TELEGRAPH Ls ETTBLISHED _HORNING AND EVEIVTNG, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE' THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SLIPERE'TION To:: ILSILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the ddy at 8 cents per week. Yearly sub csribers will b c har D -41 gh 001 n advance. Those person:: who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $6 00. TirEENLY TELEGRAPH. THE ThIYGRAPHIB6Isa published weekly,and Is ftwrilsbad o subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, 'reel:ly .... Three copios to on:. Post Oalca Ten copies to one Pont offic,-? MEDICAL. GLAD NEWSI:9 - 4 THE lINFOI.:IIUNA.TE! THE L9.Nd-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND 6.lilatoNFE INJECTION ! COl.l ?UNDED FROM ROOTS; BARKS AND LEAVES. CHERG.KEEE REMEDY, thegreat_indiak Difinti . e„ . cores all ciflifes of t-00 'urinary man.; snch as Incenys:: nonce of thkEtrine, /Mammatilm of the Bladder, injiajn station of tha Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Graved, Greet, Gon . n?rhect, . and . especially recommended in those cases Of "Ftarie IThai (or Whites fit females) where all the old nauseous medicines hare failed Jai - It is prepared in a highly concontrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. i , , _ jar It is diuretioand alterative in its notion; Purifkbik; and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of Its original purily.atid viger; thus removing from the systfmai ail pernicious causes whieh have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist; ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of .Gonorrhea, Cfel, Fulor Albite or Whites. Its effects are healing, soothing and demulcent.; removing Fall. scalding, heat, cherdee and pain, instead of the burning and almost %m -ender:id° pain that is enperienced with nearly all the. deep quack iftieotOtd. fir By the. use of the CHEROKEE JtEKEDX and criggOEEß ISTECTON 7 the two medicines at. the same time-all improper 'discharges are removed, and the weak coed organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. For full pal:ticulain; • get our pamphlet from any drug wore in tho country, or write us, and tee will, mail free, to any address, a full treatise. • t. • t•-, - .. - I..Priee, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or Carer bottles for $5. - 0171,..rrice CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. ' -- -te_gent by express to any address on receipt ,of price. . . ta_ Sold by all druigista everywhere. . - .DR. W. R. MERWLN itt C 0.,. . Solo Protirietori, i , . . mprl.(l r eedly No. 59 Liberty atreet, -- Wetv yorlr. CHEROKEE CURE THE GREAT INDIAN, ISEF4D,WINE OOMPOUNDISD FROM .'. : ._BOOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. • An unfailing mire, for Sgermakrhea, &mina Weak ness, ...Yeekirnal Emissions, and all diseases caused, by,,seli i „ poilutitm; :itch as Doss , Of Memory, ,ihri:ierral Lcisiitafer Priem in the Back, Dimness of Vision, _Premature Old'Age Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, TitiisiblisgilVe . nos, Eruptions an the Face, .Pale caMtoM:anceditsanity, Consionption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de parting from the path cyr . nature. Air This medicine 1s atiniple vegetable satmet, idAtKome: n which's)} can rely, asithas been:usedin >our KactlCl for niany'Yeari; Mut • with thousands Ireetek It 'has; not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have:been sufkciiMt to gain yietery over the most stubborn case. ' , , ti e.,•To those who :have trifled with ;their dOnstitution,,, entil they think themSett : es heyehd the reach of y medfcaU id, we would say, Despair . not: the PEISSOLF,CpIp 1111 restoretihalthlind and•hfter 6:ll.'qtack,•: - doe tors have failed 1 : For full ii!titiculars, get a Circalir from any, Drug Store in the oountri, or write the Proprietor, who ticilb mail free to any one deining the same, a Tull treatise in pamphlet form::`. :455-Pricess2 per bottle, or three bottles:for $5, lami forwarded by e7...preS.Fto all parts of ‘ the Aar-Sold by all respectable ; druggists everywhere. DR. W.B. KERWIN dr. C 0. ,• Sou PRoißnrroms, marl° endly . No. 09 Liberty street,,New'York 'l`ki E LikA,1T..9 .. g: . .5:., , ,, & _1 1 :1k azer, S h'i s s I,e i• '.(Sticom4ors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) T\EALERs FINE FA-VT/W. GROGE_ RIES opposite the Court Flouse, have on halide tine selection of BRANDIES, of different vintatres. . 1 0 thE AND COMMON Tf7NES, Of Ewil riPeriltwn• OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, FINE IRISIf AND ROOTOII Misty& 7Le beit 'ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR And the celebrated CHWINUT GROVE .WHISKT.. .01-IASP.A.G-xt MASS JOHANNESBURG,' SCOTCH AND ,IRISH ICIINTD6 , ti sidit:kz 7 7 7; I PLANIATiON, -- ~ WIGWAMAKNIC 13#943a Tile a complete stock of AND A.DiERICAN OICKLES , An . _„- d Condiments of every description m noiv in the arket and at THE LOTEST RATES. 1 310TH - pcovirlyv_act E FOR I• PRRFITATINO: LINEN 2IT - D 'PR E VENTING Mi9Tll TEiwpwaTß---A..comppupd of vadriabjet: articles for the destruction_ among orAlgted nverEVs, 'Woolens, Carpets, Clottitfi; &a, pa a.o. ,a y a y . irpr i wimps; will effectually prevent moth. • Being also a delightfiltiarusable'iierfnine It will kn- Dreolatehlothing, .&.0.0ri14 a lasting and pleasant The fitleatfabricainuotlioduilgtOY its use- * Prepared and sold at , SELLER'S Drug arelf army Goods Store, lick 91.3farket street. i '... • A.."P . -TRIETPSR. ?: .... , 4,, , ;,,:,:-„, T ..E „IV 0 li. E .TI ~, :.,,OF I. ~-IW, .V j,gr--1 . . OFincE NVAEWS MUSIC STORE, la N Third Stroe. Ravalence: Third street, above North. - A.MS I HAMS !!—MichQnpr's EXCe4l . ..q. I Just cured_ Received and for sale at ,- - SHISLER &FRAZER ' , to W. Dock, 4.; kcia Success* ' . CUT FLY PAP KR. - A - , - ; NTCp assortment of Paper for peil; , Apt,. g 6.4-51 picture fraziws kat gtAVpilos. SCWIEWS*I3OOIC. ST+ lanisbaig t , at, Iny2o QMET CLEY=4*aperior sweet cider hit IJ retraced aiteli'ettle barrel or small onan"APPat •• • • . -..-- •-•:- -.., ':',' 7:".' ...-* ''• . . .. -, • - . \ / g-' • _ . .. .. . _ • • • - N ••..: .." \ th irlit 61-... •' -.,•-•-• • . . , . . i:;: 7. a ~-,-• ft.‘; ..1 -,'. , • 4 , • - A‘? A- ';sg/ ,17. f. .....- -- -" . - . - '• ' -, b • ...,... • ~,,..,i......,.... . , . •.:•, ..• ~..... •-•':';-.:' ' " "' ` '.1 7(,,.' ...'"2 . : "' .. . •I '' d -.. . . , --iti.--1 '''''..-•': '-•;: .'-'• . 7 • •• '''''''''' 1 ' t; - . - --- .71 - 71._!..f17:0, • . -- u••••,`Z . -.l,Y . Zak`r: - - - :. '', •, . ,•:: . . . . , , . - - , . $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY. GEORGE, I3ERGNER. MEDICAL. THE GREAT • "A tE,RIG AN -RIKEDIES," KNOW Y AZ "II E .14 11 014 D 9 599 GENUINE, PREPAIIATioxs, VIZ HiLkßoirD EXTRA& HEL.IIBOLD ET - TRACT SARSAPARILLA, IfEL.MRDLE IMPROVED MORE:WARS. E L'At B 0 LI) ' S c.c , HIGHL'i . C ; ON'OE'N'I`EATED" ; 6 Tc/9/ 5w FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSinvA' AID-SI*.CIi.tC.REgEDY BLADDER; -KIDNEYS. 'GRAVEL- ' AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS TBr!Medicine increases the power of Di-. stion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Into - baithy adbin, by which the WATERY or:OALPEROUS . 110 P 081- liens, 411.4 ; all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, are re- ,duced, as well as pain and infimxiiation, and i 8 00d for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. REMOLD'S EXTRACT . 'l3llQq, FOR , EAXIsTESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In (Excretion or Abuse irrrarDED wsH . TEE rozOrmarg aThl:mK=s; . . indisuositicin' to: Exertion, Dryness Of the Skin, • • Loorof ' Loss of l'Prtver, Weak Nerving, . Difficulty of .Broathing, Horror of Disease, Troubling, Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness-, Univtirsal ' Ledsinide of the Pain in the Back, Mrisculat , Sjetteni,'Flushing of the Body; Hot ;Hands; • Eruptions on the Fgce, Pallid CouPAel*oe. , ; . . . Theqe,symptetus, if allowed to go on, which this I medi nine inva.riahly remains, soon follow . 151,11),'7.4,"CY, FAI UITY, .EPILEPTIC FITS, In ono ortatileli the patient 'may, expire. 'Oho can say Chat they are not frequently - "followed by those "direful mrsAN=_Y CONSUMPTION •Many are aware, of the eause..-of .their indierings, but none will confess. The nsficnts, titehiarine asylums and the melancholy deaths by Itonsmitption, bear' ample `wit. noes to the truth , otthe assertion:. 'NBA CONSTITUTION, ONCE' AFFECTED . NVITH: ORGANIC:Fi r E,tkENESB, • _ . Itorztirea the•ahl of medlcinelto.strengthen and invigorate Oka system, which Helmbold's.Extract Buehu dOeS. 'A trial will convince the most skeptical. • I, FEisaliEs—rnmuzz---FES , OL , . OR YOUNG, SINGLE,: MARRIED, 0301frEL. PLATING MARRIAGE. . . . In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Bu Chu is unequalled ny.any ether rentedy,,is Chlciriiiis or Retention; Irregdlitrity, Painfulness, or suppression of the customary Eiacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the. Meru; I.ollCOrrliea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex, ,whether arising from Indiscre-. Mon, liabiti.of EissipatliarCor in the , EEGLINE - 0 MANGE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT: IT IMO takirto Basins` , Mercury, or Unpleasant litedlcinefor Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. ; „13ELABOLD'S ,kBTAAdT. BIJOHU, . *lures Secret Diseases Inall their stages at little expense; Tittle oi Change i i diet; no Inconvenience - arid nti expo- Sure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength ;Urinate, thereby removing obstructions,..,preventing• and Owing Strictures of ,the Urethra, allaying pain and Asflant ni ation, so frequent this Masa of diseases, and expelling TroiSonotts,' Diseased, and" - Wiiiirout Matter;' :Thousands upon' thonsanda'who have boon the viethna of quacks; and • mho:have paid heavy Fees lo beoured m sahott.t ~ ime, haven found they wore deceived, and that the 'Tuison' s .. ham by , the use of "powerfSl'..4..stisigonta," been deed"up in thh' system, to break out in an aggravated form; and , ptitinitia' after marriage. Use HELL IMCM.A.Cr BUCT,III for all :Affections, and Diseases of the Urinary Orsini, w hether Male or Female from whatever.causeortimiting;and" no' matter of Mo:king standini: Disoased`W these• Organs relit] ire tho; Md. of a DiuretiO, Ii.NLM.BOLD'S KURA= • BUGHHis,the Great Diuretic, and it is Certain to have the. ;desired elect in all Diseases for whiCh - it" - is reoemi; Heimbold's Highly'Concentra:-• 'tad Compound :FLUILD 4 4: I *ACZ MAILSAPARII.LASYPELT. LL% This As an affection of 'the Blood, and attacks the, Beilial Organs, Linings ; of the Nose, RFS, Throat, wing-. pipe and ether Igicelf Bilittices,makute Its appearance the form of Ulcers. Ailebtabold's Sxtr4ct Sarsaparilla rifles the Blood, andit'smemes all Soalm Eruptions of the. Skin giving to, the paniiiiexiona Clear nd Healthy Color. Tt be ing prepared expressly Mi for tills ms . of complaints, lte•filtexl-Puri are presartred to a grantor extent than any other preparation of Strsaparila.. lEgraomitas crAREr „An excellent Isotion,Bars of la Syphilitic Materna, and as injection hi',"lliseiele - - .-- ;6r the Organs, sitairig from babiti of dlssilfi arced l iionnection this Extracte Bitilalf and. Baesaparilli,* suck.dileaseass: recommended. Evidence of the most 'responsible and re-, liable character. will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF'CURES'friimAnr ' years 11 tinnling,,. with names known-tniSaisidEskaterl lsanne. For Properties of Ruches, see Dialldrinzfr Ofitke , .United Slates. Sea Professor DEWEE'S valuable woriqs on the Practice of Physic, See remarks ' Made 'by the late celebrated Dr.” PAYSICK, Bier reniarkis male by Dr. EPHRAIM IAcDOWEIL, a celebrated Physicliusandjininn-' her of the Royal Collegegif.Surgegma and pubDshedrin:the Transactions of the King's and , Queen's JournaLl See Medico-Chirurgicalßeview,published by BENJ. TRAVER) . Fellow of the Royal College of.: SnrOons. The meat o the late standard works on Medicine. Extract, of Bacilli $1 .00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. Si - tract o Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or 'six.' for 's6 K_ Im proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for' $2 50, cir!half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate essea, if directions are adheref Delivered to any address, securely . packed him - els: nervation: Describe-symptoms in all eomminicatiorne: Cares guanusteed. Advice gratis. dl5-tf , . , ~ AI I .II2DAVIT: • • :- • 1 rersonmhy,4,-: appeared meinilderman of thoiktj • , . of Philadelphia, k T. Hohnbold, who, being Only sworn, dOthl say; lily; preparations oontain no narcotic, AO mar= Giuwor other Leterfougamkkild ere c.enely vogettible. , ' iiiwcmfandisi tOw n e leA_9 3lll 23d. 4y• of Ho; finli k e' 11964. P. HIBBARD -.ii.i Q , ' -ft algirson;.iftnth :Amok: ati. Ra c e, at i 6. Addrees littera for informabionitr "ATI,. • • , , , . , i1,1 . ..,art w.gbeiutit. s t. 0 rkiiiittift attettbatiw Iti Mild. -__..._ IiGMIRiMiI 44 T-H _VAI . Er _N"' I. 0 N . ±NQ W A'IT D .F.91t0TZtit,,;..".=,.-70.4*. HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING; :.1864. NEW ADVERTISE MEIN TS. TRUSTEE'S SALE ,• • OF • ITAL.III - BLE IRON WORKS. Y virtue . of a decree of the. Circuit. Court B for Washington county, is a Court,of• Equity, the uuuersigned trustetioyin soll at public, sale, in front of,the Court Rouse, irrEagOatoisn, on • • . . • TUESDAY the I , int DAY OF JUNE 144,7 all that VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE, situate In Wastilug-• ton county, Maryland, known as thb • GREEN SPRING FURNACE. PROPERTY, whichi6s.ll; . &• many years owned kitif,carried ori J.; DIMON , •& : and is now for sale on acmuht of the death of ono of the partners. Said propertynontaine 1,394 AdittsglCiii of which -about 280 are cleaiud=and in an excellent state cultivation; the balance: boiug • TIIVII3VAL LAND. The FURNA on' said land is 35 feet high; with en eiglittObt BOSik CASTING 'HOUSE,' COAL ;SOUSE and BRIDGETHOUSS,' and is Alin by. an , nverrahot iirheel 40 feet high. It is:us good repair, and-the water power en. foiling and all-sufficient Said FIIfItNACV la ohly one mile from the Giesepiiike and Ohio Canal, and about the same distarieefrom. the iron.Ortrßauk. There is also • ...4:131.00D. - D WELLING MOUSE near the'Ffumace; 'also a large BARN and Other out , buildings, and on different parts of said met of landihere are a number , of TENANT HOUSES Ain all ,: eighteen. or twenty) in good repair. • The above property will be sold entire, or in pareels to - stut purchasers; such: parcels to be made known at the The undersigned. will also sell at . the same time and : place about ' ' FIF7I"-'I'I3.IEE QF LAND, separated froni the:above by the lands of Geo. Feidt. Also, Limegtone Quai•r* . oh said'eanal:neSiiiVdiPs Ferry ) containing' FIFiY SQUARE . PERCHES OF LAI4D. i TERMS:O7.3I(LE, ,prescribed by the Decree,, are: One-third of thb purchase money in•casti on the"day of sate, on the ratification thereof, and ' , the balance in two equal annual instalments of one and two years item the `day ; of sale, lyrith, interest from that day, .the purchaser to give' ,hiit notes wfth approved 'security for the deferred payments; aid'on payment` of UM entire purchase money, ,the TiusteLwill 'execute a deed' to -the purchaser, as re gliiredibYgloitee • DARBY,: TrOStala :" Lebanon "eoufte7;" Lancaster "Examiner;" and 'Read ing '"Journat,''t . ibliy y;' and to the Trustee' .at Hagerdtown;.forthwith. , , ..• SALE. OFNALUABLE., REAU.ESTATE. ILL be offered at public sale, at Brant's W tEuropem Hotel, as ;Wednesday, the ,ninth• bf June neat, ,7 4 plcacts . k. hip° assmting, 1 , . 11 that -.. • LOT OR MOE- OP GROUND, -• and situated at thiVcc:ifier of Chestnut street nDeWberry try,.fitiy-twoTeetabd'six fitchee on Chestnut, and running back two hundred arid ten feet to Cherry street.. Jippo Che xpmises are • • • . I,OIIR -.VELAKF.O 'KENEMENT, HOUSES fronting on Dewberry alley, and located *CU:woollier, qf Cherry, street and Dewberry !they, containing each, oh She drst.' floor, - Mary iind'threelvoms• .on the second door three rooms. . Th e cilia& are soot and. perfectly. dry.; they garrets are apactoun,,pale Ilensektif . l4 , :bcen butt oG Tala 1111 1 4STAITATER 1 4 14 • abed six years' ago, aad aim easily command ten dollars. rent per month Terms made known on thoday of sale. my26-dts — SIMIINGICR'VAIAIIS, Auctioneers. TILE NEW 8T UMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail -awn. 2 :Price - , Sco, litlißTS, by 'wither tlf : tae Lamp lighter. • - dot DABERE4EA,ND ; icoang. aft ! I3kR.I3AR I .S.HSJiIiikiRt A' novel, by Amelia Edwards: .• . , Ge Imam TliEibilLitHOUSF. OF ALLINGTON, by Trollope. 25 . . SEVEN ETORIESI, by. Dr itirvel, author df "Reveries , of a Bachelor:". ' $1 80 vu SPEKE'S ipllT , itiAL'or the Discovery of the sources Of he Tile :`- • • :$3 G THE .7:ClittAl.S ,Thr BI.ACK,„ny author .of "Bian in my." - ' 0 to , Aug.'63, ; $1 , :06' • STORIES, QF : -THE SEA, for boys;, from , COolitTla StORIE9t - 01/1 THE - WOOD -fcri 'boys; ftem . Cooibeei: writings:; • .; ; „, MIL ~ „ OUR DAILY 'FARE, daily jonmal ot the Great Nat tary Fair at - Philitclaiptia;' iatbsorip . tiorta” mired at inb . , —• ' Allraerr bitolts.f4gmtvedasliocn as published at", ; AERGN Ett. , 05001 ,SToitg , • • ' • '6l Mazlcetiiee;E;'' _ PRIVATE SALE. O NE of beat locations for .latON `VP WORKS in the.:State,foi.)eale,' at &Ns rY.reasoitabiei pica / to anT,purotaser who..will-improve : it,-sisdated with in a short, duc e of the city of Rarrieburg, between the . I PehttlYinniti rail road' and catt4 'shoat five hundred feet, wide and alcoigeide of.the beet. /biteable anirrieeiin State and atom wea. good turnifikei Aatd; shoo,, wont. for; iwttete l cindentßarNty,years, without paying for the. land Apply to, . 1 • . DAVID,MUMM.A . , ' ' North Ncond Street, v HarriaburiroPe:..l: MilladelphiirPrArs: Insert : three times ,44.,send . , . JUST BECEIVED; 1,2 THIS A, FRESH INVOICE OF ,HICHEICEH••ac CELHBRATHD ' SCGARdII3RED -13E3EM" . . FRlnit's taxiirfoir an , • - c0 ... 520:? 1 , - FAEvaSte 15 11e 14 ; - I a n l .;!!;•; to . suit ptiFctiliscra ; 135 amen: cleir;gocol balldinge thireiiij- with Saw 101: .Vorlurthar.plutieulaca, address Dautihin county , 12a. myld-d:8ni ) ? :SPARKLING; GELATIN; the betit vt:.2 iiituaufacbued,Juat recelvecfand.,tbr We SHISLER & ymnat fsl- (succesiots to wiit. Pock: Jr., & Co.) MESS BEEF and MESS PORK. —A ohoio articio of Mess lifoeGaild pork at - • , • SHISLER, & rRAZEIti • , (sueceescirstb WmDoek, fr., 8 9t) 1B S d CO t 'of the eet "ooobraesi George t jugt v and for sale by SHISLER FRAIRES fool Oniecessore to Ffro. Dock, Jr„ VNGLISEE DAIRY and • • •NEW MIN STATE . CHEM: wM. DOCK.,`Ja., dr. CO. ; [n0.201 L!Yrs for sale on the ' cOrn'er of Third and 4 Broadstilitta; Enivalie of WM. C. 16:37.11!DEN. mari-dtt. • ! A. Ft* kOFY , FEEPtS OF MANVAS for Awnbhp wict.Wagort mums. ' " ifttl,li'lqaiOe; '3 l6 lltiket rarie 4 f l re A4 . 1,0. of ~aeo t- : ariV7l.l2 L wentaill24. MBES EFENINIiJ.IITIOIi Greill) Visits the Pennsyl tritnia-iteseevesat Camp 19FrtAn•!; -. A trUlyi L t iz stingfleeting took place yes= terday, afternoon,at Camp Curtin, on which occasion ilia' of $6ll Pennsylvania • ,Reserves received a visit from ,ecnieral - lt'Call, ' - ciligWed theirieli .inents, and . cleidesen dim. The Reserves formed in line, and the Gen'enitilifisitung along • linear reile4edi the brave veterans, after which he addressed them-as follows W- • •.k BOldiers:-To meet you; liere stein lit* . daY, at our Slate Capital; from which' tliree yattilsago We Went' forth gether to the war, filli'niyleart with- o piO4d,` pleasure that no *di& can idecinately;.exi press. It was on ads very ground that, three'learir ago, I,orgenized your regiments as •loircainiC in from yeni mountain-heiglifii and lour fer tile fielasivizien the' bornbardinent of,' Fort' Sumter, like the tOsin. of war, collect Vie' country this ground that` led on to the - ..l.Tetional Osipittd When threatened by a: victorious enemy. But What was my tistmishnient and` indignation' when told'by tbi.deneral;in-Chief that I Would be sent withrtiVe'regii#eitt ti) ' the Upper Poll* mac, that fiVe of' your regiments 'be sent to Bldthisore and five would remain Washiii;Ah l IdY most s,t renuous arguments were'ai §IIQA 4141.tpiled to the War Di3pd4 t-: . ment, audit ivas not'Until two months of in cessant exertion tharl had the satisfaction to bring ypstlidgagliel• htoUriallyirrn, where, ' in fact, the - Peroniylvania'Reaerves were first 'Organized as a orps, and constituted a Di visicin of Artily' of the Potomac, under my This act I have never had cause to regret, for some Idf my 'happiest days were passed with youltlterembdr• in, the Peninsula, where your - &eds.:a:arms. have covered you and your State with glory. It is a singular coincidence and proudly to .he reflected upon, that-your last bottle , fought on the last day of your service, and crowned With vielory, was fought ne arly on the saute ground blvritich your iirstbattle on, the-Pi nixiatibi :was crowned with' iiclj. I Your gallant besirizig in numerous fields has extended' faine ofthe Pennsylvania Re serves' tliro*thoui- our land, and their'diiedts' . bei,linown in 'history to the and -of time. Such: 'could ; net lie. gained. !without limi-j,1049e; and we We tehiotirulhe'inalkY' tenant • deka' 4h6 htierliid. diisni their lives in the - Support Of Ourlglorions old' flag. '' I'haVe orily l furtherici say that no one mere', spordially.boiagrati:dotea, Yon on your return-VP your litenes and friendis,.thoff old friend', and commander, who now bids yon ever some to his hove tindboard'irhenever busi ness,drpleasureleads any of -yon to hisvichl ity; ixo Chester county. • At- the Conebision of the &Admits, cheers were given for the Union, Gen, l'Oell, Thal occasion Was one that. will •long base all who werezpresenk and was an , evidence •of ' the - •friendehiP. that : exists etwierethe.Permsylviuiia'Reserves and their,. ld:cobimander. - • . - Tio trdeCeurap4. tXCLUSIVEINFOR THEIMILY TELEGRAPII, iNLANE3 WU From Washington. ..„ . Return the . y Assistant gecie- Itary-ofiWar: • Our Wounded at WhiteilialltiO HE • • ..PAMUNkiSi.,P4iIIig'.,:tINISK Arnval of Woundet Pennsylvamans. WASHINGTON, JIINiI Charles AP' Dana, Agit. AmistanP secriitFi of War, Twat White lime. c:9l Sundt ' He received; while there, a diapitc fropt General Grant thltt . 1 4 1 wltawt lll :4 ";gie MEM - ; Where: was A, large. ":; 1 1: dilLeTaiiiwrt,V+lllWrtati4 at. l4le . :wigk HeuaroN -11 i, • - _ ~TheAgidgf!ezive.TAhs: Parii l 4 ll 4 s i has beta, finishe4, The: railroad ,was in. good order sonic Aye . or, six miles!. out frOFlihe White HQpge_ The;folloyjn g yjuidea ,terpugrlyania' and j NOW Jersey Pl4Per4. b!ed4uFt4o. ito 7 day i : . . Qapt J G toirekr; 13944; W J Wallace, , 23d: CaPtelPAWlC.,graig.23_,*Lent Erank Taylor, 23d; Liont Richard :.11 Col IsseA P-VaAsS44 82 d Theut4:°/-11:-.-u,aw kige,•.82.4;iliiii.sAt Albert kerAit:l l3 , 2 4%lilerit , Captala o 4obt W. , 1 7,itriek , 82d; Lient David. Q.4-.)kdar,nth Schell, 87th.; Lima, S Norman, 16,1 J P Cidelr,l3Bth; -- baiielkt Sanborn;` 4 th New Jersey; Lielit W W , Cceloyer;l4th New. Jersey. `• if . : ' E. GBAFFEN; Ilrent - WashinOpni The - Reported .FAngagehltelit :gf Yesterdif Cohtradieted. • • Names of Wounded Pennsylvamans Wirisntorox, atuie 7 The Star this evening ear the Connectiptt, Qf whose arrival{ p telegraphed yon, Izine news.thit a geterillengsgensent wasi.going on This Ufa col and- after diligent qurrY . believe iiiel 6 r ic ! 4 . rdri O nst f- d " the reporter - dottotbeinisledsho. Ibil"talwi -v e x 4.11 Iherr j gasrA win yew - Capt. A. Beatty, of the 7th regiment P enn: .41 PRICE- -sylyania fteserves, Acting Assistant. Aajntant ,tainiertil,hkEe r eik =Tend to Harritiliiirge, pihatere ttottir f t Tl(4loollo:96PgarcillAd,ed Renosylvania offi cers:•Caßt.Fxsanit Caib, 11th Pa ; Lient Jno W GrOttl9lrlst Capt H S ktain;`s3d le Pa ;titt-iimiLei.4EPOistOdidi dapt Et' IL itittei.; 84t1t Pa. ;7 Lient ,Fred .LBolan,d, 72d Ya 84tkpa,,,,left Onk; Ykixorb - Pa • Thant Chas arol:1y, 1 'Pat tient V' L'ocuata, 116th Miefttedifft If Lancaster 183 d Penn lvania; Cmitain J A Cline: 155th: Penns ; Capt Henr,„krancis, 21st Penna.; Lient J C Jones, 91st; Lient Jas "OlTut, 110th Penns; Capt Jas Griffith; 183 d; Cagt C B Hughes, The following offieexe °were ordered to re,- port ntAiinapolis. , • Lient J -Mitchel; Lient J M Ellim ,dorf,' Calif .1' /Milne; Liaiit'lelt Hoover, Lieut- G B Bonelson, Lient J.P Jerden, Lient Hnb 'liard/E TaktlaiiCapt graneis E Crawford, Lie* 13 Pr L eston,r Ti ,fie These wohnds were" writ, 'stet" a nature ,that the etirgeciii ebtdd feet. justifiable ingiant lag - .them a 'furlough. They will be shortly rettumed, to.their, regiments. , . C. H. GRAFFEN. From Baltrunore. UNION NATIONAL CONVENTION. Partieulars of the Organization. kli.;.„p,F OFFICER S. Permanent Organizatian. I=L:==l Ex-aii7ls6iiius - ini - Neeta:Presid - Or IPairifbil rit 11. t Bermemows, June 7. oontesibetween Trarrilin and Viblrinson still continues, with the .chances in favor of •"' r 4 , . kw :Weed optiptition Dickinifoni innyfrahlily testiltin his defeat, brit Wed's' opposition to Dickinson is somewhat neutral izedTby they hostility oY Biaseaohnsetts and] Corneotilldfifx..l4,l*(l.4 ; z - Nevii“7 : jbehire dOeti niit.t4riort wliile ' Ciiiineadcut' 'Aid Ituiaachusettli are straining every nerve to'lieat him. New Jetdey will give Gov. Newell a , ,,compli-„ mentary vote and then go over to Hamlin. Pennsylytuaia,, which' was reported as having obanged front on Hem)in, ie Stiii•flini 2 for the old ticket. Ohio has a candidate in the person of !Gov., Tod,' but will hot press him. Tennessee and Kentucky are clamor ous for *Or respective candidates, but seem toUinakink . • The New York delegation are having an eta mated discussion, , . but as yet no action has been taken, • Wisconsin is evenly divided,between-11.a111,. Ira and Dicldiumn, , with , chanbes irilaver.of Haiilin on fmalActiiigi. . - The chances are that Goveinor Dennis on, , 4Ghip,,;74be t parinalient chairman: half . The Convention was nailed tO„order l tfclClo hYGovernof „Morgan; " i=f. tie National Com mittee,..-,whoconcluded liandioixte . by cleciainii ' - the, ;Republican party would falliehortOf itiday if s it faßexl to ; eelare for an amendraenticsitheConatigu-' tien prohihifin 'Wein slaierY, *da senti meut was received 040 . 6m5:44 lOrigTeiin tirmed; applause. Governer. .Mergin then. nominated,Dr. B reek *ridge, af, ..KentickY, ,for temporary UhaiF menl conducted to the ohairranud. great . canbegin to describe the lorpe c pcpsior • and , ekquence of Dr. Breeldn, i'idgeg.. l 4Pcl=e4 , NAd'Yelg rePOTte Of at ,togipt,/t,, pa your readers will doubtless receive It M till from tither sonices. r , Holland, Dull, pi New . York, . Gee., A. Shaw, of .3,443aclitisetti,:, and Mi . .:Hrigga, .of California, were chosenorarysecrethries. A prayer / by Rev.-11u Riley, of the Metlip dist,Epispopal chureh, - waithen offered.' A roll call of the States was had, and the following - ooraTiatagrate - appointed:. ENWALS r • c - gasiA I . Mame, (3 , :Vllarris; NeW-Hampslure,-.lsen jamin J Cole; Vermont, Edwin Hammond; MtUusachuOtts, jarnes l o K0bi49 0 4;.-1001 1 1 ,1 e; 'land, Henry H Fay; Connecticut, Aug Brand ape, New York,. Prestou Ring; New Jersey, Josreph'Veitil#; Pennsylvania; A H Reeder; Delaware,Edward G- Bradford; Maryland, Htury,4Goldsborough;.. Ky.,.„Samnel Lusk; Ohio, GrDOrsey; Indiana, - J - 1" Biown; Illi nois, J Wilson Shaffer; Michigan, Marshall , 3 . 3 r : j Cal3qidaip,"‘Awr#, ' Geo D "Wooden- Minnesota, W . " G - Barer; California, John. .oregon, Hiram Weiteiir gmra Vbi - E'Ste*itsoti; Kansas, M H Insley. - BIM =II CMICKETTEIi .11149 1 11141gtig cri • , Maine, James Drummond; New Thinip shire SheppardL Bower; Vermont b A B Gard ner;lMasSatihtfsetts,. Ginery TivitChellilthpde Island, John J Reynolds; Coruiecticut, Oliver P Perry; l New York, Clark B Cochran; New Jersey, - ;!Slieritiett Tuttle ; : P.ennsylvania `Alex K X Clure; Delaware,. Win Cumming; Ken tLosy, John A Krell; Ohio, R Sherrard, Jr., Indiana, Jesse Williams ;Illinois, J. Z. Scam mond.; Michigan, Edward Lawrence ; Wis eonsijpi, d. M. Gillett ; lowa,. Frank Street ; Minnesota, DanierCameron - ;;Caliiornia, Wm. einiirtrieT Oregon, Joginh PhEdthl Welk Virginla„'• John M. Boyd ; - Kansas, It.* Dli lahey. . , CO TTEZ,oY PrAsromt,op imsopitoris. Maine, Josiah II Driummond ; New HaMP- • shire, Daniel. Cross .; Vermont, E B Walter; Massachusetts, S Wentworth ; Rhode Island, RdWard Harris •; Connecticut, Win T Minor New York, Henry J Raymond ; No* Jersei, Charles R ; Pennsybrapia; M B Lciwry ; Delaware, •Jacob Moore ; Maryland, Hugh = Len Bond ; Kentucky. Ames Speed ; Ohio, F Ferry • Indiams McKee Dunn; Illinois, Enka P. Berg; Michiganc 0 D Con ger Wisconsin, Ed Solomon;, iovra, Wm M • Stone; Minnesota, Warren Brietol; - Thompson; Campbell; Oregon, Thod H Kern; West Virgin* R:Ifall; Kansas, :-A:ol7a . der. • R The Corrrentiop adjourned to meet, again at half pest seven o'clock: this evening., • , The meeting of the New York Deletion this morning. was - exciting b.o,*de -eieive one., • - Lyman 'Trellis* . e g ilelt-powoll./1 - apfroL in favor of Dickisuson. : TWO - -.GENTS., Thetallowing are the rates tbr ativertistng tit • mum; 'Nike baying' advertising to do will find it corn., venien tfor reference. SKr Four lines or less constitute one-half swtre. Eight - lines minor* thattfour constitute &Squall. •• . FOR ORR SurARE, 1/10 - day ..1 60 160 .. 1 26 T e Ofl 2 04- Two months 9 00 'hine 11 CO Six months lb 0 One year 25 00 YOB • HALF So:grails. One day $ 80 Two days 50 Three days 75 One week One month S 00= Two months 4 50 Three months 5 50' Nix months 8 00 One year.... ..15 00 Administration Notices.... • • in the Local Column, or 'Mom' Clem rim Lao fcr Marriage Notices Auditor's-Nebula - • FunereNottceseactiinsertio ffa•rßasinesi notices • - before Marriages and esekinsertlon.. He was followed by George W. Curtis, who Om favored Diekbason. Henry J. Raymond-then took the floor, and - _ - .:.; made one of his bestiefforte. :against Dickin son, and in favor of Andrew Johnson. , RiesiOn King folloWed Raymond, and per- _ sisted in urging the clainis - of Hamlin, 'aft& 4 which a vote was taken, with the following result Dickinson, 28: Johnson, 24;:Frarrlirt, 14 Finding, Dickinson thus unexpectedly Strong, the Weed and Raymond interestliiW. - counsel of their fears and eight of the lituidin.- men, Preston Ring among ihe changed their votes to Johnson, thus gi o vin.4_, him :32 to Dickin,son's 28. • • .7 .. Finding they.could not agree, the' • delegal tion instructed the chairman, John King,' to cast the vote of the State, asfollows; Dick, , inson, 28; Johnson, 32; Hamlin, 6. No farther efforts will be made to rinitii:the delegation upon a single crindidate.-' Kr. Weed's opposition to Dickinson is said to grow out of the fact that , the .nomination 'of a New York man for Vice President might result in a reconstruction of the Cabinet; with Mr. Seward omitted. • • The Dickinson men are still confident of: success, and will press his name - Itafore. the Convention. , • - The sentiment of the Convention is bver whelmingly - radical and• there- is no doubt, of the adoption of a platform which will haver featly satisfactory to the most radical portion, of the party. • • The permanent organization of the Con- "` ventiiin will be completed this evening, , and contested delegations disposed of: The ad-- • mission of the delegations from the seceded, - States is considered doubtful. EVENING SESSION. The Coinmittee ori. permanent orgar@ation _ . hate just ' made their report. Ex-Govemor Dennison, of Ohio; is Chaii- Man, with the usual number of Vice Presi dents and Secretaries. The report of the ComMittee Was as a tatter of course uncalimonsly &It:opted, and Mr. Den nison-accepted the I positiOrpiii tamable and eloquent speech, whibli wius vociferously ap blended throughout. The selection, of Governor Dennison fog .e President, is considered a very graceful handsome compliment to Secretary Chase, Whose warm personal and political friend' hVi- At half past eight,,thecommittee on creden tials not being. ready, to report, Parson Bicripi-, low, of Tennessee, who, was present, Wag in vited to address the' meeting. The - Par son's name was received with three• cheers::: and coming forward to the,platform...he.told-,< the audience that he was sick, and ought to,. be in i bed. He, could :say but little, but en treated the contention`not'to`turil their backs upon.-the' Tennessee: delegatioiL - They :were true and good men, ;believed in Abe ..Linso t liaL and arming the negroes, and_ha f ted copper heads and traitors as they did devil.. ' lie Parson ' s brief speech was -a decidedly taking one. The Committee . on Credentials being still out with no prospects of an early , report, the convention, on motion of Thad. Stevens, ad , journed until to morrow tainting. !fit ten o'clock. . . • - yea AJOINT RESOLUTION pTcposin - ce#41.1,: amendments to the Constitution. . . 'flail remised by the - Saiate Beat e' ex7hfitai , ese , of the Commonwealth of Pennsy/vania in Gro:a/ - ..assent.,.. bly met, That the following amendments ' proficMeetb they Constitution , of the. Conimonwew•tuactilidaiiimi WithLim prof isions.of the tenth article the i reer: i Theri: shall be an additional section td'_ of thiL Constitution, to be.designated as sevlloWAtniriaalls.• follows: • • "Suciiini'4. Whenever any of the qintllfied alticiblnS•Vl" thistommovivrealth shall be in any actual military vice, wider a, requisition froni the Preside& of the Cahn' SUM'S, or by the authority of ' this Conmonweatavanch. -- electors tnnyeaercise the right of sc cage iu ali elections by the citizens, under such regulations at are, orshall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they were prfnlent„, : et . their usual ?lace of election." . Bsurtos 2. 'There shall be two additional eati" ons tiiaer eleventh attian,of. the Constitution, to be . dakinated, sections eight and nine, as follows: "Simms 8. No bill shakbe passed. by the - .Wailtdireta °entailing more than one subject, which kiLl . *„ clearly elpi•Cased - In'thelltle; exceit appropriallini•bills."' C 1 . 61,0ni0s 8 Nolen shad be passed by the, Legislatllse. gravaing any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the .atliblifityso grant such'pOwers, or privileges, has Iscienj - 'or Nay hereafter be, cunfecred upon the couros o,(301s CommonavaaltlL" .. . . • • HENRY C.:TOTENMON',.7, •C‘ Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. •• JOHN l'..PkviNEY; iSpatkOr e ?Vt.*. 1 • OFFICE OF TILE SECRETART OF THE CCOISIONWRELTEII llassissußG,Apni 2.5;1684.;,. Pennsylvania, as. I do hereby certify that the foregbirk is a 1811,: and correct copy of thee origbial Jojed, Resolution of and. General Asse mbly, Ciatitied Joint -, Resolution proposing cerUtin. Arnendmenti the Constitutioh," as the haine remains on file this office. Lr Turrimosv whereof, I have. herhurao apt. my , a.] hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's el-, tea' e be affixed, the day and yeatittc;st . n-w . . Secvd.ary of the Coramorune tk, The above resolution having been agreed tO l by Ma jority of the members Pr: each House, at two sista:Save sessions of the General itisembly of this Gointriblidanittitri the'proposed amendments will de - submitted to: thP AnYS: pie, for their adoption_or rejection,. on the Yip= TIT/WILY: OP AUGUST, lit the . year of our Lord one thousimd eiiiit hundred and six i.y-foOic atiOrdauce with the tenth-arti cle of the Constitudon, and.the'net, entitled "An'Aeupro seribing the time and:manner or submitung to the peon, for their approval, and ratuication or rejection, the prey posed arnSmlnjents to the Constitution," appreved the twenty-Gard diarof April, one thousond eight hundrill and iiiity-roir. - ELI ULMER; - • &Cretan' , 6 P e _the . , l a / 1 ft LARD - 0:611 4 E Kettle-Rendered LARbanst received at SEEKER OeTRAVrar maYS (snezessots to Wm. nook, Jr:m(ol.W AFRF_SEE supply of Michenees Cele Sugar Cuiaffams Aid Deed Beef, at • na25.1. BOYEB A so:,., .101 - 1131 S! waits !—A fresh sttlipboof eners's Excelsior Hems and Dried Deesnn. jen2e BOYER. &,hatßPVit. - • - FPO. THE I" TIBLIC—The , uso•r*.4. - J.. offer for galee, In.their Fermin,. iimiry ]ergs 4uant[ty of BOSE BUSWS, TIONVEWPIAWIS' &eel variety I • • • DTTRHARL ,the bat inip94e just reee,ice9. end'foriale4 - ' • ~; . SOISLER it FRAMS' febl 011iCceOSOra to Wyk' SI3PERIORI3IO Al!tD lAGITI EA cP at [mY4l BOYEP. x xontritt-, PROtOG-RAPLIS-- r 5 . LARGE, assortment gf:Yhotpgrapllvof Generalsi and fancy pietuielfot . Zale CV.EAP, per dozen, at SCEEITER'SBOOt SToßk's:T.' ' • ' lorn • • gafrbf. "VP 110KMIEVE Just A - eceived, „Feu mall lot .. Fyne choice 13:132WHEV at „ • ar itsucokactrOotwm- D°:4, sisal C4BANBRRIZTVA =-4.lchoicelot ofiGioutirer- ALIT rlotkArAftirai i t i nrAMQ. ,,, . woe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers