THE TELEGRAPH re romatemED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. L,F.ricE THJRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE. sta;CTUPTION Tire DAILY TRLEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 (lei in adVarte. Those persons who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $0 00. • 'WEEKLY TF:LEGRAPIL TELE TFT, _MG P.A is al so published Niveeltly,aizai is furnished o subscribers at the following cash rates Singlo copies, weekly.... Three copies to ono root Office Ten copies to one Post OStco NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE . GREAT:. " 4 111114 kI.tIEDIES ," • ' KNOWN AS 46 11 Elr3l B 014 l) GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ ITZLIkBoLD BxTBACT "BUCHII;"' ItEiMBOLD EYTRACT SARSAPARILLA, HELAPOLD IMPRQVAT) ;HOSE-WASH. lIELAIBOLD , S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGTILY'CONCENTRA'rED" coliJvuid, FLUID, EXTRACT istrqmp, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR DISEASES Dr THE BIADDEI.I, KIDNEYS: GRANT:L.:. AND-DROPSICAL SIFTELLMIGg. . i T' Medicine increases the: povret',of:Dr gtstiod ' aini:excites the ABSOR:llENTS.blio.healthv uctiun, by which ; the ,WA'rE.EtY..or CAI.CEROUSr, dgposr bons, and all UtiNATI:FRALA9EMENT ' S r - (limp& as well aa r pain and Inflinnmati9p; And ia pin& for NEN: womEN.or CHILDREN.-.. :.," . . . ILELIEBOLD'S EXTRACT-BUOIV? FOR WEAXNESSES Arising from Evr.w..,,,E5 liabits of DisripAbßiviEarly _ll - or Abuze, . .ATTENDED. WITH THE'-FOLLOWING(..PII337B.. dedispOsition to Exertion " Dryness of 'thOSLlty, loss of Memory, '— ' losaorPotver, , • ; Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, , Dimness of vigon, Wakefulness,, , 'eniverstil Lassitude of' in the;Back; , . Mtisculir System, ;. Flushing of thißody, Hot Hands , . Eruption; on - the Face, Pallid Countenace , . ii tiles° symptoms, If allowed to go on, Which this ,fredi ; - eine invariably romoves, soon follow , ; EkrOTENCY, PATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, . „ . . . In one of which the patient'may expire; Who say that,therare not-fmquently followed , by , thostr-mdireft# diseases, • . INSAMTY AND: CONSUMPTION. Many are aware, of the cause of 'their srifteringik , but none will confess. Therecords of insane asylinns and the melancholy deaths by Consumption; heer r apple, wit ness-to the truth of -the assertion,. TIES coNsTrrtaloN, ONCIF 4 AFFEMELD WITH 4313,0A1cie AvEAKNEss, .Requires tip aid of medicine 4e strengthen and invigorate the system, - T4'hiCh Helnatioid's Extract Buehu invariably -does. A. trildiwill.convinee the ithoist skeptield. FES A.ToES—FEMALVS-7—TENFATIES, OL OR YOUNG, SINGLE, itARRIED, OR CONTEM. PLATING MARRIAGE . _ . In many.affections peculiar-to females , the Extract ...13u chu Is unequalled by.any other• remedy,. es in Chlbrosiscr Retention; Irregularity, Painfekess, or suppression of the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrimsetate of the uterus, Leucorrhea or Wailes, Sterility, and.-for ell coin pi:lints incident to theses, whether arising from Indiscre tion, habits of Dissipation or in the • DECLINE OR . CHANGE OF' NO FAMILY SHOULD CBE WITHOUT IT Tao no, Balsam, liffirellry, or Unpleasant Medicknii - SoF Unpleasant and DangeronaDiaeases. . , , i I±EhIM7IQIAD'S U, • :113 Cures Secret Mos* all thedr . stageV; Attie °spew.; little orb changein diet; no inconveriience*it he &Oct sure.' It eanhes frequent desire, and gives llrinat4S; thereby .rernoVing obstruetiens, pre.Veziting 4`Ouring StrictureSof Urethra, allaying pair( and 'a:dation, so frequent in this class of diseaser4 - and ox - palling Sohionous; Diseased, and Wornout Matter. l'hei - ILlands ?upon thousands who have been the victims of pocks; an.A., who have paid heavy. fees to be cured in a short time, harp: found they'Wors deserted, aninhat the "'Poison' , has by the: use of "gowerful.Astringents., , been. dried-up in,the system; to bpealr.', fOrna, sad perhaps Usiy,ilE.tmßor„D , Fritry4CT BUCMI3.for all aft*Ctionia and DlS' ett sea - df the jirliary Organs, whethdr. - siistim , :iii Male or'Pernitler - , freitiviliatever'cause otigipitiirt and, no matter of bow Diseases of_ 'tb.,se - Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. .ligLisißOs EXISZOT SUCHII is .the:Great blare - tin, and Itle, cerialzio - .llaAtlie oltsired effect in All piseases , for :Which it is racar4- ttended. Slood—Blood—Blood. ,M4,gabold's Highly - Concentr4- led Compound FLUID ...'23.3..-111S-ABS-s.PAIRILLASYI'BI LLS., This is an affpotion p th -Blood, end attacks,tlie eX.l3alOrgails, Limugs.of 'the - Moan, Ears,"lhrOat,'lNind tape and other Mucits`Surftioei;making its ap - ;inarance in tine form of Ulcers. HelinDatcys Extract Sars4;slfrilla po lities the Blood, and , removes! all Scalk , Srutitionsi of the giving to the Complexion a Clear andltealthy - Color. llt being prepared expressly for this class of:complaiitte, ,• Alta Blood-Pulifying Properties are preservdd .to. grbator extinit.thanauy other preparation of SarSapir - ila. ; IW.L7tITIOLD'S ROSE WAS 1L An eicellent Lotiontfor diseases of -a. SyphilitieNature, and as an injection in diseases of the'-Urinary ' , Organs, arising frvmsleabits of dissipation,, esea connection with thecx.ttialiiu and Sarsa.. paiilla,"in :Such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and re liable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI CATES cigiclligt EBlTfdrn,,., :eight tertwenty years standing, withiutinais 4cTiown . to -,- Science - ond Fame. For Medical. Propertiei catuclati.See'Dinlianatry of the United States... See Professor DEWEE'S e tniltuable-weris on the Practice of Physic. See remarks inatlb' by "the late celebrated Dr.': FHYSICK, --PhiladelphiM l ;toe.: retiniriti -Made by Dp- EPHRAIM IdaDOWELL, a celebrated Phk'sitriattend mem ber of the Royal, College, of Buz - Awns, SnittNuPiMfdnittle Traasactiottic, of the .11ingN -arid Chisen!,c, ;barna See Medico-Chien calßtiviety:publiStiod tw r ;:tll-PIRAVERS, Fellow of the zFiciial College-aflSurgeons.L The most Of the late standard ttorltipX(l4Wcitie,TEitract of Bimini, $1 00 per bottle, or six pospos for $5 . 09. ~,xtgs_cti tf Sarsaparilla, 51 00 per both or six . f0r435 ~,0,,...-_ - proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per hOtt i le,,iiir six for $ 2 50, or hair a dotes each for' g. 12 Ofk - 'whicli `will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate caSee, it'bareetionSittiadhereY' to. Delivered to any address, securely peeked , ob servation. Describe symptoms In - all , CoraimiaMlOati°na• - cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. •: AFFIDAVIT. hracmidtraptieared before me an . Aldermiiiiiitrita4 of- Phibidelphks , H. .T. Hehubold, who, boing duly BOP, doth say hpk'propaiatione contain no narcotic?no.mor-. Eire} uury, - opAhor injurious drugs , end are - nurety s le. Bworwanttaubeeribed before me,qiiiiffeday -iiiii'k-' 11.4ember;1864. .:: ' W I'. FL181i.A . 13,. __. I . L _l' - . 1 Alderman ; . 14 instb, streiet;itCliaW, V : Ader4 lelmFa for information in - Coptideliue.' '' • , r If, T'RELMBOLIF . ' '''' 7 14okiditiiiiiiiii 10th street, irel ' qiefil f ow Chestnut, , Phifail -' OWL IMYSB.4. . , ... . ......_ __ 3 I - IL 1 I' -., I , , 0 - ...., ,- I • 4,3- . .. •al E •.i -5. C. - ''',.7 la 7. .1 , :.5 -1 i ;-, . i 7,;( , ..1" - :..1 - .7 . 7.c. ''^ .. ...I/ - ___ ' .......: : 1 " Air, 11-.1, , i-v, ___. i . „ , - ,i ~..,....„,, .„. :- r.; ~,„..., . ._ .• . : A: . , - . _ : •----_,-, , ~..h: , . ''rPt: . 1 :-2 . ' r , , 1:•44.: . 4 4" : Wl': ~ I „. •I ; ; Ir`• - _ " ' . ' -'' ' ... '\!% .'.a . \\ if . ".) . ' ''•. - , . ' . ' ' ' . . - <th i l a ' to; ' ence. " lave bag t 4): -.C ' ...- \---- - 2.„..a...;6 _,, 1 1 7....., , , -_____',....,•' - * '', , - :-' • • ...{.l . _ .4. . ..;, . • .. . . iin. es : Frovirmore . lines .---; -- - - •• 4 • "•-• = s' • • • -• '::— --- 4 _ • -.- • . I 1 ~• / .., . _ . 1 '': ' " 1 One wilbaiLi r ribiliregs s °-(7 117: 11—t-ete dl ne4"1 7: Mwe days ~ ~.„.„.,,,...,f , ..„.._.... ~ .. . r., v,_,, " ) -V- - " ' II , 0 .:. ,:: „ Tw onThreee o w ds ee n : . r days , s . - ' v. ^ . _., -t,....--_--0•,_.., .1•_•.- t c • •-•.- t•,-..!•," --'•-- • '- 7 - - - - ,0 ,... •: , ,s,d- •••••••• . '' . ' - .. , . . .. ' : • . : 1 , : 1 : 188 38 .. ° 8411 ••• .•. • . • 8 00 75 i 18 84 4341 7 1 E9n1 1ieek61 --- .2/T=i3lo' 4 •lW''''' :-'-' li-•%/...: • •1,• - • ' ;,.:“.• ' - - - ' - ~. 'rwa months • 450 'No mba , _-, ri.Z.,.........•- r..., .. . ..J..;il..ts ..'-. ~.1•_. ."0 a , . • - 5 60 0 Three_ ' Ex . •--,---..**------, - , One 'year - ,Ara months $ oci. line Yetti4 . - --, --r.T • IL ~. .._ .. LL L. , : 3 41 . 4alidstratien 15 - $l - 50 BY GEORGE BERGNER. 400 _10:00 MEDICAL.' GLAD NEWS FOR 1.116 UNFORTIINATh!, TIIR,LONGISOUGTNP-FM - - P/SP?VER% - 4 15 ; Cherokee lieNwedy,. CHEROKEE INJECTION! : ONOITAISIP .**..5 1 .9 0118 : f14410:41:0:;14,* CEEZiOSEEE BBM.g.B_Y, thereat Indian Diureti4 'Psrg alt ai of.t l ie ?nnar.Y .°rgans3, such !As InflisnMatidn• of de" britdifiriqrdrja, motion of tho Sifinzys, Stone in the Bladder, Strictur Gravel; ,Gleet,(loinurhafi i :if, roles Iron, in those cases of Flatir Albus (c);: . Wrath 'inher e all the old nauseous mediite &lie failed. It is prepared_lzus. : highly concentrated form, the ,dose only Wog from one to two tetypaenthle three. timete s 7 r 4) z 55.5.5, per day. REfi- It is diureticand'afferatiSeiu its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing It to flow in all of its original purity - and' vigor; tliuwietiovixtglfrolikhe 837441 all pernicious causes whielt have induced disease. ,CHEROKEE.IIvJEOTION is hiten:494as willy s trassis , , ant to the CfrifibitiF. lill*t151! and Should be used lit conjunction with that roadinc in all cases of Gonorrhej, Gleet, Fulor Albus - or Wldtes Its effects are soothing. - and ...dentakent ; -.removing, alltscalding, : heat, chordee and patn,lnstetutot thaburningllnd ahnest uri endurable. paha that 115 1 1)Spdr . Itirirded: with' neiirly. salt tt+ cheap qua& 'yoft* - 5 wig& r .1 'Aießy tho 1 ise of =the CHEROXEES -REMEDY anfl CHEROMEE'LIattIONtIie time-Latl renaiiii*indlheweak ened organs .'tire' tineally reisthred to 11111 vigor and strength. - • • . ..gag-For -- fultpfuli.cularsy" get our .pasiiphlei ' (ruin an drug stoic itbshe country; :or ,write .u 2, ann.r.wo will . ..tna free, to nnyl address, a fullArokieb. , • , -' , ;:o or 1f la-PACO, gi.EItOKEE REMEDY; $3 - pet , bbt!..111);•:: dr three iiiiitlegforli. I: '•i 1 • •' ' '' - • ' - L ''- - i la. Prioti 'C'HiaoFlEE'"iiiPtb r rii*, 42 per' bottle,- oF three bottles fir i 5. . ' '''' ' ; ' -' .' I T G 10:6 Sent- by express''4.l' l „:l4' infdrow' on itceipir- cif 'tAce. - • ' 1 ' ' ''''. -134.3301 d by till ciriegglst.T iMtbililF - r..... V . , int I"S.-240i/N &CO " Solo "t 4151 N o9 , 141 1.! 17 s!recollwll;sr:i 94E1*K" Viii-VarEAT 'Magi s .ilti , l itioici-Ovidasp v= LEAVES r • - . An tehfa .thA l co;e : f i n pis r!nrste??Thies,SpvisysZ7 'Ff ness Nocilirnarptieshms and aTd dismiss caisserlbq self- Fdlutskra; •• seteN(s,.pop..s of,dienyfty jE •Thriverlal .Lastitvge, Pairs in.the Bask Dintalssif, Premalttre 014340 Weak;lV:frw.C%);h:ffictfilYVDrgaingi.:Tfenthi i ng , Trak.Ar 'Ks; 411 4 144 1 ..frArk (hg Face:, itge :Otletenatice, btssrig4, Ce . Lss"sulnpbibk mid al the Direfuremplaints chit:sect by 'ibl- POgingfivinfthel/ath qt. • ,iirThis Medicine siniplelvegetableeitract, and:or* n which all.feinrely, strati= teen used in •onr Macho!, for Many years and with' thousands Vistaed, it hairixit Wiled in a single' instance. Its curative gufflcient to gain victory over the most stutMenireaSe,''` To thErie who'havii trifled' With their constitution, Wink iliepdselres beyond the • id, we wohld say, Despair not l theWhinhiss buitz 'Wiil testers you'to health Und'efgor, and irtier 9 all quack doe toil have fa led 1. • • , For partieiV - Fs, get a.ciroUh* from any Drug Store* the s em:miry, or write F the Proprietor; Who will mail free to any one deihing We same, a full 'treatise * panaphlet fhrui. • ',Prices $2 per bottle, or three licittlee ror $5, ilia forwarded by express to all ykirts of 'the rrorld. by all iesivotablo druggiets - eireryihore.; / .., I , Sofas Prcoranarous roarlo,oly, = Nod 60 Liberty street, New York. rid lA-I 41 U. 0 IL , S.. L f. Shissler & Failazer4 , uncossorsto Win.JrCo,)O 'r* Dock, .3 & C TIEALERB Freiz FAMILY GR060,- RIES oppdeite the Court Roust:Am on bandatine. yeleotion jzf i . , , , , mitJANDIES,- • of ditliireillyintagti: _ _ •RLIVRAND 1:10AfMON 'W/IVES, .` tr, • , - • WHISKY& .1 OLD BOURBON• • • • c l ANthirakrrEi.4, FINE IRISH AND - SVOTCH Whiskys 11te best ever brongli:tlo - f,bdi,irik i • OLD WMEAT, FAMILT NECTAR, And the celebrated ' CBE - a" 1311 " 640 TE Walt CaIiAIIiPAGNE WINES. `- SEI-C(B3. JO . '4AIs z nITEBLTRG, ' ' ' CLARET "SCOTCH AND IRTBII-ALEB. • LONDON BROWN:, • • Y./ ITF,ANTATION; • , WIGWAM TONIC Breams_ -With Otiaaplete AtOCIC of - ENg:rocin•AND ,PICKLES And Condiments of every description now In the market, and at = ' 27/73 . LOWEST RATES.. UnE , RALPH'L M1 t SAY, - - A TTORNEtAT-LA*.—Tatriot rifidJUnion! A HarrisAurg. Strict attention paid 'to ail legal Vusiness. c4iras collected. - • T09131- I d6m- cod' • ' ' jute tabli3 FM I7-4.iA8 tE :011 4 ,--4.olb,o r trol oils of the best locip9ro.llopri . 'fr Eat kt Aale , retail, by „. - • 10° ;,- 1 ; SHISLER dent/LIRA: successor? to W.. Dock, 43,4 t Vo • tays /71 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES, ej.k.jr comprising Chow Choir, CaulifidWei, Sliced Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. Fok, Sale wholesale Fe& . 4lbp i SHISLES & FRAZER, mps • "soo:oosgors to W. DockJr.,:fr.:Co. inITRECAM MUSTARD, the best imported, 1../ just received auMus sale by,- ; rx „SEMLER & "Vox "Dock, Jr.; & Co.) ES . 43 0 0 r; rgrAkft, irrk4(1 11 ;" - el'4 1 7 birge:gpan4ty, ° R° P g f -'2U5:gf?,2114;74(1W.: ?14-ra,ta-Vat, ilyth6PlaatiatAsilikiiids!atT Af 1111743 BOYER & ZOERPFX. I THE urffb"'N - L--N . " WV . AN. FA) :7 Trebetei.. HARRISBURG; PA., 'T-111111SD . 548 . ; . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A JOINT RESOL U riON proposing certitin anisadmentsto the ZobtatithtioVl nt" Be it resolved by the Senate-and House of Representative; of the Commonwealth of. Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met,l Theit:{l4 folloWing amendments be proposed to ;.I.lter Constitution , ofthe, DomizionWealtic in .aeoditlance with the provisions of the,tentilysrtiele - dheroof: , There shall te sdditlOnafsectfiiiiiii , tlMthird article of-tfie'Coniditaitfon, to be' desfgnaled:'ds!Sectine Your, as follows: '.ssurioS 1:W 1 A cflevdt anyini the analilied elecMrs of 'this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, under a reouisiti?n from the President of theZnieed *Stab* Ot Wale atitherify Of-qh is ;Conitnotimiaitte,' - such ieldOtoftelair;exersisetbolizightiof.ageln'lalrelections ,byrthe.citizens,un t ler suctlftegulatten,spa,am,,or: ehall be prtsthilied by fully t as if 'Rev vtent . 15erttt at their usual place of clectiOn.",' ' ' , Samos There shlinie-tWit. additiercittiablit" ilitti , to the PRE,lohajtige of, , q4stifutibnilo be. Alesibiated as sections eight and riliti; as follows: "Ssprrox 8.. No bill be be passed by, c gis tura, Centilininertiefe " clearly apreesedindhe titlejlexhipi ,'"&mmenc,l/ . . shilil/s i vagssg,toyjths , Legislature eintifignrizpov,;ers, igAriviksgss, in any case, where the quithchity graiit'suchliewetd, - 761•'*ivile'ps, ties been, 'oranarliereattar be, ettigerVed iipeirthe tteurts , - . of this CogPunqitylealtlL!' • "., ' r ; HENRY C..A0HN,50,N.,,• - Spinier epr the Hasse . Rerireeentatives; JOHN P. PENNEY,' ' Speaker of The Soli*. NEM PETR: I 4I O 4 Thz S.AgpigOrigr TU oalaroliwomau, • --- ; ifk.11F3).739,243,111 j, . . I do hereby ertifY,tiluctliii re ingoing Is a fat true • :,;tuidlorreo,copy_or the :origiviellointieltitiott of. the .Goiteral,Aaserobl,y, entitlett !' A Joint o certain en ents to pr AM dui lhopinatitittion,',.!,*the sarne lathing tin nip in • • r, , , • Wbateof, •_l. have: hereunto. apt 13) . . hand guld:eaused the „§eaL of4her, Seofietary'e, ' Lied githild, the day runt Year anew° written. • • • • ' • ILI SLIFER; .• r i u.. - Wecrdam' 'Um comMOritviiill.h. . . The above-Kew, lilitili?!blarihg-hein to by a jinn jgrity of, the member ie each goose, at Iwo successive &onions bf Gdildratimienibly . thtiCommoktilialth, The'peoposedlifeibritmeiits'ikilt submitted Ith the , pik,,for. their adopMda rejection, on the FIRST TUSSItieY OF ,Anarrsr 3 , inAhe yerimf, : our .I f erd one thqusand eight hundred and filx.Y-ftiur, iciordanke with ihn tenth arti cle of the Constitution, and theiet;'entitied scribing , the.titnelandinanner 6f-subititttinglo4hOpeoplo, for thw-ApprOvid s l ank nfitltiontipn, xejection, . the pro posedamendinentp„to„the,[Constitution," approved, thh 'tWetiiiAlaird 'day Avrif,"olie'lliolhoird eight .hinidied and aixty-fur. ELI SLIME., .ZapTlL!' •:. f:nti 22ecristery aft the•Comniontvecilth. 'lli . 4 .7 , )( , Trtf , t A•l4 fit_r,! ' - ~:,LATEST riSOCLES!!. MRS. N. -- 111FERralier .la Markd Sireet t , - T7l,g4nEk*PP4*. Ltl'tif Harriseurg an n d.vicinity, who eve so liberally pa ion ized her since her arrival in-this city,) that she has jurit, receiyed, direct !role fpanqactuters.und,lvaporters, , hi( of the finest goods the market. could afford in the line of. ataitERIGWITEJNERI,; '' .. - and is now prepared to offer great inducements — to put chasers. Her stock consists in part of s•,.Y a 4-, - rt LO , HEAD DR,&-SES, . -----CAPS ORNAMENTS, &O.' pairs ~:munTS,..LAQES„RIJCHSM ..It tfaxipiskitas moiLliers,klidgeraysd Ica IL ; HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, , _ • CUFFS, BELTS, BETS, FANCY GOODS &C. Also; •.g ftlendld alsoittriAit 441 SILK WRAPPINGS, SILK COATS, •--oraccrEAlts, - MANTILLAS; • ;LACE POINT& • • : • • • i PARASOLS,' &C. 41•00,0iie,,'8cstrfs,ii!octet ciikeki.;P9rte,Dionnates_. and :Purses, e4gent Steelund,Jet r pharieud;l3pßoplits,,,Be,its and. lieit'l3uckles, and a till line 4,,TlcaUat i ng i. us Fancy Goode; ris cheap as ' the cheapest' - •- • • Special care has been exercised hi the sebsetion 4 of these IP o f4iinith a the Wanta:Pf tl44:Ql:iDritanitY, and thuilaairie generally are-invited to call, ind f . t.,entistinttbeni- Thankful - tin' , the IM - 6ml petrel:4e' lieretofdreikooelved, I. tespectfuily,solicit a•contmeariecei the same. Don't forget tlltkOteek:lfo/.3-tuarket surd ; , MRS M. 'MAYKK.r. - GREAT TARGAIN,SdIN -awnitx - . F.O RS Y 'Sr. I 'o' 0 • • 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. : i'• • 1' .(AAilajuing•theaktW oll ice,) Ober for Sala the following znitgnificent ef". , . • t.. - WAXPEEES,,.CAMNS 4NwELB,Y, , LA2I, . YALUED,etIf , $390,000. . I ELCSARTZCLR OWN DO LAB, AND NOT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT - • - - - 150 Gold and. Silver Watches.. $15,„ 00,to $lOO 09,each 200Wes,,,, k t• 500 - marte& trews 60 each , 5,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils.-- . 400 to 600 each 5,000 Gold-band Bracelets.— 300 to 10 00 each ~.I.o,oooMocketa„Vhalps .-2150 i tar r, 00. etach Nxio 'amok' Mosaic cud Jet r , Tgßrooches 4. Ro ,t,o . '6 00 each; 6,600 Oltral .Iter. drops 600 to 800 each_ 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins . 260 to 800 each 15000 Sleeve Buttons, and Bosom X101..19.10id3R• • •it•. 17•3:• .:., , ,r 1;59 td back . 000 Sets I.aElies; .fewelry,„.. 600 to 10 00 each 6.000 Ldva andFidrentinetifiZ - 4.00 to 600 each' 10,000 Gold Pens, Silver-mounted . . 400 to 500 eticiif 5,000 Gold .pens, with Ril,ver.Ex.- , • .1 ! +WI oils.. 400 to 600 each - The articles in . thit'stoelt elry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. _ _Certificates of all the va rious articles are put in sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giving siloc fairmlisheiv.Mtid,:sentAy Mall, for 25 cents' each;. and okttio,Vcelpt•pf-the et tceigtlftetW it is at your option M.*l4:o: l El)oLLAiandtailie.thitgi 4 clo.n amed - it or nnt. - 'Five certillaitettbr49l.relev'eri 'Tca l l2; thirty, T 9145; Sk .613tY,..f0r.5/.9l,eltundrocl_fot gerrtficate moneg-to i iim..enclos ;wig! :order., 1 Correspondence promptly answe'Ved: ' tin eVei' > , town ens iWmene,... Send Or a circular. • 4itddressl. FORSYTIItSi CO., r, - 4 . VNltssatt street, New; York: M1125-'divas3tniir3m C 1-17. TI, LA It HiSTORY OF THE PENNSIIANWIEHRiE ELLiaamiutit. rgispeatfully; arkacituici 3 that they hays in.preparatio4 a Bbzitory oflhef Penn • sylvßstia ReperViksiforkt organ ttton to, the:e3o l l= - tioaot:thair i tertn of - - . "'Aids fileterY,Will.contein:Lthb hamep of al :the Officers • i 444 'Prb l46B-00 he • Geeix - iftetr , proritotionay catualtbas and dieetungest-Attlso,• Eraphictaescriptions _rif,theitteatni ) • 'life arid thebi gallantichioreliehtirinAhirmattys batting In • ;CI" whigh,theyautve'tatediatre=-all derivediftoni;otiteiar and; aiithentie z.rot) s.;' • ' ll ±lf4YitiSteXT of the fifinVi4rardaririeieall Vnd'xritti of. 600 pages, #tevi dine neatly printed on kilod iptipet,isndliu*.entitiiiy bound hi t hlatic &oak; 'Omit:Whirs!: ode' of , fortnoion Of the Penney liantsi itegetire'boh ' S,j i c h l a will 'be sold only by subscription ittirlll Ail:Cady in Angnst next. rrico "—Three; (toilers per copy.. • . 7. • ,• •-. The. Puitlishers feel, cokfldent thelethe Just, pride which frr,ary,Pennsyleanian must' entertain for. the, Prave men `irtiOse4hlliintlichlevenients and' oribtio iseJf7deicition it. rrt7tptdg tall , secure-for "I Iftsnerrn a generOiris and' appreetaxiie reoeption. t • '3-37 qI'24IAAIPARIt'ai gabliOerai tgc4rt. kilt 25, - - v . Wolinitias for-'theitbciSeiiterlf.)ltiWery as7striottnetkrineyliranitu vßesponsiblitreferatifieSreeittlteli It: WIL'OrdIP-K-1 I : mml Ac'lligiONftiiinaciffiesliTtatitttny -,jajtvhaititratkigliato -.,./9i.s.ndmece,Kokßgra. my 4 N.PAW 1 414: 1 AtEltjcSEMINITP: L i • . • • ._ - : JULIU ROSENICiAtt;'" ,:• • - . 57/. , Mil 49 Seleptillo,.L .0. V - rk • X.,';'i: A,-ili' :::'' . 4 7 ;•:: . ; . ' • • HAGFAMIRRII.: :AND :, IMPORTER' OF l-LL OPTICAL, 1110110MATIOIL,;;RID-..,PHILOSOPIE '. • " -.) CATANSTItrii ., NTs • • .!vr. l o No. 25 NORTH SECONI' I STREET, NEAR:WAr.#t c, • • . • HARRISBURG; PA. '" •,•••• rho instruments will be AbrvgdO, tb anyhddreie,, on receibt the p,rlCs) :, • • Insect' MicrhScopiii eiamlning i tilTklndient sectspfltitVers, of plants.' giatg;,micypseope;. for•lexicaiittiag; lopeao,v „s ! :Foienda.l4's"Stiident's?l,icrilgeliVa , an 250 0 diiiiietekit tA. lieihfiftriiistriatnant''fbi gonerat , microsqlrifsgiosialysis,..poekadAti. • bPx;4..1 , 1w. , • - • , •••,$). ••• ..1 •• ••••:••i/F• • ••••1 wop Bill Term opa; see at a ,distffipe ' , miles Wit be attaclied,ny .. Steieetcdpes;Jaille* sad fin ibstrietrdment' :AloP Spisctapkis y!"..,the highest refracti l ip.paver ta / htmagtk. en and proServOthe'eyealght, yiltk a large aasartmeni, Of Opera and Field Glasses, • Bai•ennateric: thatmoirietora, 4E , g4eIeiPIMMIS J ll ,, 4trtirePAK,..4o.: ; Ayala? . for a catfl o csu43 ipAicach •! i•' ' • ' ,P''• AUCTION" , 'SALE . 3 3n! I C 0' N 1 - 11 ti`itSEP. - ..,,,- °l!' ~R+FIRM _ . 41. • • Vi t P' ,. ' • Otmcal or t.... i ,J, , r.p.:i ~ . ~; Is f .twi t akintrott; 11;.0.7,,Ali r gliki I. - - !88/1.61.1 btt‘old' l iir pt,iblib 'iiiidtiihi;' .3- tii li te i It il , ) bighese 'Wier, -iiittie:tinabbieifidLiAnin naiad- be leer, vial li, r...,• , ..:_ r .'r ...ft,_ .e t-:, 1 .t Ali 7 eN..l:l'.:.,:ficz - f LebaninkirePeal • T AST 24 4I,*= .III -Po 4 4'4l'' '" NorthembeHand, 'Fein:l, l 4 . .iittuFaclay ._ tine ?Hi. • . .- Scranton, Penn.'44bureadyclunelttl* •'• ' - t.''' : ''''' i ' - Williamapbtr , PeinYa: ThaMa 4 y,loexiii•23d:' -f) , L ~r: StaegbPagig o• oo ):4 o o4,44l.oolkYOUrggaZdaWiPan4 larglitoupiE4y, (gm. at each, of .the, other Loewe, .„ „ lierstfe babe'peOri ' ce.**ime ea ithAi ' f6r,;116); j' INgiiiiri. iiefii&Oitili&liTiiitellStat&AiiiY?' .31 ' :1! -" 1 • , .;For road alit tann:pidixeth , .nuddydgdodiqamaina:ary:: 'be'Lleiki... r,..... ~.. ; ; ~,' -"! -- 1 - ,2.7 * 1:' . .../ 11:1 7,' 1.2 ' Horses will be sold singlx" , - : ' -., . • i Sales begin at 10 A. K.; tali"' 6igtiiiiikAiht?iiifLin ' is. ,RPIO4IOI-:. , 7 ,=-: , .... is 'to ...,=, , i; -,- . , DILI' •-',,: . 1 , ' 7/ i ! USES:, WISH. in tiplied Statfa Ireasupr, noteemply. '"". WI S H. '' . , . TANCESA. ES.M. . , . • SMdtd , :t... 1.1E'OoL; tdid - ti; , ,Q. l le-ctsiiiirkltarAiof. - , . , .: . NO. , .EXCUSE ,, i , FOR. EXPIPSKIN . : ..;f: .. ..:...,.: -, ...: , -...%:_.AB#I.IIOFrEILOWIT. oAnBIiDETE.OTOR. I LirißiliiilXM*l+TAßl7FtWitrEgerTlQN again* 40 1 1 1 0`fRopePAS INFYi .t.9...s4eVit koilsrAirM9 ilichwlc, t vater, yterb. is, the grzst Rum qr, .., scr„saapy.p.a,cauadr • Lai d phes • • 'mid- so" baba: d am nor frotchha. astral . f bollors. -. :wetakfira'iaatidy-biOtramOriVtbi Baffiii: ' f. ,agatiaitlaankilintiOgenbiaa; **feet eafttisfeetlen guarad .l'"4,4l..n° P a iiiir r lCMPLA 'j I 'l9 rilnf!i.i.f , ' fforr: ' Send , ter aieinStrumenp 4 Alrylth tr 'not,satlaradtors , you iiisty 'ietirii , itil ,',.' °trail ' with rOteronVes NAVVY any' ono desiring them.. AddresFyotttleomainaffitionsAti ..; , ~ . ~ ..,. , , ~ „ _D. C. & Oa, mytpliatt -,-'; , -.- "_" '-- "' 'l"ittspnig Pa. ' . SOLE AGENCY; F0R.. ,, T 'CITY 7 ..iltki'dpie, did 'iiiortmept of ;-• ' ?ENS; manufacttred j _ a ,• , — irikaidw... - .2. These Pens are well flinched ( elastic, and will 'We en-' tire satisthetibif."-•' - ' 4 I • TLEABILTI3IZI7H:EIII. : • ..•••••! *. •.;..APPAT*4 . , B ) 3 9PK pri.).Ayr, , Se4iind Street„ oppcgite lE'resbmram.. , pl . 2l.7 , qh, llarfisnurg ; ;.t.. i e rb li s u,:.4 t yr . ,,i ru zif.. l3 , s L fan lATßiat DJ g'l „ tfiaoner y ) Er o ' rM o P tfie tairtiurt TRtn 3 I , At cheaper 1 40 9 134thgt;aga r houas n.lle city. Th.eqatuiti of her kg9il3, cal4Lot,be,§_w,poV, ; • • •-••• DR ,lIAKENG r , Wilt be-niitt.d.iticgifed.--' , t; - +i r 114v:11es cailisn¢,trainino folitireintselvesj , ,•olB:lol:. ."..' S • - • shbeeribreriellerii Side itobk IlituidiP , him,siren lcubivn: WHOTIPA:* , R.71.1Q1701t STORE LAN> : ESTAALISELKW. Jle BO ate pheie, ofi)art or, stock, The - -vase has 'beds. airfed'oh e aboatfifteeiryearoiiat. ;is' ..ell established. With the stow is connected a Good:KOlTnt:-- STILT. It issitwW4 ori,Canalstreet, betwees A gepnsyl, iihiaitAlidad , iol4.hanal• , and kitikViirivtite sidinVeitable for foiwaiditietimrposes: Poseeseiorr given gutless° eves .foriroin enei torten years. aermitaseiti perAesers. ITer forthet.Woroietiop opt on the!rpre... mises tb [inar24-til Ofha(gl• • . . ,liiatsrablo: Landlater ..tilselerbdi r r NITML bee xpiisfed , to: pnbliii s gni , ort = T, day, the .4th iday_of June next,Cat.lo Wan& Is 11.,_.atthe c CouTt Houses to Ate otto . r.A :l f Harrjelmsig,„thO, TyaesOr fAiitt 4 late 'the Mt* "Otteoh.Grove ry `ddCies'eit; Eted r iOtilw4i6h.. - resided is AtedthieiniainnuSnelnehazufwgiAinirThip, jou, tho,publiAppett .loglthg i'ronialfxrietell:Lte PoVit .on Paxton mak; t4ree r iqglos! ;min, ,11.arps1) , nrg e ibogntled ; byy littids*WH'ltAhielis,ChVer stiff Feitter s heirecoe :Wily' In' nft , LNWPOWEItiIsTD,- Weir- refold' and good: ondeaWkitlimargn tit) story.franie 110uSg r harneud,ostt hoots% altrierrlY, l :o,44 unProbaidi sopte i trees ott fruitthemour possussipit ttrfj]; tie given en ibo Ilia of, pii.Priext.., l'etifie of sale tb' beau's: .knosfrf by the 4inde - ed, , bigenti' , ' for the bithe Orlacoli :Grovei,deceased. I SMSUE,LiGROVI; A I Y I6 7q4v4PAW B i. 1 '" P'iltEtTP • -- 1-B A•eviluEit UR << M g S • OFWaihr *RD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 %iv -:" 1. • 1: ~ ' , ..-ice.Ciresicn.lmind:Vakie: kaloo.ii..lL , t ! I. 44 riat, Veni-ka6Wll4otl tretimlgelaerivailit'S.l riffin Davis, Itiliralthintstreet; haiibeenleistdrely Teat ,--.• • aPgr,lik Pti9PclicATll4o444ayl‘AYPuiqgil'on-Alikes L, 9ep 'GA of gßepus,- 0 pain wilily:l' eppiaito Amish t 9. ; Zetsqce Cream Edii:CEimktbaeciuf be' pritickcal.. - TAil i are ' iiivitea to 401;.:1 li'll , f;: , ./..... e . i ~.. . I in WI - 'I, ,L il ... - '13:430iing236; ii ...tiliii ,MHEL! CHARLES) MAIBEWS. : ;1‘ , :: i isif# 4lo 4,A pwrs t ... . - A.' :4A.. dr44!. 1 .3 1 39 T:taiiifit gi;llhotopmfif 3 , of , ~7 Fa erais ad-fancy picores.foT,FalebHEA2,at t.i por 'dizen, at --- SCKEFFER'S BOOK STOR.F.,' I ixiy2o . ' . -- - '' ~ ; ' : 1 ' , - Kaiisbufg; Til et. - • irumasslaif-fr; *z .-f 3 ` l 4c--,Burrpitg-, rytiiig i aTiVor.ttte,sgearn, 44? , !Li-101126km- NePo i rgi smsL a t T qt avrEms,' (succtisporia4 w3ni oak; jr:i &Ca) -• • , :k.:±LkEGE silibitaikmrift) +3. • :WI a:: j 7.1 111J3 ' - rs'.43 l,l .:=BEßifiatauSTCHNAßßOiffiglofolka ltatirXB ±t. , : AitioldastWAllAillellOnretisilrati 6 Vl.4 l 3*, b • IP9 • hk ic- t hiati f ga l o it o N a t , l ad l e a, EVEkrata/sWi l tAilibi s loilit yards, Am - my2o-d 0i Tr. ‘.l: -PRIG TWO'GEMS.: ' MDR DRIO. A, • Icaen7aT.--=Rrdfalmiis"Cgainned r Te - , tcrdaysfternoon„an4 xegakaq as folhj7,!, fo Jao 9A - 1 Fjk m akvi c - WaK.: „ ... t. -.;1 , 131461ukei ;Welch% aged;42,lfarmit.. - 2 B. M.'Lennen aged 37, farranr„;:. y 3 SamnetFuluzixan u mged.3l; farmer. i9lin - cket 7 4-. 6 rlica B askciffhitgr4l 4 :c fig / 5 Joseph snook, aged 31, farmer. 6 J9nathan UsahTesi,sg4o:36, laborer'. 7 GebTiVAIIIIII & • 8 Isaac Getz, aged ) 21, shoemaker. r0" . .1T-7 11 .19 2, " ` 1 G. w. N'ememer, aged 35, teacher. 2 Reuben Smith; aid 37, farmer. Elials Dant4:B7ol 28, laborer. 4i - dosephoGofficagelilJ26,flarMer,l, 1 ~5g Josephyetem i ,med 49, farmer. 6 Jiik4l . l7. Prbe,s, i g iA laxrei. • 14rawir. • 8 P4t4it'KTiePP; abed 4:l;PferM4r. r.u, :',..-9 , ,100012. 4404604 lig9d. 0-.7-atfariner.: ,10.Witeora k olm:g 1 aged 22 1 , 4r3;iler. 11 Aichtg'Steizinkfpr i 12 Wm. Christ,'Sged 36, lioctiir. B;fragsiingAr, ,, atgell:2o; 14 Abner Roil,: Mt 40k:taxmen 15 Wip.. Treht93tel., aged 33, labOrer. -1.6'11193411' qt.= - =V-BillioriShiak; l eged 34; -former. ''2s - !eirk o.'llOker;''aged:3s;mintasort. ' 1. aplter Waiter,' agecT 2 1 k:fiirtnef.;"- '"4 Mattiinel•Doebler,!ttied.'Bl'.; phioksitith. 5 Lewis Sissaminvaged l 44, - faiider. 6. John Schroder, aged 27, laborer. ' Deal aged 44; fartaer.'' • 9 William' Fessle . J r' aged' 23, faimer. Williamlo n If: Il."Shiffeg 44,0 2V, L l3hoernikke] oses - '• Tovinvelii±e. ..isted 3 :lo; ii er. : ` 2 -`2 forediaibiitifferes 25-fTb4atiniii. • 3 Henry clikieler" • `4 m'aigev6fireli lieW3glabor(4 . ..r: j..s'olmiiaSqi•oaaii:akeat9l,Taider: • ?E•3B . Lewis' A . iedlK / Vdti r iza* '7- 2 1'berSCILOOP, ' l l•UFl`tir r iTiif %ON), - • '- 'Y545163034.` ' lb - Tab/ 4iod• "11 lioalkg'ShYdeis, j , AgeX teitidn' l ",' `l2 guffiett a "agkd'`4o - ,"fthii'ee lu L.' Astitie•FlitiOrs; 31 - Aoit)S4o4 1 - d - 23;15 1 hiet061,, i 15 Jacob I:eittet"Qed lh.bordi." • 16 Davmlß. - Brub - like,r * ,aked 41, saddler. 'l7 John MEE 291 • . 4 , i Bcl 44C•Sinielteitieti -- perk. - ' - '' lllf 0' Divid S - 11 c eltettti. ' ed t 7 f '''' • . inner '1 tadobl3fdi`set,44Al Atiniiik. ' ' - 4 , f - R. 0..... v....- 2i DomaiittA:4o laborer:' tgg-4111riPts11414"b, EI t 3t I.4ttiiii4: . 7 2$ Jacob 0 1 . (1 611fdet", 4 ea. eb , 4*iiiii. , t V 4 Henry Sie ' tz, We 26, hibprer. ' 25464 n 5(43 0. - 44' 32 , glictriir`: - ' 16 George Git teT; - 0 - larse, Va sf uer. — 7 w 41 1114 KrOP ,- %er4'lltimei , f tiigniellt , r sslitßt 4.od`2o.rie*Yer 'i-Ja;cobw.,.4-46.nlioifer,:aged 31„;'*hd?in4ei. 3 4 legstf LAO; 10ejr 44; laborer. Lr ,- - , - 3- - ; " John iteitian, 4igd 31,_.farrni4. ) 5 4 . alnes Slioenigh4ged 22, laborer: 4 , - , 6 ER13,434 - 11,451a41; - aggil 24, laborer 7 ' 740 4 §Paid:,aloos, firmer, . 8 illilli4stawi ii aged 3 1. iv,4440r PB9/0"),?n,A"01;P,,50 22, shoeplakei. ' lb' Aaron'•: . qrAft , ag9A bi - fabi*ii: a nd " a s ili -- veyor. ;11 Elias Ml*o, aged , 2 0 ; ciii peider. . ; ,ia John W Aerminges, eked 32, inriner. ; 13 Aaron 1t0w,41, 14;0..28, lAhorer.„. ' 14 8§81a1, 43 -S ;WhaPn.q o, 111-36.1 30, .4„Littpr . a ,Preol4 o 4ll ll e:_iLli nod- W firgaiir,,, -,, ._ 1. PPRi.Eilvrso 3 1 0 .4 01 : 3 G1L i l ' ilutia. mer, aged gb,biAiprilth. ..,,, • 2 Keliis_eol 3 6: l 7 nA 24...sarpiitei .. , 3 , [ 3- fwg: l3 1 1A . ufiullip,sigc 1 741 1 :olirk. i 4Thomas 14Bilibighans,,4ges1:29„;F:doetoK 1 . 5, 4.Aii - 4 11 ,4wir5f4X.,-ASP: 2 4 , 40eilaitiirt - - ! ; 6 ' ge0rgq,, 4 1612450/Bg, Mi,4 45 .r P1iD:: 3 1 1 2 1 % . r Y climies,§P±m.@;-.4ll4iYilall9l.grti. ~ .; a t ~, :,.....-, rm:-A50r.....:-__„;.....-±,,, _ qi-iiiit. iheshtnatidpali Valley . ' ...) -I , ::.f.O :PK ~ • .. J..... ' , cap , .. , .... .1: :1. ~.I.4tv -•. '.., , , • I Iliopoissance izi:Fors6 , -4bbel Force 4 000 ffq 1- -' .... , - Strligl LV„Ii• ...“ i•II.-• LI a.,.., -i v • I.' • t :101-.11 •`,.. 11 i • I EZ . SPYTYN 0 13.4 4 ,}. Nr • Imo "'keboiloail anco m fade * ana : r l 444ll4l,' 46 e : t o, .o4: t h.T isa l nd- A tf°n g , : pkfitzt. Fi t; r s_,,iksji l l4. 4 l.}P :tigritLb*S l ,4l6.'l , P_r:crl~uc MIMS •"i•t;-bvk filetaratighva . • ; , . qpidajibi4iito *nit, 1 . ; The flOneitiaaltatielltol;'%ritilliiegif are 44-, 'Changed;; • Enna iio.4 'Of JEitltAStitfila 112 extra' at $7 50; , anee)ctin fandlynt47 75 ®8 25. ''.lf3refloinkilf aofirek and 'cinOted - alt corn meal nOtbiit doiag.' 3 Vhere is a &teak. , 'feeljAgeiii'isrheat; and not biddy offering; eales. : Of 24;00WhOhele iit , s).'Bs;l3ut sig;ms,hold era' , 4slr."tlote;"arid'l7,ooo r ebiiellele- amber' at .41'88 : f•sf itß Itileelf/W112(i)2 101 itlYB mends $1 52®1 60. Clani.falineettled; - 5;00 bnehdkiellOw" deletit '4Bl--tfti and a engin lot at bighet figures. - 3000 theliele , Oat-sold at `B6®BBc.-, Gatt& fe • steady at o6@aoop. 131trliefiteli0Ei 'fan at $6 25(6 50. Goifee;ren tairiind 'rnollyirieslahfleltiffitielr. sreiiataxteih; :2;000 bbls beef hatnalwent at mess-porkbat'3l: , ',Laid:line advanced to , 1 15 cc Whisky i f ramr, tinßEfellk , at'sl42® • - 1.3 J...., .; .1, 11 4E4 l'actinrednne-1. Fldh , &EA oiled 8;000 qiiiiela'iStifite - is6 15 .0660;''04i8I:$0,8007:;ISontheth V 74001/:. flea dull Si/lett luriingitaiht •illekpiteady. liiitikitteady it $1 Ali' 351' Whisky:lntl at I sl l 3ls"dilitrolis'mo r ftrin: ' l . *a . • B== 3101:4 I)wicAlirsT5 0 .X . k.SlPP l s lll tOSS t t.irf r ; 15fth dtaii t.tal ;tiiNalf LY*7o4 4l, l l :Act , J . l , ,Stbelutl; chicagce&Blioxle le4gza 1421; Ontaberiand. rforefcirted:Canfral 1128; Michigan Scintherni 96; c attO. ggara4tped -1141; Neat ,:lorks:Central :132; . - Rea_.ftg:AP 9 l .ffnason RiverJl4li;;DlisSauki ¢s 304;c:grie 1117 Oileauvikelllntigoli3B;9olg46jainlk gin T ourati‘674;JHarlem a85.,r.:G414 .1. 90 .0et - Par ' f aartillabas-9171;At-P.110 1 1p014 1 1 /45;:Mitiga0d 106. hdadO t lgal*Sk .4- 4 • = „A * 9 ‘,21.7.-‘ E alv iii Didi aa*lfehlgajt" 1:45, 4 147. ..,„..14:a9loitt*adYlenz$0.4.W0S1.4111k1.:',1, UAW' 4, 41 ,4•691 ;q3ssiia nd f islanal6; X.MatAllia 188. Exchange on New 'or par. Glen Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices;.: Funeral Notices each insertion Narita/Ana* tibtbles ingicKtoi In; the Zoola pima, ar before Ifitriiige' iina. DeathOZdairk Citili:Mairars for wilt insertion. - , i<_<~.i i.._ ~y ~~ e xi) ~efegrapfj. FROM TRH POTOMAC HMV., A...tajo s , ;W -CO IRO& S 30 .Ir_, THERICHMONDREBELS AFRAID OF GRANT lnrrasss Momsoz, May 3L ~_General. Grant's - .communication with the SWltit.ilip v e, is Canal:kph), and all works welL - "fakir "Mintz; ' Superintendent - Of GOveria lminttrailronds, arrived here this morning with Agginecears' and material for kmilding the railroad from West Point and-W4ite Hense to Pkidliinpfid; whenit may be reqnired. The LitiElamond 'papers' of the '-30th haVe been received here. They have changed their views, with regard: to the military ability of rven. Grant,.and. say, that they have been un dertal Wig They say, also,' that he is sinniter than theYdrearned of, and: manifest ~stone ;fears for ,the .safety of. Lee, or rather,for his snece l sajn re.pOling:#lo yanke l j army. , - , A:Messenger from ten. Grant reports that . isirlitonday mornitik , oar army had ' raehed Mechaniesville.with but little oPposition. err ; ; ,: +i fi Sheridan; had. routed.the enemy's cavalryat all points and captared many prisoners. - H'ea'vy cannonading was heard duringMOn day inAhe direction of Mechanicsville. Fronilguroper. I- 1, . I'Airrinut Borer, lime- 1: • The steamer Nova Scotia, ; from . Liverpool. 4iii Green. Castle, With dates to the 30th tali lito, has pillaged here. ... Theßdinlyerrg 'and • Damascus arrived out rtlio 2 4 11 - _ .1 :- • ' . . - - • , , The Kangaroo, from New. York, reached 'Liverpool, at r nirie A. rt on the 18th, and left again' at-nine A. si. on. the 20th, having been 'discharged; and loaded in twenty-four boars. .A,ppzispschis,haa been iSSII94I . OtiI company lii,introduce, floating, telegraph stations and light shiPs near the .orditury tiiek of stiiita 'Ors, such as' 'off Cape Race, vicinity- of- 'the ' Scilly (2) Islands and .on ' Rnelish. and • Irish : channels ; with„a capital of .250,000 pounds. A CnperdiSten - dispatch gays thatihe Pips sian.s, in Jutland, liavikrefused to pay tor' the necessaries:of , life 'during thwarinhiace. , -The,Dadidistionrnals demand resumption „of :blockade, , and reprisal for this, breach- ,of 'the armistice. , _ • ' CirCidints 'report breadstuff - market quiet 'anti-ririebs-nomblat ; . - ~ , . - . . . •LIAOSITDori Mortev mitistar, May 20,-Co3lguls closed plr9i®9ll for money. .The btdlion„in the Bank ;of England has increased 562,000 `pounds.' Anterican stocks are tiorninal. ' Pfo visidms ilull. .Lard'• still 'deelinitig. • lho : ltiadrid:Epoomrsaya.Spainwill appoint ;a represeßtatiy.e to Mexico as goon as Maxi milian' has fitiidfied"theSpanish" GoVerninent of his accession to the throne. =CM SonthwaiidEe4ranlar reportscontininicidull 3WsiA AmPriP/4 Pecaritiese 011114tioPs awgit thp result of, battles between, Gra* .and Lae-in Virginia Nnur Yost ',Tune 1. The Australkuian arrived at .1 o'clock. The, Pennsylvania arrived out on the I.9th, With the "announcement of Grant's victories. A:lslrrek of warehouses on Gorden 'Areet, Glaslow,..were;:burned on the 21st.' The' loss is estimated, at one hundred thousand Parliamerit hasftre:assembleil and Palmer- Utori is"'again` his place, his health being restored. , ' _ The Marquis of Huntington said two bat taliops of the Guards and. one of Infantry had teen, realled from Canada withoutlielia Mi. Baxter attacked sail 'Lord Psitherston emilairiettandrilefended British intervention ,t. . , There is nothing new in regard to the Con ferende... Tie London Times'sayg thci"'pries- Pacts of sisatisfietary teardt do not - improve, Mid charges the Germans with having entered ;it with . a predetermination •to reject all , terms and Conditions,, and also, with carrying ; on .vigorona war ineaSures aming the_ armistice. ` .4 "Axt - Official Prussian divittch-iihbivi , Ahat the Government . considers. itself free from. all obligations of the treaty of .1852. •-„3 The London . lkforning .rose rejoices at recovery, and calls upon 4iiin'to back his moralinfitkince with vitysicalloice, as:theiniomenthas; =lived for such I adieu. s" The Belgian ministerial., crisis , has termi nated, the Ministers have all withdrawn their —`' '- The account of the Pope'a hiaath- confirmed alarming, and reporped that the cardinals will elect ins successor before hiss aeatic .. •.4"": .~:.~~.. 71 21: Cfingfess---First Session `. HOUSE OP . REPRESENTATIVES. • ;: • -• • WASHINGTON, June , •35-r. Junky L, frolll select •msraittee on subject, reported back the bill to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy througlibut thel7nitd States- r • -Mr - Dalin (N l.) introduced shill forrthe _construction of ; a bridge, o'er the Hudsoß at Albany, for military and postal furtrotW:— Referred to-the committee of ecinfdreneci 4 on the. disigreeing amendments to , the: Naraonal . _ 144 11 C-#4-I._ , ; ' ''! '; ''', zr 1'1 , 3 Mr. Daviq (Mass) . . made a report- on Ahe itisiouri contested election. case,Man:ely;llr. Birch contesting the seat. of MrHilit,Larid moved that .the papeni be lahhonahectable, 1 1 and, the cenznittenhA , dlectimrged,. frp the.fur ther consideration of theFibject. , - Xiiieh, 4 the benteifitatitok4dresiAth lieig - aViit'th i n bi t3 , o , ev h Va s il. ;,! ErPdst ~,..: !;ad - , littaKilitg, iilts.sitting_in" er,inplieLl; when 1 the,questionws§ talf.en.. o -4, 'ying,„the syhole subject on the table, and ecided inthenega- Mr. Farnsworth offerec* ic-Telolution that neither Birch King is entitled Ma seat in thirMtis'e 'ai ItepreSenhitfie of the 6lh dis trict of lirlibonii.-L The -resolution Wig ) disa, leak 39, nays 72. .... : ~ITAC committee on elections was. discharged from theffirther consideration of "the subject Malax. 'Xing retains bis'seitt. '--r The Noise then adjourned; . -:., • MIL NrfPciirr Am exiitany - ths t uAL S. Senator for sixylif fioniltheAtli% Wadi „next, ifThetAita etyma 75Against27,(thelatter 41i0 0 2 -,AP •At6 0 37b4.# 0 ? fklgiNcri3tic _ nominee. -glo-inu End , odri agnate. ET)]. • 1 CO —4. ' d I 25 " ntha****** * 00 15 0 i r ....l . 7 ftre - 25 t 0 '''''•!**es 75 50 N. -15 4P -.a-so ices....:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers