MEDICAL. 000 CONSTITUTION WATER. coNsTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION. WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER GREAT REMEDY F I R TI CON ST TTION, AND THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CQNSTITUTION WATER Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, Milo the most wonderful • remedy for the perma nent mins of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BI.DER that has ever been offered. It is mit aKINERiL WATER It from eiVerienc that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let no man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cave diseases which the beat medical talent in this country has failed to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under • "quack" preparations, as it now usedby the most scientific practitioners in this city. It is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies, • while the better skilled make use of every nteatuatOoficomplish a cure; And the suocessof. the. phy, aician increases as his knowledge "of different remedies enables tiroatioti a Mike, vdrile'othere fail in the at tempt.• satisfied with the truth. Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under some ipecialiits's care from year to year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatment, and all sorts of local applications for &masts, with as much chance of success as there would be from local applications to the thxoat for diseases or the brain. . . . We have been always careful to use language in our cirobJar that could not shock the moat delicate organize, Mon, but we receive so many,cemmunications from per sons for which Constitution Water is adapted, and of whose diseases no mention has been made, that ive hive some to the conclusion that if the remedy, is capable of predating a cure, no matter What the disease may be, .it should beinadelnown. Vhenedicine,is_put up (Sr the public{ anti there should he nOiesceptions. , - ' We woad saY;c.onstitntion Wafer is la like pill, medal° suit the eye and taste; it is a medicine In every sense of the term, placed in the hands of the pewi phi feetheir relief, and if taket'eceording to the direc tions it will, in every case, produce a radical cure. We weuld say that the directions in regard to diet s etc., re. late only to the disease under which they occur. • DIABETES • • • r Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most obstinate disease, : except consumption, that affects the human constitution. We have no space for discussing causes, _ hutw ltatatethat the effect of the diseasti Is the convetion Of the . starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) Into sugar, which stimuLatos, the kidneys Loan excessive secretion of water. Many persona suffer ,from this diseasetyho are ignorant of it; that is, they pass large quantities duridg the day, and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or. twenty times during .the. , night, No notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of drdihery - reniediei Another 'symptom is the great thirst,:which, when' the'disease is fully estab lished; is intolerable—the patientkirinks constantly without beingvativiod; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the llpe, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient gradu- Illy sinks from exhaustion CONSTITUTION WATNIC IS, without doubtthe only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as muchconfidence that it fa a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it has cured every case in which it has been used. 870NA' IN THE BLADDER., CALCULU6 GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., Erg, Diseases arising front - a Multi secretion--in the one case Deny; too little, and accompanied'by severe pain, and the others top protege oteottioe-whith..wtltbe speedily eared br the CONSTITUTION WATER 'CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TEE ONLY KNOWN KEMEDY FOR THE ONLY ENOWNiREMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR .THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TIIE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR TO ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR D E T E S. . IRRITATION OF TRH NECKOF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KU/HEYS, CATARRH' OF THE BLADDER. • StRANGUARY AND BURNING, OR PAINFUL URI. = Northam . , diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy ; and too mesh cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the moat urgent symptoms Ara you troublefirith that'distressing pain in the small oftne back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Rave long Meet given ,up the use of buchu, eubebs and Juniper in the treatment of those dimes* and only use them for the want of a better remedy. CONSIITUTION WATER. hu proved itself equal to the task that has deVoltrea. upost ti .DIURETICS • • Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed. disease. We present the Constitution Water to, the public the COUTICLiCaI tbstithas no equal in rallevinitlie Mak of diseases for which it has been found so eminently sue. easeful for curing . ; onawa . trust that we ' shall be rewarded for our tifibrts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to most the requirements of patient and physician. • BEAD R 1 AT)!! ! READ!! .! 11 , 2 „,,.. h i ., June R. 1862.—Dr. Wm. H. Gregg-, DOW In February , 1861, I was affected, with sugar diailastes, and for five months I , passed more 'Alum =two tidiest of water in twenty.four hoot's.. I Was obliged to get nit as often as tenor twelve times during the , sighy and in five months limit About fifty pounds -in weight; Daring the month of July,•lB6l, I procured, two bottles: of Constitution Water, and in two days after using:it fez: paktum' relief, and after taking two bottlimi I was en tirely cured, soonafter regaining my usual geod health. Yours - J. V. L DE WITT Bow& Coevsss, N. Y., Dee. 27, 188 L—Was. /I: Gregg di Oa.—Gents:. ', fr eely give you liberty to make use of the following certificate at the value of Constitution: Water, which I can recommend In the highest manner : .111 Y wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders whole length of the Wt. _and in her limbs - twith Ph/1,18: of the Heart eid tion'of the ' I called a phYsician, who &Mended her about three months, when he left her worse than he had found her I then employed one of the beat physicians I could:llmi, wheattended her for about nine mouths, and while she was under his care she did not suf fers quite its much rain. , He filially gave her up, and Said osier east was incurable. /rOr,' , said he, "she has ,such. . a aossoinaffon of complaints that medicine given for one opt. rake against some other of her. ,Chiftesdhes. About • this lime she commenced the use 'of °destitution Water, and tsiour utter astonishment, ailmoit the • Ares doss •.seemed Ito have the desired &bet, and she kept•on. improving rapidly .under its treatment, and now superintends 'MIT Steely her domestic affairs. She his not takeli any.of the Constitution Water for about four weeks, end we are happY !NE fiai,ll, has produced a.permanent cure.- • :0 WIL If! yAlrmarscHarm. war n, Conn:, March.. 2, 188e—Dr. W. H igimw=Dearßir:—Having seen your advertisement', of , Vesustitution Water,".recommended for Inflammation Itf the' Kidneys and Imtation, of the Bladder + ' , having su ff ered f or the fist three years, and tried the skill of a number of ' orysiouis with oily temporary relief, I was induced to try your medicine I procured one bottle of your agents at HartfOrti, Magas. lies, Co., and when r had used ha . ( ti t, 11 0 ,my t gurprise I •found a great change in My health._ I have used two bottles of it, and am where . I never expected to be in my life, well, and is good. spirits, egainai,,wreen my gratitude .for ; I feel that it is.a t li and more than you yen recommend it to be: May Up!. M e ** Of God - ever attend yon in your labors of love. • . truly, 'LEONARD . BIGELOW. KGB BALA' BY ALI, DEMOB= .:PBlc • w x. H. ONED4k 06.;ProjntietOrs4 MORGAN k Gerieti tAgent,' JssSBdawflm end Ho. 48 Cliff street, New Yetis. sold. by Johnston; HoIIowayCO3ECTIM, Phila., and .KUNKFLE. 46, BRO.; IMP Ataiket street, 13.2,14sbittr and by: all _ ENW; 4 lftektOEFlali 'TEA. —Jusilie solved, a fine chest of English Breakfast Teo, at SEMLER k FRAZER'S, (13nocessons to Wm. Dock, Jr.) MEDICAL. DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF TEE PINT. TREE, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained. /rave you a Cough ? Have you Sore Throai? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms ot. that most fatal disease, Consumption? ;Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is too late, Froze this fact, perhaps More than any other, arises the sad preva lence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's Time. Consumption has deStroyed more the, hiunan family than• any:otherdisease, and the. best physicians for many years have despaired' of a cure, or,a remedy that would heal the binge, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and eftl &nay in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; derefore they•have recommended the use of 1r Water, which in many cases had a good effect; but how to combine the medical pro pties so as to heal the lungs, has ever been ahnystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WLSHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cor dial." 'lain.S';.Aft ;: )131 Yoi:::IN 1- ,7-pioideM24.4:iii-Yle0 ciaiad'oftiriiiribataapv - orliai3;-,ezw , 444 .okArre.gio; -!‘:WhliiiP'itheenA...olllo ioidaiiiitit pi' yourimecess-,in the...tiresiment of:::P.il4,cnia r ry. .C.rmiuritfitiiiii ?" MY answer iithis . 1 ; The zumeration of the digestive organs- 7 le strengthening of the debilitated system-- e purification and enrichment of the blood, ust expel from the system • the corruption vthich scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Clor tet, 'al, its healing and renovating principle 18 i • o acting upon the irritated surfaces of the , :1 gs and throat, penetrating to each dis ed part, relieving pain, subduinginfLamma on, and restoring.a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction iith Nature's constantTecuperativetandency, and the patient is saved, if he has not too lbng delayed a resort to the means of cure, I I ask all to read the following certificates. They are from men and women of unques tionable worth and reputation: ! , 1 Da. Wisti.urr—Dear,Sii.:—l had a very 4readful cough and sore throat for one year, d my whole system was fast giving way, and was prostrated on my bed . with but little ope of recovering : My disease baffled the wer of all medicines, and in a short time I nst have gone to my Trays, but thank God, ItiLy daughter-in-law would not rest until she ent to your store, No. 10 N. Second Street, d related my case to you, purchased gone. ottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and it Mmenced to use it, and in one week I was eli better, and after using three bottles :1 perfectly, well, aid .a wonder to all my friendi, for they all-pronounced me past cure. Publish my ease if you think proper. REBECCA HAMILTON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. I Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an t'of alliable sure for , Bronchitis, Bleeding of e Lnngs,Sore Throat and Breast, inflammii n of the'LuAgs. I lir. WA.IID says; , ID m n.Wurtta.ux----Bir:—l .had Bronehitis;. In .mation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, j€l d Palpitation of the Heart in their wort orms; I had been treated by several of the ost eminent Physicians in Philadelphia, but ey could not stop the - rapid • course of.m: ' ease, and I had despaired of ever being re tored to health. I was truly on the verge of 0 grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was }he recommended to me by a friend; I tried it, and am thankful to say that; after pang four large, and one sniall, bottles, . I was restored to perfect health. YOU'clui, ,give re erence to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, br at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 as to 2 P. as., corner of Chestnut and Sixth treats. JOHN WARD. 47 .. = I • Read the following from Utica: • I f Dit.; lyinnakr—.Dear Sir:—l take pleasure 4 o :: informing you through this source that . ulr Pine Tree Tar Cordicd, which was recom. ended` for my daughter: by Dr. J. A. Hall, of thus dity, has-mired her Of a cough of more _than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the betit of medical aid without , any benefit. • I can cheerfully. recommend it to the public . ' as a safe il nd suureremedy for those 'similarly 'afflicted; `I know of many other cases besidesthati4 Imy daughter that it has entirely cured of long standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. PARTCPIR, Daguermian Artist: I 126 Genessee street, Utica, N. Y/ * * * . • :—I have used Dr. Wit3WS ine Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and can i cOrdirdly recommend it as avaluable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those prer disposed to consumption. , , • Dr. G.,A..POSTER, 160 Genessee street, • . Utica, New York. The above are a few among the thonsaricls which tldsi:gi:eat remedy has saved frina,an untime bkirave.. We 4Aye - thousands of letters from phy,si cians-and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, Saying that they have neverorused , !Sold a-medicine Which gave such tiniversal ar43ftt,ction. After cordial, when taken in Connectien Nishart's Dispepsia Pills, is an in fallible cure for Di , spepsia. The PIN 3 Tans TAD Corawm, will cure Coughs, Sore Thr - oat and Breda, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and , is, also an exe,ellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complaints. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ' - The genuine has the name of the proprietor Midi v pme hithe toottle. ' , Mothers are spuriowt Millto wn& . • . . i • . ' . D.0414647/14 rod PRigrietor, s: * •••• fir"lV iLei:`Witaiart4l7 No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere, at Wholesale by all Phia. delptds end New Yost ‘'iltoloWs Druggists, nisrlo.l,y KEDTPAL. ~ ;...N._ ~.... r.,,. t-41 a> V:i JOB;N ,yYO. mmedlately cured, and full vigor restored. This distmeaing affeetion—.which- readers life miserable and marriage impossible—is the potatity_ paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit Mowed from Mit, beteg steam of; the dreadful consequences that may''ensue: ` Now`, wed that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost teener p7 ; ilicos9" 4. 4aphig into improper habits than by the prudent. Mulles 'Oiling 'deprived the pleasures othealthy ggßpring, cri l ,na T i e .s l rious and de structive symptoms Ito both and, mind . The system becomes deranged, Ilia, phVidcal and mental functiqus weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, oonatitutional debility a wasting of the frame, cough, 094,-, gumption, decay:and death. . ' FEMALE REGULATOR, I canes No. 7, Scam FAIIDJUIME STAZIT, tRENCII PERIODICAL DROP TM GREAT Ana the only kneo remedy that anasesatuny and Invariably restore andTegaLstethiffemalesystem, 14 all Irreunlarltlq, ; and, Producing health, rigor and LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS i. glg , fluid preration, th e oily true one of the kind ever vered In this country, and, flciit directly on the parts ,sliected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them AS they • work through sYmpathy, hut not •al all direct •and p 'Are you su ff ering from a comitant.anxiety for thexegu 14' return of nature's prescribed lawelt •• • • . ,Give yeurmdf no uneasiness, for Ifyon'S Periodical Drops, ifltaken a day or two before the expected period,, will peed. •tlyely and invariably-regulate its coming, as sure RS • effect Idllowe dinse, tacertedn as. daylight follows darkness. Are you sick, enfeebled by dishene, or unable to boar the iahor and danger of Increase . LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS dome to you u a blessing, for,is not prevention better tban cure t Irregularly taken,, lt s a, certain, preventive, and will . stve you much.perit and paw, Aetna 6C itidering.'• • '" • Rave you been afflicted for Taney yeara with aompialnte Incident to the sex, that have baffled the akin of 'phytit ohm, and are burying yon on to an early-gravel t LYONI PERIODICAL DROPS ES ire 01 1 0 paget and oulol6 maik, all those titaiiilltrifleii thit'litieelleinat the 'dodoes Will you waste away with grota Innoorrho lapsus i pyamenorrhcea, and a thoineWid ninei UMW"- all' summed up uudee•the wilni of aiippreased sad opetzuckal nature, when an invoistmente of onus dollar in LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS I . . h....,. 4 4; will surely save yea. . ~. . • . I Do not use the drone when lbrbbiden in the dfrocitionit ; r although . a positive ; 'oars;-and -leamlees it all other lituns, they are so poweiful and finery - adellafed•to adjust El:overn thefenetienalt the sexual • ergaritten; thalcit en at improper , timee,-they would prodneeresulta eon=: to nature, against whletralli partlaularly these *he rut& rer caluoe; , ahotdd earelldly guard..! ,, ",''. • • •.- I ' LYON% i'ERIDDIO&L 'DROPi • Cannot harm the most delicate ognetktntion at any time; Tot tI MCPTiet"a *bitt to g uaro ,: 2 =k -*I - A bu se,. _toping thousiind hotting Nein‘Lro for ppr. wee where one:mined for alkilieetimateez*' durows,P3thibiAbAt 15110.V8, the liciletfailing remale Regulator, is for rate by every Druggist, in,,, and do noqlrypu value your health and wish for arehable . mediaine,, .buy Other: Take no other ; but if 'the' "Diugght , te wham `y(rtr *ply bas Red got it; make said tact pi it for yoti; 1.!. C. ~'.o.l.lP4ttgiK. MEM .~aops~rdail, RE =2l At Wholesale, by JOHNSTON, HOW N,47 & COWDEN, !dial/1h VI.;:ei!" 1.81 1 11 • 1.4 ••••••1 4:1; _ . : r 1.41 - ) rl.O alto if • tar .ft b:3 „ta • LOCK HOSPITAL, IMI HAS discovered the most oertain, s p eedy an d qtr§chisi remedies in the World for A Cure Warrante4. eor No Marge, in from One Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Eidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, DYsPePala; Languor,' General Spirits, Confusion of Idesul, Palpitation. of the Heart., .Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight, or•Cliddiness, Disease of the Rem!, Throat, Nose. or. Skin, Affections of the Liven Lungs, Stomach or. Bowes--thise terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practicemore fatal to their victims than the isong of Syrens to the Hariberaiof Hlysses,z blighting their moat brilliant hopes or , anticipations , rendering marriage, am., impossible. • TOUX9L - MEN Especially, who have bee; : inelhi;ictims 'a Solitary "Flee; that dreadful and destmctivohpit which annually sweeps to an untimely grace. thouitandi "of Toinig Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the than , dare of eloquence or Waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with toll confidence. 11=1 Married persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, ,organic debility, defor mities, &c., spes.tily. cored. - He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re} ligiously eonfide in his honor as, a gentleman, and' confi dently rely upoif•his sitlll as ik Physician. d • OuGANICI WEAkisrEsst Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doom from the oorner. Faltnot to °been* nhme and number. ; t4 Le plo t uuus ters hsuag must in be ilis paid e ff i and oe ntaln:Da p. The Doottor, DR: JOEINSON; Member. ef the.Rotyal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one ortlieniCet eminent colleges is the United States, and the greater part of whose life ,has been . silent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most, astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears, when asleep, great . nervousness, being stunned,. at sudden *mid; bashfulness; with frequent blushing, attendetisometimes with Orangement of mind were cured immediately. - - - These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro. duced by early habits - of youth; viit'vlbaitness of the back and limbs, pains in, the head, dimmask ot sight, loss of muscular power,. palpitation of the heait, dyspepsia, ner vous irritability, symptoms of consmirption, &c. MsrrrAts.v.-The Martel effects oh the mind are much to be dreaded - logs of Memory, "confusion of ideas, de pressibu of forebedrowaversion to society, self - distrust, love of solitude, timidity; kc., are some of the evils produced.. YOUNG MEN , Who havik injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged td when alone, a habit frequently learned front' evil companions; or at school, litr Acts of which are nightly felt, evelt When asleep, and it inet diced renders marriage ,tupos gible t ntd destroys both mind and body, should:twirl. , „ • , What.% MC . Lii r il ,r S WPM. the kOPeg.f cocilltrY, of puCa,,,iliculd imakched- from all proceeds add enjo menta of lire, by the consequence of, deviating from the Path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons xcwr, before contem , plating . .EfiLtUtRIAG , . , , Reflect that a amid =Aid and body.are the`mostneeewar' y ,requisitea to promottkolittoblathapplhess. Indeed, with out these;•thejournefthrough Mb becomes 'a weary 'pil grijanage i•the'prOppectlielisly darkens to the view; the 'mind bpotaaisehedowed witirdeepair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the hvpittees of another be: comes blighted' with Oar para. DiSWASE OR IMPRUDENCE. When the misguidettanthimprudeut votary of pleasure Suds he tuntimbibed the seeds: of this painthl disease, • too often happens that an Mimed sense of shamehrthe: dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who frota education and respectability, can alone befriend him. Hedalisiiitelhe tmenbreignorantintd designing pretend= , e yt iviho, Iscapablsk_o; suning,filett- pecunisry.sub ce, Inielp him MnbermOntbafteir mohtly brae lonkas th smallest fee can be obtained, and .in despair leave him with =Med eigh , oier hisgallingibmappointment, vr, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the • nstitutional symp tetnsof this teniible aisease t tuch affew I toils of the, Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, etc., progress Mg. I with fligti v edViditi -1 4 11 inakAL/ 0 0 1 430A1a 4"0 1 14 . . rinig t .. . -1611 4iNg 1 hint to ttst — dstaVt . 4 " 11t47 f i l "." henc4.4o 4 l " . EMI The many thousands cm4d at this institution year after year, and ,the namerous impurtant surgical .eperationir perforined by Dr: ,rolinion;.wftnaieed by ~the reporters of the Wan, 'C'Zippor, and Many otherimpens, notices of which have appeared again Ind agitha before the public, heeides his standing as a - gentleman of character and raaponsf- Witty, Ma sufficient guarantee to the affiloted. SHIN DISEASES !ONlce No. 7,Nontla Fredoyieh.Street. iti26:'ilrY “TiEBRE 1.4‘310 BUM WORD AS FAIL ” 's cPbEeouND EvßAcrr OF nT ITT CVBEBS ANI I )C9PAIBA. "This preParitih' - particular' reco"min ended - to the ME ICAL PROFESSION,,and the:PUBLIC for the prompt .andioertain cure orDISF A BF-4 OF THE BLADDER, MID- I KEYS, lIRINABB ORGANS; ETA It may be mike on as the beistisicale fettaraciministrit trait of these remedies in bile large..class ofdiaeases of both taxes, to whigh, they are AppLicabba, It never , interferes the'dlieinlon,xandtby ita r asnoEntration:.UM dose is muohreduce r B.—Farbhaea are advised to ask" fcir T.A.RRANT'S COMPOUND- -EXTRACT- OF CIIBERS -AND CDPAIBA; and take nothing eine, xi hpikationa gut 510#11068 prepa rations, under aimilar names, are in the market. Price $1 00. Sent by .ennene 'On receipt of price:, :71aniarae-, tared only by, TARkAN't Ss CO t No. 278 Greenwich' ..t, cornerieV of Warren street, New York, and for sale PalWY ptale by a HIJNELHIs BRO., and by •Draggists Steam , lE"r4itivig .tVeta Haven, centw 11111FAVING recently 'added to our Jobbing • Department -alairke amount of new i typei'seiteral new fast steam presseybf the most improved machlran, and:other material; -we are' now prepared to execute at short notice, and in the, *WDS OF Wig TARKIthANIA LETTER SHEET MidARTNOS, , Lt- CIRCULARS, BILL READS, e ',BUSINESS CARDS,:: ::." RAILROAD! BIANIKSF. FOSTERS; In one •or more colon: PROGRAMMES, • • • . 'BILLS OF LADING, • • PROMISSORY NOTES, • LEGAL SLAVE ME 0'7 , 4- 'fp•ic:il l :6 : *l:_p 'T I 0 11.1-41.N;0*,.9-RmilmEpitTAT4i. s::~ •~., • _ . INieIOIO4ISHERRY, 11 1848. Warranted the Finest Sherry ill this country. For - sale at • SHISLBS. F 102 , (gnomon to Wm. Dock, Jr., & MEDICAL. DR. AMMON, BALTIMORE DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RUMP IN SIX TO TWELVE HOURS, NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. 'to Two Iklts MARRIAGE TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Ltalocex* - m - s lIIIN TELEGRAPH ESTABLISMWE,ArT; THIRD STRRI T,' NEAR WALNUT, PA. , ~:.,4:.-.9,4-p-,A-,fyi9;4:-...1F: RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! SPRING TIRE TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM FBILADEDELI'MA. MONDAY, May 16th, 1864, Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania r r eilroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 246 A. IL, 'and arrives at West Philadelphia at &NSA_ m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 a. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 AL K. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCOILMOHATION, leaves. Harrisburg at 7.20 a. it., COMIOCtEI at Lancastee with Lancaster accom modation train, and and arrives as West Philadelphia at 12.25 r. x. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leave. Harris burg at 12.20 r. ; Columbia ~,L56 P. K. and arrives! at Lancaster Z3O ; connecting .v.ith Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives •at West Philadel phia at 5.30 P.S. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrialsriiit - 1.23 M. sr. ; Limessier at 2.47 m. xy and'arrives at Wag ariladelphia at 6.30 HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, vnt Colum 'bin, leaves Harrisburg at 5.26 p. m., and arrive at • Welt Philadelphia at 1.0.50 rtc - S T-WA R)5. - - - -13 ALTDIORR-EX.PRMSTRAW : Iatirea IlagiEdierg daily (except Monday ) at 2.10 A2st. 4itoonicl.t.s" JL 11. take breakfast ' , and arrivesPitt.4ourg at:12.302:1i • . PRIT. MURIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A.k. ; Altoona at B.2e'i. it., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 r, • MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at' 1.30 P. M. ; Altoona at 7:15 P. N., take slipper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 FAST LlNEleavus Harrisburg at 3.50 r. IL ; Adams. id 8.35 a 114'take'.supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at LOO A. IL MOUNT JOT ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.30 A. Y., arrives at Harrisburg at ILIO JL /L HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Pialtanelphia at 2.4 r. x. , and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 MODN. T JOT ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lancas ter at 6.25 P. at., connecting there with Harrisburg Accom , modation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. at. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 T. it. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Diu Baus'a IL R. Harrisburg, May 13, 1864.-dtf • • Northern Central Rall*ay SWM.III:ER TIBDUJIABLIC. THEE TBAINB DAILY • TO. AATJ FAO. B A,6 - T.I M. 4* E WASIVINGTOIY" Corinec.nons made with trains on Pennsylvania to and from littshuit and the West. •. 7 • • THREE. TRAINS ItAII.Y to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern' New York N and after MONI)At, MAY 16th, , 180, , ~ the Passenger Tralitit 'of the Northern Central Railway will arrive ',at and "depart - from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, iz:•, _ '1 1301EJTHWARD. ILLIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury Willy (except Sunday) ' 10.25 " leaves Harrisburg • 1.20 r. x. arrives at 8a1tim0re... ......... 5.40 P. x. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daiy (except Sunday) 1145'a X. leaves Hanisburg (except Mon " anives da at yy Baltimore daily ' (except Monday) ' tOO a: HARRLSBITRO A C COMMODATION leaves Hair- • •. . tirgb, 'f.MI a M. SIINBUItY 'ACCOMMODATION leaves Sue : linty daily (except Sun- • • day) at 7.20 A. x . . NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 a. Y. • leaves' Harrisburg 1.35. P. at. 6, arrives at. Sunbury 4.05 P. at. EXPRESS TRAIN leaveslialtimore daily 9:80 P.- IL . arrives at Harrisburg 1.60 leaves Harrisburg daily (sx cept Monday) •L 11.1.5 . arrives at Sunbury 6.83 A. N. HARRIS T~RG ACCOMMODATION - • tinier° daily (Fccept . tt arrives at Harrisburg. 7 50 P. SUNIIHICr.dC,COMMODATIOR leaves Harris burg:d ally (except Sendai) . " • .. .t . F o r further Information apply at the OfficiOttliomileylt Tani: Railroad Depot •Thi71 3, 4 3 Y, - • Harrisburg, May , ern. Sitpt. hiladelpitia and Erie Rail great line traverses the Noithein'and NOithwest, comities of Pennsyhouile' to the 'city of Erie; on ;Ake Etna: It bay boenleased, ,hy P....l'M:Sink COY ran', and under) that' , inispleel is being rapidly:opened IS:roughens. its entire length. . It is no* In use for Passenger an refight • business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 miles). on. ille.Sestorn Intl:don ; and from Sheffield to Brie miles) on the iTI:IIfE OP F.AsstMER TRAINS AT KARRLSBURI3. t F4Lstward. ~ V press r : . • . , „ t? 1 ,26 P. Y. Leave Northwead.; • ' Malt Train 135 r. x. Expremi Train • Cars run throng : rill:MT. : WANGS both ways on these trains' between delnhia and Lock MaVen, andr-te- , tniesatialtiziorei and Lock Maven, r - .. k.Klogant Sleeping cars on Express trains both ways and Baltimore; and Willitintiiiott and Philad elphis„„ ;.. . For information respecting Pintienger businitei anfdy at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets'. And for Freight business of the,Company'a Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. corner lath Market streets, PhiladelphNr• "- W. Reynolds, Brie. J. M. BAB, Agent - N. C: - • GersraZ ,frright Agent- ...MT a. LEIOB 1101EFFIV • - f • • St?S; riyrrs, , • Gen era Malltager, 7Fobkintrixprt. an,ll ' o-411.y] NEW AIR LANE RQUTE . THREE titALTEFS . DA..ItY r TOi FEW YORH PHILADELPHIA. . fVN AND ' AFTER( MONDAY, ..N r ovember U . hi l titr '24 V= ra t tir, New YorluandTbiladelphiai as EASTWARD.;. ViRRESS MT/. leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. 31. 7 . on ar. rival of the iiiintrstfratita , Itallioad . Ramits Train froin the' West, arriving in NewlTpik,at 1.45 A. N, -A shaming esr is attached to thp trim throngh, from rttaburg without DIA I .; TRAIN. leaves. Harrisburg at 8.0.A.aL, • arriving: in Keir t Ybrk at '5.80 r . - ., and 'Philadelphia*P. rc FASTUNE letOreiiiHerrubmg at- 2.00 r. :Sr. arriving in, New? York at 10.20 r , rt. and Philadelphia at 7.00 r. i. RD::. ?FAST-LINE bikaisit NetioYdrik at 6.00 A. and' kiiu delpttia at 8.15 A. X., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 r. !; :2-HAIL TRAIN leaves New York - at - 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.30 P. 4, arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 Ey:PHP.9.9fttalit'haves. New York at 7.00 ir rivngatt Harrtignitt 41004.44 and connecting with the 'Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg .. P I eOPIK W. !wide° attached to this thin- ' CdMeOtions are madeadiHa*shuric with. tr a ins Wn'til°' Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley rinithads, and at Neadins for Ptuladelphni,. Pottsville, FfesAult.P..e.: : - 1 4 a erg thatorigk garo.bptikloß r , ctr.„ snd ' 4 sl bettAqintLitrl Ph' Oath* nib and WM'. F f "'" I • For tickets or other ormation apply to : . nolt-dtr SEEM 121 Road. J. J. CLYDE, general Agent, Harrisburg. RAILROADS. CUMBERLAND VALLEY- FR.ANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and atter Mo n _ day, April 4th, 1884 , Passenger trains daily, in folkows, (Sundays excepted_) 70.12 CHAMBREMBEIZIG 4187? HARRLSBETRG: Leave Hagerestown " Greencastle . I Arrive at.. Chatabersbarg, Leave at.. Leave latippezusburg ....... " Newsille " Carlisle A. X 5 55 10.10 2.42" Mechanicsburg 625 10 42 ma Arrive at Harrisburg 655 11.15 3.40 FOR CELLIERZESBORG AIiTILLUGERSTOWN: AL /L P. X P. X. Leave Harrisburg 405 132, 420 " " lieduinlarbure 3.47 2.15 4.54 Carlide 9.21 2.55 5.59 " Newville ... - 10.22 3.29 ----- " Shippensburg ' .- 10.33 4.00' {Leav Arrivee at at 11.00 4.30 ° 'ChArnberabwil 1110 4.40 Leave &sisal...tie .1456 620 Arrive at Hagen/town 12.35 6.10 sir- Making dose connections at Harrisburg mith intim for Philadelphia, New tork and Pittabwg ; and with rains for all pQinta West. Any-The Train leaving Ikuxisburg at 420, P. X, Ma only as fir as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, H. R. (Ace, Chambeanburg, April 4, 1561-ly READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE No= mid Northwiest for Piaui elphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Eastonoic., arc. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 a. x., and 2.00 p. M. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at &BO a. r., arriving at New York at L 46 the same day. A special Accommodation Passeneer train leaves Read . 4 at 7.15 A. at: and returns from Harrisburg at e. n. Rarest from dibirrisburg To New York, Cs In; to p t a t . detphia E3' $5 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Retuning, leave New York. at 6A. 0..12 noon. and 7 n. a., (Pittsburg Express arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. x) /ears Philadelphia at 8 15a. a., and 3.30 r. Sleeping care in the New. Yore Express Trame,through to and from Pittsburg without change, : -Paisitengera by the Catawinea Railroad leave Tamaqua at 3.60 A. X. and 2.10 r. Y, for Ptilladelplta, New York, and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 a. a., and 230 P. a., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger trahedeares Reading at 0.00 IL, and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 r. ifig+.All the above trains on dAily, Sunday excepted. .1 Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 a. a., and Phil adolp}in. at 3.15 P. N. Oinximutation, Mileage, Season an Excursion *Wiens at redooed rases to and from all poinia. BO pounds baggage alloWedlo each person. 'kqr 1864-iikwir semi and Valuable • Discovery. INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any' invention now before the public. It bas been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced Wall to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparatione'lmown. Applicable to 'Ol uscrild Arts. HILTON'S LIBOLIIBLX Cirawrr is a new thing, and the result of years of study; its conlbinntion is on A. new thing. Selena :A° Priem, And tinder no circronstancee "or change of tompenuake; mill it be me corruptomit any; We:atm lb' Combination . . , . ' • Bobtiorn• • .ufacturert, tiding Machines, will End it the bad article imolai as Cementing for the Channels, it works thout delay, , is not &Soda.. by any change of tempegaturn Boot andatioe Man tifacaurers. WIN find it sufficiently adhesive toe their use, ashasheesi *vett: Jovelent. Rig Bspectady - Ackkofed 'to Leeiffiet, And we claim as an especial _merit, that it sticks Patches to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong - without AmAUet LIQUID cE.144172 Zatentithatis sure thing Ayr mend- itts a -liquid. rockery,_ TO); • Bone, I • • viy, And artieleEi of How3ehola use • ME • Rintrataim r Rasura Laimmmu.r. Gloom - Ts In a liquid form and as easily • plied aa.paste. lituros ) s Issommus Cam= lainsolublelu4ater or' oIL Smami'a lasormars ppriam Adhores . pily sutsitancea" Remember. 6titillied "fa 'twilit-at Min' rallus: tunes.Par4u4ges fro.!xL 2 ggoeeeto _ lod HELTON Bitos. & pidirtrigSL ma igentg 18 6 4 . PECELADRLIIHA PAPER HANGINQS. . 4681 17X.0 zI: Si+ 1301JIELMEE . ,. • MAIMFACTURERS'OE- • • -"-- ' WALL' P AP-ER=S =:" WINDOW. eljitTAIN PAP-YEAS. , car. 42 culia strew, PHEGADELPEELL. • N. L -A flag stock of LLNEN SHADES. conottasfis",,a asur h mat243ixt NOTICE. . • Whereas, Letters of Administration upon thi estate, of Beehimin Ebben*le, dec'd, late of Lower Swatara town ship,:Daaphin county, have been granted to the sub scritmrs, who reside in said tewashiP, 41mM:qui hidabhat to the said estate are requested make inunedrate pay ment, and all those having' o'c deinandeapinsithe Same - will make them kw 'Mout delay to 8Er88LEF34.0.!:.. : ,Lowint Sw"ARA ' Apq 14 4.8 Mmietsuutors . . . t lll 1 ; • T. J. MCGUIGAN TBITORTER Mut Nithblilmile baler m • ,L FANCY GOODS, .NOTIONS,&C. FIREWORICS . „I7“ . GS, MATCHES' and BILACKENG,"NO. 2 Strawberry =am, (flint ratire4 above Second, between} MaSFet and Crnadanc) Philadelphrn ass-warn A pT . s 1400 i t . zilyciiiii_inter.ests !—Call PeraMt, or ten sam e prsr e or r Urg li E 7 neFde f li or by 'rw a :g that 'retails for Tiro IDA by R L WitCOV," 7.:70 CHATHAM. SQUARE, NEW YORK.. de„.104y17 0 BOXES ORANGES, .aeleeted from. thmortatioes, and the moat seperioreverhonshk-,;.- to Oda market at this seasiin, just-received and for sale br ' " • 4 o Win. fell (successors to Dock, jr.,.lqa. CI_4O.9SE BLA - CKWELL'S. ENp:WH, N4_./ PICKLES, a nue article for table vae,',jitat and for rale by. M ara Seth. to I Y. tr• Ugemsm- GElTTS.wanted to sell the Standard 'gig . , tory of the War. A rare chance make . ' Money. A VMs are clearing from $lOO to $2OO Reamonth„ $OO,OOO vetoing already sold,. Send for - circular& - AVdreas .301023 BBOSs..iaafr -• de $0 Publishers, Baltimorei , S 91[FTE`31 PIOKTANI tßtitti bind, bait of dOziflg _ _ FUNR-FINE :.ARPsrElinjusta rrivod,_ SH aPift't SUCClMorittti W V?i ikaryr r iN H 0 0"K /3. I =-TKE SKOI3LHER 14,A Isnurs 51' DAYS OF SHODDY Jut reoelyed at [dela] SCEEEFFER'S BOOKSTOM A. p 7002 . 4 7.37 3 , 33 13.13 4j tso 1 166 tot) t2B ts 2 zoo NICOUS„ emend-Superintendent HILTON'S It is Mit duly Emma ELM IMMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers