9ailD Ettegapt II A U I Btr PA., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 6, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver- Oseinents, Business Notice's, Marriages, Deaths, die., to secure insertion in the TELE ORAPEI, must Invariably be accom panied with the CAial.. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn , tog Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND (JOAINTRY. The Draft—Au Effort to Fill the Quota of the City. A mass meeting of the citizens of Harris, burg will be bald at the Court House on Monday evening, Aligust Bth, with the view of petitioning the city council to make an ap., propriation to secure the filling up of the quotas of all the wards in the city of Harris burg. Under the plan adopted of assessing respectively the citizens of each ward, several of the wards will be unable to fill their quotas, for the reason that the great majority of the citizens thereof are working men, whose in- . comes prevent them from making extravagant subscriptions. It is hoped , that every man interested in the draft will be present. A Battallion of Infantry for 'the. Entrenchment and the Defence of the • Fords on the Susque hanna. The Committee of safety has authorized Gen. E. C. Williams, an officer of reputation and character, to raise a battalion of infantry, to secure the entrenchment and defence of the fords on the Susquehanna river, in the vicinity of this city. This will afford a fine opportunity for those of the citizens who seek service near home, turd we have no doubt that Gen. Williams will be able to raise his battalion before the Sabbath is over. Volunteers Wanted.—One Year! Tux VIGIBEHE GUARDS are now, in Camp Curtin and are nearer completion thin any other one year company. A few more good men are wanted, to whom the highest bounty- will be paid, and to all first-rate men I am able tQoffer extra inducements which no other officer . can offer. Men are clothed, fully equipped and subsisted immediately, and their pay commences Now is the time 16 avoid the draft, secure your bounties and rally to the defence of your Government, at the WALNUT ST. EXCHANGE BUILDING, (lower room.) G. WASHINGTON FENN, Capiairt: Independent Cavalry. An independent company of cavalry, • to act as scouts, is being organized here, by Capt. Frank A. Murray and Lieuts. S. Sr Davis and George W. Swartz. Each man has to find his own horse, and the State will furnish arms and equipments. Application should be matide• at Murtay's or Davis's Livery Stables. Rem ; is an excellent opportunity for active service as scouts, under good officers. • - ; LoaMel Greys One Years Seryie,.o A few more men wanted to fin up this or, ganization. $350 local . bounty paid, $lOO Government, making $460 bounty. Men wilt go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as mustered in. Rally men, and avoid the com ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be tween Third and Fourth steets, Harrisburg, Pa. W. A. DEAN, Capt. Lieuts. Theodore G Thomas, Ed. G. De book, Recruiting Officers. Attention! A meeting of the citizens favorable io the organization of a Ihrre.r.zon for the defence of Harrisburg and its immediate - vicinity, will be held at the Courthouse this evening, atl, o'olook, for the purpose of organization. E. O. WILLIAMS, WEIDMAN FORSTER R. L. !dilation, Adjt. DA.cvnim Lancia, No 160, L 0., Or PA.—All members of this lodge "who have gone forth at the call of the authorities in defence of our country" during the present rebellion; are requestsd to furnish to theitil dersiexed by next Thursday everting or silo. sr, their names, date of enlistment, rank, company, regiment, and whether wounded, dc. By order of the Lodge. ' au6-413t . GEO. F. WEAVER,.Wy.- ' =I BALL Eirviari, of the 12th Pennsylvania:Re. serves, has received authority to raise carnpa ales to form a regiment for one year's service, whfeh he is to command. Pirtiesiishing to reernit for his' regiment will call . on 'or ad= - dress Capt. OREM, White Hall Hotel, Harria , • burg, Pa. au2-dlry ..........,--- °rause' Mmwriso.—A meeting-of the eiti. zens of Harrisburg will be held at the Court House, this (Saturday) evening, at the ringing of the bell, for the purpose _of organizing companies for the emergency. , Letkthere be a general turnout on'the part of -the people, so that preparations may be made to defend our city from the threatened invasion. - OWING to tke crowded state 01..0ur coluMns we are compelled to curtail our local matters considerably, to-day. Fourro—A lot of papers, .the propotttO Geo. Basch, of Chaiabersburg. They are ne doubt of great nine to the owner. have the same by applying to . thisiotHee, pravingtproperty and paying charges, Tidraw will be public smiled& loft*? Ave-, nue Episcopal Church to-morrowsnerninwat the usual hour. In the evening the atolintknei, of baptism will be administered to a nuMber,. of children,.by4die pastor, Rev, mr. Cumberland Valley trains of t0.,4 1 . brought huge =unbars of actunberabur ge , who, in addition to those bronsht yespa4y and last night, have inoreasgmism atica‘ to a considerable exteint. WAN= butzmar#,..—Forer 16943_t0m= POSitoP• ,AF;P.-r. at,41104.0.40: 1 , En-. J. H.. B43iAnD, of Aellafon* will preach in Elie 151 d &field t'siisbytorkaihurck to-morrow morning and evening. Ev. C. H. Foam, of Chambereknrg, will preaclOn tlm j ..Fourth §tre* tomor row (Sunday) morning, at 10 o'clock, and probably in the evening. Gotwi Himk.--0 - ver 7 a'dkuniked trlmitilhed .wohnded abldiers, froin 'th4 - York7hdiPital, arrived here to day, en route for th-ir homes. Most of them belong to New York State. . BEanw Tom.—The fast line of the Penn sylvania railroad, due here at six o'clock this morning,.. did iitot 'arrive' hate Until noon •We have not learned the cause of the delay. Bur five cases were .before the lilayor this firim Three ‘Were' discharged ifpon payment of fine and costs, and the others were handed over to the Provost Mar shal. ON THE Itzsz.—There has been a "rise" of several feet in the Stummlowa within a day or two. This fa 'veiy giatifying, initaraiiett as it puts an end to fording the river at present, - by the robs or anybody, else. ' • . Ammon:me Flaws, an, employegLof the Pennsylvania railroad oOMparty, wag attaoked by a party of soldiers, or thieves disguised as, soldiers, who robbed him of his pocket book and a number of other articles, night before last, on Second street. MANY Timm was a slight advance in the prices of . marketing this morning, no'doiibt caused by an extra demand on account or. the addition of two or three thousand persons to our popu lation. Thestifiiiryliiii-"large, but not large enough, except in the case of a few articles. Tax Minute Men, who were absent on duty by direction of the Provost Marshal, have re turned, and express themselves 'ail highly pleased withA* respective ,trips to Fort Delaware' ind*ashi4ton. Not one of the prisonerror - streiggterti rllsoed under their care scaped,_ BAPTXST thrtracir. = There:will be service in the Baptist °Enroll, corner of Second and Pine streets, on to-morrow morning at 10 ee).lMkttsid #l , tio'qleck in,the evening. The , pulpit will be occupied by the Rev. Hr. Clapp, of Lewisburg. The ,pUblic are invited to HARRY H. DAvxs.—A letter has been re ceived from this well knoWii milk; contain- ding the gratifying intelligence-that he had. safely reached liiAnativeltusii, after a pleasant journey across „the ?big :water." The letter, which is daiSd *Monmouthshire, South Wales, Sulit'lBth" "states that Mr. Davis strived at his father's house on the second of last month, after ansbeence .of eleven . years. Tte exPestl,t9 s• s rßinekfi +-.the exhibition of his panorama ,of the American war, in Concert Hall, Greetlelson street, Liverpool, about iheinisidle.ofAugnst - - " " FATAL ACCrDENTAL A ri accident oe'cur red on the Northern Central railroad, yester '4llay, by whichiteuberi Miler, ta bralcesman on the local freight train (south,) lost his life, near Texas station:. appears .that he.,was. ~engaged in coupling pare, and : FAH caught by them in such a irks , that biittihis legs were cutoff; and-he Watilotlierwise injured, so that he died ()nab road xwbev being conveyed to -York, where he resided. Miller was injured in May last, ,and,weu _only enabled, to resume his place on the road on the let of Judy. He biarecently married a liendeozne young lady, Who is left to mourn:the loii Of h THE PANIC IN THE. CUDIBEELAND LI.LET- Arrival -of :Refugees, from, Hagerstown; 'Green Castle, Chambersburg and Carlisle.—The entire rolling stocked the.cumberlarA, yff4leez rOad, is now occupied in carrying psaftengers from the country through which this road rhns, to Harrisburg, whinee they take pas sage to' 'dliferett- parts - of :the State, or such apt outgo no farther than this point reeeive hospitable shelter and entertainment hr the homes of this city. Over twenty-four 'hun dred women and children arrived here last evening. It Was 'a pitifuf eight ialliehold these st."44II*VINVIII strwerput it were, in a .8 ge city, pilgrims from their once humpy horn* itiehlinflesteWf Wei* 'tallied. to "aidges •by the torokeaTof theinvacling traitors. :Old woesen who had never expected to be sorne away from their homes, until they were _carried to their graves—matrons in-the prince with their, falAilMaji 4#1!"-crowni _children clustering, affrighted, around them ' 24-tifid 110 yortriglnothit - tilth' irTfaiit 'at -her breast—all aloner.with tearful, eores„, and • Uanched cheeks, made up a picture of l *stress midi ati we have seldom' iiefiire beheld,- and ,t such as • We , - 418-'not Again desire to gaze upon. The , appeanurce of the rebels . at Hagerstown, yestirday morning, was the cruise Of the panic *ld& drove these people to this city. From one of these fugitives we learn that the foraging par ties of rebels issuing from Hagerstown - boar with them biackflags. Our informant: Aisther stated to us that the men on these foraging expeditionsare exceedingly abusive and coarse in their language, swearing that they cl4cluot cometo Maryhmd and-Bannsylvania this-time -0 thresh grain or steal horses, but that their rorpose was .., 10 blink and pleader they vent, to spread' Ain and cleiblition . wherever , thezpould 4eliver a blow, and make the Otos 601•*!T:744a4!'9144ing.ict*riesi:. .areghe impressions; and melt ihe2. Fanig*4 l /.: in the cvoirlita_: v i euey,._ The women and childran ,: from . that Mien n4lO , iiielrnibatein 7 the hiantii ' tar. :risburg, w4, l . l # 4 tihiny il 'a cc6 A 4 4 .4 4 -12 0i 4 - , Mblylieated: Let it bensidof the'lrivesinul 5 2 1 0 0 , 4 ,5 8 - 5d- - 11 artini?urticAhat - all `Qi4 I .FrA.44 -1 144 . t1if 00 4 4 1 41 yaneyi-the -the-:rebel invader, and -Slim t. 4011-00, ti.„4 , .t.fteQihekipne l d a their h arts dkoolikiii*Aritelia3l4::**l4 t 4140 X, 11 *. g,. -041 40 / tying 4.re ft!taMT.PJ rilarimr [ ...........N40....... .~.(.:~,...i.~ y =I • INSTALTATION Or Oirzczas.:4t a recent .meeting of_ W444%4114 T, the following, , officers were installed 17 4DGWe 7, Geo W lrenn‘ to serve for the present quKteg:„ W C T, Misty Annie. E Roberts; W V T, Joshua C Snoddy; WP. Wm T Bishop; W S, Geo W Penn; vir G, Miss Beekie_ SpArfsier; l W 0 - 0,13e0 0 Young; W -1144, Mies- Eliza A Bishop; W A S, Warren W Weitzel; W B H, S, Miss Lizzie Geary; W L H 5, Miss . Moll: Mort; WC, Frank' Z' Steeker; W M, Hey Weiss; W D Miss Annie E Welker; P W C T, John W Young. AUGUST.- Imperial month with that right royal brow, And sovian-burning eye, to thee we bow, For then art sceptered queen. Qf all the wide, majestic, full flushed scene Spite of the period moon Flaming from yonder orb a boon. The crowns of earth, the worshipped fair, Ileed never fear the languor of the air; But read, if ye would fear no sinking ills, 'the column telling of the Cherokee Pills. " SPECIAL NOTICES. 111111tai7 Baldness Attended To. Bounty, Penton, Batt Pay, Midgets:a and Jemmy irpd War Claims, generally, made out and collectooll. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans sated by bYatiVi E arnmrs, AtternaPutAlkw; Third street, - Herrisbar2. Ps 47-dlly IDIVOS or TZLEGRAYII7 - '` Dear Sin—With your permiesion I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish tt (free,) &Redo; with toll directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectuall3ir remove in ten days, Pimples, notches, Tan, freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, 'leaving the same clear, smooth and beautiful. • I t i a/so madfreo to these hiving Bald Heads. r Bare Awes .4.lriiple directions and Information that will enable them to h•tart a fall growth of Insuriaut Hair, Whiskers, te• a aroost,,, , che,-in less than thirty days. - - An applications answered by return mall without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. Y:CHAPMAN, Chemist, ing.gs m g m - 831 Broadway, New York. A WOOD TO TIDE WISE, There.is no need .or any person having the Dysentery' rer one'dary All I asl of the pablio Is to try my Dyson tery Drops; only 25 cents a bottle. It is very pleasant. to take; can be given to a ihild of any agowith great °alto, deuce. It hen cured very bad cases, and also of long standing. - Iris Indeed wkwth trying: Prepared and HOU oily by Sirs. L. Ball, South Pine street,MarriSbarg. 2jy25 dir• • • COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. t This celebrated Toilet Soap; in such Universal de• spud, is made from the choicest material.; is mild and emollient kits nature, Seapprantlyneentbfi, and extremely beneficial in its ninon upon the sidn. For saps by WI - Druggists sod lranay Goods Dodos. • Jan26•dewly !PARE' VEGETABLE " /3111Emost healthy persons feel More or less. weak this Extreme warm weather, and thair ap e petite.:., They need a good strong Tonio—one that, will airengtherithe'nervolis systein and stomach. . This they cwa get at 50 cents por batt,le, at Mra L Bail's, No. a 7; 3ouUt Pine street, Harrlsharg. piders fro wk a.diatance ro mptly atti3nded . . aula DO YOU Wilift TO: BE CHILEI .91 . . . . _. . t DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH ; many 111.12 cure,. In t than 30 day; th e. worat t cases ztif NxitlYciblaNNSS, cy, Premature Dicey, Seminal Weal tataa,.basan, .y, and all Urinary; Sexual, ad Nervous A ffeetlona, no matter from what cause produced.: • Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid, by mail, on , receipt.of an order. One Box will perfect Abo cure in most oases. Address _ JAMES S. BUTLER,. - jyls-daw3m General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y, 7 ` ELLING of Summer Goode at low pieta, l 'such as &tanner Dress Goods,.Lawnit., , Sun Umbrethet, ) Shawls, and Summer Shawls. We have altur en l d a very large assortment of Muslim% Calicos, Gin* JrStockings, Handkerchiefs, Black S il ks, Plaid Silks, "te * Cambrics, Undressed French Oitnihrice, White and red Flannels,' and ini fad.= assinemont of dry goods, rsurpassed by. ny , To all of Which. ere invite Moor ho wish to purchase, and proMise to at - lessrprideS en we can replace thenalor again. At-all Ids:diet V* coda are advancing everyday, hovels the time tolrerV - ; , ' , ,iyill a rzwk. • Brown's BronOhial Troches,; -j, have ' never changed my mind respecting them teem tfirst, except to think yet better ot that which I begin; tiling Well 01. 32 ' Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER; "The Troches are a Mal of life to Pros: EDWARD NORTH, • Pm; Ifiestllton Collese, Mite; N. Y. "For Throat Troubles - they are a spedflo." • . N. P. WILLIS. "roc favor Ably Known to need commendation." • lion. _quA,o4. Amaria,•Ptes. Maas. S e nate. ouinitoiti no opiu_ntaorAny.thing Mpuioos." Dr, ,A. Af - HA-YES, qttemist, Bosaa. gip elegant Oondihuilion. for coughs,", - • . • , '• .. 0. R. .13t1CdilLoir. " I .le 4 iohlohtlid 11 4 1 r tioS to IMMO 4lostonti'l • . • itetTc.ll it. CHAPIN "Hoed salutary • • • • ,Rev S i AgaGrOgo, Iforrja "Verybm meficial Wlina suffering ho odds." &J. P. St- Louis.: "Almost Wilma of in the dietreasMl4dm of booth , • Ing peculiar to Astlimo.'), , • • Rev. A. C. ECLESTON, New 'Tod:. "They have suited my mute exaetly,. relievingmy throat to that I could' sing with ease." T. DUCALRitE, Chorister French Pariah Church, Montreal. Alf theieareintitatiOns ber,sottito obtain the 911:NinNy...,.• jantil4Scir ' . • „ Baunivarni Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis.. ea.seP , &ei are specially recommended; to trumsterii, ;ringers and persons whose vocation balls them to vest in pnblio. Manufactured Only bv.o. A. Bannvart do 0o." Harrisb Pa-, to whop a ll orders .should be Bold by druggist everrwhere. Read thofollowing to ithnonials :from some Of our eminent clergymen: - - Thauniminici;.Sehf 1864." 0. A. -Beritivear--.Deor Sim I have used iirowies BPshohlkd Tzvekee, 7 r 2B 4 6 e 6 lteael and other preparations tor hoarsauese and throat trophies, and in comparison with them 411, can Cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable traffic for public speakers : andtingers, caeca of hoarSenew ooughs end colda. X have .found Ahem, serving in time of need,. most effectmilly.• Tours tatly, T: H. ROBINSON, we • of Plato; h!' - Alr - log.ree ,m -with Mt. Itobhiton as tce the !Mao cif. 'Rs vart's Troches. • • Mr. O. OATiELL, .pato.rootor of 0.-8. Presbyterian Ohurek freql . use, and impairing, th effeetiveneas of the delivery of public ac dresses. Yours, Ito., • JNO. - WLIAKER JACKSON. 'Pastor of the Lommtkit. Methodist Church. roc= To. a. A. B4ustiraise,-.Dair_Blt: Having usec your Troches, I,,Am free_ to say Aker Me the best I hayg),,,eyer tried mid take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons efilioted with 'sore throat or hts3kenesa. ifoiee arising from public flg or sinks, Yours, /0.1 Or. G. BASEgIS4V, 211 r Of MP Lieune Ifeeko42A aptrel. Munn= Ammo* Onion, I I I - liAnenunnek - 'Feb.- 20 1864 • To a A. BANzriAnT - -.Dear,l - I.)nvfN inund , ,youf Trochee to - be bivalielbbi - N lievincliceurvnene and in ekenethezdng the, itlllBolll4 Ottbetbrost. Therimpict to tho voice ~ and tele bertitialy 'Of Val 7 - 4 fit")! 4 POthP.T 4 44" 4 . ' 2 Z.,' I • 'lollo,V.de NOMNIZ A CARD TOTla = ntuararaMlNG. Swallow two or three b..=4lll:44‘.'lluchn." "Tonic lilitteriktt4garapparil*". A41141:4, ace. he., and after you are satisfied with the rea - then try Otte box of OLD Docrogksuciurs ENGLI sna rl° PILL,--and be restored to health and vigor is less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to like, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Itoortod and sold in the United States only by .TAS. S BOTI.F.R, No.- A27 Broadway, New York. .Agent for the United States. P. &—A Box of the - Pills, securely packed, will tte mailed to any address on.receipt of price, which. is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid--money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jyls-d&wain Sir To Clear the House of Flies, u Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, a nea t cheap article easy to use,Every sheet will kill a quart SOLD EVER YWHERE.' • FRENCH, EICIfiRDS A: CO., . and Market aired; P~~llada(y4tu, wholozal• **l 1.1M1). ts. ' uiy2,4-dittwBw w - SNTS. Wanted to iftent, A. HOUSE coutiiiiing for 6 rooms for a small w a lly. Leave directions at this office. Rent paid in advance mcoathl;ll requtied. jy3o-Iw* wARTI4O, APRACTICAL B4R- TENDER. DER. Apply at the saloon underiltder's Hotel. Jy29-dli • wAwriop. TO RENT, A HOUSE with sor C rooms. Apply to Capt. PRIMME, at Cul. Boraford's oolco. au2-tf NVANTED—At -1350 per Month.—We want a reliable Canvasser in every county. We have agents making $l5O pormenth which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Address ---. JONES BROS. & CO., i728-1m Baltimore, McL SUBSTITUTES WANTED. Two substitutes to serve for one year want ed, to whom s2to each will be paid. Apply to Thomas 0. Hacdowell, attorney-at-law. . Ocoee In Third street, near Pine, Harriaburg, Pa. iy27-1! SUBSTITUTES WANTED, FOR which a liberal price will be paid. Apply at the Union Hotel, , Market street HE3-10;*Er. S. HELLMAN. CANDIDATES. . „ . -.! . FOIL laleilirr.llllß. ' , . , .... . , .. f • , • ER, of t Hanover township, • Offers himself as a candidate for the office of Reg :toter. If nominated and elected be pledges himself to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. Jy27.wtc* FOR. REGISTER. GEORGE MARL of South Hanover town- VI step, offers himself as a candidate for the office of T M ULSTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark . iffianstif jio nitscopfthirduidenof • saidroffice with fidelity:' " "jeliddewte CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. HANS3BIIIIBG,, Ps., JUDO 9, 1864, riliWAridgialtßO ragpadttlily_ offers himself i_A: IA tbe Etililloess2ol the .14th - congressional Dis pies of Penney vmda, composed of toe counties of - Han; phis, Juniata, Nershumtierlend, Union and Snyder; for nomineston by the several county conventions of the said •Distriot. Lieeidte) JOSIAH ESPY. FOR REGISTER. 11111IIDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover ijAi township, offers himself as scandidate for the office 'of Refigathr - '&i)TAWPoidlisfoCanCallOtPthetwiSca him ,self to fulfil Om, dust& of tlie s officilwith fidiatt: le2s•ll2watwtal . RUDOLPH MILLER. NEW. ADV ERTISEMENTS. •, ,_ .... V/Y .•••••,-,-...-,r, .0 . .. , ) , ... , ..."....-- , .. , 2A.e. , -.--,...-6 . $ (Kf' it 0 WAR D•• Mfollowing United Sti - lie iieenritiee have I: get, viz: i .v.- ,- ... - .- ~...,. . ...:- .. .., ..., $4OOOl 340 7nueur„Y gotil,llla it4ft,tcletrlilio.. .22077 600 " "d 0 '.. -... • . fin - -: - . . •• - . 1,663 600 00 , i,.e, - 2 '. ' ,tr - '' . 4 . ' _ '.- -' • 1,869 !The ahovehavi on t.'Wei the coupons from Oct. 1, 1862, Inclusive. 6/00 1310 Treasury Note . ? dated Aug. 13, 3 61, No. 6i,227064 . 100 d 06 4, 100 do 40 64,228 100 do do 64,222 100 do 00 64,230 The letteclive, uotaz,b4yeAn Owe! .the coupons from web. 19, 11368,1tichisivel-' '-• , -.. , 2 - - : , 41,000 Gee Year Certificate of Ludeberdlie&i, due APri l3 . /663, No. 8,106 .._ .Of PAYMENT ON ALL THE ABOVE TEAS BEEN urtIPTEa at the Tinned States Treasury, and Lice holder of-themmilluot receive . payneitiviane'elleve 'reword_ wait be paid, on behalf of the person owning them, if tot Z 1 ITAiu. Haas l33 - -, ."- • ' - s -,-- : J, -W. WEIR,: Oattlfier, usetietiTitilk 29;1116443w&e1tw. ; . - . iGET: OUT - OF' Tl E:DRAFT : I One Y ea r's Service. tAPT, MILES , AND LIEUT. LIGHTNER, 1 F I Avearickeitisavititto iiity4theiryst is sued) to raise a company of volunteers for' ONE AR'S SERVICE, now offer rare inducements to Oble - „, died men to enter the service. Apply at the COD. OUSE, or at MILES' GROCERY BTORE, on Ridge Road. ; Jy27-tltf . , ApirmiiTittiPrir A 1 T:EPj 43,:x , • " `•WAlV•l'Mitli= t- -- - !VOLUNTEERS FOR (ENE YEAR: MO fill the quote of the SECOND WARD of !_a. the CitietHarlignil. ,l lkoniAleewill:Pe =puss . as follows: I lford bounty, Cash $2OO povernment bounty 100 1- Total bounty 3300 _ PAY TrAR Xprriv; $l6 'ERN OF SERVICA JEU ONLY! bcp.fd-to eey pawn. Ihrnishliti en acceptable Recrnit • Apply at Daniel inner's,. Second Wirdllonse, Corner of Second and Chestnut streets, to • T. W.. SIMONTON, PKTEIR X BOYD, DANYEL E WILT, 3y22-tttf ihmeeltlattmnisStoe, zaid.Vard THIS WAY FOB BA :111:;: i ..fit....,,r,t-i..:-N: :is 1 t MEM ITOKUERY, (1,1;(0112, .... • ' " 1100 P SKIRTS, LADIES tria - K NIT% and • /MD DBE ES, PERFUMERY, • TOILET 'FRENCH LACE: and TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT ISTONISKInit LOW TRIOS. EvaYbOly•shourg catEit once, and same great bur riat f Mrs. LSERS, No: 18 Market street. 4. l C,YLPlSAVr al f#fr il 'i. • . .UE.IRMT yields with milk the • Arum lusciounekall Amens for the table; the light ea and most graterafdiet for invalids and children. Iffilk contains every element of the bodily constitution when coagulated with runlet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supporta the spawn with the least possible excitement. When still nutritive power isdesirod, cream and sugar may be A teaspoonful converts II quart of milk into a fletn curd. Prepared and sold, sholeaale and retail by r.) S. A. KUNKEL, .11154 f Us Market street. IDES VEN - EGAlim—tire Older Vinegar ylB MI be bought by theilsustiFor small quantity at - OY • ' 0 -EXTRA - WIIXTE VICEA.T FLOUR. -Se _,, ~ le c ted WIIIO., WhotFapily Floor, just received """'or sale at . Minn & FRAZER, 8 Bcoat6on(to R. Dock, Jr., & co. .1., Nr1A0•0 Kiv — 4l lOl SHOULDER Rows • 4 q i A7ll g DAYS OF SHODDY tJoll'ileocilocil at. ids . * Ma JEWS BOOK/WORK AMS I Hk.MS!4 supply of Mich n i irel Eic ewer iumMIKBe4 at - I *le ou • . 36 , '. & KOZAPIII -Ir-EV -- TfivirittisElV tNTs. Proposals epr-Loan. TBSASEIST DEN3TDIENT, July 25, 1864. "VOTICE is hereby given that subscriptions .I.N will be received by the Treasurer" of the United States, the several Assistant Treasu rers and designated DepOeitaries, and , by tbe National Banks designated and qualified as Depositaries and Pinancial Agents, for M•ea miry Notes payable three years from August 15, 1864, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum, with semi-annual coupons attached, payable in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity, into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, redeemable, after five and payable twenty years from August 15, 1867. The Notes will be issued in - denominations of fifty, - one hundred, five hundred, one thion wind, and-five thousand dollars, and will be issued in blank, or payable to order, as May be direteted by the subscribers. All subscriptions must be for fifty dollars, of Some multiple of fifty dollars. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits. The party depositing must endorse upon the original certificate the denomination 'ef notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must be left , with the o,cer re ceiving the .deposit, to be forwarded to this The notes will be trrnsmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De ptuift ha they can to preparetV . • ' Interest will be allowed to Agguet 15 on all :deposits made prior to that date, and will be paid by the Department upon receipt of the original certificates. As the notes draw interest from Anglia' 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent, which will be paid by this Department upon. the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with -whom the deposit was made.. No de- Anotions for commissions must be made from ;the deposits. Officers receiving deposits will see that the !proper endorsements 'are made upon the :original certificates. AU officers authorizlid to receive deposits are requested to give to applicants all desired ;information, and afford every facility for 'making subscriptions., W. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treasury. All respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will doubtless afford 'facilities to subscribers. aul-d&w2w AMUSEMENTS. RE-OPENING Of:SANFORD'S HALL , WITH THE CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMPANY, ON MONDAY. JULY 25, 1864. . rriPcompany' ooneista of the best Etta' per brmers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS,. i • .ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, ' ' GYMNASTS; &O. The manager takes pleasure lu announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietors. BILLY POlgilL, jy2.3-d2t CA.NTEREST.TECY HALL. WALNICIT - MtEET, BELOW THIRD. PropelotqL....,. •-- B. DONNELL Bualnels,Apat .JOE MILLER Leaderof ercheater ^ /LiRRT4ISSTATIER Treasurer::: ....... . ... G. RIMER OPEN evexy. night with a first - eases cam party of male and female artiatea The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such as SINGING, FARCES, ,I3ANCEND, " PVC , orxicAs, Etivromixa,s, _ NNTAccogibAuTrEs,.- BQRLeS QtrEP., AIID JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. in private boxes 60 cents. Doors open al 7. To oominanSe fo'clock. jylBdtt GOVEANAWI-,ZSA FA Pi,s, AUCTION SALE or k r iODIVEMNED HORSES. WAR DRYARTMILVT; CAVALRY BUREAU, Orrias or Czars Qamtrnitnasnot, WAsontraros, D. C.. July. 23, 1864. ''XITIL be sold;at r public auction, "to the v I bi g , Neat bidder, arCIRSBOIiD, D. C., on FRIDAY. 'Wpm, h, 1864,100 Cavalry Horses; Tligamor; Aui,lst 9, 1864, - 100 cavalry Ilensra Thesehoreei Oritian couctenineo ss unlit, for the am . itdry service of th army.• for road and 11 ming purposZ MB°7 8." " bargains may be had. Horses 861 d fringl. Y. • Terms oath, in united states cau.sacy. was A. Et mr, _ • Lieut. ,eoi. and Chief Quarte rmaster, Aug rmaster, •t . u•avairY Bureau. 14! . .0 TA- c-E. County, u at present a resident of ---- being duly sworn, do depose and say that I was enrolled in MS, 14 the county of ' , Pa., where I then resided, but that I moved from there in the month of ---, lg.—, Info said first above named. ram a . man, and by occupation a and h.:1,91)y request that my enrollment may be changed to suit try present residence. Nora.--The above is adopted by the 'Board of Enroll meM of the 14th District of Pennsylvanit.as a suitable form of affidavit to be made on an application to change um, wv4o.oit the enrollment liste.froza..one.Dliditct,. or Snb•Dtetriot to another. iTNO. BAY CLEMENT CHAS, C. RAWN, 8. CHARLTON. Board of Enrollment jy29-1m SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY AM happy to offer to the public a large I and newel assexonent of - SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by - • LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pena are wen Willie', elastio, and will give en tire satiatlaction. PIZAO2 TRY THEY. - SOHEEFER'S BOOK STORE, ,Second street, opposite PreabyteFian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap2S - - FRESH BURNT T.TM7 will be delivered in , all parts of the atty. All enders left at Kepple'a tobacco store, Market Sqwwe, will no attended to. iy27-Iw* . • U. PICIENAN. TT , 01 , 8;f or r ta i l (' on the titiridiat Third and A./Broad streets. Enquire at - WY. CI xerADDEN. fir:!-40 37,23 sHAD ankZ N W, MACH- /Jaet reoetvrit ' .0 ,18 BOYER &MOMPER. „, • . - BEEF and iCEBB PORK.--A °hob” article of Yen Beef solM i t a t & FRAZSB ' -! Witaloak.jr.. k Co.) CI • PIOED OYSTERB.—Extra fine Balinnora 0 civics, BP1"4, jnet mrt"tas AiaritiOdo of kaolin with wagons or carts will be promptly done br calling ea • j 721 carter of Second tared and Meadow Lana- soAP.—A Eon 13kiv stoa* 4,/. lot ?f•Homemade Wind: reoehid it •el 511113L11114. 17.64:1 NEW ADVERTISEIKENTS. 4 . 6 COSTAR'S )) VERMIN EXTEII,4IIIO I TOILS; "COSTAR'S , " EaRIdiRATOR. 4 . • - F.S.TEMWATOREL "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINAToRs. EXTERSIMATORt EXTERALExT maiIfrA INATIaII. Tuisi• "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTEININATON. .COSTARV , ExTtRmisATORS. EXTERMINATORS. !COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS.._ kATLRIENATORS. cusT,A.R'S's ,EXTERmINAToRs. RICTERIMIATORS, `COSTAR!." ,R.ICTE.RILDIA,ToRs. EXTERMINATORS. :.4cOsTARISiI •EBTRRIONATQRS. TERMINATORS. "0009TAR'S".EXTERMLNATOR& EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" RICIERKINATORS. ExTERRINATORX "COSTAR'S , ' EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERSURATWAS. 'VOSTAR , S , ' EXTERMINATORS. EXTERRINAXORgi. EXTERmINA'noIig; Ti ITERMINAToRa "cosTAßte,, I —...7B3IIIMATORS. .."COSTAR; I'cr iczP I o.RIZ A M AT,I6I 4: • EXTRRAIMAT., For Rate, Mee, Roaches, Aid% Bed Bug% Pleas Moths In Fuze Woolens , Insects Plante , Fowls, Ani mal., etc. "15 years established fit N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies knoyrn.?' "Free fromFolsons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Hats come out of their holes to die." nrSold by all Druggists everywhere Awl II Bswaas of all worthless Imitations. ;or" Costar's" Depot, No. 482 Broadway, N. Y. ap-Sold by D. W. GROSS do CO., Wholesale and retail agents. And by all Druggists la Harrisburg, PH. j6/0-d&WOM SELLING OUT LOW OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! Nintend to discontinue the sale of Li- VEquors and offer our stock at a very amen advance from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchase& now at any price from the importers, Our Stook consists of W of all grades. . sir We have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not Colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2% years old. • NINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imparted. me AN121.1 V. SI. We have part of 3f caak MENNESSEY MANDL to which we invite the particular attention of Amities for medicinal purposes. - - The Brandy cannot be bought today, from importers, loss than $1.5 per gallon. We will sell tt for slg per pl lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CL A RETS, &O. Ws lane the Inspection of Hotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, as we Mend to sell, without n o . serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportu nity for bargains. je2o CLOAKS, • • CIRCULARS AND DIANTI'LLAS, • IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET. STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. gave now a ap . Wild assortment of SPRING '& MIK= MANTUA FRENCEITLOTH CIRCULARS NEW FRENCH SACKS; AND . NEW FRENCH. LOOSE BARD: The above beautiful samples, In .very color and host Remaly trimmed,. from $7 be to Sib. _ MICIO WILK. MANTILLA . • 'CIRCULARS, SACKS AND 131!, . ihuidsomely , and richly trimmed, from $l.O Ou t.t CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE TARR& •.r _ NOTICE. THE public are requested to attend lke • opening of the neW dry goods Store Wendt & Bowman, on Thursday morning, July 9th, at the south east corner of Second and Walnut streets (late the store room of Joseph ICahnwiler.) This new firm have bought out tho entire stock from Hr. Katinwiler at vary low prices, and In GOOD FAITH soy. to the public that they will sell this stock of goods at one-fourth less than the same kind of goods can NOW BE BOUGHT AT WHOLE. SALE. .IyEktif CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very co venient and adrlimng rer in. alias. having fever or great. thirst. '„ . _ Its portability recommends it !o travelers. Its convenience at plc-nice will be apreclated. No sugar required; one table - spoonful simply diametral in a glass of cold water and it is done. ; ;1 SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY 000DSTORE, • Jai ; No: 91, Market street. NEB PR iAD-RtriEuA CLOA.Ksrrouv., IX D. W. GROSS' NEWDLOCX, Market Street ) Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFEBENT_SITLES • 01 WASSIONABLZ CLOA3IB AND C I RJJ'ITHI, ARK, AND FINE SPRING SHLWLEL Artll open on theist of April. imarsll-4ty PHOTOGRAPHS. - um assortment of Photographs. of ALARIa— ' Amoy pictures for sale CREA.f. r aft $ - Generate anu • 9WIEFFERI3 ROOK . STOOL per dozen, at Harristiurg; - my2o' _ a . O -0 4.L.T8H PIO)11413 50 .0 D a: P1ca71 . 17, 1‘ di w(k r, Cli lL * 1:1; Mixed Piek3:l, P ati ai rrhie, Ws:Uinta an d o Ot.. - " 4": 1 CR, ***Jostle and retail by SEMLER it• P.. I ,: Vit • my*' succeserere id W. Dock, Jr, . ' 'TIIST RECEIVED-44 gallons pure Omani" ea wine, from a Lancaster county farmer; the Urfa*: made domestic wine in this pity . Price 1,3 CO per gallow For sate at: SHISI,ER & FRAZER. jog Successors to Wm. Dock, jr., km; ItifIOHENER'S excelsior hams, of this sea - INA. son , . wring. Jest received and for Eqkby SRISLEE Mink - (successors to Wm. Deck.„ & Op deal BAauTßASKETS s , ms in u grea, a, a t F cari aail‘ ety at : 4 3027 Saceeesoys Dock Tr & 00. AFRESH sup ply of Idicheiker's Celarated msSugar Cured and Dried Beef. at 00261 BOYAR ra IIDERPER - 05,04aKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN. PURR - PORTEMONNAIR% egad a general variety of LEA THER GOODS, last received at ;BERGNER'S ROOK won. ORME& BASKETS.—ShisIer & aucoessors to W. Dock, Jr. k Co., have ohitmilt. 86 (town hickory baskets. Price $e 80 per dorm' %tee: PICKLED OYSTERS.—York RiverOystess,- Hermetically sealed, Just received this mor M ii•mt tor sale by the dozen or bpttle, at ' - . jyta. sHiSfaIt:SzTHAZER. VERY FINE, INDEED! - - TO our fine and extensive sitioir of Photo graphl_ Albums and Phutekon Card Mu ot* we have added a BEAUTIFUL Erry PE for the reception cif Clad &Urea. They moat be will be Wiwi& —Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole sale price, and Uttar card printed upon thetafovgk „- thousand, wholesale and Vail. et mays • SOHESSIR/8 8008.80118 IakEEF TORGlAB:—Tinelarge beef tongues, oared by r. H. litohenor & and Ar stfrom sale ter SHISUIRIi"V Elnooeseors to 4 1 1 , 2 , 150 ck; 40, 1 WALNUTS, 6 . IEAMATSJWITEiBER'fB. - . , ForipluThelotale at' . • ;.•• SEBUM & F A 2"- n 4: • v p h4, .., EizzsE-4,lhoice: new oroP el 3 P I A received si , ' 111118LisR & *imam aW. Deele' r ,; " -: 1 . • ENE 81:ESLER tz
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers