Ettegfafil NOTICE TO ADVERTISBRS.—AII Adver• tiseinercho, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, Sic., to secure insertion in the TE,LE GRAPH, must invariably be &prom par led tvith the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Ply-ening Edition are insertedin 1 he Morn ing Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 26, 1864. TOWN AND COUNTRY. State of the Thermometer To-day. BA. M. 11. A. .M G 2, TEE citizens of Susquehanna township are requested to meet at Nisley's school house on Wednesday evening, July 27, for the purpose of raising funds to recruit volunteers for said township. MANY CITIZENS. TEE next term of Dauphin county court will commence on the fourth Monday (22d day) of August. PETER WoLF, recommended by the citizens of Lycoming county, (the Commissioners re fusing to do so,) was appointed. to-day, re cruiting agent for said county. Mr. Wolf goes to Georgia. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE is now open, under the auspices of the Continental Combination Troupe, of which Harry Wells & Co. are pro prietors, and Billy Porter stage manager. There are a number of good performers in the company. I= TELE sale of furniture at Herr's Hotel com menced to-day. The hotel will remain closed Ibr a few months, during which time the new proprietor. Harry 'Monies, Esq., will make extensive improvements in the interior of the building. The whole house will be re-fur nished, and opened as soon as the repairs and improvements are completed. TIT FOR TAT. —One day last week a woman assailed the local reporter of the Columbus, 0., Journal with a cowhide, and, he offering no resistance, she gave him a severe whip ping. The same night, the wife of the report er, hearing of the transaction, met the "wo man in black" on the street and gave her a tremendous thrashing with a wagon whip. EC= EMILY WELLS t i t Co., who gave their first entertainment at Sanford's Opera House, last night, were before the Mayor this morning, on a charge of exhibiting without license— thus violating the city ordinance relative to theatrical exhibitions, which went into effect on the Ist of July, They were fined fifty dol Lars and costs. Violating city ordinances is an expensive business. Roam WANTED. —Capt. Reichenbach, A. Q. M. at this post, advertises for cavalry horses, for the use of the Government. One hundred and sixty-five dollars per head will be paid for such animals as will answer the specifications laid down in the advertisement. Persons who have horses to dispose of should bring them to this city at once. The demand is urgent, and should bo supplied immedi ately. See particulars in our advertising col umns and in posters. MAYOR'S COVET.—Police affairs have been dull, within the past twenty-four hours. This morning Louisa Houseman, a home less, friendless woman, was furnished with quarters in the county prison, for thirty days, as a vagrant. Sophia Palm, another of the same class, was re-committed to the:look up, for a further hearing, as there appears to be another charge pending against her. INTEIIESTrNO TO MATCH JAANtrrecTrams,— It has been decided under the new law, that each "block or box" of matches sold after the first day of September next, requires a stamp in accordance with the number of matches it contains; and the stamp duty can not be paid byplaoing the appropriate amount of stamps upon the whole package of "blocks" or coxes, for the reason that every block or box sold must have the stamp or stamps upon it. REPORT OF THE ENCAMPMENTS.—This branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for the State of Pennsylvania, makes the follow ing report for 1863: Encampments working, 79; initiations, 338; rejections, 7; admitted by card, 19; withdrawn by card, 25; reinstate ments, 28; suspensions, 207; expulsions, 4; deaths, 86; Past Chief Parriarchs, 1,252; con tributing Patriarchs, *4,645; brothers relieved, 749; widowed families relieved, 32; patriarchs buried, 06; paid for relief of patriarchs, $12,- 866; for relief of families, $495 67; for burying dead, $3,351; total paid for relief, $16,732; re ceipts, $29 386. ONE OP OUR TONSORIAL FRIZNIS, who is IL lover of keen wit as well as pert l rct at a clean shave, remarked to us the other day, while his dark visage assumed a serio-comic phase: "I say, Blida, de 'counts ob de draftcome hard on de barbers." "How so?" we—asked; "a stalwart follow like you should certainly not be afraid of the draft." "It 'taint dat, boss, it 'taint dat what hurts de barbers. What I means is, dat de colorin business arnt so good as 'twas. D'se de pint? More de draft was made, gemmen all hab der her colored. Dar was no old gemmen den. But now! golly, dar arnt no young gemmen. Gray heads and beards am fashionable now. How am you, forty-six! How is you, draft! AO ha! ha! ha ! —ha !" laughed our barber, just grazing our proboscis as he gave way to the convulsive working of his glee at the thought of how acceptable age becomes when it re lieves some men from the sacred duty they owe their country. There was a sly sarcasm in the wit of the African which would have dreadfully galled some of the white men at whom it was aimed, had any been present to hays heard it. mid oitizea -Harvest Home picnic at Cold Springs, is postponed until Thursday, August 4th, as the use of cars can not be obtained until that time. AN election will be held at the house of Andrew Sweigert, in Lower Paxton township, to-morrow evening, from six to eight o'clock, to decide whether the school directors shall fill the quota of the township, and levy a tax to pay the expense of the same.... lee adver tisement:- THE Second ward of this city offers a bounty of $2OO to volunteers for one year's service. This, in addition to $lOO Government bounty, $l6 pay per month, besides rations, clothing and medical attendance, will be a handsome remuneration for one year's service. See ad vertisement. 3 P. M 70 WE notice that the Hagerstown Herald and Torch, pay a very handsome compliment to Mr. W. B. Wilson, telegraph operator, who is connected with the Penna. B. It. line, in this city. During the late invasion Mr. W. was in charge of the line at Hagerstown, and did the Government good service by communi cating the latest intelligence concerning the movements of the enemy. When the rebels occupied the town, he attached his instrument to the wires, in a woods, this side of that place, and kept up communication with the military authorities. Move Tau Gm—The mammoth cannon re cently cast at Pittsburg, arrived here to-day, by railroad, en route for its destination. The bore is twenty inches in diameter, and the weight of the gun 116,497 pounds. This piece should be capable of dealing death and destruction on a large scale, into the rebel ranks, if brought to bear upon them. ' The gun will probaly go east to New York, via Allentown, to-morrow. It is now at the Harrisburg shops of the Penn's R. R. Co., near the Round House. The fact that it arrived here safely is a suf ficient contradiction of the statement con tained in the Pittsburg and Philadelphia pa papers, that the mammoth trucks constructed to convey the gun to its destination were a failure. They were built by the Penn'a R. R. Co., at the shops in Altoona. BLACKBERRY' Werra.—There is no wine equal to blackberry wine, when properly made, either in flavor or for medicinal purposes, and all who can conveniently do so should Manu facture enough for their own use every year, es it is invaluable in sickness 4 tonic, and an excellent remedy for bowel complaints. A lady correspondent of an agricultural jour nal furnishes the following recipe for making it : Measure your berries and bruise them ; to every gallon add one quart of boiling wa ter. Let the mixture stand twenty-four hours, stirring occasionally; then strain off the liquor into a cask ; to every gallon add two pounds of sugar ; cork tight and let it stand till the following October, and you will have wine ready for use, without further labor, that every family will highly appreciate, and never do without afterwards if they can help it. Csvrtrns ors REBEL.—The Carlisle Herald says that on Monday evening, at Newport, Perry county, Captain John Hartzell captured an out-and-out live rebel, who was making his way as rapidly as possible to join his com rades at Richmond. He gave his name as Thomas D. Slack, and said he belonged to the 7th Louisiana Tigers ; had been captured in one of the Wilderness battles, had been taken to Point Lookout and from th. to Elmira, N. Y., from whence he with on of his com rades escaped by overpowering the sentinel Tiger was dressed in a full rebel uniform and was impudently loud in his laudations of the slaveholders' rebellion and its army, express ing himself as very anxious to rejoig it in the field. This last expression, with his butter nut dress, were such certain indications he was not an indigenous rebel, that the officer above named took him into custody, brought him to Carlisle and handed him over to CoL Henderson. who looked him up in jail until next morning, when he was remanded to the custody of the Provost Marshal General of the State. In his simplicity the captor of, this rebel says he was afraid for some time of being made the victim of a hoar, for, although his prisoner's talk was quite as ultra and brazenly rebel as any he had ever heard from prisoners in the field, yet he had heardeo mu& of the same ilk in Pennsylvania, since his return from the army, that he suspected this might be only a Copperhead, whose intethe affection for the Southern brethren had indnoed him to don the grey livery of treason. Isn't it funny that a live rebel should be mistaken for harmless Pennsylvania Copperhead, just be cause both birds sing the same song. Sow Tun SZED.—An agrieuitstral papa l advisee its readers, and the public generally as follows, in regard to sowing turnip seed. As the item is exactly in season, we transfer it to our columns. An excellent opportunity is now presented for putting the advice into practice, inasmuch as we we have just been favored with refreshing rains, which have rendered the earth suitable for the reception and early growth of the speedos of vegeta= tion named: "Let not farmers and garde} kers fail to sow abundant turnip seed this yes ir, where other; crops have failed on account of the drought,i or the first crop has been sect 'red. Dig up' the ground if it be ever so sma al a place, and plant turnip seed. There is sure to be a pressing demand for all kinds of vegetables the coming winter, and a great r nany can raise a profitable Drop of turnips without ever gnawing that they cost an sag. Turnips are good both for the table road stock—for the former purpose very pleasantly taking the place of potatoes with many , and if a man should by any chance raja 3 more than he wants for his own use, we wi 11 warrant him a good price, and cash in hand for all he wants to sell According to the of d saying, '2sth of July, sow your turnips, Iv , et or dry. But the seed can be profitably so wn as late as the first week in August; audit we have no rain before, it would probably be I better to wait, as no seed could be expected to start with the ground parched as atprom at. But when there comas a "holm; don't ferget the tur nips." ...-......1.... Third Ward Meeting. An adjourned meeting of the Thirds ward will be held this evening at eight o'clock, at the Franklin Rouse, to hear the report of the committees and transact such business as may be deemed necessary to fill the quota of the ward. A full attendance is necessary. First Ward Meeting. Ax adjourned meeting of the citizens of the First ward will be held at the Black Horse Hotel, on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, to receive the report of the committee ap pointed to ascertain the quota of the ward. Punctual attendance of all freeholders, and those subject to the draft, is requested. Sixth Ward Meeting! A meeting of the citizens of the Sixth Ward will be held at Orsinger's, Sixth Ward House, this (Tuesday) evening, at seven o'clock, to make arrangements for raising the quota of the Ward, under the late call for volunteers. jy2s-2t. &mem attention is invited to the adver tisement of "Large House Wanted," A rare opportunity is here offered to any person having a suitable building to lease. Call at this office. • =MEM PROPOSALS for furnishing two hundred tons of hay will be received by Capt. F. 0. Reich enbach, until Saturday next, at twelve o'clock. The hay to be subject to inspection. Full particulars can be seen in our advertising coluinns, and in posters. I=l CAPT. REICHENBACH gives notice that •cav alry horses will continue to be purchased in, open market in this city. Payments will b•' made in cash. A large number of good horses are wanted immediately. See advertise ment, then bring your horses to town• and get the gfeenbacks. eincuLAs.—The newspaper press of Penn sylvania will confer a favor upon the relative* and friends of Pennsylvania soldiers in ,this department, and upon the military agent at Nashville, Tennessee, by giving publication to the following circular: I am daily receiving letters of inquiry from the relatives and friends of sick, wounded and deceased soldiers in this department. It. al ways affords me pleasure to give them what information I can, as speedily as possible. I desire to offer a few suggestions, which I think will be found valuable to such corres pondents, and will greatly facilitate my en deavors to aid and oblige them. The name of the person concerning whom the inquiry is made, should always be given in.full--also the regiment and company to which he is attached—if sick, or wounded, the hospital in which he now is, or was when last heard from—if deceased, the time when, and where, if known. Applications asking my aid in procuring's furlough for a soldier. should state where the soldier for whom application is made entered service, and when he last visited home, whe ther sick or wounded, and where he may be found, if known. If correspondents will alWays be thus ex plicit it will save me much valuable time and their wishes will be more fully and promptly attended to than otherwise. To the friends of Pennsylvania soldiers! in this department, I would state that all coin munications addressed to me will meet with the earliest possible response. JAMES CHAMBERLIN. Lieut. Col. and Penn'a Military_Agent, Nash. villa, Tenn. QM= REstrrorrs.—The careful and prudent who have the responsibility of providing for large families, in these times of high prices, are ever on the lookout for something to turn up or•be made known, through which 'benefit may arise to those for whom their every day care and the best management is used. In most all stores, particularly in those that do much business, a large number of so-called remnants accumulate. They consist of every description of dry goods, from the most ordi nary calico to the finest dress material. They contain from two to seven yards. C. L. Bow man, of the cheap dry goods store, No. I, cor ner of Front and Market streets, asks atten tion to a large lot of remnants that he will sell at one half of their value. SPECIAL NOTICES. HAIR DYES HAIR DYE Batch°lor's Celebrated Bair Dye IS TR* BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Haroders, True and bailable Dye Zoom This splendid Hair rle is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black er N,doa aiDrown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair left and beautiful ; Imparts beak vitality frequently restoring its pristine color, and realliss the ill effects of lad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOR ELOR. All others ate mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, ko Factory—Si gar ST, DT. T. lIATCHICLOR'S IRR rnurr coma 102 MOWN MI HAM jei'23ly ! hip- To Clear the Rouse of IPlies, butcher's celebrated LIGHTNING 'FLY-RILLIII, a ata7 cheap article easy to nee. Every sheet will till aqu Sow EVERYWHERE. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., 10th and Market *Me t Philadelphia, wholesale steads. 13/34141"4* COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP.t,. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such unlyenal de mand, is made from the eholeeat uuderiala, is mild and emollient Mita nature, fragrantly seemtedli and extremely benelleial in its action upon the skin, for sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jatigbdawly Brown's Bronchial Troches, i„have never changed my mind respecting them from the first, except to think yet better of _that which rbepaz Waking well of." Rev. MBNRY WAIIIIREFFMOUt. "The Troches are a inalf of life tp me." ' 4 Tres. BDWARDNIBITH;:s. • . Pres: Banditon College, Clinton; Ni. "For Throat Troubles they area apemen." F. *IV& "Too favorably known to need commendlitipiel,• . - Rom CILia,A. MEI" Pres. Blum &Mate.' "Contain no opium nor anything Miuriosaoz...... , •;:.1 - Dr. A: A. HATO, Chenila, "An elegant combination for couglut, 3, Dr. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston. "I recommend their use to publie speakers." Bev. N. M. Cl/APLN "Bost salutary relief in Bronchitis." Rev. E. SEWFRIED, Morristown, Ohio. "Very beneficial when auffering from Colds." Rev. P. A3NFDERSON, St. Lora& "Almost instant relief in the distreseinglabor of breath ing woodier to Asthma." Rev. A. C. EGLESTON, New York. "They have suited my case exactly, relieving my throat eo that I could sing with ease." T. DUCHARME, ' Chorister French Pariah Church, Monti- As there are imitations be sure to obtain the GENUINE. janXl-ddrir Ibrros (w TILSOILAPE Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all whd wish it (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in ten days , Pimples, Blotches, Tan, grackles, and all Impurities of the akin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bate Nees, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a fall growth of Luxuriant Balr,-Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty dal& All epplications answered by return otail,..withhot charge. 141. 41 acti l r ig OM. _ . RAPMAN, Chemist„ Ali dltwia ' ISI Dadoilway, New York. - DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS care, in less than 30 day the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS, Impftermy, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan ity, and all Illinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no' matter Prom what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, piart.paid by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in moat cases. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, Iyls-d&w3m General Agent. 429 Broadway, N. Y. A WORD TO THE WISE. There is no need of any person having the Dysentery for one day. All I ask of the public is to try my Dysen tery Drops; only 25 cents a bottle. It is very pleasant to take; can be given to a child of any age with great confi dence. It has cured very bad cases, and also of long standing. It Is indeed.ivorth trying. Prepared and sold only by Mrs. L." Dall, South Pine street, Harrisburg, jy2s-dtf Dlintury Business Attended To. Bounty, Panel' on, Becht, Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Ciaima, generally, made out and collected. Per twitting at 'a distend° can have their business trans b drs*ng acted by n 344" ' y ad ZUG - .OM, S NYDER, Attorney-nt-Law el7-411y Third Weal, Harrisbara P; Bannvart's Troches. For the 011113 of Hoarseness, Throai, Dis eases, Jra.; are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart oo. ' Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Bead the following testimonials from sotne of our eminent clergymen: ..,,Hasniancrso, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. 11/1-iivamr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown'er Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, ' T. EL ItOBENBON Pastor of N. B. Presbyterian Church. jait•l agse,, with Mr. Bobineoxi as to the value of BanuiraiffaTtothes. W. C. CATTELI4 Late Pastor of O. S. Presbytirian Church. Hazsrazunse, Jan.,'1 0 64. To C. A. Ihroivisr--Dear Sir: In th °habit of speaking very frequently, aud in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, ve found:the need of some gentle expecto rant; and that want tuts been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used t i.u.removing speedily huskiness of the -voice-arising from ito too frequent use, snit impairin.g th effectiveness of the delivery of public ac. dresses. Yours, &a., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To p. A. Ronvsnry—Dear ISA% Raving us& yOte Trochea; I Mod free to say they are the beet I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat. or. huskiness of voice arising froin publio;4=f r er•Ethlifing• Yours, &a., G. Gr. , ' RAW/ Atudor of • Ridge Menus Methodist Chinch. lbsumm Arm tinaoa, Ruougnans3, Feb. 29, 1864. I To O. £ BatiffvDear have found.youiTirmhei to_ be inYalnable "in re lieving.hoarsenesa andAin. strengthening the muscles of the thrdatmoilhbrimpart Oleic - 31cm to the voice, and are eertainly•of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. j - . HERB A. CARD TO THE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bittersit' " SiraPPPINP 114Onomo Antidotes," ace., &c., &c., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor In less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken dawn.andetuttteredeonstitutlon. Old and young can'take them with advantage. Imported and sold In the:United Slates only by JAS. S. BUTLER, Nn. 427.Droadway, New York: • • • air Agent Tor the United States: P.,8.--A Box of Aloo , Balo r t:oeourVy packed, will be Mailed to anraddreas on receipt of - price, -Which is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jylto-dBzw3ni SELLING of Summer Goods at low prices, such as Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, Sun Umbrellas, Lace. Shawls, and Sumpter *kw% . We have also on hand a' veryiarge assortment ` of Stoehr's, Calicos, Ging ham; Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black Silks, Plaid Silks, White Cambrics, Undressed French Cambrics, White and Colored Flannels, and in fact an assortment sof dry goods not surpassed by any. To all of which we invite those who, w* to purchase, and prondre to Pell et Jess prices tharryretai replace them for agidn. As a kluda diy goods' adVancing every day, now is the time to buy. LEwr. WANT& SUBSTITUTES WANTED, FOR which a liberal price will be paid. Apply at Jae Union Motel, Market street iy23-lor.* , S. S. BELLMAN. A GENTS wanted to sell the Standard !Chi ll tory of the War. A rare' chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. Si 00. de 80 ~ .Putditers..Raltimom•lfd.. CANDIDATES. AIL BOYER4`:of.Eigt, Hanovek iownship, . offers himitelf as a Candidate for the office of Reg ister. If nominated and elected be pledges himself to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. jy27-wtc* ROSA ,fiXfiatapioit. • CIEORGE SouthlU:4 i -or town ship,lA oilers himself as a candidate for the office of REGISTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with fidelity. je29-d&wtc fpAROIDAVEC FOR CONGRESS. 14muipsoza, Pi, .Tougt) 18114. V IC 114aets tr -- '44 xoppedfullytoffershinasell to thii mita fano of • the 14th Contest - dons' Die trict of Pennsylvania, composed of ttienounties of Dau phin, Jsniste, liottbetmberiand, ,llnion-and Snyder, for nomination the several 000nty conineititcins of the said District. [Jefeidtc] JOSIAH ESPY. Foit ItKearns. RIIDOLPH MILLERi , of BeAt Hanover _Li) township, offers himself is a tau:olMo for the office of Register. If nominated and 'elected he pledges him self to Mal the duties of the office with fidelity. j025-d2wamtc* RUDOLPH MILLER. ParivosildinstAh's Onion, 14ra Mariner, 114xamminct, Pa, June 6, 1864. To DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed by Lieut. CoL J. ^Y: Bamford, A. A Provost Marshat General, by his circular, No. 69, of June 4, 1864 to pub lish. "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as volun teers after being drafted; and that the credits for drafted men will remain for Jim sub-districts from which they were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has or has not been pabi to atiollAttenotpon "illegalenhatment." JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Maxstuil, 14th Dist, WALNUTS, CREAmNUTS, FILBERTS. For aale.whaleaale at SRISLER & FRAZER, untecesiors to W. Dock. Jr., k Co. DINE APPLES, TINE APPLES, just re ceived at SEMLER 1 FRAZER, je29 Euicesams to W. Dock, J,r 4. ,, & ANEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMO RAMS, just resell* Ms morning, at EHIBLER & FRAZER, jel7 Suctiessors to W. Dock, Jr., Sr Co• BASKETS, BASKETS, in great variety at SHISLER & FRAZER, ieB7 Summar" to W. Dock, Jr., & Go. ALL kinds of hauling with wagons-or carts will be promptly diflio by °g lint on JACOB BRENNER, PM corner of Benlindstreet and Meadow Lane. FRUIT JARS, of.VLe latest Patent (Grif- Test Patent,) jei4 received and foraale low at • - BOYaR do SAARPER. LON for sale on Xike_oorner of Thild aai Bras Amis. NinoWs of WX. a NoTEDDEN. ing* thiMITISEDIENTS. JULIUS ROST4DALE, 29 Practical and Scientific or"t t ICI.A.N 9 itAUFAtaURER AND IMPORTER OF OPTICAL MITHENITICAL PHILOAOPHI CAL INSTBUNEAIII, No. 'A :NORTH SECOND STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. The folkiwing itisitnimoilts will be forwarded, free, to and "address, on receipt of the price : Insect Ificroscope; for emus:Lining all kinds of ' sects; flowers; or , plants: 11 00 geed liferoacope; for examining apeda, 'Bawls; minerals, Ac. • . 2OO Itosendsdc's Student's Microsoopei power 60, 160, and 250 diameters A beautiful instrument for • general microscopical analyais,, packed in a neat box • . '... . 10 00 Rifle Telescope; to' see at a distance of two or three miles; can be attached to any rifle . .. 600 Stereoscopes; a new and improvedinstrnmen. . 225 Do. with twelve pictures.... 600 Spectacled of the higher; refractivepower to strength en and preserve the eyesight, with a large assortment of Opera and Field °lessee, Barometers, Thesmometers, Magnets, Drawing Instruments, &c. air Send stamp for a catalogue containing priced, ke. jel-dte AJOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain amendments to the Constitution. Be it resolved by the Sande and House of ltepnwstatiog of the ConsumwealGt of /Ann:phonic% in General - dum bly met, That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution 'of. the - Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as Views: "Sscrucrs 4: • Whenever any of, the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President of the United Stake, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may.exercise the right of suffrage in all elections laY the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be prescribed by law as fully as if tpey were present at their usual place of election." Simms 2. Thenxishall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: "Samos 8. No Mahan be passed by the Legislature, containing more than one subject, which abaft be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills." "Sscrbstid. No bilbshall be passed by the Legislate's granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant suelspowers, or privilege; has bees, or may hereafter be, ,ounferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." HENRY C. JOHNSON, 6000' qf the Howe of Repreeeneatitte. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of th e Sode. OFFIOM OF TKO SZORITLEY Of T Conisterwsavra, ::. iu 1 HAnssuito,April 25, 1864. Pennsylvania, Si: I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct Ow of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remains on 810 in this once. - iE Trurracoa^r whereof; I have hereunto set [my [l.: a.] .hand arid caused the seal of the.;Seerbtarra 900 . 10 bee:nixed, the'daYand Year Above written. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The above resolution having been agreed .to. by a ma jority of the members of each House, twe aupeeasive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commohweadtb, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the peo ple, for their adoption or rejection, on the rum TUESDAY or Ammer, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six.y-four, in accordance with the tenth &V -ote of the Constitution, and the act, entitled "An Act pro scribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or reje ction , the pro posed.amendments to thir.Coastitution, approved the twenty-third day of April,' 'one lhousond eight hundred and alstylimr. ELI SLIM A op= • Escraeory of 'the annum NO - EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. • ASHCROFT% LOW Walla • DETECTOR TS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against explosion or burning of the noes or' boiler, as noth ing can prevent ft (if not tampered with) from giving lin. mediate notice of lack of water, i the boiler, in season' to put on a suppty without drawing the firea. Want of water is the great source of so many sad catastrophes which have recently !marred. inerrantWe this instrument I. be a peryttokianswase against such•ceittin,gencias. Price ;SO. Fall instructions as tolhe mode of applioatkm as 'well as reference to Most of the prominent. nuumfaelareri and. iron Mutters of the State using them, sent on application to. D. 0. IiLEADE k CO., . . Pittsburg, Pa. D. C. /LLD, CRAB. Muir. j jell cErViikvA.Lizuro CONCENTRATED .LIMONARE, healthy beverage : • 114 a pleasant, Very convenient and 'refroebing 'for invalids .baviag fever or great thfist. Ite portability recommends It to travelets: , Its convenience at Pio-nics' will be 'predated.. No sugar required; one table , epoonftd eitnidy (Booing in a glue of cold' water and Dia done: ' ' KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD NORA . . • No. 9 Market street. NEW PHILADELPIELL CLOA. H t 'X''o RE, ZW D. W. GaOSW ..1111W BLOOK, Market Street, flarrisimarg. 'I,OOODIFIERENT STILES azs CLOAKS Z I N F, I.O 3 IEOII L . ABS, FINE SPRING - SEAMUS. Will open on the let of April. Dnar2l-dll CLOAfi.S, • CIRCULARS AND MA.NTI'LLAS IN D. W. GROSS' NEW RIMMING, _ . mARIMT STREET. ' A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Haye nw riiderNd assormentOf . _ SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS„ FRENCH CLOTH CIRCITLARS, NEW FRENCH jiACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE RAMC& The above beautiful samples, ha every color and hand Comely trimmed, from $7 60 to $lB. 1000 SILK 11ANTit:Li CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BABKL: Handsomely and richly trimmed, front $lO orow;rd. mumbles MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. my2s NOTICE. public are requested to attend the E opening of the new dry goods Store of Brandt it Bowman, on Thursday morning, July f th, at the south east corner of Second and Walnut streets (late the store room of Joseph Baluswiler.) Tile hew firm have bought out the entire stack from Er. Kahnwiler at Tell low prima, and in GOOD FAITH ley to the public that they. will sell this stock of goods at one-fourth less than the' same kind of goods can NOW BE Bomar AT WHOLE SALE. .iye-dtr PHOTOGRAPHS." ALARGE amorturent of Plicitographs of Generals and fancy pictures for safe o=l.tT, at $1 per doyen, at BCEMSTIOVS 8008 STORE, myso - ' ' ' Hartiebtxrg, Pa 50 DOZEN JARS EN Maga PICKLES comprising Picalilly, prow.Obow, Cauliflower, Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For role wholesale and retail by *. 13111BLXR & F MIS suormwors to Dorge.,l2:2,Unkr . TERM RECEIVED.-. 44 gallons pure currant 0 wine, from a .Lancastee county farmer; the dew made domestic wine in this city Price $ 3 00 fir , 1. 1w lige at SBUILIR & FRAZ JO • . - SticaMlibilitO War. Deck, is * . OBINEWS ozooldoo boom of thlo Noe- LV.L ion'. algint' lOai mitred 1111 d for 02.14 i by - - awn= a mum. aids to inn. Dock, jr.. A, 00. A PRffali inig g y of bliehertee's Celebrated .noler : BO & BoBRPBB. DGirOliarisdlik_good Geld Pen? If eg, eii=wwa imam^ Berneinag: Iwo .AM )iM!MNTS.. RE-OPENINH'OF - SANFORD S HALL, CONTINENTAL COMBINATION - COMPANY, ON MONDAY, JULY 25; 1864. TB:company consists of the best star per formers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &O. The manager takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making thlk THE Concert Han of the city. HARRY WELLS a; CO., Proprietors. !max Foams, Bushiest's Agent.. jy23-d2l 29 CANTERBURY EXALT.. WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Pr0pt1et0r......... Balinese Agent.... Stage Manager Leader of Orcheeter OPEN every night - .with a first-class com pany of male and female artistes.. The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such as SINGING, DANCING, PANTOXIMRS, BIIRLESQUM, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private boxes 50 amts. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. jylfidtf GOVERNMENT SALES, &C. POSTPONED SALE • OF CONDEMNED 1/ 0 R S E A . S. COPPICE ASSISTANT kiIif — ARTERNASTER,I HAGERSTOWN, MD„ Saturday, July 16, 1861 WILL Be sold by Public Auction, at Car lisle, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. July 28th, 27th and 28th, 1864, 380 Homes, condemned as unfit for public service These horses were adverthted to be sold at Hagerstown, bid., but in conse quence of the rebel raid were driven to Carlisle an I ;las sale postponed until the time above designated. Terms of Sale--Cash in Gocernm6nt lends. N. J. HOPKINS, jy-22 Of. Capt. and A: Q. M. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DIT/ITTICKNT, CAVALRY BURSAS WITOS OF CHM QUARTNULASTES, WASHINGTON, D. July 4, 1864 WILL be sold at public auction, to thu highest bidder, at the times and places mimed be low. els: Harrisburg, Penn's, 'Thursday, July 28th, 1864. Altoona, Penn's, Thursday, August 4th, Wit • Willi Penn's, Thursday, August 11th ,' 1E64. TWO HUND ED CM) Cavalry Horses at each place. These Horses have been condemned its unlit for the Chivalry service of the Army. For road and farm purposes many good biugalas may to had. Horses sold singly. TUBS: CASH to United States Currency. JAMES A. BEDS Lt. Col. and O.Q. IC Cavalry:Bureau. iyedtd SALES OF REAL ESTATE. lh~rLi1;~ 3II:~NYV'~JKq~ H:4~►'~aCi),l THE undersigned offers, at private sale, a LOT OF GROUND, situate on Paxton street, Harris burg, haying thereon erected three frame DWELLING HOUSES; also a bakery. and rooms which can be used for a Dwelling, a large stable and other outbuildings.— The lot le 23 feet in front, by 210 feet in depth. This.peo party will be sold on terms to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to examine the same can do so by calling on the premises, No. 2$ Paxton street, Or at my residence on Ridge Road.. Dy2s-dlwl JACOB BENGEL A CHOICE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. riNTHURSDAY, August 4, 1864, the un demairmed, trustee of S. L. Bowman, will sell at public sale, me renewing real mune: A tract.oljand, sic uate in Eastrenishorongh township, Cumberland, bound ed by hunt of Simon Dresbach, Gee. Oyster and others, containintlo2 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a large two•story stone house, good Meant Morse, largo bank barn,. apple orchard of choice fruit, a pump at the door; also, a running aprlng. near the house. This is a eice farm and in a high state of culti vations^ Located 3 miles west of Harrisburg, ant a half mile girth of Oyster's Point. - Sale to take place on the premises at 2 o' ou said day, when terms will be made by #l2-dis GEO. W. CRISWELL, Trustee. FOR GAM% Tamable property, corner of Seco nd Tl E ; Pine idreets, being fifty-two end 'half feet on 'Se cond and one hundred and sixty-eight feet on Pine street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara 'diem there being space for four fell building lots, and smolt de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se amid and Pine rests, nortSt PRIVATE :S.ALE. ONE of the best locatio ns . for IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, toany purchaser who will improve situated' with in a abort distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennaylvanlarailroid and canal, about five hundred feet wide, and aiehodde of the hest limestone quarries in the Slate and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to s DAVID laildatA; Attorney-at-law, No. 24 North'Second street, marl64llf Harrisburg,' Pa. phial Pram insert three times and send bill to office Lawl. for Sale. 520 ACRES of Land,' in Dauphin eo. at private sale, in part or the whole; so suit purchasers ; lab acres clear good building ' s hereon, Witt. Saw Mill. For farther particulars, address L IdDISICTrn, Dauphin. Dauphin enmity. Pa. myllo-iiSm• Steam Weekly to LiverpooL rPOUCHINGat QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har i. bor.) The well known Steamers or the 'Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia ilteaguedp Company, are in tended to sail ea follows: . . . Edinburgh, Saturday,_ 'Tilly 30 City.of „ Washington. Saturday, August 0; City of Manchester, Saturday, An gust 13, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River.. .13ATES OF PABSA.OR, 'STAUB us eoln, on ITS IQUIVAIRST ffi muss= FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE 930 00 do to London 85 00 do to London 84 00 do to Paris • 95.00 do to Paris 40'00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg 37 00 Pareengers oleo forward to Havre, Bremen, Hater dam, Antwerp, Ate, at equally low rates. • Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: be Oabin,3ls, $B5, $1.05: Steerage, $35. Those who WISh to send for their Mends can buy tickets here at these rates For further information apply at the Company's Offices G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. or C. 0 ZIAINERHAN, Harrisburg. [124-dly DratU pratt I Drat t ??? • A LIENS and persons under or over the re -13 age, who have been enrolled in this (t4th) Distriet, or any ether District in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fired by law. draft. Now is the time to put in a substitute and avoid the Persons who are not liable to draft, and who wish to enter the army u substitutes, am obtain the highest pre mium. blueness tnuniteted by mail at legal rates; avd coat of travel thereby avoided. Call at once, or mitten by meil, EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, ad stmt., Harrisburg, Pa. jy9-eod2mcia PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby oxen, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, =the first , day. of June , lB32, the atookholderoof the "n 13ank, of Washington; Pena., will apply to the next SetiMiell of the Legislature for a renewal of its Ow ter with an increase of its - 4152,000 to 1.260,000. C. M. REED, President WART:Emma, PA, June 24 1864 jai FOIL SALE, ANEW TRUCK suitable for a stone quarry, with one ton of new T Rail, weighipg 22 Amt& to the yard, for stone quoin or codlings DAVID liflatife, JYI6-3w WBEEF and =BB choio ags Or Mese Beef met Pork at I- ••• to Win jk .ic „ 'BUTTES, BUTTER—Fresh roll butter hut &nyder county received ever, week. Also OSPII II PAM BOYER k lOSEPBR. 3. IL DONNELL JOE MILLER ANDY WILLIAMS HARRY MB-STAYER ..... O. MIDLER , MUSICAL FARM, CIOMIC OPERAS, NEGRO COMICAUTIES. SALE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers