MEDICAL. CONSTITUTION LIFE . SYRVP, 001120/111111 lODIDE POTASPII7III I With the Compound Oonoentimted •Thid Rama of VALUABLE MEDICINAL Roots AND =as, 12111" Alan IT WINL. 11.*OREGGI, M. D., graduate College of Physlmam and Surgeons, N. Y., fdr manly Masa* Physician Blackwell's Island Hos puaLa late Medical Impactor New York ,Ntate Volunteer D , pute, under Got. Edward D. Morgan. CONietrtirON LIFE MOP ' Mit PROM= A R2VOLUIION IN NIDIOINN. What. may seem almost incredible, is, that many Ells- SUSS hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully invite the investigations of the liberal minded and scien tific to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the seat of any disease is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long from painful and °boil, nit" diseases, ( those who have vainly sought relief from tadvertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by ether physicians— ARr. INVITED TO OBE CONTTITIITION LITE SYRUP. During the past five years we have contended With ob• Medea and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever ancoanwed by any Reformer RittoiDlTY OF CURE Some gay, "Your cures we we quick," while others doubt their permhAelitx , and think that disease can only be cured by the "slow recuperative protesa of Nature," This is our reply: • " is health, the body, like a well-balanoed scale, lain.a stalest Equilibrium but whoa fruit..ahq -cause down sped tine sale tit tun scale, we have the ellucte . 4l disease What is requisite is, 141 restore the iturtual bahinve of the scale. . .. . • aIIiSTLTUTIUN LIFE SYRUP, ♦ pontireana .spoonto. , rommiy C.f. - rll litieuulee originating [row au 11/Platis rh. OF rII tilAJuli o and rin alt (in.:nanny) 1.1.1A44.11n laupuoiltea Iron, PARENT TU GRILL& PARALYBI3. fleouptegia. Parduta Parstiitegua. Paralysis Agitasuf ll su do universals) ddinitfol Llita i uussutuldou Life syrup Is the uuly etlective ule.eun ul resti•nliatai in the vaniuus foruus of rardlySLlS, Was We allied uui r-ttenue cam if, emphatically we Onus Lle thutue, Power. I)YSP£PSIA. • . .• • IndigeoUtia Liver Complaint. Constfpistion Weigut At Stomach. tilittillOWN6ll. ',Want , of Appetit°. Flattomam. Ban &tuck BO 30 FULA °laud-slur swallow. Erys.oeiaa. Strums. Lug's This (11 - BltsUlTi6il and soqurideD,) Allibg it with IIiILON 0111:10r), is by all usual medical remedies incurable. 2ttiSUMAT/$ll. [Arthritis] N"uralgia Gaut, Lumbago. Tie Douloureux. 11 there is any disease in which the (24.11.11-LILULIuIi Lae syrup is a sovereigu, it is it, rtlluillll44l4/311. soil its kindred Bileutiuus. Mlle Intßit intense pales are almost inhalant, alleviate•i—duorwuua nweinuga are reduced. Cason, chronic or vicarious, of So or 30 yeare' suisoing, mace been curtia by us. NBRFOUSNESS. Nervuua Ueuitlty. neatured 'inv.:a St. Vitus' Diem lama us Vuwur. lAndualue 01 Illumine. 6.111.101aky. Thuasautla whu have aliened ruivearai will bleke idni day on which they read theme linen Particularly to weak, suil.rumg woinau will Qui analadue 1111V11$ au Inemuniaule bit MO 41-•-dlftWAllig Weir foutava w a Rope yaw& faliiis Mall mama it pruauseo. iI.HAWORIAL. DISBAR= • • Rotting of Bones Saiiriuton Bed Cutuplexkin. Aches le Bona Feehno Weariness. Deprenuon et' Spirits. . CONSTITIMUN LIFE SYRUP purges the system en tirety item 41 WA evil Minute of Mercury, rereevuig the Batt !Haiti. and , •ariag We Weak .Joints and Rheumatic Paine the use of Calomel la sure to produce.. It bantam Spongy Gems, and secures the Teeth as firmly ever. . CONB2.ITUTION 411PE.SYROP Eradicates, Boot and Branch, all Eruptive Mimes of the Sirln, U 1 e Ellcors, Pimples, Biutches, and eh other oitilcul ties or this kind, which so much distigurd the outwtua ap pearance of both males awl remelt% oaten making Wean a disgusting objeot to Wauwatosa and their Inroads. CONSTITUTION LdFE" swum CUR'S ALL 8 WNLLLATO 'OF Tlit GLANDS, Either of the face, Neck, or FeMale Br and should be taken as scam as the swelling I.BQU:ratus preventir.g their breaking, and producing the tronblesome Dischar6 . - leg Sores, wiled' disfigure so many or the younger poi- Don of the community, from six to twenty years of age. You/agateldrint are very subject to Discharges from the Zags, whisk depends upon a scrofulous constitution.— These eases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Byrom All scrofulous persons suffering from general Debility, itmsciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen, Win the tamale, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gen erally acoompanied with Inflammation and 11/aeration of the De rue, are permanently cured by Coinititutien - Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy should he taken for some time, as the disease le exceedingly Chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort. Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the *east, and swelling of other glands of the body will be completely reduced without resorting to the Mae or operatimus of Nay glad, • Epileptic Fita, Sympathetic or Organic Diseadiee of the Heart, as palpitation, Dummies, of the Valves, producing a grating or dung bound, dropay of the Heart Cade, and all the alreatious of tnis important organ, (persons suffering Roza any acute pain in the region of the heart,) will be vastly relieved by ooustitution Life 4rtp. &YOL&B•DOWN d DELIMIT& GONSTITII27OIITB Soaring from indisposition to &edits; Pain in the Bank, Loss of Memory, Forebotliags, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Dry, 11.ot, Skin aid tremiteea, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Yale, Haggard Countenance and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all tiquire the aid of the tAttnetituteon Life Syrup, FOR ALL POEMS uusaarivs DLYILLSBR, Anther of the Noee, Throat; Tongue, Spine, Forehead or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved ha equaall . MOTH PATCHES upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of We laver, are very unpleasant le the youn g onfeand mower A Lew bottled of Constitution Life Syrup will correct We aecretion,,and remove the de posit which ni directly under the akin. If Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to .languor, Dizzi nas4 ilioig m t l oo, Weak Swindell, or an ulcerated or can corium uumfitjon of unit organ, accompanied with bur ning or other aupleadant ayaiptiandoch be relieved by the uAe of CONSTITUTION 1.4,14. SYRUP. -., iFrAli AL WINII , IAk. BLAttnAtiall'Uffil AGM,' Tie Lin . . SYUCIA STAMM UtifiVALLED SY WIT ' Ptitraitai VON us vas Wow). . Diseases of we done, rp deuany developed in the young Hip Inremee, Seuraigie,,,mei ot Nervous inseam*, 41.UU'Las ales who aM suaariug fruuu orsurw* tar winos, iii.“*.urn at a limo what W We would wairtuv , uae of .txmart TUTION'UFE , Y1i171" It wil Tatum, then redid ...mid toneuee, aireugtheli &bar eresembek itoi' the w mew casco, uavi life auu auppmeav MN Waif AND NOO4 • Are liable b the drovedemob., Lu NaLn and science nab grade the lJugunitainin Ll syrup cur the ueneat u.f PURE BLOOD • Produces healtity 111.11/ Wad women, and if the constitution is uesiested iii youthi.direetie sal early death Is the re: 111114 Du cut delay when the meson ere so near et htuitii and within we reach of all. . . , TO mu7ILEAS AND MARRIED LADIES It ie the safest icho most effectual medicine ever illecov= ered purilyiug the syelem, mud, relitiviug the sudermg itteadaut upos childbirth It rareutoututs Cella the 'statue and fife child, proveuis .paia dt.saasa, dud ih-; cremes. +Leh euriehe, tue )hod---Ltwan • wth. have used It Ihtuk It inilispeusaule. It ja ingh/y thole) NAL Macre mud rafter coulthemem, ea it payouts - diadem attetteaut giAmi eliilduirtfa CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP IS THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND THE BIGLI MAN's BLEssim BUY IT, TAXIS IT, AND BE CURED. IT IS UNIVERSAL IN ITS EFFECTS. WM. H. VREGG, M. D., SOLI lIICOPILTIMOIL, im► YOILL Laberebry, Jitrookhfs' , PRICY $1 PER earns ; tux *M EE FOR U. Apriikor4 by warm to rtla pane of the ootunryl Mulcuall a ALLEN, Mimes*, Druopets, AGENTS, 46 Cliff gamey New York. , SOLD BY *OWMUW6III JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY& COWDIN, I4Q.►DZLPX/A. PA,. KUNKEL*, BRO., 1/I Ibekei street, HaerLbu& Pa. AND ALE D R 61. I irr-.8 M1ANW1.•••■•.•‘.•...••0.-.1.• ;. RicrrY. Lam' WIRTH "and CREAMER, Eoleotio end lillectrooathlc Ordains, resiiectihlly Oar Weir professional services in all the various anti/chile of the profesiden, fat the treatment of all acute mitrchronkr forms of The.ultnedial . , mean they employ in the treatment of dinettes COMO of • Magnellim, Galvanism, Electra-Magnet. bno r thielihrediali method of Localized movement cure, a fewlfeliellemedraines when deemed necessary, and In teat all . th eittnrel iterative agate that may tuccoufally be betiegbit lobar ape the disease. They do' Sot wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any ,superiority cat professional skill, MIL they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dlit ease far superior to those generally employed byphysichou, from the Met that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human 'system. To this, and the fact that they conflate themselves to no per titular pithy or space, they attribute their success I controlling Weems The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, samely, Electricity, le an agent wonderful in its phenomes& sad powerful in its effects for good or ill. It is an ever present, all-pervrdlng principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds dawn lathe invisible particles of gammons matter. We see it in the lightning's flash and hear the manifeatatidirs of Its power in the muttering thunder. It is the mum" of ill decomposition, recompo adieu and transformation,' It excftesall motion. It in the exciting cause of life growth, decay and death. It 'canned secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts it into a state of flu idity, transmutes It into arterial blood, and sends d on de important °thee of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of the body. It Is the nerve vital fluid, the great agent through which the mind acts upon the body& It is the muse of all cameo exe..-pt the first great ,cause. the (Oahe Mind which created it and brought , itinto a e fuse "may appear like mere one/liana, but they as. lama admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to tieVondered tt that an agent go wonderful in its pixe -1 mummy so powerful in its manifeetations end 80 intimate ly tonneeteu with all the operation. of the human sys tem, Amid be almost absolute its its power of controlling timase ertandy not. It is a natural sequence and follows: as surely as day follows night among the Weems% which are found to yield readily to hu eu tri c ay, fa o,4umemek with proper adjunik treatment, may tie mentioned the following; Incipient tloosumrtioti, r,ncysis. Eloiliptio, 'Hysteric and other Couvuleions; tient/dais, in its worm forma, Ithuematima, inflarronatury and unman, ell die , minor the lier Mein system ape))• as oaten he a fl.* treetouenta, all dbameo. of the urinary and genital organs, thecae Diseases, asthma, Piles, and rettapana Ani; avoauroels aud all kindred allectiuns of tie eye, Meettin, nt.rieturee, ail akin diseases, ava. Persons maling will 00 told saucier they can be bene otuti and no eneelaken where some relief cannot be it forded. Conaleitotion free. Office, South Second street, mow Chestnut, Harrisburg, P.‘, Office bourn fran 12 a. a., 1.,46 to fiend 'I to P. a. MAL R. D., apiS ,n l v . • ; Ulceration. Salt Rheum • KUNXEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. A PUBS end powerful ,TONIC, Corrective and ilterative, of erondetful efficacy in Wawa! of Inv STOAKIII, LIM and BOWELS.. Cures Dopers'la, Liver Complaints Headache, General Debility, 'Nervoussiete, De preerson Or Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the. Stosaaoh, Nausea, Heartburn Diaguat for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering et the Pit of the Swinach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the aka end ayes; Fever and Dell pains in the Head, Pain in thiraide, Back, Chest and UMW; will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseaires of the Kidneys and Dissaim arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old ' or Young. The most beneficial medicine known ; gives better sails faction and cures more diseases than anyother prepara tion offered to the Public. Prepared solely by &A. HUN A BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. Tor side by Druggists and : Dealers everywhere. BEWARE 01' iltigz. Counterfeits -V* As Kinkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only . sure• abd effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a nOilier of Imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by it. A. & litao 7 , and has their stamp on the top of the cork of eery bottle. The very fats that others are ationipting to • Imitate this valuable remedy) proves ha worth and speaks volumes in its favilr. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists titroughota the usuntry. Be partioulat chat every bottle bears the ao simile of „the proprietor's signature. . , This Winer 1 wieder the mist agreeable sod efileiMit dell of Ima we poseese; Oltrate of gavotte Oxide omit with the must eoergettehf vegetatile 60111011. Yellow i'eravtau bark_ The effect in many cud* a deudity, loan of•appetita t and general pfestratioit, of au Mildew. Salt el (roe, esmumed woo ram. era doilte Nerve TOM, 111 MOIL happy. Li autumns the appetite, raises the pulse, takes elf Luuscatur flabbnymiii,. removes . Ukp pallor of dewily. and given a lurid Mew k the uounteaance. GENERAL bio6l'; • las m ui<r /NM= 131EI For tek le by ail : reikebtiws dorloti throughout the N-E,' • o R s. Shissl'er . & Frazer, (Successors to W m Dock., Jr., dt Co.) DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCE: RR N opposite the Court lions% /lava o Alkodaans ~ ,toution of BRANDIES, )f different vintages. PIN& AND GUYMON WINES, OAD BOIMBON • - MoATONGAMILA, rhvit IBINH AND VDT= 41dalryt The bed ever beuagat w due areekea L D wince.; • . . FAMILY NECT•R, • And the celebrated UT:t WHISKY. csivripAGNE WINES. SEWN JOHANNEstitnat, CUBIT. SCOTCH AND IRISH Alain LIMX:IN 'MOWN MOM WILD MEW, MAMMON ihowex.keno arrrmas With a oomplaie aloe of ICN ti*L.l'lll AND Allnen/CAX PICKLICIIt mid thudluiVaie ut every iteeentote•A'atnr la the 'market, Tars LOiI'&4T Airs . • r ilt) Libirtek .1 You oriel, good Laity t ievelopoi, . Para, Grimy* . Mg elms" ors iiikiniery bp, los loill i M i &M at - - - PINCRO_MANN ARIERRY, ,am -a_ - lila. liriniximp livrilinik ilbe7 ti laill aiastairr Alr WO. .114; t . " I ---- - i n sseillml a rMokirik f . ; it • • ' , m.. 'r ••• s r amuusemi, PA. Ahmn, WHISK YS. tam VI ow ) •4 od 0 I=o b •• • M D s JOHN L. LYONS FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, TBR GREAT FEMALE REGIJLATORI ire the only known remedy that wID emmeastudy and tivariably regime mid regulatetheremelesystem, ream 'ad, ell irreplerildes, sad producing Wahl, vigor and drotartkL LYON'S PERIODICAL DIMS Are a fluidpreparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in Ws turnery, and ads directly on the putt Acted, whilst pals and powdeve can only reach thew as they work through warpath?, but not at all direct and paella*. Are you anifering from nwant anxiety for the regu lar return of nature% laws t Give yourself on unesdmar, for i yon's Periodical Drop', If taken a day or two before Qe expected period, will posi tively and invariably regulate its touring, u sure Y effect follows cosse t at certain as dat *drove darkness. Are yen lab, seeable! by fteire, or unable to bear the labor aid *agar of parr iel LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS' Como to you al t blerdrig, fbr r not proreuttoa batter than ours I It regularly takes, It is a contain preventive, and Will Sive you much pail sad many hours or sufferiag. Have yea ham afflicted format, years with complahlts ineideat to.the sez, that haul bagel the skill of physi cians, and are harrying yea ea town early gnat? , LYONS 1111110DIOAL MOTS Are the moat reliable regal/doe ever rare, magic, all thaw Irragalaritica that handclap!' iie dootor's /glded& Will you waste away with enfrering. emu atia, Prolatintik Dyantenoftwa, and a thonaand other dltficlil , dies, all summed up ander the name of truppreaaed and obatrootedmature, when an Inveaunest one dollar in LYON'S PERIODICAL . DROPS ' will =rely WM you. Do not um thedropa when tbrbiddon in the directions, for although a politica - canVand" Winless at ell other times, they are so pomerfatandjhudy *related to adjust And govern the notions oftho sexual organism, that, It taken at improper'thew . thoy,watted- produce result/ one wary to nature, wallet all,,,,mustar#ll: Wow wb , coald repretaaa, gam4, LIOWS 11101101,004 DROPS Quint harm %GAN* daMmte mmatltaMoh al ahy time. yet t.. olah to rant ipinn ea anima boping a nu.and bouliewM be Weet.ibt bißeepw,- wen Whore one by Mid Wei uGpyaa. . aNt '- • • LYONS PIiEBIODIO4II DBOII3, the aever-thltle. hauls Ritidatii; ii for ule by every Druggial, ku the oily fielrietltlri i end to not, If yon , value your health and with tor • nfliable madame, Amy iwy cßber • . 74400 ,9 1 4 rt btu.): the Ortulat to 'tenons 761 WIT Res mot re 14 lugs ah• NM medial. for yen. C. CLARK & ,CO., New awn, Cows. Al inalele, JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & QOWDEN, 22 !tali Maiaprel, NPia Pa; 0 re $0 • 10 o ic cm • ICI • r. _ . _v a.- • "• • : k 721 ext. 6 „ pm' . BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, - nr -As discovered the most certain, speedy Li. and a x u sl remedies ha the world for . - IN ` NO KEIRCIIIMOR NOSIOITS DRUGS. Ogre Warranted, or No Charge, in from One Weil:sem of the Back, Affections df the Kidneys and. Bladder, Involuntary Discharges; IMpotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low' Spirits, Contrition of Ideas, Palpitation of the Hr" Timidity Tremblinga, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lange, Stomach or Dowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth-,those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Byrens to the Mariners of Ulysaes-, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipatioas, rendering marriage, are., impossible. Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening6monee with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Igil Married person; or Young Men contemplating maniagia, being aware of physical weakness, organio debility, defer apeedfly cured. He who plitoes himself under the care of Dr. J. may re uglonsly confide la ids honor as a gentleman, and cord neatly rely upon hie skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmediately cared, and full vigor restored_ . . This distressing affection—which readers life by and marriage impossible—ls the penalty paid. by the vie time of improper Indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreaditd consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under • stands the emblem will pretend to deny ttutt the power, 01 procreatidn is lost sooner by those falling into Impropm habits than by the prudent. Besides being , deprived the pleasures of healthy ofilipring, the moat serious anti de. •rirnetive symptoms to both body and mind arm. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervutii irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion. ronsaitntionsi debility, a wasting of the frame, cough; con• inimpliton, dicey and death. On= No. Ti Sorra FsZbiltßlOlt Smarr, Left hind side going _from Baltimore street, l'er doom from the comer. Fail not to observe name - and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. .The Mena , Diplomas hang in hie office. DR. DR.. JOHNSON, .7 Ilember of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent collegel in the lJniteo &stew, and the greaterpart of whuse life has been spent in the hospital's of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures thin were ever known ; many troubled with ringing'in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with • freeness blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. . - . .. TAKE PARTICULAR - NOTICE. Thew are some of the sad and • inelamitioly effects pro- duped by/early habits of youth, vie : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the bead, dimples of aight, loss of thinicillar power, palpitation of , the • heart, dyspepsia, nor 'trous irritability symptems constfurption, are • . • KRIVIALLY. --The fearful effeists on the mind are Much to be dreaded—loss of memory} confusion 'of ideas,_ de pression of spints, evil forebodings, aversion to' society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity,. are some of the evils produced. • • ' • ' ." . YOUNiti MEN .• Who have. injured 'themselves by a certain Pretcticeln tallied in when mime, a habit freqUe7ntly learned lion, -vii companions, or at school, the. affects of Which are tightly felt, even when asleep, and if. not cured renders marriage a,)ostible, and destroys both mind .and itioalds ~qty. m mediately. • • , :Whets that a young man; the hopeof country , 'the - darling of his weals, shoukt be snatched. from: all prospocta and enjoyments of life, brthe consettience el deviating from the • path' of nature and indulging is a earth& sestet. habit. Such persons duet', before content. JILLBRIAGE, • Reflect that a sound mind and betty are the most necessary requisites to pr omote connubial happiness. Indeed , with out those, the journerthrOugh life becomesi a weary pil grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the iiew ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflectienit that the happiness of another be comae blighted with our own. `DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. Mai the Misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure dada he.haa imbibed the seeds of this painful diseaae; too often happens that an Ultima nines of shame'br tins, dread of Irtacoyery deters him from applying to:Ste:a:who hona educatitha and respectability, can alone,beirietntorn. anthill; into the hands of ignorant and dasignips pretend era, who, incapable of curing,' filch his •peamiary"sub stance, keep him trilling mouth after moitth, or attendee the smallest fee can lie obtained, and in despair, leavehim with mined health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment,' or, by Inc use of the deadly nation, Mercury, hasten the solistitutionalsympt& n sof this terrible diseasemich astiffec clone of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to hie Ireadnal sufferings by lending him to that undinaoyerral nnuttry from whence no travoier mum The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important sargkel eperationt performed by Dr:Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of she gam, °Upper, and many other papers, notices of whit,' have appeared again and again before the public, besidet nis standing.aa a gentleman of character- and. reePO4. linty, Is a sufficient guarantee to thetaffileted. TARILiNT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT _OF •.•,_ • - • • Tkda preparation ir - particulaily recommended to the aItDICAL PIipTPESSI(IN end ,the FIJBLIG for the prowp end oirtain care of DISEASM OF THE BLADDER; HID iIEYB; URINARY ORGANS, ETV, . • It may be relied ou as the beat mode frit the adminiatro .ion of theme remedies o -in the bwire claw Otalitabla of bott. atiwiff which they are .applicable.'. zieviie interfere, with•the' digestion, and by its concentration, the dose h much reduced. N. B. ~,ply are advised to ask Air ?ASKANT '! ExTRAer ,('Vans AND. OOPXIBA And take nothing She, im ;Mutat lons and worthless pupa galena, under. Anniar names, are tit thel Market. , Fria 11 Ott Bent e.spreist ' on, fefifhPt nri Price/ • Manure(' .urceir only bY''TARRANT & CO., No. 278.• Greenwied itreet, corner of Warren street. New York, emdfor seat • lraggitett generally oct22 dls For side by S. A. K MILE & BRO., and by Draimpiti .• . . Gray's Patefit Molded Collars are not simply at pious of paper•cut in the form or a collar; but 8143 Molded arid Shaped toff the rude, having 11 perfect curve free from angles or breaks, which is ob. : mined bY our patented process, win& also smarm soother; odowaveposeessed by 'mother do/lan—viz Spaceforthe' Graved in the Turn-down style, the IM/D1 OF 11 :1 / 1 01 /1! 7 • risraorLZ sheers can rasa non rucxxes, making 'this Collar, fir ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled nig. are made in Turn-down style in sizes from 12 to. 17, and In: Garrotte from 18 to 17 inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 eachi absey in stnalhr ones of 10 oach—the latter a very handc package Div tmeelere, army and navy allows. sir EVERY COLLAR Is stamp* I'Gray's Patent Molded 901 by all retell dealere in Men 'a Firnianinstecaf. Ehe tlada svpiled by VAN [MUSES, BOZIIMER, & 14140 d era GIUSTNUT CA.SES OYSIVIS, just ?e -IERAZia, NAV - liziosimors Dock, Jr, & Coi. HAMM lbatiff!- 4 -3443.eriees . lOcelved nut for sale at 1, • : . ; ,int&Wt W• Dookrigai JOHNSON 9 DISEASES OF Di:PRUDENCE. RELIDF Di BEE riv - ELVE H017R9. to' Ttoo Days YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE INDOREIEKENW OF THE PBESR BUN DIRRAFiRS SPEEDILY CUM. ONIco No. 7 'South Frioloalck Stro opfs4ll7 ' • *THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. • GROSS *az CO" • *,HOT.RS:AtE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. •19 MARKET STREET, HASEIBBURG, Pd DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- .• 48A 'CO 'l''•' We are daily witting to our assortment at goods all each articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and *et selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICLLS AND PAINTS, is, Varnishes and Glues, Dyeattillk; Masa and Putty, algal Colon and Ton* Born* Pinid 'sad Alcohol, lard, Sperm mid Pine Oils, Bottles, Pule and Lamp . Globes, Castile lamp, Sponges Paid Corks, lath a general variety or UtEtFUAIMY AND TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the boat manufacturers sad Perfumers of EuroPealthls country. Being large dealers In PAINTS, WICITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ANTISTa ARTZSVS REaSiMil 41.1. TEO= VAIMITZER, COLGIGT ALND IiRONZEJ we Feapcctfally Invite a call, Thelint confident that we ran supply' the wants of all en terms to their sandh4- TEETH TEETH I JONZR AND WH/12V PORCELAIN TEETH, ;ITEM' MEDWININ, AND all kinds, direct trom She Proprietors AND CONCENTRATED LYE. •' Wbo!male Agents for Thamnitler, which we sell as lew as It can be purchased to the °him,. MAYER'S 11&1111,04L FLUID AMAMI COAL OILS CARBON OIL! ' Being liro . 7 preheieis U i these Oils , we can otthr In ausemenMte close Mims. Coal Oil Lamps of the most unprovml .. pOlerns, very 430gi... All kinds of Lamps ;hanged to burl Ckel Oil. FARMVp 41 -D • M4 l2l3o4o tioulehra tieve not given our HORSE AND CAT ilk-14,3*Diliita itlai.kloYl not their eteveri?rily ;and . the . 4 7.antaire *Wedeln peeping Roues lad Cattle healthy .lefin 'O4 1 Thlnr.2o,lo.3l;telWri to tots NOS they We derivf€l Ito* the lifie otoar Cattle Pdwileas; by the Indreasei q'ua 9 111 4'9#ty . ot ppllk, besides tinprovitel the genend eemiltik and IPPliaraWto of their cattle , . - ' rev.). too* experleeie In the baldness gives ue the adman- . rake attlitiameh•learriledge of rhe trade, vad oar ar- *uyenxente in the elt.iee are each that we eery la a very itiorAinie, rumba anything appertaining to our Lyman- on the beet ot ler titi ibenbiel for the liberal patrollers bestowed on our, we hope by.scrice atteraloa to bneineary a. owed aelection • • • nieras at fair prime, tail the desire to please all, to merit it con= tiouanoe of the kvor of a discriminating pithlia ap1.45-dly I, SAC]am POWDER, TOR. PWITMING LIM , ' AND PRHVHITTING MOTH lap O ,AF DER compound of valuable for the destruction. ,or iszeote-:distributed "Hong-or duste4 Furs .over , Woolinie, riesrperik Catithing, itc4poiolied.isusy far summer, sirbostsulY Prevent • ,411V,'ildull'idoiliirituble - peva.. lt will 1,, ,...c f , MIA* lasting aridpleossult odor. The Shea ii'Were es Amor be - foxed 11 7, Us use. •av- 11 TLELIAR'S •r 1 4: 14 1 *hock) aoodssbo"; No: 911larkss street. fIf 4I .LLTILIOIIiS444O: bftea gad tvble the* the)* scowtatiomi-si as* whokaita ,sad v MU/su ez MIAM I ri ' liteesiirs se-V, k $lOl,-r MOO ItF4 - A eh ' iot.of Mich *pug._ , , vadit • AWL'fit. UPS It lflitaa WiIfDLAGMBA. Rana "' Pure. Ground fSptoes, &a, a% &a, &a, /to , 001.0E8, PAINT AND OP ALL KIND& HAIR 8a4T021.417VE9, MISCELLANEOUS. T. F. WATSON, MA.S CEIqE ,-,-, lii_4IVVPACTURER, PITTSBURG, Pa., I sP REPARED to tarnish and coat the tenor of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMF.N-T, new system. This material is entirely different t: other cements used heretofore, and is the only rd . : - Imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed . per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a soh ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making tilul, fine water proof surface and finish equal to Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom I have.applied the keit, r meld, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, .1 D. M'Cord, " if J. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville . A. Hoevelet James M'Candiees, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, Third street, Pittk',.:;i James Wood, owner St. ..chutes Hotel, William Vohs], Girard Mouse, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, jatin B. Cox, esidence, Front street, Barrishuri, A. J. Jones, 66 it< AK Please address T. F. WATSON, lig 0. Box 1 308, , Pittsburg. PI feblB.l6m or, Penna. House. liarmbul BIWA DDE.N 5 S MARBLE Y A lz . i) CORNER OP WALNUT AND FIFTH STREET.= Harrisburg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened a , Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their and the public in general, that they are prepait,: f... that MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPT,2; anon AS Mon.tunents, Tombs, Head Stones. Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Browr, Give ue a call and we will guarantee sausfact ton. ICFADI , EN N. B.—Lettering neatly none in Nnglieli or Ceto.: l near2D-41y AN ASSORThiFIiT OF OVER 100 STYLE POCKET BOOKS, PURSES 411 CD IP 0 'EL gr AI 0 Pf 1N A.. 1 1 7 : mi FOB LADLES AND GENTLEMEN, KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Aiorket street. The beet Morocco TRAVELING SA'its ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GllOl6, suitable I( Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, tnarlo-tf Nn. Al Marset street PJIQTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Photogr4pli. A.lburnEi. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—pauelid, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt claw!. ALBUMS WITH, SO Pictures for • •S:s • , 2 f.; 4 Col together with vrrleus other styles of binding, sizes 5L prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you =mot boy a prettier, more durable ILO cheaper album anywhere. Oak:and we at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf Harrisburg, BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Comm:: nd- THE PIONEER BOY, and how he Warne President, $l, THE FERRY BOY, and the Financier, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. FrankPa made hie mark, THE FARMER ROY, and how he became Lieuten ant General In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to RoarKke; elegantly :llcstratcd. 41 At BEiv;NERki BOOK STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 23H Walnut Street, South Side, lXast. at Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS ...... 5.1,666,663 ENCORRORATED 19e4,. cepirn • CHARTER PERPETUAL. Maine, Fire and Inland Transportation In surance. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, PreEldeDL CHARLB3 PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER / Central Agent for PennoTtranta. Office Walnut St., near Second, llanisburg, my2.1.-9m JUSTRECEIVED, THIS MORNING, A FR:MiI /NVOieE OF . mlcsisEa.& CO.'S CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED HAMS AN") 13.EV,V. SHLSLER ct FR&ZER'S. nSt TINIWVALLED CHAFALLIt dons not alleet the valuta, but restores Si:. original lustre. It duets not dicolur. It will recto. e, with very hula labor every finished surface, either thew or wood. All mactutacturera anti deamrs in furniture -should nee it rut cleaning hirnstuse that has been &sad• lag, covered with dust. A Luaus and rub bora surd matte it bright and fresh. For bile by A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Ma bet amet, Ran ibburg, }u4-411f IiTLINTOCIP3 YEtiTtlitith SIRUP. 11*16INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is e 5 t -Peel. y Vegetable iu as anupoottlou haa bec... ,:.,- uroyed with wouttorial aucetna fur away Awns to the a.a, Of dioramas for the Alit Paml.Alik..B tutu LUNts`a. tth 5..4 Lorna ta the &dada*, Such .121 CAlLilildi I.IIAIIJ-Ma Ut L. 1.4 ributuAT,ainzli UV 131.1./tai,lakkl.CULl. rat_aliiiNb, eithutSkiN Ebb, J.A.ldb UF Wlll. and ilikill; k LI Litz, ai use Wul he a/lamina with the happteat rondos. 11 iz 0u.. , ol the Oast stud ISALittL uasabanws tar 0.11 ttn masa titii..- ...111TIS stud CObeStilleilliN. ito laudanum or pre/sal , Pori qf Opium in any drain in Vas syrup. PILWR $.1.00 PEA Surt.L.E. For saleW.A.. a .r ktaNt.'n CAlca.pl3...Klii .. PfW.A....( ()TOWLES aro userui co suOtttU it VA cough, allay Inailituy in the Throat, to rebasa b..ustintibi Catarrh, bore Throat, are. They aa....,.a Uoligroot, • Horehound, lyvbaututzba, Senega ma Squ , i, (this Won reliable bayeccursuan kubwn.,) are the dries ..c uve eohatltueuta, do blended with Gum Arabic aust dues'.', that cam lozeuge COMM= a mild ant Very pleasssa (tore. ilmabfaciared solely by d. A_ .13.1.;NE1.1., ar. kik4v., blur Apothecaries. DS Market stroet, Hamsburg. PHILADELPHIA CULLEGIAIL VAS, loOtt YOUNG LADLES. No. 153 u auger. Rev .4.3IARLLS A. SMITH, 11 CLANFOXE. SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Ciacai, NnL matica, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate. Modern Languages, 'Music, Painting and Elocution by the best manteni. For clirctuars aplu9 at the Institute , or address BOX 2611 P. (1, Philanwphis Pt. kti-dm* V INITING, WEDDING, INVITATION asp AT ROME CdallS.—liy a special arrangement with one or the beat engravers in the country, win of any dusariptten will be exeCuted in the nighon style of art, ONLlorlunti/8 with the Latest (saloon, atul buppiied promptly, at lower prices than are amigo! by the station en' New York or Plulatteiptun Lin? nie24,186 sun prime call at niintilislbi'S Biwa...taunts. niehltslif A NSW invoice of Michener's celebrated 41%, luau just recatved gas/naming at SIL6I.i-rt ra MAZER, Sacotaeors w vt'. Dock, Jr. & ay. • -ir./St ARRIVED! — A. fine lot of CANNED dtp PZACKES and TOMATOES. Also, SUPERIOR /INA APPLICA FREER rEAs, &.c., just, rwaived gay,Xrdit JOILN RUA ad street, near Wairtut. II 221
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers