pailp 'ittegrao, NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, 14e., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, itin6t in-eons pstr;a4 with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in leiTening Edition are inie tin t "lona Inv; i ion without extr.v•ir.u.rgi . &R R f; r G. PA WEDNESDAI EVENING, JIM . 211, 1864, TOWN AND COUNTRY. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. —A good stout Oy to learn Power Press work. Must be able bo write a good hand. Apply at THIS OTTICP. Second Ward Meeting. There will be a meeting of the citizens of the Second ward this evening, at the Second Ward House, to make arrangements to fill the quata under the late call for volunteers. Let every interested parson attend, in order• that something may be done to avoid a draft. The hour of meeting is eight o'clock. I=l BLiCEBERR/ES appear to be unusually plenty. They were sold at frow four to ten cents per quart, this morning. SMALL SWINDLING.—Ten-Cent notes altered into fifties by the pasting process, are in cir culation. They can be detected very easily: ME Tau city of Reading offers $3OO local bounty for volunteers under the late call of the Presi dent. Wake up, ye citizens of Harrisburg! THE CURTIN FENCIBLES havo been mustered into the service, with Capt. A. J. Dintinger, and Lieuts. S. M. Mitchell and S.M. Sayford, as officers. They have received the county bounty authorized by the commissioners. THE annual statement of the city finances will be found in our columns to-day. The table contains a full exhibit of the receipts and expenditures for the year ending in March last, and will . be of interest to our citizens generally. THE NEW CALL—The call of the President for 500,000 more troops will probably meet with a more prompt response than the former calls.. The length of the term of service has heretofore met with considerable opposition, but under the present call it is optional with the volunteer to serve for one, two or three years. THE CROPS.—The crops in this neighbor hood have all been harvested, and yielded very well. We do not hear a single farmer complaining. Next week oats will be cut, which is an indication that the season is pretty well advanced. Corn and potatoes look well, but want rain. There will be plenty to eat, and may be had cheap, If our people hang a few speculators. CCM LUTHERAN Pic-NlC.—The committee of ar rangements for the Lutheran pie-nic have secured the use of ears for the proposed ex cursion to Derry. It will positively take place on Saturday noxt. should the weather he fa vorable. The little ones in the Sunday School will rejoice to learn that a day's plea sure is in store for them. The train will leave here at eight o'clock in the morning. THIS morning's market was Nell supplied with seasonable produce. The display of fruit and vegetables was unusually large, and prices were high. Apples were sold at 25c per half-peck ; berries 4to 10c per quart ; cabbage 5 to 18c per head ; tomatoes 15 to 25c per dozen : cucumbers 15 to 20c per dozen ; corn 200 per dozen': peaches 37c per quarter peek. Butter sold at 25 to 40c ; eggs 20 a 25c. I=l GRAND UsioN Pre-m . o.—A grand Union Pic nic will be held in Haehnlen's grove, on Thursday next, the 21st inst. ; under the di rect management of James Sprucebanks and S. Leib. Au efficient polico force en gaged to preserve order. The public are in vited to attend. Ombibusses will run from the corner of Third and Market streets and from the Washington House, corner of Sixth and Wal nut, duridg the day. jyl9-3V I=l LIEUT. B. H. OBEs, attached to the 2lat Pennsylvania cavalry, and late "local" of the Lancaster Evening Express, has been Com pelled, by ill health, to resign his position in the army, and return to his old vocation in the printing office. Ben is a valiant soldier, having greatly distinguished himself on the field, but his surgeon deems him unfit for further duty in that direction. He will, how ever, be equally valuable at home, as be wields a facile and powerful pen in the Union cause. I=l TnE publishers of the Pittsburg dailies have raised their price of subscription to $lO per year, or 25 cents per week. Cause—the in creased expenses incurred in the publication of the papers, by the advanced price of paper, labor, etc. A large number of our country c.xehanges hare issued but half-sheets the past two or three weeks, and we would not be surprised to see many of them suspend operations en tirely, ere long. FOTJETII WLUD 3/TING.—An adjourned meeting of the citizens of the Fourth ward will be held at the Hope Engine House, this owing, at 7 o'clock. Every citizen of the ward is expected to attend, as immediate ac tion is necessary in order to avoid a draft. A large meeting was held last evening, at the Hope Engine House, for the purpose of making arrangements for filling the quota of the Fourth ward. It was agreed that a lib eral local bounty shall be offered to persons who will volunteer to the credit cd.the ward, and a considerable amount of money was sub scribed for that purpose. If the balance of the citizens will contribute as liberally there will be no difficulty experienced id tiling 40. quota. FROM OLD Mom= CumEItLAND.—A. ft& company of one hundred days' men arrived here to-day;- fighi Mechanicsburg. ' Capt. Zinn, who has seen considerable active ser- vice, is the commanang officer. The compa ny is composed of able-bodied men, who will give a good accormi of themselves. THE one hundred (rays' men in camp here are being formed into two regiments, one of which will be comnumerecl by Col. Fisher and 'the other by Col. Naugle—both veteran offi cers, who have given a noble account of themselves by their grillant deeds in the field. The Dauphin county coompanies will, we lean, be attached to Col. N;nugle's regiment. =ol=ll Tat winter session, of the New York Uni versity Medical OoHoge, of which Drs. Mott, Paine, Draper, Po st, Budd, Loomis and others, are the professors, will commence on Monday, October IL7th, and continue until the Ist of March next. This is one of the largest medical imititutions in the country, and no students are permitted to graduate unless fully compeltent to practice medicine. Circulars containing full particulars can be obtained by addressing Prof. Draper, Presi dent of the Faculty, Now York. 11:=1:1 OFFICER Funsiacr..ct; captured and brought to this city, yesterday, four deserters, three of whom belonged too the 20th Pennsylvania cavalry, and were forind at their homes in this county. One of the party had joined a hun dred day company, the roll of which was being called as officer Frraddin was passing by. The detective heard a mime which he knew to be on his list of deserters, and the "brave boy" was arrested at once. Detective Franklin is a shrewd officer, and deserters must be -very sharp if they escape his notice. He has brought numerous skedad dlers and bounty -jumpers to justice. 1=3:111 POLICE AITAII tS—Before the Illowor.—Orsa mus Hassler, arr ested for disorderly conduct, was fined and disv harged. H. Garrety, W ex. Riley and Thomas Coch ran, arrested at the depot, as suspicious char acters, had a hearing and were discharged, Wm. Mason, a vagrant boy from Philadel phia, had a hexing this imorning, and was placed on a train with orders to proceed home without delay. David Bran', a snspici DUB character, was re-committed to the lock-up for a further hearing. MUSTERED IN.—The First City Zouaves were mustered into the one .hundred days' service, yesterday. The ranks are fu?i. The officers are: Captain—John Bell: Ist Lieut.—Harry C. Damming; 2d Lieut.—Joseph E. Rhodes. Tho Zouaves have already received orders to obtain their uniforia,, guns and other equip ments, and will probably be plt.ced on duty at once. The whole company is composed of good men, who will make brave soldiers. The officers have had experience in the field, and are fully competent to comimand those who have so gallantly volunteered tq defend the good old VIOLATIONS OF CITY OBDTSANCES,.—AbStiIOI3I Blessing, a countryman, was.before the May or, this uiorning, on a charge of violatingsee tion Bof the market ordinance, by selling meat in less quantity than by the quarter—he having no stand rented. He wa,. fined $3 and costa.— Samuel Boyer, another countryman, was selling "at large," for which he was arrested. It appears that he recently rented a stand, but subsequently let it to another person, and concluded to sell wherever he could find room to dispose of his produce. The Mayor dis charged him with due notice that if he would repeat the offence, he would he fitted as the ordinance directs. Wz have received a note from V. A. Eons% Esq., the well known mauler, in which he informs as that he has engaged a number of star performers, many of whom are brilliant planets in the theatrical world, for the en suing season, and that he will introduce his new company to the people of Harrisburg, on Monday evening, the 15th of August. It is the intention of Mr. Reuse to present the best of plays to our citizens, and as his troupe will be superior to any other that has ever visited the city, we can assure him that he will be greeted with crowded houses. Mr. Rouse has won a rep station that will warrant him in anticipating a long and profitable season in Harrisburg. C=C72:=l Com-Ina:mu) blANNtens—A &idler's Wife Turned Out of the House.—The Pottsville Mi ners' Journat gives the following instance of Copperhead hospitality to the soldiers and their families: On The*iday last a man named Clemens Ackerman, who owns a house on Sanderson street, in which the wife of Mr. William Hoff man, a soldier of the 7th Pennsylvania Cav alry, resides, throw her furniture out, because shelves in arrears to him for rent a trifling amount. Mrs. Hoffman, vrho is a respectable, industrious woman, with„ 'unfortunately, two children sick at the priment, said that ehe would pay him at the end of the month; but he persisting for imme diate payment, she offered to pay the amount at once. This, in a passion, he refused, and! thsew the furniture out as stated, and even 'the medicine of the sick children. The affear so incensed the loyal women who live in the street, that they resolved in mass meeting to thrash Ackerman, and replace the furnituro. The resolution was carried out "so effectively that the unreason able, bard-hearted Copperhead landlord fled for his life, and Mrs.. Hoffman was again placed in possession of the premises. Acker man was afterwards ?arrested, charged with assault and battery •on Mrs. Hoffman. He had a hearing before Squire Reed, and was held in 1500 bail to a alswer. Pacuroviow or A Cuarral COUNTY. MAN, FOR GALLANT SERVICE / x ram Frucm.—We were pleased to learn, at the Adjutant General's of fiee,lhat Private Pi. Hutchison McCoy, of 'the 184th Reg., P. V.,. has been commissioned as a Second Lieute/Aant of Company B, for gal lant service in t'Ae field. In one of the late battles before P stersbure, Private McCoy con ducted himself like a soldier and a man, and we arepleased now that he received the pro motion he so gallantly won. Lieut. McCoy will do honer to his rank, and when he is again ableicti - take the AEA we expect to hear Of Ida still. *juin higher promotion. NOTICE. - To Soldiers Discharged on Iccol47i . f uf Wounds Received in line of Duty.—Tho un dersigned is prepared to collect the $lOO Bounty due all such soldiers. SULLIVAN S. CHILD, Claim Agent, Telegraph Printing Office, Harrisburg, Penn sylvania. jyls•dlw =MI THE CAMERON GUARDS. —This cA?rapany, which is nearly full, is in camp. A few more men are wanted. The officers are Capt, J. D. Sutliff and Lieuts. J. W. Woodburn and j. G. Keener—all of whom have been in active service in the field, and were good soldiers. The headquarters for recruiting are at camp Curtin and at the Ellsworth House, Market street. iylB dlw RECRUITS WANTED.-Dr. H. W. Miles, for merly captain in the 84th P. V., has received authority to recruit a company for one hun dred days' service. Able-bodied young men are wanted to fill up his organization. For particulars apply at his headquarters, or Miles' Drug Store, corner of North and Third streets, or at Miles' Grocery Store, on Ridge Avenue. jylB-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. DAD& DYE HAIR DYE iikktehelorqi Oelebrated Hair Dye IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. rite only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or 11Tafurai Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful : imparts fresh vitality frequently restoring eta pristine color, and reclines the ill effects of bad Dyes The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR. AU others are mere imitations, and should' be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c Factory-81 BAR gLAY ST, N. Y. I'ATUIRLOR'S NSW I'IILET ORMAN FOR DRZEIBING MR HAIR jeWly liiiitury BUSilleSli Attended To. Bounty, Potation; Back Pay , Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans. acted by mail, by addressing EUGENESNYDER, Attorney-at-Law de1.741.1y Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. Pure vegetable Medicine. NE of the very best Vegetable Medicines O is now offered to the citizens and strang of thenssl city. It will purify the blood, and leave the liver and bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As to tho truth of this hundreds can testify, as it has boon well tried t'or the last ten years. it is prepared only and sold by Mrs. L. Bali, No. 27, wink Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. my 23 EDITOR OP TELEGRAPH Dear Sir:—Wltlu your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I wilt send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove 112 ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Mtn, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail fire to those haying Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mall without charge. &spectrally yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, jylo-d&wbtri 831 Broadway, New'York. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes," &c., &c., &c.,. and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and saint - ay in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER No. 427 Broadway, NOW York air4tgent for the United States. P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jyls.d&w3m DO VOU WISH TO BE CURED! DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, in less than LO days, the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan. ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Atfectlons, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cute in most cases. kddress JAMES S. BUTLER, ,iyl.s4l.kwam General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y. Bannvartls Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, ,kc., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart ik Co. ' Harriebttrg; Pa-, tc , whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: HA881881320, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. &Liftman—bear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. IL ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. Arrl agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0. OATTP.r.T 4 , Late Pastor of 0. El. Presbyterian Church. ELkszumuno, Jan., 164. To C. A. Bkaavairr—.Der Sir: In th B habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, a9d impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public a • dresses. Yours, &0., NO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. -BeNnvskr—Dear Sir: Having use your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending thel to unperson!' afflicted with sore throat or huskiness .of voice arising from public - spealiug or singing. Youm, &0., G. G. It A TrPSTRA W, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist ClifUrah: Mare= Arrow?Ey's OMOZ, HABBISBMIG, Feb. 29, 1864. • To C. L Bsiervezr—Dear Sir: I 'tta'io found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great beue flt to all public speakers. A. J. ILBEII SELLTNG of Summer Goode at low prices. such as Summer Drew Goods, Lawns, Son Umbrella; Lace Shawls, and Summer Shawls. We have alto' on hand a very large assortment of Mutants, Canoes, Ging hams, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black silks, Plaid Silks, White Cambrics, Undressed French Cambrics , White and Colored Flannels, and in fact an assortment of du goods not surpassed by arw. To all of which we invite those who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at less prices than we can replace them for again: As all kinds of dry goods are advancing every day, now is the time to buy. jyta- Et urn COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP.- This with/Mimi Toilet Soap, In each univocal de mand, is made front the ohoineet materiaE and emollient In Its nebure , fragrantly ottennto4L and extreme* beitetielal In Its action upon the altilt wale by all Druggists udrfaiar Goods Doing ; Sktaw/Y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STATEMENT of the Receipts and Expendi tures of the city of Harrisburg for the year ending March 31st, 1864:published tut directed by the fifty-third Section of the act incorporating said city. • - RECEIPTS. From Water rents, P Snyder, col lector $ 5,431 37 Water rents, collected by Trea surer 1,596 90 Permits and ferrules 303 75 Water for building purposes.. 435 SO Water rents for fractionagpark of year... 248 00 Water reittsfor street sprinkler 120 00 City tam of 1861 1,400 00 1862. ..... 1,327 61 1:63 4,666 11 " , received by ,react ror per act of April, 1846. 10,014 07 Market rents 5,572 56 Permits for tapping sewers... 420 00 Circus and menagerie licenses 100 00 Ald Kline, tines, &c 20 00 Copp , r and lead sold. 12 6.1 Ordinance books 501d........3 50 11 Wil3l)7lt pavement 22 58 Loans per ordinance of Aug, 1883 11,100 00 Premium on same 191 50 Temporary loan per resolution of Jan, 1884 5,000 00 Cash in hands of treasurer at settlement, let Aprll, 1863. 2,080 40 $52,064 .34 EXPENITITUdES. FOR -.SLARIES. Mayor ... $ 375 00 Chief police conetabi , 370 00 Keeper of lockup 355 00 Special police constables 1,016 00 Clerk or market 225 00 City solicitor Clerk to council .... City Treasurer 500 00 City Treasurer's Commisßion....... 200 00 Lamp lighter 338 90 Vaccine Physician, Sr C 5ei1er.......50 00 Councilmen 60 00 -- 84,465 50 FOR Yana WORXS. Coal for engine ' $3,883 83 Repairs at Water House, and plugs, pipes, &e 858 12 Labor at reservoir. ........... To 31 Zngineer's pRy..... assistant GAB FOR FITBLIC LAMES, aC. Harrisburg Gas Company, for gas... $2,049 40 Osier, lamp posts, Sze 49 55 Oglesby, pipe, &c 78 07 Repairing lamps 15 00 $2,192 02 FOR FIRE COMPANIRS. Lot for Mt Vernon Hook and Ladder company • $7OO 00 Rent for do 50 00 Sundries for Citizen engine company. 199 97 " Good. Will " Lumber, brick, labor, &c, for Hope engine company 439 08 . Sundries for Friendship 25 75 Tas R Pugh, hose and repairs. 5 13 00 13 62 Coal Goo C Yager, covering Citizen, Hope and Friendship engine houses. 230 94 Painting Citizen and Friendship houses 103 00 ' A King, for emory cloth and gum.... 26 72 Sand, fluid, &o 15 60• 2 . 2418 IS For printing and binding city ordinances, &c. $297 60 FOR ThiCIDINTAL EXPR.I9B9. Geo Bergner advertising.. $230 35 0 Barrett & Co " 175 15 Kuhn, " 42 75 Tax notices, binding street profiles and ink. - • 9 00 Theo Scheirer, books, stationery; Sc.. 79 23 Money refunded. 7 26 D K Otliender, extra eervices 28 00 A K YahnesteCk, for 5tamp5........ 14 80 E C Shafer, for services during raid.. 30 00 Auditors' pay 15 00 Sundries. A. 79 15 -• $752 70 ATSENT DEPARTMENT, Ist Distriot—Pay of supervisor, labor ers, horses and carts and brick... ... $4,141 84 2d do—Pay of supervisor, laborers, horses and carts and brick....... 1,059 81 3d do—Pay of supervisor, laborers, horses and carts and brick 1,208 60 0,415 95 SaVEIN, IC-IST DISITILICE B Gastrock, sewer and inlet, Nagle street ... $25 50 F Trace, repairs to Chestnut street sewer ' 76 60 • F Trace, extension. of Chestnut street sewer to Fourth street 399 00 Trace, cherry alley sewer 434 70 , Wets to " 9 00 Street crossings, I Dickman 116 04 Gutters, 74 74 Repairs to stene bridge over Paxton creek, H Dickman NO 00 $1,637 48 ShIVBEN ac-2D insraicr. F Trace, Walnut street sewer $292 50 H Dicknan,repairs to islets, crossings, 1.25 45 Inlets 6 65 H Dickman, street crossings 255 37 Gutters... 81 60 SEWERS, 410-3 D DISTRICT Evans Geary, repairs to sewer on North street, tk i 00 Street crossings Gutters 126 51 • E 11'Manus, grading Colder and Sus- 'palestina streets 373 29 E .11I'Manus, grading Colder and SUS. . . quebanna streets. ... P carting gravel WORM EirRIET 38W88. F Trace, constructing sewer under canal $1,200 Uo Patrick M'Niff, constructing sewer to Cowden street 4,339 80 Eagle Works. castings and patterns lifor taaa•hole . .. 33 Win Parkhill, repairs •to water pipe injured bp frost 97 36 ---- $5,251 27 • .. vissesss FITIZZET seam. Patrick M'Niff, cons►ructing sewer from river to Elder 5treet........0,212 21 Protection wan at outlet of sewer 165 21 ESTEMION OF WATEFL PIPE, Wm Parkhill, laying water pipe in Race street, River alley, Spruce street, Herr street and Third Street $3,840 80 REGULATORS OF TEX STREETS, Bother Rage $Bl4 84 Alex Hamilton 66 01 Jno W Cowden... . . . 23 01 John Roberta, Late 14 00 $447 76 Borough notes redeemed ... $ 176 Interest paid by treasurer on coupon 5,074 50 Interest paid by treasurer on borough 4,230 75 Interest and ;tamp temporarp loan of $3.000 47 45 • --,-- $9,352 70 Abatement allowed tax-payers for promptpay ment, per act of Aptil, 1646. .. ...... .:.... $527 52 Percentage allowed co ll ector oewater ren ts.... $496 38 EYONZILLTIOISII ALLOWED COLLECTORS ON TAX OF 1862. P.Bernheiael, sr, Sat .yard $lO3 37 N 2411114er, 2d '. 90 13 B Thompson, 3d " 160 80 Wm Bostick, 4th .. 320 44 . Chambers Dubbs,Oth " 104 30 Benj Slimmet, 6th " ........... 175 11 TAXES LEVIED AND ASSESSED TS TEE SEVERAL WARDS Op Tilt CITY lOR TES YEAR 1863. lid ward.s2,22l 61 Abtteideit, $ 84 84 Paid Trim:war... 1,213 54 1,277 88 $943 ez 2nd ward $5,166 40 Abatement 151 40 Paid Treasurer.. 2,871 54 3,022 94 2,143 46 Duplicates In bands of G F Wearer, jr., collector Payments to April 1,1884 Amount uncollected April 1, 1864, subject to per contage and axone' , atlons $1,03312 3d ward $6 474 13 Abatement ......$ 176 96 Paid Treasurer... 3,363 U 3,640 63 31,933 60 4th ward $3,324 88 Abatement $ 66 91 Palit Treasurer... 11661 1,117 60 2,207 08 sth ward ,'" • - $1,619 80 Abatement 81 Paid Treasurer.... 676 97 712 68 wr ZS Oth ‘,...."52,093 711 Almlines4 .. . .. ...$ 43 21 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Paid Treasp.rer Jj . 821 25 SI,TM Duplicates in hands of Win C 'den, collector $6,171 00 Payments to Treasurer t0.A.pr111,1664 2,612 14 Amount unpollected April 1,186 t, subject to per tentage and enure. bons • $3,558 86 Whole amount of taxes 'outatandlng April 1, 1864, subject to per centagOand eionerations $4,591 98 Funded debt of the city including old borough issues, April 1,1864.5113.000 50 Floating debt, temporary loan ... . .. . .. $3,000 00C Floating debt, estimated at........ .. 1,500 00 —-- 4,500 00 --$177,709 50 Cash in hands of treasurer, April 1, 1364—city funds.... $3,107 21 Mt Vernon house appropriation 1,800 00 Paxton engine " " 1,800 .00 Morth street sewer 54 37 $6,921 58 RECAPITULATION. Expenses of government $4,465 50 " meter worka .. ... .... 5,451 76 " _public lamps 2,192 02 " tire department . 2,418 18 • " printingand binding or. . . ..• dinances 297 60 " . incidental 752 70 " streets—First and Sec ond wards 3,785 32 Streets-3d and 4th wards 1,521 80 " streets--sth and 6th... L 976 9 ' North st. sewer 5,251 27 Verbeke st, sewer 3,384 42 .. laying water pipe 3,640 80 regulators of the streets 447 76 borough notes redeemed 1 75 Interest for funded debt paid 9,352 70 - Error in tax account 5 09 Cash in hands of treasurer April, Ist 1564 6,821. 55 —552,5114 34 T. A. HAMILTON. L. WOLFINGER, !. Finance Committe....., O. EDWARDS, ) *paid at maturity. Harrisburg, July 19, 1564-jy2o-1t 75 00 400 00 WANTED. AGOOD PENMAN wishes to engage as Scrivener for a few weeks; ran Punish the highest testimonials of good character, etc. Apply at Jyl9d3t* THIS OFFICE, 716 00 119 50'. c 5,451 78 ON the 18th inst., a large black Newfound land dog, white on breast, and ore,tosa of front feet; answers to the name of "Carlo." Had a chain on his neck. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning him at BRADY'S BAKERY, jyl94l2t* Market street, SUBSTITUTES WAD/TED. A GOOD pried will be paid for FOUR SUB MMES. Apply to S. & BELLMAN, .ty-1.6 6td Union Hotel, Market. Street. 18 50 WANTED T 0 RENT, a HOUSE suitable for a small family. Enquire at this 'offioe. jy-le tf FOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whom Shanties, which are read,t , for use, will be furnished, for the purpose of accommodating boarders. Also, from 60 to 60 laborers. Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. M. 8., Mahontongo mountain, 3 miles above Millersburg. Je22-Im* A GENTS wanted to sell the Standard 41 tory of thefWar. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to 8200 per month.2o%ooo volumes already sold. Bend for o Address JONF3BOB. & CO., de 30 Publishers. Baltimore. Md. GEORGE MAIM, of South Hanover town ship, offers himself as a candidate for the °nice of MOISTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with fidelity. je29 d&wto CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. RAttamatmo, PA., June 9, 1894. frIFIE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 14th Congress!omit Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of tee counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for no 'on by the several county conventions of the said District. De9tdtel JOSIAH FSPY. FOE.X.EGISTE.R. RIJDOLPH 2fiLLEII,, of East Hanover township, offers himself as acandidate for the.offiee of Register. If nominated and elected he pledges him self to fulfil the duties of the office witli fidelity. Je2s4l2wsnete* RUDOLPH II,ULLBR. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch Maker, No. 59 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, CHAINS 11 ma, SETS OF JEWELRY. $761 48 ma SILVER WARE, PLATED WAKE, TEA SERVICES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Has conk - tautly on hand a well talented and elegantly assorted stock of FINT wATO SIN AND SETS. 76 59 139 25 $758 45 FINE MINER WARE& INERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWIM' wormy!, Both in Gold and Silver CAM Alto, a One assortment of LADIES' WATCHES Constantly Oa hand. ELEGANT CLUCKS, Of all duassrlptions; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASE PRICES, sr Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repelling of fine Watch es, inch es Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watchett, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A_ F. ZDIMERNAN, nuirle] No. 52 Market street, adjoining Brant's Hall. -- $3,884 42 CLOAK STORE, IN D. W. GROW NEW BLOCK, Market. Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND Pl= SPRING SHAWLS. WM open on the let of April. torarlWay 111 HIE public are requested to. attend the 1 opening of the new dry goods store of Brandt & Bowman, on Thursday morning, July 7th, at tho south east corner of Second and Walnut streets (late the store room of Joseph Kahnwiler.) This new firm have bought out the entire stock from Mr. Kahnwiler at very low prices, and in GOOD FAITH say to tho public that they will sell this stock of goods at one-fourth less than the same kind of goods can NOW BE BOUGHT AT WHOLE SAL& jy6-dtf 50 DOZEN .TARS ENGLISH PICKLES comprising PicaUlly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, Wainats.and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SHISLIR & FRAZEE. my 6 successors to W. Dock, Jr ., &co TIM BECEIVED-44 gallon pure currant to wine, fiord a Lancaster cocntylarmer; the timest made domestic wine in this city. Prioe 18 00 per gallon. For sale at SEMLER & FRAZER, ,lee Sticaessors to Wm. Dock. Jr., & CO. $3 807 00 . ;063 97 II EW BOOK S.-THE SHOULDER MAPS DAYS OF SHODDY Jest received at fdelBl SIDIEFFEH'S BOOKSTORE CHEESE—Choice new crop Cheese, just 'waived it SFELSLILE & FRAZER, slloo6llllorEi to W. Dock, Jr.. & Ca SMOKED SALMON.— FINE SMOKED SALMON, Jame received at SEEM & nt.d.VB,l febi (eameices to Wm. Docif, Jr, &e.)O PRIME LARD.—Fifty firkins fine kettle rendered LARD, foraale by the thicka or wand, jest eceived at MBA BOYER & XOERPER. VIPER VINE 4 - 10. —Pare Oider Vinegar `IL') am be Might by die barn, or small gitoattry it zoirsa a Kozak& 870 56 WANTS. LOST, WANTED 111111EDIA.TELY. CANDIDATES. FOR REGISTER. A LARGE VAILDITY 01 NEW PHILADELPHIA NOTICB. GOVERNMENT SALES," &C. 1 9 000 Horses Wanted! THE GOVERNMENT REQUIRE EMI lICKEDIATE USE ONE TROLSAND CAVALRY HORSES, For which CASH will be paid on their de livery at HARRIS BURG, At Government prices for such as bear in- spection. Agents for purchase will be found at Lancasier, head Ing, Lewistown, Williamsport awl Carlisle. By command of Major General COUCH. J. G. JOHNSON , Capt. and Ch , f Q. X Dept Susquehanna. Oevzca Cs'a Q. M DEP'T Susciunuxxi., HARRISBURG, July 12, 1864. f jrl.3-dig AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES WAR DEPARTRRYT, CAVALRY BUREAU,. OFFICE OF caw QUART WARRINGTON, D. C.. July WILL be sold at public auction, to 1 - O t , highest bidder, at the times and places named bo low, viz: Reading, Penn's, Thursday, July 21st, 1854. Harrisburg, Penn's, Thursday, July 28th, 1864. Altoona, Penn's, Thursday, August 4th, 1864. Williarasport 4 Penn's, Thursday, August 11th, 1864. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Homes at oach place. These Horses have been condemned se unlit for IL., Cavalry service or the Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains ,w 4.: be had. Homes sold singly. TERMS: CASH in United State Currency. JAMES A. EKIN, Lt. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau jy6-dtd OPEN MARKET FOR FORBES: Ase!STANr QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, HARRISBURG, Pmts - A., July Bth, 1864. "TOMES will be purchased at this office for GovernMent service in open market; lots of any number will be received, subtlest to such inspect;ott as I may order. Cash payments By order of CAPT. J. 0. JOHNSON, Chief Qr. sir. Tieret Susquehann.. E. C. REIGHENBACH, Capt. and ASa't Qr. Mr. jyB-dtf SALES 01? REAL ESTATE. A CHOICE PAM% AT PUBLIC SALE. ON THURSDAY, August 4, 1864, the tie deraignod, Waste.) of S. L Bowman, wi:l sell at public sale, the following real estate: A tract of laud, alt. nate in East Pennsborough township, Cumberland, bound ed by land of Simon Dresbach, G. o. Oyster and others, containing 102 acres, more or less, havingthereon erected a largo two-story stone house, good tenant house, largo bank barn, apple orchard of choice fruit, a pump at the door; also, a running spring near the house. This is a choice farm and in a high state of cold vation. Located 3 miles west of Harrisburg, and a hair mile north of Oyster's Point. . . . . Sale to take place on the premises at 2 o'clock r, x. mi said day, when terms will bo made by iyl6-dta GEO. W. CRISWELL. Trustee. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. 1111Psubscriber offers at private sale hie arm, situated on the public road leading to Oak Grove ruralise, In Carroll township, Perry county, one mile and a quarter west of Sterret's Gap, containing 94 acres, thereon erected a two-story log dwelling bowie, a good barn; and oiher out-buildings. 'fhereare also geed apple and peach orchards, and a lot of other fruit trees vo the promises. A nerer-failing spring of water near the house, and water in nearly every field. Farther panic:: lars, enquire on the premises to David Brownsville, or r. JOSI al MCFARLAND, Harrisburg, Ps. jyls dlw PUBLIC SALE. T - - - HE undersigned will offer his valuable MTh and Farm at public sale, on Saturday, the `23d day of July, at the Railroad Rouse, in Middletown. The Mill has four run of stone, is in fine order, and doing a fine business. The Farm contains seventy-six acres rd first-rate land with good Improvements. This property is situated one and a balrmiles east of Middletown. It will be sold on very easy terms, and probably at a heavy sac Alice. Come and buy a barcain. A. WIETLSO jyfl.d&wts* FOR SALE. rvaluable property, corner of Second ia Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and one hundred and sixty-eight feet, on Pine street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbels alle,T, there being space for four full building lots, and a most de. airable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings, For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Si eond and Pine reels. mare-ll PRIVATE SALE. ONE of the best locations for IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about live hundred fe.t wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarries in th.p , Slate and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the ittrvi Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, marl64o Harrisburg, Pa. (Philadelphia Press insert three times and sand bill I.:. this office.] VALUABLE FRUi'L , i uR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tavern Stand, situate on the Lancaster turnpike, it. the borough of Middletown, consisting of a large two-story Brick Hotel, extensive stabling and all other neeessar; outbuildings. Also, two adjoining lots, haring erected on each a two story frame dwelling. For further particulars apply to the utolenEigued, on LL.. the premises. httrEL DETWEILE )e2l-tusmtSm* Land for Sale. 520 ACRES of Lard, in Dauphin cu. at private sale, in part or the whole, to purchasers •, 185 acres clear % good buildings thereon., with Saw Mill. For further particulars, address L MINSKER, Dauphin. Dauphin county, l'. eiron-am* FOR SALE, ABUILDING LOT, on Second street, Ix-- tween Broad and Colder. Apply to JOSIAH . HeFARLANTI, jyl4-dlw Corner of Susquehanna and Coldest NOTICE. - - BOUNTY OF 14:50. The following resolution was unanimously adopted at a meeting held by the board of county commissioners, viz: Resolved, That the county of Dauphin will pay to each private and non-commissioned officer who may be enlisted for military ser vice and credited to tho quota required from the county under the late calls of the Presi dent of the United States, to serve for 100 days, in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington and its vicinity, the sum of fifty dollars. Certified from the minutes, July 13, 18M. HENRY HARTMAN, JACOB J. MILLEISEN, ROBERT W. McCLURE, , • Commissioners . Attest:—JOSEPH Mrriaa, Clerk. jyl3 Draft: Draft:: Draft::: ALIENS and persons under or over the re quired age, who have been enrolled in this (14th District, or any other District In the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law. Now is the time to put in a substitute and avoid ths draft, Persons who are not liable to draft, and who wieh tr, enter the army as ambstitutes, can obtain theittghest pre mium. Business transacted by mail at legal rates, and cost DT travel thereby avoided. Ball at once, or address by maiL EUGENg SNYDER. Attorney at Law, 3d street, Harrisburg. Pa. jy9-eod2mos. PROVOST MABBHAL'iI OFFICE, 14nr Dismitier, Emussurra, Pa., June 6, 1864. TO DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed by Lient. Cot J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Marsha: General, by his circular, No 59, of June 4, 1864, to pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as volun teers after being drafted; and that the credits for drafted men will remain for the subdistricts from which they were drafted, no %atter whether local bounty has or has not beau paid to slim men, upon "illegal enlistment." JNO. KAY CLETT, Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Diet, Pa. Je6-dif A• • - supply of 0 . ohener's Celebrated BOW Ound Ham and Dried Beef, at nab] BOYER & ICOERPER, D 0 YOU wish good Gold Pen ? If so, NI liartisbarg. taws
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers