Etirgrapk HARRISBURG, PA FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, IS IA NOTICE , TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business NatieeS t Marriages, Deaths, Zte., to' secure insertion in the TELEGAA.PH, must invariably be aerona panied.Vvith the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular evening:Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY A NATIos.4.I , bank has been started at Glen Bock, York oeurity; Pa. THERE will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Harrisburg, Bank, on the sth of July, for the consideration of important questions A sox of John Gardner, aged about 11 years, was kilted on last Saturday below New port, by being struck by a passing locomotive on the PennSylVo.nia railrOad. ' , SONS of , our,streets are sadly in need of a scraping, In many places filth has accumu lated to a considerable degree, and may cause disease among the citizens. =1 Kumpo sY _lmoßmsmo.--During a thunder storm on Tuesday night of last week, Mr Geo. Yeagy, residing near Petersburg, Adams county, Pa., was struck by lightning and al most instantly killed. =I . . TEE time for receiving plans and proposals for the erection o? the extension of the capi, tol buildings will close on the 15th inst. The Governor and ether State officers have the matter in charge. , See advertisement. ==s ORDINANCES.-lil our <advertising columns will be found several ordinances passed by the city council, r9 . lntive to the opening, grading and curbing of certain portions of h'ora,ter, Filbert and Briggs streets; , and Primrose alley. ANOTHER Pic-sw.--The Arbeiter-Franken- Unterstutiu.ngS . -Yoein anal Steuben-Nerein will hold a gr..and pic 7 nic in Hachnlen's woods on Thursdayi the 9th inst. Extensive prepa rations are being made to render the occasion pleasant. . , • . =El=ll ME.Txtsitt Woop, the 'celebrated jig dancer and talented ibifornier; will take a benefit at, Canterbury Music Hall, this evening. The bill of the ever4g comprises a great variety of pieces calculated to amuse the spectator. There will be a full house =CC= DETENTION OF TRAINS.—An accident occur red to the boiler of the engine attached to the Cumberland. Valley train going to Chem -I)erslatug, yesterday afternoon, causing a de tention to the Man coming down the road. I • did not reachlere until near six o'clock. 'gm* n%oxklus:Raimuoan.—On Monday last, Daniel Miller, a'ihlddle-aged man, hailing from the neighborhood.of Swamp Churches, Monti'Ornery. county, ,was instantly killed at. Pottstown, by being . struck by the cow-catcher of a I;acomotive. THE Aprx.d. CsgP. Judging from the ap pearance of the orchards; a good apple crop may be expected this year. The continued rain may IiEVEi injured the fruit somewhat, but atill.a fair yield is looke.d foer,; The cherry trees, generally, also appear ,well filled with fruit. Thum Joe.' S.' SBULTZ, of Newman4town, Lebanon county, a member of Co. C, 17th Cavalry, was killed in a fight, and buried on the south side of the Chickahominy, withid four miles Of •Riohmond, during Sheridan's late great rs 4 froMlSlead:e's army to Butler's. He was a young man of high qualities. ROBBEBY,---SonAis • .daring thief stole some $5OO front 'Wirt. B. Linn, in Landisburg, on Tuesday night. -The thief, went into Mr. Linia's bedroom during the night, and ab stracted the money from his pockets whilst he was asleep. The money consisted of $5OO United Stiaes coupon bonds and other change Boca? ,are shdally. to be' opened for ceivink snliscriptions_tO the . . capital stock' of the Millersburg, and'ltausch Gap Railroad Company, which : "body was incorporated by the Ligiglatnie at itsia:sisOsiOn. The bboks will be opened in Gratztown on the 23d inst.; atßeiry,sbnrgcmrtitit'27th; at Millersburg on the 30th; at the Jones House, in this city, on , the sth of July--to remain at each place three EM:=l=l klh-simarems Bequer.Last evening, as the clerks and "local". :re engaged in the counting-room with thei i - i(-gular business,' and while• Several persons We e present wait ing to learn the import of the telegraphic dia... patches usually receivedat that hour, a genie man who entered the room found upon the floor thereof a superbly arranged boquet of buds and flowers, rich in their fresh per- I fume aridglowing with their matchless colors Th e mystery-now is, -who placed that baguet on the floorofithe counting -room? Was the offering tbilie'clerk, "locals," or the " Who culled its fresh • flowers and bound its tender! twigs, together,?,; These are Tleetiens which trouble uS , hugely. The fact that there ' 'was a gallant: soldier present at the time,a famous forlia'amours as he is distinguished for hiS ardent valor, andthe fact that we have nothing to boast of in..:"good. looks "- our selves, has excited our saspiC,ion. boquet intended for that 'Soldier ? If it: :WSC we will feel slighted—if it was not, we mint . confess to being delighted. At all events, we have ..the - -boquet on our. table, to relieve i t odor arising from piles of newspapers'reepiik with oila.nd lamp:black. the possessiowl' of thallowers does not enlighten us M:to - I:idle; conveye4 - the boquet to the floor of the count- 0 4re we to be enlightened? , Epti answers, are we 1 " THE Capitol Park is a Cool resort. So is the Banjo Saloon, corner, of Second and Pine streets. ja2•d2t* • I=2=l Two FINE BIIILIDOZG LOTS for sale on PM), above Broad street. Terms, one-half cash. Inquire of D. Wyeth, at Wyeth & Creamer's, South Second street. my3l-1w TEE following gentlemen will be voted for at the election for Managers of the Harrisburg Cemetery Association, on Monday next: For President—Hamiltou Alricks .3lanagers—William H. Cleckner, John A Smull, Rudolph William Jennings Henty"Gilbert. je2-d3t ==== A STATED MEETING of the Hope tire Com pany will be held in their hall, this evening, at 7 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. THE SHOEMAKERS or Finausrum will appear at Sandiard's to-night. The whole star troupe will take part in the. entertainment, and will furnish the best entertainment in the city.. Go to S'anford's. Ftwanam or Carr. Wersaritrax.—The funeral of Captain Waterbury took place yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a large'oon course of citizen% besides the Order of Free Masons and a conapany'of artillerymen. RAILIIO.6D ACCIDENT.-Mr. Joseph Clark, dispatcher in the yard of the Pennsylvania railroad, at Altoona, fell under a train of cars which he was coupling yesterday morning, and had one oflds legs crushed to such an extent that it is feared amputation will have to be resorted to. EDiTO3I:-I see several gentlemen men tioned as . gfiitnble persons to fill the office of managers of the Cemetery association. I would suggest, the following; For Presiaent —Wm. H. Kepner. Managers—Henry Gilbert, N. S. Presbyte rian; J. ,B. -Simon, Lutheran; J. J. Clyde, Methodist; 'J. A. Smith, 0. S. Presbyterian; R. F. Kelker; - German - Reforined. - EXFLOSION AND Loss OF larm.--On Wednes day night about 11 o'clock, Engine No. 249, attached to the express freight train coming east, on .the Penniylvania railroad, exploded,6 when near Newton Hamilton, Mr. Semi. Say lor, tlle_pugineer, was instantly ldlled, and the fireman,. Charles Hailman, was so seriously injured that he died at three o'clock yesterdaY morning The unfortunate men resided at Altoona. Saylor leayes a wife avid four chil dren; Hailman,was unmarried. SLATE Fhar..—The; next exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will be held at Easton, in the beautiful park fitted up by the spirited citizens of the neighbor hood. The enclosure is the largest of the kind in the. State, and in its accommodations spadious and elegant. The days fixed for the exhibition are Tuesday, September 27th, to Friday, the 30th (four days.) The premiums offered are extremely,liberal. "Cgalogues can be had after the let of July next, by address ing; A. R Longaker, Secretary, Norristown, Penna. 1=23 Tau Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry suf fered Severely in the fight of the . 28th folloNiing ,is the list as far as received, of killedand.wounded; Billed—Wm Matthews, If; Sergeant Felix Burns, H; Thos Gulley, H; Corporal J F CAM, A; Wm M'Shaffrey, E; Abram Moore, Wounded—Lt F Y M'Donald, D; Capt P Kane, E; W E M'Shaffrey, E; C Orth, B; Hedry. Enos, D; G W Oiler, D; W B Max well, D; H D Ragen, F; Chas Moss, H; W H Steians, D; `Corp , John Laughlin, F; John M'Bhee, A;. 11,Shellenberger, L;• Francis Hil ton; M; J . Floyd, M; dorp John Bla4IC; E; A BrecThill; D. 1=1:1!= Ax AGED CHEMTIAN.---The Rev. "Daniel Young, in his eighty-second year, and-Jor sixty 7 one.years a minister of the Metinidist Episcopal Church, whose autobiography; pub lished by the Methodist Book Concern, is one of the most interesting contributions to that kind of literature, is now in Harrisburg, and will preapii in the Locust St. M. E. Church. Mr. Young has been one of the first meniii his church, and is yet possessed of wonderful intellec.tual strength and physical Vigor. He was born in 1783, at the close of the war of the.Revolutio'n, and hopes to live to witness the close of the great struggle for the main- tenance of the principles of self government upon which that strUggle Ras founded. The congregation worshipping at the 'Locust • Si. Church may expect on Sabbath morning a very, spiritual and intellectual dis Course from the lips of, a man of commanding and venom- . ble appearance—a relic of the past. MAYOR'S CUT.--Catharine Hueston, Annie i , Tolen, Minnie Castle and Lizzie Smitk, a party of notorious street-walkers and proati totes, were utilm a charge of keeping a dis orderly bawdy house. His Honor gave them 'a ticket of admission ,to, the ,county prison. • John Gering, a, drunk and disorderty sol dier, was'eicorted to the Provost Marshal's headquarters. , Daniel M'Clirft Win:Made hirsecerid, ap pearance thilainifeSS, sent to prison for fic e, days, with notice .that the next offence would Send him over for thirty days. - • Henrietta Fry, a,colored women, made her fourth appearance atthe Mayor's office, on a charge of drunkenness. She went to Fort .Simmons for 30 days. john Harney, drunk and disorderly, was discharged upon payment of costa. A countryman, for using steelyards at:the ,134dge Market, was fined $3 and costs. The bridge market is under the supervision of the Market master, and subject to the laws gov pining the regular city market. Market men ihnuld remember this. I=E=El I. 0. 0. F.—The condition of the Patria:- c al thiS Ordei in Penn.sylvinia, f the yeat ending April 1;1864, is shown by the report of the GnttdScrie to be as fol- Iltunbe; ofencsoiti . merits,- 79; number of iftitiE4 l 4 l3 : ol .4 l 4' ' Pld bpi; .4 38 ; number of rejectionsduring%thi Year, , numb* 'admit ted by card during the year, 19; nu , .I)er withdrawing card during the year, 25; 1.,..n -ber of reinstatements during the year, 28; number of suspensions during the year, 207; number of expulsions during the year, 4; num ber of deaths during the year, 86. Number of Past Chief Patriarchs, 1,252; number of contributing members,4,64s; num ber of Patriarchs relieved during the year, 749; number of widowed families relieved during the year, 32; number of Patriarchs bu ried during the year, 66. Amount paid for the relief of Patriarchs during the year, $12,886 49; amount paid for the relief of widowed families during the year, $495 07; amount paid for burying dead dur ing the year; $3,351 00. Total amount paid for relief during the year, $16,732 56. Total amount of receipts, $39,386 89., A. R. WYETH HARRISBURG, June 1, 1864. We, the undersigned Grocers of the city of Harrisburg, agree to close our stores at 8 o'clock, P. M., from this date to October Ist, 1884. Shisler & Frazer, -, Samuel Marquart, Hummel & Killinger, Valentine Bgle, Adam Keller, jr., Boyer & Koerper, Val. Hummel, jr., C.-C. Mullin, S. Huntsberger, Andrew Foltz, G. H. Bell, W.. Garratt, John L. Lingle, J. Reel, • Mrs. M. J. Colder, R. 3. Peters, Caldwell & Lytle, T. P. Boyer. . . far To , Clear the House of Rites, use .Dutcher's celebrated. LIGHTNING PLY-KILLER, a neat j cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill a quart) 'SOLD EVERYWHERE. FRENCH., RICHARDS & CO., lath and Market streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. . my24-d&wBW Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and' Military and War Claims, generally, made out arid. collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted:by mail, by addressing • • • EUGENBSWYDER, Actor nepat•Law del7-dly Tlalrdatreet, RIL friElbUrg,Ra. LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS NEW YORK AuclexoN. GREAT BARGAIN'S IN MtitiLlNS. Full yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 Bleached muslin, at 35 cents; worth 35 cents. Bleached muslin, at 22 cents; worth. 30 cents. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. Black silk, at'-$1 20; worth $1"37.• Black silk, at $130; worth $1 50. - Black silk, at $1 45; worth $1 65. 000 yards of black silks .from•auction. c 4 Beiautiful pearl color, silk finish alpaca. .• Alpacas in leather color, stone colors and o thor colors, White cambrics, soft, finished 54.Prencla C:ambric. Jaconetts, brilliants, Irish linen. • breasts; all linen, at 25,30;35 40 an d 58 oentS. • Splendid a.ssortment.of calicos. • Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. StOckings, the best and cheapest. Pocket handkerchiefs for ladies, at all pries!. Marseilles quilts and crash foe tawels. • We have now a very large stock of goods all •bought at reduced prices, and which we will sell at 'loci* 'ls which caanot fail to give satisfaction • ' We have also a very age lot of alpacas, cashme' re cloth, bombazines. . S. LI WY. Pure Vegetn.ble Medicine. tINE of the very best Vegetable Iffediel:lieB kir is now offered to the citizens and strangers of this city. It will purify the blood,,mid leave the liver. and and bowels in a good healthy coudition. Operates without i 'he least pain. Old and young, male and female, an can tai of it. As to the truth of this hundreds can testify, as .it has been well tried for the last ten years. It is prepuce I only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No .27, south Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. - 1123 This celebrated ToiI:WM . 6AP, in Mali unlv• sisal db wand, is made from the choicest niateriabi, is i mild and emollient in ltienature, finigriantV, ee ;enitedi and extremely belted: Una in its soften ii ohs the akin For sale by Druggists and Fancy Dods Dealei a jaii26-daisly• • • Batchelor's Celebriited Bair Dye IS THE BEST IN THE WBELD,- The only Irwinless, Tral' mkt Reliable Dye. 4inoson. , This splendid Hair Dye is perfecthanges Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a glogy Mack or Ilniailiatlifrotors without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the, Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, Itequinitly ; restoring its pristine color, and reetifiei the' Obeli of bad Dyes. The genuine . is eigaied WILLIAM. rt, HATO - l- ELOR. All others are mere imitatione4.and- e should be avoided. Sold by all DruggistEvgia, Factory-81 lATaurlox's NXW TO/L.IT 031.11 AM TOE; DRlitt9INA I.AiR .~ _ _ _ E g C U R s~ I O. N .'.; ``"` Philadelphia and Reading-Rail road. -1 'PHILADELPHIA SANITART. COMMMNSION FAIR. VECIJRSION TICKETS-TO PFITLAIVL AA PIM AND RETURN, good for, any three from MONDAY, Juno 6th, to MONDAY', June 20th, 1e64, will be sold at the °faces of the Philadelphia and. Reading. Railroad at the following rates : At - Derry $3.55 HuininelstOwn' ' $3.86 At Swatara , 3,60 Beaver 3.76 Harrisburg • • 3:85 A. . Each Excursion Ticket will include a ticket of admis sion to the Fair. The above Tickets Sold at the Railroad Depots only. No Tickets sold by Conductors. May 30th, 1.384. . 11 TI-ITY.ELSDA:"V", •-)" . GRAND v. -Nrc von THE BENEFIT or - ' HOPE FIRE COMPANY, NO.: 2, •TO 1111112LD • . . 1-I COM I E"DIAIN -9 .S . Wc.0.135, ON THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1664:.. , Tickets... 25 cents. ' , FLOOR. MANAGERS. D. E. MARTIN, • R. R. HARR, WM. CARSON, THEO. THOMAS. An adequate police force will be on the ground to pre; serve order, and the committee refer to former occasions. No rioting or disorderly conduct of any kind. will be wi lt is the intention of the committee to make this the plc-nic of the season. Cars will leave the, foot of Market street at 8 a. N., stop ping at Boars:Crossing. Returning, Jetive the "ketelvat 7% v. at. *Vire for round - trip 26 cents. Carriages will also leave the Hose House every hour during the day. COMMITTEE. D E. Martin, Ed. Haven, Win. Carson, R. R. Barr, Wm M'Coy, Henry Snyder, H. H. Frankem, I'. Finnigan, Matthias Rittman, Samuel Milne, Theo. Thomas, Ed. Clay, J. E. Faught, James Dunlap, D. C. Martin. . JUNE 16r1•13... my27-deodtB,kd td WILL be exposed to public sale, on Satur day, the 4th day of June next, at 10 o'clock A. X., at the Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, the FARES and Tract of Land late the estate of Jacob Grove, deceased, and on which he resided at the time of his death', Situate in Susquehanmt township, Dauphin county, on the public road leading from'lfirriaburg to Fox's mill, on Paxton creek, three miles from Harrisburg, bounded,by lands of H. Airloks ' Coover and ForsteA heirs, con taining thirty acres of intf RSTOH, .LAND, well, fenced. and in good order , with a late two'story frame dweilir,g HOuSE, barn and out housawatlnewlyjbuit, and gut ore Wa d. of apple trees and other fruit: thhreca. POssession wif.i given on the first of Aprilneitr- Terms of sale to be nwe known by the undersigned,, agen tqg the heirs of:Jacob- Grovi,"deataied. .., y l6.42taindo3t ! ,70HAVH0'p t >• SPECIAL NOTICES. Military Business Attended To. EZZI COLONZICOS , HONEY SOAP.. HAIR DYE l HAIR DYE: G. A. NICOLLS, General Supertritentien4 myBl-dtjellacw2t Valuable Land for Sale. NEW ArMERTLSEMENTS,,, , TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND ESPENDITITRES OF THE HARRISBURG CEMETERY ASSOCIATION From the 15th day of MAY, 1863, to the 31st day of MAY, 1864 : A. K. FAHNESTOCK Ta.., Da. To balance on band May 15th, 188-1-.... 621 92 To cash from sale of lots, and for dig ging graves, and Interest on Invest- MOMS 3,846 94 $4,468 26 CP.. Paid:election officers' fees ... ..•- 3 75 T. Barns, keeper '';, 3:".3 89 Laborers, .......... ......... , , ~, „...„ 856 1.2 Paper and blank-books::;:`: ' 47 38 Publishing treasurer's account...7.7i.. ...... 17 58 Repairs 27 97 Painting h ' ouse ' 78 86 Carpenter Work 143 14 Tin spouting, Ac .. , . 18 87 ..... •• • - Hitching posts . , 12 00 Carpet.e.... - 26 50 Five iron settees and fraight...... 47 69 Nut rendered ground ..., .. ..... .-...• •• •• - • 22 50 Hardware.... „. .... ...„....... . ..... 56 19 Lumber ....., .. .... 32 19 ____. Tr.ttaling..•- . :. 5 00 - 12 00 ~ Filling up new lot books and making chart.. 112 00 Jne. A. Small, Secretary-......... .. ... 25 00 R. E. Reiter, Superintendent...... .... 50 00 A. R. Fahnestock, Treasurer. 100 00 .Italance tu treasury....... $4,468 26 , A. Ii..FAHNESTOCII, Treasurer. We do hereby certify that we have examined the above account in detail, and compared it. with the vouchers, and find it correct; and that. theriiremains in the hands of the Tmasurer the sum of two thousand four hundred and nineteen dollars and seventy-four cents. '(Signed) JOHN A. SKULL, RTI1). F. RELKER, ELIIRISMIRG, June 1, 1861. -1 Committee. At a meeting of the Managers, held MAY 31, 1864, the sum or two thousand dollars was ordered to be added to the invested fund, for the purpose of increasing the same until the annual interest thereon shall cover the ordinary expenses of the Cemetery ivithou,SylNing contributions or assessments upon the lot-holders, as per resolution of Board, August 16, 1858, Present state 01 invested fund In Harrisburg City bonds .... , ...... 23,000 00 In U. F. 5-204 'coupon .... 2,000 00 111 B. 1-Mi,..bonds.l: .... 1,000 00. $6,000 00 To which add auiount now ordered to be invested in Li. S. 10-40 registered bonds 2,000 00 $B,OOO 00 JOSS 1. SIIULL, Secretary. (Signed) CEAIETERY NOTICE The lot-14derh inAltsk liarriaAuts Cemetery are hereby notified that an election for Prealdent nine five Managers of i.ho Association, for the ensuing year, will bo held at the Office of the Treasurer, A. K. Fahnestock, on MON DAY, the 6th day of June, inst., between the hours of 12 o'clockm. and 3 o'clock r. rt. • - . • . je24l3t , • JOHN SMULL, Secretary*. I'iiOVOST . MARSIIAL'ECOIiFICkItiabiISTfiIC7, .HARRISBUR6, PENNA., June 1, 1864. • The following order is published for the information of all•concerned: STATE OP PIMNSYLYANIA OFFICR OPTS'S A. A. PROVOST MARSHAL GILIIRAL„ HARRLSRURG, May 28, 1864. CAPTAIN: I have the honor to: nform you that the Sec retary of War; ire pnrsuance Of the 14th section of the en rollment act, approved. February 24th, 1864, directs that examinations of drafted - men be held in your district at the following places, viz: 14TH DISTRICT. Coiantlek • • Places of .Examining. Dauphin. Harrisburg. , Juniata.... •MiiHintoxa Snyder Union . . .............. Sunbury, Northqd co. Nerthumberland.".,.. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, . . 16 U. S. Infantry, A. A. P. M. Gen. ', Carr. Jonar KAY Crankarav,(Pro. Mar. 14th Dist, Rani& Received May, 29, 1864. The examinations for Dauphin county will take place at ag Court Histute, in- the city of Harrisburg, on Monday, 0,,." day of June, 1864. F or J EL niata county at the Court House, in latitilintown, inc./y aws & 7 and Friday, the Bth and 10th days of June, 1861, • • If% For Snyder ,Union and Northumberland counties, at the Owartliouse , , In e.bury, on the days following, viz: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- For Snyder conn.',Y, day the 14th, 15th an.l.l6in days of June, int For Union county; an', Friday and •Saturday, the, l7t s, anS 18tlidays of June, 3864. Slid far Northumberland Narinty, his TlNiday, Wednes day, .Thursday and Friday, the 91st, 2.16,'235 and 24th' . he examinationsccommence at 9 o7clock in the , mdrning on SR L 'di or the days mimed above.` JOHN KAY. CLEMENT, Capt. and Provost Marshal. CHAS. C. RAWN, Nll-dltv :!. 91.),TA Commisiioner. B. T. CHARLTON, t urger% of Board. COLITMVIA HOUSE. ()APE MAY. 11.1.:l The itioiLbge;lail;n.l4.B...ll"lll9:4lj:•uniepeairl;s,9thi nearly two hundred new and greatly improvict BATA HOUSES will Se teintifei tVaine'iiiiii'xi'eeiatio.n of Moto ,. ."; r- Tts caparatiannt: eaohAepaoment Kilt be, equal, if,not a4erior, to anyllolsePapou'OAPE ISLAND. • Birgfield's Band Pais been secured for the season. Address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor, "- • . 04.2 E /STAND, N. J., or, DENNISON, my , 23415 j hlerohanPs Hotel, Philada. P rivate Sale. THE under* 4ed ctirpmpr saie twenty-two and allatf :au rea of , land.within a hal: Mu of ,the Northern,bonniktry,ef the city of Harrisburg, :fronting on Suaßuetuutna Om a ad extending back along It;lel'S Jana. There. are on Vie pre-raises a good house and barn s , Ave to sixnutdred.pfliolt, mar ; cherry and apple, (ma ni Dear; tag, and a choice. var lacy orsmall fruits., ,Tennseaay, myl9-I.od J, H. BERRYBILL. A. C. SMITH , - Anrr COECZ I - Var HAS re . aurved his Office from Third to Wal nut. S treat, nelzt to the Prison. All business in- . trusted to Mtn waleveive prompt and careful attention. THE_ . oomer 'of Second oo th n er a e a t: d in pi g n s e p ooreee , anel. TIM) st;t3, eta,, boinifilfty . .two and .a half that on Se: cend and one him tied andMity-eight fed, on Pine street; Sinn back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, sirabie site fora pt wernorli Wando'n or public hill/dings. r for ,flM.buhding lota, and a most de. For particulars enq airs Aro. MURRAY, corner of Se. marli-tf • PRI VA'rE .S'A;LE. NE of "the\O .12test ' IRON` WO/MA in the ~State for isle, it a very reappriatile Pride, loamy purclum. iinpreme it, situated with: in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the nr sYh r ilt .. re * oad andowal; lbw:4. l ave hundred feet --a , an d alel2Peido'n eglidbes` liebeltone simples in the State and close to a g ood turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders ',nighty - _yeas, without paying for the land ' Apply to ' • ( DAV:I , D MUMMA, Sr. Atm) m epat-141w, No. 24 Huth Second street, marlOrdtf. - • Harrisburg, Pa. ( Philac telPh is Press insert three t and send bill to this ottice,) . SA .CH.E.Irr rOl9 "DER, FOB • PERPC3I ING LINEI P AND PRE TM TING .MOTR THIS POWDER —a compound of valuable vatic' les for the d estruction of inset Its—distributed among or dusted over F irs, Woolens, Carl 'pets, Clothing, &G, pock .ed away for nanuner, will effect ually prevent mr.ah. Beog . also a delightful , diffusable perfunu t it will int pregame clothing, ac., cith a lasting and Met lsant odor. The lb lest fabric ears t be WATS by its ws Fula ted and sold at BEI LEE'S • Pr; gaud Fany Go( , ds Store,No. 91 Mark et street. 203 MIS. GUSH DAIL "And. - war ,YORE STATE .CEMESE. At (n 02 03 t; WM. D OCK., JR., & CO. _f:Xes for sale o a tre erner ,')f Third and _Li Bleed stree t s }:nqatre of AVM.C. DioF.A.D.CEN. Ikar4.citf AFEW MORE. PIECES OF (IANVAS for Auningo and 'iragotopovers. , Call at ",}Eitaball'a Egan Ste" Market etre It roy26-tt NEW ~U)Y_E,RTpEMENTS. NOTICE OE LIEN• NOTICE is hereby given to the owners of the following named articles, THE HOWARD AND HOPI; EXPRESS COMPANIES claiming to hare a lieu thereon for the costs and expenses of transportation and storage thereof, will proceed to sell the same to pay said Coats and charges, at tbe.expiration of thirty days from this date: 1 pkge, Samuel C. Gallaher. 1 box, Andrew Turley. 1 box, Wm. Case. 1 box, Fall Madam. 1 pkgo, Sargt. J. P. Kohler. 1 pkge, Henry It Anthony. 1 box, Mrs. Margaret t" Coy-1 pkge, John V Jolfinon.'s shell. 1 pkge, Geo E Tillotson; 1 box, Joseph Burggs. 1 pkge, Geneittie Bushong. 1 box, Henry 0. Wolf. 1 pkge, Capt. W A Barton. 1 pkg., D. Deride, agent. 1 box, Sargt I Ingraham. 1 pkge, C. W. Willis. 1 pkge, S H Laney, ." 1 pkge. Peter Gaisty. . 1 pkge, Mrs Catharine M'. 1 bale Jacob Smith. • Carty. 1 box, Dr. Jacob Harlacher. 1 pkge, Sargt H W Wood-. 1 box; Capt. - J.-Kern. 1 box, Capt. L. if Burnell. 1 pkge, Adam Wolfinger. I box, John W. M'l/nab. 1 pkge, Lieut AStelns. IC. bag, Wm.. IL H. Peter. 1 horn, J A Nswcomb„ 1 pkge, Hobert. F. Christian. 1 bale, W B Dryden. I box, J.T. apalairing— 1-trunk, James Hougbtor. 1 pkge, Charles H Wertz. 1 baM, John H Detweiler. 1 pkgti, Geo peetale. . 1 pkge e Tillottson & Nixon. 1 pkge, Franklin g Good. lhox, Sihnuel II Fite. 1 pkge, Aaron II Soblors. 3 boxes, GeollHardwick. pkge, Dr B Laughworthey. 1 box, Henry Murdock. 1 pkge, William Carlisle. 1 box, Jacob Rosenkramer. 1 pkge, Wm J . Patterson. 1 box, W H Steward. 1 pkgo, Win Horeb. 1 box, R H Patch. 1 pkge, David M'Donough. I pkge, W R Moser. 1 pkge, John Gleimer. 1 pkge, William Dornwerth. 1 Oltge, Sophia Baxter. 1 box, Peter J Waltes. 1 pkge, Carlo Mayor. 1 box, Capt H./ Meatier. 1 pkge, Henry P Barnbard. 1 box, William Derher. 1 fokge, Jane Shuleit • -1 bottle; Charles Bucher. 1 pkge, James Freebitin. 44ent poles, M,Clymer.. 1 pkge, W D Koppenhaffer., 1 pkge, Elbert McMinn. 1 pkge, J H Nixions. , 1 box, Cape Jos Hutchinson. 1 pkge, Thomas Gooden. trunk; ILO Bailey. " 1 pkge, Dallas Leinbach, 1 bdle, - Copt Hunt 1 box , Jones House. 1 box, J E Deppen. • 1 pkge, Henry Sochi. 1 pkge, Dr J Forney. 1 pkge, Jobn - Diricase. i c bg, Geo L rrider. 1 pkgo, H L Harris. 7 box, Capt W Harland. 1 pkge, Patrick Flanagan. "Ibex; lease Hindger. 1 pkge, David Pepper. . 1 pkge, Geo H Bustell. 1 box, Wm I. Erie. 1 pkge , John Vogel . 1 pkge, ‘W S King. ' " 1 box, J R Growl 1 pkgo, Loint N J Boyer. 1 box, A F Penny:packer. 1 pkge, Theodore Upchurch. I:pkge, A Stewart. 1 pkgo; G Brooks. 1 box, Peter Henshaw. , 1 pkge, John A Drntrick. Ipkge, Louis Saban. May 28, 13 --112taw4t GEO. BERGNER, Agent. , 17560 2,048 52 . 2,419 74 Grays Patent Molded Collars • Are not simply' flat pieces of paper cut in the form of a collar, but are Kolded end loft( the neck, having a Perfect Gun-v.:free angles or : breaks, which is ob taineA by our patented procesa which'aise secures another advantage possasseff by no ether collar,—viz Simee for the. Cravat in the Turn-down style, the Eisins. or WILICII. IS PERFECTLY, snooze sten sane Flt PIICEIMA, making this collar, for ease, neatneee, and durability, unequalled. ?rimy are made.. in Turn-ilown style in sizes from 12 to 17,, and in,Garrotte from 1.3 to 1,7 inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each ;, also, inmnaller ones of 10. each—the latter a very handy pacitate for ;travelers, array and navy officers. , _ iiirEVERT COLLAR is stamped: • . , Gray's Patent Molded Collar." -Sold by all retail dealers in Men's Furnishing Goods The trade supplied by • - • • VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMEE & CO., ;jel-eodem CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the matter of the account of A. E. Fahriestock t Esq., `sequestrator of the Downingtown, Ephrata and Harrisburg turnpike road, the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county has appointed the subscriber auditor, to make distribution of the balance of money in the hands of said .Stiquestrator, among'tlie,oreditors of said turnpike road 'cornpan'y, a*ith'b anditerhas apPointed WeiltiesditSr, the 22d-day-dnitine next; at his ••office in Harrisburg, at ten' o'clock in the forenoon of:said day, anthe time and place of making saki distribution, when and where all. persons having any.claim will please:to make it known. myl2-lawd4w -:JOHN ROBERN, Auditor. NoingE Whereas- . Betters of ,Adysiinistmtion. upon the estate of Henry H. Lenhart,- deceased, late,of, Halifax township,. Hauphlu county, have' been graziteli to Christian Lyter, of Halifax township, In said 60,1114 , , Administrator of said' deceased, all persons. indebted MAW) said estate are re guested to make immediate: payMenp, and all these bait-• mg claims or.dethands against the same will make them known withocit delk C£CHTHTIAN LITER, myi6•lloaw6 • - Aaminiefrator, • • •- - . A . UDITOIt,' , .S, NOTICE— TheAiiditor appointed bytheoiphan's Court orDaup'luu: ; county to distribute among creditors the balance remitiblitg in the hands of Christian Lyter, administrator_ of Samuel Hochlrunier, late of Halifax township, deceased, will sit for that. parase" at his Mae, in' , the city 'of Harrisburg, 4u Tuesdak, ',the 14th day of June, - .A., u. . 186 1, at 2 obalock,. at which time s and • 04;9 pas titts interested aro, llereby notinetf to pr senttheir claims. inylB=doti*4 • IL M. -GHATTIOOtUddor„ DITOR 8 NOTICE.; Thelinaitor .appointodby the - Orphan's Court of Dan. phin county to argliamte 'among creditors the balance , remaining in the -hands of B. G. Speyer, Administrator of G. A.:l6ke, late - Of Upper; Paxton township, deceasel, *ill sit far that purpose of pgico, in £hp city,o,f Harris— burg, on Wednesday, the 15th day June, .t. D. 1864, at 2, O'clock, P. X. at : which time and Plate'.partss interested' ore 'hereby notifiga to present their claims. • - inyl.6..doiw3t -'.$::M. GRAYDON; Auditor. • AITDITOR'S NOTICE. . • In the Couit of Coramom,Was of Dauphin county.— The auditor appointed by the said Court to make distribu tion of the fund arising from the sale of the real estate of Thomas Duncan, under venditiowi promos, No. 4, of Jan. T.,1464, hereby giveifitiotice that he will attend.. to the duties of his appointment on Thuriday, the 19th` day' of May "neat, at the hour of teriureloCk,-..A.%)a.; at his offibe, on. N. Third street,- in the et , when and where all parties , interested may attend. they see proper.. .ap27-dlawS . t ROBERT SNODGRASS, Andiron AUDITOR'S . NOTICE. The Auditor, appointed to distribute the money arising from tio •Sherilt's sale of the real estate , of Senjamlli Raid, will attend for that pnrp2se,,and,tohear all persons. interested, at the office of the tuaderregnel, On Saturday, the llti(daYrof June next, artarib'eleoh in the•forenobd.i' Any,ll-drAw3wBtwit Iif'S.INNSY, Auditor. • . 17 I) IT 0 It.'S NOTI:CE Auditor; a ti f il‘''h • ; undersigned ppo n e Orphans' Cotiit of Dauphin county to decide and report upon the ,exceptions filed to the account ;of _Henry, Gingrich, ex-: eenter or: the last will and testament.or. John Gingrich, late of Ceitewago township , diMeased 7 Will attend to the r.dutles of said'appohittnerit on Tuesday; the 14th day of June, 1864, at ten o'clock an , of said stay; at his otticein :Harrisburg, when and where all partie.4' Intorested may Attend. , J. N. 81MONT0g, Auditor. A 17D1TOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Common ,Pleas of Dauphin county, auditors to make distribution !among creditors of the balau&e in the hands of A. 0. Hies ter and C. P. Muench, assignees of John Wallower eon, as shown by their account, confirmed May 15th, 1864, will attend to the duties of said appointment at the office of J. W. Simonton, in Harrisburg, on Thursday, the 23d. ,day of June; 1864, at 10 &clock A when and wbb're ,all persons interested may attend and, pment tip* claims:: DAVID ELMIING J. W. SIMONTON, Jul-dlawSw • Anditois. Land for Sala 520 ACRES of Land,in Dauphin at private sal; impart or the wbobtoo suit . purchasers ; lah acres clear, good buildings thereou„ncitti Saw Mill. 'For further portionless, 'aliiress " MIgS ' • • , ICER, my3o-113tn* Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa.i . . . . . . .. .PAINTING. . T ' undersigned begs leave to :offer his. - services as a practicalAiouse, Sign and Orna.mental, PAINTER. All business Dallis line attended to with care ...... . . L and dispatch. Earasanscs:—Mr. J. H. Dußarm . Superintendent of the N. a.H— , w(oo..i. , lo. 4 ot 3 ePhus. .sitlaler .enniikienne .?psosaeConit 13 House. Residence in Scheavely's Mbar, Shop in Third, above North street, H. F. FELLS. - Sweet Potato Plants. POTATOSOO,OO().,sfoNyiEe.T.LA y,tl to, J. STUDEBAKER, Eberly's lids Pa. Planta, calk Oso„lp haf a r.,. "Ktauld, the lower MarketaasseOtesi stand,tio. SitorlA orl,Wirket day nty3l).d3t* i.. ' . PE 111 z) Doo I wit IA SANFORD'S HALL THIRD STREET, BELOW IitARICE4, lIRAR OF EOM'S itOTEL. S. S. SANFURD....Proprietor and Maim •:i4 FRIDAY EVEM.(;;IUN.E 3. SANVORD AT HO ME . Reead the Bill for this . Evening THE ITKIM ) BY THE EXEMPTS LA PERCHE, Br TIM ARAB BROTHERS. lig .LY BARLOW, ON THE TIMES. Concluding with THE BARBERS OF THE WOODS. Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance at Sena virt's Drug Store. 'Doors open at 6%. Commence %to 8. : - Polkai 'drays in attendance to preserve order. -Admittance 25 cents. • 'Orchestra Weirs, 50 cents.' , Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seata. S 1 .earb. CANTERBURY MUSIC ? HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW TBIRD.. DONNELL ......... - • • OPEN EVERY EVE'VING, With a First-olass Uompany of SINGERS, DANCERS, CONELILANS,..dio., &o. Admission. .... . . ..... . . 1.5 *mit Sesta in Boxes. ............... .......... . .. 1.26 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TRUSTEE'S SALE or VALUABLE- IRON WORKS. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Washington aunty, as a Court of Equity, the undersigned trustee will sell at public sale, in frent of the Court House, in Hagerstor; on . . TUESDAY, the 14TH DAY OE JUNE, 1864, all that VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, situate in Washipg ton county, Maryland, known as the GREEN SPRING FURNACE PROPERTY , Which was tor many years owned &ad mined omby J. DIXON ROMAN & ,CO., and is now for sale on account of the death of one of the partners. Said property contains 1,394 ACRES OF LAND, (more or less, ) of which about 200 are cleared and in an excellent state of cultivation, the balance being rr13113 - EOEL The FURNACE on said land is 85 feet high, with an eight foot BOSH, CASTING ROUSE, COAL ROUSE and BRIDGE ROUSE, and is run by an over-shot wheel 40 feet high. It is in good repair, and the water power un failing and all-suftleiant. Said FURNACE is only one mile from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and about the same distance from the Iron Ore Bank. There is also = A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE • near the. Furnace; also a large BARN and other -out- buildings, and on thlterent parts of said tract of land there are a number of TENANT HOUSES (in all eighteen or twenty) in good repair. The above propel ty will be sold entire, or in parcels to suit purchasers; such parcels to be mane known at the sale. The undersigned will also sell at the same time and place about FIFTY-THREE ACRES OF 'AND, separated from the above by the lands of Geo. FM& Also, A. Limestone Quarry Pnirain Canal, near I.l"C . oy's terry, containing a' FIFTY SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND. TERMS OF SALE, as prescribed by the Decree, ab One-third of the purchase money in cash on the day of sale, on the ratification thereof, and the balance in two ppml annual instalments of one and two years from the day of sale, with interest from that day, the purchaser to give his notes with approved security for the deferred payments, and on payment of theentirepurchase money, the Trustee will execute a,deed to the purchaser, as re quired by the Decree. F: hi. DARBY, Trask*. iny.2o-ts Lebanon "Courier," Lancaster "Examiner," and Read ing "Journal,". c.ropy , weekitt, and send bills to the Trustee at Hagerstown, forthwith. ; SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. NILE be offered, at public sale, at Brant's VV European Sobel, on Wei:nu:V;(lv, the ninth of Tune next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, an. that LOT OR PIEOR OF- GROUND, situated at the corner of Chestnut street and Dewberry al ley, fifty-tWO feet and'sis inolueehri Chestnut, anctrunning her* two hundred : and ten feet, to Cherry, street. Upon Pierialseomit , .. • , FOUR FRAME TENEMENT HO USES, 'fronting on Dewberry alley, and healed at the corner or Cherry street and Dewberry alley, containingeaoh, on the `first floor, an entry and three rooms; on the second floor three rooms The cellars are cool and perfectly-dry; the garrets are spacious. These houses; hare been bulls of THE BEST 'MATERIAL, ' • . about six years ago, and can easily command ten dollain -rent per month • • • • Terms made known en the day of sale. my26-dta ENSMINGER doctione.:m. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. inELLERS and Consomene..of the above L. Celshmael Wash. Blue, will please take notice,. that the' abel: are altered to read INDIGO . 17E l PIIT UP AT ,Alfred Wiltberkeri's DRUG STORE, No. 233 North Second Street, Philadelphia The quality of this Blue nal be the swine is every re- It is warranted to color more water thou twice the SIIDO quantity-of Indigo, and to go much further than any other Wash Blue in the market. It dissolves perfectlyCh= does not settle on the clothes as most of. the other do.- One fox dissolved In a half pint of water, will make as good a Liquid Blue as any that is inade,,at one third the eat., . As it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and Inferior articles, housekeepers will AMA very much to their advantage to ask for that put up at Wriasaaeotit's 46r - All Blue put up after. this date with RlBLOirlit name .on itis an Invitation. THE ki)lW LAM. DOHS NOT REQUIRE A STAYP. For Sale by. Storekeepers generally. feblo;m6m ARCH STREET CARPET WARE . - RASE. No. 832 ARCH street, two doors below Ninth; south aid* PHILADELPHIA.: 1E subscriber has.. just repeiyA" prkg Trade, a well seldeted.stock of • Espitland CARIETINGS,' miming all the nese styles of the best seetkeaboughip - re:, vious to •the late advance for Cash, and will be sold at law prices Velets, Brun s, Three-r 1 3 ,2, Ingrains and. Veniaana Carpetbags—with a large stock Oil Cloths, Druggets, M a ttings, • Penang who are abontfnmishing, tirerequested tons** 'an examination of the above4goods previous to maktsg their selections, alimaliindbeements will be held oat ss Cannot fail to please. JOS. BLACKWOOD,2 .marl6-wam ' 832 Arch street, Philadelphia_ VINKNO. 1 MACKEREL, in Kittii, 1.7 ceivedat SEMLER & FAZEIt o man • (successars to Wm. Doc&,-)r.; & Co:) • . ceived at URN MEAL—A fate article: Just ref aUSLER TRAziki: • Turn gammon to wro., Dockt-ji:.•&,00 CbrS SPARRT.TNG . GhLATIN; 1147 , 4 i -eat manaraetared,Ja* reeelfaLshit for sale by SflTSf.T ß ftai, Oiaeoesiors'to Wm. noak-i-FM4 ..,„ . Air - AsSBEEF and IiEESSIVIK:,-;4. ,ettokee iti...aitioloof Meiiiiteg surfs7-,.„:1- -......., . traSR -„...---- _ ... • . • . ORIPMPOrO924nAIII4S-404 . . ..„ .: . . liii 12 NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers