THE TELEGRAPH MORNING AND EVENING, BY. GEORGE BERGSER. OFFICE THIRD Sr., NEAR wALYErr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SO:tS,MUMON, Ilia DAILY TELEGRAM{ is served to subscribers in the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 16 00 In advance.. Those persons who neglect to pay in advance will be charged $7 00. mittLY TELEGRAPH. THE ;ULNA...NI is also published weekly, and is furnished o subscribers at the following cash rates: Single copies, weekly.... Three copies to ono Post Office— •• • . 400 Ton copies to one Post Office RAJ I,IIOADS. — P — e — ica's - 3 - 41 ' ;;I old It Road t, ttr- . '- ".7 1, 7 11 - rZ L 81. -X A jiniff7 711111. SPRING TIME TABLE. In TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPIELL MONDAY, May 16th, 1804, THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. Si. , and arrives at West Philadelphia Itt 6.55 A. M. - FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Mondayl at 6.00 A. 31., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10. A. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. . •• I MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg at 7.20 A. M. connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accent , modation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at. 12.25 r. M. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves HalTiti burg at 12.20 r. x.; Columbia 1.65 P. x., and arrives. at Lancaster 2.30 P. M. connecting with Fast. Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.30 P.M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at L2O P. X. ; Lancaster at 2.47 P. x., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.30 P. X HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P. H. WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 A. M. ; Altoona, 7.36 A. 1., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.80 P. 111. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves . Harrislowg daily at 3.10 A.M. ; Altoona at 8.20 A. at., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. M. _ MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 or. ; Altoona at 7.16 P. or., take supper, and arrives atPlttaburgat /2.80 A. N. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. M. ; Altoona at 8.35 P. M., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 4.M. • MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster it A. M., arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 A. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 r. a., and anives at Harrisburg at44o P. M. • : MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lan - cis tor at 6.25 P. at., connecting there with Harrisburg Accord modation West, 'leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 p. x. and: arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 r. at. SAMUEL D. YOUNG,-, Supt. Middle Div. Penn'es B. ..14. Harrisburg, May 18, 1864.-dtf Northern Central Railitay SUMMER TIME TABLE.! • THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND mom • B A_ T UM 41:Vit MEI WASHINGTON CITY► Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. ON and after MONDAY. MAY 16th, 1884, Central the Passenger Trains of the Northern t Railway will arrive ;at and depart from Harrisburg *La Baltimore as follows, viz: • SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday)... . .......... ... - ...1.0.20 A. X. r‘ leaves larrisburg...... .. ~. ... 1.20 P. X . . " arrives at Baltimore 5.40 P. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except • . , Sunday) 11.45 P. re, " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 150 a. x ' " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) 7.00 A. IL HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves liar. burg . .. 7.00 a. ix. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun- bury daily (except Sun day) at 7.30 A. le NORTHWARD. %IL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) - - • 9.20 A. X; II leaves Harrisburg ' - P. 136 P xi • .., arrives at Sunbury ---- - 4.05 g. it, 'EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y...... 9.30 P. II( ‘, arrives at Harrisburg ..... .. L5O A. X, ~ leaves Harrisburg daily - (ex- • ! cept Monday) 3.15 A. X " arrives at Sunbury 5.53 A. N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bat: . .' timore daily (except Sun- ' ' • day)... ' . 3.00 P. IC ,4 arrives at Harrisburg 7.50 P. IL SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 400 g.u.' For further information apply at the Moe, in Pennsyli Tanta Railroad Depot. J. N. DUBABRY, . Harrisburg, May 16, 1.8.04.-dtf Gen. Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. TIMER; TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORIL EMI PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOvembor, 16th, 1863, the Passenger Trains walleave the Phila de ON and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follow; viz EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.80 A. on 'cu.; rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the: West, arriving in New York at 1.46 A. m. A Bleeping ear: Is attached to the train through from Pittsburg withoot change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1100 A, *. arriving In Now York at 6.30 P. and Philadelphia at 1.50 PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. arriving in York at 10.25 P mt., and 7.00 P. X WESTWARD. PAST LINE leaves New York at 6.00 A. is, and Phila delphia at 8.16 s. st., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.16 s. HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 goon, and ;'Philadelphia at 3.80 r. X., arriving at Harrisburg .al, - 8.20 'IP 11. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at TO P. at., ar- riving at Harrisburg at 2,00 A. "hr., and colanectlrrg with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg.. .A. sleepiirg ear Is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberlaid Valley railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Paterille, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &o. . • Baggage checked through. Fare between, New "tort and Harrisburg, $5 16 ; between Harrisburg and Philadel phia, $3 36 in No. 1 cars and $3 in No. ; For tickets or other information apply to • ' Clonerni Agnnt. 144smrishurg nol4-dtr READING RAILROA SUMMER ARRANG.gAtriST. T - TRUNK LINE FROlii . N...A NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia,New York', t 'tiding, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Eastenike.",ace, Trains leave Harriabilrg for Philadelphia, New York, Mending, Psttavilleastd all intermediate stations , at (to!! aAd , ZOO r. , New York Express . leives Harrisburg at 0.80 A. M., arriving at New York at 1.45 the same day. A Special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Read ,g a t 7.10 A. M. and returns from Harrisburg at 5 kp. N. Fares from Harrisburg: To New York, $b 15;:to Phila delphia $8 85 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. .• Returning, leave New York at 6 a. ts. ,12 noon, and I r; (Pitts Burg Express arriving at Harrisburg at 2, A. N 4 Leave PhlhaelPhlaat 8 15s. K. and 8.80 P. EL eP cars in ,the New York Express Trains through to S a i n e df i r n o g m Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. at., and 110 t at., for Philadelphia, New York, and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. M., and 2.80 P. li., for ' Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York, An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at B.ooa. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 p . x.. Air All the above treble run daily, Sunday ex cepte d . A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at T. 30 A. AL, and Phil_ adelphist P. ammutation,Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets at reduced rates to and ;tom all points. 80 pounds baggage allowed to each person. • O. A, NICOLIA, General Superintendent. MAT 1584—d8ortf • _ _ . : _ ‘.• ; . .• , ' " • ,A_ Fit , : ' . :".- -`• g - - • . . , .1 t ma BY GEORGE. 13E11,G1Mii1 10 00 RAILROADS, T • • al HIS great line' traTeratir the Northern at Northwest otinnilis of: Ttininzliranii to the kitty! of Erie, on Lake Erie. • It has boon leased by the PRZWEFTLYANIA itijkßOOM Pt; now, and under their auspices is being rapfdlrope throughout its entire length. • • ' , is stow in nee, for' Passenger. Pn3Olt businbss tdisir oborB Co St. Mar y' s (alb: } riles) OR the Rakers and kcal Bhe#lll/, -F?* ( 7 8 • 9 2116 0 0 0- ibe Western Division • : TIME OT PLisiodsGEß fititini AT akftEIBBMIIk Leave Eastward. • - Nail Troia . 120 P. x. Erpress 210 a. a. - ' Leave Northward. Mail Train 186 r. r. Express Train 3.15 A. 14 Cars rim through wry:lour owes both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and _Look Haven, and 043, 7 . Swoon Baltimore and Loclellaien. Elegant-Sleeping aun an Express trains both leap be tween Williamsport and Ihdthnore, and Williameport and Philadelphia. - For information respecting Passenger batmen apply.Mt the S. E. Comer lah arid.htarket streets. And for 'Freight buitiniss of the Company's Agents: _ /Kingston, Jr. , corner lath and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. 'W. Reynold; Erie. J. X DIA Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. , • IL H. H4IIBTON, 'Genera/ Preight Arm, Prtit , #4. LAMM L HOUPT, ricy 4ered. TOO Ageaf Patlks. • JOgt , . • . nIY2 O -dlYl . .Meatoper, ItUltaateport.. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FRANK.L4IN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOIMS.,--Ovnd after , Mon k,/ dAT, April 4th, 1354 . ,.'Aitiee "trains will . rius daily, aiefollowa, pluidays exceided* , ' ' ` . IY)11 CHAMi3ERSIIrfRO .: Ai 47 4:1(.13X8 . 11Ulgil,:, 1 . ' ' • ' - A. iii;., P. 111 Leave liagereatoWn.......... ... ...... 7:00 • 2.46 " Greencastle ' ' 7.87 .3.36 . .41Tive,10....•••••• • -,' 818- 41° Ohattibeiibure, 8.30 Leave:it 1266 Leave Shippensburg ' 9.00 1.26 " Newirille 9.32 2.00 • A. Mt. • " Oarlike - 15'58 10.10 2.42 " Mechanic5burg.:,:::...:....:...&45 lO 42 3.12 ArriTo tt HarOsburg...% &55. *4O FOR CH.4kBBNSBV2IG AND ILIGERStOWN:, • ••. • A. is. r.ha..•. al. Leave ... ........ . 8.00 .1.:32 • 4)2c) Metliauicburg . li • 8.47 2.8.5 4.50 " Carlisle - - 0.2? 2.1Hl 5.241' 4 Newyille • '10,22 SYD " Shlppensburg 10.33 - .4.00 cham . mrsbur - g !Are' ve' , it:08 4.20 Leave at • 11.10 4.40 Leave Oreecestbr -•' '1.L55 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown r 12.35 &10 me- Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with rains for all points West.. ,The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20, P. IL rune onlyas far as Carlisle. • 0. N. LULL, Age. R. R. Office, Cluunbertiburg,' April 4,18841 y MEDICAL. ga,unt. DR. WRIGHT% ELIXII. REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, RUMOR 01' LIM Prepared fro* Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth, tog Incurious to the meet Delicate. far The Rejuvenating to the result of modern_ discoveries is the vegetable kingdom ; being an entirely. new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and wont-out systems. ' Arndt' medicine has been tested by the most eminenti medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to le! one of the greatest medical discoveries of the ar ,One bottle will cure General Debility. WA few doses cures Hysterics in fernike. Ni-One bottle cures Palpitation o[the Heart. 'WA few doses restores the Organs of generation. ' From one to three bottles restons die Manliness and hill vigor of youth. zip -A few doses restores the appetite, . . : sir Three bottles cures the worst came of Impotency. gari Etna dome cares tee low spirited, grip-Ornebotili rectors mental pewer c igrA. few donee bring the rose teAhe reheat sii-This 'spans restores:to nusilpririfir and roboa health the poor, debilitated, worn.down plod desPalrig devotee of sensual pleasure. " pirThe liatleim enervated youth,: Meovar-taskal map . , it . Mutual; the vietim,of nerroini:depnunion, the ~ in dividuel mitring (mm general debility; or froinlondruess of a iii' vie wpm% will all gild Initniallati; utrd perniaient relief by the use of this Elixir or em Of: Life. air Price, $2 per bottle, or • three 'bottlee foe $5, and forwarded by Elmo, on receipt of ,Inenee,•to , bey ad . seSold by all drentstaeverywltelre. "•L• DR W RI*BRION ai _„ • . Aele rrOltilelOret Mo. 59 Liberty knot, New go*. 'CHEROKEE DILLS. SUGAR-00ArED FEIZALII REMMAIOR, , ' HEALTH. PRESERVER. CE#TAIILAND SAPP. nenunx4. qf'• Obstruch:one and the huiroavx pew. r we. 9f .Au 22,rity inPle 4/ az- They cure or obviatntlunie;nunapinia diseases that spring from iiregtklutiy, by removing the irregularity Welt . 1 163 - Tney cure Suppreased,lhoesaire and Painful l - etruation. ,They cute GreaiSiiskitese (Clilonada.) se-They cure•Ncuotut abd Spinal Alkotions, palm in the back and low*parta 6f the body, Heaviness, - Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Low&ws of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Oiddineek km, &c. In sword ; bifieinoving the irregularity; they 'times the cause, and with it AIL the cabal that spring from it • sarckapte . ol of simple vegetable eatracte, they con : tail' nothing' deleterious to any constitution, bornevii' delicate, theirtigeSien being to inthatitute strength for weaknee4 whick*i ' en Piniegir•ueed, they nVer Tin ' S °' —They may maybe StifeWitid at any age and at iperice, =MP? Inds* sergfingkinrales mourrse, during which the unfaiiingnatare of their &Mon *add inrallibly . , PAIIVIST pregnancy. 4 „ _agrAll lettere seekilig er-edriee - wig be 111 l 441 -pil tn*Y =play .sct saglN d. htic rgirPricejrper 4*, or nth boxes far , I .• • *g-Sent by mail, nee or postage, on receipt Of print wirSold by all respeotable druggists. DR W. 11.Viffinti& CO., Sole Prdpif ni 7 arn-eodly • —"No Oxltyty MOW ork. For sale in Ithriistsirg,by L ILUNKIL & B 418 fieriest stria ' - Road. !‘THE UNION—NOW l AND .FOREVER."— Webster. HARRISBURG, PA., MOtIDAY EVENING, JULY. 25. 1864 MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, AJND DWEASES REWLTING FROM DISORDERS OF:.THE LIVER N D DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ASS - C „BY. 11-0 - OFL A ••D 2 S , GERMAN BITTERi, THE GREAT'STRENGTHENING TONIC 131t4rs hays rforuked more our • 11 have and Vote hotter satisfaction; have. more, titaony; have mu reSpectable people to vouch for th than any.other artielein the , minitet. ' - " • We defy, sny one to contradict this assertion; • and *ill pay $1,009,t0, ,any, one that will produces certificate pub lished by us that is riot genuine, Holland's Gorman tern, will' cure eierY case Of Chronic or Nervous Diseases of the Hidneye r and diseases arising from a dis ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re sulting ftom the disorders of the digestive organs: COn atipation, Plies, Fullness of Blood to the head, acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in theStOmaoh, Sour Eructations,. Sinking or guttering at the pit of the Wunsch, Swimming of the heal, Hurtled and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or stnlbcating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dott or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers. piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, - Pain in the side, back, chart, limbs, arc., Sudden flushes of heat, .Burning in the desk Constant imaginations of evil, and great de pression of spiritir. . • • - l'teinember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is the beat Tonic in the, world.. READ WDO' WEB SO: From the Rev. Levi O. • Reek,Pato? of the . Bap' tint Church, Pemberton, N. A, formerly of the North Rapt* Church, - • • * * *- t. . . , * - * * • . -Ge • • I have known Hoofland's,ntion Bitters favorably numbera of yearnl hare used thine. in throw n fin' rown familyi and have been. so pleased with their effects ttlat'l was in diced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly •benedelii manna. ' I take , great pleasure in thus publicly prociaindfit this fact, and milling the attention of those. sanded' with the diseases for which they are reconumwdeirito these ,Bit tere, knowing from experience Butt thy remelnmendation will be sustained. I' do 'this, more cheerfiUly , iii Hoof land's:Bitters is intended to benellthet and is "not a rum drink." Yours truly,••••• •••• ••• • • • , • BECK.. From Rev J Newton Brown, D. D,liter of the, II In cyclopedia of Re knoWledge and Ohristien Orel& ele, Philahelphia. • , , • •• •• I Although not dimmed, te farm op restannend , Patent Nehicines in general, through dLtrimt o? Abair ingredients had effects; I yet know• of no 'sufficient reasons why wan may not testify to the benefits bdieies himself have received from any simple preparation; is the hope that he may thus contribute to the, benefit. of Where. • ittlo fins -the. more readily in ragard to Notdiendla Gek trumilltters;• prepared by Dr. a 11,-.liitikaon, of ••this City because I was Preitalimal against these for i'•iinuty- Piir the luilmusiala thatitbel WON ChiettrCalk_ mixture:. I am In ,li t ed 39:11V. Labli, Robert. Shoequi- Iteivlex, Tor the vial. of • *Mr **Wine • by- jamet tests, and for immanagement to try em when from. peat Altai - 1 00/t continued debility. • The Use Or thien Utiles of these Bitters at the beginning: or , the present year, was followed by evident relief and restore- Lion to a degree of bodily-and mental vigor which I had not for six months before, and had almeet despaired of regaining.: I therefore thank God and my friend for dl resting me to the use of them. • • ' • . J. NZWPON BROWN, Philsda. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Germ antown , Penn. - • • Dr. 0.-'M . Jackson:—hear Slr:—Persolud experiente enables Me to say that I regard the German BUtemp i cprl pared by you, as a most . excellent. medicine. • mew b severe cold and general debility•l have been greatly' benel fitted by the use of the Bitters, end doubt not •they Will produce similar effecte on inhere • Yours truly IM11=:1 From. Rey. J.U. Turner, 'Pludor .of . Bedding Church,' Philadelplild. 1)r. C. M. Jaelmon:Dear'Sth—liaving need your Glee man Bitten in my family frequently I am prepared to Wry that it hen been of great service. I believe that In Mont awe of general debility of the., it , la the and: ntiatoraluable remedy of *Well' nave any Imo . . • - Wks ? reekiettely • • • - J.ll. Na7ls N. Nitieteenth street. Prom the Nev. J. N. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the, Columbus (N. J.) and Nilestown (Pa.) Baptist Marche& New RoOmttrai, N. Y. Dr. C. I. Jackson:—Dear Sir :---I Teel it &pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony tb the excellence of the German Bitters.. Some yearn rhino. being much of tided with Intilqxdos I used them with : very beneficial result& -' I have etten recommended them Orions, en feebled by thim tormenting and have heard Odin them most Mattering teathnonials as to their greet valne. In CMS of general dellllity,y believe it to be tonic that ealmot be surpamsxl: - JAL LYONS. EEEM From the Rev Thomas WAWA', Pastor of Roxborough Bantle:Chad& DreJacklatt:—Dear dne to year 'excel. Mat preParaleas - 4 00 theat gealltaLt Bitters, to add •my deserved ,Topulation, it has ,obtainal :I have for years, at times; tien"trobbledliitli gnat sliseeler in my heed and narrow'• system. I iris. advised' by a friend to try a bottle.of,yore German Bitters; • did so, and have experlancod great and.unected relief; _missals has been, ray miteriallY :tta rcont y recespv mend the/Alia wherel meet lattice*: mY own, and have been assured by many ' , Uttar. -ef fects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Rozberen Pa. From Rev. ...Hetaisut, ths Gename iWormbd cburcb, B,utstown; Realm county, 'Pas • lacilairs:zzlteepacted have been troubled with-Dyspepsia warty twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much god as RoofinziPis Bitters. am very ninth' Improved in -health, after Lavin *PP ityantages • . Tours with respect, , - J. 8. BERNIAN. • PRIOES. • Line Size (holding permit deab!e,,giauttlity,) $l, 00 rl per bettle—halrdoi • • ' $4 00 SOW Size--16 cents per bottle—halt doe: * 400 BEWARE OF couNTREFEIT4I See that the signature of "O. IL JACKSON" is on the WRAPPER of each bottle.' • Should your nearestaot hays the article, do not be put of by tiny a d rin lt texicatibg preparations that may be offered inlta Nam, hat "end to la, and we will foneard, securely p ia Ay expr , and qatalultieteni, 0.:111121,41210 II: TRAFIII, • PH14434141° 11% Evert% • Summers to aM. Jaclosonig .„ 1 Paolisorrona_ For sale,by Druggist' and Daders In - tevery tows in 'Delta' States • • laylikdawly •• • rnx FINE, oriNDER.D: • - • • rllO 031,10•1041 . 6itenEalre stoik• of grapi Anoints end PpetoraPh - Cirri we Owe added a BRAUTIIITIL ENVELOPE for the reception Or gad Picture& They.maa be Mental willbealmired. jar Phd OV a rV l NPP liell , at Yeer. Wed whole. elr.oll.,#.lnOtit upon chomps *-per then, wholesaleanr!i _gij. - - tetiygf 01"M,•111i1CipitIMORIt T =d 07.2iNtEs*IngEOMSAXICEi t 11 the IlhistY o Plair ills Ovid- rir OPTIKI t0.441Py P "*""""r d Ind for i tikll2 — R . !MAM A , hbl (noossuors to Wm. Dock, jr, &Ca rel ; NU TONGUE& --Fine largo beifp .-• , : ' - ounxtb7JlLlOthbilerlars' and ttie . .'-'- l' - jT lkiitiamistoW, Ds*, aii 6 • IMI WARREN RANDOLPH, Gleemsatoin EVENING EDITION. Tribute Oilte4ileet---Death Of Col. George H. Covode. Fovarn PENNA. CAVALRY. July 18th, 1864. At a meeting of the officers of the 4th IWO mentTennsylvania cavalry, on motion Major W. M. Biddle.' was call,A to the chair, Mid Surgeon J. W.-.lruilan. appointed recorder. The meeting being orgainzed; a committee • of fist , being appointed, Daptains F. H.. Parke, Joseph Andreis, D. P. Smith,:Lieut. /Imes Grant and assistant SurgeowW. B. Price;, the following preasnbleandr.resolutions were drafted and unanamously adopted; Winqu'is.,in : a Wahl engagement near fit. , Mary'a-,Qhurch, Va., on the 24th Any of Janie Coi. .Geo: Covode commanding 4th .reginient Pennsyivania Cavalry,. fell min:- tally wounded -while gallantly leading . his regiment in action and has since deceased; And te/oreas, As• brother officers and friends of the late Col. we deeply and sorrow fully feel, the great loss we, in common. with his family , and numerous friendg; are called upon to sustain, And whereas, We feel:anxious to his memory a-last:tribute of respect ,in giving belt expression to ,our feelings, therefore, Resolved, That in the death of Col. George H Covode, who nobly fella martyr to the cause .of human 'liberty and justice . and truth, we recognize the hand of a Divine Rroyillpnce who ..` i deeth all things we& '.' and tally/teen will *el Would humbly submit this lig 'in all` thirigi else.' Resolved, That to us, who were honored with.cquonank under Col. Covode had, as an °fader, gained the entire possession of our confidence; while as a man, he had won our w.ho . le,nearts by his uniform kindness •aa:id urlAnity of - manner; we both loved and . re spected him for his many virtues of mind and - Resaved,' Thatlhe regiment, once honOred with his command k tkas met with a loss jt will long and deeply reeb Resolved, That torhis family, upon whom fafin,tke kpavicat , ilow,of arvishquad,aufier ifig, 'we wodld iespectffilly beg to 'fonder our. heart-felt sympathy and deep sorrow at their irreparable low ; believing that God, who ever Intampereth thourind to the shorn will, in.timaliealate &automat] of their Resolved, That having offered np Steriftee to maintain .the risibrolcen, integrity of his country, :hie: country owes Min every-. "thing of honor and gratitude. To the nation then we - bequeath: •nia , memory and name, ntioh , ahould °veva - end high upon the: re cordisof ner,faillen heroes, • ffegetvad, That - the Feeeeffings ofibis meet, ing, with these resolutiona, be : .pnblished. , 11 ' :4411g ne w a Pa- Pem . htP Olde/Pkitt.:Ritts Arg,,,Harrigburg, arui,WestmorelandemmtY, and a copy of the same -be • forWaxded 40 • the family of the deceased .• ' • . : Camp of tbe 28th Regt. P. V. V. . , July 8, 1864. I At a meeting of the non-commissioned officers and privates of 'Co. I, 28th Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran volunteers, held 4 Niakejack.Creek, Georgia, Oraly the Sth, 1864, the following preamble and resolutions wer e anardnionsly adopted. • . , • • Wassass, It has pleased an all-WistrProvi , dence to remove from our midst our late ainapaniona in arms ' and brother soldiers, Seisevit Edward Foley, and Privatos Benja, min,b',ranklinlisenberger, who were among the first to enter the service in, behalf of their country's. Welfare, And at a time which . tried men's souk ;And who have shared with us the 'privations 04 soldier, and tho dangers - of the battle-field, at last:fall. victims of wounds received while nobly battling for their- Country, in the engagement at Pine Knob, Georgia, : June the , lBth,.lSs4. • _ • As a mark of respect, and a just apprecia tion of their, worth, services - and estimable qualities; ti sokann•iiense of the just Pron.; Bence, which has cut short their useful career induces ns therefore to adopt the . following resolutions : Resolved, • That while submitting' to-the ; decree's of him who i&all-poik . erful, we deeply deplore the lots,: which hatreaused so great a void in the hearts of all Who'latew theta. • React/m/4 Tiustwe, , the'-!noncominiasioned officers_ aadn'privates of Compaby I, 28th Regiment Zonnsylvaiii& Veteran Volunteers, ilo. offer:4Yarlieart-felt sympathy to the bq reaved families of- he deceased, and trust that they mayfind - some consolation in the knowl edge, that it -was= canned: by Him who doeth all`thinge for a wise. parpbse.! . Resolved, -:That a-eopy of these resolutions be forwarded:to the: families of the- deceased, and be published in the Haaarastrao GRAPH; • : Markets by Telegraph. PHILADELPHIA, July 23 Trade is excessi vely dbll in all departments, and flour again 10wer..).--About 1,000 barrels extra family sold at $10410.50,- and super fine is offered at--$1: 25.-: Rye flour is scarce and firm at $8.50. No change in Corn meal. Nothing doing- in , wheat, and prices droop - - big; red ranges from :$2 50 to 2 60, and white from $2 65 to 2 75. ' Rye comes forward sleirite4tiff.lcdobruindifl3l %Zorn comes forward slowly, and yellow commands $1 7:3. Oats .are unchanged; 1,000 bushels Penna. sold at 90A firgeoßries and provisions the naoveinenre alb bromportiMt: : fizudY; small b - aliti of:Penna. and ;Ohio a; $1 89(51 - 82, . Stocks rams- B's 101 t Reading Bailroad - 664; Norris Canal 96; Long 4 13 h414, 46; p 9pna. Railroad 73,i; Gold not (1 1 Mte.0 bxolmnge on Neir.tiik pm. Nicw Ycizx .Julv 22 . 1 , - , Flour _declined 10015 cents ; sales 11,000 'bbls. State ,itt $9. 35®10 20; Ohio $100)12; Southern :$12.40®13 . 25..Wheat ' declinid 1 cents; ;.sales timimportant. , Beefquiet/ Pork, heavy . at "-$B9: lard - firm at 19®11,20e: :Whisky dull at $1 .73igik Gold-255. New Viirls BtOck 9farkets: , • • Stooks are' iiierodeit Chicago audlloxr Island, 109 1-8; Cumberland Preferred, 5641 i. Centml, 124744 .:Miehigan• Southern,. 0811 New York Central, .1334; ding, 1321;' Hudeoititiver, 1271;satinton Company,. 34i Ade, 1091; Clarelandafid Toledo; 137; GUM 255;Onelbar Oesitifieates„ 941; Treasury,7 340 03 133.00 conlions,'lo4 3.8; Coupon - es, 1027-a. PRICE TWO `:CENTS. 330 Tficorapo. From Gen. Skeirman. 'OCCUPATION OF: ATLANTA, GA. rlNiksiVaLt.k, 'Atir-23.1 Reports whip,h aro,well authenticated place the occupation of - A,tloiita b '4en. Shormiva bey'ond a doubt. Ito' iiiirhduiiiiii'have been received here. Provost ltanthir , Goodmin received . a telegram,. dated at,, r4,tlanta on the 23a announcing the posswtozi .that, plaoe by Our forces. • • • - 74r4§HI,NOlra The New AlOaimPitsse4ll* Prussian thinds. Death of One of the Crew of thelearsge. Trials by Court' WAREMIGTON,:iTUIT26. It hasbeen mentioned inssome of thei ' eign papers, that the .Yeddo was : the veg: designated fortin, secputi Ajabania, but ay patch froth NlntEsloW, dated sth :irs just received; by the "Behiiitery of the-NA says: The Yeddo which sailed from Boni& , is reported to have pamedintoPrussiEm han and has entered-the Weser. Capt. Wind. also eximmunicitt the fact of the •.deiith Wm..Goizi, one of the wounded in 'Mean - antionlaettynn thw - Mistier - ge`acid" MalSrm The following cornpliment,was paid, •p, pi , lie Ntit a RttlVltila sailer, ' suffeti4Vw(aArA‘ i 4 )6k Z 3 he ottleied a frioerendburag gip ex wh the cheer was beard on the surrender of t Alabama. ue insisted thEit the doctor Bhp p go up and join tapig tould bti litiP4 • _bear a adieu stiohitvoundalo thiColieet. Two hundred andfifty caseslovere tried bt fcre courts ,martial ree,P4l.Y. in r ,setylw. Alexander, wider diredtion ofq Gen. !Jobh, l'. Slough, Military Governor. About sixty •f the culprits were sent to Fort LafayOte. :t is theilitefition - of thE4 Gallo risassemfikithe courts at an early day, they having been tem porarily dipsolved duying the. r,ecent in,y•ifion to alldw the. dffiCt s omlirising Mein" to take' the field. • ' FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMA , f 4/1 4 RS /if 1 - 1 30 ITT p7p.E2 VRBB ...• ' 0 • ', - J :.• 1 -'. liWattrakidti, Itaii.2t.- A letter frOin'th p" - *rmybr lita L P.. 9tonik, dated yesteiliesayS nothing of ' Patticillak interest hair' occurred in the past two.days. I The skirmishing in Bunisids's f4o34,Yeseerl day r. M. was quite liiely,: but Without' injury to par Men: 4 .1 5 11t3 813014Ertollkilig, only out pf the line where it may be ifaid the *lng 'is alinost tuiesi4 s&V•heo fife Miutitq,ele ps ing day or nign 14•itylit : hearing , AnTAP.trY artillery., ! Limit. Gcn. diiiit - his assigo44 4ho„e4ill mantief ths iOtii,iiii , ,o, Corps t40+441 #16.1 who pro - ceeded'te his neW post on 'S ludo morning. Gen. Birneylw well,nw.l;i4,,thisl promotion W a diYisTlOi vlt,itiwYk aving perforMednoble OerVie6 ddring,pe.F*Paigni His personal' staff"ac ool i l PanY4 l m• i • ;1. 4 Gen. WSP3 "ti has succeeded the command of the It division.; :" '". .:, - ' Many rumdts of litliWOhnbges are carienti but cannot be relied - 'on. OA ale" not, there, foreworth mentionmg.... ... ,„. , . . RE B N E 1W MOUNT .OF THElVitigitiftairSOP THE REMOVAL OF GEN.4OIEINSTON Elita ATI,FAIRS: AT, ATLANTA. ;SHE Mt ME': DEFENDED WTHE LAST, wymANP* , • The Ulan: and Ealloropt tha 21st gays , An cifildiel dispatch received yesterdey after-. nooli . :et the War 14e . .rtnrent„ Oates that : a late force of Yiurke t eireprogstlAt4e:Aiwtow_i doah river wt SnioketekNegy, ontike,lBth, at 3 o'clock ,N t. kit. They, l vme ,Attnpked, driven acreWs.the,riyer in gTetigoguaton: , Our loss is:StsOiais• •Pe,t!sti!bilif .40Q*4 . 34 0 , that of Oel'alkpAgy much gr The. Richmond . Whig 14.rtjevere authori, ies for atipomeliingtN4lo4443`,/f6 , l* inco.tßu:taincr Cif. the Mmy of Tenn. It says that as SaiviSisu 0 9wISIS•lide; emi netitlY,sussesSfult bit it thinks - s4lE[gdee:YraS ehtitiflCTpci,thi, proniOtiort hot by, seniority and- &ester • 4Periell9fti• The secret, of, this aPPsizibi* it saYs. : 4 -0 9 94., 6 4:1; PlircsOt.lioi/7 ties are disewsed in mind and the • prazlestiof their crazies-. s the; anAed - PsAllegOloi.L of an intuitiy_e .ItitOWledge of teen, [ the imccess of the cense*/ siabservient to ;the r gratificafion of personal feeling, or ethse an army like that at Atlanta would not be entrusted to tried General, madefer._ the. occasion. Itdie known, Po,: fliik.aoperal Hood elope, ; of Johnston's egiiitOsts4sibas., been _opposed to the retrogade movement from Dititonj, Anew policy having been adopted, it was perhaps proper to find a cominander*hoie corded with that polioyi handO, - .Hardoeritas overalanglied.._ : OE Arabis, AllY • • 18 ;7-'-i f lit i Macon leorgil) Confederate says thaLbut , little:quartermiiiiter or commissary storesEstoviretniWixi , Attlanta, all k av ing been renewed losairesuri Mamie cute positiollsin:therrear,qluli c ilL ' -The iinpreseioit preTitaleld 'Ater *my that the eitymillbe defendeditatdotidt,liven nip unless the army is defeatellil dittKOCenfediv s ate has every leaSoll hopalhat litheresilsittar thetneirtilvdiys; sing 4ihkilitl pressica4rufails-amciii. leigh -ollficoveltrti!a exidy,z.thatif Allantid isluild' , eina that - Übe dyll. , ha's*: • elatised; t,ha - Atrits We Imuumul, • - Intendigirtsla:bY-Itebels. , it w L . 4314614644 6 ator(1 4 n d forty tons of hay belonging to Joseph 5: 1 1 ,44 414 5 P . 0111 t El AD a RATIS#4I In* amass for lri -s ie)T:ra maps, Min. having advastisizeo do will find - 1 con lines ormore than 1108 A aux iguana i FO R ONE SQUABS. One day sn, OM day,. ..; . ...... • $ 00 Two diy... .... ;..,... :: ido "Nap days ••• ~ . 1 00 _Three days . 75 Thnee days .. 125 One week: 125 Oneyeek, .. . . '2 25 Obe-nlauttt .. S.oo.Oiximenth ' ' ' " . • 0 0 0 TWO months . 440 Two month' 900 Three months.„,. 6 fig. Th ree months. 11 00 Six months ..::::.... sse Six months 15 0 Ofr! m..... r• • lii • . 1 5 „00 One year ... ".1% 4 . ..- 25 0 . fidtv!NetiOes ' ' I•.-- 22 25 me Notices 75 Auditor's Notices - 150 Funeral Notices eachinsertion. . 50 ifirßtobitii zikelail Misted in the Local c o lumn, or .beef ore Marriages sad -. Deaths, A purr therm rim Loa for IMRE Kennedy, Eeq., residing near Bladensburg a 4w. tVittkeinsse. 'During the late rebel raid this gentleman, wiho is a good Union man, was approached by the rebels in their hunt for ph: wider. In response to their inquiry whether he was a Bruen man or not, he replied that he was and expected to die one. The rebels said he should not be hurt and lett without disturb ing him. It is to be. ,hoped the miscreants may be brought , to ~,isatiee- • Later From. ,Europe. Tke Steamer Noriathon arrived to-day with Liverpool_ dates of the 12th inst., via Qacqns towiron'tlelth. arkePe - Oriii - tth St. LoniS was at - Madeira on 3# l July There was a lull in parlia pnt great .debate of the previous week, the deCided majority for the ministers, itis considered,' settles the opposition for, - the remainder-Of the SeSsion, which will close on the.2tt,of Jay. ,:; Pthu,erston, , in response to an,.enquiry. said the Goveinment believed the -Germans had no intention of attacking Coptc3ll - a gen. Calley grattainy the author/hi dead. I , A new Danish, - ministry ; has 'leen? Trefeti skpally, constituted under the, presidency of COunt Maltke, blit several important posts re •rdain unfilled. The Morning Post thinks the summoning of such a rectionarY leader . to deliver the leader to .power, and therdispatch o the kings brother to Berlin _means peace, on the basis probablyerthe admission of Denmark into `the German Confederation, a Measure which Francvforbids.' • other rumors of peape negotiations are afloat, bti nothing authentic. , , Mr. Spenoe,lii a letter to the Times'recom mends a joint offer of Mediation by the mari time powers to America. Reported Discoverr of a Grteat Conwiracy in the West July 23. ' Much .Surprise -was excited here...a, short time since by the arrest' of several proinment secesitidniSts of this cite, Whose offencers *ars unknown.' it - ims come to light,chowaver, that they were,connected with a conspiracy extending, throughout the entire Mississippi hirvilig for its object the erection of a Northwestern-Confederacy. • ' - CoL Smiemon.:Prpvost klarshal•-General of this. Department, Ita.s,,been , gathering.,nvi della; in the matter for several months,which is'now in posiessiorPOftha Washitittciii Au thorities. It 'imp)icates.-nionyl public:a:men, and shows an organization -has been formed which is very dangerous. One of the arrested; parties is said to have been se badly frightened that he 'offered' a ,bond of $500,000 for his release. It is• be ,the recent guerrilla•movements in.this State have some connedtion,with this scheme, particiilaill as Thornton; in a spce.Ch at Flattatoity, said!' ' • •=• • " - "An*hts of the Golden Circle are organ ”ized and arme(l, to rise. throughout the Free States. .Viillaralighain . is, with:them.- 1 am Yallandighain's man, - acid -lava+ ficiOps in :every gate; aild hien ars com ing to me front•:the - South. I have :raised 1,500 men, in Illinois, pati. they 'will join •me and will destroy the Faiinibal awl - St. Jos/pits railroatl on their march." During Col.'Sanderson's investigifioxii into this conspixady, he discovered the intended renewal of the boat burning on the Western rivers, and was 'able in several instances to avert sdritsSik eiiiiioquences. It •is vilcbable - the•whole matter wilFbe ven tilated in a few days. The affair at Plattsburg, Clinton county, On Thlinday, mu; not 0:1‘I pre:3;lolply 2 Er ported. After Calitaiii Turner's death Captain - Poo took command aretk snade•stich a d'etermined show ; of rellistance- that the guerrillas left in the direCtlbri of IllaynCsfille and thence moved yesterday into Platte county. ' Their 'reported atrengthis 800. Gmeral Osterhaus arrived three .days .ago fronk.Shernan's army and says that no part of Johrulton's fordo has 'gone to - Richmond, but one corps-has been sent after General Smith in Mississippi Lamp Eire at : Springfield, Mass. . - SPEW/41MA Mass. July 24. fire broke out at this place about halfpast twelve o'clock oxiSaturday night, in a wooden building on-Main street, oconpied by Jellies Wsdby, :dry; pride.; dealer. in .clothing,:- -building , wag soon, destroyed and „#ift.ifire spread to 'the Attuidc. Hall block ~uf .brick buildings owned 'by Tills " lEra:yrceS, 'the upper awry of the block WAglikki 119 ThEliclwer,:stbry Was: occupied by J . -. K. Skill; icly,±4,9E, suALT,,L., ilaynes :! 4 Co., 'elot)iiiig dealers, and Ile" basement pa ; loan -was wed irs a billiard saloon. ':Thb block was entirslytdestrOyed, only 'a "libitia Pf , the IfighkarethZvr.standing. The Iwo:tad-an build ~on the otirrker,ef Main and . 3 P y i XLALOn 'atrecitte - was occupied" by 3: Fulton,"baler, 1. Hutchins' druggist and Moore and'Elidth etithotographeric.• This building w T astrarcfed. tothe:ground• The:POrthin.jh the. fearof the tsio.Rall. was destroyed- Several persons AVel43" injured byfallingtvallg but hone fatally. figs: IS '-eittiiiistal-iii:looAA' 'Vire fire ircbelieved4h have.heen Jtke,' work Of aft ineetid*Y: •• • - • -.•• • • An extensive 'fiietaateeiti raging here •for theft hour or. Wore.' !A. Round's furnace And glilchixialsitOpece in flames end, the ekusir. yaauable ifokratiii of r 'the building bave alreey WeenAestthied,itiothing but the walla illicit are . .or state attaining. It repokedAliat $5l), 000 werth of pattern a have beendefitioyedi the tetaldoss.bas f;tcA. been „deguitelir *eft. farad. . • NEw-Ll4,oolViliroßE:a' ThEPORTANSI onEW- - .9 6 04/3.9170 4 0. °SP 14i .244 1 . 8 fiet._ 14 1 the trad, a ohote lot ot=tiquors ever brou= Hernsimuz, BentelNi" - it :l •. g- shiir f gefe2 S ;AZ I TN I 2 M 4 10e.r t Ail. and others will.find it. to.their agicantage ex- Uistiughittlit thiPstoli,Sdultillkeofief wee two Clbeetemal. w Ird.6 ‘' 'WS . ..PUCKER& —Bostorx.-/Viz,te. ow*: Moottur Biicalla, Mkt" bla re, Boston Oyalorr-Crorkero,. Briton Prorilts , erne Trento" ilot!oratitki.Fib - JURP:Olirivf4 BO - w -r. • :t e 'Etauro..* - a is l e or ovum ty at Bonn & Kozak& t6tei ~ai~e. IM NEw Yolm i LAily 24 ;„ .I.o4fiT•irgvHri, YOBS, - MYti 3. • EME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers