THE TELEGRAPH .MORNING AND EVENING, b' y GEORGE BERGNER. FFICE THIRD ST, NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE suK;cßiivr.s.€l:, Tic ^attv'l 5I IRA3 ' tt is served to subscribers the at S cents, per week. Yearly subscribers will be ~ , ,, , , t rged $5 00 ill advance. Those persons who neglect to i w la advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tas Tsizo l viiis is also published weekly and is fut'nished o subscribers at the following cash rates &ogle copies, weekly.... ... . . :tree copies to one Post Hffice len copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS “ff liMrß 0 D GENUINE Pli,Et.-411ATIONS, FYZ IfiLMBOL) "BUCHU," RELMBOLD RYTRALT SARSAPARILLA, !lELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. H E L,lll D S GENUINETREPARATIONS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" CO..IUr'OUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHUI. A POSITIVE AND SEEM.* I3PEPPY FOE DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLING& r-rrg Medicine increaser; the 'power ofT gestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, Py which the WATERY or, CALPEROIJS damn tons, Qnd ,all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re- • Wed, as well as pain and inflammation, and is good for YEN, WOKEN or CHILDREN—, - lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT rut ivEaxNEssts drlSag from Excesses, Habits of rDissipaMoia4. Early fbi . discretion or Abuses • • . gIMIIHM H WITH . THM MH#RTIFH SYMPTOMS. Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of •the-Skin, Loss of Memory, boss of ?owe:, . • . • Weak Nerves, 'Difficulty of Breathing, ' Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision, Waleefillne.ns; Universal Lassitude:l,f :thePain in the BitCl4; Muscular Bystern, Flushing of the Body, Hot Hands,' • Eruptions on the Face,• *. • ,Ccount.ertacei! • • •rs x These symMoms,; If a2loweri to go on, winch tins -Mem ems invariably removes, soon Tollr IUOTENUY, FATUITY, EPIUEMIUFITS, t e he ° y r al i ttta ti gy t 2' 1 2042 1 Z • ii7 I° ' ICIIIIIZ INSANITY ; AND, CONPUWTH:O.- . . . , Maurer° aware of like .eatteeOf their,seffetinge, but( 00110 will confess.:' The records of the hoseheeekleme and the melancholy, deaths tty.Ponumption, bar; ;awls lett4l Des to the truth of the aseertios4 • 4 . 1;1,, THE CONSTITPTI (5)15,.*: E AFFECTED 9R9AVPFE44-IN7ss, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen.mid invigorate the system, whielatelmboldh Extract Buahut invaiably Joel. 4.. : triat . will,concince the most PERALEBN-Eutuaßs--REATATN.s, ; ; 01, OR YOUNG '634611V 3igißltl3; OR 43ONTEllt h PLATING; e . ;3:111 " . • tt . (.) OJIT In many affections peculiar to females thier, 'NxtreMP Bu chs is ausqualled.,by any ether remedy, ,as in eilloroaistos, Retention, Irregularity, Bainfulness, or-Ouppressiert_of the customary Evaeuations,,lncemted.or &nitrous state of the Llerus, , Leuctorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for., all tom- Plaints incident to the sex.,Attletether arising:from Sndleicrev. lion, Habits of Diseipationsit in the - DECLIN&•ORJVHANGSVP LIFE.' YO FAXIII3K SIODULD BE' Takano Balsam, Marcurp, or tinplemma. Medicine - . _for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. • • • '• . • • FM.TAirRg:EJ:YS EXTRA,CT BIICIf13; Cures Secret Diseases m all,their stages; at little expense, hue or no Chiutgeiniliet;•no leiconveniente and no expo , sat Iti tiniatia frequent desird, and giveS strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing ,linct suring alidettires.df the Urethrai , allaying Vain and irdlathi, matiouatejtiAgnent in this:class of disnasetkand.expelling Poisonous, biseased, and Woruout Matter. .PheuSsanda eat ttieneapds,Nriso Kaye been : the victims of ;quacks, and, the have R E ipe§ to be cured in a short time, dsaye: treed they weVe.(lnnelVntli • and that the "Poison" has by Ile use of iipower . fltlAstvingents," been dried up in the tinsel, to break ont,la au aggravated form, and perhaps Cl'or marriage. --- tie DELIU3OLD'S EXTRACPBUCEfiIIbr all Affections and lliseasos of the Urinary ,Organs, whether.pxistingin kt'e or Female, from whateVer cange originaqo,:44np, latter onto* Tong standing. DiSeaf4'cif - thete iltvans Nuire'the aid' of. a•• Diuretic. • ..11.1.1140, Bucau Is the Great Diuretic, add it is segtnin it , Vave desired ellaa in all Diseases • for ;which' Itrecoiii • • ' '" - • „ tztteetitral CoreSehd' FLUID ECTRALT 1.148.13- aaraffeetion - .of the BlocidVatiCatlokl63 :the, Sexual klegaae, Linings of the' Npiei Fars, Th3at, y ind`- . pipe ana - hthkr Mucus'Surfaces tOilani)4o!,fY the fordi itehaboki , s Eitrapt Seteklezillel7ll-: rig. Weßrood; and removes all Scalt *trOf tlie Skin, gfrillg to the Complexion a Clear analfealthy'COlo - : IL Whit trepared oxJiressly for this' elaiselAttPl4irltd.f. Its BaßapperifyingProperties are preserted 'to 9: reatfit e , extent pins'iFittlY Other preparatlotkof 1 -, ROSE wis'a. An excelliiit Leit fhillakides of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an inject:fon: liet discos': ei...of the Urinary Organs, armin g from habit dUillastiicn, used in connection with the Est ra d a :D n a* ithd.':Ur.6:pterilia, in such diseases as recommended. Allidaendeforthia most responsible and re liable characlei will accompany the medicines. OERTIFIt • GATES OF CURES - Ph:WO eight to - tired:ay 'years standing; iolh names kuown to SciencelmiD;Fatne. For Medical Properties of Stich); DiSPPl:kri't ITnit P d / sta _S e o'' 05a Professar - DRIVAR'S yolugik.ste,r4h I.l4l" Physic. See reMarko;l3ll4. '141;! late `00 _ 101: 0* * ,, I X. PirySICIE; Philadelphia.," 'Ede' 'remarks' mataS i ll,4 PR RAIM'IIioDOVELV4 Zelebrated bet or the Royal College of ..titiaiiirltidpftblislied*O, T rassactions cif QM ana' Queen's - Jourgel Re dico.chirergical Review üblished by pEN'J; T.114,14 1 1 f Fellow of the Royal College or Surgeons. - . 1 11_3 ; the late standard works on Medicine..' .Ritriet of I n ll 00 per' bottle, or six bottles 'frit' $5 05. Extrdct *a rtaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, •or , six for 1.5 pl'ored Rose Wash, he cents - per hottle,or or halts dorms each tor $l2 00, which will beanfilefe4it t . : to cure the moat obstinate cases, if directions iths-thirdiat Delivered to any address, securely packed.from . 11 ,Weation. , . 'Describe. symptoms in communteatimas.', "1,4 guaranteed._ „Advice gratis. • . • , ii ..,..,;,..,,,, •: , AFFIDAVIT. . ~ . . , P ,s er sonally:appeared before me an Alderman of the Olci - , I%, r iadelphia,./X , T. Helmbold, who, helot' duly sWorn, " (44 say, bis .preptirations contain . no nexco* ticy•Me'ri. , N 7, or other injuitcnitriliings; and are purely vegetiblei 11 . / xt, 4. HELIIBOIA. - - 3 wern arid subscribed before iteLithfs 2 8 dllay'of Ito! , l 'rtber, 1854. . ' 1 ~!.'t ..Wit EIia4BARD, ~ ..,. .Alliiiik-Ittlithritratylii. Reiee, Phila. ui wl. . ore sttterislifedintormation in confidence. It. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Pot 104 South 10th street, below Chestnut, Philadel kik • .. • .! , - . . . , . . . . - • till fpi h I lipt• , .... \ ..,. ~..,. ••••• '‘, R 1rit,t,.. 7 --' -- . . • , The nal ting ire the fbr advertising These baying advertising : 4o tto will tind-lt- am- • , , .. 4 . , ,1111 V/ -/i .-1 ' `. : .. . . . _..... . lenien trot reference. , :-Ni ., -- - ":" - -- -,. '" .: t. . , , '",' -0.7_ . ityrlbur lines orlieeigtinitinie inkatilinsitisti. - -Wit Unestortaore than four constitute &square. ' f . 1r . ' Cta.4l43° ' ll'i t li a. liegljfirt i A t de ; :':- ... . 4 Pr . 7).1-13. .;?:-1 ~. 1 -_-_,- .. r.., Mite dip! - • 7.6 . .:_.:.c::,,i,:.,....„_. .:, . , . 4 one,weelc - ii,--,: ii ... ._.,:''; ... 3. . , One Wotan 300 One m0nth. , ,,,,..,.... 600 ~._:.-LetlzraA _-- -:, ....-rAir- - . . • , :, . J.. 3„, ' I ;I s ;;, ,, f ......t 'Two:nit tbs ..... 459 Tiro months 900 • •,r• . n ..... .. •, . i . ... ..., 7.. . ... . ' , . - - , _ __ . _ I .:,,, Teo ...11dIS - • 561 Thrie•lngbita..."-i"...anig I.: -.. .. - ' .t. mouths $.l 50 4.00 10 00. BY GEUGE :BERGNER. :=1 GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTISTNATEI „ DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy, CHEROKEE.. INJECTION I COMPIAINVED FROM' BOOTS, • BARIC.S.A.,ND-LkAT,P,S, I qH.OOKI4E: REMEDY, *lna, cures 411 diseiwr.V.6.i urinary organs,, such as inconti nence i93/1071-, Ma 444 Kidneys 5474 the 171a4clerr Stricture,, Meet, Gosnorhen, and is erpecialty recommended in thole crises of , Pluor Aibuiloi , 'W/iitels in :females): whin* alt the . old'sniicietotlisne#Cin Ailed.' lota prepared: Me „highly, concentrated lbrm, the dose oblyheing froin to two' teaspoonfuls three times . i /Sir It is diuretic and alterativett n its action; purifying aitrpliiansing the blood, causing it to flow in ell of original puTlt i rtitid'vigor; thue - romacing from the system alt pezitacions causes whieh hive indiced disease:, - CI,I,4ROKEIE IN:TECTlON•islistendedas finally or aiisisfl,l ant should be used In conjuicilon with that Medicine:in . ail 'minket eitnioraea% AThiislts effects are healing, soothi g . I"reinbitini, all scalding, heat," dhordeeFalittpainOnstead of. theburbing.tinealuiest • un• endurtitile pain -That is experienced with neaily all thecheap rack_ ' 4418 - ,V, lheahse of, the Casiltulewr misMEDY.,and ogEackua INJEGMII . --the tifoimedieines at the 'same .411 n iFl l 4ei **e ire o ° Y* .i 4g t. e . 46 .4 tined !organs - .are speedily restored to full ! vigor• and strength, INNE .064:F0r full particulars i;: get our pamphlet from any tliug tore'in the , country,:or write us, and we will "mail ,free, to any address, a full treatise. ' • NNIN,N, • • • , e • • • qat÷iiicg;;;o4l3o4.F.v ! :XF,RED:,:ir, per:bot4e, or three potties for $5.• , ,•. , i 2i4ligt:.Prroe:,q4Eoß - 7(F, 'INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three 'pottlai Sent - by - express to any address on receipt of k,lctby ar6ryiviteie. ~DR. ILERWIN I na t lo 7 9 6 4 i , THE GREAT _INDIAN MEDICINE • i.oxiobiNDED nu* , I • AbOl i k IitAUS AlsTh 'rig A VES ;, tan junfaSiii :Cure ',/bi•ASPermatorrhea Seminal Weak nets,'Re:ll474, knin:,nrpt t ,eg; disease caused by ! , sel 4 f is 4l . 444 , al 41?".gelh 9f orYs 01ive454 470 4 4 1 Payne= the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old - Age Tiac;lferves; Di 4 1 ,4 1 ' Pk . 6 14e.n.iti1F4, , 4‘ 1 4. t'onsuinition,and alldheDireful complaints . caused by de= PF; e 401'14140* is_ li s t iviel 9 * 4l 4l P0tra 0 44 112 4,4 43 lrwh.ell all can rely, as It hartbeest Used k 'ow practise for many years,..and ,with thousands treated ; it halt net failed in aulrigle - instance ; ~I tsouratlw powers have been .onfficibnt to gain victory over thtmottiaubliem We.- • #itled*ith' r eif4itiftlitliii; until they think iiteinselyesheyend the reach modiCal act r- wo would say, Despair not 1 .the Crolucaurs Cuss".wlll :restore you , ti; health and +bier, and after all quack 4oc . , toriehave failed 1- kattienliksef x.iy!to g .re boVntiY, f . ot wrtte'ih6 . '* Siik4q, ,who ;will mail "en to any,rone desiring the 888, - .lc afift tTldo,"i•lidf o, of tree xpigei for .$0;, fonrail,43o.3l:ezmaa io che world? , . ./prtSOM'brilli skw*toOlerdroggisss , everierhere. F r •A 3 .O R 7P T ar.99:t Sous Pzoranrxwas, • ma t 0 sear :r No. •9 Liberty street., New York. o.' s.lie-r 86'• Fr a z„e' r (Successors to Wm. DockOri,Jipi) 4 MEALERS ; e nirtgarE - : FAXIII7IO.IIOCE -1M RIES opposithl.ffetoirTileitn; liiNdatime ; - selection of At. Fp_ _E. • g . ,Elitrer6nt vintiges. . 1 • , • 4 ; , ±ittArlf AND dOkital9 4 ;;TßlJl.k.k • - .." ; • , ,'• 04 " p' , 4c . riiition. WitiSKY • OLD :Bou.R.BoN, mObrbir . dArikr,A, .14T 4EA415r..9180.02W.1i jW'tskys. The beat ever brought to: this ViarL'ltt;.{ 0.11) ..WIH'E ' ' , • .• . •... •'• And the eelebrated :. qAA** l. A-ONO 'ffIAASS JOliii6nraßUlto;'• - -, ; --- -' • •-• • • cLAREt: SCOZQT(.4- 7 01. ERIkar,A4A4.) ,TRN.P9-7t pßow4 vi , no OEI.RRRY;• . , • ;., • . ; ; ..; I.G.WAbfaTOM.G.BIIIMI 7 4 coin I t 'Lit.ocktist . .1 p e PIPJ€VDS' -6 : And condiments of every dam . iiitiOn;Milin the market, and at f 17:1": ! , 2 74 7 0 : _•ro.yreS'T 4Ateg, _DO; ItAri . 1311ti.:13.1ACLA.V -7 ' A 'FT2RNEY:AT-AA.W----.rcitnot 1-1-4-busb Siri6 attention Veld t. 1 3, all ~m v.o_tin t it i 4(4. tut* , aims. collected. ' fmti UMW oils of the' iisolusTis.fLorEisn'R"Tage;plioAzlexpz `,o eitle? . iuyi , ~s.thyo successorsV to W. Dock, ! . . tl0: . !' O 4$EB 1 7 1 0. itla - PEUL i.FßAltea, IsEUBTARD for sale by , . . ); i s -; SHISLER.kgRAZER, ix,ys suesessers,t,e W. Doak, Jr., te M D'OZEN A:118 ENGLISii Pl:511 - ..vo ~O_Q orciprisltiVPlcallllje ; Chow Chow, Caullflowet, 3 , ' Plcklo4, - Corktns;'Walnots - ozol - Coms, p„ -,,, de Ay:Wales:de and retaitbyli. , , , ,'. , . I. SHD3LERfr. FRA.73314 • ' ' • Iny.• . : ”R successors. to :A. , Dock, Jr., &- Co., ..:. , tnittelk . iiiik r ilittl,--the beidiia orted;. , ! just res4llv.e4444•for 1.111. 1 j .. i . • • —1. 7 1 febl u• - . .i(eacceggp. Dock, ir., & 0.) TO Tat-titkr6 4 . 2 ftilr-Ziag'signed ofC en Btr hf aolll6Z6Mir tvergAggig kumitagt, Bliii/MAN44/4Ts 41191110:11 A aaYOEL /UM CS Diem) FRUIT of all kinds at 023 4 1 . BOYER & K.OBBPBB. EZ22I MEDICAL. THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR AND 'OECRROTCPY. , CURE: "THE NI 0 Ikt--N 0 'AND FO R Webster. HARRISBURG;- ii 4 .• FRANr - ~)7 M 40. . .; i I EVA lil; 1864; EVENING EDITION. Tar Daeiv.=Yesterday the *draft Was ccm tinned, and the ,following person's: names were drawn from Snyder . county: ' ' SNYDER COUNTY JACKSON TOWNSgeP.,— 1 ' Sapmel Moyer aged`23 faimeri 3 2 Samuel Heise, kged 32, :wagoner. 3 1 'G-eprge I.(lingler, Jr, .agild .30,,fariner. . 4 Samuel Mine, aged' Mae?. 5 'John S. Beaver, aged 38, innkeeper. , ';6Josaph Risk aged 38 3 7.` : John Smith, aged2l, farmer. _8 Daniel Mowrer, aged 38, farmer. • 9 .SamueiNetzel, aged 31; farmer. 10 Jacob Klinger, aged 3kniasOn'. - 11 Peter ldosirrer, aged 32f fsgmbr. _ • ' NIDDLECREEE 2'OWDIEIREP. 1 . I)avid Aumiller, aged 28, laborer: 2 Henry H. Roush, aged 32, faimoir. 3 John Klngler, age 2T, daborifr.u . 4 David Yergery: aged.34,.caxpentet: 5. Wm. C. Kessler, aged 22,.oarpehter. MONROE TOWNSHIP. , I. ' Peter Bailey, aged 31, farth er ..,., '2 Wm Noll, aged' 26, laborer. , 3' Hiram App,, aged 36,, farmer. „,• 1 4 . 4 D4ulet 8 4eaLulaP 4 i, aged . 4 . 7;.f.ar4ler, „,„ • • 54 , . acain binitit, aged, ,s, falwileF. :" ' :. 6. Samuel Sanders,' aged ,23," soldier. , 1 7 . ..leitee'l3ulacks ' 1 4 04 .2'l; laborer. ~ i , , .• ~ „ 8 William? - Millhije, 40 , 1;27, laborer. 9 Peter Super, aged 42 ,- 'hciatman... . 10 Percival .lliiiriliner,. aged.3l,farmer.. John. 11 Jo P Miller; aged 21; farmer. ," , i 12 Hirani; 'Sande% aged: 20, . laborer:, 13 'mid 133 eaber4 aged 36, Shoemaker, I, 14 Jacob Frederick;, aged; 32, boatman: , . 15 15 Daniel' arreit,aged29, fernier. -,,. 16 Henry Keselei,aged 25,1abOrer. . . .., . 17 Elias Noll; aged 21, i seddier. . . • ;7 18 Noah' Fisher, aged 26, labOrer." 19 John Bakaless, aged 35, carpenter.. .20 4 , Simuelll , Eitieri . ,ageil4l - ,.'firiner. 21 Nathaii`Polk,', aged, 32;' !iiib4li'lii. ; .22 Johnßright; aodr s ! •) .liqii; 3 l.'' ' ' a,., , 23 Levi .4' Realier, . ade d i 21 ;:likil i'4';',' ' ,- - ' . • ' '.. . ~Pilu • q..Te:kfeEuT•i, , - I. • . , 1 Edward Shiffer,agediSktearpenter.o' 2 William G. Heiges :aged , 2s, feriiial'i. ' • - 3 -Peter !Troup, . aged ' 2s,ll'er/flew: '• ' • ' 4 Levi Earwell,s aged•3s,•mason. i.' ' 5 Benj. Mitterling, aged 43,f farmer. 6 John S. Marks, 'aged 33, 'farther: - 7 Daniel Bucher, 'aged 34, ' , fermi:it' , • 8 James,Battiger;: aged 29, farmer: -, 9, Jacob Arbogast,: agedal, shoeinitiker. ' , '.'i 10 David C...Miniami , aged2s,• farmer: " ;I i i. - 1 ,' , rt,..,!1. , ', ,triff:vrti ,r4rixalf-i , 1 . wysZ P.A.Riti 'iOWiSEP:P. .' ~,,r , • - `•• 11. Si A i fihowexs,. agedt3B,'.Watelunaker: 4 4 1 1 1 4 ,1 4 .9 43 5 . 10 mer, ,, agedr.23,lfarmar., . 7 3 'aoseplii Eisher,. aged,2li farmer.'.: •, i .: • '4 - ,TO44l;l.,,Suider, aged 42,, carpenter.; , '. 5, 5 ;Ppederi4l . .arbegast i age. 5132; fanner: ' ' 6 . i p l aPiell4l.W.bley, aged 33,iformer. I . 4 1 7: 4oha W. ,Sayder, aged 28;,farmer. if. ,_8 aehn G. Graybill i •aged 43, fariner:J- h: '9 , JOhnlW,, Martin, : , aged` 32, fertile= :i: ' . , • '' 4=o' xbivreith." - '' 1 Williain Wenirchlaged 23, farmer. . - '2 J. L. lircicier,, aged 29,,carpenter. ''''' ille9r g i :* ll4l g 7 #Bf4A l ,:furtnero • i k. Christianllautin Melt 3 7). fanner. r . 514.Taci* . Ereider, Aged.A2,._carpenter. ~ 9 David Genibeiling,' aged 33 ; laborer. ~. • 7 David Dunbar, aged ,44,.. • ,'..,FraliVraitqtr.tig, agedv 3o o !fouler,: 4f.:.-.t,..32.2 , 8, ile9i Wive, Age.. 4,29. law eparyir., ~ gt i 10 Peter Shoeffdr; - 401 4 49; rablirer. 1. 1.1'.;:A. P. Jarrett,, i age 35..... ~,„. ...,„ j „ ~.: -12. Jacob' Lash,`iiged 5, laborer, 13 6 erendah iliettlA,' gckl o,.;labeFer.; . • 14,Heiirjr 0 Eiiiherkged.,;3B, Tobbier. , 4 - .l4inb'eriVebilitirliiiiii, WO aci'„,tfiTtitei.' 16 Jaci3l3 P.,'SnYder,. - Uoed ri le 22 biliriir.. i ( 17 lltiOiael F.r4,taer, ag,;a:t o, : .earploitalr„.,. ~1 , 18 jiteOli 'Et. ITendriek.; agi441.,2,6 shoitinia4Pc. .19William H. Weedliiig, 4.54 2d, farmer. ;•;, ''' )air j a. - .1 1. 1, •!'gq - 42 . 4r Faer.. , - ' , -.. '.2'l Iliac E. ey, aged2B; , fariner. . , ,;,, Samuell2:? P. Row, aged 28 ;shoemaker. B B-TIAiPPItg,FE 2 91 1, 9 13 G/ 1 -s3lf. } t z': «'; t 1 William Gember,ling, aged 32, boatman. 2 Elijah ,Gemberli4g, egedAl k pairfte . r. M.Martin, , 1 3 - n L.-Yrolitec,alW4li.labugrirrro, i . • .: .1 William lint:toff, aged 24, laborek.., , i . ~,, sDenial m l l.l l siikutul..9oll.43.atman. -, 6 ;W:•Ereamer, agerli.3soapPrer. 17 arnhard Heidlef,'lt64l72l", - etco)lMalmr... 8 Okaai" r .AVCieruitierliligrAlgtil.2l,_elmernalrerc.l ;9 William Battorfi:a.ged . 9B;i carpenter:, : .' 10 liaii? . .4l. O. - Bergstrethier, Ikea. 39 'farmer. • 1:11- , ,Daniel Elliott, aged 36 ear enter. ' 12 Jin - C r hiniters; (colore •aged - 43, barber.. H C. Hilthrox, age d• o, l laborer. Henry, . . . - WASITINGTOWTOWNSECEP. _ ;.1 4,Calli Stetler; ag 30, farni c er. 2 .41exander.D.,,,Aoutz, agedop, fuller. 3 4. 'Daniel Glass, aged 23, leboier. r . - 1 14 loalieHeiblieribeeh,,,akeT43 7 :fa* . ei,.. 5 Levi Arboc , l4, Ned 42; lairM er.:„___:,;',.., 6 Elias M - 127aas aged"ls', miller. 7 CaptaiiiiLiiiii?),filtelicligid 26 "eirpenter. !,- 8, George-Crouse, aged-41, farmer. - ' 9 Sdlobiion'AiiiibliLlaged 7 2o; labeteri ' • • ' , 10 . ..Wiltiern T. • Xianti,' aold'l2,,carpenter: ''-„' 1.1 Benjamin Arnold,' aged 23;,elerk. , . .12; George•Holtzappel, aged 23, laborer. 13 Simon Spade, W. aged, 20:laborer. 14 Samuel W ~,Watt,aged 26, paper hanger. 1,5 George l':'Milfer;kiged'a taillg:,2.` •'' , ' id Deine,kGrrin4n;ifiged . 44;,',failaii: It Daniel Aged 25, iabOrer. •18„WillirtM.Rbush, aged 20i, brioluriaker., , „ • , , 19- 01 0 , Tleii Itiotiah; age :4, U.P:a4 .6 ,4,, ~....' - ' ,go George W. Xengia, Aged 4.t. aarpenter: ' 2 .11 George Houseworth, aged 39, farmer. 2/. Henry Brown, _aged 2,s;;bleekskidth, 23 'Henry Keplertagid 23)..blieksinithl 24 , Samuel Gilbert, aged 3 plasterer. `25 1 , John Moyer, aged 20, farmer. ' • 1 . '" it U i i IaNION - 66:1101 1 "1. '' ' •. i • The , draft, for-Unioriacni t tY 'cbmtnimcedr l i tikday afternoon, when the following llama w toil mow', • r- , -Bltkia".iNVl43 , lll2. - 1-Paniel Dewalt, age4.43,Apppr.,, 2.. john Everly, aged - farmer. Klinefelter, aged k V, fanner, (4 William Tate, Jr., aged g'Marmer. 5" William janatron;agetilB, .u.t. . • i , ") 81377FAL0 TOWNSHIP. itenben tingeneacerNgeat3; ehpsribidcer. 2 ZielarY.A7g. L .,.9 /I ;akrtASP lakara i t l i l 3- Woman er, age d '23, %ticker. - 1 -4 eter K. Sleereagedi23platiore I t cis Nyi4R„ r 4r w si4,4ol, fanner. t 6 eorge TOtidg — gAed - w, ^ fttmer• 7 wis Turner,4aged 31, farmer. 8 John Roses, aged 44, carpenter. East atsit,CO • TOVlNsnre. j, Henry Chappeas,aged22,. miner. 2 )blartin Noll, 441125, carpenter. `3;l'ohn Aurand, aged 33, farmer. seninel Landback, aged 40, farmer. 5, William HellenbliCh; aged:27, laborer... WEST BUFFALO TOWESIECK I, Abraham Sherrer, aged 21; labbre.T. 2 David Fees, aged 26, distiller. 3 Israol,llOssepplough, aged 37, miller: 4 ,Teremien Curtis, aged 41, laborer, 5 David Boyer, aged 30, laborer. 6 Robert Jodon,. aged 28, farmer. 7 Aeron,Xerehall, aged 32, farmer. . 8 Joel Boyer, aged . Pi, farmer. - • • 9 SainnelXarrnan, , aged 33, laborer. Ii) Viii ' blaPham,aged 2,5 manufacturer. 11 John, Watson, aged 26, I farmer. 12 Oliver ,Eilert,vaged 30,141:irer. 13 Daniel Reish, aged 33,,dietiller, 14 Frank Foust, C aged carpenter. 15 Emanuel kleckner,!aged. 26, farmer. 16 Sainuel Serreni aged 32, laborer. 17 Reuben Deiffendeffer, aged 32, coachmaker. 18 John Kleckner ,, ,aged 33, tanner. 19 Thopaas,Feaster, aged 21, laborer. 20. DinielEleckner, aged 24, farmer... 21 Jacob Shippen,, aged 4,1 41abrer. 22 Sarraiel Boyer, #ggir43,i " , IcA4rn:Er .' I ;4IS7I BI KER., 1 'Lawrence Hendricks, aged 36„ farmer. 2 Samnelp., Buhl,. aged 29, laborer. 3 William Tees, aged 37, farmer. ‘- :4 Harrison Bartjey,„ aged ; 22OSborer. fi Abraham Walter„egek.3o, farmer. :6 Richard Kleckner, ..age_4,22 b igiorer. • 7 Samuel Blackford, aged 32, farmer. 8 John' , A. 0400, aged 28; 4aboret. 9 Henry Van Atte, aged 41, blacksmith. 10 William Weikel, aged 27, farmer. 11, Henry Koester; ages 20, laborer. 12 Andrew Tees, aged 30„plasteler. 13 Jacob Spees, aged 23,1i5:43ier. 14 Samuel Browner, aged 26, farmer. .1-s , *r.tonitaxey;f(copred,) aged 20,• teamster. 16. Henry Katherman, aged_3j., carpenter. ' lAvtas.TowfuguP..._ , • 1 Samuel D. It6Yerregell 23; fernier: - -:2 Wilson Katherman, aged/4, carpenter. 3 Joseph Ladder; aged 36;.r,blacksmith. 4 Noalvd3ingelnan; ag'ed 36, • farmer. ,5 Jacob' Ruhlei„aged .28; ihrmer. . _6 Samuel Sa"lor,f aged :25, taarpenter, 7 Akron Klose r aged /3, ffermer: :' 8 , pirvi Blyler, aged 28, carpenter. :. Joel, Seiler; aged 24, carpenter.: • Special-DAspatch to'. the Peien'syltantit • • fi t, ! rOliirWaOliington. , A Quiet On the PaintiOnky. June 2. Thee stiiillifir`AtieVarriira 'ads moittrt. frotuithe White House. She reports all quiet down ftit§Pkirov:a • 4.. OAA;117-..141:; ~l',olli~ ~ ~a~~ll~toll~. ME The Irate,st From.''tlit Front. • . jetbilasst Olierltlg3 'News. Anita Baldy Smith Joins General Graaati( ` • lit. 7 , , I*.as atmaro4 gifun, • ; The friends'itt the' GoVarninent are jubilant: vile'late:i*fiainif34ceralGrat , 1 I Tops wore atilt b eing la}afie,„4 t ll 9:ri as la t te as Sunday tind,latimulay, ..Thos-, troops willpoWiubtinardh`oiethin • a to Grant siipPort, tgro.'; ' ' " " • , 14 - A boveriiinelit,§torett el'. PrePerty. remain- , Ing at that point. 1 , The,re are but six:male , whito"eitiOns at Port ' • Ile'steakif $0 ,, T.,r,(0 , ha beep couverted into l ia, , f l 9Ating-imoPitel4 Pige4l:4l.. to White House to';berased for add purpose. She. ,has :accommodations' fol.' t 4 w - d ilibusatels pa ••Much to the, Ili amay.of, the toli4 hereabout Bally Smith has., succeeded to, joining Grant. Whey had, been hophig-thif oePel4P4 EFlffOliitk' up force There were It few, op,ntra ha4lls :Arrilqi4.)?:§re to - day by boat friim the White House., , : . , . ' GRAFFEN. - • ASSOCIATED " - 101 THE .A.TLAiliTleaq 01 . 114 i :LINE. From Washington. Foreign . Blockade. The thierationa of the Rebels_ at Fredericks- : • • • • • , , Jinn 2. ' • e l pitrt ° h* th e tte;4tliqfanksaninlallJO'.o'?ls.liqtulnrciC'ende t ef th ' th e e S si.V- tag pension, ofhoAdilitieff brought 'about byt i lie - Conleience'lu4 sitting in London, the ills I. Of tlie:portit- of Otenmin,"'SioirKinn i ndo;'. IVoliitst GueSita StiiitStitid,"l3itsth, ziF Snd Pillan, and of the Rwts . and inlets in Elie Duchies of §chleswig and . liolitein ,wes, orderdd'tehii , raisnl kin - thel2th' tdt. • 'lt appears that the realm's-in the vicinity of Fredericksburg and the.Wilderriess have been paroling some of..rs4.rdelc , fuld straggling sol soldieTs wh?l,llen into thei; hands., h3so'PStruattlig; raft 4 li l o*o W m * _the* way out theriver where they , Show' signs of clistiese al:tease picked rtio by parinin. . 'bents and ..brought to Washington. Abinit:so 'nferi arrived here lastnight in t ! his way. ''' . Ncsr yprii kink - *arket. NF.I4 Yoi attne-2 EBEL *pits are better; C. & R.. I. 1121; Own ? , berland 76; Illinois Central J 24.1;, xichigg,n fionthera gei;,Npw York central ]3si; 14,24.; ng 33i; Andif% River 1 48.1 617041.1 - Harlem 2444; one year certificates 98; 5-20• Coupons 199., ,q 0 , 1 1; 11 7 911 : 1 171 , • -: ) 1 • e = , "Phtt tolphl • !!tocic MarketV 7- ' It , ) e i ll,l`" Stools rrxegowi i tifitirjoh.4sogtitT4o4:, 7C ll lE4iiilkiCaVtaii - Loneks= land blank; Pennsylvania Railroad 71j. Gold 190. Exchange on New York par. r; i :i ;çl';. LATiIk,MOICANEWiIItiV; , if. .41:•0 Fitz Hugh,: ,;Lee): DefeategiL A SEVERE —CAVA L ItYeIFIGEFIV Sheridan in. Possession. of"Ahal wnr,t i ..H.T . A N-iumiltiev.::,o_t:i rtEtriamivi, ern • :Li; f , thlt) 't7S.•l Gen, WilsoniEngagedlenr lianeveriConrilonse: The' Echoic - Ranted ,iiiiidallpsh* Griptured::, INEB BUPpNSIDE AAR XECHANI6SPII:Lt 7 - --•.4111.-..- - - • . .. , , Wesromyros J,une 2. 7: 0 m a i G en , „nii : .. L. zz ...; ..., -.-_. 11'n If •::,), .; : t :19 .1' ... . _ A dispatch from Gen. , ,GraiNstiieadquafters dated yesterday,: Worke:let, ten. 4 at., has been recelived• - • t • . . . . Iti.stataa that .abOxit P; of.lyeaterday i ,Sherii.. :44 1 ±L;PerPelving aScaPAlPf,PihdOWfairaralOoal.- Elarbori , :whieh proved.-to dVi - sfon,.a&d! taSent-tbEgcil , freitte ioute3 . togethoy:witlrglinpriarea,brigadaol. initintrY, Which; cAnuk.ta,i4Oti.P..BllPPPfti, Sheridan remaifle4).wpoatiesaion Odle field; Hei 're:ported at *FIR , hail-considaralAs nUM-4, ber f of prisonem, WA. ;P:tat tharte:PreM laanr !rebel. dead and wounded, on tho.folatL Helms ordeied ~to, hold the position, 1 and vttetenM s . the Sixth corps set,out occupy,it.. _ , TWe hve. ,not yWheard - from Wright ;or. Sha .041.. an , thilz.s. morning and do not know wham; the. termer, has gbt his troops : Smith must be close upon.Mxight!a.coltunm This morning the enespoylare,elso moving a ; column in the same direction: The ;orb, der has just gouelo:Narren to:fallropoxt•their t . r. • .. W/1404 )IE4 al. figlatlast °veldt* near blElan, over Court House mitt!. .Young' ebriga4eh,of eaveiry, an& routed Noon& killing tomir_captorT , t . Itig, Malkydt b3ittbembas.been afgoodsdeal (A ar pry.: tiringjn , that direction phis nun-Ding. arren rep:o444st night tbitt432 6 l:44aget ofMonday afternoon; near l3ethaaida •Chtu.* l 'Colonel Terrell,, of the 13thifiAginia, ;and Coll Wills, ,commanding , Pegrtun's , ,lttigade, vent killed, , Colonel ..Christien; of. :the ,49,th Tenun tolytexis. was lvormded and captunali,)3Q: we the Assistant !Adjutant's General oflitaroney's-, biigide. ;ilia: name .is ~uot reported : Ten, other commissioned officers , mere captured . I Land ' seventr, prietges.,ri Sixty -rebels, mem+, ju k aw buried o n . th ftel&Li 'o'l, t: :;.,i ruo ..._ ~, A ',:." ''', ~-Q4 .0 ' - 4tansideLlepprts Alio 1,11,4: vaned, _lrbikibgMlig_ rukopiFigl within mile had'adAtlfxtfrAelobsivticairale.i: Ng other milititryd•inWitgoliclettattel been,' aneatielL by ,hii depilmitiits:€4l4o,v3tAsta. rday. iL A , .0 /If > .: (Signed , )----_INaL.STANWQI4, , • --" - . , • A - War. . r , AlTirkath 0 @otigus , ,. • ! 1 '1.: _.,.. , EIN =9 ..„... : OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - -- _7 1 .: 3 ••‘.• --itk.. 2 .•-.... • ''' r '-iiftsiratr.7 Jk'S. lso • - • .. : ...•••• se rztr . '. `M.. Stevens (Pennsyivanaa repo d a . - -- _...-. . ...... ._ ~... _,,,.. sups "tide fpr Sena - bill,anie4atory of 44, Pac . c railiold r, , / Pas_.....ititY, ifilitallit consideration was postponed_till Thursday. M. Morrill: (irepriont),Jemarked that the 9 0 mb-it.tae .ci 1,..'w.a31 3 an4 . l ** ln il ha fi d tecio-, him !Ur' sugge ' s't tlini entire day lie given I t t o..the discussiod cirthe titiiitTillt. raft :thee ,ki-dfirroir • 'filet/debate , Ife • el:hinted td ..fivd.4 ...Milite.-11.P.egahavi: . , "•?- ifflitib II ytti 87;c[ ,lac:. ' ...,10t motion, it was ~ aT . .1 - n. , trAilsoiveAl • iifit i thelioup, at four and a-nalf i p,'.olOck tio-dtly, take' a - recess till seven and a '-, Mr. Smith' ' 04.9 )moved Itchtlitr'lleit ..the 4 7 ouiie adjourrfedstormorrowdt be till Monday _ . , ..c: oreek.. „The Apeaker replie4, that Ike Hotout gotdil riotthris aajourii. , •,'ltie'llonse then :Vent irttomOoifiddite,Vilf the, ,V7hola :on the state tof , ;the itinieeoSfrii Schenck (12/..)insole chair, . 071 ,:titqAt :rigliblik3l :.14.1%, forrillgt.l isaid„ the ;awns r f,or er the , : change , id tariff are potentiarldecPuitii,. And( among them the treasury reqditest a' law ,S. 4rutoplyikif imeans. in ordertodeachlhe ,. ..WAlWitiehritx-Warkta..=The- - .4 l 4RaVe l ief ante • : i llti#ll,,rnakesit necessm top, con d. L em. a • agree to increase the' i iffeh on foreign 1 ; importations. It was knovhi t itiiiiirigltOrthiSl yitithdraiinifTildadadt Operatives from their 'Nations vocations,..a--pound:vo‘wool,-a-yard 'pi c th, or a f9A-.54 -#. o P , 9o l PifitilB-11CP*Load i x caNilo/21:1M'Vot:14'.4 1 1 1. 0 Leanot .rv , propo dra ror•ely nominal— 'lT., ', ' 4 :,.," • 'i '' '-,' •-•,, i l9 ~t . ... 0 . s . ~,t . : r „ It . 0 , ri i t. ~ SI I ..1 .... ill I ',l f . •--: :11 5 .1.,, - -ks 0- , 4 1 Imillthe 01 it :. A':11 e. -- i - a .: :1% . are •1. f co:dried, any tax on such superfluities may be inernalopittarpstrfiof bpilig apt* ... nt 'ray, prOvaattnu timitatreittpubliclll:: -' . :, andlespecially if large additional means can ANY etb ._taga,444.for, the s,upprepsion of., the ,rebel liom :11.121 lad&agiellat_../.Graid,iide.triusi .ligitt the battle on this tine if , it takes alt sum mir;" He had no idea the Wk. - would be pro tract, 90Y1# 16 .4 0 414'ioaa:R9:ik i t i tgt1 3 T*444' rebel army shall 'havoibeen an 'lilted, lint -hostilities must be prosecuted until this takes Plicellil ci .a 4 22C'fir l, l l SP i VP. lit s Y ' -i ihe primary objeot"Of this bill - is to ide'reasti the revenue and at the same time nurture bur: .dotireitik 'proditcpil ifrono aitas. I•we Will draw a larger __amilunt . of internal re:Veniw„,,A3lo.,,gfpNimd, At , Ipgth, the ; changes in Ole' Tenons rates nOW - prcposed; omparing them with - tlicsr, iii - the act which t& billimititosertto aniiirid,'Emd remarked that a decisive victory, whenever,4t „may come t will prve asheip i remedy for . preventbig'. a de*eoiatio,ii oc tlitiotlrr,ency, hilt perhapa'aCri, most' effeCtihd ;relil.Odi,'* - sild be 1 . 1 . i erhate * , t;l44' c issues of legal::tenderS:. and riiri*Adli lbsrlsj on - llnitoitgtateit stOCke , : : '''' ' :: '''"- '' The :,Cbminitt* af - ;w4B4 ) 64',*Rini, ' in, IrivikOir'•,the s present bin, led i t)lot ' 'Ado lit - -. redOrnmeneirohifiiohg flites; . fei. the Most nXinnt reason! tWiatl:th4 Government i eei' i'.'fXoile:- i i 7l l4 ` is gi:: Wl': lii*td6 aid , i &nip:v.l7'l*u. phiikon , 7oc* - Euih --1 0 E iieloyecrthe owi . ,:ir3:: would - 09 tiottlitaiiiit • !Fond. . Let all de right 04:iPitiittA, (31 4 pie' intar6ti citthe - iontpr .. 9ccopko r niak. - i ,If 11 agaißeto . I gP T Pki r tPl A. /ii ',WI '1 ' PECLUDKLPHIL,iaIattIab.n. Altitiiiliatke't &IR; irirkiiiiirichttigtar ati - s9@t9 - 50:11yelloid - biarelawIts 9 STff "01633. m,eal very little here. itora :WhZpss L 88: pet'eff Pio, 1 6/la s 600 bus. Kentucky white at $2 0 . Rye is stead at N. 66 eI. 60. Qom is in as e Sii mon 800 ppaa „rear 15 00 A, - ratiort Notices ilsiikige Notices Audit • litiotil oticesegatinsettio a — els notices=ioeei Wft,rl.4anialo;o WA ,DEPUJI MMblllprt.lo7l. .1. quest land' Ilk' 46E' indad 'ft; 'wilds of 15; , 66611 - 7 I . I?ngic alkfreat , 4ls3 e155!: 1 •stetittiot , :- r'::. Fr° . Qiinf I°o. ONI.PfuIIPLOIineR Park 40/ • p r es tains at' 18,21e,- . iiaes at 14c - ; and ishiald &S. tit iate: Lied 9 441(1 6 i4 170 Tiotrolcamilverrfirm;, ' . !Yaks !rude at '4Q, :114nedd fkil.64a ; in. ,bond, la W a6 sQ7 o- 4 1731 .4 P 3 3 (4P - 34. • IiW.YOP4 • Flow has advanced-6@doaq-sales at $6-20 •gwv for State, $7@,7 50 TorOhi6, and $7. 90 11- or. SonthenrANViedat adriac.7askts 1 / 11 A4 1 1/ 7 #1,, tde.t.i Poicieftrii.*::.k.sard c ttoWhtskyAtkiul y , at VI . 4g.1 [ lapkifi Etibifil,:boo . blAs. %eral kijoci bnsbe rj .1 - r`.171 • t L_ MIEB MEW ADVERMISEMENTS4I!, . . 0 A ; • eTO.IIIT RESIKAUTION ppo,BoAr.4l, nertAin! amiihdminfa Be itishkaid by.lhe Senate ohdo Beni of.kepreteniativis-' , • vfitt# from wealth of Pemasy/vania in, General Anon: etetj g i hatthethe following litnendinents' be prkilitieet to ' ' - the' donstitution of, the . thimitionwealth, acgordandr. with the provisions Of the tenth article thereof: Thore shall be an additional section to 'thwthird article - 'of the Pcgmtitation, to be designated as eection,. ram., .as,., ."SaMmios.4. Wheirevitrany thi electors itt,in any actual military . _ ser 4).andir a reijuisltiditriom Prdeidentif theTUrated 'BUltee,'9; by the authority of thlslCilemmorimatlthi; Such , lelectsire may eicercise the .right of snirtage in all elections ' by the !cillzetis t wilier hush regtaathattlas to, of Will' be if were .present t egditow!d. be twit additionalseetionlitohlteriz‘ *Mei& article of the Constitution, to ,, be designated ea ; sections eight aridlnine; as follows : • • ',"Sicctri,eT 4. No bill shall be imeseilby the Legialammit, . • containing more than one suhject, which slull be clearly digitised in'the title, except appropriatiodu .VSnarwag, No hill, shaa be pissed by the, I.egislahure„. Armthighity powers; or - Privileges, in any (task *hominid' " authOrityfto grant such powers,; or trikilegim, bast dm*: hereafter be„conferred upon the courts of this . . Co-iszitgealth:" " ' •-' , . • r • C , JOHNSON; .hleatiker: qf Muse orMinvaekstatires. ) ' *-1 JORS:I'. EMERY,- . • ' 8144 . ka. ,Oivitit us Szoncrinr , snit - Cronindurara, • .: 1 434 , usElmarikPri1 25 , ) 1 0.4.- , ll, is flo.hOtebir cartlik4 l 4 the fArgiling a -Itand correct : copy of the on Joint. Resolution „ 'or the the Geherat-rXedemblYP entitled '" hi'36lnt +Resolution proycering comsat:L.:Amendments :to,. 4 + 'the Constitution , as tltiSati4 rotnalns on file in 47 Ft.tits -c, la,,pasrinornr,,Vi.ercif.., I, have...hereunto , r -1r.,„ . 0..1 - hand and . candtia , sonli Of the iiiecietatj'a led to be italx - wl,ithe'ditY"himf Icarlidiemt ELI:MAZER, • t '-ai•vemiy • Thei above npolution.having,been %pro* to,,by ‘-. joritylot the member' of each Rouse, at two successive r .. seisioinitof therGeneralhseembly of. thlsnomiienwealtiy the i'4lged- amen eats will Pe.§Ojmattea, to the, poo "patir.for hilotition - Or rejection, 'on titeivitar Trrismtv ' r `' • onAutnaitr, in the grnar.,ot ouralankicisektinnkswido44l4l • • ,Atondtbd and sixiy-,fpur; accordance with the tenth arti cle af „ithgeondritUtioniand , the heti.wattkdifthn. Jakob,- shilhig,l4ethicie and manner ofsubrinnang to the golot4L, Iforithiir appioval and ratification or rejection' the, pro- pope,Warn:ailments to rile Xordsmirerthho . a 3ipred the t Thit day: of April, one thoomomi ' • 4 " -1 1.La.stawe,- im.4l • : • , secestarsePfiTheOonstaannnalA : ,..t 1 E itriVO Y • •-r 7131 1:l 11! ' -iiseATEST , STYLEfifir -" , - - L "r" Ip.ith.,MAYER,- NIL 4,3larkilt • Atreet r -- TsPLEASELOW Viiiskifit3S i•Obite ldieti litr' '-i ' --1- 1 ,4 1 =i1 1 403 04 11 A/Mttri ( leto ttaseteeilhebOxPetscm- 1 - ized rm;shre hor *rival ta,tlns . citar,),that 5 ... h. 1 . has J 30,4 receivpd,Jdcs4Pdmithe maltatatiarors , lnktnpohettl , ,k - -, • j -9T 10 a, ^ 1. tz a: 'l' : ,--rrri 11..rmsf '..-, 7:1-;.;,.: lot tb ,Ilnest good' &the market pony Afford in the or , I ::(1C:21"'.., .i.) ' 111 E.'. 3 .: La ii"IS .' . ..7.'• . ..1"J ..f. t :" ' 1 RlCllrrißailM.,, IfilliArilafg.. liTr.o.r. , ..7 I s ,Vind i new prepared 3o oner Feat indacemmtts topV- . ~ c e ,Ellet stria torts fhtkin'petrrorxm , '' II- il 4 ~“"', • ~.,:, J 1 _ YR-PBON§r l BEAD .-^ ,- -tr.n r 1 , , ' ,- • , ,r , viowri.Es, ikr&qtErs ' clrAllsisiambrir f : .&de ~ • . SILKS VELVETkI,4OIgI, RIJ 1" SKIR CO .__. SILKS, , ~- NANDKE cfremst,aor,Oir 1 _ I ''' -' 1 i I .., ,COVFAr 'n . 11COt RO kV: --1 c") Also, a plendid = or enol , ATT3I% .1R.1 t z ,, clv .- :. , - ` ' ' suar. CQATS,-A .': - : !,1, . . . f,":•., t.. - OIROUMM, ‘,- '. in .:.1 • • • ..-- - .. . .._ . _., " •, i -31' .: ::i II: tr., L ~,f rAßA,l3oll4piae . ' - .;:a MON PCarftEPOSIO , , 1.1; Porte :Itlonthilee atzt ....;.-. , ~elegant Steel an Jet Pin s and 11ropchtss,,13eits and,. E R stades, end' itaMn , lifitiArTridunixkg and Vfleya , , i •Nec'lff ell naree e n e t l e a rtl'itilife"ielectlon Otte " e ' 1 ' l e trot a view to th e e wanti,oEithiarcommenittri endur, , ,,.,:gr fakeehetAgee,emliliam. ll l7 l ,l* . )d toPufwA,,xl9;s4, l f , ,tkeile,:_ r . t „ 41, VbFritaiik,n7 ... ". l 4l. seorrited,- itr ; I respeot It so vita cont ...aro the same. „. Don'trargatualeiceT o. laniWori --iii.N I , ael`r , C-2 5.1%1 •rihrtlx,t, ra ' -?o.dr Ira Ir- .4‘AFR-K - 101 . *Jul • Ell kErtita jULIUS _lkOk, IT t 9 Practical and. Scientific -r - o T,ICI4 N, AUFACTURER AND liIFONTER or ; • AC. d OPTICIL 111THEDIATICAL tin ESTRUM - Org.. 5 . .:a as fio. 23 NORTH sEcoign STREET, yyEA t WALNUT HARRISBURG, FA -I- .L • • win fv°3` rbe.ibilawing kaarbmcbta d , free, o any address, ore receipt of the _., , t LA SO: Insect Microscope; for eaairdOmAkindsm . . s sects, 'Boards, or plants. • I Lift geed Aficrosoope;exazkielicar.terf*e items* if.'•(t!....F.,l‘i minerals, tc . • - •.•r• ••••:arr 00 i• A gosior%alels Student's Microscope ; 1 1111tres ) %6,t+ lrgErf • and . :/.51:k diameters., bemigul i mvsmeEkt f er,. „; t,, , ,geuera4 magtsisatitltedika nest: bar • :lb'DO . . Rifle Teledcope; ; to see at a Methane 6f.ticio • ill' miles; can be attached to any rifle 003 Stereoscopes; a new and imp 2'24 :„. . Do.. with tweitrespictur °°- Pectaeles of the higliesOreltinaffirWitiArei- to stieagtli-' , - e e*.releaerve, the with it laxga opera - Mitt Fibld: Glass .e.V Barteriefirs, - Thermometers, 114 10 0 /5 1 tairibg 1 ...41137 , Se ftamxi , for a ca.Azdofpa9 i , : A .o.OßA*ris„ tlua, •2 i , l at ... 4 - , 41p A ai i 3.t r . . t. .. 4 ~ ,,b 7j : Gl:/a5b WartY A .1: 1 74,4;e4., r PPIi OI"rM °! w a kt,! saf e - /, iW ° : r,lilor dozen, at ' ''S . -alaff.,. 1.-.077 03 .. :"------""•" tritkitATlbtitiastdr'asliee" -`,., ' - ' l.ll- - )o,'l4cielitid--'l"oif'W A hJge'VgQ.'fa t i 4 r I t , 1 -- (5 , ;.7 ,,, :: rat . 9l ,Mtcriv.. l llNoll , ,k4KAlSMic.6,di ;x i 'lllO IIerVVVERV I ' 4 0 %4 . ll i1 8 1 1 Mali lot. Fine ' an so sst , ssa rsi MELEE & FRAZER, (common to Wm. Dock, Jr., &Co.) mull Six months 16-6 -- 04le year /24Axi• 76 • i I . • Maw = rzzi IC CI Ifflil REM 1 II! IEI E EDE 4ci .. -, 741;.! v 3 iL7,-RLit, .241): MEE= ME EOM EE
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