I= aili iirtkgrapil liAltltl6l3Ull , o, PA lIIONDAY EVENINU, JUNE 20, 18G4. _ . P. YU:J. .a...UVEUTISEES. — . I . I . I . Adver- Idusiness _Notices, Marriages, Deaths, Ike.„ to secure insertion In the TELEGRAPH, riiitet invariably be aneom pai,e.l with the CASH. Adverti3ements ordered in the regular. Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing - Edit ion without extra charge. . State of the Thermometer To-day Bn. M. 11 A. It 75 83 TOWN ANJJ COUNTRY. IT is stated that ihe hay crop of York county will be this season very heavy. TO-DAY is what is known as " the longest day "'being fourteen hours and fifty-two minutes in length. I=l A LARGE number of our citizens left town to-day, to attend the Sanitary Fair in Phila delphia. The trains are continually crowded. MERE will be: a sale of two hundred- and fifty condemned Government horses, at Wil liamsport, on Thursday nest, commencing at 10 o'clock. Tan Williamsport Bulletin says that the crops between Williamsport and Lock Haven took fine, the wheat not having been injured by the winter. ALMOST every farmer says he never raised so many lambs as he has this season. The reason is plain—sheep and lamb's are now worth taking care of. HOTEL ror. Sams.—That excellent hotel stand, known as the Parke House, located on Market stree,, will be sold by public sale, on the 20th of July. =:s=:i Tun trustees of (Salem) German Reformed Church will sell a lot of valuable real estate locate I in this city, on Tuesday evening, 28th, at Brant's Hall. A vatv days ago a deaf and dumb,boy named Graves lost an arm in a circular saw mill at Union mills. It was injured at the elbow, and had to be amputated 'above that joint. H. W. Gqivima, for simile time Superin tendent of Military Transportation of the Pennsylvania railroad, has been promoted to the position of General Ticket Agent of the company, with his office in Philadelphia. . OOPPERKzem who had been drafted got on a bender upon receipt of his "notice," and, hugging a sign post, soliloquized as follows: "If I be I, as I really think I be, I have a little dog at home who knows me— If I be I he'll wag his little tail, If I be not I he'll baik and wail." • Sys , we have a celebration of the "Glori ous Fourth?" If so, it is high time for a movement to be made in that direction. Let not the anniversary of our independence be permitted .to pass by unnoticed at the capital of the great Keystone State. But two weeks remain in which to make the necessary ar rangements for a celebration. ATTE:it:ET To Bases JAIL.-Two notorious characters, Mears and Stroop, committed for conspiracy and pocket picking, attempted to break jail on Sunday night. They succeeded in digging a hole through the wall into.the corridor; but made no attempt to get further, and they are now more secure than ever. being handcuffed and hobbled. Linizssn SALE or LlQUORS.—Shialer & Fra zer advertise, to-day, the sale of their entire, large and choice let of selected liquors, it being their intention to Abandon this branch of their business, and hereafter increase and enlarge their stock of groceries, meats and preserved fruits, fish, glass and wood ware. The liquors offered for -sale are of the best quality, and will either be sold entire or in parcels to suit purchasers. RAILROAD ACM:MU. —0 a Thursday last there was a collision between a freight and a passenger train, near Kersville, on the Cum berland Valley railroad—considerably dam aging the locomotives, und injuring several persons. Mr. Roney, engineer on the pas senger train,:had-his collar bone.broken; Mr. Fuller, fireman, was ; considerably injured in his back and one of •his hips; Mr. George D. Caineron, baggage-master; had one of his legs severely bruised. It was thought the limb was broken, but upon investigation it , was found to be bruised and sprained. The-in • jure.d men: axe improving. SEIMOT Pic-NlC.—The Citizen Engine and. Hose Company will bold its annual pic=nic on Wednesday of this week, in Hoffman's woods. The gentlemen composing the conpnittce of arrangements have been untiring iii`their Of f, ',As to render this.pie-nic the best ever given h e re. In Order to prevent improper characters frau being present, no female will be admitted to the ground who has not received a printed invitation, None but respectable persons have bee P•vi 411 who desire to have a n4tl. day's r e njoyn:irit iliOttld : attend. 4:51. citizens noble patronize the bie .fiiernedin prefer cane to all other 1 .. - ‘arties holding - pic-nics, as it is upon their•labor:i t• at Preservation of property depends in time of Cars will - run to the gro:lnd 'to convey per sons to the Citizen pie-nic, leuving..the depot at 8 o'clodk A. sr. and 2 p.-ra. Retdruin'g; will leave the ground at 7 o'clOck r. At. ~ . .Fare for . round trip, 25 cents. TiCketS to:bit hadfrora members of the committee. " • Respectable persons who 'desire to attend the pie -ale, but who have not_ received,tactete of invitation, can obtain them by calling upon skny' meniber of the committee, whose _ names are. published in' .our advertising: John Fitzgerald, William Montgomery, Ke vin Orman, Henry Blake and William Rich ards, who were arrested a few days ago, on suspicion of being, burglars, turn out to be bounty j =perk it is supposed. As the charge of burglary could mot be 'sustained against them, they - were discharged to -day, upon . payment of costs and prison fees, and sent out of the city, by railroad. It is not likely that they will return, as this is now a bad place for men of their profession to operate. May we never ~ look upon their like again." PoLICE AETAIIIS. —The Mayor has been doing a flourishing.. basiness for some time past. Offenders appear there by the doyen, almost. We are at Et ldss to determine whether crime is on the, inereasehere, or whether our offi cers are more expert than formerly in the de tection of criminals. We are pleased to notice, however, that the Mayeris (Reprised to deal firmly and punish all offenders against whom there is undoubted evidence. If he persists in this course, we may hope to see a speedy improvement in the moral condition of our J 0 P. M 86 Since our last report quite a number of in dividuals have been marched to headquarters, and appeared before His Honor. Margaret Moss and Jane Nichols, of the Sixth ward, were arrested on a charge of keep ing a disreputable bawdy house. Margaret and Jane were furnished with tickets of ad mission to Fort Simmons, and will doubtless have time 'hereto reflect upon their immoral deeds, and their violation of the law in fur nishing houses of accommodation for the rab bieof the, city. Florenee.Smith, a white woman, but one ol' the notorious 'prostitutes who are found in the lowest haunts et - vice„ was picked up b:y the police, When in company with a _drunken colored female. Florence was disorderly in. the extreme, and when pit in prison disturbed the neighborhood by her, yells and screams. "S' es terdaY, when' - sent`-for, to appear before' the Mayor, slm waslound.to -be'-laberineinider a fit of mania, or delirium tremens, and not in a condition to be removed. The mayor sen tenced her to 30 days' imprisonment. Joseph Iklochermay, alias,Mortimer,. was arrested on Saturday night, on a charge of ab ducting a young girl from Lancaster. Joseph was sent to prison to await the arrival_ of an officer from that city, at which place he 'will be held for trial: Charles Miller and James Cummings, drunken and, disorderly, were committed to rrtison for 48 hours. ; • Peter Rush, John Knox and H. C. Atkinson, arrested on a similar charge. were released upon payment of fine and costs. Owen . Daugherty, Edward Souders and F. Soliday, for a similar offence, vy ere handed over to the provost marshal. Julia 26.1 Keel and Sarah Douglas became "obstroperous" and committed improper dep redatibris at a rum-hole in Short street, break ing windows, 4t.0. The mayor 'committed them to prison tor .30 !lays. Susan Douglas; n. regular street walker, was found under doubtfai circumstances late last night, and was sent to. Fort Callender. When arraigned before His'llonorlhe sentenced her to 10 days' imprisonment. . . James Sipe, far lewd and disorderly con duct, went to jail•for 30 da,,s. Flinn llAl7olt, of the Bejrles County Zeitung, attended the ICutstown Battalion last week; and gives quite a= graphic description of the doings thereiat. He' says: "Daring:lld day, the "Battalion " came off, with the Ba.ttalion left out, for the war has so completely demolished the home military organizatiorii ttlfat even the managers of. the Kutzto Wultattalion were compelled to substi. 7 Lute other institutions, such as flying coaches, the Roulette. sweat Moths, :thimbles , and little jokers. Thtie weid_there, and many'five cent notes cluitigEdliands during the day. The crowd consisted of old men, young men, mid dle-aged lifer', hoys, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, wives, maidens, and a very strong delegation; of g'nals, principally from Allentown: ...The latter se,med to be the lead ing institutions of the day, and their sayings and doings appealed decidedly interesting. For instance, one of these young ladres uttered some naughty words about another, and the lattai immediately jumped. from her seat in a flying coach, into' the • crowd, and after the other to give her a good licking." There was entice "freedom of speech" there, and we concluded that the Kutztown Battalion must be a Democratic concern. Later in the afternoon the AllentoWn female " bully " licked two men—one.-after the other—in the presence of thecrowd. It was fair fight. Very many queer words were spolten,at the Battalion., Almost eyeryhAdy had something_ to say. Fiddling itnd dancing. It wet: town battalion. There was a band of music on the ground, find they played at leaot one tune: We also heard of a-game of draw po , ker. '' • " But the reader must not infer that all vvho attend the Kutztown Battalion must,- as , a matter of course, ride on the flying cow:he.% be,p on the " sweat," on the Roulette or the little jbker, or take_anActive part in Opening the ring and showing fair play when' Allen town spi Lehigh Sal are in for a rough-` am tumble light. We were there, and par ticipated in none orthese amusing perform. anees. There were also several distinguished. gentlemen _pi, the 'Demo cratic party there. Messrs.'ileKenty a prominent candidate.for Congress; .41bright.. for bitearer, for. District Attorney, and Reider, for Recorder Only a' few Maio Were needed to make up a full ticket" Ger -Ix Oporms.--A-correspondent sends us an artiae on the Causi - Of and 'cure for what is generally called gaps -in chickens. Re af firms that the gaping is- caused by small `worms gathering wind pipe. These worms;'in a short time, become so numerous as to cause suffocation, and of course death. His cure is simply the removal of the worms; and ; his method is as follows: Procure three or fopr hairs from the mane of tail of a horse, double all in the centre, and twist the six or eight end i together until they become,, like a wire, stiff and easily -handled. Cateli the chicken and insert the doubled end of the .hair-„wire into the wind-pipe and twist it around two or three times and draw it out. and-the*:Wories - will be found twisted around the wire. .Repeat this operation three or four ititite,case Seems_ to demand it. atii"•A; 'comes from one of our most in telligOttarmers; .one in whom we have every The remedy m simple and worth ,1! ; 9 ~~---- MEM . . i'arzx 'BEEF—Mammoth Steer.--That well known stock-raiser, JOU. Noble, Esq., of Car lisle, has sold to Mr. John Baulus, of this city, a mammoth steer, weighing •three thousand pounds, for the handsmne sum of three hun dred and fifty dollars. The animal was, fed three years by Mr. Noble, and is but one of numerous specimens of cattle fed by that ger!- tleman. The thanks of our citizens are due to Mr. Baulus for his efforts Ao suply them with a superior quality of meat, and we have no doubt that when this prize beef is dis played at market there will be a great demand for it. Mr. Baulus will exhibit the mammoth steer at his place of business in this city dur ing the next ten days or two weeks, and invites the public to call and see him. At the end of that period the animal will be slaughtered, and the beef offered for sale at Mr. Baulus' Stand in market. jelB-d4twl t I== Day. Goons.—l will, this day, commence to sell off my entire stock of summer dress good's, such as lawns, delaines, challies, alpacas, mozarabiques, poil de chews, poplins, and also a large lot of remnants—they will be sold at and below cost. Call $OO3l. • SOL. BROWNOLD, - Corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House. 1017-Ivir a== Go To Henry Gilbert's Hardware store, op posite the Court House, and see the new Ba rotneher; they foretell the weather accurately from 12 to 48 hours in advance. Every per son should have one. jel6-2 D. O. MnEL . is stopping for a ,few days in Harrisburg, to apply the Ash&oft Law WATEB Dsmesons for any persons desiring it in this vicinity. Orders may be left at this office, jelB-2t THE Soldiers of the war of 1812 are request ed to meet at Bran.t's Hall this evening at halt past seven o'clock, to_ make the necessary arrangements for the celebration of the. com ing Fourth of July. • &row ALL THE YEAR.-It is said that snow lies all the year in sheltered places or at'•the base of large mountains in Mexico. This seems strange, but perhaps like many myste ries that cloud the mind, it properly explained, would be clear and tangible. In our country the snow melts away from the influence of the sun, and to speak- figuratively dry goods are melting away rapidly through the inducement of low prices, at the cheap store of C. L. Bow man, .No. 1, cor. of Front and Market streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bautltvait's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, az., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannyart dt Co., . Harrisburg, Pa-, t- whom all orders should be addressed. ,old by druggist ever? where. Head the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: • - HARRISBURG, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Belorvairr—Deur fir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison: with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and duagers, in cases , of hoarseness, :coughb and colds. I have found them serving In tune of need, most effectually: - • Yours truly, T. a ROBINSON, Pastor of N. .S.Bresbyterian Church. ;girl agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0. CA.II2ELL, Late Pastor of 0. t. Presbyterian Church. • lifit2o33lJEG. Jan..; 1.04. To C. A. IturavAirr—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very' frequentlir;," and ui places where the vocal organs are very much 'faked, I have found the need.of some gentle expecto rint, and that wanthas been suppliedin your excellent Troches. ' • ' consider them Very,,Pir superior to any Lozenges thatj.:lAve Aver used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice"arising' from its too frequent,:use, and 'of th effectiveness of, the : delivery of public - dresses. Yonrs, *at; JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Loeust St. Methodist Church. To a, A. Rieurv.uar—Dear Sir: Having uset. your Troches,. I ara. free to sag they ale the beat' I have 'ever tried and take. great pleasure in recommending them to allpersons ! Mated with sore throat or- ,huskiness. of voice arising fiszon public 'speaking or Sindirtg. Yours,&o.,G. G. RAKESTILLW, Pastor o Ridge. Avenue Methodiat`Ghtirch. Dins= Arms/Tres OETIOR, t HARRISBURG, Feb. 29, 1864. f To C. A. HonlvAirr--Dear Sir „I have tound your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness, and in streiigthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearnest , to the voice, and are certairdrof -great 13eate tit to all public speakers. - A. IL HERR tOLGATE'S EIUIITEY ,+ OAP. This celebrated Toilet Scoop, in Melt 'universal de mand, is made from the ehoietant 'Materials, is' mild and emuilpen4initenatuve, Ersisrataily seeitiedi. and extremely betaelivital in its action' upon the Fur sale by -all Druggists and Fancy GoddiiiDealers. jan26-dawly Brown's Bronchial Troches. "I have never changed my mind r. spading them from the first, exerpt to think yet - better of tbat which lb .gan g 'welter Rec. H.B.NRY WARD REEUPIER. "The Troches ate a staff of life to me." Pros. EDWARD...NORTH, Pres. Ham hoe Buten, N. Y. "!' "For Throat Tronnies _they. are a speulflo.'t--- "Too favorably, known to needcommendation:" Han t HAS . A. PHELPS, Prm. Reis. Seriatf& "C Ample no (,)pi' in nor any Wog itizii.rie a " Da A A. HAYES, Ch ml 4, Boston.. "Au elegant frombinatton for coughs," Dr. G. P. BIGELOW, Boston. "I recommend their us: m public speakers" Rev. E H. CHAPIN , "Most Rev. a SEIG, HIED Morristown, Ohio. "Very beneficial when suffering from Colds." Rev. i T. P. ANDERSON St. Louis. "Almost instant relief be the distiessinghtbprof breath ing peculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. C.-EGLFSTON New Turk: "They have suited Inv Mit exactly, rel eviniray throat, so that L mold sing-with ease " --- T. -- DDCHARgE; ChoriAer French Pariah Charch,'MontreaL. .- As -there are imitations be sure to obtale tboGENUINE. 3itn2vithm - pure, Vegegtalb 'e •' NE of the very Vest •Vegetisble Medicines O is ~ow offered to the citizens anti strangers of 1141 at.q. It x 111 pur ty the blood, and leave the liver and oodirela in a good healthy-uct..dttiou. operateewithoot the letst pain, Old and young, to Ile and female, all can take of it. As to the truth of, tha , hundred, ran te...lify, as it buts been wed tried tvi thq last ten years- It is prepared clay and eotd by'ldrat, aeatt.pinestreet, HarrisoarCPC.- zny23. rte- re Oleax• the- ilottee. of Flies, use Dutcher's celebrated LIDRIMINFIF FLTICLUDERa neat_ cheap article, easy to use: • - gvery etteOr.till • SOLD S.VERYWIIERE... - --•. P. • ' Fit-ENCI;I4,RICHARDE3 ds.oo4loth itpil Markebatieefe r ; Philadelphia, wholesale agents, . ley244lll.wBhe HAIR DYE.' Batch°lor's Celebrated Hair Dye IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Harmless, True rneft Relte' ble Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye ts perrem---changes Red, Rusty Or Gray Heir instantly to a Gipsy Black or tiliarurat Brown without injuring We Hair or 'staining the Skin, ieavlng the Hair soft and beautiful ; Imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, arid 'realties the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine Is signed tVLI .A. BATCH EIPR. ail others are mere' imitations, and should be avoided. Had by all Druggists, tto Factory-81 11.113- Cr AY ST, N. Y. itacitst.oree 'YEW' lOILIT CREAM 705 DaV6llloeray ef Trig FLUI • LARGE ARRIVAL or GOODS raw NEW YORK AILTeTION. GilE AT BAUGAINS IN MUSLINS,. Full yard wide bleadbed MUSILII, at,3o, cents; worth 40 cent& . Bleached muslin, at 26 cents; worth 35 cents. Bleached muslin, at 22 cents; worth 30 cents. '2O pieces of all wool Ohrinas ,chesp. Black silk, at $1 20; worth $1 IT. Black silk, at $130; worth $1 50. Black silk, arsl. 45; witch . $165. i":„ 2000 yards of black elks &ram auction. Beautiful pearl color sbk finish alpaCk. 'Alpacas in leather color, stone auto s and Other colors. White cattinws, soft finished 5-4 French. Cambric. Jaconetts, brilliants, Irian linen. Shirt br oats, all linen, at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 56 cents. Splendid assortm. nt of calicos. Cloak ~ Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. blackings, the nest and citeint , st. Pocket ilandkerphiefa fur ladies, at all prices. Marseilles quilts and cra'shloelt meld. We have now a very large stack of goods, all bought at reduced tomes, and which We will sell at prices which cannot fall to give satisfaction We have uLso a very urge lot,of alpacas, cashmere cloth, bombazines. S. I,EIFY. my 24 Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Bach Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per eons residing at a dist:mai can have their business trans. acted by mail, by midreming EUGENE SilltDEß, - Attorney 7 at-law dall-dly Third area. Harriahera. Pa. VY . WANTED-Twogood White' ls who un do-stnd oc•kory. washing. irouiug and general huutoworking, in a stoat/ country Must mac well ru muniouned. Ap• ly .4 this • OiCe. DIU OOD MOULDERS wanted at J jel6-d44* SCOTT FOUNDRY, Reading, Pa ,g4TP il'itefF4T. , , , , 9s' Ss -Sii'M Al t ilUgTEr.- - -Aielkts - wittifea' - to sell t,/ Sew lig Machines. We will give a commis sion on all meld es sold, or employ agents who will work tier the UtIONC wages u.d Al expenses paid. Addree,, D B. IlEataxtFoxiitit•C i.; Detroit, Mich: • -- - jr/0 2.lr* $lO TO $2O A DAY. AG-ENTS WANTED TO SELL TUE IM PROVED LIME GIANT SEWING MACHINE The beat cheap Machine in the Wilted Mates We , are giving a Coruintsaion by which the waive wag , a can be made, or we wi I employ agents at $73 a mouth and as pens s paid. For particulars and terms, address, with SLUM. T. S. PAGE, Cecil Agent, iel3- , d2w-wlm- Toledo D. A GENTS wanted to sell the Standard Elia toryy of the War. A rare chance, to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. - Send for circulars., Addre3l3- JONES BROS. &-00.. -de 30 Publishers Baltimore, Md. NITANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a VT good meat Cook. Inquil e the ap3o-dtf - arunv HOUSE. /NEW YERTISEMENTS. CLOSING -.OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND - - BELOW COST. MRS. IL lung No. IS Narkkt Sire4t TIMING desirous of closing- her Summer _LA 'stock ormiiiibery Goods,'offers eate-at greitlY reduced prices, VasWas • SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS, JeC. Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of • SILKS, VEIN Nab, LACES • pj:J: , . t RUCHES, HOOP SHIRTS. COSSF:PS HOSIFIRY, - HANDKERCHIEFS, CUFFS, 7.dd 0.• Nk t•risi 613W1D5,_,84 1 ,„ z • Dealers [Oat ti*gains''aii' fie had at wholet•ale. jel4 FIREWORKS! FIREIVORKS 1! • WHoLP.iAit AND RETAIL BT: . JOAN MUSD: STREET, NEAR WATNIIT, HARRISBURG, PA. T HE following stook of 'Fireworks is now in :Pam an Candles," iio9kqa, Pin Wheels; • " . 1 ' Mides - otShnieprila ,Serpents, GraisCuppers, Water PA" , Pliatvereta, Wheels;" ') • '`' Wrong les, Blue Lights, • -` Red, Trude and Blue Spaugalettes, Chinese Rockets, Pelting Crackers, Pint Crackers, Turpedos, Torpedo Fii ecrae,ker Guu, N ew, Tsr.PP.d. s ., Joss Stick, or PUtith."-; nags, a.c. 'Now is the time to purchase while there is a good as smianent. JOHN Win's; jeti-dtr Third wreet, near Walnut, CANDIDATE FOR CONORESS. E . PA. June 9%18894. 'rat undersigned reepOizinAltifferShintaelf ,to the Republik:cute f tne'lett Coligressitinal; trici of Peuns3lvmda. composed of M.e eo.mtae., of Dau phin, ..u6lata, Noluvanberiand, Onion an 4 Snyder, for nommation by the several 'popmtycmtiveidlOns'of• - the mud Disulyt. lje9idtel .JOdlafl ESPY. • SPIRITUA.II46III. • Qi iIIPL PAtSTi Blind Test kedittlni will i„,3- trice sertaces - ior chnimuu.ori with the spirit WoilA t ei..xoteuage , irail, Walnut street,' unttl f“nher voticO • lie ,rvilbsdro parka etrirvoyant exacantsilMit or Okeikes tor those .desiring it. Maus num A. at to I i nt., and 11 too P. X Te 4 ins bu cents eroh sitting. Every- one up, 4ylng for.:a afig lttpfdoo li it od their OWb responsibility, as the: inarikestation of a spirit is ttutat, thr option of the mettiutn. Jed-dtf to LEARN PIANO-TORTE PLAYING E3ILY- , AND , THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRUMUS.BODK. "itiohardson's /New kfiathod." An improvemeetrupon all others in pro. gressive arrangemeut, adaptation and simplicity.ound ed upon a note, and•'originiu plan; and o.histrata by' series ofiplatias, showing tne proper position of the hands andlingera, The popularity of this book hoe never been equalled by that of shy similar work. Ten thousand oopies are sold every year. Among teachers and all who have examinee it; hjs pronounced superior in excellence to all other - "Methods," "Systems," and "Schools," and the b ;oh that every pupil needs for the scquriement of a thorough knowledge of Piano-forte playingll.-lt is asapt,d to all glades of mettle; from the rudidiental studies of the youngest, to the studies and eaerciat of advanced pupils. ewe - editions are published, one ; dOpthig Amerioan, the 'utbiettForeign tinge. lug. When theweik is ordered, it no refermcv is designated, the edition with American EL, .ieriog will be sent. - *rile; sure that in ordering it you are particular h. apeutfying the "NEW MhißuD." • *Tice $350. Mailed, post`; id, to any ad ress. eoti by all Ideate Dealers. 01.1Yrat DI iSoN es Co, Publishers 2,7 Wsahingtei B, ston le;-tt • *VAL halal, TT- valuable; property, dgirner of Second . ' dpne streets, being fifty-twq,and a half feet on &- wad ' R and' one hundred and sixty-eight ai on Pine street, sglinglig 6ack two hundred and ten Qom m". Barbara alley, • thereibeing, space for four full building lots, and a most de, - sit ablelite for a Govern e or's Manta/roar public buildings. Feetentieulars elmu irof Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se iond'anii-Plne reets te naulift: . - • 4,, ATM DYE t t GRAN I/ PIC . ,-Ariu or itr. -STEITt,..VIIEND" V. V. 8.. WOOD 43. ON moK.DAY, JUNE 20, /661. MHE services ce an excellent string band have been swured, and the bar will be welt supplied with relresliments. Omnibuses will run daring the day from D. Fp rycl's saloan, 'corner of &lark, t skreet and lloWberry allay. 'rickets 25 cents, to be hod or all members of the so ciety, and of lels d2t-wks— CITIZEN FIRE ENGINE HD HOSE COMPANY TN asking the patronage of the puhlic, the ...._ Committee give notice that tt is their intention to make this pie nip in keeping with old.time oni s, and than they will not permit any lady to bo prea-nt that has net received aprinted invitation. Cards of invitation to.he had of the Committee.' Tlekvtis of admissiOn to the grounds 25 cent,. Cars wid run to the grounds. i v.r.:, , _ - Leave at 8 o. a do ' . 2 P. zo. Return at • - 7 e is. Railroad tickets to he had of , the Committee on day of pio-nle. F.re, round trip, twenty-five cents. GUMMI l TEE. William J Lawrence, George Pager, Bernard Frisch ; George AV Osier, Oh-ales Osman . , Samuel Gilder, - Johu Reese, to 15 Krause, - John Whim:toyer, George Stuner, John Ca ey, Joseph S,,ionster George Krause, . Ma= er of ceremonies, B Friseb. •el4-did OR Natural Weather Indicator. WITH ABEAUTIFUL THERWIMETER ATTACHED.' films simple and useful- instrument is now j_ . offered for sale for the first that, ig1.411,1 State of PA., the uhdereigned having secured the light or sett tu alto for the to lowing mintiest Dauphin, Cumuerland, Adams!, Franklin, York atm Perry, of Frteuer, Cook tr Co., agents 11, the State, and tine pOie prepared to sell the instrument at wholesale and retail. "The mitrum. nt will tell with un failing accuracy the tog inneurai mn_htien of the atmos phere th us foretelling the.changt aof th e weather from .2 to ,48 ft UM in ad. Soca. Tha. - acting moving principle is the, pkeule or a flower, foiledln .-yna, near Damascus, and is su highly sensitive rO4 h is acted upon by the leas change of the atmos..here.. Persons tamtliar with natural ecience kn. Wand it cannot, rai until the air is filled with aqueous vapor, WWII mint condense to cause rain to fall; tins moizture must - . xistin the atmosphere severs. hmurs in advance of the coming storm. No other Barometer manutactured will foretell with accuracy the apprea, h .sin. : Bat this NATURAL HOROSCuPE, the work hf NA TURE'S OWN HAND,' filja up the void which man collie n ac omplish, and points itsunerring finger te allchang of the weather, and Has never been known to fail. It is valuable to the Fa mer, the Physician, the Clergy man,. the Navigator, the Traveler, .the Merchant., and eretrybody. It la very simple to understand, and never requires any tep dring They aro cheap, durable and•rodable. on.y . by agents, a ;ti at 11.nucha'a Music store, No, 93 Market a rem Price One of the instruments will be sent by express, on re ceipt of 63 76 Ag tam wanted in every town in the above named osuuttes. Apply as above, to jel.4.d2w&w2t, F NXO 8: MAXWELL, Agents. T HE proprietor of this cool aud. delightful Summer Re-ort would most respectfully announce to the citizens of R trrisburg that the Island is now open for visitors. Accommodations will be furaste rto parties and pitt.nies on reasonable terms, a dancing plstrorm having b- eu erected fur their special use. season tickets tor families, good for one year, $1 50. , .No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the ..eir No-intoxicating liquor:: su d on Sunday. Wire Ferry, wth a, good boat plying constantly be *eau the Island and foot of BroaVitreet, tiVe,Ot Harris burg. IiENKT BECKER • jel4-dlm Solo Proprietor. UP.H.V.L'OGILAPH, ALB MS. 77-- ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT • OF Photograph= .A_lbu_rzt. BOUND. in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt 'and ;in with two heavy gilt clasps. AI BUMS WITH 30 Pictures for . $3 00 n 3 50 50 IL 400 together with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and prime, which will be sold cheap.- • Boldier,a you cannot. buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and see at SCBEFFRIPS Bookstore, • Harrisburg, $a THE NEW BOOKS. ~1 TUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail stitain:st HMTNTED HEARTS, .by the author of tho Lamp lighter. s•.: 00 . , THE SHALL'HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, by Trolo, c. SEVEN STORIES, by -1k Marvel, author, or "_Fteyeries or u Bachelor." _ .. $1 50 . . SPEICVS JOURNAL of ate Discovery of the siiiirc'es`of the Nile. — s3 50 THE WOMAN IN BLACK" by —author of "Man in Gray." . SI 50 NOTF.SOF HOSPITAL LIM Nov. 'al to Aug. gi 00' ,STORIES OF THE SSA, for boys; from Cooper's writings. - • • 'St 00 STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooner's writings.' $1 00 XIL OUR DAILY FARE, a dally journal of the Great Rani ,ary Fair at Philiuleiphia; idustrat..d; subscriptions re ceived at .. $1 00 !,.T.Actitin) RElVritt:T. . • LIQUID RENNET' yields' with milk the mutt luscious of all deserts for the tabl ; the liget est and' must grateftii diet for invalids and children. Ilk c'sottuus every elemtnt of the bodily constauhOn; 41011 C agclatati with tnunet it is always I ght.ami ea-y vi digestion, and supports th_e,systeut %vita the least possible excitement,. Wn a still gresuo . Mitritive, ()Wei IS deshed, cream and etivar may ho 'added leaspeonrut converts 4 quart of w i lt into a firm curd, Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNIO. L, jels-tr Market street. PIC-NICS, ANNUAL TO OE 6MS ET TEE • 00F.FIIAN'S WC3OO - EsS, ON WEDNESDAY, J u.NE 22, 1264_, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. ORIENTAL HMO BAROMETER, INDEPENDENCE ISLAND AD • VPIRE JEIBIZIWY. j!AItkbIESS AND DA.YLIIT. by Mr4Sobbes. $T 50 BARBARA'S HISTORY, a l novel, by Amelia Edwards. • 6U cents. EMI Ali new books received as sore as publqbrd at • BERGNRR'S MOOS STORE, ".1 ' Market stmt. . . Paorosr Mattattat.'s OFFICs, 14ra Dtsrater, - 1 HAIL tuagrEG; Pa., June 6,1864 T 0 DRAFTED eeted by Lieut. Col. J. V. Batford; A. A. ProvOst Marshal General, byt cl.eula.r, No. 59; of June 4, 1864; to pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as yOaln. teen after,being dulled; and that the creatts for , drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were drafted; no, nittter whether local bounty has or has not beerrpaid to.suckn4en, upon "ill gal enlistment." . JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain' and Proyost Marshal, 14th Disq, Pa. Land fur H2OACRES of Land, in Dauphin co. '-at private sale, in pat r LllO wools, to suit outtwas ; 135 sures ctrar, good buildings - thereon, with satt.slll; Foe further path:Wars, adurues L sILNSEER, m oc k ra t o Dauphin, llaiphip bounty, ;NI. VO.R. SALE. —A Five-horse-po*er ikrEma ENGINE' and BOILER, in good. Fl:def i : ag i vo N'tklst 84 . ppi,,, *O. 0411.:„ feb23-tf ENGI4IBIIDA33} , IrAiId D;;I: 111P91 : _ : W` - mt. DOGS, & CO. AMUSEMENT Harrisburg, Tuestlay,June .POSITIVELY ONE: DA r ozaz, iT 2 alrsk 7 DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. A. TRIPLE COMBINATION Ist—Dan Rice's Great Show. 2d—Henry Gook's wonderful Troupe of Acting .Dogs and Monke)s. 3d—Barclay's performing Buffaloes and Camanche Ponies. MRS. DAN RICE Will male her first appearance here in her beautiful menage scenes, introdnenig the highly trained War Charger TORNADO. MRS. EMMA. STOKE, And her Troupe of Performing Horses. THE GREAT BLIND HORSE EXCELSIOR, All raider the personal direction of the great 0, HUMORIST,. DAN RICE. Admission—Box 25 ; Reserved Seats 50. Location on Second street, near Factory. je2otd CANTERBURY MUSIC WALNUT ST., BELOW TIIUU). .I.II.DONNELL... ....... Sele lefte OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a Firat-alass Company of MUM'', DANCERS, CAME! . tr., he tdmissien. . , ............ Td dents feats in Boxes A U SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. Wut Dsruc..ah..s CAVAIAT Braze; OFFICI3 or Cars, Que.irrsititaszan, W.is.inniaros, D. C., Apnl 25, 1864. WILL be sold at public auction, to tun highest bidder, at the times and places named be• low viz: Williamsport, Penn's, Thursday, June 23d. One Hundred (100 hor.es at Gettysburg, and Two Run tired and Finy (26u) at each or the other places. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Array. For rota and farm purposes many good bargains may, be had. Horses will be sold tingly. Sales begin at 10 A DI., and continue daily till all are sold. TESHS: CASH in United States Treasury notes only . JA~BiA.EKLN. atati-dtd Lt.,CoL and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE. T' Undersigned Commissioners, mimed roan Act of the Leal:eau, e, approved the 4th day of May, 18.34, entitled an act to incorporate the bu.g awl Raush Gap .hadroad Company, hereby give public notice that books will be opened for receiving sob- '- scriptions to the Capital Stock of said Company at the tellowing named limes and pieces in the county of Oats- • pain, to wit : At the house of Jacob Lenker in Gratz , town, on THURSDAY, the 231 day of Juue, inst. At the house of Benjamin Homier, in-Derrysburg, on MONDAY, th e 27th day ot June cast. at the house of J. G. Yeager, • in Millersburg ou THURSDAY, the 30th day of: June, ins.. At the JONES HOUSE., in the City of Harrisburg, on TUUDAY, the sth day of July next ; and that as mid times and places tome two or more of the Commissioners wilh • at.end, and that, the Books will be kept open at .east. six hours, commencing at 3 o'clock in the forenoon on every day, for the term of three judicial days, or until the number of shares authorized by the law shad have` been subseribed. DAVID R. PORTER, RARRISBCMG,I.St Nine, 1861. CLOAKS, CIRCULARS AND MANTILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BU]LDThUI, NE AHI T STREET. A .N..w Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have new a splendid assortment of SPRING 86 SUDSIER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACSS, AND - - NEW FRENCH. LOOSE BASES:, The above beautiful samples, in every color and hand .somely trimmed, from $7 50 to SU. 1000 slid:C. DIANTELS, CIRCULARS, SACKs AND BASES, Ifsudsoueely mid ri lily trimmed, from $lO upward. .111,..D.R.E.LNPS,ALANTELS 114 LArto.E. VARIETY. . .131Y26, MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. J. HIBBS, NO.. S 8141...4.1‘...E .. T - • • (Next door to Feha's Confectioners,) UDIER.E. SHE IS PREPARED to sell. to T V tle lathes ladmsof .thrriabura anti mato tho bitten Btyles of Millinery and Fancy Goodsi. At crumpet prices than ahy uunaa to we City. Tnettnauty C her go-db canna be anrwaxel. DREW MAKING La THE LATEST STYLI Will be naatly aseruted. Indies Cali and esoluine for yourselves. ,uplB-4tjy.ll. _ • -1 NEW PHILADELPHIA. - O. A. K ter T.- 0 a r t /ND. w. @SOS'S' NJIW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg*, 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES - oft WABEIONASTE CLOAKS AND OIRO I if:LAR - S, AND • FINE SPRING-SHAWLS. . Will open on the Ist of April. [mar2l-illy PioKLES! PICITASI By tho barrel, half barrel, jar or dozen, at n 0251 . BOTBR BrogRPER JIM I . ARRIVED I—A fake lot of CANNED PEACHES and TOMATOES. Also, SUPERIOR eLVE APPLES, PR-SH PEAS, &a., just teeeired by myl.4-dtr JOE WISE 3d street. iwtir Walnut. ..—r - rt DOZEN JA-Its ENGLISH P.WEL - E4 cornoilsing PicaMy, Chow Chow, Canhtlower, oiled Fiekles,Gerkins, Wainnts and Onions. For esti, whOliande and retail by SEMLER R, m ys successors to 14 . & Co. BEEF and NESS P 0101..-4. 17.1_ article of Mess Beef and Pork at SECESLER - & ( F: 6 - I ,r 4 r ° r A t° Wa qTh e ici Jet.: 4 Vit.) * n.r-t ' apA a TIO"YOU wish a. good Gold Pen? If so, PO it OGYWP I PM q,q 0 , 1 1 3 .2rile* . HENRY THOMAS, JAMES FR ELAND, G. L. Rt , AILIARIER. , F. WENRICK, .JuNATHAN EW,AB, DAPIEL URI?: je2d.4w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers