EtitFapil HARRISBURG, PA MONDAY 'MORNING, JULY 4, 1864. TOWN AND COUNTRY. No Paper this Afternoon or• To- Morrow Morning. In order to alloW all hands connected with this office an opportunity to celebrate the Fourth, no paper will be issued this afternoon or to-morrow morning. Should news of un usual importance be received, an extra will be issued and placed upon our bulletin board. Post Office Notice. POST OFFICE, HARRISBIJEO, 4n:13A...1864 The Post Office will be open in the*morn -, Lug between the hours of six and eight o'clock, and in the afternoon between the hours of two and three o'clock. The iaails will close and depart at the usual hours. GEO. BERGNER, P. M. A NEvr aud inysterions "Order," called Grziii) Openers, has been organized in Chicago. Utz Williamsport Bulletin says that the crops between Williamsport and Lock Haven look fine, the wheat not having been injured by the winter, A:Lummox is invited to the advertisement of a sale of several valuable horses, belonging to the late firm of Long at Burnett. These animalstre well worth the attention of per sons desiring-to purchase. A LONDON compositor has lost his life by touching a boil on his fAce with his fingers, they being covered with the dust from new type. The boil swelled to an enormous size, and the young man died in ten days. ALL persons entitled to pension, or bounty aud back-pay, clue deceased soldiers, can have any information in regard to it gratis, by call ing ou Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent, Har risburg, Pa. Office in DAELY TELEGRAPH Building, Third street. je3o-dlir HAVE YOU CLEANSED roux GELLeas there is . any spot about the premises that needs a thorough overhauling or cleausing, it is the cellar. If not already dono, attend to it immediately. Do not leave any decayed vegetables about it—give it a thorough airing. Remember that the health, as well as the comfort of the family, depends greatly upon the sanitary regulation. FAST Day.--The• Moderator of the late Gen eral Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church, announces that the Ist of September has been fixed as a fast day, unless the Presi dent of the U. S may designate an earlier day. That clay will, therefore, in accordance with the action of the U. P. General Assem bly, be observed by the United Presbyterian Church. CENTENAP.? OF Maruonmr.--The Methodist General Conference has taken measures to se cure the celebration of the Centenary of Meth odism in this country, which occurs this year. The services of the celebration are te com mence on the first Tuesday in October, 1864, And continue through the month at such times and place; as may best suit the convenience of the various societies. How TELE WIND BLOWS.—The following re. suit of a vote taken on the cars between Al toona awl Pittsburg„ was handed us, by a gen tleman who was on the train. Altho , igh it does not determino the election. of the one receiving the highest number of votes, yet it is a pretty sure index as to how the wind blows ; Lincoln, 86 ; McClellan, la ; Fre mont, 3. _-.- EDWAED Slurn, aged nearly nine years, 801 l of Daniel Smith, of Williamsport, was drown ed on Thursddy of last week, in the lumber basin of Herdic, Lentz and Whites. The sad accident occurred whilehe was attempting to walk over loose logs that men were engaged in rafting. His body was recovered soon af ter, but all efforts to resuscitate him proved unavailing. ECM= THE MARCH OF Imraorn - siaihrr.—The 'im provement lately made between the columns supporting the por ico in front of the norms (late Herr's) louse, in the shape of iron rail ing, is admirably adapted to air the feet of the loungers who frequent that porch to ogle the ladies, while it serves equally well to catch " old drunks" when reeling along Third street and in danger of falling into the mouth of the sewer in that locality. Lines numbers of persons have already passed through this city en routs for Gettys burg, to attend the celebration of the fourth, which is to take place on the famous battle' ground. The Chambersburg Silver Band has been engaged for the occasion ; Gov. Curtin will preside ; Rev. J. R. Warner. Will delivdr the address; John Stewart, Fmk, .54 4aham bersbarg, will read the Dedlitfiffoti 'of Inde pendence. The arrangethents . for the Dale= bration are ample, and a glorious time' is anticipated. Snqautan Paussyrafrair oa Dzwra.---The Wilkesbarre Record says : "Mrs. &here; wife of our townsman, Christian ,Scherer, died last Thursday, after a short illness. Some years ago, Mrs. Scherer dreamed that she should die in ten years, and with cholera. As time passed she carried the memory of Oii. singular dream with her, and, as her father had a similar warning, which was verified, she had faith in its consummation. Week before Last she told her husband that the time was approaching, and ,She desired him to go with her to the cemetery te, select a IP!6. evaded tIA matter fur a time, , brping to divert her mind from the melancilioly subject, but she could not forget it. On :Friday they appointed to go, but were preventpt, and on Saturday again something interfe44. Op Tuesday Mrs. Scherer was taken- sick, and on Thursday she departed." Protiter - most Pa* of earth are sup posed to be the parts where there are the most women. Pnattoiss - de's4ing 'to visit Gettylibttrg to day can reach there at 11 o'clock, if they leave Here in the aceommodation train at seven this morning. Parisottax,.--den.. Cameron is to be present to-day, at the grand celebration of the Union men of Barks county. G. prte Oft spit . lefp g on istifrdar, fOr Y SUlP 4 l2nr* Sprigs, eienee he goes to Gettysburg to-day, to preside at the celebration of the first anniversary of the great battle fbnght in that vicinity. I===l DEATH ozTHE CAILS. —Private Henryðer, comPanj 174 ligiy-seventh regiment Pennsyl vania volunteers, who was returning home CM furlough from General Banks' army, via the Pennsylvania Railroad, died on the train which was due here at six o'clock yesterday morning. The deceased had a severe attack of chronic diarhcea, and had a furlough for sixty days, dated at New Orleans on the p4th of June. He was found dead in the wrater closet, between Mifflin and. Newport: , His re mains were brought to this city, where an in quest was held, and they were interred at the poor house. There was nothing on his person that would indicate his residence, but it issupposed that he lived at Allentown or vicinfty. Ile had on his person a likeness of a lady and two children, supposed WI be members of his family. FATA.f.,D . i tocumurr. —On Wednes day morning Mr. Sr. Taylor, a conductor on the West Chester mud Media- -Railroad, :was killed near Church Lane, a ,few miles fhb side of Philadelphia. Mz. Taylor wins young man, residing at Waist Chester. i He leaves a wife and one child. Mr. Taylor was the freight agent, on tho road, an exoellent officer, and. universally es teemed. It appears that at tho above point the freight train goes on to a sideiling to allow the passenger train to pass. After stopping his train, Mr. Taylor jumped off arid ran back toward the switch---ahortly aftor. the engineer commenced backing his train. before waiting to see whether the switch WEIS open. Unfor tunately in rimming back, I . Taylor caught his foot between the rail and the plank, which held him fast until the backs rand train struck hiin, and passed over his boily, severing it in twain lengthwise! He died. instantly. His father, who Was in the passenger train, arrived quickly on the spot to behold. the mangloi re mains of his son. Srao LEE Exam -t?--in view of the enroll ment now being made, and the probable draft not far distant, it is a matter of interest to know who are liable to be drafted, and who are exempt. Acoording to the amended ,6En rollment Act," which passed both House of Congress, and bersamo a law on the 19th of February last, th Tee classes of persons are especially exempt First, those whonre phys ically or trtentally unfit for service; sec; Dud,' those who are actually in the,military sea- Nice of the United States; and third, those who have served in either the army or navy fel...two years during the 'present war, and been hon orably diseharg ed. There is another chess of cases contemplated by this act, namely, t hose who byotheir tales and articles of faith/ are con.seientionsly opposed to bearing . a rms. These persons are still liable to draft, bu t are not obliged to go into actual service. rimy are to be considered as non-combatants, Dr to the care of freedinetn, or shall pay the tuna of 4300, t,j be applied to the benefit of sick and won/ailed soldiers. As the law is, pone but thor,e coming under the above elassc i are exempt, but all persons over the age of ti renty and under forty-five years shall be enr( gled, and with these exesptions, liable to be dre dted. Ittas been supposed that-the 'only son of a widowed mother," dependent on him for E sup port, as under the old law, would now be ex empt; but the new law expressly states I. hat no one not mentioned therein shill be exem, Pt. The $3OO commutation clause is skill in fore e, and any one drafted can free himtelf by fn r nfaliing a substitute for paying tha $3OO. POLICE AFFLTILS—Before the Mayor.—Daniel' Foster and John Stafford, drunks, were die-- oharied-npon payment of fine and_ costs. klepu , panicle, drunk, went to prison for 48 hours. Henry Miller, drunk; was for a heaping .on a charge of drunkenness at ~ 9 A. at., and and fined; at IP. M, , he was again arrested for a second "drank," arid after beccni'Ling sober, paid the usual fine. ' Samuel Mason, QeorgeAlwys and - Si gle ton Sambies, darkies. were caught in the act of bathing in Auction Creek at VA leelook, Saturday forenoon, For the offenisett,ey were fined. Kilian Axitiger, keeper of a llAger peer sa loon t ,:eorner of Raspberry, rind Bkackhe. , TrY alleys, was arrested on Saturc' Lay evewing, assault and battery upon l ais wite, wh o i k blind. It appears that on no el:runt of Azingl. er's cruelty his wife is conir i folled to live in the country. Some two week A ago, however, she visited the holm, and temined sikce that . time. Ott Sittfirday cening, however, she was subleobsl to a " } seating" at his hands. The chief of pollee ri v e d doming the melee, and arrested the hi , gh-tempered. htsband and tooklihn.before ete!thldayor, who-held him in $5OO bail;fox: %ono, to anowew for his con temptible crime, of abusing blind, woman would he voiiel to love and p'rotect.- Axing er's grog she and accompaniments have lopg.neen,ltleifie-ao re tb t 14., 'respects* citi zens of tliczaighborhoott Lind should long ere this htt:ve receivell.theatizention of the of tkeers of the law. • ' amm, who ra4.58 somewhere in the 'upper eta of the city, was before the Mayo' t yeetenity (Sitrulayargokonning. on , a charge raf heeithig a aillCera4 l 7-VPP/ing house, etc. 7le was held to bail for couct. There are now f ,wo charges of this claritatier pending age inst Frees. ' ' - - George„Myers got on of bender and hae Lf-to tahhit to the locktyp on a wheelbar Re was flied and•ib4ehiug e d o:0 - - ' Busissesa.will be euttrely suspended in this city to-day, . Pala . RauBDUMIKUM—It is our painful duty this morning 'to announce the dea th. of *meant Jan:malt. Black, of the filth Pa. Cavalry. From accounts received it is stated that he was killed on the 2tftt of June Sherman'sin army. at 'have t) 'yet re ceived any particulars concerning his_,death. 12112=C1 Ilmxs - ro Count svosnaim.---The following simple rules for the guidance bf those who write for the press, if observed would save editors and printers a great deal of trouble. Correspondents should aahere to them: 1. Write with black ink on white pave with ruled lines. 2. Make the pages smaller than that of a foolscap sheet. 3. Write only on one side of the paper. 4. Give the written pages an ample margin all round. - 5. Number the pages in the order of their succession. C. Write in a plain, bald hand, with less respect to beastty. 7. Use no observations that are not to ap pear in print. 8. Punctuate the manuscript as-it should be printed. 9. For italics, underscore one line; for small capitals, two; capitals, three. 10. Take special pains with every letter in proper names. 11. Review every worCto be sure that none is unintelligible. 12. Pnt directions to the printer at the head of the first page. 13. Never write a private letter to the Edi tor on the printer's copy, butalways on a sepa rate sheet. 14. Don't depend on the Editor to correct your manuscript. 16. Don't asklim to return the "copy." 16. Don't press him to tell you why he re fuses to publish your article. THB DISAPPEARANCE O$• CriA A MA PENCIar--- 114 Body , Found.—The body of Mr. Charles Pencyl, whose, disappearance we noticed in the Inquirer. of the Bth of • April last, was found on Sunday morning last, by - George Waltman, of Friends Cove. Mr. Walttium, with a little son, was in the woods near Charles Harcle *ode's, at the foot of Dunning's mountain, looking for his cows. The lad saw a hat, and said to his father, "Here is a soldier's hat," and looked for the letters and figures that should designate the company and regiment. The father, perceiving a band of crape around the hat, said, "This is Pencyrs hat." Soon a boot was discovered near by. Mr. ;Waltman hung the hat on a bush, and went for his • neighbors, who immediately came with him. They soon found the remains of a man, the limbs, body-and head dislocated and torn asunder, and scattered within ;in area of a himdred feet. . The body appeared to hare been tievoured by dogs or other , beasts. A wallet was found in his pocket containing nine dollars and ninety cents, and two •or three notes. It appears that he had rnsy about twelve dollars with him when he left home. A. coroner's inquest was held& Bun clizy. The suspicion of murder, entertained by come, seems to have been entirely removed by the searching examination of tha.jnry.— He evidently perished from. exposure on the night of the 29th of March last, when he had lost his way in a limy snow storm.--_Bedford Inquirer. • • JULY. On her tlushol brow a wreath, What a Etre' in her eye, In her hand baquets, Lo ! the sploodtd July Come, come, all ye maidens, With innocent eyes. Come, come, all ye matrons Beneath the blue skies No languor o'er-shadow Ye now, and no ills-- Ye have only to 'teed Of the Cherokee Pills, Not cloudy, not solemn, In. Bierwites own health-bringing Pain-killinig column ! SPEfiILA.L NILPTICEb. Emir. pits • Batchelor , * belebrahal Hair Dye 18 WM LYtIT IN MR WORLD. The onlyHir;rpless; Traso and kaiak Dire Kamm This splendid Hair Dye to pertect—clumgesßed, Rusty or Gray [lair tannins), to a Moray Black or Natiormita without taming the' Bair or staining the Acit2 t lert a ttke Hair soft and beautiful ; Imparts rresb vitality, i ently restoring its pristine oolor, and realties the e lf of bad Dyes, The genuine Is signed VITLLANN a. BART. BLAB, Ail others are mere Imitations, and ithinald be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Sio Factory—at BAR CLAY ST, N. Yr dATCHXLOIOI3 raw TOLIXT OHILAII VON. DREBI3IN6 EAU, • ieg3/Y sr To Cleat - the Howie of Flies, use •Dutolier's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-HILLKE, a neat cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will quart BOLD EVERYWHERg. FisENCH, !WHAMS is co. ; 10th end Market streets Pielad **his. wholesale &sem. my2l-410,13w - LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS EEMI NEW YORK AUCTION. GREAT BARGAINS IN MUS,LINS Iva S yatd.wids bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 il ie. i t each ( ctl. .1 4 0 , 0 1. 1ileces. . • eoel ' pieces of alt snag flannels chap. . . Mack illit,"s pieces. Black silk, 5 pleas. - 'Slack silk, 10 pieces. 2.5'001.1 yards of black kfiiO3 from attelfo* ilhatttifel pearl colorshis Omsk alpaca; Alpacas in leather color, stone colors and other celorS. White eambrica, soft finished 8-4 French Cambric. Jacozette, -"" • • Splendid assortment of calicos. Cloak , , Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. Stockinirs, the heat and cheapest. rocket taandkerchlefe for ladies, Mall price*. , Marseilles quilts and the& for t mem_ Shirt in',all linen, at 25, 30, 85, 40 and cents. - We have now Ads, a very large stock of gouda, all boug4-At reduced prices, and which we will sell at prices whiCh cannot fail to give satizfaction ' WO haver ideate Very jays bad alPsols, - Zrailere cloth, boibailnes. S. LETT. *own's- R *on witi Tiveh B i C—l —es. lave never changed my 'mind respecting there from thotirth . 4 except - to think yet better of that which l began thmeng' well of " Nov. HENRY WARD BREMER. on e T . 'oche& area staff of life to me." -- PPDS. EDWARD NORTH, Tres. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. tip or Th e& tt Troubles they are &specific." N. P. WILLIS. .T oo f „ en d: known to oommendation." ROIL A. PHELPS, Pro. Hass. Senate. turn nor anydilnikidurioss." "Contain no et skt ... A A. BAT Chemist, Boston. "An elegant eor m. cation for coughs," _ Dr. G. F. BLGELOVt Boston. "1 recommen d th, r k e am to public speakers." Rev. E. H. CHAPIN 1 3[04 salutary relief in Vrogichltil." Rev. a. 84: T OOAIRD, Hoirbece?i, Ohio. "Very beneficial whet t eu Colds" R ev . 1.5„ .7.DEMON, St. Louis. limineet instant relief la tie distressing labor of breath ing peculiar to ItEahma. n Rm. A. <l . AL VLESTON, New York . "They have suited my owe exllO7 ll Y2. rat ( wing my throat so that I could sing with ease , DTJOHARME, • chortsu3r Preach Atria .., Caull CU, Montreal. As there era imitations be sure to di. 'lain the GENUINE Alakl.ll-44w. .04 • tiliry 'Warm Anent, • ' Benet:NAN/Sion, Bask Pay, Subsistenea Mary and War - Clank pnieralY,"teade net and col, ."-e,a 4 o. Per. loos needing at a dliitante-ean have 'their bn, Veg trawl. ! g1 . 41 71111(1 .A . di+ MtiTbSß, Attorneii kalw 01141- • • TM* street, HatispOiSrPt. Hannvatrt7s Troches. For the ante of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, Ac., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persona whose 'ocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart Jr, arrisburg, Pa-, t: whom all orders should Co., 'be addressed. sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: HARBIBBLIBG, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Beisiuvewr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges an d ot h er prtparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully lebnimend your own us s most admirable specific for public speakers 4.nd singers, in- cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them icliviug in LIMO of need; soot cffectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, r.istor of N.. 8. Presbyterian Church. • agree with Mr. Robinson as to the gable of Eamvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor' of 0. S.. Presbyterian Church. Efaaarsan - a0,1,64. To C. A. BAMQVA.aT—Deer ih habit of speaking very frequently, and in placed where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to. any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the*voiee arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness_of the delivery of public a dresses. Yonrs, _ _ - - . JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pestor of the Locust St. Methodist Churth. To C. A. BAN - mum—Dear Sir: Having uset your Troches, I am. free to say they are the best I have evertried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice ariiing from &pile speaking or singing. Yours; itc.; 'G. G. IWIESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DLSTRTOT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, klAzumannect, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Bemqvsirr—Dior Sir : I have found your Trochei, to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the Muscles of the throat.. They impart clearness to tho voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all pnblic spenkerst. A. J. HERR • %,%, Aid TS. . - sunsmurirrE, WANTED. O whom a liberal bounty will be given T Apply at the Brady House. j9l. A PRINTER WANTED. AN industrious, painstaking and intelligent man wanted In a country newspaper office. A man who neither drinks liquor, uses tobacco, nor swears, will be prefoyed. Permanent employment at a fair Hil ary will be given. Inquire at tfie (MILT of the DAILY Tat- EGRAPTI. ie3o.4t* WANTED lIIT lIT RID &AT ELY. OUR or fico "Shanty-keepera;" to whom F Sllantiea, which are ready for use, will be furnished, for the purpose ofAckiMMOdatlug boarders. Also, fr. m 60 to 60 l2borent. Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. R. R., Mehoatoogo mountaui, &miles /wore Millersburg. jesz-lot*. , - . A GENTis loiriJ6ll",4o "sell the, Standard His wry. .of tho War: A roma chance to make money. ageniusre Wearing from $lOO to CM* per month 200,004 volumes alrlnuly gold. Seud_for CIIVIABM Addreall • ROES BROS. & CO. - • de 30 Publishers, BiltiMore, a i d. WANTED—A goodpastry Cook, and a good meat Coot . Inquire at the ap3O-dtt BRADY DOME. • CLOSING 'OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND BJeILOW COST. MRS. M. MAYER, No. II Market Street. BEING desirous of closing her Sumnatr Stock of Mildt.ery Goods, offers for sale at greatly reduoettprices, andi 4th - SILK AND STEAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS, &O. Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of 8 - 1111 S, VS:LIMA LACES; RUCITES, • HOOP SKMIRTS.TS, CORS HOWLEY, • ' HANDICERORIEFS,.. GLOVES, ' COLLARS, CUErs, BELTS, • NETS, • FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do well to call, as great bargains can be bad at wboieeale, jul4 FIREWORKS; WBOLBc►r,v AND .114"r141, BY 3014 N. WISE, . , THIRD STREET, NUB WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. rp.EE following stock of Fireworks is now in 1 Store: Roman Candles, • Rockets, Pin Wheels, Mines of Stars and Serpents. Serpent; Grasshoppers, Water Pots, Flower l'Ots, Scroll Wheels, Rename Lights, Triangle; Blue Red, White and Blue, Spunga'cues, Chinese Rockets, Pulling Crackers, Fire Cracker; - Torpedo; Torpedo & Flreateker Gan, New Torpedo Bow, • Jugs Mick, or Punk, '1 Flags, he. Now le the time to purchase while there is a goo ea• sonment. JOHN WISP; Je6.dtf Third street, near Walnut. SELLING OUT LOW ! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! .WE intettd r to discontinue theliale of Li quors ens 'offer our stock at a very small cdvauce from cost price. ' Wallace purchased all our lAquo.s be. fore the lam rise and hare a large stock on band for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now,at any price from the importers. Our stock , Coniienr-of WHISKIES of all graA' ea. roar We have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and .10 degrees above proof, 2% years old, WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. . We haye part of cask EF.NNESSMY BRANDY, to Which we invite the particular attention of families for medlrinal purposes-- The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from importers, leas than $l5 per gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CL kRETS, &C. Wa invite the inspection of Hotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, without re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportu nity for bargains. . SHIRLFR & FRAZER. RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union Harriaburg. Strict attention paid to all legal bnatneas. Militari claims collected. raylQ-dean eod FINE TALE OILS.-40 boxes . fine table oils of the lied Importations for sale, wholesale and retail, by ~ s' SHISLER & FRAZER, mvs ellkoessore to W. Dock, Jr., tt Go- QMOilita) 01211011: 1 - - FINE — EMOKED jJ SALMeN, jimt received at =suit & MAZER, retM *(emmommil4l Wm. Dock, jr, iko.IC FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE PAXTON FIRE COMPANY, NO. 6, • Air lIAEI-INI.EN'S WOODS. T cketS 26 cents. THE object, of this pio-nio is to raise funds to aid in the completion of our new engine house, now. in course of erection. We hope the citizens of this city and-vicinity will lend us a helping hand. Ii is the oetermitutt.un of the committee of arrange ments to prevent all improper characters from entering the woods. The gate keepers have positive onto. ato lass .uo females or doubtfUL reputation, and the polite furze Lave instructions to eject all such characters-from the Kr. , nuds, -h.uti any gain admittance by accident. tie are determined that none but respectable persons shall part.Clpate, as We inteett to make this a cespecgable nic, - e thus m , t/ ca , . tong Weir families and not be In sulted with the presence of lewd women. An adequate pollee titgo has teen appointed,-Wlth instructions to pre strVe Older at all Imam. A general invitation is extended to all liverymen to - ron coo eyomei to ihe woods. C nveyanc s wal lmtve the [otiosity places every hour during rho any, ror the woods: Mr „halal' hotel, opposite the ho.-e house; Mr. linen' 's hotel, I. of of Second street; Wiguer's decoud Wattl noose; Mr. Rauch's washing ion Mutate; a. 41 Mr Frische's Internatiouse Ho• se. Itekrts can be procured truss the menibereor the com pany, or From ills following committee of arrangements: trams id L Forum, Giro F. Weaver, Jr., John Carichtter, C. F. Vollmer, eattick Barra je2B-dbt To be given in honor or Independenoe Day at TIOVVBIAN'S WOODS" ON MONDAY, JULY 4th, 1864. ADMITTANCE TO THE WOODS FREE. CARS will leave the Pennsylvania Depot at nine o'c ook A. M. and two o'clock P. N., and return at half postseven Fare la cars to woods Cud return, 25 cents. lb • committee curably invite all citlzeas to pail icipate in theiestiritioa of tbo day. No Impr,.per characters wilt be admitted. COMMITTEE: D. E. Martin, Wm. Carsoc, A. H. Visuik•-n, Henry Stourr I E. Faught, • Henry Ile Hutt Wm. F bl'Coy, James Spruc,baukr. a Bu nig°. • sample refreebnients will be supplied. jr27-td PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER tARif ASSORTMENT Photograph Albums. 'POUND in' FINE 'MOROCCO—panelled, gilt aad mounted , with two heavy gilt ciaspa 80 Pictures for . $3 00 40 g 64 860 63 4 00 togetLwr kith rrrious other styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and aft at ' SWIEFFER'S Bookstore. marl 2-4 1. Harrisburg, fa. HOTEL AT PUBLIC SALE ? • THAT valuable Hotel property known as the on Market street, Harrisburg, Penn'a, will be offered at Public Sale, on tlO premises, on Wednesday, the 20th of, July, at 2 o'clock, r. tr. This property is In the' centre of the busine.s part of the city, within- a square of the Court House and n - ar the Railroad Depot, havior a front 0r27% feet on Market etre h extending back 210 feet to a 20 ieet street in tilv roar, and now rents at $lOO per month. Terms of sale—one-half cash—tlie balance, If desired secured by mortgage, in yearly payments to suit pur Chaser. Fur further information inquire of JOHN S. DE'fWEILEB, Attornoyyat•Laa, fidrris'lurg, Fn. • Or BENJ. PARSE, jOl9-dts parkvalo, Susquehanna county, Pa. 'PRE FARMER BOY, and how be became Command er-in-pi:tie, $1 25 iiet'llONßEß BOY, and how ho beamePresldent, $1 25 TEE FERRY ROY, anti the rineneler, $1 25 THE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, $l. 25 THE FARMER BOY, and him , he l , ecaake Licatm. ant Guneral. In prase. YOUTH.'S HISTORY orrap: RERELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke' elegantly llLactated. $1 26 At BEKHNEti'.• ROOK STORE. UNCLAIMED GOODS REMAINING Of lIE WAZEHOUE OF TEO PIULADRIPIIII RRADING R. R. COMPANY. UE articles described in the following T zchedule, having beon consigned to Harrisburg sin- Lion, ou the Puilwdelph!a ant Beading radrcasl, and the cousiano.s, after due and legal notice, not having taktn them away, nor paid the costs and expenses ''of carriage, will be exposed at Public ate or Outcry, at Harrisburg attatou, ou • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1864; the sale to commence at Ten o'clock the forenoon of Saul uay: J A Graham, I. barrel ritop,r. Will am. Bold, 1 key [W,I 1 cask ware. l'uomas Peter, 2 boxes mdze. 1%0 may ks, 1 du do Sergeant White, 1 do do Elizabeth Albert, Ido do Igo minks; 1 boil maze. do do 2 haze mciza. • do do 1 amtcher. FIREWORKS!! do no 2 saddles and bridle dc do 4 Knapsacks. do do 4 carp t bAgs Lteut Beller Etubb,l valise David hue, 1 box mdse. The above articles wilt be exposed to public sale as aforesaid, according to the provistoim of the Dist section of the Act of Assarrbiy it the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, approved the. sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1858; with rill the. requirements of which the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company have in all respects complied. The Act of Assembly is as follows: "Commission merchants and fartors, and all common camera, or other persims having a lien upon goods, wares and nierchaudize, for or on account of the costs and ea pewee in Carriage or storage, or any other charge arising 1191:11 the trtumportation, keeping or storage of such pro. party, in case the owners or consignees shall not pay or discharge the amount doe for such cost, expense, carriage, storage or other chan,es hereinbefore named, may, after the expiration of ninety days from the notice hereinaft,r presided, proceed to sell the Same or so much thereof as May be necesm7 to discharge said lien, at public aft lion: Provided, That notice et - sale shall be given as re qUired for dhertlr's Sales of personal property, and that thirty days' notice of said lien be given to the owner or consignee of the propzrty, if they can be found, and in case they cannot be so found, that the same shall be ad vertised weekly in some newspaper published in the proper city or county to which the goods, wares or mer chandise have been consigned, for four consecutive weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising from such sale, after deducting costs of transportation, cisarge6 gni storage, advertising and sale, to be held subject to the order of 'the owner or owners of such property." G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent_ Harrisburg, Pa., June 18th, 1864.--41woaw EORGE HARK, of South Hanover town ship, oilers taxmen' as a candidate for the office of Rei,,ISTER, or Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself 'to perform the donee orsaid office with - Je29 diewic MACHINERY AT PRIVATE SALE. ONE POWER MORTISING MACHINE; Tenanting llachinek ; One Gears' Irregular latter; One Ward's Patent Stoke Machine, will turnl,ooo spokes per day; One Slot. Machine; Ono Pence Bender; Otte furtung Lathe, Beitiog, &c., in good order, and wni be sold law. WIRT. WILSON, JOSEPH LEAS, Ae , ignees of Seidle & Eberly. Mechaniosbusg, Pa , JunA 28, 1864—je29-dltc* WITH and weekly papers, on Mar . Ira; ket square, ver Boyer & Kcerper'eAtcrii Open every-evening, except Simlay, from 0 r, H. to 10 Young men, OtidkintrY strangers; ore invited to Veit ilifkrosms. PIC-NICS. GRAND FiREMEN'S PICNIC, MONDAY, JULY 4, 1864. IHE GRAND UNION PIC-NIC, NEW ALI ERTISEDIEN Ts. WiUllB WITH PARKE ROUSE, BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. PUBLIC SALE or du 2 black valises F o u, y..EGISTER. Y. 3i. C. A. READING ROOM, AMUSEMENTS: taNTER BURY MUSIC HALL. .WALNUT- BT., BELOW lit(RD. J.SDpNVSLL OPEN EVERY. EVERTIM, With a Flrat-clasa Company of rou DANCERS, COM:DUES, &c., kn. Admissimi. ........ —.. 15 cent& Aeata in Boxes ... .!.. 25 . INSTRUCTION': BOOKS AiND MUSIC FOR THE MELODEON, L.ND INSTRUMENTS OF THEORGAN CLASS. ZUNDEL'S 4ODEON INSTRUCTOR. LA Containing the Elements of Thole, Progressive Ex, and a large col.tctitia of Choice Mush; $2 25 NEW ML:T1101) FOI TriE ILEUM:AUX. &lasted mainly from -Sun Instructor," and containing in a .dition to Lees exl and Haerclaea, a collection of Poptdar :tong., and a variety of Pa.lllll and Aymy Tunes- $1 5+3 WALLA/11"s MELODEON. Elementary nod Progres alVe Stuart, with a eutieettun or Choice Vocal and la-era mental Mosta. $1 50 AMERICAN SCHOOL FOR THE MELODEON. 160 MODEL MELODIC+ iN IN-TRUtraitc. 160 WINSIttR'S PERFEUT lODIDE FOR IRE MELODEON. Detiene I as a Self Instruct +r, with Choice Ethnic.. Ei MEIJI ID • tAN WIrNO T A MASTER. tw WOODBURY'S 11111,01) ~ 1 1N INsritucToß. 50 OttEitlV AN SELIIDitONINSIRUCTnIt. 60 AUWE'SSER NE AND MELuDr.ON INsT RUC. t 0 TILE SERaPRINE A collection or Idu.lo for toe Me lodeon, Sentphine and Reed Orotn. 50 The instructions Ln eacn of the above books are suited not only mute Melodeon, butte all instruments or Mruilar comma/um Fur sale oy J. E. Gould, Philadelphia. Oliver Diiaon &Co Vublisnera Bo4tou e2t-Lr IvuITIAJE. - THE Undersigned Com Missioners, named in an Act of the Legislature, approved the 4th day DI May.. 1864, entitled an act to incorporate the Millers bmg and Mush ttap Batirttad Company, hereby give public notice that books will be opeued fur inturiving sub scriptions to the Capita. Stock of said Comp my at the fullowing named times ant places in Me cowry of Lau pain, to wit : At the house of Jacob Lenker, in Gratz town, on THURSDAY, the MI day of Suite. Inst. At the MAW of Benjamin Bonner, i¢ nerrysburg, on MON trAY, the 27tH day o, June. hut qp the house of J. G. Yeager, In Millersburg , ou THUILSDAY, the 30th day of June, ins . At the JONES HOUSE, in the City of liarrisbtay, on TUESDAY , the sth day of July next; and that et sail times and paces some two or wore of the Commissioner= wilt attend, and that the Books will be kept upea at least six' hours, connuentog at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, fur the term of tlareetudicial days, or until the number of shame authorized by the law shall have been subseribed. DAYID R. PORTER, HENRY THOMAS, JAMES FRRRIAND, O. M. BhUBAMER, F. WEN R JONATHAN SWAB, DANII.L LEHR. je2d4w Ist June, 1884. CLOAKS ! CIRCULAAJEtS • AND MA..NTILIALLS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING. AIARKFT STREET. A New -Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in *very color end ktud somely trimmed, from $7 50 to slb. 1000 SILK JIIANTLe"' CIRCULARS, SACKS AND B_' 1111, Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO nituard a-31.11iDENN'S MANTELS EN LAkti.E. VAR= . my2s ' NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR TS AN INVAILLIBMPROTECTION against 1. exploalmi L or huntigg, iff the:flues or bober, as noth. mg can prevetAlt tif ha tamtered with) rom giving in:. medlatuutharoflack or waxer in the boiler, lh ',mason to Puti3flnltlP**lthent thating the fires Want et water is the liTe. 4 acerEof so many sad catastrophe w which have rectarti4f : rod. We toctrigld , .thstrianent•te be a perfect inriercmc against suctraPageticies. Price SW. u as Full 'oatmeal) to the mode a application as well as roterence'th 'lla of the prominent manufacturers and Iron masters of l thate using them, sent on application D. C. MEADE & CO., Pittsburg, Pa. D. C. Bizan, CHAS. MAGER. MiLLIDL.ERY GOODS. MRS, J. HIBBS, HAS OPIRMED .11:1" NO. 8 MARKET SQUARE, (Next - door to Felix's Confecttone:•y,) WHERE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to Lhe ladiei of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles; of Millinery and Fluty . Goods, At cheaper VMS Was any taillSO is Lise city. Thequality of her goods tams be surpassed. DRESS RAKIAG IA THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. • Ladies call and examine Ur, - NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK pio IN D. W. A OROSS • NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, FINE SPRING SHAWLS. wu open on the Lat of April. • twat:2l-6;7 CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I S a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever t,r great tblist. hi puha laity recommends it •ci travolets. Its t onvenb nce at picnics will be aprottated. ho sugar required; one intik spoonful simply dir-olved in a glans of coot water and . it Is dune. • KELLER'S DRUG AND FANUY GOOD STORE, Jen No. 91, Market street CITY TAX. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Common Council of the city or .Harrlsburg, have completed tue levy and assessmeut of takes for lite year 1601, and that all p,:rsons alma be entitled to an abatement of FIVE PER CENT. - on the amount of their res v ective City Taxa , , on pay. ment of the same to JOHN T. a !Laub, Eaq ; City Trta surer, on or.before the Ist day of July, 1816 e By order of tue Commute eunuch. - DAVID TURBO Clerk- Heyousurtto, June 21. 1864. - N B.—Taxes will tie retiett - e4 by the Treasurer until 1 o'clock: P. each e2l LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk 'the mobs Jewess oral deserts tor the table; the light ed and most gamut diet, for invalids &Mt Chad/01 abut contains every .elemem of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is aiways light and easy el digestion, tust.supports the system Witu the least possible excitement. Whoa still greater nutritive ptiwer is desired, crestn-andsugarMay bo added. A teaspoonful converts a quart or midi into a firm curd.. Prepared. and sold, wholesale in retail by B. A. ILTNiCe L, jelri-t[ Markel. street. PROVOST lliCanattaLis Opihos y 14rn DISTRICT, 1,- Hamtianuale, Pa., Jdne 6, 34 . 49,, ; To DRAFTED MEN.—I •am directed by Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, A. Provist' Marsha/ 6eneral, by his cl cular, No. 59, of June 4, 1864, to pub lish "That drafted men are not alloweci - to enlist as romu teers after being drafted; and that the creche for dratuAl men will remain for the sub riots from• which tilt:, were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has or has not been paid to such min i , upon enlistment." JP). XAY CINNENT. Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Diet, PS. le6-titf PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC. NT/OLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS. srkmas, DRUMS, FIRM, and nll kinds of MUSI CAL HERCHAND,SE, PICTUKE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES PHOTOGRAPHCARDSandALBOMS;ASInRO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, 1t.C.; , &.(3. Remember the Place, SILAS WARD, No.. 12 .Tbfrd SiWe largest Mate Store this sfde of thegr it eitieS. *-" 511 DOZEN" lAlif3 .- • comerming Pieellix, Chow lihow,,Reiglitiowor, Mixed Pickles, Guides, Walnuts and °aloft. For ado whole's!. sad retail by SEIISLEt - td2By'R, iniabniME,Prn4o-Vir -1*.7 Ce ...Sole Lee* dtjyti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers