THE TELEGRAPH, Ilartila T A T G A3 1 7) GEORGE BERCHR*R. i.P?ICE THIRD ST., IVILet.I? WALITI77I. '.I'BRAI.I3 OF SIInCIIIPTION. saiiiLE SUBSCRIPTION Tut 1 - Criliiislorstara is served . to subscribers in the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be °barged 16 001 n advance. Those persons who neglectto Ay in advance will be charged $7 SO. WEEKLY YELEGRAPHT. TES DELSORAPHt sire published weekly ; and is furnished o subscribers at tye faSswint. cash rates Single copies, Weekly_4..., Tirreesopim vitherPOftffice Tea opieEtto one-post omoe RAIL LIIOADS. Polinsylvania Rail Road ! SPRING TIME TABLE. FM TRAINS - 1:411,Y TO AND FOUR FROM PEULA.DEDELPHLL ON F ARO AFTER MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.65 . PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) et 6.00 A. ic , and. arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. _ . MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg at 7.20 A. Y. connects at Lancaster with Lancaster. accom modation train, and and arrives at Wen Philadelphia at 12.25 r. a. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leavea Handl burg at 12 20 P. a ; Columbta 1.65 P. a and. arrives at Lancaster 2.30 e. ,;a.; connecting with Fast Mail east at, '..Lancaster for Pialade/phia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.30 P.m.. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. x. ; Lancaster • at 2.41 I. tr., and arrives at Wsst Philadelphia at 6.30 P. la HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Comm bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 P. re., And arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.60 P. a • WESTWARD. LL BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dally (except Monday) at 2.10 A. at ; Altoona, 7.35 A. M., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. N. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbin daily at 2.10 d.M.'; Altoona-at 8.20 A. at, take breakfut, And arrives at Pittsburg at 1..00 r. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1,30 P. ar. ; Altoona at 7.15 P. X. take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 L N. EMT LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50' P. PC ; Altoona at 8.86,5, n., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg 'at 1.00 A. IL MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster 'at 9.30 a. at., arrives atliarriabarg at 11.101. M. . . lIARRISBLTRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 245 P. 7c, and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P. N. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. A . leaves Litiicas ter at d .25 P. M. connecting there with Harrisburg Agooni ritodation West 'leaves Mount Soy . at 7.00 p, N. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. at. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Penn'a.A. Elarriabtrg; May 13, 1334.-dif Northern„Ventral Anitairay sumpirat . TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY ao AND 'rams. BAL TIMOR E EE 7.0 •WASENENGTON Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Itailmed, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern , New York. QN and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive ;at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as rbllows, viz: SO UTHWARD. IFAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except _ Sunda .y). ... ..... u leaves Harrliburg.. ........ 120."?. arrives at Baltimore.. 5 4tly.'rs EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 1L45 P. M.% . " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) ...bp A. .t arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) . 7.00 A. K. 'HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION'Icartir Hat' burg ' • •.. 7.00 A. IL SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION loaves Sun. - 7 . bury daily (except Sun day) 'at 7.30 a. x • NO,, T,H WARD. MAIL !MAIN leaves Baltimore daily. (except • Sunday) - 9.20 a. a. 6, , leaves Harrisburg L 35 P. N. arrives at. Sunbury - 4.05 Y.' AL EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.30 P.. 121. drives at, Harrisburg 1.60 A. x. 66 leaves Harrisburg daily (ex- " " mpt Monday) • • . 6, arrives at Sunbury HARRD3FIURG ACCOMMODATION leaves timore daily (except Sun- day)... % - 3.00 P.' X. 6 , arrives at Harrisburg • •750 P. IL. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrit , burg daily (except sunday) at . 400P. x. For further Information apply at.he Office, in Pennsyl. vanla Railroad Depot. T. N. DoBARRY, Harrisburg, May 16, 1854. -dtf Gen. Supt. NEW AIR JANE ROUTE. rIIBEIG TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YOIU AND. - . - ! • : .11 1 11111.1.4ADE.LPHIA.. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, liov,eolbez lath, 1863, the PaasengerTraine will leave the.Phila, delpnla and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisbuig tbr New York and Philadelphia, as. follows, viz : ,1 , , EAST,WARD. , , EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. az., on as. rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at L 45 .L. X. A sleeping ear a attached to the train, through from Pittsbiirg without Change, , • MAIL TRAIN: leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A . N., ..arriving n New York at 5.30 v. at., and Philadelphia itt.1.15.04.: 1.14,, ~,.. PAST LIME leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. tr. , ,itztvntg in . ear York at 10.25 v. at and Phi l adelphia at 100 104 -- , -- - - . , WESTWARD. a. FAST LINZ leaves New York at 6.00 A. x , and delphia at 8.15 A. IL, arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P.- MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, And • a d elphia at 3.30 P. X.,, Etl4v I n , g - 1,1 .Harrisburg at 6.20 eL EXPRESS TRAIN leike.S . cr . York at 700 P. M.,' ar riving at ftrriparg,at 2.004.* rd., and connecting with the PennffilviZaPress Truirilee 4 Pittsbarg. A eleepini ear. is also attached to this train. connaotiOne are made et Harrisburg with trains oni they .ettallybittdl l l,. Nortbern Central and Cumberland Valley; railroads,and,_at„lleading for Philadelphia, Pottsville,. Wllirdabarre, 'Allentown, Easton, &o. Baggage charted through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg. $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Philidel• , his, $8 85 let,T o .l oars, and slt In 80. 2;.,, For tieketa or other Information apply tcl • . .4: Y.' Ca* !Appall! Ageattlindianiire, n0141.41tf READING RAILROA n. S U MMER AItRAN9-EMENT. RE4g-,: ; , ssus.K. LINE;. :Mal T.11.F.a NORM and,4ortnweit for Philadelphia, iitrar York, . : i ing, Pottsvißei Lebanon, Allentown, .Freon, kn., &we rains leave illarrisburg for Philadelphisq.New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate station, at 8.00 A. N., &Rd ZOO P. X New York Expresir leritimirilintebitrg At 6.80 A. M., larrlytmg at New York at L4BB the same' day. - . ",.. -, at, Accommodation Passenger WO leaved Read' Az at, 7,1,5 A. it. , and mama foam Narriatanat 6 ii. n.- •• l az a a. i:mat Harrisburg: ; To Nett York 116.16-; te,Phila delploll,6ll 30 11 0 $2 au. Baggage Oher. ' kektlirough. two * Rat,,D.l,l4lty New York at 6A. n. ;18 np 4 o„ , and I 1 ,..,:aiT t, 7 .resit arriving at Harrisburg a1.6,.,t. 11.) i Leairn ' pi; 8 16./i. a., and WO P., /a,,, 1,,, 1 stooping ~,,,ia . ghkßew YAM. Itcprev zrotizuhthrensit to and froni"Pittebio.pithout change. ~, .. .. , pmaarlara,hy.theatairiasa Railroad le4;:iiiiiiiciii:it" at 8.60 ~ .._K .; _a nd 2 . 104. if, for Philadelphia,-New York,. 'lad ilklysT 0 4141 - • ...'"11:2, ',....,'' '.- .. r,..... - ; 7 ; 1 ,Traina leave Pottaviul. at. i.16,/...n., and 2.30 YOn.i, for ' plBadelphla; Hairiebuigino,Now York. 7 • Au Acoononodation Pmieu i n ,' M. R6 40 11 2'F 4- 14104- ... and.Aor;.rni from Philadelphia 5,w p. jyr. tir" the l i nt JEATALEOI I 3IBIIY.O. 4 IIMIay ozeapt i i ; mom train, _, Tete 4 ) ottWlht t 7 . l !Sl!!:; l A, , a‘d.Plitt; • , ikti l iaat 16 P.' IL - - ' ' - - • - 4 "- . tdiettainfige,SEClAMl ' lla tCbtriksl:leketi Ai - A - tided kiwi tolibd from all wine& ba rr uttcnT 2 to eaoh - perogc ---- i L., i 'i • . ~...: - _. ' t.- .i - qi11.. 81 1..=.v.x, General 1. = • • • .. _ 1, .__ , .., .... i _ . , . , _ .. ~ 7 , ._ , ~..„, ,„..,.-,'',\. s 1 .. ! jli ll fl.ti , .. _ , ,j,„ 14. „, ... 1;',- - • ' ' ' : ~ ~.,1 , ~,, ,- .• ' -.-, .:: 1'... ..r• - ' .', iiilUPg .est erh .3 l7Th :l7l33ll .o sl.o3 re hiL lire en. Vifig: e ad "lrir t r ; _ ..... , . . ...... ADTI4IIT&O RATtC.• f . . • ' 7 ''• .- - .• - • . ~ ': -- ' 4, ' '''',..,...,'% - 1 l '1." . '-- - . . ~.. , - , • . ...._ ..o. • 1.,. ' • -_,-; ....-: ;101 , :i•i!.11. , ..,....• - ' 0 \ \lre AP & .____'• 7 - ~ 7 • idrFour Ithes or lesi co te iy , - . , • iines,ormore than tbur'constftute a: ... ~..' Sim A oacrequass. . '-- . ..i ,-----_:, Pl'i-'4"Kka,';•79- )*--74,4---7-f , _ -- ' -Anode _ ._ $ 80. ona.! 'No' ye 60' oda - ) =ct CC,.• . ''• IF, '-. Z.: : . 75 nueeil A t • , . - _ ;_, . 1 -,-, , .' ... . One week 2,5 One wt, „ . „ 1 One month 300 One mt. ~I 4113 3> - -.., --•- . • ... .”. L.:. . . .." •: . " - -..."..7:: .' ; ._.. • Two months 450 • Two: m -- --- ' ' ' .. . • -.-• -; . • - .71 r , •1--' -, -•,.• t Three =sibs 550 nooks . . " "c% 131 x mouths 800. Six mei _____.-----------, l5 00 One ,:• Administray -, Nr- .$l6O , 400' 1O 00 abliQE ARGNER. 1864. - 1864 Philadelphia and Erie Rail- Road. HTS,great line traverses the Northern'and Noithwestcounties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. • ' • • • It has beenlessed by the resnmsrivarria Ransoan Com rer(i, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughont Its entire lengt_ b. It is now in 'use ' for Passenger and Freight blueness frourlfarrisburg to Et. ILsry's (216 miles) on the Eastern Ditisioo, , etui from Shriftleid to ri aCM roues) on the Western biviidon. . TlifintlF PABSENGEWTILMNEI AT lIAREL9BURG. • Dave Eastward, MaliTriiin L2O P. N. EwprestiTaTin. "'2.60 A. a. • • Leave Northward . : " MaillTrain . ..L36 r. EmpreiaTrain 815 Cars in through WITHOUT eIIANGH both ways on these train's'- between Philadelphia and Malt , Keit; and le iweeri Italtimore and Lock Raven. Elegant Sleeping cars on Express trains both ways be t Ween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and For infrirmattoii respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Corner:llitt and Market, streets. - And for Freight Marineau of the. Company's Agents: S. B Kingston, Jr.., cornea 13th ancl , llarket streets, Philadelphia. ' ' *. J. W. Reynelds, Feb.o • • • • J. S. Drill; Agent K. C. E. R, Baltimore. IL li. HQUSTQN, • Get4erd Freight Aped, P/ill'a. LEWIS L HOUPT, • •i, ~al Ticket:Agent Mira. JOS. p.,pit•Tps, my2o-dly] amend . Manager, ITgliamaport. CUMBER LAND VALLEY FR A N,K CNGE OP HOURS.—On and after Mon . 7 April 4tb, 1864 ,. Passenger trains will run daily, as follewa,(Bundays excepted:) .PO CHAAMMODITEG AND HARDSEEITIRG: , .., . . .11..1..; P. MI Leave Etageres Gin...—. , ' . 7.00 2.44 .. Greeneratle 7.87 8.85 Arrive at 8.14 4:20 Chamberstrg,l , Leave as 8.80 12.55. Leave Shipp ensburg '' ' . 9.00 149 " Newvine • 9.82. 2.00 • g'. Carlisle 665 10.10 2.42 " Mechanicsburg 25 10 42. : 3.12 Arrive at Harrlebarg • 66 s. 11:15 &40 FOR CNAN.EiRDSBURGO AND lIAGEZISVIVN:, ' '' • ' 'l' ' A. IL P. $l.. - r.n. Leave Harrisburg ... ' 805 1.82 4'20 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.15 4.5.1 " Carlisle . , '!. : - • ' 8.27 2.'55 5.29 "Norville ..... , •,_ ' ' • 4,-30.22, .3.28 -- " Ppensliurg . ~. ...:. 4.00 : Cliarob4sbnrg, 1 A/ l iVe . at- 11.00 4.30 I.eaTe at • .11.10 4.40 Leave Greecastle ' .11.56 5.80 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.80 6.10 Jar Making don connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphill ; New York and Pittsburg; and with rains for all pe,i n ts w el d, aw-The Trrin leaVing 'Harrisbarg - at .4.213, P. id. , ru neo knaly oktir at Oarlide. . 0. N. LlnL, Silt R. 3.o o o.aj:Chamberskturo, 44).r1L4, 19844 7 ............ , . 0 "S OR : I 1O• I PISOOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROIrEOOTS, BARKS J,I , U) LEAVES. CHSROICEBIA IWMZOY,. thegteat Wien Diuritic, cures all diseases of tlie urinary organs, such as Inceenti, =O4 RP, the .9 : (nos ,Ifiltammation of the Bladder, Itidsset• matia r 4i. Ki dneys, Stone in .the Bladder, Stricture, Graiel; Greet,.. dosindrhea, and is eepeciaily recommended in these caw 4i nicer Alba: (or Whites in females) where all The old ISCWSEOUT medicines have Aged. ifir It is prepared in a itighly concentrated form, the dose only being from suite Awe teasponfhla three times per `day. . . alt A. it . 5.63 A. Y. Alijr• la diuretto imd alterative in its action; purifying mtd dearosing the blood, cattail* it to few in all of its oiigiwal purity and vigori thus removing , from theiyatem n4Josninitals causes whieh have induced disease. 91 1 ELROKEE DIJECIION is Intended as an ally or amidst ant to the I:IHEROICEE ,REMEDY and should be used in coujunetion with.that medifte is.alL.naSea of - Golngrrhsts, Ghee, :Palo? 4.72ws or Whites Xta egeota, are healing, aeetkieg and dessulangT removing an ticaldina heat, ohcirdee and pain, instead of the burning and almost • un endurable pain that is' experienced . : with hearly all the , 'drop isseelfi ' 2 . .. V L ' • ' Sir BY tfie use of the ' C 111111011317. itItYIEDY ,and CHEROKEE IlkLlEOTlON—thetwo moileittedit tie tame time—all improper dischmgea are ramrod, and the week ened organ' are speedily reamed to fon vigor and iireilgth. , • ; ' . . .11-For Nit partieuhns Ipit der pamphlet from any drug store itt the oowttry, or wire ant i and we will mail free, to any address, a full treatise. : - OBEN:MEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, -or three bottles for $5 : ea.:Prlde CHEROKEE,: .INJECTION, per.botti! . or three bottles for $6. • • #B,.Serit by exiire7o to any addresit on receipt of. - . ' . . • .... . .... a ' . :-•SolS:t.q.,ol iiiti4ists oVetywitere. d"' .- .' Imi. 7 - -; ii,.. xrdtititi & co., . i • I. : : )- , ::.--, ..:, i . Solo Noprieteirsi marlo-eodly No. 69 Liberty street, New .Yeik. ROOTS,,balta AND LEAVES., da unfaa#4o,chm for Sperrudorrkga t Seminel ,Weak ran, •Arecsinissit .Emissiasse.and marline= Nand . y self- What:cm; Such ad Aagg of gliogy,. Universal Lassfludel Paini in the Deal, LiaMiess i of neon, Primaritos Old Ape WeakA r aiilrrTOirfif )ifreafidnic TrealinA Tradfia - Des)o449tu on the Face, ,Vale ins sip, COMwmptio' and all the Direful complaints c a noed by do' Pvlitalffele,Fie.Paqiflf 'whir& • , siri•Thie.measie iS a 'simple vegetable extritet, and one n which all manly, as it has been used in our practiee for many years, with' thousands treated; it has not tailed tali:sane° instance. lit ennattve powerihemsbeen nufllisient to. gain victory over the moatstubborn elk lo those magi have trifled . their ecauditution, . Until theyihinkibemselves beyond the reach of medical id, we wbulirissiskissil:tii Osumi= Cinsn will .out -ramose Tow IQ heitli4444, .SC's 5 61° - , CP#OOl4.. ric eiio;ar any Oros Utengl2w - a 'write tho"l'itirlettif , who will titt 4 arising stile th y one d the same, e_ yin! slirPrices s2 ; wlbOtle * or * three bottles for ss * ons forwarded by. tottrffilsib itII pile of Aoworyl. Sift kdditycilLrespeetabliitimgroireryorlike.' •.• 1 1 a_LDR. Wvit COX -161/11441417, . ..../f0.6151413.1,11mm5,N0w , . ~ ! RAILROADS. MEDICAL. THE lANG-SOUGHF-F0.2. - ( l ftto/Mt CURE -THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE. oonirpormr.ED nom "THE UNION—NOW AND FO REV ER :"----Webster. HARRTURG, PL, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1864. MIPSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS; SHEET: MUSIC, VVIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS; STRINGS DRUMS FIFES and all kinds of MUSI CAL mptolutipisE, FRAMES, LcoaNG GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALMS% AMMO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the place ' SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third street, the largest Music Score this side of the great cities. jan2ll4-dtf MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, Asp: ONLY GOLD MSDAL (ever won.hy instruments of this ohsi) •ludebeen - airarded to MASON HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on hand at • W. Ir.NOCHF2B, Sole Agent, je4-2taily] 93 Market street. NEW 'MUSIC FOR -SABBATH ''SCHOOLS, Sabbath School Trumpet, • A COLLECTION OP Hymns and Tunes, • Chants and Anthems A.TPENDEO TO Wnrou IS JUVENILE . CANTAT A, marrrrtMo "THE ORIGIN OF THESEASONS t P ' • W.. 0. Et. H. - .S: PERKINS. .; SPECIMEN copies of this new work will be sent post paid on receipt of 25 cents. Special at. teution is directed to the "Trumpet' as being a collec tion of Music particularly Suited to tho young, and one that cannot fail to be generally adopted: . The Cantata is is one of the most attractive that basbetwipnblished. . It is easily presented, and for this reason wilt beoome.popu lar in all Sabbath,Schoels as soon as introduced. Price: Inboards. 3D; paper, "25. Just published by Oliver Dltson &Co., 277 Washington street, Smola For sale by J. R GOULD, Philadelphia • ~jys-to 0111 M :Ai hi (.1 Mo 0 *AI izig T. F. WATSON., MASTIC CEMENT 41.41V777.4102% 71Z11, ' PITTOWEITTILIGr,‘ Etiv., • ' S PREPARED to tarnish end float the ex oriorr of Buildings with !the MASTIC CEMENT, on • new system. This material i is entirely, different from all other cements used 'heretofore, and LS the' only reliable, iinperishable coating for Outtede Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed lilt Wiens:us slaw, Ibiza; ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walla, tasking -a beau tiful, fine water proof surface.and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. . • • Among others for whom I Mire applied the - Mastic Ce ment, I referto tho followlnggentlemen: •3. Bisseil do reaidence, Penn st reet , Pittsburg. j Z. w r d i w • J. IL Shoenbergar residence, Lawreneaville. A. Hammier, " • ' James ircandleso, •". Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, , Third street, Pittsburg James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, " William Vohel, Girard House, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, John B. Cu; residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, ic ,I 4 - Please address '' ' • " 'T. I'. WATSON, . -P. O. Box 1,1106, Pittsburg, Paw feblB-dem or, Penna. Hones, .Tilarrisbarg, Pa. M 9 FA DD_EIVS MARBLE YARD CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STRITETS t Harrisburg, Pa. Wundersigned haying opened a Marble ird In this city, beg leave to Inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepated to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF.EVERY DESCRIPTION WOE rig Xlontiments, tombs. ' Head Stones; Mantles, And House Work in Marble 10,ndBrown'Stone Give us a call aadwe will guarsustec satlefactta. ISTADDEN k CO N. B.—Lettering neatly none in Fee& or Germ= mai/Wdly AN ASSORTMENT OF . • 01 7 E41. 100 STYLE S POCKET BOOIN, PURSES voltrrmorrrfA.lES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ' IFE.EULERSS Drug and Fancy Goods Store, - . No. 91 Market etre& The best Moroooo - . TRAVELING SATtAI ELS, And a general variety or NANCY GOODS, Imitable for Presents, now on band at KELLER'S Thug Store, • web& No. 91 Market street. P}IOTOGRAPB ALBUMS. - ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT : . . or -.• IPlk9 to graph Albums. ,1111013 ND in FINE MOBCK/00--panelhiB, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt chap.. • ).3 1 Vnil 80 6 , 1 Ctriii tar . $3 00 . 860 together with vrrioua other styles of binding, ems and prices, which will be sold cheap. ' Soldier,e you cannot buys prettier, more durable end cheaper album anywhere. , . ,„ Cal land see it _ - • 6X4161173.1V6 Bookatore. Harrisburg,, Pa, • )BIOGRAPHY FOR -BOYS: r-• . • THS PARMRR BOY, andhow /*became Coninland. er-InZhlet, $1 25 TIOIPIONEIER BOY, mid how he became Pres idezit, $l-25 THE MET BOY, .and the Finautoter, THE PRINTER BOY, or hour Ben. Franklin made his mark, " • • BIL 25 THE FARMER BOY, and how he hemmer' Lleuten aid. General. In pros!. A TOOTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from. Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly illeatrated. At . BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. JUST RECEIVED,- A FRESH ' 11 /:'FOI ° N a dE OF MIORENER Co.'s CELBRATED • SUGAR CURED HAMS AND "BEEF, SMILER it FRAM'S r=i3 TTNRP7ALLED OHAFALER FIJENrrURE vv . : POLLEE! does act affect the varnish, but. restores :the does not discolor. It will restore, trlt,h.yery Mlle labor ,every finished arirface, eithsr metal or who& All manuficturers - sad' deali3rs br.noirnlture . Shcrald nee itlor furnitdre that'ldis beet stand ing; coverediwith dust.. A touch and:rah lussuand there". tr l ganieb 3i , Pl Autke 3 Wight, and fresh. For eb i a 4 a . "lonick, -- 113,Mtiego ) mat ...A t,,... - ~. . NEW ''.kIIOvuRTISIDANNT& PROCLAMATION. 01HE citizens of the city. of Harrriebtlig are 1 hereby notified that. the ordinance, entitled. "an or dinance to prevent mischief from dogs," passed February 6, 1861, will be strictly:enforced. Attention is eveciallk directed to sections 4th,'sth and:6th, to wit: • Sac. 4. That every dog going at Large within the limits of the said city, from the twentieth day of .May until the twentieth day of ! September,.in each and everi year, shall have securely put on a good. strong, substantial and safe wire basket muzzle, inclomug ;the .whole mouth of said dog, so as effectually to prevent-him frombiting and Sao. & That any ; aitd every person owning' a'dog and permitting it to run at Mtge Without complying With the fourth section of this erdinance • ski/W . IM liable tio a fine of not leer than one dollar, no ri", Ore awl two..d9liars, with costs, at the discretion. oflthe Mayor; . an d in the event. of the said Constable not' being able to 'find the owner of the dog so . fifttning at.huge,i he, or some pasha employed by him, shall mire atdd:bury . sold nog, for which servierviaa .-or the .person ,perfoniiing tho.ser mice shall receive the.agm,of one dollar, to be'pzi4d'Ont of; the city treasurY. Sic. 6. That every ddkrolng at large Within: Um Minns of skid city, shall hare around it* neek,.aralk times, a collar of metal or a collar of leather with a metal plats, on which metal collar orplate shall be inscribed the name of the &inter at suclvity, and any and everrperson own ing a dol. and it to ran afiarge, without com plying with the requisitio_ns of this section, shall be liable to a tine - of one dollar folrevery offence; and further, it 12 hereby made , the`dinner the Police Constable or a person employed byltitn,l , to take up • every dog se tun fling at large in ttiolation of this section, and unless the said fine is paid by . the Owner thereof, on demand, the acid oillser is , .herebyarithorized and required to kill. the dogor cause it - MU' killed and buried; for which Sertices • he shall be allowed one dollar out of the city treasury. Jys • A. . L ROUMFORT, Mayor. YETBRAIS -TO THE F10E 1 1 1 1.460. BOUNTY. TTHEPhi's&'Obis "Citi2eias' Volunteer Substitute Committee" is engaged in ..recruiting veterans and aliens not liable to draft. Veterans oati nbw enlist under theism:sit advantageous conditions and, while assisting "their country at this crisis, can seem ample provision for their families during their absence. By applying to :this osoinuilttee r they will be muktorod into the service as substitutes,: They can select any Pennsylvania regiment, and will receive on the - cTay of muster. Six hundred and'Ofty dollars in cash, • without, any ileduction for commission or brokerage, ise . sides the Malty' offered' by the Government. Veterans! the country looks to you to uphold her flag against the advancing armies of rebellion. Daniel Steinmetz; Ottair'lo:john:ThemPlom, J. G. Rosengarten,.Tres4eg, r Clement It Penrose,' • J. J. Clark Hare, • - ifetiry C. Lee, Office of the Committee, No. 422, Walnut street, Phil's ,19 144 . 2 X .• • INSUR - ANCECOMP*OF NORTH AMERICA; No 239 Within* Strict, South Side, least al , :Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF. Assmrs: .......... Amos 60 MCOPRORATED .CAPITA` ...., • ' • $500,K10 CHARTINIIPSRPSTVAL. Marine, liire and Inbnid Transportation In CHARLES ELAw rotary. cow, WILLIAM BUEHisEIt !oaten' Agent-for Pennsylvania. Skip Walnut St, near Second , Hari.',thug, Pa, pi • - 9m • ' 'Stearn Weekly to'JAVerpgol: "" . . . ITIOUCHING afQtrEEINSTOION, (Cork Har i. bor.) The well known Steaming of the Liverpool, ' Near York and Philadelphia Steamship', Coinpanio, are in tended to ead airfollowg: City of Baltittiore, liatarday,.Joly 16; Etoa, Saturday, July 28;" Edinburgh, Saturday; July 30, and every sue, t•etiing-RaturtlaYi at Nheiii from. Pier 44, North River. ••..t RATES OF PASSAGE, - rAyAins nr GOLD, or. l'l eqcrrenerne m CUE CT. e l FIRST GAM $5O 00 STEERAGE §0 00 do to London .•55 00 de to London...—. $ 34 00 do to Paris . .". .. ... 98 it do to Paris .- 40 00 do to Hamburg— .90 00 sier to Hamburg.-A. '37 00 , Amager@ also forward to, .Havre, Bremen, Rotter darts,;Antererp, &c., at equally low rates -Fares tram Liyerpool or itiesinstown: lot Cabin, $75, $854: $105... Steerage, $55. :Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here.dt these ratan. •• For fustier infnrmationnpplY at the Company's Mika JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 'Broadway, N. Y, or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harristing. rt2341.1y Mattrameik orb': PALM LEAF HAIR TOP MATTEASSES. Plain Leaf Cotton Top liattraasea lON* Stollt`44taptes: 'Patent gpring Slat Bode. • • Feather Pillows and Holster! Cotton Comforts and Spreads. Willow -Work Stands. • . • • Carpet camp swirs. . • : ". Door Rosa, carpet Haseack.s. Nature, &c. & .. , Iron Bed-ateds, latest N. R."Sofai, Loungei . Push: frames repaired .. Hair. ailitu.s onec!elbaus andldact.,` order. - - l * Market stree Pnin:/ i atrromeo Undo to jelBdim Market —-= %, lATX4b4rg., Pa. . Millinery and raneyilloods. MTS. ..111:BBS, at No: 8 Market s,' next door to FelixteConferitionery keepsoonAue. • t ly on head the hitest dyke of. Bonnets, Hata, Ruches,. Flowers, Ribbons, ha, together with a Einsassortment or Drams Trimming, lAim, EipbT r oiderioil, Caws, Cuffs; Handkereliela, Hosiery, Glover and 'Variety Goode in All the Wert Denim ef. Wass Patterns pea from the New York Bass= Dress Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for themtronage bestowed since her opening, she 'trusts; •by 'trice 'attention tb ; business and her endeavors to give gensitileatisfactnm, to continue to receive a shine of the public patronage , jyi dam A G-0013 "CMAIN . CI . rrtEE-stibscriber wishing tki,iotiie - Trom noes. lila sell orit hte entire steck, 'consulting or Dry Gribas„Ricate,Shbes;•Griioeries,•Hoidery; &to, all well Idotted and deatr ablo for present .trade-,-BOUGHT BURR THE ADVANOX, ; , , • •• - - ,Also, will sell Of ,„Honse On easy tir*, To an enterprising noel or arm thle is a good opportunity to go, into businesk„ It ; pleasant locaillon— good :bllslnees' doing now and could be easily increased. • ; —JOHN BROCA', iY r , Ridge R,oan, - IaIiIIikDRIARLTOLLIAGLITE MUM -FOR -.YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch Mawr. Rev.OILIRLES - A:sigra, D. D., E. ELARENCE AMITE; A; •If PrlnCiPilk - ' Ninth. Teal, Thinealapirtmentm , .Frimary,..Acadenuc; and Collegiate. Full college : wise • in. Clutuns, Mathe matics; higher English And Hanna' Solabejak those who graduate. ModeruLmiganges; Music, hinting and -Elocution by the. titatp lmultiit , 'lvo °Oradea:apply as the Institute, or addraillClE4llll. P. FhileatelPtdir . 2 • • ip20.610 $1 26 WtIMMtiG, •:INVITATION V AT 101.11gMDS. - , —By a speChd smut/emelt with one of the beat enema! ilk .the henatfY, cads .4 qty . desqlptiod will be wonted, in, the highest style . Of donforntablirWri. th • the Latent rabbi_ ~or • ant supplied Proniptly, - atiover Medi are.elarged bY the Otatiqnt eke in New ',rotor For.santplee and prime .adl at a 1100.1 f.. STORit _• .• . monads[ B ASKETS, BASKETS, in great variety at AC• - Succese9ra to W. Pock, Jr., & . . LEA & PEWEE'S WORCESTER SAUCES, the moat popular and thepureat, ever aimed to the Public, just received and for sale by, - MMER & FRAZER, yucceic!ors to Wm. Dock, jr, & Co. 4 E.ByTiOlOtit64-- - 4 4 ilaigii?eeftongues, cured by J./1.• Thohoner & Co., and for sale by SEMLER & 1011 - afictessors to yr. Dock. r.z, A NEW invoice of VitCbCparlt celebrated Jap. Hama Just reciant tlasnicalawit ' - - • ' Eariamar. & Flt ER, Je29 • fteeoiam,to W. DOCIE, Jr:, & Co. i,A r ine rot o r-carbrED. *wit Absic trilinMOA -10.0a0Vreediveil b3r ' 6; idestonsibli* 'E _ PRICE TWO CENTS. r,y.011,;. - 1D.111,4tt ve 5,C 1 i 4431 fOr Peqi.t.utet"lati, an C -1 ' diiiii. iiir Detteitstd.Pfeilltsyb • ritilia 130.diitra: ;dud Staillikrs- t . - • - .... _: i The following is the :plan submitted to ^(h*. Curtin, by. lion.. Thomas; 4..Burrowes, .for the education of...deaf:ante orphan children of deceased Pennsylvania• soldiers. and sailors:: L Of _ the persons. 0 . 11 1g 18 4.: 1 . 0 -the , ! )4 9 t fit 1) 1* These gill be; "children of 'either Set. tindi.r the ago of fifteen,• resident is PeanitYlvania at the:time of the applicatiOn, .antil.tlePentlelft .upon either, public or private charity tor ~su - port, or on the exertions of a mother or other peizion•lestitate of means to afforit firinzer education and maintenance-of Mantra t who. have:been killed, or died of Rounds received, or of disease contracted in the service of - the. UnitSd States, whether in volunteer or • mili tia regiinents of this State, or in. the. regt4r Army or Naval service of the.. United , States, but who were at -theo-time of entering such service, actin'. bona tide -re Mesta of Penh- IL Of, admission le the benfAs of the 44 This will be by application . by the mOth4r, ff living,'Or if not by the gtiardian or next friend, in the forts prescribed by the Superin tendent of orphans,' setting. forth the zunde, age, place of nativity and present residenbe of the . child, with the extent - of 6131:Ration, the name of the father and of - his regiment or vessel, his rank and the manner and . time of his death—accompanied by anaffidayit to, the facts set forth—tO be presented; to the Common Sihool Directors of the district in which the orphan resides, .for approval or disapproval according to.the facts of the case, and, if disapproved, to be returnedwith m i p a statement of , the reasons therefor, but if - provedlb be So certified by the President and Secretazy and transmitted to the Superintend ing Committee of the proper coanty, , by whom it shall be transmitted. to the SuPerta tendent of Orphans, with s uch suggestions'. and remarks as shall'enable him to make the proper dielksition of thevase; and wlien,tp proi,ed by him; an.order to be issued Whim. for admission to such school as he ahallat signate: Orphans under six years or itge to e placed in such nearest institution for them re juvenile class as Wily be proper for and 1.1 admit them - on'terras to be arranged by the SuperizitendAnWand those alzove that age-to be sent to the more advanced schools here after described--but in both cases regard to be had, As'far as possible, to the religious de nomination or faith of their parents. ''-' 1 .I_ll. Of the • kind cf Education rand Afaizec nance: , .. . - 3 / 4 The .Orphans . will be clad in a neat plain uniform dress, according to sex, and supplied with conifortable lodgings, a sufficiency lof wholesorae food, find proper attendance when sick—they will be ,physically developed—the boys by military drill or_Egramialo .training according to age, and the girls by ealeatheale and,other t s lON qxerdiM—they_ytelltie, ha bituated:AO,' , and the use WWI! wane at sohtiol by the 9atiOtif; household -and. do meatic pursuits and mechanical and horticul tural employments, suitablesto the respective sexes—they.will receive a,,full course of,. intel lectual culture in the ordinary branches of a useful English education—having espedial reference to fandamentalprinciples and. 6- deal retiults—and'they willbe carefully ' • ed ti lt in moral and religious principles—the tette as nearly approached'as may be to the Atiokyn denominational preference of the parents.t. IV. Of the schools to be employed unfler!the Acti " ',' ' --: : , For the orphans-under sin rears of age suit able institutions, in any part of the:lb:tate, that will receive them on _proper terms and afford them fitting training, and maintenarfce, will be employed, and they will be plabed therein till arrival-At the age of six years, For the'OtPliank ifier arc years of age; &Le . school will be selected when practicable in 'each of the twelve Normal School Districth, of sufficient capacity to accommodate all the orphans of that age in the proper district, and having the neoeasary appliance. to; mpart the physical, industrial, intellectual and m 4 ral training,, necessary to render them intelli nt citizens and useful members of society ; at if 'one such 'institution cannot be secured in each district, 'i‘siiffieierit number Of a Smaller class will be acCepteilHptiferrirfg'sueh as will admit the largest number of Orphans and af ford the best undnietiakand accommodations —thee compensation m each case to be such AS sitillltave been 'previetisly agreed onbe tWeen 'the Institution anti the Superintendent, having referenele as well!tea Seasonable econ omy as to a just remuneration for the services rendered; and to- be paid . auarterly on 'the. rendition dr filtalid' sufficient accounts And youshese—'elothing; books medicatatbind- Brice to be supplied. by the State orthe.sevbial institutions Be the' Superintendent shall t de cide; and g 4 O'OfirrithtS for:lW education and . maintenance 'cif - OrPhairs to , f4rs):litioAelfor such causes and after such notice awsliall'be there iignecified. ''- ~ . z.) „cc.% •-,,.. ..,_ _ ''•V. Of the eontiorq the Ihpheehe in the ith6dts. , ' The details of Education and Miditteruiriee will be in the hartarfir - the - Principal of each BON:ft:subject to,thwregWations adopted by th - e'ShperlittendifigVelfnitteert'ffach school will keep a record-ef all applications for ap-- prentices or emplopps fronit, amongst its" Or phen. piipils ; - bUt lecie"sliall` be 'bound _or otherwise pal OurtOlaagemployment, without his or her own ipplication and that of the &Arent, guardian or next friend, and the con credence of 'the - Stiperintenffing Cornmitteeof the proper county:- All contracts of approx., ticeship or for employment to be, as snob as legal *ill pe-obtained.therefori he twyeß, Superintendents and Master 'or Item pinriva, an d taro a seservatiOn..of iroyes to annul the .con§ler in case qt - fia*.ilti: the. part of the piaster or eniPleyer"*:folfdall the stipulations. kid the Superintend 'will keep, a record.of.P49,PaPN master, term and residence of each apprentice Or employee thus sent from schools., - • VL fhebrig Imo cif command under the Act : • _ , _. This is bellefed. CO be sufficient to Com nienee this trtnrine, jiat.andiefitricotiennder- - taking, hut the plari ildtv-receamunided can not be kept long enough lit operation *lmo duce any runiful,.results, unless sufficient rid diOna he made to it' by the ptiblic. authori ties or private. liberality; or''brfigeneies similar to that wbielv trade the` ttatJ , liberal d'ona'tion. - '' It' iii hoped that thisWellbe -done,. and that the undertaking will be continued, tri f t till all Oilr:degtitisWSoldierri' Orphans ha 2 be phie‘lf'f&il oontifilinktiiiiieet the ' of lifeoorratrequaL foOting with the childr wet thgserg9F;lTti • their, fq,/,:iers .40 4 / 1 , r. ..-. . - Alt ofko.MPO4RlPifffq ..r.-- . 0ucer......... .anon' Marriage Notices Auditor's Notice!. 160 Funeral Notioeseachinsertion..,.. . ....... 5 0 A-Business notions inserted-1i tke lead Cbitries, or before Marriages and . Death; Munn OnNra nor an for each insertim RIM will be se N9ll by the Axiclitor,,General, in the nEnal teatitieri ts-k • • VII. Of the"Adm,ioistration of the Trust wt der the Act: The School Dir64Clo IMAM tO. be the piper board first to receive and scrutinize the ap plication for admission; representing as they do every part of the district; one :niemlitoi at least, will be cognizant of the facts of each case,' and their action can tags pkite aLieir regular meetings without anradditional labor to themselves 'and . to:the great convenience of the applicants. , The Superintending" 6itrallittea'of' each county will consist of 3;:5; or 7, according to circumstances be composed of both sexes, arid . will be appointed, with the appratat of .the Governor. It willreceive the applicatipn, and transmit it with such remarks and expla nations isefed, fir the-Superintend ent, and will also period_ically visit thaschool in its county or district containing Soldiers' Grphans' and make report-of its Atkindition and of such matters As. may po RFn9tive of their welfare_._.... The Superintendent .will perform ,theAuties in this plan specified r - as well as such others as its full and successful operation shall ren der necessary and proper EsPecially he will visit the schools in which the Orphinii - are placed; as often as consistentwith ..bis wither duties.- ' and, as the business of the • trftstwill, except, that of visitation, be mainly trans-act ed by written"correspondence, rio'nfildefiCed, for the present at least, be establitliiitt at 'Har risburg. All communications will :Itherefore be addressed to him at Lancaster.. ; _ „. THO. H. BUTtHOWtg'; Supt. - ejorAht4. LANCASTER, PA., &me 29,;•1864::=r.1•;.-a.= NOTlCE.—Schools of the higher, class...find institutions for the more juvemle'p l tiOili, in any part of the State, desirious- of accepting Orphans for education and maintenance under the foregoing _act and plan ot . proceeding under it, will please at once make that fact known to the SuPerintendentstithig the number each can admit, the time when they can be received, and the compensation ..per pupil per annum demanded ; with such other particulars as the planomill auggeg... A form of khe application for. admission and other. instructions, and such •Stitieiiiitduding Othninittee as shall then be appointid, be published in the August number: of this - - Prof. James Thompson, fonwly of.pitts burg, a gentleman well qualified forl.b.e Work, has been selected to act as clerk and assist in this noble undertaking—which . will require much effort at the commencement. - . 33t) Cr.derentop4. liarvaid College Ctiromerice anent:• - .• • Horsoxi(duly,2o. At . the Harvard College coramenOsple*, to day, the degree of Doctor of Lairs , was Mass. on Reuben Atwater Chapman; of Mass.; Wm. Pitt Fessenden, of Maine; CharleaVran cis Adams, of Mass.; Edwaid-Laboulaye, of Frarioe. The following received, the. degme of Mas ter of Arts: Wm. Phillips, Tilden of Boston; Frederick L. Olmstead, of Califikia4 troteph A. Page, of Boston; Hall T. Bigelow; of Cumberland; William Hunt, of E. 400131!, , and George N. Eaton, of Baltimore., ..A.lnortgst the graduates who received" ilie ' degree of Bachelor of Arts uts Robert . IrodauTAAJoln, son of President Lincobi. Edward,' Eyerett was selected to deliver .a course.ofjocAgres on international affairs during the enSuang aca demical year at Cie, law' .Vdhool. - Eferett made a very earnest and elocithit address in honor of the late Josiah Quincy; resolutions regarding whom were iinarliynously adopted. Markets by TelegraViii. "r • PIMADELPHIA, JuIyr EO. The breadstuff utarket. is , quiet , I?ut tirni• The sales to-day - reach only a few hundred bbis, chiefly for home consuniptiCin, at' $8 for con demned; $9 50 for superfnie; 75a10 50 for extras; $llOl2 for-common afid:; choice extra family. Rye flour and . corn Raid are scarce and no transactions in either have beeu reported. Wheat comes foiWardriather more freely, and prices are unsettled; about- 1500 bushels common to prime red sold at i s,2 63 ®2 65, and 1000 bushels bandsomeneyf,south ren at $2 70; nothing doing . in - Rye is' scarce; if here would brit g41,1.T0® , 1 75. There is but little' corn here; abort k 2,500 bushels yellow were ~solff fressr at $1 70. Oats are steady; sales ofV", 0 bush els Penna. at 92C; 'and' 1600 - - barley malt sold at $2. The provision inarkbtis in active, but prices generally are:nnohanged. The. slack of qrkercitiom bark is light and. first No. 1 is worth $5O per ton.. Whiilor is fir mer, small Sales of Penna. bbls. - at - sl7s;thds. at same figUre;' western is held-higher; In petroleum butlittle doing. -- •• - • - • • '-• Yank, July 20. --Flour is quiet ; sides of 9,000 bbisoif $lO 80 osll..for State, $11411: rifar 7... •.* and $l2 75®13 25 for Sputhcp, i • ot,, dull; Sides of .1;000 bus. "rit'iibltTriat •ditions. 'Corn. bas advanced UAW - *bite; .4Mb , of 3,- 050 bus. at $l. 60®1 6241.1;...8eef qukk,.. :Rork firm at. $4103559.4.44 nyA4a..• - -:3 , 49.1d; steady at q is uo 194®tedc. .7i,VAtsky fi4t :75M6f. - Gold tit 26n: • . New York . tiFtoksk _ - NEW YQ 3 4 l gO-1.4E. 2 CL Stocks dull; Chicago ; and 11pck-I4nd, 108; Iltinois • CentralLl:2 l 3l; NriChigiin - SOUtr6rh 82; Heading; 131; CatitOn - Contratny,-'33feßichi gan. Central, 132; - Ohioago and:No*Noilstern, 434; Cumberland Pr.eferredi t IQe ; York Central, 133; Hudson Kiver, i4,-tii ) tt , .108 i; CleVeland and Pittsbtirg, 106 i; ; 160; One Year Certificates, - 92i; .5120 edifpionis, 104; do. registered 103; Coupon 641402,*iAregis lewd, 1024. • :.ft tear: "M af - • • Pwsrairomicssa;auly.2o. Stooks dull ;.Perolszlitsnia Cs - , 3 101,t; Head ing railroad 661; Moms ,eanal.,Bs; •.tiOriglsland 46; PrinnaYlirtnia - rafirciad 731. eiFOkfuito on New York Dar. - - A—P. TEUPSERi „c T - E - Ak:P HT' C • •CIMW I RaMence: Thwitreet;:etwti4licittic , I, 'OTS for Jozi el) d and • Bra-strata linteliiWilriAClANdr EN. " WNW, , ,„ 1,0 _• Lia lIMEEEM Ivergaing intkeitycrx. ,d 9 Wt I,oml , f Efgbi Os to ma aquAss...... , 60 ---- T. - 1 00 1 26 reek 2 26 north ....i t ,. 600 m 900 11 00 .n.M4iff - 0 Year..:1%,;:.4 - 45 0 1.2 26 T. Et,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers