111,EDICA L. • CONSTITUT.wri WATER. E . CONSTITUTION WATER.' 'CONSTITUTION WATER• CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. COZIETITI7TION WATER , r..GREAT _REMEDY FOR THE CON_S i TI TITTIO AND TJ:. 'ONI;Y I.ItOWN REMEDY BLIBRIS L .,?# DISEASES of tke, and CONSTJTUTION WATER Murbeen pronounced by the Medical Faculty end the peeps, meeithe most wonderfkl remedy - for_the panne= next sure of all diseases of the STOMACM, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER.thatAuts ever been-offered. It is not a MINERAL WAVER. 'lt Is' trod experiean that CONSTITUTION_ WATER has 'emanated, and we sow say let uo man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent hi . this bout/try hisi failed tivrelieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water oannot be classed under "'quack", preparations, as it 1 new used by the most acietititic practitioners in this tity. IL is only second class physicians.that cry down popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every raisins to accomplish a cure; and:the summits of. the phy sician increases - ris..hls knowledge or different remedies anableilenu-lo.product **Moe Stile others fail Mahe tempt". •Seiesms is satisfied with the truth. Give doustitution Waters fair trial—we mean yon 'Who are undo - some specialides care fronli.year, toftar, and we. psi-tient/sly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to toad Ireatmerig, and. ell sore of local= applications for dismiss, with as much chance of success as there would be from local upplicatiuu4.te the throbs for diseases! of 'the brain. We have been always careful to use language, in our circular that could not shock the most delicate' organize, Sim& but ; we receive so many commumcatiowi from -per. wow for-which • Constitution Water is - adapted, - end' of silos° dlsessels ho menslen has been made, that. haVe" some to , tesiixinclumititi thatsif the remedy . 1i OS:liable' of Produchs&A.clite;.6 o 'natter what the;disease ttnaY be, it should be made !crown. The medicine is put up fer the pale, and there should be no exception& We would say, Constitinion.Water is not like a ' glided pal, made to suit the eye and ;awn; is a- medicine ID every sense of the lerns,,piacesi,in.the hands of the peo ple for their-,relief', and if taken according to the. direc tions is will : id eiery case, produce a radical cure. We would say, that the directions in regard to, diet, cd.o., re. to:gtd _DLfiIiETES •„ - - " Ts" Is a i llitsase of the litonsach 'ine'llveri'aitinethrough the - Isidrinyft, and is, wahout doubt, the most obstinate disea.etg except consumption, .that allitcts the human constitution. We have ton'aclace for dlictheirtg %mists, .13t1t , will State that the effect of the di nave in the conversion of the Wildly principle (or vegetable portion, of the food),into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an exceffsiye -secrstiou of water. 'Many persons suffer from this disease who are 4norant of It; that is, they pass large 'quantities during the day, and are obbgectto get ,up. fronnone uptifteen or twenty - 02A during the night' No noiice is taken tiric soil their attentiop Is called to the btrite 'diecharge of enettr,,andoften when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary. remedies Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when the disease is fully esteb netted, is intotentlins—rhe pedant drinks conartutily,witheut being satisfnxi; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and finally loan of appetite, emaciatinn, andthe patient gradu• sly make hem exhaustion Cosirfrumem -Warna is, without doubt, the only known remedy for Thisbcrex, and we have as much confidence that It ei a specific as we have that opium will produce SlaeP ) . and truthfully say Watt has cured every case inWhich It has been used. . STOI 4 II.IN TRB BLADDER, CALCULUS, aim nu, BRICK DUET 'DEPOSIT, ETC.; ETC., laireeses'arising from a faulty secretion—in . the Mwease bedew um little, and scoompurded by severe pain, and the giber a too purism seuret42—which will be speedily mired bir the CONETTITITION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER • CONSTITUTION WATER OoNnITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITITTION WATER OONSMUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER -- TUE-ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY NNQWN RENEpy FOR ' THE ONLY' KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THSIONLY KNOWN REMEDY. FOR HE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY AFOR • TM,KIONL'CKNOWN REMEDY FOR ONLY szrOW,lll REMEDY FOR. Tn. ONLY 'KNOWN REmRDY FOR J. A... 111. Ira T E S. IiSSIVA.TioN , °VTR - F.:NECK OF TIER 'BLADDER ENFLAKMATION , OF - THE KIDNEYS, • .• • CATARRH; OF THE ' BLADDER. • ersosegg i l'AND BURN/140 OR PAINFUL, URI- NATLNG. irwliiise &genes it ls truly a sovereign remedy, mid' NO WWII Minim be said in its praise. A single done ban NM knows to relieve thi'mein urgent syraptorni. Amayen trembled With that dietreeuing pain in the Small it vas beck andgurougn the hips? .A . teasPoeitful s.day . et Ike CionetOntien`Water will' relieve you like tingle. ' • • '• ' PHYSICIANS awl longettiairgiVeil hp the tun of brush; =bobs apt aaipar,iatiAxisatzn6av of 'those detentes, and only rise soi,the.aito, it at a better remedy. .. . . '.:C4I4BTI3..in:iON WATER . , Mss prevadAteed. equel'ito. the task: that;;l:Les devolved. - ItorITEFIFICS. • • ' Cutlets and &remit ihi r iridneys, , andtty constaitt use's:ft bad to ehronict degeneration and confirmed` dieensa- 9 • WOlprenenrtheZeristitutlon- Water to. thit',publio 'with ibe 'Danish:M. tliatitt, has no equal in relieving the 'nisei et distaste' Ibr-41tieh it found so eminently awful forleirhig .and we trust that we shill be nkwardat far our edbrutin plaohin. - so 'trainable a remedy in a *Oa Ito meet throiworayiiin . (taunt patient and physician. , READ I Darrrystir,,Fmt June 3.ls62—Dr.- Wm. It' Or egt:— Dear efr: In February, 1821, I was affected with • sups dialeems, and.for jive months I passed morw:than 'two gauss of water in twmity,four hours. I was obliged to et ap as oftea is tan ontwolve times during 'the eight, Sai in live snonth.S , I lust about fifty pounds in weight: Sharma tie-musith. Juin:lda, I procured' two bottles of tkoistisiiiimi.Waterolud.its 1 wo days after. iising .Iv, I et perleased reliefylnd after taping two bottles ;I 'was' mi. artily oared soon aftsi rogaining nay usuaLgocift:liiiiktb: Yews J. V. L DB WA-I' lloerott Voutome, N.' V., Dec.:27,1861--Itret. S. arttxt' 64.--9ests: 1 freely 'giro you liberty ti, make use of the tkottoerusg r.artificaut the value of Constitution Water, l Which Ican rmuniniend in the highest manlier: My WeiV r OVOMIL I VItiitI A RW: I4e itlitti44tilit;'* l )o l4l - l engt.tf , ofr flee • 0 4 1 hiti , fyptiys;T4or , - 1 4 0 Ml 491 4JI - ti,ol4ldviletr A& Tv lief ge. eli .l l3 6l 6,4 o4f:Pitateih a tiet:. Ph s ' 4140445.4!111441".12,1"1.#4ti Akolit!.. eoded-h~fr for Pat s. 4cifitEr 4 9 1 (0 '44 1 '1i e , ~ li i ttU r a=Z:Viher;,-A,10:7, failiosuoi*U4, SUMO pair( of her didgctafteg'About this, awe I.ll):Lite 6f COtistatitiOo - tiretai, to oar utter tistenisbmem; almost- the firstXdose seemed' to have she desired _elteut, and she k . ept on improving sugidly,,,under us trcetinont, and now superintends,ea ttrali. her doMestie eithirs. She Ini,e'uot 'tageu any of the likumilitUtiola 'Water for about four weeksouol tretirehapiii VD Vag that ii him Pm/tined 4 oermuucut cure. ~. „. 3 ,„, . WM. M. yeN BEN§Cl39Tfai., . Warritsmarritte, Otem., March 2, 18133.—Dr. W. H fleaVg—iiiireSirllaving seen your Advertisaniorit Of klummitutum Nater,'?. rot:omelet:Med for .I.Mitunmation of. l ah the titig , ttegAritfttion of the Bladder, having suffered f or ifl thre4 Yeitra,.'anit tried'the shill of a number Of, ...h.gni ' iiliti-ohly teuipurnry relief, I wasinduced to ti - y' va — cutonoinx i ,- . 1 prsmpreti one bottle of your • agents at k ar tford, WIRE Lea, Sisson & Co., and when 1 had used. ba g aft, to my surpme I found a great change In thy health. I have used two bottles of it,. and am whore I „,,,, ror iiii .pootacteftwimaty.,Jife.weil, sad is good: spirits. ~ ..... m . ,. .,,,, rsm y .. gpikatodp for It ; f. feel that it is all l id = l 7, E ,TAKyliettCoofudiAltelt to he. May 'the blessing a Quit sear attend you in your labors of love. . . y e a rg argti . ,:!: • LEONARD. BIGELOW. Y0R411,4416,1t/ri 41;L.D.BUGGISTS. PRICE .si. -- ---------Witt-fL-43 - firf3oT - Propristom MORGAN az ALLEN; General Agents, Pui.2B4. Ataiilhend'. . - $O. 46 01 4 A. New Yore tioblivirr<Tohnston., , lialloway. :&,:.Cowden;, Pliilkpkid.ilklTNVE.l, .!d 'I3RO: 111114rket Street, Ats and byallD liggistis::. , _ .1:4 iiin*mtpa time shut of English Btooldhst TOttriEUSS 3KIBI.ER a, FRAZER 8 pomossors t. Wm. Deck, 1*) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS._ INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA,` No SaifWaluut Street, South Side, East, ot Third Street, Philadelphia. . AlietiNT OF ESSET'S - ..$1,556;068 se, INCOPEORATED. /794, SAPITAL ...... •......„ ...... ... , $lOO,OOO Cfr.4 PWATif.4.L. Maritia,' Fira and . inland Transportation In-!: _ amuse. • , ottatiß•G.' cortur, rr4sidirat• dui Litt man. s•crotary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, . 'Central Ageiatibi ; Office iirabigt, 44 near Stchd, llarriihurg, Pa. A N'll1 23 V . Iti tEINVY :A N T , 0F the Old Wallowar:ldne,t.respeotfally in forma tha - mblic that this Old. Daity,Tranaportation Line , (the, , only` Wallower • nevi in ek+attatec_in surteastul operation. and prepared -to ca , frelg t hi lotr,as any other individnal tide tigtweim delPhli, Harrisburg, Suabary, Lewisburg, Willlamapert; Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on • the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and_Rlnalra Rallinads. "lunar, A. municri, Agent. Harrisburg, Penh's. Goods sent to the Warehouse or. Messrs. PeaOoek,.Zell & Hinehman, Noe. 808 and 810 Market street, above Btl, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P.' IL arrivearrireat Mattis- burg, ready for dellvery, neit rnoraing. [ap3o-rt.ltaYl . . . pEiol-LER'S,:- DAILY LINE .. J • BEII,ViIION_ rEfIrLADIgI:POpI; bock Haven, ,40terlhore, Williamspoit; 1011.: Uniontown,ry; ,- •.Nutsontown • Milton . = Itwisborg, Northardberhutd, Suit • 'bury; TfutiOtoli; • EvirgetoviA, Lykenstown, ilitfaribarg, . lahfas, _Dauphin, il 3 : PA-RA-kstflumig.'i .. .. . he Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates - Tlie",Gonductor goer through with each frith io attinid to the - &aredelivery or all goods intrusted to the lino.- Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD ec FREED, 811., 2iarket .street, Philadelphia, tip a - o'clock r. at , will be ideliimod in•Rar niburg the next morning. 6,'religby. Always ,as Low as by Any Other . • ALA ;/:0 • • • a • 4 . IYO'S: MONTGOMERY WOO; Philadalphia.attd ReixdineDeVot, - . Recant Marko; siroe4 ilarriebom 31)FA DD.ENIS. MARBLE YARD CORNER OF WALNUT AND P'IIITH tF.STE, liarrisburg, Pa. • TE''tmderaigned Izaving opened a 'Marble - Yard In this city, beg - leave to inform their friends andihif public In general, that they are prepared io fur. tviARBLt WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO SIAM AS Monuments, Tombs, Head Stotos, . , And Effuse Work in MarblO and Brown Stou p GiTO nee Can endive erlll - guassitit'ee antishicthin:' . - , 1CFg.131./El.i /s. 00: N: _ . B.—Lettering neatly voite to English Or illekusan: . '. MAGNOLIA BALM. ' THIS is the:incist delightful and extracirdi; nary airticle ever .discovered. It changes tne Sur burn and face and Hands' to, a pearly, satin texture f r i; ravishing beauty, imparting,the marble purity. of youth and the' diMingue appearance so inviting in the city belie of, fashion. removes tin; freckles, pimples, and rough neixtof the skin, leaving the' complexion 'ores transpa rent and smooth .' It contains no material inJurio h;, na to the skin. :Patronized by Artratatifditd Opera misert is what every Indy should have; • Sold 'wholesale ant re• tail by S. A. KUNKEL& MRO., •' • ap49.dtf US Market Street, Marrisburv; J 0 1-11 1 1 . . THIBD'S TREs 3u ltlp t el :WATANUT,.' WHOLSZAJS. AND stErati CONFECTIONERY, Jujube Poste, Mole Pane, Fig Paste, idar.sh 11Hallo Gum Drape, Cream Chocolate Drops,. Plain Candies, /so. Oranges and Lemons, Canned Frahm, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Piper Bags, Mier Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Ash in sea- Vegetables la season, .Rilslns, - Cirrants, inctl3 1 8/ELODEONS AND (3ABINET ORGANS. TwENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUM% TWELVE SAVER 107,7)A11.8 ONLY. GOLD MEDAL' (otor won by instuutionbi of tbia• olio) 'hod boa atraraist to ' MASON & FEANILTN'S. _ full assortment of these tustrunent• always ombandi, , W., KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market oreet,„ je4-2tawly] !JOHN A. BIGL-Xcit . & fi 'ES W..16r514 , • tifkitICZT.STREET, ABOTEIPOVRTH,', • (NUT TO &CAM Triznits ornas,) HARRI 13.13.11. RA. NVarrauts, Claims Govirnmeit. *wig& Chocks YOuchists, &0., swim& ' " olmi2Elara! Thomas di.Maitiowe t itorixeyTebt-.l.4 , : a_Nr. . IOFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. B..ABALSB.U.R.eoPA. ' • ; f i g AiiLL„itiniierof Taut* ciaithil-irevrarei attended to, *ad elaimM 6ollectpd ag4ust. the General or State Governmenta, palter 'in Ooniiress, , the Court of Claims at Washington city, 'of . at Thwristihrg, without un neoessary delay, and ozmoddratOteetrik ap2Q-ddm 11)WifiliAp . R 1, PB1A. 31,1 TITLII , FOR YOITNG - bIES ' ''No. 16S0 t -Arch street., .• ReCCHARLE,S OliiittliNGE AIdITH, A. M., Principals. . Ninth Year. Thrte departments: Perham An:Wend; Fud college course %in • Classics, Nettie nuitiv,, higher English' and :Natural -Science lot those who graduate. Modern Languages, 'Millie, ',.parliting.'apd Elteuti‘m by the , best' masters, For "mircuisattatiplt at th Institute, or address BOX 2611. P. o.,.:Phllinsiplibk! Pa ap2o-6m*- VERY Flprszt,iftrpEr.p: . . 1 1 0 our fine and extensive stock of Photo.: igraph Albain. and Photograph Card Pletures4 we bare added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE. tor the reacpbion 0 Card pictures. ' They must he Been and , will uo admired.; 0-Photographers supplied at the very lowest -whole ele printed upon them for $1 2b per :".thdus.nd, wholesale and retail. at ilay2a ACHLTFER'S BOAR ST"RE. • 11A.:Y1 Lear: •AY of the best quality • ig9ffered'for,Sttlep "'Can-at B'COAlLlClL'ScuAl l prk;,loEaattatCaiial ita Habit,: ' , . ' i --- - lisiatutbilitt Ptkopertirliati Soire• ~.- ! FtAet ' ' New Two Story SAME .a. E HOtgE„with , • first rate Store 'Room' lA' it, otAhe Ot.firt , teot ,Fifth - 'atidltriaskbitri , atty.' Also the Fiii:Ao Itiniseia jotairtg. 'For turther.pakileiiaq ortqiiirelit:Lfooli'l, '40 4 Syire, - Ittitiket "tr. e , , „' . •,, , '- ro,k2a,-t..t,".-, : -. " ,'- .-": •s' . .:".•PAN. 1 4 , ,P:. 1 * i ' 1. 1 Ap SA:c7O, EnOitith pitiryiPi#e;AlVle;.l4lit ,,D* w and N*w Yori State Cheeilie,,JotTsiogrtroitilt 1 - - STEISLgii• A FR4EIt; , • - ..... .., ouccoosors to VV. Dock, Jr., AC0.... . = OTAT.,NII.T, CRAI2I:IIITTS:, - 41.4.48reitT5,, Ty Tor sale wholkotkati — ' • Ons Lit trirßizEß, alieregtpm tq Jr , M Co. BM prii ; r_roL.E,S - 7 — ' -- , , -,, • , i. . ' - -77- - 1 t ..... e hey.% lust noeire4 a'. ;fine 'ielectichi sor APPLY 2 On e order. For aide tii 'the herret, , 'bushel or small -ri , t b 8 (ircidieiiinAlii ili'Ariii.v . ? X.,„ft.Po-). ATAIM - A.NIXSAIICESimAkb most anattl pllarlat6BordbArtalidit4iitdiketstaloit a d forlide 3Hldi EA k. max& Vascoesaers to Wm. Doak. jr.,114 Ct 10 Igo COSTAR'S EXTERMINATOI S. For Rats, Mioe4RisSioites, Ants, fled Me. gs; Mosquitos, Motlid•• in' F,'isra, Woolens, •co.; Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, e*.r•. , • zarßold by all DruggidsTateryviiherc ,fit BEWAIUti I 0114 worthless imitations itie.`..Gost4o o ! f r t i . #ir Sold agents, marl6:4welv - • vat r i s b ur i . . • D 3114; WYVTH ; and 'OnattitElk" olectia :1 ant.i'Llactropstifilet ..??IsPectfun - Y:rtilrell their,professiourd, secorioni in all the, various branches of the professioajnr , theireitment of all acute, and Mironin. The remedial means -they,AtiliilOyiln the irerthionkef disease consist of Magnetism, Galvanism; - Elecit iratrier, t a m, rhe . .Estodis*method or Localised moyement.:l4re t few Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, and •in act- all the natural carative -agents that may - successfully bionkhl, to bear Alga* thirdisearter h Tliejedo' not *Vali 'Ad he nitderstonit. argbilm,fiffi ;. themstd*aa. anj; abporitsi Wet: iftifeasionait alcill; ; hut..thet helteve.theTemeelhd.they. employ in the, treatment , ease far itap,eriorte,those generally employed tryphYsiciana, from, the , fact that, they at* In perfecrkimMoey., with the. Aiwa. geverning4nii, ceintreltitty, tlie-hnmen...ayateni,. To: thirvand.the-ract that They couliii;eathemieettqta to par ocular yothy orsystirin,...itury their eueeete coutrellitig disease. The .priempid agent • they,,employ,la the treatment. of disease, earneiy,,,Emoti seek sionderful' in it s . liirenounia and powerful talts - ,tereststerr good or ~141,. It hi an ever,- prisens all-aerynling ! priMiple, „freer-F*og things, from rol ling world s diram -so.i.hts- invisible particles, gaaseeus: matter. We "see it hi the lightning's dish:and; doer the inabireMatlons -of-its—power la -the. mutt«ring. - thunder.- - is the cdusemr afl IltecelePokilloa, ?ecemPo sition sidtiSh...! It i&the eeiting g.itup:e itire,..)ootet?C decay,. - 4110 dtinh..!. lt cause's, secretieh, excrettonoditaitiet s It lays held of crude food the -Metw e ril, Liao a stateof ; du= ldiii,.traMeiretsie it irdcarteriaLt4red; Mid seeds it au.de. important . runes iiipplyink,onu . iment ! ..etiaMitilrig. to:die enceseitiee or , the body.. 4;' is the .berve,.lrital fluid; the cern:agent through which tbe mind lids upda the hodys L la the cause of. ail Goal* SIC ~ p l, the that . great Onuarm. 'tile bible tiled *Wok iice L itts4it and . brought . Biota Thine may appear , like risers aselettr" . they. ea, anti admitting'of eroarglandrrresimitrie proof,Lalt. then., t 4 he itrondered At that an io,yreilderfa.lri none* no, pexiiirful: MarerfistatiouSand so tantrums, lir connected, walk the',,,borations: of the .. human tem.,, shield be alMostabsaltitsiAii its Otil disease? CentliblY not ,, It ' Is. a .riatufar . earlioirenoe And. relieves as surel y as day follows • digha . • . ! Among the disnnes, which are roureLteliekl" Entoribity, in crmjunctfoii Withpoperadjaect ireattnenN, 'reiii'oe - mentioned the followin g ; ' Wei pient•Cousum FLralysis, .lylpiliptic Hysteric. and est*? .Conyeknonsi, Neuralgia, inhe .worat forme r rg.tutrinada*,..intribiarate.o ' and ohred-ric; Mrieside of :the nertely? iplefe4;DAPOP - "; Oa owed b" - "all Airrases, of . the urinary and genittenfigata; Female tifseasia,laltima,„ Pibea and erolatteinAni; Ameurosis.and allitilelia - _of they sr,. Auratus, &Amnia, all akin diseases, -6cm- Pe e lshatealliii will be fold whetherfthey-cali2he-bone !fated and no, esee.taken where soma. relief of-be,cann af ..f4rdaa considtadois free. Office, S second stre,t, baiter( Crheritnut, 11.litrtiburgi hoers i t r ouffirtri 19 a:Yi~l tb deer to IPP.M.t 1- "" " - ' • ;-; '• 111: , ALE- 1 4 " .1, hiILTONAigEAIak atrocui ,Figs; I)lttva, Prunes, • ' • Altnonds Walnuts, Filberts Cream Nuts,; • . Ground;Nuts,: Pecan /lots • - Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries, Hominy:and Beans, - Cakes and Crackers, Sweet and Irish Potatoes Green and Dried-Fruits, And Country Produce in season: 'JOHN Win. .IVIISPp,LLANEO ROA &c. .86 ~~ As Spring.wproachet, AN2I An& ROACHES Rrourthairfesiet cane sps4 And IfICIA. RAZ% An *Se ce.Ars, Gaily slap about. earl, established In It. Y. City," "Only infallible rinnediee knotero; "Free frog' Folsons" "Not - dangerous to 'the Illunis Family.. StIOICO9OII, eel of their holes to roily.. ELECTRICITY. SCHOMACKEaIi CE'S PI.ANOS . SOUR GRAPES'i rim°Wend: • cliy need co . '44l4Mb:in. lu uae by . • , ' to tom PRESTIACN7 'LINCOLN - ' • • !7:l4.Pirkßllol7.lr, ‘`: •1•:, •••i , , malittaher ilistithoned "Thelibildrbrgoadl p erir-tboorksoperbentwki:pricod :WO iiaaottall ttdd command publku pacronageu. .! L. • N. B.—No OLO • . • • •, • lAlso A SoilrApose for Oa amrtvalled , ihrt • • ', ' 9-TIC • ALso, 13R.ADBURINIE PIANOS. tChlckeing's atutorgra.*Ayikat, latk r .rgy,ttest, `None Pat-Olrfei)l•4449ll,,W•Aftaid., _ ' • Call aue,brlit , stOPPßOUL:,of.tivAtreitles,, , ,,, ~. • . niar2ll4,l* WARD - Third Street Idualc,Store NEW GOODS--JUST:OFFSED I' AT BE.R GiN Eg . "'S Book and .Stationery Store. ' 1 imbrach 4 ind Improved style of 1 POOK.Er BOOS 0 . 14 ,liIifiC.P.OOENT 11601E3, ! • , _BtrokiilON:PintSES; . . :4 7 l's.): - J , l R.ORTERlMAnxiisicg a prices-to suit all dramautee..,). . .1 POCKET iiIMMERY, Ceoepting of • line thsoitsit6trofW•ttinh . Otm'S'iit pb* Pookit Snlyee:f. '• ••' • ocour picttoi t .- . 1 *nt ifewt° l L'i"?4.4 l i i t i tili#4 44 * 6 7 . -1..? t 'osf4r4 4 4*., ' . veuos, • wßrrma, OASES, - I ROSEWOOD DIMS. PAPETIERII23, dds Tigather with every artiole "nanaliy, roinurin a liras .11?ok and Stationery twtablls h ment,,at iityl2l . EIBRGNEVS; Al Markel street Steam Weekly to .Li - terpool . ripOUCHENG at glitakliSTOWN, (Cork w bor.) The well known Stwunery of the Liverpool; w York and Philadelphia. Stearrudalp. oropany r are,lnn teidrollto Bail as folloura;.... ‘ Plaegow Saturday, June 4. City of 14114inore &tut , . '3v, June 11. Etna, Saturday, June lE. • RATES OF FAMiMk - ' oa ITS BWINALENT, WUTABLIII 12( (lOLD, - AI Bi{L....WE. 111 czn . umpi. e i ma CABIN .. $BO oce ErrEpzior. - .......:p0 - oo: I to Loridon • 86 00. • do. to 1.0.11iini... - .. ;.. .34 90' to Paris— . ...,...:. 95 00 ' • *dii. to 'Paris - - " e '4'o l to Hamburg.: .' 90' 00• odo to 'lltutiborg. 'B7'o 9, airtrxqra,,alao ..to . rward to qtaVrt4'Bittraeit,'Rottai AntWerp, 'tco., at equally low rates. area 'hoot Ltvprirok ,oy,Qacerupown: la 4 Cabin. Erb, 145, $1.05.. Steerage, 985, _ Ititiab' , indtitah tii lend for IrThenda sad bay trade' kereai theaelates. , - .... . . r orforther Information apply at the•Oorepanv's Mier) JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. Y. or C..0'0 ZlibtliKKMAN, Harnabura. . .. . • 112&dly ,: NEW GROCER!. AND PROVISION STORE. BOVER HOLE g. L A i li ilfD tr.& L t 1 - ;D.V444.. , re Rueensi - amii '6lass Ware, ; .. AND ALL. KINDS OF COUNTRY P:EO D 0E , H AVE just opened a large and well selected stock of gouus at their swot, No. 3 alarkettAtuare, sburg, Po., to whicylltry hrtto , the Attention of the 014 , 11. gonerally. ' • nolo.ll VISITING, - WEDDING? - INVITATION 44DLAT IifOMZ'CiARDSBy a special- arrakteinthit with tisib of the tleett.engtetVeiti lh • tie Ponniry•carda ,of • any 463Clifitioli.Wia be executed lit' . tan. higlieet stile- pf a conformable With 'thii , :liiteiw- Mahlon, and supplied - p p raptly,- at bible? Ahab than are charged by the stattuk .e iu New Yoilcur .... .Flßtdelphia. Fur samples and Priced cadi at - - , BIDRONILR'S - poos STORE.. i incbfl-dtf k i l t. r e: i - :,, DM PECTORALS are: useful to soothe a 'MI hough, allay. Tickling ,in . the Throat,, to r e li eve OUTTI‘ Sam nitnitt, &GVkei .coraiitoi _Goluditet, Horehound, Ipricactahhil, - Henega arid Siorill, ItheizAort ralhOia y eztienteranta knew:name ,the. chief so, 'live - constituent; ea blended with Gum Arabic and Sup; }hit each lozenge contains a roildniril.rify filoahani:doela • "HrfacturedAoiely U./ 1 ( 1 J/iltE LA- 8R0., „ 1127 ,Mktthvgarjessll.BlMarket:iitreirqininigthire ItBAT, The several properties of the Estate or WILIIAM 4V, deceased, in the city et Harrisburg, consisting of Holmes on Front street and Chestnut street, at and near the corner nr,,Frontitad irstarb-p.lacapttiot-ob -Mulbefir istieet 4 , ! Weir Street, And'ing a rtfee of land at thneastern ternt** of. Market eArerd„ ex.", of. %tied for sale. •For teinsz oridei sapbly to'the undersigned, fa enth and HeAke,streets,P , MSFlp_blp r 02 . 1-41(C1:0;!ii! f • ;A 11010ii.AS 000111 AY isyt, FA ittPERINEBWORCIRATERASAUCES, the moeisppular and the oreet ever offered to, the I. no, Jut rolarectolaffies4 W musiara k FRAZER, lehl (errepoessorsto W. Dock. Jr., k =ill D. W. GROSS &. CO. D. Mr. GROSS & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET-, if .8 1 1 5' BGr P DEVOISTA PZMIIO4,n, ST9RZ KEEPERS AND CONS.ITME.Zikh We are daily iiiiing:to oar assiarttautot fpioai s all such articles as are desirable, aud would respectfully call Dour attention to the largaZt eat bad salaried stook inhile DRUGS, °Micas AND PAINTS; Oils, Punishes end Gisu, • , Dyn,Sints, Glass and *itifts Alcottoi, Spitto and Pins 04 Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Chiatne Soap,./3pongea and Corks; With a takettil vaihsti or PERFIMEERY • AND •TOILET 'ARTICLES, selected from the kept utenedscinTers sad Pertuzeors o Europe an& ootiAtry. Being very large dealerlala PAiIY27I;',If'ZIITICS,II4W, OTL,eYARNISHES, WINDOW GLAS'iIiiALILTISTH • ARIZHIV BEIUBEN3, IX-ALL 11.1E03 i 4, 1 111; a. OP ALL SINAI cedt p itiltaling tionfidentilistrite • • i. of ay ok4ealeclip thetr.taatisfir . .- UQO.L'. ~ , .... TEETH ! 'TEETH!! ,rommr AND-W2IPTE'S PORCELAIN TEETH, .47 4 0,2121 7 7 HEDICHORS, AND -zranz-Itgli'7o.7;427YEN, MEESE Winds, C Of nll dire c t from r the Pr°s.l7.L. ~. . . 3.4l45Ntmrs"AND 0140E1Mlikt*D Wholisile-Aiorits for SeeKnifihw; which Wi"sell wi as 4 eau be pureteined in the cities.:' THAprif 11(MIITAT4," /7p EZZELLOTS. COAL, OIL!",CARBON Orr, Bsing purchasers in 11&!:4165 Oi ;lip =Met in; dticameritele clossetouyeer, CoaLOU:Lemps tbe most. - of temps rapmed pa,pas, very ihanged to built cad-OIL FAMDMS 4ND GIWIBILE6 I Those of*eni AliD OAT .: raj .1 • TLE POWISERS a teal know not.their superiority, and the adnntage they are in / C1 43 P in e gn #, "d (We •nd fa a gqod4ititi,lttAm. Thorusandireas teetifrlo Mut ;priAlto Ailey -time derived :frant - the use oronr Cattte hvr.aere t 'b ' y the inidreesea. — goga - ly and quality of milk, besides .improving the general Math and appeoioni:o; of thiy eatU Our !mg iamieittiPs in'thitivaineireves47s the Mum' .1,10 of 4torough knowledge of. the tgrailia; , and , !our sr ' faligesPolis the 4 496 ,, 44.4vich thst,ji4. vihrY short Nmq..LW* affttllPlLlPPenaining our. fistatesh owthe beat of ,LenxuL ; 110,1 , Tharkkthl for Ike'. :bestowed_pattobste b t mouse:, we dope by aliet 'Mental So ainieul' seleetion of PLEB DAVG(O• ~. .. 'it fair prices, 'afid ilia dealcis toploasa all, to' ttierir a .acet. ti z o.aa of the &ear of a elsertmiaathigptiblie, . ~ '-- - ' apittely ' . . . i reu M rroars , ?an r -SYRIII% • iTIBI9 INVALUAIiLt BYREZ Arhisit , iiit ett,-.. • tinily veretabie ',SIC- , 'ith , oompositicel bap ,- been leisiz , played with- wondorful'auccesor for many jean in . the cure' 'Of iiisasse&Torthe`Alß.T.ollAGEß and , LUNG& For any WO of the dieesseometi , as" COUGH, TICKLING , er the t iut 47140AT - ,BITTIING OF lILCK) WrirICI.ILT - BRKAIRLNG; - 'fi MENDS , LW Gr KO ~ •-• mem TElalti, its Cobs will be attended ~tri th ~, Nippiest results. It is one of the bm‘antl-Aarost & for. ail- . tonne of Bil3*- Carrlasindepi s Tg.UMPtib . -. .iiti,4widesest "or grape s. ..i.l. sr:orb/di. itseufy Shape iestitie*up.- ' ''',' ' .tt ....-7 . -. ..... .. PRIC_E.4 I.OOTER BOTHA. -,,,. ' Tor ;illiest 8810:1 ; 91',.. , ..(C1eean Book agora._ ; -..- '.4.,':.7 . . . • i "' DR. B. M. GLLDT.A . .D 4. E )1 T. I $ . •..T;: IT;,informe the eititetis, “ef Hiritesthieo4AdeAtz that ilfiiwkr szoyetibitsf: Ape friiii - iiirrket i epjitpßird,ettseLtmh deaf to the Ili a — t r i o g, sad ;Won Ottrier'waire he Is prepared qt mciaaterall , whie 4 _ -•- Aat,&4,ICrEACIWEEI itaiMoSiived at SHISTAR & FRAZER, PAO passampro to Wu. Dockdr., eip.) =I Pure around Spire, '&a., qko., .ea, 'Arai 601,0110, PAZ/VT AND M E DAC AL. h~ y - `, ~ r -. j., ~ t _ ..:~:. KUNKWS BITTNEVINE OF IRON. A FUME slid foweitallONN, torieetive cold coo of wondesfol 'Cud/ Iti ;Kamm or We STOMA sad BOWEL& , - • Oared iver Elorepudnis • Headache, 'General Debility blervpuso beer De !.. . pfeaMon of Spirits, Intermittent /*lit Httty b(tther , Siornack Natimutilleieburu Vingestfor - • Fellness 'pr . , Weigiltje tbe Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, . Focimming of the Bead, Difficult Breathing, 'Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Fetiertiud Dull, eat= in the, Sad,- Pain In the Side, -Back, Chest and Lirnba„ ' mill -cure every , case of Chronic, or Ifervmui ; Ddbility, Disealms 'of tire" ICltineye Mid •Dinemmil alining from a .disordeetyll ' Stomach, Good for llitalo • or' :Female,' ' ' • :PT 1 r 4,11 41. • : The moat DeLle,tiptaj rrtcsitgibe,kuoirn; & tort ktettor rattle- Diction Sod cures 'stare d aby orbet phigera tiou offered to thed , ,sbiict, Pm . pareilsoirly HUN EEL at BRO., 113 Haiket street, Harrisburg. - For sale by Druggists and DeAlerevisiywhert.. BEWARE-- 01 coulatftrftits - . . AsitunkePs.Blitir lieuMof fpon lathe only-se m Mot etre remedy. in the known world for .the permanent c DPspepria card Debility, and as ttiora are, a namber tir imitations offered tb the priblle, vreirould caution the .00piumniti to Purchaie none but the genuine article, maiiiifaetureeby -Si A.' Itusraftti has their steimp.on ' the top of Ala cork ofeveyy bottle. The vary fast t h at oilers are ittairiliting to 'this valuable -moody, proves its worth and spiels vOlumes in its favor. The .EltteriNine.of...lron ispcd. op in 71 ee*t rag =l.OO bottle* alka. 'sold lip all respeciatle druggists tb,mugholit, Knintrra Ile particular. that, -Amery . bottle Mrs the .20 Smite ontlio proprietor's signature. •. • • This Wino includes: the most agreeable mid : efficient Salt of .Irozore possess; Cifrple of lagnskio Oalde„cona• bleed, with the tnestenergetid of vegetable tonics, Yellaw Peruvian 441 - The &actin Many cases or ability, Naai of; appetite,,and genemkprostration, ot, an efficient Salto( Iron, coMbined 'with our valuable lierre Toni; i 2 most happy. It augments thekappetite, raises the. polls' a, takes sir museelor gabbiness, removes the pallor or debility, mid gives silted vigor to the countenance. !SrEN,ERALT, DEPOT, Yor =do by all respeotable dealers throughout the 21MMERMAN, •- ---- • : Pr4ottegir 100-'3.3l±ch No. a illarket groat, -ilarrizburg i ,Pa. D-F.A3..1621. rims wAtcaza6 k - • • • • - . &Bpi. fir .11AyirELItif. FINE ErEMßitliAn,F., • PltiTia).3rettle,• - • TEA SF.WVICSS, .". iago'emanattei OF JEWELRY: %HSI constantly on band 1, litliedod and Megan* nisortod stack of I ‘ 1nN5w4e4,..•••,-- - alq tm Arai. • • , FINVSELViiR WARM. AMER MAN; 152,01.1811 AV - 11'W.136111 , WATCHI1,' Both in Gold and Silyor Canen."- , • ::• t also, a fine assortment of LADI.E.S• NVATOICES oonstantlY en hand. "! "* ELENA NFL ' ` CLOCSF3; Of all descriptions; all of which will be aoldat the W WieST CMII PRICES. mr.Crall'init exiikine die vette: . . • Partioular,attention paid ,to repairing of fine Wotan's, sueh ae Chionorpatent, Duplex. and other celetratied t Watchea, end all Kinder Cr Jewelry neatly • rdpaited. None bat the most, competent workmen iilmplorea, 2 144 tne whole inattii under i 6" ), oven personal supervision: i nter* b 2 Market street, adjoining Maw, I{ ,: '5Tr._wA . 1781":7.. ,-,. :,::i; 'oAiririio;:V:F4l.llM.:•' AWN!4 6 I7PW. : . ......;I:9ETIL - 1013X1:130c-_,:r.Pai.i,„ _ . ~ .. TS PREPARED.kaarttieh.'eltd coat the ex -1 &Woolf ,Buildiegrwittittut *UMW ICEMENT,,on a-.. ",.Tnew. - syategi, toF tooteii7 4. „entirell•different , tnam' all' • othei cemen4f Rood 'horotbfOi, and, to; the - , imilir, kelkatole, jimitieriittate coatingloi• oritildewOriE• litized-ivith pro- Plr Pie , PorartMor , pin*, Linseed• Oi l, it fornur a solldolum `tole AdlatvikieNdOosat , 9 ftriolElor §tord.L 3' 1 ,40; Inaraog o,beao, WV], 011e i lfatfr.PrOOf ourfooe sutS Fu3lAtt nol. to • Brown pione sio ll nty'tbler'iistred.". :' ;Among Ottiiiis fOrlifhom• Phave , aliplied , the MAIO oe , raord i ireferto Alla followitor:gentleraani 0 . _ ,• • , I s llB4s o, l o , Yfaukec:Plittgli• ! !: I. ;D:tet,ord.„ 4stre- • JAL gthenblidgei'iefirderite,'Tmenoovilhi: '— '..k..-- - Efodilidifr; :' 1 • '-' f: . '-'...-.. , l " . .. .:- ,' s' - : Janie' YQUalelgiji .k. L . - I , :i•Alleghtlll7 4 10 1 7.• ..- • 1 114:41, .: Gal vin . .„ , - • . Third stree t ?Warburg,. j; Tomei - eliol4 . 7_4:bliarlesi - Hotel, , 4 ' vtattaiore igzettrelorouse s - . 'g. 7 Barr&ilos' er r orohnotaThspateh Doildings,- ".. lotui:,1); 00, „Ti mddituoa„.Front emit, 41,artiiitlorir, Ps- A..J. Amos, , " - " Tutai'addreire - - . . P. Box 1306, , PlitOburgvia', • .or, Penni- House, Hainabarg,..l.a.l railB46llL. Pirotti6itAPil. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT .Pb so~to_ graph °,Albums iickito6ooplAll4,, fills aridlifonnteo `glib tw• haajp`diltibuttn. — "" 801Rdial* {{ or ....... $4. 00 . . .0.50 aoi '. It 00 tadethar b utch anions ppm gylea ag" bjusdnal dim And prois, & , 80100T;is ybytocani4" - tintra' lir1000;: 011'4.00 - le, 'find cheaper album anyvhsen, -a- ~• call rfT• l2 :44if. .!,;(ft ..1 e.: garMA o 4 7 )3,' ?a- 4 , 51:x . .W`g , "€* A' I'lll*i - edi t tivoito 'mitt' , lat - Arroxirzig, 1 1, 41 1 4,41 1 1 L Ainje 8 ,.0iirin" V OntinE, fit* an44llkinds - ofainsicskl XelOandiag. ,ilimuti'Ffidues, Ptitiforrik a 4.11 Albtilisi-lilabrotjticapfi* Egir a itn i m , pietdree, Remenmertiker Third awe; the "Psi 411 i15 6 3' Tabit toitita,•:; I iili , Ml/311144).104 INViuirtiliaiktit td.:kingelkaariosawAimior qta I: • • ,* • r : 4 * t 0 YOU wish a mod odd Pen ?. If so, oali at MUUTICaIti Bialaters. Harriobar& Nole mins well n:town Hotel is now in a con di . tioa to the most amp accommo conveniences alike for the nt gue t date the nal-Oleg. public, affordtng le and the permanent boarder. transie s THE UMW!) STATES HOTEL has been entirely mu, ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal i n extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between hdel phia and Pictsbnrg. Its location is the beltin th P eemu, Capital, being in easy access to-all the petroad depo , a, a u d la close proximity to all the public offices and bust to cantles of the m i ty. It has now alt the conveniences of FIRST CLASS HOTZL, and the ProPrietor lx determined to spare neith er ez. time or labor to ensure the comfort of the gamge g . llttionage . Otthe tcaveling paths Is respectful aaa„ oiled , STATE CAPITAL HOTEL ) ' • • • - cortstit TIL311) wArsm sTR E m s , PENIVA. j. firelMtuEu3ertigned laaviiwparchased this *ea known- ilease itaa eulasz.l wad thomughly mit om* The rout* have - Bean re-painted and papered , th' e intim tstalahthent: elegantly re-furnished. Bet?, pie & aantly and.ell,giOly Jecated, and provided with estry NI ; venience, it ants ne the public ail the coin ions atz hlnt. tit*, of a Mit class imel. Trusty and oheigiug somas, alway% itCattft. dtuine, bai weu steacted with cheek* liquors is attached to the establishment. de2B-dly W. G. TtiolaSJlN',. Prep tat 3 JONES HOUSE, Corner of Market atreet and Market Bquatt;,, rig mmurEr sisEgr litsmutprisa, Pi HOTELS. 7 - THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARI - lUMBURG, PA. D, 11. lIDTCHISDN, Preprl•Aor •ff,issishußG PEEN CHAS. H. MA_Di-N, acktitt Dr. P. KELLER'S Dent.a.,l Preparations. ORANItLAR - Ut' , .. - TliznlCE AIIERICAN TOOTH WASH THEst ,eie g airt prepizotions combine the most desirable eleanbing and nAriegent quaiities. ; They reader the Gums ha:Saud healthy; neutralize the ac id ,secclaions of the mouth, ith,-reby removing the prime ca..er of decay ) By their detersive properties they preserve the inamral color of the Teeth, without in the -least•deßree injuring the enamel, while they impart to brtlsolii at fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant.— ilta 'fact, they are THE BEST ARTICLES in use for the par ipoiee named, as a lair trial will fully dereeestrate, and AB has bceti abundantly proved by their excetisive sale In this community during the last 14years; mud which will 'be readily testified to -by many who bare repeatedly urged the Proprietor to-still further extend tech sale and usefulness. They are warranted to be free teem these destructive acids eih ch so frequently etattatuitiae many of the preparations of the present day. hopandandsold at the . Ihrmar 1100 MS of thu Proprietor, curter of Samoa kid Wahliut 'streets. JOHN P. FELLER, . Su peon Deanna For sale alto by the princifcl Druggists of the City. ap.2l-dtf _ OVER - 100 . STYLES POCKET BOOKS, PURSES =I PO ^r 0 14 I• , i A lES 7011 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, KEELER'S Drug and Fancy Goods &Ore. No. 91 Market street. The best Morocco , . , l' B:'it VBL 1 N G S A I — k: Fr IC 'T.. 3,, And a general variety of IriuNCY 6001 ) S,'Inittable tot Prewants, nowsn sand at KELLER'S Drug:Store, . raarle..tf . . _ , _ No. 91 Market street; NEW BEIIT.ADELIIILA C-I 0 A: Ifk "r 0 R. IND.W. qIPA NE IV BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. :I.OOO,IILFIRRYNT STYLES 4 .07 r...43/lIOXAMai CLOAKS A.N.D CIRCULARS. FINE SPRING SHAWLS. will open on the lot of April. XEW - BAKERY Broad Sired, :ietween. Seeond and Third, TrA - T underaigned Ikag qpened.a new BA " 'EERY, In the Sixth Ward, where be le prepared to apply BREAD AND CAKES at a reasonable rate. Ha watvants satisfaction to all who will give him a call. He NM sell his breast at the rate of . .e c trr's Pt, rir___ t _D jai. Dill weight guarantee& : • - JOHN AwDRN. jace-Atf • PH OT °GRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. - Photograph Albums. Photograph *41111.1X19. Photograph Albums. MBE largest and cheapest variety of PIM- A_ iTOGRAPH ALSGAtS m the ettp arekeonsumtly kept at ; EmarL2] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. `rlAl'iNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. SAUCES of all die celebrated manufactures. SARDINEs, ouvs-ous,-+ • l aevety deseriptkaa ; • •,. ..11119fk, BROWN SiOUT, t FINE, -TEAS,COSTRE, SUGAR t en . d ouio.o SIRUP of ,„ a . ..._red' ea and prices,and" the best selected t.Plukulelyible. goods guaranteed as repres e nted , y ,.. attention paid to all'oeders from a distance. -'- Goode carefelly packed and delivered to all parts at the I ft free of charge. SHISLER & FRAZER, .1 - alb • •-.- • tatieeetors to - VV:Dock; 14, c? • PIAN OS. e.ll/BRECHT;—ItIEKES & SCHNIDPS - EXCELSIOR: PIANOS. SOLEAuEATur AT W KNOCIEff,O e ..' ea Market. ,stivet, Harrisburg. FOR REABOI4B "perfectly tatisfictoil to MYSELF I have; Wpm tottagettcret; theueirvo•ututt - excellent Pianos. The public Ls invitee. to coma and amine for tnemaelvea. A few Schowaokor k. Co'ariararrroarilazati will be dsol low . - _ „ : . niskr2lol TRANSOM., PAPER., BEAUTIFUL assortment of,,TWS_Olt PAPER. Ca R and, set at • ' ReiIP,FFER'S MAE STORE,. • mY2?" • LOTS 'AO*. SALE... • SEVERAL LOTS'. on Third street, near , North, are rJr Liquas et ifrarrEks' scoV A earner ar North. anct , -myri-tY 'DINE OlLS.—Fine salad oils just rer_ e i ve d I,a ' Fue r S s in to . AV tuck J doE& 81':AREPIE I-A fine lot o f CANNED PRACFIES' at r ia Akso, SUPERIOS PINE APPLES, FRASH PEAS, die., juig. mew' ed ty • • !myl4-dtf JOHN IVLsE, 3d SErtt•i t OW WNhint•• • %9 4 „KED SMOKED .melt just received el - -- -5 • SHISUR & IMAMS, (succeeisoi! 1 0 Wm. Dock, ,jr., tr.Co,) EMI lio--,LADIES.—If „you. wish -good .Letto . ' Piper, Envelopes, Ink, Pena, or anything skein the stationery line, - you will do well by calling at • SMIEFFEWS BOOKSTORE, Harrisbnrs, nol9 S I PICKLES? I—By the Duxel, P ICKLE D eu, at ur Do 'Half Barret, jar uz SIISLER YRAIRIvs, 2° ' (Successor , ' co tim De& ea) FEW ii - oNtatta)..9t tup 4est YEAH. Tfikts, or vihitotti feeding - -irret* - 46.- - ontsked , rprigoe to lio.rrisbUrg; are JACOBVSIL li sow 011 hand as. %hi lirmystalm . [aP Votillilitt'S exceWr 4.4evia, offitio sea" . ~..., ~. Just received apif for y3re by , , . :"".1 C 7 w 3 44:1r 1 '' niticct zw.— NEW riticAEREA Keaßim- AND SAL NW at pity4l BOYER 6c KOCK= Proprietor. imar2l-dly r , Tl7l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers