pail g Ettrgrapt HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1864 NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, Abraham Lincoln, OF ILLINOIS. FOR NICE PRESIDENT. Andrew Johnson, OF TENNESSEE. Dont Forget to be Assessed Friday next, July 22d, will be last day for assessment to entitle a citizen to vote at the ensuing election on the 2nd day - of August. It is important that every vote be polled for the three amendments to be endorsed at that election, and we therefore earnestly hope that our friends will see that no ballot is lost by the negleot of the voters to be assessed THE SITUATION. We continue to receive information con cerning the flying rebels who raided with such dire havoc in Maryland and , on the borders of Pennsylvania ten days ago. Heavily la den with plunder the rebels are straggling to reach their entrenchments at Petersburg, to afford relief to the armies that are now suf fering for want of food behind the mud banks defending that city. On Monday last a party of these raiders were overtaken at Snicker's Gap by General Crook. He at once fell upon their wagon trains, scattering their escort in all directions, but these being quickly rallied re turned to the assault with all the fury of men defending immense treasure. General Crook fought gallantly for almost an hour, defeating the rebels, taking many prisoners and cap turing over three hundred wagons, all of which are reported to have been heavily la den with grain and such' other plunder as the rebels for ed from the people of Mary land. So thoroughly were the rebels defeated that they could not carry their rounded from the field or bury their dead. These were left for burial and care by our troops. The Education of Soidles , Orphans In appointing Thomas H. Burrowes, late Superintendent of Common Schools of Penn sylvania, a commissioner to prepare a plan and superintend the expenditure of the money devoted by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, for the education of the orphan children of soldiers, Gov. Curtin has acted wisely and judiciously, as no mrtn in the State is bet ter fitted by experience and sound practical ability, for the position assigned him, than the appointee. In accepting the appoint ment, Mr. Burrowes submitted a plan to the Governor, for carrying into effect the objects of the donation, which has been approved and accepted. We have heretofore alluded to the manner in which this money is to be applied to the education of the orphans of our heroes, but as Mr. Burrowes has prepared a plan by which the disbursement will . be sys tematically managed, we deem it important that our readers should be fully advised of the same. As soon as we find room for this plan, it shall appear in the Trszon.tru. It is a document of great interest to the widows and the orphans of Pennsylvania's gallant dead, and hence it has claims on our columns which we do not feel like postponing too long. . Important to Election Officers. Some doubt and dispute having arisen as to the officers qualified to hold the approach ing special election on the constitutional amendments, we have been at some pains to consult the proper authorities and arrive at a true decision on the subject. By a reference to Purdon's Digest, pages 370 and 371, and the foot notes thereto, it will be seen that election officers are annual officers and that the new board, namely those elected last spring, must hold the special election in August next.. Any election officer, according to the opinion of some of our best lawyers.Ecan apply to 'be sworn in the day after the election naming him as such officer. The election officers chosen last spring may be all sworn prior to, or on the second day of August, and thus be come qualified to hold the special elections at that time. The Public Debt. According to official statement for the week ending July 12, just published, the total public debt on that thy was $1,795,033,569 34 against $1,792,867,040 51 on the sth inst. The outstanding amounts, with the interest due respectively thereon, are given below:— Debt bearing interest in coin, $864,109,819 62; interest, $52,113,31167. Debt bearing inter est in lawful money, $400,330, 010 21; inter est, $21.639 192 81. Debt on which interest has ceased, $370,170 09. Debt bearing no inter eat, $530,223,569 37. Total, $1,795,033,569 84; interest, $73,752,554 48. Election in Tennessee. Gov. Johnson has issued a proclamation or dering an election in Tennessee for the pur pose of bringing that State within the pro vision of the United States Constitution, which guarantees to each State a Republican form of Government. He has fixed the time some months ahead, for the election is to be held on the first Saturday of next March. A complete precinct, county and State organi sation is to be effected, and the Governo; proclaims that the enemies of the Union will not be permitted to vete or to hold office. The 'Union State Central Committee. ROOMS have been seemed in Philadelph'a, as a hPailquarters for the Union sta'e Cent-al oat naLttee, when tic thereof and tin_ m-rnbara of the Exe , Committee, will hereafter he found for the t ansaction of the business allotted to that body. All letters fo the chairman of the committee, or such as relate exclusively to bushiness connected with the duties of the oommittee, showd be addressed to Philodslphis. Recruiting in Revolted Stater. We alluded to the fact, yesterday, that Gov. Curtin was prepared to appoint the agents provided for in the act of Congress, for the purpose of recruiting, to fill quotas of locali ties in the North, from the *people in the re volted States. At first glance, the importance of this notice may not have been fully under stood, but when it is known that the object designed is to afford the people in districts subject to the draft, an opportunity to fill their quotas, etc., the necessity of securing a reliable agent to perform such work, will at once be seen. We quote the act of Congress on this subject: SEC. 12. And be it further enacted; That it shall be lawful for the Executioe of any of the States to send recruiting agents into any of the States declared in rebellion, except the States of Arkansas, Tennessee and Louisiana, to recruit volunteers under any call under the provisions of this act, who shall be credited to the State and to the respective subdivions thereof, which may procure the enlistment. Remarking on this section, the Pittsburg Gazette says that it will be observed that it shall be lawful only for the executive of any of ' the States to send recruiting agents into the rebel States. That is to say, no agents can I enlist volunteers for any of the States unless appointed by the Governor thereof. But, the words of the clause quoted do not prohibit the appointment, by the Governor of any given State, of agents for any portion of that State. We infer, therefore, that, if the citi zen sof any enrolling district or sub-district should request the Governor of the State in which that district or sub-district is located to appoint an agent to recruit exclusively for it, and at the exclusive expense of those citizens, there is nothing in the law to prevent him from acceding to their request. Indeed, in our own State we presume that this is the only policy that can be adopted, for the Governor is not authorized to pay bounties for volun teers to be credited to the State at large, and to wait for the authority to be granted by the Legislature which is to meet on the 23d of August would be to wait until the days of grace have passed. —We announced in the TELEGELPIL yester day, that Gov. Curtin was ready to appoint such agents, and we now urge it upon the at tention of the people of Harrisburg, to take the necessary steps for the appointnient of a person in every way qualified for the work . To those sulAistricts which have raised. or propose to raise bounty funds. the appoint ment of a reliable agent is of the highest im portance. We commend this subject to the attention of those sub-districts which have raised, or which propose to raise bounty funds. Every man recruited in a rebel State is a man saved at home. And the sooner Pennsylvania agents are put in the field, the b-tter. Agents of some of the Eastern States are already on their way west and south. Let Harrisburg not be behind her sister cities in the facilities afforded by the law for the filling up of her quota in the coming draft for five hundred thousand additional troops. 330 Teregrapt). From Memphis. OUR FORCES AFTER FORREST. They Fight Him at Tupelo. Overwhelming Defeat of Forrest. HE IS WOUNDED. Gens, S. If, Lee and Walker, also Whipped, -.•.- REBEL LOSS TWENTY-FIV MIRED. OUR LOSS LESS THAN THRE rtNDRED, AFFAIRS AT MEMPHIS. MEmpats, July D. I am indebted to one of Gen. Washburne's staff for the following: On the sth inst., Gen. Washburn sent out a force of infantry, cavalry and artillery from Lagrange, under Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith and Brig. Gens. Mower and Grierson, with in struction to move in pursuit of Gen. For rest and bring him to bay, fight and whip him. He was ordered to pursue him to Co lumbus, Miss., if he did not overtake him this side. A dispatch from General Smith to General Washburn, received to-day, says we have met 8. D. Lee, Forrest and Walker, at Tupelo, and whipped them badly.on three different days. Our loss is small compared with that of the rebels. I bring back everything in good order, and nothing was lost. A scout, since arrived at Lagrange, reports the enemy's loss at 2,500, and that their de feat was overwhelming. • It is also stated that the rebel Gen. Faulk ner and Col, Forrest were wounded. Gen. Forrest was wounded in the foot, and his horse equipments captured. From other sources I learn that Smith met Forrest near Pontotoc, ou Wednesday, the 13th, and fought him on that di , and also on Thursday and Friday, driving him below Tu pelo, whipping him badly in five different battles. Our loss is said to be less than 300, while that of the enemy was over 2,000. Col. Wilkins, of the 9th Minnesota, who commanded a brigade, was killed. The weather here continues very warm. The steamer Mopham leaves for White river to-night, laden to the guards. The steamer Pauline Carroll is reported hard aground below. The steamer Belle of Memphis takes one hundred and six bales of cotton for St. Louis. Good middling cotton is quoted at 146. Burning of a Government TranspOrt Retaliation for the Murder of ruin Men. LoMMILE, July 19 The steamer St. Louis, hence to Nashville, laden with government stores, was burned ye-terday by guerrillas at Sailor's Rest, on he Cumberland. Your rebel prisoners have been selected from our military prisons, to be sent to 'Mitchell's 11111 awl! Clarksville, to •be ithot, in retaliation for the murder of two Union men tit nen en. FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Quiet Prevailing Along the Lines. DESERTION FROM THE REBEL RANKS. The Rebels Short of Provisions. WASHINGTON, July 20 Information received from the headqua r - ters of the Army of the Potomac, dated July 19th, states that the usual quiet still prevails along the lines, and were it not for the sound of an occasional gun and some picket firing at a few points, one would suppose that no en emy was within miles of us. A sergeant and his squad came in this morning, and all report that thousands are ready to leave as fast as they find an opportu nity The deserters come principally from Georgia, Florida and Alabama regiments, and an officer of a regiment from the former State is said to have gone to his superior a day or two• since and reported that if his company was not soon relieved he would have none to relieve, as they would have all gone over to the enemy. Burnside's men make the most of the— the enemy taking every opportunity to fire at the colored troops that occupy a portion of his front, and of course the fire is returned with interest, but without much dainage on either side. No deserters come in at this part of this lines, as they say they have no chance to get through without running the risk of being shot—the negroes being so constantly on the alert, but they are coming in at other points daily in squads. They state that they are very short of pro visions, particularly vegetables, and seem glad enough when they get into our lines, strict orders being given that they shall not hold in tercourse with our men on the picket, or ex change papers; and one fellow the other day, who came boldly over and brought a paper with him, was caught and made to eland and wave the paper back and forth for an hour as a punishment. An attack from the enemy has been expected for the past two days. Last night, from what the deserters reported, it was looked for as certain, but no demon stration was made. It has looked like rain all the afternoon, but none has fallen yet and the dust oontin ues,to envelope everything. ATLANTA NOT CAPTURED. Its Evacuation by the Enemy Going on. SHERMAN MOVES OUT TO ATTACK JOHNSTON. The Capture of Atlanta flour!) Expected. REBEL COMMUNICATION DESTROYED NEW Your, July 19. A spacial dispatch from Nashville says the report about Atlanta being occupied by our troops is without foundation. All kinds of rumors are afloat regarding the evacuation of Atlanta. Reports say that dur ing the delay of Gen. Sherman at the river, the enemy has been enabled to get away his valuables, but in opposition to this it is well known that they had been sent weeks ago to Augusta. The evacuation of Atlanta really began several weeks ago. Aneral tilterman yesterday moved out of his works on the south side of the Chatthoo die to attack Johnston's forces if found in front of them, or to occupy the city in the l et event of a r eat. Nothing 1 r than the information that he had moved 'll` ' been reetived here, but we hope to-mogr ow fo announce his occupation of Atlanfh. It is believed here that during the halt at Chattahoochie, Gen. Sherman completely de stroyed all the rebel communications between Atlanta and Richmond, and between Atlanta and Montgomery. Wesumurox, July 20. The latest official information from (kn. Sherman, is that his army crossed the Chatta hoochie at several different placesinorth of the railroad bridge. The movement was accomplished with such celerity as to take the enemy by surprise, and, therefore, the resistance to his advance was feeble on the part of the rebel cavalry. Our cavalry was at once sent to operate on the railroad of Decatur, one of the objects being to cat off the communication between Atlanta and Augusta, thus preventing the re moval of stores to the latter place, and John ston from being reinforced. Our main army was within 10 or 12 miles of Atlanta, and all its operations were progressing in [the high .eat degree favorably. Curcrffum, July 20. The Commercial this morning has advises from Gen. Sherman's army to the 16th inst. Itl'early the whole force had crossed the river and occupied strong positions on the south Side. A portion of our troops had advanced two miles towards Atlanta, bat encountered nothing but small bodies of cavalry. Gen. Braxton Bragg had arrived at Atlanta, and would, it was supposed, exercise a per-' sonal supervision over the movements of the rebel army. AFFAIRS IN MISSOURI. Guerrilla% Troublesome, FIT. Jomum, Mo., July 19 It appears that Vol. Ford left two bands of guerrillas, numbering nearly 700, in his rear, who are committing all manner of depreda tions in the southern part of this county. A large scouting party was sent from here this morning, but has not been heard from. Every train from Preston brings a large number of refugees from Platte, Clay and Ray counties. Many of them stop here, while others go eastward. Guerney & Co., of this city, have just re ceived 65 pounds of gold dust from Virginia city. Terrible ACcident in Philadel phia. PamsuifLmm, July 20 A terrible accident occurred at the Blockley Almshouse this morning, caused by the walls of the Female Lunatic Asylum being under mined by workmen. It is reported that thirty to forty of the in mates were killed or wounded. Five bodies have been taken out. SECOND DISPATCH PHILADELPHIA, July 20.—The latest retie ble accounts of the accident at Blookley Alms House, say that 18 insane women were killed and 20 wounded. Mere were 229 inmates of the asylum. The accident occurred at quar ter of six o'clock this morning. -The building was supported by two immense arches, which gave way. The sitting room was-filled, with children. Sixteen bodies We been already taktui anti . Army of the Potomac. TEE WORE ON TEE FORTErICLT/ONS-NEW REBEL BATTERIES. [Correspondence of the Washington Chronicle.] HEADQL - ARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, NEAR PETERSBURG, July 16. The heat has somewhat abated. Dearth of news continues. lam lingering here in ex pectation of a fight. Nothing else would de tain me in my enfeebled health. The labor bestowed upon our fortifications is enormous. Thousands of men are engaged in the manu facture of gabions, (wicker-worked baskets, to be filled with sand and placed in the embra sure of a redoubt,) which at night are placed in position. All this while the rebels are not idle. A new battery opened from their side yesterday P. N. Near Warren's headquarters is a battery of 325, christened by the. cannon iers "The Seven Sisters." One gun is distin guished from the rest by the peculiar, rushing sound of its shells, which resembles the puffs of a locomotive. This piece is dubbed the "Petersburg Express," for that reason, and because it devotes all attention to the afore named place. When the rebels unmasked their battery yesterday afternoon, the "Petersburg Ex press" sent a message in that direction, caus ing considerable commotion. One of their magazines was exploded, and, together with the terrible noise and smoke, must have dis abled many rebels. Everything is now quiet from that point. All along the line there is the usual amount of cannonading daily, and, I might add,nightly.., We are all much milled with the account of rebel depredations published in the news papers. Circumstances which you look upon as terrible enormities, are here committed every day. They have not treated you with anything like the severity they receive at our hands. AFFAIRS NEAR PETERSBURG WAsmairoxox, July 19.—A letter from near Petersburg, dated July 17th, says a majority of the people of Petersburg have gone to Richmond. The weather is cool, and more pleasant than usual. Mortar and cannon pude° is as sharp and intermittent in its character as ever. But few men are injured daily. Our hospitals are in (excellent condi tion. THE PANIC AT RICHMOND -REMOVAL OF REBEL PA:N:sqviwoll The New York Post says: "We understand from private sources that, in anticipation of the capture of Richmond by the Federal for ces under General Grant, the rebel authorities have caused all the archives of the Jeff Davis Government to be removed to Goldsboro, North Carolina." MISSOURI. ROOT Or GIIERRELIAB ST. JOSEPH, Mo., duly 19 Colonel Ford telegraphs to headquarters here that he has killed, in all, forty guerrillas, captured 200 stand of arms, much ammuni tion and many horses, and that his force is still pursuing the guerrilla force. THE OVEBBILLASIN MISSOVEL ST. Lours, July 19.—The Democrat's special St. Joseph dispatch says: The city and country are wild with rumors. It is reported that Colonel Ford attacked Thornton's guerrillas at Arnoldaville on Sun day. Fighting was kept up all day, but with what result is unknown. Another body of guerrillas, from three hun dred to six hundred strong, are encamped on Gordon's farm, Platte county. Official information states that two hundred of the Paw Paw militia, of Platte and Clay counties, had joined Thornton's guerillas. A collision occurred in Cluson county, but its extent is not known. Governor Hall has commissioned a copper head to command the militia of Andrews county, and trouble is anticipated. The people are constantly flocking into St. Joseph's from the surrounding counties, and many are leaving for other points. The grain is left unharvested, and much suffering is anticipated in many localities. The Maryland Convention and the Raid. REBEL SYMPATHIZERS TO INDEMNIFY FOB REBEL SFOLIATIONS .-THANES TO ISHMAEL DAY. Bevrmoumm, July 19, 1864 The State Constitutional Convention to day passed the following, by a vote of 33 nays to 17 noes : Ordered, That this Convention, represent ing the people of Maryland, hereby respect fully request the President of the United States and the commandants of military de partments in which Maryland is included, as an act of justice and propriety, to assess upon sympathizers with the rebellion, resident in this State, the total amount of all losses and spoliations sustained by loyal citizens of the United States resident in this State by reason of the recent rebel raid, to compensate loyal sufferers. The following was also adopted: Order.d, That the thanks of this Convention —representing, as it does, the people of Ma ryland—are hereby tendered to the old citizen and patriot of Baltimore county, Ishmael Day, for his heroic and gallant act in shooting down the traitor who dared to pull down the country's flag, which he had raised as an evi dence of his loyalty and patriotism, which act of daring heroism meets the approbation of the heart and conscience of every loyal citi zen of Maryland. North Carolina. i SUCCESSIVL r:LPEDITION WASHINGTON, July 19 The Navy Department has received dis patches from Admiral Lee, enclosing a com munication from Commander Macomb, of the United States steamer Shamrock, dated July 13, in which the latter reports that oh the 12th he sent Lieutenant Commander English with the Ceres and Whitehead to ascend the Scuppernong river, in co-operation with a de tachment of 80 men, under command of Lt. Col. Clarke, to burn the bridge at Columbia, to prevent the rebels from transporting sup plies to their army at Plymouth, North Caro lina. The expedition was entirely successful, effectually destroying the bridge and disabling a large grist mill. No opposition was encoun tered. Sinking of a Steamer. gANDT Hoox, July 20. The steamboat Nare, from New York to Santa Martha, was sunk in the gulf stream on the 15th, in a gale. Her crew left her in boats, one of which, containing 13 persons, was picked up by the surveying schooner. Batley, and was landed here to-day. The other boat, containing the captain, mate, clerk and nine sailors and two eoal passers, has not been heard from since the disaster. The Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Re. Opened. lisurrnosz, July 19. The repairs on the Baltimore and Ohio rain road will be rally completed on Thursday, when regular through passenger'and freight trabersill be renew& From Washington. IiVAZEINGTON, Jnly 20 The Secretary of the Treasury is having prepared, soon to be is§ued, 7:30 Treasury notes, running over three years, and converti ble at maturity into United States bonds, the interest being payable semi-annually. The notes are not to be used as a legal tender. The supply-ship Massachusetts will leave Philadelphia on Saturday with mails, & - c., for the South Atlantic squadron. Schooner on Fire. THE HIGHLANDS, N. Y., July 20. A large fore and aft schooner is on fire off here. A French war steamer has gone to her assistance. For Europe. NEW Your, July 20 The royal steamship Asia sailed this morn ing for Liverpool, via Halifax, with 13 passen gers for the latter and 65 passengers for the former place. Her specie list amounts to. $5,400 in specie. From Europe. Nsw Yoaz, Jay 20 The steamer Westminster, from Liverpool on the 7th, arrived here to-day. Her advises have been anticipated. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—An active, reliable BOY to at tend in the Hat and (hp store at 11.1 Market street. Must bring recommendations. j320-3t MIDWIFERY.—Mrs. Catharine Shaeffer, Broad street, between second and Third, offers her services as midwife to all who may desire It Notice left at her residence will be promptly attended to. jy2o-dr/t LOST, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, a black wallet containing a small amount of money and a pass on the Pennsylvania railroad, The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at Lawrence's saloon, on Market street.. Jy2041 FOR RENT, AROOM on Walnut saved, between Third and Fourth streets, suitable for an - offlce. Posses. eion given immediately. • Inquire on Walnut street, three doOrs below Dewberry • NOTICE. The Comnionwealdh of Penitryirania, Dauphin Count:Wm: TN the Orpfmna . Court of DariphiA- 90V, fir' 'theof May lath, 1864, on motion of Difloriflo&r :.e 'the court grant a rule on all the heLs andlegal repfesent-• Heftr4 . atives of John Earley, sea., litie oc;Eadir ship, Dauphin county, deceased, irk+ \XIM:'..4 - 4 Jacob Earley, Sarah, intermarried. with AtiMn o hazier, Eliza, intermarried with George Rh . , - ;:igtip ~ intermarried with Rudolph Miller, Jane ltite: s . Levi Hetrich, Amos Earley. Catharine, into , John Rhoads, Rebecca, intermarried with ker, Priseil'a, intermarried with ElijahAM' whom, except Catharine, who resided at lag . in Putnam 0011uty, 11110013, reside in the, co. _ Vett phin. There w&s also anoth. r Son named ThemaiN who removed to a place called Florid, in Putnam county, Illi nois, where he married, but bad nci children. ' From thence he went to California. leaving hts wife behind him, and whether he is dead Or alive is not known. He has not been beard from for ten years; and to all the heirs and legal r , presentat lves of sold deemed, You, and each of you, are hereby commandei to he and appear in our said court on Tuesday, the 30th day of August, A D 1884, then and there to accept or refuse to , talcs the real estate at the valuation, or show cause why the alms should not be sold according to law ; said real estate being a certain plantation or tract of land situate in East lian..ver town.hip, Dauphin county, adjoining lends of Jacob E. Miller, George Rhoads and others, and containing 160 acres and 86 •pe ches, strict measure. Also, another tract of timber land, adjoining lands of Thomas Boyer, Conrad Ney, Jacob Nay and Jacob Earley, containing 24 acres and 118 perches, strict measure, with the appurtenances. WM. W. JENNINGS, Sheriff Dauphin county, Pa. By the Court: Joss Mt:GLAND, Clerk 0. C. Sheriff's o ffi ce, Harrisburg, Juno 2, 1881. py2o-dltvr2t 1 NOTICE. - - - The Commonweaffh of Pennsylvania, Dauphin Courtly, $3. TI+I the Orphans' Court of said county, of May 10th, 1864, on motion of David Mumma, so., the court grant a rule on all the heirs and legal represent atives of Daniel Hain, late of Middle Paxton township, In said county, deceased, viz: Magdalene Hain, (sister of de ceased,) resides in Dauphin county; Samuel Crum, John Crum, Elizabeth Farling, wife of Jacob Farling, Polly Straw, wire of Samuel Straw, Sarah Crum, who resides in Wills county, Indiana, Catharine, intermarried with Jo seph Realer, Joseph Crum, who resides in Dauphin noup ty; the children of Daniel Crum, deceased, reside in Read ing, Pa all lineal descendants of Elizabeth Crum, who was a sister of intestate, and Elmira, wife of John Shep ley, who was a daughter of Catharine Fettertioff, deceased, who was a sister of intestate, and reside in Dauphin county; also, the heirs of Catharine sb , frer, deceased, who was a sister of intestate; Peter, Isaac and David Shaeffer, Susan, intermarried with Samuel Sweigart, Polly,intennarried with --,Smith,and Ellen Shaeffer,who reside in Perry and Somerset counties. Also, the heirs of Margaret Barnett, viz: Thomas Barnett, John, George, David, William, Isaac, Elizabeth, intermarried with- Lewis, Margaret Barnett, wife of M'Coy, Catha rine, wife of --Frazer, who reside in Ohio and Indi ana, and Jacob Conrad, attorney in fact- of Magdalena Hain, and all the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased. You, and each of you, are hereby commanded to be and appear in our said court on Tuesday, the 30th day of August, A. a 1864, then and there to accept or refuso to take the real estate at the valuation, or show cause why the same should not be sold according to law; said real estate being a certain plantation or tract of land in Middle Paxton. township, Dauphin county, adjoining the Susque hanna river, 11. Hain and others, containing 347 acres, 152 porches, strict measure. Also, a tract of mountain land adjoining the farm, containing 83 acft, strict mea sure. Also, a certain tract of land in Jefferson township, Dauphin county, adjoining lands of Elizabeth Moss, Peter Enterlme-and rowels' creek. containing 29 acres, 110 porches, with the appurtenances. WM. W. JENNINGS, Sheriff, Dauphin county, Pa. By the Court; Jona . RINGLAND, Clerk 0. C. Sheriffs office, Harrisburg, Juno 2, 1864. jy2o-dltw4t SUBSTITUTES AND LOCAL CREDITS FURNISHED. P ARTIES wanting Substitutes can be sup plied at beet rates. Local credits furnished and warranted. The public wia find our House disposed to deal liberally with aIL 0. 0. ZIMMERMAN k 00., jy 19 IMO ]2l Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Patriot and Union copy and send bill to that office. LUTHERAN PIC-NIC AT DERRY. THE teachers and scholars of the different Lutheran sunday schools, and the members of the congregations and their friends, are respectfally informed that the pionlu will bt held at Derry, on Saturday, the 23d that,, sad that tickets can be procured at the different atoms, and of the to 10-iing committee of arrangements; Miss McGauelsy, Verbeke street, (late Broad.) Miss Fertenba gh, North street. Mrs. gcCiellan, :late street. John Miller, Jr., State street. Miss Bishop. Pine street. Mra. Barrett, Second street. C. W Osman, Fourth street. Capt. Win E. Sees, High street. Mrs. Hay, Walnut street. Dr. Frtger, Walnut Street. Wm. Duncan, Walnut street. W. B. Verbeke, Walnut street. G. W. Fenn, Walnut street, F. Z. Ftecker, Market street. Samuel Felix, Market square. Luther D. Jaust, Market street Mr. Waltman, Fourth street. S. B KissM, Market square, Joaph Oglesby, Second street. Mts. Jackson, Second street. Miss Pancake, Paxton street. „1y1.11.21. HOTEL FURNITURE FOR SALE. BEING about to retire from the busbies, the subscribor °feast public sale, ea TETSUO. JULY 26, 1864, THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE rN Herr's Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa., consisting Of Bedsteads, Hair Mattresses, 'Feather Beds .Bolaters, Shoats, Comforts, Quilts, Carpets, sag- I 1311 Comer C.cks. &alma spoons, Knives, Glass and China Ware milldam to accommodate 200 guests, Stoves, Kitchen Utsistie—in fact everything required in a large Hotel. Silo to be enntinwei from day to day until all is geld Temp cash, under use hundred dollars Jyll-10t. J. GILBERT HERB, F RESH aii , ACKE)IB. —Boston Wine Bis cuits,. Boston. Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis cuits, Boston ormor Cracker; Boston Tic-nsc 'T Cracker; renton Batter Crekers, just received at ZOl3/13, AMUSEMENTS. GRAND METROPOLITAN COMBINATIo POSITIVELY THE LARGE:: EXHIBITION Of the Amusement 'World is Comir,, TI3AYER 8v NOV'Es , United States Circus, AND Van Amburah Sis Co.' s MAMMOTH MENAGERIE AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN COLOSSAL GOLDEN CHARIOT Mammoth War Elephant Hannibal Combined for the season of 1864, with MEN AND HORSES, all under one gigant: pavilion, for one single price of admission The wonders of animated nature consolidate with the only LEGITIMATE CIRCUS ev, organized—Moral and Refined Amnsemen Pre-eminent Equestrians, Acrobats, G - -- nests, Jesters, Contortionists, Clowns, Er. , ibrists and General Performers. Splendid Stud of trained Horses, Bonk, and Trick Mules—Magnificent collection e: Living Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Bear Hyenas, Wolves, Monkeys, Apes, Baboon,. Birds, of all kinds and sizes, &C., gathered 1 the EN Will exhibit at Harrisburg, on FRIDA and SATURDAY, JULY 22 and 23, 1864, a• ternoon and evening, at 2 and 7 o'clock e Admission, 50 cents. Children under 1. years of age, 25 cents. Lot on Second street, near Cotton Factn7 N. B.—THE LARGEST EXHIBITION 1) THE WORLD IS COMING. RECOLLECT THE DAY AND DATE. N. 8.--Once more. Please observe the dY and date, and do not confound this AfONSTEL ORGANIZATION with any other companies whether they be good, bad or exceedingly in. different. This Mammoth Combination will be at Holidaysburg, Tuesday, July 12. Altoona, Wednesday, July 13 Tyrone City, Thursday, July 14. Huntingdon, Friday, July 15. Belleville, Saturday, July 16. Lewistston, Monday, July 18. Mililintown, Tuesday, July 19. Millerstown, Wednesday, July 20. Duncannon, Thursday July 21. Harrisburg, Friday, July 22. do Saturday, July 23. jy9-Iln CANTERBURY HALL WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. I, H. DONNELL JOE MILLER... BILLY PORTER OPEN every night with a first-class eon: pany of mate s and female artistee. The perferm ante embraces every variety of legitimate nminetiLel.! such as SINGING, DANCING, PANTOMIMES, BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 26 cents. Seats in private boxes 50 e Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. jyistiit NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SELLING OUT LOW! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! lirlintend to discontinue the sale of Li• quors and offer our stock at a very small advas , ihell cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors 1, fore the last, rise and have a large stack on hand for tin or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchac now at any price from the importers. Our stock consigns of WIIISKIES of all grades. iiirwe have parts of three barrels pure RYE, - colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2X years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imporati - BRANDIES. We have part of % cask HENNESSEy BRANDY to which we invite the particular attention of families f" , ° medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from importeri loss than $1 per gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per :7. lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARETS, d:C. We invite the inspection of Hotel Keepers and UV' . Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, without serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good OPPor' - nity ja for bargains. i° $5O REWARD. TOLEN, from a field adjoining the re=' dense of the subscriber, residing near ShepherMan. Cumberland county, onTuesdey night, July 12th, e LIU 11- BAY HORSE, about six years old, thin in the ahoullor' . rather hollow in the back, and has the letters A_ S. e'• on one of his front feet. Any persons dehrorlet the horse to tne owner will receive a reward of SW JACOB L ZOO jlll dlw* Limebnmer, Shopherdstmen, G l lmb. Ceyr FOR SALE, ANEW TRUCK imitable for a stone qu* with one ton of new T Rail, weighing 2? pounds r ' the yard, for atone quarries or sidling& DAVID Attorneyo• .tvl.B 8w FRUIT JARS, of the latest Patent (Grit Sal Test Petatt,) just received and for oak low it BUYER 11.0rEs eMENS and GLASSWARE, a well se' laud anorpault, Just mooed, of ths last stY ) = l 37 1 $ BOYER & &OEMS_ EX_Tika. FAMILY FLOUR and COBS _llZA:alwayo on hand, of the best quality, BOYER & } Want MD MESS SHAD and FINE NEW MACE WA Jut ncetved, ac JAI BOMB KOZRPEE. . Proprol.. 13u-it:wk.' Age, .Stage Mana;' Iit'SICAL FARCES, COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO 00111CALITIE SEMLER & FRAZ Eli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers