;IXEDICA_L. •ss CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, icONsTrruTioN WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER., CONSTITUTION WATER. !CONSTITUTION WATSR. CONSTITUTION WATRR. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, C(0 1 _-PITIDMON WATER. -ONsTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER THE GREAT REMEDY TOR .TEM CONSTITUTION, AND THE ONLY" KNOWN REMEDY FOR METES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATER Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the pertna• neat cure of all diseases of the STOSIACII, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has ever been ollbred. It is not a MINERAL WATER. It is from , experienc that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let no - man doubt, when a single bottle has beds known to cure diseases which the best medical talent in this country has failed to relieve. . A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack" preparationS, itt now used by the most scientific practitioners in this city. It is Only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the phy sician increases as his knowledge of different remedies enables him to produce a cure, while others fail in the at tempt Science is satisfied with the troth; Give Constitution ]fater a fair trial—we mean you who are under some spectMates care from year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatment, and all sorts of local applications for diseases, with as much chance of success as there would be from local applications to the throat for diseases of the brain. We have been always careful to use language in our circular that could not shock the moat delicate organiza tion, but we receive so many communications from per sona for which Constitution Water Is adapted,' anti of whose diseases no mention has been made, that we have some to the conclusion that if the remedy is capable of produoing a CU/13, no mutter what the disease may be, It should bo made known. The medicine is put co for the public, and there, should be no exceptions. We would say, Constitution Water is 130 h, like a gilded pill, made CO suit the eye and taste; It is a medicine In every sense of the term, placed the hands of the peo ple for their relief, and if taken according to the direc tions It will, .in every case, produce a radical cure We could say that the directions in re gard to diet, otr. re late only to the drapers under ivnlch they occur. DIABETES La a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, bud is, without doubt, the moat obstinate disease, except consumption, that affects the human constitution. We have no space for discussing causes, but will state that the effect of the disease is 'the conversion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of -.the -food) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion of water. Many persons suffer from this disease who are Ignorant of It; that is, they pass large quantities during the day, and are obliged to get up from ono to fifteen or twenty Lim' during the night. No notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the large discharge of water; and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when the, disease is fully estab lished, is intolerable--the patieedrinks constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a _moot breath, In the more advanced essair, and dually loss of appetite, emaciation, and tile patient gradu. aly sinks from exhaustion COO.NSTITITIIO.I WATZu is, without doubt, the only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as much sounds= that it is a specific as we have that opium • will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it as cured every war in which it hes Wen used. STONE IN TEE BLADDEE, CALCULUS, (;RAVEL, MICE DUST DEPOSIT,'ETC, k. 72•0., Diseases aria= from a faulty secretion—in the . one cage being too little, and accompanied by severe pale and the other a too profuse accretion -whith will be . apeddily cared by the CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE. ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR . THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR , THE ONLY KNOWM REMEDY FOR . THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR D A.. 8 TE $. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THZ BLADDER INIT. RRATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. STRANOUARY AND BURNING OR PAINFUL ORI NATING. For these diseases It is truly a sovereign reinedY, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has bean known to relieve the most urgent-symptoms, Are you troubled with the* distressing pain in the small of tne back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use of buchu, cnbebs and jaulper in the treatment of those diseases, and only use them for the Want of a bettor remedy, CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself equal ta ' . tho , task that 1 / 1 13 ileyolvod 11P" U. frrktate afidldrench the kidneys; and by eenstam use soon lead to ehreniadegeneration and confirmed disease. - • We present, the Coustitution Water to the public with the conviction that It ties no equal In relieving the class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently suc cessful for curing • and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our Worts Int:lacing eo valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. EgADI - UNA T) r l READ 11 1 Derrents, Pa., June 2,1863—tir. Wm, H. Glregg— Mgr air: In February..lBol, I was affected with; sugar thabetett, and for Ave months I passed more than two .:.gations of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in aye months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. tiering the month of July, DIM, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after tithing It. perleaced relief, and after taking two bottles I was en tirely cured; soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly..' J. V. L DE WITT Bog= Conartam, N. 1., Dec. 27, 186 L—Wm. Grew it Co.—Gents: 1 freely give you liberty townies u.se erne following certificate of the 'value of Constitution Water,- which I can recommend in the highest manner: My wife era attacked with pain in the shoulders,_whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the Lreart and irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who attended her about three menths,when-he tether , worse than hu had found her b then employed one of the best physicians I could find, who attended her for about chic months, and while she was unde r tdit care she did not gut for quite as much pain. He finally gate her up, and said • Wier MIN was incurable. Fur," said be, "she h as tech . a . • combination of comp/4We that medicine Oren for crne.Ope raki against some Other Of her difficulties." al ma .tl, - i s time she commenced the use of COunntution Water, and to inw.utter astonishment, almost the &at dose seemed to have the desired elitist, and she kept on improving rapidly under Its treatment, and now superintends en- I tirely.her domestic anitirs. She hawnot taken any of the Cioninitution Water for about four weeks, and we are happy tO say that It has producod - rporconnent cure. WM. hi. VAN BENe;CHOTF2i. • Winamtarando, Conn., March 2, 1863.—Dr. H Orwm—Dear Ba•: , —Haeing Seen. your advertisement of 'Constitution Water," recommended for Inflannuation of the Kidneys and Irritation of the Blaclder, having Buttered for the past three years, and tried the skill of a number of physicians with only temporary relief, I wailinduced' to try yom medicine. I procured one battle of your agents at Hartford, Meseta Lee, Simon & Co., and when I bud used half of Ity to My surprise I found a great change in my health. I halm used two bottles of it, and am where I never expected to be in my lire, well, and is good spirits.- I cannot express my gratitude fur it; I feel that it is all and morertharryou recommend hto be. May the blessing et Mod ever &Mend you In your labors of lova. - • Youriiim_ly LEONARD 'BIGELOW. ' YOH "itALEIBT 'ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $l. • 1 WM. GREGG & CO., Proprietors wiaGAN, gen 10.4.4w0m450d N . a de.Mitt Street, New York, Bold by Johnston, Holloway. 4; Cowden, Phila., and KUNICRT, ffi BRO., 118 Market Street, Harrisburg, and by "all P in gists. PIonEBl Prolasart—ity - t:he Halt Darrel, Jar or Dozen, at lreOG smug Filaympg. rpo LADIES.--If you wish goc4f. Letia— (saweesom W Wm. Dock Jr, , 60.) 1 Paper,. Envelonek . lnk, Yens, or anything eienin the stationery ne e you vnu domain b calla a ECEBREN(rAND BAS,,: , sozemils K6 ll, IS impl) DOM KOZEPIR ,. HarYiibarT,' MISCELLANEOUS. . . •_ ELECTRICITY. TIES: AVIETH and OR MEE, Eclectic jij laid Electropathlc phyaicians, reapectililly offer theirprofeialonal services In all the various branchca o f theprofession, for the treatment of all acute and chronic terms of diaease. -The" rettedisl 1888118' thSt mooplerin the treattnent of dismal . of Electro-liagnet.- lam, the Swedish method of Loostilzed movement cure,a few Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, . and in fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully be bitesitlititd.bear apon'the disease. They do not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ In the treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally employed by - physicians, from the fact that they ant In perfect harmony with the laws governing end controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par tioular pally or system, they attribute their success controlling disease. The principal agent they employ In the treatment of disease, namely, El e ctricity , is en agent wonderful in Its phenomena an d powerful lulls effects for good or 111 It Lan ever present, all-potOrdtag principle, governing all thhigis, hem rolling wort& down to the Invisible particles of gasseous matter. We see Sin the lightning's Dash and hear the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder.. It Is the cause of all decomposition, recompo anion and transformation. It excites all motion. It Is the exciting cause of life, growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude feed in the stomach, converts it into a state of transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on its important - m=o4f supplying nutriment according to the necessities of thetotlyi , -It lithe nerve vital fluid, the great sgentlloreugh - whith'the tilisid'acts upon the bodys Isis the cause of all causal - Meal:4*m first great Cause. the Influtteldind:whiett creatffifirdrid brought it into n , e These may .iiPitearlilts iiitt qikertions, but they as. fads adinittibrorstrongand irresistible proof. Is It then, to be wondered Milo an agentao wonderful in its phe nontena„-ao pawerfutin its masifeetatioas and so intimate lycormected with `all the Cpbrations of the - human aye. tem, should be alintelt absOlute - in its power of controlling disease Certainlyistit: is a ,natural sequence and follows as surely as day follows Melt. Among tue diseases which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may be mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and caber Convulsions;, Neuralgia, in Its worst forms, thuerriatism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases or the nervous system; Dyspep sia cured in a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary and genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthma, Filet had Prolapsus Anl; Anninrosis and all kindred affections of the eye; Airetua, strictures, all skin diseases, &o. Persons calling will be told whether they can be , bene fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot be af forded. Cimsultation free. °lnce, South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa, Office hours from Bto 12 ti x , l tosand 7 to 9 P.M. apib JULIUS ROSE.NDA LE, 29 Practical and Scientific OP T ICIA.N, MAUFACTIMER AND IMPORTER OF. OPTICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND PIIILOSOPU CAL INSTRUMENTS, No, 25 NORM sEe,oxn STREET, NEAR WALNUT HARRISBURG, PA. The following -instruments will be forwarded, free, to any adiress, on receipt of the price : Insect Microscope; for examining all kinds of in sects, flowers, or plants. $1 00 Seed Microscope; for examining seeds, insects, minerals, &c. 2 OD Rosendule's Student's Microscope; power 60, 150, and 250 diameters. A beautiful instrumenrfor general microscopical analysis, packed in a neat box 10 00 Rifle Telescope; to see at a distance of two or throe miles; can be attached to any rifle 6 00 Stereoscopes; a new and Improved instrument 2 26- Do. with twelve pictures .... 5 00 spectacles of the highest refractive power to strength. en and preserve-the eyesight, with a large assortment of Opera and_ Field 'Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers, Magnets, Drawing Instruments, Sic, *Jr Send stamp for a candogue containing prices, kc. A. F. ZWMERMAN, Practical Watch Maker, No. OMarket Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE 'WAIMEA CHAINS SETS OF JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, • AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. Has cplistanlly ott hand F Wel; selected find (*ugly assorted stobk, or FINE.WATCHE - 3_ 4.. 41Alf4°, RINGS, AND SETS. FINE SILVER walla AMERICAN, ENGLISH' AND SWISS WATCHES, Both in Gold and Silver Cases Also, a floe assortment of LADIES'' WATCHES Corustantly on hand A LIEGE TARINTY Olf ELEGANT C./LOC-UK Of all dwctiptlons; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. - liar Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex, and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds or Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. F. ZIMMERMAN, mar2Bl No. 52 Market street, adjoining , Brant's Dalt. Steam Weeklir to _Liveipool. MOUCHINGatQUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har J. bor.) The well known Summers of the Liverpool New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: City or Manchester. Saturday, July 2; City of London, Saturday, July, 9; City of Baltimore, eaturday, July 16, and every auceed4Saturday, at , from Pier 44, North River. . ~ • RATES OF PASSAGE, • rArAtas ne 'norm, on rre tiorrumerr 13 Cnatunwrr. e l FIRST CABIN 480 00 STEERAGE ;.$ 3O 00 do to London 86 00 do to London...„ .34 00 do to Paris ' 95 00 do' to Parts— . . ... 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 ' do to Hamburg... 37 00 Passengers also "%mud to Havre, Bremen:Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., it equally IoW raH7O.. ' Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown": lst Cabin, $76, $B5, vas: Steerage, $B3. Those who Irish to send for their frieilda c a n buy Waage he* at thee° rates. For further information apply at the Company% Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N..Y., or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. 1193.d1y INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA Na MPS Walnut 'Nire.ex, S outh' ide, East of Third Street,"NhSYudelphis . ' AMOUNT OF ASSETS " ... t $1,666,663 60 INCOPRORATED 1794, - CAPITAL. CHARTER' PERPETUAL. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation In. •snrance ARTHUR COFFIN, President CHARLES Plan Secretary.' WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Seembi l Httrrisburg, Pa, DANIEL A MUENCH AGENT CV' the Old Wallower Lite, respectfUlly in formsky the the public that this Old Daily Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,) is kr successeal operation and prepared to carry 'freight as low as any other individual line betweenPhlla delpida, Harrisburg Sunbury, lowisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Moen and all other ohne on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Rrle and Williamsport end Emirs Railroads. DANIEL A. MUMICH, Agent. Harrisburg, Penn's. Goods seat to the Warehouse of Masers. Peacock, Zoll - gialliediaa s al, NOP. 808 and - SUrMarkEit street, Shove Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. will arrive at Harris. barready for delivery, neat 'morning. [aptlO-rdmyl. M!!=! ALEX. R. WYETN, M. D., DR. .1. MILTON CREAMER. 29 - • .$500,090 • - MEDICAL. Via Mo txl a % = 8 Pa . m. 4 t" G'' txl 172 '-da. DR. JOHN 'L. LYON'S FRENCH PENODIOAL DROPS IRE GREAT FEMALE REGULATOR., Aro tha ouly known. remedy that will auccessauliy. and Invariably ?More gnd regulatothetemalegyatera remoV lug all irregularities, and producing health, vigor and atrength. LYON'S PRRIODIOAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in Wits country, and acts directly an the to, 0113cted, whilst pills and powders can only reach• them as they work through sympathy, but not at aM direct and positive. Are yon mdtbring from ■ constant eailety for the rev' ler return of nature's prescribed laim - Give yourself no u , - -ailimiLpes, for Ideals recioakid If taken a day or two befoie the expected period; will posi tively and invariably regulate Its coming, ta sure as end follows cause, as c ertain as daylight follosw dadadir Are you slob, enfeebled by disown, or nimble to bear the labor and danger of increase I' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to yina as a blessing, for, is not prevention bet* than cure ? If regularly taken, It is a certain preventive, and will save you much peril and many hours of sugaring. Have you been afflicted for many years with comtaints Incident to the sex, that have baffled the skill of hyei clans, and are hurrying you on to an early grave I LYON'S PNRIOD/OAL DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever known, aid cure, like magic, all those irregalarities that have defied the do . does Will you mate away with entering from Lencorrhout, Prolapses, Dyemenorrhom, and a thousand other diner& ti ail summed up under the name of suppressed and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollar in LIONS PERIODICAL DROPS will surely save you. - • Do not cum the drops when foitiddeu to the'llirections, for although a positive cure; anit harmless at all other thrice, they are so poweeful and finely calculated to,adjust and govern the ittuctions of the sexual organism, that, if haat at intkeopee times, they Would produce results con trary to nature, &phut /ranch all, particularly these who would reproduce, should toothily guard. . LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm:the moat delicate consYtutlga at oar time; yet tne proprietoin wish 30 pani spinal Mr inhume, hoping that a thousand bottle/ will hoped tor a 'wim ps(' where one is used for an illegitimate ORO: ' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPEI, the never-failing FeMale Remilater, is for% z allkebr every Drugitat, in the city and country, and do not,-tf Toe value your ealth and wiab Ibr a ratable medlefnee buy any other. Take no other, but If the Ihmr,gka to whop you apply has not got it, make him send and get. It for you. C. 8 CLARK & CO, Paonwlimas, ex Whotesak by JOHNST.OII, - HOLI;OWAX cIF ivirioval 4 is North Bbrth Rrsgtt t 4 . 10% Pa ii hd p iC t:f 1.. g t 4 0, INI el W 01 . • ItEDICAL; DR. JOHNSON BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL H aged eff . ectuT ed edl i es e n li rw ()fill for. speeds A Owe Warangal, or No Charge," in from One Weakness ot the B Affectlons of the Kidneys and Bladder Involuntary ieohargee , Impotency, General De bility, Nerirousness,• Dyspepsia, Languor, 'Low, Spirits, ConfUsion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart; Timidity Tremblims, :Dimness ofSight or Giddiness, Disease Z the Head, Throat , Nese or Skin , Affections of the ver- Lunwi, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits bf Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal 10 - their iictiml glob the song of Srm: to theidariners of Ul3reses, blighting their most bril lian t hopes or anticipations, rendering mintage, au, impossible. Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadfUl and dedructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely'grava thousands of Young -110 n of the moat exalted talents , and brilliant intellect, Wbo might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to emaay the hying lyre, may call With full'conadence. g Harried persons, or Young Men contemplating =rime% being award of physical weakliest; organic debilityi defor Wide% Afc”. iipeed4 'Pled, - He who places tilmseltunder the Care of Pr. J. may ret ligionsly confide in his honor ir "gentleman; and confi dently rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmediately cared, and full vigor restored.- This distressing affection—which readers life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty. paid by the vie• thus of improper indulgence- Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadNi consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the 81110013 t will pretend to deny that the power of procuration Is lost sooner by theca falling late braPrePer habils than by the prudent. Besides bei • ng 'deprived the pleasures of healthy 'batwing, the moat lea;ons end de structive symptoms to both.. body • and . 'nand arise. The Tome becomerigenuaged f the phygical) :Mental furiCtions weaken d, leas of-procreative power, nervous d'yepepria,Wpitatiou of the heart, IndigOrtion, comilitutional debility, a:wasting °Ake tram* cough, con samption, decay mut deeth. Left haad aide golog tram Baltimore street, a. few doom from the corner. Yell not to &Werra name an nrunber. Lettere mast-be paid and contain a etarep. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hie oleos: • DR. • JOHNSON, Member of the Royal Coltege of Surgeons, London, 'grad uate from one of the most eminent coneys; -in the United States, and the greater part of ihose life bas been spent in the hospitals of londod, Paris, Philadelphia and OW where, has effected some of the Meet astonishing Mires that were ever known,. ; many tmubled With illight.g in the liela and Jeers when asleep, great neryouesa being alarmed at midden sounds, - healthiness, wi frequent blnithing; attended sometimes with• derangement of mind were clued immediately. .. • TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These ire some of the sad mid melancholy etibcti rr,o. duced by early habits of yhuth, viz : weahuess of the lAck and /nabs, Palms in the head, Minutiae of sight,.l-,0 3 of abisoular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspep oov. voila irritability symptoms of consumption, am.; • IissTALLY.--The fearful eflooleon the Mira an mo th to ke dreaded—loss of memory :confusion of woos, de. pm, oh or spirits, evil - forebtatve4,k,o" t o sobiety self dbstruks, love of solitude, 4 ea; are some t. the evils-prudes& YOUNG MEN • • Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice In dulged In when alma:, a-habit Creqmently learned from evil companions, or at Bawl, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when .ajtjeep, and tf not cured renders. marriage awes sage, WI dastroys both mind and body, should.% ,)plyt mr opdiately„ - • Whata ItE r t hat a young than, the hopeof blecountrv, the darling orlini*Lnants,:anould be - snatched from - Mr prospactsand enjoyments of Igo, by the conaequerice of. detiating fries the path of nature and indulging in a certaia lianiet; habit. Such persons noes, before conten - • - 111ARBIAGE, Reflect that a soundSnindand body are the most necesgarYi requisites to promoteconnublalhappinms. Indeed ,aritta out these, the Jou,'rney tiOnigh lire becommt a weary "IV grimage ; the prospeothourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair; and filled with, the melancholy reflection MO liteiAtttinesit of anothat be- comes blighted : l.lU own. • Digil A FIY4: OE LMpRUDENCB. VitewVoininiatAttett ant, ineprodeo...votary et nienstuu :1126 - be has imbibed the needs or lids macaw, too-often bapßena that an Minted sews of shame or the dread of diseeveryAgters him from to those who from education and respectability, son alone befriend him He falls Into the hat& of Ignorant and designing pretend ers, wilo,, incapable of e ,ournig, Glob Ws PocumarY Bub' stance, keep him trilling Monlita after or as tens aa the =anew ree'den bo 'obtained. and • iti despair leave him with ruined twahh,toyeigh over hisgalling disappointment, or, by tne use of tliedeadly llierttnxy, hasten, the -ooustitclionalsymptc►uaofth4Ysrri diseamonch as ono. time of the Head, Threat, Nose, Skin, etc., plogressing with frightful rapidity till death': pita a peeled peiledto his dread= suiferhtSs aendinthim,te that lindwannid country front whence no twiner return& INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this institution year after year s and the numerous- important surgical operation performed byilt.Johnsimortinessed by the reportere'of thetaurli 04f .snd many. other papers, notices of which have ap again and again harem the poblio, banks his standing as a gentleman. of character andireeponst bility. is a suit/den guarantee to the afflicted— =Ell `''THERE IS NO SITOIL Woiil) As Zit." TAIDIANT'S ` COMPOUND EXTRACT OE CU BEES Ala) COPAI6IIA.. This preparation I. din MEDICAL PROFESSIGMVG Pi the r i g s le? and certain care of bISEASIN OF 'RR , lll4.llpreit i NRYB, URINARY ORGANS; ETC. It may be relied on as the beet ripodeloi tie wimisistra. Ron of these remedies in the large Masi Of .28**,6i:ea botb , sexes, to which tho are appl i ca b le. worm ' heterferes with the disestion, - andlty t b, dose . L. mai:reduced: : • " • br.• - , Pureltasiers 1181 'adittedto atdolo,‘ 74MMUNI8 _ COMPOUND EXTRACT car . ammo ANI) ,COPAIBA, and take nothing else, ea *tato= and wortbloss prepa rations, under similar names, are Li autrkeL Price $1 00. Sent , by express on receipt °V price. stasanke. tined only - by TiLItIUM & CO., 27 Greensick, street, cornexof Werisnetriet, bTeWßrad f o r oak Div** DOleiviak '4022417' For Sole by S. Ar'lLipblB4,llC, ii . B1)111;: and by Drags. i eni generally. ' -- nu:tillers llMltitt DIT./.4#0 . nitul.b., 'why 4 ,h is es;- itre4 ri te telite lti* compoilßen b een ern : IdeFetVintil, deck! Suwon for many iraf t a u nmet , of dtsesim RV AIR PASSAGES and LW/ A l a F or any form OF WI Okesso, such as coout Tidg , '.1‘1231G of the TatIOATAMING OF BLOOD,DIFr 446 U T BRE A THING; ROARUNRSN, WM OF VOICE and FEW TIC FEVERS, tts use Rill be attended 'tettll- the IWO*". results. It Is one of tie bes and safernententelnea /Pk ' forms of BRoN.. OEMS and 1.X./NSUMPTION. Arsr; & num or Mon of Opium in any Ova ittaism , a imp". sk $1.: 0 0 Mk BOTTLE. For. sale at BERGNER'S Erman &hi Store. NOW tHaWIII COW& DR. R. M.SALDEA : E I 8 T, removed of : EsPF,m7LT y. E informs, the eitintr i ; _um Hurintotid, wan ..N,dcondl g that he hat; fice from'llirketinreat to T tddstreet, next doer to the l'lttriet and Union of Ace, wt /ere , he Is prepared to accom modate all who me y d am , Prortmonal servicek% aprl4 - VIENZ R2MANO SEEERRY, impotted _ 184&granted the Plum Sheny Wine La Oa country. Pc:/nate-ot - Mtn= t .FRA%-?, robs! • TT., 11. to wm. nook k ) H V ANA-0114NeyEk4 justreoeived at -' 11020 • • (e ucCeueori to Wnt-cDock jr., r u.) AWAO:I4*- Lae Importation, andfirenlol4 IttpOlieteVeloooo4 to llZraarkokataldanooaon,jarta...._-rooeNed NW and for -- 4ncooma to WriTh,-1 EgsFAs - EZ OF inPRIIDENCE. RELIEF IN SIX 110 tWELTS IfOIIRB NO MERCURY OiNOSIOW:DRUM to 1100 Days. YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE." Cannon No. ; Scorn( Fooronooa 8Top:ok SHIN DISPAR SPEEDILY MEAD. . °Mei - No. S o uth Frediorick 'D. "IV: d-WOMer& RI . .1i I F - •,:i (MOSS. ..:4.,..434. I~TD RETAIL .PRATGO-I-S..T S. , NO. 19 M. A T SO'S ArA4 tIBB If, PA DRUGGISTS, PRT I RIC7ANg, STORE- iirEEP/KRIX AND CONSUMERS, We are daffy adding to oar assortment of goods lin such stades as are deshatatt, and would• tetwiMaly on your attentionte the latireit ; and best Wooled stock In that (AY, of DRUGS, enMICALS AND PAINTS, 011 e, Vandoh, &rid Glue Dr!rilftldh, Ort . a d Px4ty, Arl4'i Was mad Tool; Dimling Muhl and Alcohol, - L a rkliPenn and Pine OW, , &Wee, VI4II mad Lamp Bh►bee, Cast& Beep; Sponges and Coake, WAth general variety of PM'aMit AND TOILET MLTIOLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Perfumers of torapo and this country. Being very large dealers in PA//V7B, WHITS LiAD,- =maw FAION7SHES, WIN7IOW''BL4BI, ARIMSTIf ..tarava lIRITSJZNSE IN ALL MAIM rAiaiffms, .00Ltilti A 2710 41110NZ113 IMMII . • ' - Or ArA in I FML --;417e respeßatallY - Invite . i4 o.sll 7 .tseling eanddeat that we cr'Sti supply Me omit of aft "oft terms to thetr istieW TEETH TEETH II , JoNar AND WHfl ZOREELAZIMIZETH, PATiNie MEDICINES, AND HA= RESTORATivm, pe all Wads, diva.% tram the Proprletars seroNwint AND coNaerritxrso LYE. Abelesale Agents fbr Saponifier, forbi' we sell se lew tamto be purchased in the cities =UAW 8 MEDI==C 17,r11) B.MIAG7B. COAL OLLI CARBON OIL! beteg tinge ;nv:Users in tliest OiLe ,we eaa otter in aneennallitii to elose bayern Coal 611 Lampe of the meet /nip/roved pa!terue, very cheap. • All kinds of Lampe cht urged to burn Coal Ott SAIWERS AND GRA ZMltik Thou of pm who him, not given obniDall AND on. ,77.4 roman= a 10:kill:now notilKar anarialty, and the • athantagefilifir areas bmtplag Scans sad Cattlelkagalar Sod Ins aood ennAltlnn. Thonsands aka teddy, in the profit, 'they have *shred ittea the me of ut Getielimbie, by the Ledeessed Om. 170 101 VA 1 0.4, " 3 lr milk, P9!42 4 ,. imProvialf the Phend bilk* reld hiiftlitilace of Mai (MU Oor . long oorrotelmo hi the baiOrt Oyes us Obe advert- ,tiOor a tholoult# knawiedge of the Veda, ota iithiOnietto In the Mimi we cart , to it ' very short time, IOW& snythlog appedololog to our booloopo, on the blot ortletni. Thanklol_llo, the Melia paranoia beroiret ow, our welurpb by shot ationtlog to. bafdeea, a oared Pft IC fl i t Ertl # hits; prto .. #4 end the,dealte to P 4 . 1 io merit a con an.nanctVof the ; (grow or ;•-• TRANSOM' P, P. ABEAITZLIFEIL osoortn2ent of TitANSOM • ,•PAPIIII. Call =dime:lt ate% '• ' = SCHEFFER'S BOOR STO~~ 400 - 1/snieb 314 1 A DI /EMS 11 I:ARBL'Y A ARD. OONNYALtir WALNUT AND TIM meNerts, Wundera4ned having opene4 a Marble ard thi a -elk; beg leave s bdinisk their friends arid the kikkik# v,4terril, tbatay taa Ikairdwad le fur nish' MARIA WORT( EVERY : DES JPTIQM Mentinienit ; • • Reail fiti•66, ' , Mantles, - And House Mitt in MarbletiAd Brown Siente. . •thve r la 90 / el'OriliikgßAVlrStaW T. ili im• N. 3.—Lettelinuselfiiiniein fingonmr4tOrMlUL • i ma 01417 =3 EZEiI INIZO Groan Splay, ko., 34. Abe, &a, COLORS, PAINT AND MEDICAL. N KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON AMIRE and powerful TONIC, Corrective and Altenotha of wonderful efficacy in dleaue el the STOMACH, =IR and BOWET.A. cures DYsPePsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General Debrnty Nervomess, De pression of Spirits, ConStipaties intermittent Fever, Acidity. of the Hteanack Nausea, Heartburn Disgust for road, Fairness or Weight In Starnack, Sinking or Fluttering at tiio Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow - nen of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in tlia Elead, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, wiY cure every case of. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseaseir arising from a dinordered Stomach, Good for Bale or Female, Old s or Young. The most beneficial medicine known; grces better saes Auction and cures more diseases than any other prepare Mon oared to the Public. Prepared solely by S. A. HUN BBL & BRO., US Market street, Harrisburg. Per ale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE 01, *at. Counterfeits As Kunk,el's Bitter Wine of Iron fe the only Euro and edlbctual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia mid .Debility. and as there are a number Of imitations offered to the public, we would caution the commit:My to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by . S. A. buSsm. & Bait, and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very Bid, that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and Epeaks volumes in Its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iran is put up in 76 neat and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particdar that every bottle bears the se she& of the proprietor's signature. This Wine Includes the most agreeable and efficient Batt of iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the mon energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Perivian bark. The effect in many =WS of debility, loro of appetite, and general prostration, of en efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable Netve Tonic, Is must happy . It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, taken off mueculor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, sad gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, 118 MARKET STREET /or sale by all respectable dealers throughout the es= Useful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S !INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practittl.: tWitq than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical zne s o v ali ro d nn i orLneed . p o aillor r Adhesive Preparattns known. ,to El/ meta Hmionto ittamema CEMENT 13 a new Ming, sad the result of years of study; Its Anbication Is oa Scientific Principles, Mid under no circumstancee or cbange of tempendure, will it be come corrupt or omit any abuts!. emelt A now Wag. It. Comb(nation 8007 AND SROE liannfaeturere 'wing Machines, will And it the beet art le known as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. Boot =Moe Man atacturers. ~' Jovreipm It a Apecnitisf etda;pted to Leather. And we claim as sa especial mere, that it sticks Patches to Boots and fame sufficiently staving Without LIQUID CEMEN2 • liquid t that to a care thing for mend tore, tog Orookefy ioya, Bone, Ivory, &articles of Booliebobi use REkEldßlrit • Haroies laaormamt Canceurr in a liquid tom .and as bully ap plied as paste. ' HELTOP4I lamounua Calmer -la inflatable in water or oil. 1 Hume% hisomus Claims Adheres oily onizsuuice-o, &Implied In Family or Menufec: wra 4 a Packages from 2 °awes to 100 We. HILTON RHO& & 00 •A Proprietors, Providence, R. L =I =I Agate In TELEQ RAP ID Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, TRIBI , STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. TTAVING recently added to our Jobbing Departanont a large moo= of new type, 'Several new Ault gum wows of the man improved machtosl7, aid other iimiedsi, we are now prewed Imamate at short notice, and in the awn approved style, ALL KINDS OF - MILITARY BLANKS, ' uerrEß saw lIIIADINqk I RC :L A ZADS. BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLAMES, FOlMUT, E t e lsze t or colons, . BILLS OF LADING, • • PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL SLANE . - IND JOB WO_Rli. OP ALL - DESO - RIPTI - ONS, :PLAINOR ORNAMENTAL. . _l=r=a •caistanci ett.ied to vromintw.. v - PPLAB• We WO Juskreoelved a fine selection of AMES, in prime order. For sale by the ~bsr bushel or small quantity at ' 11 otooessari to Ww. Dock, Jr., &Po.) = ifesangeußa, Pd. JEWELF.RB it is the only LAING & MAGLNI,IIB.
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