M115, 1 / I C;A 1-4 VOA ST ft T LIFE SYRUP, OOMPOSET' OF lODIDE poi' ASS UM, With the Gututpuur.d Gouurutraeu Fluid Extract of VALUABLF; MELIIVE.NAL KUUTS AbiLl P110.4'..6ED CY With 11. GlikAirO, M. D., Graduate College of Physicitte. and Surgeons, N. Y., fat angel kesisteat Physician RiecitwelPs island Live mad., lase Medical litepeette Nov. Vern state Volmams U pots, undo( o cly. Rti,wmp..D.4llorgen. CONSTITUTR.LiPIitirIt. SYRUP .- .." HAS Pitenrstare A lorytH kurno-nv - icidapar. - • What may seen, almost incredible, is, that:many die eases hitherto cotasldered hopeleSely incurable ere fre quently rured-lan tirtyn vieeka, mid we cheerfull; invite the investigations of the liberal minded and acme talc to curet which have nu parallel at the present day. Our tw.tileine is peculiar ;,by it the seat of any disease is directly reached, and the equiditoriMe castor .d. Those who have suffered lottg from patutul and ousts Date diboil.SOS, thus who have veto* sought relief Iron advertised medicines:, those who eaohot, tes cured by oWet physicias— ARe. LNYIYEL) TO UsE I'ONITITUTION LIFE SYRLI During the peat live years we have euutell .ed with ob stades and ovenware uppusairou as herOwleau as wore eve; enoeuntered by an kefortuers. RAP! DIT OF CURE Some say, "Your cures me too quick," while ether, doubt their perm ammo, , and that disease oil ) be cured by the "slow recuperative preceew of Mums," This is our reply: In Innate, the body; like a well- Padanced ecale, is in a State of Equilibrium But wheh froth any exude dowt Wed sec slue ol the scaje, we have the elects di disease What ma requiaite is, to rest—re the normal balance of Lb. Wales. CON:V=I7ON UPE YHUP, A positiveanu all lm es originatin, L.,ta au. LkIYCH.n aT,Tn; ur rut: BLOOD, - and rol aL (Uurnditatyy tramanuwod Di= PARENT TC MILD. PARALYSIS. nemiplegia. Paresis:. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agitam It le so uuivereally atilalttetl Life Syr Is the our) oslecare ruot...us ul reaotuuou to trio rertuu fermi ol rayu r i..,- that ,Ate need uoi r , itentte [dial ii Jr eislollll4o4*.ple I.3lllaL . Lxte thVlag Power. 2.0 Y.SPEPS.I.4. inclnsetUon. Liter Complaint. Constipation Weight: at Slontutoh. ktinountmsa Want in appetite- Flatuleuce. Bud SCROFULA. &sum& • Glautwisi Ulceration. King's Evil. Ex.> sipeina t Rheum lute tarot (asaaornsav and AOQUIRED,) die %meld wiser), tb uy 41-1 usual weft ta.l rtfilt,‘lME ILLIBUJIATISAI. (Arthritis] iN , uratgis Latausgo., Scutum., Dualourenx. Li theca Is any disease in which the Cull!. LatILIOLk Lift Syrup is a surnroigu, it Is in .I , . neuma.tisni and its waitron aueutioun The UlOBl intense are utmost instautt3 allortiwiti—entiruwiw liwelungs are routine& Case, chronic or VICAIIIIIIb, of 2u ur years' swatting, hays been cured by us. . . NERVOUSIVE33. Xorvous Debility. Shattenxt Nerves. SL. Vitus' Dance Lose Of Yo . COUCUS/Un of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have auLtereal tory eara,elll biess Weds) en 0t,i01,, cuey read these Wiwi. Particularly w weak, otaferiJg woman will ttod weal-inn prove an triestimabb blessing—dirt:out% thou toutatepa to a Hopi M1:.01.1 ft/T6 More ...L9SI ti inVallatv. NEKOIT.SIAL DISEASES: Itutueg of donee. Salivation Coluttlexion. ache', a Bcpues. Feeling Wuunness. Iluprusiuu ui Spirits. thhiSTMITIVN LIFE SYRUP purge', the symtem en Mrely frimi ad he evd utieet.s or Mercury, Leumvim; gad dreaw, and , ounn- the %Veda Jouu.s am.l KneunkaL. Yaeuswateli Lite a.se 471 Cuhanei Li sure Le pruautle. himiette ~1301.1„* Gums, owl 41:cure,. Lim Teetu g 1.4 crud; as ever. CIOASTII UT.104 ; 11 LIFE Y RUP Eno: Mutes, Rout and Braumi, nh thvvirvo uoioases of th , 84114 tike Viimpi.s, smd uti tidier wine., Ito. uI I.tidi glad, is diCis au moot, cuougure Lue ~tatnat'u <lll 371.Wrailt:o of WWI utartb a.ud dituu inalLiug misui disgthniug Ultita teu 411,11adeiVM uuu Wed trissids LONOT,.ItTtu,.. LLAS, SYRUP CURS& ALL diV6LLIAIi UN' 'Etta OLANDS, aittkor of the tam, Neck., ur Female iirrast, auu entAllet . t Wang an auou dd Lae d - welt.tug.:ldutauctuu thud prevetua LhWC ureaku u q , saw yruquutud. LLW LrClUtolenulne 11144.thar . it% Soren, WlllO4 attugato many ul Ltle yUltiltml LitILI Or L 65 tXWILLIUnnj, erurr 61.26 tl tWcia4) yeure UI agc ruutis ettiluteu are very duujeut w owed/urged Ulna LW VA's, whrcu eCrulatuun em-aILULAnt. - Maio elittl WWI recover by (ain't it few duaea UI at. Lit* Syrup. All serolulous persons Suffering from geuerai IJebi EWAOlalsori, Dyspepsia salt! Mops) , ut 1.141) tu010h . a1.4,0111, and u. uw lenuale, i/rup.v ,, of oie uetutee duo , rows. get, !sally tweAusipauled witu - 111111tuussalato , u, Me Uterus, are peruieuunily eared oi Cuiistuutiuu Syrup. The direttbe kuutru a, GAM 01 .soeuee Neel. the Lite 8y nip wilt remove euureiy. The remedy ,fiieut be WWI , lei sulLie Uwe 11.., Lee dibealic CUP , IO: aud elUDOurti, and WW Out De removed WiLitutli owe effort. litillllgb 01 the tisanes, Twoura of- the Dreast, :tat swelltug ut Mimi gizmos of the Lamy wiii tau etauplotc reduoati wtutout resurtiop, to the shire or Uyttitaluilla as 4 kiwi. • Epileptic Fite, Sympathetic or Orgame Diseases of th Heart, de, irdlpatillUll, thseases of din Valves, grating or oilug sound, ; , ropsjof toe lic.,• - art Caro, duu vi the aliemitma ui 4,11/0 iperwua s mita ta t from viii &WM, rate hi IllertypUll ut tae !low id vita la greatly relieved hy Coustitutiou Lile Syrup. SIiVKKNUUW.v at iit.L/Cil Td" 61,0hYSTAITUT/OAS &dente?, than LUAlSpoditioll t. 4) EXv.fttul., 3 raa: ull Lim ki;111. LO,ltti O. 401114), Noteb-ilaugS, tiotrOl of t.BfsilltLy , kiNti Of Disvute , 1,11211Le.s ul rmiCAl, Dry. Hot PubL auu tretwure, Wa.ta u! Sleep, CuUciumaace, and laaei uue 01 the Muscular .Systeu; ait require the aid of the Corf.dylokam. /a ft zyrup. FOR ALL FURMB al , VIAERATI V DISEASES, Zither of the Nose, Throat, Longue, spine, Foreueatt of Scalp, no remedy has ever proven ite equal. bl4/111 PM:OA:it:6 upon tue female . faue, 41upeading upui e diseased &mon 01 tun 1.-0;121.,.a. thakosAucs.ui. M.l yOll/18 Wife dud ‘Li •tuer A Auol thlLL.lee of ...A.311 GOMA LAO syrup win comet Lae secrelluo, and reLuove We th posit Winela ts WIWI* fancier We ab l / 1 ,4 Li Disease. pi the love!, giVilLg. rise LO Languor, Disst stew, lteligesuAl, Wens SLoar.wo, or au 4.10.1, - tII,O or Oilt COMOS OLOICOLIOu of taut olgau, at.a.7outpauieu min ouruu.A, or IMAM cIIIIIIOOAALO. symptoms, Win ue fULOSVOO by the us• al MiSTITUTIO, k AU. *jr.l2l d tiIi.VERAL 331.VOU•3'OKIFYIDIQ AQEST, TEM LIP STIOt ST.LN/PS UZ1KEY61.42.1) BY ANY Pkatr.&ll, • TlCitt tN TRU. WOiLLD. Diseases of the dpute, an usuidly developed in the young B.ip Whimsey Neuralgia., and ali Nervous .4seeses, and La dlea who are inutianns trod . Macaws iur which Wet ale a. U. loss what to do, we would advise the use el TUTILON LIFE , Y 10.11". It all restore their pallid wan tonauce, strengthen their weak. own: and side, give Weii new energy, new ate and happiness. Tit E RAW 4.VD POOR ' Are liable to the sane Obsetutm Nature and science haa shade the Contratataott tain syrup tor the renal ut FUER EiLtkil, Producer; healthy menaced WMUtfili and if the constitution ungtuotou Au yutral, dramitst, whi early death is Lae re irah, Do out delay when the =emu are an near at, liana, Sad Again!. Lae roach ul all. TO MO2LIEBS AND ItABRIED LADIES It to the safest and moat effectual medicine ever discov cod tor purifying: the isysfeal; dud relieVirig LW, Guttering sump: nun. apt, nis lduirtu. t 6 atrengLocus note du Mother and um child, prevents pain and disease, and In creases and enricnee the , Mud--those nave u.,od ti think n ulinveneable. ii is lawn* , useful unto beton_ and altar ourdiumnent, ay . tt prove/ate diaeade attendant apou childbirth. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP TES' POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND TEE Itudil M.IIICS BlEB6lll'6'l BUY IT, TARE IT, AND BE CURED IT IS UNIVERSAL IN ITS EFFECTS. WIVI GREGG,.M. BOLE riterittETOR 3 ' 1, - 8W YORK. lab rakry, Brooklyn L. 1 PRICE $1 PER BOWLS; . SIX BOTTLn FOR $.16., flail - dent by express to' all Parts of the country] litolt:ti.a.N a ALLEN, Wholegale Druggi .48 am street, New York. BOLD BY jan2G.eudatreal JONSTON, HOLLOWAY & QOWDIN, rimuLompure, RUNKEI i & BRO., US hiarlOVatieet t Harrisburg, Pa AND ALL ill.RUCiii-ISTS NI 'SCE 1.1. AN EOUS. fr.Lk.l.A. RICCI% . DRS, WYETH and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electr. , pathic physician., reepectfull3 olrei ue,r preftwia a. servic,p in ail the varimni br anc h, s of hu proc.,woh, for the tx,actr.an et all acute and chronic ut elo 01 dtwate. The remedial means they employ in the, treatment of ian.se consist of .itaguntlstu, Ga.lv:item:et, Electra ilaguet blll, swwileib method of Lucaha• d movement core, a , ew Ecl t.ttt.: mocitetue- when dewed necessary, and in act Mt the [Lateral curative age& t 4 that may Huccete, tally tireught to War Ups ti the disease They at) not Men to be understood as arrogating to timuselveti any superiority of prunes/opal slull, but Wet elieve the remedies they employ Is the treatment of ills see tar euveriur those g..uot ally employed by physicians, rum the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the awe governing and =moiling the human system. To 'Mk and the tact that they (tontine themselves to no par Lamle, ?May or system, they attribute their success t iontrolluig disease. The prencipto agOnt they employ in the treatment of ilsease, inanely, Meet' linty, is ati agent wonderful ita Its phenomena and powerful in its effects for good or 111 It man eve present., all-pervrdiug principle. gov• - riling all • LthigS, from rolling worlds down to the invisible parade, gasseous quitter. We see It In the lightning's dash and near the mantletaations of its power in the muttering minder. la is the cause of all decomposition, recompo. mum and transformation. ft exeitesall motion. It is tn. .acitang eau,e of life, growth, decay aim death. It loosen eretion, excretion, digestion It lays hold of the Tilde food to tae stomault. *a:watts it into a state of liti• day taltamuutes tt tudoairterial bliaid, and minds nun mpormoi ms, of sappy in litUnt.Gtht &mord:mg G. the mciasitam 01 the bony. It is the nerve vital 'Quid, the ;teat ag at, through which the mind acts upon the body it the eauneof all causes ex.c - pt the etret great cause. tie Infinite Stand witch oreated it and briiiight it into u e rue-.e may appear like mere assertions, but they seta admitting ..1 strong and irteslatibte proof. la it Men, o 140 wondered at that ati ivimaerful In its iMe iMtlena, w tame, fin nits masni st..tioza and so intimate y tontateteo with all the , peratium of Lb.. human aya em. should be almost absolute itt its power of cu. trellimh tisee.se? ertaluly not. It is a natural sequence and lows as surety as day foLMws night. Amuttg the MB .eses Mph are found to yield readily to ..teotrioity, iu cLuijmuctit with proper adjunct creratee,ra. Oa> oe mentioned the following; tucipaeut CEliait.ta Lion, Elptliptio, H. stem and owe, Vonvulsions: Veuralgia, in its NOML foitits, Himetuatism, iatimumaudry lad Calngliej, all din aces of the iies VoUd -qa cure‘, h, a f•te treatments; all disease, of the cram* und genital organs, Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles luta laitstut, Atli; Amaurosts and all St - hatred aft - coons of Auretus, ,trteaturtot, all skiu &seams, ,s.c. PerStais uilliug erlll or übti whether they eau be belie turd a.uu . co case t.,kett where some relief cannot ht• af- Orded. Connatation Pea S..uth Secopd strut, to ow Che:tuut, Harrisburg, P.a. Offeie hows fr en it to ,2 e. ra.,l,ti to Et and "I tu 9 P.m. ALEX R. WYETEE, apl3 et. LLD ' F.A NA A. F. ZIII4IIIERItIAiI , Practical Watch Maker, No. ,52 Market.: Sired, Harrisburg, Pa, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES CHAINS, RINGS. - - - - - rINE SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, TEA SE :VICES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY Has constantly on hand a well. selected and elegantly tan' orted stuck or FINE WATCHES dAnts, AND SETS. • FINE SILVER WARES AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WAIVIIIM Both In hold and Silver Caws. Also, a fine akaburtanent or - LADIES' WATCHES , lonstautly on nand. = ELEGANT C Of all 'descriptions; all of Which will be soldat the LOWEST CASH PRICES. sgp-Call and examine the goods: Particular attention paid to repairinm * of floe Watches, meth Cheonumeters, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all ands or Jowelry neatly repaired. ..lone but the !nest competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. s. F. Z111111 , :RHAN, .mar2sl No. 52 Market street, adjoining BrauL's Steam 11 , eekly tv Liserpoul. rrigiER3IIING art 2 'TEENS'POWN, (Cork Flar 1_1)i)r.) The well Kuovai Sind/num of the Liverpool 'few York and Phaltutelphia Steamship Company, are in , ended tA3 sail as follows: Etlo , urrough, Saturday, Jutr , lB: City of Wasbington, Saturday, Juno 25 City ut 51auclitrater, Saturday, July 2. ftarb.ti YAS6AI,S, ravaBLIS Qi GULL, Oa rra aqinvat.ONT FEW CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to Loudon. 85 00 do to Loudon...—. 34.00 do to Pans 95 00 do to Perla 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 00 00 do to Hamburg.— .37 00 Passeugere also forwarded to Users, Bremen, Rutter tam, AntwUrp, &e. at squally low mum Faros Crum Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $76. 05, 1104 Siesn4s, $35 ' Those eno wish to send for .heir friends can huy uckets here at these ratea For further tnformatont apply at the Coutpany'o ofticeb .IRAN G. DALE, Ageut, 15 13rotatolty, N. Y. or C. 0 01141E1-111AN Harrothurit - f f2.3-ttiv INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Vu S3S . Walnut Street, SoritS Side, East oi Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF A SSEI3 INC.:PRORATED 1794, CAPITAL CHARTER PERPETUAL. Marine, Tire and inland Trausportation In- =! ARTHUR G. COFFLN, Frogident CHARLES PLA.TT,.Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER. 'Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut X, near second, Ilarrisburg„Pa, DANIEL A.GE.NI E the Old Wallower Like, respectfully in k./ rens.. the ptititte that this Old Daily Trausportati, me, (tiw only Wallower Line now in exiitenuu m the : r Ui t s as itl l S o U w CALMS . fl y tl ~ ,o t t ee r r d i t izi n i via nd uad preparedl ,izibetweento ph,l•2. •elpltia, Harrisburg, Suuhury, Lewisburg,' Willuunaport ' , wary ~bore, Loris Haven 'and all other points nn tie lorthoru Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport old Elmira Railroads. DANIEL A. MCTENCH, Agent. Harrisburg „Penn's. Goods sent to taw Warehouse of 14.essra. Peacock, Zeit a 11ecbmau, Non. 808 and 810 kiarkiit target, above Bth 'hilatiettiltia, by 4 -Welts*, v. a., will arrive at Harris ronay for 4elivory- neat morning pitign-r.inwl +llO. LADIES.--If you wish good Lime ay.:paper, Penn or anything else in the nationary line; Lydn win :7; ' • 1 38CHEITIER'allOOKSTORE r Judo gontsptui,„ EIJICA 1.. DE.. JOHN L LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, Ire the only !mown remedy that wilt siiccessiuny ant 'availably restore and regulate the femalesystera, reran: jag WI irregularities, and producing health, vigor an, strength. ire a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kiwi eve hammered in ChM country, and acts directly on the part Mauled, whilst pills and powders' can only reach them a 'hey work through sympathy, but not at all direct an. +lcahn', are you truffentig from a constant gusaiety for the regt .ur return of nature's prescribed (awe? Give yourself nu uneasineee, for Lyon's redo:dial! Dropu If taken a day or MU before the expected period, will post ively and invariably regulate its coming, as sore as eller ?allows cause, au certain as daylight follows darlinentu Are you sink, eurobbltgl by disease, or enable w bear the tuber and danger of increase? • • L Come to you as a blessing, for is not prevention better thn. :uro Er regularly taken,-It is a certain preventive, and nil, .ave you maid) peril and many hours ur suffering. Have you been &alloyed ror many years with complaint. ucident to the eca, that have battled the 'skill or physi• as" and are hurrying you on ;4) . 41L . 01 1 1 . 4 grAYO * SETS OF THWIZ.RY. ire the meat reliable regulator ever known, and cure, Ilk: eagle, all these irregularities gm have defied the doctor': urn: will you waste away. with suffering from Leuedrrhon. , rolapsua, DynineaurrllCeli, and a thousand other Mince, ma, all aumined up under the name of suppressed an, 'Detracted nature, when an investment of one dollar in will Do *L 'u rel oi Y use BaV tL yL cl o rops when forbidden in the directions' "or although a poeitive cure, and harmless at -all oda. int* they are Cu powerful and timely calculated to atiyue and govern the functions of the sexual argentine, that, aKen at improper tummy they would produce results cot, vary. to nature, ages= which particularly 'twee gb. , ',wild reproduce, should woefully guard. Cannot harm the most delicate ommtitution at any time. get ole plopnewta Wish to guard spume its misuse aiming that a thousand bottler' wi l Le`used for a goudinu pose Where one is used for an' illegitimate mie. the nevor-failing : Vows.le Regulatorri,leafdr,eakt i by kiVerss °loggia in city and etiontrl, anddo If you radio. your bee'llb and for a - inhabit- medicine,' buy and oi r ber t Take to, otbto, but if the iiruggiei to venom gut .holy - bas not got tt, make raid eend and get tt for you. $1,556,663 50 $500,000 At Wholesale, by aOIEMSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWD EN; = a I=l IN P-4 I:2Cf C> "4 =0 til c W., t= r 4 tTi ris 0.. El MS GMT FEMALE REGULATOR, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON'S PFTTODICAL DROPS, C. CLARK & 00., PsoritazTou, New Haven, Conn. 22 North Mx% Street, delPtary Ps C d 41 0 t- Ix , cto 24- 51 EDICA L. DR. JOHNSON, BALITE/10R E LOCK HOSPITAL, 'LI AS discovered the most certain, speed:, 11 end ellootual the world for DISEASES OF aI:PRUDENCE RELIEF Di SIX i TWELVE ROTTIM. YO KEROITRY OR NOXIOUS DRUOR. A Cure Warranted, or No C'nove, in from One to Two Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and B , adder, Involuntary Diaciiiirgea luipotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Loy. Swab, :lonfusion ot• Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, - rimidit3. rrecnblings, Dirnnoss of Sight or Giddiness, Disease ur th. , ierui, Throat, ls'use or Skin, Affections of the we, .Stomach ur Bowels—those terrible disorder, wising Boni the Solitnr) litihaa of Youai—thuse secret .nd solitary , practices inure fatal to their victims than tin mug of Syreheto the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their neat brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering ammage, co., impossible. YOUNG MEN ;Cepeciany, who have become - the victims of Solitary Vice. oat dreadful and destructive hand Much annul:ill) sweepw oan untunely grave thousand& of VOUtls 61en of the non exaketl talents and brilliant intellect, who might , therwise have entranced listening Senate* with the then sera of eloquence or waked to ectesy the living lyre, ma) Al with full confidence. tkIARRIAGE Married persona, or Young Alen contemplating marriage, mug aware al physical weakness, organic debility, tiefor• aides, se., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ,glousty confide in tab huuor as a gentleman, and con d. imitly rely upon his skill as a Physician ORGANIC WFIk K NESS mmedintoly cared, and full vigor motored. Flue distressing allectiou—which renders life miserable old marriage inipossible—* the peuaky paid by the Vic iron of improper indulgent*. Young persona are too api o commit eXCefkes from out being aware of the dreadful maeoeqUulleCb that may ensue Nov., who- that untie, tends the ellibpla will pretend to deny that the power co trocreation is lost sooner by those falling into itupropei mbits than by the prudent. Beanies being deprived (h. Measures of healthy offsprmg, the most serione and de Aructive symptoms to both body and mind arise Yhe system becomes deranged, the physical and mem* unctions weakened, lout of procreative power, cermet • rrdability, dueller's*, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, tonstitutional debility . a wasting of the frame, cough, con uunpldon, decay And death. Orrldi No. 7, Soars FREDERICK &mar, reit hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doort rem the corner. Fall not to observe name and namber . . Lettere must be paid and contain a stamp. The roamer' Oiploam hang in Ms office DR. JOHNSON, Amber of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, trad: .ate from one of the most eminent coLlegei• to the ilnito. 4tates, and tho gmatot part of adicue life he been epee. u the hospitals of London, Pavia Philadelphia and else ,chere, ban edectocl come of the meet astonishing cure: bet were ever known , many troubled with ringing in ihr wad and cam when asleep, grew aervoueuess, bow, tamed at sudden wow's, liar:Unities:, wit, trequot• due:6lllg, attended sometime, with derangement of mind ;ere cured immediately TAKE PARTICITLAE NOTICE - - Thom are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro tumid by early habits of youth, Oa , : weakness of the ham nd limbs, pains in the, head, dimness of sight, lam o dust:Mat power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, am end irritability, symptoms in consumption, ka IKPITALLY.—Tho fearful effects on the mind are MeV u ho droaded--Kuni of memory, confnmoti of ideas, di iression of spirits, evil forebodinia, ATOMIOD to aociet) elf distrust, love of solitude, timidity, is,., are 031110.0 . be evils produced. YOUNG MEN into have injured thenielelees by a cot-tate practice in ulged in when alone, a habit frequently learnwl Iron oij,comµlalons, or at school, the abuts or. which ar• . 6.44t1y felt, even when asleep, and If not cured rend erf carriage a feasible, and destanytrttottimitin' and body tumid' •it m medlately. Whabt t hat a young man, the hopeof hls co , ntrj, ao darling of his parents, should be snatched from all roseetcts and enjoyments of life, by the consequence 0 , twisting from the path of nature and indulging In e °maim Reset habit, Such persons mon, before eastem •lating. MARRIAGE, A iflect that a sound mind and ougy are the mostnecessar, :equisites to promoteconnubial happiness, Indeed ,witb Int these, the Journey through life becomes' a weary pit grimege ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; th niud becomes shadowed with 4Popalr and filled with th• nelancholy reflection that 4110 happiness of another bo. ;MOE blighted with our own. DISEASE OF EM'RUDENCE. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure Inds he has irnbibedthe seeds of Alan - pained! die... , e 4 3, aftee,happens that an iiltimed smote of atsune or th. 'mad of discovery details btu; from applying to those who root education and'reSpectatdlity, can alone befriend him le falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend . ~r s, who, incapable et curing, did his pecuniary ant , tame, keep him trilling month after month , or as long at be smallest fee can be obtained, and an despair leave Mm with mated health to sigh over tittgallingdisappounmeni 'r, by the use of the deadly poison Mercury „i„ onstltunomtlaympt I Infthilitellibie•dlSKU3e,fttittusaret ions of the Head. Throat, Nose, Skin, etc., pragreasm, vith frightful rapidity till death puts a ta,ttaa to hi, , reastrul autlenngs by sending him to that undacovered ountry from whence nu traveler returns. la OM Dit'il *Wing. 11:151Pumf:!: The many thousands , cured at this institution year tael tear, and the numerous insportam surgi, , Ml operation, •iorformed by Dr. Johusati, witnessed by the reporters o he stue, Olippar, and many other piment,llolooB or whiel ,are appeared again and again before the public, beside, cut dialtditle, as a gentleman of character and reaponsi is a sufficient guarantee to the allow& • BKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. neo.•c No. 7 South Nrcderitk Street. ap26-ctly THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL TARRANT'S 00311'0UND.EXTRAOT OF CU BE BS AND COPAIBA. This preparation is particularly recommended to th , •SEPICAL PROFESSION' and the PUBLIC for the proem, did uertaui cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KID NETS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. -- It fluty be relied on as the best mode for the administra Jon of these remedies in the large class of diseasesof boa twee, w which they are applicable. It never interferer vitb the dige.stion, and by its concentration, the dose if mach reduced. V. B. —Purchasers are advised to ask for TARRANT , : XNAPOUND EXTRACT OF CURERS AND COPAIBA and take nothing nine, as imitations and worth/ay preps stint's, under similar names, eke ut the market Trio 0 . 1 00. Sent by express oh receipt of price Hanufra ore d only by TARRANT‘h. CO:; No. 278. tkeenwict ;nom, corner of Warren meet, New York, and Ay star trowniaJ .aoSit Al, pnr .raie by S. A. KUNKLE & BRO., and by Draggiso ganerally. M11011%01% PECTORAL SUMP. per. LNVILLOABLE SYRUP, which is en cirely vegetable to its auturusitiOn has been obi .loved with wonderful aUtxwas for many pears in thecur, of 4tHensee for the AIR FA.SKAGES and LUNGS. For an' ores or the dleesse such a 8 COUGH, TICKLING of tli niltuAr,sPrrriNVOF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BREATH.LNG qoAIisKNFXS, lA.kiS OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, toe will be attended with the happiest results. It is out the best and safest Medtvines for all forms of HRON . ffrns „ i d covsimwTrov. No ktusiantint or imam •fasb o f Opium in any shape inihis syrup. PRICE 61.()0 PER BOTTLE. For sal*. at . RPRONTF.III!t 'Row, ..yore, ' • DILL IS. 4i di! 11,11 EA E N T. I S T, REspET_FuLLY infon 4 =4 the oittzepe of Etarciabgrg and vicinity that be laas removed his of. tram market street to Third- street next dear to tbs eatrtot and Union °Mee, where he la prepared to =COM ',notify* all wbo Linty desire his professional services , . . II & V ASA ORANtiEts. j4pa rm.:toy-A ,t, SMELLER k FRAZER, IMP . tfinorilernT, f,o Wry. litopk, jr., A CP.) 1 . _.. ....;......... ... _ .. . _ . I) IA %LES I PrOf.i..g.si I—By the ilanel t t Half Barrel, Jar or Dowa at . . noao ' . . ' SHISLER le FILLBERS, o,,,patere to Writ flock .11., & G , .1, . .4cy 11191:.1136 ()RANGEg, selected froth' lath importation; and the most Superior ever 019101 alb 1 , g1.444,1{kt4iEl milon,just received and Ter e br SHISLER FRAZEP% febl (etuannsaora to Wm. Dock, Jr, k 14,%; ,iSie.. i)~ • 5% Rail it mid • entimpopc,-,... T • - - 2E - Allt • b Pro.el TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PIM nEDELPHIA. A.TD AFTER itOYDAY, May lath, 1861, TIM Passenger 'trz‘ins of the Pennsylvania Railroad (:ompairi depari from and arrive at Has risburg aLa PhilxdelNhfa as follows: LASTWARI). THROUGH EXPRF.S.9 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at a. anti Arm at West Philadelphia at a. 56 a_ a. FA.tir Waive, 1 - larrishurg daily. (except Monday) at ‘l.OO a. a., and arrlVob et West Philadelphia at 10.10 at. Pa .saucer? take In-eat:last at Lam:abler. ACCOMM(MATION, waves Harrisburg at 1.20 ,ant.ects at Lauvaizter with Lancaster accran -n.datien train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 r. a:uLU.IIHIA AGCOSIMODATION TRAIN. leaves Mania aura at 12 2 20 r. xi. ; Colunibla 1.55 e. EL, and Arrives at tua'aster 2.30 P. a.; connecting a Fast Mail east at Lancaster for and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.?..0 e.a. Rill, 'Marti: leaves Harrisburg at 120 e ; Lancaster 4 2.47 P ht., and arrive. at West rh Itilelptita at 3.30 e RARRlstit.titt, atX;tathltlATlON TRAIN, via 1:01m na, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 r. it., and arrives at Weat Ptiliaelelphia at 10.50 r. WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily t , meeo l llssudayl at 2.10 a s. , Atriums 735 a.. m., take avaltlast, duct arrive. at Pittsburg at 12.30 e. m. PHILADELPHIA EXPRES.. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg lady at 3.10 Altoona at 6. a. take breakfast, tnd arnves at Pittsburg, ai 1.00 r. a. • MAIL THAD: leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 P. M.; Altoona a' 15 r. m., take aupvet, and arrives at Pittsburg ae12.30 A. M. AST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. a. ; Altoona at 4.85 r. a., take supper, anti arrivee at Pittsburg at 1.00 a. 21. .u.H.TNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Laaptster to 30 A- et., tu - rivrs at Harrisburg at 1L at. HARRISBURG ACCOI4IIoDATIt 0N TRAIN leaves West t'utladelptala at, 2.46 r. n., and amves at Harrisburg ac 8.10 II rt.rNT JOY ACCO”MODATION No. 2. lea.es Lances el at 6.25 P a , coaneetiat th n• with Harrisburg ACC.tnia nJ , Kititiot. West. leaves %aunt J.,), at 7.00 P. IL and arrives Harrisburg at. &At P. it SANIVEL 11. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Ptvirs'a R. R. RfirrigthirE. lilac 13. lgßi -dtr Northern. Central Raill4 ay - WITIIi II lII .' - - •@ • • - irrae 31111 kit 'l' iltt Li, 1:A ts THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM BALTIMORE UTI WASHINGTON CITY. 'Connections made with trains on ..P . m.ylvartia Railroad, to and Crow Pittstairg and the WeeL MAKE TRANS DAILY to and from the Not and West 'Snatch Swap Elm:iv., and all of Northern ..tev. York. N and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864. the Paaaengez Trains of the Nortm-rti Central .tailway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and ialdmore as follows, viz: tiOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except. Sunday) • —10.25 leave.. Harrisburg.. ........ 1.20 P. L arrives at Baltimore... 5 40 T. n. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 1245 P. Y. leavee Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.50 A. AL arrivee at Baltimore daily ((except "loudly) . 2.00 a. a. HARRISBURG ACCOM Sit/DATION leaves Bar bera_ . . ..... 2.00 a. a. SUNBURY ACCO3IM . ODATIGN leaves Elan - bury daily (eseept Sun -2.30 A. x NORTHWARD. RAIL TRAM' leave: Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 a. a. Icavea Harrisburg 1.35 P. a. " an-wee at :-.-'ithuty 4.06 ggpßEss TRAM leaver , Baltimore daily 9.30 r. a " arrwAs a. rierrtsburg....... 150 iliall=)==tlM e.pt Muuday,) 3.15 .1. Pt. arnves at Stlaltury 5.53 31. EfARRISBURG . ..90(xiliMOTIATMN learnE Hal tauure dully (except San day).... . 3.00 F... ti arrtres at Hartistturg ..... ....7.30 P. Pl. .31;11THURY ACCOH3IOPATIO:sr leaves Harris burg unity (exceptStiad.ay) a' 4 00 r. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. J. N. DrEARRY, liarriFlairg, May la, 1854 .dtf Gen Supt. 1864. MMT4 - I • -- - r -..- 1111, -- -7L 111:12"-laiTir Philadelphia awl Erie Rail- Road. TH"great line traverses the Northern and sertalxest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of on Lake Erie. It has beeb leased by the Pmcesnevahma RAILROAD COM retry, and under their auspices is being rapttly opened brougbout its entire length. It is uow in use fie Pumenger and Freight business 'rote Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 mike) on the Eastern risme, and from Sheffield to Elle (78 miles) on the •Featern Division PLUS OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward. Sail Train I P. 2, • '4:sprees Train 2.b1:1 A. B 1 Leave Northward. xail Train .............. e. 11. Expteaa Train &lb A.. M. Cara nw , hrough wrraorr CHANGE both ways up these rainy botwees, Philadelphia and Lock Haves, and be woes Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping 121.115 (17.1 Express trains both ways be, weer Williamsport, and Baltimore, and Williamsport and For tnformatton respecting Passenger business apply at ne S. E. Cornet tltb and Market streets, And for Freight munness of the Company's Agenta: S. B: Kingston, Jr. , comer 13th and Market streets, ehiladelphm J. W. Reynolds, Erie. .1. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., 'Baltimore. R. H. HOUSTON. • General Frea.okt Agent, Pkil'a. LEWIS L ROUPT, General Ticket Agent "Wet JOS. D. POTTS, rhYSO itlyl Genera/ Manager, Williamsport lV AIR LINE 'ROUTE. _ . ' innii Fir • . . 1 • _1 ah. - 2 - AL JaC,BETyOTAIIIria---- LIMES 'MAIN Ai DA i V To NNW VUIU AND PIIILA DE L P HIA. ONAND AFIRR MONDAY, November 18th, 1863, the PasaeugerTrame erillleare the Pilllft tellohlft and Reedit% Rafiroad Depot, at EliuTube% to; slew York and as follows, v 1 : L+ A S IV A kt D. EXPRESS LINE teavet Harrtvurg at 6.30 e. tf t 0n ar -1 cal 01 toe Petuasyltanta itadroacl itnresi. Train from the arming In tiey York ai 1.45 a. a A aleeplug tat ,s attach:o.l.o.am trku through from Pittsburg without Q LAIL TRAIN leave? Harrisburg at 8.00 A. n., arming a Nett York at 6.30 r. m., aua Philadetphut at 'LW E at PAST LlNE.leavee Harrisburg al 2.00 e. arrivieg, New York at .1.e.25_e and Philadelphia at 1.00 P. L WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaver Nan York ai 6.00 a, ti, and pima. delptaa aL 6.1 b arriving at liarriaburg or 1.16 r, 111 MAIL. TRALN leave, NeN. York ut 1100 noon, and •iuladelphia at &di" r. n., =riving at Ranisbura at am P. S. e.APHESS TRAIN leaves New Twit at 7.00 r. az. irtnt; at Harrisburg at 2..u0 a. at., and connuchug with the e nn eyivabio F.4pretze Truth for Pittsburg. A steeplogata i s wee attached to thin cram Connections, are made argarriat f argwisti t a n = s a le qn rennaylvaine, North Cancel-,: ied L ,aunner ailruaija bit van) and at Ncodift for elultulettoUti, tladite. 41 keiat. 4 4., EMU/A, &c Bonaege **Keel through. ' Fare between New York . did Natrilsbarga ;$5 L 6 , betweon Harrisburg and Phitadel Om} $8 38 in No. !Arne a,po :E3 in No. 2. - For tickets &oiler information eppiy to J. J. CLYJGC. no/4-di! General Agent, Harr{ ts% C LAIN D V A_LLE v F It AI K 14 I i t y • _lit- AC af'"1".11.1: - 7a • - a RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon. day, &mil 4th. 1864, Pasieuger trams will ma daily, as fallawa, iSuriasys excepteg.:l FOR CELAMBEIatt' YEW AND HABRIAMTEG : A- r. 24,5 7.81 3 6.11 4_20 ZO 1.23 .9. 22 Leare Et agerestov. - ti " Grwestle Arrive at Vaambersburg. Leave et Leave Shippethsaurg " Earlis;,e 5.55 /010 2.4 i. " 'lrlectianic , burg 62b 10 42 2.1; !alive at Harrisburg 6.5.5 IL i 5 5,40 FOS CHAMBERSBURO ARZ, HAOARSPL,IPAr: Leave Harrisburg " Mechanicsburg .... " Carlisle 46 Newrille " bhilPellsburg 're at Chant)), =burg, ' Leal ,. at. Leave Greeraßle Arrive at Hagerstown 12.35 6.10 4 4 1- Y.akiu coast tairmetaugas at Harrisburg with. Limier. for Philadelphia. Neu tack and Pittsburg sin rains rot all 'mien.. West. e' he Tram leaving Harrisburg at &20 run? only as tar as Carlisle 0. N. LULL, m R It. °thee, Chambersburg, April 4. last-1!. READING RAI LROA D. SU MMER ARRANGEMENT. CI RE A T TRUNK LINE FROM TliF, k_A SURIII and Northwest fur Etubulelgtua,Nt vs- lurk, rt , admg, hot2EVille, LCbialltfts, taa4oa fre.,l4c. 'frame lean. Harrisburg for Phibutoiplus, Nru. Swt Readlag, rbusvilie and all batenur.tiait stations, tu Mao k. a. ,and 2.00 r. s. !aesc York I.gprres loaves Harrisburg at 11.30 Arm - mg at Voris. at 1,4 thy y, = , A sporial Acron.rtioaatica ttain lest se Roar: rtg, at 7.1.5 auu 'morns flora Barrisbu:g G E.. to N 0... Yr.IL , $0 La - W 1 rait d•, phis ,l,3 3.5 sod 10. Baggage , gbmgril throve,. R-turuiug, :sacs feu Yerk st 6 y_ a., a 1,4 7 r. x., (Pittsbt.rg fzi.r,ss arriving at Hanbinug at 2 4. EL) (,cave Philatteiphta at a ta.. IL L Sieurtlig CArb 1.4 Me Nos Yore trama,th rimg h to and from Pittsburg witbuot cbazge. ragaengera by the 'alit:WV:Vs Raiirend leave Tamaqua yt 11.50 e. at., bind 2.10 r. a., for Yhtiadelptus. Nen 'York, and all way points. trams leave 11 , :tP Title at 3.15 Z at., and an r. ir , Cr Philadelphin, Harrisburg emu Nev. York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves &Ming al 1100.ax.and returns Crum Philaiielphin at 5.00 P. hi- W All the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaver, Pottsville at 7.30 a. kr., kat! Phil &dolphin at 3.15 P. xi. Commutailtak t Mileage Season acimsio2 tkteig at re rt.*. to 4r.n 6... tn 411 vnlntF 80 pounds baggage allowed to oath perzoa bay 2, 181 4-4&wtf Gain ilDiounaT Opttcable to all useful Arts. A new thief,. Its Combination Boot and Stioe Man ofacturera Jeweler. 1864 It:la a liquid. Renamber. Plata] Agents In PlaidelWa s .4,4 %Luc TAM: *I.MITIMIR. Steam Job Printing ESTABLISIIMENT, THIRD STREET, FAR WALNUT, gARRLSBURG, PA. i 4 I TING recently added to our Jobbing DeOulment s Rage amount of um type, uea tam swam promme et the most improved toackmbery r •uld othei wharrial, are now pretax , * to emecate or. Atturt tiouve z Amu lit We must approvect style, .14. KIN tm tit MILITARY BLADES, LETTER dEEET CIDELLA,.S t. BILL HEADS. BUSINESS OARDEI, BaliztoAD BLANkge Kenn,: in one or more cote Fat.nat,maris; BILLS OF LADING, FEIJIMSOOIT NOM, LEGAL BLANiA AND • JOB WOR K ALZ.. PLAIN OR ORNAATENTA_L. Order. from a &Mance attekded V pitooptly. marlOAlawtr fiIAGINOIAA BALM. T im is the mind delightful end extraordi unty asurle ever ufteftverfta. It cluing% tne r .ftre and Nmermd Manta w a pearly, &dm texture I r a.; at , avistung beauty, eispiatibli tee tea. Ole panty 01 youth, dot to.. disrmyrre 9pym ark e eft waning in the city beLe dfthr -ft it tw.umet- tau neck/eft, pimples &au rough unitise, We lenVlng we cutup es:ou tr .4% trampa, .ftut and rawunt It ouittairib Liu Mat tall duurbaustft the urn,. ratwnrzed by A. fres= and Opera aisivers It iv whet alley may atitruid luxe. bold 9:Wlmb/ft and re. i u , t * 1,2 u de bA.OIIANLI tingttllY, thipurted . 1" um*. WIUI - lUM7O the itteesa Sherri Wier ta °entry For ea at SiHSIEH. eit ¢I.OI,R.Pro kit izidtArb cmzetaixi thing u 2 uhln des.- 4 J- 1 . Mee GUM% dust Mewed bud bei able by SHISILER & FRA2F-E, deaf) paccossora to Ww. Lock, & /IA I 1,/{4;,411,4 ME I N. P. a p. 8.06 132 4 ... 847 215 4 54 21 2.56 _10.22 _10.33 4.00 _ll.OO 4.30 _ll.lO 4.40 MEE &KOLL:, Gftertig Superunt:une;d, UE,ental and %aauable .Dibetri H I LT 05 'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT lbw ~„it g euwal pmc. uttnty lamb any invention nut, before the fpublu. IL nab oven therueglity tented during We ban two rearm by practice wen, raw prebouuced bp all 60 be SOPERioII T O a ivr ndaesivo Preparations known. IarLTOX'S INEOLUBLN Gramm fa a new thing, and the result of yam of study; it cumbinnuon is on Principles, And undo] no drcumstahces or change texcparatule, wtll it de vitae corrupt or mat any otionshe emelt. BOOT AND S.L'OB hbroolacturers, mot hiszOirkes, rind it the best uncle known ea Comer:tiny. for the Cha.uuott.,.. it works without tiv.Lly, is not okitect.ed by low ohltuge oS temperature. JEWELERS Will End It. sufficiently adbeser_ tor :hair use, as tr.a& 1.0 , en wined. ais Espem:adsi AdiTsfd Leaf/le' And we clai cs anal merits , barft sticks Mc's* , allaa k , and 4bocs aultlcierdly ' sarong without Anchin,g. it - is the only LI Q if /D CEMEIi2 Einar .xf that in a sure thing for mend ing carhure, CrockEt7, 'reYek • Bone, Ivory, 'And articles of Household me IREMEMBER Ramos' s LNSOLCI.La CEMENT Is in a liquid Pone and as easily sp plied as paste. I EtLTOll'l3 Issta.atu.s CE IT Is tusoluole in water or oil. Ramott's Isaukcsa.t. CET ! Adheres oil; substances. Supplied in Family or braisufao: tureee Packages from 2 ounces to 100 ' lbs. HURON BROS. CO Proprietor; Preridoao; It. L S. A.. IaUNKEI. a BROL. 118 Snakes street, liarribburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers