( 6: t I • _ - Xl.l. (g j A l c 1 C i 6 l i U li G, P A EVENiNG, JUNE 25, :`. k 2. TO AiiITEVITH3EI 11 11- , In. 3• .11.1 . ..5. Nelicrs,;VS*, ''•4 .1; to geezre ti,t23l in the "At S . ariabl ybe a.eeom vr4ed with t CA.,;11 SC1:11, .fat red he vt.g,nlar ell Eng Eititiuva. are insertetd iu lhe Morn. ❑4; Joy. xvitht:te; i•Ntra t' 0 %V iN AND i'o L, T ,►'tame of the Thera:rimeler Ta-day 11 A.. M 95 Go TO Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op posite the -Court House, and see the new Ba rometer; they foretell the weather accurately from 12 to 48 hours in advance. Every per- Ron should have one. jel6-2w =I REV. P. B. 111.4.115, of Lewisburg, will preach in the Old School Presbyterian Church, to morrow morning and evening. THE Colored Free Will Baptist Church, in West Harrisburg, will be dedicated to-morrow. Rev. James Phillips, of New York, will °fa- IBM REV. SAMUEL PIILLLIPS, 01 Carlisle, will reach in the German Reformed Church, Chestnut street, to-morrow morning and (wan ing, at the usual hours. Tat election by the stockholders of the gorthuraberland Bank, Thursday last, (whe ther the bank should be removed to Sunbury,) remitted in favor of its removal. A NEW BELL.--A large flue-toned bell has been placed in the cupola of the Free Baptist Church, corner of State and Fourth streets. The bell weighs over a thousand pounds, and can be heard at a great distance. -A. boy about 18 years of ago to :w; ia the capacity of a clerk. Also, agents wanted to sell a new and me tal article of recent invention, by which from $7, to $2O per day canoe made. Apply at No. f':3 Market street. j25-d4t SA 1. s. TLll— Mss SusAN HorAincic, the third of the young women injured going home from a circus in Sunbury, has died of her wounds. Sod thought—from a vain, filthy, demoraliz ing, God-defying amusement, to the silent grave and the eternity beyoinl! To-nAY.the heat is as great as on yesterday, as will be seen by the table at the head of this department. This morning we temporarily placed the thermometer where the sun could shine upon it, and at nine o'clock the mercury had reached thd height of 115 degrees. REV. E. STAISTIL3C Er, of Liverpool, York county, Pa., will preach in the Salem Church ..)f the Evangelical Association on North street, in Harrisburg, to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock, and at 8 in the evening, in the German language. The public are invited to attend. =ZEI TEE grain-fields bear unmistakable evidence that harvest is near at hand. The beautiful green which recently adorned the fields has given way to the golden tint that accompa nies the ripening of ,he grain,and era long the tall, waving wheat and rye, will be cut down. threshed, and converted into greenbacks. TUE UNION CADETS.—Capt. Sayford's com pany of Union Cadets, have a parade every evening. The company is composed of over fifty young men, from fourteen to twenty years of age. They make a creditable ap pearance, and when uniformed will make one of the chief attractions in the city. I=l OUR readers should not forget that on Tues day next, Dau Rice will be here, with his great High School, to amuse those who may attend the entertainment. This is not a cir cus, but a, school where the pupils are trained animals. Do not fail to attend the great show. Caarm, DEDICATIox.---The Free Baptist Mission Chapel, for the use of colored per sons, lately erected in West Harrisburg, will be dedicated to-morrow. Three services will be held, viz : at 10 A. an, 3 P. 14. and 8 P. M. The dedicatiOn sermon will be delivered at 3 P. m., by Dr. Phillips, Missionary to India. Bitrusr CHPRCEL—There will be service in the Baptist Church, corner of Pine and Sec ond streets, on to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock Ind in the evening at 74 o'clock. The pulpit wil be occupied by Rev Mr. T. E. Clapp, of . Epwisburg. The public are invited to attend: MEI WE are informed that several sportsmen from Philadelphia, have been in this neigh borhood, and bagged a large number of wood cock, which were taken east. This is a direct violation of law, which prohibits the killing of woodcock before the 'lth of July. The o wi i, ers li land should not permit these east ern gunnera to violate the laws upon their premises. INTERESTING SERVICES. —Rev. James L. Phil lip% M. , • "Mission to India. will hold a farewell meeting with the First Free Baptist Church, corner of State and Fourth street, to morrow at 10 o'clock. Dr. Phillips is a superior speaker; and his narration of his experience during his former residence in India caauot fail to profit all who may hear him. Swrsmrso IN Maimsr.-IVe have been re quested to call attention to the fact that a number of countrymen who sell . produce in market use liquid measure when disposing of cherries, berries, &c., by which the purclae.sei is swindled to a considerable extent. The marketma,ster should give measures, as well as weights, his attention, when taking his usual -round tfirough market. AVA.srzn.—A second-hand counter show case, about two feet by four or five feet. Ap ply at Parson's Agricultural Store. CANARY 13111.1) LO T.—Escaped from his cag,c a yellow canary bird. A suitable reward. will be paid by leaving it with Mrs. Hickok, Chest nut street. jv2s-2t* REV. J. WALESA je.cssozz• will preach in the Locust-street AL E Church to-morrow even *, on the sixth commandment. The public are invited to attend. A STATED Z,SEETINi7r of the Friendship Fire Canpany will be held in their hall on Monday evening at eight o'clock. Punctual attend ance is requested, as business of importance Will be transacted. 3 r. m . 300' THE WoopeocsAson---A Market for Them.—On the 4th of July the season for shooting woodcock will commence. We are requested to state that hunters and others can dispose of any quantity of these birds to Mr. George Dress, on Third street. Mr. D. will pay the highest price for them if left at his place of business, or sent to him by ex press. PRESERVING Fat/Ir.—Everybody is fond of preserved fruit in winter time, and now is the time to prepare them. Cherries are abundant at preserft, and from appearances we shall also have an abundance of peaches. We have ex amined a large lot of fruit cans expressly pre pared for this purpose, at the tinware manu factory of Geo. L. Black, in Third street, next to the corner of Walnut, and believe them to be well suited for that purpose. They.are so cheap and durable that every housekeeper can purchase them; and as they are self-sealers, the trouble and cost of an annual soldering is avoided. Tan Tory Organ, with its usual mendacity, this :norning, asserts that the writing editor of the TELEGRAM ran away during the panic of threatened invasion, last summer. It is well known that the individual alluded to, Mr. Forney, the State Librarian, was necessarily compelled to absent himself while in charge of the books and papers of the State Library: These facts are, of course, unimportant to the public at large, but their knowledge is made necessary to fasten the falsehood on the tip pling vilifier. • TILE SECOLID PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. —The religious services are held every Sabbath. in the Masonic Hall, in Tanner's alley, at the usual hours. Preaching morning and even ing. The Rev. Samuet B. Williams, of Canada, minister of the A. M. E. Church, will preach to-morrow morning. The Sabbath School is held regularly, com mencing at 1r o'clock - in the afternoon. In struction is given to adults as well as children, and colored persons lately coming here are especially invited to attend. CHANGE OF PROPRIETORS OF TER TORY ORGAN: —lt has not been correctly known who were really the proprietors of the Tory o:gan, and it has been inferred from the unwillingness of the owners of that sheet to print their names at the head of its columns, that they were ashamed of its course, and unwilling to share its disgraces. Be, this as it may, we un der Stand negotiations have been going on by parties from Johnstown, for the purchase of that establishment. It is understood on the street, that J. F. Campbell, H. J. and T. K. Hyatt, are the parties seeking to risk their personal reputations and squander their money in an effort to raise the Tory awn, from its dark depth of treasonable infamy and moral degradation to that of respotable, truthful and patriotic journalism. To do this it will require a (lunging out of the entire es tablishment, and the application of burnt sugar, to remove the odor of its political stench and personal obloquy of those hereto. fore and now connected with that concern. For further information on this subject, the public must wait patiently for developments to be made in the columns of the Tory Organ. STATE TEACHERS' Assocunos.—The Penn sylvania State Teachers' Association will ineet at Altoona, on Tuesday, August 2d, at 10 o'- clock, A. as., and continue in session three days. Tuesday Morning.-Organization. Address of welcome. Response on behalf of the Asso ciation. Report of Illustrated Science in our Schools, by J. F. McKee, Westmoreland county. Miscellaneous business. Afternoon.—Discussion of J. F. McKee's Report. Address by the President, S. D. In gram, Dauphin county. Report on Element ary Composition, by J. A. M. Passmore, Potts ville. Discussion of Report. Evening.—Address by Dr. E. V. Gerhart, President of Franklin and Marshall College, —subject: The Education of the Moral Na ture. Report on Some peculiarities of the -English Language, by Prof. F. Crosby, Mans field, Pa. Wednesday ilforniny.—Report on the Natu ral Order 01 Development, by Rev. J: S. Er mentrout, Supt. of Berks county. Discussion of Report. Discussion—subject: The num ber of Simultaneous Studies. .elfteraoon.,--Report on Object Teaching, by E. C. McClintock, Edinboro, Pa. Discussion of Report. Address by -Prof. S. P. Bates. Harrisburg--subject: Liberal Education. Evening.--Address by Dr. Thomas Hill, President of Harvard College—subject: The necessity of a true Order ieStudies. Essay by Miss K. M. V. Smith, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Thursday Morning.—Report on the means that may be properly used to induce people to aim at a high standard of Intellectual Culture. Geo. F. McFarland, McAllisterville, Discus sion of Report. Discussion—subject: Linear drawing as an element of Practical education. Afternoon.—Reports of Committees. Elec tion of officers. Discussion—subject: The gelf-reporting System in SchooL Essay by Miss Fanny M. Haley, Lancaster, Pa. • Evening.--Address by Dr. Tho. H. Burrowes, subject: The true Practical in Education. Address to Teachers by Ron C. R. Coburn. Social meeting. Reports are not to exceed twenty minutes in length. It is expected that the usual reduction of fares on the several railroads will be made, of which dtphlktice will be given. The . friena of education throughout the State'are requested to call attention to this meeting, through tlk*: local papers and edn• national orgaruzatvalm. S. S. JACK, Ch. of Ex. Com. I= 1121:E=21 =EIS= OLDER OF EIMRCISE.S Smarr:Taint. —Mrs. M. lecture in Exchange Hall on Sund..: . 2(3, at 10i A. u. and 7i p. WANTED—Rein. Coming—Harvest, and the 4th of July. Plenty—Marriagable young ladies. Dusty--The streets. For. SALE—The benches, platform and one panel door—all in good order—now used in Exchange Hall. Persons desiring to pur chase will call on Lt. Geety, at his office on Front street, tiro doors below Market street. j25-cl3t* REV. H. SCHROP, of the United Brethren in Christ, will preach in the German language, to-morrow at 10 0 7 C1OCk, A. M., and i h P. 'l., in the Orphans' Court room in the Court House, and after this every Sunday at the same time. INTRIVATENTS FROM WASHINGTON HOSPITALS OF PENNSYLVANIA SOLDIERS. —The following Interments have been made from the Wash ington hospitals: Philip Snyder, E, 16th Pennsylvania; Wash : . ington May, D, 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry; Frank D Howard, H, 00th Pennsylvania; Dan iel Claussen, F, 55th Pennsylvania; James M'Crumby. C, 188th Pennsylvania; First Lieut D D Ware, F, 118th Pennsylvania; Jonas Piggott, B, 118th Pennsylvania; M Evans, E, 48th Pennsylvania, Peter Walker, K, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry; Levi S Gerhart, K, 93d Pennsylvania; Francis Carroll, K, 45th Pennsylvania; John Thompson, A, 21st,Penn sylvania Cavalry; Frederic Waltman, K, 62d Pennsylvania; James Boner, I 58th . I== PRIZE BEEF—Mammoth Steer.—That well known stock-raiser, John Noble, Esq., of Car lisle, has sold to Mr. John Banlus, of this city, a mammoth steer, weighing three thousand pounds, for the handsome sum of three hun dred and fifty dollars. The animal was fed three years by Mr. Noble, and is but one of numerous specimens of cattle fed by that gen tleman. The thanks of our citizens are due to Mr. Baulns for his efforts to suply them with a superior quality of meat, and we have no doubt that when this prize beef is dis played at market there will be a great demand for it. Mr. Baulus will exhibit the mammoth steer at his place of business in this city dur ing the next ten days or two weeks. and invites the public to call and see him. At the end of that period the animal will be slaughtered, and the beef offered for sale at Mr. Banks' stand in market. jelB-d4twlt FROM Tan ARMY.—The following letter, written by a young man, formerly of this city') has been handed us for publication: CAMP NEAR BERMUDA Hurroann, Jane 18th, 1864. Dzika PATriEa : We arrived here on the night of the 14th inst., and marched for Petersburg, where we arrived next morning. We attacked the enemy's works, and captured four sorts, thirteen guns and about one thousand prison ers. The works we captured were over three miles in length and completely commanded the town of Petersburg. which is twenty-three miles from Richmond. Baldy Smith, who commanded our corps, did all this before the Army of the Potomac arrived. It is here now, holding the works we captured. We were fighting for three days, 15th, 16th and 17th. We are now in the rear and across the Appo mato.; for what purpose we can't tell, but I think before twenty.iour hours the 18th corps will be heard from again. This letter is written on rebel paper which I got from one of the prisoners. I. was within three-fourths of a mile o , Petersburg. We are } kept moving continually. Our officers have not changed clothing for three weeks? Our regiment is expecting to g., home shortly - T. B. 58th P. V., 3d brig., Ist div., 18th corps. Go To Bownkles.—The attention of pur chasers is respectfully invited to C. L. Bow man's stock of dry goals, at the corner of Front and Market streets. SPECIA L N °TICE'S. Bannvart 9 s Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A.. Bannyart & C 0.,. Harrisburg, Pa-, t.-3 whom all orders should be addressed. -old by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Hemussuno, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Ron - war—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in ccsmparison with them all, can cheerfull,y commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. "011-1 . agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. FlABrosstrao, Jan., 1 b 64. To O. A. BezcavAsT---Dear Sire th habit of Speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenge*that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public ae.• dresses. Yours, Ake. JNO. VALK= JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Pilethodist,Churelf To O. A. Rtmrvanr—Dear Sir: Having user your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending thentto all persona afaicted with sore throat or huskiness al voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DreTracrr krroexay's OFFICE, t ELLBRIEBITAG, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. IlissvAirr--Dear Sir : I have found your Troohes to be invaluable in , re lieving hoarseness and in strengthertio 'the muscles of the throat. They impart Clearnesh w the voice, and are certainly of great belie tit to all public speakers. A. 1. 11E.11.14 HAM DYE 2 HAIR DYE 2.1 Batchelor's Celebrated - Bair Dye 18 THE BEST IN THE IVOELE. The only Marnikss, True and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye as perfect—changes bed, Gusty Sit Gray Hair instantly to a Oats" Black vr Natural &ow?• without iniuring the Hair or staining the skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiftil ; imparts fresh vitality frequently restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH. MOB. 'AH others are mere, imitationS, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c Facto q-131 BAR CI AY ST, 1.1. Y. OATIMILOWB Mr TOIL= CRUM 1ME121210 rax HA* joraly4l I ger To Clear th -House- of Rios, nee i , ntcher's celebrated LItafFNING FLY-KILLER, a neat eueap article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill a quart SOLO EVERYWHERE. 1442.15iC1i, RICHARDS & CO., 10th and lfarket streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agenta my24-41.tw8w- Military Business Attended To Bounty; Pension, Back Pay, SUbsimence and Military and War Taints, generally, made out anti collected. Per suns residing at a distance can hake their husinem trans acted by mall, by addressing EUGENE Sri'DER, Attorney.at-Law dert-dly Third Street, Harrisburg,. Pa. LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS FROM W YORK AUCTION GRE AT BARGAINS IN MUSLIN'S Pull yard w:d r bleachel muslin, at 30 cent's; worth 40 cents. - Bleached muslin, 100 pieces. Bleached Muslin, 60 pieces. 20 pieces 6f all wool flannels cheap. Black silk, 5 pi 5055, Mack silk, 5 pikes. Biack silk. lip pieces. • 2000 yards of black silks From auction. Beautiful pearl color si.k finish alpaca. Alpacas in leather color, stone colors and othar calms. White cambrics, soft, finished 5.4 French Cambric. Jaconetta, brilliants, Irish linen. Splendid &martin, tit of Cathe.oB. Cloak, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. Stockings, the best and cheapest. Pocket handkerchiefs for ladies. at all prices. Marseilles quilts and crash fo - t e.cla Shirt br sets, all linen, at 23, 30, 35, 40 and 50 cents. We have now a very large stock of goods, all bought at reduced prices, and whien we wilt sell at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction We have also a very argelotof alpacas, cashmere cloth, bombazines. S. LEWY. • je22 COLOA'EE'S HONE 1( SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, In mien universal de mand, is made (tom the choicest materials. is mild and emull•ent in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by ali Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Jan2s-datgly XXTANTED lALMEDIATELY—An experi- V Y enced salesman. CATHCART At BROTHET, jit24-3t Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. WANTED IMMEMAT CL Y. FOUR or five "Shanty-keepers;' to whom Snanties, which are ready for UBt., wib be furnished, for the purpose of accommodating boarders. Also, fr , m 50 to 60 I.borers. Apply to James liartin, on the N. C. R. N., Mahontungo mountain, 3 miles auove Mill• rsuurg. jew-lni* TWO COOPERS WANTED. THE highest wages will be paid to TWO co..PEKS to work on flour barrels. Apply in Short street, between Walnut and South streets to .ie2 L dlw* • SAlllin KINZER. . $lO TO $2O A DAY. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TEIE IM PROVED LIME GIANT SEWING MACHINE.— Tun beet cheap Nlachino in the United States. We are giving a Commission by which the ammo wars can be made, or we wiii employ arms at $73 a month and ex penses paid. For particulars nod terms, ad iress, witti altho, T. S. ?AGE, Gen'l Agent, jel3-d2w—wltn Tided° 0. AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard wry of the War. A rare chance to make moue). Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., de 90 Publishers, Baitgpore, Md. WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a good meat Cool:. Inquire at the ap3o-dif BRADY ROI:TSB. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK BELOW COST. MRS. M. MAYER, No. 13 Market Street, PAIN° desirous of closing her Summer Suck of ItibiueryGoods, offers for sale at greatly reduced priceS, such as • • - SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, • HATS AND FLATS, &C. Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of Sags, YELVETS, LACES, • • RUG HOOe SKIRTS. CORStTS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOV COLLARS CUFF S, BELTS, NETS, FANCY GOODS , &C. Dealers will do well to call, as groat'..baroains can ho had at whousale. FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS!! WHOratiiiALE ANIi•BETAIL BY t JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. AE following stook of Fireworks is now, in T store: Rumen Candles, Rockets, Pin' Wheels, Mines nr Stars and Serpents. Serpents, . Grasshoppers, Water Pots, Flower rots, Scroll Whets, -Rollout Lights, Triangles, Blue Lights, Red,Whitc and Blue, Spangalettes, Chinese Rockets, Palm% Crackers, Fire Crackers, Torpedos, Torpedo & Pal ecracker Gun, New Torpedo Bow, Joss Stick, or Punk, Now is the time to purchase while there is a goo as aortment. JOHN WiSie, jee.dtr Third street, near Walnut, CANDIDATE FOlt COI dtESS. HARBIBBURO, PA., June 9,1864. THE under igni3d.respectfully offershimeall, to the Republicans of the . 14th Congressional Dis trict of Penns} lvauia, composed of Le coontie of Dau phin, Northumberland, Union an.! Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said Distrirt. lie9tdtel • JOSIAH. ESPY. TO LEARN PIANOFORTE PLAYINU - PASILY AND ' tHOROUGHLY, rise the .12,g Sr.aNDARA INSTItUtrTION BOWL "Ricimrdson's Aew Method." An improvement, upon all othors in pro gressive arrangement, adaptation and simplicity. lobud ad upon a new and original plan, and illustrated by a series of plat.; showing Use proper position of the hands and fingers ".. The popularity of this book has never been equalled by that of any similar work. ten thousand copies aro sold every year. Among teachers and.ail who ha. o examined it, it is pronounced superior in excellence to all other "Methods," "Ststems," . and "Schools," and toe b , ok that every pupil needs for the acquirement of a thorough knowledge of Piano-forte playing! it is adapt , it to an grades of tuition, from the rudiments , studies of the youngest, to the studies and exercise. of advanced pupils. Paso editions are - published. one .doptiug , American, the other Foreign lingo. ing. When the we. kis ordered, if no preference is designated, - the edition with American ft..- goring will be sent. Agree sure that in ordering it you are particular in specifying the "NEW Meltlf.OD." Price $3 50. Mailed, postpaid, to any ad • ress. .sold by all Music Dealers. OLIVER D.ll'SuN it: Cu., Publishers. 2i7 Washington sire t, B.ston„ ,les 520 ACRES of Land, in Dauphin co. at private sale, hi part • r the whole, ozi butt pure La ., rs ; 13:‘ acres clear, good buildings thereon, n'AL. aaw Mill Poe further partial/ors, whims L MINSKER, my3o-dlim* Dauphin, Dauphin eouroy, Pa. THE valuable property, _ corner of Seconc and Pine streets, being any -two and a half feet ou iion4 and one hundred and sixty-eight. feet ou Pine street running back two hundred and tenfeet to Barbara alley. there being space for tour fall building lots, and a most sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings .Por4particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se. .tolpfkond Pins reels main-tt" • • nO YOU wish a good Gold Yen? 11 so, j./ , an at =LOMB Boakdaye, asniiiburg: Wag V% A iN.l.?t. AT AND Land fur Snio FUR S A Lisl, • NEW A DV ERTISEM ENTS. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HYGRO BAROMETER, OS Natural \V cattier Indicator, WITH A BEAUTIFUL THERMOMETER ATTACHED. THIS simple and useful instrument is now offered tar sale fat the first time la the State of Pd., tue undersigned having secured the right of sale to azau for the to.lowing routities: Dauphin, Cumnerland, Adams, Franklin_, York and Perry, of Fri: her, COWL N. Co., agents rot the State, and are nos' prepared to seal the Instrument at wholesale and retail. The rostrum, tit will tell with un failing accuracy the 113 groinctical con Mims of the atmos phere, thus foretelling the eitar.g.s of the weather frost 12 to 48 h are mud, once. The acting mot log pribciple is the piatule of a flatter, foam: in .7.3 via, near Damascus, and is so higAly sensitive ta,a it is acted epee by the least change of the atinos,here. Persons iamidar with natural eeienee know that it cannot mi., until the air is l hed`stith aqueous vapor, which mart condense to pause rain iq fall; this moisture mutt xist in dui atmosphere several hours iu advance of the coming atoms. No other thi.ro rook:: manufactured will foretell with accuracy the Kim mall of "us. But this NATURAL 110BaiSCOPE, the work Of NA TUBE'S OWN HAND, flits up the void which uuu. could u..t accomplish. and points its unerring finger to all cl icuges of the wearier, and ass never been known to fail. - - It is valuably to the Fa mer, the Physician, the Clergy man, the Navigator, the Trartid2r, the .11.erchata, lad every bony It is very simple to understand, and never requites any rep Ming. They arc cheap, durable and reliable. • Nor sale onty by agents, :tad at Knoche's Music store, No, 03 Market s reef. Prke $3 75. One of the instruments wilt be scut by express, on re ceipt of $3 75. ' Agents wanted in every town in the above named counties. Apply as above, to jeld d2wkw2t F -NNO Sr. DIAXWELL, Agents. 15 DEPEN DEN CE _ULAN D AND T HE proprietor of this cool and delightful Summer fte.ort, would most respedtfufly announce to the citizens of Harrishuig that the Island is now open fur visitors. Accommodations will be furtishe to parthis and picnics on reasonante terms, a dancing platform h Wing ben erected for their special use. season tickets tor famiLcA good for ono year, 51 50. • No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the ILldnd. 0. - er No intosicaung liquor, so d on Studay. A Wire Ferry, writ a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Bros I street, Nest Harri,.. burg. HE.SkY BECKER jel4-dlm Sole Proprietor. PHO'TOGRAPfI ALB ti Ms. • ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT or Photograph Albums. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps ALBUMS WITH SO Pictures for - $3 00 . 3 Sti 4 (lb together with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and meek., which will be sold cheap. Stitdier,, you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and see at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore. marl2...dtf Harrisburg, Pa. "COSTAR'S." VE It MIN EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTER3ERIATORS. ENTERS' NATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTk.RJUNATORS. EXTLIIIIIN +TOM •COSTAII '3" EXTERMINATORS FXTERIIINATORS 'COSTAR'S" FSTER3IINATORS EXTEtt'. INATORS. "COSTAR'S' , EXTER3IINATORI EXI,..RSIINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERAINATOR.". EXTERMINAToits. ' , COSTAR'S" EXT INATO6's. - - - EXTE NIVINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTE R‘' IN ATORA. EXTER3II XATOitS. "COSTAR'S" EXTEZ MINAToRS EXT.TRAII ATi /RS ‘‘COSTAR'S" EXT MIS:A*I'OIIS _ EXT ER 4INATORS. `COSIAR'S" EXTE AIINATORS. F.XT6RMINATORS !COSTAR'S" EXTERIUNATONS. k XTER.MINATORS. "COSTAR'S" XTERMINAIORS. EXIERMIXATO:'S. ..COSTAS. , S , EXTERMINATORS • IXTERMINAT:)RS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTEitMI , ;ATORS. "COSTAR'S"' EXT RMINATO;;S. EXTERMINATORS. For Rats. Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Piens, MOths in Fars, Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years established in N..Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons."- "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." Say-Sold by all Druggists every where torl I I BEWARE 11 I of all worthless imitations. Aar." Costar's" Depot, No. 482 Broadway, N. Y. llirBold by D. W. GROSS & CO., Wholesale and retail agents. And by all Druggists in liarrislntrg. Pa pto-nsw3m roiliAir BOOKS. I STE o II n DIZG- BLOCKS, by Gail .Eliainslo- HAUNTED 13.L.'411T5, by the author of the Letup lighter. $2 00 DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. by Hrs. 'Willie& $.l 50 TV. BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. 60 cent,s. THE SMALL ROUSE OF ALLLNGTON, by Trollone. $1 25 . _ SEVEN sTORLEii, by fk.Uarvel, author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." $1 50 . • VII. ~ . . .. SPERE'S JOURNAL ofthe piscurery of-the sources of the Nile. $3 50 ___ EB3 Nab WOMAN IN BLACK; by anther of "Man in Gray." $1 50 NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov. '6l to Aug. '6g. n 00 STORIES OF THE SEA, for boys; from Cooper's writings . SI 'OO STORIES OF THE WOW, for boys; from Cooper's writinBs. gl 00 OUR DAILY FARE, a daily journal of the Great Sani tary Fair at Philadelphia; itlustra.d; Subscriptions re ceived at $l. 00 Ad new books received as soon as pans:tied at BERGNER'S ROOK STORE, 51 Market street NOTICE AMEETING of the .stoekholders of the .Union Railro ot and :111hlog Chneptin.t." will be he'd at the Continental Hotel, iu the city of Poiladelphia, u Friday, the 22u 41.1 of July. A. u 1t64, at one u'aut-k P. M. of e ii i day, toe the purpose of elertiug seven Dime sco manage itt • affairs of sit:down:any tor tit chiming ye r, and to transact mach other uus Le-s company is intern-ted, a: may be too. ght before that meeting. By request of the B and of LMectors, Wit CoutEtt, President. Hmeesertio June 20, 1864. je2o-eodScv ===C=l ANew Two Story FIUME HOUSE, with a first rate Store , Room in it, on the corner of Fifth ztreet and Strawberry al.ey. Also, the Frame House ad joining. For further particulars enquire at Leedy's Shoe Store, Market street, ur un the premises my 23 tf DANIEL LEEDY. SAP 6Aliti, English Dairy, Pine Apple, .b 4 ut meELatid New York State Cheese ,hut received at SHISCER a FRAZER, mYS BUCCOSSOTR to W. Dock. Jr.. it Go. QUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, CuFIEE, of al grades and prices, at zE , HISI.KR & FftAZ RR, Successo^s to W. D. ca, Jr Ca .Pl 7 //MOOS I i Fie I- aulity'Gr,x-erieg. ritiE,EbE—Catuiee hew er9p Lheese, just kJ received at SHISI" R& k RAZE, j e'T SaLeessers to W. Dock, Jr, Cu ENV BOOKS.—THE SROULDER 1.1 STRAPS AND DAYS OF 'SHODDY .TuAt ri.eAlvod R klelal SCTIEFFER'S•I3O(IITORE. 1n CASES FINE I.MPERI AT. FRENCH 1J MUSTARD, for sale by. SEISM A: FRAZER, mys anocrawte /N. 'Cock, Jr, Co. -AM USEM I.lllll'B Harrisbm - g, Tuesday,Jano POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY, AT 2 AND 7 r. M. DAN RICE'S GREAT spzow, A TRIPLE COMBINATION lst—Dan Rice's Great Show. 2d—Henry Cooks wonderful Troupe of Acting Dogs and Monkey 3d—Barelay's performing Buffaloes and Comanche Ponies. MRS. DAN RICE Will make her first appearance here. in her beautiful menage scenes, introdnenig the highly trained War Charger T ®R Nr . A 17:0 ID. MRS. EMMA STORE, And her Troupe of Performing Horses. THE GREAT BLIND HORSE EXCF.T.CTOR, All under the personal direction of the great HUMORIST, DAN RICE. Admission—Box 25 ; Reserved Seats 50. Location on Second street, near Factory je2otd CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW TB.IIW. J.ll. DONNE'S, OHO.: EVERY EVE:NEW, With a First-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, 4.,NAIEDIANS, &c., &c. L~lmi39iea .. ...... ................ ........... tb coats , •eate in Boxes ................ 25 N'OTICE. TELL Undersigned. Commissioners, named in au Act of the Legi.datwe, approved the .ith day ut May. 1301, entitled au art to incorporate the Millers bu.g and Rauch nap iailroad Company, hereby give public notice that bo .kS will be open.at fur receiving sub seri, tions to the Capita. Stock of said Compiny at the iollowing named limes and AtitVOS in the coun'y of -Data plain, to wit : At the house of Jacob Leuker, in Gratz— town, on THURSDAY, the 231 day of June, inst. At the house of Benjamin Bor.m.x, in t:errysburg. ou MONDAY, the 17th day of June inst. St tho house of J. G. Yeager, in Miller: burg, ou THURSDAY, the 30th day of June, ins , . At tho JONES Hi"iUSh, in the City of Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, the sth day of July nest; and that. at anin.` V. times and a. - ..esaOttle two or tuore of the Commissioners will at end, and that the Books will be kept open at .teat .1x hours, commencing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, for the term of tpreenitlimal days,. or mull the number of shares atithorizAt by the law &al have been Eubsoritood. IAVED R PORTER, HARRIt , BURG, /St June, /Sat CIRCULARS • AND MANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BIJILDEIG, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. have now u splendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples. iu - VeT , F..;td somely trimmed, trom $7 50 to vs. 1.000 SILK m.A.N.rma 5 - CIRCULARS, SACKS AND RithWS; Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO up% are,. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. my 2,5 MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS, HAS OPZIOD AT NO. S DIAR.KET 5Q.117.A.R.E, (Next door to retix's Confectionery,) AXTIIEBE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to y-T the Ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy 11004 At cheaper prices than any house in the city. Melinallty of her goods cannot be surpassed. DRESS AtAKING LW THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. aplB-dtjyll NtW PHILADELPHIA C ]L 0 A. K. STORE, IN D. W. GBOSK NEW BLOCK, Market Street s Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULABS, AND FINE SFUNG SEAWS. Will open on the let of April inzaal-dly LIQLIO RENNET LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the must luscious or all de,urti-• tor the tab! ; the hgrit. eat and must grateiul diet tor invalids and children. c,.ntainS every elemi-nt or the bodily colfhtitution; WllBll C tagniateil with tenet it is always I gin and ea-yof "digestion, and supports the system Ville the least p ossi bl e ellehetuent.. Wn n Still gre,a , puturitive oWt-r creLtm anti su:ar may be added A. lIML-1.401.1fu: converts a quart of mid: into a firm curd. Prepared and , sokti wholttule and retail by S A. Kl.Th*lkt Jels-ti 113 Markel:street. PROVOST M.A.RSILAR'S OFFICE, 14TR DISTRICT, H.tutUSHVRG , Pa., June 6, 1884. f rpo DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed by Lieut. Co! J. V. Bomford, A. A Provost- Marked General, by Ws Cl cellar, No. 59, of June 4, 1664, to pub lish -Teat ',rafted men are not allowed to enlist as co au_ teers after beiug dratted; and that the creuits for dratted men will remain for the tub-districts from which to. y were united, no matter Whether local bounty lies or tuts uOt been paid to such men, upon '•illegal enlistment." JNO. KAY CLESIEIs.T. Captain and Provost. Mu/ Wail, 14th Dist, Pa. ice du' • D IeKLESI PICKLES 11 By the barrel, half baneL, jar or dazen, ac .t ROBRPER. UN AIZ tilV r titte lot of CANNED tJ PEACHTS and TAIIATUES. Also, .SUPERIuR PINE APPLES, FR SR PEAS, Vic., just .eee;veo by my i4-otr JOBS Wll-.E., 3d Fdre.d. .Far 50 Deu°mZuErisini g j t'i lt ed S lin E y, N Cla ll u lj cv Chow, Cauliflower, ‘tixed Pickles, Ger/arts, Walnuts and (WOOS. For ale wholesale and retail by saisuit.itAZKß. ecersnrs to IV. Peek, Jr., & mys su IiArESS BEEF and MESS VORY..;---A phoje IXL, snide of. Mess Beer mid Pork At 8131SLER & itp9 • • (ritocessons to Ww)lloo,lyr a ii 010.1 6ote Leos H.Z:RY THOMAS, JAMES FREELAND, G. M. BRHBASER, F. WENRICK, JONATHAN 4. 4 1V-IH, . DA.N.Lk.4. Lath.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers