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION kayos Bal. timer' , daily ~ ..!ampt Bun. Ai . unveil at Bardsburg..—.. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Mania burg daily (except Sunday) at 4.00 P. M. For farther information apply at the Oboe, tikrettawl- TRIMS Railroad Depot...•- - -J. N. DoBARRY,- - Harrienurg, 4ay.18,1fi84 dtf Gen. Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. THRICE TRAINS DAILY TO FEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. lAN AND . AFTBIL MONDAY, November 18th, 13611, the Pasowiger Trains will leave the Phila. delpaia and •Readieg Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for Rely 'fork and Philadelphia, as tolkowikviz : EAATWAR,D. , EXPRESS LINE leaves .Hanisbuig oat GAO d w., rirvlvr the Peuwivlinia. Railroad Empress ,yrattifrour the Wes!, arriving in New York * 1.45 a., A-sieving. oar awacheCtO the train Ihroegh ittin flitting without *RAM Ha& TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. Y. , arriving niNew York at &SO e. n, and. Philadelphia at 1.60 P. M FAST JAHR leaves Harrisburg at, arriving in Now York at 10.25 e a., and Philadelphia at loop. *. PAST LINE leaves New York at ROO A. M., and Phila delphia at 8. L 5 arriving - at - at LI6 e. at. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York. at 00 noon, and Philadelphia at .1.30 r. st , arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 w. • EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at. 7.00 r.. x., • or. titles at Itarrnibiarg at 200 a. It. and oonneotingwith the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pinaburg. A sieepingair is also attached to this train. CallneCLlOnli are made at,Herriebnig with trains on the Po uutylranta, Northers Central and Cumberland Valley nuiroad.b, and at. Reading (or Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wdkeebarn, Allentown, Easton, aro. - Baggage checked through. Fares between New York and flarrleburg,4s L 5 between Harrisburg and Phikstel -phia, $3 35 in No. 1 airs, and $3 in No. 2. • For t i ckets or other intimation apply to • 'J. J. CLYDE, - •nnid.ritt aeiserei ont Pxmanurt, READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. (IKEA T TRUNK LINE FROM THE ILA radial and Northweat for Philadelphia, New York, - bating, Pottaville,Leblinon, Allentown, Eamon, Ake., &a :Tchine leaye Harrtebtug lbr Philadelphia, New York, Rd4ing, Pottsville and Mt intermediate asthma, at 8.00 ,o;11. - , and 2.00 p. r. New York Express leaver Harrlaborg at 880 o. arriving at New York at 1.46 the someday. 11 opeOtal Accommodation Passenger .tmin loomed Read tig at 7.1 b a a., and returns froutHarrisburrat 6 P. w. Pares from Harr eburg: To New $6 15; to Phila. dtfphia $8 85 and $8 80. Haggai° checked through. Returning, leave New 'York at 8 a. a., 12 noon, and 7 r. u., (Pittsburg SzPpbeli arriving at Harrisburg at 8 a. m) Leave Thiladelphlaltl 0 164. a., and &80 P. x 'Sleeping oars in Mellow Tyra Rapreas Trahts,thrOugh 'llVolhd from Pittsburg without change. passengers by the Catguts* SalipAid leave Tainußas 'err: f 0 e. and 2.10 r. st., for Philadelphia, New York, ai3d all sty itoilds. • • • - • •;••• Trains leavirPottbvide at11.16 - s. w., and 1.80 P. u., lbr PhiladelphisiEtarrlnbmg and Now Tiod‘ - • Aceeturoodatkin Passenger train loom Reating at ufirom-Pkilad 4411 k Vs* run o l oy, day - empted. *ludo; trAitki ,ear* ?PArcale IF, liarbil• _ • I vootp ticket, vow to and toodligUta. ,- 3.l4onndittioggsge iatoaditteadt perms. . G. A. NICOLL% - emend Soportuteadont. Kay 11, lUlloodiEwif =EMI RAILROA 1)8. MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, EAST* ARD .. 7.80 A. m WESTWARD "THE UNION - -NOW A - ND FOREIirER."--Webster, HARRISBURG, PA.. ' MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, ISM I== 1864. 1864 Pionadelphia' and Erie Raii- .HlSgreat line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erio, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by, the PirasrSTINS2IS !IMMO" Cox'. PAH; and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length.. It is now in- use for Passenger and Freight business , from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 miles) on the Eastern: Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward. Mail Train • ' - 120 P. 11: Leave Northward.. , - . • Mail Train.. L 1,5 Express Train • Sl5 et Cara run through WITHOUT enAtires troth ways on these trains between Philadelphia and lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping care on Exprees trains both ways boa wean Williamsport, and Baltimore, and Williamsport and PlUsdelphis: • , For information respecting Passenger Wiliam apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets. - And• for Freight businede of the Conipanra Agents: • S. B. Kingston, Jr., corner •lath and Market streets Philadelphia. - • .* J. W. Reynolds, Elie.: 4 r, J. a Drill, Agent N. C. , Baltitnero. a H. HOUSTON, General /Wight *me, Ara LFWIB EOM' • - General Ticket Agent Phira. JOB. D. POTTS, wir2o-dIYI General Manager, Willianupml. CUMI3ERLA_ND VALLEY FRANKL I - N RAIL ROADS. TGE OF HOITHS.—On and after Mon- LC day April 4th, 1864, passenger trains will rub daily, as ibllows, (Sundays excepted* YOR CHAMBERED MG AND HARRISBURG: a. r. P. NI Leave Hagerestown... .7.00 2.45 Greencastle '"7:37 3.32 Arrive at • B.IT 4.20 Charnbersburg; . . leave at s 8.80 12.65 Leave Shippensburg 2.00 1.28 • 9,82 2.00 . • . " Carlisle 5.55 10.10 2.42 ". Mechanicsburg .. . 6.25 10 42 3.12 Arrive at Harrisburg • 855 11.15 3.42 FOR CHAMBERSBI773t7 AND HAGERST 9 WN: a. M. r. a. p. - 1.. Leave Harrisburg ... . 8.05 1.82 420 " Mechanicsburg , • 8.47 2.15 4.54 " Carlisle 9.27 2.55 5.29 " Newville '10.22 3.29 Shippensburg 10.33 4.00 Chamberebu t Anive a at - 11.00 4.30 rg, e ... .. Leave flAnnunito .. • .1166 Ago ArgphitiVigerateLeav l2 AR ELIO cenneittousin Harrisburg with trains for Ytilladelphia, New York and yAttsharg ; and with rates for ail points Wein." - - • - • The Train leaving u Harrisburg .at 4.20 r. lt P. r nina only as far as Oarlisha . 0. L Mgt. 18 Office, Chambersburg, April 4, 1864-ly GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE 7.00 A. N. THE LO G-soroirr-rog 1.001. N. DISCOVERED AT lASI' `Cherokee 'Unice CHEROKEE INJECTION I • ' COMPOUNDED FROM BOOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES: OFIKROJOBE REMEDY, thegr'edt Indian Diuretic; caeca cat diseams of Mitt:rim:try otreps, inch tit Irtsconti. new of the Urine, infictmmattan. of the 'Broider; livZcitne . 'nation of the Kftlneyk Slone in the : Bladder, 57rilicre, annul, Gleet, Gorinor4O, and is 40ct ... 0i1y recommended in niose =Ed of Fluor iibtl.4 (or W? to in fondles) where add Lk old nauseous medicines have failed. 4.05 P. N. 9.30 e x. L5O e. ii. 240 P. at .7.50 P. N. sir It Is preparod in a highly concentrated form, the dose only tieing from one to two toospoonfuls three times /Gr It is dietetie and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its original purity raid-vigor; thus removing from the system ail pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in ail caws of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Furor Aibus or White& Its abed ire hearing, soothing and • destuteent; removing all scalding, heat, chortle° and pain, inetnid of the burning and almost un endurable pain 'that' is . eirperienced'ielth nearly all the gitettv rapt'hijections, . . Ar i By the hie of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION-4he two MitheMes at the same lime—all improper discharges are rentored;ind the sued organs arc SPeedity restored to tiql vigor and strength. . : tir r rar . 1211 PaTtlnalafat. gat PF: ' Panklailat from any drug more In the country,'Or Write us, and we will mall free, to any fuldrese, a Inn treatise, IM„Priee, CHEROKEE mmmyr, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. im.Price 'C I F.J3ROREE 'it4JECTiog,.s2 pi? lkoitle; or three bottles fot $5. • . • - - la. Sent by sprees any address on receipt of price. im.Sold by all druggists everyibero. DR. W. R KERWIN tic CO., '.• &So Proprietors, Marlo-eoilly• Ncc BO Liberty strept,.New York. CHEROKEE CURE. INDIAI MEDICIN-g, ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES.. An unfailing cure far Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal Zmissiotu, and all diseases caned by self paution; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude Pains in the Back, Dimness of trine' ft, /Newtons Old Age Weak Nerves, AtTiculty of Breathing, Tnemb/isw, ,Wakeful ness, Eruptions on the Face, Fate Countencom, insanity, ammonption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de parting front the path of seems. WThis medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and:one n Which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not tailed in asingle instance. Its curative powers have, been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. ggs-To those who have trtflixt with : their emanation, pMil they think themselves beyond the reach of Medical - hi, we would say, Despair not / the CHEROKEE CEEB will restore you to health and vigor, and after all Amok' doe tors have railed l_ • For fall partial' dam, get a artele.r : frimi -any . 4ore in the country, or write the Propiletor, who Will 14111 free to in . o , ll e 0 1 . 1 4ing the same, a MU treatise 11 pamphlet form. Priers $3 per bottia, or three betties ler $5l dud !beware id bj eorprgato SO parts ee the weed; • larldald by all region/Ibl° druggists irrerygrbebt DR. W. R. BIRRWLN & Sow pooroverolo, souMeodly No. $2 Liberty etreet New Tork. • R AllAtt ADS. Road. DM STEDICAL: TER GREAT oowor,NDED rsoli t:l,. v )ERTISE MEN TS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER .STOCK AT AND BELOW COST. AIRS. N. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, • PANTO desirous of closing her Summer 4-4 Stock of Millinery Gaors,- - offers for sale at greatly 4 0 1 -T , bed prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, . , HATS AND FLATS, S.C. danitantig on hand a aptiaidid assortment at &its .vEINETs, -• . RV- NES, ' • HOOP CO SKIRT'S, RSET% HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, CLOVES, .• `COLLARS, CUFFS, BELTS, NETS, FANCY GOODS, AC. Dealer* will do well to ran, as great bargains can be had at wholesale. jel4 lyr . Stearn Weekly to Liverpool. TOUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har- The well known Steamers of , the Liverpool, New.Vorit and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tennimrito sail as follows: Edinburgh, Situnlay, ..Tuly_ 30; Clip of Washington, Satur /Luria 6; CitY oritanohester, Sam ey, Au pet 13, and even , succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 4A, North River. . . RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE IN GOLD, on ITE siqurrALawr ix CURRENCY. FIRST CABIN $5O 00 STEERAGE ........$ 3O 00 do totondon 85 00 do to London. 84 00 -do to Paris 95 00 do to Paris 40 00 -do to' Hamburg—, .90 00 do to Hamburg—. 87 00 Passengers also forward to Havre, Bremen;Rotter "ant, Antwerp, ke., at equally tow rates. Fares from Llverpixil or Queentitovici: Ist Cabin, $75, $lB, $lO5. Steerage, $B6. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Comp/Wit Oakes • JOAN G. DALE; Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y., or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. 1f2.3.d1y A. F. ZiIIINIERNI.AN ) • Practical Watch Maker, No. market %treat, Harrisbarg, Pa. • .- DEALER IN nsp. wmican6 AlN ,• SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SD ZTER WARli k MATED W • - TEdi. BE VIES, AND ALL RINDS 01' JEWELRY. neda constantly on hand a well selected and elegantir assented stook or FINE W A 7 MI AADIS, i RINGS' AIM arra. FINE SILVER WARNE. ANRI4IOAN, INaLtall AND BFFIBB WATCHAN„ • Both In Gold and Silver 11ems. Also] a tine assortment of Latorms , W ATCJUIS Oonataptly an hanth"; • tartan valuers or ELEGANT CLOCKS, Qf all descnptions; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH .P.RICE& :•aa-Call and examine the goods, Particular antentiompold repa iring 'of One Watiches, 'melt as Chrtinorneters, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A. F. ZIMHBRAUN, tattrlNl No. 62 Market street, adjoining Brant's .Citvalry BorSes Wanted. 3 a46T A NT QOARTERNLEITISR% 0FF166. • II S. L. Hounemptia, itsna.,,July 26th, 1864. f TTNTIL - further orders, one, hundred and U/ 'sixty-tire (165) dams per headerill be paid for all • Cavalry I-lorses,• delivered at,tbe Government dallies at Harrisburg, Pa dhorses to be sound in all partiitdars.inot teas than (5) livo nor more than (9) time years old; f om 14% to 18 hands high, full fleshed, compaotly built, bridle wise and of size • uttoioot for cavalry purpo.,ca There speetftwoms will tic strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every pnractitur. Payeaent made on delivery of (1') seven hOrZOS or over Moors of tuspopt:on: frum 8A.m.t06 r. s. Tho de mand is urgent and an immediate response is so'reited. • E. 0, HMO fiENBACH. Jy26 . Capt. andi4ss't Qr. Mr. Draft.: Draft!! . Draft: ALIENS and persons under or over the re „ glared ago, wbo have been enrolled in this (14th) Distriet, or any other Distriet in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law. NOW is the time to put in a substitute and avoid the draft, . _PerFons who are not liable to draft. and who wish to enter the army as substitutes, can obtain the highest pre- Plum. Suideess transacted by mall at legal niter, and cost of revel thereby avoided. .13all at , once or address bk Matti • • • ;Uinta SNYDER, .... • . Adoraey at Law, 3d street - Jyfi-eod2moa, ' ' • Harrisburg, Pa. • LLBRECHt - RIMS .& SCIOIIIII 9 B • EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. KNOWLES, • 03 WrYet street, Harrisburg. VOR 'REASONS - perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pialloll. The public Is invited to come and es attune for - tnemselyea lbw Schomacker & Co's Pianos on hand yet will be deol low. mar2b-tf Millinery and Fancy Goods. MRS. J. HIBBS, it No. 8 Market Square, next door to felix's Confectionery, keeps wrietant y* hand the latest styles of B Rats, ' Ruches, Flowers,. kibboit kc, together with aline assortment of Dress •Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, Collars, Cue, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves and Variety Goods in generaL • 411 the latest George of DremPatterns threCt from _ thje New York Bazaars. Dress and Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestowed since her coining, she trusts, by a strict attention to but/nets and her endeavors to give general satisfaction, to continue to twelve a share of the public patronage, jyl-d3m QUGAES, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, of all grades and price; at r MURDER & FRAZER, Successors to W. Dock Jr., & Co Dealers isi Fine Family Groceriet & BLACKWELL'S ENGLISB C PI S SE C a rare article for table oft, Just received R° And for sale by - - tam= & FRAZER, tabl w , , osufremppri•Warm. Pock- I*-4.!fe4"-1 QPICED OYSTERS.—Eitri Fine Baltimore ,Orsten, spiced, and Cove ll o by the gallon, quart and ain't; or leas quantity. SHISLER a FiLizEß, 'l'ol &wham. to W. nook Jr., h co .. , .„ . . • Pituda. _Liiii).-4iiii Alih2ii fine kettle - ..a n . reuaereu LARD for sale by the &Mu or pot 74 Just .., aceieeli at nylBl BOYER & ROERPER. ‘. OffeLE6R—Choico new orop tieett ._ received et Will DOM is KOBRITat. • CM PRICE TWO CENTS. EVENING EDITION. (Prom ow Morning P.dition.] THE SITUATION. The usual number and variety of rumors prevailed yesterday in reference to the move ment of Early's army along the Potomac, and the counter movements of the Union forces in the same ideality. On Saturday 'we stated that Early's forces had attempted a crossing, or were supposed to be moving in the direction - of Shepherdstowir- for the purpose of crossing at the ford in that vicinity. The source whence the news of this -movement was received was reliable, but before the sun had gone down on Saturday night we had all kinds of rumors in relation to a collision said to have taken place, either at Sharpsburg - or at the South Mountain, below the old Antietam battle-ground, These rumors were revived Sunday morning. Some' of our early risers who live on the high ground of the State Capital insist that they heard tho sound of cannon—a low booming sound eomitiffrom the direction of the bloody field already al luded to, and insisting that the soundl were the evidences that a bloody fight was in pro gress between the forces of the Government and the hordes of rebels who have been gath ering in Maryland for more than aweek. We refer thus particularly to these rumors to show the state of the public mind here and elsewhere; and while wo had these accounts of battle others of a still more exciting char acter came to us of the re-occupation of Chambersburg by the rebels, and an indica tion that there were troops marching in the direction of the Cumberland Valley,. as if every peaceful hamlet and flourishing borough in that broad and fertile expanse were to be given to the flames of rebel torches. On careful inquiry made at official sources we are satisfied that there has been no col lision either in the Cumberland or the Shen andoah Valley up to 6 o'clock last evening. It is not for us to refer to the position or strength of our forces in those regions nor would it be safe for us to discuss- the ar rangements and the means at hand of the government to cope with /Earley's 'combined forces now operating on the upper Potomac. It is anticipated if a collision does. occur between our troops and the rebels, it will take place at Middletown.. This village is on the•Gitoctin creek, nine miles west by north of Frederick, Md. =Ray men, or least those acquainted with the disposition of our troops, will understand why a collision .is anticipated at Mid f letown, - and he may add to this as an assurance to the &Wie r that if our forces have an opportunity to deliver a blow at this point, its result irinst be of the greatest importance and benefit to the gov ernment. Gen. Sheridan has been placed in command of all the forces now operating on the Upper Potomac, Gen. Hunter having been:relieved. This fact will revive the hopes or the country that what is left of the old army of Western Virginia, and what has l•eon. added to these forces will become of some service to the na don. Certain it is that Gen. Hunt& has either committed .some most inexcusable blunders, or he has -beerrthe child of c mum stances; out of which• nothing.but mortifies. don to his riends and disasters to his coun try have thus far. issued. • . • At 8 o'clock last evening wo; had telegraphio communication. direot with. Hagerstown. At) Edeorap6. From Washington. THE ATTACK ON MOBILE. Reports from Fre4cricksburg. AFFAIRS AT HAGERSTOWN. Exchange of Union Offers Under Fire at Charleston. Front the Army of the Potomac. Explosion of a Nine Under Our Fa lineations Near Petersmg. WesmcNotoN, August 6. A gentlemen who arrived" hero to-night, abd who has been in llagerstimni for th" pas t week, says that the rebel force of Cavalry which drove Cole's cavalry and a portion of Gen. Hunter's infantry lint of that toWn.oll Friday last, were for the greater part dielised in the uniform of the United States soldiers. Information has reached here that the Union officers placed by the rebels' Tire at Charleston, have all been eielmnged. They were saluted by our fleet, and Admiral Dahl green entertained them aboarclhissl They have been sent north. - Dispatch received at navy department to day from admiral Farragut, dated July '26th, i n w hi c h he says that he was all ready, for an attack on Mobile, and only waited for the land forces to go into position.- " • Major General Sickleo and litatr arrived is Washington to-day fro:li the 113ontli. Refugees from Fielde.ricksie* k Ye:, retort that town not parmiun sly held by eithersule, but that both Union and rebed scouts gia," their appearance Ocoasiomilly.• con. scripting force of oavarry " - reoeintly app eared' _ in that plum and. impressed Into service Lt# BAtilfft BATHS I "i")to df aril ' 5. 8131 ""*" TINHE sub:criber has just erected two tine tachmentis &raisin in the viciat4loitddrig those who have escaped to the vioods. for .;SATHS, at bia he ßar re b wa ergh ot op . , co li l o d . ba lt:l e tr u ke be t street, a t t (Ebrir, w A number of families from .Montgomery, an times taul4wl E. BELITSKL »~= OFFICE' ADVgleliagiT The fiditraruleare the rates for advertising 'tithe:rms. ix* GUM . Theee-L..., venien Utir retirritioe: - Otr Four lines or less constitute - one-lief square. tlzbt lines ormore than four constitute sequare. FOS A RAU %mum - twitiNIIMIXARK , .. ' ' -Oneifil ........ ....$ ao 'Oriel day ' ' ' $ 0 6 Two lay o .--........ 50 iNtr0ta11.73.....:7; — .. -- .-1:40 Three says 75 Three days . • 126 Onevn3ek 125 One Week.. ' r $ 26 One month 3 00 One month 800 Two months 4 60 Two months . 9 00 Three months 5 60 Three months:* ' - U 00 Six months - 800 Six months..:::: ::.: IS 0:.: -- Ono year -' 16 40 One year `..08 - 0 Adminisintion Notices sr .. $2 25 Kant* Noticea 78 Auditors Notices 1. 60 ritnerid Notices each insertion * ' 60 . 'Aar Business ponces insen in. the Local Cobra, or before Maritimes and Deaths, boar Cl? rim lalni fee each insertion. eottnty, Md., came to Washington to-day . panic stricken, and reported rebels approach ing in that direction. The families were evi dently frightened by 'seeing a cavalry force of our own and mistaking them for rebels. There were recently no indications of the ap proach of an enemy. WesursoTox-10 o'clock, P. M. Advices from the Army of the Potomac re port affairs at the front unchanged. It is cenerally believed that General Sheridan has been assigned to duty on the Upper Potomac. Nov Toils, August 6. A special dispatch from Washington, to the effect that on Friday afterenoon the rebels exploded a mine under one of our forts near Petersburg. • No• particulars are known beyond the fact, and that little damage was done. It is generally believed that Sheridan has been . assigned to duty on the upper Potomac. The fifth corps' correspondence of the 4th inst.; says that both armies are actively en gaged in strenghthening their respective works. Election Returns—Oilleial. CAAII3RIA COUNTY. EBlNBDtritG, Ang. 6. EDITOR TELEcinum:—The official -Tote of Cambria counts on the amendments - to the State: Constitution is as follows: let . atnendment 1 631 2,179 3d " ......1,648 2,121 Average majority against amendments,. 514 —a copperhead loss of 322 since last fall. Total vote cEuit 3,810; total:4sle cast last fall. 5,164. CLEARFrELD COUNTY. CLEARFIELD, Pa., August. S. EDITOR TELEGRAPH :—Below is the olßoial vote of Clearfield county on the amendments: For Against. 1,298 2,083 1,301 2,094 1,297 2,079 LYCOM/NG COUNTY. First amendment.. Second amendment Third amendment. • Wlntsantsnorr, August O. The majority in Lycoming county for the first amendment is one hundred and eighty four. The Rebel Raid. We have nothing definite here in regard to the movements in the Valley or on the Upper Potomac. Opinion is still entertained here that the essential object of the rebel demon stration is to gather crops in the Valley, and that ;an invasion will not be seriously at tempted. Movements of Gem Grant. BALTratong August 6. Gen. Grant was in Washington yesterday, on military business. He has returned to the army. It is asserted that he has gone up the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Markets by Telegraph. PHVADELPILLA, Aug. 6 The flour market is dull axd tbe mirages reported are 500 bbls. fancy at $ll 50(412 per bbl, and some extras at $9 75@10. Receipts and stocks light. Rye flour is wanted at $9. In Corn meal nothing doing, and but little here. There is a steady demand. for • What% and 3,000 bus. red sold at $2 50; for old $2 a) 02 65 ; for new red. White ranges from $2 70®2 75. Small sales of new rye at $1 75, and old at 51 85. Corn is steady request at .$1 73€1 75 for :yellow. Ar.j Si 66 for white.. Oats are firmer; sales of new at 83@86. Old at. 90 cents. In groceries and provisions no changes. 200 tci. lard sold at 20ic. New York Stook friarkrtft.; Stocks - steady; Chicago and Rock Island, 1134; Cumberland preferred, 58i; Illinois Cen tral, 129; Michigan Southern, 89Z• New York Central, 1302; Reading, 135; Hudson River, 1311; Canton Company, 374; Erie, /124 Cleveland and Cincinnati, 170; Cleveland and Toledo, 132; Michigan Central, 1394; Cleve land. and Pittsburg, 1122; Terre Haute and Alton, 634; Pittsburg-and Fort Wayne, 114+; Chicago and Northwestern, 573; One Year Certificates, 941; 5 20 Coupons, 1084; Coupon 6's, 101,4; Gold, 2601. PRovoer tftssnar.'s °eaten, 14rn Drumm Miamians°. Pa.. June 8, 1884. 0 DRAFTED MEN. —I am directed by T 'Lieut. Col. J. V Bomford, A. A. Provost Marshal • lienerel. shy his of miler, No. 69, of June 4, 1884, to pub lish "Tint' drafted men aro not allowed to enlist ag ratan- - teem after being drafted; sad that the credits for dilated' men will remain for the enb-diatriots from which they_ were dratted, no matter whether local bounty ban or hie - not been paid to nehmen, upon "illegal enlistment." JNO. KAY CLEMENT • Captain and Provost Marshal, lath Dle'ti I ,lee-dtf SUBSTITUTES AND LOCAL CREDITS FURNISHED. PARMS wanting Substitutes can beßlW plied at beat rates. Local credits ferrdsbed- and warranted. The public wi our House diapesed to deal libendly With all. jp 19 tmo 121 Market Street liarnaburg, Pairing and Union cerey and Bead tall to ibis office PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvantai passed the nrst day of Jene,llll39, the stockholde , s of tire Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penult., will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of rte char. ter with an increase of ita capital from $150•000 to $260,01E1. C. M. REED, President. 6 WASHINGTON, PA., Jane 21, 1884. • .le27;' . TONGL LSH BREAKFAST - TEA. - d eived t a One chest of English Breakfast at SIBBLER St FRAZER Otneas.saAra N ohm. T EA do PERM'S WORCESTER RiuoEs t ju th e me et popular end the purest ever. atmd to the publiq just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAiltir s , tpbt - (successors to WM, DOtk, & CO. FO SALE, A- NEW TRUOK suitable fora Stone q ti with one ton or new T Rati t -Weighing 22 'pounds to the' yard ? for stone. Warta oLA I / At/5 • A - ; . AlliOrrwit P. jyl6.Su - CUT FILACPAPEtt; - A ificEwisortutdut of Cut Ptitierlbr oeil *R loalOng:glasaretAelre tandtviarf, at my'2o _ IffMOI3:MGI Against. 2,143 For. 1,629 BALTixouz, August 6 NEW Tons, Aug. 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers