pail D 11Ali - ItISBURG, PA TUESDAY EVENING, JENE 7, 1864, NDTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, dic., to secure insertion in the TELEIiAPH, must invariably be accent pan'ed-with the VASIL Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition -without extra charge'. Dinner to the Officers and Sol diers of the Pa. Reserve Corps. The committee on reception will meet at the Mayor's house, on Wednesday, the Bth inst., at half past eleven o'clock in the morn ing, to proceed to camp for the purpose 4:d escorting the invited guests to their respective Irards. A. L. ROIIM.RORT, Chairman. TOWN AND COUNTRY MUSTER-017T nouns made out by Sullivan S Child, Claim Agent. je7-5t ====s A Lttosr Eorroa.—F. L. Baker, editor of the Afarieitian, was drafted, in Lancaster county, the other day. I==2llll Smog the hail storm of yesterday we have been,transferred from the heat of Jane, to a pleasantbracing Ootober morning. CZ= Psxsross and bounties collected by Sullivan S. Child, Claim Asent. Office in DAILY TEL, tottpu Building, Third street. je7-5t sat of two hundred and fifty condemned Government horses will be held at Northum berland, on Thursday next, 9th instant, com mencing at 10 o'clock, and to continue until all are sold. CC= PILOVOST KiBSIML CLEMENT announces through our columns, that "drafted men are not allowed to enlist as volunteers after being drafted." This is important to those who have recently drawn prize tickets in the Pro vost Marshal's lottery. I=l ALL non-commissioned officers and privates of the Penn'a Reserve Corps can have the back pay due them from the State of Pennsylvania promptly collected by Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent. Office in DAILY TELEGRAPH Building, 'Third street. GELND LODGE OF GOOD TEMPEL - M.—The Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, I. 0. of Good Templars, will hold its annual session in this city during the 'present Week. We are in formed that a large number of delegates will be present from - various portions of the State. Ix our advertising columns will be found a list of the Harrisburg committees of,the great. Sanitary Fair, which is now in successful ope. ration-iii-Fhiladelphia. The Mayor reques's the persons named in the advertisement to meet iitahe Court House, on Thursday even ing, at eight o'clock, for organization. o___._ HABRISISITAGRE WOUNDED. —Lieutenant J. S. Hoye; commanding Company A, U. S. Cavalry, was severely wounded at Coal Har bor, 31st ult, and is now in the hospital at Washington, where amputation of his arm became necessary. He is a nePhew of Gen. Simon Cameron, and as brave and gallant a soldiiritigs ever drew a sword. Letters from the hospital represent his condition to be as favorable as could be expected under the cir-' eumstances. OUR eity,ie again quiet. The noise, lnistfe; and excitement of yesterday have passed away. Last night the brave Reserves, who, for three years, were camped on the battle field, enjoyed themselves by moving about through the city, and passing the time as best suited their, fancy. A few of them imbibed rather freely at the drinking saloons, but no. disturbance was created. No one molested them, as everybody had a kind feeling toward the aun l buint veterans. =1 THIL §A.LI3TIS n HON - OR 08 THE RESERVES.-- It is only proper to state that the application for guns and ammunition to fire a salute in honor of the arrival of the Reserves in the State Capital, was made to Adjutant Gen eral Russell late on Sunday night, and that he proinply complied, so that the Superin tendent of the Arsenal, Mr. George Forbes, had but a few hours on Monday morning to prepare the cartridges. Mr. Forbes deserves the thanks of the people for his energy in discharging' his portion of this duty; and the squad of the First Ne* York Artillery, who firedthe salute, are entitled to like o:Lanka. Trra Naw. Two-CENT Cori.—The-new two cent Coin juit issued from the mint is already in limited circulation in this city. The weight is about twice that of the new one-cent coin recently authorized to bewail . ° of copper; and the natal and color of the larger and smaller coin do not differ materially, if at all. In sizeto7.tsgo-cent piece is between the nickel i and . i3o67.copper cents (which are of like dim- eter)lshd :the .ennabrous old copper coin. The differenceirr'diameter of the recent one-cent and tWo-ee' . is about one-eighth of an inch Whild the two-cent coin is much thicker; and iiie . diff erence in. diameter of the two -cent and thii old.coipSione:-cent coin is one-sixth of an inch—quite Sufficient in both cases to prevent any eonfusion or possible mistake. The design of the new piece is mainly excel lent. It is-certainly unique and quite pretty, as well as easily : distinguishable. The obverse contains,besides the usual inscription. "United States of America," a wreath formed appar ently of heads of wheat, encircling ,a,“isry . prominent figure "2" over the word " cents" in small letters. The reverse is much-hand somer.- - It comprises an ornamented shield surmounted by a scroll bearing the words "In God we trust." - Two arrows are crossed on the back of the shield, 9.ud the ground-workf is a wreath of laurel, The date of the piece' , completes the _design. _ ~.~: ~.:f ,:~i~ a.:..._ DIE Great Centtril Sanitary ntir opened to day, in Philadelphia. OrricEns Bikes. PA.T ate them from the State of Pennsylvania promptly collected by S. S. Child, Claim Agent, for FIVE PER CENT. j 7-5 t SEVERATA of the Reserve regiments left this morning for Philadelphia and Pittsburg, where they will be mustered out of the ser- liiM Ho, rOS T FOVRTR or Jurr !—Mr. John Wise has a fine assortment of fire-works on hand, which will be disposed of at moderate rates for celebrations, &e. Two PDra BUILDDIO LOTS for sale on Penn above Broad street. Terms, one-half cash Inquire of D. Wyeth, at Wyeth do Creamer's South Sesoud street. my3l-1w A. R. WYETH. A. Mn.s MACKAY, whom one Bottles at :tempted to dispossess of her farm in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, last week, shot . the aforesaid Bortles with a gun, after warning him not '0 attempt to enter her hOnse. He went away. AT an election held by the Harrisburg Cem etery Association, yesterday, the followin • officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President--:Hamilton. Mricks. Managers—A. F. Kelker, Jno. A. Smull William Cleckner, Henry Gilbert and J. J Tug NEW CENTS rx Clllcutemox.—The new cents recently authoriged to be 'issued have made their appearance. They are made al most entirely of copper. The circumference of the new coin is the same as that of nickel cents, but they are thinner and much lighter. It is hoped that their comparative cheapness will prevent hoarding. , . • A Cvatosrrr.—An ingenious piece of me chanism may be seen at H. •H. Long's hat store, number 4 Jones' row. It is a miniature Silk' at, with all the 'Workmanship and finish of a full-size "stove pipe." It is, called the Sanitaiy Fair Hat, an enterprising firm Philadelphia having made and' donated one thousand of them to the Commission. It is altogether a comical affair and worth seeing. Omvsnix.—ln our hastily gotten up report of the reception ceremonies Yesterday, we omitted to mention the Citizen Fire company properly. Their engine was drawn by four of the handsomest Iron Greys we have seen for some time,'which were gratuitously fur nished to the company by Joseph Montgom .ery, Esq . , proprietor of the People's Trans portation line, who is noted for his liberality'. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE REAL Emerz.— Ensminger & Adams will sell to,raerrow (Wednesday) evening, - at 7 o'clock, at Grant's Hall, that lot or piece of ground situate cor ner of Chestnut street and Dewberry alley.-- Also, will sell to-morrow morning at market, the finest collection of tea shells ever offered at this market. AaE ws TO CELEBEATE TEM FouaTn.The inquiry begins to be . agitated by a few,' but we do not learn' that any definite move has yet been made for celebrating the coming Anni versary of our National Independerice in this place. We think it highly important that the day be 'commemorated by a regular old fash ioned celebration, and we hope the initiatory steps will of once be taken, and a programme of the order of the, day be early sent forth to notify the citizen's of the surrounding towns that we are wide awake with patriotism and ;love of country, and are determined to try and infuse into the minds of the citizens of this region of country mow zeal for the principles which gave birth to the day we desire to com memorate. Within a few days we hope to have such additional cheering news of Grant's cam paign upon Richmond, as -will add vastly to the enthusiasm of the clay we - celebrate. : , 7 SPEECH OF 3S I LLYOE ROIIKEONE.-011E report of the speech of Mayor Roumfort, yesterday, at the reception of the Reserve Corps, was merely a brief and imperfect sketch. We now print the speech entire, as 'follows Hail! brave aoldies of Pennsylvania! In the name of the citizens of Harrisburg, I greet you with p. 1., hearty• welcome—a most hearty welcome! - Three years ago you marehed to the field in all the pride and vigor. of Your manho'oel: During 'that eventful period, you have beenin fifty battles ! Your proverbial braiery eind•deiretion always -laced you in the post of danger, and, on every °ape sion, your solid column of granite gloriously breasted the shock of battle! By flood and by field, on the plains 'and in the mountains, you have shed your best blood upon every, battle. field, and there left your dead as monuments of your indomitable courage. The_March, the bivouac, the picket and the fight, liiiVe - thin- • . ned your valiant ranks from twenty thousand Men, down to the shattered remnants thatnow Stand before me! There is no parallel _modern warfare of such destruction in, any -corps, unless. it be the Russian campaign of the great Napoleon, in which regiments- -were ,either annihilated or reduced to mere squads? -:You have cast around the Military fame of `Pennsylvania a halo of glory unrivalled in the . military annals of . history. The eiglueeen "thousand, departed heroes who sleep the long sleep of. death upon the devastated fields of Ifirgmia, have bequeathed to you not only - their unrivalled fame, but also the affection of ; your fellow citizens and of the bereaved dues .who now moire. their irreparable lose., The committee of arrangements had in tended r,t s o give you a public dinner, on this very spot; upon the day of your arrival. But you are as prompt to ~ surprise your'friends' your enemies, and you took us unawares. Yon fairly outflanked us. We therefore, fell :back in, good order •of course upon:he re=. serve of our fellOir-citizens, who have cheer fully volunteered to entertain you it their private residences on Wednesday next; at two o'clock in the afternoon. Then, you will enjoy their hospitality and , the comforts of home to which you have oo long been strangers. There, they will lend a greedy ear to the relation of your hair breadth 'scopes and valiant exploits, and there, I trust, you will have a foretaste of the peaceful . en joyments which await you at home. May yriul „speed there in safety. And'irlier, the alarms •of war have ceased ; when the olive branpli: displaces the ensanguined laurel ; when each of yertligain sits down in peace under his vine' and-fig, tree, surrounded by friends and neigh- BUIiIINGTUN 4 1.1 ._ EREja,T Y-e. - tont,.-the mere - mention that he was soldier fi T IE "" E t season, large- PilrAugn wagoning, just Mee - tied at .of the . Pennsylvania RaiseTrefr will anon e‘ saisLER&FRA ' lasholda .brave-man _ _ - (mown, torm.,Dtwir4 SOL% .- *Ji. ; ..L,7a - r:U AA ix W.141,A10/11, RIM ENSMINGER & ADAMS, Auctioneers Az Sanford's Opera House fly— he grand entertainment to-night. • , attend cannot fail to be pleased, and we vialiff advise all who desil. to see the best perform ance in the city, to t go to Sanford's. - Porscs AFFAMIIS have been extremely dull since our last report. Notwithstanding the presence-of the Reserves, end the excitement attending the reception, there was not a sin gle occupant in the lock-up last night. ELLEN WAS• SFSTENG tiN A QUM TUT'S 4 1 rial HEAD UPON.> NEE HAND. —Theiattitude or posi tion of Ellen, as seen by a casual observer, would have conveyed the impression that she was in deep sorrow. Perhaps a mother's death, a sister, or dear friend, or a still greater distress—the intelligence receiv: dof his having been killed in battle ; him to whom she had plighted her affections, and in the helpless ness of young love; who, itseemedlo her, all of her earthly happiness depended upon. Moral.—Fair reader, mine is a pleasing task to lift the veil, and explain the mystery that surrounds Ellen. She, with several' friends, had been shopping on Saturday last, and, in looking over the large and beautiful assort ment of dress goods, at the cheap dry-goods store of C. L. Bowman; No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, was unable to decide. She had so placed herself upon the chair for the purpose of determining which and how,many of the beautiflir pieces she would purchase dresses from. SPECIAL. .NOTICES: C X C UAL A_ 11.. HISTORY OF THE RESERVES BY J.. R. SYPHER ELIAS BARR At Co. respectfully announce that thsy,havn in preparation a Hi story, of thel:mi:m sylvanla itSseiVes ie'the'dxpiraL tion of their term of service. This History will contain the names of all the OMCora and Privates of the Corps—their promotion; casualties and discharges—also, graphic descriptions of their camp life and their gallant achievements in the many battles in which they lisietaken'itart—all derived from ofildal and authentic sources.. 0.; The 'History of the Pennsylvania Reserveswill be in o:in lOLoxe of 600 pages, octsvo size, , neatin princedom seed paper, and substantially bound in black cloth, containing a steel engraving of the lammed ; Iteyneldsomdone of Governor Curtin, (who first recommended the formation of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corp,) and.still be said only by subscription. It will be ready in August next Price per - OOPyl , •. • The Publishers feel confident that the Just pride which every pennsylvanian must entertain for the brave men Whose gallant aohievements 'and patriotic self-devotion it records, will secure for." its lberen - F" a generous and appreciative reception: ELIAS BARR & CO., Publishers, No. 8 East Iling . street. LA:toAunts., April 25,,1864. Manna WAN - LW:I.W C ailßass 'for the above work in every district of Pennsylvania. Responsible references required. je7dst RAIR DYE I HAIR DYE•I Batchelor's Celebrated 'Hale Dye IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Harmless, True and &Zia& Dye 'Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect--changes Red., Rusty on Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy without iitjuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful; impartalreslivitality frifuently restoring its pristine color, and rectibes the ill streets of bid Dyes. Ttiegenbine - _ia: signed•WILLIAM A. BATCH EWE. All others are mere imitations, 'and should be avoldtid.. 'Sold' by all' Druggists, &c Factory-81 CLAY ST, N. Y. B4TOBSLOV2I NYW totter CRKAK rya rautikstfattstaitst je2.3ly- BaninvaNl* l lCroches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, .ter:, are specially recommended to ministers, ,singersAtud.porsons whose vocation; calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by O. A.' Bannvart Co;; Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. , Read the!fellowittg_kestimoniule ,from some *of oar eminent clergymen: • HABILISBITIM, Feb. Bth, 1864. O. •A. Barorvemr—Dear have ttsed Brown's Bronchial Trgehes, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, tmd in-comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your• own as a ~rnost admirable specific for public speakers And singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. ' • Yours truly, T. R. ROBINSON, Pastor. of N. S. Presbyterian Church, rI agree' with Mr. Robiusoh as to the value of BarLuvart's Troches. Date Pastor' of 124 `Presbyterian OWL' h. LLuteassirso, Jan., 1 b 64. To C. A. BANlriAirie=-Dear Sir: 'hi 01 habit of speaking very frequently; and in places where the_yocal organs are very muol4,.t.axed, I have found die need of seine gentle expecto rant, and that wantlas been supplied intyour excellent Troches. ' I' consider theme verylar siiperliir 'to any Lozenges that I have ever used;-in -removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent, use, and impairing th effectiveness:: of - the •delivery of •pretdi'o ai • dresses. Yours, &c., • JNO-WALTCAR-JACILSON. fr. • Pastor of the Locust-St. Methodist Church. To.C. A. B.annvenr—,Dear Sir: Haying use( your 'Troche;S, ram - fr63 to say they ' are ;the best I have ever tried and la i c...great pleasure in recommending thein to al.lpersons . Sftlioted with sore.. thioat or huskiness of ',;irOiCe arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, .G. G. RAREST:RAW; ' Tiistor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Mania, J,Sll:olPizir'B.o7/4a4, • . • HA.uarsito; Feb: W 1864.: To 0, A. Be..lTwo, ; .7)fior I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving!hosmeness and ixostrengthening .the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voitie; and`lare certainly of` greet tea:air' fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR SPIRITUALISLII H, PAIST, Blind Test 'Medium . will S. give seances foyleommuniontTiA., . at IV:almt mice& until further:notice.. 42 wlll also vOyane examination offor those desiring, itt Hours from 8% d. X to 12 tir., and 1„ X Lab F.M. Terms 50 cents each - sitting.' Every one applyinefor a sitting does it en their own responsibility,, as the manifestation of itsv?" , 4,is not et t_ ho . Option of the Medium. " ' ' je 6-6 K • • —EXECUTOR'SZTOTICE."--71 ,- LETTER'S ,t,estagteptary on: :the ,estate of Hannah' VOrnny,:lite of Kailas township , *pa iiphin .e.urily, having been,grantief to the tUla - eisignoti, reeding in said township, nil persons indebted , to sail estate are orequested to make immediate.payment, and those having claims against tile same will preitint theralor settlement .. , I je6 &lad* SANITEL LANDIS, mecum'''. • VALUABL.F,FARM er-Will:•aell, at .private Bale? the farm, . late the ,property of . Mrs., Margaret Thome, situated in 'East Hanover 'tminslitp,' county, - adjoining lands of tho Manacle furnace, coittgirdh& 'XS6 acres ;leirty acres of the above is Wood Land and the .balance under a good stata Pf cnitilation. Mieimprore pews consist of a two-story weataer.baarod house, a new Bank Barn, and•othermecetisarymul buildings. Per ;sons desiring to see the property, c in • jo6:o2p*• JOSEPHSBEESIXIX , _ _ _ I I NEW ADVERTUEMENI4,--- FiREWORKSI FIREWORKS !! WRoLESALY AM:r RETAIL BY JOI-Ilq WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WATNIN, HARRISBURG, PA. THE following stock of Fireworks is now in store: Roman Candles, Rockets, Pin Wheels, Mines of Stars and Serpents. Serpents, - Grasshoppers, Water Pots, Flower Pots, Scroll Wheels, Bengokt Lights, Triangles, Blue Lights, . ,Red, White and Blue,. SPallEaletteal Chinese Rockets, Pulling Crackers, • Fire Crackers, . Tomedos, Torpedo .& Fhecracker Gni, New Torpedo Bow, ' Joss Stick, or Puns, Flags, bO.. : Now is the time to parches° while there gopd as sortment. , WISE, je6-dtf Third street, near Walnut. FOR. SALE. AVALUABLE BUILDING LOT, situate on the corner of Third and'Safford streets; frontink on Third 22 feet 6 inches,-running along Sayford street 69 feet. For further particulars enquire of EIJSRINGER eADAYS; ..cerney,orSecond and Chestnut !SEI BUILDING MATERIALS FallytiALErs; ALQT of worked out -lumber suitable two small dwelling bousds such as doorframes, windowframes, sash, doors, easinge, kc. - r all perfectly dry and well-seasoned; a large portion of It primed, and in good ()Mel: - The above lumber will be disposed of at it For furthdr particulars apply; at THIS OFFICE. je74121* VALUABLE. FARM:. 'AT. PUBLIC . SALE mHE subscriber will sell at public sale on. j Saturday; June 18th,1864., at the Court House 'in the city of Harrisbufg, at 2 o'clock P. x., the farm now occupied by Jacob Fitting, in Susquehimaa township. Said-farm contains one 'hundred . 'acres, more or leas and is bonndei by lands of Herman Alricks, Gee - MoCalla, J. German and others; 'Paxton creek runs along and through the farm. • There is a tine tfti-story stone house and bank barn - on the place, and ale* a' floe limestone quarry. A draft of the farm can be'seen at the'office of Dr. Rutherford, 0.11 Front street, any time until day of sales The above farm withinl,q miles of the'city and Is in fine order. je7-dts 0. FORSTER. TO LEARN . PIANO-FORTE PLAYING EASILY AND THOROUGHLY, use the STANDARD INSTRUCTION BOOK- "Miehardson'a New Method." - An improvement upon all others'in ISro. gressive arrangement, adiPtatiuti and sip:T*lol., tound ed upon a new' and original plan, and illustrated by: It series of, plates, showing the proper position of the hernia and fingers; .The popUlarity of this book . has never been equalled by lint of any similar work. Ten 'thousand copies are 'sold eiefy . year. , Among teacheri and all who have examined it; it is 'pronounced superior in excellence to all other "Ifettiods;" "Systems," and "Schools," and the book that eveiy pupil needs Rinke acquirement cf a thormigh knowledge of Piano-ferte playing! It is adapted to all grades or Witten, from the rudimental studies of the youngest, to Illirstudien and exercises of advanced pupils. Two 'editions urn published; one adopting Ainerican, the other, Foreign lingering .' When the work is ordered, if no preference is designated; the edition with American fin: wiring sent, . ,g Be sore that in 'ordering it you are particular 'in specifying "NEW 'METHOD." Price $3 50. , postpaid, to any address . Sold by , all Musi c Dealers. 01IVERrSONTA. CO., Publishers, 277 Washington street, Beaton, 2 " ' Je7-tf IMMENSE AUCTION SALE Q# VARGS AHD $1.8 . comscrios RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SEA SHELLS AT THE MARKET HOIISE, HARRISBURG. nrob6,,soia without reserve, or Bruit 118 piibe 1. , 6 ' . •,' !• ' THIRTY. s CAgES , part of a recant shipment from London,'England, of some of tho most milendid Varine`Shells ever witnessed is this country, with various other natural curiosities, coMpris idg - ; - CORALS-CAMEOS PEARLS &C __ consisting ofIOVER 1080 SPECIMENS, such as have never , before been offered for sale in this ' , vicinity, and a rare opportunity is now offered to thercitizena • . The public, and ladies in particular; are invited to.ex, amine this magtalloont asnorttnent of corlositicafroln the dominions of •INTieptiutrie. • • Therare all the Worki or Stature,. and no artist that ever lived could imitate them In shapes arid‘colora. The won ders and beauties Of the mighty deep: Also," a 'variety of CHllizart FANS, _ JAPANESE .r.tpiis , RARE - - BREAD TRAYS, • WAITERS, ; ' - BACK GANMON BOtiN; • • ?EARL SEALS, - " SHELL FRAMES AND'BWIES. Sale to commence,ilirednedday, JuntBth, and continue Thursday, FrldWy and SatuMay, at 10, u 'clpck N. and B'r. ; also, Wednes day and Sattirday Morniage, Market hours. ENSMINGELVADAMS, EARRISBORG, June 6,1864. jeT-dst Auctioneers. HARRISBIJRG , 'COMMITTEE OF THE GREAT CENTRA.I.: SANITARY FAIR- ON LA, Ispit, INCOME AND.REVENVIL - • ' W Bays, Chas,Cormor. Iron—Di George Bailey, James MVormlck, jr. Sanks—James W WierJ.lfonroe %miter: Manuractories- z -W 0 Rieliok, William THildrup. Diuggiits-LS A Kunkel, Charles A BaMtvart. - Livery—William Colder; FA Murray. "Grocers—J R Eby, Christian Frazer. Merchants, Storekeepers, &c—Daniel Eppley; John L. Speel . Leather and Shoes--John Edwards, K Greenawalt. Clothiers—Jain W Glover William Sayford. Limber—John B Cox, D D Boas. Botels—Charles Mann,' William G Thoinpson. Printers and Book Sellers— .. George Bergner, Theodore F Scheilbr. Builders—John B,Slmoa, A > Nett Express and Telegraph—John Berryhill, JOhn.ltMg 7 Medical—Dr Martin, Wm Egle. • . , Dentistry—Dr P J W Most. . Photographers and Music Dealtra—Le Rue Lemer, - Wil , liam Knoche. - • _. Rallroads—Samuel 'Young, J R•Dubarry. . • Forwarders and Coal , Deaters—Wm K Alricks, D Weer- Ticutallera and BelteisL-Alex Nosey -- Brady The above Conindttee'are requested — to meet on Mini day evening next, June lith,at o'clock, at the cotirr HOUSE,- for the purpose of organization. By order or the Cludrznan. je7-dtr TO CONSUNEIIS'O*KOAS. ALL bills must be paid *on or before the 10th, at the Mee of the Treasurer. .By order of the Board. • 7 This order will be strictly enforced by • • Je6 3t LEVI GRAY, $j t:- Paceiver MiluarteiN Orme; 14TH HARRIMACIRG; Pa Juno 9, isot. mo DROTXD. 'MEN. by 1 Limit. Col. J. V. Bomford, A.-A.,Provost .Marehal Genekal, by hie &cuter, N0:59,, or June 4, 1864;to pub ;dish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as volun teers after befOgdrafted .drafted; Omit this breafAforgia * fte4 Awn remitin‘for''thel -districts 'from w hich th ey were d rafted4no matter Aftrellf en local. bounty, has . Ot has not been paid to such men, upon "illegal . enlistment:" ; JNO. KAY CLEMENT„ Captain and Pirovosi Marshal; 14th*Dis't, FOR SALE. fiIHE- subscriber offers for sale two first ,ao3.Plieuni-marbiq torttinpard tables, bemPleW order and running at present at hal.r*oon at Carlisle, Pa. The ill heillh or,thie anbseriber only reason drat"duo*: him to offer the same for, sale., Any, 'n 11 = 1 4 10 ) 1 . . regarding the same will be given bypidressing , .0. W. FOLAND: Oarlisle. Pa. „, je6.dlw ILI WMIN S 1 10 USE FURN4S,HINOG.PODS of every description; the largest 'a4prtment; to be found in Ste• city. . • .• , . WINDOW CURTAINS, '-- • tgHAI7E9 ~ `'"= ` Curtain* Materials, TABLE AND "PIANO COVERS. SHEPPARD, VAN HMILINGEN & ARRISON, 1008 Ohtustiint street, mA.sinwazt. jta-dw r CNC ~tt 7.1.11,e.,rv:1; " WANTS.- - VXTA.NtEr— . A. tor do tile, general hoilse- Y V r yntrk of a small family; one who can cock ; wash atll iron. preferred.. Enquire at first door from. Front street, in Locust street:.:.jeB-It*, NV.ANTED —A first-ciass BAR-ITSDER, at the NA.TIONAL HOUSE, ,je6 Merlret street. SERVANTS WANTED. TEN colored servants wanted at the Mer chant's Rotel, North Fourth street, Philadelphia. Good waiters can have permanent situations. JuS•St TWO GOOD QTJARRYMEN WANTED to quarry (2000) two thousand perch of LIME STONE for building. Apply at the KEYSTONE NORSERY. WANTEDA good pastry Cook, and a pod meat .ClRok. Iwo ire aVhe • ap3o-dtf - BRAD-t. „ RbtrSl3.- :ADVERTISEMENTS : ; IVI.A.Y ;10; 71.561..CAUT10N. —The public arecinitionedagainst thexegotiation of the fol. lowiug SSY.BN PEI CENT BONDS OF THETRANKLIN RAILROXD COMPANY, which have been lost or mislaid; • Fin'tY - ight.Bonds of the dehomlnatieu - or 4500,•with Coupons attached, having the following.tUtribeia: Nos. 3, 4,8, 9, 12, . 14, 44, 48, 59, 63, 64, 72, 76, 76, 60,103, 105, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 163, 165, 166, 167, 174, 175, 170, '177, 178, 186, 250, 252, 255, 258, , 259, 260, 272, 273, 278, 281, 286, 288, 289, 294„297, 300., Also, one hundred and thirtymineßends of the denom ination of $lOO, With Coupbns attaChed, and 'which. have the following numbers: 305; 310, 320,322, 3 . 26, 326, 327, 328, 339, 310, 341, 342, 313, 344, 373, -374, -.375, -376, 377, 378, 379, 426, 427, 445, 470, 578, 480, - 46fi1.00, 501, 502, 503, 504, 539;540, 645, 546; 54r, 551, 552, 556, 564, 566, 368; 569, 670, 571, _ 572, 573, 575, 519,, 581, 48586 '589;'591, 692, 594, 602, 603, 606 .4, 607..,"60.3, 809; , 616, 617,: . 618, 619, 622, 624, 625, 629, 652; 034„,635, 636, 652, 653, 663, 665,:666, 667, 668, : 669„ 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, , 688,•639,- 691;'693, 693, 695, 701, 702, 706, 707, 711, ail, 713, 714, 715,-716, 722, 723, 724, 750, 753, 754, 755, 758, 759; 7 69; 762, 767, 773,.. 779, 780, 781, 783, 786, 787, 792, 793,:794, . 795, 796 797, 795, 799. je4-d3t • W. 11.14. IitaItSHALL, Cashier. GREA.T , OENTRRE-SANITARY FAIR. EXCURSION TICKETS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 'COMPANY / TO Y.ISITURS TO THE SANITARY,FAIR, WIROILI Harrisburg, Columbia, Lancaster, Parkesiirg, Pao intermediate stations t. '4'et Philadelphia and rattail. From! Barilsburg; by tile , :Mount .79Y Acooin. , - modation .. .....:....... .. ... 7:20 A. M. ColumbiaAccomModation leaving at 12:20 P. M. ' And by the Harrisiturg Accommodation, leaving at 5:25 P. X. From COMMIlbil, by, train at.. 8:20 4.,x. 1:63 P. N. ~L ... . ..... 6:50 i.. sr_ Front 'Lancaster, by train at ' 9:004_ x. 41 7:34 P. M. From,Par'kesburg, b trait?. at r - " " p' to . Weir Philadel= phis only, at 3:00 ant. From Paoli, by train at 7:00A. sr. " " to West Philadelphia, only, at... 4:16 P. pt. c EXCURSION PICKETS Will be good for a return trip on either of the acnommodation trains which leave Philadel 'phia,passenger Station at 10:00 A`. 211., 1:00 P. M., 2:30 r. is., 4:00 P. 71- and teust.Philailelphia Station at 6:00 P. at. EXCURSION I f nbt be sold by Condiictors in the ear% and will not be good upon any other than the -trains speciOnd.. EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold from June 6th to 18th inclusive, and each: ticket will be.GOOP FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY. ENuCR LEWIS. ja4-2n , • - General' SAmerintendent THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. :pDLEASE TAKE NOTIGE.—Thei .pride„ - of a single admission is FIFTY CENTS;:eatildren-uuder, thirteen, half price. This admits_to,ElGllTY-ONE out of the NINETY departments of ,the Fair, and to much more than three.quariers.of thaspace covered by, the buildings. Certain, departments; ; nine in number, containing articles chiefly for exhibition, and not for sale, have been permji `tad to charge a separate price for admission, as follows: Art Galle•ry • 2.5 cents. Indian Department Arms and Trophies If Relics and Curiosities ......::....::..:.::....:.20" Horticultural De27arlment " " :Children's Amusements: . .25 " William Penn Par/0r.... . Pertwhetnia Kitchen' ; 'll ' 10 Skating` Pemd " The Executive Committee assure the public that al though the full money's worth will' be obtained from a visit to the EIFTITY-ONE Departments to which the en-. trance fee admits, Yet it will' be found that the , NTIVE other Departments will amplythward visitors and justify the additional outlay.- 411 most bear'in mind that by these extra charges the total receipts are increased, and ,that the holy cause is. as much assisted as , n it would be. were the same sum 'expended by visitors in the purchase of articles exposed for sale. The Fair will be opened on Tuesday, the 7th inst., at 4 On Wednesday, Bth inst., the Fair will be opened from 20 T. hr. HORACE HOWARD PURNESS ..in44l2t. Secretary. 11HE subscribers invite the attention -of / 7 e 6 lOra visiting dm' cay,,to their , yeky extensive sis sortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY .GOODS, • 'purchased for CASH before thelits 'advance, and which they are selling a' the lowest market - • Their stock includes a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, viz; Damasklable Cloths', Napkins and Dollies. ' Table - Linens.bythe yard; (all qualities.) - - Chamber and Bath Towels, white and cold borders. • Hackaback and fancy Towelling by. the yard. 'Harkiflles Quilts, Illaiikett; Toiler Covers` - . 'Med, in , great varietk, • I Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, for,ladiesand-Gents, Silk, Merino and GinizeShirtS anti•Draseers. Swiss and French Muslin; Nansooka, Cambri a! , Bril liants, Pique' Ladies"' Collars, Sicettn, and Cuffs. Inser tions, Edgings, lansuarobroideries,3-the -newest. styles of ;Bono Skirts. ~ . Arid Oa best des6rfptiOil (it - 11,1 es' Genticineri - 's and Children's CottOn Threadirid , ... Aferinir Hoilert - SEEEPP..4ItD, VAIi,HARLINcIPS ltt AERISON, 3113-d2vr , i 1 ;# ..."' 4 ' 10013 Othxdiutt. street, Philadelphia GRAND . " PT -`1! Albeiter-Krafilien-Vnterstuetzungs-Verein, STEUBEN VEREIN . Wu...LEE KELDAT liaelinlen's - Woods, 01T - THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1861: Tickets 25. cents ju3-td A L AI- SORREL MAIM, good in lia.ritqs4,..ind a cqpital ladles' It's - cheep. 'Also e. first-rate SPRING WAGON, waft shifting top, and a CARRIAGE, with two seats. , ." Eiti24Ar*l ' 'GEORGE W. PORTER. QMEENSWARE FOR SA.I4E, ' at the'store of Fred. Trabe, Second C lE itree Al : above •Cbastnut, We hare on band a large stuck of Queensware which we will sell wholesale and re tniL Some. of this,ware is sliaburimperfect, and will be &old at half price. This ware is direct from the Greeppoint Pottery.. .Call soon; as this may be your only.ehance for .yeara• . . HUMMEL!. & MURPHY. ju6-d3t* ACRE LOTS FOR SALE. _ H. BEMLYIIIBL hsvrog . sold'-phrt, of his eJ .;;fond :above town, wllLsell lots of an acre tech, ileing„the Reel seed. - Thereis:ong lot left of _two. acres 4 With fin e river front 157 Net. 'The buildings Will be sold 'with three or six acres, . • 1111:PORTA.A T TO LANDLORDS AND L bill-EAS'slale undersigned offers at vffaffeaalet to" the tritdi, a 040 lot of the betl liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, *Hi Frendi Riandies, Holland Gins, Scolds, :frisk Boarbon, , Wheisi' and Old Hbe Whisky; Forirdn and DoinatiO lirtnea, such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, do. Ali. liquors warranted, as; represented. . Landlords . :toad others Fill hid,'i t their advantage to call arid ex amine - the atioriaidtd - at the store; on South Sunond . - street, two dbort halo! Chastrutt. my27-d6in. ' . GEORGE W=ERS. WE;tl 4 OtlYRIt. luittal but very fine lot;, 1„ .. 7 or sweet Chin just, received' at ' , SHISLEH FRAZKR, I tßuncessors to W. Deck. jr.. &Col- mar2ll BUTTER, BUTTER.—Fresh roll' biteer Y from Snyder county received every, week. ~Also, yriy43 , BOXRp. & .IEfERPER 1 A IJARGRaatortmentat- -- • - J. 1X1C8G14131% CHEAt BoamEtron(L! _ imrlB-! I .....4loldittMkolesalegerretail at low Florin r. 3 it, .4144 .Ivot' ormimw.ik, HAB.STOIVN B4I IVB, EXCURSION. WILL BE ISSUED BY THE A. CART). PCIPR SALE NEW 14Q,0911.• AMUSEMENTS: = SANFORD'S 1111 A 1414. THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET, REAR OF KERR'S HOTEL S. S. SANFORD....Firvzietor antikaniat WELCO-111E! r;il. -.x,• 4 1 L ti4 • • fr ee , - Sanford's Opera House. HONOR AND GLORY 71. TOE • BRAVE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES. who have won imperishable laurels in every battle in which they were engaged, from the sharp action at DrailiesTilla to the bloody conflict at Mechanicsville .rin Monday last; when the remnants of this brave organiza tion so distinguished themselves, that the pages of his• toil to do them justice, must class every manengaged in that sanguinary battle a A BRAVE WARRIOR, equal to the greatest hero that ever lived in Rome or Sparta. . Their deeds of valor will be a theme for posterity to OM elate; and the heroes themselves may say inthe language of the poet: "We were not many—,we who stood Before the iron sleet thattray; Yet many a gallant spirit would Have given way nis life if he could Have been with us in that bloody fray." Mr. Sanford; in his effort to afford amusement. to his old friends and patrons of the PENNSYLVANURESERVMS, will prolong his season a few nights longer for theirspeetat edification. For specialities of performances see bills of the day. Orchestra Sesta inur be procured in advance at Bann vart's Drug Store. Doors open at 83‘. Commence A( to S. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. 'Private bones. entire, $5 each; single seats, $5 ems , CANTERBURY MUSIC WALL. WALNUT • ST:, BELOW THIRD. 1./ \IJ a OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a First-olaas Company of 1 SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, am, ans. Admisaion. - .. . ... .16 cents. Seats in Boxes. .. . . ...... 25 44 THURSDAY, GRAND PIC-Nle FOR THE BENEFIT or TB& HOPE FIRE COMPANY, NO. 2, TO BE HELD AT . TIOFFISICA.DC'S WOODS, ON THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1864. EMI FLOOR MANAGERS. R. R. BARR, THEO. THOMAS. D. E. MARTIN, WM. CARSON, An adequatepollee force will be on the ground to pre serve order, and the committee refer to former occasions. No rioting or disorderly conduct of any kind will be tol erated. • It Is the intention of the committee to make this 'the pic-nic of the season. , . • Cars will leave the foot of Market street at 8 A. le n step ping at Baily's Crossing. Returning, leave the woods's& Faro for round tiip 25 cent& Carriages will also leave the Hose House every hoar daring the day, IfiIYVINWV4I D E. Martin, Win. Carson, - Win. M'Coy, EL a Frankem, Matthias 'Tatman, Theo. Thomas, J. E. laugh; Ed. Raven, K B. Barr, Henry Snyder, P. Piledlian, Samuel Kline, Ed. Clay, James Dunlap, D. C. Kerlin. JU - NlO 1.439C11: my27-deodtB&dtd NOTICE OP LIEN. . . XFOTICE is hereby giusin: to th eowners of .1.1 the following named articles, • THE HOWARD AND HOPE EXPRESS COMPANIES claiming tohave a lien thereon for the costa and exposits of transportation and storage thereof, will procnekto sell the same to pay said costs and - charges, at eh gp r tration of this ty days from this date: .1 pkge, Samuel C. Caliber. Lbox, Andrew Tarll4 1 box, Wm. Case. - 14iot, FaliMadint 1 pkge, Sargt, J. P. Railer. 1 pkge, Henry B Anthony:— box Mrs. kbagareitt- Coy- 1 pkge, John V Johns On. . shelL 1 pkge,. Geo E Tillotson. 1 box, Joseph Burggs. I.pkge, Genattie Boaheng. 1 box, Henry O. Wolf. 1 pkge, Capt W A Bartion . 1 pkg', D. Deride, agent 1 box, Sargt I IngrahaM. pkge, C. W. Willis. „ 1 pkge,.S .13,1.aney. pkge, Peter Gaisty. 1 pkge, Mrs I bale; Jacob Smith. Carty. . I box, Dr. Jacob Harlaelier. 1 pkge, W - Weed -1 box, Capt. .r. Hern. hall. box, Capt L. M. Burnell. 1 pkge, AdaniHrollintw. 1 box, John W. IrEnab. 1 pkge, Lieet A Stain*. 1 n bag, Win. H. H. Peter. 1 hero, J A Newcomb. 1 pkge, Robert F. Christian. 1 bale, W B Dryden. 1 box, J. C. SPaldwing. . 1 trunk, James Haitibitrer: 1 pkge, Charles 14 Wertz.' 1 bait John 11 - Dehroder. 1 pkge, Gee Rechtle. 1 pkge, Matson 31 - 10xint.' :. 1 pkge, Franklin S Good.. 1 box, Samuel H rita 1 pkge, Aaron H Sailors. 3 boxeg,•Geii Hirdwick 1 pkge, Dr R Laugliwortheyr. 1 box, Henry Murdock., • 1 pkge, William Carlisle. 1 bo; Jacob Reeenkramer. ••••••.;= 1 pkge, Wm J Patterson. .10104 'W; 11 Steward. 1 pkg . ., Wm. March. pkgoi, David. M'Bonough. . I pkge, w-R Moser.. :ao pkge, John Gleimer. . 1 pkge, William Dontwerttho.W 1 pkge, Sophia Bexhir. 1 box, Peter J Wails's,. , . 1 pkge, Carle Mayer. 1 box, CaptH 1 pkge, Henry F Bernhard, 1 box, William Darker. 1 pkge, Jane Studer. 1 bottle, Charlettßucher. 1 pkge, James Freeborn. 4 tent poles„ (Valor.. , 1 pkge, W D Itoppenhaffir. 1 pkge, Elbert HcHbon. • .1 pkge, J M Maims. 1 box, Capt Jos- Hutchinson. pkge, Thomas Goodell. 1 trunk, R. 0 Bailey. 1 pkge, Dallas Leinbach, 1 bdle, Capt Hunt I box, Jones House. 1 box, J C Happen. 1 pkge, Henry Sochi. 1 pkge, Dr•J'Forney. 1 pkge, John Disease. le bg, Geo L Erider. fI pkge, H L Harris. 1 bon, Copt W.Harland. pkge, Patrick Flanagan. I box, Lame . pkge, David Pepper. 1 pkge, Russell. 1 box, Wm L Erie. 1 pkge, John•YegeL , 1 pkge, W Zing. 1 box, R Growl. • „.•., Y 1 pkge, Loint N J Boyer. 1 box, A F Pennypacker.:•ft .1 pkge, Theodore Upchuroh. 1 pkge, A Stewart 1 pkge, G Brooks. I box, Peter Eten-haw. • 1 pkge, John A Dentrick. 1 pkge, Louis &ban. - May 28, 18 —,d2taw4t GEO. BERGNER, Agent. Are not simply flat pieces of paper tut ln the ibitil l ten‘ „ a collar, but are Molded and Shaped ;to fit the.adel4,4oll a perfect curve free from angles or breaks, Pained . by our patented process, which abaci secrtraidinitfier adocastage possessed by no other collar, -viz ,tamefaralte . Crarid in the Turn-down style, the DIRIDR,A3r yaw l ' ra, PER.FACTLT broom arm Inns rum PUcl! ,, tW, nuddagtl9l,_ collar, for ease, neatness, end durability nnegindleit They are made in Torn-dawn style in sizes-from 12 to 17, and in Garrotte from 13 to 17 hiches;ind packed is neat Use home of 100 each; alaCt, *smaller ones : each—the latter a very bandy package for travebno r :army and navy officers. - " " • JorEVERY COLLAII is siarripid; . 6 Gray's , Patent-Molded Sold by all retail dealers in lldet's INnd4 ,lll lOrPL" !The Trade supplied by, VAN DEUSEN, BoEB - MIM . & 004 CHFSTNUT . SL , PlailadelphizAVZ Jel ecdern FOR SALE, TH2noble property, corner= of Seoomi,l and: pine streets, boil:4l3l%pm° and alialffeat orteti.: Tal Ipond,and one hundred and sixty-eight 'feet on Bpi Sans& ,441. filltnindbick two hundred and ten lipetio there being apace for four Iblaingdlnglots, anti" aid simile site for a Goversolirc:M= F i er 'particulars Meal= of /11141: - 11. - a cepa 4ring ma. mum*, U:. , ill= Z. ", IMMO IN Sole Leese - 26 cents MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers