LEGrRAU'II. iinuagunD - kr/MEG AND IMarIPG, te r gORGE - BERGNER . O&M!? THIRD BE, MAR PELLNVT. EMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUSCRIPTION. yx TittIIGRAPIE 1.8 served to subscribers in the s cents per week. Yearly subscrffiers will be $5 00 In advance. Those persons wbo neglectto ivance will be charged 48 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. igarnis ab3opulffisheti weekly, and is furnished fibers at the fffilowing-cash rates : Aes, weekly. ;... ..... ipiss to one Post Office... tee to one Post Office.. MEDICAL. NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE THE LONG-SOD:MT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST rokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! )lINOED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. TOR BEE REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic., diseases of the urinary organs ; such as Ineonti the Urine hillammation of the Bladder, Dalkon- Qf the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Striates* Meet, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended cases of Ftuor Anna (or Whites in females) 'where Id nauseous medicines have feed. It is prepared in a highly elmcentmtod form, the ly being from one to two teaspoonfuls throe times It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying twinning the blood, causing it to flow in all of its d purity and vigor; thus removing from thesystem lions causes whieh have induced disease. SEE INJECTION is intended as en ally or twist the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be need in lotion with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Fulor ARrus or Whites. Its effects are healing, zg and demulcent ; removing all scalding, heat, 3 and pain, instead of the burning and almost an. Cole pain that is experienced with nearly all the quack Injecticms. By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and WEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same ' Improper discharges are removed, and the weak rgans are speedily restored to full vignr and w full particulars, gel our pamphlet from any re in the country, or write us, and we will mail ,y address, a full treatise. ice, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or Liles for $6. ice CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or ties for $5. t -by express to any address on receipt of told by all druggists everywhere. ' PR. W. R. /dERW/N & CO., Sole Proprietors, 11.0-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, Now York. CHEROKEE CURE THE GREAT IN DIAN MEDICINE COILPOILVDED ITOSI ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak- Tocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by self lion; .such as Loss of blemary, Universal Lassitude in the Back, Dimness of Vision , Prentatun Old Age • Nerves, Difficulty f TrArrrililinp, Eruptions en the Pace, Po2e Countenance, Insanity, •etion, and all the Direseid complaints caused by de , the path of nature. medicine is a simple vegetable extract, andpne all can rely, as it has been 'used in our practice iy years, and with thousands treated, it has not in a single instance. Its curative powers have been lent to gain victory over Use most stubborn case. Aget-To those who have trilled with their constitution, adit they think ihemselves beyond the reach of medical Od, we would stay, Despair not the CHEROKEE Conn will ato re you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe or have failed I u- For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug 're in the country, or write the Proprietor, who will 0 free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise In ~p hlet tbrm. am-Prima $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6, and awarded by express to all parts of the world. AcirSold by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN d CO., Sou PROPRIETORS, marlo eodly No. 69 Liberty street, New York. FINE LIQITO RS. • Shinier & Frazer, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) DEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCF, RIM opposite the Court House, have on hands One selection of. - BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, Of Evchj Description. WHISKYS. OLD BOURDON, MONONGAHELA, PINE IRISH AND SCOTCH Whiekys. The beet ever brought to this market s OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated M:E3'=T GROVE WHISKY. C'EfAIVIPAGNE WINES. SIMMS JOHANNESBURG, CLARET. SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT, - WILD CHEWY, - PLANTATION, WIGWAM TOMO BiITERS With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES . And Comilmenta of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST RATE.% [jag MOTH SACHET POWDER, FOR PERFUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING_ MOTH THIS PAWDER—a compound of wahygible articles for the destruction of Insecte--cllstribuied --among or dusted. over Fure, Woolens, Carpets, Clothinc," &c.l packed away for summer, will effectually prevent moth. Being also a delightful, dighsable 'perfume it WM* Im pregnate clothing, Acc., with a lasting andpleaaant odor. The fizont fabric cannot be injurod by its use. preps ned and sold at KELLER'S. Dr* alte Fancy Goals Store, No. 01 Market street. A. P. TEUPSER, '.TEACHER OF- MUSIC. oince At WARD'S MUSIC STORE, U. N-Third Street, '7.esidenee:. Third street, above North XTISITING, WEDDING, INVITATION , - AT-eavx CAllll2.=o3l_ L.neetal arrange ment with_ ewe of are beet engravers in the country , aor - or any description will be executed Abe highestEtyle of arc conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied Promptly, allowor prima than are ChUrgaq the station biew.ynsk or iiidladelphla For samples and priced . at ' Dgainuanyloo; noßrh . .. • • . . ~..--.,..,- •4-,,,m.m„,,,..- • ..----.•,.... a.,.....,-•••_. .• - -::::..a.4:2.. : -- t.....F.,71•7......= , ::7 - 7 . ,.^:-....2)2 1,- . 5.cir.1174_!14: - ... il iii ii i . ii.)ier - ".....• - • `•-•'-'-'""''.."' __,... _ ....-..._:_........,...._ _...-• „ - ------- -..-• ...-, . ... .- - • - , I *-.-,--,-. r•. - T. - - --•' •'''• ',.\ ' 1 Pat h i t. , . .. ~. • , _ .. . . '. , .-i ,'",: •WI ''. '' '• ' it , •;,*1;111 • ' a _ . . . *,:* '' ~ ' '71 1 :" . --- .--,-,- ' .7 - -. : ' - - : • - ' - ' :- .-.......--- tr-V, ~,*+? "' ' --• ' - '""- -- - .- - -- .Z.::: •, . . . ':-' •" ' 4 . - . , -7:' f . 111 tan D. -- i - ,_ _, , . ~ ~.- -.„.„, _. e -2- . .; --,-. • , . . . ' ..." ' • . ' , • . . , , , - - $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE -BERGNEEL MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA ) DISEAAE,S RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARV CISBED BY IdOOPLAND'S , GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, • fiIHESE. Bitten have performed more curse; have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them titan any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a Certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Holland's German Bit ters, will ours every case of Chronic or Nitiveui Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising fronh a dis ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re sulting from the disorders of the digestive organs: Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations; Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, :Swi mining of the head, Flurried and difficult breathing, Fluttihring at the heart, Choking or suffocating sensations whim in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of the skin endues, Pain in tile side, back, chest, limbs, /Cc, Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant Imaglizations of evil, and gri sat do presawn of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no nun or whisky, and can't make drunlutrds, but lY the beat Toxic in the world. READ WHO SAYE $0 From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptiet Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. I hare knoWilloefland's.German Bitteni favorably. for a number of - year & I have used theta in my own farbily and have been so pleased with their effects that I was in- duced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I' take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are' recommended to these Bit ters, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as Hoof land's inuana m odati.i.-s bwietit are eiftlhaava r , ai4 h i not a ruin drink' Yours Leidy. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, II D., Editor of the En cyclopedia of Re 11,91042 Itriowledge and Christian Chroni cle, Philahelphla. • • • - Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Ifehieines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, 1" yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefit/1 he believes himaciflo have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the beneilt of others - - I do this the more readily in regard to Ilootland'S Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr, G., M. Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them for ninny years,, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic , mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker, Esq., for the removal of thin prejudice by proper testa, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of ' three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the , present year, was follow itd by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodilf and mental vigor which I hadt not for six months before, and had almost despaired' of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend" for di recting me to the use of them.. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Germantown, Fenn. Dr. C. M. Jaokson:—Dear Btr:—Personal experience. enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre• pared by you, as a moat excellent medicine. In oases of eovere cold and general debility I- nave been greatly bens• fll.ted by the use of the Bitters. and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. " _Yours truly wennor ltdl4l3ol,Pn i _ Germantown; -tn. From Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of Bedding E Gburch, Philadelphia, Dr. C. IL Jackson;—Dear Bir:—Raving used your Ger man Bitters in my family frequtintly I am prepared to says that It has been of great service. I believe that in most ases of general debility of the system it is the safest and most valuable remedy"of which I have any knowledge. Toms, respectfully ve J. H. TURNER, ' - No. 728 N. Nineteenth street. Fro the Per. J. IL Lyme, formerly - Pastor of 'tbe, Columbus (N. J.) and itileatovna (Pa.) Baptist Churchan Saw Itocasui„ N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson:— , Dear Sir :—I [edit apleasure thus,: of my own accord, to beer testimony to Ude excellence or the Gamut Bittern • Sea° years Awe being much at dieted with Dyspepela, I used than with very heireddril results. I have often recommended then to pose= en feebled by that tormenting disease, and 'cave heard ' from them the molt flattering lestimoniala as to their great value. In cases or, general debility, I - believe It to be a tonic that cannot be surpassed. J. /L LYONS. • Prom the Rev Thomas Whiter, pastor or Rozborougii Baptist, Church. Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sirt—l - felt it due to your excel lent preparation, Roam* German Bitten, to add my testimony to the deeinett reputation it leis obtained. I have for years, at times been troubled with greatdilorder in my head and nervons , eystetn. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of-year-Gelman Bitters; did so, and have experienced are antrilinixpoeted relief; my health has been very materiallylieneditted. I inmildently Teems), mend the article where I 'Meet, with vises airliner •to thy own, and have been insured by many of their good ef fects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, xborough, Pa. From Rev. - J. it. Herman, of the Garman Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berke county. Pa. Dr. C. M. Jackson: , --Respected Sir:—l have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly, twenty, yearn , and have never used any medicine that did me as mach good. as Hoodand's Bitters. lam very mach improved in health, . after having taken eve bones, Yowl WO naps*, J. ILIIIIHMAN• • WO respect, . • • • . ••• PRICES. Large Size (holdbitneariy double quentity,) $1 00 per bottle—half dos $6 00 Small Size-76 cents per bottle—balf d0z.... 4 00 BEWARE .OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the signature of 11l IL JACKSON' , it on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should, year pewits drugged,. not have the article, ' do not be put or by any of the intoxicating preparations thaLl mly be oilbred in ite place, b Y ut send tO us, and we wig seacrobr Pa ekki b "W all Priniiipal OlSee and ganufactory, NO. 681 ARCH STRNET, • PRIL.4.D.ELPHZA. Jo EVANS. 4 . Imams,* For sale by DNS atpld bides in lyrory lowa In the Willo l4 - 1,5,r : • •,k.• dl5-tf "THE lINION=NOW — AND FOREVER."—Webster. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 5, 18641 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 808 A ELECTION, TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1864. IDifin Nimg, AND By T )1 AUTHORITY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the Said Cpponwealth. To WILLIAM W. JENNINGS, „IISS., Sheriff of Ott manly of Dauphin-...Setzds Greeting: • . • • WHEREAS; A joint resolution proposing certain amend ments to the Constitution of this Commonwealth, which are ea fellows, viz: •.• • • "Thom shall bean additionalaection to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four„as Mows: , • ' "See. 4. Whenever any of the qoalitled electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual , military service, under a requisition •from the -President of the United States or by authority of this Cdremouwealth, such elec tors may exercise the right of Suffrage in all elections by , the citizens, under such regulations mare or shall be pre scribed by law, as fully as if they were pre ent at their usual place of elections. ' "There shall be two addithinal 'cottons to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: "SM. 8. No bill shah be passed by the Legislature'. containing more than one subject, Which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. 9. No bill shad be passed by the 'Legislature, granting any powers or privileges, in any case where the. eutbesity to grant•such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hAreafter be, conferred 'upon .'be °curls of this ' Commonwealth," has been agreed to by a majority 'of the • members eleeted to each Holdeitof the Legislature, at tivo sucemeive sweetens of the name • And whereas, It is inerided in the tenth article of said. Constitution; that any amendmeutsso agreed Upon; shalt be subMitted to tie peopteln such Manner, and 'at such time, at least three months after being so agre• dto by the two hones, as the Legislature shall priwswitoi suotteub mission to be in such manner antitorm, Ott the people may vote for or against each arinmdinent separate had distinctly; And whereas, By an act of.the General , Assembly of:this Commonwealth, passed the twenty-third thy of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and 'sixty lour, it is provided, 'that for the purpose 'of ascertaining the mum of the people of this Commonwealth, in regard to the adoption or refection of seld'amendments, or either of them, the Governor of this CdramOntyeabb shall twin a writ of elect* directed to, each and every Sheriff of this Commonwealth, comnianding :Mein to give notice in the ' usual manner, in motion than tWo-newspariers in each city and county:.Provided, - That so many are published , thereto, and by at least two, printed handbills in rail' election district, of every , city and con. ty wherein no newspaper is published, that an election will be held in each of the townships, boroughs, wards, precincts and districts therein, on the•FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST, k. i to the year of our Lied; one thousand eight huudred and si x ty four, for the purpose of deiddingopon the appMefii a , Id ratification, or rejection nf .tilli said arisendments,2 which said election shall be o pened, ikd and clueedmpees. the day last aforeadd, at the places aud , Witlun thuhours,, a t, e n, 4 within which, theleneral ,electlons of this' Cow- ` mon o eilth are dire-cud to. lid Opened; held and Mined. N o ,d, therefore., In obedience to the reintlementi orate to o th art tole of the Constitution, and in. accordancewitli . ike,t r ue in tent and Weaning . or, the aided of the Gement Assembly of Lb. 9 Commonwealth, T ANDREW 0. Celt. peva:tor of tbesald Commonwealth of.Periasylvanisi: do relate bus writ, commending:: end trethhin, you, the Said Wiliiaw. W. Jetnineiritc of, the.eald, tint to. 11 •6 1,;:on eleeLle held 11999>igit to e term Of thit 4•o9'llitatiod, end weviiionnot the act of .the_deneral.Ate senattly aforesaid, In-each ..of ,the. ,td . maatillot; borottgba c wards promote and distracts. theretin, on the firat.Vuelsigy of AngoM, In the year of our Lord one Opulent(' eight hundreet end sixty.four,. for the ottrpotte of deciding upon the ..aporewnl and ratigedition, or rejection; of; the said Given under my hand and the great seal of the State,' at •Harrisbarg. this TWenty-first day of June, in the year of Four Lora one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four,: and 'et the commonwealth the eiglity•eighth. By the Governor: ELISLIF4t, Secretary of the Deettrionvfeetb.. tea. MIL In pursuanoe of the above prooliireationof tbeVoirernor of th-i Commonwealth of ..Pennayitinda, i, WILLIAM W. JENNINGS, High Sh TliTof the comayof D.unibin, Penn , sylvan* do hereby make known and giye notice to thb electors of the county afore,ahl: that an election will he held in the said county. of Dauphin, ON TUESDAY, IHE SECOND DAY OF AU. UST, !Major the purpose of vot ing on "a joint, resolution propo-Ing setts* amendments to the Constitution•oftbe Otimmonwealth." • I Akin acttrßY MALE *NW* N :AND WYE NOTICE that the places of holding the aforesaid epecill. el ction In the several Wards, boroughs, iiktrlcts and townships within the comity of Dauphin, are as fidlows. to wit Toe election for the First Ward in the City of Harris -burg, Mali he held at the Public School noose, at, coo cornerr ,N.:rrs alley rind . Front street Teceletstott war* Second Ward. ahall be held at the pe d al - Ilseiwt• at the corner of Dewberry allay sad Cheraw:Goa* The el.idion for the Third Ward, shall be bebl at the School Hoge in Walnut " strut, between 'Seasad 'and Front etrve The election for the South Ward, than be held It the Public aoh•el Holm in State street, between Second and Third streets. the election for the Fillh Ward, aball be bet.: at tbe .bou* belong tog to General. John FOrater, - en be Slate road lea iSgt f-om t e reeerfvotr grounds to the .Pannsylvania stale towline Hospital. • Thendention in the Siith. Ward, e5 , e11....be Infant the Market Hoene in *est itarvi3burg. Fur thatkeenehip of Su quohanna, at Kilter's (now Nis ley's) selansilhoure. For the township of Lower Swatars, at the eichool house No. 1, in Histispire. For the townshship of Swalars, at the LiniustGrove Inn. For the borough of Middletown, at the Minsk School house, in Pine- street, in said beroogtv For the township of Landonditypost the Pnblio Ehruie or Joseph Helper; is mild township: • For the township of west Londonderry, at the honseof Christian NeF, in said township , , - - For the township of Conewggo, erected out of parts of the townships of Londonderry and Berry, at the house of Christian Felts, ( now Jim. S. Folts,) in said township.- For the township of Derry,Vdna , publio.house of Dan iel Baum, in liummeistairn, humid tow n ship.. • • Foe late toWnship ifSeatttraanar,itthe pribliehindte of George Rocker, in said township. For the township of East Hanover, at the public house of Maj. Shell's, (now.Floyees. - )do said township. For the townshhip of WeltMahover, at the public house of Jacob Rudy, (Low Ruck liliiisnidlowi l obip. For the townstdp,of, Lower Paxton, at Mit public .house of Robert Gilchrist, (noirtwolgartis,); in said 'township. For the township of Middle Paxton; atlheptitillchouse of Joseph.thtokley sain - townilblP- • * . For the thicislillinf Ittishiat the 'house beiongfpg to - the estate cram decid. nowoooupkid by DavittFtiptial, in said jewnabip. . For the townehiti,efjetrerson,.at Ole house of Chilatialt. Hoffman.in itaid towneldi:' ' For-the loWnshiptif :Jae strii,st the house neer-neon pied by John .131xler, in 111101 tworeuship. For the township of Halifax, at the North School Moose, In the town of Foi thethwnship of Reed, attiiii new School - Heise' a -Duncan's Island, in said township. .For the borough of Millersbm , at the !winnow nextio`. the uorth- reatcorner, on .tiiii,east 41.4) of the new School. House, etnate on Mid tie *street,' islite_ borofigh - Of til lershurr, in the county of linuirdit:.* .For the township of Upper Futon,. at th dwindow trait to the north-roost corner on the - wen - side of the .New School Rouse, situate' on Middle stieS, is the Borough of Miller.hurg, in the county of DatiPhin. For the township of Millie,* at thie public home of Hit else Enterllne, (now iletit-BOrtiner,) in Berrysburg, In said township. , . , , . • For the township of Washington, at •the pnbllo house now occupied by Matilda Wingert, In said township. For the township of Lykens,atthe public - house of Sol omon Loudenslager, (now Kilser,) in tbehermigh efQrats For the borough of Gram, iit n the public house of dulo- Mon toudenslager, Now 88 1 3ef For the teeriiShikkirWieeleS6o, at the Sc h ool Übese NO: 5, is said township. „ , I also, for the i nformatiod ortbc; 'electors of the comity of Dauphin, publish the seyent•tled An act pre- cribing the time and manner or anbmittingt the pe k p for their -approval and rattdcation, or rejection, the proposed amennments to the Constitution. • • • waximait, Ajokot re caution, pinposiugoerUdn amend ments .to the Constitution of this Costoeunweilth, bas been agreed to by a majority Of the Members elected to each house of the burlsiature, at two succemlin sessions. of the same, the Ann session commencing 'Mr the afst Tuesday of January, hrtheyeat of our Lord end Shaman*. eighth sixty•tiwei o and : the MOO session coutmeit Ara TilepelAht ittatuiey, hi they*" ot inst•LoWeit' " • cigottauniridam asgfour ' = PROCLAMATION NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. And whereas , It is provided in the tenth art ole of the Constitution, that say ameddnaent, so egreed npon, shell be submitted to the people in such manner, and such times, at least three months after being so leaved to by the two houses, the Legislature shall prescribe; such antimieston to be in such manner slid form that the pea ple :way vote for or against each amendment separately and distinctly ; therefore, &melee 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representation of the Cansmonoefr reby 'th of enacted au. Pennsylvania an General Assembly met, and TO hi by the °eerily of the same. That for the purpose of ascertaining the Renee of the people of this Commonwealth, in re gardlto the adoption or rejection of said amendments, or either of them, the Governor of this Commonwealth emit WSW} a writ of election, directed to each and every sheriff' of this Commonwealth, oommanding them to give , notice, in the usual manner, In-not less than two newspapers in each city and county: Provide', That 'so many are pub lished therein, and by at least two printed handbills in each election district of every city and.connty wherein no newspaper is published, that an election will be held in etcher the townships, borougbe, wards, precincts and districts therein, on the first Tuesday of August, in the year of oar Lord inc thousand eight hundred and sixty four.; for the purpose of deciding upon the approve kind ratification, or rejection of the said amendments ; which sald'election shall be opened, held and closet upon the day last aforesaid, at the places and within the hours at and , within which the general elections of 'this Common- Wealth are directed to be opened, held and closed; and it shall be the duty of the Judges, inspectors and clerks of each of -said townships, boro ughs warder, precincts and districts to receive. at the said election, tickets, not ex ceeding the number of proposed amendments, either written or printed, or partly written, and partly printed, from each td the qualified voters of thiQ State, who may 'offer the same, and to deposit them in a box or boxes, to - be fir that parpose provided by the proper officers; which tickets shalt be, respectively, labelled on tbo out ids, "Ord Ateendment," "Second Amendment." s and "Third Amendment;" and those who are favorable to said amend mints, or any of then, may express their approval there: of byveling, each, &Smelly separate written or printed or partly written and partly errinted ballots or tickets, as there are ameedinents approved by them, containing, on the inside theteee 'the Words !Tor the -Amendment ;" and thew who are ornoied to such .amendments, or any of them, may express their opposition by voiles, each, as may separate; - mitten or printed or partly written and partly printed be lota or tickets, as there are amend.nents not appreeed by them, containing, on the inside teem° the. words, , t Against the Amendment; " the electors voting for or against the amendment shall bo con sidered as voting for or against the proposed fourth pee- Icon to article three of the Constitution, extending the tight of suffrage to soldiers ,• electors voting for or against 'the second amendment -shall be considered as voting for .4fikkustetie proposed 'eighth section to article eleven of .the Censtitntion; and deceits voting for, or against the •third aisiendment shall be considered 29 voting fer or against the propeeed ninth.section to article eleven of the Conatatinien._ . • r ) SIM., 2. That the election on 'the said proposed amendnienhi shall, in all' espects, be conducted as the 'genebil elections of this Commaawealth are now einduct :ad; and It sheikhs) theduty, of the return judges of the respective counties and 'districts thereof; first having care ' fully' ascertained the nentber of vete/ Veen for or against each of said emendments, in the manner aforesaid, to make out duplicate reternethereof, expressed in words at dengtteand not in,egures only; one of which returns, eo made,,, treledgedin the protheiteitery'e °Mei of the Copt of common' pleas of the pro Per county, and the other sealed and directed to the Secretary of the Com deraiWeeith, and by one„of mieljedtes deposited, forth mast. convenient post Race, upon which post be kePaidai tire exPel!BE! - of the Koller 'ebutitYe Sac. 3. That it shall be the duty-of the Secretary of :the Co • .nweahlt, on the twentyethir4 day , of August ; _neet, • o'clock; post Meridian, to deliver 'collie SpWeee of the Smote or the Speaker, of the House of Llftelirtativest, the returns of the said election, nom eeVeleinitiesOf the COMM° •Weetth; end the same Mann. n same day and hour be opened and published Wine pros Ow hp_malmberi• BeRRSO ban Hous e erf Iteppewettelisne an — d - lres,lifinibm of votes given ror end against wildainendments, respectively, dial; be cans `; fully summed up and ascertained, and, duplicate cent& cafes of the result, shell be elguel by the Speakers of the two homes" , Otteeifsel,dirtitidates shall be 'delivered to the Secretary Wine Can onWeilth, 'who shall' canes the same to be recorded and filed in-his-office, and the other :of'sli l car ificates shell be delivered to the .Governor, who shall forthwith Mane his proclamation, declaring who 'Abe; the paid amendments, or either of them, have been approved and ratified by a majority . of the qualified voters of th a State thereon; Peowded, That if for any pause, a quorum of either house of the Legialkturti shall .not be present at the day and hour above mentioned, then the Sravowshall be :.opened In 4as meow?) or such membedi Ofisafir houser: at shall be present ; 'and .in case of the absence of the speaker of either oe said houses, the said certificates shall ba signi , d by the Speaker pre tent; or, in cameof the absen• oof both Speakers, by the 'Chief Clerks of both houses, or either of them in the absence of one of the said clerks. Sao. 4. That the several duties required to be per forinod by the sheriffs commissionera, constables, judges, inspectors, and ail other officers whatever, 'in and about the general elections of this Commonwealth shall be per formed by such officers In and about the election herein provided for; and all persons, whether officers or others, shall be liable to the sons punishment for the neglect of any duty or the commission of any offence at, in or about the said election as =hey would for the 'neglect et like duty or the commission of lice offence at, in or about the general elections of this Commonwealth. HENRY C. JOHN-ON, " Speaker of the House of Repreeentativea JOHN P. PaNNEY, Speaker of the Senate. Arrsovark—The twenty-third day of April, Anne Dom ini one thouiand eight hundred and sisty-four. A. G. CURTEc. - ammo OF IitTOILN MOWS— • Pursuant to the provision contained in the 2nd section of the act aforesaid, the . judges of the aforesaid dis tricts shall respectively take charge Of the certificate or return of the election of their respective districhr, ano produce them at a meeting of one judge from each dis trict, at the city of Harrisburg, on the third day alter the day of the election, being /SWAY, the sth day of August. then and there to do and perform the drties required by law of said judges. , lao, that where ajudge by sickness or unavoidable ac cident, le unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the certificate cw,retutn aforesaid shall be .taken charge of by one of the inapectprs or clerks of the election of said filar* Who shall do and porter= the ditties required of said-Judges amble to, attend. Given under my band, in my office In Harriaturg, the twenty-seventh, day of Zane A. D. 1864. WILLIAM W:JENNINOB,- Sheriff of Dauphin county. litithgraos Onto; Harrisburg, pa., June 27,184 f je27-te T. F. wATsoiv, MASTIC CEMENT MANUFAMITIMR, PITTIMIESITIIter, Pa., T 8 PREPARED to-tarnisAt and coat the ex terior of Buildings with - thelgagiTlO OEYF.NT, on a new symern.y This material is entirely different from tU othereitnentaMied heretofore, and hiatus only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble sgiheillyeptits to ilfick'or titone,Walls, making a Nom r prior Ingham add thaiali equal to Brown Steno or any color desired. Among . others for whom I have applied the Mastic Oa nrenC:lgefer to' As following gentlemen: J. Bissell, resddenee, Penn street, Pittsburg. y wo or d 64 46- 64 J,lleLioanterger iradderarm, Idrensevilla James M'Candiews, " Allegheny eitF. Calvin Adams, '' Third street, Pittsburg June,. Gira Mealglerner_ rd SO A-ChtHIPIE O W, " WillimTrariek WN " Bay Now, architects Mgt** Buildings, " Jettp 13 , OKI ;WORM Front liarakkgatilibur& Pit A. J. Jones, 111 11 " it Besse address T. F. WATSON, O. Boa LBO6, Pittsburg, Pa -*Want or, Penna. Home, Harrisburg, la. 1) IitIADELPHIA. COLLEGIATE. INsTI - TOTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. IWO Arab street Rev.CKARLES.A. SMITE, D. D., E. CLARENCE Alen,lle IL,Trinelpida.- Muth. Year. Three departteenta: Primary, Acatieiolo, anti Collegiate. Pall college cause 11 ..dOik Kathe wake, higher Ruakab 'and Natural &knee for those who graduate. Modern Languages , Knaie., ?Mutin and Elocution by .the 'bow =mere clirculare apply at the loititutthot Wren BOX 2MI P. , o,,elphia 020-13 m 1,000 LJ3S. CO e D F 188, ot George brand, . 1 the cw? _reoavl: and for We byVIM= & intAZE (suoceasora to W9L . Dodc„ Jr., &pal, McNCILISH i3REAKFABT TEA.— Just re ill (Ovid, alne chest of ;ft:lol2inakraat. 'rosy, - - ieste i no vom,Dir.) PRICE TWO . CENTS. EVENING EDITION. From Washhtgton. News from Petersburg. The Statemehts of a Refugee . The Rebels Believe the Present Campaign to be the Decisive One, Every Available Man lithe Rebel Ranks THE 4TH IN WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, Jnne 4. A gentleman who has recently arrived from Peteriburg, (having escaped in the last three weeks,) gives me the following brief summary of the condition of things in that beleagnred city. He says that. Lee has been reinforced by detachments, occasionally coming in from the instruction camps at Greensboro and Char lotte. He says that the universal feeling in the rebel army is that this campaign is - the deci sive one, and that every inducement is held out to the rebel troops by their leadrs to fight most desperately, under the`belief that if they succeed in the present campaign that their independence is secure. . He says 'hat every man available, has been taken out of the hospitals at Richmond and Petersburg, to participate in thb defence of those cities. He gives as his opinion, that the force now reported. to be operating on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad is a part of Ewell's corps, recent ly sent from Lee's army to operate against Hunter in the fight at Lynchburg. Oar national metropolis to-day was one great scene of enthusiasm. Artillery an nounced at an early hour the glorious fourth of July. It was surrounded by the merry peals from church and engine house bells. At an early hour this morning many of our Sabbath schools assembled at their churches and lecture rooms, from whence, in gay pro cession, they repaired to the neighboring Square, to celebrate the - great anniversary. The cars and steamboats were brought in re, quisitirm, the former to convey merry groups to Bladensburg ; Bellville, Laurel, Annapolis and other points in Maryland, whilst the latter proceeded with multitudes to Alexandria, Marburg Landing and other points along the margin of the Potomac river. The veteran Reserve Corps, commanded by Col. Giles, was reviewed by Provost Marshall General Fry to-day. Their fine appearance elicited much admiration from the spectators. There is nothing new from the front or from G6nerat Sigel's_ department received up to this, our.. - C. H. GRAFFEN. The Amendatory Enrollment Act Commutation Clause of the 41d Law Repealed, The following are the provisions of the act further to regulate and provifle_ for the. en rolling and calling out of a National force, and for -other purposes, which has passed both houses of Congress: 1. The President of the United - States may, at his discretion, at any time hereafter, call for any number of men.as Volunteers for the respective terms of one, two and three years, for military service; and any such volunteer, or, in case of draft, as hereinafter provided, any substitute, shall be accredited to the town, township, ward, or city precinct, or election districtror `of a county, towards the quota of which he may have volunteered or engaged as a substitute; and every volunteer who is accepted and mustered into the service for a term ot one year,imleas soouer discharged, shall receive, and be paid by the United states, a bounty of one hundred dollars; and if for a tern of two years, unless sooner dis charged, a bounty of two hundred dollars; and if for a term of three years, unless sooner discharged, a bounty of three hundred dollars; one-third of which bounty shall be paid to the soldier at the time of his being mustered into the service, one-third at the expiration of one halt of his term of service, and one-third at the expiration his term of service. And in case of his death while in service, the resi due of his bounty unpaid shall be paid to his widow, if he shall have left a widow; if not, to his children, or if there be none, to his mother, if she be a widow. 2. In case the quota or any part thereof; of any town, township, ward of a city, precinct, or election district, or of any county not so subdivided, shall not be filled within the space of fifty days atter such call, then the Presi dent shall immediately order a draft for: one year to fill such quota, or any part .thereof, which may be unfilled; and in case of any such draft no payment of money shall be ac cepted or received by the Government as com mutations to release any enrolled or drafted man from personal obligation to perform mili tary service. 3. It shall be lawful for the executive of , any of the States to send recruiting agents 'into any of the States declared to be in rebellion, except the States of Arkansas, Tennessee and Louisiana, to recruit volunteers under any call under the provisions of this act, who shall be credited to the State, and to the respective sub-divisiops thereof, wAich may procure the enliStment. • • 4. Drafted men, substitutes and volun teers, when mustered in, shall be organized, in, or assigned to regiments, 'batteries or other organizations of their own States, and, as far as practicable, shall, when assigned, be per mitted to select their own regiments, batter ies or other organizations from among those of their respective States, which at the- time of assignment may not be filled to their max imum number. 5. The twentieth section of the act, en titled An act to amend an act, entitled An act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes, approved February 24, 1864, shall be construed to mean that the Secretary of War shall discharge mi nors under the age of eighteen years under the circumstances and on the conditions pre scribed in said section,, and hereafter if any officer of the Milted States shall knowingly enlist or muster into the military service any person under the age of sixteen years, _with or without the consent of his parent or , guard ian, such paint Efti elilhitel oerecrulled shall be immediately and unconditionally dis charged utoskpayment of 811 Want" recebed; 0F Ic. _ . . Tee following are the rates fbe, adygrising in the Isaz. enema :ThsiseirailiM advprtabi,sp do will fi rd. ''t eon:. venien lrb or reiroge. - i ' - irr Yew lines - oi less conatltrite one-half square. Fight lines ermore than tblircomintute a screart. - eon :a RAL2 Stiveßß, • • • log ONE sosAit. One day....... ..... $ 30 One day.. —„..,.....$ dO Two days 50 Two days . ICO Three days • 7.6 Three_dans a... 1.26 One week ... ....... .. 1 25 One week 2 26 One month... .. 800 One month , . .6 .GO 'Two , Months 450 Two months - ~. "IV 00 Three months 6 60 Three month& .-r.... 11 GO Mr months 800 Bla months 15 0 One year... .... . . ... .15 00 One year 25 0 Administration Notices ' $2 25 . • Marriage Notices 75 Auditor s Notices. '4 • 0 Funeral Notices eacir insertion ---J -f 9 /iil;usiness notices inserted In the Local Mums% or before before on, MarrlageS and . Destku% MORT Own rairlmia for and such recruiting or mustering officer who shall knowingly enlist a person under sixteen _years - of age, shall be dismissed the service, with forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and shall be subject to such further punishment: as a iourt•martial may direct. 6. section three of an act. entitled "An act to amend an act, entitled "An act for enrolling and calling out the 'National forces, and for other purposes,' " approved February twenty four, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to au thorize and direct Provost Marshals, under the direction of the Provost Marshal General; to make a draft for one hundred per centina in addition to the number required to fill the quota of any district as provided by said sec tion. 7. Instead of traveling pay, all drafted per sons reporting at the place of rendezvous shall be allowed transportation from their places of residence t • and persons discharged at the place of rendezvous shall be allowed transportaiion to their places of residence. 8. All persons in the naval service of the United States who have entered the said ser vice (luring the present rebellion, who have not been credited to the quota of any town, district, ward or State, by reason of _their being in said service and not enrolled pribr to February 24, 1864, shall, on satisfactory proof of their residence made to the Secretary of Wari be enrolled and credited to the quotas of the town, ward, district, or State, in which they respectively reside. 9., If any person duly drafted shall be ab sent.from home in prosecution of his usual business, the Provost Marshal of the district shall cause him to be duly notified as soon as maybe, and he shall not be deemed a deserter, nor liable as such, until notice has been given to him, and reasonable time allowed for him to return and report to the Provost Marshal of Ms district, but such absence shall not otherwise affect his liability under this act. 10 and 11. Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to alter or in any way affect the 17th section of the Enrollment act, rela tive to those conscientiously opposed to bear ing arms, or to affect the rights of persons to procure substitutes. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES POCKET BOOKS, PURSES PORTANONNAIIE: S FOR LADIES .AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLER'S . Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market, street. The beta Morocco I ' ll- A 172 E 1 -N4 SAT , . H ELS, And a general variety of FANCY - ROOM, suitable for Presents, now on hand at. , KELLER'S Drug Store, marlo-tf No. 91 Market strew CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. ELtaiiisntrao, PA ., Tune 9; 1664. THE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 14th Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of toe counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union' ani4 Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said District. Eje9tdtel .JI3ShtIfESYY. NEW LMETOR IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS ,AND 11 OTHERS —The undersigned offers at whoksak, to the trade, a choice lot of the beet liquors ever brought to Harrisburg; viz: Preach Brandies, Holland Gnu, Scotch, /risk; Bourbon, Wheat and Old Bye Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic Wines; such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, ,fn. Al. liquors warranted, as rept eaett.ed. Landlords anti others will find it to their adednetge to call and ex amine the assortment at the more, South Second street, two doora below Chestnut, my27-d6m GEORGE WINTERS FOR RENT. THE Warehouse and grounds in Canal and Slate streets. It is a good stand for a grocery store, and has a private siding for forwarding purposes. Pas session given immediately, Apply to MRS. C. M. ANTEI Front and North streets je2B442twa2nsw* [JNRIVALLED CHAFALER FURNITURE POLISH does not affect the varnish, but restores the original lustre. It does not discolor. It will resto e, with very little labor every finished surface, t ither metal or wood. All manufacturers and dealers in furniture should use It for cleaning furniture that has been &end ing, covered with dust. A touch and rub hero and there will make It bright and fresh. For sale by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Han isbarg. JuCdtf MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS; AND THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A ND assortment of these Instruments always on hand W. ISNOCRE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Karim street. jel-2taialy] Thomas C. MacDowell, A-ttoirixey..at-Law. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW MN* HARRISBURG, PA. ALL manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims collected against the General or State Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. ap29-d6m "M EW BOOK s.—•THE SHOULDER 11 STRAPS DAYS OF SHODDY Just receiftd at (delS) SOIIEFFER'S BOOKSTORS. TILT OF SUPERIOR QUALITY,•for sale in small bales at the keystone Farm, immediately below the city. [Jell] J. NISH. A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY -AT LAW, IT AB removed his Office from Third to Wel .ll, nut lawn neat to the Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt and carefig attention. set OHEERE--Choice new crop Cheese, just ‘../ received at SHLSLIIR & FRAZER, Jet? Succeseers to W. Dock, Jr., & 00. TrATWSI!--lifiehener's Excelsior: .s_s_ Just cared. Deceived and for Bale at.- BEILSLER FRAZEIt, roar2B Cancoeasora to W. Dock. Jr.. Ar Co. SUPERIOR MO AND LAGDYRA COFFEE at (PA BOYER & HOEURR. CUT FLY PAPER. A NICE assortment of Cut Paper for cell xl legs, looking glassrs. picture frame and gas pipes, BOREFFER'S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg,-Pa at my2o - 11.A111 HAY!! HAY!!! - ak b :of the beet quality oilkagltuesale; - Call at /4,CORMICIIVSOALOITICARtraI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers